Jeans WRECKED in accident at school today!
Hey everyone, it's Breanna, and I'm 12 for anyone who's curious. So, today, at school, I was walking down the hallway to 8th period, when my big lunch began to backfire on me. I got the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. But the bathroom was on the other side of the school, and I only had about 30 seconds to get to class. So, I booked it to class, and tried really hard to hold the urge back. Then, a few minutes into class, fire drill! We had to go line up outside. Once we were standing still in our lines, I felt as if I was going to explode if I held it any longer, and simultaneously peed and pooped my pants. The poop made a fairly sized bulge in my jeans, and the pee made a big wet spot soaking my jeans, clearly visible just like the poop bulge. Luckily I was standing at the back of the line for our class, and no one noticed. As soon as the drill was over, I half walked, half waddled back inside, told my teacher where I was going, and made a beeline to the bathroom. There, I found how bad the accident was. My underwear was practically full of poop, and completely soaked through. I emptied the poop into the toilet and cleaned up, and when I got back to class, I heard a few boys whisper something along the lines of "Seems like Miss Popular should be known as Ms. Poop-ular from now on!", but one quick glance from me shut their mouths. I sat back in my seat. My jeans were completely wrecked from the accident. When I got home, it was quite awkward explaining what happened at school today to my mom, seeing as I'm only 12! Anyways, I hope I don't hear anything from my friends about the accident tomorrow, since it seems like some of my classmates have been talking almost nonstop about it on Instagram tonight. Thanks for reading, Breanna out.
Today I went to the gym first thing in the morning. Before I left, I drank some coffee at my house and also had a quick pee, but I couldn't go number two, even though I felt quite full in my rear end. At the gym, I ran on the treadmill for quite a while and about halfway through I started to get some small cramps. When I was done they had gotten worse and I knew I had to visit the bathroom to do both things. I beelined through the locker room and just about noticed another girl from my class, Carla, who was changing. I quickly said hi and then went straight to the bathroom. In front of me, two other girls entered. One was a tall blonde girl of about my age wearing a green top and grey sweatpants and the other was a brunette who was maybe around 30 or so, wearing a black top and black yoga pants. Luckily all stalls were empty. The blonde girl took the right one and the brunette the left stall, leaving the middle one for me. The bathroom smelled really fresh, and my cubicle looked totally clean, like I was the first one using it today.
I quickly pulled down my black yoga pants and black string and then sat down on the toilet. I could hear the bums of the other girls hitting their seats as well and then we all started peeing pretty much at the same time. I had a little fart and the brunette blasted a much louder wet fart into the bowl of her toilet. When I was done peeing, I took out my phone, leaned forward, started to text my girlfriend and pushed. Both my neighbours were done peeing and totally silent at first. My first poo felt pretty big, it stretched my hole a bit and came out really slowly. While I was still pushing, I heard a quick series of smaller plops from the blonde girl followed by a small sigh. Finally, my first turd dropped from my bottom with a big splash. After another half minute or so, there was another plop from the blonde girl and then a wet fart from the brunette and the sound of poo crackling out of her bum. There was no splash or anything. I also had some more poo coming out and by now there was a very bad smell in the room. With all three of us pooping, we were really stinking up the bathroom. My cubicle was definitely bad. After a little while, my second turd dropped off followed by a third one right away. I could hear the blonde letting out another poo and more farts and crackling sounds from the brunette girl. Finally I felt all empty and I started to wipe. I did my front and then my bumhole, using five sheets or so. The blonde girl was also wiping and we both flushed our toilets and left at the same time. We smiled at each other at the sink, but I think both of us felt a bit awkward, having just done big poos.
As we were washing our hands, Carla came into the bathroom. The smell was so bad, and I was really glad that the brunette was still on the toilet in her cubicle. She even let out another fart, making it seem like she was responsible for the stink alone, even though all three of us had pooped. In my mind I was seeing myself giving the blonde girl a high five for getting out of this situation easily. I smiled at Carla and went back to the locker room to pick up my stuff for a shower. All empty and clean, I felt much better leaving the gym for class. That is all for today.Anna from Austria
To the other Anna
@Anna Glad you liked my story. Your latest story was also very cool.
Yeah, that was an big emergency. Julia was quite close, but I think she was watching in the other direction. At least I hope so.
I was only focused on my poo and not an her. I am not used squatting for a longer period, so it was quite exhausting and I had to pay my full attention on my squatting.
And yes I eat the chestnuts. Have already eaten some of them and they were really ????.
@Becky Thanks. I felt a lot better after my poop in the woods. By the way your I liked your story.
Steve A
J.A.G.'s Survey, Bathroom Talk On The Bus, My Survey
1. How many times do you fart per day? (If you're not sure, give a rough estimate)
I never count, it all depends on what I eat that day and how it affects my body.
