
Mr. Clogs

Night-time and first pee of the morning into a cup

This is going to be a quick post. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I had to pee. I was too sleepy and walk to the bathroom to pee into the toilet and grabbed one of those large size White Castle plastic cups and peed into it figuring I would pee a lot not so the case. I put the cup up to my manhood and filled it up with my rich dark yellow urine into the cup filling it about 1/4 full. I put the cup on top of the lid of my trash can and went back to sleep. In the morning I had to pee again. So I got up to take a piss into that same cup from last night filling the cup now half way with my morning pee. The color of the pee into the cup got much darker now. So I went to the bathroom to pour the piss filled cup into the toilet and rinsed out the cup and went back to my room.

I hope you like my post, please feel free to comment.


The Janitor

Terrible Bathrooms

I worked as a janitor for a while at a supermarket while I went to school. I had to clean all kinds of terrible things. The bathrooms were the absolute worst. I will share a few of these nasty stories.
I was walking around the store giving customer service and I got paged on the walkie talkie "maintenance to the ladies' room please." Being a man, I had to wait for forever to get into the bathroom while no women were inside. I got in and someone had threw their paper into the pad garbage can and doo doo was all over the door to it. There was a foot print made of poop on the floor. The bathroom was nasty, but not the worst I have seen.
The next story is about the worst bathroom I have ever seen in my whole life. Someone had diarrhea all over the wall, floor, and toilet. The crappers have sensors on them, there was doody on it as well. The whole stall looked like someone shot salsa out of a cannon all over the wall. There should be a monument to how nasty this toilet looked. It took me an hour to clean up. The next day I felt really bad. I threw up all night long and had diarrhea twice. It was like brown water. It was the most liquid poo I have ever had. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me some oral pills for diarrhea and some suppositories for nausea. I quit after 2 weeks of being sick and missing work. I can't be that sick and go to college at the same time.

Little Mandi


I'm really bored. Everything has been normal so I have nothing interesting to post. Heres some surveys I've been seeing.

Dora;s survey

Do you read or smoke while pooping?
I don't smoke at all and I don't read on the toilet.

Do you talk on the phone while pooping?
No I'd be too embarrassed.

Do you sing on the toilet?

Do you wash your bottom right after pooping?

Do you use moistened toilet tissue or wet wipes after pooping?
Occasionally I do if its messy.

How many times do you typically wipe your bottom after pooping?
Usually only 2 or 3 times.

Do you wipe your bottom from front to back or vice versa?
Front to back.

Do you sit or stand to wipe?
I sit.

Are your poops very stinky?

Lorraine's Fart survey

1. Do you usually fart when you pee and do a number number.
I fart quite often when I go to the bathroom. Mainly when I pee in the morning.

2. Do you have an explosive fart at least once a week or month? Is the soft, medium, or loud
No,I rarely get those.

3. Have anybody ever head you fart while in the restroom or have you heard anyone else. any reaction
I don't think anyone besides maybe my mom and sister heard me fart in the bathroom. I would never purposly fart loud in a public bathroom. I've heard people farting a few times in the bathroom.

4. Have you ever been in crowded stall and heard more than one person farting loud at one time? what did they sound like
I don't think so.

5. Have you ever responded after hearing someone fart in the restroom or someone responded to you
No, farting doesn't phase me.

6. Have you ever been on the phone or heard someone else on the phone when when in the restroom and a fart occurred and the person heard it. what did they say.
A friend of ours used to fart in the phone cause he knows I find it funny,other then that I've never heard someone fart or go to the bathroom on the phone.

7. Have you ever had a continuous streak of farts while using the restroom
Its happened a few times.

8. Have there been a situation where you were in a stall and a person was in the very next stall and you heard fart or they heard you. what did it sounded like
No,I don't think so. I try not to take stalls directly next to people.

9. Have there ever been a situation where you fart in the restroom you did was so stink you had to spray

10. Has there been a situation where someone laughed after hearing farting in the stall?
No,I try not to fart in public bathrooms.

11. Has there been a situation where you walked in or was in there when someone else walked in and as soon as they hit the stall, a super loud fart occurred.

