
Karen C.

'Tis the season

Hi everyone. I think I have a stomach virus. I'm sick with diarrhea so I came home from work early today, and I have the next ten days off taking PTO. It started yesterday afternoon with nausea, stomach feeling acidic and queasy and I didn't want anything for supper except a bowl of chicken noodle soup--I'd stopped off and got a big mac combo on the way home but when I got home I didn't want it so I threw it in the trash because the thought of it was making my stomach feel icky, I did drink the coke though and ate a couple of the fries, took a nap on the sofa then soaked in the tub then had a bowl of warm noodle soup with melba toast and some gingerale and went to bed. Woke up at 1am this morning and started throwing up and couldn't go back to sleep; I threw up every twenty minutes until it stopped at about 4am, then I slept a little more on the sofa until it was time to get up. Went in to work feeling blah, and started having bad diarrhea twice an hour starting at about 9 o'clock so I asked to go home since I couldn't very well be out on the road driving a cement truck with my guts about to explode liquid crap in my panties. I blew up the commode with gassy bm's in our unisex bathroom at the shop several times which earned me a few laughs from some of the guys there who have a raunchy sense of humor. I drove home with a tampon in my bum and a maxi pad in my undies in case I had another attack so I would'nt mess up my car, then blew up the commode when I got home while simultaneously dry heaving watery saliva and stomach acid into the wastebasket. Now I'm sitting here in my gown and slippers watching Honeymooners and I Love Lucy DVDs, called my brother for help a while ago and after he gets off work he's going to bring me some things to nibble on like soup, chowder, pilot bread crackers, lollipops, hard cheese and gingerale, sprite, and Pepto and Nyquil and Kleenex and more bathroom tissue, and stuff to make banana nut bread and peanut butter cookies, and Toblerone. I feel like I could eat some warm clam chowder and pilot bread crackers and something sweet tonight before bed after a nice hot bath. Feel like later doing a little baking and light housekeeping, maybe I'll take a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air and look at the xmas lights.

Answer to the question of the curious person

I grew up in the mind that pooping at public toilets is completely natural. I still find it embarrassing sometimes but I have always been a morning person since I was a child. My bowels always started to move few hours after I had breakfast.. During this time, I always have been at kindergarten, school, university and work. I am also really very bad at holding back my number 2. If I start to hold for quite some time, I tend to start farting like a storm. And that is way more embarrassing then pooping at the ladies room at my public place. So I never had a real alternative to use a public restroom. Holding it was always out of the question.

I can fully relate to the ladies though that are too shy to do it when other people are around. I already fully understood it when considering Austrian toilets.

But after I have been to the US last month I can understand it even more. Compared to the US toilets I have encountered the Austrian ones over a bit more privacy. If there are any gaps between the stalls at all they are rather small. So you can hear less. And although we have both type of toilets, the one with a tray before the water hall and the ones with just the water hole, I only encountered the toilet model with the tray. Pooping on the bathroom with the tray is way more silent, because you do not hear the poo falling into the toilet. Using the toilet with the whole is much louder and embarrassing matter. I was really embarrassed using the toilets in America at first. I was not used to loud ploping sounds I was doing.

Greetings from Austria.


Hey everyone, it's been such a long time since I posted on this site. I haven't stopped reading posts I just haven't posted anything. I have 2 stories to share, one is an older story and the other happened last week. So I wanted to share this since it is probably one of the weirdest things I have ever done. It was the winter of 1984 and I was 10 years old, I had gotten a ride to school since the buses would take to long to get there. It had been so early in the morning about 6:45 and school didn't start until 8:30 but my mom had work at 7:30, so she expected me to wait at school until 8:15 when the doors were unlocked. I had no time to do my morning bathroom routine where I did a morning pee and poop before school. I got there at 6:45 and it was freezing outside. No teachers were there only one janitor, I was bursting for the bathroom and I was walking over to a massive bushy area with large bushes and trees where no one could see me when I noticed that my classroom window was open. The janitor had probably left it open to air out the room after mopping the floors. I climbed through the window into the dark classroom and it smelt very nice which meant the janitor wouldn't come back in, I put my bag down and was gonna head to the bathroom when I saw the janitor mopping the hallway outside which meant there was no way for me to get to the bathroom. I thought of different ways to use the bathroom like using a box but I would only be able to poop in it and not pee since most of the stuff was cardboard. I looked around and saw the built in A/C and heating unit, and I saw an empty water bottle on the teachers desk. I locked the classroom door and I also shut the blinds so no one could see, I opened one of the vents and got my jeans down to the top of my ankles and peed in the bottle first. It was a long pee about 15 seconds. I threw it out the window and sat up on the vent, my cheeks were really warm and they spread open as a big turd flopped down into the bottom of the vent. I got my pants back up and got all my stuff and left out the window. Later on in the day I remember the teacher turning on the vent and the whole room smelt like poop.

