

Hi Catherine! I really appreciate your words of encouragement and your support. I feel confident that if I keep at my practices and perhaps find out if there is some kind of treatment from my doctor then I can get a lot more consistent about holding.

I have not wet the bed in a while. I've only done it once since I started wearing depends to bed. I'm wondering if that's calming down since I'm not so stressed anymore (one of the main things causing me stress recently has resolved itself so ive been feeling better lately) so maybe the doctor was right that stress could cause bedwetting.

I did tell Alexis about how I got diapers for bed, and she thinks its the right move. I wore them to bed with her a few times and she didn't make me feel weird about it, so that's good. The only thing is, she kind of kept pushing me to wear them during the day too...because of my tendency to poop my pants. I resisted, and I explained to her why I don't want to wear diapers all the time. She kept pushing, and I was a little frustrated by it because it felt like she was treating me like a child... I wound up getting her to relent by making a vow to go one month without messing myself.

I made it like, 20

I haven't told Alexis it happened so she doesn't know i already broke the vow. But it happened after work as usual. I had a stomach ache as i was driving home and the need was really growing, and when i got back to my building i had a hard time finding open parking. After a minute of looking for a spot i found one but by then I knew i was probably not going to make it upstairs. I got out of the car and as I leaned into the back seat to get my bag, I just couldn't keep it in. I just relaxed and I had a soft noisy explosion in my underwear, and i just felt them get heavy and warm. I had to cross my legs together because i had a skirt on, and it was so much soft poop that my underwear was hanging down a little and i was scared poop was going to fall down my legs. It was near euphoric to go even though it was in my underwear, because my stomach ache instantly went away. I stood there and enjoyed the relief for a moment, then I had to waddle so carefully into the building. But it got worse...when I got inside I tried to go up the stairs and as soon as i picked my leg up, it happened. i felt a glob of poop slip out of the back of my underwear and slide down the back of my leg and splat on the floor (and it got on the back of my shoe :/). I was mortified! i had nothing to clean it up with, so i had to leave it. i just hope whoever found it thinks it was from a dog or a small child and not from an adult was a tough clean up too.

I guess the right thing to do is tell Alexis but i know she's gonna want me in diapers. Maybe it's time...but I'm still gonna resist. I did, however, slip two of my depends into my accident bag. just in case.

Anyway, i will of course update soon next time something happens. I'm hoping to legitimately go a month starting now. So hopefully i won't be sharing about a poop accident for a while!



Hotel Stay

On Sunday April 11, I went to stay at a hotel overnight with Mom to enjoy one of my favorite hobbies. As usual with these 1 night stays, I didn't poop. I literally drank my dinner (had a Slim Fast shake), and ended up peeing a lot while trying to enjoy the nice bed. Someone on here might have indicated that hotel loos don't flush well, but the quality of the tall toilet made me jealous of it's power. Not only was the flush great, the fill time seemed to only take 10 to 15 seconds. Water pressure in the hotel was high enough that I could comfortably wash my hands with a strong flow. At home, water pressure during a toilet filling is reduced to nearly a trickle on the cold side. I have to mix the hot and cold sides together to get a tolerable stream going. That night I had a strange dream once I eventually stayed asleep. A person on this site called themselves The Listening Ear, and I dreamed that there was a big speaker that would tell everyone about who it heard in the bathroom. It was named after that person on this forum, because it was in the shape of an ear. When the big ear shaped speaker would get ready to tell a story, it would play dance music, and sing about itself. Anyway, after coming home from the hotel, my poops were loose again for most of that day. Bye.

Question for Sherryl

My question for you is do you poop in public? I sometimes do it depends on how bad I have to go though I usually wait until I get home to poop. And do you read the paper while on the potty?


Size Does Matter

Back 15 years ago when I was 4 or 5 my parents hired this neighborhood girl, Lisa. She was the first babysitter I remember. She was pretty, had a lot of friends, and did a lot of babysitting. I think she was just starting high school and that's where a lot of her friends were.

So this one weekend with my parents out of town Lisa stayed at our house. On Saturday there was this big money-making carnival at her high school that looked larger than a city to me. There was more food trucks than I could count, a bunch of carnival rides from live horses to twisters and stuff like that which scared me. They had large groups of portable toilets set up, as well as the regular toilets in the school available as well. Like my parents, Lisa referred to Number 1 and Number 2 when bathroom issues came up.

I remember fairly early in our day Lisa said she had to do Number 1. We walked by the crowds waiting for the portables and Lisa led me into the school. There weren't that many people around and we found a bathroom. Mom had taken me into the ladies room before and kind of set me up. Led me into a cubicle, lifted the seat, and got me started on my relief. Then mom would go into the next toilet, if she needed a quick Number 1. For her Number 2, and this happened a few times, she would seat herself and go while turning me around trying to talk to me to pass the time. Sometimes she would stand up halfway and reseat herself. This was something I didn't understand, other than it usually resulted to splashes into the water and sighs of relief from her. I think I was in middle school when one of my grosser friends used the corncob up the ass analogy.

Lisa, however, didn't seem to care about privacy. She took me in, turned into a cubicle which had no privacy door, threw herself onto the seat, and did about a 45 second piss while I watched. I don't recall that she really talked, but I found what I saw to be fascinating to my 4 or 5 year old eyes. Then she stood, pulled up her cut-offs and reached back and flushed. The bowl was full of yellow bubbles that the flush sucked up.

About an hour later after we had shared a hot dog, coke and popcorn I told Lisa I had to do Number 2. One of Lisa's friends was tagging along with us and broke out in laughter when I said that. All I knew was that I was getting a lot of gas on my lower level and I had a Number 2 to let out. The portables were crowded, probably because there was a band playing on the stage near them. I could tell that Lisa and her friend were saying stuff about me, but I couldn't hear it due to the noise.

As I was getting more nauseated, as I still do today, when I'm holding in a crap, Lisa and her friend were arguing about whether I was able to go in on my own. That was fine with me. I just had to get my butt onto a toilet. So they took me to the guys' bathroom while they and some friends sat on a bench and talked.