12.Has there ever been a situation where farted or heard someone else while washing their hands

13. Has there ever been a situation where you were wiping your butt or heard some else wiping theirs and farted during the process

14. Has there ever been a situation where you had a sudden and unexpected fart
Yes many times.

15.Have you ever had an explosive fart that left a scum in the toilet or did not flush all the way down with just 1 flush

Lorraine's pee survey
1. How many times do you pee each day on average and on average, is the color light, medium, or dark yellow.
It depends how much I drink. I guess my average is 4 times. Its usually the normal yellow color unless I drink a lot of water then its clear.

2. Do you wipe your bum after each and every toilet pee
No,just my front.

3. Do you pass gas every-time you pee and is it usually soft, medium, or loud
Sometimes I fart when I pee. Usually when I first go in the morning. Its usually the silent ones.

4. Is your pee ever glittery or foamy or have a white like fluid in it

5. Is the smell light, medium, or strong on average.
My pee doesn't really smell. It only smells after I drink coffee.

6. Have you ever had a small piece of poop fall while only taking a pee in the toilet

I usually almost always pee while I poop. First,I poop then pee all in the same water.

8. Do you toilet at home have any pee scum or stains that have built up.

9. Do You pee often In Public restrooms and do you do it when nowhere is there or do you go and pee regardless how packed it is.
I don't like public bathrooms but I have no problem peeing in them. Of course I rather go alone but I'll still go if theres people. I rather it be noisy so no one can tell where the sound is coming from.

10. Does the toilet tissue does the job or is an odor still left.
-The toilet tissue does its job.

"also, DESCRIBE ANY TOILET PEE EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE. you can discuss the urgency, color, heaviness, sound, how packed the stall was, and any characteristics including wiping.

There were many times where I've had to pee very badly but I don't have many interesting pee experiences.

Yesterday I came fairly close to peeing myself. I was out all day and had a good amount to drink. I only went pee once while out around 11 am and it was now after 4 so of course I had to go again. I was trying on some clothes when it got pretty bad. I could feel it trying to come out. I stood very still and debated weather I wanted to find the bathrooms. I decided not to. I hate the bathrooms in that place.I was done shopping anyway so I decided to go home. Eventually I forgot about it and made it home and went.

Hey people,
The other day I was peeing away when all of a sudden I heard a plop in the toilet. I then realized I just pooped. I didnt have to poop but yet i did. Has tht ever happend to you guys?


Vacation in BC - an update and feedbak. More later!

Hey all,

I'm on vacation out in BC. I'll post more when I return to Ontario. Just wanted to give an update and some shout outs.

Last night had chinese food. This morning yielded some wet and smelly farts, followed by a relieving soft dump.

Emily c - never needed an enema before. Sounds like you were quite releived. Looking forward to more posts!

Tia - love those soft noisy poops...did you get lots of soft serve and farts? I bet you felt great!

Deperate to poop - loved your post. Did you fill the toilet? Sounds like a big one..with noise?

Heidi - welcome! sounds like you had a big relieving dump! Was that gust of wind from you? Looking forward to more!

Shana - I'll fill your survey out enxt post. I liked that you did your own survey. Looking forward to seeing you more 'regular'.

I'll also do Lorraine's survey next post.

That's all for now, talk soon!

Mr. Clogs

Summer weather affecting how much you pee and poop

I have a question for all of you, not a survey (sorry). I love the summer time especially the warm weather. I've noticed in the extreme heat that we had I don't poop as much and pee as much. My question to all of you how has the summer weather having an effect on your bowels and urinary functions?


Mrs. Toilet Trooper: Thank you for your kind words and I enjoy reading your stories, keep them coming. I'll check out your post about your final exams. They should consider that idea to keep their customers from waiting in long lines to use the toilet. The 2 girls 1 mirror was interesting to read.

Tina: Interesting story.

Desperate to poop: Interesting post about the unisex restroom.

Which brings me to another question, why is there a line for women's room and not so much for the men's room? The question still remains, who takes longer using the bathroom, men or women?

