


Annie, I hope you are well. Congratulations on your big poop!

Jenny SIS: It is so good to hear from you! I really enjoy your stories! It is so strange that a nice restaurant would fail to have adequate toilet paper. I discovered this neat brand of wet wipes that I keep with me every where I go. They are scented and feel very refreshing! As for "Beth," it has been so good to meet someone who has the same fascination for and appreciation of good, large, healthy bowel movements. If you knew her, she would be very down to earth, energizing, yet impressive person. I would not have known that she would have a fascination for poop, just like, I imagine, those who know me best would never realize that about me!

As for your question, it was always awkward in college for me. I was an only child, so I didn't share this part of my life with a sibling. When I got to college, as a volleyball player, being 6'1 and big (I weighed 185 in college), I felt like people would assume (and correctly so) that I was going to blow up the bathroom. I know that's a stereotype, but I used to stereotype these petite co-eds doing little dainty deuces, and from the sound of it, that's just what they did. If I pooped in public, it was usually in these nice public restrooms outside the cafeteria or in the library. But most of the time, I pooped in the suite's bathroom, which was shared with three other girls. But even though I felt a little embarrassment I was taught that it was "OK" to feel embarrassed. So I always did what I had to do, whether in public or at home. As an adult, if I am in my routine, I poop at home in the morning and in the evening. It's rare that I have one away from home.

I can't wait to hear more from you, Jenny! Love and all the best for you!

Victoria and Robyn: I loved your survey responses! Hilarious! Victoria, I am so sorry that you have had such a tough case with COVID. It's so weird how it affects people differently! Hang in there! Robyn, congratulations on your publication! I can't wait to hear more from you!

Love to all!



Night peeing

For the last three or four years I have experienced what I call a reverse pattern of urination. When I was a student many years ago we were taught that the average pattern of urination was 1.5 liters per day: five of 250 ml during the day and one at night, (or first thing in the morning). My current pattern however is the reverse. I need to pee at least two or three times during the night and often it is as many as five or six times. I don't get out of bed, which specially in the winter can be a very cold experience, so I sir on the edge of the bed and pee into a male urine bottle. Those of you have spent time in hospital will know what they're like. I also have a bucket beside the bed and when I have finished I pour the contents of the bottle into the bucket. First thing in the morning I emptied the bucket and rinse it and the bottle out and return them to the bedroom? Of course it means my sleep has interruptions approximately once an hour but having peed I just lie down and fall virtually instantly back to sleep so I don't lose much sleep in this procedure. During the day, I only pee two or three times.

Skidmarked from Columbia

Reply to Jenny

Hey everyone I just been lurking for a while but I just don't have much of anything worth posting...

To Jenny: I know you said you haven't pooped yourself as an adult before. You said you had a poop accident last year? Wow I'm looking forward to hearing about that.

Question for all:
Does anyone feel awkward when they walk out of a restroom stall/cubicle at the same time as a stranger after listening to each other, pee, fart, poop and wipe?

No, I feel the opposite like to comfortable. I only feel uncomfortable when the other person looks at me s*xually or in a weird judging way (usually church people)

Me: I been getting skidmarks butt only when there's no toilet paper otherwise I haven't been getting them. It's been at least 6 maybe 7 years since I pooped myself and it was from episom salts... instant diarrhea! Sometimes when I pee I don't fully let it all out and some of it will get in my underwear and legging. And I would end up smelling like piss.

Question from me: you ever could smell a man or woman and you could smell that they didn't wipe well or maybe have hemroids? Like they smell a little bit like poop?

Have you ever wondered if people could smell you after a poor wipe job?

Accidental Tourist

Princess Toadstool Peach's survey

1. Have you ever squatted over a potty and watch yourself poo? No, but now I want to. The closest I've come to this is watching myself poop on the ground while camping.

2. If outside, would you rather do a wee in the grass or a poo behind a bush? Since I'm male, weeing in the grass is easiest.

3. If clogged up what do you do to get all of your thick brownloads out? If possible I eat something with lots of fiber, or beans or something. Coffee works too. I don't smoke cigarettes any more but those used to have the same effect. I have tried a laxative suppository but they tend to be really intense - the only time I use them is if I want to have an accident.

4. Would you rather use a potty or poopoo in your panties? Once in a great while I poop in my pants for the fun of it. I really enjoy it but cleaning up is complicated so I usually use the toilet. Peeing in my pants is another matter - I just throw the wet pants and underwear in the hamper - I do that whenever I can get away with it.

5. Do you often have a best friend with you to keep you company while you are pooing? No I've never done this

6.Does your wee end in a couple of drips and drops like mine? Yes. But also, as I have gotten older, more and more I tend to spurt a little pee in my pants before I can get my fly down.

7. Have you tried defecating or urinating in a Huggies diaper pull up nappy or in a bucket? Yes to adult diapers - they are fun to poop in. As for pee, I like that too. But I've found that if I wear them to bed and pee in them, they are very likely to leak around the edge, making me need to wash all the sheets, mattress pad and even the mattress. If I'm going to do this I lay one of those big incontinence pads down between the mattress pad and the mattress so that the latter doesn't get ruined. No to the bucket.

8. What is your go-to food before having a big thick BM pooh poo? I wish I knew the answer to this

9. Do you ever try filing up the toilet with your BMs? No, I don't think I could poop that much.

Now, Princess Toadstool Peach, how about you tell us your own answers to your survey!


Prime time television advertisements

I would like to talk about three advertisements on the TV during prime time that is morning.
The first ad which would've cost nothing to produce it was so cheap shows a man sitting on the toilet straining away with this female voice advertising laxative for those that want to poo or water poo more. That was it,
There was another ad with respect to toilet paper and you see a variety of people sitting on the toilet with a role of toilet paper in their hands looking so happy and relieved.

There has been a problem with the sewers whereby people are flushing things down the toilets and his blocking the sewers and costing a lot of money fix. There is Television advertisement what looks like group therapy and about five people of diverse background sitting on toilets confessing to what they are flushed down.
The ad ends with them or reciting the only things that can go down the toilets are poo, pee and paper . This advertisement is being played over over again in a few different forms.


Updates with Elyse

Recently my girlfriend Elyse came back from her month-long vacation overseas and I went on 2 dates with her these past 4 days.

1: Elyse came back from Spain this evening and I went to her place to help her unpack. We were listening to her vacation playlist while doing that and she told me all about her trip. Elyse said, "Imma go take a poop" so I went to the bathroom with her; she pulled down her pants and underwear, sat on the toilet, let out some gas, and peed for a minute. She was wearing purple underwear which is my favorite color to see her in. We were talking endlessly while she was pooping. Elyse told me she only pooped 6 times in the past month (duration of her vacation) and that she was waiting to dump it all out in front of me. She let out some poop after 5 minutes but it wasn't much. After 12 minutes, a very long snake came outta her butt. She said, "Goddamn I should've pooped more on vacation! There's still a lot left." At 20 minutes, she leaned forward and had to start pushing cause there was a gigantic poop pushing against her bottom for a few minutes. She was pushing really hard for 5 minutes and I saw poop sticking out of her butt during that time. 2 minutes after that pushing phase, her massive shit finally came out and water splashed on her butt. 3 minutes after that, a final long snake left her body. She took a 30 minute dump. This time, she let me see her finished product and it was so disgusting. She wiped many times and had to flush twice just to get everything down. We went out to dinner afterwards and then called it a day.

