In-law visit
When Adam's father came recently to our city for a visit, he and I bonded pretty well even though he's in his late 80s. I had a lot of time with Dad, especially since Adam had some extra work projects coming up. Dad is really energetic for his age and each morning he accompanied me on the morning walk I take our two dogs on to a large city park. On one morning we decided to take a more difficult route up a couple of difficult hills. Of course our two leashed dogs love the exercise. For Dad it was a good workout, too. I found, however, that such a healthy workout activates his bowels. We were probably 85 percent to the top when Dad asked about a "head." I had never heard the term used as he did. It is an old word for toilet. He was very apologetic when I changed directions of our walk. I told him I have my morning craps there three or four times a week and how I tie the dog leashes to my shoes when I take my seat. It took us about 10 minutes to get to the nearest bathroom building and I noticed that his shoes and the bottoms of his sweats were damp from the dew and high grass. At Christmas, Adam gave me boots what are good for such walks.
So we finally got to the bathroom building. His stride increased as we got to it. He jokingly asked if I had a dime and something else that I didn't understand. As he hurried in the mens' entryway, I could hear a seat dropped and almost instantly something that sounded like a firecracker going off. I walked the dogs up to the entryway and we could hear occasional splashes into the water. This building is an interesting one. Its made of concrete blocks with an arched roof. It goes over both sides: on one side are three mens toilets, two urinals, and a sink. A wall about 70% high separates that bathroom from the three womens toilets and two sinks on the other side. Although I have many of my craps there early in the mornings, I have noticed the smaller privacy divide between the two rooms could be abused by precocious individuals--if you know what I mean.
In a very apologetic voice Dad called me to the entrance. You could tell he was embarrassed to say there was no toilet paper and that he had a "full-shaft" cleaning job ahead. He asked if the ladies room was better equipped. While juggling the dog leashes, I pulled one roll off its holder. I tied the dogs to the toilet paper holder. Then I stepped up carefully onto my toilet and at 6'7" I looked over the wall and could see Dad seated almost directly below me. He had has hands on his knees and seemed to be trying to figure out where my voice was coming from. He's the oldest person I've ever seen in a vulnerable situation as that and as a high school and college athletic coach, I've been in plenty of locker rooms. I asked him to cup his hands above his head. He seemed bewildered, but I explained what I was going to do. I gave him a three count and then made the drop which he bounced a couple of times but managed to hang onto.
After he cleaned himself I heard a flush, a basin being used, and then he came out to get a greeting from the dogs and me. He bought us coffees-to-go and when we sat and enjoyed them he talked about the toilets of 60 and 70 years ago and some of the words that were often used to refer to them. He said many of the public buildings in his city in the 1950s had pay toilets. You put a dime into a slot, turned the handle and then the toilet opened. He said he thinks they were closed down about 50 years ago. Thieves were busting into them to steal the dimes and helping shove friends under the stall doors was common. In grade school he and friends would play a game they called "piss-pong" in bathrooms away from home. One thing hasn't changed, though, he said: relieving himself of a pound or two each morning with his sit on the head.
To Anthony T
I read your story with interest, as I have been there before as you recalled from my previous posts. I have not flown but maybe twice in my life. I'm not that adventurous! At the same time, it seems that the Flight Attendants could have been more helpful. The least that they could have done was to block the bathrooms and allow the lady to use them instead of allowing anyone enter, forcing her to wait. But, even beyond that, when the delay occurred at takeoff, they could have allowed her to go. I really hate that it happened.
Too, I can understand how that incident would "impress" a bathroom related interest on you.
Thank you for sharing and glad you are on the forum!
Re: Divo
I do fart around women. I don't try to make a spectacle of it and give it the tried and true one cheek sneak, and most of the time fart silently as a result. The only time I hold in farts is if I'm in close proximity to someone or in a confined space. I try not to cause other people unpleasant situations or discomfort. I assume no one wants to smell my farts.
One time in 2013, at an office I worked at, I was passing by the desk of a very attractive 20-something secretary on the way to the Mens' room. She was away from her seat at the copy machine 20 feet away, and I had to fart, while holding back something solid. Being that this was the least occupied space on the floor at the time, I did so while walking. It turned out to be exceptionally stinky and the smell followed me as I walked. I returned back 10 minutes later and it now smelled of strawberry scented perfume, a sign that someone had sprayed something to cover the smell. Some months after, a coworker told me a story of my boss telling him of me farting near her desk, and he sprayed some of her perfume to mask the odor. I was caught!
