Fast & Faster Crapping plus a survey
As I've written about before, my high school has two entries to our main girls bathroom on the middle floor. All toilet paper last year was removed from the stalls and the rolls are placed together next to one another on the outside of the panel of the first toilet in the long row of toilets. So we get our toilet paper first and then go into the room and take our stall. Mostly commonly, however, there's a waiting line for each of the stalls, although the several door-less ones tend to give us our best chance of relieving ourselves before school and during passing periods. But there are no guarantees because our school is like way overcrowded.
So last week, I grabbed off some toilet paper, went about midway down the row where there was the least amount of girls waiting for the door-less stalls. Both me and this other girl coming from the other direction both settled on the same stall. door-less, of course, and the girl sitting on the toilet just pulled the back of her skirt up to wipe. Then she started to wee for about 30 seconds and said something about coffee going right through her. I've heard that line before and it also pertains to me. While we waited for the girl to get up and out of the stall, the freshman on the side of me seemed to be getting more aggressive and desperate. She said that if she didn't get on that toilet before the class bell rang in like 4 minutes, she was going to be sick. She looked at me, saw the toilet paper in my hand and I could see she was tormented. She said: you're going to shit, right? I told her yes and she got more frustrated. Then I told her I wouldn't need more than a minute on the seat and I was confident enough to invite her to time me on her phone, which she had been looking at. I knew she wouldn't believe me, otherwise.
So I took the stall just as the other user vacated it. The flush cycle was still going when I yanked down my jeans and white underwear and placed my butt on the seat. I don't think I sat for 5 seconds before my log splashed into the bowl. I immediately took the paper wrapped around my left hand and did a wipe which when I checked it, I was confident I would be fine. I quickly asked the girl my time--she said 32 seconds in a surprised voice. I reached down and flushed, and handed her my extra toilet paper. While I was quickly washing my hands, I glanced in the mirror and was surprised to see her not seated. Her jeans and underwear were at floor level, she had her legs spread almost up to the toilet level, and she was dropping turds without sitting on the seat. Just then the 1-minute warning bell rang. I saw her do a fast wipe, pull up her clothing and she didn't flush or wash her hands which I can partially understand because many teachers assign a lot of tardy detentions.
Now some questions:
1) Have you seen squatters in your school?
2) Are they peeing or pooping or both?
3) Do you know why they do it?
4) What are the advantages?
5) Disadvantages?
6) Have you tried it? What were the results? Explain
I'll start the survey.
1) Have you seen squatters in your school? Yes.
2) Are they peeing or pooping or both? Both.
3) What are the advantages? A couple of the mothers for whom I babysit have taught their kids of do it because they can avoid contact with the toilet seats in public places.
4) What are the advantages? If a seat has pee on it, they don't have to directly sit down in it.
5) Disadvantages? I hope their aim's good because the results are not too pleasant for the next user.
6) Have you tried it? Partially. But since I'm very vertically-challenged for my age (I hope to top 5 feet before I graduate), my feet are still almost an inch off the ground when I'm seated on a toilet.
@Dom Careful--over time too much peeing in one place will harm the grass. Urine contains urea, a potent and readily available source of nitrogen. Too much in one place is overfertilization.
Dude in Distress
I miss hearing from Linda and Dominic! I hope your constipation is better than mine. Yesterday I had to strain and PUSH like crazy for nearly an hour to get this turd out. I was sweating, grunting, and breathing hard by the end of my ordeal.
I do survey today.
1.What's your favourite brand of toilet paper? I have no favourite, I buy double paper, it is two layers, I like soft one. I never buy pulp paper, always recycle paper.
2.How much do you buy at once? Usually I buy pack of 12 rooms of paper. But when I open pack, I buy next one soon. If we have earthquake, good to have lots paper. 3 is same answer.
4. have you run out in middle of wiping? No, because my loo paper holder hold two rolls, so when one is empty, I fill soon.
5. Have you ever started / finished your business before realising there is no toilet paper? No. So it is not need to answer 6.
1. What is the longest time you went without having a poo? I think three days, maybe four. Maho sometimes go though one week.
2. What was the longest time you were on the toilet for? Maybe about 40 minutes. But Kazuko sometimes stay one hour or more, when her intestine give a trouble.
3. Have you ever went poo in loo with doorless stall? No, but once I went in woods. of course no door.
4. Have you ever had poo in the opposite gender bathroom? Sometimes, when I was very little girl, my father took me into men's loo. And I did motion. But after I was about 4, no more I did that.
5. Have you ever went with friend? I often go with friend! But only three friends.
6. have you ever clogged a toilet? One time. Usually I flush after some motions, then I do more motions.
