Updates - Question
Hi Friends,
I think that things are really getting back to normal with me. I feel really hungry when it's time to eat and the foods that I've become accustomed to since my teenage years are tasting really good. Last night and today, I've had really satisfying bowel movements in consistency, volume and girth. Both were long snake-like logs that came out in one piece. Clean-up was minimal.
Only last night's was a little rushed. I was in the process of breast feeding my little man when the urge came on. I had to call Alan to get the baby so that I could go to the bathroom. Fortunately, when my bowels are optimum, I can defecate and clean up in less than five minutes.
I do have a sincere question, though? It's been something that's bothered me my whole life. While I have a few people that I've been comfortable using the bathroom around, I do struggle with the "triumphant return" so to speak. It seems that when I am in a social situation and I've had to go to the bathroom to do a doo, I cannot ever seem to re-engage in the social situation. I am a little embarrassed at what I've done, and that others know that I had been taking care of a number two while absent from their presence. Can anyone relate? How do you manage?
Alan's mom comes over some mornings to help, usually early, and it seems like she's here when I go number two. I love her to death, but I get a little anxious, especially when I ask her to hold the baby so that I can use the bathroom.
Life is good, though. I really appreciate all the kind words and warm thoughts. I hope you all are having really good poops.
Catherine!Anna from Austria
unsual morning dump
Normally I have my morning coffee at work and not home but yesterday I felt so tired after getting up, that I needed the coffee right at home. After coffee i took my bicycle to go work. Shortly after leaving home I felt the urge to do number 2. At first I wanted to hold it till work, but after a few minutes the preasure was to strong to hold it till work. Luckily there is a park with some public toilets on my way to work and even more luckily the park was near my current Location, when the preasure become to strong.
So i headed to this toilet Building, entered the ladies room, took one stall, locked the door, pulled down my pants and thong and sat on the toilet.
I started to push, and after a load prft typ fart a Long soft turd fell into the toilet. I farted loud again, and some mushy poo came out, one more more silent fart then I was done. I cleaned my self, flushed and washed my Hands then left the toilet and headed for work. I felt much better after that.
thats my Story for today.
Greetings from Austria
To Catherine
Good to hear you had your baby. Hope you all are doing well and you are healing after the delivery of your baby son. I guess it must be a busy time for you.Bianca
Question+ Story
Hi everybody! I have a quick question. Has anyone involuntarily pooped while being sick? I did this myself, but luckily, I was already sitting on the toilet. The vomitting had stopped by then. It was a lot of poop that was a bit noisy, and the dry heaves were making me forcefully push it out. Today, I pooped a lot, and went nearly 5 times. Some of my unloading was noisy, chunky, and the smell varied. During one of my needs for a poop that occurred after lunch, I felt some gas migrate down my abdomen as I made my way to the bathroom. This was one of my noisy poops, and the gassiest. Bye and as always, hope you enjoy my posts.
A Slippery Shit
This happened last week at my school at the end of our 6th hour swimming class. Our group was ordered out of the pool by our teacher with 10 minutes left in the period to shower and dress. There are about 30 in our class and our teacher requires us to shower before putting our clothing on. The locker room is kind of old. There's one large horizontal room with lockers on one end and at the opposite end, five toilets attached to the wall, but without cubicles, doors or anything. There are about 15 showers right next to one another in the middle of the room. Opposite the showers, but within splashing distance are benches out in the open which we can use for dressing. I was standing just outside the shower range while this freshman TJ was soaping himself. He seemed to be doing fine when he dropped his washcloth grabbed his gut, and started a slippery run for the toilet. I could see a couple of pieces of crap hit the wet floor behind him. TJ made it to the toilet and threw himself onto the 2nd one. His feet went out from under him and he almost cracked his head on the front of the toilet. To keep from slipping off the seat, he had in his hands over the front of the seat and toilet and it seemed his thighs were still slipping. It was easy to see that with his whole body soaping wet, his feet could not steady him. We heard a couple of large poofs and a couple of the guys threw TJ large bath towels. While he sat and pooped he started drying himself off. I picked up a couple towels from the laundry cart, which I put under this feet. When TJ turned around on the toilet to use the toilet paper roll that was on the wall behind him, his soaped thighs started to slide him around again. At that point our teacher came out of his office and took over.Bianca
Hi again. Once I dreamed about going to school again, but it was different bathroom wise. I had an addiction to the bathroom to where poop was so pleasureable, I'd cry for hours if I didn't go. All my teachers let me go potty, but best of all, they let me spend as much time in the loo that I needed. I also was allowed to continue working on my assignments in the bathroom, too. When going, I moaned with delight, and enjoyed passing big turds. Bye.
Hi, friends at Toiletstool!
Alan and the kids went back to school following two days out due to the Hurricane and possible damage. It actually turned toward us after coming ashore, but did little damage.
This morning, I finally had a really nice, thick, voluminous doodie with a bit of girth to it. It actually felt really nice, from the feeling of urgency, to the actual act of defecation, relief and cleaning up. Slowly, my BM's have returned to normal after ten months of irregularity. I am still taking one stool softener daily, but I am down to 2-3 bowel movements, instead of 3-4 daily. I have not been four times since reducing the stool softener.