I will relay some of my doorless stall experiences as full stories eventually. You can find one of them on Page 2728 titled "Unexpected Visitors". I've always tried to avoid pooping in them when younger, being that I prefer privacy for this function, to the extent of holding it in and causing myself discomfort(in most of these cases, this was during middle school and high school decades ago out of fear of being bullied). After too many close calls from refusing to poop in view of others coupled with enough situations where I was forced to use such restrooms during emergencies, I eventually started using them without hesitation. I've pooped in a doorless stall at a crowded bus station Mens' room during a layover, multiple park or campsite toilets with either no stall doors or no stalls at all, a doorless stall once in middle school, and doorless stalls at two different gas stations. I've also been walked in on by females while pooping at other peoples' houses because the bathroom lacked a lock, and I've even pooped in a friend's one room apartment where the toilet was literally in the corner out in the open and in view of him and two women he invited over(don't judge me: it was late at night, we were all intoxicated, and the only alternative locations were not within walking distance).
I also have a number of experiences where I used stalls that had such large gaps so as to be effectively worthless as stalls, where others could clearly see me sitting there as soon as they walked in or through the mirror as they washed their hands.
Also, on the current page as of the time I've typed this, perhaps it will become Page 2869 for old posts, I recounted an experience of using a stall so short that others could see me from the torso up as I sat on the toilet, titled "A high school poop story". I've used similar restrooms as well multiple times, and did not find them as objectionable as doorless stalls, but still found them awkward. I've used setups like these at multiple highway rest stops, a mall's department store, a city park, a gas station, and a restaurant. In one case, I was taking an exceptionally large BM at a highway rest stop and an old cleaning lady walked in on me, quickly walked out, and was waiting outside the entrance as I exited the Mens' room. She apologized, which made it all the more awkward because I clogged the toilet that she saw me using(she didn't see anything other than my face and perhaps shoes/pants/ankles while I was seated, but still embarrassing).
At some point I will elaborate on each of these stories.
I'm certain hundreds of people have seen me poop during my life, as much as I would wish they hadn't. These days, I really don't care much. I'll make a basic effort to have privacy when I poop, but I won't go so far as to refuse to poop if privacy can't be found. I'm certain thousands of people have heard me poop before or after seeing me use a stall, or heard me while using a toilet in a residence or confined space(such as an office trailer) after seeing me enter or exit the restroom. My bowels are dangerous to ignore given the quantity of food I eat and the fact that I don't accumulate fat due to burning all of those calories off. Holding it in has caused me many a dire emergency, so when nature comes calling, I don't ignore. I no longer have any inhibitions about it.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
grunting to poo actually is worse
I read here about both girls and guys grunting to poo, especially from Abbie my favourite poster here that seems to have to grunt a lot. I was reading online that there was a study into how grunting actually does not help matters. Do a search for 'grunting to poo study' online and have a read. Basically grunting to poo reduces the pressure at your anus through your mouth, actually making harder work. But if you find grunting helps you feel better when passing a giant rock log than just go for it. I never have to grunt when I poo as it just comes out with the suggestion I sent to Abbie in a previous post. Do this and never go back.
To Laura: thanks but not much of an update yet. Still no satisfying poos for me, back to being soft just not very long.Bianca
Today's Morning Poops
I'm on a roll with the stories lately, so I'll keep em coming. Today I felt like I had to do 2 urgent poops minutes apart. I was partially clenching after breakfast as I took my coffee cup etc to the sink. I did a mushy poop hovering over the toilet before sitting to finish. The second time however, I didn't want to risk getting dressed since it felt a bit urgent again, so I pooped in the bathroom while half naked. Poop wise, nothing has happened after those 2 episodes. To shanon: Sory you pooped yourself again. In regards to the diapers for daytime poop accidents, if I'm not mistaken, their's depend products that feel like underwear, and I don't think they make that plastic sound when moving. The ones I'm talking of were mentioned in a commercial, and start with an S. They might be like an adult version of pull ups. I hope you can slow your bowels down enough so they're manageable without resorting to incontinence products. Although I've not been given a diagnosis, when I have my urgent poos, it feels like what I believe an IBS urge feels like, so I understand your issues deeply. Good luck, Shanon! Bye.
