Written on the toilet
Hello everyone. I hope you are doing well. I am writing this whilst sitting on the potty. I just let a huge messy dump go. That's the last time I get the quesalupa from Taco Bell. Not fun. It was good but no thanks on what it makes come out of me. It's starting to warm up again so I will definitely be doing more poops and pees in the woods here soon. Can't wait to share some of my experiences with you all. Would love to hear any stories about other women who go in the woods or anyone who let's their daughters do it in the woods.
Hope all is well. Time to wipe. Talk to you all later
What Makes Some Poo Bigger Than Others?
Hi there, my name is Amy and I'm 29. I have a question for other readers but first a bit of backstory to hopefully better explain my question. My second year of college, I moved with three friends to a house off of campus since the dorms weren't very nice.
One of the girls, Lauren, would take really giant poos. I know this because they were sometimes too big for the toilet to handle and would not go down. Just my luck, our two rooms shared a bathroom. I remember the first time it happened I was getting back from class and heard a weird noise from the bathroom. I went in and Lauren was standing over the toilet trying to shove her poop down the toilet with a plunger. Being respectful and knowing she was probably embarrassed, I quickly exited, but not before I caught a brief glimpse of what appeared to be a very large log of poo in the toilet. I probably would've convinced myself I was exaggerating the size in my mind but it happened again a week or so later.
I was in my room (which connects to the bathroom directly) one morning still in bed and heard the toilet flush but noticed it never made the whooshing noise you always hear as the water exits. A minute or so later, Lauren flushed again and once again there was no sound of water leaving. I heard her go back into her room and a shortly after got a text from her apologizing and saying the toilet wasn't working but she was late for class and that she would fix it after class and to use Jen and Hannah's (our other roommates) in the meantime. A minute later I heard her rush out the door. At that point, there was no way I wasn't going to look at what she'd done. I snuck in and lifted the lid and found two short logs and one very big one that was clearly causing the blockage. There was a small wad of paper in the corner too. It was incredible, I'd never seen someone clog a toilet with just poo, which Lauren had evidently just accomplished. I left for class a bit later and came home later that day with all the evidence gone. There wasn't a spot on the toilet, you'd have no idea Lauren had bombed it that morning. It became pretty clear that this wasn't uncommon for her. Roughly once a week or so it seemed like she'd end up blocking the toilet.
A quick story about the time we "broke the ice" regarding it...
I was just getting in the shower one weekend night and heard a knock on the door. Lauren asked if she could use the bathroom while I showered because she had a date and was running late (she's often late it you can't tell lol) and didn't have time to wait for me to finish. I said sure and she said thanks and I heard her come in. I thought she might be kinda shy, but she struck up a conversation and apologized for the smell. Truthfully, I couldn't smell anything but I asked if she was pooping. She said yes. She was on the pot for a good 10 minutes before I finally heard her get up. She said she wouldn't flush as that would make the shower temp get super uncomfortable and asked if I could flush for her once I was done. I asked what I should do if it clogged. She said she didn't think it would but that if it did, to leave it and she would use the plunger when she got back. She thanked me again and left. When I got out, I saw she had taken another huge dump. This time, just a single log, but it was very huge. I was sure it would clog, but as I flushed it actually went down. It did leave an equally huge skid mark, but thankfully nothing more.
I have a couple other stories worth sharing but I'll save them for next time...
The whole point of sharing all this is I question what makes people poop such different sizes? Lauren is pretty much average sized, yet is a poop factory. Meanwhile, I grew up with three large (two football players and a wrestler) older brothers, none of whom I recall ever blocking a toilet. Lauren didn't seem to eat any more than any of the rest of us roommates, and again none of them ever seemed to use the plunger. Those of you who share on here who do poop so big, do you have any explanation for it?Nobody
I got a job
I now work at a truck rest haven and today was my first day. Idk about other states, but in Kentucky, non commercial traffic is allowed to stop-and even stay the night-at such rest havens. My duties (heheh) are small. It's a janitorial position. I just gotta keep the place clean. Sweep the truck parking lot. Clean the windows and tables. Clean the bathrooms. Uh. That's the entire job description. I did an 8 hour shift with like a single hours worth of work.
Let's get back to that bathroom description (for obvious reasons). We have a men's and a women's bathroom. The men's has two stalls and two urinals and two sinks. The women's has one stall and one sink. The room I stay in most of the shift is located between the two bathrooms. The men's is on the other side of the hall and the women's is adjacent to the janitorial/maintenance room (where I sit). In my first hour there, I heard a guy struggling in there. I was expecting a huge mess when I went to make my first round, but it was very clean. He had been in there for at least half an hour and I heard a little bit of banging around towards the end of his visit.
In terms of women, there were maybe four total for the entire shift. No one made a mess. I only had to change the uh, the....personal product trash bin thing...I only had to change it once. The seat was clean, but I wiped it with disinfectant anyway. Same with the sink knobs (and sink itself) and bathroom door handle. I did the same in the men's room too, except the door. That door was propped open, so I didn't see a need to. Basically, anywhere a person would touch with their hands (or ass) got wiped.
While there was nothing too spectacular going on tonight, that's subject to change. I've heard a story where someone barely got their pants down in time and made a mess of everything. I also heard of homeless people showing up to stay overnight. We have to chase them off.
Tyler C
Elementary School Water Main Break
I was in fifth grade. As I got to school, news came on about a major water main break. Our teacher explained that the water wouldn't be running, affecting sinks, water fountains, and toilets. She said schools would probably close early, but we had to wait for an official announcement. We were all excited, especially me because I had a reading quiz coming up later in the day, and I didn't do the reading assignment. Unfortunately, toward the end of my first class, the principal announced that schools would not be closing early. She then explained that if we had to use the bathroom, the bathrooms would have water bottles that could be used for flushing and hand washing. I usually didn't use the school bathrooms anyway because I would go in the morning and not need to go again till I got home, but I didn't go that morning which meant I needed to pee more than usual.
I heard from some friends later that day that the whole using water bottles thing was really awkward and it was probably best to just hold it, and that's what a lot of us did. After about an hour, it started to become clear that they weren't supplying enough water bottles because kids were complaining about not having enough and the some of bathrooms even got closed down temporarily while they tried to supply more. Then around lunch time, gossip started spreading about the inevitable, some kid peed themselves. It was some younger kid I didn't know. I think they were in second grade. Some kids were laughing about it, but some others didn't seem to think it was that funny, probably because they were afraid they might be next.
I was trying to quickly read the assigned chapter of my book before class started, but I couldn't because all of the lunchroom noise and my growing need to pee. I had two problems now, I had to pee, and I was gonna fail this test. Before lunch was over, I went to try and use the bathroom closest to the lunchroom, but when I got there, there was a long line because two of the other main bathrooms in the school were closed and the little bathrooms that are attached to the kindergarten and first grade classrooms were also closed. To make matters worse, they were limiting the number of people allowed in at a time. By the time lunch was over, I still hadn't got a chance to go in yet, but it was time for recess, and I hated missing recess, so I left the line and went to recess. I figured that the line might be shorter after recess anyway.
When I got outside, I figured that running around and playing sports and stuff would relieve some of the pressure on my bladder, and it did for a little bit, but it came back really strong after about 10 minutes of recess. My reading class was right after recess, and I think the anxiousness of knowing I was about to fail my test was making my urge to pee a little worse as well. So, I asked if I could go back inside and use the bathroom during recess. They said yes, and that I had to use same bathroom I was waiting for before because that was the only one left open.
I went back to the same restroom as before. I thought that since it was the middle of a class period, that there'd be less kids trying to use the bathroom, but when I got there, there was still a fairly long line. The staff had run out of water bottles, and one staff member went to get some more while another was keeping people from going in the bathrooms. Meanwhile, dozens of kids from different grades were all standing outside the bathrooms desperately holding on for all it's worth.