I am ashamed to say, but privately I have worried whether or not I would regain my regular two bowel movements a day. I really enjoy this part of my day. Selfishly, I worried about lasting irregularity, incontinence (both bladder and bowel) and changes in my bowel habits that would make my poops less satisfying. So, I am loading up on high fiber, vegetarian dishes, cereals and water, now that my appetite has returned to normal.
My little man is doing very well. I giggle when he poops, though. It's so loud! Haha!
Becc: I love your stories as well! I wish you and Mary the best in Medical School!
KMD: Always good to hear from you! Thank you for your kind words!
Elphaba: Thank you for your kind words. I read through your stories to get to know you. I was heartbroken to read the one about being chased from the restroom of your choice. You are loved! Warm thoughts and prayers your way!
Imogen: It's wonderful to be back, even if it is temporary. Maternity leave is giving me some extra time. That comes to an end in October.
Michael: Thank you for the well wish. I hope that this morning's doodie is an indication of normalcy. We'll see.
British Dumper: I remember you so well. Please write soon! I loved the word "blimp" that you used to describe your doodie!
Mina: I hope that you are well and feeling better! I am so sorry that you were sick!
Brandon T: As always, thank you for your kind words.
Victoria B: That sounds hilarious. I searched for the story and found it. How funny! I don't know the page number, but in September 2010, I wrote a story about how I clogged a friend's apartment with a long, thick log. Everyone saw it. I imagine this young lady thought disposing of the poop was better than telling her date that she pooped and the toilet would not flush. I hope that you are well and enjoying your vegetarian delights, both going in and coming out!
John H: Thank you for your kind words!
Optional Person: Thanks for the clarification. I hope that you are well!
Love to all of you!
Catherine!Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Becc great story about your guys gassy car ride.
To: Elphaba great story.
To: Taylor great story it sounds like you had a great poop in that new bathroom.
To: Imogene great story.
To: Emily and Molly it sounds like that girl wasn't feeling very well hopefully that virus goes away soon.
Well that's all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteEllie
Another college story
Hey guys this is a story about something that happened to me during my freshman year of college. This was about a month after my other story and I really thought I had put my habit/tendency to have accidents behind me. Bridget and I live in an apartment on campus together and it only has one bathroom. Now one thing about me is that when I wake up in the morning I need to pee badly almost every day. Like it's so bad that I can't wait any more than an hour probably. Luckily I had my first class earlier than Bridget so I could always go before I left for class. Anyway it was a Friday morning and I got ready for the day and was going to pee and then head out when Bridget ran into the bathroom in front of me. "Are you alright?" I asked her. I heard her throwing up in response. I told her I really needed to pee and she told me she was very sick and had been having diarrhea all night and throwing up. I told her not to worry that I could just pee in one of the campus public bathrooms. I caught the bus to the part of campus that my class was and I was getting nervous about how badly I had to pee by now. I was very shaky and clammy feeling from it. When I was getting off the bus I just started going on my own. I couldn't stop it at all and I felt it running down my legs. I crouched in a patch of grass and pretended to tie my shoes while I was completely peeing myself. I was saved from most embarrassment by my black yoga pants. Nobody else seemed to notice that I had just totally wet myself so I just acted normal and stood back up and went to class. I'm sure it smelled like pee to some people but nobody knew it was me. So I went through my whole day, which was 3 classes and they lasted until 130, wearing soaked yoga pants. I got back to our apartment and heard Bridget sobbing. Turns out she had a quiz today so she went and took it and then left but on the bus ride home she had diarrhea very badly. She said that everyone on the bus knew what happened and that she kept going in her pants the whole way home. I felt so bad for her and I showed her that I had peed myself but she still felt horrible. Later that afternoon I went into the bathroom to poop and while i was in there Bridget started banging on the door saying "please hurry!" I told her I would let her go and I would wait to finish, but she was quiet and I heard her stomach gurgling. "I already went in my pants again, I'm going to go lay down, tell me when you're down so I can shower" she said sadly. I took about 10 more minutes and I went and let her know I was done and said sorry for making her have an accident. As she walked to the bathroom I heard her having more diarrhea in her pants. I felt so bad for her. Anyway by the next day Bridget was feeling better and was even laughing about her accident and also about mine. She couldn't believe I just peed myself and went to classes anyway. Hopefully you enjoyed, I'll post again soon.
High mounted urinals
Yesterday I have been to a one-day-converence. The gents toilet had five urinals and they were mounted extreemly high. I was able to pee into it but the rim touched my crotch. Since being blind it often means that someone has to bring you to the toilets in a foreign place. This is often no big deal but in the past it made me unable to start peeing. It has been a psychological thing and olny happened when someone brought me to the toilets that I am not so close with. So yesterday I felt that same feeling of peeshyness but in contrast to events in the past I was able to start my stream into the high urinal. I wasn't able to hit the water in there but some of the other guys made some really lound tinkles.
Anyone interesting peeing stories?
