School Poop
Hi, I'm in 6th grade brown hair 4'9 90 pounds. It was a snowy december day when I was in 4th grade. It was the day before Christmas Vacation and I held my poop for about 6 days which was a really long time for me. We were playing bingo and when we took a snack break I walked over to the teacher if I could use the bathroom. She let me go so I left. I walked in and I took the second stall and these stalls had no locks on them for some reason. I pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees and sat. Another girl walked in and took the stall next to me and put her jeans down above her ankles. She had pink flowery underwear and I thought it was my friend Arielle and then I knew it wasn't because the girl was pooping and Arielle never poops at school. The girl got up and left. Before I started this part the stacks didn't have metal divine they were brick walls diving the toilets. I heard the bathroom door open and my piece of poop was coming out of my hole and then my stall door opened and there was a 3rd grader with her mouth opened and then my poop splashed in and then she said sorry and shut the door. I was so embarrassed especially that my poop splashed in at that moment. I pushed out a few more pieces and then rolled out some toilet paper and wiped and left.
Ryan's Survey
1) Where do you poop the most?
C. School
2. When you need to poop, what is your favorite position?
A. Sitting
3. Where do you pull your shorts/pants down to?
C. To the ankles
4. When your pooping do you fart?
B. A little
5. When your pooping how long does it take?
C. 10-15 minutes
6. Are you scared of pooping in public?
B. No
7. Do you watch the person next to you pooping
A. Sometimes
reply to Matt
To Matt: Oh, poor Zoey! That sounds like it must have been awful! I've had my poop dug out of my butt before and it wasn't fun. It was very nice of you to help her out during such a difficult poop. I've got some tips that may help if she ever gets that constipated again. If you're both comfortable with it, try rubbing her stomach firmly but gently for her before she goes to the bathroom or while she's trying to push. Also, you could try having her sit backwards on the toilet and strain while you wrap your arms around her stomach and give her a bear hug. There's some of my advice. I hope it's helpful! Anyways, I really enjoyed your post and would love to hear more of your stories! Take care!Uncle Harry
To Ian
Great camping story. I do a lot of day hiking in the woods, but I have never camped overnight intentionally. I did once when I had to. I'll post that sometime.
To Dave and Zip
Good story about doorless stalls in bathrooms. There are many for a reason: to avoid theft and illicit behavior inside.
To Sandrine
I have never heard of holding a woman by legs and back to help her pee. Great story. I'm glad to learn about it.
To Blob
Great stories as always, but as a Yankee, I don't always understand the British expressions. What is a "hoe" and a "citadel"? Those have different meanings in the USA.
Tuesday, December 05, 2017
Uncle Harry
Peeing in the Attic
Years ago, when I was much younger, I was at a party at someones house. I posted a report of a house party before, but that was a different party. The dining room was on the first floor and the bedrooms and single bathroom was on the second. There was a long line to get into the bathroom and I really needed to pee. Someone mentioned earlier about maybe there was a bathroom on the third floor, so I decided to take a look and went upstairs. It turned out to be an attic. There was nothing in it except two chairs. There was a wall leading to something and I thought I would take a look, especially since I thought I heard someone talking. I went along and there I was in a bathroom with three girls in it. I new the one with her pants down and just sitting onto the toilet seat. It was Molly. We had seen each other peeing a few times before. "Harry". she said. "You shouldn't be here. We girls all need to pee". "Well, I need to pee too", I said. The second girl, Kristen, I also knew, but we never saw each other pee. The third girl I didn't know and never got her name, so I'll call her Betty. Molly went ahead and peed. Kristen said she did not want to have a boy watch her pee, but had to go so bad she wanted to be next. I promised her not to look while she was peeing. Molly finished up, wiped her pussy, got off the toilet, and pulled up her pants. Kristen pulled down her pants, plunked on to the toilet seat,and started pissing so fast that I saw her urine coming out before I could not watch. She said nothing more about my not looking. Betty seemed to be in no hurry, so I went next and let the three girls watch my pee coming out of my penis. When I finished and put my dick back in my pants, I doodled around a bit to see what Betty would do. "Leave, Harry", she said. "I don't want you to see my vagina", she said. "I've never let a man see it and never will until I get married". Ok, if that's her choice, she can have it. I walked out, followed by Molly and Kirsten. They sat on the two chairs while we waited for Betty and then we went downstairs.
Jessica B.
To Anna
To Anna: I'm really glad that you found time for posting again, as I missed your stories. So thanks for telling us about what happened at the farmers market! I know how urgent a hungover poop can be, even though I haven't had one myself in quite a while now. And yes, mine do stink too, that's for sure!
I have nothing to tell at the moment. The dump I took minutes ago, after breakfast obviously, was the most average ever. Medium size, almost no smell, I was done within five minutes and I had no audience.
Love and take care,
When I was 12, I had to go to the bathroom but the teacher wouldn't let me leave the classroom, so I went to the front of the room, squatted down, lifted my dress up and dropped almost four pounds of hot, smelly shit into my panties.
Victoria B.
Survey response
Here are my answers to Ryan's survey:
1. Where do you poop the most?
A. At home
2. When you need to poop, what is your favorite position?
A. Sitting towards the back of the seat
3. Where do you pull your shorts/pants down to?
C. To my ankles
4. When your pooping do you fart?
B. A little bit.
5. How long does it take for you to poop?
B. 5-8 minutes on the toilet is normal.
6. Are you scared of pooping in public?
B. No
7. Do you watch the person next to you pooping?
A. I've peeked a few times, yes.
To Catherine: I'll bet you had a good Thanksgiving with the workout your bidet got!
To Anna: I'm so happy you're back! You're one of my favorite writers here and I always enjoy your stories!
It's been a long time since I last posted on here,nothing really to post about untill now. I actually peed in an unusual or odd place earlier and thought I'd share. I went to the hospital to visit my girlfriend who is currently in the hospital,been there since Thursday night. It was around four in the afternoon and I was leaving the hospital and walking to the parking deck,got to the parking deck and felt the need to pee,so I figured it being a Saturday not many people would be around and there was not alot of people so I got the idea to pee underneath a stairwell in the parking deck. I walked to the door of the stairwell and opened the door that leads to the stairs,nobody is walking up or down the steps,I'm on the first level of the stairs so I get as close as possible to the steps,unzip my pants and pull my penis out and start peeing on the ground. I'm constantly making sure no one is coming as not to be caught and the floor is not concrete,more like a tile and I can the pee splatter against it and I made a good sized puddle,put my penis back inside my underwear,zipped up my zipper and walked away feeling very relieved. I actually got a rush from doing this and maybe tomorrow try peeing in the parking deck itself.Samantha
Peeing In A Car
Hi, my name is Samantha and I'm 22 years old. I just wanted to respond to those who post on here who are into peeing in their cars and also letting others pee in their cars too. I too think it's a wonderful idea to let someone else pee in my car. I've noticed however that some people on here seem to think that it's hard to convince others to do it with them. Well, to be honest, it really isn't as hard as you might think. I've found that it's all about the situation. I've found that if I'm out somewhere with a group of friends, and it's somewhere that there's either no restrooms or they are really nasty, it's easy to just suggest to them that we go and use my car instead. For example one time I was at a concert with two of my friends, and the line to the restroom was way too long so I suggested that we go and use my car instead. And so we did. We all took turns peeing into the backseat. There were only three of us girls altogether, so we took turns relieving ourselves into the seat, in the side where no one would be sitting on the way back. It worked perfectly. Of course we didn't use any kind of protection or anything on the seat, we just sat directly in the seat and let it go. I'm sure a lot of you here will agree that's the best way to pee in a car. I have no problem having their pee soaked into my seat. And of course they think it's cool to relieve themselves in a car instead of in a toilet. It's a win-win situation for all of us. And so it's really not that hard to sell someone on the idea of peeing in your car. Love your stories! Keep posting!
