Stomach Virus Update and Replies
Shannon: I will try pooping wearing a bathrobe! I do wear one, but will take it off when I go to the toilet. As I understand, men usually respond to sight, and there seems to be something about looking a little more feminine, with dresses draped over the toilet or bathrobes, or something that hides our nakedness when we are doing business. I'm glad you found it funny! I've wondered why all of the sudden I wanted to wear dresses. They just feel good and feel right after giving birth.
Thank you for your kind words. I just hope that you can live your best life. I think that we share in common that poop accidents aren't the gross, worst thing in the world that many think they can be. But if they are interfering with your life, I hope you find relief!
Brian sounds like someone who isn't going to be grossed out by your issue. He's probably curious? Whatever happens in your relationship, it sounds as if Brian is at the very least a good friend and coworker who wants to be supportive! I wish you all the best!
Victoria B: It is so good to hear from you! Yet, I'm so sorry you've been struggling. Please know that prayers and positive energy are coming your way. Your life is beautiful! I'm cheering for you from a distance!
David: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them. Yes, Jason made me uncomfortable even though I was madly in love. It was a good thing that relationship ended!
Mina: Zoe is all better! Thank you!
So, the stomach virus continues to make it's rounds in our house. Since Chloe and Zoe share a bathroom, Chloe was bound to get it. Chloe is our cotton-topped beauty. She's about 5'8, athletic and curvy, like Alan's mom. She has really taken to my diet and sometimes will tell me about her large poops that she has as a result.
She came home from school on Friday with that look in her eyes. She needs to be petted more than Zoe, and she started crying when she got in the door. She said she didn't want to be sick, that she was going to throw up and she didn't want to, and that her stomach was cramping, hurting, burning and nauseated all at once.
She went to her room and changed into some comfortable shorts and a T-shirt. And no sooner did she finish then she came asked me to come to the bathroom with her. She knelt over the toilet and began to vomit. It was a lot, but she said that she actually felt better after it was over. It was the only time that she threw up.
However, after about an hour she said she wasn't feeling good again. This time her cramping was worse. I asked her if she needed a Depends because Zoe's diarrhea was so explosive. She started crying again, saying she didn't want to have an accident. She reminded me of the time a few years ago that she had a major diarrhea accident with a stomach virus and how embarrassed she was. I told her that if she was that worried, that she could take a book or her phone and just sit on the toilet until she began to go. She asked if I would come with her, that she was scared she would start throwing up again. On the way to the toilet, she increased her pace, meaning she was about to go. As soon as she lowered her shorts and sat down, she exploded. It was a massive diarrhea explosion. The whole bathroom reeked of that stomach bug smell. She had a few more waves before she felt she could get off the toilet.
After she finished, she did decide to take me up on the Depends. She asked if I would stay with her on the couch, and Alan made sure that Zoe and Joey were cared for, since I did not need to prepare any food. I knew that I was going to get the virus. But I needed to take care of Chloe. She cuddled with me on the couch, and we watched some Netflix. She fell asleep in my arms. So, I sat there, stroking her hair and giving her comfort.
About two hours after she fell asleep, I could feel my evening bowel movement coming on, but I did not want to wake her. However, in her sleep, she started squirming a little. She opened her eyes. I could see she was a little out of it. Then, she shot up like a Jack in the Box. Just as she did, she had a massive diarrhea explosion in her Depends.
She got showered and cleaned up. But the diarrhea did not spare her either. She had diarrhea all day Saturday, but was feeling better. She was fine yesterday. But for some reason this stomach bug was no joke.
I got it yesterday - on Mother's Day. I will share that story later! Let me say, I was not spared the explosiveness of the diarrhea either!
But I have to end this to go make another diarrhea!
Love to all!
Mistee's survey
Q1: When multiple toilets are available how do you select the one you will use?
A: If I need to pee, I'll take a urinal that is preferably at least one empty space apart from someone else, but if the only ones available are next to someone, I'll use it without hesitation. It was meant to be used after all. If it's a stall and I need to sit, I make sure the seat is clean and that there is toilet paper, and preferably has a door. I'll readily poop in a stall even if the adjacent stall has someone in it.
Q2: What did your mother teach you? Do you continue to follow it as you get older?
A: My mother taught me to go when I have to. I've generally followed that advice, until I came across my first doorless stalls or stall-less toilets as a child when I needed to poop. I like my privacy, and avoided using them. Sometimes I was forced to use them anyway, even with others in the room, because I could no longer hold it. It happened enough times that today I no longer care, and if the choice is between holding it in or pooping without privacy, I'll simply use the doorless stall. I'll pee anywhere. I prefer doing both functions at home, but as much food as I eat and water I drink, it's inevitable I have to do both in public restrooms almost every time I leave the house.
Q3: If your only choice is a jammed up bowl and no toilet paper, will you still use it for pee?
A: I'm a man and can pee standing up, so yes.
Q4: If you are leaving a toilet and there's no toilet paper, do you tell the person hurrying for it about the problem?
A: Yes. I've also had to ask strangers for toilet paper after taking a poop and finding there is none there.
Q5: How do you handle a few specks of water or pee on the seat as you enter such a stall?
A: I take some toilet paper and wipe it off. Then I take my seat.
Q6: Have you ever rejected several of the toilets? What was your reason? What did you do to meet your needs?