2. What foods and/or drinks give you a lot of wind (ie. noticeably more than usual)? Beans, Spaghetti, Bear Creek Soup (Cheddar Potato) and maybe any other soup flavors from this company that I didn't try yet, Fiber One Bars. There might be more, but these are the main ones.
3. What foods and/or drinks give you the worst-smelling wind?
Bear Creek Soup (Cheddar Potato) and maybe a couple other foods.
4. Do you enjoy farting or is it a neutral area or something that you are completely disgusted by? I enjoy it, I don't think it's disgusting at all, it's just a natural thing that our body does. Surprisingly, I feel more comfortable farting around girls than guys, but I can still fart around both.
5. Is the above question dependent on whether it was you who did it or someone else? I don't get bothered if anyone farts around me. Just don't do it too close to me or everyone else.
6. Are you very sensitive about farting around other people? If so, why? If not, why? I'm not sensitive at all farting around guys or girls.
7. Do you know anybody who seems to stand out because they fart a lot? If so, have you ever let them know how you feel about it? No, I wouldn't tell them if I ever witness someone doing it. I think it would be embarrassing for them if I told/confronted them about it. I also think it's interesting if you can fart a lot without eating any foods that make you fart.
Story From The Bus:
Today on my way home from school, a conversation came up while me and the other guys were talking. We were sitting in the back of the bus and it was me and like 9 other guys. One guy said that if he and 5 of his other friends each pooped in one stall without flushing during one class period, then it would definitely clog the toilet. It was interesting that something like that came up in conversation, but anything can come up while your talking with somebody or with a group of people. I don't know if he was just saying that or that if him and his friends actually will go through with the plan. I'll post again if anything happens with that bathroom plan.
My Survey:
1. From my bathroom plan story above, have you ever experienced something like that before? If not, do you think they can pull it off?
2. How strong is the flushing in your school bathrooms?
3. Did you ever get interrupted while you were on the toilet?
4. What was the shortest time you ever pooped?
5. What was the longest time you ever pooped?
6. What was your longest: pee, poop, and fart? Timed?Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Bianca great story it sounds like that bug got you bug but at least not majorly and I look forward to your next post thanks.
To: Becky great story about you and your sister it sounds like you both had great poops and I bet you both felt great afterwards and I look forward to your next post thanks.
To: Mystery Poster great story it sounds like you and your friends had great poops outside.
To: Anna great story it sounds like you were pretty desperate and I bet you felt good afterwards and I look forward to your next post thanks.
To: Mina great story.
To: Emma great pooping story.
To: Emma first welcome to the site and great accident story it sounds like you were really desperate and great story about your poop at the mall and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.
To: Ally first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like you were really desperate for that poop and just made it to the toilet in time and I bet you felt pretty good afterwards and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.
To: Anna From Austria great story about your first outdoor poop.
To: Samantha (Sam) first welcome to the site and it sounds like you were beyond desperate and luckily didnt have an accident and your friend handled the situation well and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.
Well thatd all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteBianca
Disposable Undergarments
I'd like to tell of an experience of wearing disposable panties. I used a few while on the rag, because I'd ran out of the usual protection. This was a sample pack of undergarments that get delivered to older people (Mom is in her 50s). I think they get sent out so women can try them out just incase they develop bladder problems later. That's my guess anyway. For me, using the disposable underwear was a great experience, and I've decided that if I get pee leakage as an elderly adult, needing the protection won't be a biggie. The sample disposable panties felt like wearing a normal pair of underwear to me. I believe this design is to make women feel more comfortable with bladder leakage, and less embarrassed. The best news is that the sample panties didn't sound like a diaper at all.Siford
Peeing in the urinals
At my high school where I'm a sophomore, nothing much has changed since last year when early in the semester I just gave up trying to have a normal pee in the urinals. The restrooms are much too crowded and with no sides around the bowls of the urinals, its quite easy for those on your left and right to see what junk you pull out. Sometimes I've had about a minute trying to get my stream going, when an older student bumps me aside and takes my place. Once, I only had like two minutes to go between classes, so I quickly took a stall (it was one without a door and the only one not in use) and I quickly took a seat. I pulled down my jeans and briefs and with my right hand I pointed my organ into the stool. It was so frustrating to sit for like 20 seconds with others watching me trying to get my stream going, but not being able to. I shook my organ a couple of times and a few drops of pee hit the water, but just as my pee stream was broadening and I was getting a little hopeful, the warning bell rang and I knew I had to cut off my pee, pull up my clothing, and make a run for science class. Forcing my pee to immediately stop hurt me considerably, but I had no choice but to continue to hold it in. Luckily I got to science class just as the bell rang.
