I have an old chamberpot under my bed and I use that instead of getting up to the lav in the middle of the night. sometimes two or three friends sleepover. they sleep in my room and often use the chamberpot (sometimes it gets very full!)
I'm 8, small, dark haired, pudgy. I go under my bed so my parents don't see the mess
A quick question
Hi does anyone know how to get softer, more liquid y poos. Mine can never come out that way and I always have to strain quite a lot. I eat lots of fiber and drink lots of water so i don't know what gives.
When I was 9 my mom let me pee in a bucket at the beach when we couldn't find a bathroom and let me poop on a towel in my room when I had the flu and didn't feel like getting up.
When I was younger I used to be a scout. When hiking or canoeing we often camped at places where there was no toilet. Then we had to pee and even poop if necessary in the bushes. Everyone did, not only the scouts but even the leaders and parents' representatives if they had joined us. Not so funny to sit there with shorts at the knees when someone came by, but amusing to see others squat with a bare bum. Especially when some of the adults had to go to toilet. Some squatted low down others more or less stood upright just bending a bit forward supporting their elbows on the knees. I guess it is not so often for most adults to go to toilet outdoor. My mother went for a long hike last summer and when returning she told that it had been necessary for them to go to toilet somewhere in nature almost every day because toilets were dirty or there was no toilet at all. There were around 30 persons in their group and she said that it was almost impossible to hide properly. My sister went for a boat trip on the Nile last summer and she told that they had to go to toilet just behind the bushes at the shore. So I guss most persons have a few stories about going to toilet in nature, even in modern societies.Catherine
To Brianna
I apologize...I did not answer your first question. No, I am not planning to stage an accident in a bikini. However, I would love to have to use the toilet while wearing one.
I guess with the accident thing, I worry about how he would react. Like I said, he is very caring and sensitive. I think he would take care of me and try to help. But would he be grossed out? That's a threshold that I don't want to be carried over unless it was a for real, genuine accident.
And, I understand your frustration with the fact that he has not pooped. It seems like guys always have to poop, so why do Alan and your boyfriend get a free pass??? It's not fair, I agree.
Can't wait to hear from you :)
Survey and Responses
This survey is about the website, Toilet Stool.
1. How did you find Toilet Stool? I was searching for stories and experiences of other people, particularly women, who also have had "solid accidents." I was really worried and curious about why it felt good to have something really gross like that happen. I thought I was weird or demented. At least, now, I know I am not alone.
2. What did you think of this website when you 1st found it? Being obsessed with bowel movements and then having the accident, I felt comforted to know that I was not the only one who thought that it was pleasurable to defecate. I enjoyed reading about other people's experiences and knowing that we all have had common experiences - diarrhea, gas, desperation to get to the bathroom, stinking it up, that perfect poop, and other situations that we can all relate to, but just don't talk about.
3. How long did it take you to post on Toilet Stool? From a reader only to a reader and poster: A few days.
4. What do you think of the website now? Are your views changed from when you 1st found it? No, I'm just a little more comfortable with myself and I enjoy the conversation.
5. Who knows that you post on here? Only you or others? No one. Not even Alan or my family.
6. Will you be willing to share Toilet Stool with your family or friends? No. If they find it, they find it. But I need this safe space that the forum provides. After nearly 6 years of posting, no one has found out :)
Sonya Sue: I loved your story about the monster poop at the truck stop!!!
Mina: Hi there! Good to hear from you!
Rookery: I loved your story! Yes, we women can do that from time to time but I would have been humiliated had I confronted someone I knew after clogging the toilet. I wrote a story that I think is on page 1817 about a time when I was in high school that I clogged a toilet at a youth event at another girl's house. Her father had to unclog the toilet. It was embarrassing!
I hope that everyone is well! I am still regular - twice daily, morning and evening!
Outdated Laxatives--for Steve A
it's funny you should mention outdated laxatives. Once I was helping a friend clean out her Grandparents house after they had passed away. In the medicine cabinet, I found an old Fleet enema from around the 1980s or so, back when the enemas had the opaque green tip covers instead of the orange ones they have now, and the box was half green and half white. It had an expiration date of March 1988 on it (this was in the late 1990s when I found it)
I was of course constipated but didn't have an enema to use but needed to go very badly after having been backed up for four days. My friend left the bathroom and went to clean another room in the house. I stayed behind in the bathroom to try to go honestly not thinking at that time of using the enema I'd found.
I sat on the toilet and passed some gas, although at this point I was so backed up that even that was challenging to do. Passing the gas had worked the stool down a little bit to the point where it was starting to peak out of my butt, but no matter what I did, it still would not come out. I knew that if I gave up and went along my business I would be miserable and be in more trouble later so I thought about it and thought 'why not' and decided to take the expired Fleet enema that I had found in my friend's grandparents medicine cabinet.
So I opened the box, took out the enema bottle and got into position as I removed the tip cover from the enema. I had just gotten the enema tip in my butt, and squeezed a very little bit of the solution into my butt when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards the bathroom. My friend walked in in shock as she saw me there on the floor with my butt exposed and the enema tip in it.
My friend walked in and asked me, with a few choice words that I can't repeat here, what I was doing. I said "I'm constipated again and I found this in the medicine cabinet so I'm using it.
She said "oh ok" as I continued to give myself the enema as she stood in the doorway. I finished giving myself the enema and took the tip, which was covered in poop, out of my butt. I asked her to go to the sink and fill the bottle up with really hot water and hand it back to me. She knew I got constipated a lot and had helped me with my enemas before and so she asked me if I wanted her to put the tip back in my butt so I could finish the enema. I told her that would be fine and asked her would she mind squeezing the water into my butt.
She kept me company while held the enema and moved to the toilet to expel it.
After I'd finished she told me she was actually constipated too, which surprised me, because in the whole time we'd been friends, she had never been constipated. So I refilled the bottle with hot water and gave her two bottles full. After that, we took a break from cleaning up the house, and took care of each other in other ways.