Ashley: Nice story about taking that huge dump at McDonald's after eating all of that food prior to using the toilet.

Well that's all for now. Take care and have a great day. Mr. Clogs


Wonders of seven bean salad

Hi everybody. This is my first post so I hope it's good. I'm 22 years old, tall for a woman at 5'11", and I'm a redhead. I think that taking a dump is absolutely the best feeling in the world. I go once a day in the afternoon. It takes me about fifteen minutes to finish, and I like to text or read on the toilet.

Anyway, on with the story now. On the Fourth of July, I went to a family barbecue. My cousin brought her seven bean salad. I tried some and it was really good so I had a large serving. Nobody else seemed to enjoy the salad, and so my cousin said I could take the rest of it home with me. That evening, I had another big serving with my dinner.

The next day I was at work when I felt a familiar full feeling. I waited until my break and headed off to the bathroom. I took the farthest stall. I pulled down my slacks and panties and sat. I farted a few times while I began to text my best friend. She knows me too well, I guess, as she joked with me "On the toilet again, eh?"

My butt opened to pass a firm turd. It was probably about six inches long. I did a loud booming fart before a really soft gooey turd started to shoot out. A lot of it came out and curled up in the toilet. It was quickly followed by another similar turd. I farted a bunch of times and dropped off about eight little nuggets. The finale of my dump was a thin ropey turd and it was a really long one.

I stood up to examine my dump. There was a big pile of sloppy poop in the toilet and it was near impossible to tell one turd apart from any other. I wasn't sure if the toilet could cope with all of that plus the load of paper I'd need to wipe my messy butt, so I flushed. The toilet gurgled but it handled the load. I sat back down and wiped twelve times before I felt clean. Man that was a messy dump. Then I flushed the paper down.

I'll have to make a note to ask my cousin for the recipe of that salad next time I see her. It tasted wonderful going in and the resulting dump was marvelous. It must contain a ton of fiber. My normal diet contains a good amount of fiber, but this dump was amazing beyond anything I remember experiencing in a long while.


To Tom


I am with you. I always love to smell a strong smell from women. I dont know why but it fascinates me and I respect it. I can't under how some people men or women, aren't intrigued by it and don't take pride in it. Secretly, I think everyone does but they don't admit it because it's taboo. I think most women secretly appreciate their male counter parts movements and vice versa.

As for a story, if you recall my story about "E" or Eileen as her real name is. The internet is so anonymous I figure it doesn't really matter about real names, so Ill use them. So one day Eileen had her friend Christine fill for her (recall an earlier story, search CeeJay). I remember walking my mothers room, probably 15 years ago, I was a mid teen, to find some extra toothpaste. When I walked in, my younger sisters and Christine, 21 at the time, were there chatting. They were sitting on the bed, presumably talk about girl stuff.

I asked if there was extra shampoo around. They said in unison, 'maybe under the sink in the bathroom'. So I walked past them to the master bathroom on the other side of the room. As I walked past them, I heard my sistersay to Christine in a whisper, "did you just shit in there?". Christine chuckled "yes". I pretended not to hear and continued onward.

As I open the door I was met with an overpowering odor but not the sort of a distinct, notable smell, just a dense fog of healthy poop. I braved it enjoyably. The closet with the extra bathroom supplies was across from the toilet. As I passed the toilet I peaked in, it was filled with a dark brown murky water. I was pretty impressed, a nice dump and a strong odor. Realizing my time was monitored, I opened the closet door, grabbed teh shampoo and headed out. I didn't want to seem suspicious.

That was the only dump I ever saw or smelled of Christine, even though I saw her a bit more after that. I think I caught them in an unexpected moment, fine by me though.

More stories to come.




Post Title (optional) wondering

just a thought do any of you slide a finger up your bum after you have done a poo? just to make sure its all out.


almost back to normal

Almost back to normal after a long spell of diarrhea. One day I started farting a lot, and it was such a relief to be passing matter in any phase other than liquid. Then the next day I passed a small, still pretty soft but coherent turd. That was also a relief.

Still enjoying the stories. Maybe if I feel energetic next time I'll fill out one of the surveys that are going around.


