Work Dump
We have the best toilets at work!
For a start the stalls give you complete privacy as there arent any gaps in the door but also the toilets themselves are so low to the floor! let alone always clean.
With the toilets being so close to the floor, it feels like your squatting and I can always seem to get more out when sitting on the pot at work!
This has led me to hold on to dumps till I can get to work, drop my knickers and release my long brown tail ;)
The feeling is just so good I cant accurately describe the relief well enough to do it justice, however, as you can imagine it's caused a few close shaves one of which happened last Tuesday!
I hadn't been for a dump since saturday morning but monday night I could feel things brewing in my stomach after dinner, by bed time I was in need of a desperate poo, but I really wanted to wait till I could get to work and relieve myself there!
I got to bed fine and waking up the next day wasn't too bad but I had a very full feeling in my bum, I got ready very quickly to get to work early and have a good clear out there, but I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth before I left.
Bad choice I had a dire need to unload by this point and when I got into the bathroom I was confronted with the sight of my boyfriend who had just sat down to take a shit!
He had his suit trousers and boxers bunched up round his ankles whilst he started plopping away, whilst brushing my teeth I had to listen and smell this ripe dumb taking place, it was certainly getting me in the mood ;) I decided work can wait seeing my BF go made me uber desperate I was gonna take his place once he finished that was however, till I realised he used the last of the toilet roll.....leaving me heart broken!
I quickly made my excuses and left... taking my car instead of the bus today....I got to work in record time parking up and racing to the ladies I was the only one in there not that I cared!
I pulled down my black tights to my ankles, and sat my round bum down releasing lots of gas, I was really stinking the place out this was soooo needed the first poo moved into position and dropped with a mighty splash the feeling was wonderful :) but it didnt stop there as I continued to drop more big poo's that curled round the bowl, I was having a major session the smell was very raunchy, I was in complete paradise, if not a little sore when I finally finished it took a lot of wiping plus my very moist front so I took an extra few minutes :D
I left felling 3 stone lighter but I had utterly destroyed the toilet a great start to the work day mind you!
Peace out guys my valentines dump is also on its way!!!Jry
Big, solid dumps
Hey there!
To Catherine: Glad you remember me. It's nice to have someone who reads those past posts. I sometimes wonder if some other regular posters from back then still read it and maybe think about posting. I'm thinking about Jaded Jarrod, Stac, Connor and David the Footballer, among others. I also sometimes wonder whether older posters,such as Kendal, Lawn Dogs Kid (Andrew?), Linda GS and Billy & Kevin also sometimes visit this forum, even if they do not post. Some of them might be my age, although the older ones are probably already immersed in their professional paths so they don't have time to come back to this forums and post.
I just wanted to share that I've been having some enjoyable dumps lately. Somehow my shitting schedule changed since last Tuesday or so, and for now I seem to be going to the bathroom in the morning. What bothers me is that I do not go as soon as I wake up, but rather, after a shower. Today's dump can illustrate the process. I woke up, gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom at the end of the hall in my dorms building. I got there, entered a shower stall, and began showering. Before I entered, I was already feeling the familiar fullness in my lower abdomen, but I still didn't feel the need to unload. However, I guess the feeling of warm water while I shower stimulates my bowels, as soon after I finished showering, I felt some pressure in my back end that told me my crap was ready to be unleashed. I got dressed and went to the toilets. This bathroom, when you enter, has the urinals and toilets on one side and the mirrors and sinks on the opposite wall. The showers are in an adjacent room, behind the wall where the toilets and urinals are. Anyway, I went to the toilets and took the end stall. I lowered my pants and boxers all the way to my ankles and relaxed. By this time, others were already using the restroom, but thanks to the noise from the shower and a person peeing any noise I made wouldn't be that noticeable. I started pushing my load out. Now, what I enjoy about this dumps is that they're big, solid, they come out slowly and I just do a moderate effort to push them out. This crap fit that description. I pushed slowly, enjoying the feeling of my crap coming out. As it came out, inch by inch, the fullness feeling and pressure gave way to an emptiness feeling. Finally, after about 30 seconds, it dropped to the water with a prolonged plooop. I sighed in relief. I still had more to go, so I pushed the rest two logs out, but they were smaller in size and just a bit softer. All in all, however, these craps are fantastic, as the feeling of fullness and the subsequent relief is very specific to these kind of craps. The only thing I do not like is that they come right after showering. Fortunately, because they are big and solid, I wipe 3 times at the most until I get the paper clean. I did so this time and then got up and looked at what I had produced. There were 3 logs, the biggest one about 12 inches long and pretty solid, but smooth. The other 2 were about half its size and were also solid and smooth. I flushed the toilet and came out of the stall, washed my hands and went back to my room.