Camping story #4: Alone in the woods!
Hi, me again. It's Saturday! How is everyone doing?
Anyway, on to my story!
On a rather blustery weekend in September, back when I was twelve, I decided to go camping by myself in the woods near our house. I had received a Cabela's tent-cot for Christmas the previous year and it was very easy to set up, so I wanted to try it out on a rainy night.
I packed two days' worth of food and bottled water and, lugging the heavy huge bag along with me, set off into the woods. I also quickly grabbed an old bucket (and a roll of toilet paper) out of the garage to possibly use as a toilet. I walked for about twenty minutes and came to a spot that could have been called a small clearing were it not sheltered by a leafy canopy overhead. Perfect.
I quickly set up the tent-cot and carefully secured the rain-fly like my dad had showed me. I spread my thick, squashy sleeping bag inside and the pillow and put the cooler with food (non-perishable stuff, like peanut butter and crackers) and water at the other end, along with my backpack with my clothes. Then I hung the electric lantern I had brought from the hook on the ceiling. A few paperback Goosebump Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books went into the mesh pouch on the wall. It was a very fine set-up, I felt.
As for the bucket, I set it at the base of the nearby tree, as its base was dry despite the ground around it being still wet from the previous night's rain shower; I knew that meant it was sheltered enough to not get soaked while using the bucket. There was a small branch-like stub conveniently nearby and I hung the toilet roll on that. Good enough.
I felt the need to pee and decided to do it in the bucket sitting down. I unzipped my jeans and dropped them and my underwear to my feet. Then I sat on the rim of the bucket and let myself start to pee. My pee drummed on the side of the bucket for almost thirty seconds and I sighed in relief as it finished, and then I suddenly farted loudly. I felt a slight need to poop and pushed hard, farting loudly again before it began to happen.
I grunted as a thick log made its way out of my butt and dropped into the bucket with a curious splash. Had I peed that much?
Another poop quickly dropped after it. I farted again and pushed once more, as hard as I could, but nothing else came out but a tiny puff of a fart. Relieved, I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my butt, got off the bucket, and looked in. Two big logs and a few wads of used toilet paper floated in a pool of pee that filled the bottom of the bucket. Picking it up, I dumped the contents on the ground about fifty feet away in the trees.
Right then it began pouring down rain, like someone had suddenly turned on the great celestial shower. I sprinted for the tent-cot and got inside without getting too wet; I zipped up the tent and made sure all the windows were sealed, and then flipped on the lantern. The small space was flooded with light. Rain drummed loudly on the top and sides of my tent, but I was safe, warm, and (relatively) dry inside.
I fixed myself a peanut butter sandwich and carefully sealed the bread back in its packaging. Eating it while reading, I felt happy; I love when it's raining or storming outside, as long as I'm not caught in it! The storm outside began picking up: I heard rolls of thunder in the distance and the wind's howling went up in pitch; the rain dashed the sides of the tent in waves.
I fell asleep at some point during the night and woke a few hours later with a huge need to poop! The storm was even worse now, with the walls of the tent shaking with the wind and rain; I began to regret my decision to camp when I knew it would be stormy outside...
Knowing my clothes would get soaked, I made a strange decision: I would go out naked, so nothing would get wet. No one would see me anyway. After I undressed, I quickly unzipped the side of the tent facing the bucket, jumped out, and zipped it back up as fast as I could. Running to the bucket, I grimaced at the rain that pelted my bare skin. Reaching it, I saw that the bucket was half-full of water. Good, cleaning would be easy. I quickly seated myself and strained hard, grunting loudly enough that I'd be embarrassed were I not totally alone, trying to get this over with as fast as possible.
Plop! A big log dropped into the water. Plop! Another followed. Splash! Another, smaller one landed in the bucket. A tinkling started as I peed into the water; a sighed of relief escaped as I felt the pressure in both my stomach and bladder ease.
I farted loudly twice and forced out another big turd. Splash! I pushed a bit more, but nothing else came except a tiny, last squirt of pee. Done, I reached for the toilet paper, noticing that it was soaked into a wet mass that was in no way suitable for wiping one's bottom. Therefore, I stood, deciding that the toilet could wait for being emptied, and walked out into the rain, bent over, and held my butt cheeks open for a minute or so, letting the rain wash my butt clean.
Once I felt clean enough, I ran back towards the tent-cot and unzipped it quickly, jumped inside, and resealed the tent. Grabbing my pack, I searched for the towel I'd packed for just this possibility; finding it, I scrubbed myself dry and then set about drying the rest of the tent, which took a while. I was thirsty now, so I drank a bottle of water. Then I quickly fell asleep again.
The next morning, I woke with a strong need to pee. However, it was still raining outside, so I grabbed one of my empty water bottles, rose to my knees to give me room to go, and pushed my penis inside the opening. My stream tinkled inside the plastic bottle and I nearly moaned in relief it felt so good.
After I finished, I capped the bottle and set it near the door. I was still naked from the night before and decided to keep it that way for the time being. Eating a breakfast of granola, I resigned myself to staying in the tent all day, as the rain wasn't letting up. A few hours after eating, though, I started to need a poop. I tried ignoring it for a few more hours, but the pressure in my stomach only grew stronger after I had lunch. I had to go soon.
I really didn't want to get out of the tent. I grabbed my backpack and rummaged through it, thinking I had seen a crumpled plastic bag at the bottom when I loaded it with clothes. I had! I pulled out the plastic Walmart bag and grabbed my pee bottle again, in case I peed more while pooping. I got into a squat and stuck my penis into the bottle opening so I wouldn't have to hold it, hopefully. I held the bag against my butt to form a tight seal and pushed hard, grunting.
A heavy mass shifted in my abdomen as I strained, slowly moving downward. With how badly I needed to go, it sure was having a tough time coming out! A massive turd began to emerge and the tent quickly smelled like poop. Oh well. The huge, painful turd slowly worked its way out and then fell with a heavy thud to the bottom of the bag. I let out my held breath, knowing my face was bright red from straining. I pushed again and farted loudly twice. Then some mushy poop slopped out and splattered in the bag. My stomach gurgled, twisting. Ugggh...
I unzipped one of the windows (it still had the bug net in place) to let some air in. I was starting to feel sick as my stomach kept twisting and gurgling. Suddenly bile rose in my throat and I scrambled to unzip the door, bolting outside. It had stopped raining for now. My bowels felt loose and shaky; I didn't know what had caused this...and then I remembered that I had forgotten to bring soap or hand sanitizer, and hadn't been cleaning my hands! Well, there's a lesson learned...
I reached the bucket, now nearly full and grabbed it. I simply hurled the bucket's contents into the nearby trees; there was no time to do it properly. I plunked the bucket down and jammed my butt onto it. Squuuuirpplthhh! I groaned and leaned forward involuntarily, as my stomach clenched tight and a large wave of loose poop splashed into the bucket. A round of wet farts followed this and I gripped my stomach as another wave of diarrhea blasted out of my bottom.
Sweat dripped down my face and my stomach convulsed again. A huge wet fart blew up in the bucket and I groaned in pain. Then a wave of nausea swept over me and I clamped my mouth shut. But... My stomach suddenly heaved and rose ominously into my throat. I managed to keep it in my mouth for a bit, but then I heaved again and lurched to the side, spewing it all over the dirt. Another painful heave and I gripped my shaky knees as I vomited again onto the ground between my feet.
Burping, coughing, and retching, I got the rest of it up. Now, my stomach still twisted and heaved, but I couldn't throw anything else up anymore, which was a nice change of pace. But my other end? If anyone had been around, my riotous farting would have alerted anybody within probably a mile. Another huge wet fart sprayed the bucket. What seemed like a gallon of loose poop slopped into the bucket after it, ending with another booming fart.