However it wasn't over yet. As I walked back from the front of my row to my desk, a really pretty girl sitting second from the front looked me right in the eye and asked "Siford, have you become an exhibitionist?" That caught me by surprise, but just as I dove into my seat and several of the girls were still laughing, it occurred to me to look down and when I did, I found I had not zipped up and that some of my white underwear was readily showing. Of course, our teacher who doesn't have much control of the class anyway wasn't in the room yet, so some of the talk about me continued on. About halfway through the class when we were starting to do some lab work, I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. There was a little snickering, but our teacher made some semi-sarcastic remark about getting back on task. I walked fast to the end of the hall and the bathroom. Once I turned into the entrance, I passed 2 of the 9 doorless stalls where guys were contently shitting away. Each had his underwear down to the floor and they didn't seem to be phased by me seeing them. I walked all the way down the line of urinals to the first one, unzipped and took out my organ, and surprisingly, my piss started with surprising ease. My stream was still strong at about 1 minute. Shortly afterwards, I shook my organ, put it away, looked down and twice checked that my zipper was up. Then I went to the sink to wash my hands. That was a mistake. The water blasted out like there was no control on the faucet and my arms and hands, as well as my jeans, got drenched. I took me 2 to 3 minutes and quiet a few paper hand towels to even begin to dry my jeans. Since my jeans were light blue, there were 3 or 4 large blotches of water over them right at the crotch area. I knew what that could mean if the girls sitting around me were to see it, so I went into a stall, took off my jeans with the intent of using a blow-drier on them. The problem was that the blow-drier that had been in that bathroom last year had been taken off the wall. The bolts were still in the wall.
Just as I was thinking about what to do next, the dismissal bell rang and I was free. I waited for like 2 minutes of passing period to go by before I went into the classroom to get my bookbag from my desk. Luckily our teacher had left the room. And she didn't ask me the next day why I hadn't come back. On that account, I had finally lucked out on something.
Response to TIana's questions
1. Did you usually put toilet paper down on the seat at school?
Yes I do if I can and not just at school any public toilet.
2. Did Jamie usually cover the seat before sitting down at school?
Yes she did just like me
3. Did you ever leave a bathroom without using it because the toilets were to dirty?
Yes I have but only when I needed to pee though when I need to poop I try my best to just hover.
4. Did you ever use toilets at places that had the ass-gaskets? Did you use them?
Yes I have i love using them more than tp.
And thank you for the compliment on my story! Yours was great also!
Now to my story!
Last year For my little brothers 15th birthday I bought two tickets for him and me to go to a Toronto Maple Leafs game. It was a little bit of a drive to get there so on the way we stopped to get dinner. He got a burger and I just got a Cesar salad. After we were done I needed to pee and so did he so we both went to the bathroom. I went into the first stall and a had a pretty long pee. I met my brother back at the car and we headed out again. We got to arena and got our seats. We were right behind the players benches which was pretty neat. I was just as excited for this as my brother was because I love hockey in fact I use to play hockey.
The 1st period was great. We got on the kiss cam which was pretty weird that they thought we were a couple so I just gave him a kiss on the cheek and he was a bit embarrassed lol. Then the 1st intermission hit. I got the feeling that I need to poop. So I told my little brother that I was going to the bathroom and he said he needed to go as well. We headed to the bathroom when we got there there was a huge line. I could hold it so I took my place in line. I finally reached the inside of the bathroom. There was quite a bit of stalls. Then I started to feel more of a need to have relief. The line began to move slower, I presume most people were pooping right now. I finally reached a stall. I quickly hung my purse on the door, unbuttoned my skinny jeans pulled them down to my shins and pulled down my thong and ripped some tp and placed all of it on the seat I almost pooped standing up well placing down the tp. I sat down with relief and let out a loud sharp fart that hurt a little which was a embarrassing. I pushed out A long hard log. It felt so good! I then let out some more mushier poop which was sooo relieving. I had a few more big farts And just sat there relaxing letting my last log fall out slowly until it plopped Down to the water. I was finally done. I started to wipe, it was kinda messy so it took a few wipes. I pulled my thong and skinny jeans up and flushed. I washed my hands and walked quickly back to our seats. My brother was sitting all alone. I said sorry for taking so long! He just giggled and said it was ok.sally
Mall Experience