Something I thought would be more common, and it is not quite that common among the guys in my dorm building (or perhaps it has to do with the time of the day) is that I thought many more people would be shitting in the morning. This last week I've seen at the most 2 other stalls occupied, but most times I have been the only one taking a shit at that time of the day. I've found more guys shitting at night, but not so many in the moring. Just something I found interestinng.
Great posts! Keep posting!
A: What is your gender?
I am a girl.
B: What is your age?
C: Describe your body. (And looks, if you like..)
around 5foot 5". toned body. white skin. Blonde hair. Blue eyes.
1. How often do you go to the toilet to take a poo?
once every couple of days.
2. How do you refer to taking a poo, if you gotta go?
depends on who Im with. If im with my friends ill say "im off to the ladies" or "im going to the loo" the only person I will tell directly that im "going for a poo" is my little brother.
3. After you sit down on the seat, then how much time does it usually take you to get started?
a few seconds usually
4. How much time do you usually need between sitting down, and wiping?
it depends on how much I need it or how big a poo it is.
5. Do you usually (have to) push, while you're on the toilet?
No not really.
6. a. Do you fart during your pooping session? If yes: In which phase do you fart the most?
Yeah I do farts while I poo. they generally come out right after I have pushed a bit of poo out before the next one comes along.
b. Are your farts usually dry or wet, on the toilet?
Wet definitely. I think if I did a mid-poo fart while fully clothed, I would have to change my underwear.
7. Do you ever remain seated, after you're done?
yeah, I sit there and play games on my phone before I have to wipe.
8. How often are you constipated?
(If ever. Skip the next questions if "no")
very rarely
9. If you are constipated, how long does it take you to get started, after sitting down?
10 minutes maybe
10. If you are constipated, then how long does it take you between sitting down, and wiping?
15 minutes
11. Do you fart on the toilet, when constipated? If yes: In which phase do you fart the most?
I do a lot of farts when im constipated. I do most of them as im trying to push the poo out in the first place
12. What was the longest time you ever spent on the toilet, while constipated?
not sure
13. How often do you go to the toilet to try, if you're constipated?
every time I do a big fart I go
14. How often do you have diarrhea?
(If ever. Skip the next questions if "no")
im quite prone to a little diarrhea so once every 2 months probably
15. If you have diarrhea, how long does it take you to get started, after sitting down?
as soon as my bum touches the pan
16. If you have diarrhea, then how long does it take you, between sitting down, and wiping?
quite long. just when you think its all out, another bout comes along so about 20 mins.
17. Do you fart on the toilet, while having diarrhea? If yes: in which phase do you fart the most?
its got to be the big watery ones that sprays poo all around the bowl haha
18. What was the longest time you ever spent on the toilet, while having diarrhea?
40 minutes
19. How often do you go to the toilet to poop or try, when you've got diarrhea?
just whenever I get that heavy feeling in your stomach. or if I do a fart which feels tangy.
20. What is your favourite pooping position on the potty, while:
a. Having a regular dump.
sitting on the loo. feet evenly apart. knees open. garments at knees. Arms folded and resting on my lap
b. Beïng constipated.
when im constipated I sit with my legs closed for comfort seeing as im usually there for a while
c. Having diarrhea.