A: Yes. One time I stopped at a rest stop to poop. There was someone in the last stall, and all but one of the available stalls had no toilet paper, the lone stall with paper being the stall next to the occupied stall. I chose the stall next to the occupied stall and took a crap. We both noisily voided our bowels next to each other, and we both exited at the same time and saw each other at the sinks as we washed our hands. My stall neighbor did not seem at all amused at my decision.
Q7. Has your butt ever even for a moment stuck to a toilet seat? What do you think is the reason for that? I don't think I remember it happening to me with the middle toilet?
A: No.
Do you?
Hello people.
If you have a get together or a dinner at your home (let's say a guest or 3 or more )and you suddenly feel the need to poop do you go poop or do you hold it? How do you handle it? Considering you will most likely need about 5 minutes before you are back at the table. What if other guests need to use the bathroom when you are on it?
2nd question: what if if we reverse the roles, you are at a a dinner party at someone elses place and you need to poop, do you hold it or go right there?
Who has been in this situation, did you find it embarrassing?What if the toilet is near to where you and the guests are seated?
your namce (optional)Chris
I have been a regular reader here but have not written many times. The last occasion was about two years ago. This is because there has been nothing much to report. There have been a few instances of desperation and several sneaky outside wees but nothing worth writing about.
However, last week my Wife arrived home from shopping. The first thing she said was "I've wet my knickers. I'm sorry, the car seat's wet." After she had sorted herself out, she told me what had happened. She was more and more desperate while shopping but trying to finish what she had to do. Walking to the car, she could not hold on and did a big wee in her pants. Her wet pants made the car seat wet.
After she had sorted herself out, we had an interesting and unexpected conversation about other similar happenings, experienced or seen. If anyone is interested, I could write about that.Luke M
IBS strikes again!
Hello everyone, Iv been a longtime Lurker on here but never posted, I'm 22 and from Ontario, Canada. I'm a university student with a part time job, love sports and Movies etc. I had an experience today which I thought I had to share. So I have IBS, and on a typical day the only way it would really affect me is some occasional mild to severe cramping. Well since that's so common sometimes it's hard to tell if it's just a regular cramp or a... lumpy one if you catch my drift. So anyways I was driving home from my school back to the house I live at during the school year getting pretty bad cramps and I get stuck In traffic behind an accident. I start to feel that tingle down south and I knew I was in trouble, I wasn't that far away from home but I knew the only way I was making it was if I got off the highway and went to a McDonald's or something, but the traffic was hardly moving. My stomach gurgled and moaned and I got bad gas that I was too nervous to release, messing my stomach up even more. I realize I have a matter of minutes left so I grab a garbage bag and lay it on my seat and sit back down pressing my butt tight against the seat. However the cramps were becoming so painful I couldn't hold on, I hit my breaking point. I felt my bum start to open without me telling it too and without thinking I immediately lifted up off of my seat into more of a squat. It started like a wet fart then turned into a loud crackling sound. As it often is when I struggle to hold it, it was rather mushy and lose, more like pudding then a log of poo. When I finally finished crapping my pants reality set in, I was still in traffic, wearing white sweat shorts and I had no change of clothes in my car, nor anything to clean myself like tissues or napkins. I realized I would need to drive home messy and hope my roomates were out or in their rooms. I then had to lower myself into the huge mushy mess that had been just sagging there in my undies as I squatted until then. But you know, can't drive and squat. I think you have to experience it to know what it's like to mess your pants, but especially this kind of accident. My car smelled deadly right away, to the point were once I rolled my windows down, people in other cars complained about the stench. Plus I was essentially sitting in a war pile of mud, which did not stay to the back of my shorts after sitting down, so I was a complete mess. It was another 15 min or so in traffic until I finally get out of the congestion, but after I do all I can think of for the rest of the drive home is if I'm going to be able to go inside undetected. I pull into the driveway which is a good sign showing at least one roommate is not home. As I approach the only door I have a key for (front door) I don't hear anyone or see anyone so I open the door and walk in. I turn the corner and my female roommate (let's call her Stacy) is standing there with a friend I have never seen before. Within seconds they both look shocked but amused and are not making eye contact, it's then that my condition dawns on me, my white shorts have a huge down stain up my butt and to my lower back, then down and up into the front of my underwear and shorts... ALL STAINED BROWN. Runny poo was also pouring down my thighs and legs occasionally tripping onto the ground around me. I didn't know what to do I just tried to not try and waddle into the bathroom with as much dignity as I could muster. Took forever to clean up and I haven't left my room since. Definitely up there in my most embarrassing moments.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Don't eat out of date food
I had some pate that was a couple of days out of date on my toast this morning and about mid afternoon I had a stomach ache and a desperate need to go to the toilet. It was lucky I was at home because I had run to the toilet holding my bum and I only just made it in time. I sat down and released a torrent of diarrhoea into the toilet and it felt like my entire stomach contents had emptied out of me and the smell was so bad I gagged. Sarah heard everything and she asked me if I was OK. I told her I was fine but my bum felt like it was on fire. I learned my lesson from that and I swear I'll never risk eating out of date food again.Tricky
The Stalls Have Eyes
I remember 13 years ago, being bunged up all day at work. By the time work was over for the day, I'd normally have defecated 2-3 times by that point, but hadn't gone once. After work, I went to the library to use the internet, since I had just moved into an apartment and hadn't gotten online access yet.