Without toilets, some students had to start resorting to another method of taking care of their potty related needs. There was this one boy, who looked to be about 8 or 9, who was pretty much jumping up and down with his legs firmly glued together. He seemed to be one of the most visibly desperate kids in the line. He asked the staff member guarding the bathrooms to make an exception and just let him in, but she just told him that no one was allowed to use the toilets with no water. I vividly remember that he was sporting a pretty snazzy pair of red shorts. They suddenly became less stylish when the front of them started turning dark and shiny as he stopped fidgeting. A lot of the kids gasped. He didn't cry or anything, he just looked down in awe of what was transpiring between his legs. After he finished up his little display, the staff member quickly tried to comfort him and wrote him a pass to go to the nurse's office which was right down the hall. This made me nervous that I'd be next.
As a precaution, I started grabbing my wiener tightly through my cargo pants pocket. There was this one girl, Emma, in line who was in my grade. She was the type of girl who asked to go to the bathroom during class every single day. She was a straight-A student, so teachers usually let her, but it wasn't unusual for her to be potty dancing in her chair sometimes. Although, I never actually saw her wet herself...until that day. There she was in line for the girl's room with her hands jammed firmly in her crotch pee when started pouring out of her skirt, cascading down her legs, staining her socks, filling her shoes, and moistening the floor beneath her. Her face was beat red. The boy who wet himself earlier seemed shocked but not too upset, but she was in tears. I felt so bad for her.
The staff person started comforting her and said she'd write her a pass for the nurse. Embarrassingly enough, I too was starting to dampen the front of my underwear, and I knew they were only going to get wetter within the next minute or so. It was clear at that point what I had to do. I didn't really want to use my nice cargo pants to "do my business", but I knew that without being allowed in the bathroom, those pants were the closet thing to a toilet I had.
"Can I go to the nurse too?" I asked.
"Why?" The staff member said.
"Because... I...umm..."
I wasn't sure exactly what to say. I kept my legs crossed, but I took my hand out of my pocket and just looked down at my crotch in anticipation. All eyes were on me now. I just had to give everyone a good show, and boy did I deliver. My lap became engulfed in one huge, shiny dark patch which made it's way down my left leg, past my Nike sneakers, and creating a puddle on the floor. I should have been more upset, but I couldn't help but let out a weirdly victorious sigh of relief. For a brief moment, I didn't care if I was using a toilet or using my tighty-whities. I was finally going to the bathroom and no one could stop me!
Of course, after like 20 seconds of making a spectacle of myself, reality set in and I started getting really self-conscious. My eyes awkwardly darted around, seeing the faces of kids and a staff member watch an almost 11-year-old boy turn his pants into a toilet. The puddle I made on the floor was so big that it met up with the first boy's puddle and almost reached Emma's puddle. I never actually verbally told the staff member why I needed to go to the nurse, but I think she got the picture. The teacher gave us the passes and Emma and I headed off to the nurse.
Luckily, Emma felt a little better now that someone else her age had an accident. When we got to the nurse's office, there were actually a few kids with sizable dark spots on their pants. We both were somewhat comforted by the fact that there were a handful of other students who made use of their pants in leu of a toilet. We all sat in the waiting area until someone finally delivered the water bottles. We then took turns going into the nurse's bathroom and cleaning up. Luckily, the nurse had enough spare clothes for us. I didn't know any of the other kids in the nurse's office, but Emma and I promised not to tell anyone about each others' accidents.
I think the school board learned how stupid of an idea it was to leave schools open during a water main break because there was a water main break when I went to high school, and they just closed school like they should. There was silver lining in all this is though... I got excused from taking my test that day! :D
Happy Easter Monday!
Yea! It's great to be back and yesterday I spent some time reading through all the posts while on the toilet of course!
I wish I had a story of my own. I'm still going twice daily - just some large, long motions. With little stress and little deviation from my routine, my eating and pooping habits have remained consistent.
To Shannon and Trina, thank you, fellow SPAS, for your kind words while I was gone! I missed you!
I wanted to respond to Carlie B's comment a few weeks ago. She wondered if those of us who visit the forum and admit a fascination with pooping have larger than normal bowel movements. I've thought about this for a long time. I think that it's because pooping feels good to us. Large poops, long ones, thick ones, healthy ones, urgent ones, and even in some cases, that desperate accident all can create very positive sensations.
For some people, I imagine pooping just doesn't feel good. Maybe they plop for twenty minutes. Maybe their diet isn't healthy. I don't know. But those poops do not create the positive sensations.
That's why I would encourage you, if you are able, to really work on your diets to find the right thing for you so that you can enjoy the final product.
I will write more later!
I wish you all delightful defecations!
Thank god for public toilets!
I agree with Thunder and Anna from Austria. To me, public toilets are a mainstay for some of us.
See when I was growing up I suffered from some pretty chronic constipation. It happened whether school was in session or even during summer vacation sometimes because I didn't drink enough water and/or eat right. That's what my pediatrician said and he encouraged mom to closely monitor me.
So if I went more than two days without a BM, mom would be on alert. While I was putting my backpack on mom would order me back into the bathroom to "try again." The smallest sit she would allow would be 15 minutes--all time away from having fun with my friends. Then while leaving she would remind me that I was constipated and that I should try at least twice while at school. I had to tell her exactly when I intended to do my sit. During homeroom. Right after lunch. And then again I knew she was making a mental note of the plan.
Then after school some days we would give my friend Allison a ride. Mom's first words, even before saying Hi to Allison, was to ask for my report. This is embarrassing to Allison who often went to the toilets when I did. She had the perfect bowels. She'd park her butt on the seat and within a minute or two she'd have a seven-inch piece in the water. Sometimes to just give me company, she would sit for a few minutes and then do her piss. This was while I was struggling and pushing for anything. Allison also tried to deflect my mom's questions to me because Allison, even at 12 or 13 knew they were embarrassing.
At home, a few times when I had friends over, they would walk with me two blocks over to the city park. I had to crap, but didn't want to do it at home because mom would demand to see it before the flush. My doctor had her keep a record of size, how hard, color, and a couple of other items I never understood. Then the next morning she would ask for my plan and I would say Oops, I crapped yesterday afternoon at the park. Allison would then back me up. Mom would be a bit angry, but me and Allison would do a fast exit.
Tuesday, April 06, 2021
To Mike
Hi in my house we have a modern loo upstairs and a older style one downstairs off the hall. Me personally prefer the older toilet as it's a tall pan with a comfy wooden seat.I have had many big poos on it and so has my family friends etc when you drop a big log the sounds are really satisfying big kerplunks which brings me to my story. It was last year before lockdown my friend in her early 40s like me came to stay as our hubby's were away,she arrived on the Friday night and on Saturday she was complaining that her stomach hurt and she hadn't moved her bowels in a couple of days. That night we had a couple of bottles of wine and pigged out on the food. The following day we were in the kitchen having breakfast when she farted quietly and said she felt a movement in her bowels said that she might try to go, I said off you go and take your time off she walked barefooted in her pjs still. I sat in the kitchen just down the hall from the toilet I heard her go in close the door then a rustle of her pants then she sat there was a loud hiss as she emptied her bladder that died down to a tinkle then it was silence for over 5 min then plip plop and then after 20 sec a big kerplunk as a big log fell then another and then I could hear her wiping she flushed and come back looking very relieved
I don't normally post here and just lurk, but I'd just like to leave a message to Kendal and express both happiness and sadness at what she has shared to us after almost two decades of absence. I've been reading this website for over 10 years and Kendal and Lawn Dogs Kid's stories were always my favorite, and I am happy to learn that not only are Kendal and Eleanor still in touch but they even live together now. To think that they met through this very website! I do regret to hear what happened to both Andrew and Ellen, and while they may no longer be with us, the memories they shared will always be us and in our minds. To be honest, I'm sad to hear about Andrew's death and makes reading his old stories harder to read now (like what happened to RJogger and Melissa, both dearly-departed posters from long ago), but I'm sure if he were here today he'd be overjoyed to learn that not only is this site still alive after all these years, but that his niece would by sheer coincidence discover it too and read all of his stories! I'm sure wherever he is right now he's happy for all of you.