7. Have you ever went in something else? Only woods.
8 Have you ever missed the toilet when having a poo? Sometimes, in Japanese-style squat loo. I posted once. Very easy to miss in Japanese loo. Now not so many Japanese loo, it is good thing.
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yes! I love. Especially I love when I can do with friends!
2. What is your favourite position while defecating? usually lean forward little bit. and knees together, but not bettari. Bettari mean, stick like glue.
3. Do you get stomach aches before motion? Sometimes. But they are not severe.
4. How many times a day do you poo? usually once in two days.
5. My motions usually break up, so I can't measure long. Time is 10 or 15 minutes, sometimes 20.
6. Do you find pooping relaxing? Yes.
7. Do you make grunting noise when pushing? No, I am quiet. Hisae makes noise, but it is not grunt, it is commentary on what her bottom is doing.
8. How often you get constipated? Very rare.
9. What was the longest time you were constipated? Sorry, I can't remember.
10. After difficult poo comes out, do you yell of relief? No. But Kazuko yell. And sometimes she cry long time, and she do more motions with crying.
11 Do your stomach aches often when you can't pass motion? I don't think so.
12. Are you gassy when you poo? A bit gassy, not so much.
13. Do you look forward to do motion? Yes! (Sorry, I don't like word "dump".)
14. What are signs of having to poo? Pressure inside bottom.
15. Do you ever lie down after long poo session? Recently I did. But usually no. Sometimes if it is diarrhoea, I faint.
16. Sorry, I don't understand "catch your breath". What is its mean?
17. Do you like to take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick? I like to take long time until bottom empty. Maho and Kazuko too. Hisae likes to be quick. But she had big problem when her birthday. I tell you soon.
18. Sorry, I don't understand.
19. has motion hurt so much that you start to cry? I often cry, but it is not pain, it is emotion. Mina is silly crying baby.
20. How often you have diarrhoea? It vary. maybe average is one time in a month.
21 Do you push on stomach to get the poo out? No.
22. Do you ever massage stomach to help poo? I tried, but it don't work. So now I don't do. Sometimes massage friend's back.
23. Do you feel comfortable to have someone in loo to keep company?If it is Maho or Hisae or Kazuko, I love and love and love!!!
24. How bad do your farts smell when you are on loo? Not so much smell. But motion itself is big smell.
25. How much is the most that you have pooped? I not sure! I don't look size so much. But sometimes loo is full twice before I finish to do motion. Asian do more bigger motion than European, I think.
I do Lizzie survey another time. Sorry, I am sleepy! And Maho is with her family tonight.
Rereading my post from the other day, about my roommate and my ex I almost wonder if I somehow didn't bring it all on myself for being so open about my bodily functions. But even as I write this, I'm completely dismissing this idea because if you can't pee in front of your significant other of all people who can you pee in front of? I know it's not like he raped me or anything when he deliberately looked between my legs while I was peeing but, I still felt pretty violated when he did so. For me, peeing in front of a significant other or close friend is my way of saying, "I trust you." Basically, I'm saying, "You know me well enough that I don't mind being half-naked in front of you because by now it's probably not the first time you've seen me half-naked, except now I'll also be totally vulnerable too, but I don't mind that because I trust you. You've already earned this trust by making the seemingly abnormal situations where I'm half-naked in front of you feel totally normal, so this will be totally normal too." Yet what bugs me about both of these situations is that both times that trust was violated. Once intentionally and once unintentionally. And the unintentional one is much easier to forgive than the other one. I can honestly say that when my college ex told me he enjoyed checking out my ass whenever I peed in front of him, that actually made me feel less violated than what my other ex did. He also annoyed me one day when I woke up in his apartment one morning and went to pee while he was still sleeping. As usual, I left the door open and didn't think much of it as I took care of my business and climbed back into bed beside him afterwards. I remember getting back into bed and perhaps giving him a good morning kiss on the cheek or saying something sweet as I did so. Instead of just going with it, he took it upon himself to tell me that the hissing noise my stream had made while I was in the bathroom disgusted him. Needless to say I was a bit taken aback by this as it was quite unexpected. I basically told him I was sorry he felt that way, but that I really couldn't help the noise I had made, and certainly hadn't done it on purpose, nor did I have any control over it at all. Not knowing what else to say, I think I just went back to sleep, but I was totally crushed as I had gotten back in bed hoping to have some fun, and instead had had my morning ruined because my boyfriend was an uptight prude. In other news, I took the longest pee of my life the other day. Basically, my resolve to drink more water lately and a bad UTI combined to produce what was probably at least a 3 minute pee. Maybe even 4. Every time I thought I was slowing down and finishing up I just kept ????ing peeing. It was bizarre. I seriously thought I was never going to stop.