As I was browsing a website, my colon signaled that it was time to forfeit the computer I was using to the next guy in line and head to the Mens' room. There was no sense of urgency at first, but it built as I walked, and then waddled, to the first floor Mens' room, barely making it to the back stall(the first one was occupied). The turtle's head was painfully poking out before I could get my pants down to my feet hastily, as I proceeded to sit on the wall-mounted toilet. It came extruding out like a milkshake machine as soon as I had my ass planted and secured.
The homogeneous consistency of excrement loudly crackled out of me in a restroom quiet enough to hear a flea jumping on the floor. It felt amazing, but filthy, as I sighed in relief. The fecal matter smeared my ass with a warm, creamy, soft, peanut-buttery filth as it forced my buttcheeks apart. I wasn't looking forward to the cleanup.
Louder still was the muffled breathing in the next stall that I just noticed by someone wearing white and black Nike sneakers.
Occupant in next stall: "Fuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuh… fuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuh… fuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuh..."
He sounded like he was having a problem. I was having a bit of a problem myself and thought little of it, as my efforts remained on pushing this out in a timely manner. I'd push.
I'd pause, and the crackling would stop. The guy in the next stall over kept rhythmically breathing: "Fuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuh… fuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuh… fuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuh..."
I continued the pause and push routine, my ass loudly crackling during each push phase. It took effort. The dump may have been creamy and messy, but it was also very dense and solid.
After about 5 minutes of this, it finally dropped out.
I felt fully emptied, and great. It was time to wipe. As I was wiping my butt, I could hear the guy in the next stall over was still breathing heavily. I took the last of the paper from the roll and wiped again. I needed more. I wasn't nearly clean enough. I looked down toward the toilet paper dispenser to change to a new roll to finish my cleanup job and noticed the pants and feet of the guy in the next stall rocking back and forth, accompanied by a barely audible slapping noise synchronized to the rocking. I had a guess as to what was going on, but thought little of it as I wasn't intent on being there for much longer and would soon be out of the room to leave him to it. After all, it was not my business what was going on behind the privacy of the cubicle walls. As I was switching the toilet paper dispenser to avail me the remaining unused roll, I finally saw the horror show in the stall wall.
There was an eyeball staring at me!
It creeped me out, and I instinctively punched towards the eyeball as hard as I could. My knuckles hit the glory hole as the guy in the next stall flung the door open and ran out with a quick scream. I could hear a pair of pants being zipped and buckled after he left the stall as he ran toward the door.
My knuckles were a bloody mess. I sat there using toilet paper as a makeshift bandage until they were dry enough for me to try to wipe with paper in that hand, which took about 10 minutes. When I resumd wiping, it was even messier and I spent the next 10 minutes wiping, pulling wads of soft, sticky, smeared, and now slightly encrusted crap off of my butt. No matter what, there was always residue, and I resolved I'd have to have a shower when I got home.
There was so much paper on top of my deposit that I didn't see what it looked like. I flushed. It almost clogged the toilet and smeared itself all over the bowl on the way down. A second flush got rid of any stray paper, but not the smears. A third flush proved the smears indomitable.
I dried my hands with paper towels and walked out.
I felt violated.
As for the wanking stall peeper, I have no idea who he was. Every time I ever had to crap in that library after, I always plugged the glory hole with paper, at least until the glory hole got filled in later that year, and I no longer had to worry about it.Tricky
Re: Jry
I made an attempt to keep a neutral face when using the half stalls and usually let gravity and peristalsis do as much work as possible, even if it means I have to sit for a longer period of time. Excessive pushing can cause hemorrhoids. A lot of my poop emergencies involved an amount of matter so large that it would force its way out for the first 6-12 inches, then get stuck, and afterward require slow, delicate, careful pushing so as not to cause an anal fissure or hemorrhoids. When using the half stall at the rest stop, I could see myself in the mirror and I think I managed to keep a neutral face as I defecated, even though my ass was quite expressive regarding the volume of noise.
I have stories even worse than what you just read regarding the urinal trough. I'll eventually post them. Although I'm middle aged today, I still get mistaken for a college-aged person, in part attributable to my dietary habits(which have the consequence of making me poop a lot). Back when the events that these stories pertain to occurred, I looked like an adolescent, and was a magnet for creepers who had no idea that I was 10+ years older than I appeared to be. Much more embarrassing or creepy scenarios occurred later in my life, as bad as using the urinal trough that day was. I mentioned before I'd been forced to use doorless stalls and fully exposed toilets with other people in the room, or even poop outdoors only to get intruded upon. I will eventually tell those stories, although I don't know where to start first, as there are so many of them.
I wasn't very much embarrassed using the outhouse while the kids laughed at my noises. They really couldn't see anything, and it was on roughly the same level as awkwardness as using a doored stall in a public restroom, also a place where I got laughed at for my noises a number of times. The most awkward part of that experience was the fact that a woman was standing outside, and got to see me exit after hearing my noises and seeing my pants on the ground.