Bad Chinesse

Is it me or does Chinesse food makes people have wet poopie?I ate Chinesse food yesterday on 7-13-12,Since this take a few days to get it posted,that's why the date.Any way I got up that Morning and took a soft and farty crap.Then later I had Chinesse,then a few hours later I was at a store and took a wet crap.


Response to Survey

Hi :) Long time reader, first time poster.
1. How often do you go to the toilet to take a poo?
I go to the toilet to poop at least once per day.

2. How do you refer to taking a poo, if you gotta go?
Going poop, taking a dump

3. After you sit down on the seat, then how much time does it usually take you to get started?
Usually it takes a couple minutes to get my anus relaxed enough to push out the poop.

4. How much time do you usually need between sitting down, and wiping?
Between sitting down and wiping it takes usually about 20 minutes.

5. Do you usually (have to) push, while you're on the toilet?
I have to push very hard while pooping.

6. a. Do you fart during your pooping session? If yes: In which phase do you fart the most?
I fart most often before the poop starts to come out.
b. Are your farts usually dry or wet, on the toilet?
They are very wet and usually messy.

7. Do you ever remain seated, after you're done?
I do, because sometimes it is painful after.

8. How often are you constipated?
(If ever. Skip the next questions if "no")
At least once per week.

9. If you are constipated, how long does it take you to get started, after sitting down?
When I am backed up, it usually takes about half an hour before it starts to come out.

10. If you are constipated, then how long does it take you between sitting down, and wiping?
Roughly an hour

11. Do you fart on the toilet, when constipated? If yes: In which phase do you fart the most?
I fart terribly when I'm constipated, usually before the pooping starts.

12. What was the longest time you ever spent on the toilet, while constipated?
The longest time was 2 hours. Half an hour to start, an hour to push everything out, and half an hour of sitting and clean up.

13. How often do you go to the toilet to try, if you're constipated?
I try every hour or so.

14. How often do you have diarrhea?
(If ever. Skip the next questions if "no")
I have diarrhea a few times per week.

15. If you have diarrhea, how long does it take you to get started, after sitting down?
Usually I start right away.

16. If you have diarrhea, then how long does it take you, between sitting down, and wiping?
Roughly 30 minutes.

17. Do you fart on the toilet, while having diarrhea? If yes: in which phase do you fart the most?
Yes, and the farting usually occur as the diarrhea explodes out.

18. What was the longest time you ever spent on the toilet, while having diarrhea?
An hour, it was tough.

19. How often do you go to the toilet to poop or try, when you've got diarrhea?
I go as soon as I feel like I'm going to have it.

20. What is your favourite pooping position on the potty, while:
a. Having a regular dump.
When I'm passing a regular bowel movement, I like to lean back against the seat and open my legs.
b. Beïng constipated.
Usually squatting on the seat, bending forward.
c. Having diarrhea.
Sitting on the seat with my legs closed.


TOILET TISSUE WIPING SURVEY: answer as much as you want to


1. Do you wipe your bottom every time after peeing or only when pooping and how many times do you wipe on average for each process.

2. Do you tear small, medium or long sheet of toilet tissue on average and do you wipe only 1 time with each sheet or multiple times.

3. Do you use moist and formulated toilet tissue wipes often

4. Have your every lotion, oiled or, sponged your butt off prior to pooping or peeing or even afterwards to get a full clean

5. Do you just wipe with he toilet tissue and split the sheets in half.

6. Have you ever poured a little water in your bum before wiping to get it cleaner.

7. have you ever smelled the toilet tissue before wiping

8. Do you usually wipe the toilet seat down and wipe the inside of the toilet with toilet tissue after use

9. Have you ever inspected the size of the toilet tissue stain left before flushing it down

10. Has the toilet tissue ever tore while wiping or a small amount of poop got on your hand by accident

11. Has there ever been a situation where you has to wipe prior to peeing and pooping and you had pee and poop in the toilet water with the toilet tissue present

12.Have you ever wiped your bum in stall packed with other people and did you they hear you wiping.