Anna H
So at school during gym my belly didnt feel to well we were going outside to run 3 laps on the track i decided to stay in the bathroom the whole so i went in the toilets are doorless due to its a locker room to so i sat on a toilet pulled my gym shorts and thong down to my ankles and let out a fart then grunted a bit and a pile of diarrhea splashed the toilet bowl my stomach feeling so much better and i let out a loud fart with about 3 piles of diarrhea splashing out i wiped pulled up my pants and went out with the rest of the class.Tarja from Finland
To: Michael W. My answers to The Pooping Survey.
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yes.
2. What is your favorite position while defecating? If I'm constipated or having trouble pooping, I lean forward and when I'm constipated I lean back and massage my stomach. When I'm having diarrhea I just sit normal with my toes kneading into the floor with my both hands on my knees.
3. Do you get stomach aches before pooping? If so are they severe? Yes, I do, and sometimes.
4. How many times a day do you poop? Once or twice. Depends how much I need to I guess because of constipation or diarrhea.
5. What was the longest poop you ever did? 3 hours.
6. Do you find pooping relaxing? Yes.
7. Do you make grunting noises while pushing? Do you yell in pain when it hurts? Yes and I groan and cry.
8. How often do you get constipated? Twice a month.
9. What was the longest time you've ever been constipated? One time when I was like 10 or 11 I was constipated for 3 weeks and 2 days.
10. After being constipated or having a difficult poop and it finally comes out do you yell of relief? Yes and I groan.
11. Do you have stomach aches often when you can't pass a BM? If so, are they severe and how long do they last? Yes I do and yes they can get severe to the point where I'm crying and they can last to a good half an hour.
12. Are you gassy when you poop? Omg yes.
13. Do you look forward to taking a dump? Yes.
14. What are the sings of knowing you have to poop? Having stomach aches, cramping, and farting.
15. Do you ever lie down after taking a long pooping session? I do when I'm at home sometimes.
16. Do you ever have to catch your breath while pooping? Yes when I'm constipated and having trouble getting it out.
17. Do you like to take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick? I take as long as necessary.
18. When you are constipated or having a tough time getting it out, what do you do to relieve yourself? I'll eat fruits and vegetables, apple juice, coffee, prune juice, fiber gummies. Sometimes my mom will give me an enema, which is no fun.
19. Has a BM ever hurt so much that you started to cry? Yes.
20. How often do you have diarrhea? Every once in a while, if I've been constipated long enough to the point to where I feel like I'm going to explode out of my butt.
21. Do you push on your stomach to get the poop out? Yes I knead and push.
22. Do you ever massage your stomach to help a stomach ache or to help you poop? Yes.
23. Do you feel comfortable about having someone in the bathroom with you to keep you company? Yes my mom and dad have both been in the bathroom with me and talked me through having a difficult poop. Some of my friends from school have been in the bathroom with me. My boyfriend has been in the bathroom with me while I pooped. My friends and boyfriend have helped me through a tough time.
24. How bad do your farts smell when you are pooping on the toilet? Omg they smell really bad.
25. How much is the most you have pooped? Enough to fill up the toilet.
That is it for now. I'm going to bed. Night and Happy Pooping.
Victoria B.'s toilet paper survey -
1. Scott.
2. 4 pack.
3. 1 roll.
4. Yes.
5. No, I always check first.
6. I did run out once when there was nothing left on the roll and nothing left in our cabinet in the bathroom. Then I just used some of the Kleenex that we keep on the toilet tank.
Natalie - you can have longer logs by making sure you're getting enough fiber and drinking plenty of water. Plus, staying relaxed while you're on the toilet and keeping a steady pressure while you're pushing out your poop. I do this and I usually have between a one and two foot long turd almost every day. Try it, it works.
Tall Lifeguard
Friday afternoon I visited the leisure centre to go swimming. I stopped off in the toilets on the way in. I locked myself in a cubicle and before I had undone my belt someone came in and went to the other cubicle. He was sat down pretty quick. I noticed how the guys feet were level with me and then as he sat down his feet went much further forward. I could see he had red lifeguard shorts on and his trainers.
He started dropping the kids off pretty quick. He was being quite noisy sounded soft and messy. There were several splashes as it fell into the toilet. He was messaging someone his phone at the time. You could hear the phone going off and him typing as the phone clicked. Once he had finished he sat there for a good length of time still sending messages on his phone. He then started wiping. It sounded like he was rolling out quite a lot of paper each time and then wiping quickly. When he was wiping his foot came under the side of the cubicle and was very close to mine. He wiped quite a few times so it sounds like it might have been messy!
Anyway when I was swimming later I noticed the lifeguard shoes. It was the really tall lifeguard, he is well over 7ft I think. He is tall and skinny with black hair and really hairy legs. It got me thinking. Is it difficult to use a toilet if you are really tall? Are toilet cubicles too small for tall guys?