I felt a bit better. I stayed seated for another five minutes, but nothing else came out except several more farts. Finally, I felt done enough to stand. Staggering to my feet, I went back to the tent and tossed the bag away into the woods, along with the pee bottle. Then I put on a fresh change of clothes, packed everything up, and started home. I was still sick to my stomach, so I felt it prudent to leave now.
I had to stop twice along the way home. Another small bit of nausea overtook me after the first five minutes or so, and I leaned against a trees and let out a loud, wet belch. I retched, my stomach squirming, but nothing came up. I finished with a small burp. Then, ten minutes later, just a few minutes from my house, my bowels went watery again and I frantically pulled down my jeans and squatted as a rush of water poured out of me, splashing loudly on the leaves. I gripped my legs tightly until it was over, finishing with a big fart.
I was sick for the next few days, but overall, my solo "camping trip" was fun and I decided to do it again soon.Matt
Girlfriends story
Hi, my name is matt. Ive been a lurker here for awhile. This story is about my girlfriend zoey. We both live at home with our parents. Zoey is very poop shy so she is very self conscious about taking a long time in the bathroom when her family is home. This leads to her getting constipated sometimes. Ive known her for several years and it took her forever to admit this to me. Anyways, zoey and her family had just gone on a week long trip and she was only able to poop once on the 2nd day and after that she just didnt have to go at all (her body knows when she is not home and she usually doesnt poop) even when we go away for a 2 or 3 day weekend she usually doesnt go. She texted me on the way home and told me she really needed to go but didnt want to go at home because it would take her a long time to go and she didnt want to clog the toilet. She lives near a woods and park with some abandoned bathrooms quite a ways down a old hiking trail that weve both used before when shes not comfortable with going at home. She texted when she got home, took a shower and told her parents she was going to hang out with me. I came to her house and picked her up. She had her "hiking" bag with her and put toilet paper and other toiletries in it to use since the bathrooms obviously had none in them anymore. We chatted about the trip on the way there and caught up. She couldnt even sit on her butt she was so miserable. She also told me that when she showered before i picked her up she used alot of vaseline and soap in her butt and she hoped it would help her poop come out easier. Once we got to the park zoey hopped out right away and wasted no time heading for the woods. I could tell she was uncomfortable and really needed to poop. Once we got to the bathrooms a good 15 minutes later she led me inside and i wedged the door shut for privacy. The bathrooms are pit toilet types with 2 stalls each. Zoey handed me the backpack and took off her pants and underwear so she could squat on the seat without having to sit down. She said matty (what she calls me) this one is going to take me forever so well be here awhile! I said its ok Zo, go slow and take your time. She nodded and began to pee. After she finished peeing she started pushing and scrunching up her face. After a minute or 2 she said matty this is really going to hurt and be huge! I told her again to go slow and relax we have all afternoon if you need it. Zoey's effort increased alot over the next few minutes and she grunted hard and looked up at me helplessly from the toilet as she pushed and strained. I hugged her and she whimpered in pain and discomfort. I cant do it matty its too big she said. Let me see i told her. She turned around and squatted backwards on the toilet and i spread her butt cheeks open. Ok zo, push i told her. Zoey strained and her anus opened up really wide and i saw a giant turd stuck inside her made up of what looked like balls of poop all stuck together. Zoey stopped pushing and her anus closed around the poop. She tried again and again with the same result. The poop itself wasnt even budging, her anus was just opening and as she strained her poop didnt even attempt to come out. Damn zo, this thing is really stuck i told her. I know she said and began to cry softly. I told her to take a break and she got down off the toilet. I dont know what to do matty she cried. Did you bring more vaseline? I asked. She nodded and pointed at the backpack. I told her that i would put more in for her and rub it around while she pushed and see if that would help. She nodded and squatted on the toilet again. Zoey started pushing and i began to rub vaseline on her anus and work it around the turd. I did this for about 5 minutes and told her to push as hard as she could. Zoey strained and worked really hard for about 10 more minutes with no result. Matty, i just cant poop she said and started crying again. I told her the only other option we have is for me to dig it out. Zoey was very hesistant but she agreed. I told her i would go slow and be careful. I slowly dug at the turd as zoey pushed amd gradually i started getting chunks of her poop to come off the huge turd. Zoey then was able to strain these chunks out on her own. This went on for 15 minutes or so before she said she thought she could do it herself. She pushed and pushed and finally the giant began to come out. She was moaning loudly and whimpering in pain. Once she had about 5 inches out i wrapped some toilet paper around it and began to gently pull as zoey strained. About 10 minutes later it came out and zoey sighed in relief. She pushed out a few smaller logs and told me she was done. She wiped and cleaned up and thanked me for my help. We took the walk back to my car and grabbed some dinner before i dropped her off for the night. Thats the worst shes ever had it, i do have a few more stories to share if anyone has any interest. Hope you all enjoyed my story! Bye for now - matt
Matthew From New Jersey
Two Occasions where women almost made me shit myself
Two Occasions where women almost made me shit myself
Hi it's me Matthew from New Jersey again. I thought I'd share two incidents where women who were taking forever to use the restroom almost made me lose it in my undies.
The first incident occurred just a few years ago. I was working a summer job as a local pizza delivery driver, it only paid minimum wage but the tips were nice. The takeout joint was located at a small outdoor strip mall. The building was like one long trailer which was partitioned for other business. There was this girl about my age, 17 at the time, who was kind of chubby. Anita was her name and she would go to taco bell during her brakes and order salads loaded with sour cream. This would cause her bowels to get irritated and Anita would spend forever in the toilet to unload her diarrhea. Sometimes she would spend upwards to 15 minutes on the john during the lunch or dinner rush. This would irritate my boss but when you gotta go you gotta go. Luckily there was a toilet in a back hallway which connected the other business together. So while Anita was relieving herself in our restaurant's toilet, you could go in the back hall that was open for the employees of the other stores. One day Anita's lunch really didn't agree with her and she barfed into our toilet so bad that it clogged and broke! Apparently she placed a bunch of toilet tissue into the bowl before she started puking, she didn't want any of the vomit to splash back in her face, this caused a huge clog when she flushed and that toilet remained broken for the remainder of the time I worked there. Well one day I had gotten the diarrhea myself during the lunch rush. I had finished making my deliveries around town and sped in my car back to the pizza joint for a crap. Luckily we were no longer busy when I arrived so I made to the back of the store where the entrance to the hallway was. I made my way down the back hall toured toilet. As soon as I neared the toilet, the backdoor to another business swung open and a woman in her late 40s or early 50s rushed out. Her name was Tommi, strange name for a woman. Tommi was an Ophthalmologist who managed the neighboring eye lens store. She wasn't bad looking for her age, curvy with sandy greying hair, with black business slacks, and a white blouse. Her eyes widened in clear desperation when she saw me about to enter the toilet."Hold On!" Tommi called as she closed the door behind her. "Don't you guys have a toilet at your restaurant" she asked sheepishly. "We do but it's broke. I won't be long I promise" I responded as I opened the bathroom door."Wait Wait! I really need to use that restroom" she said as she clicked her heels down the hall. I was desperate myself and wasn't sure if I could hold on for much longer "I'm sorry doc, I got the runs and I just came back from delivery" I said. "Well SO DO I" Tommi yelled. At this point she was out of her stilettos and hustling down the hall in her black socks. "And I have been holding it all morning dealing with customers by myself. I am a business owner and I can't afford to soil myself at my job. This is my livelihood and my career not a part time gig like you got!" By that time the desperate women was already at the john. Me being nearly 6 feet tall I couldn't just shove aside a 5'5" 50 something year old woman. So I let her have the toilet before me. "Thank you, sir. Now I wouldn't mind some privacy. Please excuse me and return to your restaurant, I'll let you know when I am finished." Tommi told me as she closed the bathroom door. I made like I exited the hall, opened the back door to the pizza restaurant and closed it loud so she would think I had left the hall. In reality I stayed and listened. I heard the heels of her stocking feet thud along the bathroom tile, her belt buckle was hastily loosened, followed by the swish sound of her lowered slacks and then "PLFFLPFLFLPLFT" of a soft poop evacuation followed by a wet splattering of runny shit. "Oh God, I nearly didn't make it" I heard the women say in a lowered tone. There was then a long torrent of piss hitting the water followed by a burst of shit. She stayed seated there for a few minutes letting out wet farts accompanied by low grunts.