Thurssday, September 14, 2017
High Toilet Partitions in the bookstore
I was in Portland OR a few months ago and went into a very well known, large bookstore. After browsing a bit, I went into the men's room. There was a short line of guys waiting to use the urinals/toilets. I was surprised to see that the toilet stalls partitions were high from the ground, higher than the toilet seat. From my position, I could pretty much see the entire leg and side butt of the guy on the toilet in the first stall! It was interesting to see that there were actually several guys who would use it and many of them would even drop their pants and underwear all the way to the floor. Of course, I had to try it out. The guy who went before me was nice looking, thin, short, probably late 30's, early 40's. He was wearing skinny leg black jeans and when he entered the stall, he quickly pulled down his jeans and briefs in one motion. His briefs were a very pale blue. He was pretty quick and didn't make much sound.
I was lucky enough to get the first stall when he exited it. I am not modest when it comes to pooping like that, so I also dropped my shorts and red briefs to the floor and had a seat. It was kinda cool to know that EVERYONE coming in was seeing my bare legs and underwear as I was sitting there. I unloaded my insides, and noticing that the guy in the next stall had hairy legs and boxer-briefs under his shorts. He left and the next guy has black briefs under his pants. I finished up and started the clean up process. The top of the partitions were low, so when I was standing up to wipe. The people in the restroom could also see my head above the partition. It was a cool way to take a dump, and I wish there were more restrooms like that around.Blob
Walking the dog
One Sunday afternoon me and my girlfriend were out walking our dog on the moors near Dartmoor Prison, on an old railway track bed. When we pasted a man sitting on a large rock, he said good afternoon and we replied good afternoon back to him, just then a female stood up from behind the rock and joined him, we both think she was peeing behind this rock.
As the afternoon walk went on I too needed a pee but my girlfriend was trying to be funny and not take the dog lead from me, and so here I am with the lead in my left hand and my thing in my right, standing on the track bed, my girlfriend standing on my right side, and me peeing onto the gravel, when the dog started to try and bite the pee stream, so I am trying to keep the dog away from the stream of piss and my girlfriend is just standing there laughing, when I finished we walked on.
Later she has to go and so standing with her back to me and the dog she drops her jeans and knickers to her knees and gets into a high squat, and starts a strong hard piss, I let the dog move closer, to sniff her bum, but the dogs wet nose makes contact with her bum making her jump, at this she looses control of her stream and pisses all over her knicker, she is pissed with me and has to take her jeans and wet knicker off, she then wipes with a dry bit of the knicker before putting her jeans back on.
As she did not what the wet knickers in her pocket she gave them to me and I put them in mine. I forgot to give them back to her for a week or two. He! He!
Hello. It's Becc. Mary and I are back home as the medical school cancelled classes due to Hurricane Irma. We left school early Friday morning and arrived mid-afternoon due to traffic. We left early, so neither one of us used the restroom to poop prior to leaving. We ate Mexican the night before, and, well, we had gas. We had loud gas. We had smelly gas. We had silent gas. You get the picture.
Mary began about half an hour into the trip. "Becc, I am really embarrassed, but I have a lot of gas from dinner last night. Would you be offended if I pass it?" Mary sounds so elegant and sophisticated when she talks. I laughed. "Mary, it's me, your sister!" She looked concerned. "You know I don't like to pass gas in cars. It will smell. Asking is the polite thing to do." I looked at her, not trying to laugh, "What, like this?" And I farted so loud. She looked taken aback. Then, she farted. Her fart was not as loud, but it had a stronger smell.
So, we farted back and forth in the car so much that we rode with our windows down. It was a beautiful day and the temperatures were mild. That's our stories. Mary has been pooping more comfortably and I have been going about the same - one big log per day.
Catherine, it is really good to see your posts. I hope that you are well. After reading your stories I was flattered by the comparisons. - Becc
British Dumper, I would like to hear your stories. Thank you for reading my posts. I will find yours and read them. - Becc
Please, everyone, stay safe from the Hurricane.
- Becc
To Catherine
Good to hear you had your baby. Hope you all are doing well and you are healing after the delivery of your baby son. I guess it must be a busy time for you.April
Date Poo
I am blond 5'5" and about 130
I was wondering after a recent experience of mine, who has ever been on a first or second date and had to take a big smelly poop at the house of the person you went on a date with?
I was recently on a date with this guy. It was our second date. All of a sudden I got that fimiliar feeling that I needed to poop. We were at his place because he was fixing dinner. I debated using his bathroom and just had too. I went in to his bathroom. I planned to be as quick as possible. I dropped my jeans and thong. I let go. A 14" poop came out. Then felt a little more. I pushed and a 7" poo came out. I went to grab some TP. I was horrified. No toilet paper. I got up checked under the sink nothing. I could tell my butt was messy and didn't want to pull up my pants. I debated and finally called him. He brought me some. My face was so red when I answered the door with my pants down. I wiped 4 times first. Realized I had to flush. Then I wiped 5 more times. I hate messy poos. My butthole was really messy. I pulled up my pants and told him not to go in there. He said it can't be that bad. Jumped behind me and opened the door. He coughed a bit haha and I turned red again. We kissed and then had supper.