Survey Response
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Sometimes
2. What is your favorite position while defecating? Normally sat down leaning forward a bit using phone. Sometimes at home sat up straight reading Dad's newspaper.
3. Do you get stomach aches before passing a BM? If so are they severe? Only if I put off going. Depends how long I leave it.
4. How many times a day do you poop? Generally morning and night one day and in the middle of the day the next day. But can vary if I eat a lot!
5. What was the longest poop you ever did? At least half an hour. When I stood up my legs had pins and needles and would not work properly.
6. Do you find pooping relaxing? Yes.
7. Do you make grunting noises while pushing? Do you yell in pain when it hurts? No. Sometimes I sigh
8. How often do you get constipated? Rarely. Tends to happen on holidays when I eat rubbish.
9. What was the longest time you've ever been constipated? Less than a week. When things got going I had to pass a massive whale then a stream of little fishes shot out!
10. After being constipated or having a difficult poop and it finally comes out, do you yell of relief? No. I was in a public toilet at the time.
11. Do you have stomach aches often when you can't pass a BM? If so are they severe and how long do they last? No
12. Are you gassy when you poop? Depends what I have eaten.
13. Do you look forward to taking a dump? Yes if I need to go.
14. What are the signs of knowing you have to poop? Get a feeling "down there"
15. Do you ever lie down after taking a long pooping session? Not unless it is bedtime.
16. Do you ever have to catch your breath while pooping? No
17. Do you like to take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick?
Take as long as I want. Generally about 10 mins unless there is a need to rush.
18. When you are constipated or having a tough time getting it out, what do you think is the best way to relieve yourself? Eat fruit?
19. Has a BM ever hurt so much that you started to cry? No.
20. How often do you have diarrhea? Rarely
21. Do you push on your stomach to get the poop out? No
22. Do you ever massage your stomach to help a stomach ache or to help you poop? No
23. Do you feel comfortable about having someone in the bathroom with you to keep you company while you sat there? Generally no but my cousin has joined me once.
24. How bad do your farts smell when you are pooping on the toilet? Not too bad
25. How much is the most you have pooped? Not sure. Quite a lot.
Romantic Dump
Part 2
Sorry, I got so caught up in my story telling yesterday I realised it was way past my bed time :)
Anyway where was I?.....
Ah yes! So hubby was on the throne, whilst I was in need of making a visit myself, it was agonising listening to the relief he was receiving, and watching the time I had left before needing to leave for the train diminish.
I couldn't wait for hubby much longer I had a train to catch so I told him not to worry put my heels on and headed out of the door. This client meeting was very important for the company and being late just wasn't an option.
I had no other choice but to literally suck it up and walk to the train station. Tbh on the way the urge did subside just as well really, I got to the train station without incident and boarded the train for London.
Now on the way, traveling seems to have an effect on my bowels and with 20 mins to go I started needing a poo pretty bad. I was lucky I got a seat to keep the poo from escaping my bum, I was busting to get my arse on top of a toilet for some sweet relief. I started to fidget a bit during the last 10 mins of the journey much to the annoyance of the young chap next to me if only he knew what I was in need of.
During this time I receiving a text from hubby apologising for hogging the bathroom and asking if I had been able to make it to a loo yet?
I thought I'd guilt trip him and let him know I was on a busy train right now wishing I had used our toilet before leaving.
He asked why I didn't go on the train if the need was so bad but I told him the train was out of paper.
He was sooo sorry poor guy.
As we pulled into the station I couldn't help but release a silent fart though it was immediately regrettable. It was one of those warm farts that you know is going to smell bad! And boy! people were chocking, I went bright red though I think no one suspected me! the advantages of bing the fairer sex :D
As we arrived at the station I made a beeline straight away for the 20p toilets!
This could not wait, I was dying for the loo, it was pushing its way out of my bum and I couldn't afford it to ruin my outfit.
I paid my 20p and took the only free cubicle right in the middle centre stage.
I sat down without a moment too soon, lifting up my pencil skirt and dropping my knickers that I was about to poo in.
As I sat down a massive log started rushing past my bum hole and dropped with an almighty PLOP!
I let out a large sigh to my audience and before I could take breath another large poo was expanding my ring. The relief was out of this world!
This seemed to spark a chain reaction of plops and farts in both stalls next to me as all three of us started to seriously unload the smell was rather raunchy.
As I paid 20p I was going to take my time and ensured I was fully relieved! ;) whilst I listened to the other stalls!
My cubicle stank and I had bombed the toilet, poor thing had skid marks everywhere at least they were in the loo and not my knickers x
I like to reminisce sometimes.....
It's fun to think back on fun times.....
Like....those glorious shits I took back when I was 16. The best shits of my life; that's for sure!