My next story happened at work the other day, a little update also, I was moved to the middle school last year and it is such a nicer school, there are 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders all in the middle school. I have 6 classes, 2 are 5th graders, 1 is 7th, 2 more are 8th, and 1 is 9th. I was in a class with my 7th graders and I had everyone split into groups of 2 and one group had two girls Mya and Irene, Irene is about 5'4 with blonde hair good body structure with a nice butt, Myah had brownish hair and was more of a slim girl and about 5'1. They were so close to my desk that I listened in a little bit and heard Myah say, "I can't wait to go home I have to take the fattest shit", Irene said "Same I haven't pooped in 3 days, I would go here but I just can't". It came to lunch time and all the kids went off, I headed down to the bathroom and took the second stall and sat and farted a bit. Right when I started to open up the door opened and I heard a girl say, "Okay Myah wait out there I can't wait anymore I have to poop so badly", and I knew it was Irene. She took the 1st stall and her olive green jeans and PINK underwear were down around her knees and she made a ginormous fart. She said, "Ms ---, when is the noun paragraph due" I responded with Monday as a turd dropped out of my bum into the bowl. I heard a few turds drop in her toilet with a, "Ploop, ploop, plunk". Another turd came out of my bum slowly as she made a loud fart again with a turd dropping out, mine flopped in the bowl and I wiped up and flushed. We met at the sinks and she said, "God, I feel so much better" and I said "I bet you do it sounded pretty big" and she said "Yours did too" and we both laughed.

Dear Curious,

It's true, many women are shy about pooping, I am not shy however. I give you answer from Hisae.
She was never shy. If she get signal from backdoor, even she is in school, she went to loo and squatted and opened her bottom and poured her turds into the loo. Once, one of her friends asked her through loo door, "are you doing motions?" and she answered, "yes and it is a very lots." But her friends didn't laugh. They also did motions in school quite often.

Me, I never hold, because it is a danger. So if it is need, I poo at work. And I did motions in college too. Not so much in school. I did a big motion at home in morning and that was enough for one day, usually.

Kazuko used to go every day in office, stay 10 minutes and do huge motion. Because she was stress at home. Now she lives with me, so she is no stress, and she does her motion in loo in our flat.

I think it is different from woman to woman.

Dear Tim,

I think bidet in Korea is same with washlet in Japan. Our washlets have function of massage of bottom. Not so deep, but after massage, difficult motion comes out more easy. In our loo, we push button once for washlet, and if we want massage, we push twice. Maho often use massage because her turds are hard like a rock.

Love from Mina and friends


The shy pooping curiosity

This response is two-fold. The first paragraph is a summation of my personal experiences while the second is a summary of the experiences of the young women I have taught and coached in two sports at the collegiate level.

By the time I got into high school my family had moved and at my new school I started to get into sports. That meant practices before school, often after school and travels two or three times a month with the team to other schools, and sometimes arenas, for games. For several years I have been 6'6" and many of my athletic friends are too among the tallest in the class. Taking up basketball and volleyball gave me confidence about my body and athletic ability and there is no way I would have had a successful experience holding in my poops between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. or 10 p.m. on game evenings. So most of the time when my poop starts knocking, I learned to get onto a toilet ASAP. I learned to think ahead, consider the time of day, where I was in the building, and then get onto a toilet where I could have my crap with the least waiting in line. Not all of my friends chose to do it, but for me that sometimes meant taking one of the toilets without a privacy door, sitting down and making the best of it. Waiting in a line during a 5-minute passing period wasn't for me because my coaches would have been concerned about the detentions I would have received otherwise. A couple of summers I worked long hours in a concessions stand at a regional amusement park. Even then, working close to the little tots' rides, I would while seated tower above the cubicle partitions which offered no doors for privacy. Several parents with young girls would get upset with their daughters when they would slow down, stop or stare at me. I would just smile and say "hi" because I was getting over my fears and feeling better about my body. Looking back now to more than 10 years ago, I did have to wait while on duty at the park until the work slowed down or an employee came from another stand to relieve me before I sat for my crap. Because it was inconveniencing others, I didn't waste any time while I was seated.

