Sheena's continuing problems
Earlier, I wrote about a new student who moved into my school. She's having trouble adjusting her bowels and bladder to our school and its big, crowded bathrooms. I met her when between classes she was sitting on a toilet in a cubicle with no door. She was embarrassed and crying about just sitting there, others impatiently waiting, and not being able to get her crap to come out. While I waited for the toilet, I decided to act as a door shield for Sheena. She has big craps and after she missed the tardy bell, I took her to the nurse who gave us both excused tardy checks to class. She and I are bonding pretty well now and on the first day of Christmas break, she took up my invitation to go shopping and see a movie at the mall.
Well Sheena got to my house about a half hour late. She said she'd been trying to have her morning crap at home, but she couldn't get it out. So before we left my house for the mall, Sheena went in and luckily she was able to release it. Only the problem was that it was huge. It was so long and half of it was standing up outside the water. There were several rolls of toilet paper stacked on the floor next to the toilet. There was no way Sheena could have seen the plunger. I took it, flushed and tried best to break the crap up so it would clear the hole. While I was making some progress with that and Sheena was again so embarrassed, my younger brother, 8, and one of his obnoxious friends came in from playing. Both said they had to pee and were about to burst. That caused Sheena to break out crying. I shoved the boys out until I could get the clog fixed. They went to mom and she immediately came in and ordered me to let them use the toilet. While they did, I had to try and calm Sheena down. My brother is so obnoxious and he flipped me and Sheena off as they left. Now as I worked the plunger I had yellow water and a lot of bubbles in it. For some reason, Sheena sees it as all her fault. It took me about 10 minutes to break up the crap. Smashing it up was gross and with me and Sheena down on our knees doing it, I thought I was going to hurl.
After that me and Sheena walked the six blocks to the mall. We stopped for coffees and by the time we got there we both had to pee and badly. Especially me, since I had not peed since after dinner the previous night. So we went to one and then two different mall bathrooms. Each had lines extending well outside the room. Some of the moms waiting had two and even three kids in tow. Me and Sheena both agreed that we would wet ourselves waiting in that long of a line. Then I suddenly remembered that we had cut through the doors of a car lube garage a few minutes earlier. Sheena didn't think they would let us use their bathroom, but I tried to be more encouraging. We took the walk over there. It was just on the other side of the large parking lot. There were only a few people in the waiting room so Sheena and I headed into the hallway and to the bathroom. It had a Unisex symbol on the door and Sheena said she had never used one. I was glad she was going to have a positive experience. We both went in. I told her she could drop the seat and go first. She seemed surprised and started crying a bit. Once seated, her pee started immediately and took about a minute and a half. Then she flushed and I got on the seat. My stream started slowly, increased and went for about a minute. One surprise, though, I accidentally farted and Sheena was so surprised that she burst out laughing.
About two hours later and back in the mall, we had lunch and then we did some more Christmas shopping. Then we went to the movies there. Before the show, I went in and took my crap. I had to wait about 15 minutes for the toilet. Sheena stayed with me in line and kept me company. She also watched my gifts so that I didn't need to take them into the toilet with me. I think we're becoming good friends. I just wish that going to the bathroom away from home wouldn't be such trauma for her.
Big poop after eating contest
Hi everyone. This is my first post here. I'm 14 years old with black hair and blue eyes. I'm 5 foot 3 and weigh about 150 pounds. I have a huge appetite and I eat lots at every meal. I poop once a day, usually in the morning after waking up, and it's usually a big one. I have a story about the poop I took this morning (Thursday), but it really starts on Tuesday.
On Tuesday there was an event for a youth group I'm part of. One of the things we did was an eating contest. As you can imagine, this was something I did really well at. The contest was to eat as many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as you could. I won by eating 7 sandwiches, although a boy who's also 14 and another girl who's 15 each ate 6 sandwiches, so I didn't win by much. Then that day at dinner, I ate only a little less than my normal amount.
I woke up the next day and didn't feel an urge to poop but I didn't worry about it. I figured I'd feel the urge later in the day and would just go when I had to. I had three big meals again that day like I always do, but I never felt an urge to poop. Then this morning, I woke up to a heavy feeling in my stomach. I really had to poop bad. Not surprising considering I had two days worth of meals, plus all those sandwiches, inside me just waiting to be pooped out.
I went to the bathroom and peed and settled in, messing around with my phone. I sat for somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes and farted a ton during that time. I think I farted at least 50 times, and some of them were really loud and some were really long. Some were both loud and long. But I hadn't let out any poop and my stomach was really hurting by then. I put down my phone and really gave a good push and let out a really really long airy fart, maybe 20 seconds long. Another big push and I finally felt my poop coming out.
It all came out in the form of one very long log. It just kept coming and coming. Eventually it did break off and I stood up to examine my creation. One end of it was in the hole at the back of the toilet and it looked like a big spiral. It completed four loops around itself, each one bigger than the previous, and the last loop was touching the outer edge of the toilet. Then I felt a sudden urge to poop more. I sat back down and quickly let out three short soft turds. I wiped my front once and my back six times, then I flushed.