2: I went on an exploration with Elyse and we got dinner first before going in the woods at night. We were prepared cause we were planning to camp overnight. While we were in the woods, Elyse said, "I gotta take a shit." We were off the trail and in a hidden area so she pulled down her shorts and cyan underwear to her knees and wall-sat on a tree. She pooped after 7 minutes and unloaded a normal amount. She wiped her butt with tissue since she brought some in her bag; she had hand sanitizer to clean her hands. We decided to go away from the area where she pooped and we found a spot to place my tent. We both set it up, went in, and laid out our sleeping bags. We were teasing each other over some funny things and we both felt like things were naturally happening. We ended up kissing and we had some real talks. Both of us were ready to do the deed so that happened only for a few minutes; we knew we would get better by doing it more in the future so we were fulfilled for tonight. We ended up sleeping then I took her to breakfast before taking her back home.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Dearest Victoria and Robyn

We are so sorry, we made you to have red face. We hope your face is normal colour now.

When you wrote, "Minappé and Kazumi and Maholin and Chae's bottoms send message from green and beige loos" our face didn't become to red. Only we smile and say "we love Victoria and Robyn."

Perhaps our bottoms send message to you all the time when they are busy bottoms??

Hisae's bottom was super busy this morning. Soon after she sat down we heard eight heavy splashes. "Wow Hisae. We have to flush!" She stand up. In loo it was not sausage, but look like large sponge, caramel colour, some float on water and some sink to bottom. Maho was next her, she flushed. Twice flush, because after first flush two large sponges still in water. Hisae sat down again.

"You don't finish?"

"No, I do more."

"Please do more!!" All three crushes said this.

Splash, splash, splash, splash, splash.

"I finish nearly. Maybe little pieces drop."

Three crushes look at Chae with full of love in our eyes. "Chae you are most beautiful woman in whole world."

Plip. Plip. Chae look at three crushes with full of love in her eyes.

Plip. "I finish."

After she wash, all three crushes dry her beautiful bottom. We dry with strong love in our fingers.

Our smallest rooms in our flats are full of love!

Princess Toadstool Peach, why director of summer camp throw you out? It is not sin to leave horrendous fragrance in outhouse. Everyone do that always!!

We hope, that everyone is very fine.

Love from Chakamami

Portia Sometimes Poos

Pooping At Work

Hello everyone, I have not been back here in many months. Often I feel I get my fill at this scintillating content and the so many exciting things that people are writing here, so thanks to all who contribute. Although I feel that having been a consumer and producer of material here I have a good familiarity with the stories here that I most enjoy. Now on to this story which I can assure you won't be as long as the one in march.

Over the past few years, I have worked at a summer camp as a counselor. This is a nice job although the pay is minimal I feel as if this is a way to give back to this program which I had enjoyed for many years. This was also the place where not being the place I learned to poop in the woods was the place where I did it the most by a long shot. Furthermore, this act of outdoor defecation became something that was no longer strange and nasty. Rather, pooping in the woods is something I see as born out of the confluence of inevitable consequences of digestion and the locations one often finds his or herself. At the same time, I have been raised in and taken as my powerful norms about modesty. As a result, while I have have made many a poop outside, those around me do not know of every time that I have pooed outside and the information has gotten out on only a handful of times. I have gotten good at excusing myself from the crowds for periods so that I could poop in the woods alone. Ok, there's enough context to explain this whole thing.

So to set the stage the location is the far field which was a bit of a walk from most of the main buildings at this summer camp and was often used for archery and shooting with BB guns. My dad had helped me get a good grasp on archery and shooting as a child which has helped me get a great set of skills. I will admit I am not amazing at this sport but this set of skills has led me to be assigned as the assistant to the camp de facto instructor. Due to the location of the far field being pretty withdrawn from the rest of the camp, the bathroom situation is far from adequate with the closest real (flush) toilet being almost a 10-minute walk from the field. This makes any bathroom trip a long one so the common protocol is to remind all the kids to use the toilet before their group heads off to the far field. But you know kids and how random the human body can be so when out there I have dealt with many a bathroom rush. Most of the time it's boys needing to pee, which is the easy case for they can just run a little in the woods and quickly pee. Honestly, those cases barely register with me, mostly because that's not my sex but also due to how quickly a male can dart in the woods for a quick number one. When it comes to females and the scary thing I call number two that's when I've had to intervene. Most of the time I feel people hold it which is evident by the numerous bathroom trips that happen when a group gets back to the central areas and their toilets. But I do remember that I did have to help a few girls who had to pee in the woods. Aside from pooing many times in the woods, I have also peed many times in the woods and I was glad to share some of that knowledge that I had received from Ms. Cary (see my story in March). The girls that I dealt with were certainty on the more open side (or that the sheer need to pee blocked any embarrassment) and the role I played was just to advise them how to do it and stand some distance at the edge of the woods ensuring that they had some privacy to do number one. I do recall that when someone urgently needed to make number two one of the counselors would escort them to the actual toilet which would take a large block of time (for the older kids they would often make their way to the toilet on their own). For me in particular I had never had to relieve myself at the far field before although I put this more to chance than really anything else.

On this day in question, it was about an hour after lunch time and I was helping to set up a bunch of middle school-aged kids for an afternoon of archery. In charge of the 25 or so kids was the main archery instructor and two male counselors, one my age and one younger. As it so happens after eating a large meal the whole digestive system seems to be pushed forward and as the practice session was starting that was something I could feel. I realized that I needed to pooping would happen soon and I had two options before me. First would be to briskly walk to the nearest toilet, poop there, and then walk back afterward or there was the woods. The prospect of doing such especially while on the job as a consler excited me so I knew that would be my course of action. While making this decision in my head I continued to assist the children until I sensed the opportunity to get away. At a small pause in activity, I whispered to my co-counselor (Michael was his name I think), "Michael, I got to pee, I'll just quickly dart in the woods". While it would be reasonable to expect that he would have been startled or surprised by such a statement I made, Michael knew me as one of the more outdoorsy types and would go into the woods with little hesitation. I recall that I did not mention pooping at all as I did not want him to think about the concept of me pooping the woods or having the info about this be something that my co-workers and my friends would know about. Michael responded to me plainly and with his usual friendliness, "I" ll watch over all of them and make sure no one follows you into the woods"

I nodded in response and with excitement causing my heart to begin to race I began to walk to the edge of the field. At the time I was wearing a yellowish colored shirt that was marked with the identity of the camp which was easy to see even in the woods because of this I knew that anyone looking into the woods would see that shirt and therefore see me. I quickly spotted a larger tree and hoped that it would console me from any prying eyes (any kids would have been distracted by their activities anyway). At this moment I acknowledged that I had nothing in my pockets other than some keys and the excitement of going into the woods to poo had told my body to get it all ready. That strange feeling of anticipation had made it so that I would go poo and there would be no holding now. Furthermore, after passing that white lie to Michael I knew I could not back out now and I could not take forever to relieve myself out here. So, I positioned myself with a tree between me and the field which now looking at it offered meager concealment. Anyway, there was little I could do and there were few better places. I also knew that I had nothing on me that I could use to wipe, no toilet paper or any sort of napkin, therefore it would be the leaf litter at my feet or nothing else.