Replies to Steve A's Survey
Here are my replies to Steve A's survey:
1. How did you find Toilet Stool? Through searching for sites which dealt with the toilet genre.
2. What did you think of this website when you 1st found it? I was very favourably impressed and agreeably surprised that so many people clearly enjoyed toilety matters.
3. How long did it take you to post on Toilet Stool? From a reader only to a reader and poster. It was a very quick transition. I'd say almost immediately.
4. What do you think of the website now? Are your views changed from when you 1st found it? Like a lot of people here I like to think that I'm older and wiser than I was in the late 1990s when I first found the site. In common with most online forums it no longer has the novelty value that it years ago and inevitably the number of posts has declined. When I was first here there were enough good posts to sustain daily updates and quite a few British posters which was what I liked, being a Brit myself.
5. Who knows that you post on here? Only you or others? A few well chosen people who know what the site's about are aware of the fact that I post on here.
6. Will you be willing to share Toilet Stool with your family or friends? It would depend on who the individuals were and what their reaction was likely to be.
To Brianna
Thank you :) You made feel really good with your kinds words! It's neat to know that posting here has been helpful to you. It's great to hear that you are taking an interested in your health in general and your bowels in particular. The things you are doing, eating healthier, meditation, exercise - think of them as an expensive, thoughtful gift that you are giving yourself. You are worth it!
It may take some time to notice significant changes, but whatever your plan is, stick to it, but reward yourself.
Being a realtor, I guess that your schedule can get pretty hectic as well as irregular, and that may be why your bowel movements come at different times. Being a pharmacist, my life is very routine, and my bowels seem to comply.
Recently, I hired a young woman as an administrative assistant to me to handle all the business between the pharmacy, the restaurant and the gift shop. She takes care of all the finances, and we work closely together. However, it's allowing me to do more of what I love and that's pharmacy.
She's been with us about two months now, and every morning at ten she takes a break. She's about 5'7, slender, with shoulder-length light brown hair. She heads straight to the bathroom and is usually gone for about ten minutes. I've gone to pee right after her a few times, and she leaves quite a pungent odor. However, that's her normal. I mean every morning at 10 AM on the dot! I've never mentioned it, she's never said anything, apologetically or otherwise.
I guess she just feels comfortable with it.
I know that poop smells and that when we go we can make all kinds of noises. I am like anyone else - I prefer the moment alone. But I hate to hear that it embarrasses you to go. I mean, we all do it. But, Brianna, I get it. And the reason I asked your height is that my mother told me that I am not as self-conscious as other women, and she thinks that it is because I am tall.
But I am glad that it is becoming a more enjoyable experience for you to take a good, healthy dump! It makes me happy that I had something to do with it! And, I will try to do a little better in the peeing department. I am drinking much more water. I don't drink lots of coffee, and because I work out and run, I tend to sweat a lot. Thank you for inspiring me!
Your peeing accident does not sound weird to me. If we are all honest with ourselves, I bet that there is no one in this world that has not had some type of accident - bladder or bowel - in their post potty-training years. Why should you feel guilty? You legitimately did not make it to the toilet.
That's the way I felt about my solid poop accidents. I just could not make it. And while I would be embarrassed for anyone to have known, it felt good. I have no other explanation.
Maybe if you did it on purpose and it became a habit, maybe then a little guilt would be OK. But it sounds like you had a legit accident. If you really are worried about this, please know that doctors discuss these things with their patients all the time.
Brianna, I think the pooping thing will work itself out. I thought the same thing about Alan. I wish it would happen, and of course, it eventually did. But I had no choice but to break the ice. It sounds like you are still in the stage of getting to know one another and getting comfortable.
I imagine you to be a very beautiful person, inside and out, and wish you the absolute best in your developing relationship, your work and your life!!!
And, I hope that your trip to the bathroom was a good one :) (Am I allowed to say that? We're friends, right?)
to Tyler + Steve A's survey
Hey Tyler, sorry for not responding earlier, but thank you very much for commenting on my post. Was definitely a trophy turd lol, and I'm sure I'll have more like that, since mine are often pretty big! lol
So I've unfortunately been a little bit constipated lately. Not going every day like I usually do. It was kind of annoying because the other day I had to go really badly, but I was nowhere near a bathroom and just had to hold it in, even though I could feel a pretty big and hard turd starting to turtle-head. So of course that meant I was only going to get more constipated! :( I took some Metamucil though and it seemed to help. Finally this morning I did a pretty big one on the toilet. It was a little hard to get out at first because it was so compacted, but after that first hard part, the rest came out more easily and felt like one of my normal big turds. Was incredibly relieving to get all that out, but it left my anus feeling a little bit sore afterward. I think the stress of finals was making me more constipated. So now that that's over, I should probably be better :)
Steve A's Toiletstool Survey:
1. How did you find Toilet Stool? - I Googled stuff about pooping and constipation. Not going to lie. I don't remember exactly what I typed though.
2. What did you think of this website when you 1st found it? - At first I didn't believe it was even real. This many people talking about something I've always been interested in, but too embarrassed to ever talk about? It was awesome.
3. How long did it take you to post on Toilet Stool? - Took me a few months. I used to just browse occasionally, but was too scared to post anything.
4. What do you think of the website now? - No change. I wish more people commented on my stories, but the few who have are awesome!
5. Who knows that you post on here? Only you or others? - No one else knows. I can't imagine sharing it with anyone else. This has always been a very private interest of mine and I'm fine with that.
6. Will you be willing to share Toilet Stool with your family or friends? - It's not likely. Even though my family has always been kinda open about bathroom stuff, they've never gone this far, and I don't want anyone to think I'm weird for posting here.Lorenz
Searching For A Clean Toilet
During my last hour of school on Friday I had a tremendous pressure in my gut and knew that I was going to have to take a crap. Although I would be home in less than 2 hours, I knew I was going to have to give in and use the toilet at school. So I got a pass out of study hall. I went to the closest bathroom which has 8 stalls. All are open and have not had doors at any time this year. Most of the open stalls had the seat down on the toilet and splashed with urine. As I was walking farther down the line, this senior came running in, hiked his shorts down before even turning into a stall and there was thud as he dropped himself onto the wettest of the seats. There was an instant blast that probably could be heard out in the hall and from the end side of the room where the hand dryers are I could see his legs widening from under the stall as his shorts at the floor were definitely being stretched from side to side.