Once I got into the bathroom I couldn't believe how big it was. There were two large lines of toilets, none with a privacy door. The toilets looked so big compared to the toilets at my grade school. The kindergarten ones had been much lower and smaller. These toilets with their big black seats looked much bigger than any I had used. I selected one that had the seat already down. It looked pretty clean, although there seemed to be some toilet paper floating in the bowl. When I dropped my clothing to the floor and tried to slide onto the seat, it almost seemed to be stabbing me in the back. Finally I used my arms to boost myself up, although my feet seemed a foot off the floor.

Lisa called in and asked how I was doing. I faintly said OK. Then I heard some cuss words and laughter. The first spurt out of me was very loose. Then came another. This one caused a splash. For some reason I remember slipping sideways off the toilet and having to use my arms to center my sit again. I shot off some more gas and again there was more laughter and a snide comment from outside. I looked to the left, then to right. No toilet paper. It took me a while to figure that out. So I jumped down and was preparing to go next door to wipe when this eruption came with an automatic flush. This was a first for me. It scared me. Then I looked on the back wall and found a small toilet paper holder. They were small squares. Somehow I think I had too many in my hand and I ended up getting soft carp smeared on one of my hands as I juggled the dumb squares. Then there was a yell into me again as to how I was doing. I must have said something really dumb because Lisa and her friend came in.

They had me throw all the papers into the toilet. It flushed again so fast that it caught me off guard. Lisa went out, tore off several pieces of the brown towel roll and boosted me up to the sink while her friend soaped the soft crap off my hands. If they were grossed out by doing that, they didn't show it. Then Lisa's friend went straight across the room, took the nearest toilet, partially took down her jeans, and sat for her crap. I was in awe and didn't know what to say. She did it with such grace. Then she reached behind her, took some toilet paper off and wiped herself from the seat. Then she got up, walked a few paces in front of the toilet, and the flusher went off while she was pulling up her jeans.

Lisa and I waited outside while her friend was doing her hand wash. A few years later I was telling my best friend about the experience and he said I was very lucky to have had it. But I know I didn't recognize it that way back then.


To Tricky

Tricky thank you for answering my survey, I greatly appreciate it. Tricky do you fart around woman? I would like hear some of your doorless public pooping experiences also.


Outdoor dump and reply to Audrey

So this morning it finally was warm enough to venture outside to poop. I woke up, got dressed in just enough clothes, got in my car and went to my favorite spot in the woods to poop. I parked, got out with my baby wipes in hand, walked a little bit down this path and went off the path a few feet behind some bushes. I pulled my pants and thong down, got in a low squat, pushed and let a pretty good sized dump go. It took me a couple of minutes of grunting and pushing but I finally got everything out. It was a good pile, one of the biggest poops I've had in a while. I wiped, got up and went home.

Aw thanks Audrey. I hope you do it soon and I hope you enjoy this one when you read it.

Sherryl: recently, I stepped just off a trail as people were walking by, and leaned against a tree in a sort of wall sit position, not my favorite, but still fun to be discreet like that. I pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panties just enough to uncover my holes, and did had a poo, plopping down a couple of pieces. All the pee ran down my legs though, fortunately there wasn't much.
Marie: I'm uneasy about just going on the floor and stuff, but when I have a chance, I'll pee down a basement drain. Some friends and I did poo behind their garage and pee down a slide. I haven't done much naughty inside though, and I'd love to hear more about that from you. I'd also love to hear about Reese!
Charlotte: that's good to know, I think I will stick to toilet paper. For containers, what kind were you using? I would recommend spreading and pulling up, holding the container flush with you pussy pee hole.
Maddy: it's so good to hear from you, loved to hear your story and it's great that you have such an accepting father. I just would recommend that you try pooping outside when you go camping, I love pant pooping too but outside has less cleanup. It would also make you're poo easier to inspect. :D

Also, Abbie, I loved you're story, peeing and pooing outside with the gals is always an interesting experience!

Stinky sister

I can never forget this one thing that happened when my sister and I were kids. We were 11 and 8 at the time, she's older than me. Our parents took us out to lunch one afternoon before going around to shop and run some errands, and after lunch my sister complained that she wanted to go home, but my parents just ignored her. We went to this big department store that I dont think is around anymore but it was like a target or a wal mart, and my parents were shopping around while my sister and I followed. I noticed my sister getting more and more impatient and cranky and she was making faces like she wanted to cry, so I asked what her problem was. She just told me to shut up. I started ignoring her and just looking around at stuff and following my parents when eventually I realized she was gone. I looked all around and then I found her in one of the sections standing behind a fixture with her back to the wall, and she had a scared look on her face. I walked over to her and she got mad and yelled at me to go away. I was taken aback and didn't know what her problem was, and I kept going towards her. When I got closer I could smell something bad and I asked her ew did you fart? and she yelled at me to go away again. I shook my head and went to find my parents, and when I did they asked me where my sister was. We went to find her together and she was still hiding in the same spot, and when she saw my parents she just walked over and rejoined us and we moved on. It still smelled bad and I kept looking at her, and thats when I saw it- as she got a little ahead of me and turned around a corner I saw her butt, and it looked like she had an apple in the back of her tights. I couldn't believe it, my older sister had massively pooped her pants at the store! I was shocked, but I didn't say anything, and I couldn't stop watching the bulge squish back and forth as she walked. She was acting like nothing happened! She had on these pink tights with flowers all over them and the bulge was starting to turn light brown after a little bit as it stained through. My parents didn't seem to notice anything until we got to the car. My sister was hesitant to get in the car and as she was standing there my mom noticed the back of her pants and asked her what happened. She just cried and said she was waiting until we saw a bathroom but she couldn't hold it long enough and an accident. My parents were nice to her about it and I also kept my mouth shut, but I remember riding home with the smell so vividly. After we got home and she got out of the car, the bulge was completely flattened by the car seat and the stain was a lot darker. I never made fun of her for it until like 3 years later when she made me really mad and embarrassed me in front of my friend so I said remember when you pooped your pants when you were 11? Yeah, she was mad!