A lot of the big turd went down the drain, but not all of it. And as the toilet refilled, some of it ended up coming back into the toilet bowl. I flushed again and the everything down. I used the toilet brush and flushed one last time to deal with the skid marks left over. Then I sprayed some air freshener as it really stunk in the bathroom and closed the toilet lid before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom, feeling much much better.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Hi all,
Hope everyone had a good Christmas - mine has been miserable! On Wednesday I felt fine when I woke up but by around lunchtime I started to feel very hot and I had horrendous pain in my ears, throat, neck etc like a dull ache. I laid on the sofa all day burning up and not wanting to eat anything and Thursday (although I felt a little better) followed a similar pattern.
On Friday I had bad stomach cramps when I woke up and I was feeling really sick. I camped out on the sofa but I was letting go of massive stinking farts to relieve some of the pressure in my gurgling stomach. It literally smelled like something crawled up my bum and died...I was farting every couple of minutes for most of the day. My stomach was swirling and feeling sick although I never actually was sick.
I went to the toilet to try and have a poo but I only managed to produce a small light brown nugget. I still felt bad a couple of hours later so I went to the toilet again and managed two more tiny light brown globs. My stomach felt terrible and I fully expected to have sat down and had massive diarrhoea.
I went to bed early but within half an hour my stomach felt even worse. It was gurgling and rumbling and I couldnt stop farting. I tossed and turned for a bit, moaning and holding my stomach. Then I ripped a huge fart which was decidedly wetter at the end and suddenly I felt like my bowels were going to explode.
But my parents had gone to bed and their bedroom is right next to the bathroom. Not wanting them to know that I'm sick, I really did not want to go to the toilet but by now I knew I had diarrhoea. I sat up and dug my heels into my bum and clenched for all I was worth until the 'I have to go NOW' feeling subsided.
Debating what to do, I took 2 imodium tablets and got back into bed. My stomach was churning and I couldnt help but continue farting constantly. Luckily I managed to fall asleep until 0930am.
I woke up on Christmas Eve with the worst stomach pains imagineable and the most horrendous urge to empty to bowels - I also felt very nauseous. I knew I couldn't hold it much longer so I went to the bathroom, switche the fan on, started the shower and put some music on just so there was less chance of being heard.
I yanked my pyjama bottoms down and pulled my dressing gown up. My stomach was growling at me and I was on the verge of having an accident. I sat on the toilet and pushed involuntarily. Instantly a wet fart came out with a squirt of sloppy poo. I pushed again and a torrent of sloppy poo came flying out which quickly turned runny. Without much effort at all, the runny poo continued to fall out of my bum in one massive wave. It sounded like I was going for a wee with the odd fart in between.
As soon as I was done, I glanced in the bowl - the whole bowl was covered in pale brown runny mess. I pushed again and a couple of final gross squirts shot out. I began to gag with the smell so I had to flush immediately before wiping. I took my dressing gown off and surveyed the mess on my bum. I wiped once and the paper was covered in golden brown runny mess. I had to wipe 8 times then jumped in the shower.
My stomach felt loads better after Id had diarrhoea but I knew this wouldnt be the end of it. I slowly got dressed and took 2 more Imodium tablets hoping they would help relieve my symptoms. My friend was coming round for the afternoon and I was a bit worried I would need the toilet whilst he was here as my stomach still felt upset.
About an hour after he arrived my stomach started to gurgle massively and I badly needed the toilet. He looked over at me - 'Your stomach doesn't sound very happy - are you okay?'. I blushed, 'Yeah fine, probs just hungry' I lied. Luckily the feeling passed temporarily and he went home before I felt any worse. I had to hold off going to the toilet as I knew my parents would've heard so I took another tablet, clenched my bum cheeks and went to bed.
I woke up on Christmas Day still needing a poo but again I couldn't go as my parents would hear. I made it through til 5pm when the pain was getting so bad I felt like I was going to have an accident in my pants. I started ripping loud smelly farts again and I really needed to relieve my aching bowels.
I went upstairs and set up the same scenario with the shower then seated myself quickly on the toilet. I pushed slightly and a landslide of watery poo cane flying out of me. I groaned as round two came..this was much more liquidy than the poo I'd had to have the day before. I had a wave which lasted almost a minute then I felt emptier. I looked in the bowl and it was pure liquid poo with a few tiny messy chunkc floating around. I quickly flushed to get rid of the smell.
Before I could think about wiping my stomach cramped again and I urgently needed to go some more. I sat back down quickly and released more liquid diarrhea into the desperately needed toilet. This was just like peeing out of my bum it was so watery. This time wiping was easy - my poo had been so liquidy that it barely touched my bum. Two wipes and I was clean although I still got a shower.
Because I'd just had such bad ???? troubles all I felt like doing was going to bed. Within 2 hours my stomach started to feel really dodgy again and had I lived alone I would've run straight to the toilet to get some instant relief. Unfortunately my parents were both in so I had to hold it. I woke up twice during the night feeling like I was about to mess my pants but luckily I managed to hold it in.
Sixteen hours after my last watery poo, I finally got my chance to go again as they popped out for a walk. I ran straight to the bathroom and took all my clothes off. My stomach cramped and I farted loudly, following through. I sat down and without even pushing, liquid poured out of my poor desperate bottom. I moaned loudly as it all came squirting out.
This was about 30 minutes ago I had my last explosive watery poo and I know I still definitely have bad diarrhoea :(. Happy Christmas...