Then again, by that point, on a number of occasions I'd already pooped in normal doored stalls with a woman in the restroom, once at a high school where some teachers came into the Boys' room while I was seated(different high school than the on I attended), and again at a college dorm Mens' room on orientation night where a cute blonde girl pooped in a stall next to the one I was using, only for us to meet at the sink after we finished. I'd also been intruded upon at a party by a young woman who left her car keys in a residential bathroom and wanted to make a beer run, while I was sitting on the toilet with my pants at my ankles defecating, which was far more embarrassing than either of those since nothing was left up to the imagination to her and her friends.
I also enjoyed the finale to your stories. I have a similar story from when I was in college. The floor was a highly-reflective tile and another student and I could see each other as we were using adjacent stalls. I'll have to tell that one sometime as well.
Hi everyone, I thought I'd just do a quick update on my constipation, I've really been making a massive effort over the last couple of weeks to drink more water and eat better and luckily I'm starting to find it a bit easier to go for a poo.
Jry/ David- many thanks for your concern and nice comments and Jry, I enjoyed your story too about you and Frank.
I just wanted reassure you that I'm not permanently constipated although its a problem I do suffer from quite a lot, its definitely been worse over the last year as I think the stress of lockdowns has got to me and also my diet hasn't been brilliant. I know from past experience that when I do my best to eat well and my stress levels are low I find it alot easier to have a poo. Even when I'm not constipated I have firm solid logs which require some pushing to pass, its been that way all my life, and I only ever go for a poo every other day at the most. The difference when I get constipated is that I only want a poo every three or four days and also my poos get really fat, hard and dry, and thats when I start to struggle and end up spending ages on the loo pushing and grunting. I got in bad habits when I started secondary school as thats when I started to hold in my poo, I would usually feel the urge mid morning and at primary school that was no problem as the loos were really nice, so I would go for a poo right at the start of lunchtime as by then there would be a log trying to poke out in my knickers. However the loos at secondary school were really gross so I did my best to avoid using them for a wee let alone a poo, and thats when I started holding it in and getting constipated. To begin with it was really hard, I remember sitting in class on many occasions bursting for a poo and having to clench my bum so I didn't poo my knickers, eventually the urge would go away but I didn't realise back then that the first thing I should have done once I got back home was to go on the loo and try for a poo even though I didn't feel I needed it any more, it usually took a couple of days for the urge to return and by then it was a really fat, hard and dry poo that I would really struggle to push out. Even though some better toilets opened up a few years later and I was able to start having a poo at school again by then the damage was done and I've struggled with constipation on and off ever since.
Anyway, I'll post again soon, bye for now!!
Yes, I am Thunder Down Under! Thanks for your post on your unscheduled motion . That sort of thing has never happened to me but I have been close! I wish I could do a big diarrhoea just like you did . I am on the toilet constipated. Today is Monday and my last poo was on Thursday.
Hi Brandon t
Yes she had a really good poo think she had been backed up and finally got her relief just so be it she emptied her full bowels in my toilet which was kinda hot and yes some of my poops have been quite good glad you like my stories nothing has been that exciting atm tho with my toilet visits xx
Hi Aubrey, sense I was just talking to another person about it. Have you gotten a chance to go potty in a car yet?
Oh and stories from a friend house. A long time ago when I was a little girl just getting interested in naughty pottying I was at my friend Sophie's house and I had to pee really badly. She had a little movie watching area in her closet. Like comfy chairs, quiet, and dark. Just a perfect place to go potty. She knew about my anti toilet feelings before hand. I asked her if I could use her closet and after some puppy dog eyes she said yes. So I went her closet, dropped my pants and undies. Sat down on the scooby doo chair and had my tinkle. I tried to poo but I couldn't very sad. But yeah that's my story :)
Much love
Reply to _ENV
Hi _ENV, I'm also a car pottier. They are just so convenient aren't they. I do really think you should try pooping in your car. Maybe try the center consul or something like that. The poop isn't as hard to clean up as you think. I have a few stories I could share in the future. I love your idea as an Uber Driver but also volunteering your car as toilet service. I think you'd also enjoy have a training potty at your house.
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Sherryl great story about your huge poop in the woods it sounds like you had to poop a lot more then you thought.
To: Rochelle great story.
To: Lavah great story it sounded like she had a really big poop.
To: Tlana great story about your mom peeing and pooping.
To: Laura it sounds like your daughters friend had a pretty good poop also great story about your poop as well.
Well that's all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this site
Selecting a toilet from a line of options & survey
Being a young professional in the business world, and always looking for extra money, I continue to do child care work on weekends. I've found that weekends can be especially lucrative for babysitting. So I'm out and about much of the time. If I get one crap or more and a handful of pees in a week at home that's unusual.
For example, yesterday, I crapped just before pumping my gas (it wouldn't hold for even two or three minutes more) and when I finally got to the office I had the first of three pees there. The other was at a bar-restaurant where our group went for lunch. After finishing our food, Stac and I went to the bathroom. A waitress was just exiting the first of the seven toilets. Stac immediately ducked in and closed the door. As for me, the middle one was available and I immediately took it. Back more than 20 years ago when I was just getting confidence to use public toilets, Mom advised me to avoid that one. She said it was probably more heavily used and therefore dirtier than the others. I differ. I was two stalls away from Stac but I could clearly hear how her spirited bowels were performing. She started by pushing quite a lot. I could hear splash after splash. She called to me slyly apologizing for breaking my silence. I was sitting just over the front and my stream was hitting the inside front of the bowl, not the water. Probably the only thing Mom taught me that I still follow on my own!