I'm a graduate teaching assistant and coach of two womens teams at the university level. My players are required to take a toilet sit in the locker room before suiting up for both practices and games. They divide up into two or three groups to make sure they all get toilet time. This is especially important at some of our game venues because the locker rooms are older and limited in space. In only about half of the schools are there privacy doors for the stalls. A few, among the oldest, have wide open communal showers. Athletic directors are apologetic and hope for bond issue money to fund upgrades. We emphasize discipline in mature decision-making in following the team sitting rule. Anxiety and pumped enthusiasm while respecting the needs of your teammates is addressed by us coaches early in the season. I have had players come to me to say they were going to use a suppository or getting nauseous and special provisions are made for them. The last thing competitors want to deal with is meeting bodily needs while in a game. When traveling to and from competitions out of town, many of our buses don't have toilets. Rest stops are popular as are restaurant rest rooms after we stop to eat. A few of our freshmen have felt the ire of teammates when we've had to make a stop for special or emergency needs. When we've traveled by 15-passenger van and issues have come up I can think of about 4 or 5 players ho did a squat crap in back of the van, in 10 below temps, at 2 a.m. There isn't likely to be too much repeat of such needs.

Monday, November 25, 2019

I have a question for women. Being that most girls and women are extremely shy about pooping, most prefer to avoid doing it where there could potentially be other people around. So my question is, do/did you ever regularly poop at school and/or work? Or hold it until you get home? Thanks.


Ski Trip Accident

Hi, my name is Deb. I wanted to write about a really bad accident that I had on a ski trip back in 1990 when I was 14 years old.

When I was in my teens, I was going to church. But it was mostly because there was a boy I liked a lot who also went to the same church as I did. We were the same age and hung out on a regular basis.

Just before Christmas of 1990, there we had a skiing trip a few hours away from where we lived at the time. I remember the trip being on a Thursday since school was already out for the holidays. The bus left early in the morning, at around 6am to get us to the ski hills by 8am. My mum has gotten up with me and made me some eggs for breakfast and then drove me to the church. She told me to pack extra clothes in case I got all wet from the snow. She especially told me to pack an extra pair of panties and pads in case my period started.

They had only rented us a school bus to help keep the coats down. I used the washroom before we left the church and we were on the road right at 6am.

About 30 minutes into the trip I started feeling a bit sick. My ???? was bubbling and at one point I let out a silent fart which stunk up the bus. My friend who I was sitting with asked me if I was okay and I told her that I wasn't feeling well. So we moved to another seat so I could lie down. 10 or so minutes later I had a really bad cramp and let out a wet fart. I sat up right away and knew that I was about to have diarrhea. I called out to this girl named Andrea who was 18 or 19 years old. She was sitting with her boyfriend and came back to me right away.

She said, "Hey what's up?"
I said, "I don't feel well."
She asked, "Do you need to throw up?"
I said, "No!"
"Is it diarrhea?"
I said, "YES!"
She said, "Oh honey...". She looked around then said, "There's nowhere to stop."
I moaned as some diarrhea squirted out of me.
She then said, "Sweetheart, just go in your pants. You will only hurt yourself if you try to hold it. I'll help you get cleaned up when we get there."

I moaned and then stood up in a crouched position and just let the diarrhea pour into my pink bikini panties. I was also wearing pink leggings and I could feel the mess fill up my panties and spread all over.

Andrea went to her seat and grabbed her coat to wrap around me. She asked if I was done going and I said, "I don't know." She helped me up and I shuffled to the front of the bus. I did have to go again and had another explosion in my pants. The poop was everywhere and it was leaking through my pants and all down my legs.

We got to the front of the bus and Andrea said to one of the ladies, "Our poor Debbie is really sick and has had diarrhea in her pants. I will help her get cleaned up when we get there. Can she sit with you into then?"

The lady said, "Oh yes of course."

I sat down and the mess spread all over me. I started crying really hard. The lady put her arm around me and said, "It's okay sweetie, these things happen. That's why they are called accidents."

I had to go a few more times before we got to the ski resort. I had to be carried in and all of the ladies and older girls helped me get cleaned up in the ladies room. The mess in my pants was absolutely incredible.