Reply and latest news
Imogen- sounded like that girl was pretty desperate for a wee in your last story, especially if she was needing to cross her legs, she was lucky her knickers were still dry! Also I know what you mean about getting in the habit of holding on too long when you need the loo, its something I've done in the past and still do sometimes! I was worst for it at school, sometimes I'd be bursting for a wee by morning break but just wouldn't get time to go and so by the time I got to lunch I would be queueing for a cubicle knowing I was seconds away from flooding my knickers! I remember one time in the summer when I was desperate like that, I was next in line for a cubicle but I just couldn't help letting a spurt go, luckily I regained control before I totally wet myself!! Unfortunately my knickers couldn't hold it all and I could feel some drops of wee rolling down my thighs, I was wearing a skirt but didn't have any tights on as it was so warm. Luckily I managed to get into a cubicle before anyone realised what had happened, but I had to spend ages trying to dry my knickers with toilet paper!
Anyway, back to my news. I'm worried that I seem to be getting even more constipated at the moment, as I've posted my last few poos have been really hard and dry and have taken ages to push out. This morning I still hadn't felt an urge for a poo and with a sinking feeling realised I'd gone 5 days since I'd last opened my bowels. I went downstairs in my nightie and took some breakfast back up to my room, after I'd eaten I took off my nightie so I was just in my red and white stripey pants, and saw that I was definitely looking a bit bloated when I looked at myself in the full length mirror in my room. I went into my ensuite, dropped my pants to my knees and sat on the loo. I'd had a wee straight after I got up so I decided to just sit and relax and hope I would start to want a poo soon. It's at times like this I think how lucky I am to have my own loo, before we moved to this house we just had a family bathroom and it was a lot more difficult to get enough time to use the toilet, especially when I was constipated. For some reason although I'm really open with my close friends around my toilet habits I was really embarrassed around my family, probably because the rest of my family never seem to have any issues with constipation but my two closest friends (Lucy and Katie) both do so we can help each other out when we're struggling to go for a poo. Before we moved Lucy and I would use the loo in the house that was quietest, so for example if we'd come out of school needing a poo and I knew my sister had friends over but Lucy's house was empty we'd go to Lucys, and vice versa. That would work quite well on the whole, there was only one time I thought I was on my own in the house when actually I wasn't- I was dying for a poo and a wee when I got back home and so I rushed upstairs, took off my school uniform and went into the loo in just my bra and pants to find one of my sisters friends on the toilet!! I'm not sure who was more embarrassed, my sisters friend being disturbed using the loo or me in my underwear!
Anyway, back to the story, after sitting for a few minutes I could definitely feel something stirring in my belly so I took a deep breath and bore down hard, after a few big pushes (and equally big grunts!) I felt a log starting to poke out of my bum. I gasped at how massive it felt and knew it was going to be really hard to pass. I pushed as hard as I could for as long as I could, I had no choice but to make the pauses in between pushing really short because as soon as I stopped I could feel the log getting sucked back up. I could feel myself going really red, it was quite warm in my ensuite and I was having to strain so hard. I finally managed to get the log out far enough that it wouldn't go back in, so at least I could have a bit of a breather. After a rest I started to bear down again, after a few more pushes my bumhole felt stretched to bursting point and I couldn't get the poo to budge. I knew I'd have to pull my bum cheeks apart so I did that and gave some more hard pushes, luckily I felt the log start to move again as the fattest part suddenly came through and as I continued to strain it sped up. Shortly after it dropped with a splash and I moaned with relief. I passed another couple of logs that were a lot easier to push out and then finished with a dribble more wee. I wiped my bottom and then pulled up my pants and flushed, before washing my hands and going back into my room to get dressed.
Happy Christmas to everyone and I'll post again soon!
Steve A
To Xan and Lily
Xan: I did some weekend retreats for my church before. Our youth group usually takes 1 or 2 trips a year. Some of them were at camping sites, but we stayed in cabins. I do have a few experiences from when I stayed there for a weekend. From being seen on the toilet because of a broken stall door to me and a group of guys who always went back to the cabins after dinner to poop, I had a good time and I also enjoyed my days at the retreat camp.
Lily (diarrhea at school): I don't recall having any accidents during my school years. But, being poop shy is hard to get over. Gradually, you'll get more comfortable overtime. For me, I never had any problems popping in public. Middle school students are usually immature about this type of stuff. Once you reach high school, you may feel more comfortable and the students shouldn't bother you as much. I remember when I usually went for a #2 at high school, no one cared. These students who made fun of you may get a taste of there own medicine someday. It's Not cool to make fun of someone when they poop.
Some tips to consider:
Try to go to the bathroom during lunch, before or after school (if you don't have to catch a bus), or whenever you have some free time at school.
You can tell the nurse that your stomach is upset and then you can poop in a single bathroom alone with full privacy. But, don't ask too often, the nurse may catch on. Even then, I guess that you can tell the nurse about your shyness problem and she may consider helping you out.
I do hope that you can get over this someday. This isn't something that gets fixed overnight. Following some of my tips may help, but someday you'll be able to poop in a crowded restroom mall on Black Friday.
Good luck to you (Lily) and to everyone.: Happy Holidays!
Steve A
so the other day i went to the mall with my mom and she said she had to go poop so i waited for her in the restroom. she went inside and there were already 5 people in the restroom stalls and 2 washing their hands. all of a sudden i heard a panting noise and then soft grunting. my mom came out of the bathroom and washed her hands. the person s grunting got louder and louder and then she farted. i left the bathroom with my mom.