At this point, I could feel that urge to poop and knew that I've got to do it now. With my foot, I swept away a layer of leaves exposing a patch of dirt at my feet. Then I had my right hand hold the waistband and my left began to undo my belt then with both hands I undid my belt. Then I undid the button and pulled down the fly of my jeans. I widened my legs and lowered my jeans to my knees where my knees bowed out to prevent my pants from falling to the dirt. Then, with my heart racing with excitement and my hands shaking, I pulled my white briefs down my legs until they rested above my pants. With both my hands I made sure my bottoms did not fall to the ground and began to lower my rear end into a squat. Once I had sufficiently lowered myself I realized that I had scraped the dirt patch a bit too close to the tree itself. As a result, I could not lean my head forward enough to balance myself without bonking myself on the tree. However, I was able to support my underwear and jeans with my knees and use my hands to grab onto the tree and support myself while I was squatting. Rather than leaning forward which is often the best move whilst relieving one's bladder and bowels my back was relatively verticle. The tree not being that large seemed to have a hidden benefit that I was able to utilize.

At this point deep into the squat, my rear end was hovering over the dirt my private parts were uncovered and my nakedness was partially exposed to the wild. I could feel a sizable mass pass through my rear end and land below me. Looking down I saw a thin but smooth sausage land on the ground with the pleasurable feeling of bowel relief migrating up from my bottom. Then in the relative quiet of the afternoon forest with the loudest sounds being from the kids not that far away I could hear but more so feel a small fart come from me. With some light pushing two slightly wider pieces of poo of shorter length plopped from my behind right on top of the pile that I had made. While I was feeling much better already having made a nice-sized poop I wanted to make sure that I had completed the job so I pushed with some more force. Some pee came from me while I was still in my squat and splashed against the base of the tree with some of it getting on my shoes. I passed a little more gas and some more poo came out although I could feel that aside from my first log they were noticeably mushy and did not pass cleanly.

My mind then moved to the question of how to wipe, given I had no sort of paper products on my The only material in my reach were leaves which given it was summer seemed to be in many varieties from green little plants to long decayed litter. I decided to not be that picky and grabbed some well-decayed litter which formed a clump to wipe against my rear end. The litter scratched my sensitive privates and there was no comfort in it but after repeating a cycle of grabbing leaves (without much discretion) and using them in attempts to scrape off the surprisingly large amount of fecal matter which was somehow stuck there. Within the time I was able to clean up although it was pretty scratchy and I could feel some small parts of the dried leaves had rubbed onto my rear. Anyway, it was overall good to have made a dump so I was certainly satisfied on the whole. I then pulled up my underwear and re-belted my jeans then lazily swept some leaves over my poo as I did not dig any sort of hole and anyone coming back to this site would see a pile of poo with some dried leaves on top. I then promptly walked back to the field and the group as a whole.

Thankfully for me, Michael was able to act as if I was never gone and had done a good job covering for my temporary absence. It seemed as if not much had changed, I was thankful that no one dug into my quick absence. Also for that matter, I'm thankful noticed my increased activity with the children or my soiled hands.


To Catherine

Thank you very much for your response to my survey. I really liked your answers. I don't think there are many people proud of their big poops, especially among women, and that's what I like. I read your story on page 1817. You were very embarrassed by the farting noises and the clogged toilet. That's understandable, but would you be ashamed of it now, or would you be proud of the fact that you made the biggest poop your friends have ever seen?


College accidents

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd share some of my experiences in college, including what it was like confessing to an accident to a boyfriend.

First year college was a bit rough for me. I'd gotten good grades, but with my ADHD undiagnosed, I was a bit of a disaster academically. I couldn't plan my work very well, so everything got done super chaotically at the last minute. I'd hoped that college would be a fresh start for me.

Of course, I also hoped I wouldn't have any embarrassing accidents, especially in front of new friends. I'd been able to hide accidents better as my teen years progressed, and my parents thought I'd grown out of it. I really wanted this to be true and hoped they would stop once I got to college.

Well, this hope did not last long. I had a huge wetting accident within less than a month. The new environment and relatively unstructured schedule of college compared to high school was really challenging for me and I had a couple of close calls fairly early on. Then, the wetting occurred on a weekend out with some new friends. We'd been exploring our new city and I was caught up trying to impress my new friends and take inour new surroundings, which kept me from realizing I need to pee until I reached the squirming and fidgeting stage. I excused myself from the group saying I needed to find a bathroom and I'd be back. Being new to the area, I wasn't sure where to go and it took me a good ten minutes to find a public bathroom, at which point I was really on the verge. It was in a shopping mall, and as I was walking I could feel a few squirts come out. Blushing furiously, I hustled as fast as I could praying that nobody could see the damp spot forming. Finally I turned down the hallway to the bathrooms, and felt another leak spurt out. I had to stop and just hold myself for a second, but the wave was too strong and I just began pissing uncontrollably right there and then. The bathroom was only a few yards away! I was so humiliated, thankfully this was a bit out of the way of the main mall area and nobody else was in the hallway, but I was too scared to look and see if anybody was walking past it and could see me wetting myself. I walked, dripping, into the bathroom and became so overwhelmed at the sight of my soaked pants that I started crying. I took them off and tried wringing them out, then holding them under the dryer. Luckily they were a dark colour and it didn't show as much as it would with lighter jeans, but that was very little consolation. I had to text my friends to say I wasn't feeling well and had just gone home, which made me very self conscious that they would guess what really happened, but nobody ever mentioned it to me.

A few weeks later, I met and started dating this guy, which cheered me up and I was able to put the accident behind me. But then a few months passed and it was first semester exams. By this point, my old habits had emerged and I was struggling to catch up with studying and frantically getting papers done, and feeling a little low about it all. I really wanted to be different at college and was disappointed in myself. Then one evening, I was studying in the common area of my dorm. I'd been holding in a poo most of the day, and it was becoming hard to ignore. Of course with my head emerged in a book, I WAS ignoring it until it got so bad that a cramp made me gasp, and my poop started to move. I froze with panic and felt it touch cloth, hitting the chair. Now being sat down was the only thing preventing it from coming out. I could feel my blush rising and my body getting hot as I realized I was in serious danger of having an accident in my college dorm. I carefully packed up my books as my cramp subsided a bit. I stood up quickly, clamping my butt, and felt the tip of the poop smoosh between my cheeks. I headed for the door, face burning, trying to walk normally and not draw attention to myself. I had to walk down a fairly long hall to my room, and I made it about halfway before it happened. A huge cramp came on and I could not hold it in anymore. A fat poop started filling my underwear, bulging out my leggings. I remember how devastated I felt at this accident in particular. I'd hoped to reinvent myself in college, as many people do I think, but instead I was the same old Denise who couldn't stick to a schedule for her life, and doodied her pants like a toddler if she got distracted. I really hated myself in this moment and felt so disappointed at the all too common feeling of my pants slowly sagging down while my face crumpled into the familiar sob. I shuffled the rest of the way to my room trying to cover my butt with my bag, but also holding onto the waistband of my leggings which were sagging like crazy. Once I got in, I cleaned up and then lay down on my bed and just cried a bit.

