Jane the Poop
To Tia, for constipation
I've been looking for something to CAUSE me constipation, as I've just started taking magnesium and it causes diarrhea! I get it in powder form, it mixes into a drink. I think "Calm" is the most popular name brand of it. Perhaps I should try adding iron and you should try adding magnesium!
Public bathroom independence
I've been caring for Breydon in overnight situations for almost two years. His mom has to leave town on business so I stay with him at their apartment and take him out. He's 7 1/2 and I think behind his peers in being more independent in going to the bathroom when away from home. So I walked from my school to pick him up at his school. I had to play in pep band that night at my school so I had to take him back with me. During the walk it became obvious that he had been holding his poo. He said he had to go right after lunch. This holding it in has been a problem with him before. He said the bathrooms at his school are gross, dirty and the students crapping must do it without a privacy door. I've mentioned this to his mom before but she thinks he's going to outgrow it. So we got to campus, about a half hour before our group was due in the gym, and I took Breydon to the first bathroom we came to. I knelled down, told him to focus on what I was saying, and tried to prepare him to go in on his own.
I told him our school is different than many others. That there are several rolls of toilet paper on the entry privacy wall and that users must get their TP before getting up on the toilet. I told him to get enough and then carry it into his cubicle. I told him he would get more privacy taking one of the farther down toilets, but I also knew from my male friends that most of the toilets were without doors. Unfortunately none of my male friends were around to supervise him, although I did hear some noise from the bathroom. I held Breydon's coat while standing against the wall. About 5 minutes went by, then 10. A boy came walking in fast right by me. I heard him drop the seat and there was a loud gas blast. I hoped it wouldn't scare Breydon. A couple of minutes later I heard a flush and this boy was quickly washing his hands. When he came out I asked him if he had seen a little boy in there. He said he was on the far end toilet and stood out because his legs were swinging a lot and his underwear was getting tangled around his shoes.
Because no one else was in there, I decided to walk in and check up on Breydon. He was happy to get down and show me a 2 inch log that had come out of him. I noticed he didn't have any TP in his hand so I had him get back up on the seat while I went down to the toilet paper dispensers on the outside of the first cubicle. He had been done, but said he was embarrassed to go down there and get it. He's right-handed so I insisted that he use that hand. I showed him the 3-step wiping method my mom taught me. He got better with each wipe, but then got back up on the stool and punched out one longer log. It was obvious that he had been holding it in for some time. Then he had to do the wiping again. I insisted that he flush and it took him a few times but with some help from me, he finally got enough weight on the flusher. I insisted that he wash his hands, something I guess that he normally doesn't do at his school. Then I took him to the hallway outside and had him sit on the bench when I went across the hall to girls' room. I did my pee which would take me through the game. Then we went to the band room and then into the gym. Breydon enjoyed sitting with our pep band as we played during the game.
Steve A
Your Preferences Survey
1. TP or wet wipes?
2. TP Roll forwards or backwards?
3. Automatic flush or handle?
4. Soap or hand sanitizer?
5. Fan or air freshener? Window in the bathroom?
6. Reading on the toilet or just sitting there?
7. Use a plunger or a toilet snake to unclog the toilet?
Kung Poo
I had a great poop today. It was morning, I had my usual cereal and coffee and as I was preparing to start work at my home office, I felt a large turd knocking at my back door. I got to the toilet, lowered my boxers, sat, and just relaxed. I try not to push as I am told that does no good. I simply relaxed and allowed the turd to slide out. I could feel the large turd opening my anus slowly and sliding out. It was quite large, but moist, so it was not a difficult poop. My recently increased fibre intake helped. That, and loads of water.
The turd rushed out of me and landed in the toilet water with a "praaaaat".
My wife, Judy, isn't as lucky. I saw her sitting on the toilet, reading an article on her phone. She had her right hand on her hip, her panties at her knees, her tight purple T-shirt hugging above her hips. She's clearly pushing.
Her abs can be seen working hard, tightening with each "hnnnng".
"Tong!" Went the first piece.
Judy parted her legs to look into the bowl. She does that now to check her bowel health.
Then she resumed her normal sitting position, knees together, right hand on her hip, back straight. The she leaned a little forward and as she bent, she went "hnnng".
"Tong tong".
Two turds. She checked again. This time I heard a trickle of pee. But the spray of the pee became more forceful as the next few turds came out.