13. Do you wipe your bum slowly and thoroughly or wipe fast and rapidly.

14. Have you wiped your under-wear with toilet tissue

15. has there ever been any times when you did not flush down the toilet tissue after wiping or it may have came back up

16. Has there ever been a situation where when flushing down the toilet tissue, it did not go and tore up into many pieces from water.

17. have you ever used the toilet tissue to wipe an area e.g. genital, under-arm, mouth, face, or area other than your bum

18. At your job or workplace, have you ever bought a courtesy roll of toilet tissue and left it in the stall.

19. Does the toilet tissue get the job done usually or only partially and you still feel there is something missed and needs better wipe.

20. Do you get as much toilet tissue as you think you need beforehand or wait until after you are done before getting it?

21. has there ever been a situation where a restroom stall was out of toilet tissue and you had to go really bad or another stall was and the person next to you asked you to pass them some toilet tissue.

22. have you ever heard others wiping in the stall and what did it sound like

23. have you ever anybody talking on the phone while wiping their bum in the restroom or have ever done such

24. when buying toilet tissue, do you usually buy the most expensive brand or get the cheaper and more generic ones.

25. on average, how many rolls of toilet tissue do you use in 1 week at home and estimate equivalent from other sources such as work or public

Brandon T

Comments & stuff

To: Emily C first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like that enema really helped alot and I bet you felt great after finaly being able to go and probaly a little bit lighter as well and probaly refreshed as well and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

To: Observant as always another great story and good luck I look forward to reading about it.

To: Tia thats great it sounds like your feeling pretty great now and as always I look foward to your next post thanks.

To: Tina great story about you helping Helen pee outside I bet she will always be grateful to you and I bet your special to her now and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Desperate To Poop as always another great desperation story it sounds like you really were beyond desperate but at least you made it to the toilet and from the sounds of it you werent the only desperate one and it sounds like it was a pretty good poop and you elt pretty great afterwards and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Ashley first welcome back and as always another great set of stories and your first one it sounds like you and that other girl both had really great dumps and probaly felt pretty great to and great story about your friend Aubrey it sounds like you both had alot of fun in the bathroom and as always I look forward to your next post thanks and god bless.

To: nishita as always another great story it sounds like Anne was a great friend for helping you out with your accident and I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Mrs.Toilet Trooper as always another great story it sounds like you had a pretty interesting poop and pretty one to I would bet after eating all that food I bet it felt great and you probaly felt lighter to and I bet it was fun watching yourself go and as always I look forward to your next post thaks.

To: Heidi first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like you got some great friends and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

To: Shana first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like you had a great poop and gave very good descriptions to and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerly Brandon T

PS. I love this site


taking the recent fart survey

1. Do you usually fart when you pee and do a number number. Is it rare, average, or frequent?

Sometimes, depends what I've eaten before. If I over eat dairy, sometimes their pretty raunchy, I usually wait to pee when I let them go.

2. Do you have an explosive fart at least once a week or month? Is the soft, medium, or loud.

Almost daily, I eat a lot and work out a lot so it's just a natural process to rip some loud ones, usually when I first wake up.

3. Have anybody ever head you fart while in the restroom or have you heard anyone else. any reaction

Yes, I usually laugh. Farts are funny, but as a man I recognize that it is customary to hear other men let them out in the mens room. Status quo.

4. Have you ever been in crowded stall and heard more than one person farting loud at one time? what did they sound like

All different types, the most impressive are the guys that rush into the stalls and let loose. I feel empathy with their relief but it's usually quite loud.

5. Have you ever responded after hearing someone fart in the restroom or someone responded to you

Yes, I usually make a sarcastic comment like "how arrogant". Men in the restroom usually laugh. Guys, I know tend to find pride in it and find it funny. If you cant appreciate a good, loud fart then the simple joys may be escaping you.

6. Have you ever been on the phone or heard someone else on the phone when when in the restroom and a fart occurred and the person heard it. what did they say.

Not really.

7. Have you ever had a continuous streak of farts while using the restroom

Of course, in the mens room is carte blanche to let it go.

8. Have there been a situation where you were in a stall and a person was in the very next stall and you heard fart or they heard you. what did it sounded like

Yes definitely, all different sounds, some bass-y, some air-y, some explosive, all depends.