Eventually my phone rang, and it was my boyfriend. Of course I was supposed to call him earlier, but got distracted and forgot. He seemed kind of annoyed about it when I picked up and asked me where I'd been. I said I'd just gotten caught up studying but he noticed I sounded sad and asked what was wrong. Well, I figured if I could tell anyone my secret, it should be my boyfriend so I decided to be honest and told him that truthfully, I HAD been studying but I'd also gotten too into it and ended up having an accident in my pants as a result. He was quiet for a second and then said, 'Denise, I don't think that's normal. You're too old to be peeing your pants'. I was silent for a second, feeling both upset at his comment and aware of his assumption that it was pee. He then said, 'That's what you mean right, you peed yourself?' I was already feeling judged and embarrassed so I just mumbled 'yeah' and didn't bother correcting him. I felt bad enough about crapping my pants at college, I didn't need him knowing any more. We never spoke about it again, but it was the first moment of our relationship where I realized he had a bit of a mean streak. I broke up with him a few months later.

Things smoothed out for me a bit after that, although it was not the last accident I had in college. Anyway, that was a hard time in my life, so it feels good to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Anne-Claire pooping

On page 2678, I talked about my friend Anne-Claire and her endless peeing. I wondered for a long time how, with such long pee-pees, she found the time to poop. I've found the answer.
One afternoon, we were shopping together in a mall. At the end of the afternoon, she said to me: "Before I leave, I'd like to go to the toilet". I replied, "I'll go with you.
There's a two-seat stall in the women's bathroom of this shopping mall. We chose it.
Once we were seated, we began our respective pee-pees. Mine only lasted thirty seconds, by which time I knew hers was just beginning. I immediately wiped myself, but remained bare-assed on the toilet seat without flushing or trying to get any more out.
I could hear Anne-Claire's flow becoming even more intense. Then I heard ppppssssFLOMPppppsss. I said to her, "I was wondering how you find the time to poop with such long pee-pees. I've got the answer. She laughed and said, "For me, there's hardly any difference between a number 1 and a number2. I pull down my panties, sit down, push, what comes out comes out and at the end I wipe the hole or holes involved.
-It's like that for all women," I reply.
-Another advantage of being a woman is that it's easier to pee and poo at the same time.
What followed was ppppssssPLONKppppssss then, a minute later, ppppsssPLOC followed by another minute of peeing and she was done.


Comments and another survey.

To James, I don't think I will ever tire of your stories. And the truth is that "convenience accidents" were something that I always wanted to try when I was growing up. But I didn't have enough alone time to safely experiment with this interest until my late teens after my mom died. I will also mention that my BMs get gradually softer as they go along. I imagine that's true for anyone as the feces in the bottom of the rectum would've had the most water removed. The first thing that comes out is usually a solid piece or log. The rest ends up being softer logs most of the time. But they can also be clay-like material or mush depending on what my intestines are doing at the moment. That reality has caused a few problems for me. Sometimes I would let the initial log into my pants. Then I'd think to myself, that's not much at all. Let's push the rest out. Bad move. I just went from a small, easy to remove load to a huge, sticky mess that requires a lot of time to clean up and often ruined a pair of briefs in the process.

To Denise, I enjoyed reading your pee stories too. I'd reciprocate, but the only thing I have are bedwetting episodes I've described in previous posts.

And here's a cute little survey from Princess Toadstool:

1. Have you ever squatted over a potty and watch yourself poo? I used to when I was a kid. Sometimes I would watch a snake like string of poo slowly make its way down. But usually it would just break off and I'd just see a piece drop. And as a grown up I once cut a bathroom trip a little too close. As I was about to sit on the toilet I happened to look between my legs and I saw the first log falling into the water, wow!

2. If outside, would you rather do a wee in the grass or a poo behind a bush? It's too easy for guys like me to just pull my zipper down and take a wee in a secluded spot. I suppose I would still say pee in the grass if I were female.

3. If clogged up what do you do to get all of your thick brownloads out? Luckily this almost never happens to me. Things might get slow down there from time to time. But they very rarely come to a stop.

4. Would you rather use a potty or poopoo in your panties? I use a toilet 99% of the time. But if a need or desire to poop in my underwear comes up, I rarely hesitate to do so. As long as others aren't nearby, of course. That would be awkward.

5. Do you often have a best friend with you to keep you company while you are pooing? Not since I was under 10. I was ok having mom or dad in the bathroom when I was pooing. The same with a couple of male friends I had at the time.

6.Does your wee end in a couple of drips and drops like mine? I think so. There's usually a few lingering drops that are a bit tough to get out at the end. I do my best so they don't end up in my undies.

7. Have you tried defecating or urinating in a Huggies diaper pull up nappy or in a bucket? No. I've tried on adult diapers to see what it feels like to wear them. But so far I haven't used one for its intended purpose. And going in a bucket doesn't appeal to me either.

8. What is your go-to food before having a big thick BM pooh poo? I don't consciously make dietary choices for this purpose. But I do get a good deal of fiber. I try to eat my fruits and ???? too though there's room for improvement here.

9. Do you ever try filing up the toilet with your BMs? Nope. Better to flush them than risk clogging the toilet.

Poop Holder Dude

My first megapoop holding experience

My first megapoop

When I was younger I used to go on trips alot. I hated using other toilets so I always clenched up and held my butthole firmly closed until I got home. So far I managed this without issues besides a stomach ache and a fight with a fat turtlehead for up to 3 days.
The first time I went longer was camp for a week. as soon as I got there and saw the gross toilets I knew I was going to have to hold my poop in until I got home. There was a buffet style setup for food where you got whatever you wanted, and the food was amazing. I was so nervous the 1st time I went I hardly ate because I was worried about pooping myself. I made it the week easily, and though I dropped a big one when I got home it wasn't that crazy and I had done bigger after my 3 day trips before. The next time i went a couple of years later i felt id wasted my chance to indulge in amazing food the 1st time and didnt want to spend the it all hungry again so I decided I'd like to get as much value as I could.
Normally I was a big eater with a huge appetite despite being very skinny, and I dropped 1 massive poop a day at 6pm without fail. Me being a stupid kid, I didn't really think much, i mean hey, it had been easy so far right, why not eat as much as i could? So i just ate like I normally would, which meant packing my stomach with as much food as it could physically hold 3 times a day (with all the snacks I could scarf down between)
The 1st day was easy. I wanted to set the standard for how much food my stomach could hold. At breakfast, I had 2 piled high plates of fry up- eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, waffles, beans, the works. I felt incredibly full after 2 and thought that was a good standard as a minimum for each meal, but knew I could stretch further. I had a 3rd plate fuller than the first 2, and even a big bowl of bran cereal to boot. i ate and ate until I felt sick but very full and happy. For lunch I repeated this with burgers hotdogs chips pizza chicken and more, and then again another 2 heaped plates for dinner. At 6pm i was absolutely packed full, fuller than i had ever been before, and ofc not long after i feel a big fat turtlehead try to push its way out. After about 30 mins of clenching it back in over and over, I got a moment alone then pressed my feet together and gave my cheeks and sphincter a big firm squeeze until i felt the log start to shift back deeper up my butt. finally the urge went away.

