
To embarrassed pooper - thanks for your interest in my stories, I have already posted most of them. You can find my poop accident stories on pages 3040, 3049, 3072, 3076, 3080, 3085, 3087, and 3095. I also posted about wetting my pants on pages 3082 and 3090.

to Catherine - Yes, I completely agree! I suppose the whole reason an accident happens is because well, the systems are overbrimming! I've seen the odd post here about someone having a smaller accident, I wonder how that happens too. I would guess it's either someone losing control in a different way rather than being too full, like tripping and falling and losing just a squirt of pee or a small log of poop, or someone who could cut off their accident before it got too big. Not something you or I could do, haha! Thanks for your kind words as always, I enjoy reading your posts!

to Annie - I enjoy your posts too, and I hope you feel appreciated here.

There are a couple close friends in my life who know about my history of accidents. I don't broadcast it, but when you are close to people it's nice to confide in them. One side effect of that is, people tend to share their own accident stories with me. I'll share one with you all here.

This happened to a friend of a friend of mine, let's call him John. I met him a couple of times, and he didn't tell me this himself, but our mutual friend told me once and swore me to secrecy. I have to admit, despite my own history of accidents I found it quite funny!

When John was about 12 years old, he had relatives visit for a few weeks. One of them was an older toddler still in diapers. John noticed that when his toddler relative pooped his diaper, it seemed pretty discreet. The bulge in his pants wasn't too noticeable nor was the smell.

Fast forward a few months later, John was at a carnival at his hometown, a big celebration with a parade and fireworks. His family situated themselves in a big crowd to watch this parade, and that's when he realized he needed to poop, badly. It had taken ages to find and stake out a spot, so he was loathe to disturb that to run off for a bathroom. Remembering his little relative, John figured that pooping your pants is generally pretty easy to hide and get away with. this is what makes me laugh! Sure John it was easy for your toddler cousin, with his tiny little poops and his diaper to hide pooping his pants! I guess because John was 12 he didn't really consider these factors, he just thought, you know what pooping your pants is not that big a deal.

So anyway, rather than disturb the crowd and miss the parade, he held on until he just couldn't anymore and then decided to quietly poop his pants. He figured he could just discreetly get cleaned up in the public bathrooms after the parade. So he relaxed and let it out.

Well, he immediately realized this was a terrible idea. First of all, a ton of poop came out, way more than he was expecting. He was learning first hand that a 12 year old poop that had been held in for a while was gonna be a huge dump compared to a toddler! He stood there in shock as more and more poop kept coming out. Even worse, he could feel his pants sagging down and bulging out as he pooped which he had not anticipated. At this point his heart was racing and he was realizing in real time this was not at all going as he planned. Still, he tried to just stand still and hope nobody would notice. Well, it wasn't long before people around him starting sniffing and commenting that something smelled. Even in this big crowd, his mom noticed it seemed to be coming from him. She leaned over and said to him 'do you need to go to the bathroom?' he was too embarrassed to answer and she saw the look on his face, glanced at his butt, and knew what had happened. She had to drag him out of the crowd mid-parade, and everyone around knew that this 12 year old kid had pooped his pants. His mom was totally mystified as to why he hadn't even mentioned needing to go or even tried to get to the bathroom! He struggled to explain why he'd done it, although later on he managed to get his mom to understand what had happened. Thankfully he wasn't too traumatized by the whole thing, he was a bit right when it happened but a few weeks later his whole family thought it was all pretty funny. Mostly they were amused by how badly he misjudged the whole thing, which is what makes me laugh about it too!


Toilet Dreams

I've known a few people who had toilet dreams though they usually won't talk about them so I wanted to see if people here would weigh in.

Most of the time, a toilet dream refers to a dream where you are using the toilet, and wake up to discover either that you have just wet the bed, or are currently doing so. Definitely embarrassing but maybe more common than people might think.

However, I've had a different kind of toilet dream before, where I'm peeing in my dream but my bladder continues to hold on. This results in a weird dream where I'm peeing but my bladder feels more and more full instead of emptying. Then when I wake up I have to pee so badly it's an instant run for the bathroom.

Has anybody had either of these dreams? Did anything come of it?