I figured it was time to return to the store so I slowly opened the door back to the restaurant. Luckily, for me, she was overcome with another torrent of diarrhea so the shit explosion masked the noise the door made. Another rush of phone calls had hit the store and the boss wanted me to answer them. So I had to stand there at the counter and talk to stupid customers over the phone, holding diarrhea all the while. I was gripping the phone with white knuckles as I was writing down orders. After about ten minutes I just couldn't hold on. I HAD TO use the restroom. I told my boss that I wasn't feeling well and I ran back into the hall. As I go into the back hall I saw the good doctor Tomi making her way back to her store with her shoes in her hand. "I was going to come around to let you know the toilet was free. Thank you for being a gentlemen" she said as she unlocked the door to her business. I waddled to the john with my hand clenched on my butt. "Aw poor thing, hope you can make it, I nearly didn't!" she said as I closed the toilet door behind me and let loose a wave of horrid diarrhea into the toilet. I am sure the bathroom stunk but I was to desperate to notice or care. The chunky cascade of diarrhea only lasted about five seconds but holy hell was there a lot. I blasted the entire rim and it left stains on the bowl as I flushed. The next day Doctor Tomii ordered a small pizza delivered to her eye care store. "Did you end up ok?" She asked as I gave her the pie. "Yeah I just wish our boss would fix the toilet in our store but he's too cheap" She made sure I was the one who delivered her pizza to her and she gave me a five dollar tip! A year latter I found out that the boss made up a reason to fire Anita when she broke the second toilet in the hall!
This next incident happened at home this Thanksgiving. I am a student and I am staying at my parents house over Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving morning I woke up in my room with the urge to take a huge crap. I went to the only bathroom in the house but my younger sister was in there, doing her hair! "Hey Sarah" I rapped on the door. "I kinda need to use the toilet" "Well you kinda need to wait because I got to get my hair ready for church tonight!" My sister Sarah responded. Sarah is a very selfish young girl, once during Christmas 2005 the whole family was hit with a stomach bug, she let our entire family shit ourselves while she locked herself in to puke. That story for another time. I knew it would be awhile so I went back to my room to play xbox. Half an hour had elapsed and Sarah was still curling her hair! "Hey Sis let me in, I promise I'll be quick and I'll use air freshener" "No way" she shouted. "You'll stink this place up and I need to be in here to condition and dry my hair. You'll just have to wait until after I am finished."
"I can't wait" I said as I pounded on the door. "Then you'll just have to shit yourself like a baby as you did this summer!" She sneered. It was a low blow, I had already posted about an incident where my mom and I were hit with food poison on page 2674. I knew that I couldn't just stay and wait. I remembered there being a gas station down the road so I begged my dad for the keys to the SUV. He understood and I drove toured the gas station but there were too many damn red lights! Luckily a McDonald's was nearby and I went there instead. Thank God they were open on Thanksgiving, but only to 11am, it was 10:20 am when I got there! I ran into the men's room and planted my but on a clammy toilet bowl. A long thick snake of shit sank out of my ass and curled around the bowl. I winsed in agony as the thing grew out of me inch by agonizing inch.The thing was huge and what releaf! When I wiped the toilet paper was bright red with blood! The turd was so big it tore me up! I made it home and my sister was still in the bathroom doing her hair with the radio on full blast! She didn't have a care in the world and never even mentioned anything about my distress that morning.
Thanksgiving eruption
I usually get constipated after Thanksgiving so I always be sure to keep milk of magnesia stocked around this time of year. I chowed down stuffing myself with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, corn, biscuits, and gravy. The next morning I woke up Incredibly bloated, and full of gas. I waddled over to the toilet and let out a ton of loud farts but couldn't get anything moving. I went downstairs and had some coffee and hoped that would get things moving. Unfortunately around 2 I was still bloated, so I decided to go for a run to loosen things up. About halfway through my run I got hit with a HORRIBLE cramp and my sphincter involuntarily opened immediately. I thought for sure I was going to mess my leggings but it was just some really bad gas. I hurried home and sat on the toilet but again could only get gas to come out. It was now around 6ish and I decided to take the milk of magnesia. Around 10 as I was preparing for bed I felt a little rumbling but I was really tired so I decided to go to bed anyway. At around 1:30 I woke up in a cold sweat, needing to go NOW! It felt as if God himself was gripping my intestines. I turned to get out of bed and let out a NASTY wet fart that leaked a little onto the bed (I sleep in only a thong). I shuffled\waddled\sprinted to the bathroom in our bedroom. Opened up the toilet seat and the second my thighs hit the seat a torrent of loose shit poured out of me. Along with incredible farts. The mud continued for what seemed like forever, and when it finally died down the toilet was filled up almost halfway. (I wish I was joking, this was seriously the most shit i've ever seen in my life). Cleanup was a mess, and my husband woke up and asked me why there were skidmarks on the bed, yikes.brent g.
Laxative suppositories given by medical personnel?
Has anyone gotten a suppository administered to them so they could poop?
This happened to me when I first joined the army. It was the combination of the food, hot weather, regimented schedule, not to mention the toilets. After not going no. 2 for three days during army basic training, I got permission to go to sick call for "stomach problems." Anyway, the medic quickly figured out what was wrong with me and wanted to give me a dulcolax suppository to make me poop.
After unbuckling my pants, he had me lay on my stomach and hug a pillow, resting my head on it. Then the briefs came down, and I was made bend one of my knees so my butt was naturally exposed. I was told to expect a cold, lubricated "bullet" to go up my keister. Before I could react, it was being pushed into me, not so gently either, I might add, and it went in as far as his finger would reach.
I grunted, and he commented, "That wasn't so bad was it?" I had to hold it in until he came back to check on me in twenty minutes, and I was told not to fart, and clench my cheeks if I had to.
The butt bullet started burning in no time, and then waves of cramps came. By the time he came back (after what must have been at least half an hour), I was on the exam table desperately holding my thighs together, legs crossed, and on the verge of shitting myself. I was directed to the mensroom down the hall, where several days of feces (I hadn't had a good bm in about a week) were forcefully moved down my colon. After a "wet" fart (when the melted suppository must have come out), and a few nuggets and cannonballs, I started pushing, and pushing, and pushing a big log. Both my butthole and my cramping abdomen hurt something awful at first, and my knees were starting to shake, but after a while, it was softer and came out faster. The smell was unbelievable. Finally, after a couple of rank farts, I was done. I checked "my work" before wiping (I often stand up to wipe). The log was coiled up well above the water line. After wiping, I cautiously flushed the monster, and even the industrial strength toilet struggled to send my waste to Hades.
The suppository laxative worked like a champ. Unfortunately, I got a "clean" bill of health, and was sent back that afternoon. After that experience, I learned the hard way to drink plenty of water, and go every morning to avoid getting blocked up. I'm now in my thirties, and as an aging dad of two, I've had to give myself dulcolax suppositories every so often, but they never worked as well as that first time, even if I given them plenty of time to take effect. I think the medic was able to get it in farther, but I don't want to burden my wife with such an unpleasant task of finding the hole in my hairy ass and then digging deep for treasure!
