



Since posting about how great my shits were from moving schools, I've had nothing but worse and worse poops moving forward.

The problem I've had is that instead of sticking to the food I enjoy eating I keep eating new things and experimenting, so often times I end up eating stuff that doesn't agree with me. Over the last few days I've gotten nothing but burgers and cheesy fries for lunch.

So while I was driving around the city today I ended up really having to poop. Of course, driving in Cali is a nightmare and it took me like, 20 minutes to get back to school so I could shit. When I finally got to the parking garage I had to walk up three flights of stairs just to get to the lobby of the school so I could ride the elevator then walk to my room. By the time I was at my door I was ready to burst.

Shoutouts to Mina, I love your writing. But I especially love how you introduced two of my new favorite words to describe soft poops and diarrhea: "bururururu" and "burst". I had a burururururu poop for a while, just lots of little tiny soft logs that flew out of my butt like they were a school of birds. It felt like your average run of the mill diarrhea poop, no biggy, no biggy. But then it got faster and started to become explosive sharts. So I went from burururururu to "burst, burst, burst".

PRRRRRRRRRRT. BRRRRRRRRRPT. SPLLLLLLLLLLLRT. With silence in between each time, just like before.

Luckily my assault on the porcelain palace was over within five or six sharts. I was relieved that I was done, but... when I stood up, my poop was GREEN.

Just lots of green jibblets floating around in the bowl like the grinch's synchronized swimming team. The bowl itself was kind of a green soupy liquid too. I've read green poop is caused either by diarrhea that goes too fast for the pigmentation to color or just from eating too many ????, but despite how it sounds, I don't think my diarrhea was diarrhea-y enough for that, and I haven't been eating many ????. When I get my burger I put a lot of onions on it, but that's it.

I had to poop in class today again, but it was a one-and-done shit, where I just blasted the bowl and was over and out in just a couple minutes. A successful shit if I've ever seen one.

Well, with any luck, I can continue sacrificing stories to the toiletstool gods so they can bless me with better dumps, cuz I swear since I started posting on this site, I've just become more and more cursed.

Hope you all get some enjoyment out of my stories!

Also, shoutouts to Mina and Victoria B, you guys are my favorites! Sorry to hear about your accident, Vic, but you handled it like a champion! You remind me that even when I'm blasting chunky green soup out of my butt at mach speed, I'm still a proud woman, hehehe!

- Patty

To Victoria B; i guess those customers were pretty inconsiderate....but i wasnt too put off about it, i guess because i didnt have to clean it, but my nephew did so im sure that sucked. for those protein shakes.....i have an older story that i cant reemember if i told before, but involves those protein shakes;

I was exercising one day at home (we have tons of dumbbells and other weights) one day roughly 5 or 6 years ago, and had drunk one of those low calorie shakes both before and after my workout. Then, after, i showered and headed to the laundrymat with my mom. Im 32 now, so was about 26 or 27 at that time. Anyways, shortly after driving to the laundrymat, i felt an urgent need for the toilet. Now....i have a cast-iron stomach. Foods dont really make me sick, and even loose stools arent that diffixult to hold for a while....especially if im sitting down, and i never really worry about accidents, but this time it was VERY urgent! I headed for the bathroom at the laundrymat, but someone was in their, and it felt like i was near ready to explode, but the lady came out of the bathroom a minute or so later. Clenching my anus with an almighty effort, i ran into the bathroom, in the nick of time (i think i had a firm hold on my bowels, but the urgency was very real, nonetheless), and just exploded into the toilet with this green, liquid shit with a booming fart. I was done after a few mins, but noticed there was no toilet paper. I pulled my underwear only about 90% of the way up, and my jeans as well lol. The bottom of my shirt was long enough that no one could tell that my pants werent all the way up, and i made up some excuse to my mother so that i could run home and wipe (my house was in walking distance and the car was my mother's), and come right back lol

Just Jerika

Whacked by a door

My childhood best friend Gopi and her cousin Amit recently visited our city for a 3 day business conference. Gopi and me who did most everything together a few years ago have been separated by our colleges which are located several states apart.

Hernandez, my boyfriend and Amit hit it off well with sports talk. Gopi reminded me about some of the tough times I had in being able to produce in bathrooms away from home. What a contrast I was to her who could adapt to crowded bathrooms, very efficiently do her thing and be off the toilet in record time. As for me my bladder could be ready to burst or my anus ready to explode, but once I got a stall and onto the toilet it would take me some effort and time to produce.

At our airport while Gopi and Amit waited for their luggage, Gopi told me to come to the bathroom with her. She was walking so fast I had a hard time keeping up with her. She headed right into the first cubicle and started her ritual. A fast wipe of the seat. Then a quick layer of TP on the seat before she lowered her clothing and sat down. Several others were coming in from some flight that arrived so I took the toilet next to Gopi. I figured I could do half a urination.

Gopi started the conversation just like in the old days. She hates to sit on a toilet when she's being tossed around in the air. I told her I thought she might grow out of that. She assured me that wasn't the case. Then I could hear her crap hitting the water. As our conversation continued she brought up the night back when we were 12 and our parents let us go to our first concert without adult supervision.

There was a line at the sinks so I was in the back leaning against a cubicle door that was latched. Most doors are pushed inward. This one was the opposite. The girl using it threw the door open on me and came bolting out. I got knocked down on my face and my glasses came off. Gopi had just come out of her toilet and came to my aid. It was so embarrassing with everyone watching me on the floor. The other girl just ran off. So Gopi helped me up and had me sit in a nearby stall while I gathered myself together. I actually peed a little too because I guess I was so scared.

A security guard knocked on the door to make sure I was OK. Luckily she didn't make out a report because I didn't want my mom to know. That would have been my last concert unsupervised.

Tourist inspired me to tell my worst outdoor toilet story. I was walking a popular trail in Austria when a strong urge to open the bowels came up. I had to find some cover behind a huge stone well away from the path. My wife waited for me at the path. I was not able to spot anyone around, pulled down and did what nature demanded. Back on the trail my wife met me with a huge smile. She could tell me that behind me, up a slope, she had spotted another hiker sitting down for a break. Obviously she had been able to observe me at a quite close distance. A terrible feeling there and then. I never saw her but my wife thought that it was an elderly woman. Now I can laugh at the incident.


To Anna from Canada

Hi Anna! Thank you so much for answering my questions! It is really great to see that you are such an outdoorsy girl. It seems you and your friends really enjoy nature. I hope you had a nice skiing trip with your friend Amber. On page 2514 you told us that both you and Kim have already pooped in the snow while skiing. So you also create brown snow :D

When you shit outdoors you always cover your piles. Don't you fear that somebody might step in because they can't see the pile? For me, it would be much better either to dig a hole or to leave the pile uncovered so anybody can see it. What do your friends do with their piles?

When I poop outdoors I just leave it...

I love your stories when you take a shit in nature and I hope that you will have a lot to tell next summer.