9. Have there ever been a salutation where you fart in the restroom you did was so stink you had to spray

I never spray for my farts. As I said, customary for men to let it go while peeing or pooping. Men's rooms are pretty uninhibited.

10. Has there been a situation where someone laughed after hearing farting in the stall?

Yes definitely, guilty myself.

11. Has there been a situation where you walked in or was in there when someone else walked in and as soon as they hit the stall, a super loud fart occurred.

Yes. My most vivid memory was about fifteen years ago in a mall restroom, a man, probably 50s ran into the stall and exploded. I assume he made it, after the initial release I said, "O yeah, get some". People chuckled, the guy continued, no shame in it.

12.Has there ever been a situation where farted or heard someone else while washing their hands

Yes, myself included, men will release a chain of farts aka "crop dusting" while at the sinks or any public venue. Definitely something to brag about later. I always love when women fess up to "crop dusting" also. There is something inherently funny about seeing the look on an unsuspecting persons face when they smell a strong fart. Sometimes I think it motivates the smeller to do the same thing. Kind of a funny theory to think your fart motivates someone else to fart in public, amongst people, later.

13. Has there ever been a situation where you were wiping your butt or heard some else wiping theirs and farted during the process

Yes, definitely, almost always.

14. Has there ever been a situation where you had a sudden and unexpected fart

Yes, typically exerting myself in a social situation and then something will happen that calls for sudden exertion and loud fart will escape amongst the commotion. Usually people laugh.

15.Have you ever had an explosive fart that left a scum in the toilet or did not flush all the way down with just 1 flush

Yes, if its accompanied by going to the bathroom.


Replies and a short story

@Brandon : Thanks.

@Mrs Toilet Pooper : Thanks. Yes, my mom's reaction was not very supportive, but I think it's natural. She doesn't hide stuff from family and quite free-spirited. Her angry reaction was just because she cared. In all my later accidents she was very supportive. Also she thinks that it's a problem I suffer from , like IBS, but the doctor confirmed that's not it, as IBS patients suffer from diarrhea bouts. Mine are regular solid motions.

@Kara : No, I'm not of Indian descent, though my name suggests that. I am a regular American from Philadelphia. I was named so, because once on a vacation to India before I was born, my parents met a cute little girl named Nishita there, and they just loved the name (and the cute girl). So they decided to name me Nishita when I was born.

Now to the short story:
This happened at my second job. Four of us (2 boys and 2 girls) were given a project to work on. So we were sitting at one of the guys' desk discussing how to go about it. We had just had lunch. Usually I enjoy lunch and eat heavily. I'm medium built, not fat but I enjoy food. It's only what happens after I enjoy food that's disastrous. So I'd had this heavy lunch, which made me very gassy. Throughout the discussion I was very uncomfortable and was passing a lot of foul smelling gas. My teammates could obviously smell it, but they continued ignoring it. I really had to go, but I didn't know how to excuse myself. So I was sitting there farting real bad, like twice every minute. It was all silent, so I didn't know how the others knew it was me. May be my body language and the fact that was not actively participating in the discussion. After 20 minutes of non-stop gassiness, one of the guys finally mustered up one of the most embarrassing words said to me, "Nishita , we could take a small break if you want". I got uncomfortable and said "No problem, continue with what you were saying". To which he awkwardly replied "No we will take a 10 min break...we think you should use the toilet now". I blushed all red and said ok. I went to the toilet pushed everything out and went back to the meeting. Afterwards it has always been awkward hanging out with those guys.

Have you ever experienced such embarrassment even when you did not have any accident?



to Charlie


Have any of your guy friends ever had to help you get your poop out? Yes
Have you ever used an enema to get your poop out? No
Have you ever had to dig it out? Sometimes but i usually can push is out. i sometimes get a friend to help me dig it out if i have to, though.
how about you?

your name (optionSaraal)

It was huge!

It was huge!

Hi, my name is Sara. I've got a story about my friend Stina that happened a while back. We both go to college in our second year. Stina is beautiful and a calm and friendly person. She pretty timid and proper, and easily embarrassed.