I was out at the mall doing some shopping and felt that familiar feeling in my belly. I headed off to the food court to find the toilets. A corridor leading away from the main area lead to the entrance and as I walked along I could feel the pressure start to build in my bum. As I entered the layout was toilets to the right 5 stalls wash basins with mirrors above to the left. Three stalls were occupied the two ends and one in the middle leaving no choice by to take a stall next to someone. I went in to the second from the last one checked the paper supply and latched the door. I slipped my jeans and panties down and sat down. The seat was plastic but still felt cold to sit on. I listened to see if I could hear anything from the other women but all were silent, they were either waiting for someone to break the ice or sitting listening. My bum was feeling really full and there was no way I could hold it back so I relaxed and felt the first piece slowly start to open my bum hole. I could hear it crackle and any of the other women who were sitting in silence listening could have heard it also. The poo was firm and felt like pebbles all joined together my bum hole pulsed around each one as it inched out. It crackled as is inched out also slowly growing longer until the exposed weight caused it to break off and drop into the toilet with a plop, leaving the tail still holding my bum hole open. I pushed slightly and the tail slowly slipped out. It felt smoother than the first part and plopped into the water. I rested for a moment as the next piece moved down inside me. I listened but still heard nothing from the other women. I looked at the stall walls left then right reading the graffiti scratched into the paint work. I also noticed the stall walls didn't meet the rear wall and were held on with clips leaving a 2inch gap. I leaned back and caught a glimpse into the other stalls both women were also leaning back looking. A brunette to the left in the middle stall and a red head to the right both looked to be in their 20's both looking into my stall watching me poo. I giggled to myself and thought I will give them a show. My second poo was ready, so I shuffled forward on the seat and leaned as far forward as I could so they would be able to clearly see my bum hole. I pushed slightly and there was a crackle as my poo opened my bum hole and started inching out. I heard a muffled yes from one of the watchers who was clearly enjoying the show. My poo inched out more and more. It was nice and smooth. It felt good coming out, it wasn't hurting but definitely had my bum hole open wide. It inched out until the weight of it once again caused it to break off and leave its tail inching out. It tapered off but I kept my bum hole open for a little while after the end dropped into the water and heard a wow from one of my watchers. I relaxed and could feel more moving down, The poo slowly opened my bum hole again and another smooth piece started to inch out. Again I heard a muffled yees from the watchers. My poo crackled and inched out until the weight of it caused it to break and drop into the water, the tail kept on inching out and tapered off and dropped. It felt good coming out and after it dropped I felt like there was no more left in me. I then did a short wee and felt like I was done. I reached for the paper ,rolled some off and wiped my bum hole, it wasn't too bad, I folded the paper over and wiped again and the paper was clean. I rolled off some more and wiped my pussy. I found if I sit with my legs apart my wee comes out clean but if I sit with them closed it tends to run down my bum cheeks and make a mess. I dropped the paper into the toilet, slid back on the seat and leaned back to see if one of the watching women would return the favour and put on a show for me. The brunette flushed and quickly left the middle stall. The red head to my right thou leaned forward exposing her bum hole and farted. The woman at the other end flushed and also left. The noise of her flush covered any sound from the redheads poo starting. It slowly emerged from her bum hole, I could see her hole open slightly and a little brown log started in the centre and slowly got wider it looked like peanut butter as it came out. Her poo was fairly thick, looked solid and was coming out of her clean. It grew longer and snapped off, the start dropping leaving the tail coming out of her. it went from this long log to her bum hole firmly fixed around the tail. She kept pushing and her poo grew again I could see the peanut texture give way to poo with corn in it. This poo also grew long and broke off dropping into the water leaving her bum hole fixed around the remaining part. She pushed more and the poo inched out and tapered off. It dropped out cleanly I then saw her bum hole open and close a couple of times really quickly. She then did a wee and I heard her roll off some paper. She wiped her bum three time then stood up. She pulled up her panties and lowered her skirt but did not flush. I pulled up my panties and jeans and also didn't flush. I unlatched the door and went to the sinks to wash. The redhead unlatched her stall and came out, she smiled at me in the mirror. She then entered the stall I had just left and closed and latched the door . I had a look in her stall, Her poo was nicely formed and laying side by side in the hole the paper she used was on the floor beside the toilet. I quickly took a peek through the gap into the stall I had used and could see her examining my poos. I left her too it and left the toilets.
To Jemma: I am happy to see your post on this site again! I hope you are get better and better.
To Catherine: I am so happy that you like to see what I think. I understand "your take" now, thank you for explain. On this site I say only honest feeling. In Japanese we call "honne" it pronounce like hone in honest but with long n sound and noisy h. Many Japanese don't like to say honne except in family, outside they say tatemae, it is thought which society like to hear, so thought which has been polished and changed from original, and it is often all fibs. But I am not good at tatemae. Men are good at it than women. I think in England of Queen Victoria, very much tatemae. They said women don't have bottom and don't do motion. It is big fibs!! I wonder what Queen Victoria think, when she sit on royal loo long time to do a diarrhoea. (Maybe my friend Kazuko's mother like England of that time very much.) I wish you all best luck with your nice boyfriend, and you respect for each other even in loo.