Big somewhat lumpy poop after lunch

Hi everyone. Hopefully everyone is having a good day/night wherever you are. I'm good though still slowly getting rid of the poop from my body. Just finished a healthy lunch, water and one cup of coffee (remember I'm allowed to have one coffee at lunch because of my seizures and blood pressure. The cup is small). A few minutes ago, not long after lunch I felt my stomach gurgling and groaning so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and finally peed first for about 30 seconds. Then I pushed out a big poop that felt lumpy kind of. It didn't really hurt but it was solid and bumpy. Finally I pushed the last of it out and it laid in the toilet. I pushed again to see if there was anything else. Nope. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, grabbed it, grabbed a small amount (my caregiver has asked me to conserve it a little bit), put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well. The toilet paper was somewhat messy. Stood up, put the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big somewhat lumpy poop in the toilet, probably about 2 feet long. I'm just happy that it's out now. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Grabbed the Walmart bag off the floor, washed my hands, went to the door, opened it, turned off the light, left the washroom, walked to my room, turned on the light (it's on the outside of my room), took my flip flops off, opened the door, went in, put those flip flops on, closed the door, dried my hands on the towels in here and came to bed to write this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy especially so close to Christmas. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays (whichever you prefer)

Happy pooping and peeing!


Yesterday packed a trolly case with a few items to take to Bristol and a packed lunch and walked to the station.On the way had a wee in the bushes
arrived at the station a three minute wait for the train.I needed to go on the toilet as soon as I stepped on the train ,packed the case outside the toilet off with my high vis coat into to toilet down with my jogging bottoms and pants,sat on toilet.
I locked the door had several spurts of wee the train pulled away ,my bowels opened soft mushy poo a few minutes later my bowels opened again Someone tried the door a womens voice said someone is in there.A few more spurts of wee pushed ,I was done,pulled toilet tissue from dispenser and wiped , pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms.flushed the toilet then washed my hands another good shit.
I unlocked the door and came out a women was holding a magazine went into the toilet and locked the door I took a seat in the carriage fifteen minutes later the women sat next to a man sat in front of me.As she sat down the man said OK she replied yes I feel like a new women obviously she had just had a good shit .I then made my way to the door as the train was now approaching my station.The toilet was engaged and there was a que for the loo

Yesterday packed a trolly case with a few items to take to Bristol and a packed lunch and walked to the station.On the way had a wee in the bushes
arrived at the station a three minute wait for the train.I needed to go on the toilet as soon as I stepped on the train ,packed the case outside the toilet off with my high vis coat into to toilet down with my jogging bottoms and pants,sat on toilet.
I locked the door had several spurts of wee the train pulled away ,my bowels opened soft mushy poo a few minutes later my bowels opened again Someone tried the door a womens voice said someone is in there.A few more spurts of wee pushed ,I was done,pulled toilet tissue from dispenser and wiped , pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms.flushed the toilet then washed my hands another good shit.
I unlocked the door and came out a women was holding a magazine went into the toilet and locked the door I took a seat in the carriage fifteen minutes later the women sat next to a man sat in front of me.As she sat down the man said OK she replied yes I feel like a new women obviously she had just had a good shit .I then made my way to the door as the train was now approaching my station.The toilet was engaged and there was a que for the loo

To mjd

I was, I had one hand on my stomach and one on my bum as I ran into the bush, I was in a bad place so the girl must have heard my fart, and my big sigh of relief, I did try, of course to hold it but it was coming out as I was caught so I was hoping it would go back up my bum.

That is it, I am a city girl so I have no reason to be pooing outside but the only other time I have pooped outside that I can think of is when I was at a major music festival, I remember eating something from a Mexican food stall and then getting really bad diarrhea soon after, I could not wait for a porta-loo to open as they were all occupied so I ran behind them, dropped my shorts and leaned against one and had a massive explosion of poo and farts, I can't remember being in such a state but was bad! I brought a pack of tissues with me to wipe my bum, I think I used the whole pack! But what a relief that poo was, a couple of others were doing the same but everyone else was queuing.

When I'm outside I only pee when I'm desperate.
I try to not push at all, it doesn't matter if I am at home or in a public loo I still poo the same unless I have been working.
And sometimes I have to push really hard just to get things moving, sometimes It gets stuck halfway and I feel like I'm giving birth, sometimes I only have to push to start it, and sometimes it just comes out on it's own. But at the moment clogging is an issue with me.