We usually bike to campus together and she had been late to the crossroads where we usually meet up for a few days, but I thought nothing of it. After morning class she wanted to go to "our private bathroom". We call it that. It's a very clean and mostly unused bathroom with stalls in a remote building at the campus. I usually go number two in the morning but woke up so late that day I didn't have time so I was glad she asked. We only had 15 minute break, but I said "sure".

On the way there she complained about stomach ache and hold her hand over her stomach. I asked her if she eat something bad.
- No, just that I haven't been able to use the bathroom for a couple of days, she replied calmly without looking at me.

We took one stall each and both peed. We both stayed seated. I put some toilet paper to dampen the sound. After a few minutes I got my relief and wiped. I could hear Stina vaguely exhaling hard as if she was trying to push quietly. As I washed my hands two other girls came in to fix their hair, etc. Then a long and high pitched fart echoed from the only occupied stall. The girls giggled and made a sarcastic comment. I gave them a cold smile, some people are just like that. As they went out a small fart from Stinas stall made them giggle again. I told Stina I would wait outside. I played some fruit ninja on my iPhone. When she had been there for almost 10 minutes I went in again and told her "we're going to be late". She sighed, flushed, and exited the stall.

After lunch she wanted to pay a visit there again. This time I could definitely hear her strain quietly. I finished quickly as I only need a pee but I got lots of time to practice fruit ninja, lol. She came out after five minutes without a smile on her face.

In the evening we had plan to go to this bar and meet some people. I called her in the afternoon, to make some plans or whatever. She said she wasn't up for it, but that I should go anyway. She would maybe go for a walk and watch some movie on her laptop. I went to the bar and had some wine and had a great time.

The next day I was super tired though and was a few minutes late to the cross roads, but Stina wasn't there either, but she came one minute later. She looked tired too and her hair was a bit messy as if she fixed it really quickly. She usually has her black hair in a very tight pony tail.

We had a coffee with our class mates before morning class to wake up a bit. Stina was sitting with her knees under her chin holding the paper coffee mug with both hands and sipping.

After a few minutes in morning class I started to feel some pressure in my bladder. Probably all that wine. :) Nothing worse than I could comfortably hold it though. Stina was shifting around in her chair and started making faces. After a few more minutes her stomach gurgled loud enough for me who sat beside her to hear and she was now leaning over a bit and pressing on her stomach with both underarms. I leaned over to her ear and whispered "You wanna sneak out to the private bathroom?". She shook her head "no" and packed up her stuff and sneaked out herself even though there was only 10 minutes left.

The guy who sat beside her looked surprised asked were she went. I told him she didn't feel good. If he only know… lol. I texted her if she was OK or needed help or whatever, but she didn't answer. I texted her again after lunch. After the first class after lunch I started to get worried so I tried to call her, but she didn't answer. I decided to skip the last class and biked over to her house.

When she finally opened the door she looked really drowsy but happy
- What are *you* doing here? She smiled.
- I got worried for you, stupid. You didn't answer my texts.
- Oh, sorry.
She looked at her phone and knocked herself on the forehead with her palm.
- I must have fallen asleep…
- How do you feel now? I asked.
- I pooed! She said and laughed and stroked some hair from her face.
I said "great" and couldn't help but laugh myself. I was so unlike her to say something like that, very unexpected.

I realized I had too pee rather urgently and asked if I could use the bathroom. It was when I opened the lid I saw it. It was absolutely huge! I could not believe she had passed that monster. It probably hadn't flushed and she hadn't realized it.
I kid you not, it was wide as a soda can. But it must have soaked up some water and got wider otherwise it must have been some kind of Guinness world record in girth, lol. I peed quickly and flushed. Then I realized that if it didn't flush this I would need to tell her and she would be really embarrassed. But luckily it flushed alright.

I got truly fascinated by this and had too google some… stuff (on chrome incognito mode of course) when I got home, and found this site. :)

Take care


Post Title (optional) wondering

just a thought do any of you slide a finger up your bum after you have done a poo? just to make sure its all out.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

C Eclecia D

A horrible accident when I was on 4th grade

NOTE: I changed the names of my all the characters on the story (so sorry if the names is quite weird) because I don't want to reveal their identity,but I don't change my own name.