I sit the same way as I do for a regular poo but I hunch over a bit more to hold my stomach. sometimes during diarreah I pull my garments to my ankles.
bye xJemma
huge loud ploppy poo at the pub
Firstly thanks to those who gave me shoutouts for liking my stories lol I'm glad you do :)
Me & hubby went to pub & I needed a poo, I left our table & went to the ladies,
2 cubicles taken & a lady waiting for her friend (in one of the cubicles I assume)
I took the third. Locking door I pull my jeans down to my ankles and spread my legs.
Immediately & extremely loudly PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP, I sighed initial relief whilst my next wave of plops made their way out.... thinking oh god how loud! But hey, we all poo!!
PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP I let out another sigh of relief. My poo smelling bad & A woman coughing in the background. Then finally my last 3 fell with a thud on top of my previous plops.
I wiped my messy bum 5 times & flushed. Leaving skids.
I washed my hands & left, getting the next round of drinks for hubby & I.
More soon!
J x
To Miss D and others regarding Diarrhea
Miss D,
I posted the other day that I had a little bug the day after the Super Bowl. I usually get a stomach bug that will give my diarrhea at least once a year. Sometimes it lasts a day or two and I had one recently that lasted an entire week! No vomiting, just diarrhea.
Which brings me to this observation: no one will share, unless they have to, that they have diarrhea! I am the same way. If it was not for this forum, I would not share about having diarrhea!
We will share that we have fevers, that we have vomited, that we have mucus from sinus infections or the flu. However, diarrhea is the one symptom that we are embarrassed to share when we are sick.
Why is that???Yan
#COLIN: sounds like my stories from school. I am 12 in 7th grade. I had older boys look after me in the school toilet. Now, I do the same.Jasmin K
Questions re pooing
Good to read that you enjoy pooping - do you mind if I ask a question about your pooping.
Having read your survey answers I was left wondering if you have a regular time for pooping each day where you go and sit on the toilet pushing to have a poop even when you dont feel that full feeling or do you just wait untill you feel full and need to have a poop?
Jas K
Miss D
To Catherine; about Diarrhoea
Hi Catherine,
thanks for your post. I know what you mean! Most symptoms we will readily share but we prefer to keep our toilet troubles to ourselves. I guess this is because we become embarrassed enough saying that we need a poo.. if people know we're trying to hold in a really runny urgent one, it's even more embarrassing.
Some people are more open about it than others, but normally when you feel those tell tale rumbles in your ???? that mean you think you're about to get diarrhoea, you just remove yourself to the nearest toilet to deal with your problem.
If you had like a sore throat you would tell people and they might give you cough sweets etc. I guess 'ive got a sore throat' is more common than saying 'i have diarrhoea'. This is probably why we have so many ways of referring to having it:
Normally people talk about how their ???? is feeling;
"I've got a bit of an iffy stomach"
"My stomach is feeling a bit dodgy today"
"I've got a stomach ache/upset"
"I've got a stomach bug"
"My stomach is bubbling"
Sometimes with people we know better, we might say:
"Ive got a really bad stomach"
"I think Im going to have the runs!"
"I think I might be suffering a bit of upset ????"
"My stomach's not right..I need to nip to the bathroom"
But we always avoid saying the word 'diarrhoea'.
We would make life so much easier for ourselves just talking about our bowel problems as we wouldn't have to sit and squirm in agony because we're too embarrassed to say we urgently need the toilet. On the occasions I have told the people I was with that I was suffering diarrhoea, they were really nice about it and it was much easier for me to go to the toilet whenever I needed it, instead of trying to hold it all in.
I have worked with kids in the past, aged about 15/16 through a sports programme and I remember a few kids being sent to me (as a first aider), because they were unwell. I remember one lad in particular, I asked him what was wrong and he said he was feeling sick. I established this wasn't what was wrong with him, so I kept asking but he wouldnt tell me.
Eventually I saw him fidgeting massively so I just went up and quietly asked him if he had an upset stomach. He slowly nodded and held his guts. I asked him gently if he needed to use the toilet. He looked mortified but he said yes, he really did. So I sent him to the bathroom, he came back over twenty mins later looking so relieved! He had to go another three times over that session though.