To Anna from Austria: Thank you for kind kind words. I must tell you story of I went to city next to my city to see exhibition of loo. It was for children really, but even that, it was interesting. They had many huge brown coils of mosquito, made like hats, to put on children's head. Of course it was motion, not coil of mosquito, but of course made of nylon. I imagine coil of motion, coil round and round like snake, sometimes I read about such kind of motion on this site. I didn't put coil motion on my head. My friends too. It was very very big coil. Hisae whispered in our ear, you Kazuko and you Mina and you Maho, it is your size motion. About 1 metre long maybe, but I can't measure because always my motion break up to pieces. I want to produce huge brown cobra from my bottom!
In the exhibition, they say, if you leave motion on ground, like you left in woods Anna, it is good fertilizer for plants. So next year, if you go to place where you left your motion, perhaps you see daffodils or campanula or violets. I hope!! You don't need to worry about leave motion. I left once, and Hisae too. But we took tissues with us, and put in rubbish bin.
I told in earlier post, there is fishing port in Japan where there is notice, says: don't poo here. Maybe they worry about water for fish, but I think, everywhere have bacteria, so no difference. But I agree with exhibition that in India there is too much poo all over ground because people don't have place to do motions. I agree that is big problem. But in Austria, or Canada (other Anna), no problem, I think.
I'm sorry I don't greet everyone in post. Tlana, I never said to you before, but your story about Sarra I like very much. I think Tlana is nice name, I never see before. I try to greet everyone, but many many names! But I love all people on this site, and all stories are nice, though when I read about accident or bully or big stomach pain, I feel sad.
I hope you all well and happy.
Love from Mina and friendsEmma
Answers to Tlana.txt.
Tlana. Glad you liked my first story. In answer to your questions.......
1. You say you can only poo at home? Why do you feel that is?
I feel embarrassed about pooing around other people.
2. Was this the case in grade school and middle school too?
Ever since I can remember really.
3. Do you know of others who are in the same situation? (I think nthe problem is more widespread than you and I may think)!
Many of my friends feel embarrassed about pooing in general.
4) Are you able to pee at school? How many times a day do you have to?
No problem with peeing. It's just the number two that I dislike doing in public.
Hello it's John B.
Just a quick hello to Jemma to say hi and welcome back after you lengthy hospital stay. So glad you're making good progress girl and may your recovery continue apace! Take care you xx
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Questions & a Story
Welcome to Ally & Emma
Questions for Ally:
1. Did you usually put toilet paper down on the seat at school?
2. Did Jamie usually cover the seat before sitting down at school?
3. Did you guys ever leave a bathroom without using it because the toilets were too dirty?
4. Did you ever use toilets at places that had the ass-gaskets? Did you use them?
You had a really good first story!
Questions for Emma:
1. You say you can only poo at home? Why do you feel that is?
2. Was this the case in grade school and middle school too?
3. Do you know of others who are in the same situation? (I think the problem is more widespread than you and I may think)!
4) Are you able to pee at school? How many times a day do you have to?
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Now my story.....
Back when I was like 10 or 11 I would ride a lot with this friend Sarra, who was in our city each summer to stay with her grandmother because her mother owned an amusement park that required her to be gone a lot. So Sarra and I would ride our bikes a lot in the neighborhood, go to the mall and movies together each week. Sarra was also a good swimmer and each summer she was part of this swimming club that would travel together to nearby cities to have meets. I traveled with Sarra a couple of times to larger cities where they competed.
Most of the meets were at large high schools with olympic-style pools. I noticed that while she would use the locker room for dressing and showering, for using the bathrooms she would walk with a towel wrapped around her down a classroom hall to find a small bathroom like a 2-staller where she would wee or take her crap. I remember in a couple of cases she used the faculty bathroom. It didn't matter because it was summer and no one else was around. When biking, I would use the park bathroom quite a lot, but she would want to go a couple blocks away to one of those public laundry places where there was single-room, single-toilet. At the end of a movie on night, our ride couldn't pick us up for a half hour and instead of going at the theater wanted me to walk with her across the parking lot to a fast food place where she would be the only person in the bathroom. So Sarra called her grandma to pick us up over there.Bianca
Puke Farts
A few days ago when I had the 24hr bug, I farted during puking. You know, the force of letting the upper part empty can make the lower part do the same. This is what I mean by my title of the post (Puke farts). That happened to me once at the School For The Blind in Austin while staying in the health centre. I went to the bathroom thinking my stomach needed to empty, and I farted on the way. Luckily, the need to empty my stomach was a false alarm, and the fart in both cases mentioned in this post were dry. Today, I had a wonderful medium sized pooh before Mickey Mouse Clubhouse came on. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is my favorite show from Disney lol! Anyway, the pooh I did was in what felt like 2 pieces when it left my body.It stank enough to make me want to close the bathroom, but I close it all the time anyway.
Family camping trip
I've been away on a camping trip the past 4 days and I'm just back home. I went camping with my mum, dad, sister, a couple cousins and auntie and uncle.