The 2nd day I did the same, packing myself with food at every chance, making sure i hit my goal of at least 2 big plates per meal. At dinner, it was getting harder to fit food inside me, but i didnt care, i wanted to make the most of all the awesome food while i had the chance, and forced down the 3rd plate, ignoring the cramps and rumbles. Less than 5 mins after I stood I feel the inevitable shift of something big moving in my bowels and 30 secs later theres a truly massive poop barrelling down my intestines into my butthole. I clenched and clenched, trying hard not to let on how uncomfortable it was, letting out fart after fart with each clench and unclench to try and relieve the pressure, but the poop was so big it wouldn't go back in no matter how hard i fought. I continued turtleheading my turd for hours until bed that night at ten, unable to force it back up the way it came.

When I lay down, something inside me gurgled, and I lay flat, arched my back, and squeezed as hard as I could until i finally felt something deep in my butt give way and the massive poop slowly went back up the pipe. No one else in our tent seemed to have noticed, and I was super relieved.

Day 3 was where things started to get rough. No sooner had I finished my 1st plate of breakfast sausages bacon toast hashbrowns eggs etc than I felt the urge to poop return, this time so strong it was kinda painful. I was kinda annoyed it was getting so strong so soon but being the stubborn kid I was I was determined that this time i wasn't about to let it spoil my appetite. By the time I had stuffed down the 3rd plate, I had a pretty bad stomach ache, and the urge was getting ALOT stronger from the built up pressure. I spent most of the morning trying to squirm my butt around to fight the rapidly widening turd back in without anyone noticing but at this point it was so big it just wouldn't budge. The entire day it went like this, me barely holding on, continuously eating more and more, squeezing the poop back up an inch only for it to drop back down and return with a vengeance 2 mins later. My stomach was so full I was cramping constantly. I still managed to eat at least 2 plates piled high per meal no matter how much it hurt, plus many snacks. The roast beef dinner that night was extra filling due to the mountains of vegetables. Since roast was my favourite, I had 3 plates of that too. All the time, i could feel my rectum stretching more as more digested food was forced down my intestines and the turd grew denser, and longer, and fatter.

After bed, I got up to waddle to the outhouse and pee in private. I saw my stomach was hugely swollen and distended. I pressed on it and it was pretty firm. In bed I tried arching my back again but all it did was make something deep inside my butthole hurt bad. I took me hours to get to sleep. All i could think about was how full my rectum felt. Someone commented on the gross smell of all the farts that kept hissing out around the end of my growing log but no-one knew who it was. I eventually worked out that if I lay in a certain position on my side the pain in my butt eased off enough to sleep, though the cramps woke me up several times.

Day 4 was awful. The shit was so wide and so densely packed into my stretched out rectum that it sent stabbing pains up my butt all through breakfast. My stomach was hurting so bad I had to take a breather between the first and second plate of fry up. I felt so sick. I know it seems stupid that I kept pushing it so much but I was dumb enough to think I could just do this as long as I wanted and that stomach aches would just go away if i ignored them. The whole day I just staggered around staying out of everyone's way making excuses why I wasn't joining in while this enormous block of shit was sitting right on the edge of my sphincter fighting to escape. It took all of my strength to stop it coming out and my ass was stuffed so full I couldn't fully close my bum hole.

Throughout the day I started to get these intense waves of painful cramps and contractions, like my body was trying to force the blockage out without my permission, and as the waves got stronger sometimes they lasted for several minutes. Surprisingly when I started actually eating lunch, the turd waves stopped for a bit, and even though I could still feel the massive poop in my ass I managed to stuff down two big plates of pizza and before the next wave hit. I must have struggled my way through about an 18 inch pizza that day. After dinner was when the problems really started. I ate two huge plates of rice which came with copious amounts of meat and beans.

I felt so insanely stuffed after I could hardly walk back to the tent. Even laying down in my special holding position didn't help this time. If I so much as tried to clench the tip back up my packed shit pipe I'd get spasms of pain shooting up my ass that made me stop squeezing out of fear. I squirmed around, clutching at my belly, pressing my cheeks together just hard enough to stop the tip breaching for an hour before i felt a massive gassy rumble in my intestines. The beans had hit. I tried to let out a fart, but the poop was so big at this point it was completely plugging the hole. The gas was all stuck behind it. Even if it could escape, I couldn't risk easing off even slightly without violently shitting myself. The pressure grew as more and more gas built up. I could physically feel my intestines painfully inflating inside me and my massive swollen belly seemed to be getting bigger. The pain In my stomach and ass grew and grew and there was no way I could sleep. My ass was so painful I even considered getting up and crawling to the bathroom i was that desperate, but I was too packed full to move without shitting. Ungodly rumbles got louder through the night and all I could do was lie there blowing up like a balloon riding the waves of pain. As the sky started to get light I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold on any longer, and when the next contraction hit my hole gave out, unleashing the longest uninterrupted fart I've ever heard before or since. It might have gone on for 2 whole mins. I was shocked to feel my underwear was free of skidmarks, but not as shocked as I was to realise the poop had finally gone back up my ass. I didn't even have to poop. I could still feel the huge mass somewhere deep inside my rectum, but it was like it just gave up and retreated. I dont know if anyone heard the megafart, but nobody said anything. I finally slept.

Day five was weirdly easy. Of course, despite last night's ordeal, nothing would stop packing more food into my guts now that the urge to poop had finally gone. The problem now wasn't holding it in, the problem now was my stomach. The cramps and bloating were getting really bad. There was a constant intense pain in my left side, and by the time I had finished struggling to force 3 more plates of roast dinner into my poor insides for tea, I was in agony. I could never resist pushing my limits further with a good roast. The third plate was extremely hard though.

I went off alone to look at my belly and it was so distended it looked like I had swallowed a beach ball whole. I was so full it hurt to breathe. Weirdly, despite a constant stream of farts, I still didn't have to poop. That night, i didn't sleep because of my cramps and rumbling guts. I rubbed my belly and it was firm and lumpy. I traced the outline of the lumps with my fingers and realised I was literally feeling my shit-packed intestines. I felt a weird gurgle in there followed by a painful twinge and stopped touching my stuffed shit pipes out of fear i would make myself need to poop again.

Breakfast and lunch on day 6 went by with another 2 plates of food a time and a whole 6 pack of chocolate donuts squashed in on top. The intense pain spread up to the middle of my stomach and there were some bad cramps on the right now too. After 2 enormous plates of pasta for dinner, I was so bloated I couldn't bend, which was a problem because I had to bend awkwardly to get into the tent and into bed. When I lay down I realised my bending must have disturbed something in my guts because for the next 30 mins I felt my intestines moving around, bubbling gurgling and sending stabbing pains through my right side, left side and all over. I was well and truly packed full. After lying there a while, I felt the huge mass move, then drop down into my rectum. It was the most intense urge to shit i had ever experienced and hurt so bad. A few mins of this wave and i was sure id lose control. in a panic I rolled onto my side into my holding position and squeezed my cheeks and hole as hard as I could, ignoring the agonising pain this time in my overstretched rectum as i tried to force the megapoop back up deeper inside my colon. For a brief moment there was a massive painful spasm in my left side, and then my stomach let out a mighty squelch sound like SGLORP and the turd went back in. Even though my stomach hurt so much worse than the night before, I was so exhausted from lack of sleep that I actually got a solid 8 hours for the first time in days.