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Chloe great story it sounds like you had some great after Thanksgiving poops.
To: Taylor great story about your huge and slow after Thanksgiving poop.
To: Catherine great story about you big poop.
To: Anna great story it sounds like and those other women all had great poops.
To: Winnie The Poop great story it sounds like you had 2 great poops.
To: Jane The Poop great story it sounds like you really had to poop a lot.
Well that's all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteCatherine
Hi everyone!
I am back to bid everyone farewell. The only reason that I was able to return to the forum was because of the generous maternity leave I was granted after my baby was born. But it is just too difficult to continue to write now that I am back to work.
I love you all and this forum meant a lot to me. Eight years ago, around Thanksgiving, I had a huge poop accident walking in the door of my condo. It was that accident, along with memories of another that I had when I was a freshman in high school, that made me seek out people to talk to who could help me understand why an "accident" felt good and not gross. I thought I was alone in being fascinated by defecation. Thank you for helping me to realize that I was not alone. Thank you for the safe space and words of affirmation. Thank you for "celebrating" the large, voluminous doodies that I have shared with you. And, I celebrate who you are and this shared love for "dooing" number two!
Thank you to the moderator for making this a safe space, especially for some of the younger posters on this site.
Please forgive me for the drama. It is hard saying goodbye. It seems that some who post just disappear, and I think about them, even though we are anonymous. So, I didn't want to just disappear without sharing this heartfelt goodbye to all of you.
I love you all and wish you the best in life and I wish you the best in the bathroom!
School Poop
Hi, I'm in 6th grade brown hair 4'9 90 pounds. It was a snowy december day when I was in 4th grade. It was the day before Christmas Vacation and I held my poop for about 6 days which was a really long time for me. We were playing bingo and when we took a snack break I walked over to the teacher if I could use the bathroom. She let me go so I left. I walked in and I took the second stall and these stalls had no locks on them for some reason. I pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees and sat. Another girl walked in and took the stall next to me and put her jeans down above her ankles. She had pink flowery underwear and I thought it was my friend Arielle and then I knew it wasn't because the girl was pooping and Arielle never poops at school. The girl got up and left. Before I started this part the stacks didn't have metal divine they were brick walls diving the toilets. I heard the bathroom door open and my piece of poop was coming out of my hole and then my stall door opened and there was a 3rd grader with her mouth opened and then my poop splashed in and then she said sorry and shut the door. I was so embarrassed especially that my poop splashed in at that moment. I pushed out a few more pieces and then rolled out some toilet paper and wiped and left.
Ryan's Survey
1) Where do you poop the most?
C. School
2. When you need to poop, what is your favorite position?
A. Sitting
3. Where do you pull your shorts/pants down to?
C. To the ankles
4. When your pooping do you fart?
B. A little
5. When your pooping how long does it take?
C. 10-15 minutes
6. Are you scared of pooping in public?
B. No
7. Do you watch the person next to you pooping
A. Sometimes
Interesting story about the guy watching you use the doorless stall and clean up. As I mentioned before I have used countless doorless stalls. I am more modest because I wipe standing up at home or in a stall with a door, but I always wipe sitting down in a doorless stall. Your story reminded me of a similar experience I had a couple summers ago at a state fair. there were five doorless stalls and one handicapped stall with a door. I was seated in the doorless stall next to the handicap stall taking a major dump with my shorts and underwear just below my knees. A young guy came in and walked in front of my stall and went to use the handicapped stall but it was occupied. So he stood in front of my stall waiting for the stall with a door. Every once in a while he looked in at me. I don't know how he could stand my stink. When I started to wipe my butt he turned his head. Finally I was done pooping but the other stall was still occupied. He stood up and he took a good look at me while I was pulling up my underwear and shorts. I went to the sink, which was on the other side of the stalls with a door, and washed up and when I went to leave I had to walk past the stalls and that young guy was seated in one of the doorless stalls farting and plopping. He just couldn't wait anymore. He had his shorts pulled up really high and his arms folded around his stomach. When I went outside a hot girl asked me if her boyfriend was in there and described him. I said yes, he is sitting on one of the toilets. She said thanks and complained to her friend about her boyfriend pooping on a public toilet.
Using the doorless stall at the festival
I went to a festival with a buddy of mine yesterday at the same local park that has doorless stalls in a couple of the restrooms. We were hanging out for a bit and I told him I had to use the toilet. We walked over to the restroom that has about 7 doorless stalls lined up and he said he'd wait for me outside.
I go in and there are 2 guys at the urinal, one guy sitting on a toilet, another washing at the sink. I go to the first stall, closest the door, and make sure the seat is dry, then turn around, and unbutton my jeans, sliding them down to my ankles. I hook my thumbs into my white briefs, and slide them down, just as a guy walks in to use the urinal in front of my stall. Seated, I put my heels on the base of the toilet, up on my toes, and start pushing one out. There seems to be a rush of guys right about then, with about 10 or more coming in and out in about a minute span. Since I'm In the first stall, everyone is walking past me. It dies down pretty quickly.
I text my buddy outside telling him to come in and say hi. He texts back "are you shitting? I say of course I am. He knows these are doorless stalls and he responds with LOL, and that he just wanted to text that. He asks, "so everyone can see your undies?" And I text back, "of course! Come in and take a pic!" He thinks it's all pretty funny.
The place is empty by now so I grab some paper and fold it up and lift up my cock and balls and start wiping with my other hand, from the front, between my legs. I'm looking down as I do this and I notice a pair of feet stop in front of my stall. I look up and it's my buddy, laughing and taking a pic of me as I'm wiping. I'm a bit startled and then I start laughing too. I didn't think he was really going to come in and take a pic, although I asked him too. He takes another as I'm sitting there laughing. A guy comes in so my buddy walks back out.
I finish up and then we continue checking out the festival. After he drops me off, I tell him to let me see the pic and he says, "oh right". We seem to have forgotten about it. He pulls it up on his phone and since he has an iPhone the pic is one of those "live" pics that shows about 2 seconds of movement. We look at it and we watch me looking down, wiping, and then my look of surprise and recognition as I see him snapping a pic. The second one is just of me smiling with my hands up in a sort of wave, while sitting there half naked on the toilet, haha... We both just crack up because it looks pretty funny to watch my expression change. And because I'm taking a dump. He sends it to me and I still think it's pretty funny to watch. It's silliness, but I'm glad my buddy was willing to indulge me.
Sean K
Answer to Survey
1) Where do you poop the most?
A. At home
2. When you need to poop, what is your favorite position?
A. Sitting
3. Where do you pull your shorts/pants down to
C. Pants to Ankles/Underwear to knees
4. When your pooping do you fart?
B. Pre Poop on occasion
5. When your pooping how long does it take?
B. 5-8 minutes
6. Are you scared of pooping in public?
B. No
7. Do you watch the person next to you pooping
A. Sometimes
Peeing Problems
I met this new freshman Savannah at my school two weeks ago. Her parents are splitting up and she has had to transfer from a smaller private school to our school. It's public and one of the largest in the state. Being a senior, I'm in a lot of activities and because I'm on student council, we take turns meeting with new students, helping them make friends, giving them a tour of the building, and helping them get off to a good start.
I met Savannah on her first day. It was 7 a.m. and she and I both had stopped at separate places for coffee. She had gourmet coffee, something I don't know too much about and couldn't afford if I did. In taking her around the building and helping her find her seven classrooms, the cafeteria, gym and media center, she started to complain about needing a bathroom. We were in the social studies wing so I took her down the hall and around the corner to the nearest bathroom. This happens to be one of the smallest and best bathrooms in the building. Just four toilets. Each with a separate toilet paper holder compared to the much larger ones in the main spine of the building which are five times larger and that have a communal wall on one end of the room where all the toilet paper is located. If you forget your toilet paper, then you have a real surprise coming when we need to clean yourself.