Me & Phebe in trouble again
Me & my friend Phebe got in trouble again on Saturday. We decided to take our bikes out for an extended ride. Part of the route we take has some rough terrain, but we like the challenge it presents and it keeps us physically fit. Both of us don't get much out of PE class at school with things such as dodge ball and some other dumb games. We had ridden for about an hour and both of us were ready for our first break. We always stop to pee at this gas station which is right on our way to the hills. I like this place because the bathrooms are unlocked and we don't need to ask a clerk for a key. And Phebe likes the bathroom because the toilet has a white seat. She thinks the black ones at school and in a lot of other public bathrooms are so gross to sit on.
The light was off and the bathroom was dark so we went in. I was pulling my riding shorts down and preparing to seat myself when Phebe grabbed me. I told her she was lucky I didn't have an accident right there because I had to go. She showed me two gross pubic hairs on the front of the seat. I took the side of my hand and pushed them off before seating myself. She started giving me a hard time because my pee was making a lot of noise. She made a couple of faces and covered her ears. I burst out laughing and gave her a friendly shove from the seat. At that point there were three loud slams of a fist against the door. Phebe yelled out for them to wait their turn. An old man who said he was the owner ordered us out immediately. I was only about half done and Phebe of course hadn't gone yet. But I got up, flushed and Phebe opened the door to see this old guy ordering us off his property and threatening to call our parents.
Then the side door of a big day care van opened an all these kids started to get into line for the bathroom. The teacher was mad too and was telling him she was buying like $100 worth of gas and the bathroom should be for customers only. He apologized to her and told us to beat it. Me and Phebe rode across the highway to a large park where they had a bathroom building. This one had two toilets, just out in the open with a sink between them. We were the only ones around. We both got a toilet to ourselves. I felt a pain having to stop my pee like I did and it took me a few minutes to get it going again. Phebe complained about the black seat and some bugs coming out of the drain under the sink. Overall, she behaved better this time, but it took her twice as long as me to get her pee stream started. She's had some problems with that at school too.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
This story took place on Saturday. I hadn't had a poo since Thursday and I think the heavy pub lunch started to activate my bowels. However even though I used the loo to pee I didn't feel a need to move my bowels when I was at there. Afterwards I decided to go into town. By the time I got off the bus I began to feel the need to do so. Once I entered the shopping centre the poo was starting to push against my bumhole. Trekking my way through the crowd of Saturday shoppers on my way to the Marks and Spencer (which even on the weekend normally has a less busy restroom area) I was wagging a constant war between my body involuntarily propelling the poo down to my bumhole and my mind consciously having to make a huge effort to clench my buttocks and suck the poo back up. In the M&S I was going down the escalator and seriously close to touching couth. Rounding the corner and seeing an unoccupied accessible bathroom was such a relief. Entering it I marched over the toilet, quickly undid my jeans, pulled them down with my navy panties and flung myself onto the seat. Relaxing my hole the first log slid out at in a matter of seconds. After that I stayed sitting and realised how tense, both in mind and body, I had been. While I tried to relax I also attempted to push some more poo out and after about five minutes I had expelled another turd. Grabbing some toilet paper I stood up and turned around and what I saw in the bowl amazed me. It was the biggest log I had ever produced; more than ten inches in length and three in diameter. Unfortunately I didn't have any storage on my phone or else I would have taken a photo of it. After wiping twice and throwing the paper into the bowl I was sad to flush and see the log disappear. Then I got redressed and washed my hands before walking out of the bathroom. As I continued out of Marks and Spencer and back into the main bit of the shopping centre the feeling of my bowels being empty was glorious and almost gave me a literal spring in my step.
This week I have also moved into a new house and the toilet has a wooden seat! I love how different it feels sitting on it rather than a plastic one.Taylor
To Mina
First of all, I'm terribly sorry I hadn't answered your question!! I was really busy when I checked the site and was going to answer later but it completely slipped my mind. I'm so sorry :(
Angel Delight is a dessert that comes in powder form and you mix with milk and let it set for a few minutes. It's rather thick but not solid so it settles and takes the shape of any container you put it in. Kind of like a chocolate mousse. You might be able to find some photos online.
I hope you're doing well, you're not stupid or silly!
University return
I went back to university on Monday and it was a really busy morning but at about 11am I managed to get a break. I hadn't been for a poo yet and I was starting to need a wee so I headed to the ladies, I have a favourite block of toilets because they're usually rather quiet and I don't have to worry about the constant noise of people trying my stall. Can't they see my feet under the door?!
It was a five minute walk to get to the toilets I wanted and I seemed to be getting more desperate by the minute. I'm not sure if it was the walking, or the anticipation but I was relieved when I saw the toilets at the end of the corridor. I pushed open the door and my heart skipped a beat when I saw what was inside. The toilets had been refurbished during the summer break and they looked amazing! The old wooden stalls were replaced by five "rooms", the dividers being floor to ceiling brick walls and the stall doors being actual wooden doors, also floor to ceiling. The whole room was really bright and each stall had its own light above the toilet. It reminded me of my bathroom at home. As you may know, I really enjoy using new or different bathrooms, so this alone made my day.