Where we went there was no facilities and we were the only ones around pretty much surrounded by woods.
The night before we left we stayed with my auntie. My sis and I were sharing a bed. She is almost 3 years younger than me (I'm 17) and we have almost the same toilet habits.
Before going to bed we went to the bathroom and each took a turn of the toilet while the other brushed teeth. She went first and had a big wee before scrunching up her face and pushing out 4 long skinny poos. She got up and started to do her teeth and I took her position and did 2 thick short poos followed by a long one. I wiped clean with 4 swipes and then she cleaned up before we went back to go to sleep.
I didn't poo for the first 2 days and when peeing my sister would always come with me and I would with her.
On the third day I was woken up by my sister moving around in the tent and I asked her what was wrong. She told me she hadn't pooed since we arrived and she was about to go in her panties. I told her I had to poo too so we grabbed some paper and went to find a spot. We walked for about 5 mins until she stopped and said she couldn't hold it anymore. I dug a hole for her a one for me and we both squatted down. We both dropped 2 long fat poos that filled the hole then a couple small ones. After I finished I had a nice long week and then I cleaned up.
After we got back my mum asked me why we had both wandered off so early in just our underwear. Hopefully I have another story with my sister soon.
To Anna from Austria: I sincerely hope that you felt relieved after you pooped in the woods. You don't have to feel bad about leaving your pile there, it isnormal.
So, now to my story. As the weather this weekend was rather good here, we decided to go hiking in the mountains this weekend. We were three girls, all 19 years old and we are all avid hikers. When we arrived at the parking lot early in the morning, we all wanted to use the facilities there. However, the bathroom was locked due to acts of vandalism.
So I decided to take the roll of t.p. I carried in the trunk for emergencies to my backpack. We had all drunk coffee before and now needed to pee extremely bad. The three of us went behind the bathroom building and peed there on the ground as the parking lot was still empty. After we had finished, the ground was really swampy there and we threw the t.p. we had wiped with into our puddles. However, I felt that I needed to poop, too. I didn't want it to do there in case anyone was coming. The spot was too public to shit.
We started hiking and after about 30 minutes the path divided into the main path and a separate path that went to the left and seemed hardly used. Sarah, one of my friends said that we should make a bathroom break right here. Laura asked if something was wrong with her bladder, but to me it was clear that she needed to take a poop as I did. Sarah asked me to give her the roll of t.p. from my backpack, but I immediately told her that I had to do the same and I followed her. After about one minute, we saw a big rock that would give us cover and decided to do our business there. We both pulled down our pants, squatted next to each other and put the roll of t.p. between us. I immediately farted twice loudly and pushed out my first turd. With a thud it fell to the ground. I shifted my position a bit and pooped a second turd that fell next to my first one. Sarah had also pooped and was starting to wipe. I quickly looked at her and saw that she had pooped one long medium-brown turd that was still steaming in the cold autumn morning air. I quickly did a small pee and looked down to my pile. The first turd was also medium-brown and U-shaped while the second one next to it was long, straight and also smooth. My pile was steaming and stinking really bad. We we both had finished to wipe, we looked back and left. Sarah said: "We both really needed to go, didn't we?" and grinned. I could only nod. Much lighter now, we left and it was a great hiking day. Laura later also needed to go for a poop, and she pooped near a mountain lake.
Mina: Thank you for your thoughts. What I meant by "your take" is your opinion or your perspective on things. I really benefit from your thoughts! Thank you! I'm not sure that I was angry. I was a little shocked. But the more I have thought about it during the week, I've actually wanted it to happen again.
Optional Person: Thank you for your comments. I wanted to clarify that I am aware that there are people who do some strange things with poop and the act of pooping. I don't think that we would ever go there, but I am now very intrigued by this. We'll see what happens.
Yes, the relationship is great and we both are comfortable with one another. I am hoping that he will propose soon!
Thank you!
almonds & diarrhea--to Slice
I find that nuts of any kind are good bulk formers, so if I have had a bit of constipation, I can eat a handful of nuts and fairly soon have a bowel movement. If I have lots of nuts, the poop can get softer, though actual diarrhea is rare. If you have eaten other kinds of nuts without getting diarrhea, you may have an allergy to almonds. On the whole, nuts are supposed to be quite good for us (in moderation, of course), with lots of vitamins and trace minerals. Since they are fairly firm, it takes a good bit of chewing to make them into small enough fragments to swallow easily. Oftentimes, after eating nuts, I notice that tiny fragments of the nuts are visible in the brown stain on the toilet paper when I wipe (I always check the toilet paper to see if anything that I had eaten reappears).
I suggest trying other sorts of nuts--cashews, macadamias, pecans, peanuts, etc.--to see if they also give you diarrhea.
Anna from Austria
To Mina
Your latest stories were great as always. I am looking forward reading more of you in the future.