Post Title (optional)K-Mart accident
Getting caught up in the Holiday shopping season, I had just finally made it to the express line at the K-Mart. By this time, I was bursting for a pee & while I fumbled with my debit card it would not take for three swipes. So, I stood there completely humiliated as I peed my tight, stone-washed jeans at the age of 41, leaving a huge puddle on the floor...not a pretty scene! One of the women working on the front end immediately came & cleaned it up with some white powder & a dust pan & brush. Have not been back there since.
End Stall Em
I saw Santa on the toilet.....
One of my Christmas memories of my childhood took place back in the late 1990s. I come from a family of bowlers and I was with my dad one Saturday at something called a sweeper. It was a large city-wide tournament held at the largest bowling alley in our state. I think I was either 6 or 7 and dad was very protective of me. So when I told him during a break that I had to pee, he took me into the mens room. Actually I think there were two or three mens rooms in this huge place. What was different than many of the others he had taken me in was this one had toilet stalls with no doors. I think there were also two entrances to this bathroom, something that kind of scared me because it was so large. I think his plan was to hustle me into the first available toilet. Then he would stand in the doorway and shield me from the men with their backs to us who were standing at the urinals. While I was fascinated by that, I also saw it as gross. On this day, and it was like 11 a.m. in the morning, the first toilet was occupied by someone that really stood out. Santa.
He was in his full Santa suit. His bright red trousers were pulled down below his knees partially covering his boots. He sat with his legs in a V-shaped angle and he had his hands between them. His cap was over the side of the stall petition. He seemed a little surprised and let off a hearty Ho, Ho, Ho as my dad shoved me out of the way in embarrassment. The next toilet was open. Dad shepherded me in there. As usual, I had to wait for him to wipe down the seat, throw the paper in the bowl and then spread some toilet paper over the front before I could finally take my seat and pee. Then while I was doing my thing, Santa called to my dad and it was obvious they were on friendly terms. My dad was telling him how rotten he was bowling, the number of splits that he had, and used some bowling-specific language I didn't understand. It took me a little longer to pee because of the confusion and dad's conversation with Santa.
By the time the next series of games started I began to figure out some of the things about Santa. He was going from lane to lane and handing out cards to the bowlers. Dad later told me they were for free drinks. And then at the awards ceremony where trophies and medals were given out, Santa made the presentations. On our drive back home dad explained more of it to me and later that season I would see the guy who was Santa bowling with dad, although he was in a bowling shirt with a lot of patches on it. What was even stranger, several years later when I was a senior in high school, this guy was a career day speaker at our school who talked about how he had built a successful auto dealership. During a passing period between talks, this guy went across the hall and into the bathroom. I told my best friend Delta to remind me at lunch to tell her an unbelievable story. And I did. Like me she wrote for our school newspaper and had been assigned to cover career day. She ended up emailing him a couple of questions. Nothing about his Santa days however.John H
Happy Christmas
Hi all.
Happy christmas to the moderators, posters and readers of toiletstool.
Looking forward to reading everyone's post Christmas dump stories.
My own poos are not the best at the moment due to several nights of drinking.
Oh I also noticed I forgot to put my name on my last post.
Take care all, John H.Abbie
Reply and latest news
Imogen- sounded like that girl was pretty desperate for a wee in your last story, especially if she was needing to cross her legs, she was lucky her knickers were still dry! Also I know what you mean about getting in the habit of holding on too long when you need the loo, its something I've done in the past and still do sometimes! I was worst for it at school, sometimes I'd be bursting for a wee by morning break but just wouldn't get time to go and so by the time I got to lunch I would be queueing for a cubicle knowing I was seconds away from flooding my knickers! I remember one time in the summer when I was desperate like that, I was next in line for a cubicle but I just couldn't help letting a spurt go, luckily I regained control before I totally wet myself!! Unfortunately my knickers couldn't hold it all and I could feel some drops of wee rolling down my thighs, I was wearing a skirt but didn't have any tights on as it was so warm. Luckily I managed to get into a cubicle before anyone realised what had happened, but I had to spend ages trying to dry my knickers with toilet paper!
Anyway, back to my news. I'm worried that I seem to be getting even more constipated at the moment, as I've posted my last few poos have been really hard and dry and have taken ages to push out. This morning I still hadn't felt an urge for a poo and with a sinking feeling realised I'd gone 5 days since I'd last opened my bowels. I went downstairs in my nightie and took some breakfast back up to my room, after I'd eaten I took off my nightie so I was just in my red and white stripey pants, and saw that I was definitely looking a bit bloated when I looked at myself in the full length mirror in my room. I went into my ensuite, dropped my pants to my knees and sat on the loo. I'd had a wee straight after I got up so I decided to just sit and relax and hope I would start to want a poo soon. It's at times like this I think how lucky I am to have my own loo, before we moved to this house we just had a family bathroom and it was a lot more difficult to get enough time to use the toilet, especially when I was constipated. For some reason although I'm really open with my close friends around my toilet habits I was really embarrassed around my family, probably because the rest of my family never seem to have any issues with constipation but my two closest friends (Lucy and Katie) both do so we can help each other out when we're struggling to go for a poo. Before we moved Lucy and I would use the loo in the house that was quietest, so for example if we'd come out of school needing a poo and I knew my sister had friends over but Lucy's house was empty we'd go to Lucys, and vice versa. That would work quite well on the whole, there was only one time I thought I was on my own in the house when actually I wasn't- I was dying for a poo and a wee when I got back home and so I rushed upstairs, took off my school uniform and went into the loo in just my bra and pants to find one of my sisters friends on the toilet!! I'm not sure who was more embarrassed, my sisters friend being disturbed using the loo or me in my underwear!