I just thought I could do better by going downstairs where the bathrooms are less used and the seats cleaner. Again I walked through the bathroom, again there were no stall doors and there was one guy seated. He had a textbook on his lap he was reading, but the seats were all down and wet and I was standing in water from two urinals that were overflowing badly. It looked like someone had deliberately done something to the flusher. So I knew I didn't want to spend any more time in there. I was getting frustrated knowing that I had only one more floor to survey. I quickly walked up two flights of stairs and went to the main bathroom up there. At least 4 toilets were stuffed with crap and there were four guys at the urinals when I walked in. I walked to the far end stall, there were a couple splashes on the seat, but I didn't care anymore because I knew my time was limited and I had to get back to study hall. I pulled my jeans and briefs down just as far as I had to in order for them to not get soiled and my long-held crap slowly started its travels The 1st piece was rather hard and strange looking, but it was fastly followed by another piece just like it and then the main event was slowly tearing at my hole. It was hurting me, but even though I pushed as hard as I could it seemed to stop midway out, but as I stood up a few inches for a moment, it seemed to slide out with greater ease. Then there was more gas and a very satisfying feeling.
I looked to my left and saw the small holder of the toilet paper squares that are pre-cut and we all hate. However, there were none. So I quickly hobbled to my right, seated myself, and did what cleaning I could with the 3 pieces that were available. Then I had to go to the next toilet which was now open and I got the final 2 pieces that I needed to clean myself with. I leaned back and flushed and went back to the other 2 stalls that I had used and flushed. Then I hurried back to study hall and as I did, I realized that I had not stopped to wash my hands. When I got back to the study hall and signed my name and time of return, the proctor told me I had been gone for close to 25 minutes. I didn't want to tell him the whole story, but I apologized. Then after school, Sue, who is a friend of mine since 1st grade, said she was on student aid duty in the office and while she was bored, she was glancing up at a group of security cameras that partly showed my walking around the building.
As we waited for the traffic light to cross the street, I told her my story. She told me I'd never make it as a girl because she uses the bathroom 3 to 4 times a day at school. She does agree with me though that the conditions suck. And then I remembered that I had a right hand that had a little smell of crap on it because I hadn't washed my hands in the end. But I sure wasn't about to tell Sue that.Anna from Austria
To Anna. If Tanja would have had to go too I would have done the same things as you. I would try to held it and wait until she finished her pee. If I can't hold it I would also hope that she needs to go Number 2 as well.
You are totally right.I also find it less awkward if we both need a poo. I really do not like it beeing the only one that needs to go number 2 in an public bathroom.
In that case everbody knows that the whole smell and and the pooping sounds are from me. I always find it so embarassing.
I really liked your latest story by the way.
Greetings from Austria
Reply to Little Mandi
Hi Little Mandi. I can certainly say that coffee goes pretty much straight through me too. Alas I love it and drink far too much of it. For what it's worth I think it's one of the most powerful diuretics going.Brianna
Re: Catherine
Omg catherine you are so adorable. I love the food analogy...
I also love how comfortable and excited you feel about trying new things with Alan, and i can't wait to read about what you try out. Good luck and have fun! Although i was confused about the bikini idea. You said you wanna poop while wearing a bikini- do you mean you wanna poop in your bikini? or be on the toilet wearing just a bikini top? I was thinking the later because you said you didn't want to stage an accident in front of him but i thought I'd clarify.
I definitely do need to break out of my shell so to speak when it comes to pooping, especially now that i know I'm taking a high risk that I will accidentally mess my pants if i delay going. I don't know what's so scary about it... i just really hate the idea of someone knowing I'm pooping as I'm doing it. But i found out the time when i pooped in my pants right in front of the couple i was showing a house to, that I REALLY hate for them to know I'm pooping as I'm going because it's happening in my pants in front of i will need to get comfortable with the former.
You know what's frustrating me?? Why doesn't he ever have to poop?! I feel like it would be so much easier for me to go around him if he went around me, or if he had a moment like me where i was really desperate to go in the car. I have never noticed him needing to go or known when hes gone. He's probably gonna have to be the one to break the ice about pooping!
Other than my shyness, i will admit, I'm sort of coming around on pooping... there are a few reasons. One is i have come to appreciate the relief feeling more since I've been faced with the horror of not making it to the toilet a few times, so the feeling of sitting down on the toilet after a desperate rush for the bathroom is much more important to me than before. Secondly, as i get older I've started to appreciate the body's natural functions more and i have a greater interest in being in tune with my body and giving it what it needs to operate at optimum efficiency. This is a work in progress lol, but ive been starting to pay more attention to nutrition and ive been doing other things like breathing and meditation exercises. Because of that I also have started to appreciate bowel regularity and the healthiness of having a good bm. And finally, the third reason is your posts, Catherine! I have to say, you're an excellent spokeswoman for pooping. The way you describe how you feel about it makes it more appealing and I've been taking notice more to what its like. I have to be honest, it makes me feel a little weird when i notice myself actively thinking about my pooping as its happening, and i even felt embarrassed and blushed at myself lol. But attitude towards it has changed quite a bit as of late...
As far as my appearance goes, I am pasting what I wrote in my first post (page 2399) because i dont like trying to describe myself online! I wish i could do a picture but that is for other sites. Anyway, " First a bit about me. My name is Brianna, i'm a 29yo white brunette with brown eyes...i wouldn't say i'm heavy but i'm definitely not skinny lol...I'm curvy I guess is how we'll put it. I get my fair share of glances and compliments from the gentleman about what I've got going on in both the front and the back lol..." oh but of course I am 30 now! Also I'm 5'5" tall.