There were girls on the first three toilets. From the smell we could tell they weren't peeing. No doors on the cubicles, so they had limited privacy, but that's the case with over half the toilets in our building. I motioned for Savannah that the far toilet was available. She hurried down there, seemed to gasp about something, and then I heard her pulling off toilet paper which she positioned carefully on the seat. She dropped her black jeans and underwear and as I heard her butt contact the seat, I heard another gasp. I tried not to look directly at the girl crapping on my side, but I must have heard six plops as she sat with her head between her legs.
I could feel my usual 1st hour poop coming on earlier that day. I walked down closer to where Savannah was seated. Saw no movement. Heard nothing. I asked if she was doing OK. She said no, that this might be the day she burst her bladder. She said she had never used a non-doored toilet before. But she was at the very end stall. With me waiting in the aisle, she had pretty good privacy. I sympathized with her not being able to get her stream going. But a line was forming behind me for the other toilets. With my poop knocking, I asked Savannah if I could borrow the toilet for just a minute. She reluctantly said yes and got off, partially pulling her jeans up with toilet paper stuck to her butt. I took the toilet, dropped my thong and jeans, and placed myself up on the seat. Within 30 seconds my crap had exited, I had done my two wipes and I flushed. I didn't mean to, but as I walked out I thanked Savannah for really warming the seat up for me.
She seemed surprised and I realized immediately that I had been insensitive. I hadn't meant it that way. She repapered and reseated herself. She told me she would be OK and I could go on with my day. I wished her well and went to my 1st hour. I haven't run into Savannah since, but that's not unusual because our school is so large and I'm so busy. Still, I feel sorry for the way things ended.
Sunday, December 03, 2017
Snow pee
Two days ago, it snowed in France. This reminds me a story that happened to me last winter. My husband an I had gone for ski holidays with Frédéric and Corinne, a couple of friends.
One day, around 3 o'clock, both men stop in the middle the track. We, the two women also stop wondering why. My husband takes his skis off and says "I gotta piss". Fred answers "I'm gonna do like you". Actually, everyone did like him. The four pairs of skis were planted vertically in the snow. While both men pee on the edge of the track, Corinne and I went to the other side into the pine trees. But once there, we has soft snow up to our knees. I said to Corinne "I have an idea to pee in that snow. I'm gonna ask my husband to show you" I wait for both men to finish and ask my husband to come with me and Fred to guard the skis. Fred wondered why everyone but him and I answered "Its a surprise". Once away from the track, I say "Hubby, I'd like you to lift me and I'd like Corinne to watch so she knows how to pee in that snow" He said "OK" So I take my pants and panties down. Hubby, with his belly on my back, puts his hands inside my knees and lifts me up with my knees touching my breasts.
Immediatly, I release a pee flow landing a meter away. Thirty seconds after, my flow hasn't sorftened when Corinne tells me "You really had to go" I answer "I always pee a lot in this position" A minute into my pee, my flow softens. I relax my muscles and push again. 1min40 into my pee, I'm done. I ask Corinne to bring me a fistful of snow and wipe with it. Then I hold my pants and panties while hubby puts me back down on the ground and dress again.
My husband calls Fred to replace him. Corinne tells him "The idea is that you lift me for my pee" while taking her pants and panties down. I said to Fred "You need to go behind her" He did "Now you put your hand inside her knees" He did and Corinne put her hands around his neck "I know lift up her knees" and, like me before, Corinne found hersef above the ground with her naked buttocks and her thighs presing her belly. She said "Now I can pee" and release a meter long flow that lasted 1min30. Meanwhile she was smiling. I was wmiling too, understanding her pleasure to have a devoted admirer for her pee. Her flow then softened but grew strong again immediatly. 2min30 into her pee, I pick a fistful of snow. She releases two spurs and she's done. I hold out the snow to her, she wipes, her hubby puts her feets back on the ground, she dresses again and we go back skiing.
The day after, while we were on a chairlif, corinne told me "I only had to go again this morning. And just for a small pee"
2nd accident
i, thanks so much for the positive comments about my first post! Abbie has been really busy lately but she says she'll try to post soon.
I thought I'd post again about another accident I had a while ago, this time unfortunately I pooed in my knickers on the way home from school! Most of the time I feel the urge for a poo come on mid to late morning, in a way that worked out quite well when I was at school as I could go and have a poo at lunchtime, that way I wouldn't be uncomfy when I got back to class. Sometimes though I wouldn't feel the urge until I was back in lessons after lunch, and this story is about a day when I was 14 and I started to need a poo about 10 minutes after the start of the first lesson in the afternoon. Whenever the urge came later I would just hold in my poo until I got home, I didn't like to ask to use the toilet during lessons, a lot of teachers wouldn't let you anyway and even if they did I always have to spend a while on the loo for a number two and then it would have been embarrassing when I got back to class. I decided to hold it but by the time it got to 10 minutes before the end of school I was really struggling, my bum was being forced open by a huge hard log and I was finding it really hard to resist the pressure. Finally we were let out, I was hardly able to walk properly and by now could feel the log poking out into my knickers slightly. I was wearing a skirt but no tights as it was a warm day so I just had knickers on under my skirt, back then I was in the middle of a growing spurt and my wardrobe hadn't quite caught up so a lot of my knickers were way too small for me, but luckily that day I happened to be wearing some M&S girls full fitting pants which did still fit me, they were anything but cool but I was pretty sure they would contain the accident which by now felt like it was inevitable. I started to walk home as fast as I could without losing control, but as I turned into my street I knew I wasn't going to make it as I could feel the poo poking out more and more. By the time I'd reached my house I knew that I was on the verge of losing it, and as I stood on the doorstep desperately trying to find my door key in my bag the inevitable happened. I moaned as my bumhole opened up against my will and a massive thick log pushed out, it just kept coming and coming. I could feel my knickers sagging with the weight of it but fortunately it all stayed contained, I knew there must be some bonus to wearing massive granny pants!! I finally made it into the house and dumped my bag, kicked off my shoes and went upstairs. When I got into my room I took off my skirt and shirt and went into my ensuite, I saw my reflection in the mirror and gasped as I saw the massive load of poo in my knickers. I carefully eased them down and tipped the poo down the toilet but there was a massive stain in them which I knew I'd probably never get out as they were plain white. I had a shower and changed my clothes and then dealt with my soiled underwear, I put them in a bucket with some bleach and left them to soak and that did get most of the marks out so luckily I didn't have to throw them away. I hope you liked my story and thanks for reading.
Jessica B.
Judith's poop
Hello everyone,
As usual, as soon as I post to say I have nothing to report, some interesting events happen!
So I was working quite late two days ago and the cleaning lady started taking care of our offices. She's called Judith and is from Tanzania. She's very cheerful and I like her a lot, altough communication is challenging as her English is not al that great. I have to say I don't know her that well because she started only a few weeks ago and I usually don't stay late. She must be ten years older than me and rises a daugther and a young son.
When Judith approached my desk, we started chatting about this and that. She's a very interesting person and it's a pitty she's a cleaner just because of the language. Anyway, we were having fun but both of us had some work to get done. I offered we could have a drink after she's done cleaning, which she accepted.
About an hour later, Judith came back, changed, so I shut down my computer and we went to a bar nearby. We both ordered small beers and she told me about her life. It was super interesting, but she couldn't stay longer because her kids were waiting at home. She invited me to come with her to her place. As nobody is waiting for me at my place, I gladly accepted.