Anyway, back to the story, after sitting for a few minutes I could definitely feel something stirring in my belly so I took a deep breath and bore down hard, after a few big pushes (and equally big grunts!) I felt a log starting to poke out of my bum. I gasped at how massive it felt and knew it was going to be really hard to pass. I pushed as hard as I could for as long as I could, I had no choice but to make the pauses in between pushing really short because as soon as I stopped I could feel the log getting sucked back up. I could feel myself going really red, it was quite warm in my ensuite and I was having to strain so hard. I finally managed to get the log out far enough that it wouldn't go back in, so at least I could have a bit of a breather. After a rest I started to bear down again, after a few more pushes my bumhole felt stretched to bursting point and I couldn't get the poo to budge. I knew I'd have to pull my bum cheeks apart so I did that and gave some more hard pushes, luckily I felt the log start to move again as the fattest part suddenly came through and as I continued to strain it sped up. Shortly after it dropped with a splash and I moaned with relief. I passed another couple of logs that were a lot easier to push out and then finished with a dribble more wee. I wiped my bottom and then pulled up my pants and flushed, before washing my hands and going back into my room to get dressed.
Happy Christmas to everyone and I'll post again soon!
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Lily it sounds like you had a rough day at school at least you didnt have an accident.
To: Annie great story.
To: Carin I hope you feel better it sounds like that flu hit you good at least you made it to a toilet each time.
To: Kung Poo great story it sounds like she had a really great poop.
Well thats all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteMichelle
To Steve - Accident story
Hi Steve, sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. I wanted to tell you about the one time I had a poop accident in my car. I'm sure you could tell from my other posts that I am extremely poop shy, and have always been this way. I hate when people hear the noises I make and the noises my poop makes mainly, and ever since I was little I remember even hiding from my family when I had to poop. I remember long days at school, after eating a large lunch, and holding on so tight till I could race home from the bus stop and go in the privacy of my own home. Even now I hold my poop sometimes all day at work and go only when I get home. I only go every few days so this makes for large hard logs when I do go. And that makes them easier to hold back also. Once in a while when I eat Mexican food though, my stomach starts to grumble and things get moving pretty quickly. This happened one time when I went out to eat lunch with a friend. We had Mexican food and then we decided to go shopping at Target afterwards. While we were in the middle of shopping, I started to feel my stomach grumble. I was passing silent farts and could feel the pressure building, and I knew that I would be needing to use a toilet. But there was no way I was going to tell my friend that I had to poop, and no way that I would use the bathroom at Target. So I made up some excuse as to why I had to cut the shopping trip short. I paid for my items, said good bye to my friend, and headed out quickly to the car. I got in and started the race to the house. At first the pressure wasn't too bad, but it started to build quickly. I was farting more and more also, and my stomach was grumbling a lot. I could tell that this was going to be more of a loose poop than a hard log like I usually have. I got out of the neighborhood and on to the highway. By this point I was really sweating and clenching my ass cheeks to try to keep them closed. I put the air conditioner on and the radio on really loud to try to distract myself. But it wasn't working. The poop was pressing so hard on my anus trying to make it's way out. The farting had stopped by this point, nothing was left between my hole and the humongous poop behind it. I remembered that it had been several days since I went to the bathroom, so there was a lot in there, and the Mexican food was just pushing it's way out! I was driving as fast as I could, trying to concentrate on the road, but using all of my might to hold the load in. I got off of the highway and in to my neighborhood, and that's when things got impossible. I think my body could sense the impending relief, and decided to start moving things along. I got a cramp and it hurt so bad that I just decided I was going to let a little bit out. I took a Target bag that was sitting in my passenger seat and emptied the contents on to the passenger floor, and put the bag under my butt so that my seat wouldn't get ruined. I was still trying with everything I had in me to keep this poop inside. I kept telling myself, almost there, hold on for a couple more minutes. But then another cramp hit me so hard and so fast, and it hurt so bad, that I decided to lift my butt off of the seat of the car just a little bit, and that's when it happened. A large piece of poop started making it's way out of my hole and into my pants. I tried to pinch it off and sit back down, but my stomach was hurting so much at this point that I couldn't concentrate on the road, and so I lifted my butt off of the seat again. Poop started uncontrollably sliding out of my butt into my pants. I tried so hard to stop it. I sat back down and the poop squished all over my butt between the seat of my pants and all over my butt, with the bag as a barrier to the seat. I finally reached my house. I got out of the car, but as I stood up, poop started uncontrollably forcing it's way out of my butt into my pants, and I was helpless to stop it. I ran as fast as I could to the house and into the bathroom, pooping the whole time. When I finally got to the toilet, I pulled my pants down, still pooping, and fell to the seat with a loud involuntary moan of relief. I moaned and groaned and was helplessly sitting there dropping log after log which were splashing loudly into the toilet. The relief was indescribable and I didn't even stop to survey the damage to my pants until I was done letting all of it out. In the end, I ended up having to throw that pair of pants away and take a shower to get all of the poop off of me. I was glad I had that target bag because since I wasn't wearing underwear, the poop did go through the pants and would have made a stain on my seat.