I'm so glad that I listened to my mum and packed extra clothes because I definitely needed them that day.

When I was finally cleaned up, I put on a pad in my clean panties. I'm glad I did too because my period started later in the day.

So that's one of the worst accidents I had in my teen years. I'll be back again with more stores.

Thank you,


Twins and Poos (Also to Kayla who inspired me to share)

Hello all. My name is Aliva (yes with an A haha) and I go by Libby. I am a mom of two twin girls named Lila and Mia who just turned 4. I am 24 and pretty petite at 5'3" and 100lbs. Normally I wouldn't admit this, but because of the nature of this forum, I will be pretty honest. I have struggled with pretty bad constipation all my life. When I do have a good poo, they are always very big and take me a while to produce. My daughter Lila has always been very regular. She was fully potty trained at just 20 months and had zero problems having a number 2. Her poos are always very healthy and much like soft serve. I don't have to ever worry about her thankfully. Mia on the other hand has had ???? issues since she was 6 months old. As a baby, she had trouble keeping down feeds and was quite a bit smaller than Lila for her first year of life. At about a year, my husband and I started noticing that Mia was having extreme difficulties having number 2's. We would see her standing in the corner of the playroom beet red in the face trying hard to squeeze out a poo. With no luck, she'd start crying for mommy and I'd rush over to help rub her belly and try to make her comfortable. When she was able to finally go, her poos were rock hard, huge, and her poor bum hole would bleed. We've taken Mia to the pediatrician multiple times and she was finally prescribed a long term laxative medicine about 6 months ago. Because of Mia's intestinal probables, she was not fully potty trained until 3 1/2 years old because she would often have urgent accidents in her pants. Thankfully, now that both of my girls are potty trained it is a bit easier to go out and run errands. Mia is a bit more regular because of her medication, but she still has potty problems often.

This story was inspired by Kayla who shared a story about her twin sisters on Halloween night. About a month ago, I had a similar encounter with my girls when we were out running errands. Both Lila and Mia ate a big breakfast before we left for the grocery store. I told the girls to go potty before we left. Since they both still need help in the bathroom with wiping, holding onto the potty, and pulling up and down their pants, I went in with them. Lila hopped on and sighed as a trickle of pee came out. "Just pee pee mommy" Lila said. Mia was next and also had a long pee. "Any poos Mia?" I asked. She shook her head no and got off the potty. I asked them if they were sure but both shook their heads and eagerly got in the car. When we arrived at the store, I put the girls in a double seated cart and began shopping. Not 10 minutes in, Mia groaned and grabbed her belly. "Mia baby, what's wrong" I asked. "My ???? hurts I think I need to poopoo" she moaned. Knowing how urgent Mia's poos can be, I quickly parked the cart in front of the bathrooms and brought both girls in. Mia mounted the toilet and immediately staddled the potty with her legs wide open. "Mmnnnnnhhh" Mia grunted. I looked behind her and saw a huge poo widening her bum hole. She hadn't pooed in 4 days, so I figured she had a lot in there. Mia began to shake as she pushed but nothing budged. I began to rub her belly like I usually do when she's constipated when I heard Lila say "Mommy my ???? hurts. I need to go poopoo". Just as I had suspected, the girls big breakfast was making its way out. Because the girls are too little to go in a stall alone, I coaxed Mia off the potty so that Lila could have a turn. I knew she would be quicker. Lila climbed onto the toilet and began to push. Plop plop plop plop I heard her poos rapidly hitting the water. They sounded a little loose so I looked behind her to check. Sure enough, she was having a bit of looser poos. I wouldn't consider it diarrhea, but just very loose rope like poos. It was probably due to her very fiber filled breakfast. A couple minutes passed and Lila continued to poop. Plop plop plop plop. Mia began to wimper in the corner of the stall and I knew she'd need to try again for a poo. Finally Lila said "I'm done going poopoo mommy". I wiped her and she got down. I placed Mia back on the toilet without even flushing and she began to push hard. "Mommy my poopoos are harddddd" she said as she began to cry. I kneaded her tiny ???? between my fingers and pulled her cheeks apart with my other hand. Mia leaned forward against my arm and pushed. I heard a faint crackling and I saw her poo began to budge. "Good girl sweetheart. It's okay. It will be over soon" I said as Mia sobbed. She started to shake again as four days of compacted poop made its way out of her tiny bum. Finally after 10 minutes of hard pushing, I heard a huge FLOOMP and Mia's poop dropped into the already full potty. As I wiped Mia, she winced in pain. I saw a bit of blood on the tissue that I didn't tell her about so she wouldn't worry. Relieved that that was finally over, I flushed the very full toilet and brought the girls to wash their hands. Just as we were about to head back to our cart, I heard a rather loud toot from Lila. Thinking nothing of it, I lifted the girls back into the cart. Another minute passed, and I heard Lila pass gas again. "Lila baby, are you okay?" I asked. "Poopoo" is all she said. I lugged both girls back into the bathroom and hurriedly places Lila back onto the potty. Immediately her bum reopened and I heard plop plop floomp plop plop floomp. I honestly didn't know where this girl stored so much poop because she typically goes once a day. I asked her if she was okay but her only response was more plops. The stall began to smell pretty stinky and Mia plugged her nose. "Lila go poopoo a lot mommy" Mia said. "Yes baby, she really needs to go so let's not talk about her" I responded. The plops stopped and Lila just sat there moaning. "Are you okay baby?" I asked. "Mmmmmh. ???? hurts" Lila responded. Seconds later, soft creamy diarrhea began to flow out of her bum. She grasped me as I held her in a hug as she was going. "It's okay honey. Just let it come out". It was clear that she had eaten something bad. Crying, she pushed one last time and her bum expelled one last wave of creamy poo. "All done going poopoo" Lila said, exhausted. I then left the shopping carts and took the girls home because we had had an exhausting day already.