The puzzle book or magazine is a good distraction, but sometimes I am so hard up and constipated that I cannot focus on reading, I use my book or mag to fan the air, I push my stomach, I pull up my panties and inspect it, see if I need to change it and sniff it, I check my pad if I have one on, I look at my nails, I see how long my pubic hair has grown, so I do lots of fidgeting when I'm on the loo.

I pick up from where I left off from, sometimes that means turning over and starting a new page or carrying on half way, sometimes people distact me, but yeah I love a good wordsearch and I have completed many of them.

I don't care too much about public loos, I simply grunt less, and I try to do it more quietly.
If I am alone I know I can try normally but when other women are in the bathroom I need to push or I can lose the feeling, I hear too much rudeness, but thankfully I don't poo in public too often.
I can't remember the last time I heard someone go. Bye bye

Princess Toadstool Peach

Dropping a BM wee natural fertiliser for the Big Green Grass

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I heard that if you can use your waste to make your plants or grass grow. If that's true or something among those lines I am not the one to pass on a challenge. So while no one is looking not even my boyfriend or the neighbours I lift up my dress and pull down my panties to my ankles and then I squat low into the grass. Hehehehe the grass tickles my vagina and then with both hands on it knees I pushed away hoping to make a big poo. "Tinkletinkle TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssshhhhh dripdripdrop!!" I guess I had to do a wee too. Come on now Peach and release your bowels. Maybe it's better if I do it behind a big bush. I waddle behind a big bush and squat lower. The moment I squat and squeeze I can feel something thick and large coming out of my bottom poo hole. Ouch owww this hurts. But I dealt with much worse pain than that like the time when a long long time ago… "PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!" Oh it's out already. And it smells too so ripe and yet so pungent. Still it looks warm and brown kind of like a dog turd I saw a few days ago. ???: BARKBARK!! Uh oh I think my goose is cooked. I'll have to empty the rest of my business inside. (Pulls up her panties and lifted down her dress) See you later bye bye n….Awwww no!! What a bad dog he ate my natural fertiliser poo. Oh well I suppose dogs need their food too to help them grow. Have a nice day!


Clogged toilet

Hey all,

So I am a regular person like clockwork. Up until this morning it's been a few days since I went so I guess all that holiday food got things working. Here's what happened.

I ended up staying at my sister's last night and this morning I woke up to my stomach gurgling first I thought I was hungry but then a sharp pain shot across my lower stomach, I jumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom trying to be quiet thinking everyone was still asleep.
Once I opened the bedroom door I could hear them all downstairs. I got in the bathroom, pulled my PJ'S down to my ankles and immediately started peeing. Halfway through peeing I had one of those puffs of air come out I knew then it wouldn't be long. Sure enough my ass opened wide and soft, mushy poop came out first. Then I felt a log inching it's way out, it got stuck about halfway so I pressed on my stomach and grunted trying to get it out. That didn't work so I started wiggling on the seat and bared down gripping the toilet seat with both hands that got it moving again only more kept sliding out. I was thinking is this thing ever going to break off, finally it did only i never heard a splash. I kept going until I thought I was finished and looked between my legs, the bowl was full. I should've did a courtesy flush after the first log but I never thought of it so I did one before I started wiping. Sure enough I clogged the toilet. Make matters worse I felt more coming so I sat down and the mushy soft stuff just came out of me.
Finally I felt done so I wiped and threw the toilet paper in the garbage bucket. I pulled my pants up and opened up the window before the paint peeled off the walls it smelled that bad in there. Found a plunger and got to work while holding my shirt over my nose. Twenty minutes later it all went down finally, I flushed again just to make sure had another pee and then got in the shower.

Merry xmas. I went out today to the retail park for sone sale shopping
I felt a poo Brewing but not quite ready so thought
I'll go and enjoy it at Costa.

I arrived and browsed next for any sale items going round next my poop need definitely started to increase and when I was done I headed straight to Costa. I wanted to enjoy it for a bit so I ordered a hot chocolate first and sat down close the loos.