I went into the middle stall and locked the door behind me before unbuttoning my jeans, pulling them down to my calves with my black thong as I took a seat. I was so excited. I leaned forward a little and relaxed, within seconds I was gently stretched open by a wide, soft log effortlessly making its way out of me. It went on for quite a while before falling into the bowl with a little splash and I was stretched wide again immediately after. This piece was much shorter and soon joined the other in the bowl. I felt empty so I got myself some toilet paper to wipe with as I started peeing, a nice gentle stream that tinkled quietly into the water below. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened up a third time while I was peeing, a small poop effortlessly sliding out of me.
I finished my wee and had a quick look in the bowl before I hid my creation with toilet paper. There was a log about 6 inches in length, and another next to it about 4 inches. Sat on top was a small piece about an inch long. I reached between my legs and wiped front to back, and then used a few pieces for my behind. When I stood up to redress the toilet flushed, fancy! I've had bad experiences with auto flushing toilets before but this one seemed to work perfectly. My mess went down the bowl with no problems, not even a skid mark. I pulled up my thong and jeans and left to wash my hands. I'll definitely be coming here again!
Some replies
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around for a little while, I've been busy getting ready for university again and have a story to type up when I'm on the computer instead of my tablet.
Imogen - I loved your recent stories. I feel like everyone needs a friend like Robyn, sort of really open and not bothered by little things like peeing outside. It reminds me of my friend Jemima, really easy going, always wearing nice underwear and has left a puddle in front of me a few times. Also enjoyed your latest story, it's never good when you get caught peeing outside but at the same time I get a thrill from it. Doing something I shouldn't be doing.
Catherine - Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! I hope you and family are doing well, I always enjoyed your stories.
Victoria B - I read that story too and thought it was brilliant. I would have asked for a plunger or something instead of trying to hide it. Make a joke out of it or something. But if you're still together after that, you'll probably be together for life.
I remember my first poop at a boyfriends place. We had been on a few dates and I agreed to stay the night at his after a meal. Watch a DVD and get to know each other. At the restaurant I needed to poo but it felt rude leaving him on his own so I held it. By the time we got to his place it was becoming quite urgent and I was bursting for a wee. I shyly asked him where his bathroom was and he said I was stood next to it. Oh god! I was expecting it to be down the hall but it was right next to the kitchen where he was .
I sat on the toilet and started peeing immediately, a loud splashing as it hit the water. That didn't bother me, people hear me peeing all the time, but about 15 seconds into it my stomach cramped and I let out a booming fart. I was mortified! To make things worse I let out a long squeaky fart as my poo slid out. There was no doubt at all that he heard it.
I finished up, sprayed plenty of air freshener etc and shyly left the bathroom, bright red. He just smiled, asked if I felt better and carried on like nothing had happened. It was amazing.Michael
To Catherine
Great story's and welcome back congratulations on your new born
Hope you have so big satisfying logs soon
Uncle Harry
To: Optional Person
There are a few of us who write about pee. Me, Blob, and Willow. Maybe others once in a while.
replies / seaside trip
Hi all,
First I wanted to start off with some replies to other people -
Catherine - I think you stopped posting around the time I started, but I've read some of your old stories, it's good to have you back!
Victoria B - this happened not far away from me and it's been all over the news. Just as a reassurance it WASN'T me!!
Mina - I hope you are well and it's nothing too serious. Get well soon.
Abbie - I mainly wear normal pants, but I do have a couple of thongs. Mainly for trousers. I read an article about a school somewhere that had banned girls wearing skirts, they had to wear trousers. I only liked wearing them when it was really cold - it was always tricky undoing belts etc to get them undone when you really needed a wee, and they were tight and the material quite thin so people could see your knicker line through them.
Anyway, I went to visit two friends of mine from school last weekend. They live not far from the sea in Norfolk so we decided to meet in a particular town which is quite nice. On the day I drove over there in the morning as we'd arranged to meet for late lunch at 1pm, it was a decent sunny day so obviously lots of people were headed for the sea! I arrived just before 1 and had some trouble finding parking as it was busy, but eventually I found a space further down the promenade.
We met up and had our lunch in a fish and chip restaurant where I went for a wee, then walked down the beach and had ice cream.
As it was time to go I started to head back to the car and realised I had a small urge for a poo. Remembering that there were public toilets by the promenade I decided I should go before I set off home. I went into the toilets which were old but kept nice and clean, the first cubicle I went in had loo roll, a clean seat etc so I pulled my jeans and knickers down and sat down. I had another wee but despite pushing quite a bit I couldn't get anything to come out. I knew I'd need a poo soon and I really didn't want to be caught short as there was a long drive home through the country without anywhere really to stop. I decided to walk around a bit more as that often makes me need to go, and sure enough after about half an hour I felt increased pressure. I headed back to the toilets and as soon as my bum was on the seat a large poo slid out and dropped in the bowl, I immediately felt empty!