I'm sorry that was so long. I just don't really have anyone else to share this stuff with and I figured some of you may enjoy reading it. Let me know if you want to hear more. I have lots of stories about my girls


Just Jerika

Sunday afternoon crap at the park

Sunday afternoon while Hernandez took an extra nap between study sessions, I took my bike out for what will probably be the last 3-miler of the season. Tree leaves on wet asphalt even with the sun out can lead to a nasty spill. So I went farther for my ride to part of a large park where the trails are high enough that the wind blows the leaves off.

I got going good speed on a trail that many parents with kids were using too. Back several years ago I discovered that peddling as fast as my short legs will allow brings on my bowel activity. As I peddled I got to thinking about whether my last crap had been at the airport on Thursday or on Friday at a concert. I didn't quite remember, but know that Hernandez likes to tease me about almost never crapping at home--like a normal person he says.

So within an hour my crap was knocking. I went off-trail onto the street and rode over to the bathroom building. There were a lot of people around, especially with kids, sometimes chasing one another and wanting to see my custom bike. I got to thinking about how 8 or 10 years ago there was no way I would have gone to the bathroom at a place like that! No way! I would have held it and done something my grandma use to say would keep the enema market flourishing.

So I walked through the entrance. Five toilets. The steel panel separating them was less than 3 feet tall. The stools were old-style, big and with seats shaped like horseshoes. Three were unflushed and had been that way for a while. I took the middle one, dropping my jeans and then my butt onto the seat. It was a bit cool, but I knew I'd come a long way since all my struggles in middle and high school. I spread my legs a bit for the big one. It slithered out slowly, but with little energy on my part. Looking between my legs I could see it was a wide as a banana and the top three inches or so extended above the water level.

I made a mental note that I wanted to stand to wipe; otherwise my hand would likely get a soft-poo treatment. I looked to the left and then right panels after I stood. No toilet paper rolls! However I knew there had to be some because one of the toilets I passed up had paper over the seat and it looked like it was clogging the stool's flush system. I remember thinking then and there and many other times what a foolish waste of time and resources papering a toilet seat is. I've written about how I had frequent disagreements with my childhood friend Gopi over that. She never wanted any part of her body to have contact with a seat away from home.

Then I spied 3 rolls of toilet paper mounted to the wall just to the left when you enter. So I waddled over, took off what I thought was a sufficient amount, and went back to my toilet's semi-cubicle where I flushed my crap, and then did a thorough wipe job.

Back on my bike, I put on another 2 miles before stopping in there a second time. It took me a few seconds longer to get my pee going than it did with my poo. Still I know I've come a long way.


Question for Aaron Re; your wife


After your wife's bout with pain med induced constipation, have her bowel movements gone back to normal or have they changed? Its a serious and I hope you'll answer. I too was on Oxy for a spine injury. I was constipated for 7 days and hand to be manually disimpacted for three days in a row after an operation to correct the issue. Ten weeks post op. and off pain meds for 9 weeks my BMs are still gigantic and a struggle to get started each morning. TOTALLY unlike before.-- JW

Karen C.