On the way back to the office, we hit a traffic jam. Stac said the beer was ready to come out and she couldn't wait to get on the toilet again. Sometimes at 1 p.m. there's a line for the toilets on our floor. Stac said he would use the public one on the main floor of our building. We passed the time in the traffic jam by talking about how she prefers the just-opening toilet while I will take the middle or one of the middle ones. Her choice, she says, saves time because more often the not, there is toilet paper and the seat is clean. OK, but I'm not about to change my middle-toilet preference.
Below is a survey that might be interesting:
1. When multiple toilets are available how do you select the one you will use?
2. What did your mother teach you? Do you continue to follow it as you get older?
3. If your only choice is a jammed up bowl and no toilet paper, will you still use it for pee?
4. If you are leaving a toilet and there's no toilet paper, do you tell the person hurrying for it about the problem?
5. How do you handle a few specks of water or pee on the seat as you enter such a stall?
6. Have you ever rejected several of the toilets? What was your reason? What did you do to meet your needs?
7. Has your butt ever even for a moment stuck to a toilet seat? What do you think is the reason for that? I don't think I remember it happening to me with the middle toilet?
Thank you!
Hi Catherine!
Hi Catherine! So sorry to hear about Zoe being sick but it sounds like she handles it really well. I hope the rest of you are able to avoid the bug, but if not, i hope you avoid any unpleasant mishaps!
You are so sweet to worry for me. I think i have a very nice support system in my life right now so i don't really feel too isolated or lacking in social interaction, but you're absolutely right, it definitely can be a hinderance socially. i have definitely avoided certain activities due to the problem, usually things that entail spending long periods of time away from the toilet. For instance I am afraid to fly anywhere thats more than 2 or 3 hours away, afraid to join friends on long car rides, etc. But overall, I've battled depression in the past but currently I am actually feeling good mentally and emotionally in life, probably moreso than i have in a couple years. my accidents are certainly an embarrassing inconvenience, but they don't get me down the way they did when i was a teenager. As a teenager, after the accident i had in my friend's car which was my 3rd poop accident as a teen, i got really depressed for a while because i was realizing it was a pattern and i didn't know how to make it stop, and was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it. These days i cope emotionally with the problem much better.
I meant to reply to your post about wearing a dress on the toilet. I LOL'ed for real when you talked about looking like a goddess on the toilet that way. I love it. I usually hike my skirts all the way up around my midsection when i use the toilet. i dont wear flowy dresses that often. But where I can relate is with my bathrobe! When i use the toilet in the morning i usually have my bathrobe on because i tend to be cold in the morning and i love sitting on the toilet with my robe all draped around me and the bowl. It just feels extra cozy.
I wanted to say I have been very impressed by your wisdom and insight about my issue because a lot of what you've recommended to me is right in line with what my doctors have said. I saw a gi specialist this week, and there were two main things she had to say. One, she seemed perplexed by the fact that my issue isn't coupled with bouts of constipation and that the incontinence episodes don't occur while having repetitive attacks, IE: having to poop frequently in a short period. She said its common for ibs patients to have one or both of those situations. But my incontinence episodes are usually just one and done, i dont find that im running back and forth to the toilet a lot when it occurs. She ultimately landed on two things for me to do- physically, she too told me about doing pelvic floor strengthening exercises and bringing it up with my ob/gyn, but she said that she typically sees that as a cause in women who have given birth, which i have not. The more helpful thing she brought up that i hadn't even considered was keeping a food journal. She told me that it sounds a lot like it could be a food sensitivity issue (due to the cramping and sudden urgency preceding my accidents) and when she was questioning me on how i eat i realized that there is no consistency in my diet whatsoever, i am pretty all over the place. She made very similar suggestions for my diet that you did Catherine, and said that there are also food sensitivity tests you can do if just keeping track of what you eat and how it affects you doesn't help. She told me to pay extra special attention to things like dairy and meat. Eitherway, ever since I saw her I've been keeping track of anything I eat. This way if I have an accident I will look back at whatever I ate. I'll do this until i can see if there is a pattern when i have accidents.
Another thing I have to report is that I think my coworker Brian knows I am wearing diapers now. The other day I wore a shirt that kept riding up and not keeping my butt covered, so the outline of my diaper must have been visible through my leggings...or even worse, he might have seen the waistband of the diaper sticking out of my leggings when i bent over or something. the diapers rise up pretty high in the back, so i have to be careful about them peeking out of my pants. its certainly possible they did...because at one point to my surprise he asked me how i have been doing lately with my issue. I was caught off guard because we haven't touched on that subject really since right after the accident i had in front of him, so I just told him i'd been ok and I didn't elaborate. then he made the comment "i see youre better prepared now." I felt my face turn red with embarrassment because i was positive he was referring to my diaper! I was so uncomfortable that I just went silent until we got distracted by something else and changed the subject! It was so awkward!
He's a trusted friend and truth be told, if I wasn't with Alexis I would consider seeing if there was something more there...but him knowing i'm in diapers made me cringe! I don't know why it feels so embarrassing because he knows that i have a problem with pooping my pants and has seen it happen, so why would him knowing i'm in a diaper be any worse? for some reason it just is.
take care for now!