"Tong tong tongtongtong flopflopflop".
Ahhhhhhhh, sigh Judy.
She then pulled off some toilet paper, leaned to the side, wiped, repeated that 5 times, stood up, pulled up her white panties, and flushed.
The Bathroom
Hey, its Bianca. We all know that the bathroom is for pooping, and peeing, but do any of you use it as a place for some alone time? At ???? (????) some girls have gone to the bathroom to have a cry. I needed such a moment at home because sadly, one of our trailers in the mobile home park I live at was destroyed. Mom and I agreed that maybe someone disposed of a cigarette butt nearby. Anyway, tention had been building for the rest of that evening (the trailer was engulfed in flames sometime before 7 pm), and I broke down while brushing my teeth. I broke down again while trying to sleep, and cried a little harder. Last night, I kept having flashbacks of that burnt paper/brush fire type smell from the particle board that I got a good whiff of, but I feel better now. Also, a friend of mine was in the bathroom a long time, because she was sick. While playing bingo at ????, I heard her puking. I think she was having a ???? ache, and maybe diarrhea, too. I pooped a lot today, some of it was really soft, I farted a lot yesterday, did some of that again today, etc. Have a grat day everybody bye!Chloe
In reply to Lee from Europe
Hi Lee,
Yeah my parents eventually found out that I was hiding the skidmarks/backmarks and it was then that they started checking me more often.
I eventually told my parents why I was getting the skidmarks in my panties so often. They didn't really believe me and said I should spend more time wiping.
They said they would keep checking my panties until they were regularly clean which never happened for as long as I was in High School.
You're right about skidmarks not being a big deal, by the time I was 17 I began to stop worrying about them.
My tennis coach even commented about my parents checking my panties before practice after school and making me put on a fresh pair. He eventually told them that it wasn't worth while as playing tennis makes the underwear very sweaty and generates stains.
Friday, February 03, 2017
Those little surprises
I love those little surprises when I go to the toilet, like a poop that was easier than expected, or a pee that went for longer than you thought it would. I had one of those today. My sister, my parents and I were going out for a meal so I sat on the toilet as I got ready in one of those "just to try" moments, I always sit and try to go anyway even if I don't need to, my mother used to make me do it whenever we went out and it's just become a habit. Normally I only let out a small trickle for a couple of seconds but today was different.
I didn't even feel the urge to go, especially having only gone an hour or so before but I lifted up my dress and sat on the toilet anyway. It felt strange not having any underwear to pull down beforehand. After a few seconds I started weeing as expected but it just kept going and going! What started as a little dribble quickly turned into a full stream which went for I'm guessing about twenty seconds. I have no idea where it came from. Normally that's my usual wee after waiting for a few hours. I got some toilet paper while I was going and once it finished I reached between my legs to wipe. I then stood up, smoothed out my dress and flushed before washing my hands.
Soccer Game
Yesterday, a Scottish goal keeper was sent off for urinating behind the goals. He said he was too desperate to do anything else, but the press are giving him a really hard time. Anyone know of any other sports related accidents or stories? What do you think he should have done?Braidy
Cold, Coldest & Colder Seats
Adam and I spent most of Sunday afternoon at the sports bar. I lost track of the pitchers our group finished off, but when Adam and I got back to the apartment, he was in no shape to do any studying. He laid on the sofa for a short nap that extended into Monday morning. So it fell onto me to take Scout, our lab, on his late evening walk. I had drank so much that for the first two hours we were home, I had to urinate three times. Each time my bladder emptied, it seemed to fill right up again.
So about 9 o'clock I took Scout out on his walk. Adam takes him on longer walks about six blocks away to a major park. Sometimes they will be gone for up to 90 minutes so I felt I should replicate that. So I leashed Scout, put on my black parka and ventured out. By the time we got to the park, my bladder had filled and needed to be emptied. With Scout in tow, I couldn't stop at a couple of the fast food places we passed and my mind started thinking about the alternatives I had. Once we arrived at the park, I headed to the pavilion where I knew the basement restrooms we kept open 24/7. In heading to the entry, I didn't see a light, so I reached in my pocket and took out my small flashlight, about the size of a couple of pens, because I knew I would need some light. I flashed the small light into the entryway and it did more than just excite Scout. A girl about high school age and he boyfriend quickly came out of the ladies room. She was struggling to get her sweats up to hip level, both had a cigarette, and I figured both were just hanging out.