'Tis the season

Hi everyone. I think I have a stomach virus. I'm sick with diarrhea so I came home from work early today, and I have the next ten days off taking PTO. It started yesterday afternoon with nausea, stomach feeling acidic and queasy and I didn't want anything for supper except a bowl of chicken noodle soup--I'd stopped off and got a big mac combo on the way home but when I got home I didn't want it so I threw it in the trash because the thought of it was making my stomach feel icky, I did drink the coke though and ate a couple of the fries, took a nap on the sofa then soaked in the tub then had a bowl of warm noodle soup with melba toast and some gingerale and went to bed. Woke up at 1am this morning and started throwing up and couldn't go back to sleep; I threw up every twenty minutes until it stopped at about 4am, then I slept a little more on the sofa until it was time to get up. Went in to work feeling blah, and started having bad diarrhea twice an hour starting at about 9 o'clock so I asked to go home since I couldn't very well be out on the road driving a cement truck with my guts about to explode liquid crap in my panties. I blew up the commode with gassy bm's in our unisex bathroom at the shop several times which earned me a few laughs from some of the guys there who have a raunchy sense of humor. I drove home with a tampon in my bum and a maxi pad in my undies in case I had another attack so I would'nt mess up my car, then blew up the commode when I got home while simultaneously dry heaving watery saliva and stomach acid into the wastebasket. Now I'm sitting here in my gown and slippers watching Honeymooners and I Love Lucy DVDs, called my brother for help a while ago and after he gets off work he's going to bring me some things to nibble on like soup, chowder, pilot bread crackers, lollipops, hard cheese and gingerale, sprite, and Pepto and Nyquil and Kleenex and more bathroom tissue, and stuff to make banana nut bread and peanut butter cookies, and Toblerone. I feel like I could eat some warm clam chowder and pilot bread crackers and something sweet tonight before bed after a nice hot bath. Feel like later doing a little baking and light housekeeping, maybe I'll take a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air and look at the xmas lights.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


To Tim - Bidet Seats

I also have a lot of issues with constipation and have posted about them over the years. I had an experience similar to yours with a bidet seat in Korea. I had been in a nice hotel in Seoul and had not had any kind of bm in five or six days. I didn't want to go out to a pharmacy and try to find a laxative because I was getting on a trans-Pacific flight in less than 12 hours.

I had read a little online about bidet toilet seats and understood that some of them actually have what the marketing literature refers to as an enema function. In this mode, the nozzle focuses the spray in a concentrated stream designed to penetrate the anus. You can't do a deep enema, but you can certainly get enough water inside of you to stimulate a decent poop.

The controls on the bidet in the hotel room were in Korean, but it seemed clear to me from the graphics that one of the functions could deliver a rudimentary enema. I sat down, spread my cheeks and started to figure out how to get the water where it needed to go. After a few minutes of this, I had on overwhelming urge to go. Everything that had been blocking me for almost a week came rushing out with one push. All in all it was a good experience. I have often thought about purchasing one of the bidet seats for my home.

Post Title (optional)a night on the pot

one night while on vacation I had some problems. I had just finished a game of Scrabble with my wife. As i was putting the game away I started to feel a little gassy so i decided to step outside as i felt a fart coming on and i did not want to stink up the place. Out side I let it go but to my surprise it was a wet fart and i could feel it running down my leg. I hurried back in the house and headed straight to the bath room making it just in time for another wet fart. I was sitting on the pot for just a few moments when i had a small loose stool. I started to wonder what was going on when i had a sharp cramp and all hell broke loose. It was like turning on a fauset full blast. Liquid poop poured out. It was so sudden and without any real warning although when thinking about the evening i had been a little bloated was a dark brown poop color and really stunk. Finishing up I went to bed only to wake up about an hour later with an extreme need to go back to the toilet. I just made it when the liquid poo just gushed out. This time it was much lighter in color. A third time about another hour later another urgent dash the poo was almost clear. I made it thru the rest of the night and in the morning with still a little diareaha but nothing like the night before


After school bathroom lockout

For those of us in after school clubs and activities, our principals' answer to the problem of bathroom vandalism and other misuse such as vaping in the past couple of weeks has been to immediately have custodians lock all the bathrooms within 10 minutes of the dismissal bell. This doesn't impact athletics because their practices and games are in a building adjacent to ours with some of the best locker rooms and restrooms you can find. Those of us who stay for music, drama and chess club type stuff have to plan ahead and use the toilets before the lockdown. We can't always do that. So by 4, 4:30 or 5 p.m. some us are in pretty dire situations.