ShannonVictoria B.
I'm (somewhat) back
Yesterday I had my maybe second public poop of the last fifteen months yesterday and thought I'd check in. I've had some struggles physically and mentally but now I'm being treated for general anxiety disorder, clinical depression and my membership in the IBS Club. I was diagnosed with IBS-M (diarrhea and constipation in alternating cycles) a couple of months ago and I'll write about that experience and how it has affected me when as I continue to make progress in therapy and feel more like myself. On the bad days I wonder if she'll ever come back.
Following all your stories has helped during my recovery and I am sorry for such a somber post. You all mean so much to me and I'm happy to be here again.
Love always,
Mina, I found your story about the old slit trench squat toilets very interesting! Also, it was great to hear about some friendly spankings!
Amber: it's great that your sister pooed in the tub.
Sherryl, can you tell the story about how you pood between cars?
UK trip with my friend Frank part 4 - Finale
Tricky: Each of those stories you wrote sounded extremely awkward. I was angry about the creep who watched you pee. Your experience with pooping in the camping ground made me recall the experience of pooping in the half-stalls, with the boys laughing at the sounds of your droppings being the equivalent of the boys laughing at my pushing faces and plops. The one about using the half-stalls at the rest stop also sounds very uncomfortable. I'm wondering… on those occasions when people saw you (even if you have not told it to us yet), did you also make faces and / or grunting noises that added to the awkwardness of it all? Or did you normally manage to stay with a neutral face and without any vocal sounds? Or, if you did make faces and noises, did they increase the degree of discomfort of the situation?
David: Thank you for your comments! I do hope Abbie has from time-to-time easier poops, since I cannot imagine such a struggle happening all the time without becoming frustrated! Hopefully she does!
Queue: Thanks for your comments, I'm glad you liked my story. As promised, this is the conclusion to the trip to the UK with my friend Frank. I have been writing it for some time, but it is very long and I wanted to recall as many details as I remember. It was a special occasion, you'll see why. I remember this story fondly because it allowed me to feel like Frank and I shared something special in this trip, although I am sure he definitely does not feel the same way about it!
Thinking about my friend Tristan from some time ago in this forum, I decided that I will try to describe the following events of how Frank and I pooped during our "un-constipating" poop session in a detailed manner, including the seating positions and pushing "techniques", since I could more or less "see" him do that (you'll understand why) and could compare his pooping behaviour with mine.
That morning, after our unsuccessful attempts at pooping the previous night (mine) and after breakfast (Frank), we checked out of our room and walked some kilometers toward the train station while carrying our bags. We had some hours before the departure of our train, so we decided to go into a museum. After buying the entrance tickets and looking around for a bit, I began feeling the need to poop once again. It began as a heavy feeling in my bowels that slowly descended into the rectum. I turned to Frank to tell him that I needed the bathroom and saw him not looking at any particular exhibit in the museum hall, but at the doorways and signs in the museum. "Hey, I have to use the bathroom", I said to him. "Yeah… so do I", he replied, in his usual serious tone when he has to poop. We began looking for the restroom signs, and we came upon a map of the museum that directed us to the ground floor.
We walked down the stairs and went to the ground floor, finding the men's restroom there. We both entered and saw 2 rows of three stalls, one on each wall, with the urinals at the end of the room and the sinks right beside the entrance. Being the UK, the doors in these stalls were longer than those in the American ones. Frank and I went to the stalls on the left wall, with him taking the one closest to the sinks and I taking the one in the middle next to his. Once in there, I saw that while the doors were taller and the gap between the floor and the door was smaller, the dividing wall panels were similar to those in American stalls, and the inside of the stalls was covered in a reflective blue paint that acted almost as a blue mirror. Similarly, I saw that the floor tiles were very reflective as well, and I could see my reflection quite clearly by looking down. From the moment I saw this, I knew it was quite possible that I could see Frank pooping and he would be able to see me as well.
I turned around, facing the stall door, unbuttoned my pants and pulled them and my underwear down to my ankles and sat down. It was then that I realized that not only were the panels and tiles reflective, but there was also a wide enough gap between the doors and the stall walls to leave enough room to see 3 / 4 of the other person sitting on the toilet next to you! (Side note: In my university, there was a similar thing in one of the restrooms, and I had used that one before so I kind of knew what to expect). Sitting down with my pants around my ankles, I saw Frank had already sat on the toilet, pants and underwear also around his ankles, and leaning slightly forward. I contemplated this image of Frank while I began to relax and pee. Some airy farts came out at this moment as well. I heard and saw Frank begin to pee by holding his penis down and pointing towards the bowl. Once he had finished peeing, with his hands he separated his buttocks to allow for maximum space for the place where the poop would emerge soon after.
My need to poop began to give way to a relaxation of the anal muscles and the rest of the turd from the night before began to poke out. It felt hard, knobbly, and dry. This made me grunt a bit, not from effort but from the sensation of it beginning to slide out. At that moment, I saw that Frank began really leaning forward, his hands held forward and clasped together downwards in front of his knees, with his chest close to his thighs and his head close to his knees. He stared in concentration at the door of his stall. A few seconds later, I saw and heard him sigh. While this happened with him, I decided to begin pushing my own poop out. I did not push too hard at first, since I did not want my turd to leave me sore while coming out. Some seconds later it fell into the water with a heavy plop, and I sighed in relief. This was, however, only the beginning of my poop load, as I had about 5 days' worth of poop inside of me. A battle for relief had just begun.