I wouldn't go everyday; usually like every three days or my shits were huge.
I remember it so well.....I'd be walking around with three days of shit packed into me....and....then....all of a sudden I'd get my urge. What a feeling! This massive lump of shit right at my hole! I'd work it a bit.....back and forth....felt awesome to do that!
I'd sit my hiney on the toilet and just push a bit to get things moving.....and out it would come....just wide and hard enough to stretch me a little.....but it was an amazing feeling.
After going....I would stand up and stretch.....every muscle in my body (or at least it felt that way...)
I would look in the mirror and admire my flat ???? and cute little ass and; wonderful manhood!
An amazing time of my life. Can any of you relate?
To Catherine : I would be interested in the story about something that happened in college with your roommate
To Carin : Interesting story about you and your friend Chels. Bet you felt relieved afterwards
To Mina : Sorry to hear about the earthquake that happened in Kumamoto. Glad to hear the people you know there are fine and hope those who got affected are helped soon. Glad to hear Mina and her lovely friends are ok. Hahaha Mina that was a very funny story. To be sleeping and doing motion. Really enjoyed your story. You always post nice stories and I always enjoy them. Looking forward to your next story about Hisae's birthday and Happy belated birthday to Hisae
To Marly : Can't stop laughing after reading your story it is really funny. Thanks also for the advice and looking forward to your next post
That's all for now and Happy pooping to y'all and have a blessed day.....
Gerald :)Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Carin great story.
To: Mina as always another great story about you and your friends.
Well thats all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this site
Answers to Michael W's survey
1. Do you enjoy pooping?
Yes at home or at my boyfriend Diver's apartment; not necessarily in public bathrooms.
2. What is my favorite position while defecating?
At home, my legs are at about 10 & 2 oclock. Often my arms are over my legs. When its time to push my elbows are on my knees. In public, I worry about privacy and keep my knees together as much as possible.
3. Do you get stomach aches before passing a BM?
I would say its more of a full, stuffed feeling.
4. How many times a day do you poop?
Usually one. Sometimes I miss a day or two.
5. What is the longest poop you've ever done?
My longest ones tend to be at my home or Diver's apartment. However, 10 years ago at my high school I was 5 days constipated and mom gave me a stool softener. This one completely filled the bowl at school, and part of it even got on the back of the seat paper I had down and also on the back of the seat. There was no way that one was going to flush!
6. Do you find pooping relaxing?
Yes, when I'm at home, at Divers and much of the time at work. I hate the public places like parks and arenas. Too many people, too little privacy.
7. Do you make grunting noises or yell in pain?
I remember once I did at home and Diver came running in to see if I was OK. I had held it for about six hours during his double-header softball game. It was 1 a.m. in the morning when we got home, and he was sitting in the chair having a beer when he heard my animation from the bathroom.
He did insist on helping me plunge it before we went to bed.
8. How often do you get constipated?
Not much, except when I traveling.
9. What is the largest time you've been constipated?
Five days.
10. After being constipated or having a difficult poop, do you yell in relief. Not usually. However, Diver's told me about a friend of his who would have difficult craps at school and then put his fist the in the air, stand off the toilet, call out and you could hear him a few rooms down the hall. Diver said it a reminder for teachers to close their doors because there were no doors on the entrances of the bathrooms to muffle the sounds.
11. Do you have stomach aches when you can't pass a BM?
Yes, especially when I've overeaten.
12. Are you gassy when you poop?
Sometimes yes. In junior high I got done with my math test early, got teacher permission to use the bathroom, and I had a pretty good crap. For the rest of that class and the rest of the day I was blasting off gas. It didn't smell, I tried to muffle it as much as possible, but a few times other students looked up. A couple of really obnoxious boys then started making woodchuck noises when they were around me.
13. Do you look forward to taking a dump?
Always--when I'm home or at work. Not so much in really big, public places because I gave up covering the seat with toilet paper or using the seat covers years ago. But I'm doing better and I know I need to give myself credit for how far I've come.
14. What are the signs of knowing you have to poop?
There's just a certain feeling in my gut and many times it doesn't last that long, so I try to get on a toilet before I lose the feeling. If it's the latter, I have to push harder to get it out.
15. Do you ever lay down after taking a long pooping session?
Yes, I often did when I was young. I'd head right to my bed. However, when I'm away from home that's harder to do. I do remember coming out the bathroom once at a Holiday Inn and sitting in an easy chair for a few minutes after I had really extended my butthole.
16. Do you ever have to catch your breath while pooping?
I was pretty close to it a couple of times back in high school, but I was pushing too hard because I didn't want to miss any more class than necessary. And its different if you're out of class 3 minutes or 30 minutes.
17. Do you take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick?
I take longer at home or at Diver's apartment. At work or a public place, I'm always quicker.