I was enjoying the hot chocolate and feeling ready for a big poop. The cafe was fairly busy and the toilets got quite a bit of action. Nearing the end of my hot chocolate a small middle aged lady with a wide bum came and had to wait. She had to wait 3 or 4 minutes before a portly gent came out and she went in. I couldn't tell what she needed but after no movement 5 mins in I assumed it was a poo. A few minutes later she came out and I decided now was the time.

I went in and there was a strong poop smell combined with perfume and some healthy skidmarks in the bowl.

I sat down to excited to have my poo it didn't take long beforei let out a fart and an approx 8-10 inch log flew out followed by 2 6 inches and then a bit of soft serve topping. The reliefand feeling was awesome

I was wiping up when someone tried the door. I said give me a minute. I was a messy wipe. I finally felt clean flushed to.leave an even streaker bowl. I washed my hands and left feeling very happy. A cute 30ur old ish lady was waiting as I left.



Steve A: I eat All Bran buds, as they have psyllium in them. I think that they taste like cardboard but I like the taste of cardboard! Haha! Really that's why I eat them with Honey Nut Cheerios and a little fruit. Flax seed, Chia Seeds, and such can be added to yogurt, smoothies, or whatever to give you that extra fiber too. Just find out what works for you but All Bran Buds are the best for me!

Annie: I am so sorry that the spicy food hurt your stomach. I hope you are better. And prayers and warm thoughts as you seek housing! I am in the Deep South of the United States. That's about all I want to share on the forum! I would love to see Toronto some day. I hear that it is a beautiful city!

Anna from Austria: Mexican can do a number on me too, but I love it! Yes, I agree that the smell and the sounds are causes of embarrassment. I mean I'm not going to avoid going to the bathroom if I have to, but I would prefer that others did not hear or smell me!

John H: I have not attempted to read every post but I have read as far back as the 1200's and some sporadically before that.

I hope that everyone is dooing well!

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!




Pooped quite a bit

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Mine was quiet (will be celebrating with my family after my mom moves and sister has her second son). Woke up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, toothbrush and toothpaste, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my room and went upstairs for breakfast. My caregiver was up. She and I said good morning, I sat down, she made 3 pieces of toast, put peanut butter on one of them, smeared the leftover peanut butter onto the extra piece of bread and she put an apple and banana down. It took a while to eat the toast (I was too full afterwards to eat the fruit so I decided I would eat it at lunch) and at 9 AM I took my medications. I thanked my caregiver, took my Walmart bag and water jar downstairs, took my flip flops off and went into my room after turning on the light and opening the door. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, took my flip flops off, opened the door, went into the hallway, put the other flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, went in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a partly soft, partly solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Wow. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. It was that heavy. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. Stood up, put the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my underwear and pants up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow there was a big, thick poop in the toilet that took up quite a bit of the toilet! Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, opened it, turned off the light and walked to my room across from the washroom. Took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, went in, put on the flip flops, dried my hands on the towels, closed the door and have been writing this for a while on the bed. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good week.

Happy pooping and peeing!



To Annie

Thank you for your regular posts. More regular than my bowels . I note that you have spent some time in hospital and if it is not too upsetting could you tells us about your bodily functions when in hospital? I have been in hospital only a few times for nothing too serious . The last time I was in having cardiac stents the nurse , who I got on with well suggested that I should sit on the toilet later that afternoon. She stood outside with the door ajar while I had a poo. I did not find it embarrassing. She then replied that I was not constipated ! Another time I was in hospital for a scope on my bladder. After the procedure when the anaesthetic whore off sufficiently I had to sit on the toilet and have a wee in front of a youngish nurse to check that I was able to wee and had a good flow . All was well . Hope you all had a good Christmas!


A poo on a train

This is something I have got into a habit of especially when travelling alone as it breaks up the journey . Yesterday I was visiting a friend a half hour train ride away. I had an urge but it was something that could wait. Better to spend time finishing off some work on the laptop than sitting on the toilet and being delayed. I was not going to waste my time on business which could be attended to on the journey.