My tough weekend
Hello, my name is Deb. I'm back with another story from last weekend.
I had been feeling really good lately. My bowels have been under control and there has been absolutely no sign of my period whatsoever. I haven't even been spotting, so I have been able to go without a pad in my panties for the past several weeks.
That all came to an end last Saturday. We got up at around seven am and I was feeling great. We had coffee and a nice breakfast. Since it was nice out I wore a pair of pink hipster panties and some snug fitting high rise jeans as well as a tank top and bra.
At around 10 my husband and I decided to take our daughter for a walk to this really nice park across town. We got there at about 10:30 and walked to the really cool playground which took us about 25 minutes to get to. There were quite a few families there with their kids.
We were there for quite a while when I started cramping up. I thought to myself that my period must finally be coming back. Just before 11:30, I got a really terrible cramp and I could feel my bowels turn to mush. There were public toilets near the playground, but only one was open due to the current restrictions. I told my husband that I was going to to the toilet but I had to wait in line for a few minutes. I tried keeping my butt cheeks clenched, but I just couldn't hold it. I got a really terrible cramp and my bowels opened up. I hunched over slightly as a large rush of mushy diarrhea exploded out of me with a large squelching sound into my hipsters. I gasped quietly when it happened. I just thought to myself "Oh... My.... GOD!" I turned around and a lady with her daughter looked at me in shock. I could feel my face turn bright red with embarrassment. I got out of the line and walked as quickly as I could back to my husband and daughter with the mess swishing around in my pants. As I got to him I had to go again end this time the diarrhea was quite a bit runnier.
I said to my husband, "We have to go. Now!" I don't thing he could sense the urgency in my voice.
He said, "What wrong? Are you okay?"
I said, "No! I didn't make it." Then I whispered, "I had a really bad accident in my pants."
He said, "Awe honey, I'm sorry."
I was having a third wave as my husband got our daughter sorted out. More wet and mushy diarrhea came out and filled my hipsters again. By now the mess was going up my back and leaking down my legs. The walk back to our car took what felt like forever and I was still letting out more diarrhea every few minutes. I got some very horrified and sympathetic looks from other people as we walked. It was very obvious that I had gotten very sick in my pants with diarrhea as it was staining through the bum area of my jeans. Fortunately we brought the stroller with us otherwise it would have takes us even longer to walk back. Once we got to our car I put a shopping bag on the seat. Sitting down was terrible because the mess spread and bubbled out everywhere.
After a 25 minute drive, we finally got home and I went straight upstairs and into the shower. Cleaning up took quite a while. I was able to get my high waist jeans cleaned out but my pink hipster panties have permanent diarrhea stains in them.
I was feeling a bit better on Sunday morning so I decided to do some gardening in our backyard while my husband worked on the grass and our daughter played with her outdoor toys. I had on a pair of grey tights with a pair of light blue bikini panties underneath.
I was starting to cramp up again so I stood up to go inside to the toilet. I took a couple steps and once again pooped my pants really badly. I pooped right though my bikinis and tights with a really wet load. I said out loud, "Oh my god!!!" My husband looked around at me and went pale. I said, "I have to go in." He just looked at me and said, "Okay."
Just like my massive accident on Saturday, the one on Sunday morning was bad as well. It wasn't as big because I was at home and was on the toilet for the rest of my diarrhea. Cleaning up was still a big chore.
Later on Sunday afternoon, my period started. I wasn't wearing a pad, so I totally bled through my panties and jeans. I had more diarrhea, this time on my Always Extra Heavy Overnight maxi pad because I wasn't able to get to the toilet in time. My pad was totally filled with diarrhea. My period has been super heavy and I have soaked several Extra Heavy Overnight maxi pads right through. I bled through my pants at work on Monday morning. I didn't have anything to change into so I had to tie my sweater around my waist for the day. My period is still really heavy but I'm well prepared with extra pads and clothes in case I leak through my pants again.
Thanks for reading.
Females and skidmarks
Because of my wicked schedule at my high school and my need to transfer trains to the other side of our city in order to go to this school, I use toilets away from home quite a lot. Yes us girls do get skidmarks sometimes in our underwear. It's inevitable.
When was your last skidmark in your underwear?