18. When you have a tough time getting it out, what is the best way to relieve yourself?
Mom swore by enemas. Now that I'm in my mid-20s I don't like to use suppositories, especially since many of my craps are away from home. Most of the time when I'm constipated, I can push at least something out. Then later in the day I work on getting more out.
19. Has your BM ever hurt so much that you started to cry?
20. How often do you have diarrhea?
Four or five times a year, at most. Often after I've had too much pop or beer to drink.
21 Do you push on your stomach to get your poop out?
22. Do you every massage your stomach to help a stomach ache or help you poop?
No. But my first boyfriend suggested it when we were about to leave his dorm room for a large concert, and I was having a stomach ache. I ended up farting (so embarrassed!) but I took a big crap an hour later at the arena.
23. Do you feel comfortable having someone with you in the bathroom while you sit there?
At home, when I had friends over before I was about 16 it was OK with me. As I've grown older, no.
24. How bad do your farts smell when on the toilet?
Moderately bad.
25. How much is the most you've pooped?
Discussed above.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Peeing in my yard
I have been peeing in my yard several times during the past couple of weeks. I have a fenced in yard with a corner that my neighbors can't see. I usually walk into the corner, pull out my man parts and urinate onto the grass. The urine doesn't seem to harm the grass. It's good fun as long as you don't get seen by anyone else.
Romantic Dump
Morning Desperation (Again) Part 1
So the other morning I had a client meeting with my boss in London.
this meant getting the train and having to get up a little earlier than usual. Not normally a problem but does clash with when hubby needs to leave.
After waking up I soon realise a trip to the toilet for more than a wee will be calling, especially as we went to see the mother in law yesterday and she stuffed us full of roast dinner, lamb, carrots, parsnips, roast potatoes the works. As hubby was already helping himself to toast down stairs, I took the opportunity to release my morning pee and unload my turds. After firing out a powerful piss within seconds of being seated, it became obvious my poo wasn't quite ready.
Nonetheless I decided to continue getting ready for work with the hope that a bite to eat and early morning cigarette might trigger the event I was hoping for.
Once clad in a white blouse and my new maroon pencil skirt and black tights I made my way down to the kitchen to start my morning ritual,
as I entered our kitchen hubby gave me a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs to finish getting ready leaving me some toast and jam.
I took the remaining slices of toast and opened the kitchen window to have my smoke. The food and cigarette took hold within a few minutes, the combination of the two was causing me to release some foul smelling wind that even surprised me how strong it was coming through my panties and tights.
The farts were loud as well and a precursor to the fact I needed a shit!
I finished my cigarette and grabbed my blazer and climbed the stairs releasing some more loud farts that I couldn't hold back.
I was already pulling up my skirt in anticipation of seating my bum for a much needed dump. yesterdays dinner needed out!
Upon entering the bathroom, I was confronted with the bitter sweet sight of hubby on the throne boxers and trousers round his ankles ready to answer natures call himself, usually I would relish this opportunity but my own need and urge were growing more desperate.
"Sweetie how long are you going to be?" I asked holding my nose, at this point his pee was trickling out and he had already started to stink the place out.
"A while yet I've only just started and I'm feeling full from yesterday still, its gonna be a big one, I'm guessing you need a shit too?"
This was not the news I needed to hear, okay I'll wait is what I replied but time was getting on. I needed to leave soon to get the train into London.
I thought I would sort my make up in the mean time in the bedroom but the bathroom is right next to it, my mind was too busy listening to hubby strain and sigh with relief, after every splash and plop!
"Are you nearly done? I need to leave soon?" I urgently asked, "No sorry love I'm not done yet"
Gotta dash but I will finish the story promise
As you know, I posted yesterday that I had been constipated for quite a few days and eventually took a stool softener to help move things along. WELL! Yesterday after work (after holding in all those days' worth of poop due to being poop shy at work), I had THE MOST relaxing poop in days! All that poop came out nicely and made many plops in the toilet. No straining required-just gentle pushing. There were some farts and some stomach gurgling happening as well. When I was finally finished (I was on the toilet for almost 15 minutes...)I looked to see how much poop had come out. Boy was I surprised! The entire hole was filled and there even a couple of pieces floating on the water. And boy it stunk! Anyways, I wiped, flushed and that was that!
Not sure what exactly caused this bout of constipation, but it sure feels nice to be cleaned out!Tia
So I've been constipated since late Wednesday. I was able to poop a bit (with much effort and straining) on Thursday and yesterday. Again more straining... Not much poop came out, but enough to not make me feel bloated. I took a stool softener before bed last night and it's kicking in now. Only problem is that I'm at work and I'm poop shy there. All I know is that I've really gotta go!Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: End Stall Em great story.
To: Jane The Poop great story it sounds like you had a great poop.