To SunTree
I do hold it in until I can't anymore. I can normally hold it for a VERY long time. Often I first have my BM when I come home from work. I hold it all day. I have been used to holding it almost all my life but that's a long story.
I recently started experimenting with pooping on paper towels. I also have some experience with pooping my pants :)
How long can you hold it? and what happens when you go beyond that limit?Laura
Friends poo
I forgot to say that when she came out the loo I asked her how it was she said felt wonderful very big and firm pieces and that she was scared of blocking my toilet haha. After an hour or so I needed a poo of my own and a wee so I went in to smell poo in the air still and that there was poo streaks in the sump after my friends poo
I sat down had a wee whilst my rear opened up and I started to be stretched by a nice firm piece I just sat and didn't need to push just enjoyed the sensation it speeded up and fell in the water with a kerplunk but I wasn't done yet another log slowly eased out and landed with a plop then I started to wee again whilst another poo plopped in the loo I sighed with relief and looked in the toilet big 8inch piece a 6 inch and a smaller 4inch I wiped and flushed brushing the toilet
Short Story
Today my poo was runny. I had finished my breakfast and went to the bathroom to pee. After lowering my pj bottoms and black panties I sat on the loo and started to empty my bladder. As I was doing so two loads of runny poo shot out of my bum. This took me quite by surprise as I didn't think I needed a poo. I stayed on the toilet for a few minutes but nothing else came out of me, so I pushed just to check I was done and I was glad I did as another smaller load of runny poo came out. I then unrolled some toilet paper and was happy to discover that I only had to wipe twice.
Easter Sunday update
Hello friends! Happy Easter! Here is my latest update.
Still waiting for my appointment with a specialist about my incontinence issue, but in the meantime i've been doing my best to stick to my practices that help me avoid accidents. It's hard to say if its working until i go a really long time without an accident, and i am only making it a few weeks still. I messed my pants earlier this week, it was the only time it happened in the month of March so i'll take it. I'll write about that in a bit.
As for the nighttime issue, i received my depend silhouettes last tuesday and i have worn them to bed every night since. On friday night i wet in them for the first time. They definitely make a difference, as far as keeping the bed dry goes. I could still tell i was wet as soon as i woke up. But i will say the cleanup process was 100x easier. just take the depend off and toss it and get in my morning shower. no bed cleanup. so that was nice. i think i'm sold on the idea of wearing these to bed...until i stop peeing at night!
To my SPAS: I think youll appreciate what happened to me earlier this week. In the meantime, I hope to hear from you soon Catherine as it is now Easter! Trina, thats another great story of a friend and i'm glad you were there to help!
So on Tuesday Alexis drove me to work because we dropped my car off for service monday night. The plan was for her to then pick me up after work and drive me to get my car. In typical Shannon fashion, even though I KNEW I had to poop, I skipped the bathroom before i left. I didn't want to keep Alexis waiting and i figured it would only be about 20 minutes or so until i got into my own car and at that point if i didn't make it home it wouldn't matter. I went down and got in the car with her and we started heading to the service center to get my car, and i felt everything go south. Because my body will forever think a carseat is a toilet apparently... I tensed up and just went rigid in my seat as i took a deep breath, and squeezed my cheeks shut nice and tight and just told myself "not in Alexis' car" very sternly. For a minute or two it worked, but then I realized I definitely couldn't hold it in all the way to the service center even though it was only 2 more miles, so I spoke up and told Alexis that I needed to stop for the bathroom. She first said "ok we are almost there" but I told her "no, I don't think i'm gonna make it there, we have to stop!" She got flustered and anxious and didn't know what to do for a second, then she said "Ok! There's a McDonald's at the next light!" I looked up the road and I could SEE the golden arch. It was right there! But I just couldn't make it. I pooped my pants sooo bad in the car as we pulled into the McDonalds. It just kept coming.... It was the kind that comes out slowly and firm at first, then after that first solid turd comes out a torrent of mush follows it really fast. It made a very embarrassing noise when the mush explosion happened, and of course the smell quickly took over the car. I just sat in shock with my hands over my mouth not wanting to even look at Alexis... She knew what happened and she said "oooohhh noo!!! did you have an accident? i'm sorry!". She felt guilty for not getting me somewhere fast enough, and I had to reassure here it wasn't her fault. Obviously i was extremely freaking embarrassed, but she was much sweeter and more understanding than I thought she would be based on her reactions to just hearing about my accidents. But I think her witnessing it first hand, she saw how bad the situation is, how I can go to the point of no control in an eye blink, so she was more sympathetic than to my previous accidents that she didn't witness... Anyway, it made for a much longer afternoon because I certainly couldn't go into the service center and pay for my car in pooped pants. Alexis had to turn around and drive me home so I could change my pants then go back to get my car. While I cleaned myself up in the bathroom, Alexis took my soiled clothes to the wash and she brought me clean underwear and new leggings to the bathroom. The whole time I just felt like this huge ridiculous inconvenience! That's a classic situation where I NEED better discipline. I never should have left work without going first since I knew I wasn't going straight home.
Ironically, even though Alexis witnessed me poop my pants first hand, and has been in bed with me 3 times when i've wet myself, I couldn't chalk up the nerve to tell her i got the depends for bedtime. I was too embarrassed to put them on and i told her i didn't feel well so she would go sleep at home lol! I don't even know why my brain does what it does. I'm sure tonight or tomorrow we'll spend the night together and i'll get to model my fancy new undies for her and give her reassurance that I wont pee in her bed again lol.
Its me gabi back againnn. A couple people I want to write back to,
Shannon- I'm glad you saw my story and related to it because your story encouraged me to post it. About your question you asked me if it felt good at all or if it was just an all terrible experience and to be honest with you I really just felt this alarming terror that I was doing something wrong. It didn't even feel like a relief to go, it felt like I was desperately trying to keep it in and failing so it was not fun. I definitely don't like pooping my pants lol. I really hope it doesn't happen to me again.
Trina- I'm glad you like my stories! I feel so bad for your friend who had a accident at school. I totally know how she feels and you're a great friend for helping her out instead of laughing at her.
Another poster who asked about people who like to hold it. That's me!
So while i just mentioned to Shannon that I didn't experience any good feelings when I pooped my pants, as for peeing, there have been occassions where I've held on too long and wet my pants and I felt near euphoric sensations of relief despite having an accident. When I was 14 me my mom my grandma and my older sister were out shopping for dresses for my upcoming Quinceañera (its kinda like a sweet 16 party but its when you turn 15 in Puerto rican culture.) after going to a few different places and having lunch i found myself badly needing to pee. I kept holding it in because by then my habit of waiting was well established, but on the ride to the last store I started to wonder if I was actually going to be able to get all the way home without going to the bathroom. Then about 3 minutes later I didn't need to wonder anymore, because I started wetting my shorts in the back seat of the car. It was just my family so I wasn't that embarrassed, and I remember just being sooo relieved to let go and feeling goosebumps all over my body as I felt it soaking my shorts. I let out an audible moan/sigh because of how good it felt, that I didn't intend to. I will never forget that. When I peed my pants on the school bus like a year or two later I had a similar feeling of relief/pleasure but it wasn't nearly as good because I was mortified to be peeing my pants while surrounded by my peers obviously.