But he felt much better once he'd told me and he could just go to the toilet when diarrhoea was about to come out of him. He actually turned out to have dysentery as he'd just been on a family holiday abroad and they all had it.
I ended up catching his dysentery and spent several days with my bum firing liquid poo into my toilet. That was a miserable few days! I get diarrhoea lot though.. I pick up a lot of stomach bugs and a lot of foods irritate my stomach, so I'm used to having to make a dash to the toilet.
Sometimes I just have to tell people else I won't be able to hold it in long enough to sit on the toilet!
Sharing the restroom
I have been reading a lot of stories and experiences on this site and find them very interesting. Now I would like to share an experience with you all. My name is Nicholas and I'm a senior in high school. I've been dating this girl Maria for about two and half months. She's also a senior about 5 foot one Hispanic and very petite. We have never seen each other go to the bathroom before so this was a first. To start off, over our holiday break we decided that we were going to go hiking at a national park. We spent the day hiking, had lunch, and hiked back to the car. It was a fantastic day. We were driving home and all of the water, Gatorade and energy drinks were catching up to us. We both were fidgeting around and looked at each other and at the same time said do you need to pee? I told her that will look for the next rest stop or gas station which ever came up first. We were coming from Big Bend and there aren't very many rest stops are restrooms along way as this wasn't in interstate. We kept driving and the urge for both of us was really reaching a breaking point. Told her we may need to pull over on the side of the road but will give it another 5 or 10 minutes. A few minutes later we saw sign for a rest stop. We both smiled knowing just a few more miles and we can relieve ourselves. I was really feeling it and I was on the verge of wetting and I asked Maria how she was and she told me it's going to be a photo finish. We pulled in we got to the restroom and it was one of those family-style restrooms that had the toilet and urinal all in one room it wasn't a men's or ladies room. So I stood there at the door Maria went to start is in as I was going to let her go first when she said: "aren't you coming too? You're about to have an accident" it really took me by surprise as I thought she wanted privacy but I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity. I closed and locked the door and one swipe I unzipped and started to pee. To my surprise Maria pulled down her yoga pants and underwear to her ankles. She stood facing the toilet and leaned forward holding her hand to the wall. She stood on her tippy toes and began to pee very loudly into the bowl. I couldn't help not to look as I never saw a girl pee like that. Maria just smiled and I was so embarrassed I said I'm sorry I just thought girls did their business sitting down on the toilet. She said that public toilets are very nasty some girls will put a bunch of toilet paper or hover over the bowl but you still end up touching or your underwear touch the toilet and pee splatters everywhere. She said one day she was in the shower and had to pee she found that if she just leaned forward the pee would fall straight down in front of her and not run down her legs. I must've looked pretty funny with my mouth hanging wide open because I had a birds eye view of everything she was pretty much bottomless standing there with their pants around her ankles on her tippy toes. I finally stopped peeing but still stood there I heard Maria's stream trickling down as well she did this little wiggle and pulled up her pants and panties. We finished up water hands and got back in the car. I asked her do you always go to the bathroom standing in front of the toilet? Maria smiled and she said no silly, I do sit down at home or at my grandmother's house but if I use a strange toilet I will urinate standing up in front of the toilet. I do have to be careful if I don't lean forward far enough or stand tippy toed the pee will run down my legs and make a total mess. Since then we have not been embarrassed to relieve ourselves in front of each other. Yesterday I had another opportunity to pee together with Maria. We were bike riding on some trails when she told me she needed to tinkle. We pushed the bikes off the trail and walked up to a little wooded secluded area where she dropped her biker pants and thong right to her ankles and took her familiar stance on her tippy toes leaning forward facing up against a tree. I do have a question to the ladies who contribute to this board is Maria the only girl who relieves herself in this position or is it quite common for the ladies to do this? Thanks for allowing me to share my experiences.