My date was early this past weekend to pick me up for a spring street carnival. Luckily I had a mask in my purse because he wanted to get a good parking space. I was just going to take my morning crap when he rang the bell. So once we got to the carnival I had been holding my crap for a half hour. Although I didn't have to wait in line, the portable potty smelled from Saturday's users and was starting to heat up from the sun. I was only seated for a couple of minutes and I emptied my bowels. I got 2 or 3 wipes in before the toilet paper ran out.
What do you think causes most skidmarks in underwear?
Desperation to go. Lack of toilet paper. And increasingly, a lack of privacy from those in line peeping through the cracks or making rude statements about accidents. One or 2 swipes with a piece of toilet paper isn't going to do the thorough cleaning I would do at home.
Do you think it's just a boy problem?
Of course not! I see numerous skidmarks on underwear by those using the PE class locker room at my school. This is gross, but a couple of times they've been seated on the dressing benches and left their mark there too.
When you see a skidmark in your underwear, do you feel embarrassed, shrug it off or just done care?
My mom has talked to me a few times when she's doing the laundry and found one in my underwear. She recommends that I learn to regulate myself to go at home more. I don't think that would be possible. When I'm crapping between classes I'm fast down, like one wipe, and out! I'm not going to risk another tardy to class and Saturday detention.
When you see a skidmark, do you immediately change your underwear?
That happens once or twice a week when I'm seated taking my noon hour pee at school and in look between my legs and see one from two hours earlier. Not much I can do about it then. My boyfriend saw my skidmarked underwear once when I asked him to bring me some more toilet paper from the pantry. He was somewhat cool about it but I was embarrassed. Another time at school, I had messed my underwear badly, you could smell it, so I just dumped them out after 2nd hour. Luckily I was wearing jeans that day, although the feeling was sure strange.Catherine
To Shannon
I don't want to give unwanted advice, but I see no reason to tell Alexis every time you have an accident. You've been honest enough to tell her what's going on with you. You've been vulnerable. And now you are seeking help.
Also, there is a brand of Depends called Silhouettes, which are hardly noticeable underneath your clothing. They may be a little more expensive, but might be a good option for you during the day.
I wish you all the best!
Answering Skidmarked From Columbia's Questions
When was your last skidmark in your underwear?
The last noticeable skidmarks was when I wore fruit of the loom tightly whities briefs as a teenager in the early 2000s. Ever since then I only occasionally see them but not very often because I wear mainly black underwear.
What do you think causes most skidmarks in underwear?
As a teenager it may have been gas. I know I wiped well enough. I also got bullied a lot as a kid because I was small. My sister and I shared a bathroom and she would get mad whenever I stunk it up. I was diagnosed with IBS later but I didn't know then. She was three years older and stronger and would sneak up behind me and wedgie me as a prank for stinking up the bathroom which I'm sure caused many skidmarks. She yanked on my undies at least once a month up until she left for college. I also got humiliated in junior high by a bully named Troy who would wedgie kids all the time in the boys bathroom. He was much stronger than my sister and would sometimes yank on my fruit of the looms so hard that they would rip clean off and I would have to go commando for the rest of the day.
I thought my skidmark days were over by high school when I switched to dark boxer briefs but as a freshman I took a dump in a boys bathroom only to find no toilet paper. Three older bullies had hid the toilet paper and hid in a janitors closet in the bathroom. When I came out they proceeded to give me what they called a skidmark group wedgie yanking my underwear up to my armpits and then shoved my head in the toilet and flushed it several times. By the time I found another bathroom to dislodge my boxer briefs underwear from my butt it was covered in skidmarks and I ended up just throwing them away and going commando. Those three guys pulled this same skidmark wedgie prank on at least two other freshmen and got expelled. No one found out it happened to me except two upper class female students who saw me get shoved out of the bathrooms and giggled at my wet hair and underwear pulled up to my armpits as I walked funny trying to get to another boys bathroom.
Do you think it's just a boy problem?
I don't think so. I wear black underwear now but my girlfriend Sofia wears all different colors and will occasionally get skid marks. She doesn't have IBS like me but she gets just as gassy so I think it's probably caused by gas. Every once in a while when we get up in the morning I will see skid marks on Sofia's underwear as we walk to the bathroom especially if we had something unique for dinner the night before which will sometimes give us both gas and cause us to fart all night long.
When you see a skidmark in your underwear... Do you feel embarassed or shrug it off and just don't care?