I told two wetting stories from holding it too long from when I was young so ill share a quick recent one. This is the most recent time I peed my pants- it was around Thanksgiving last year and I was just doing my typical day-long hold at work. I got ready for my usual bladder-bursting drive home that always culminated with a mad scramble to get my pants off and get on the toilet in time for pure bliss, and I headed out of work. But I guess it was worse than usual that day because during my drive I could not stay still for more than 2 seconds at a time and my overwhelming need to pee was becoming a distraction. I decided I better stop, so I pulled over at a taco bell, but when I went in they had closed off the public bathrooms due to covid. I hobbled back to my car in actual pain at that point, and my body gave in and decided it was just time to let go. I stood by my car and just peed, and peed, and peed some more. My pants were drenched all down and around my legs, my shoes and socks got soaked, and the puddle I made on the pavement was impressive to say the least. I basked in the euphoria of the relief as it happened, only feeling slightly ashamed about any possible onlookers. When I was finally done I didn't even have the nerve to check and see if anyone saw it happen, I just got my car and drove home soaking wet.
All three times I've written here now I've written while I really need to pee and I postpone going until I'm done writing. I have nothing else to write, I'm just saying this part to procrastinate going to pee. I'm hoping to hold until just before I go to sleep tonight. I always love taking a long awaited pee right before bed. Talk soon!
Danisha's diarrhea
Danisha is 5 1/2, has a single mother who works 12 hour shifts and has more debts than income. One of my professors recommended me to her mom and I got the gig for babysitting Danisha for two days. I was a couple hours late in getting back for spring break because of car trouble. When I got to the apartment building where Danisha and her mom live, her mom had left her in the care of the woman next door. Before I got there that lady had grilled some hamburgers and Danisha had already eaten one. I got the key to the apartment, found some $$ her mom had left for art supplies, plus recommendations for the next 2 days. I decided that Danisha would walk with me 3 blocks over to WalMart to get the supplies. We had a minor argument when I helped her put on her shoes because apparently she likes to go barefoot a lot and I guess her mom allows it. Then I told her to go in and pee. She was excited and did but didn't. She want in and flushed and that gave it away because she would have had to be the stealth pee-er of 1st grade. We got to WalMart and she got excited and put her hands between her legs. She said he had to wee. She almost started to cry as I was looking for a way around the dead-end aisle we were in. We got to the bathroom, all 3 toilets were occupied, and with her crying I was thinking of grabbing her, yanking her clothing down and placing her on one of the sinks. Just as I was lifting her, one of the doors opened, and I carried her, clothing down, over the toilet, set her down, and instantly she was going. As she sat there kicking her legs, I was amazed at how much she was holding.
The next morning after I made breakfast, I supervised watching her get on the toilet. And I remember my mom having me do a 10 count when I was done before I could get down off the toilet. I explained to her that the toilets at the park probably were going to be in worse shape than the one the night before. I looked her in the eyes when I said that and kissed the top of her head. Our walk to the park was a little longer, she stubbed her toe and almost fell up a curb. Once at the park we got a table with benches and she enjoyed the coloring up to a point when she got fear on her face, grabbed her gut, and said she had to poo-poo. She spread her hands out like predicting an explosion.
I knew the bathroom hut's location at the top of the large hill because my boyfriend Kennard and I spend a lot of time at the park. I hoisted Danisha over my shoulders and I delivered up the hill so fast she probably felt she was riding a race horse. The ladies room is really old fashioned. There's 2 toilets, side by side, with no panels or privacy doors. At certain busy times each day they receive quite a bit of use. I put Danisha down at the entrance, told her to stand behind me and I yelled "Hey....." into the building. At that point I stuck my head in and could see this girl with long black hair, sitting on the toilet with clothing at floor level, and holding a cigarette with her right hand. She used a couple of words that Danisha shouldn't have heard, but said it was OK for Danisha to use the front stool. Danisha hurried over there, dropped her clothing and with her hands boosted herself onto the seat. Immediately I could hear gas, more gas and finally splashes into the bowl from under Danisha. Then she said her poo-hole was hurting. I could practically feel the burn that I suffer a few times a year with diarrhea. Then for me, I get really thirsty and can't get enough water.
Danisha's partner stood, put out her smoke with her left foot, and then did about 3 standing wipes. She looked into the toilet and smiled, then did one more wipe for insurance I guess. Then she footed the flusher twice and I could see that wicked flush surprised Danisha.
As she was washing her hands, she started up a conversation by asking Danisha's age, and then saying something about how vandalism and perverts had taken away the privacy of "normal" people. As she left I walked over to the toilet, dropped my clothing, and took the warm seat that had been left for me. I had to use my shoe to totally and finally put the cigarette out. Danisha was looking at me and asked whether I was pooing or peeing. By the time I could answer she could hear all the liquid draining from my bladder. Then she could see me push forward a bit and then a couple of strange splashes. I explained to her that black coffee when I wake up generally opens my poo chute within a couple of hours. Danish looked over at my inner-left thigh and asked what that drawing was. I explained what a tattoo was and that it was a drawing of my first dog. That she died while I was away in college and that's how I wanted to remember her. I assured Danisha that it wouldn't wash off in the bathtub.
Danisha had to use the toilet 3 more times before lunch that day. With each sit, I explained to her that most everybody gets diarrhea sometimes, that it is inconvenient, but a reality. I also had her demonstrate extra thorough wiping when she has it. I don't want her to grow up feeling victimized.
Sunday, April 04, 2021
Replying to curious guy
No, I do not miss the convenience, it was never that convenient at all. If I had diarrhea the cleanup was easier than when I went into my pants like recently, but it was not easy anyhow. For solid accidents pants are equally easy.
The only difference is who else was aware of my accident, usually nobody would notice when I had a diaper. But I still do have few accidents every year.
For bedtime the diapers helped a lot. Also for wetting. I would still consider them if I went somewhere when the toilet is not easily accessible
Public Toilet Avoidance
I note the post by Carin . I went through high school ( six years) without shitting at school and surprisingly I never needed to . My bowels are very different now and I do not have a schedule . Can often not go for a few days and then can go up to four times in one day. Once I went nine times in one day and they were all reasonably solid ! I enjoy public toilets . They are my escape and I meditate there . I also have a neurological condition where I do not handle crowds and noise and bright lights as well as I use to . I quiet sit in a public toilet is a great escape . Yes, I am a public toilet supporter!
A high school poop story
I have a story that might interest Michael.
It was 1999. I was 14 years old. This event was during sophomore year of high school on a student field trip to another school, for a mathematics contest. My grandmother's disgusting leftover spaghetti dinner from the night before once again didn't agree with my system of assimilation(not the first time this happened), and gave me the runs during the contest when my digestive system decided to reject it. Not wanting to be disqualified, I had been holding a massive bout of diarrhea in for close to one hour by the time the contest examination ended.
Everyone was headed for either the school buses or the restrooms on the way out. I walk into the Boy's restroom with a crowd of 100+ students and teachers from various schools rushing in, packed shoulder to shoulder, anticipating a chance to finally get rid of this uncomfortable back-pressure on my lower hole that had built up over the last few hours. I walk in only to see a row of about 10 urinals on the left, and 8 stalls on the right, but there was something different about these stalls. The partitions were a few feet lower than the standard partitions I had seen in every other multi-user restroom I've been in.
I wasn't going to make it home on the bus without crapping myself at this point, thinking to myself as I was squirming in line waiting for a stall. All the toilets were in use with students peeing in them, and it looked like I'd be the lone person defecating when my turn finally came. After an agonizing 1-2 minutes, a toilet availed itself for me with no one else in front. I shut the short cubicle door and sat down. I didn't have much choice there, as it was an emergency and I risked soiling myself on the bus otherwise. I would have sat in an open stall at this point if that is what was presented, which would have been highly embarrassing to me(but still better than pants crapping), so the half-height door was a much more inviting, and by comparison, "private", place to empty myself.