Additional info on hovering or squatting
For Bill F. & Tinfoil Hat:
I'm not that good of a writer and probably didn't describe that well what Wilmina does. Standing on the bowl rim in a squat would be dangerous and I would think she could lose her balance and fall. She doesn't do that! What she does is she goes into a stall, pulls down her jeans and undees to below her knee level, but instead of sitting down on the seat, with her feet on the floor, she spreads her legs, lowers herself to near seat level, and poos and pees without actually sitting down. Is it best called a squat or hover? I don't know. When I see some of the urine which she splashes on the seat, I've told her if would be best to lift the seat before starting to relieve herself, but she said her mom doesn't want her to touch it and something about how the seat being down would prevent her from falling into the toilet. At first, I had to hold back my laughter when I heard that because myself and all the other children I babysit just sit on the toilet the normal way. I'm concerned about the mess she's leaving for the next user who will want to sit down. This is especially true about the very front of the seat because she has trouble with her balance and keeping her aim on target. Why she's not flushing I don't understand either.Rob
Kids in the car
I was stuck in traffic today. an hour commute took 4 hours with the snow. There was no way to pull off the road or even change lanes. What do people with kids do when they are stuck in the car with kids that have to pee or poop?
what comes in will come out
My Saturday poop day today, went out shopping with my step mother, looking for swim suits and summer outfits, so I start feeling the Valentine's day poop knocking, so I told her what was up, walked over the ladies, coming out the men's was the quarterback, so we chatting it up though my urger got really pressing start wimppring he notice and said sorry he, so he said he wait for me, so gave him a quick hug, enter the restroom, pretty busy in there, so I end up taking the end stall, closed the door drop my skirt and panties around my ankles and place my butt down, start farting some, rubbing my stomach, kinda didn't eat my usual health eating lastnight, so I began to moan, rocking back in forth gave a good push, it flew out hurted abit, poop out some more, than my closed, but then, it open up wide and stretched, grabbed hold of the seat raised up a bit then start grunting, then it emerging slowly start pushing and breathing hard, it finally fell, so I sat back down sat little longer to catch my breath, end up wipping, flush, went wash my hands, exited greeted by the quarterback, he said it's okay I believe we belong together, so end up holding hands walking around, so end up getting some new clothing and swimsuit, but end up going into the changing room without being notice,
jessica (az)
after lunch at school, i had to poop. when i entered the bathroom there was three stalls. someone was there already, in the left stall with her pants on her knees. i took the stall adjacent to her, because the other stall towards the right had no door.i pulled my shorts down to my flip-flops and sat on the toilet. as i was sitting on the toilet i heard her strain a bit and saw her place on foot on the other and heard her poop 3 times in a row. she sighed and she reached over for toilet paper, but i heard the sound of 'kerchink'. she made an angry sigh and started talking to me. she told me if i had any toilet paper. i handed her some and she wiped, got up and left, but there was no flush. once she left i started pooping. i was pooping a long one and in the middle of it i heard the sound of flips-flops smacking this way to the stall adjacent to me that the girl earlier was in. I heard the girl get angry, she cursed and ran to the other stall adjacent to me, the one with no door. i figured that the girl earlier was afraid that the toilet would clog. the poop broke off and made a loud plop and on the other hand the girl next to had her pants down to her flip-flops, like me, and started strain roughly. next i started pooping a big piece of poop and i strained a little to release into the toilet. i knew i had more, but i had to wait little for it to come. as i was waiting the girl adjacent to me started farting and splashing poop, it smelt nasty. finally i had the urge again and i poop little pebbles. once i was done i heard a sigh from the girl, then an oh no from her and she started straining again. i got up, wipe, and flushed. as i was exiting the stall i went to the sink to wash my hand and i looked at the mirror to notice , the girl was beautiful. she was leaning forward with her eyes closed and her feet moving inward towards the toilet. when i was done washing my hands she made a loud plop into the toilet and sighed and opened her eyes, to only see me and blushed. i told her what did she eat and she told me that the school pizza didn't agree with her stomach. i heard he stomach growl and i left to give her private time.SC
One morning I woke up to go to work. My girlfriend at the time Dom was very poop shy and had not woken up yet. As I was in my laundry room, which went through my bathroom and had one door she came scurrying in. Are you still here? I did not answer her as I planned to scare her. She released a long wet fart after she got no answer. She was a tan girl with a nice booty. She had never farted before and said, "I could never drop a bomb like that around him. She continued to release bubbly farts and she seemed very relieved after each one. "I had been holding these in for so long." 'Oh my god those bean burritos." With more and more farts she decided to pull down her panties and let out more farts. Her tan butt rumbled with the force of the farts. Her stomach rumbled and she rushed to the toilet. Massive wet farts came out into the toilet as she released a huge was of soft poop complemented by gas. It smelt terrible and she knew it. She thought she was done but then another wave of diarrhea came out. This happened about three more times before she desperately searched for Toilet paper only to end up using her sock. She also tried to flush the toilet numerously but it was clogged and she took 10 mins to unclog it.