Re: Aleks reply

I must check the random auto corrects in future. your last report point is why said for Abbie to try massage of the perineum since less invasive and outside body.
To Abbie: Abbie not a problem i hope this suggestion helps. do keep us updated on any progress trying this.


Sunday evening small poo

I have just had my evening meal and had a small urge to poo so thought I best try and go I walked along to the toilet closed and locked the door pulled my black leggings and knickers to my knees and sat on the cool seat I had a small wee and started to push it wasn't very big and was easy to pass after 20 seconds it fell in the toilet with a loud plop slightly splashing my left bum cheek I felt empty so wiped my bum which was clean so only wiped once they are the best poos I hate wiping loads and not feeling clean but with it being a firm piece didn't require any wiping I looked in the toilet to discover my poo was hiding behind the bend from the way it felt to pass I would say it was around 6 inches in length I pulled my knickers up and leggings and flushed there was no smell from my poo but I felt a lot better

Steve A

To Amy: Why some people poop more/bigger than others

I've always wondered about this as well, and after thinking about it, it usually comes down to diet and digestive health.

After reading and posting on Toilet Stool for awhile now, I've came across some stories on here which made me wonder how certain people can poop that much. For example, there's probably a story or two on here about someone filling up there toilet to the brim while pooping.

Meanwhile, I remember one experience where I spent around 30 minutes or so pooping on and off, but I never completely filled the entire toilet during my time pooping.

Furthermore, holding it in for long periods of time and only going a couple of days without pooping here and there may lead to some bigger loads than usual, when compared to pooping once a day.

For me, it all depends on what and how much I eat.


To Laura

nice story Laura and very descriptive. Those poos sound rather big by the plop sounds you mentioned and 8 inch is long. I have been having not so long poos recently but make loud ploop sounds in water.I miss having long poos like before, since being a little constipated.

Skidmarked from Columbia

About skidmarks in your underwear?

Hey I am a boy age 27. I been on here since 15 years ago. I like this website but honestly I haven't posted more than like 5 times so far...

When was your last skidmark in your underwear?

What do you think causes most skidmarks in underwear?

Do you think it's just a boy problem?

When you see a skidmark in your underwear... Do you feel embarassed or shrug it off and just don't care?

When you see a skidmark... Do you immediately change your underwear? If not, why?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tom W
To Abbie: Were you well hidden from other people behind the toilets? It must have been very embarrassing for Lydia and Layla to have to have a poo outside. Of all the times for the loos to be shut! I've never had to poo outside and I prefer to wee in a toilet rather than outside which is the opposite of a lot of guys I think.

You seem to be quite happpy to go to the loo outside. How did you get so comfortable with it?

To Hollyrae: I have a tiny bladder too. It's annoying having to pee a lot! How often do you usually need to pee?

So, I love the urge feeling in my belly. It's just wonderful. So I usually hold it for a looong time so I can enjoy.
Yes, I get constipated a lot, but the feeling has no price~


Outdoor dump and reply to Audrey

So this morning it finally was warm enough to venture outside to poop. I woke up, got dressed in just enough clothes, got in my car and went to my favorite spot in the woods to poop. I parked, got out with my baby wipes in hand, walked a little bit down this path and went off the path a few feet behind some bushes. I pulled my pants and thong down, got in a low squat, pushed and let a pretty good sized dump go. It took me a couple of minutes of grunting and pushing but I finally got everything out. It was a good pile, one of the biggest poops I've had in a while. I wiped, got up and went home.

Aw thanks Audrey. I hope you do it soon and I hope you enjoy this one when you read it.

Curious Cody

Divo's survey

1. Do you poop in public?

Yes. I learned from my girlfriend Keci that it is not good to hold it in. My most recent poop was at an Interstate rest stop coming back from Easter weekend at Keci's parents place. Since then, all my poops have been at home.

2. Have you ever clogged someone's toilet at their house?
Yes. At Keci's parents house at Christmas. Also on my old toilet at my parents' house. That happened several times because my mom raised me thinking you should hold your poops in until you get home. My dad later overrode mom and adapted to when you gotta go, you gotta go beliefs.

3. Do you spray when you poop with company around?
Yes. And Keci does too. Sometimes halfway thru a poop I will stand and flush. That reduces the chance of a greater odor spreading throughout the house. Both Keci and I agree that should be done more frequently.

4. Do you tell people when you have to do a bowel movement?
Yes, especially if I've been constipated because I don't want to be the cause of their pooping their clothing. I did that a couple of weeks ago when I was on the toilet at our local park. I had just sat down in the one-staller when a father and son came running in. The son was in bad shape so I got up and let him have the seat. Luckily he didn't take too long. The dad was very supportive of my gesture.


Re: David's response to Abbie

It's actually called vaginal splinting. Friendly reminder to be careful with autocorrect, lol.

I think I once read that doing this too often can be a bad idea in the long term. This maneuver should be a last resort for relieving the most extreme constipation. But I'm not a doctor, if you are worried about your regularity or how long it takes you to push out your largest poops, please talk to your doctor about it.

It's a fascinating concept, however. My wife has done this from time to time. If anyone has any stories related to vaginal splinting, please post them!


Late reply to Audrey

Audrey it's just a quick reply
The pull-ups held up ok when I went poo in them, it was usually quite a solid one when I used pull-ups. As for the camping thing and going in my panties it was so my dad could check if it was soft or hard and to make sure I was doing a poo. When I've done it he would feel it through the panties to check how it was. When I've been withholding or constipated I don't like going on the toilet so go somewhere else like on my floor on paper or do it in my panties or a pull up to show I've been .



Answers to Divo's survey

Q1: Do you poop in public?