We went back to the office parking lot and we took her car. After five minutes, she farted loudly. Also, it was a smelly one. But short of excusing herself, she just went on talking. I thought "Wow, that lady is uninhibited!" As we were reaching her appartment, she farted again, although not that loud. She told me "good we are home, I have to shit." Well, at least, it was clear!
Judith lives in a tiny two room appartment in a high-rise building. We were greeted by her 10 years old daughter. Judith and her chatted Judith's native language (apparently, there are over one hundred languages spoken in Tanzania!), her son was already asleep in his bed in front of the telly. Judith handed me another beer from the fridge and told me to have a seat. It felt very special to be chatting there, in her dark room, sitting on the bed. She seemed to have forgotten about her urge, and I was not willing to mention it.
Actually, she said she was hungry and asked me whether I also wanted something. I said sure, so she heated us some leftovers in the microwave oven. On the way, she told her daugther to turn off the television and go to sleep, which she did immediately. I was some tasty and spicy I-don't-remember-what made of beans and fish, with rice. The portion was fair to say the least.
We finished at the same time and she farted again. This time, she laghed and said "Now I have to shit". She went to the tiny bathroom and closed the door without locking it. Now you have to know that the sound insulation of her flat is terrible. Nobody was talking anymore, so I could hear the neighbours watching television too and of course, Judith's farts that announced some serious action. I heard her peeing a little and the she started plopping away. Loud, majestic plops! She wasn't lying when she said she had to go. Also, she didn't mind grunting. I counted at least ten loud plops!By then, a musky poop smell started filling her room. She then quickly wiped, flushed and washed her hands and came back. She rubbed her belly and told me: "It is good but I am not finished yet." Oh my.
A few minutes later, I decided to leave because I also work in the morning. The beer wanted out so I also excused myself to the toilet. It reeked in there! Surprisingly, the bowl was, well, destroyed. Judith makes the ladies shine at work, but at home, she apparently doesn't give a shit! (pun intended) There were plenty of skidmarks on all sides and two light brown turds did not flush. I released my much needed pee, I admit, hovering above the toilet. I didn't want to get splashed back! I flushed and washed my hands. Only one of the remaining turds flushed, her toilet is very weak apparently. I washed my hands. I said goodbye to my host and left (by public transportation of course) very happy about my evening.
Love and take care,
Plymouth Hoe
One summer I remember walking along the Hoe, and as I was passing the grassy banks below the Royal Citadel there was a man and a female siting in the long grass side by side on the bank. As I got in line with them from below, I could see the white knickers of the female at her knees, but could not see anything up under her skirt as it was dark under it, but I think she was having a pee there. There are no public toilets in this area, and all the sheltered sun benches all stink of piss around this area.
I was talking to a female co-worker about being caught needing a pee while out and about, and told her about the female peeing on the grass bank below the Citadel. When she told me how she had peed on the Hoe.
There are benches along the pavement just along from the Citadel and below the old marine laboratories, these benches are set into alcoves in the wall at the bottom of that part of the grass banks but when you sit on the benches your feet are still on the pavement.
She told me how she and her boyfriend had been on the Hoe all day drinking cans of larger and as they were walking along towards the Barbican she was in need of a pee. She and her boyfriend sat down on one of these benches (they seat two or three people and are concert ends with 3 x 3 planks between them with gaps between the planks). She told me how she pulled her jeans and knickers down just enough to pee and sat so that her pee went down through one of these gaps.
No one could see she was peeing but she did splash her boyfriend's legs, when she was done she just pulled her things back up and they walked on as if they had just sat down for a quick rest.
Hi Catherine. It's good to see you back here too. I guess that like me you'd prefer to post more often but find that life has a habit of getting in the way.
Anna. Thanks for sharing your poo at the farmers market story. In the absence of a definite indication I'm assuming you're the Canadian one. If it's been anywhere no so cold in Canada recently as it has been here in the UK I can understand your friend's morning desperation to pee. Put it this way, the cold weather has certainly got my bladder a time or two recently. Anyhow it sounds as though you and Kate certainly both had good poos and provided formidable competition for each other. As regards splashback, have you ever thought of putting a couple of pieces of toilet paper in the bowl before you start? I do it sometimes and it's not 100% effective but prevents the problem most of the time.
John H. Good to see you around. Hope all's well.
Anon.poster. Your theory about the breakdown of fecal matter causing excess gas of a rather smelly variety sounds quite credible to me as a cause of rather noxious pre-poo farts. It's recalled elsewhere here in greater detail around page 297 and 2164-5 but I remember my late Aunt Anne having a very smelly (and long) pre-poo farting session during a visit around 1969. At the time I think she was probably backed up and hadn't done anything much for a few days. My theory was that gas naturally occurs in the bowels and when it has to compete for the available space with large amounts of fecal matter it will tend to escape first, the stools making it smellier than would otherwise be the case.
Today I was on a course and knowing I wouldn't get many food breaks, made sure I had a good Toby Carvery breakfast first. That was fine but by the time I got home the gas and solid matter were vying for space in my bowels so I was ready for a good poo which, in the end, was a rather pale brown.
I haven't posted for some time as I've been incredibly busy with uni. As I've got Saturday off I thought I would catch up on reading the posts and have some comments and a story of my own.
Shy Pooper: You should feel proud, well done!!! Listing to music while pooping was a great idea. It is unfortunate that some people could make comments about the sounds and smells in bathrooms; I always think if they wanted to smell a rose guarder then they're in the wrong place. But hopefully the more you do it the more comfortable you can become with it. Keep on going!
Anon Poster. I think in the main you are right. Where I would differ from your theory is that the gas comes not from the foods themselves but the metabolic processes that convert the energy in the food into energy the body can use. Also I think while you are right that farts relive the fullness in the rectum but I think this is a side effect rather than its function. Things like fluid, pH and gases are kept within really small ranges, it can be disastrous if they tip one way or another outside of that limit and therefore our bodies are constantly working to get the balance right. When we fart this is the body ensuring that the quantity of methane (the main gas in farts) doesn't exceed safe levels; I think I heard somewhere that if it kept building up without an outlet we would literally explode!
So onto my story. Today as I was walking to the library I was letting off silent farts every few minutes and knew that the first thing I needed to do once I arrived was to use the loo. After scanning my id to gain entry through the security gate I walked up the staircase up to the next floor (this being the floor for the book I was searching for) and pushed open the door to the bathroom. As I entered I saw that the nearest cubical was occupied, a brown haired girl leaving the other cubical and a girl in a red coat taking her place. So as the brunet started to washing her hand I waited by the other wall for a cubical to become vacant. I was anticipating to be called out for being in the wrong bathroom (as I'm trans) so much so that my heart was beating forcefully against my chest. I wanted a cubical door to open so I could be out of sight (and of course unload my crap which was by now pressing to be released) but at the same time I wanted to postpone the moment when an occupant would leave the cubical and see me waiting there. A minute later I heard the nearest toilet flush and then the lock being pulled back. I mentally prepared myself as the door was opened by a blond girl who stepped out of the cubical but she passed me without the slightest glance. I went into the cubical, locked the door and then took off my rucksack which I hung on the hook. Next I untied my scarf from my neck and placed it onto of the rucksack before taking off my coat and positioned it over the scarf. Undoing my jeans I lowered them as well as my blue striped panties to my knees before sitting down on the warm seat. By this time the red coat girl had finished and was now washing her hands. After a quick pee I started to relax my bum hole and immediately a turd began to emerge. To get it keep on coming out I had push and a couple of seconds later a part of it broke off with a splash. Now my stomach was pushing the log out by its own force so I stopped applying pressure to my bum muscles. Another turd snapped off and once this had happened a healthy smell of poo began to emanate from the bowl. Finally the end of the log emerged from my ass and plopped into the water as my hole retreated to its normal size. I thought there might be more in me so I stayed sitting while I looked at my Facebook notifications on my phone. During this time three girls came into the bathroom and each used the other cubical for a pee. Concluding that I had indeed finished I stood up and unrolled some loo paper. Folding the strip so it was more manageable I then passed it through my bum cheeks and dropped it into the water where it covered three turds which were wide in diameter and medium length. I was quite messy so I needed to whip another two times. After doing so I flushed the loo and pulled up my panties and jeans. I then took my dark grey coat of the hook and put it on over my bright red reindeer sweater. My scarf I draped around my neck and my bag I swung onto one shoulder. Then I unlocked the door, washed my hands and exited the bathroom in search of the book I was after.