So back to the bladder issue. More developments on that front..the past few mornings were not bad. I didnt really wet myself at all on the way to the bathroom when i woke, but yesterday was odd...something happened and i had mixed feelings about it. I'm not sure if it was that same sort of thing that happened like in the mornings, or if i just legitimately waited too long, but i had a significant wetting accident coming home yesterday- as in, not just leaks and squirts, i fully peed in my pants. I left late and traffic was crappy, and i did have to pee bad. My lower abdomen felt tense and looked bloated. When i got home and got out of the car, my bladder felt heavy as it shifted when i felt so full like an overfilled water balloon that could burst from the slightest touch. I was holding in so much pee that i couldn't keep a straight face... i waddled my way to the door and as i was unlocking i could feel something wet hitting my foot. I had open toed flats on and jeans for casual friday, and i looked down to see a stream of pee trickling over the top of my foot, and a dark blue streak 2 inches wide (and growing) going down the inside of my right leg. It was shocking to look down and see i had already peed enough to soak through my jeans all down my leg before i even felt it. But its kind of like how sometimes you get a cut or scratch that you dont notice at first, but once you discover it then all the sudden it hurts; after i noticed i was peeing my pants, i suddenly felt the warm soggy denim clinging to my skin, the hot tingling sensation between my thighs and the tickle of dozens of trickles of pee washing down my legs. I stood prefectly still with my legs slightly apart as i just lost it outside my door and soaked my jeans. As i stood there i realized that i was lost in a haze of intense euphoria! the relief from peeing was so immense that i shuddered, i almost couldn't handle it...its like nothing else i can describe...not here anyway. Oops!
After i finished wetting my pants, i came to. I felt equal parts relieved and exhausted! Like thats how much i peed, and how much muscle energy was being committed to containing that pee! It was like an abdominal workout. That's when i started to feel not so thrilled, because i was reluctant to step into the house all sopping wet. Also i wasnt that thrilled about the feeling of the wet jeans rubbing against my skin.
When i thought about it throughout the day i realized i didn't really feel badly or upset at all about peeing my pants... like it wasn't a traumatic thing for was just a thing that happened, like going out in public without realizing your shirt is inside out, or accidentally calling an acquaintance by the wrong name- no big deal. I would have been very upset if it had been a poop accident again though...
Because of what we've been discussing about you and alan i wondered what i would have done if my bf was there yesterday to witness my accident... after a lot of thought, i still really think I'd be so, so humiliated if i was with him and i peed my pants, despite the fact that i didn't really mind at all that i did it...and might have even liked it?? I mean it's definitely not as mortifying as the thought of pooping myself in front of him but even if i were to wet myself, that's really bad and shocking! How often do you see a 30 year old person wet their pants? It's almost as humiliating...
Well anyway, i certainly have a lot of thinking to do! I can't wait to read what's next. Ironically (or appropriately) i have to poop and pee kinda bad right now. I noticed the pressure mounting as i was writing the passage about my changing attitude about pooping. So, its off to the potty with me :)
Brianna xoxoMina
Dear Brianna: I try to find your posts, I found some of them. Maybe I understand you badly because my bad English, please forgive me if I misunderstand.
I am insensitive maybe but if you stay night with your boyfriend, perhaps you will have to do motion in morning. Of course he will know about it. But it is much much better than doing motion in your pants. I think that if you do motion and your boyfriend know what you did, to be open is best. Maybe you learn that from Catherine, she is very good friend to everyone. If your boyfriend really love you, he will not laugh, he will not be disgust. He will understand that every woman and every man has to do motion sometimes. And maybe he too will do. It is healthy to do motion and it is not healthy to hold back.
Of course you will be interested in health of your boyfriend and he will be interested your health too I hope. If you see motion from view point of health, maybe not so bad.
Me, I never did motion in front of boyfriend because I never spent night with him. I was teen and it was difficult. Now he is with other woman and I know I never love other man in my life, so this never happen to me. But actually I am very open about motion with my brother. He never think it is strange thing.
I hope, hope, hope that you will not be worry any more. I wish you the good luck.
Dear Anna from Austria: It is nice to hear that you are happy that I post again. I try to post when I can. I also like to read your writing.
Love, Mina
The rogue toilet roll dispenser at college I mentioned last week which has paper in it which it is impossible to get out was still catching people out this morning! I had a coffee before leaving the house this morning and I needed to go for a dump as soon as the bus got to college. Luckily it arrives about 20 minute before college starts. As I was walking down the corridor to the toilets I saw 5 guys all head into to the toilets. Got in there and all 4 cubicles were taken and there was another guy stood outside who was clearly waiting for a cubicle - we made awkward eye contact and then stood around looking awkward and checking our phones waiting for the lucky guys who got there first to give up their seats on the thrones. Another two guys came in during the time, saw all cubicles occupied and us two standing around and evidently both decided they could wait.
After 5 minutes or so there was the sound of paper being taken which I was glad about as I really needed to go and didn't want to be late. A toilet flushed and a guy came out of the cubicle with the faulty dispenser and the guy ahead of me went in. The guy who had come out was just stood there which I thought was slightly odd but the next two cubicles came free at about the same time and I went into one and the guy who had just exited the faulty cubicle went into the other. I had the guy I had been waiting outside with to my left and the guy who had switched cubicles to my right. He started wiping straight away then flushed and left - seems he had been unable to wipe and had left the cubicle and let someone else in there without waring him. I realized at this point what had happened and that the dispenser was still faulty, and that the the guy was in there and about to discover he was in a terrible situation. I thought I would be nice for some reason so I pulled out about 10 sheets of paper from my dispenser and left them lying on the floor between the cubicles. I then got on with my business, enjoying a nicely warmed toilet seat prepared by the previous guy - he must have had a very warm ass as the seat was really warm - but it was appreciated as the toilets at college are freezing. After a few minutes I heard the guy to my left fumbling with the paper dispenser. Then nothing for about 20 seconds then a hand appears and *YOINK* the paper I left on the floor was gone! I hope he appreciated my act of kindness! He did not ask for more paper and when he was done he flushed, washed and left. I was surprised he didn't need more paper as I had only left him about 10 sheets of rubbishy college paper - maybe he was creative!