The toilet was unoccupied with the green light on when I boarded the carriage and I immediately made my way to it, passing a few seated passangers. I pressed the button and the door slowly slid open. Once inside I was meticulous in pressing the buttons to close and lock the door. I recall a post on this board about the automatic door opening and the poster being exposed. This extremely embarrising situation was not going to happen to me. If I was not confident about the security of the doors I would never use a toilet on a train except in an emergency.
I lifted the blue lid covering the blue seat and there was no contents inside. As is my regular practice where public toilets are concerned I tore off some toilet paper and gave the seat a wipe. This routine has the important added bonus of ensuring that ther is sufficient toilet paper for a poo. On one occasion not so long ago I discovered there was none so I just had a wee, utilising the tissue I carry around with me, holding back the bowel movement for the ladies at the destination station. This time there was no problem and I could take care of all my business on in transit.

I unbuttoned my coat, unfastened my jeans and lowered the zip, prior to pulling them down to my knees, together with the black knickers. Bareing my lower end prior to using the toilet always feels good. Lifting up the back of my coat I sat down, enjoying the sensation of the cool countoured seat on my bare bum. I lowered my jeans and knickers to my ankles before taking my phone out of my pocket. I logged into the trains wifi whilst having a really needed wee. Surfing the net helps keeps me relaxed during the main business.

This started with a very long silent fart. A lot of gas was released and I felt its warmth against my thighs as the air rose. It soon reached my nose and was quite strong. This was an indication that what was to come was likely to be high on the stink register. I relaxed and things started moving with no real effort. A log was making its way out of the hole as the train was departing the station. The sound of the subsequent splash was muffled by the noise of the train. Further plops followed in quick succession, it felt so good. This was my first poo in more than a day and although the activity had ceased instinct told me there was more to come if I remained seated. I continued surfing the net and in the couple of minutes until the train reached the next station it was clear there was more to come. I released more gas and this time it was far from silent. I let rip with no inhibitions, the sound amplified by the bowl. Aithough the train was stationary it was probably making enough noise to prevent anyone outside the locked door from hearing what was going on inside. I was not too bothered if I was audibled as it would be no one I knew and after all that is what toilets are for. My poo started moving again at the same time as the train. A succession of small logs dropped into the bowl for the next few minutes intermingled with farts. When the action had ceased for a couple of minutes I was certain I was done. The stink was now intense. By now the train was leaving the nexet station with six more to go before my destination. The pooping activity had activated my bladder, so I had a short wee and put the phone back into my pocket.

I am not one to look at my produce so remained seated whilst attending to the paper work. The front was first, dropping the paper into the bowl between my thighs. After obtaining a sizeable further wad I leaned to my left raised my right bum cheek and pressed the paper into the hole without moving it. The bowel movement had been a bit on the messy side and I did not want to risk smearing, which would prolong the wiping procedure. I dropped the paper into the bowl and repeated this with the next wad. Sure that I had avoided smearing I wiped conventionaly from front to back with the next wad, uninhibbited by the motion of the train. Again I dropped the paper into the bowl without inspecting. I looked at the paper after the next wipe, taking good care that it did not come into contact with my coat.. There was poo on it but not excessive. I dropped the paper into the bowl and did not inspect after the next wipe. I was sure I was nearly clean by now so I pressed the next wad into my bum hole to complete the job. The paper had a slight brown streak so I repeated the procedure, this time dropping the paper into the bowl without looking at it. The paper was clean after the next insertion into my bum hole and I knew I was now clean.

Getting off the toilet when the train is in motion is the most awquad part. To make it easier I pulled my knickers and jeans together up to my thighs while still seated. When standing I pulled them up all the way, zipped up and fastened my jeans and belt. I could see bits of poo in the bowl poking through the large quantity of paper I had got through. As per the written instructions I lowered the seat lid before pressing the flush button. I did not raise the lid to see if everything went down but the flush was loud and seemed powerful so it probably did. I washed my hands with soap and water from the dispenser before putting them under the air drier which was part of the same unit.

The door slowly slid open after I pushed the unlock and open buttons. After stepping out the door did not close completely and the smell, though less intense, followed me out and into the carriage which was less than half full. Although I did not know anyone there and probably would never see them again I could not help feeling a little bit embarressed. Were they thinking "why could she not do that at home". I took a vacant seat to continue the remainder of the journey, which had been split in the nicest possible way, with that feeling of emptiness and satisfaction which always follows a good poo.

As is often the case when I am a while in a unisex toilet a man entered shortly afterwards, it is very rarely a female. It has got me wondering if they are turned on by female defication. Because of the disproportionate numbers I think this is the case and this individual was pleased I did not go at home.