Next to me, I had not yet heard anything from Frank beyond the occasional squeaky fart. I saw his image in the reflective panels in the stall door through the gap between my stall wall and his. He was still leaning forward in a way that almost seemed as if he were trying to hug his knees, but still staring at his stall door. Concentration was etched in his face, with an expression in his eyes as if he was very mad at someone. Now, I had heard Frank poop many times before, but before this trip to the UK, I had never actually seen him poop. It's not a thing that either of us would do in front of the other, unless it was an emergency or a highly unusual situation. So, seeing him poop throughout all his pooping process (unlike in our first day in London, which was only the beginning of his poop) was mesmerizing to me. I have occasionally wondered what my friends look like on the toilet, and if they poop in a similar manner to me. With Frank, I got an answer. After about 10 seconds but what felt like an eternity, I saw his eyes narrow, followed by a gasp and… a very small plop. His face momentarily returned to normal as he caught his breath, inhaled again, and continued pushing.
Seeing this had taken my mind off from my own need, so when I felt a second turd ready to exit, it brought me back to my stall and to what I had to do. This one felt wide. It began moving, and when it started emerging, I re-seated myself in a way that my buttocks also left enough space for the beast to move. And move it did. It crackled as it moved very, very slowly, and I felt my hole stretch, and stretch, and stretch, making it hurt. After seeing Frank, I decided to copy him more or less and got into a similar position as him, and began to push hard. I went up on my toes, and began shaking a bit. Some grunts also escaped from under my breath. I could feel the very thick, knobbly turd emerging in a consistent manner, but it stopped every time I stopped pushing. I repeated this process three or four times: I took a deep breath, pushed for about 15 to 20 seconds, shaking a bit every time, and exhaled loudly. In this process, my butthole had opened so large and for so long that it was probably some kind of record for me. The final time I repeated this process, I felt it drop and it made a very loud KERLOOMP noise, something very definitely audible not just from the next stalls but from the rest of the restroom as well. This also caused the toilet water to splash back up and wet my butthole.
As I relaxed and caught my breath, I happened to look to Frank's stall. He was still in the same position as I last saw him, although he was now making a kind of funny face: deep concentration in his eyes, but making a weird grimace that formed a strained smile. I heard him inhale and exhale loudly. I went back to a 45-degree angle and I saw him more clearly - same face, his legs wide open, leaning heavily forward, and his hands massaging his abdomen, from his right side towards his left side and down, probably to help in moving his poop. At this moment, I felt the next turd inside me want to come out but. Feeling it less hard than the previous one, I remained in that position while I started pushing again. For a few seconds nothing happened, but after about 10 seconds of working on it, the next piece began slowly coming out. It was similarly wide, and it was still solid, but much smoother and pleasurable than the first ones. It crackled all throughout its way out. The void it formed in my insides while it was exiting left me groaning in relief. Just as my turd was about to drop, I heard a very deep, heavy-sounding "POLOMPTON" noise from the next stall, which caused me to once again turn my attention to the reflection in the gap between stalls and see how Frank immediately shifted his position, once again to a more "normal" angle of 45-degrees.
As I saw him relax and regain his normal breathing, my own turd dropped, in this case making a heavy FLOMP sound. With the noise of my turd hitting the water, however, Frank's focus seemed to divert from his pooping process and he paid attention to his surroundings. Obviously, he had heard my FLOMP noise, but it was until this moment that his gaze turned toward the reflection in the stall gap and he and I made eye contact. He and I found each other looking at our faces for a moment, and in his first reaction was that he instinctively pulled up his pants and underwear higher up, to his knees. "Who the hell designed this?!", he angrily asked. "Well, someone not very interested in privacy, apparently", was my reply. "Well, don't look at me, man, it's awkward!", said Frank. Though he had a point, I said, "Well, due to this design, we don't have much of a choice".
Frank just huffed in frustration and leaned forward and aimed his face down so that I could not see him. This honestly gave him more privacy, since from my perspective, I could see just the left side of his face, his forehead, his shoulders and much of his back, but not anything else. It did not matter, though. Unlike Frank, I did not bother shifting my position because he could not see me nor was there anyone else in the next stall. When he did this, I knew the rest of my poop was ready to come out, so I began pushing again and maintained the pressure again for 15 to 20 seconds. During that time, I felt several turds, smaller in size but still significant, exiting rapidly one after the other, perhaps 5 or 6, and I felt an increasing and relieving void forming inside of me. I sighed in relief, and soon after I began hearing plopping from Frank's stall. The first one also sounded very heavy, and the rest sounded more normal for him. It seemed that, like me, he also had a very big turd to expel before the rest could come out more easily.
I felt a final small turd wanting to leave, so I gave a gentle push and it "flopped" into the water. I knew that with the amount of poop I had made, I would need to flush first in order to avoid clogging the toilet. I saw inside and man, was that a huge amount of poop! The first two were very hard, dark brown, and consisted of many different small poops pressed together. The second one that exited and bigger one of these was massive! It was more than a foot long, thick, and was basically a piece of poop standing straight from the water-covered zone in the toilet with just the end of it being a little bent. The third turd was more bent, but was lying beside the second one I just described. The rest were softer and smoother, lying a little to the side, some down the pipe, some on top of each other. This was also a mountain of poop, and I wondered if the thickness of the turds would allow the mountain of poop to go down.