Hi all. I have a few quick stories today. First, Emma stunk up the bathroom big time this morning! She went for her usual morning poo and just the brief whiff I caught as she came out was incredible. She closed the door behind her, leaving the fan on and told me "Sorry, but you probably don't want to go in there unless you really have to." After 15 minutes or so I was bursting for a wee and I couldn't hold it any more, so I went to the bathroom. By that time, the stink had mostly gone away but there was still definitely a poo smell in the air. I quickly had my wee and wiped and left.

Yesterday, I was out at the shops and I had to wee. I went off to find the toilet block. There were only two cubicles and both of them were in use, and there were two teenage girls queueing. After some time, I heard one of the girls whisper to the other, "Ohh, Jen, I'm bursting for a poo. I hope a cubicle comes open soon." and the other girl replied "Yah, me too."

Although I hadn't needed to go that bad when I entered the toilets, I was starting to become desperate myself. At last a cubicle opened and Jen went in. I could tell that the girl was in bad shape, barely holding on. Some more minutes went by and the other cubicle opened up. The queueing girl rushed over but just as she was about to close the cubicle door, I heard a loud wet sounding fart and she said "Oh no!"

This prompted Jen to ask "You okay, Mel?" and Mel said "No, I didn't make it. I pooed myself!" and she started to cry a little. Jen then said "Ohh no. So sorry. I'm almost finished, and I'll go buy you some clean pants to change into." and Mel thanked her.

A little bit later, Jen flushed and came out and I took her cubicle. I was thankful I hadn't had an accident myself as I was nearing my absolute limit by then. I weed heavily and it felt so good to finally be able to go. I left the toilet block, so I have no idea what happened next with Jen and Mel.

Finally, I have a story from some time ago. I was at a party and there was an older girl, maybe 25 or 26, who'd had a good amount to drink. I don't remember how the topic came up, but at one point I overheard making the announcement that she could wee standing up "just as good if not better than any man could." This provoked some laughs, but apparently she was completely serious. She started drinking plenty of water so she'd have to wee sooner and finally the time came when she was ready to show off her skills, loudly issuing an invite to anyone and everyone to come watch - after all her feat needed to be seen for her to be believed.

I'd also had a bit to drink, and I was oddly intrigued so I went to watch. There was a group of four of us watching her wee, but I was the only girl. She completely took off her pants and trousers and stood a bit back from the toilet. And sure enough, by positioning her fingers just right, she got a good arc on her wee stream and it went into the toilet. The spectacle was very strange but somehow weirdly mesmerizing. I remember her wee stream was nearly perfectly clear, probably because of all the water she had just been drinking. As she kept weeing and her stream died down she had to reposition to keep weeing in the toilet. But it was inevitable that the last little bits of her wee just went all over the floor and she had to clean it up.

Well, that's all the stores I have. I'll post again soon. Bye for now!


The Toiletstool Curse Continues - Butt Peeing

Hey guys, it's Patty K.

Well, after dinner today, I had my first experience with butt peeing. It wasn't fun, at all.

So the funny thing is, I got home from dinner with a full feeling in my stomach. I felt like I had to take a huge dump, but it felt solid. I sat on the toilet for a while and just pushed. Maybe 10 minutes of straight up pushing. Pushing and straining. But nothing was coming out the entire time. I had half a mind to pull my panties up and just get right off the toilet, but then right as I bent down to pull em' back up to my waist my waste shout out of me from the back.

Imagine my surprise when I realized it was diarrhea. It just sorta happened. One minute, my butt was blocked up by what felt like something big and solid and the next I was shooting a consistent stream of soft mush out. I'd never butt pee'd before. When I normally had diarrhea it was usually just really runny and explosive, but this was straight up just liquid.

It was like lava, just a constant burning river, except my ass was Mt. Vesuvius (Vesuviass?) And any time it came out I just remember feeling my guts squeezing my insides to force it right out. I was squinting in pain every time as my bowels did most of the work for me, and I'd involuntarily lean forward. My body was on autopilot the entire time.

So finally when I'd done enough damage to the toilet I stood up. I was expecting it to be a chunky mess like normal but it was literally, 100% liquid. No chunks, no solid dumps, not even flakes or snakes. It literally looked like dark yellow pee. I always thought butt peeing was just an expression, but now? I guess I know better.

Anyways, I really hope that I can start posting about more solid, consistent dumps from now on. That'd be nice ;__;

- Patty

Friday, February 16, 2018


Reply to Juan


You are not the only guy that lets loose the odd lump or two into his briefs. I have done my fair share, especially at sports events - reckon the excitement has something to do with it. Sometimes my team scoring a goal can cause wet pants or an excited fart and a lump or two. Over the years it has become obvious to me that I am not alone when I notice a guy in front of me holding his bum. I think the pullover or jacket tied around the waist is the best you can do to hide your error. I've stopped worrying about it.

Continence problems

On page 2664 Joseph asked about other male readers and continence problems.

It is a difficulty I have had throughout my life but I deal with it by not worrying too much about it. It's a problem that has caused me to wet my pants a lot over the years. My pants were quite often yellow at school and though I did my best to conceal them in games I was often caught out. In my twenties I had a climbing mate who suffered in much the same way. We were ideal climbing together!

As for your son seeing your yellow stained pants I would not worry. I can't believe he won't get caught short now and again. Just be honest. These things happen.

Looking Back

Being a newish reader of these pages I will just reply to a couple of posts about skid marks . Think it was about pages 2650 or thereabouts and notes by Mack and Evan. My mum was forever telling me off for skid marks in my briefs from when I was about 13 until I left home. Dad used to get some telling offs as well. I have to admit I was careless about wiping my bum and my white briefs did suffer. Also Mum only washed twice a week so we had to wear them three days at a go.

Our PE teacher used to check us all out now and again as well and he would humiliate those of us who had the dirtiest briefs by waving them around for the rest of the class to see.

Several of our class peed ourselves now and again and we made to stand in a corner of the class with our hands on our head. I messed myself three times up to leaving home but only Mum and Dad ever knew.

Steve A put in a short survey back on about2636 and my reply to someone nearby me having an accident is that as I have enjoyed plenty myself it would not disturb me!
Second that someone in front of me in line has an accident whilst waiting and my answer is that I would try to get some pleasure from their discomfort!

Yesterday I came close to having an accident but managed to get to a toilet but not before staining up the tail of my shirt and my briefs pretty badly. I wore my briefs to bed last night and am wearing them today


Being really sick alone

Hi everyone! I'm Aviana, 30, F, Switzerland.

It happened last weekend when I was home alone in my bedroom, I was casually watching a TV program when suddenly, I heard a loud grumble inside my stomach. I was not feeling so well so I had to rush to the toilet.

Inside the toilet, I took off my sheer black bra and panties and decided to put them into the laundry basket opposite of me.

As soon as I sat on the toilet, I started to urinate in large amounts, I felt slightly relieved but was not fully 100% recovered yet. After a minute of urinating, my BM first starts coming out in a few pieces and the consistency was soft, I did not have to push at all. It was a surprise for me because, usually I have to strain out loudly in the beginning.

In the end of my BM, I started to feel way better, I got off the toilet bowl, wiped myself properly and turned around started I threw up everything and it was raw undigested food. I flushed down the mess I've made in the toilet and decided to shower after.