Given that the public high school I went to also had bathrooms with doorless stalls(which I made a deliberate effort to avoid using, often resulting in a lot of discomfort), I decided to suck it up, latch the door, and take my seat. I sort of likened the situation to using a partitioned urinal, except I was defecating instead of urinating. Because there were teachers in the restroom, I wasn't as worried about the other students making fun of me.
It was crowded and as I sat I could see over the stall door and walls. The teachers and students were lining up at the urinals and stalls in front of my cubicle, including my high school chemistry teacher and students that I knew. We could see face to face as they all caught a glimpse of me from the torso up while I was sounding like a sputtering boat motor as excrement was dropping out of me. There was no getting around the fact that people knew I was stinking this place up, but they didn't get a view of my junk thanks to the short door. It could have been a lot worse, if the stalls were fully open. I had my pants at my ankles and I'm sure everyone could see my pants on the floor too.
It took me about 10 minutes to finish because I could never quite tell when the diarrhea was over. It came in waves. When it was time to wipe, the awkwardness increased, as the last students in the room got their turns at the urinals and were standing at the sinks able to see me through the mirror as I wiped. It took about 4 passes to get clean.
The last of them and I met at the sink. One of them asked me if I felt better. I was too shy to acknowledge them.
I walked outside the restroom, and my high school chemistry teacher was heading from outside by the bus to the entrance of the school, looking for me, probably planning to head to the restroom to go get me, but I was already out, preventing any further awkwardness.
I think the feeling of relieved butt pressure was well worth the tradeoff of having to defecate with my face visible to the other restroom users, but a full-height stall would have been appreciated. No one said anything about it to me on the bus.Mike
To laura
Hi about your toilet question I have a modern style pan in my house so poo does plop but won't be as loud I guess as an older style toilet with bigger sump and drop.
I used to see a girl a while back now and her parents house had old toilets which when she had a poo which were usually always very big and firm would drop with a heavy kerplunk and sometimes splash her bum
Tom W
To Kendal and Tiana
To Kendal: I've read your posts from years ago so it's great to see you are back. I'm sorry to hear of the sad events in your life since you were last on here.
To Tiana: Kendal was once called "Kendal Tiny Bladder" Do you feel the same about your bladder? Maybe you should measure how much wee your bladder can hold sometime like your Mum did? Just make sure you don't need a poo when you are measuring your wee!
Anna from Austria
Reply to Mistee I just lke to avoid neighbors if I can especially when I need to go Number 2. But if the only free stall is next to an occupied one I would take it without hesetation.
I just prefer some more privacy if I have the choice. If i do not have the choice a stall next to a used one is fine.
greetings from Austria
Holding it in and Questions
Working from home and currently holding my morning bm in. It goes back and forth between building up pressure and knocking down there and me holding it in but feel the need to release. I'm hoping I can hold on to it until noon and then I can enjoy a nice dump on some paper towels. I'm getting excited just thinking about it! Hopefully it's firm enough.
Does anyone else like holding it in until they can't? How about any floor or pants dumpers?
Mr Mercedes
I have been lurking on here for a while now. Like years. I have never had a reason to post until yesterday. I was driving around with my roommate and she had quite a few beers, I didn't know she had to pee so I was ripping down the back roads like I always do and got some air and when the car landed and settled I heard "oh shit" so I asked what and she had pissed herself. She was so upset not because she pissed but because she pissed in my Mercedes. I told her it was fine because it would just wipe off the leather. Now I can't stop thinking about getting other women to pee in it.Elvia
Kids and cameras
I said in my last post I have no problems with my sons accompanying me. But I would be lying if it always went well, so I thought I'd share a funny story from two years ago.
We were going on vacation and had a digital camera we were going to take pictures with and you can probably already see where this is going. When we landed at the airport, I needed to poop because I hadn't wanted to go on the plane. My son was seven then and needed to pee, so I took him with me.
Well, after he was done, I handed him my purse to hold for me while I sat down. And he started grinning and giggling mischievously. I kept looking at him to see what was so funny, and he pulled the camera out of my purse and snapped a picture! I obviously deleted it, but he thought it was the funniest thing ever and was still grinning about it an hour later.
It's weird how easily kids are amused by the bathroom.Bianca
Past Poops
Hi again. Yesterday's poop started out solid, but became loose over time. I had close to 4 BM's as well. Oftentimes my energy waxes and wanes due to boredom, so maybe that eccess goes to my bowels as a result. Lol, I even have an attachment item that I sleep with on occasion. I love to pretend that I'm sleeping in an elevator, so I go to bed with one of my buttons in my hand. Although my comfort item isn't a toilet, it's round like one. I've definitely read about bowel changes when people are in a different place. For me so far, I've not pooped at a hotel when Mom and I have our girls out days. Who knows, maybe that will change next time we go. Since I may sometimes be unsure if the toilet flushed all the way, I do it twice. In regards to a bathroom that wasn't mentioned, this one was at a motel. It had all the bathroom fixtures next to each other, and was really hot from the heater being on. That bathroom was almost like an oven. When I used it for peeing and bathing, I was too uncomfortable to really think about washing all of myself. I'm sure all of you at some point have been in a hot bathroom. Bye.
Is avoiding using a school toilet an accomplishment?
Is avoiding using a school toilet an accomplishment?
I've been babysitting and tutoring for about 6 years. I'm away at college now, but I'm tutoring 2 or 3 times a week and babysitting on weekends. The money is good; I don't want to be in debt at 19 because I want to go to graduate school.
From middle school on I've continually found students, especially guys, who will be late to a session because they had to run home to crap. Often they've been holding it for much of the day. One freshman at my high school signed out for the bathroom, was gone 25 minutes, and when I signed him back in, he admitted to walking home to take his crap. He saw nothing wrong with me getting off my tutoring schedule or his potential failure of General Math I.
Last weekend I had Mandy, who is 10 for the weekend. I had smelled her need to crap for more than a hour while we were at the mall. I was filling my gas tank and practically ordered her to go into the store and take her crap. She went in but didn't go. When we got back to her house, she was out of the car and at the garage door before it was fully up.
Why is avoiding using a toilet away from home an accomplishment?
Friday, April 02, 2021
Some Replies and Reading Old Posts
Hi Everyone.
I did try and reply to some kind people who responded to my first post, but it didn't get on the Board.
I hope this one does instead.
To Nickel Plate, my first reply, and Kermit, thank you for saying what Louise and I do is ok and yes, Mum is keeping an eye on me :- )
To Abbie, thank you for your reassurance and for telling me about you and Lucy. I hope your constipation doesn't hurt too much.
To Mina, thank you for talking about me with your friends and for saying how much you all like to watch and listen to each other. It makes me feel warm what you had to say.
To Opal, you sound a lot of fun :- ). Louise and I are best friends and I have given her the hug you sent. This site was just between Mum and I at first, but Eleanor and Steve and Louise all know about it now.
To Jry, Mum says she will respond to your beautiful words in due course and that it might take her a few posts to answer all your questions :- ). Thanks for saying I write like my Mum, but having now read one or two of her old posts when she was 10 years old like me, I think I have a lot to live up to ! You asked me a question about how Louise knows I'm going to poo. I think it just is familiarity like you suggested. We don't talk while it's happening. Louise knows I almost always wee before I poo and she uses that time to get brushing her teeth, but once my wee stops, she knows to stop brushing so she can hear my poo plops ! She usually turns to look as soon as the brush is in her mouth so she must like to watch while I'm weeing :- )=
Last weekend Mum and I watched a film called Lawn Dogs. I thought it was funny when Devon had a wee down her Dad's car ! He deserved it, because he only paid his daughter attention when it was for something useful to himself ! I think she was a lonely girl and the friendship between her and Trent was wonderful. The funniest bit was when Devon and Trent were dancing on his van roof and they turned round and showed off their bare bums to the people in the boat on the fishing lake. It was funny because it was her Dad and the security guard in the boat and they had no idea it was Devon !!