Just as I had remembered from when I used that bathroom during the summer, there were three open toilets against the wall. No cubicles. Each toilet had a paper roll on the wall right behind it. There was quite a bit of smoke in the room, and although I flashed my light around for the light switch I couldn't find one. So I pulled Scout to the middle toilet. My light showed the seat was down. So I sat on the toilet with my jeans still buckled and up as I put Scout's leash on the floor and then stuck my right foot through the handle. I dropped my thong and jeans to the floor and dropped my butt onto the seat. I shouted out my discomfort. It was as cold as if I had placed my butt on the ice of the nearby lagoon. And because of my size, my butt pretty much covered the seat and although Scout stretched the leash, and actually tried to bolt when he heard a noise outside that might have been a rabbit or squirrel, my butt was freezing as I sat hoping to get my urine stream started. From my under knees and backward, the discomfort wasn't getting any better. I guess my body heat eventually helped warm my sit up and I remember a couple of wicked coughs that caused my urine to start with a trickle. Then it build up a little better and after about two minutes I felt perhaps half drained. Of course, Scout's tugging didn't help even though I tried to pet and reassure him. I reached back, fumbled with the toilet paper in the dark and once the paper touched myself, I was again reminded that I my organ was being close to frozen by the cold, coarse paper.
We walked faster home because my bladder still hurt. I thought I was going to pee myself in the cold so Scout and I stopped in a laundromat which luckily didn't have an attendant. We went right to the bathroom where I quickly threw myself onto the dingy-looking toilet to finish my pee. This drain took about 45 seconds and the seat was much more comfortable, although the privacy door caused Scout to further tug on the leash and cause me more discomfort. The next morning when I woke up and was making the coffee, Adam accused me of exaggerating when I told him my butt was probably turning blue from the freezing temperatures the previous night. Then I went in and took my morning crap. I told Adam there's nothing like a warm toilet seat at home. He agreed.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Tia & Enema
I could not think of anything better than a saline enema to relieve hard stool constipation.
My suggestion is to drink a lot of water well before the enema....say at least an hour.
For a great result try two enemas right away or after the first enema another for a good expulsion..
Those little surprises
I love those little surprises when I go to the toilet, like a poop that was easier than expected, or a pee that went for longer than you thought it would. I had one of those today. My sister, my parents and I were going out for a meal so I sat on the toilet as I got ready in one of those "just to try" moments, I always sit and try to go anyway even if I don't need to, my mother used to make me do it whenever we went out and it's just become a habit. Normally I only let out a small trickle for a couple of seconds but today was different.
I didn't even feel the urge to go, especially having only gone an hour or so before but I lifted up my dress and sat on the toilet anyway. It felt strange not having any underwear to pull down beforehand. After a few seconds I started weeing as expected but it just kept going and going! What started as a little dribble quickly turned into a full stream which went for I'm guessing about twenty seconds. I have no idea where it came from. Normally that's my usual wee after waiting for a few hours. I got some toilet paper while I was going and once it finished I reached between my legs to wipe. I then stood up, smoothed out my dress and flushed before washing my hands.Tia
Constipation from iron pills
I've been taking iron pills for the last week or so, and the pharmacist wasn't kidding when she said they can cause constipation! I'm still pooping daily (as I always do), but the poop is incredibly hard to push out! I'm also pooping (or at least trying to) 3 times a day. I feel the urge to go, and then when I sit down on the toilet, I have to push and grunt quite a lot to get the poop out. I just got out of the bathroom, where I spent close to 20 minutes pushing out these little turds. The poops started off semi soft, and were accompanied by a little gas and some pushing. The last two pieces were definitely the hardest! I was straining so much, my face was turning red. It took a good 10 minutes of work just to push those guys out. No matter how hard I push, I can't seem to be expell everything. I definitely don't feel empty, so I just know there's another pooping marathon coming up.
I'm drinking plenty of liquids (water, coffee,) and eating high fibre foods, and they are helping with the poops a bit, but I'd like to get back to my regular pooping!