Best Part of the Holidays
What's the best part of the holidays? *Obviously* the out-of-the-ordinary dietary habits (as to both selection and portion size), the strange effects of travel on the digestive system, sharing a couple of bathrooms among a higher amount of guests, added stress causing constipation or diarrhea, etc. I've found that there are any number of weird events that can occur as a result of this wonderful thing we call "holiday season."
Have to say I was a little surprised to see that apparently we're losing Catherine. Wishing you the best, and hopefully you'll be swinging back around at some point in the future.
Not much to say personally, except that I clogged the toilet a week or so ago. Not sure why I didn't post about it then, though my schedule can be a bit hectic especially around now. I didn't expect to be so productive; I think it's just little shifts here and there (diet, weather, activity) that caused it to go that way.
Couple of responses:
KungPoo - always nice to be able to lend a helping hand. Interesting that she's so open like that; I have to wonder if maybe she knew she had an audience? I've had some desperate times, but I don't think I would miss the door not being able to close. So I'm thinking either she knew and didn't mind, or possibly knew and preferred it that way.
Rochelle - your story was very exciting! In high school I had a classmate who was pretty open about her habits, and she also found diarrhea to be a cleansing and pleasurable experience. I'm not a huge fan of having it myself, but I do find it more of a spectacle when I'm watching it occur, such as with my girlfriend Emma. I like your chill attitude toward the process, and I have to agree that the sounds are pretty fantastic.
Have to cut this short for now, but happy holidays to everyone.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Christmas Poo
I wish all readers Merry Christmas and that leads to the subject of pooing and Christmas.
Nearly always on Christmas day for some reason I do not poo....nothing seems to happen.
There are two occasions I would like to post about.
Some years ago we went to friends for Christmas lunch...my bowels refused to work in the morning and we had a magnificent lunch and plenty to drink...after lunch I felt the urge come on fast and it suddenly became very, very urgent. Not being shy I went to the bathroom...locked the door..dropped my trousers and undies and sat on the seat and immediately exploded with one big enormous gush...emptying my entire colon in seconds.
How great I felt but the smell was something else.
I wiped, flushed...checked the toilet and it was clean...sprayed and left....felt so great.
The very next year went to the same friends...no bowel action before I arrived...the day etc was same as previous year but I had no action in the bowel department despite have a sit on the toilet whilst there but no result.
Next day awoke and still no movement and called the enema clinic and it was open and to come on down right away but drink plenty of water before hand. I was met by the nurse who felt my belly and sat me on the toilet and called for me to push...I produced a below average movement. Then she gave me an enema but less than half the usual and followed this by a vigorous colon massage and then onto the toilet for the expulsion which was only average. She then followed this with a large enema and with that one I only just made it onto the toilet and a great result was had. A third enema followed with similar results and then off home feeling well!
At the moment I am not pooing that well...very small movements so might have to up the laxative.
On Christmas Day and Boxing Day I wish you all a large comfortable poo!Lily
Diarrhea at School
Hi,my name is Lily! I have been a long time lurker and finally decided to post on here. I am 13 years old and in middle school. I am average height and have dirty blonde hair. I am extremely shy, especially about pooping. I NEVER poop at school and even hate pooping at home. Anyway, here is my story from the first day of school.
I woke up on the first day of school and I felt an urge to poop. Nornally, I poop after school so I didn't wake up early enough to poop along with everything else I have to do to get ready. I thought I would be able to hold it until I got home, so I continued on with my day and thought nothing of it. At lunchtime, I was very hungry as my new school has a very long time between the start of school and lunchtime. I bought a cafeteria lunch, which was huge. I ate the whole lunch but I still felt hungry so I bought another (I'm glad we're able to do that at my new school). After lunch, I felt a very stronge urge to poop. I tried to hold it in but I soon realized that I would have to do it at school! I was terrified that someone would laugh at me or emberras me in any other way. I tried to hold it in but it was no use. I got up and started walking to the bathroom. On the way there, I tripped and lost control for a second. Wet poop spilled into my pants but luckily did spill out, so I acted like nothing happened and continued on my way. When I got into the bathroom, I was horrified to see the bathroom full of kids and all the stalks full. In addition, most of the stalks were missing doors! I wanted to scream in horror. I got in line for one of the doored stalks but realized I would never make it. Just then, one of the doorless stalks opened up. I ran to it and pulled down my pants. I was mortified but I couldn't hold it. Before I even say down, diarrhea started pouring out of my butt. A lot of it got on the toilet and stall walls and another girl snickered. I was sooo embarrassed! I tried to stop the poop from coming out but it was no use. I was trapped on the toilet! During my time on the toiket, a lot of girls entered and exited. Most of them looked at me and gasped at the fact that I was pooping at school. A few of them snickered. Soon, the late bell rang! I was late for class and I was still pooping! It took me alminey name
10 minutes to stop pooping and wipe up. I went to class and the teacher asked me why I was late. I said that I was in the bathroom, and then I realized my mistake too late. The whole class started snickering and I turned bright red.