I did as a kid but I don't notice them now due to only wearing black underwear. Sofia doesn't get embarrassed when I see her skid marks because we are very open about my IBS and both being gassy. We live in a small one bedroom one bathroom apartment so when we get ready for work Sofia gets up a little earlier to pee and shower and I usually have to take a dump while she is doing her hair or else we would both be late for work. It was embarrassing at first but now we are so comfortable that it is just a part of out routine. Of course that doesn't stop Sofia from giggling every time I loudly blast some gas while sitting on the toilet.
When you see a skidmark... Do you immediately change your underwear? If not, why?
When I was a teenager yes but it only depended on if I was at home or not. Every time my sister Lisa got bored of yanking my briefs up my butt I'd have to do some sort of inspection and would usually change. One time she got me in public at a skating rink while I was sitting on a bench getting my skates on. I had stunk up our bathroom the day before so I guess this was her revenge. I checked for skid marks in the bathroom and saw a few but I didn't have time to run home and change.Imogen
To Abbie
Great Post about you squatting in the park! I've had a few outdoor wees recently because of the good weather. Thankfully it was girls who walked in and they needed the same thing. Must have been embarrassing to poo outside though, have you ever done this yourself?
Take care and stay safe
ImogenAnna from Austria
Funny observation and question
This time I have got just a Question
Does anybody have a idea why some People are more "explosive when the do their Number 2 than others.
For myself I am more on the explosve side. To poop without doing some farts is almost impossible for me. Even pee farts are very common for me.
Since last month we have a new coworker at our Office that is quite regular and seems to Need to use the restroom the same time as myself. So I could listen to her a few times when she was pooping. And as of today she managed it to all of her bms without a single fart. Quite a funny observation because all of the ladies like myself are more on the explosive side?
Mabye it has something to do with the Food? The coffee maybe or the smokes? We are quite coffee addictives at our Office and also smoke. i only smoke irgular but when I do I cannot deny that the Taboco can have some effects on my bowel movement especially when combined with some coffee.
The new coworker does not like coffee She prefers Tea and does not smoke. Maybe that is the reason?
Greetings from Austria
Anthony T
Accident on a Plane
Thanks to Catherine and Shannon for answering the question I posed back around 2858, when I asked why having a poop accident was such a "fully body" experience, with the uncontrollable trembling, hot flashes, crying etc. I think they hit it on the head. It's one of the few situations where we're fully focused on trying to do one thing, while our body is trying to take control and do another. Plus the social/psychological element of it, that you're doing the one thing you just do not do as someone beyond potty-training age. You're failing at the unspoken, yet ubiquitous task of daily life; pooping in the toilet.
As I mentioned in my first post, for a long time I had trouble believing that an adult could have a true "solid" poop accident. I had been with a friend of mine when she got an upset stomach at the wrong time and ended up having diarrhea in her pants on our way home, but didn't think that an adult could otherwise have such a dire emergency that they simply "couldn't hold it." That was until I witnessed an unfortunate and frankly sad situation on a cross-country flight. I suppose that isn't the most unlikely setting for such an incident, since it is one of the few places where we genuinely might not be able to get to a bathroom for a long period of time. But even still, it took an incredible run of bad luck to humiliate a poor woman in her late 20s or early thirties, wearing gray slacks with a matching jacket and very much looking the part of a confident young professional. It was as if fate and everyone else on board had decided that no matter how hard she tried to reach a toilet, she was going to take a massive dump in her pants in the presence of 100 strangers.