Canada pooper
what does everyone think?
so I shared two of my childhood experiences so far I'm quite new and death but I would like to know what people think? and if you have any questions feel free to ask and I also love it when other members share their pants popping experience love to read more if you want to share
Tia and Monika
Tia....iron tablets can cause constipation....you can persist and the problem may resolve itself or you may try an osmotic laxative which is really quite safe. Your other alternative is enemas...fleets or a micro enema or a suppository when things get too hard...good luck.
Monika it is great that you have a mature approach to your bowels....a long time ago I did not like doing the deed in the bush but I realized how silly I was and now enjoy a good bush poo.Sonya Sue
Strength in numbers
Me and my friend Ebonee both just happened to leave our first hour classes, which are across the hall from one another, at the same time to go and pee. We had bumped into one another as we were getting our coffee and well at 8:45 it was time for us to relieve our bladders. When we were walking toward the bathroom we saw a much-younger student turn into the doorway. When we got there we found a faucet on and at almost full pressure, and we could see the girl's jeans all the way down to the floor. I turned the faucet off and Ebonee and I quickly took the toilets on the sides of the girl and we both started our pees at the same time. At the same time that girl then started hers. Mine was done in about 30 seconds but my stream is very strong. At that point the girl's had also stopped. I could hear Ebonee's continuing for another 15 seconds or so. Then it was followed by three or four splashes into the water. I texted her that she probably wouldn't need the bathroom the rest of the day. She said that was the idea. The girl in the middle left quickly without flushing or washing her hands. When Ebonee and I were at the sink, she told me that the girl had probably turned the faucet on as a noise buffer while she peed. Then we continued to talk about that on the way back to our rooms.
After 3 more attempts (or I guess I should say, 3 more difficult poops), I opted to give myself an enema yesterday evening. I rarely give myself them, so I only use them as a last resort. I went with a salt water enema, since they are the most common and are "the safest" so to speak. Anyways, it said to hold the solution inside for 40 minutes! There was no way that was going to happen! Within 5-10 minutes of administering the enema, I REALLY HAD TO GO! So I plopped myself on the toilet and the water rushed out! I could hear my stomach gurgling and I was letting out lots of wet farts! I gave a couple gentle pushes and out came a bunch of poop! It just slid right out and the relief was SO AMAZING! Once everything was emptied out (it took about 5 minutes), I looked into the toilet and saw about 10 pieces of poop all around 2 inches long. For the first time in a week, I finally felt empty :)
I know I am still going to have difficulties pooping while I'm on the iron pills, but if I drink plenty of water (which I am going to start doing), I should have a much easier time.Brandon T
comments & stuff
To:Tia hope you get back to pooping normaly soon.
To: Karen C it sounds like it hit you hard at least you avoided an accident.
To: Maria great story.
To: Annie hopefully your diarrhea wont last to long.
Well that's all for now
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteMaria
What comes in will come out
Hello everyone, feeling 10* a lot better. To Taylor for me that's how mine goes three times a day, healthy eating is wonderful though I will eat meat every now and then depending on what and where. Well time for a quick story, today I got home, before everyone and I went to the basement bathroom cause I had some clothes to wash so I stripped everything off and put it in the landury basket, then I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet, produced some few good solid pieces fell out my butt, felt so amazing and satisfaction. I wiped few times back there. Flushed and washed my hands. Walked upstairs to my bedroom waited upstairs took a shower, came out air dry few minutes then waited for Marcus come home and when he did, it was so great having home, later on I made him dinner and the kids. That's all for right now
To Tia: constipation from iron pills
Yes, indeed, iron pills can slow down one's bowels! I don't take them, but I have had to take other constipating meds in the past, such as Percocet or other pain remedies after surgery. One of my most effective foods to restore bowel function and rhythm is nuts: I especially enjoy mixed nuts, and they most often give me good results, usually long, smooth, medium-solid easy bowel movements. Don't eat too many, or you may give yourself diarrhea; but try eating some nuts every day and see what happens. Whole-grain cereals and breads can help, too, as can vegetables such as spinach or corn, which can reappear in your poop. Good luck!
Saturday, January 28, 2017
John H
Work poo
Hi all
On the toilet I'm work.
I started with a long pee, all the tea and water I have been drinking.
I then let several long airy farts before a large thick log slowly slid out.
It felt very solid, just the way I like it.
It split in two and it was followed up by two long but softer logs.
Very nice and getting payed to do it, 2what could be better haha?
Do many posters enjoy a work poo?
Time to wipe and return to work now.