I was at a school Year End Party with my friends. It was assembly hall decorating time,when some of my friends were decorating the wall and some are playing. I was standing at the corner admiring my friends' crafts and drawings,when suddenly my friend Deirdra approached me. "Eclecia,let's play Running Race! We must run fast and who could reach the whiteboard there is the winner!" Deirdra invited me to play. Because I loved running,so I joined Deirdra and two other friends running,when suddenly I felt an urge to poop. So,I was holding my &%#? while running. "What's wrong with you Eclecia?" asked Jenny. "Uh,I.. I.. uh.. nothing." I replied. But,when it's the middle of the race,the urge was getting bigger. So,I patted Deirdra's shoulder and pointed to the toilet. But Deirdra didn't understand. So,finally,I used an easier sign language by crossing my legs. Deirdra still didn't understand Jenny and Mara laughed at me. "What's she doing?" asked Yukari. "Why did she act so weird?" Ruisse added. I tried many other sign languages that shows Deirdra I need to go to the toilet,but she always didn't understand. My friend Haagen invited the other boys and girls to watch me. Damn! Until... A soft and mushy thing start running down my legs. I felt very uncomfortable. And a strain of pee ran down through my blue dress to my shoes. "Oh,she soiled herself!" said Haagen. Robin and Ruisse laughed. Until a boy named Liang said,"Eclecia,go and tell Miss Illy!" Miss Illy is my teacher. But,I ran to the toilet and (TO BE CONTINUED,TIME TO DO MY JOB NOW)

Emily C
Hi I'm new to the site. I'm 17 years old, medium weight, 5'6" tall, brown hair, and blue eyes. My story is from being constipated for five days. I tried eating lots of fibre and yogurt but everything I tried just made the feeling worse. I told my friend and she says her sister can give man an enema. I had never had one before and I was pretty scared but my friend said it isn't as bad as you think it will be. So I get the first third of the enema. It felt really weird having water in my belly. It swelled my belly up and I had to let it sit until I was desperate to relieve myself. I could feel my butt aching to let loose so I slowly walk to the toilet. I really had to go luckily I didn't have to pull my shorts and panties down. I sat down and immediately let out water and farts. Then a really big fart came out and a bunch of diarrhea. Then a little more water and farting then a 10 inch log came out. I wiped and flushed and got the second enema. I felt really relieved I had never pooped that much ever. Again I waited and went to the toilet to let everything out. I sat down and a torrent of water, diarrhea and farting rushed out for the next minute. I couldn't believe how much poop you have inside you. I wiped and got my third and final enema. Then I sat on the toilet for the last time. I let out more water and gas but there was still a good amount of diarrhea. It was pretty exhausting pooping that much and I almost passed out on my third trip to the toilet. I felt empty in my belly. It was a very relieving experience that I thought was going to be bad. I'll keep posting here. See you around.

Mrs. Toilet Trooper
To Postman: Thank you for enjoying my posts. I will be sure to do the job of a postman and always deliver. Long as I keep shittin,' I keep submittin.'

Observant Guy

A Short Listen to My Neighbor (Selma Hayek look alike)

Hey everyone,

today while I was on my toilet pooping I heard my neighbor come in and pee. It was a little early in the afternoon about 4pm where I live. She normally doesnt come home until sometime between 530 and 7 pm. Since it was so quiet, I was able to hear her enter, drop her pants pee, wipe and flush. short and crystal clear.

My wife (who works for the same company as my neighbor) is away for a few days on business. I am planning to wake up around 5am and stay in my bathroom until 7am to see if I can truly confirm if my neighbor who looks like Selma Hayek poops in the morning. Wish me Luck!

I went two more times yesterday. I don't know if it was because of the laxative or because I drank two bottles of water. Either way, I still pooped. Both times I went were pretty much the same. They were pretty runny and loose and there was a lot of farts! It was sure nice to get everything emptied out of me!

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