There is no BthRm down stairs. my brother age 4 and 2 sisters age 3 play there all the time they can't come upstairs and disturb my dad. My dad works upstairs and that is where the BthRm is. he doesn't want to be disturbed by them gotin up and down the stairs all night. so I set up a bucket and newspaper for them in the basement where we stay all evening playing and stuff. I empty the bucket before I go to bed at nite but I always wipe them and clean up the newsparer right away .
Toilet size survey
These are answers from the perspective of a mom with kids ages 7 & 5:
1--Are there enough lower and smaller public toilets for those needing them?
Not even close. I think it should be a governmental requirement just like adequately working plumbing is. Since too many pre-school kids are not properly supervised when away from home, they find it awkward and hard to get up on, stay on, and produce in a much larger toilet.
2--Would a bathroom with 2 stools (one low and the other right next to it) help solve the problem?
It would be especially nice for a parent with a same-sex or special needs child. It would greatly help in situations where there's an issue such as constipation involved. Earlier this year I used one to more carefully observe my Darcee, who is 5, because she was coming home from all-day kindergarten with skidmarks in her underwear. My observation found what I had suspected: she was hardly having the toilet paper with any contact with her body. One fast motion isn't going to do it.
3--Should the door or a stall color of a child's toilet be different from the other toilets or should there be a sign?
Both would be helpful. It might also serve as a signal to others in the line that the wait might be a bit longer.
4--Would a child's toilet and an adult toilet in the same stall encourage better parent supervision?
It couldn't hurt. A parent or babysitter modeling proper procedures and technique could also be a plus.
5--At what age should a child be able to use a public toilet without an adult's help?
For my son Kellan, who is 7, it only began this past fall. It's something earned.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Steve A
To Braidy, Beastmode's Survey With A Story
Braidy: The mother was out very late at night/very early in the morning driving with her daughter. She was probably tired and frustrated. Still, she didn't need to act like that in that situation. You did nothing wrong, but the mother was wrong.
Beastmode's Survey:
1) describe the best poop you have ever had in your life: I've had some good ones during my life so far, but this one beats them all out:
I had to go poop at school, so I went poop before I went swimming for gym. It was a single log that was a little over a foot long, and maybe 2-3 inches in diameter. Well, I decided to leave it in the toilet for someone to notice after swimming. So, when we all went back into the locker room to change, someone went into my stall and they said something like, "Someone SHIT in here and it's huge!" And people went to see it and they asked if it was me. I tried to deny it, but they found out it was me because I was late for attendance and they were all sitting and waiting to swim while the teacher was talking to them when I came up to swim. Some people said that was funny and awesome. Some people were surprised and asked, "Did that come out of you?!?" One person took a picture of it and said, "I'm instagramming this SHIT!" (no pun intended), I also got a few high fives.
That was the best poop of my life, so far. I'm only 18 so I got a long life ahead of me. Who knows if I'll have a better poop experience then this one.
2) for my female friends if you had to poop really badly and were with your spouse/boyfriend etc would you either a poop your pants or b drop your pants and poop on the floor?
Well for guys, I'd just use the bathroom. If there is no bathroom around, I'll have to just go outside.
3) where is the strangest place you have ever peed or pooped in? Outside for pee only, I never pooped outside before.Steve A
Toilet Stool Survey
This survey is about the website, Toilet Stool.
1. How did you find Toilet Stool?
2. What did you think of this website when you 1st found it?
3. How long did it take you to post on Toilet Stool? From a reader only to a reader and poster.
4. What do you think of the website now? Are your views changed from when you 1st found it?
5. Who knows that you post on here? Only you or others?
6. Will you be willing to share Toilet Stool with your family or friends?
My Answers:
1. I was searching up stories related to the Toilet Stool topics.
2. It was interesting to me because it had guy and girl stories on here. Not just guy stories only. It showed me that everyone, including girls, can talk about bathroom related stuff.
3. It took me some months to eventually post my 1st story, I don't actually know how long it took for me, but I was afraid of my parents or brothers finding out that I post on here.
4. Yes, as I kept posting, I got more comfortable to post stories and surveys on here.
5. Only me, but one time, I told my cousin about it. Only after 1 post, she didn't stick with it.
6. When I'm ready, I'm not ready yet. I just don't feel comfortable enough to share Toilet Stool with anyone at this time in my life.
There's only one exception: If a person figures out that I post on here by asking me, I'll tell them that I do. But, they'll have to promise me not to tell anyone else about it.
To Lucas- Nice story about your gym accident, sounds like accidents were common then for you
To J- Great to see you back posting, sounds like a really close call there running, good thing you found a portapotty
To Mark- That is a great sighting. I noticed you mentioned you had an accident walking home from school, what happened then?Anna from Austria
To Mina
Dear Mina, I really liked your latest story. It is a good thing that you are posting again.
@Little Mandi Coffee also goes right through me. But in my case it does not only make me pee quite fast, it also stimulates my bowels in an very intense way. It makes me poo quite fast.