After the shower, I was super tired and exhausted, so I slept naked and tucked myself to sleep.

Where I live there are lots of tourists in the summer. Wild camping is very popular. On many of the most popular spots there are no toilets and the campers have to go to toilet in the nature. When out there one can often spot someone squatting trying to hide behind a bush or a boulder. I think many campers do not bother about being spotted when doing their business. Not only young people go to toilet outside, even older persons may be seen squatting. Some dig a hole to poop in but some just leave it on the ground. Some squat low but some are standing just bending forward and a few may try to sit on the trunk of a fallen tree. Once I saw a couple (quite old) squat side by side. Funny to see two bare bums side by side.


Sticky seats

@Curious Cody, I know what you mean about sticky seats. When i was little the seats at my school were black and pretty smooth, but when i went to university they were mostly these cheap plastic flimsy white ones. They were gross because sometimes you'd shift a bit and the seat would come loose and you'd touch the bare toilet itself with your bum. Admittedly on the rare times i have to use public toilets now i put loo paper on the seats, but i didnt back then. Still makes me shudder a bit.

Hi everyone I notice that kids my age usually post on here so I decided to also. A bit about me Im 8 years old black hair I weigh around 70 pounds. One of my best friends is Ryan who is also my age we've known each other since preschool and this year we have the same 3rd grade class. This weekend on Saturday I invited him over for a play date. He showed up at 12 and we played Minecraft on Xbox for a bit. My mom then had to leave to go to the bank so we were home alone for a bit. Then Ryan asked me where my bathroom was. I walked him down the hall of the 2nd floor and showed him. He walked in and locked the door and I went back. I was still playing my Xbox about 6 minutes later and then I heard Ryan call my name I ran down the hall to the bathroom "Hey whats wrong" "Do you have any toilet paper there is none in here" "Okay Ill go grab some and why did you take a poop?" "Yeah and its a good sized one so bring a plunger too" "Okay Ill be back in a few". I grabbed a roll from the 1st floor bathroom closet and the plunger and ran back up. He had unlocked the door for me so I slowly opened the door and Ill tell you what my bathroom looks like. So when you open the door the sink and the toilet are on the left and the bath tub is on the right. So anyways I slowly opened the oor and there he was sweatpants and blue underwear at his ankles and his feet were about maybe 3 inches off the ground. I walked over to him and he put his penis away between his thighs and I put the toilet paper on the roller. "Okay just call me when youre done" "Wait no stay I want someone to talk to cause Im gonna be a bit longer" "Okay Ill stay will you be alright though" "Yeah Ill be fine I havent taken a poop in like 3 days" "3 days?!?!?" "Yeah I just haven't found the time to at school." I heard a huge piece drop in with a plunk sound. "Phew, that took a lot to get out" He rolled off some toilet paper and wiped, he then took out his penis and wiped that too because of pee. "Sorry you dont mind do you" "No go ahead I dont care" "By the way Im pooping right now cause your mom isnt home" "I figured that, I dont think she'd care though" "Do you have to go", "No I have to pee though" He stood up and showed me his pieces, one piece was huge it was about 10 inches long and 2 inches wide. "Oh my god Ryan that one is huge" "Yeah that one hurt my butthole" And we both laughed, another pice was about 9 inches and a third about 7 inches. "You must've really had to go". He flushed and it managed to go down so we went back to my room.


Circus Pee

The other day I took two kids I babysit to the circus. It was on Saturday morning at our city arena. Trev is 4 and his sister Michaela is 6. So we got to the arena and I was firm that both of them were going to use the bathroom before we got our seats. I took them in and luckily the bathroom which had about 20 toilets was only half full. I found three toilets in a row that were open. I took my coat and placed it on the middle door so that I could get Trev and Michaela started. Trev needed me to lift the seat so he didn't pee over it. He dropped his clothing and with both hands I had him guide his wee-wee into the bowl. By the time I got into where Michaela was she was already seated and already swinging her feet so much that her foot came out of one leg on her jeans. I told her, like I had told her brother, to latch their door and stay in there until I got done and came for them. I saw Michaela jump down first and I had to warn her to get back up on the toilet and sit still until I got done. Then I heard a thud from Trev's seat and knew he was done. I was frustrated that I hadn't gotten my pee started yet so I flushed, pulled up my jeans and enjoyed a two hour show with the kids. So as we were leaving and stuck in a crowd I said that I had to pee bad and that we had to hurry. I knew there was no way I could hold it until we got home in 30 or 45 minutes. So I dragged them into the nearest bathroom and the ritual started up again. I required each of them to at least try going. I was hopeful it would buy me the time I needed to get seated and empty. Trev kept calling to me about some poo left in is toilet. Michaela was more helpful and got onto her seat. But then she started to complain about why it was so cold. I knew I couldn't let my frustrations get the best of me. By using my finger I was able to get my pee started. I was noisy, I guess, and that drew laughter from Trev. An additional problem came when we were leaving the lobby. I got the feeling that I had only half peed. So we went to the closest ladies room and we went through the process again.

Pete the poop

Desperate debenhams poop

I was out browsing at lunchtime when i felt a poo come on. I went into debenhams to use the gents. On arrival both loos in use. I had to wait a few minutes and was getting a tad urgent. Finally i got in. I hurriedly took my jeans and boxers down and as i was sitting down my poo shot out. It was all over pretty quickly but i had left a big soft whopper maybe 8-10 inches with some side bits. I also stained the seat!. I wiped a messy bum and cleaned the seat but wanted others to admire my creation so left the toilet unflushed. As i was washing my hands a gent went in and then came out and peed in the sink

To Greg: We went to Puerto Vallarta. Yea, it was a similar setup, but no straw roof. There was a big gap between the walls and the roof, which meant that there was always a bit of a breeze in there and it was very airy.

Btw, I have one more story from that bathroom. This one is kinda short and not super exciting, but talk about women at the pool needing big poos, haha! On Friday, which was our last day, I was hanging out at the pool again with Madi. In the middle of the afternoon, I needed a pee and I headed over to the little washroom building. It had three stalls and the middle one was taken. I could see that the woman using it had pulled her red bikini bottoms all the way down to her bare feet. That afternoon, three people at the pool were wearing red bikinis. Madi and me and a tall, curvy brunette mum who I think was maybe only a few years older than me. Since Madi was still outside on her chair, I knew it was the brunette using the stall. Anyway, I took the left stall and quickly pulled down my own bikini as well. I plopped my bare bum down on the toilet seat and did a big, long pee. All the while, there was nothing but silence from the middle stall. When my noisy pee had died down, I could hear the woman in the other stall tapping away on her phone, but nothing else. I wiped and just as I was done, she did a big sigh, followed by a small fart and then the sound of poop crackling out. And oh, did it go on forever! She was pooing for so long, she must have needed to let out a really long turd! In the end, it didn't make a plopping sound in the bowl, but instead some sort of splatting noise, as if her poo had hit plastic or something. Weird. I left my stall to wash my hands and by that time she had also filled the bathroom with a very noticeable, healthy poop smell. Anyway, I went back to my chair and kept an eye on the bathroom door. It took the woman in the red bikini another five minutes to come out. I bet she was super relieved! That's my last story from vacation. Sorry it was so short, I hope you still liked it.