A: Yes, any time the need arises. I eat a lot and have a fast metabolism, so if I'm away from home for more than a few hours, odds are greater than not I will have to use a public restroom to poop. I poop a volume 3-4 times a day what most people would poop every 1-2 days, which means every day when I'm at work, I must use a pubic restroom for this. I'll use any restroom available as the need arises, unless it is too filthy to use. I've pooped in public restrooms in the presence of the opposite sex(such as the times I've been intruded upon by cleaning ladies while using a stall in a Mens' room, or at a college dorm when a girl pooped in a stall next to me, or getting walked in on by a lady looking for toilet paper while using an exposed sit down toilet in a Mens' room at a public park). I've even used doorless stalls with other people in the room able to see me in the act, even though I prefer at minimum the privacy or a door and prefer it to be a solo activity. I've also pooped outdoors during emergencies when there were no facilities available. In total, I've pooped in public restrooms literally thousands of times.

Q2: Have you ever clogged someone's toilet at their house?

A: Yes. I have too many stories on this to list all of them. I will post one in a subsequent post. But easily 20+ times in my life I've done this, from childhood to present. I usually clog toilets when I don't poop for more than 16 hours. Low flow toilets in residences are the bane of my existence. I keep a bent coat hangar at home to break up my excrement to prevent clogs. I've also clogged public toilets with good suction many times as well. It's happened so many times I no longer get embarrassed about it when it happens, but I've had plenty of embarrassing experiences on this subject.

Q3: Do you spray after you poop with company around ?

A: No. I always assumed the smell would dissipate on its own in due time.

Q4: Do you tell people when you have to do a bowel movement?

A: Only if they inquire about it or if the circumstances necessitate further explanation. Usually I just say I need to use the restroom, without elaboration. Given the length of time spent or if they can hear my activity from within the restroom, it's not like it will stay a secret though.


Everyting's bigger in Texas (even my stool)

It was the 4th of July weekend in 2008. I gorged myself at a party at a male friend of a female friend's house in Austin, TX, my bowels having continued their normal habits uninterrupted, having had a good 2 evacuations that same day before I arrived in Austin to pick her up at her apartment. My bowels stopped their output after that. They tend to shy up around people that I know, and my 3rd dump of the day didn't happen.

I ate a large quantity of food while watching people shoot off fireworks as I was drinking vodka, cranberry juice, and lime juice. I gorged on BBQ ribs, BBQ chicken, potato salad, green beans, strawberries, salad greens, and home-made peach ice cream, and stuffed myself until I couldn't eat any more. This was probably 10 lbs of food, mostly high-fiber fresh fruits and ????, with no less than two pounds of meat mixed in and no less than three pounds of the produce as strawberries. It was excellent with a small bowl of homemade peach ice cream as the finisher. My friend was amazed I could cram all of this food into my 5'10" 130 lb frame, but I was still growing at the time. She ept asking me if I was going to be alright to walk home I was so stuffed.

My female friend and I walked back to her place at 6 am while drunk. I passed out in her apartment and slept well.

14 hours after that evening feast started and after about 5 hours of sleep, I awoke at her apartment, around 11AM. We were about to walk back to her friend's place so I can get my car, when I almost have a blowout in my pants with precious little warning(I was also going commando at the time, complicating matters). My stomach started twisting and I immediately felt immense pressure on my sphincter. The waves of cramps were immense and I would not be able to hold it for long. I needed a crapper, NOW!

I rush to her bathroom without giving a heads-up(we were literally about to leave), and I spend the next 10 minutes or so letting loose something of roughly the dimensions of a full sized can of Pringles. It felt like trying to poop out an eggplant smeared with sticky resin, and forcibly spread my cheeks apart, requiring slow and deliberate pushing. It was fairly quiet without much in the way of gas, but there was an audible crackling. I could hear everything in the apartment from where I sat including her entering the adjacent room and texting on the phone, so she might have heard it, which made me nervous. She definitely had to have heard me rolling the toilet paper, because I heard her roll it whenever she peed. It was a messy wipe, akin to trying to remove smeared and smashed peanut butter from shag carpeting(even though I hardly had any butt hairs), and it needed a lot of paper. I flushed, and the log of poop got stuck, with the consequence of water rising to the rim.

I let her know her toilet is clogged. She offered to plunge it, but I didn't want to display to her my massive brown cylinder of excrement lodged in her toilet, sticking straight out 6+ inches above the water, or subject her to its aromatic properties. Plus I was extremely embarrassed. She got me the plunger and I got it loose. It went down.

I mostly blame the strawberries I ate about 14 hours prior to that combined with the dehydrating effects of alcohol, on this monster being produced. Were I walking outside with her to get my car from her friend's house a few miles away and this had occurred, I'd have had to immediately find a trash can or bush to duck behind, had nothing to wipe with, and that would have been worse.

The good food that night was still worth all of that drama.


Reply to Audrey part 2 and any one else

Last week on holidays I had been experimenting with foods and well ended up quite runny poo's which I don't like as clean ups are difficult so aim to do them on the toilet. Any way I decided to eat rice cakes, cheese and bread which normally make my poo's large and hard, it didn't work first day so in the evening after a soft poo I took 4 Imodium tablets and later went to bed with 2' rice cakes and milk to drink. I told my dad I wasnt feeling to well and he said its ok if you have an accident. Which basically means it's ok to poo in your panties In bed and / or wet the bed. Well I wet it a lot and in the morning he asked how I was and I said I had ???? ache and said I had soft poo ('which I didn't ) but I got 2 more Imodium and had toast and jam for breakfast. That evening I was laid on my front on the floor watching tv and though I needed to poo. Got up went to the toilet and tried hard but only farted a few times. Dad asked if I went and I said no. Later I was test pushing whilst watching tv , he asked if I was doing it , I said I need to poo but it won't come out but some pee has wet my leggings. I went to change and he said its ok to do it where ever your comfrey so long as you do it. I normally lay on the floor to watch tv or play Xbox dad had put a towel down. I laid back down on my front and started to push and push. Once it started to come out it just kept coming. It,was one hard piece and I knew it was like a tent pole in my panties. I peed and pushed and eventually it was out of my bum and works its way down in my panties. My dad asked if I felt better, I said yes but sore. He knelt down next to me and felt the poo through my panties. He remarked how big it was and mostly hard. When it came out of it slipped down past my front bit but the end of it was at the top of my bum crack. After the film finished I went and took off the poopy panties, emptied this solid piece into the toilet and flushed and put the panties and my other clothes in the laundry basket then showered.