When I woke up on day 7, almost a full week since I had last pooped, I panicked. The shit had moved down into my rectum, and it hurt. Something was different this time though. The shit wasn't trying to escape. It was just sitting there, pressed up right against the hole, but there were no waves of contractions, my body wasnt trying to push it out, there was just an overwhelming sense that my rectum was stretching out inside well beyond any level of fullness it had ever felt before. It was painful, extremely so, but as you probably realised I have a high tolerance for pain. in a weird way, it felt kinda good to really test my limits for the 1st time. I guess some part of me is desperate to know just how much poop I can contain.

I gently probed my bloated ball of a stomach, felt some rumbles. It was so big and heavy now i couldn't pull my t-shirt down fully to cover it and had to put on a loose long sleeve that was many sizes too big just to hide how bloated i was. I was cramping so bad I almost decided not to eat but it seemed like such a waste with all that amazing food. It was less than 24 hours till I went home. No matter how full I was 24 hours was easy. I had made it this far. So what did I do? I went down to breakfast and started piling my plate high with fry up. I realised after a few bites that this was going to be a challenge, the pressure was intense, but I continued shovelling it down, with the massive log still plugging my anus, but not trying to come out. This spurred me on. So long as it wasn't trying to come out I could eat as much as I liked. I forced down the rest of my 1st plate and moved on to the 2nd. My stomach growled and bubbled loudly as I forced myself to keep swallowing. I was full, so full, but it was all further down in my intestines, which meant it was all digested so my stomach was starting out empty. I should probably stop now, but I knew my stomach could hold 3 plates of food, all I had to do was keep swallowing. I moved onto the 3rd. By the time I was done my belly felt really weird and hard. I breathed in and my whole stomach spasmed to try and shift the monstrous load for a second, and then it just kind of gave up. I could feel the poop widening inside me as a spasm went up my butthole, but then it settled down. I was good.

Lunch came fast, and turtle head stayed right where it was. My stomach was churning constantly when i sat down with a plate full of at least 4 burgers, 3 hotdogs, a mound of chips, and at least 8 slices of pizza. Each bite made my insides hurt and rumble, but at this point i was so determined to keep up with my record i didnt care. When i had finished the first plate, there was movement inside my bumhole. Oh shit, I thought. The poop was coming, and it felt far too big, and now the contractions were coming back. I couldn't possibly fight them. I stood up slowly, left the dining room, and as soon as I got out the contractions forced me into a hunched waddle. They were getting stronger with each passing step. I staggered on, and then realised I wasn't going to make it. I couldn't clench any longer. When the next wave hit, against my will, my body forced my hole open, and with a giant involuntary heave my body pushed as hard as it could, and the poop....stayed right where it was. I couldn't believe it. It was stuck fast and didnt budge a milimeter. I guess at that point It had gotten so big it wouldn't come out unless I made it. I was scared what this would mean when i got to my toilet. Had i made a poop that was wider than my sphincter could stretch? It was also wierdly liberating knowing the poop had grown so large I couldn't physically shit myself now. There was another wave, but I didn't try to fight it, I just rode it out. I returned to the table, and piled more burgers and hotdogs onto plate number 2. I wasn't done yet. I could still fit more. It was a battle, but I won. The 3rd plate was even tougher. It felt like the poop was occupying so much space inside me there wasn't any room for my stomach to expand. Somehow I managed to force my insides to stretch further to accommodate more pizza and burgers though.

About half way to dinner I had the sudden need to pee, but at the urinal I stood there and nothing came out. Another wave of poop contractions surged through my bowels. If I forced it, I could manage to get a few drops of pee out, but this also forced the poop, and if I carried on it was going to start to come out. Guess I would have to hold my pee for the next twelve hours too. My stomach growled and churned. I was in real pain now. When i sat down to dinner several hours later, I almost gave up. I was so overwhelmingly full. The contractions were intense. My bladder and intestines were so swollen they were squashing each other. My rectum was packed so full I felt like it was going to burst. There was stabbing pain all over my abdomen. Two whole plates seemed impossible, but it was my favourite. Roast dinner. It seemed a shame to make it so far just to give up at the last minute when the best food had come out. I figured I couldn't shit myself or piss myself. I only had a few hours till i was home. I had come this far. I might as well get my moneys worth. I started piling potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli, Yorkshire puddings, chicken, stuffing balls, beef and sausages wrapped in bacon onto my plate. The first few bites were hard to swallow, but it got easier. My stomach was a massive rumbling bag of pain in my overstretched belly. The pressure in my rectum was huge. I forced the food in faster. The longer I waited, the more likely I was to give up. The second plate came, and I resisted the urge to go easy on myself. It was in the bag now. I heaped potatoes up until they were nearly falling off the plate.

I paused. I had won now, technically. 2 plates was my target minimum but the roast was so good. This was my final blowout. I had to keep pushing. I filled my plate for the final time. With each mouthful, my stomach ache and insane bloating were forcing me to take shallower breaths. I could feel the enormous mass of 7 days of backed up poo in my engorged intestines pressing into my stomach as it swelled more and more with each bite. Just a little more to go. I was done. I felt incredibly sick for about ten mins, but I was done. I felt weirdly proud of myself. I had hit my target, and then some.

Within an hour, I was sat on the coach home. Thankfully I had a seat to myself, as the stomach ache was so bad I was constantly squirming to get comfortable, to no avail. The massive rod of shit stretching out my colon ensured that however I sat I was in agony. It got so bad I started massaging the long sausage shaped lumps of intestine I could feel beneath my fingers. It did help with pain, kind of, but it also forcedmore poop down into my rectum, which was already strained to its absolute limits. My bladder was agonisingly full. I hadnt peed in about 24 hrs now. The closer I got to home, the bigger the pressure inside my anus became. The urge to release was so strong I felt faint walking down the coach as it dropped me home. Thankfully my parents were out till morning. I had to pretend to fiddle with my suitcase to hide the weird position I was standing in to stop the poop escaping until the coach was out of sight. Things were moving inside me now, and seriously so. There was a stab that went right up my rectum.

I hurried to the door, but it had only just closed behind when something deep in my bowels felt seriously wrong. I staggered towards the stairs, pressing both cheeks together with my hands but it was no good. The urge was too powerful. The turtlehead was breaching. My stomach gave a huge involuntary push, a long drawn out gurgle and it honestly felt like going into labour. A few drops of pee leaked out into my pants. Another, much stronger wave hit, and about 1 inch of the tip of the huge log shot out of my ass, where it stuck fast. I whimpered in pain, and i had to press both hands into the giant end of my poop through my pants, sure that if i didnt stop it somehow my body would physically force it out of me whether I wanted it to or not. I ignored the skids I knew would be left on my underwear as a result. It was that or shit myself meters from a toilet. I held the poop inside myself with both hands, gritting my teeth at the pain as I slowly waddled like a penguin up the stairs, my eyes watering. One step at a time the toilet inched slowly closer. The turd was fighting against my hands but I could see the bowl now. In the mirror I caught a glimpse of my belly, which looked like I was 8 months pregnant with twins. It tensed all over and bulged weirdly as another contraction hit. Now came the difficult part. I had to get my trousers and pants off without unleashing the beast. I stayed hunched by the toilet, my bowels gurgling and groaning, until I felt the waves of pain let up just enough to quickly slide my pants down and park my butt on the toilet.