Greetings AnnaAnna
skiing story and some responses
Like last week I went out skiing with my friend Amber today. And same thing, we each bought a huge coffee at Starbucks for the drive. When we got to the trail head I really needed to do both things. My bladder was kinda bursting and I had a big load knocking on my backdoor as well. Now this is pretty much the only spot in our area that has a little hut where the trail starts and there are real bathrooms and not only outhouses. We got all our gear together and then I told Amber that I had to use the washroom. She just said, 'ok, I'll wait here'. Inside there are two little individual bathrooms off a corridor to the side. One was taken but the other one was empty. I went in, locked the door and took off my gloves. Then I pulled down my skiing pants, long underwear and pink panties. I plopped my bum on the seat and immediately started to pee. Oh, it felt really good letting go. I peed a very strong stream that splattered into the bowl and I also let out two small farts. Then I leaned forward a bit and started to push to take care of my number two. I had another fart and then a really big turd started to crackle out slowly. It stretched my bumhole and took quite a while to come out. Finally, it dropped into the bowl with a big splash. I pushed out two more, much smaller logs and then I felt done. There was plenty of paper and I wiped my front and back, needing only a few sheets. Then I pulled up my panties and pants and had a look at the bowl. Wow, my first turd was huge. I think it was more than a foot long and pretty wide, too. I was a bit worried when I flushed the toilet, but it all went down no problem at all. I used the brush to get rid of some skidmarks, flushed again and then washed my hands. When I left, there was someone waiting to get in. Luckily it was a lady and not a guy. I hadn't left a big stink, but definitely a bit of a poop smell, and that would have embarrassed me a bit. After that it was some awesome skiing for a couple of hours. When we got back we both used the toilets for a pee and then we went home.
To Little Mandi: Yes it totally does! When I drink coffee it is guaranteed that I will have to pee in the next half hour or so. The funny things is, I often don't think about this and I have been desperate for a pee so many times.
To Jenny: I loved your story from the tree farm and how you were so smart using the sprinklers to hide your accident. That was really cool.
To Anna from Austria: I know exactly what you mean about your friend Tanja. I totally don't understand that some people never seem to need to pee. For me, when I have a big coffee, very shortly after I will have to go for a pee. It just goes right through me. Today, Amber didn't need to go for hours, so weird.
But then again, Tanja not having to go gave you more privacy. Would you still have pooped if she had been using the toilet as well? If one of my girlfriends is using the bathroom as well, I usually try to hold my poo until they are done peeing and have left. And if I can't hold it, I would hope that she needs a number two as well. It's a little less awkward when we both need to poo, I find.
To ChloeB: Your stories totally remind me of my time in high school. Back then, I noticed popular girls pooping a few times, but I especially remember one incident. There was a girl named Megan and she was one of the most popular girls at school.
One day I was in the bathroom doing a pee when someone dashed in in a hurry. She took a stall and then had the loudest, most explosive diarrhea ever. I remember tons of farts and her moaning and the sound of poo splattering into the bowl. Kinda the way you see in funny movies, but I felt really bad for her. When I got out of the bathroom, my friend Chloe told me that it was Megan who had been running to the bathroom, clutching her stomach.Adrian
Reply to Little Mandi
Hi Little Mandi. I can certainly say that coffee goes pretty much straight through me too. Alas I love it and drink far too much of it. For what it's worth I think it's one of the most powerful diuretics going.Brianna
Re: Catherine
Omg catherine you are so adorable. I love the food analogy...
I also love how comfortable and excited you feel about trying new things with Alan, and i can't wait to read about what you try out. Good luck and have fun! Although i was confused about the bikini idea. You said you wanna poop while wearing a bikini- do you mean you wanna poop in your bikini? or be on the toilet wearing just a bikini top? I was thinking the later because you said you didn't want to stage an accident in front of him but i thought I'd clarify.
I definitely do need to break out of my shell so to speak when it comes to pooping, especially now that i know I'm taking a high risk that I will accidentally mess my pants if i delay going. I don't know what's so scary about it... i just really hate the idea of someone knowing I'm pooping as I'm doing it. But i found out the time when i pooped in my pants right in front of the couple i was showing a house to, that I REALLY hate for them to know I'm pooping as I'm going because it's happening in my pants in front of i will need to get comfortable with the former.
You know what's frustrating me?? Why doesn't he ever have to poop?! I feel like it would be so much easier for me to go around him if he went around me, or if he had a moment like me where i was really desperate to go in the car. I have never noticed him needing to go or known when hes gone. He's probably gonna have to be the one to break the ice about pooping!
Other than my shyness, i will admit, I'm sort of coming around on pooping... there are a few reasons. One is i have come to appreciate the relief feeling more since I've been faced with the horror of not making it to the toilet a few times, so the feeling of sitting down on the toilet after a desperate rush for the bathroom is much more important to me than before. Secondly, as i get older I've started to appreciate the body's natural functions more and i have a greater interest in being in tune with my body and giving it what it needs to operate at optimum efficiency. This is a work in progress lol, but ive been starting to pay more attention to nutrition and ive been doing other things like breathing and meditation exercises. Because of that I also have started to appreciate bowel regularity and the healthiness of having a good bm. And finally, the third reason is your posts, Catherine! I have to say, you're an excellent spokeswoman for pooping. The way you describe how you feel about it makes it more appealing and I've been taking notice more to what its like. I have to be honest, it makes me feel a little weird when i notice myself actively thinking about my pooping as its happening, and i even felt embarrassed and blushed at myself lol. But attitude towards it has changed quite a bit as of late...
As far as my appearance goes, I am pasting what I wrote in my first post (page 2399) because i dont like trying to describe myself online! I wish i could do a picture but that is for other sites. Anyway, " First a bit about me. My name is Brianna, i'm a 29yo white brunette with brown eyes...i wouldn't say i'm heavy but i'm definitely not skinny lol...I'm curvy I guess is how we'll put it. I get my fair share of glances and compliments from the gentleman about what I've got going on in both the front and the back lol..." oh but of course I am 30 now! Also I'm 5'5" tall.