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Outsideshitter Girl it sounds like you really had to poop a lot and I bet you felt great after.
To: Shy Pooper great story about you overcoming your shyness a bit.
To: Sonya Sue great story.
To: Ellie great accident story.
To: Bridget great story and you had a really good friend there to help you.
To: Chloe first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like you had some great poops and I look forward to more of your stories.
Well that's all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this siteSiford
Traveling constipation
This happened five years ago when I was 11. My parents took a cruise that my dad had won from where he works. My grandma took me for a week when we had Thanksgiving vacation from school. I flew down to her house which is four states and six hours a way. I had a pretty good crap at the airport before our flight boarded. The only problem was that I had to go so bad I didn't fully latch the stall door. This guy came in with some kind of emergency and almost ended up falling onto my lap before he caught himself. He smelled from drinking and that might also have been the reason. There I was sitting on the toilet, punchin' them out, and this guy falls onto me. It startled me really bad. He just swore at me and told me to use the latch next time.
Grandma fed me real well. We were out every day seeing things and, of course, I ate a lot of new and different foods. The airport accident happened on Sunday. I knew I was getting stopped up at the middle of the week. By Friday I was feeling a really huge stuffed feeling under my belt. Grandma started our drive back at 6 on Saturday morning. About two hours later we stopped for gas and I felt kinda confident that I could produce something. There were four in front of me to use the unisex toilet. I talked to this girl who was about 20 in line. She went in just before me. By the time she opened the door and came out the stench was tremendous. The wait had caused me to lose some of my feeling, but I went in and sat on the warm seat anyway. After a few minutes, the stench even caused me to cough and I gave up.
At about 10, grandma suggested a pit stop because she had downed one very large container of coffee.
There was no wait for this bathroom. This was not one of those stupid unisex toilets. I felt reasonably confident that my sit would be rewarded. I was on the single toilet for about five minutes when there was knock on the door. So I got off the toilet, flushed it to fake out what had happened, and opened the door to see a line of six or seven guys. Now I started to feel really sick below my waist. A father directing his son by the neck took over. I don't know why it was but once we were back in the car, grandma asked how my bowels had been moving. She explained a couple of options to me. One would be something like laxative fluid she would stick up my butt. The other was a couple of swigs from a bottle of milk of magnesia she kept in her handbag. The MM had worked before twice when my parents had given it to me after I ate too much of a large pizza. Neither sounded good enough for me to volunteer for, although she lectured me for several miles about the importance of regularity.
As she continued to tell me about when she was my age in 1962 and was with a group from her church at an amusement park with an all-day pass, I started to tune out and put my knees up against the dash. This posture causes me to fall to sleep. When I woke up, my anus felt like it was going to explode. She said we were about 60 miles from any toilet. I was more worried about sitting on one within 60 seconds. Grandma said it would be illegal, but she pulled the car off the road and stopped. She said I would have to be creative. I stumbled down this hill, slipped on some loose dirt, and did a very dangerous ass flop. I knew I couldn't deny it any more.
To my right was a tree stump. It was about a foot off the ground. I knew that was going to be my toilet. I tore my sweats and pin-striped boxers down to below my knees and I sat my tail bone ever so carefully over the hard wood. By placing my hand right in front of my butt hole, I assured that there was space for my crap to fall onto. The cold wind caused my weight to shift a bit and some of the slivers tore at my reproductive organ. The soft crap came out in torrents. Then this was followed by two more formed, but soft, pieces about the size of normal bananas. Then more soft crap came. Some of it was pretty runny. There was some hamburger wraps blowing by me, but they seemed too dirty to use as toilet paper. I reached down, pulled out my wallet, opened it and found a pink student school day schedule paper. I used that for a couple of wipes before I tossed it aside. Then I pulled up my underwear and hoped for the best.
Grandma stopped at the next rest stop to pee. She suggested that I try and do a better cleaning job there. While she peed on the other side of the wall, I seated myself, used about two thirds of a roll of toilet paper to finish my cleaning. Then I looked at my underwear and I took it off and threw it in a trashcan. Then grandma yelled into the entrance as to how I was doing. I flushed and washed my hands. Interestingly at he next rest stop, I almost filled the bowl with another almost banana-shaped crap. This time as I sat, I also peed. By the time we arrived at my house, my parents had returned.
I so appreciated grandma not telling my parents about what happened. I also lucked out that mom didn't count the number of boxers I had placed in the hamper. One of my aunts had given me a couple six-packs of them for Christmas the previous year. Now I was thankful for that gift.
Hi again. It was Thanksgiving this week, so the past few days I've been pooping a lot more than usual. I started off Thursday with my usual big breakfast and decided to take a double dose of the fiber powder to make my post-Thanksgiving poop even bigger. I mindlessly snacked a ton all throughout the day and then absolutely stuffed myself during the big meal. I didn't count exactly, but I probably ate at least six plates piled full of all the various dishes, and then I had a piece of each of the three types of pie. I ate so much I felt like I couldn't even move for a while after.
I woke up on Friday and had my morning pee and ate breakfast but didn't feel any urge to poop at all. The whole day passed and I didn't have to poop until late at night. I knew I was in for a really big poop both because of the huge feast but also because I'd missed two normally scheduled poops. When I was seated on the toilet, I blasted a few very loud farts that echoed in the bowl and then felt an incredibly thick and firm log start to come out. It was so thick it hurt a little coming out. It worked its way out really slowly too. When it touched the bottom of the toilet bowl and met some resistance I had to push some to get it to keep coming out. Once it finally broke off, I stood up to examine my masterpiece.
The turd was shaped like a C and it was over two feet long, but the most impressive part was how thick it was. I think it was the thickest turd I've ever passed. I could barely believe that it fit out of my hole. As I was looking at my turd, I felt my stomach growl and I knew I had to poop more. I quickly pressed the flusher and sat back down just in time to poop out several long snake like logs. There were five in total. They were softer and easier to pass, like my normal poops. When I felt done again, I again took a look in the bowl. My huge turd from before hadn't flushed, and the five snakes I'd just pooped out were floating all around the bowl. I knew I'd clogged the toilet, but I tried flushing again anyway. As predicted, it was useless. At least I have plenty of experience with a plunger, having had to use it so many times.
But the really great pooping happened on Saturday. Over the course of the day, I pooped five separate times, each time it was my usual big amount. The first two times I had a ton of small turds that plopped out almost all at once in less than thirty seconds. The third poop was a thin but unbelievably long log that snaked all the way around the toilet bowl TWICE. My fourth poop was several chocolate snakes and it smelled so bad it could've peeled the paint off the walls. Then my fifth poop was another single log, probably two feet long that ran like a stripe all down the center of the toilet. It looked like most of it had disappeared around the bend too.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Survey answers
1) Where do you poop the most?
A. At home
2. When you need to poop, what is your favorite position?
A. Sitting
3. Where do you pull your shorts/pants down to
C. To the ankles
4. When your pooping do you fart?
A. Not at all
5. When your pooping how long does it take?
B. 5-8 minutes
6. Are you scared of pooping in public?
B. No
7. Do you watch the person next to you pooping
A. Sometimes