About an hour into my journey home I felt a need to wee again, I put it off for a while as there wasn't anywhere to stop, then decided that I'd stop at a particular town further along. However, the pain was getting worse as there was now a dull aching in my bladder with occasional spikes. I worked out there was about a half hour left till I got to the town with services, and I was pretty desperate, so I pulled off the road into a country lane and then into the first layby I found. It was almost dusk by this point and there was nobody around, so I went between the car and the hedge, pulled my jeans and knickers (plain white) down and squatted, and started doing an impressively long wee into the muddy layby. Just then I heard an engine approaching and sure enough a van passed me, I was thrown into the headlights, and I was sure the driver must have seen me! I finished up as quickly as I could and pulled my knickers and jeans straight back up (which I regretted - I was quite damp) and hurriedly got in the car and drove away. Rationally I know I'm never going to see that van driver again but it was still mortifying!Taylor
To Mina
First of all, I'm terribly sorry I hadn't answered your question!! I was really busy when I checked the site and was going to answer later but it completely slipped my mind. I'm so sorry :(
Angel Delight is a dessert that comes in powder form and you mix with milk and let it set for a few minutes. It's rather thick but not solid so it settles and takes the shape of any container you put it in. Kind of like a chocolate mousse. You might be able to find some photos online.
I hope you're doing well, you're not stupid or silly!
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Catherine that's good that your getting back normal poops again.
To: Mina great story it sounds like you had a really great poop and hopefully you are back home soon with your friends having great poops together.
To: Miranda great story about you and you friends and it sounds like your teacher had a good cleanout I bet she blasted the toilet good.
To: Laretta first welcome to the site and great story about your desperate and gave those 2 guys a great show in the process and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.
To: Elphaba great story.
Well that's all for now Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this site
After School Emily and Molly
After the Second Week of School Emily and Molly
Hi all!
This is Molly typing on behalf of my sissy, Emily, and myself! We both want to thank everyone who shared kind words about our diarrhea attacks. We are fine now. It seems that there's a mild stomach virus going around our school and community which is causing mild nausea, vomiting in some with sensitive stomachs, cramping and diarrhea.
I had a first as a teacher this week. I've been so fortunate not to have anyone get sick in my class - meaning that no one has either vomited or had a diarrhea accident in my class since becoming a teacher. That ended yesterday in my first period class. Toward the end of the class period, this bright, bubbly student, who was average height and had long, beautiful and natural blonde hair stood up and came to my desk. I finished lecturing (this was my junior English class) and was allowing students to finish homework. She asked if she could go to the bathroom. Another girl had already signed out with the pass. She volunteered that she felt sick and needed to use the bathroom. Then she hunched over. I knew what was about to happen and I told her I would go with her. No sooner had we gotten outside the door of the classroom when she grabbed her butt as a reflex and began to have massive diarrhea in her pants. It was noisy. It was a lot. I hoped that no one would hear. I raced into the class and found a sweater of mine in a chifferobe in the class room. I told the class to continue to work on their assignments and that I needed to go to the office before the next class. The class was looking around as if they knew something was going on. I hope not. To make a long story short, I tied the sweater around her waste and got her to come with me to the office.
When I got their, the school nurse had four other students already in there. She looked at me, "Diarrhea?" I nodded. She said, "These four as well. Three had accidents. Did she?" I nodded that she did. "I'll have to call her mother. She can clean up in the bathroom."
So whatever is going around seems to get these kids pretty quick. Or, maybe they are apprehensive about going number two at school. But diarrhea won't wait!
Victoria B, We saw the story that you referred to in your post on our local newspaper's Facebook site! Hilarious! We hope that you are well! We love your posts! We too are interested in your burrito number two! And, we echo Catherine and would love to hear about your new diet and bowel habits. We hope you are well. Best, Emily and Molly
British Dumper, We would love to hear your stories. We are glad that Catherine's return encouraged your return as well. Best, Emily and Molly
Our number twos have been pretty consistent. We've not yet to make it home to use the bathroom since school began. We both go in the faculty restroom.
Lastly, we too want to send our greetings and love to anyone in the path of Hurricane Irma.
Emily and Molly
Fill your bathtub with water and put a bucket next to the will give you a flushing reserve, should the water supply fail
My first babysitting job
When I was in 7th grade, I got my first babysitting job. Civanna was a really precious and precocious girl. She was seven but had been allowed to advance one grade in school. Both of her parents had terminal degrees, but they worked a lot. That gave me my first babysitting opportunity. It was labor day weekend and my mom drove Civanna and me to the next county for a day at the state fair. This was a very huge event with a lot of animals and rides. Mom dropped us off at about 9 a.m. and we were on our own until the pickup time late that afternoon.
I was surprised to learn how bright Civanna was. Waiting in line for the rides, she would ask me really intelligent questions about why the farris wheel seats would sometimes swing and shake. How cars could be practically turning over and still stay on track. Of course, when our first bathroom break came, the boredom of waiting in line for one of the 40-some toilets to open. The bathroom was so hot, humid, lots of bugs flying around. Some of the toilets were plugged up and the overruns caused me to point out to Civanna not to stand in the flood waters running into the drains in the middle of the room's floor.