Mum and I then started to read some old posts starting on page 378 when Cousin Andrew wrote as Lawn Dogs Kid and then Mum wrote something a couple of pages later which she called "The day I watched Andrew poo, by Kendal". It was really, really strange reading my Mum's words and knowing she had written them so long ago and while she was only 10 years old like me now ! It was exciting working our way through the posts wondering when the title Lawn Dogs Kid or Kendal would appear. I was shocked and open mouthed when I read how Mum had repeated the scene from Lawn Dogs by weeing down Andrew's Dad's car ! I think Mum is much more adventurous than I am :- )= It made me really laugh about her huge wee wetting her as much as the car. Devon's was barely a trickle. That was as far as Mum and I got last friday. I had my bedtime poo with her and she had a wee and then I went back to my room.
On Saturday night, I got in Mum's bed again and we read from page 381. Andrew was so descriptive about Mum and I loved his writing and I learned how he truly loved my Mum when he said "Kendal on the toilet is definitely the most beautiful image I treasure in my mind". It made me want to cry and then Mum did cry. We hugged each other better. Then we read his next post where he described watching Mum have a poo for the first time with him.
We read just one more post when Andrew talked about the 2nd time he watched Mum poo. The big surprise was that Mum's best friend Chloe also went to the toilet while Andrew watched ! I don't know Chloe and Mum says she isn't in touch with her anymore.
Mum and I then went to the bathroom before bed. She actually did a poo for me ! I had my usual poo first and then when Mum sat down she was grinning from ear to ear. I heard her wee wee come out, but when it stopped, she didn't reach to get the toilet roll and then I heard a small puffy trump and then some crackling. I said "Mum, you're having a poo!" She said "Am I ?" and then the crackling stopped. There were no more trumps or poo sounds at all ! I was just beginning to think that I was mistaken when Mum laughed and said "I can't hold it any longer, it's going to plop" and then within a second it did plop, or rather it kind of went "Flump" !
On Sunday night, I jumped into Mum's bed with her again. This time we were both dressed for bed and we started with Lawn Dogs Kid's post on page 387 when he describes the third poo he ever saw Mum have. Clearly Mum was suffering with constipation that night and what another beautiful story Andrew told. But we didn't get any further, because as we started to search for the next post, we realised Louise was peeping around the bedroom door. She was already dressed for bed as well and then asked "can I join in?" I looked at Mum unsure, but Mum said "Of course you can my darling" and Louise ran in the room and got in the bed next to me and immediately took hold of my arm and cuddled up to it. What I didn't know was that Mum had spoken to Eleanor to check she was ok with Louise knowing about this site and if she might be allowed to read the old posts. Eleanor had no problems with it, trusting my Mum implicitly to look after her Daughter's well being, so Mum said :- )
But Louise hadn't come in to see the posts, or not at that point anyway. After a second or two of cuddling my arm, she asked "Have you had your poo yet?". I said "No". She said "Can I watch you tonight, I've been missing you". I looked into her dark brown eyes and suddenly felt a huge rush of emotion. I had been really neglectful of Louise, spending this time with Mum, having all my poos with Mum and here was Louise feeling left out. I felt the most horrible and terrible person in the world and immediately began to cry. Louise was trying to hold back the tears in sympathy with me crying I think. We hugged for such a long time and Mum shuffled up behind me to cuddle from the back while she reached over me to stroke Louise on the side of her face and her ear and hair (My Mum is exceptionally loving and caring). After a little while, Mum said, "Right you two, time for you both to have your toilet bonding and Tiana, why don't you tell Louise what we have been doing while you poo ? And then if you both feel up to it, we can revisit those first two posts again and read them to Louise :- ) If we're going to do that you may as well use my bathroom !"
We didn't need a second invite ! We rushed at great speed out of the bed into Mum's bathroom ! Louise said "Aren't you coming Mummy 2?" (She calls Mum Mummy2, just like me with Eleanor) Mum said "No, I think you girls have got quite a bit to talk about so I'll leave you to it".
When we got in the bathroom Louise said "Is your poo urgent, or can I wee first?" I said "Not urgent". Louise fumbled under her night shirt to grab her panties and pull them down and then sat on the toilet. Her wee began within half a second and it sort of half tinkled and half splattered at the front of the toilet bowl. Her panties were half way down her legs and they sort of roll up and bunch between her legs where she pulled them to. Louise has the most gorgeous legs. They are thick and muscly like an athlete. I began to tell her the story of finding this site and what Mum had said about posting here all those years ago, and that Steve's Dad (Andrew) had also posted here as well as her own Mum Eleanor. Louise interrupted me, "I've been sat here so long now I think I need to poo". I said "You can't do, surely not after that huge plop you had this morning"! But she said "Big plop or not, I'm definitely doing another one" and grinned at me. We both stopped talking to listen to her plop and it was just a single one, making a real "lump" noise as if it hit the water dead in the centre where it's the deepest :- )= She only needed to wipe her bottom once !
Then I took my turn. I pulled my panties down to a few inches above my knees. My panties kind of do different things when I pull them down. If it's hot then they kind of roll up and bunch like Louise's did. If like that night they were up my bum then they kind of turn inside out while they pull out of my bottom ! I'm not a great one to rearrange them after I've pulled them down so that night they stayed inside out on my legs :- )= My wee dropped down into the water making a nice tinkling noise and I answered some questions Louise had about the site. Then as my bottom hole opened and my poo began to emerge I shushed her, "Shhhhh I'm about to plop"! Louise stopped talking immediately even in mid-sentance and took a sharp intake of breath. She was actually holding her breath so she wouldn't mask my plops with it ! My first poo was quite long and it flopped in. My second was following on straight away and it felt just as long and flopped as well. Then my last poo took a little while and when I felt it was all out, I pinched it off and it made a satisfying final plop ! At that point Eleanor let go her breath and gasped. Anyone would have thought it was her doing my poo rather than me :- ) It was then we realised Mum was peeping around the door, which we'd left wide open anyway, because we heard her laugh. Turned out she was thinking exactly the same as me about Louise and said "Blimey Louise, how long have you been having Tiana's poo for her ?" We all descended into a huge fit of giggles :- )
After I got off the toilet and before we went back to show Louise the first of the old posts, I pulled Louise to me in a big hug and said "That's from Opal". Louise said "Who?" I said "you'll soon see when you start reading the Board" :- )
Love from Tiana x x
Trip to the UK with my friend Frank part 3 - Constipation
Since it has been a while since I last posted regularly, I thought it might be useful to just give you some note on our appearance, since it might help you readers visualise us. I am a man, tall and somewhat thin, and even more so back then. I have dark blond hair although it seems to have gotten a bit darker in my 20s, probably going into brown (maybe because of my haircut?). Frank is as tall as I am, maybe 1.82 meters tall, he is a bit more muscular than me but is otherwise also thin, and he has olive green eyes. He has a lighter shade of blond in his hair, which I would describe as light brownish blond.
So, last time I posted about the second day in which Frank and I went from London to Cambridge. I was a little mischievous and made him wait to take his crap on that occasion, and he nearly shit himself. I later apologised for that, since my intention was just to have a little revenge since he had interrupted me when I was mid-poop in London.