School Stories

Hi everyone Im back just a quick question for everyone here does anyone have any stories of them pooping at school. I dont do that well pooping at school and want to know what its like.

Whatever happened to Ellie? Miss her stories about her and her roommate Bridget.

On a mountain hike I had to take a dump behind some bushes. When squatting with the bum bare a mature woman turned up. She said oh sorry, smiled and went away. But when walking away she turned a couple of times to look, still smiling! A bit embarrassing but just afterwards I spotted her squatting with shorts at the knees. She was out there to find a spot to poop she too! Amusing. I have never before seen a mature woman going to toilet in the outdoors. It was a bit comic to see her squatting exposing her white bottom to the nature. She was obviously on a hike with a group of other mature women.


Pancake Day Poop

As with all of my stories involving Francesca, she has given me permission to share this.

I stayed at Francesca's place on Monday night and on Tuesday morning when I got up at about 9am she was sat in the kitchen enjoying a coffee. Although it was early in the morning, we were both fully dressed. I was wearing my usual skinny jeans and t-shirt while Francesca was wearing a very beautiful, flowing red dress. I joined her at the table and she made us pancakes (it is Pancake Day here after all). I can't get enough of them.

As we were eating the pancakes, Francesca's stomach gurgled really loudly and she put her hand to it, shyly smiling to me. Once we were finished she washed the plates and then said "I need the loo, fancy keeping me company?" I followed her into the bathroom and hopped onto her counter as she reached under her dress and pulled down her knickers a little before sitting, the dress covering her up nicely. After a few seconds I could hear a loud hissing as she started peeing, it sounded like she really needed to go. We were just casually chatting as she peed and after about 15 seconds the hissing stopped but she didn't move a muscle, I knew what that meant.

We had been talking for about another minute when I heard a loud "flumph" I hadn't known she had begun pooping, and if I hadn't heard it, I still wouldn't. She didn't react to it at all. A few seconds later there was another smaller, but still fairly large, splash. We carried on talking and over the next couple of minutes I heard some soft farts but nothing else came from her and she got some toilet paper to wipe with. She reached behind each time to clean both ends, and used around 5 pieces in total before standing up and letting her dress drop. She reached under it and pulled up her knickers and then reached over to flush. Unfortunately I couldn't see what she had produced but it sounded like a lot.

As Francesca was washing her hands I felt the familiar sensation of needing to go myself so I thought I'd make the most of the opportunity, since I was in the bathroom anyway. "Do you mind if I go too?" I asked.
"No, not at all." I unfastened my jeans and pulled them to my calves with my thong as I sat down on her toilet. It was lovely and warm from where she had been sitting. After about 20 seconds I felt my backdoor doming and I was opened wide by my poop slowly sliding out of me. It felt great! It was quite a long piece and eventually fell into the water with a little splash as the rest continued coming out. I dropped three pieces in total and then had my morning wee. It made a loud tinkle as it hit the water below and could easily be heard over my conversation with Francesca.

I felt empty so I got some toilet paper and started cleaning up. I needed three pieces for my behind and one for my front. Once I was clean I stood up and flushed before redressing and washing my hands. What a great start to the day!


i went to the er for an enema

I'm back! Sorry for the delay! As requested by "The reader" on here, I thought I would post a story about one of the times I went to the emergency room to have an enema. I've said before that I've been to the doctor and gotten an enema several times. This is the story of the most recent time.

First, some replies.

To Jasmin K - Typically when I give someone a bear hug or stick my finger up their butt, it's while they're sat on the toilet. I've given bear hugs while the person was standing up and I've stuck my finger up people while they were laying on the floor or on a bed before though. Whatever does the trick!

To JW - As you'll see from reading my story, I agree! For me, enemas usually do the trick but they sure don't make the job any less painful.

Now, for the story.

It was Spring 2015 and I was 20 years old. My friend Kelsii is obsessed with the movie The Notebook so for her 21st birthday, her and I along with her other friend Vanessa took a road trip to South Carolina to visit some of the filming locations for the movie. I remember I was already a little constipated before the trip, but I can't remember by how many days. The car ride there was about 12 hours including the time it took to stop for food and gas a few times. The long car ride plus the poor diet we ate on the trip (mostly fast food) definitely didn't help my constipation any. We were there for 6 days and 5 nights. We spent the first 3 days sight-seeing and having a lovely time. I tried to poop every morning and every night at our hotel but never had any success. The 4th day came around and I still hadn't pooped since before the trip. Up until that point, I felt fine. My stomach would cramp a few times a day and I felt quite full, but I was still able to fully enjoy myself on the trip. On this day though, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache. It was so bad, I could hardly stand up straight. I spent nearly an hour trying to poop but had no luck. Kelsii and Vanessa suggested we stay at the hotel for the day so I could be more comfortable and keep trying to poop. (They knew about my constipation.) I assured them that my stomach ache will probably go away once we get up and moving, so we headed out for breakfast. We went to a waffle house. I only ate half an order of toast as food didn't sound that appealing. We finished eating and my stomach ache had gotten a little bit better, so we headed to the beach. We found a nice spot to lay out and spent the next couple of hours sunbathing. After a while, we decided to go walk along the shore. While we were walking, my stomach started cramping and I found myself doubled over in pain again. I was so full of poop, it felt like my ???? was going to burst! Kelsii and Vanessa led me over to the sand and helped me sit down. Kelsii asked me if I felt like I needed to poop. I said no. I told her to just let me sit there for a while and see if the pain goes away. I spent the next 30 minutes moaning and squirming in pain as Kelsii rubbed my stomach and Vanessa stroked my hair. I realized that this pain wasn't going to go away on it's own. I told the girls that I think I should go to the hospital. They offered to call me an ambulance but I insisted we just go in Kelsii's car. Vanessa carried me to the car while Kelsii carried our stuff and then we headed to the nearest hospital which was about 20 minutes away. I laid in the backseat of the car as Kelsii drove and Vanessa sat in the passenger seat. Once there, I leaned on Vanessa for support as she lead me through the waiting room to the front desk. I told the woman at the desk my situation and she said a doctor would see me shortly. After waiting for 15 minutes in the waiting room, a nurse came into the room and called my name. I let Kelsii and Vanessa come with me. We were lead to an examination room. The nurse helped me lay on the examination table and started asking me questions. I told her it had been well over 4 days since I'd pooped. She pressed my stomach which made me moan very loudly. She left the room and returned shortly alongside a male doctor. The doctor also pushed on my stomach which hurt immensely. He then lubed up his (gloved) finger and stuck it up my butt. I was in tears from the pain. He said he couldn't feel any poop inside me, so he sent me off to have x-rays taken. The x-rays showed - unsurprisingly - that I was full of shit. The doctor determined - as I figured he would - that I should be given a mineral oil enema. I was moved into my own room with a hospital bed and a bathroom in the impatient center of the hospital. A new nurse (still female) returned and instructed me to remove all of my clothes below the waist and gave me a hospital gown to wear. At this point I remember asking her if she could give me something to relieve the pain I was in. She told me she wasn't able to do that since pain meds tend to cause more constipation. Before she began the enema process, the nurse asked me if I would rather my friends wait for me in the waiting room. I told them they could stay so they did. The nurse then had me lay on my side on the bed with one knee drawn to my chest. She lubed up her finger and slid it into my ass, making sure to give it a good coating. Then she lubed up the nozzle of the enema and sld it slowly up inside me. It felt cold and uncomfortable going in, but mostly, it really hurt. This made me moan and groan again. After it was fully in, she hung the enema bag on an iv stand and released the clamp. A mixture of water and mineral oil began slowly flooding my bowels. I cried in pain as my already sore, swollen ???? began to expand even more. The nurse rubbed my back until all of the contents in the bag were inside me. She unhooked the tube while leaving the nozzle in my butt and told me to hold it for an hour. She left me on my own with my friends. Kelsii and Vanessa tried to distract me from the pain I was in by talking to me and playing with my hair. My nurse returned every 10 minutes or so to make sure I was doing ok. After 40 minutes, my stomach was cramping so much. I could feel it working now and REALLY needed the toilet. I remember I was practically kicking and screaming, the pain was so intense. Kelsii, Vanessa, and the nurse held me down and encouraged me to keep holding it in. This lasted 20 minutes or so before I was finally allowed to go to the toilet. The nurse helped me into the bathroom and removed the enema nozzle from me as I sat down. I asked her to stay with me since I was in so much pain. I groaned as water/oil began pouring out of my butthole. Then came the poop. Gigantic - and I mean GIGANTIC pieces of poop began coming out at rapid speed, stretching my butthole a lot. I was screaming and crying like a child. The nurse held my hand and rubbed my lower back as more massive turds and water kept coming and coming. Towards the end, the turds were a little harder. I remember pushing and grunting as the nurse encouraged me to get everything out. After an hour and a half, I finally felt empty. My stomach felt much better. A little sore from being so full, but it was no longer in excruciating pain. The nurse helped me wipe and helped me back onto the bed. After speaking with the doctor, I was taken back for more x-rays. The x-rays came back clear this time, so I was allowed to change back into my clothes and go home. We spent the rest of the evening at the hotel. I apologized to Kelsii for ruining a whole day of the truth, but she assured me that it was no big deal which I appreciated. The rest of the trip went on according to plan without anymore incidents, thank goodness!