As I was holding onto Civanna and combing out her hair in line she was constantly pointing to women dashing for an open toilet and predicting whether the person was going to do Number 1 or Number 2. Some of them she had been watching as they changed their posture in line, moved their feet, placed their hand over their stomach, complained to friends about 'bursting' something. Civanna started to laugh out when she heard that word, but I quickly cupped her mouth and whispered to her about not talking so loud.
In order to test Civanna's accuracy, I asked her what I was going to do. She thought for a couple of seconds and said 'Both." I was astounded. She was right! Although I was going to have my daily crap, I almost always pee. This is especially the case when you have to wait 20 minutes in a crowd for a toilet. At that time, the door to a toilet on our right opened and I quickly shoved Civanna in. The door didn't latch, so I stood toward Civanna who quickly got herself onto the toilet. I held the door shut with my back. Her sandals were swinging so close to my legs that I playfully threatened to yank a shoe off if she kicked me. She went for about a minute. Despite all the noise outside, I could hear her pee hit the water. Then I handed her some toilet paper. She quickly wiped and jumped down. I was surprised that she actually walked to the left side of the toilet and flushed it.
Then we changed places. I took the seat. She did two or three takes of my red underwear. I told her it was the first colored underwear my mom had ever bought for me. I told her about the other four colors as I pushed to get my crap out. The first piece was hard and it splashed up onto me. Something I don't like. Just before three other splashes, I moved toward the front a bit. That solved the problem. I did a little bit of a pee too. She smiled (I admitted she was right) as I reached over and pulled off the toilet paper. Still seated, I reached back and pushed the flusher. The flush was very wicked. It could have sucked a baby down the drain.
We had to meander through the crowd to get to the sinks and wash our hands. The sinks were in the other room. Then we went outside to a picnic area where we got concessions and had our lunch. While we were eating, Civanna had her eyes fixed on the toilet line which was now even longer and streaming outside the bathroom building.
At this point, Civanna made a suggestion that impressed me of her analytical ability. This is what she came up with:
1. Label one row of toilets for those just needing a fast pee. The other row would be for those taking a crap.
2. The doors could be marked with a symbol or painted with one of two bright colors.
3. This would cut down the number of upset people and the need to watch both sides of such a large room for a toilet to open.
This being a specialized forum, do you guys think Civanna's ideal would work? Do you know of any places where something like this has been tried? What were the results?
Sunday, September 10, 2017
This story took place on Saturday. I hadn't had a poo since Thursday and I think the heavy pub lunch started to activate my bowels. However even though I used the loo to pee I didn't feel a need to move my bowels when I was at there. Afterwards I decided to go into town. By the time I got off the bus I began to feel the need to do so. Once I entered the shopping centre the poo was starting to push against my bumhole. Trekking my way through the crowd of Saturday shoppers on my way to the Marks and Spencer (which even on the weekend normally has a less busy restroom area) I was wagging a constant war between my body involuntarily propelling the poo down to my bumhole and my mind consciously having to make a huge effort to clench my buttocks and suck the poo back up. In the M&S I was going down the escalator and seriously close to touching couth. Rounding the corner and seeing an unoccupied accessible bathroom was such a relief. Entering it I marched over the toilet, quickly undid my jeans, pulled them down with my navy panties and flung myself onto the seat. Relaxing my hole the first log slid out at in a matter of seconds. After that I stayed sitting and realised how tense, both in mind and body, I had been. While I tried to relax I also attempted to push some more poo out and after about five minutes I had expelled another turd. Grabbing some toilet paper I stood up and turned around and what I saw in the bowl amazed me. It was the biggest log I had ever produced; more than ten inches in length and three in diameter. Unfortunately I didn't have any storage on my phone or else I would have taken a photo of it. After wiping twice and throwing the paper into the bowl I was sad to flush and see the log disappear. Then I got redressed and washed my hands before walking out of the bathroom. As I continued out of Marks and Spencer and back into the main bit of the shopping centre the feeling of my bowels being empty was glorious and almost gave me a literal spring in my step.
This week I have also moved into a new house and the toilet has a wooden seat! I love how different it feels sitting on it rather than a plastic one.
Hey so there is a hurricane on its way here! Im scared! Ėve been trying too poop as much as possible bc when the power goes, idk if my beloved toilet will work. Pray for all of us here in the south! PS i had a really good one yesterday 3 flusher, mustof been all those ???? pattys
Just a <G>
Grocery store today: There's one of their stock carts with amongst other things a box of "Essential poo supplies" on it. (A piece of metal from the cart blocked the "l".)
Hi friends,
First, prayers and warm thoughts are with all in the path of Hurricane Irma. Please stay safe!
Second, I finally had a firmer bowel movement than I have been having. It coiled into a honey bun shape at the bottom of the bowl. It was soft, but had some shape and texture to it. It felt pretty good.
I feel better each day. I cannot wait until I report a thick log to you all!
Love to all!