So back to the bladder issue. More developments on that front..the past few mornings were not bad. I didnt really wet myself at all on the way to the bathroom when i woke, but yesterday was odd...something happened and i had mixed feelings about it. I'm not sure if it was that same sort of thing that happened like in the mornings, or if i just legitimately waited too long, but i had a significant wetting accident coming home yesterday- as in, not just leaks and squirts, i fully peed in my pants. I left late and traffic was crappy, and i did have to pee bad. My lower abdomen felt tense and looked bloated. When i got home and got out of the car, my bladder felt heavy as it shifted when i felt so full like an overfilled water balloon that could burst from the slightest touch. I was holding in so much pee that i couldn't keep a straight face... i waddled my way to the door and as i was unlocking i could feel something wet hitting my foot. I had open toed flats on and jeans for casual friday, and i looked down to see a stream of pee trickling over the top of my foot, and a dark blue streak 2 inches wide (and growing) going down the inside of my right leg. It was shocking to look down and see i had already peed enough to soak through my jeans all down my leg before i even felt it. But its kind of like how sometimes you get a cut or scratch that you dont notice at first, but once you discover it then all the sudden it hurts; after i noticed i was peeing my pants, i suddenly felt the warm soggy denim clinging to my skin, the hot tingling sensation between my thighs and the tickle of dozens of trickles of pee washing down my legs. I stood prefectly still with my legs slightly apart as i just lost it outside my door and soaked my jeans. As i stood there i realized that i was lost in a haze of intense euphoria! the relief from peeing was so immense that i shuddered, i almost couldn't handle it...its like nothing else i can describe...not here anyway. Oops!
After i finished wetting my pants, i came to. I felt equal parts relieved and exhausted! Like thats how much i peed, and how much muscle energy was being committed to containing that pee! It was like an abdominal workout. That's when i started to feel not so thrilled, because i was reluctant to step into the house all sopping wet. Also i wasnt that thrilled about the feeling of the wet jeans rubbing against my skin.
When i thought about it throughout the day i realized i didn't really feel badly or upset at all about peeing my pants... like it wasn't a traumatic thing for was just a thing that happened, like going out in public without realizing your shirt is inside out, or accidentally calling an acquaintance by the wrong name- no big deal. I would have been very upset if it had been a poop accident again though...
Because of what we've been discussing about you and alan i wondered what i would have done if my bf was there yesterday to witness my accident... after a lot of thought, i still really think I'd be so, so humiliated if i was with him and i peed my pants, despite the fact that i didn't really mind at all that i did it...and might have even liked it?? I mean it's definitely not as mortifying as the thought of pooping myself in front of him but even if i were to wet myself, that's really bad and shocking! How often do you see a 30 year old person wet their pants? It's almost as humiliating...
Well anyway, i certainly have a lot of thinking to do! I can't wait to read what's next. Ironically (or appropriately) i have to poop and pee kinda bad right now. I noticed the pressure mounting as i was writing the passage about my changing attitude about pooping. So, its off to the potty with me :)
Brianna xoxo
Anatomy Student
To little mandi
coffee has caffeine in it, which like almost all stimulants, has a diuretic effect. Most people in the U.S. stay dehydrated due to caffeine use from coffee and energy drinks. They cause your body to release more water than you should. Tea has caffeine in it also. Coffee's effect on the bowels is due to the caffeine stimulating them and the temperature also acts as a bowel stimulant.
Toilet Size Survey
1) Are there enough lower and smaller public toilets for those needing them? No. It is a real stretch for those who are younger and smaller to get up on a regular public toilet, although Tlana's lesson on using her arms to get herself up was helpful.
2) Would a bathroom with two stools (one small, one normal size) solve the problem? Yes, when I was much younger my mom would take me into the "family" bathrooms and that's the way they were arranged. I know she liked them because they were more secure and she could keep and eye on me. Like no one would invade my space because I forgot to latch the door.
3) Should the door or stall color to the child's toilet be a different color or have a sign for parents to easily see? Yes. And that would have prevented accidents such as the one Braidy told us about.
4) Would an adult toilet and a child's toilet in the same stall encourage betters security? Yes.
5) At what age should a child be able to use a public toilet without an adult's help. I think it depends on the child and the confidence he/she had. The girl Braidy wrote about sure didn't have it and with the overbearing mother I can't see any way she could get confidence. When we started school, most of us became more independent, I think.
To Sonya Sue
What you describe about toilet paper being outside the cubicle does not really happen in the UK but over in France I have been on a trip in a Youth Hostel and also stayed at some campsites where there is a large toilet roll on the way in and you have to help yourself (and somehow predict how much you will need) on your way in. On the campsites it is often quite open plan and everyone nearby can see how much paper you are taking. Some campsites don't provide paper at all. You have to keep it in your tent and parade across the campsite holding a toilet roll - again everyone knows where you are going!
At one French campsite this summer, where all the facilities were undercover but had no outside walls, I was doing the washing up and noticed this lad who was one of a group of guys camping near to us standing around. After a while another guy from their group emerged from a toilet holding a toilet roll and he grabbed the toilet roll off him and shot into a cubicle. The group must have been sharing one roll of paper and this guy must have been in a hurry!
New here!
Hey all you people, I've been a lurker for a decent amount of time now, and thought I should post. I'm about 6 foot, guy, and dark hair. I'm not the most exciting in terms of bathroom experiences, but the other day in school I was feeling the urge to poop, so I asked my teacher and he let me out to go, so I went on into the bathroom (I'm not the most comfortable with this but it was urgent) and I took a stall with an actual door (not a lot of those as my school) and went in and pulled my jeans down, and pooped. It wasn't a massive poop but it was decent sized, then wiped and left. Thanks for reading and I plan on posting more, see ya!
Steve A
Update Plus Question
I've switched to Fiber Capsules to help get my bowels back on track.
The Metamucil was out of date and it wasn't working like it should have.
Did you ever try an out of date laxative and did it still work for you?
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Mina great story it sounds like Hisae had a really great poop and it sounds like she to go alot to and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.
To: Chloe B great story it sounds like you and Abby both had great poops.
To: J it sounds like you had a rough day and a major cleanout as well its good that you felt better later that day.