For the next three days Frank and I went to various locations in the West and South of the UK. We then went back to London for a night. Since Frank and I basically spent together all the time each day, I did keep track of his bathroom needs. He and I both seemed to pee somewhat around 3 to 4 times a day, and we walked a lot from one place to another while sightseeing. Maybe because of the jetlag, or maybe because we were almost always busy doing things, for about three days I did not feel the need to poop. This was despite the fact that I did not entirely relieve myself our first night while in London. So, when we went back to London after 4 days in other locations, I could most definitely feel full in my intestines and a heavy feeling in my rectum, but not quite the urge to poop. I also noticed that Frank had not pooped at all since we were in Cambridge. This was quite evident since he usually had a fixed schedule, mostly in the mornings, although throughout this trip his need had varied (evening the first day, late afternoon the second day). Because it had been a significant amount of time since we last relieved ourselves, I kept thinking about two things. The first was if, when we finally needed to go, it would be in a convenient place or it would take place at some public location. The second was if Frank was experiencing the same kind of fullness and heaviness I was feeling, or if his experience with not pooping somehow felt different for him.
That night back in London we had dinner somewhere near Tower Bridge, and then we went back to our rented room. Dinner seemed to give me a slight urge to poop, so once back in our room I headed for the bathroom, which was adjacent to our room. I pulled down my pants and sat on the toilet. I knew it was probably going to be a difficult one since it had been four days' worth of poop and I had not felt empty in quite a while. I had my underwear down to my ankles, so I spread my legs wide apart and sat mostly straight but slightly leaning forward. I pointed my penis down and started peeing, and relaxed for a bit. I then started pushing a bit and felt the load moving inside of my rectum, so I pushed harder and for a good 15 seconds to see how much it would move. This let the head of the turd emerge, but I had to stop pushing and catch my breath. Once I did, I pushed again and this very big turd started moving a bit, and the head came out and was hanging. However, and very unfortunately, the abdominal effort in this second push caused me an abdominal cramp, so I had to stop doing that in a sudden movement. This, in turn, caused my butthole to close and to just let the head of the turd fall into the water below. I massaged my abdomen and while that first cramp subsided, I could not continue pooping since every time I pushed, I got another cramp, and that stubborn turd did not want to come out on its own. Frustrated, I wiped twice (since it was a very solid poop) and flushed.
The next morning, Frank and I prepared a breakfast consisting of toast and coffee. After finishing his, Frank went to the bathroom. I heard him pull down his pants, sit on the toilet and start peeing. He finished peeing and then silence for about a minute. I heard him sigh once, then twice. No plops. After some seconds of silence, I heard him reshuffle on his seat and probably spread his legs. A minute or so of silence was followed by heavy breathing and panting from him. Without a doubt, he also had problems getting his poop out. I never heard any plops or any poop sounds from him, so I assume he did not get anything out. He wiped once, flushed and came out of the bathroom, looking a little blushed. "You ok?", I asked. "No success", he said, referring to his poop session. I don't know if he also knew that I was constipated as well, but I definitely could relate!
My intention was to finish this story but, after writing it, it seems definitely very long. I will post part 4, dealing with the "un-constipating" poop session that both Frank and I had (what I call the poop session where people go from constipated to normal for the next poop times). This will be fun, as we kind of saw each other, in a way.
See you soon, and keep the great posts!Laura
Poo plopping
Do you have an old style toilet that when you poo makes a big kerplunk when you poo or a more modern one with less drop space which do you preferThunder
Pooping Difficulty
Dear All ! The problems I have been having is that due to my neurological condition I lack the physical ability to properly wipe my bottom . What happens is my body is that stiff I cannot reach from behind so I go to the front and sometimes I cannot reach down sufficiently, but even when I do I cannot hold the toilet paper properly and my poo gets spread as opposed to wiped away . Fortunately I wear incontinence undies and that "takes care of business ". The problem just referred to happens only if I wake up and have to poo. If my BM occurs later in the morning etc I have much better and normal physical ability . I would be interested to hear if anyone else had this problem and how they manage it ???? On another subject I noted the post by Dave about inserting fingers in the rectum for constipation . That has worked well for me but for best effect I need somebody to do it .
Numerous mushy poops
Today I had to go to the toilet four times. This is unusual. I only go once or twice a day. My dumps are massive but firm. Not so today. Each time I went it was a medium size mushy shit. The type that takes a long time to clean after. I had to use a ton of toilet paper just to get somewhat clean. Then I had to wet the toilet paper four or five times. Then finally after a couple of wipes with dry toilet paper I considered my self clean. after that and before I got up, I had to pick the nubbles of toilet paper that got tangled in my asshole hair. After the third trip to the bathroom today my asshole was sore as hell. the fourth and final trip found it sore and bleeding. I hope I get back to normal tomorrow!
Anna from Austria
Answering Tyrone question
This time i am gonna answer the question of Tyrone Does pooping in public embarrass you.
The answer of this question is yes and not. Not a fan of the fact if either people can hear and smell me when I am doing my BM, it will always be a bit embarrassing for me but not in humiliating way.
I have always been quite regular in my life and since I can think I also to had to poop a few hours after breakfast and later a few hours after the lunch.
So I always was not at home when I needed to go. So I had now choice then the use the public bathroom. I have been never good in holding my bm back. I tend to fart like a storm when I am holding it back for quite some time.
Ending up farting in the class room, or office would have been way more embarrassing than producing certain noise or smell at a bathroom. So I never tried to hold it back. When I need to go I just go.
Greetings from Austria
Abbie try this tip for constipation
Abbie - u may benefit from a thing called vagina splitting you can press your finger up inside when you feel the hard poop to push it out. Give it search online. Also a technique called perineum massage if you want to keep outside the body, the skin between your anus press it with two fingers on the toilet until you feel the poop coming and ur poop will come out easier. Keep pressing and the big poop will break up. Give it a try. I hope you find relief for ur constipation.Update us if it helps.After School Emily
A Brief Story
Mina, Hisae, Maho, and Kazuko, Thank you for remembering me and your kind words. Your posts are among my favorites. May you always find joy in your life together. Best, Emily.
Due to the pandemic, Molly and her now husband, Jalen, did not have their ideal wedding. Instead, our families and a few close friends secured two lake houses near our homes. We spent time together. We fished. We did some tubing, grilling out and relaxing.
I shared before that I struggle with constipation when traveling. We had been there since Wednesday afternoon. On Saturday, the day of the wedding, I was yet to have a bowel movement. I felt bloated, yucky and tired. Mind you, I continued my healthy patterns. I just could not go. Perhaps it was staying with other people. As an introvert, I value my privacy, alone time, and space. I had none of that during the weekend.
As I prepared for the wedding, which was to take place in the afternoon, I began to pass some gas. It smelled horrible. At least things were moving. The clock kept ticking toward time for the wedding and I began to feel a bowel movement coming on. The urge to go built slowly. Now, we were all lining up to take our positions and I knew this was not good.
Molly looked simply beautiful. Jalen was beaming. So, I was determined not to ruin the wedding.
Throughout the ceremony, which really only lasted 15 minutes, my stomach hurt. My backside pulsated. And I struggled to resist the urge to push. I perspired noticeably.
Fortunately, I held with all my might. As soon as the service was over, I asked the photographer to excuse me for a moment.
I made it to the lake house and up to the bathroom. I pulled up my dress, dropped my panties and sat down in anticipation of an immense feeling of relief.
The force behind the load was so powerful. Yet, due to the girth of the stool, it slowly slid out of me, creating an unbelievable feeling of euphoria and relief...along with a very strong odor. I inspected the toilet. The poop was a very thick dark chocolate brown color and firm. The log was at least a foot long.
I still felt full, so I sat for a little while. No phone, so I just daydreamed a little, thought about my sister, and worried a little that I was taking too long. Yet I did not want to miss an opportunity to get some relief. Then it happened again. Another log slithered out of me. This one was softer and not as thick as the first, but still pretty thick. It's head landed on top of the first poop and then wrapped around the bowl like a backwards 'C'. Now I was feeling better. Not long after, another snake came out.
The smell was unbelievably bad. I decided not to flush, as this was going nowhere. But now I felt the pressure to return for pictures. I had been gone over twenty minutes!