I hope this was a good story!

Victoria B.

"It can't be me... Can it?"


To Rika: Welcome! Sounds like you and your friend had a fun night!

I work in the library at my university for twenty hours each week. It's an okay job and it's flexible enough with scheduling to allow me to concentrate on my double major-load of coursework. I am grateful for this arrangement and freely acknowledge how fortunate I am. This being said, my Sunday shift turned into a nightmare before it even started.

It started at 4.50 in the afternoon when I began my short, bundled-up walk to campus. Punctuality is important to me and I always try to arrive a little early. I was on my phone looking at something stupid on Twitter when misfortune struck and it slipped out of my hand! Things could've been much worse; the phone landed in some snow, secure in its Mark Rothko-inspired case. It was still horrid; the fart I let out as I was bending over turned out to be the portent of a full-on accident!

I was paralyzed for a moment. What if someone had seen it, had witnessed a grown woman pooping her leggings?? How grown can a woman who has an accident be? What if there was (gulp) more where that came from? What about work? That familiar hot lump in my throat rose as tears dribbled down my bright red cheeks. I needed to fix this immediately. I dashed home, still crying, and ripped the front door open before dashing like mad to the bathroom. I tore my outer space leggings down and surveyed the damage. It was bad. The pair of black boyshorts I'd been wearing were brown in the seat and crotch and hopelessly ruined. The leggings themselves were somehow completely unscathed and that was a source of much-needed comfort in the fifteen minutes that followed.

I calmed myself to some extent with a gallows-humor reminder that I'd made the correct decision when I opted for boyshorts instead of a thong that morning. That slowed the tears and allowed me to concentrate on the task of getting my butt cheeks and thighs clean enough to be able to sit down on the porcelain pot. That done, I thrust my behind onto the seat and went about taking care of my unfinished business from earlier. It was more or less of the same consistency as the portion that ended up in my panties. It was only then that I remembered stuffing my phone into the jacket that I couldn't have been bothered to remove earlier. Mina, you were right to warn me and I appreciate your concern, but this was an emergency. I had to go to work in five minutes and was naked from the waist down, still draining my butt into the toilet and still needing to change and dispose of my wrecked panties. I texted my boss explaining that I'd been sick and that I'd need half an hour.

I spent another five minutes after I was done going on the toilet in order to regain my composure and clear my eyes before wiping. There had been no pee at any point and that was a good thing because I ended up having to use about half of a brand-new roll wiping my buns raw. I couldn't stop the cycle of wiping and unrolling more paper until any and all traces of the accident could be flushed down the drain and the feeling of being unclean had left me. Finally, it was done. I reached behind and flushed. The slate had been wiped clean and the sound and feeling of the water beneath me replenished both the bowl and my spirits. I was not a little girl, but a woman on her way to grad school again.

I pulled up my leggings and said my goodbyes to my black boyshorts before wrapping them up in toilet paper and washing my hands. I threw the bundle into the trash before going to my room, dropping my leggings, and putting on the very first pair I grabbed from the bra and undies drawer of my dresser. It was a black thong with a lacy waistband. "Don't fart again," I thought to myself as I got dressed and then cleaned my phone off. It was time to face the world again. I took the trash out and headed to work.

My boss was sympathetic and assigned me to the archives for the entirety of what turned out to be a quiet, (with the exception of a fart that I excused myself to the bathroom to deal with) uneventful shift. I finished work, headed home, and had a nice, cathartic bath.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018


toilet experience

It all started last week when I was at home. I was naked in my bedroom watching TV and I was waiting for one of my best friend to return from her long vacation and I told her to stay with me instead of booking a hotel. When suddenly I felt a rumble inside my stomach and I knew I had to go to the toilet, so I excused myself.

As soon as I reached the toilet, I have forgotten that the toilet door could not be locked so I have to wait till tomorrow for the door to be fixed. So I Ieft it unlocked but the door firmly shut and so I could not hear any outside noise.

I could not hold it any longer, So I finally sat on the toilet and I started peeing in large amounts, I had to use the last strip of toilet paper and wiped myself.

Later after my peeing was done, I strained out loudly and my BM came out but it was soft and it came out in a few pieces. Once I was done, I was still seated on the toilet trying hard to think on how to wipe myself with no toilet paper.

1 minute later, my friend accidentally opened the door and she took a photo of me and there I was shocked with a priceless face and had no time to cover up my boobs and pubic hair.

She told me that she did not know the door was unlocked and broken. Shortly after I was done in the toilet, I flushed and washed my hands and got dressed to go out for drinks with my best friend.

An hour later, my best friend and I came back home after drinks, both of us were drunk and I could not remember how we got home and I decided to take off her clothes all over the place.

She told me she needed to use the toilet, So she went in naked and started laughing and dancing. Before she sat down on the seat, I was not feeling too well, I had too much too drink except I needed to vomit.