I breathed a sigh of relief that was very short lived. Instead of the explosion I had been expecting, nothing happened. The tip of the megapoop was poking out, but now that I had actually got to my own toilet, it wouldn't budge. My butthole wouldn't expand far enough. Maybe pressing on the end had squashed and compacted it even wider. I took a breath and pushed a little to test the waters. Nothing happened.

I stayed sat there for an hour, but every time I bore down, the giant tip just came out by a centimeter more, and then slowly and very painfully slid back inside by a centimeter. There is no comparable feeling to having 7 days worth of held in poop going the wrong way up your rectum. It was agonising. My hole felt stretched to its limit. I was too scared to push harder. Something might tear. I was panicking. The poop was too wide. I had held it for too long, and made it too big. now it was stuck. I started massaging my huge bloated belly. It gurgled like crazy. It was so firm I could hardly press into it. My bladder was full to bursting, but the poop was so big I couldn't even relieve that pressure. I was full beyond full, every organ seemed stuffed to its limit.

I slid off the toilet to lie on my back on the floor, knees up, arms clutching my stomach. As another wave of heaving hit, I realised that my hands pressing on my stomach made the tip poke out slightly further. I gingerly pressed on my stomach, and knew what I had to do. It was no good gently rubbing. I had to press in harder. When the next wave hit, I pressed down on my pregnant poop belly as hard as I could, and there was a massive squelch from inside my bowels as the tree trunk slid out another inch, stretching my hole even wider. This time, it didn't slide back in.

At this point, a trickle of hot piss started to pour out of my dick, and I pinched off the flow before i soaked myself to stagger upright and aim the stream back into the bowl. Sweet relief. The flow was slow, and my bladder inflated with what must have been at least 2 liters of piss, so it took several mins to fully drain, but As my bladder shrank, my intestines started to squirm around inside me. I quickly slumped back to the floor and took up position on my back with my knees up. I squeezed my abdomen where I felt movement as hard as I could and pushed again. My tail grew another inch. Progress. Over the course of the next hour I gradually eased the beast out, milimeter by milimeter, being careful to relax and not to push too hard because I was scared that if I went too far my poor sphincter would rip.

Suddenly, the poop shot out another 6 inches, and then it kept on coming and coming, so slowly but surely, milimeter by painful milimeter. I could feel myself physically deflating like a big gross balloon. At last my sphincter pinched closed. My belly still felt full, but the start at least was over. I sat up, and gasped at what I saw. The turd on the floor was as thick as my forearm, and at least 2 feet long. It was wider at the front end, bulging like the head of a snake, and dark all over, covered in cracks. The rest was a smooth perfect log the same thickness all along. it looked like it had snapped off flat. That meant there was definitely more inside me.

I stood there to admire the magnitude of my creation, and my stomach gurgled. I let out an explosively loud fart that carried on for 30 secs, then the fart turned to more poop. It shot out quick this time, a long snake of softer but still firm poop that seemed to carry on forever, coiling out onto the tiles behind my feet as I hunched over. On and on it went, until at last, after ???? knows how long, I finally felt just about empty. I turned and looked at what I had done. There was no blood. My anus survived its ordeal intact.
I admired the coils of shit, disturbingly impressed by the sheer size and volume of my megapoop. I was less impressed at having to clean it up but i preferred it over using the outhouse at camp. The first 2 ft log had to be chucked in a bin bag. It was too compacted and huge to flush. As far as I was concerned it was a win. I had successfully held it until I got home. My guts and anus were fine, if a bit sore. Plus now that I knew what to expect, next time I went I was confident I could do it again. I kind of wierdly looked forward to the next challenge. The feeling of relief was so utterly euphoric.



Annie, I hope you are well. Congratulations on your big poop!

Jenny SIS: It is so good to hear from you! I really enjoy your stories! It is so strange that a nice restaurant would fail to have adequate toilet paper. I discovered this neat brand of wet wipes that I keep with me every where I go. They are scented and feel very refreshing! As for "Beth," it has been so good to meet someone who has the same fascination for and appreciation of good, large, healthy bowel movements. If you knew her, she would be very down to earth, energizing, yet impressive person. I would not have known that she would have a fascination for poop, just like, I imagine, those who know me best would never realize that about me!

As for your question, it was always awkward in college for me. I was an only child, so I didn't share this part of my life with a sibling. When I got to college, as a volleyball player, being 6'1 and big (I weighed 185 in college), I felt like people would assume (and correctly so) that I was going to blow up the bathroom. I know that's a stereotype, but I used to stereotype these petite co-eds doing little dainty deuces, and from the sound of it, that's just what they did. If I pooped in public, it was usually in these nice public restrooms outside the cafeteria or in the library. But most of the time, I pooped in the suite's bathroom, which was shared with three other girls. But even though I felt a little embarrassment I was taught that it was "OK" to feel embarrassed. So I always did what I had to do, whether in public or at home. As an adult, if I am in my routine, I poop at home in the morning and in the evening. It's rare that I have one away from home.

I can't wait to hear more from you, Jenny! Love and all the best for you!

Victoria and Robyn: I loved your survey responses! Hilarious! Victoria, I am so sorry that you have had such a tough case with COVID. It's so weird how it affects people differently! Hang in there! Robyn, congratulations on your publication! I can't wait to hear more from you!

Love to all!


Steve A

Food Service Jobs Affecting Bathroom Habits (Survey)

After working various jobs since 2020, I've decided to move up as a shift lead/kitchen manager at a restaurant that I've been working at part time on and off (in between my other jobs) and I've noticed something about my bathroom habits ever since I started working a regular full time schedule:

Since my restaurant serves some healthy/organic, non-GMO, & non-frozen foods, I've been making some better food choices for some of my daily meals (since we get free meals every shift):

As a result, I've been pooping at least once a day, maybe skipping a day or two (which is getting more rare for me to go more than 2-3 days without going) which means that I must be doing something right since I already enjoy eating healthier and being smart with eating overall (even though I still enjoy occasional snacking and some "not as healthy foods"

However, for anyone who worked in food service:

1) How did the food (& your weekly schedule) affect your overall health and bathroom habits, depending on what type of food your restaurant served?

2) Did any of your coworkers have similar issues from question 1?

3) Did you ever get sick of eating the same types of food, if you ate for free or had a discount?


Answers to Petro

1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop? And for Ava?
- Not usually

2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out? And Ava?
- We both usually have to concentrate and push, but it's hardly ever a major struggle. I consider my poops to be a relaxing experience.

3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
- A fart always comes out the moment the poop starts crowning. Same with Ava (see my last post).

4. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
- Usually one big firm turd follower by a smaller soft turd (same with Ava)

5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
- Sometimes it just falls right out (when I'm desperate), but I usually have to give a gentle push just to open my anus and get it to start rolling out.

6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
- Not often, sometimes I'll sigh if I was desperate to go.

7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories? And Ava? Does she always poop by herself, without enema or suppositories?
- We usually poop alone. Neither of us use enemas or suppositories. We both have a fairly healthy diet that keeps us regular.

8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
- I don't think I've ever tried to poop without feeling at least a slight urge.