P.S. If anyone else is using the name Lily, just let me know and I will change my name.
Annie (Anny)
Soft poop after lunch
Hi everyone :) Hopefully everyone's keeping warm and safe as the weather's getting colder (and as the date is creeping closer to Christmas). I'm doing well and starting to feel healthier, especially since I'm eating healthier, exercising more and drinking plenty of water (and black coffee) and taking vitamins.
This morning when I woke up, I immediately got dressed since I felt kind of cold, despite being dressed in two layers (my flannel Snoopy pajamas with leggings, a thicker thermal shirt and underwear) so I changed into jeans, a t-shirt, socks and two sweatshirts to keep nice and warm. I immediately went to pee and brush my teeth then went downstairs for lunch. I had a good, home-cooked lunch with a cup of black coffee afterwards and a couple of cups of warm water. Immediately afterwards I felt the need for a good poop (which I've been going every day, 1-3 times a day as opposed to before when I went anytime from every few days to once a week). The black coffee and water did the trick in loosening up my bowels.
I immediately got to the bathroom, pulled my jeans, leggings and underwear down and sat on the toilet and relaxed as mushy poop exploded out of me. Boom! It didn't take long for me to finish, but boy did I need to go. I used to hate black coffee but now that, along with water is all I drink. That and the warm water did the trick in cleaning me out which I appreciate. Each day I have a nice soft poop right after brunch (my first meal is often breakfast and lunch combined, but not always bacon, eggs, etc. Can be any hot meal. But that with warm water, a reusable bottle of water and a cup of black coffee does a good job of cleaning my body out. No struggling on the toilet needed). Wiping didn't take much toilet paper, but it was messy. Just required a small handful of toilet paper. Needed to wipe 2-3 times to get my bum clean enough to not have skidmarks in my underwear. Afterwards I flushed the toilet and that was that.
Happy pooping everyone (hopefully) and keep warm!
My horrendous flu day
Last Friday I hadn't slept well. I felt a bit warm when I got up at 5:30. My bowels felt stopped up so I immediately seated myself in my bathroom. I went through my usual procedure to get my bowels started. After about 15 minutes I knew I had little time to get my breakfast in, make my bus, and get to school for a 7 a.m. tutoring appointment with a freshman who is flunking everything. I had my brown slacks and blouse laid out, but as I was dressing, I decided to make a change. See when I think I may have to crap at school I wear a dress. So that's what I did. The dress gives me more privacy. The bathrooms are always crowded and with the dress I just feel more comfortable sitting on one of the doorless toilets. That turned out to be a great decision although by the end of the day my butt hole was really sore from all the wiping I did each time I sat, blasted gas, and then drained my soupy crap.
Right after the bus got me to school, I was getting a worse fever and I knew my bowels needed to blast out. I hurried to the first bathroom, threw my book bag against the wall, tore my white underwear down, hitched up my dress and dropped to the seat. The seat was so cold that it caused me to sniffle. Within seconds, after a gas blast, my bowels did a poof into the water. It smelled bad so I reached back and flushed immediately. Then I took my seat and did about six wipes. I then looked at my phone and saw I had like three minutes to get upstairs to the library for my volunteer work. My half hour in the library was a rapid change between hot and cold. As I was checking this boy's homework on Ancient Egypt, I told him I was going to have to make a trip to the bathroom. Luckily, I moved as fast as I could, and with all the doored stalls taken, I saved myself from an accident by wearing a dress and taking an open stall. It was exactly like less than an hour earlier. Cold seat, a poof and then an immense feeling of comfort. I wiped, washed my hands in cold water, and then headed back to my tutoring. Jason was packing up and promised to finish with me right after school. I apologized and knew that I didn't feel good.
I'm a straight-A student and totally hate having to miss even five minutes of class. However, each class I started to get hot, felt my bowels churning, and had to get permission to relieve myself. All but my math teacher were gracious about it. He was sarcastic, suggested I wait until passing period, but after another ten minutes I had to make a run for it. This time I rushed directly into one of the non-doored toilets. The seat was up so I flipped it down as I ripped at my underwear with my other hand. How I got the back of my dress out of the way of the explosion was a miracle. Like the other times, there was the gas, the poof and the mess that ran out of me. This time there was absolutely no toilet paper. I had to get up and move to the next toilet before seating and cleaning myself.
Right after school, before meeting up with Jason in the library, I felt the fever and gas coming on again. Immediately I found the seat to be cold, telling me that my fever wasn't getting any better, and I went through the usual process for the tenth time that day. This time when I wiped I got a little blood on the toilet paper and my skin was getting more sore. As I got done and turned into the hallway, three guys where sitting there messing with their phones. One of the boys said something about if his old man didn't come soon he was going to shit his pants because he'd been holding it all day. I've heard guys say that before, but I just can't believe their stupidity!
I barely made the last bus and the bouncing around in the dark on the dirt roads caused you know what to happen. At my stop, there's a three-block walk to my house. As I took the steps off, I knew I was going to have to stop at the quick stop mini-mart. I've used the bathroom there a couple of times and it really sucks. After getting the key, I went in and did my usual routine. For the second time in the day, there was no toilet paper. So instead of going to the clerk, I guessed that the key would also open the guys'. I was right. I seated myself and wiped there.