I may need to continue this but I need to move on to something else.
EmilyLee Lee
To Tyrone
Hello Tyrone! I find it wonderful that you are a shameless pooper. If you don't mind me asking, where are you from ? Do you have any public shameless pooping or farting stories ?
Audrey's Question
Audrey: I don't remember why I took the enema, maybe for a little constipation. Regarding the pull up, I wore disposable incontinence products in my childhood due to my cerebral palsy. I had mistaken the need to poop that morning for a fart. Mom gave the enema to me in the bathroom while I stood in the tub. I'm just glad I grew out of needing incontinence products, because some people with a more severe case of cerebral palsy are not so lucky. Compared to other forms of the condition, my physical disability is so mild you probably wouldn't know I had it when seeing me function. I hope this answers your questions. My pooping for today wasn't too strange, just a medium sized solid load. It sure got Mom's attention, because she asked if I stunk up the loo. In response to that I said, "You know it!". Hope everyone enjoys reading. Bye.Scott
Update and questions for Abbie
At the moment I seem to be pooping every other day and sometimes once every three or four days. My poo is usually soft but recently a lil harder. I don't have to strain as come out on its own but makes loudish ploop sound and have blood on paper. Keep getting cuts down there.
To Abbie: keep the stories coming, good. I wanted to ask if you get the same issue with cuts? Also how big would you say your poos were in width? They sound rather massive by the sound of your plops and splash. You might want to try a squatting posture.
Errands poop with company
I was out and about in town this evening running a few errands after work and decided to visit the toilets before heading home. My evening dump had been knocking for quite a while and it seemed like the perfect opportunity. I pushed open the door to the ladies and saw that two of the four stalls had their doors locked with stripey tape over them so you could still keep distance while using them. Quite a nice idea! I spent a minute at the sinks and as I was walked over to one of the stalls the bathroom door swung open and a young blonde woman took the other. I was going to have company! I pulled down my knickers to my calves and bunched up my skirt before sitting on the nice cool seat, a very pleasant contrast to the warm air.
A quiet tinkle filled the room as she started peeing and with a small push I was gently stretched open by my poop slowly but effortlessly making its way out of me. This is by far my favourite thing about pooping with someone else. That short period where I can feel all these wonderful sensations and relief, but the other person doesn't know what I'm doing yet, to them I'm just sitting there. My log fell into the water with barely any noise and another tinkle filled the room as I emptied my bladder. I could hear her getting some toilet paper so I knew I wouldn't have a pooping partner but it was still nice to have some company. My pee tapered off just before she flushed and I could see the shadow under the stall door as she went to the sink. She quickly washed her hands and left but I still wasn't finished.
Less than a minute later there was a squirt of pee as I birthed another soft log, smiling to myself as it eased its way out of me. It moved just as slowly and easily as the first and I made sure to relax and enjoy it. It fell into the bowl with a quiet splash and I felt empty so I started on the task of wiping, but not before having a peek at my creation. Standing up and looking behind me I could see two smooth logs, one about 12 inches in length and the other about three inches, both sat in pale yellow water. I pulled off some toilet paper and started wiping, using two pieces for my behind and an additional piece for my front before pulling up my knickers as I stood, smoothing out my skirt and flushing. I washed my hands and drove home with a huge smile on my face.
To Stefany
I hope you get that second bathroom.
I personally would rather squat on the ground than sit on a port-a-potty seat.
If I'm somewhere where it's the only option and I can't hold it, I'll hover. Sometimes they have a urinal which is for guys, but I've actually squatted over those to pee.
Having to poop in one of those is the worst. I had to at the county fair a few summers ago. It was relatively clean so I covered the seat with toilet paper and actually sat down. Fortunately it was a quick poop (I really had to go; if I could have held it I would have, but we were going to be there all day).
And then of course we later found that there was a regular bathroom in the middle of the fairgrounds. The line was long and it wasn't the cleanest, but at least it was a regular toilet. I remember peeing a river... I was drinking a lot of water and some lemonade since it was so hot out.
By the way, if anyone cares, I'm posting this from my upstairs bathroom. I don't know how people ever pooped without smartphones.
To Audrey
Aaaaaaaawwwww, thank you Audrey. It is good to post again on here. Things have just been crazy lately. I met them one by one actually when we were in elementary and middle school. It started out as having to go at the bus stop to going when we would play games outside and evolved in to what it is now. We clean up our own poop piles...very quickly as we can because while it is fun to do, it does get very stinky very quickly especially when there are more than three of us.
It's much better when we do them outside in the woods as we don't need to clean up at all. We just have to wipe ourselves and leave.
I love reading your stories too, especially the ones where you have done it outside. Have you been able to do that lately?
So most of my problem and therefore my stories are pee in nature, I occasionally pooped my pants as a kid but not nearly as often as I would wet myself. One particular incident happened when I was nearly 10, 4th grade, I believe. I was playing in the afternoon play area with another girl. I had to potty but kept playing. When the teacher noticed me rocking back and forth, she asked me if I needed to go potty. I shook my head but she still told me to go. I'd wet my panties but my pants were still dry but I needed to poo bad. I held my butt as I left class as it tried to push out. I was dribbling pee down my legs and finally my poop wouldn't hold back either. I started to waddle as a heavy load pushed out into my panties and I finished peeing too. I was crying as I got to the bathroom. I felt the back of my pants and the bulge was quite large. I stood alone in the stall for a minute not sure what to do when a gentle tap on the stall startled me. It was Ms. W, a teacher's aid from the other 4th grade class. She told me it was ok and that she'd get me wipes and clean pants. For once my accident, though huge, was kept secret. Thanks Ms. W.
Accident prone in Michigan
I wet the bed
I just woke up in the midst of wetting the bed, I'm in shock as I stated in my previous post i don't mind peeing or pooping my pants but this is the first time I've done it in my sleep as an adultDan
Heard a woman poop at a rest stop
Hey guys,
Im currently on a road trip with my wife for our honeymoon, we're taking a road trip from Wisconsin to Nashville. Anyways, yesterday, we were driving through Illinois, and we stopped at a rest stop so i could pee, she didn't need to gp since she has a bladder of steel and usually only pees twice a day or so.
Anyways, i go in and pee and then kinda walk around to stretch my legs a bit. The entrance to the bathrooms dont have doors on them, making it pretty easy to hear whats going on inside the bathrooms from the vending area.
As im wondering around, a woman, probably mid to late 40s comes in with her son, and they split off to their various bathrooms. These are currently the only other two in there.
I can hear her go into the bathroom, take a stall, lock the door and sit. Then i hear the hissing of pee for maybe 15 seconds. I expected to hear her tearing off paper at this point, but instead i hear a couple of plops, followed by a wet fart, followed by several explosions of diarrhea. This woman clearly had to shit and bad. There were then several streams of diarrhea, interspersed with more farts. I then heard her wiping and the door to her stall open and decided it was time to get out of there. As i was walking out, i passed three more women who were going in, and when i got back in my car with my wife, as we sat there and got ready to get back on the road, i made sure to pay attention to the doors to watch her come out.
I noticed her son leaving soon after i did, and i noticed each of the three women also leave, but i did not see any signs of her leaving whatsoever. Which leads me to think that she had to run back int9nthe bathroom with more diarrhea.
Also wanted to shout out to aftee school Emily and Kendal. Ive been reading this page almost every say for 16 years at least, and have posted under various names periodically. Its good to see some of the older group coming back. Keep the stories coming guys.Thomas-
I read your post a few days ago. I am a guy in my 30s experiencing bladder issues and needing fo wear diapers pretty much 24/7. I also have occasional other accidents. I am curious even though your issues went away do you ever miss the convenience of being able to tinkle or go poop immediately anytime you need?