Take care all
John H
pub lunch and walk home
Hello all,
Earlier in the week I was back home with my family, and one day I went out to lunch with a friend of mine at a pub near me. We live in a village on the edge of the city, and the pub is in the next village along. It was quite a nice meal and we stayed for a drink or two afterwards. We said our goodbyes as we were going in different directions anyway, and as I felt a need for a poo coming on I went to the loo before leaving. I went up the stairs and into the ladies toilet, which had two cubicles, one of which was out of order and locked, so I went into the other one. Quite quickly, I let out two long logs, I sat for a bit but there wasn't any more. I reached for the loo roll... and there was none. And the other toilet was out of order. I rummaged around my bag, but I didn't have anything I could use in there either. I considered whether I could dash into the men's, but thought it was probably too risky. I pulled up my knickers and jeans and it felt uncomfortable and a bit icky. I washed my hands and started the walk home.
The walk is quite nice actually, it's a B-road between the two villages, but there's a shortcut you can take through the edge of some woods and fields. I'd only been walking for about 15 mins when I started to want a wee. I got to the point of the shortcut and decided to take that route. As it was 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon, it was pretty quiet. I headed off the path and around the back of a bush, checked around for anybody, then undid my jeans and pulled them and my knickers down, and squatted. I let loose quite a heavy stream! Whilst doing this I checked my knickers, they were light pink but had an obvious skidmark on. Once I'd finished weeing, I pulled my knickers back up (I didn't have anything to wipe with, so they got a damp patch) and did up my jeans, and carried on home.
I got home about half an hour later, changed my knickers then, they washed out alright.
Will write again soon!
Monika - I have also been camping in the wild. Last summer my girlfriend, me and another couple decided to take a walking holiday and just camp in the wild every night for a week,. I tried to replace by usual mid morning poo with an earlier one but it didn't work and found myself going in the evening when we set up the tents. My girlfriend is an 'evening girl' after work anyway, so we generally headed for some cover and did it side by side . On two nights we managed to poo in a pub but the other 5 we did it in the wild! On 3 nights we squatted and on two nights we sat on low walls and let it drop out the other side. I enjoyed the wild pooping. Sometimes the other couple would poop nearby but most of the time they went in the morning. Once we showed them the wall technique and all 4 of us chatted while we listened to their turds gently hitting the ground. All in all pooping outside is a great experience!
Today I had to visit another office for a meeting. I couldn't poop before I left so ended up going there. The toilets were amazing - the cubicle paritiions were frosted glass. You could just see a silhouette of the person sitting on the toilet next door as well as seeing their feet underneath. I sat there fascinated as a young secretary did her poop in the next cubicle to me - vision to add to the sound effects. Love the idea of these toilets!!
Constipation from iron pills
I've been taking iron pills for the last week or so, and the pharmacist wasn't kidding when she said they can cause constipation! I'm still pooping daily (as I always do), but the poop is incredibly hard to push out! I'm also pooping (or at least trying to) 3 times a day. I feel the urge to go, and then when I sit down on the toilet, I have to push and grunt quite a lot to get the poop out. I just got out of the bathroom, where I spent close to 20 minutes pushing out these little turds. The poops started off semi soft, and were accompanied by a little gas and some pushing. The last two pieces were definitely the hardest! I was straining so much, my face was turning red. It took a good 10 minutes of work just to push those guys out. No matter how hard I push, I can't seem to be expell everything. I definitely don't feel empty, so I just know there's another pooping marathon coming up.
I'm drinking plenty of liquids (water, coffee,) and eating high fibre foods, and they are helping with the poops a bit, but I'd like to get back to my regular pooping!Thunder
A Welcome Poo
Last night i had a horrible night with pain and stiffness and when that happens I get very stressed regarding my lack of physical ability...not much sleep....got up and my partner made me a nice cup of tea and some light breakfast....I went and had my routine attempt on the toilet before my shower...Did not feel too much like a BM and usually I am not very productive at that time in the morning....maybe it was all the salad I ate the day before but I was able to poo...it splattered out with plenty of farts....I was slumped forward so exhausted and even the slightest effort was accompanied by grunts....but I was really able to go...my hands were so stiff I could barley wipe so as usual I relied on the shower...a short time ago I had another dump and at least my bowels for once feel good and empty even though the rest f me is a "train wreck"...better days tomorrow.