To: Jemma as always another great story about your desperate poops.
To: George great story about your wifes poops in the composting toilet it sounds like she had some good poops.
Well thats all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteCatherine
Hi everyone! Wow! Great surveys today! I am under the weather with a sinus infection and am staying home today.
I thought I would answer some surveys
Victoria - Great survey about toilet paper. I hope that this is helpful :)
I) What's your favorite brand? Charmin. I love it. I use the soft kind. I keep Charmin To Go - Both wet wipes and regular paper, in my purse.
II) How much do you buy at once (six-pack, twelve...)? I try to buy it in bulk. I've never run out at home!
III) How far down does your stock get before you decide to get more? See above.
IV) Have you ever ran out in the middle of wiping? I am sure I have. I just get off the toilet and get a roll at home.
V) Have you ever sat down and started/finished your business before realizing that there was no toilet paper? No, because I always have it in my purse if it's a public restroom or if I go at Alan's. I keep his house stocked as well :)
VI) If so, how did you deal with it? See above.
I'm glad that you made it to the toilet but I hate that you had to run the risk of an accident. Glad it worked out for you!
Morgan, I hope that this is helpful. I started posting on page 1811 and am the only "Catherine" in that time, except for a teenager that posted like twice, I think. If you do a search for my name, you can find many of the stories I am referring to.
1. What is the longest time you were without having a poo? Since I changed my eating habits as a preteen, I have never gone longer than one full day without a bowel movement (that's missing 2, possibly 3 poops, as I go twice daily on average).
2. What was the longest time you were on the toilet for? I am not sure. I think that some bouts of diarrhea have kept me on the toilet for about an hour at a time.
3. Have you ever went poo in a bathroom with no/doorless stalls? No.
4. Have you ever had a poo in the opposite gender bathroom? No.
5. Have you ever went with a friend (e.g. watching them, being watched, sitting on the same toilet at the same time, or used two toilets side by side or in cubicles next to each other) I recently wrote about my fiancé, then boyfriend, helping to the toilet when I had an unusual stomach bug in the summer time. He witnessed me do a major diarrhea and vomit into the trash can at the same time. I was humiliated but he was so great about it. I have another story that I have never shared about something that happened in college with my roommate. I wonder if anyone would be interested :) ???
6. Have you ever clogged a toilet? A few times. I have a post about clogging a toilet at church in October of 2014 that I posted on the forum. Also, I clogged the toilet at a weekend church retreat hosted at a friends house. I believe that story is on page 1817 or thereabouts. I would love to know what you think!
7. Have you ever went in something else (toilet, sink, mens urinal, shower)? No.
8. Have you ever missed the toilet when having a poo and landed your log on the back of the toilet or the floor? No.
Great survey, Morgan!
Lizzie, it's great to hear from you! I hope that this is what you are looking for :)
1. Have you ever started peeing and while you were peeing you farted and poop came out? Yes, sometimes when my stomach has been a little off, but I go to the toilet thinking that I only have to pee, then it can happen. It's usually just a little bit though.
2. Whenever you have to go poop do you also have to pee? I always empty my bladder when I poop. Usually, I do all of the bowel movement first, and then I pee. It's much more uncommon that I pee before the bowel movement. And, I've had a few times that I've had to do both so bad that I pee and poop at the same time! That's an interesting sensation!
3. Is it normal that when my boyfriend poops he does the pee part sitting down? Yes, I am sure all men do that.
4. Have you ever sharted? Yes, when I've been sick with diarrhea, but not on a normal day.
5. When did you last poop and/or pee yourself? The last time I pooped myself was in 2011, solid or diarrhea. That one was very firm and solid. I had been holding it a long time. I've had three solid accidents since my preteen years. I had more as a preteen, as I had horrible eating habits mixed with anxiety that led to bouts of constipation and diarrhea. I've shared these stories - the three solid accident ones - on the forum.
I hope that is helpful!
Michael, I hope that this is helpful!
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yes!!! I love it!
2. What is your favorite position while defecating? I tend to sit lady-like, hunched forward a little, with my legs together, but not quite touching.
3. Do you get stomach aches before passing a BM? If so are they severe? I can get a little achy, but not crampy, unless it is going to be loose or diarrhea. When the load is going to be really large, I can get an achy feeling in my back and can feel pressure in my abdomen and rectum. I love the feeling of having to go!
4. How many times a day do you poop? Twice daily is normal!
5. What was the longest poop you ever did? Over two feet long! Oh, you mean time! I think I've been on the toilet an hour before with diarrhea.
6. Do you find pooping relaxing? Yes! I love the feeling of having to go really bad, then doing it, and then that relaxing feeling afterwards!