As soon as she sat on the toilet, I saw her peeing first and then I vomitted on her pubic hair and the the toilet bowl, she continued to laugh and did not seem to matter what was happening.

I quickly flushed the toilet to erase the evidence. She knocked out shortly after 2 minutes while I managed to have a cold shower.

I took a photo of her while she was also on the toilet fully naked. The next day, she had no recollection what happened and she and I went out to do some shopping.


to Claudia and Taylor

Hi Claudia, I'm so glad you like my stories! As for your questions:

1. I don't know yet, haha sorry. It's the middle of winter here and we haven't thought much about summer activities yet. But I am sure there will be plenty!

2. Umm, I don't actually remember, but every time I did, I wrote a little story here, so you can look it up. I think maybe three or four times perhaps?
I have been lucky this winter so far, having needed to go outside while skiing only once. It was for an urgent pee with my friend Amber and we almost froze our asses off!

3. If I have to do my business outside, I try to find a sheltered spot where nobody can see me, if I can. So that's normally in the trees or some such. I'd poop in the grass if I really, really needed to go, I guess.

Taylor, yes I needed to go big time, haha! From the sounds, Sam did too. To bad there is no way to find out who "won"!


To Anna from Canada

Hi Anna, I always enjoy your stories. I enjoyed reading your story about your vacation in Mexico. Where in Mexico did you go? Your description reminded me of the resort I stayed at in San Jose De Los Cabos. It had a small Hut for the restrooms at the pool and the Hut actually had a roof made out of straw. With all of the eating and drinking I know a lot of pooping is done there, lol. I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

5th Floor K'

Balcony Piddle

So I felt like being a little naughty tonight.

You see, I've been wanting to pee somewhere other than on the toilet, in the shower or in pull-ups that I wear sometimes simply because I like them.


I have a milk crate out on my balcony that acts as something of a rubbish bin because I keep a black garbage bag in it to toss junk into when BBQing.

I live across the street from a very well lit construction site that has 24hr security which meant I would be visible if still shadowed.

Either way, when my bladder was full enough to need a wee, I scooted out there though I left the light off just in case.

I pulled the crate over and positioned it just behind my feet. Keeping an eye on the security folks talking down at ground level across the street, I inched my sweats and pants down.

It was a fun little sound to hear my pee pattering into the bag and onto the other garbage in it as I squatted over the crate. I could smell it too because the wind wasn't too strong. I just hope that bag doesn't have a hole in it that I can't see because I certainly peed a lot and don't want it dripping down onto my neighbor's deck!

Of course, I didn't wipe when done, just let the dribbles finish dropping off my bum before I yanked up my bottom layers and hurried back inside because it's cold outside!

I feel much better now.



Comment to Branden about Girlfriend.

Wow! I pee a lot, but not like your girlfriend. That's really something. Best wishes.

Uncle Harry


To: Miranda

I love your stories about you and Kennard and other stories. Keep it up.

Uncle Harry


To PN:

About 15% of people have some form of pee shyness, both men and women. I knew a woman who could not pee in a public bathroom if another woman were in a stall less than 3 stalls away from her. She even had to make sure her husband was nowhere near the bathroom. She and I were together once on a business trip.. We stayed in adjacent rooms. When we were done one day, I needed to poop. I took off my pants and went to my bathroom. Through the thin wall, I heard her plunk down on her toilet and in about 10 seconds, she started to pee heavily and continued for about 1.5 minutes. She must have been holding it all day. As for me, I don't have any pee, I have no pee shyness, whether men or women are watching me.

To: Brendan

That was a great story about your girlfriend. I admire that she doesn't care who watches her go to the bathroom. Yes, we all do it.


Ice crapping

We've had a lot of snow and ice since the first of the year. Three snow days off so far. I get paid to drive this 9th grader Darcy to and from school each day. It pays well, but the other day I ended up doing an ass flop in her apartment building's parking lot. She hadn't (as usual) been ready to go at 6:45 a.m. But her phone wasn't being answered and she didn't answer my text. I had to park (illegally) and once I closed the door and walked to her building both of my feet went out from under me. I fell hard on my butt, so hard that my ring of keys fell out of my right hand and slid on the ice halfway under the car. It really sucked having to get down on my ???? and reach far for the keys when there was no light because the sun hadn't come up yet. Once I got up with keys in hand I felt something funny in my underwear. It was moist, warm and I knew that I had crapped my pants.

When I got to Darcy's apartment, the door wasn't locked so I quickly knocked and entered. Sure enough (as often is the case) she was sitting on the toilet (bathroom door open) trying to have her morning crap because she refuses to crap at school. I told her to get up because I had a bigger need. I dropped my jeans and she was shocked to see a 2 inch log in my underwear. It was partially smashed. I used almost all of the toilet roll on the tank removing the turd and then in standing there cleaning myself. Momentarily, I was mad at myself for letting my hairs grow so that they would require that much cleaning. Darcy insisted that she give me a pair of her underwear to replace mine. There wasn't time for me to bathe or shower and I was reminded of the accident each of the three times I peed at school that day. After finishing my tutoring after school (while Darcy waited) I went to the bathroom and finished off my crap. She continues to be so surprised that I readily crap at school. For Darcy, however, most every day she's been holding her crap in for several hours when I take her home.


Urgent embarrassing poop

Hi I am sharing a story that happened to me at Christmas. I went to visit my parents I am a female early 20s in college. The visit was great as usually but it was time for me head back home a 3 hr drive about have way my stomach started to hurt really bad and I hate going number two in public bathrooms I tried as hard as I could but I needed a toilet badly . I came up on a small town only one gas station middle of know where. I park walk in the cashier is talking to a customer dosent really notice me . The toilet is in the back a single unisx . I go there sign saying no lock please knock so I do no reply I open the door and the toilet is right there smallest bathroom ever I clean the seat I have to sit down sideways. I explode with soft poops the noise is so embarrassing . Out of no where the door flys open as I am mid splash the cashier staring at me apologizing and shutting the door. I was so embarrassed I wanted to cry I continue to finish up and leave so apologized again and haded for the bathroom as I left

Sunday, February 11, 2018


To Anna from Canada

Hi Anna! Is is great to hear from you again and I hope you are spending a sunny and relaxing vacation.

I especially like your hiking stories. Therefore I'd like to ask you some questions:

1. When is your next hike plannned? Do you hike in Mexico, too?

2. How many times did you poop outdoors last year?

3. Do you always look for a spot where you can cover your poop or would you poop in the grass or on stones, too?

Thank you for your stories!


Mina is stupid!

Aaah! Yesterday I notice big mistake in my post!!
I and my friends had dinner in Maho's house. And after.... I notice that I write story of year-end party of last year with Maho's birthday at beginning!!

But that story was December, not November. I made note in diary on free pages of back, not December page, so when I read note, I took a big mistake!

We went Indian restaurant twice. We like it. We went for Maho's birthday, and then we went for year-end party, this is custom in Japan, we call "bonenkai", "bo" means forget, "nen" means year, and "kai" means party. Japanese usually go to izakaya, that is Japanese pub, for bonenkai. But izakaya is noisy very much in December, and many oyajis, they are dirty old man, and Maho is scared.