Today I went on another hike in the mountains. My roommates were going to come, but they were too hungover and decided to sleep in. I didn't feel that great either, but I did not want to let my friend Amber down. I picked up a large coffee and drank it on the drive. About half way there, I needed to pee already and after a couple more minutes my stomach started to cramp up a bit. When I got to the trail head, I was bursting for a pee and I also urgently needed a number two. There was only one other car there and it was Amber's. When I got out, she was nowhere to be seen.
It was really cold and I could see my breath walking around. I know Amber doesn't mind the cold, she is my most outdoorsy friend. She is also very fit, even though she doesn't really look the part. Like me, she is short and has a bigger bum, but she races mountainbikes and is really good at it. I'm a blonde and she is a brunette and she is not quite as curvy as I am, but other than that, we could be sisters. Anyway, I went straight to the outhouse and tried one of the two doors. It was locked and Amber called out from inside 'it's busy'. I said sorry and took the other door. The outhouse is really two large stalls right next too each other. There are no gaps at the bottom, but everything is open up top, and sound travels really well. I could hear Amber's pee splashing noisily into the pit below. I quickly opened the lid, pushed down my hiking pants and panties and sat down. The seat was really cold on my bum. I relaxed and immediately I blasted a huge wet fart into the toilet, followed by a ton of wet poo. I did this three or four times and it was really noisy. It was embarrassing to have such a noisy poop with Amber using the other toilet right next door. Then I started to pee and after a short while also had some more sloppy poos that dropped from my bottom into the pit. When I was done peeing, I felt I had some more to come out at my backdoor and I waited for another minute or so. Meanwhile, I could hear Amber dropping some turds as well. I had a few more wet poops and then Amber started to wipe on her side. She left and I farted loudly one more time and then I was done. I wiped my front and then my backside. It was really messy and I needed more than ten pieces to clean up between my bumcheeks. Finally I pulled up my pants and went back outside.
When I got to our cars, Amber was smiling and she said 'oh, it was you in there'. I blushed and felt pretty awkward that she brought up my noisy number two. She is more open when it comes to talking about bathroom activities, so I know that she didn't mean to embarrass me. I told her that I had a bit of an upset stomach. We went on our hike and about half an hour in or so I felt much better. Later on it was much warmer and really beautiful and I was happy we had gone. That's my story for today.
to Ally: I liked your post about going to the bathroom with your friend Jamie.
to Anna from Austria: thanks so much! I liked your last story, too. It sounds like it was a bit of an emergency and you couldn't wait. That happens to me too sometimes. I always carry a toilet roll when I am out hiking or biking, just in case. I don't really mind going outside, at least there is usually plenty of privacy. In your story it sounds like your friend was pretty close, but I'm sure she looked the other way, so that's the most important thing. Oh, do you eat the chestnuts?
Allie (as opposed to Ali or Ally, just so there's no confusion. The name thing's gonna get interesting before it's over, lol.) I think it was me that asked that question a long time ago. Thanks for sharing that experience. Good to see you're still hanging around here, and congratulations on your engagement! I hope you two live happily ever after.
So, he ever end up making use of that protective mattress cover that you know of, or was his own accident a one-time thing?
Family camping trip
I've been away on a camping trip the past 4 days and I'm just back home. I went camping with my mum, dad, sister, a couple cousins and auntie and uncle.
Where we went there was no facilities and we were the only ones around pretty much surrounded by woods.
The night before we left we stayed with my auntie. My sis and I were sharing a bed. She is almost 3 years younger than me (I'm 17) and we have almost the same toilet habits.
Before going to bed we went to the bathroom and each took a turn of the toilet while the other brushed teeth. She went first and had a big wee before scrunching up her face and pushing out 4 long skinny poos. She got up and started to do her teeth and I took her position and did 2 thick short poos followed by a long one. I wiped clean with 4 swipes and then she cleaned up before we went back to go to sleep.
I didn't poo for the first 2 days and when peeing my sister would always come with me and I would with her.
On the third day I was woken up by my sister moving around in the tent and I asked her what was wrong. She told me she hadn't pooed since we arrived and she was about to go in her panties. I told her I had to poo too so we grabbed some paper and went to find a spot. We walked for about 5 mins until she stopped and said she couldn't hold it anymore. I dug a hole for her a one for me and we both squatted down. We both dropped 2 long fat poos that filled the hole then a couple small ones. After I finished I had a nice long week and then I cleaned up.