Optional Person
Pee; Mini essay with questions. Responces.
Pee is an interesting thing. From its range of color based on when you pass it, to the huge bubbles it can fill the toilet with, to that pretty musical note it makes, at least when it is coming out of a woman's vagina. Am I the only one that thinks pee makes musical notes? mostly F's or B flats I notice. Pee is also for most people, not embarrassing. I find it interesting those that are pee shy. What is it about peeing that you feel embarrassed by? I'm actually curious. I understand poop. It makes a lot of sounds, and if you really eat healthy, it leaves pretty big smells behind too. But pee doesn't. That obviously doesn't take away from the truth of any one person being pee shy, I just am curious as to why. But that isn't actually why I'm writing.
Sitting backwards on the toilet to poop today of course my penis first peed. I smelled it and I sat an wondered, how do you describe the smell of pee. Honestly people just describe it as pee smell. Everyone knows just exactly what that means, yet we have no other way to describe it. What do you think would be a way of describing it, other than pee smell? I honestly don't know, that is why I'm asking. With Poop there are many ways it can smell and a lot of them are pretty easy to describe and or imagine. For example Healthy smell ( as Catherine often describes her dumps as smelling), skunk, raw sewage, the smell of those glue sticks in grade school that smell even stronger than a skunk, even just saying very powerful smell, gets its point across, but there really isn't much of a way to describe pee's scent, which you have to admit is a distinct one.
Poop has a basic base smell, that anyone smelling knows that is poop, but yet it can smell a ton of different ways, slightly differing or majorly different, Just like its appearance; it has a general shape that you know that it is poop. but for each person it looks a bit different and smells that way too. But with Pee it is basically the exact same smell, and the exact same colors, no matter who's penis or vagina it came out of. Ann Wilson of Heart, her pee smells the same as our poster Catherine's I would wager. I used Ann as an example as I have been listening to her music recently.
When you eat asparagus, your pee actually creates a stink, similar to the smell of asparagus. I know this, because for a short time I actually ate that vegetable. So to me I think regular pee smell doesn't stink or smell gross, unless you smell it for too long. Poop to most people smells, and smells bad from the moment it opens up their buttholes. I don't drink coffee, but on this forum, some of you nice ladies have talked about coffee making your pee smell like, you guessed it, coffee. I haven't seen stories like that from recent posters, but some way in the past.
In my mind pee doesn't get talked about much out here. Even on sites that shan't be named, it isn't a popular thing. It is arguably boring, unless you hold it for a while and it gushes out of you, or you hold it for a while and it hurts to come out but feels good. It all smells the same, looks the same, and it is hard to describe the smell and if you ask me it makes a pretty sound when it comes out of a lady. But it bubbles just the same no matter what it comes out of.
I haven't really provided you guys with any substance recently and since my stories are boring, I thought I would share this thought that came to me on the toilet having one of my boring stories. I also wanted to provide this substance because the moderator was kind to post my last to posts which lacked substance majorly. This isn't typical of what is posted on this site, but I hope you enjoy this different take on posing a question or a survey, it is more an essay, of sorts that is trying to act like a poll. Let me know what you think my fellow humans.
Catherine - I suppose it may have sounded that way. I didn't explain myself too well, it wasn't large but somehow formed the shape of an 8. I have also made one in the shape of a C before. Now that one was big, and it was several years ago.
Steve - Thanks, she found me, and then she unfound me lol. Has a BF a week after meeting me. I have been gipped on getting to experience a toilet stool story with a girl again.
John H- Glad to have someone agree with me. I was afraid that post lacked substance and surprised it got posted. Glad you got something out of it. I feel glad to be a part of something that I was secretly looking at in 1998 when I was 9 and because of my actual first story I ever wrote about Julia, if you can find it, it is waaaay back there. Wow have I been here since 2014?? Wow.
Thank you all for reading. You are all awesome.
Curious Cody
Hey Curious Cody. I can't believe you forgot to pull down your underwear before crapping. I hope your parents didn't scold you! The feeling of poo as a warm sensation reminds me of the accidents I had as a child. I think I even farted in bed once, and poop came out. FYI, I'm a blind toilet lover who's been on this site for a while, has mild CP, and used to wear diapers as a child. When I was slightly incontinent as a child I used to soil my underwear, and play in it, but then later on I started wearing adult diapers, and pull ups. I wore a pull up to bed one night after taking an enema, and sat down on the floor thinking I had to fart. I heard a squirt, and felt a rush out of my rectum, and knew I soiled. After touching the carpet later that day, and sniffing my finger, it sort of smelled like my pull up leaked on the bedroom floor, too. Oddly for some reason while having the mild accidents, I used to sit on the floor a lot. I guess I sat because I thought I had to fart, or felt uncomfortable. You see, I still felt sensation in my rectum, seems the problem was I couldn't feel the slight urges, so would soil off and on throughout the day. Oops, forgot to mention this in earlier posts about myself. I did have big poops in the toilet about once a month too, so maybe some of my problems were due to that. As of now, I poop normally, and I think got out of diapers sometime during middle school.