Well thats all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteMatthew
Talking about Pooping
I enjoy Kelvin's posts about the guys talking before, during and after their toilet sessions. It reminds me of some choice memories of this:
I was in the elevator at work on my way down to the first floor restroom for my daily mid-morning bowel movement when two medical students entered the elevator. One guy said to the other: "I got take a shit so bad I can hardly talk. I've had a deuce baking in me since the beginning of radiology." They both laughed, and I smiled as well. When we got to the first floor, the guy who had to shit said to his friend, "I'll catch up with you downstairs." He then followed me into the mens room, took an adjacent stall, and unloaded a huge dump, punctuated with lots of moans and sighs. He clearly was experiencing intense relief.
Then there was the time I was standing at the urinal, when two young medical residents entered the mens room, took adjacent stalls, lowered their blue scrubs and proceeded to have simultaneous bowel movements while continuing to carry on their conversation. One of the guys kept flushing the toilet, probably to mask the noise and smell. There were three of us at the urinals, and we looked at each other and shook our heads, as if to say, "What the ?????"
Once, I was in my usual middle stall and the two guys on either side of me exited their stalls simultaneously. They met at the sinks and one said to the other, "Oh hey man, how are you doing?" He responded, "Better now, about 10 lbs. lighter!" They both laughed as the other said, "I know what you mean. I feel sorry for the poor dude in between us!" That was me, of course.
And then there are some guys who whisper things to themselves when they're in the stalls. I've heard guys whisper things like, "Oh yeah," as they push out their poop, or "Oh man, I really got to go," as they drop their pants and are about to sit, or if they're having trouble with a stubborn stool, "Oh boy."
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Little Mandi
Hey all,
Does coffee make anyone else instantly have to pee? I love coffee I drink it every day multiple times a day and its like it goes right through me. within a half hour or so i'll have to go pee. haha
Anyway, today I came extremely close to peeing myself. After work, I decided to stop at the store. The first think I picked up was lunch meat. I placed my order and waited. The longer I stood there the more desperate I got. I had to go so bad it hurt. There was no way I could make it home. I got my order and started to walk to the check out line accidentally letting out a few squirts luckily I was able to stop it. I payed for my order and walked across the street as fast as I could to the Dunkin Donuts. I bought a bottle of water just so I could use the bathroom. some lady was in there talking forever. Oh god please hurry up I was thinking crossing my legs. Finally she came out and I went in and a flood of pee poured out like a faucet. I went to reach for the toilet paper and it was empty lucky for me \ the roll was behind me on the tank. Guess someone didn't feel like changing it. I always usually check for toilet paper when using public bathrooms but I had to go so bad I didnt even take notice.
response to person who asked about my accidents
To the person who asked if I still have accidents: My pants are pretty much poop-free these days. But I had that problem pretty bad in elementary and junior high. Not so much in high school. I still sometimes get the occasional shart gone too far, but nothing huge. but I had quite a few accidents that I remember from junior high, age 12-14 which I will be sharing soon. As I said in my last post, my science teacher and gym teacher both knew about my accidents, and encouraged me to go to the nurse for help. We had a male and female nurse at my school. I saw the male nurse and he put me on a schedule where everyday after lunch, I had to go to his office and sit on the toilet, and try to poop. If I couldn't poop, he gave me laxatives. I also had to tell him every time I pooped my pants. Kind of embarrassing when your in middle school, but it helped. My pants pooping became less frequent, and I felt more confident.
Here's another accident story from junior high. One day I was walking to gym class and I felt a pretty big dump in the making. Every few feet, I'd get what I call "poop cramps." When I felt one coming on, I tightened up my butt, and held it in. I wasn't near a bathroom, so I just told myself, "I'll go when I get to the locker room. Surely I can hold it until then." Boy was I wrong! No sooner had I though this, than I felt a big cramp. I squeezed my butt really hard, like I had done before, but this time, I released a noisy fart and felt a little poop come out. "Oh sh**" I thought. I kept telling myself it was just a few more feet, but then a spasm hit and I began to fill my pants. It was warm and soft, and I hate to admit it, but it felt good to finally get some relief. However, I dreaded the thought of anyone finding out, and also cleaning up. I started to limp my way to the locker room with a very warm, heavy bottom. I was fully aware of how much I stunk, and fearing all the while that little turdlets were dropping out of my pants. I finally reached the door of the locker room and my gym teacher, Mr. Gregory was standing by the door. My gym teacher was this really loud guy who never really talked in a normal voice, he always shouted. He said "Luke my man, you are late!" I smiled nervously and continued to drag my soiled butt up to the door of the locker room. I was walking really funny so all of a sudden, my teacher says really loudly: "you got a load in your pants there kid?" He was looking me straight in the eyes with a stern expression on his face. I immediately turned red with embarassment. Did he know about my accident? But then I realized he was just making a joke because I was walking funny. He didn't really suspect that I had done a "dirty deed" in my drawers! So I squeezed past him in the doorway, hoping the smell of my freshly loaded pants wouldn't touch his nostrils. I was wearing a long shirt that I kept pulling down over my butt so he wouldn't see the noticeable bulge in the seat of my pants. Then I went into a shower stall, took the heavily browned underwear off and put them in a plastic bag and threw it in the garbage. I cleaned myself with paper towels and water, and put on a spare pair of underwear that were in my gym bag. Soon I heard Mr. Gregory's loud voice yell "Luke, hurry it up! Whatcha doin back there bud!" Then he came back and saw me putting the plsatic bag in the garbage. He was like "hey bud, you ok? Anything I can help with?" I was like "no."Then he said 'Well get going then. The other guys are already playing basketball." So I ran out and went into the gym. But I didn't see Mr. Gregory follow me. I started to get scared. I pictured him going through the trash and finding my white briefs with the huge poop I had done in them! I could have died from the humiliation. He finally came into the gym and and didn't say anything about finding the underwear. But throughout the gym class, he asked me if I needed to use the bathroom. I said no. He said "anytime you need the toilet, don't be afraid to ask, son." I Thought he was asking me this because he' definitely seen the underwear. But I couldn't be sure.