Sunday, April 11, 2021


Another Reply to Audrey

I've always wanted to ask you this. Do you have any naughty potty spots and stories from friends houses. I have a few. <3.


Pharmacy Visit

Yesterday I went to a pharmacy to get my first of 2 Covid vaccine shots. I doubt this is related to the shot, but I had 2 fast poops. The first was watered down more than the other. The second need to go occurred while brushing my teeth. The back door of my butt was calling to be opened somewhat urgently, and I irrupted with chunky gassy poop into the toilet. It felt like it had mucous in it when I wiped. Maybe my body was trying to poop out the eccessed used immune cells that had worked over the past several hours. I don't really know if these cells get spent quickly or not, but it's just a guess. I wipe with my right hand. My injection site wasn't bothering me too much, so wiping my butt was a breeze. Earlier that day I did a solid poop, and put my hand in the water when I thought it hadn't flushed right. I didn't touch the poop for no longer than a second, but I suppose due to the shape, it took 2 flushes to get most of it down. The water in the toilet had just went around it. Old toilets can be picky flushers. Hope you enjoy this post. Bye.


Latest update

Hi everyone, another update for you which I'll get to after a few comments.
Tiana- I loved your story about you and Louise having a poo. I know exactly what you mean, my knickers go up my bum a lot too so they often turn inside out when I pull them down! Like you I don't bother to rearrange them unless I've got skidmarks and Lucys watching!! I hope you can post again soon and share more stories.
David- many thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a try next time I go for a poo.
Scott- I quite often get a sore bum when I'm constipated and notice blood on the paper. I'm not sure how wide my poos are exactly but they do look pretty fat. I do raise up my feet when I'm struggling to have a poo as that definitely helps a bit.
Anyway, Lucy and I met Lydia (Lucys cousin) at a local park this afternoon. I knew there were loos there so I didn't bother going for a wee before we left, although to be honest I wasn't really that desperate. We sat on a bench and chatted for a bit and had some drinks and snacks, and then Lydia said, "Actually are there any loos here, I could do with going before I head back!"
"Yeah, I need a wee too," said Lucy.
"There's some loos over here," I said, "I'll show you where they are, I'm getting desperate for a wee as well!" We walked down the path and soon the toilet block came into view, Lydia sighed with relief and said, "Great, I want a poo as well as a wee so its lucky there are toilets here!" We walked up to the entrance and Lydias face fell as we read the notice informing us that the toilets are currently closed due to the pandemic. "Oh no, I'm never gonna make it back home, what are we going to do?" she asked.
"We'll have to go behind the toilets and squat down, I've got some tissues we can use!" I said.
"OK, I guess we'll just have to go for it!" said Lucy, and Lydia nodded, she said, "Thank God Annabelles not here, she'd really hate this!" Annabelle is Lydias friend who got really embarrassed a while back when we all ended up having to go for a wee outside.
We went round the back of the toilet block, judging by all the paper on the ground we weren't the only people to have the same idea. Lucy was carrying the bag with the drinks and snacks, she went over to lean it against the wall. I dropped my grey leggings and yellow knickers and squatted down as Lydia was unzipping her jeans, she pulled them down together with her pink knickers and squatted next to me. We both started to wee as Lucy walked over to the other side of Lydia and dropped her black leggings and white knickers, she joined in and so finally there were three strong streams fizzing down onto the grass. As my bladder continued to empty Lucy said, "I hope no-one else comes round here!" and Lydia said, "Well if they do I hope they're girls, I really don't want some man to see me having a poo!" and Lucy and I giggled. Lucy had spoken too soon however, at that moment 2 girls who looked to be about 16 or 17 walked round behind the toilets and put their hands over their mouths as they saw us in full flow, one of them said, "Oh God, I'm so sorry, we're desperate for the loo as well!"
"No problem," I said, "We were literally just saying if someone else comes round we were hoping it would be some other girls!"
By now I could feel my stream dribbling to a stop, so I reached into my pocket and took out a packet of tissues. The other girls both dropped their leggings and white knickers and they started to wee strong streams of their own, just then I heard Lydia panting next to me and remembered she'd said she needed a poo. As I was wiping she said, "Sorry, I actually want a poo as well!" Even though Lydia doesn't normally get embarrassed I noticed she was blushing a bit, I was sure I'd have looked like a beetroot if I'd been squatting there having a poo! Luckily the blonde girl who had a really worried look on her face seemed to relax, she said, "Well your not the only one, I need to have a poo as well!"
By now Lucy and I had wiped and pulled up our knickers and trousers, shortly after the other girl did the same leaving Lydia and the blonde girl still squatting. We started chatting to the blonde girls friend who said her name was Millie, as we were talking I was aware of Lydia grunting behind us and felt really embarrassed for her, luckily Layla (the blonde girl) was starting to pant as well so it sounded like both of them were struggling a bit. After another few minutes of them both pushing Lydia said, "Right, I'm done, can I borrow some tissues Abbie?" I handed her the packet and couldn't help noticing two thick logs under her, I also noticed that Layla had produced a big log as well and another one was poking out of her bum. After Lydia had wiped her bottom and pulled up her knickers and jeans Layla said, "I've finished now, could I borrow some tissues too?" I handed her the packet and she started to wipe her bottom, she only needed one tissue as her poos looked quite dry and then she pulled up her knickers and leggings as well. Luckily no-one else had come along so it could have been worse! We said bye to Millie and Layla and went our separate ways.
I hope you enjoyed this story, I'll try to post again soon, bye for now!!