7. Do you make grunting noises while pushing? Do you yell in pain when it hurts? No. Mine are very comfortable!
8. How often do you get constipated? No. Very regular!
9. What was the longest time you've ever been constipated? Three days as a child. I've never missed more than one day since my preteen years!
10. After being constipated or having a difficult poop and it finally comes out, do you yell of relief? I've had an almost afterglow type feeling after really large, but solid doodies.
11. Do you have stomach aches often when you can't pass a BM?
12. Are you gassy when you poop? Not as often as you would think. Maybe one out of every ten poops includes some toilet farting!
13. Do you look forward to taking a dump? Yes. I really do!
14. What are the signs of knowing you have to poop? Stomach feels full, maybe some pressure, along with an achy feeling in lower back and rectum. I can feel the poop wanting to come out at my anus.
15. Do you ever lie down after taking a long pooping session? No.
16. Do you ever have to catch your breath while pooping? No.
17. Do you like to take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick? I like to be thorough, but normal poops take about 5 minutes for me.
18. When you are constipated or having a tough time getting it out, what do you think is the best way to relieve yourself? Not applicable.
19. Has a BM ever hurt so much that you started to cry? No. But one felt so good that I started to cry!
20. How often do you have diarrhea? 1-2 times per year.
21. Do you push on your stomach to get the poop out? No.
22. Do you ever massage your stomach to help a stomach ache or to help you poop? No.
23. Do you feel comfortable about having someone in the bathroom with you to keep you company while you sat there? I've had to take Alan's girls to the toilet with me in public restrooms. Alan was in there when I was sick once. Once Alan and I are married, I will let him in sometimes, if he wants to be in there.
24. How bad do your farts smell when you are pooping on the toilet? Not bad. I struggle with noisy gas more so than smelly gas.
25. How much is the most you have pooped? See page 1817 and 2466 for some big ones!
Well, that's all I can do right now! I hope that everyone stays well!
Catherine!Some Guy
Oops...Plus a Survey!
I was apparently so eager to respond to Simmee in my last post that I forgot to include my name at the top! HA! I'll also give my answers to Michael's survey...the first one I think I've ever done!
1. Do you enjoy pooping?
If I have to go a lot, I enjoy pooping when I get that big feeling of relief afterwards. If it's more of a regular load, eh, it's just one of life's necessities!
2. What is your favorite position while defecating?
I pull my pants and undies down to my ankles. Unlike some of you, I just can't pull them down enough to go. It's not comfortable for me. I also have my legs open and my hands are either cupped over my privates, or my arms are folded and in my lap. I sometimes lean forward, but not always.
3. Do you get stomach aches before passing a BM? If so are they severe?
No, not really...may just have some gas.
4. How many times a day do you poop?
At least once a day...sometimes twice...and I'm becoming a regular morning pooper, too!
5. What was the longest poop you ever did?
Really not sure...15 minutes, maybe?
6. Do you find pooping relaxing?
Like my answer to #1...when I get that big feeling of relief...yes!
7. Do you make grunting noises while pushing? Do you yell in pain when it hurts?
No. I'm a pretty quiet pooper, except for my butt sometimes! HA!
8. How often do you get constipated?
Not too often. I can't think of a time frame here, so it can't be too frequently.
9. What was the longest time you've ever been constipated?
A day or two? Not too sure here.
10. After being constipated or having a difficult poop and it finally comes out, do you yell of relief?
11. Do you have stomach aches often when you can't pass a BM? If so are they severe and how long do they last?
12. Are you gassy when you poop?
13. Do you look forward to taking a dump?
If I'm going to get that big feeling of relief, yes! I look forward to pooping in public, too...something that wouldn't have happened when I was a kid.
14. What are the signs of knowing you have to poop?
I sometimes fart, and get pressure by the back door.
15. Do you ever lie down after taking a long pooping session?
16. Do you ever have to catch your breath while pooping?
17. Do you like to take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick?
I have to be quick at work; otherwise, I like to take my time so that I don't have to go again relatively soon.
18. When you are constipated or having a tough time getting it out, what do you think is the best way to relieve yourself?
Apple Juice.
19. Has a BM ever hurt so much that you started to cry?
20. How often do you have diarrhea? stools tend to be loose...never severe diarrhea, though.
21. Do you push on your stomach to get the poop out?
22. Do you ever massage your stomach to help a stomach ache or to help you poop?
23. Do you feel comfortable about having someone in the bathroom with you to keep you company while you sat there?
If it's a close friend, then that's cool! Never done it, though, except for a time in Pre-School, which I've written about.
24. How bad do your farts smell when you are pooping on the toilet?
Normally not too bad.
25. How much is the most you have pooped?
Don't know, but some turds have been pretty big! LOL!
Well, that's about it for now. Hope to have something interesting to share before too long!
Happy Pooping!
Some Guy