After we got back my mum asked me why we had both wandered off so early in just our underwear. Hopefully I have another story with my sister soon.Miriam
Pee in the pub
I'm an italian girl, this is my first time writing on this website, which i really love. Last night I went out with some of my friends: it was quite cold outside, and after about half an hour, i stardet feeling the need to pee. I knew I could hold it, so I didn't fidget. We walked to the pub, and sit at an outside table. We started drinking, and my urge begun to increase, but I did'n want to stand up and walk to the bathroom inside the pub, so I hold it. Few minutes later, I realized i couldn't hold any more, so I entered the pub, and got in to the loo. The toilet was quite dirty, so I tried to sqat without touching it. I starded peeing, but I couldn't control the trickle, which ended up wetting the lower part of my tshirt, my thong, and my pants. I felt quite embarassed, but I wiped and flushed.
Dear Kamdyn,
I have experienced cellophane seats. A few times but recently no. Long time ago. In Japan people are very scared of microbe, so some loos have this system, so you never put your bottom where somebody else's bottom was, so no microbe from her bottom to your bottom.
I don't think this type loo is very common. I haven't seen for long time. But in Japan, in tea room, loo often flush automatically. Once I had to do a motion in a tea room loo, and after I did first motion, loo suddenly flushed while I was sitting down to prepare next motion. More often, when I get up from loo, it flushes. Hotel loo is also like this. I accustomed now.
Story: Hisae stayed my flat last night. So of course after big breakfast she went to loo. I heard two plops, then she pushed washlet button at once. I said her, "you do only two?" And she said, "now empty, but maybe later I go again." She raised her bottom and I saw two very beautiful motions. Lovely shape! I said, Hisae you are artist. She said to me, pity to flush. Mina you sit down!
So I pulled down pyjamas and panties and sat on loo and pushed. Finally it came and it was very long one and five plops, so I thought of you Catherine when Alan was listening to you with big interest. I stood up so Hisae could look, six motions floating on loo. One down to bottom, we decided it was one which Hisae produced. Hisae said, "Mina you are artist! Very beautiful motions!" But we had to flush, because I knew I do more and I don't like to clog loo, so we looked again and then flushed and I sat down again and Hisae began to massage my lower back and I said aaaah many times because felt so good. Hisae is magician! But I can feel her love in her fingers. She is very warm girl.
And while her fingers work and work, next motion came. Very smooth one, it felt good, and five plops again! Hisae said, wow Mina. How you do so many motions when I do only two? Well I think my body trained that way. I did some little ones and then washed my bottom. Of course we looked, we don't disgust to motions each other.
I said to Hisae, you sit on loo again? She said, no. But eleven o'clock, she went to loo again and at once there was very long bururururururu, that was very big one and very very soft. Hisae said, wow I feel good! She didn't do more, she washed at once. And then came off loo and washed hands and then we gave big big warm hug each other. And went to town centre to meet Maho and Kazuko.
Emma I feel very sorry for you. I don't mind where I poo, but I can understand feelings of person who does mind. I know a few people who were like you when they were child but later they changed feelings, because poo in loo away from home is better than accident in panties. When I was in Wales I heard boys teasing a boy because he did a motion at school. And he said with smiling face, "But I have to be excused sometimes!" I don't know if this help you to clear your feeling, but I hope. And I wish you the luck.
Love to all you from Mina and Hisae
Monday, September 28, 2015
long time, no post
So i am almost recovered from my lengthy hospital visit, & getting better each day it has been 4 months now so a long time coming!
I have 100s of stories to post obviously, my poos are still very desperate & there are stories i can post from:- town trips with friends/hubby, zoo poos, plane poos, cinema poos, bowling poos, poos at the local pub, oh thete's lots. Anyway post soon bye bye xx
Pood in a public toilet
I went to toilet this morning and my brother was having a poo in there. He took ages and I was busting for a poo. I waited half an hour for him to come out and he laughed when he told me the toilet roll had run out. I told my mum he'd used all the toilet roll up and she said it was no problem because she was going shopping later and she'd get some then. I couldn't admit I was busting to go as I knew she'd expect me to have a poo in the customer toilets at the supermarket, so I decided to hold it. We went shopping and as we walked round the store I started getting more desperate but I didn't want to say anything and tried not to think about it. We got to the toilet rolls and I reminded my mum we needed to get some and she put them in the trolley. We eventually got everything and made our way to the checkout. By the time we got through the checkout I was really desperate for a poo and I was scared I might have an accident and I couldn't risk it happening again so I decided to face my public toilet shyness and told my mum I was going to the toilet. She said ok and I headed to the restaurant where the toilets were. I found them and luckily no one was in there and they were nice and clean . I took a cubicle at the far end and pulled my jeans and knickers down and sat on the toilet. I relaxed and started to feel my poo come out and it felt so good. I peed a lot when I pushed the rest of my poo out and when I was done I felt relieved. I wiped and flushed the toilet and left the toilets to meet my mum at the car. She noticed I'd been gone a while and she asked me if I'd had a number two. I said I had and she was so pleased that I'd managed to do it in a public toilet instead of holding it.