When the gym was open last I went and had a good workout i had not had a poo that morning but when I was leaving to go home I felt my bowels were in need of being moved luckily traffic was OK and I rushed in the house put my flip flops on and rushed to the loo I plonked my sweaty bum on the seat and did a loud fart as I peed soon I had the pleasure of being opened by a large piece it slowly slipped out with a plop I remained open tho as another dropped with a big plop by now it was quite smelly and was wafting up between my legs and I could also smell my feet were very hot I had a breather then started to push the last piece out which was about 8 inches it felt lovely and felt with a nice kerplonk I wiped my bum flushed and left leaving a strong smell


Re: David's response to Abbie

It's actually called vaginal splinting. Friendly reminder to be careful with autocorrect, lol.

I think I once read that doing this too often can be a bad idea in the long term. This maneuver should be a last resort for relieving the most extreme constipation. But I'm not a doctor, if you are worried about your regularity or how long it takes you to push out your largest poops, please talk to your doctor about it.

It's a fascinating concept, however. My wife has done this from time to time. If anyone has any stories related to vaginal splinting, please post them!

Mrs Big-and-Hard


Good morning all,
It has been several days that I have been so busy going shopping at the mall that I have not had time to really go to the toilet.
Besides, I bought a large bag of chocolate malted milk balls the night before, and decided to eat them all in one sitting while watching TV when I got home that night.
It was later the next day when I got up and went into the bathroom to use the toilet. I felt a large, hard mass,start to stretch my rectum and butt hole really wide.
I started to strain really hard... trying to get things moving. but nothing was moving..
After several minutes of hard straining, I was out of breath. I waited a while, then resumed straining. I used my finger to feel in my hole to see how my anal opening was doing, turd chunks were "right there" at my hole, I could feel them, hard as rocks all jammed and packed tight into one solid mass.
My anal hole opening was starting to stretch wider as they tried to force there way out. I pushed and strained for about 30 minutes, and the large,.. very hard solid mass of rocks was trying to come out. They continued to stretch my hole open wider, it was really wide and tight.
It hurt. I resorted to using my finger to dislodge the hard jammed up chunks. I picked them out one at a time. They plopped into the toilet,... must have been twenty of them.
I figured I was done, so I flushed the toilet and wiped.
Mrs. Big-and-Hard.


Latest update

Hi everyone, another update for you which I'll get to after a few comments.
Tiana- I loved your story about you and Louise having a poo. I know exactly what you mean, my knickers go up my bum a lot too so they often turn inside out when I pull them down! Like you I don't bother to rearrange them unless I've got skidmarks and Lucys watching!! I hope you can post again soon and share more stories.
David- many thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a try next time I go for a poo.
Scott- I quite often get a sore bum when I'm constipated and notice blood on the paper. I'm not sure how wide my poos are exactly but they do look pretty fat. I do raise up my feet when I'm struggling to have a poo as that definitely helps a bit.
Anyway, Lucy and I met Lydia (Lucys cousin) at a local park this afternoon. I knew there were loos there so I didn't bother going for a wee before we left, although to be honest I wasn't really that desperate. We sat on a bench and chatted for a bit and had some drinks and snacks, and then Lydia said, "Actually are there any loos here, I could do with going before I head back!"
"Yeah, I need a wee too," said Lucy.
"There's some loos over here," I said, "I'll show you where they are, I'm getting desperate for a wee as well!" We walked down the path and soon the toilet block came into view, Lydia sighed with relief and said, "Great, I want a poo as well as a wee so its lucky there are toilets here!" We walked up to the entrance and Lydias face fell as we read the notice informing us that the toilets are currently closed due to the pandemic. "Oh no, I'm never gonna make it back home, what are we going to do?" she asked.
"We'll have to go behind the toilets and squat down, I've got some tissues we can use!" I said.
"OK, I guess we'll just have to go for it!" said Lucy, and Lydia nodded, she said, "Thank God Annabelles not here, she'd really hate this!" Annabelle is Lydias friend who got really embarrassed a while back when we all ended up having to go for a wee outside.
We went round the back of the toilet block, judging by all the paper on the ground we weren't the only people to have the same idea. Lucy was carrying the bag with the drinks and snacks, she went over to lean it against the wall. I dropped my grey leggings and yellow knickers and squatted down as Lydia was unzipping her jeans, she pulled them down together with her pink knickers and squatted next to me. We both started to wee as Lucy walked over to the other side of Lydia and dropped her black leggings and white knickers, she joined in and so finally there were three strong streams fizzing down onto the grass. As my bladder continued to empty Lucy said, "I hope no-one else comes round here!" and Lydia said, "Well if they do I hope they're girls, I really don't want some man to see me having a poo!" and Lucy and I giggled. Lucy had spoken too soon however, at that moment 2 girls who looked to be about 16 or 17 walked round behind the toilets and put their hands over their mouths as they saw us in full flow, one of them said, "Oh God, I'm so sorry, we're desperate for the loo as well!"
"No problem," I said, "We were literally just saying if someone else comes round we were hoping it would be some other girls!"
By now I could feel my stream dribbling to a stop, so I reached into my pocket and took out a packet of tissues. The other girls both dropped their leggings and white knickers and they started to wee strong streams of their own, just then I heard Lydia panting next to me and remembered she'd said she needed a poo. As I was wiping she said, "Sorry, I actually want a poo as well!" Even though Lydia doesn't normally get embarrassed I noticed she was blushing a bit, I was sure I'd have looked like a beetroot if I'd been squatting there having a poo! Luckily the blonde girl who had a really worried look on her face seemed to relax, she said, "Well your not the only one, I need to have a poo as well!"
By now Lucy and I had wiped and pulled up our knickers and trousers, shortly after the other girl did the same leaving Lydia and the blonde girl still squatting. We started chatting to the blonde girls friend who said her name was Millie, as we were talking I was aware of Lydia grunting behind us and felt really embarrassed for her, luckily Layla (the blonde girl) was starting to pant as well so it sounded like both of them were struggling a bit. After another few minutes of them both pushing Lydia said, "Right, I'm done, can I borrow some tissues Abbie?" I handed her the packet and couldn't help noticing two thick logs under her, I also noticed that Layla had produced a big log as well and another one was poking out of her bum. After Lydia had wiped her bottom and pulled up her knickers and jeans Layla said, "I've finished now, could I borrow some tissues too?" I handed her the packet and she started to wipe her bottom, she only needed one tissue as her poos looked quite dry and then she pulled up her knickers and leggings as well. Luckily no-one else had come along so it could have been worse! We said bye to Millie and Layla and went our separate ways.
I hope you enjoyed this story, I'll try to post again soon, bye for now!!