Replies and Survey Responses

@ Annie - I always enjoy reading your posts and I appreciate the regularity in which you share. I apologize I have not responded to your posts and will so more often. What things are you comfortable discussing or are there particular things you would like discuss? I ask because sometimes it can be hard to tell if you people even want replies to their posts, replies from only certain people, or no replies at all, in which case this forum serves more as a journal or diary than a way to dialogue. Upon consideration of your request, I might be interesting to for people to note if they want replies or not.

@ Tricky - Thanks for the reply and continued effort on the stories. It was pretty cool that your co-worker Mel fessed up like that. She seems like good peeps.

@ April - Sorry that you have such a distaste for pooping. I totally empathize with many of your remarks, however, and can understand why you feel that about pooping. Have you ever been shamed about your pooping?

@ Catherine - Here are my answers to your survey. However first, I wanted to reply to another comment you made about diarrhea and GI distress with your customers. What would you say if they responded with an answer that might pique your curiosity. Maybe they would say something like, "No I don't have diarrhea, luckily I am always large #3's on the bristol chart...". Or in another scenario, wanted to be particularly chatty about pooping after you broke the ice with the diarrhea comment?

1. The smell
A: Yes, 100% this is true for me. I find this most embarrassing, as a general rule. Unfortunately, the smell of my poo tends to be quite strong to the point where I've received many comments in my life.

2. The sounds
A: Thankfully, I am relatively quiet when I go. I don't tend to have loud, booming, or explosive gas when I go, and things usually pass quietly.

3. The size
A: I am not embarrassed by this, even though they do tend to be quite large.

4. That while it smells bad, can look gross, and can be huge, that I thoroughly enjoy doing it!
A: Yes, agreed!

5. Cleaning up
A: I am not embarrassed by this.

6. Having to go urgently
A: I am only mildly embarrassed by this if I have to confess it because I am so desparate, and it depends on who I confess it to.

7. Having to go in public or at a friend's house
A: Yes! The combination of having strong smelling, large poos that can often clog the toilet (see below) can be really embarrassing at the wrong place. I have too many stories, particularly as a guest somewhere with weak plumbing and poor ventilation.

8. Clogging a toilet
Yes! Having to plunge the toilet and flush multiple times can be embarrassing. It kind of announces to everyone (if the smell already did not), that "hey, I just took a huge dump in here".

9. Having accidents
A: Thankfully, I haven't had a full blown accident in many years. In fact, I can't recall the last time off-hand.

10. Diarrhea
A: Yes, this can be embarrassing for all of the above, but I feel like maybe there is more grace with it, since everyone suffers from it from time to time.

As a parting comment, I recently saw a post online that called the day after Thanksgiving "Brown Friday", as opposed to "Black Friday". I thought that was comical and rung true with some of the great posts here following Thanksgiving. I appreciate everyone's contributions and willingness to share in this community.



Although I am a male I sit to see, except if in public toilets it may be easier to stand. Sitting I'd cleaner because I hate urine splashed and drops on the floor. Also with my water works problems I drip like a leaking tap after I finish urinating . My neurological condition affects my bladder's function. I now enjoy sitting as I just relax and relax my body each time I exhale . The process is I sit and relax , my flow starts and the intensity increases and then reduces to nothing . I sit and relax more and the " second wave" hits … there is a dribble and then the flow increase and when it reduced back my bladder feels empty and flat, and I feel so relaxed . So , ladies and gentlemen sitting helps me void easier and more completely and is a relaxation opportunity, all be it only a few minutes . Urination comes second to a really good poo! Thanks Thunder


Stayed at a holiday camp over christmas . christmas day at eight pm after attending cabarat I usd the disabled toilet ,locked the door then undone my belt down with my pants and sat on the toilet pan .I had a slow wee before my bowels opened .S i passed the second load it was awesome some body repeatedly tried the door I took no notice as having a good NUMBER TOO MUST BE ENJOYED ,Having sat for ten minutes I was done as I wiped the door was tried again I dressed ,flushed washed my hands,When I came out a women was sat on stairs opposite she said I do apologise I said no problem not enough toilets in reception I then went into the ballroom.

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