Questions , I wanna talk to people and make connections
Hey my name Is Julie, I'm Asian and live in Canada
Does eating Fast food makes your ???? upset?
How often you drink water a day?
How many times you poop a week?
What's doess make you gassy the most?
Do you like taking a dump at a public place?
How long could you hold poop/pee?
Have you ever had the runs at work ?
I wanna get to know my family :)Joyce
Old survey.
Hi, I'm Joyce, 13 years old, and I think this site is awesome.
I like pooping very much.
And I found this survey on page 2200.
A: What is your gender?
I am a girl.
B: What is your age?
I am 13 years old.
C: Describe your body. (And looks, if you like..)
I'm skinny, brunette, 5.3ft, straight long brown hair.
1. How often do you go to the toilet to take a poo?
3 to 4 times a day. :-)
2. How do you refer to taking a poo, if you gotta go?
I need a poo.
3. After you sit down on the seat, then how much time does it usually take you to get started?
About 5 to 10 minutes.
4. How much time do you usually need between sitting down, and wiping?
About 10 to 15 minutes.
5. Do you usually (have to) push, while you're on the toilet?
I first relax and wait for things to move.
Then after a few minutes I start to push,
6. a. Do you fart during your pooping session? If yes: In which phase do you fart the most?
Yes, mostly before pooping.
b. Are your farts usually dry or wet, on the toilet?
They begin dry, and become wet when my poo is about to get out.
7. Do you ever remain seated, after you're done?
Yes, Always. To be sure I'm empty, and because I like the feeling of pushing after pooping. Feels different than before pooping.
8. How often are you constipated?
(If ever. Skip the next questions if "no")
Not much.
9. If you are constipated, how long does it take you to get started, after sitting down?
20 to 30 minnutes.
10. If you are constipated, then how long does it take you between sitting down, and wiping?
Up to an hour.
11. Do you fart on the toilet, when constipated? If yes: In which phase do you fart the most?
All the time, before, and in between pooping.
12. What was the longest time you ever spent on the toilet, while constipated?
About an hour.
13. How often do you go to the toilet to try, if you're constipated?
If nothing comes out after about 30 minutes, I'll give up and try again a hour later.
14. How often do you have diarrhea?
(If ever. Skip the next questions if "no")
About 2 times a week.
15. If you have diarrhea, how long does it take you to get started, after sitting down?
About 1 to 10 minutes.
16. If you have diarrhea, then how long does it take you, between sitting down, and wiping?
Can be up to 30 minutes, if small squirts keep coming.
17. Do you fart on the toilet, while having diarrhea? If yes: in which phase do you fart the most?
All the time. Usually I poop and fart at the same time when I have diarrhea.
18. What was the longest time you ever spent on the toilet, while having diarrhea?
I think about 45 minutes. Not sure.
19. How often do you go to the toilet to poop or try, when you've got diarrhea?
About every 10 to 15 minutes, when I'm at home.
If I have diarrhea, I feel like I have to poop all the time, but when I go to the toilet, nothing comes out, except my butthole itself for a little bit.
And sometimes later, something does come out.
20. What is your favourite pooping position on the potty, while:
a. Having a regular dump.
Sitting with my legs a bit apart, bent forward a little.
b. Beïng constipated.
c. Having diarrhea.
Sitting with my legs wide apart, pooping or just pushing.
Thank you, bye! XXX