Reply to SunTree

I don't like holding because it's uncomfortable. I'm a pretty avid floor dumper and pants pooper if I'm wearing a goodnite or something like that. Do you have any other special places you like to go?

well my poos haven't been any less hard and big but they've been a bit more regular.
i'm going around every five days, which sounds bad but when you take into account the fact that sometimes i go over ten days without a poo its a lot better.
i put it down to the fact that i've been eating differently because i've become quite overweight which my mum approached me about and put me on a special diet to try and help me lose it.
she also takes me on a jog every night after dinner which i think is probably helping with my constipation too.
i don't remember who, but somebody asked about slow transit constipation and whether it runs in my family. i think you're right about the kind of constipation i have, but nobody else in my family suffers. my mums poos are always soft and easy and so are my brothers.
anyway, my latest poo was this morning. i didn't have any help but it took a little longer than an hour to force it out and it hurt like hell.
in the end it was as wide but longer than one of those arizona iced tea cans and wouldn't flush so i just left it, whoops.
anyway, later on my mum came in and asked if i could please use the plunger when my poo won't flush and i asked how do you know it was me and not ben? (my brother) and she said ben doesn't do big hard poos like that which made me laugh a bit.


Who is responsible for wet seats?

I stayed over at my friend Hannah's house for a couple of days of spring break. She is a member of a swim and gym organization her parents also belong to. So both days me and Hannah went swimming. What is interesting is that after about an hour in this huge Olympic like pool she had to poo. And bad. So I went in with her to the locker room toilets because she doesn't like to poo alone. There were like 7 or 8 toilets with half high panels between them. We took 2 kind of in the middle. She has a yellow swim suit and had trouble untying the bottom. I had to help her. There was no time to spare. When she finally dropped it and slid herself onto the toilet it was pow, pow, pow. Like hers, my seat was wet from previous users and as I sat down my feet almost slipped out from under me. I have a small bladder, teeny tiny, my grandma says, and I felt relief about 10 seconds after that. I found it kind of amusing sitting there quite wet and draining into the toilet. I heard some noise on Hannah's side, saw her feet moving around a lot and I asked her if she was alright. She said both of her toilet paper rolls were empty and she asked me to hand her some. I looked to my left, my right and even stood and looked in back of me there was none. So I waddled to my left, went to the side of the toilet and pulled off more than 1/2 of what was left on the roll. Then I waddled back to Hannah who was sitting there getting angry. I could easily smell what was beneath her in that toilet. So I got back on my seat and added a few more trickles. Then I had to get Hannah more toilet paper. She was very careful in cleaning herself, probably better than me at least according to my grandma, who is so critical but I love her. I flushed first and then Hannah flushed. Her poo was huge.It took her three flushes to get a fully clean bowl. She was getting frustrated. As she and I turned and were leaving our toilets an older lady in a running outfit came in. She looked at my toilet, then Hannahs. As we were washing our hands she turned toward us and said in a really piercing voice "Why don't you wipe your G@@@@@@ seats off?" Both me and Hannah hurried back to the pool. At the swimming pool, who is responsible for the wet seats anyway?

To Audrey:
Yes that is true, is can be a pain cleaning up after a pantypoop.
No I don't flush the newspaper. When I am done, I take it to the toilet and try to get as much poop down in the toilet as I can, often I push it off with another newspaper. Then I wrap it, double bag it, and throw it in the bin(in the bathroom). On my work that is no problem at the moment, the cleaning supplies is in a cabinet in the bathroom, so I just use the bags for the bin. When the newspaper is folded, you can't see anything. Oh yes, I forgot that detail in my last post. I can't hold it, at all. Most often I pee first, I also did that in my last post, just forgot to add it. I have no problem holding my poop, I often feel I have to poop some time before it happens, which gives me time to go pee in the toilet.
I did attempt to hold my pee once, when I tried pooping on the bathroom floor at home, but that did not go well. I am not very good at holding my pee. That day I did not really feel like I needed to pee, but at soon as I pushed just a tiny bit go get my poop going, I started to pee, I thought ah well just a little pee, but nooo apparently I did have to pee big time. It went everywhere! Im not very good at hitting a container either, when I squat to pee, it kind of go in every direction. So I pee first, and sometimes a bit more afterwards.


Pooping survey for men

1. Do you poop in public?
2. Have you ever clogged someone's toilet at their house?
3. Do you spray after you poop with company around ?
4. Do you tell people when you have to do a bowel movement?

When the gym was open last I went and had a good workout i had not had a poo that morning but when I was leaving to go home I felt my bowels were in need of being moved luckily traffic was OK and I rushed in the house put my flip flops on and rushed to the loo I plonked my sweaty bum on the seat and did a loud fart as I peed soon I had the pleasure of being opened by a large piece it slowly slipped out with a plop I remained open tho as another dropped with a big plop by now it was quite smelly and was wafting up between my legs and I could also smell my feet were very hot I had a breather then started to push the last piece out which was about 8 inches it felt lovely and felt with a nice kerplonk I wiped my bum flushed and left leaving a strong smell