As I contemplated this, Frank was still releasing his poop next to me. Every 10 to 20 seconds, I could hear another plop from him, and him sighing a bit after each plop. I flushed and, at first, it seemed like it would not go down because of the amount. However, after a slow start, my poop mountain went down without much complication, although there were some skidmarks left from it. I sat back down and began wiping carefully, since I did not want to hurt myself more than my poop had already done. Next to me, I saw Frank leaning forward with his hands stretching his buttocks, again with some concentration on his face. I heard two final turds drop, one with a "plop" and one with a "flop" from Frank's side, and after some seconds of him staying in the same position, he went back to a normal seating position. I was still wiping myself, but I saw Frank looking at me a bit hesitant. "You done, man?", I asked. "Yeah…", he replied, uncomfortable at the fact that we were still able to look at one another sitting on the toilet. "Don't look at me as I wipe, man", he said. Although I tried to honor his request, it was still within my range of sight to see his silhouette moving while he wiped. I did not see anything specific, although it caught my eye that he wiped from the front, and not from behind as I did. I finished wiping first, and flushed and left my stall.
As I was washing my hands, I heard Frank say an expletive in his stall. I wondered what had happened. Then I heard the sound of the flush, and it did not sound as if it was working. I then realized that Frank had also pooped a huge amount, and because he had wiped without flushing his poop load first like I had done, the toilet did indeed clog. Frank came out of the stall, joined me at the sinks, and I grinned mischievously at him. "It didn't flush, did it?". Red in the face from the embarrassment, he acknowledged it had not. Fortunately, a janitor was standing outside of the restroom, so we let him know what the problem was. He did not seem enthusiastic about it, but he said he would take care of it.
With this "un-constipating" poop session, both Frank and I returned to our normal poops the next days. I must say, seeing Frank like that was quite an unusual yet very welcome sight, since seeing him poop also helped me poop and it is not often that one gets to see a close mate birthing a monstruous poop.
So, that's it for now! Hope you enjoyed this part 4 and finale of my trip to the UK with Frank, and the "un-constipating" poop session we both had next to each other.
I might take a while to post again, because my workload unexpectedly increased. But I will keep reading and if I have the time to write again something interesting, I will!
Saturday, May 08, 2021
Incontinence and Social Anxiety
I note the post from Catherine and say that for me lift goes on, even though it is different to what it use to be. Maybe I should say very different. My incontinence is by no means my biggest problem that I have . It takes thought as to management and those affected have to realise there life will be altered , so get on with it.
Diarrhea and my period
Hi again. My name is Deb.
Well, my period came back again yesterday which was Thursday. I have basically been wearing a pad almost all of the time given the unpredictably of my period and the issues that I have always had with my bowels. I have just been wearing the regular ultra thins by Always, the ones in the yellow package, size three.
On Wednesday I had some diarrhea but it wasn't as bad as it can be at times. I did have an accident while I was taking the mail around to each office. I cramped up really badly and let out a mushy load of wet diarrhea onto my pad. I went to the washroom to get cleaned up and change my pad.
I started spotting a bit on Wednesday evening, but it was rather light. I was still spotting on Thursday morning but I still decided to wear a regular ultra thin pad in my lacy light blue string bikini panties. I wore a pair of snug jeans and a white blouse. My husband dropped me off at work so he could take my car to get serviced. I packed a few extra pads with me in my purse.
Throughout the morning I could feel that my period was actually starting. I was talking with my coworker Jenn. I shifted my position in my chair and felt a big gush come out, soaking my pad. I gasped when I hailed and Jenn asked if I was okay. I said, "I just got my period." Then my phone rang. As I was talking another rush of blood came out, soaking my pad even more. I was cramping up as well and I felt like I was going to have diarrhea right there. I was in trouble and really needed to get to the toilet.
Finally my call ended, but I couldn't move. I though that if I did, I would poop my pants. I could feel that my pad was leaking as well. I said to Jenn, "I need to go to the washroom." She said, "Okay, no problem." I got up and felt another gush fill my pad. I also had to go diarrhea very badly. I grabbed my purse, got up an took a step around my chair. I let out a messy wet fart and moaned when it happened. Jenn said, "Oh honey, I'm sorry." I shuffled to the washroom, keeping my butt cheeks clenched, but still leaking diarrhea. I looked in the mirror at my bum and sure enough my pad leaked through my pants. I had a very noticeable stain on them. I got into a stall and pulled down my jeans and panties. My pad was soaked through and I had also messed it with diarrhea. I cleaned up and put an overnight ultra thin pad in my panties.
I got back to my desk and called my husband to see if he could bring me a change of clothes and some more pads but he was still at the dealership with my car. My mum was looking after our daughter and couldn't help either as she didn't have a car seat. At lunch I went to Shoppers Drug Mart and bought some extra heavy overnight maxi pads. I found a clothing store in the downtown mall that was open and bought a new pair of jeans and panties. I changed when I got back to work.
My period is still really heavy and I am still having diarrhea. I have had a few more pooping accidents, but luckily it has been contained to my maxi pad.
Thanks for reading.