I am sorry to everyone. Your very own Mina is a bad bad Mina.

But today I want to write different thing. Thank you Victoria and Brandon for nice words. But Victoria, and other people too, I am worry a little bit about one thing.

At Maho's house we had dinner and talk lots. Maho's father, he is doctor, he said, do you use phone in loo? It is not good thing because phone is infect of microbe like O-157 or noro-virus, if you use phone in loo you MUST wash phone after, before you touch phone while you eating, he said. Especially you must wash if you do motions.

So today I read your post Victoria, and girl next door with you shout and shout into phone about gas bill with dropping her motions into loo, it is danger!! Especially in public loo!! You say you usually do in private so it is better maybe, but it is good to wash phone with wet tissue, you can turn off phone while you wash. then microbe will die.

Please everyone, be careful about use phone in loo when it is motions. I don't want that anyone be sick with noro-virus, it is very horrible illness, and O-157 too.

I sometimes used phone in loo before, but now never.

Everybody please be careful with your phone. Please Please.

I love everybody on toiletstool site.

Your very own bad stupid crazy Mina

P.S. I write "crazy" because Maho said, "Mina you are a crazy." She said joke, but it had sting, and I suddenly run to loo and pull down slacks and panties super-speed and bururururururururu into loo at once with big power. Maho was very shock, she ran to loo after me, "sorry sorry Mina!" I hug her with sitting on loo. I did only one burururururururu, but stayed on loo because little pieces, I hug Maho all time. When I finish and Maho dry me long time after washlet with her strong love, Kazuko said to Maho, "YOU are crazy one." And Maho said "yes" in little voice.


Super poopy week

Hi everybody!

Thanks Brandon, but it's okay. Things like this have to happen.

I've been very sick for a week with a cold. I wonder if it's the illnesses going around, or if my workplace (I teach little kids) is super germy. I really don't mind being a little under the weather as I always get that comfortable fatigued feeling nonstop. But I've also been pooping like crazy around the clock! It ranges from soft and mushy poopy to watery diarrhea. I'm even on the potty right now and there's just a big brown blob in the bowl.

I've been pretty good at holding it until a break, but when that happens, I'm moments from pooping myself. A good story was I wanted leaving for work Tuesday morning, I was already running late, and on the way out, I think, "ohhhh I've GOT to go poop!" I ran into the restroom, ripped down my jeans and white panties, then fell down pooping so much icky. I was feeling much better, being pooped out, and ready for a new day with my babies.

Is this happening to anyone else?
Thanks lovelies!!!


Response to Emily H's question

I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope you feel better soon! How long has this been going on? It could just be a mild virus or something. It could be many things. I'd definitely see a doctor if this continues!
As for your question about having personal experiences with diarrhea, I do have one story although it happened a long, long time ago.
When I was very young, maybe around 3 or 4, I got a nasty stomach bug. My main symptom was diarrhea. I wasn't having other symptoms aside from severe stomach cramps that would be somewhat relieved by going to the bathroom, and diarrhea itself. I was going in and out of the bathroom very frequently. My mom was helping me, and after the first 3 or 4 trips to the bathroom and having to wipe me several times, she decided to just place a few towels on my bed and a small container underneath my butt so that if I had an accident, the container would catch it. I went to bed wearing no bottoms and lying on top of a container. It wasn't comfortable at all. When I wanted to go somewhere besides the bathroom, like to go in the living room to watch TV, I had to sit on my portable potty. This lasted only 24 hours but felt like eternity especially since I was so young!
If it gets severe, get medical attention! Otherwise, drink lots of water!


Scary Seats

It seems that a majority of the bathrooms I use are at school, the theater, mall or in parks. I'm just gone from home a lot, I guess, with friends. At my friend Becca's house the seat is really heavy and strong. Its blue and I like sitting on it. The only problem is she has three young brothers. So I have to wipe it before sitting down. But at the theater there are a couple of seats that are really loose. One day I had just sat down to pee and the seat partly slid off the bowl and I was thrown to the left side. Once the seat at school was up. I dropped it and it made a lot more noise than I thought it would, but once my butt touched it it was obviously so loose that I feared that my 130 pounds might fall into the water. I made sure I didn't shift my weight or move my legs as I pushed out my crap. I forgot when I leaned right to pull off toilet paper to wipe with. The shake scared me to the point that I told Becca who was standing outside the door to take one of the other toilets. She did even though she was taking a fast piss before we went to lunch.

Q for Abby

Hi all I have been reading here for a long time but this is my first time posting
abby your stories have always been a favourite they are really interesting to read about your huge turds. Just wondering exactly how "big" they are in actual measurements cause they sound huge in your stories. I have a few stories to post in future if anyone is interested :)

Friday, February 09, 2018


Some replies

Nothing interesting to report from the porcelain throne but I wanted to make a couple of replies.

Victoria B - I love it when I get a shy smile in the mirror! I'm not sure why but it makes my day. -18?! No thank you. It's -1 here at the moment (3am) I actually prefer a cold toilet seat, well maybe not cold, but at least cool.

I liked your most recent story, it's happened to me a couple of times where the door hasn't locked properly, or doesn't lock at all and you don't realise until it's too late. A few years back I used some toilets at a rest stop, and the doors were like what I had at home instead of the typical latch style. So I turned it to the right, pulled down my jeans and started peeing. Mid stream the door flew open and I was greeted by an equally surprised girl, it hadn't locked at all. Instead of closing it, she just left the door wide open! Luckily I managed to stop my stream so I could close it again.

Anna - Great to see you back again! I've always enjoyed your stories. It sounds like you and Sam really needed to go!


On the train

Today I was going home for the weekend and caught an evening train, my seat was at the end of the carriage near the toilet.

About 2 hours into the journey a family went up to the loo with a mother, a son around 10 and a daughter a little younger. The mother let the daughter in first, then said she was going in. Son said "But mummm,I'm bursting!" to which she said "You said you didn't need to go!" and shut the door.

I felt sorry for the poor kid who was jiggling around on the spot, holding on to himself, this carried on for a good few minutes. Then he started walking around in circles outside the loo, again holding himself. The loo flushed and he started undoing his trousers and actually had his hand down his trousers, when the door opened and he ran into the loo.


Response to Emily H.

Hi Emily. Sorry to hear about your stomach issues. It sounds like you might have irritable bowels. My wife used to have serious issues with that. She went to a doctor and they suggested taking probiitics. It seems to work well. Every once in a while she will have an issue. Recently We went out and as we were getting closer to home she said she had to poop really bad. By the time we got home she had to run to the bathroom. As soon as she sat down she had a huge loud explosion. We have 3 bathrooms and she ran to the closest one and of course there was no toilet paper. She asked me to bring some in for her. I came in and wow did the bathroom stink! But anyway I would suggest seeing a doctor if this is an issue for you. My wife is a teacher and this was happening to her at work. She would have to get assistance so she could run to the toilet.