Saturday, April 10, 2021


Birthday Loss

I'm the big 32 today, and I've not done a poo. To make up for my lack of poo excitement, I had Mom order me a vintage Otis Elevator part to display in my room. It's going to be a short while til I get it, but the anticipation is still high. Even my excitement from this didn't move my bowels, but I'm not worried since I predict I'll go tomorrow. Concerning bodily functions, I did pass some mild smelling low pitched farts. I didn't do a lot of them, but still enjoyed my farts. Some people have talked about holding the need to poop until you can't, but risking an accident isn't for me. I'd only do it in a dare perhaps if I wore protection first. Toilet functioning in the home we moved into this year is still great although there's this slight bubbling from it when the bath drains. The toilet still works well enough that flushing poop and pee is satisfying. Hopefully we won't get poop gas from the bathtub like the shower at the other place. One unfortunate way to see if there's a main line clog would be if the toilet got stuffed up which would cause pressure in the drainage system to increase bringing out foul gas. Of course I wouldn't do this on purpose, but I'm saying if my poop were to accidentally get too big while the moderate bubling is around. I've always thought a clogged toilet would cause bubles elsewhere with a blockage from a vacuum caused my negative air pressure clearing the traps. Although big poops are a hassle, and I'm thankful for my normal, I still love reading huge poop stories. While attending the blindness training centre in 2018, I started liking this guy Alvin from maintenance. Secretly while chatting with him, I imagined that he probably fixed his fare share of toilets in his days. I'm not a fan of talking bathroom related stuff out loud, so him and I just joked about the old elevator there, etc. My current fantasy is me getting the control panel from it even though that's very unlikely. Concerning Alvin's bathroom habits, I love to think he enjoys pooping especially if he's had trouble before. Bye.


To Shannon

Hi Shannon! I've been trying to catch up on your posts and wanted to send prayers and good vibes your way. I am really sorry that you are struggling so. I do celebrate that you are taking action and trying to find out why you are having accidents. It's really good that Alexis is exhibiting sympathy. No one wants to have an accident in front of other people. I hope that all is well with your relationship!




Forced and fast pissing

Just hearing an item on the news about my old middle school brought back a memory the other day. See I would stay up until I got my homework done, so sometimes Dad had to wake me up. By then I would have missed the bus so my only way to make school in time was for him to drive me. He wasn't that enthused about doing it but he did. I would miss my breakfast opportunity and he would be yelling for me and then honking from the car. Just throwing a dress on and finding two shoes that matched was all I could do. Often that meant an adventurous ride where our car even going over our street's speed bump caused me to worry about a bladder leak. On one Friday morning he was forced to go out of his way because one of the main streets was being tarred, a my bladder was crying out. Then as we got closer to the school with about 15 minutes before the final bell, he stopped by one of those drive-up coffee windows and ordered a drink. His debit card didn't take and he spent a minute or two pulling some money out of his billfold. He had this official smug look on his face. My pain had doubled and unfortunately I had a pink dress on.

When we finally got to my school there was the usual traffic jam. I figured I could do better cutting between the cars in my run. I didn't do that bad, although my book bag was taking a toll on my back. I knew exactly where I was going on such days. There was a smaller bathroom right by the main office and gym. The toilets were nicer. White instead of black seats. A nice privacy door and lock. Inside the door there was a hook for coats and bags. These toilets were used by faculty sometimes and parents and other visitors. I slammed the middle door open and instantly could see the seat was dripping in pee that I was already standing in. It reminded me of two immature boys who I once heard bragging about their pissing games. So I went into the first toilet, dropped my bag and dropped my panties and yanked the back of my dress up as I instantly dropped onto the seat. Within a second or two I was draining a quart or so of water to the bowl. Just then my friend Carlyssa hurried in, looked at the mess, said 'Forgive me mom' with a swear word or two and splashed her butt onto the seat just as she dropped her jeans onto the wet floor. I called her name just as her thunderous crap erupted. I could tell it was hurting her. She too had missed the bus and had already received the Saturday detention hall for several tardys. She was hopeful of not being assigned to a second. I was first off the toilet, quickly ran water over my hands, and then quickly Carlyssa opened the door from her seat and showed me something that we both found to be gross. It was a pair of adult-size white underwear. It had a recent stain of crap almost as large as a bowling ball right in its middle. It was pretty recent. So throughout the day Carlyssa and I looked at what each of our female teachers was wearing. Someone without underwear could be our teacher.

Charlotte and SunTree: I don't hold till I can't very often, but it can be fun. I do pants dumps occasionally, although they can be kind of gross to clean up. I am an avid floor dumper. Charlotte, do you ever flush newspaper? I've heard about it being used as toiletpaper, but I'm uneasy about that, although it would make floor poos much easier.
When you poo on the fly, what do you do about pee? I've tried to hold it, but I usually leak. It tends to go straight through the toilet paper on the floor. I have gone to pissing in containers, which helps. I'm not a master floor peer and pooer like Marie yet. What are your methods?

Sherryl: thank you for the response, I haven't done a lot of outside poos lately but I'll update you. I'm excited to hear about yours.



Amy: Welcome! You asked a very good question about Lauren's bowel movements. It could be any number of reasons. She may not be going as often. She may be adding extra fiber to her diet to help with regularity. Too, even though she's average in size, she may have a larger colon. It could be any number of reasons. Would love to hear more!

Shannon: I am really sorry that you are struggling with incontinence. You would be surprised how many customers buy incontinence products from me. Most are older, but I do have several middle-age women who regularly purchase Depends. You are right to aggressively pursue treatment. I hope you are OK!

Trina: Good to hear from you always!

Mina: I hope you are well!

Afrer School Emily: I remember you! Welcome back!

Vince: You are on to something when it comes to activity, exercise and the relationship to large poops! Exercise is good for digestion and motility!

I hope everyone is doing well and dooing well!

Love to all!


Anna from Austria
@Amy That is a interesting Question. I have no answer for you just a assumption. Maybe it has something to do with the Food?

Does Lauren eats different stuff compared to you and your other roomates?

I am not sure if it was just my Imagination but I noticed something during my stay in Japan.

When I was there I was consuming the local cusine quite a lot because I really enjoyed it. by doing so I noticed that my poo seems to big much bigger than in Austria. It was somehow scary. Luckily I never managed to Clock the toilet. One time it was quite close though.

Noticed something similar when I was in the states too by way. That time my poo was not bigger but much softer than in Austria. I think the reason was I got quite addicted to some spicey Mexican stuff when I was there. It was ???? but the side effect was that I Always had to use the toilet brush almost every time to get rid of the skidmarks.

Greetings from Austria


Thursday, April 08, 2021

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