After the walk home, I wanted a hot shower and clean underwear. I had a couple of pretty large skid marks in my underwear that I quickly flicked into the hamper. I laid down for a nap and woke up 12 hours later the next morning.
Victoria B.
I'm back!
The semester from hell is over and I finally have time to post again!
Two quick things:
To Catherine: I and everyone else here are going to miss our Southern belle of the bathroom! Your stories are the best and I hope that you, Alan, Chloe, Zoe, and the one on the way have a wonderful life together!
To Rochelle: I just had one of your favorite poops yesterday. It followed a burrito, was semi-solid, and came with a good amount of gas! The only way it could've been better was if it was on your sleek black toilet!
See you again soon!
Love, VictoriaKungPoo
Late Night
I was working late in my office at 9pm with my colleague, Cindy. Cindy's a 36 year old photographer. She's very fit, tanned and shapely, and on days when she isn't taking pictures but editing (which is the moment of this story), she wears a comfortable tight T-shirt and a short denim skirt.
She eats a lot and when she often complains about constipation. She says she gets so constipated sometimes her ???? bloats slightly. On this night, when she was editing pictures, she told me she feels quite uncomfortable as she's only managed to produce tiny pieces for the last 5 days, and her ???? is bloated.
I made her my special concoction of prune juice, butter and some cereal - the same concoction I made for my wife, Judy. I told her to skip a meal and then eat that. It works better on an empty stomach.
I saw her eating the concoction at the pantry at about 7pm. She was still at her desk at 10pm when she suddenly shot up and bend over, grabbing her stomach.
She then quickly rushed to the only available toilet at that time. All toilets are locked except the one near my desk. This toilet is hardly used because the door doesn't seal very well. In fact, if you sat at a certain angle, you could see the whole person sitting on the toilet through a gap.
I saw Cindy enter that toilet. She closed the door. Through the aforementioned gap, I saw her lift her denim skirt and lower her black panties to her ankles Then she sat, her knees wide apart, as if straddling a horse, her upper body leaned forward, her forearms folded across her stomach. She was pressing on a stomach as she strained.
When she strained, she looked dead ahead, her eyes locked on to something, like a cat looking at its prey. A few times, she exhaled through her mouth.
Suddenly, there was a large plop and then a deluge of liquid. Urrgggg, Cindy. The flow of liquid continued and it is followed by a PLOP, than PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP. 7 times, I counted. Cindy sighed as she flicked her fringe from her face.
She then turned sideways, pulled some toilet paper, and proceeded to wipe. She wiped abut 6 times, got dressed and flushed.
She was much happier as she thanked me for the concoction. She then ate some supper as her appetite improved.Thunder
Buddy Pooping
I am an advocate of moving bowels whenever the urge hits and also an advocate of using public toilets.
I am a true believer in the joys of bodily functions.
One thing I wish to raise is that various persons moving bowels etc in each others presence. I am not against the idea....in fact I support it.
I wonder how many people have pooped in front of others?
I certainly have at the enema clinic.....also in the old days on a fishing boat there was no toilet so you just hung your bum over the side or if the seas were rough a bucket was used...thought nothing of it.
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Xael great story it sounds like you had a pretty good poop.
To: Abbie as always another great pooping story about you and your friends.
To: Xan great story it sounds like you all had good poops and you got a good show out of it as well.
Well thats all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this site
Sarah. Thanks for sharing your experience re the potty. I can't say it's something I've ever done but necessity is the mother of invention - or so they say!
Imogen. I can understand how going for a quick wee can make the difference between getting home promptly and not. I've been desperate for both #s on public transport a few times and only just made it home in time. Luckily I made it, albeit only just.
Xael. Thanks for sharing your experience of being desperate on the beach. It's sounds as though a rather large lunch worked its magic. My guess is that Anna realised what the situation was as a result of being in a similar position previously herself. What's really admirable is the discretion and tact with which she handled the situation.
Abbie. I enjoyed your latest story. Obviously you needed to push a big one out! If Katie's only pooing once every 3-4 days that's perfectly okay so long as it's normal for her and not causing her any problems.
In case I don't manage to post again before Christmas I'd like to wish all the regulars (and not so regulars) on here a Happy & Healthy Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2017!Imogen
in a queue
Today I was in a shopping centre and needed the loo, I headed to some toilets in a shop and found them shut. Standing by the door was a girl who was probably 13 and she said "They're closed for cleaning, there's somebody in there, but they'll be open soon she said... I hope". I noticed this girl was crossing her legs quite openly. I decided to wait around rather than going in search of another loo, and as I waited and looked at my phone this girl was pacing up and down. The door unlocked and the cleaner said "Just one minute, I'll be ready in a sec" and the girl shuffled back to being in front of the door. She had blonde hair and was wearing a hoodie and leggings, she bent forward with her legs crossed. About a minute later the cleaner came out and wheeled her trolley away. The girl stormed in and I followed, there were only two cubicles so we were neighbours. She slammed the door shut and then slammed her bum onto the seat! I sat down in the next cubicle and could see she'd pulled her knickers (white with blue patterns on) and leggings down, but seemed to have stayed dry, it couldn't have been long until she had an accident though. She was weeing forcefully for a long time and then finished and left. I stayed for a bit longer as I had to poo.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016