I'm driving now so after my music practice I hurry to the parking lot for the drive home. It is a 15 minute drive so sometimes because rush hour is bad I will stop at a food place to get a quick pee in rather than chancing an explosion of my bladder. The other day I was down to my last gallon in my tank so I stopped and was pumping before I went in and paid and relieved myself. That was the plan. On the other side of the pump, Tiffany, who've I known since kindergarten, drove in so fast that she almost hit the pump. She got her card out fast, the pump approved it, and after a few seconds of pumping she started cursing like I've never heard before. She was starting to crap her pants so in addition to what I was doing with my pumping, she asked me to do hers too as she ran into the station to meet her other need.

I was in a real frustrating situation with my bladder pulsating. Other customers were coming in out of the rush hour traffic. I pulled my car to the other side of the station than came back for Tiffany's. I finished filling her tank and with her keys in the car I was able to move it for her. Then as I started my walk into the station, a stream started going down my inner left leg. Just opening the door to the station and confronting the rush hour crowd caused me to lose it. I did more than half my pee trying to move through the crowd. If one looked closely they could see I wet myself. I was now feeling liquid running into my socks and shoes.

I finally got through the crowded aisles to the back of the building. Since I've used it before, often for a crap that was exploding out of me before I could get home, I knew quite well where Tiffany was. I texted her and she replied that she had an accident and was taking off her clothing and throwing her "thoroughly shitted panties" away. She said if no one was around me she would quickly open the door, let me in and I could finish my pee. I did at the urinal on the side of the room while she cleaned herself up. Let's just say we each did the best we could as fast as we could since we knew others would probably be waiting in line. Back when we were growing up and riding our bikes at the park, we sometimes went to the bathroom together to keep one another company because she was sometimes constipated and didn't want to tell her mom for fear of consequences.


To Jessica

My wife is 5'-10" and weighs around 130 lbs. She had been taking pain meds for a week before the party. She hurt her lower back reaching for something at work. The pain meds caused the constipation. She is usually very regular. She takes one dump after breakfast and one after the evening meal which is sometime between 6 and 8 PM. Her morning dump is more hurried because she has to get to work but in the evening she will sit for 30 to 45 minutes. she gets up after about 20 minutes and walks around a bit then goes back and sits on the toilet. Although she is very classy in public she is very playful when we are together. When she gets up in the middle of a bowel movement she doesn't wipe. She will come over to me, stick her butt in my face and say, "Hey you want to smell my ass!" and then laugh. She does large amounts of turds when going. The first few are fairly hard and make an audible sound when hitting the water. I've seen plenty of 8 and 10 inch logs come out of her little butt. The one she did at the party was almost twice as long as the longest one I have seen her push out but she was constipated for a few days so I wasn't completely surprised. After we got home from the party I massaged her stomach and lower back. This plus the suppository got things going and she shit for a half hour accompanied by more farts than normal. I loved every minute!


New Fruit

Hi everyone! I ate a new fruit in my diet today (cactus pear). It was the most seedy fruit I ever had which might have made my poop interesting. I don't think I passed seeds yet, but I had a quick transition from one poop form to the next. I had a medium solid load later after lunch, and then sloppier stuff afterwords. To Sherryl: nice snowmobiling poop storry. That was quite interesting I bet for Jenise to have diarrhea in the snow. That's never happened to me before. Bye!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Dear Kayla

To Kayla: I love your halloween story. Sounds like the kids that were with you had to go to the toilet a lot! I don't have anything to say about Halloween, but one odd thing that happened on a Friday was my left ear ringing quite noticeably for a period of time seemingly out of nowhere. While this was going on I had to go pee a few times, but luckily, I could hear my pee over the unwanted noise. I had pre-poop farts this morning, and pooped a medium soft amount after a big bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. I haven't had to poop since, and have enjoyed playing Simon, etc. I also had another toilet related dream. It featured a computer that you could talk to, and ask it stuff. One day, I asked it if the computer could tell me about toilets. It played a documentary all about them. When the computer shut down, a voice came on and said "Your computer is getting very sleepy". It then snored 5 times, and shut down.

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