Because I was still a student at the time, I didn't exactly have my pick of seats, and was only 2 or 3 rows from the rear lavatory. On this occasion, it just meant I had front row seats for the embarrassing spectacle. As it turned out, we had to endure a lengthy delay on the tarmac before taking off. After 40 minutes or so, I saw the victim for the first time, casually strolling towards the rear of the plane. There she was met by the flight attendants, and told to take her seat, as we could take off at any time and didn't want to lose our place. She was still fairly calm at this point, but perhaps regretting that last coffee or too-heavy breakfast (it was a mid-morning flight). 30 minutes later we still had yet to take off when she reappeared, walking briskly this time. Once again she was rebuffed, but by now her demeanor had changed. She complained that they had already turned her away once because we were taking off "shortly," but in reality we had hardly moved. She added that she "really needed to get in there soon," before she returned seething to her seat. After another half hour, we finally achieved liftoff; now she only had to wait 20 minutes or so for the plane to reach cruising altitude. I could see her taking anxious glances towards the back of the plane every so often, trying to see if people were up and about yet. But just as she was no doubt anticipating sweet relief, it was snatched away; turbulence hit, and the seat belt sign stayed on. This didn't stop her from making another desperate attempt down the aisle, ignoring the FA's loud orders to sit down. Once she reached the lavatory she began urgently jiggling and knocking on the doors, thinking they were occupied, before the FA gave her the bad news. They had kept the lavatories locked, in order to discourage passengers from getting up. This time she was explicit: "I'm having a serious emergency. I'm going to have an accident in my seat if I don't get to a toilet soon. Please let me through!" At this point they would probably have relented in order to avoid an incident, but this was "flight attendants be seated" level turbulence, so they held firm and she wobbled tearfully back to her seat, probably wondering why no one would give her a break. Her heated discussions with the crew had attracted quite a bit of attention by now, and I wasn't the only one wondering if she would make it. I was also probably not the only one hoping, on some subconscious level, that she wouldn't, though I really did feel bad for her at the same time.
After another 5 minutes or so the fasten seat belt sign was finally turned off, and we were set free to roam the cabin. As the woman hobbled towards the back of the plane, it was obvious she was in big trouble. She was breathing hard and shuffling awkwardly, with one hand drifting behind her towards her hip/buttock area. A couple teenage boys sitting across from me snickered as she went past, obviously amused at the predicament that had befallen her. One of them bumped the other and said "I think she's gonna shit herself. She tried to go to the bathroom like four times already." Unfortunately for her, she was not blessed with a seat close to the lavatories. By the time she reached the back she was maybe sixth in line. Her frantic pleas to cut ahead of someone were refused, callously I thought, but then again after such a delay she was not the only passenger in urgent need. I slipped into line behind her, partly because I also had to go by now, but mostly because I wanted to see how this would end; so did one of the teenagers. Even the FA's looked worried. I'm not sure they had realized this was a "number 2" situation up to this point.
She was second in line for one of the two toilets when it happened. Her time ran out. She suddenly surged forward and began banging on the lavatory doors: "Someone please hurry it's an emergency!! I can't wait any longer. Oh my G-Oh no! No! No! No!"
She gasped as her body stiffened, her legs drew together, and her hand went involuntarily to her butt, as if making one last-ditch effort to hold everything in. Maybe she had already felt something happening in her underwear. She was shaking like a leaf and crying softly as she bent over slightly at the waist and her body gave a massive, involuntary push. Her butt twitched, and I heard a strange crackling sound as it started coming out. A bulge began to form in the seat of her pants. It grew and grew as she went and went; she had obviously been holding it for hours and the poo just kept churning out of her. When the bulge was the size of a grapefruit it dropped into the seat of her pants and nestled just below her buttocks and between her legs. A second, smaller bulge began to rise before drooping down to join the first, and then a third. The pungent smell of fresh feces filled the air, and the jerk teenager behind me took the opportunity to exclaim "oh gross, that lady's taking the biggest dump in her pants!" The only other sounds, apart from the poor woman's sobs, was farting and the rustle of poop falling into her clothes. Then the softer stuff came, squelching and gurgling into her panties, filling the space around the firmer material, moving up her back almost to the waistband and probably into her crotch area as well. A brown stain began to sleep through her pants where it was touching the load. I heard a pittering sound: her bladder had given way, thinking she was seated on a toilet rather than filling her pants outside the lavatory door. The insides of her trousers darkened and and urine streamed onto the carpet. It met the gigantic mass of poop and partially liquefied it.
Her panties had done a surprisingly good job of containing the load up to that point, but this wasn't an accident: it was a catastrophe. Pieces of poop began to detach from the main load and make their way down her legs. One glob of mush emerged from her pant leg, slid down her ankle and dropped into her shoe. Another ended up on the floor. All this time she couldn't stop shaking.
Finally, mercifully, it was all over but the crying. She was still bent over slightly, as if afraid any movement would cause the mess in her pants to spill out. She was beside herself with embarrassment and anger; her face was beet red and she was mumbling incoherently through her tears: "Oh my G-, I can't believe this. Why couldn't you just let me go to the bathroom? I told you I couldn't hold it." I didn't blame her. She had held on for hours, done exactly what she was told, and then just moments from relief, had experienced what was probably the most humiliating moment of her life.