9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
- I only recall one experience like this. I may post it later.

10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
- It varies a lot. I don't have a normal daily "poop time."

11. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
- I usually poop once daily, occasionally twice.

12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
- Yes! I love pooping and love the feeling of a massive turd sliding out of me. The biggest ones make me break out in goosebumps, and my nipples get hard.

13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
- Yes!

14. As Ava was pooping in your car on the day you told in your post about, was it very difficult for her to push her firm fat turd out? Had she to strain a lot, for pooping it out?
- No. She seemed very relaxed doing it.

15. As Ava was pooping in your car, did you encourage her during her pushing? Did she comment her pooping while doing it? And you?
- Yes. I can't remember exactly how I worded it, but I commented on the size of her poop as it was coming out, and she giggled (which made her pee stream hit the ceiling and her poop speed up sliding out).

16. As Ava was younger, did you often see her pooping? If you did, did you encourage her while her pooping at those times? Does she ever see you pooping?
- Yes. This was when we usually saw each other pooping, up until she was about 7 or 8, then it became less common.

17. Can Ava poop without having an urge for it? If she tried to poop without an urge, would she be able to make some poopies?
- Not that I'm aware of

18. Does Ava like pooping? If she pushes a big poo out, is she proud of it?
- Yes, just like her big sister!

19. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
- Only if I have a slight urge

20. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
- I always pee after getting up, but I only poop if I feel a load inside me.

21. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
- Yes!

22. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing? And Ava? Can she stand up for peeing?
- Yes, we both can and do when we have the privacy (such as our in nature).

23. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody nowadays?
- Not intentionally, other than with Ava.

24. Do you ever poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends? And does Ava ever poop outdoors?
- We have, but not as often as we wish we could.

25. I'd also like to ask you: does LA mean "Los Angeles"?
- Yes. Me, Ava, and my mom and dad are 4 of the 18.4 million people who call the Los Angeles metro area home. This is why I feel comfortable telling my location.

26. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
- Go ahead!



Drove home yesterday along a36 started getting the urge to poop as I
was in the car had a choice squatt and poop or use the BRANN Q TOILET
bucket I kept driving and pulled in ten miles later had a wee but really needed a NUMBER TOO.I got back in car and drove another 25 miles home arriving one hour later.
I pulled into the drive got out and went to the campervan the pottie was in the galley area ,pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie and immediately pooped,wiped a few minutes later then went into house and made some tea .
I went into garden drank tea then needed to poop again went back to campervan sat on pottie pooped then had a wee, wiped then back to car to bring in my shopping .the car now unloaded I needed to poop again went back to campervan pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie farted several times and artexed the bowl.
I laid down went to sleep several times woke during night had a wee when the alarm woke me this morning sat on pottie and had a really good
NUMBER TOO I now feel much better

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Very big poop first thing this morning

I got up this morning, got dressed (today was my exercise program that I go to every Tuesday) and I got the urge to poop. I grabbed my Walmart bag, grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste,took my bedroom flip flops off at the door, opened the door, went outside my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first (it was the first pee of the day so it was a lot) then got the urge to poop. I pushed out a big, solid, long poop that seemed to keep coming. Wow! Finally the last of it was out and laid in the toilet. Monster load to say the least. I didn't have toilet paper so I stood up, turned on the tap, grabbed the bar of soap, ran it under water, rubbed it between my hands, put the soap back, soaped up my butt (messy!), rinsed it once I was clean, pulled my pants and underwear up, rinsed the sink and looked in the toilet.

Wow! This took up most of the toilet, was solid and thick. No wonder my stomach has felt so uncomfortable. My stomach is not 100% empty yet but that was a hell of a shit. Flushed the toilet and it went down. When the water refilled in the toilet I flushed again to be sure that the toilet wasn't clogged. Nope. Toilet is fine. Washed my hands well, left the washroom, turned off the light, went to my room, dried my hands on the towels in here and went upstairs to microwave and eat breakfast. Afterwards I took my meds and went downstairs for a while until about 9:45.

I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Chakamami (writer is Mina)

Dear Lysari

You ask about pronounce of burururururu. To me, "oo" and "uh" are same sound so I am hard to answer to your question, but, "u" in "burururu" is sound like "o" in English word "move". But one important difference. "o" in "move" is long sound, but "u" in "burururu" is very short sound.

When you push out very soft mierda (mierda is Spanish word for "shit" and I and my 3 crushes like "mierda" better than "shit"), impact of mierda in toilet water is sound like "bururururururu", we think.

I hope you can understand, what I try to tell you.



Princess Toadstool Peach

Going to the Restroom at Summer Camp with Rosalina/Bethany

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am telling a story about my summer camp experience with my BFF (Best Friend Forever) Princess Rosalina and Bethany Mild. A few years ago we went to Summer Camp for a little girl quality time together and we had a blast toasting marshmallows, singing songs around the campfire and even sharing a tent in our nice warm sleeping bags. Soon we got to sleep Bethany and Rosalina were both snoring loudly until we all woke up with a start there was something we forgot. We all had to go to the restroom to do our business. I grabbed a newspaper and took off my nightcap and we all went to the girl's restroom yawning to ourselves as we did so. We all got inside and found three stalls for us to use. I took the middle, Rosalina took the right while Bethany took the left. As soon as we locked the stall doors Bethany pulled down her shorts and undies to her legs and then she sat down on the toilet with both hands on her lap while Rosalina lifted her dress up, pulled her panties down to her knees, then placed 6 squares of silk soft toilet paper on the seat due to Rosalina being a big scaredy germaphobe and sat down gently squatting as for me I lifted the toilet lid, lift up my dress, yank down my panties, give my bottom a little wiggle and sit down on the toilet adjusting myself squatting as I read the newspaper seeing what Garfield was up to today. I even noticed Bethany using a Squatty Potty to help her pinch her loaf I heard about those funny commercials about adorable pretty cute unicorns defecating rainbow sherbet ice cream and dragons dumping pure rich gold. I used to use one of those when I was having trouble with my own bowels but I stopped using them because I could always use my pretty high heel red shoes to squat instead of that. And no I don't use any air freshener because I am allergic to that stuff. But nevertheless all three of us started urinating loudly. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssshhhhhh!!!" Ending with some drips and drops and sighs. Then after a while we all started to go pooh poo Bethany did a series of small pebble sized 3 inch turds, Rosalina did a couple of 4 inch big long chunky ones leaving some skidmarks as I did some thick large 5 inch poos filling up the toilet "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK plop plop plop plop ploop!!" Then we all finished up with some sighs and grunts and a couple big gassy breaking winds "TOOOT!!!" We all wiped ourselves all of our vaginas and bottoms clean with toilet paper feeling much better than ever. We then got up, pulled our panties up, our dresses and shorts up and then flushed at the exact time. It was so good having a dump pinching our loaves together then we got into our tent giggling to ourselves about our summer camp restroom visit that is until our Summer camp Director ???? came along and he kicked us out of summer camp because of the terrible scent smell we made in there. I asked him if we could clean it up instead but he disagreed yelled some swear cuss words I best not repeat and asked us to leave. It was probably the 1st and only time I and my friends went to summer camp. Oh well until next time hope you enjoyed this story about my summer camp restroom visit bye bye now!

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