One time when We were first married she had come home after being out with her friends and had to poop really bad but she didn't make it to the toilet in time. She pulled her pants down and pooped in the floor. She was quite embarrassed but she laughs about it now. She has a sense of humor. When she has to poop now I'll say "don't poop in the floor" and always laughs.


Another question for Emily H.

Hey Emily a couple things I forgot to ask. What is your bathroom situation like at work? Is it a one person or a bathroom with multiple stalls? Have you ever had a situation at work where you had to take an embarrassing diarrhea dump and a co worker you know really well is at the sink washing her hands and sees you come in? If so how do you handle it?
Also too do you poop with your significant other in the bathroom with you?

Victoria B.

Please knock!


I've got a new story today, but first I'll throw in a few shoutouts.

To Mina: Indian food is a favorite of mine as well and has led to more than one extended sit on the toilet! Happy late birthday to Maho!

To Taylor: It's always nice when you can have a shy smile with someone with whom you've just gone. The thought of a metal toilet in winter (currently -18˚C where I am!) gave this pair of buns and thighs a bit of a Schill though!

I have a night class on Mondays this semester and felt the need to relieve myself build up during the lecture. By the time we'd finished class I was borderline desperate for the bathroom. I headed towards the nearest one to my classroom; a small two-holer with blue tile on the walls. One stall was in use and so I took the next one and went through the familiar ritual of locking, hanging, and undressing. With my black skinny jeans and white ice cream treat patterned panties at my calves I sat down on the old-school black seat and immediately realized that two things were wrong: 1) the person next to me was chatting away on her phone and apparently unconcerned about either her or my privacy. This is a big pet peeve of mine in public bathrooms. I'm more than guilty of taking calls or answering texts while going myself, but only in a private bathroom and only when it's someone who I'd allow to see me in such a position. 2) The lock on my stall door was not in the best of repair and showed signs of slipping.

I sighed and leaned into my pee, hoping to finish my business as quickly as possible and get out of the trap in which I'd found myself. A fart on my end was matched by a splash next door and then more conversation. Something about a gas bill and it was getting uncomfortably heated. Someone new walked in about thirty seconds later, when I started pushing. I just wanted out. Suddenly, the footsteps came right to the front of my stall's door. I meant to say something, but couldn't get it out in time before the new arrival opened the door to my stall at the same time as my turd plopped down in the bowl! Not only did she bang my knee with the door, she also got to see the whole nine yards: naked thighs, not-quite-kempt bush, and poop exiting my butt! I was so embarrassed!

She took it as strongly as I did, shouting an apology on her way out of the bathroom and therefore removing the potential burden of having to see her face-to-face. For my part, I did my other piece as quickly as possible and wiped and flushed before getting dressed again and leaving the stall. The gas bill argument was still going on as I walked out and I was relieved in more than one way to leave behind what happened in there!


Hi all, I am sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I was really busy with schoolwork. Something happened yesterday that I thought would make a good story to post, so here it goes.

For those of you who don't remember me, I am a 23 year old university student in Western Canada. I'm a short blonde and I usually wear glasses. I do lots of sports and outdoor activities, but I'm still a bit on the chubby side with a thick, curvy figure. Ok, well that's me, haha. Anyway so I am currenty on vacation with my family in Mexico. I've spent most of my time hanging out at the pool with my little sister Madi just chilling, tanning and reading and whatnot. We became friends with a young family who are also from Canada. A woman named Sam who is maybe a few years older than me, her husband and their little daughter Zoe who is 5. Both Madi and I couldn't help noticing that Sam's husband was kinda hot, btw. But anyway, yesterday afternoon I had fallen asleep reading my book at the pool after Madi and I had had quite a few cocktails. When I woke up, I really had to pee. And not only that, I also felt very full on the other end. As I got up, my stomach was cramping and all of a sudden there was a big load knocking on my back door urgently. I really needed to do both things! So I told Madi that I was going to the bathroom. I put on my flip flops and quickly made my way around the pool to the little building that held the toilets.

As I was entering the bathroom I heard a voice, „no honey, come back!". Turning the corner, I could see one of the two stalls open with Zoe peeking out and Sam inside who was about to pull her swimsuit down. Zoe smiled and waved at me and then her mum pulled her back and closed the door. I had kinda hoped to have the bathroom for myself for my number two, but I was also pretty tipsy so it didn't really bother me that much that Sam was there. Also I really needed to go at this point. I took the other stall, locked the door and pulled down my pink bikini bottoms. I plopped my bottom on the seat and immediately started to pee with a noisy stream. I also let out a little fart, but it was totally silent. I did a quick peek under the stall just as Sam was stepping out of her suit. Then I could her her bum hit the toilet and quickly after she was peeing as well.

I wasn't even totally done peeing when my backdoor openend and my first poop started to slide out. It was a big one and long, too. It crackled out for quite a while and then plopped into the bowl with a big splash followed by a loud fart. Suddenly I could hear Zoe's voice from the other stall; "Anna is making poo poo". Even though I was alone in my stall, I blushed deeply with embarrassement. Sam was like; "shhh Zoe!" and then; "I'm so sorry, Ann". The very moment she was talking she started her number two as well with a series of small farts and then the sound of poo pushing out of her backdoor. I didn't really know what to say other than; "oh, it's ok" and then my next turd was starting to drop pretty much right away. For a moment, Sam and I both had poo crackling out at the same time and then hers ended in a big plop and a very audible, wet fart. Mine was a big, long one that just coiled up on my first turd, I imagine.

Over the next couple of minutes I pushed out one more long log and Sam did quite a few, but smaller sounding poops. Then Zoe was like; "Anna's poo poo really stinks!" and Sam was like; "shhh, be quiet honey". She was so right though. I had not only destroyed the toilet pretty good, but stunk up the bathroom, too. Mind you, there was quite a bad smell coming from Sam's stall also, but for some reason Zoe felt like commenting on my number two only. Anyway I did feel all empty at this point and started to pull off paper. I wiped my front and then cleaned up my rear end. Just as I was done, Sam started to work the toilet roll, too. I pulled up my bikini bottoms and flushed the toilet. There was such a big pile of poo and tp in the bowl that I was worried at first, but in the end it all went down ok. I washed my hands and went back to our chairs at the pool. Sam and Zoe came back just a minute or two after.

A little after, I could hear Zoe have a quiet chat with her dad and then suddenly in a much louder voice she went like "...and Anna did a big poo and it was stinking!". I was blushing so bad and omg I felt so embarrassed and humiliated in front if Sam's hot husband. I looked over to Madi and she was silently voicing "omg" and I knew that she was working very hard to no lough out loud. All I could do is close my eyes and pretend I had not heard anything.

A few minutes later, totally out of the blue, Madi leaned over and whispered; "did you do a buddy dump with Sam?" I was kinda surprised by her question, since we don't normally talk about going to the bathroom much. I didn't even think that Madi knew what a buddy dump was. I told her that yes I did and she was giggling. I have no idea why she brought it up, to be honest.

Anyway, I hope you all liked my story. I was so embarrassed yesterday, but now I mostly feel that it was pretty funny after all.

Big shoutout to Victoria B, Jessica B, Taylor and Erin, I always love reading your stories!

PK, welcome to the site I really liked your stories! They were super funny!

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