The cabin had snapped out of its silence and was buzzing with murmurs, mostly of the "that poor girl" variety. But there were a few people near me complaining about the smell and calling her a baby, saying that she should have worn a diaper if she couldn't control herself. I felt terrible for her, and was just hoping that she would be ok after this ordeal. I'd never seen someone so mortified.
Now the flight attendants were trying to figure out how they could even begin to get her cleaned up. Sending her back to her seat in that condition was out of the question, but this wasn't a "little accident" where she could just trash her underwear and spend 10 minutes cleaning up in the tiny lavatory. Her clothes were essentially unwearable, and she appeared to be covered in excrement from the waist down to her knees, and to a lesser degree her ankles. The lavatory had finally opened up (I can only imagine what the person inside thought when they blundered into this scene), and one of the older, more motherly flight attendants gently guided her inside by the elbow. A pair of pajamas was brought up from first class, and from somewhere they produced a box of baby wipes and a trash bag. The phone booth-sized lavatory wasn't going to cut it for this kind of cleanup, so the curtain was drawn across the rear lavatory/galley area, which was vacated except for the mortified woman and one or two female flight attendants. I heard a crinkling that must have been plastic being laid down across the floor, and for the next several minutes I heard a rustling sound as she slowly peeled off various shit-encrusted articles of clothing. Then there was a muffled scraping sound as she began wiping down her soiled body. From the sound of conversation that drifted through the curtain, the older flight attendant was wiping her feet and lower legs, while the victim focused on the "sensitive" areas. She was still sniffling, and the FA was trying to comfort her by saying that it was going to be alright and it was far from the first time she had encountered this in her career. I can't even imagine what the poor woman felt like. She had gotten onto the plane two hours earlier as a prim and proper young professional; now she was standing naked, her poop-filled clothes spread out around her, as a perfect stranger helped undress and clean her up.
After about an hour she finally emerged in her pajamas for the "walk of shame" past dozens of people who had just seen her poop in her pants. She kept her head down and the rest of us studiously avoided eye contact as she made her way back to her seat, but I could see that her eyes were red from crying. The rest of the flight passed uneventfully. Afterwards I wanted to go up to her and ask if she was alright or there was anything I could do, but I figured she was embarrassed enough as it was, or perhaps I should say traumatized. I often wondered how she managed in the days after the event, how often she thinks of it to this day, and whether every flight brings a flashback to what must have been one of the worst days of her life.
I'm sorry to drone on for so long, but this story has been on my chest for a long time. In many ways it spurred my interest in bathroom-related subjects, and I still can't get over the intensity of the experience. I remember almost every detail vividly because of the slow-burn, suspenseful build up to the event, how unfairly the victim was treated, and how horrified she was by the whole situation.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
To David
Hi thankyou I think that's what makes a good story plenty of description which is sometimes lacking on here they were rather large and very satisfying at the same time plenty of plops so gave my loo quite a bombing I'm sure you will have a good poo soon xx
Reply - Divo's Pooping Survey for Men
Great questions!
1. Do you poop in public?
Yes, I am not bashful about using a public restroom. In fact, it can be less embarrassing due to the anonymity.
2. Have you ever clogged someone's toilet at their house?
Yes, definitely, too many times to count. Most of the time the I could remedy the situation because the bathroom had a plunger or other tools. I'll often try to flush midway to avoid any issue. Sometimes it comes out too quickly or is simply too big.
The most embarrassing was a time I stayed at a friend's apartment overnight. There was only one, small bathroom off of the living room. I thought I would leave before I needed to go. Unfortunately, I ended up needing to use the bathroom shortly after coffee and I had substantial evacuation. I flushed before wiping but the toilet badly clogged. It took a couple flushes and plunging efforts to clear everything. I then wiped. I guess it didn't do a great job of clearing it the first time so I had to plunge again. The whole ordeal took about 20 minutes, had to plunge three times with five flushes. My host, his fiancée, and another friend were in the living room. No one said anything but it was obvious what happened.
3. Do you spray after you poop with company around ?
No, we typically don't use air freshener because it often will make things worse. We either leave the fan on / window open or sometimes use a match.
4. Do you tell people when you have to do a bowel movement
I do not.