End of Day Blowouts
Mary, your story about Lindsey was very enjoyable. I guess some people just have the gift as you said. I have a somewhat similar story about a friend/roommate of mine.
Back around this time last year, one of my roommates, a close college friend, was just starting her nursing career. Due to the pandemic, she was brought off her usual duties and was 'recruited' to work with the virus patients. Aside from the exhausting work and extra long hours, she also had to deal with the full protective outfit. Taking it on and off and needing to re-sanitize each time meant she ended up going her entire shift without using the restroom. To be clear, she was allowed to but didn't want to because of the hassle.
I have no clue how she managed to hold it all for the 12+ hour shifts she worked, but she did. On the flip side though, she would come home late at night and make a mad dash for the toilet. I remember the first day of it I could hear her loudly peeing for what felt like an eternity. The next day, I actually timed her and it was over 4 minutes of continuous peeing.
Like clockwork, she had her routine. The peeing, while amusing, was harmless. Unfortunately, while peeing she would simultaneously be taking a SERIOUS dump. She normally went twice a day, and even then she was a big pooper (she's tall, former swimmer, eats healthy). Now that she was going just once a day, she was taking massive dumps. They were so big she would usually clog the toilet trying to flush them down before she even wiped. We had to go out and buy a toilet plunger after just a few days of it because we didn't want to have to submit a maintenance request and wait hours for someone to show up the next morning. Those few days, probably a week or so total before we got the plunger were a struggle.
I had a normal 9-5 job, so I'd have to wake up early before the maintenance would show up. I'd have to shower and get ready for work with a toilet bowl clogged full of poop. The smell was awful despite numerous air fresheners. The smell was really bad when I would have to open the lid to do my morning pee. I'd have to sit there for a minute or so, holding my nose while I went. This also meant I got to see what K (not gonna use her full name) had done. She managed to do quite the variety lol. One day it would be one great big log, the next it would be a big pile of multiple logs, and sometimes it was just a mess of poopy water with god knows what lying beneath the surface. She was so embarrassed and apologetic, but I assured her it was fine and didn't blame her one bit - her job was far more important and there wasn't anything she could do about it anyways.
Once we actually got the plunger, things got much better. She struggled at first with it but eventually figured out how to use it pretty well. Only when she occasionally took an especially large dump would she sometimes have trouble and need to take a break or two before getting it down.
Now that the virus is under much better control, she's returned to her normal duties. The re-sanitation procedures are also much more lax now, so she now has gone back to actually using the toilets at the hospital. Interestingly though, she can still only poop once a day. I guess after nearly a year of the new routine, her body adapted to the changes and pooping mountains is her new normal, much to the dismay of our unfortunate toilet lol.
Mary, Lindsey sounds like she can really poop too. I asked K about public toilets since they are often way stronger. She said she's blocked a few of them over the past year or so but it's rare, so I think Lindsey might have her beat.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Mina, Kazuko, Hisae. Maho
Dear Mary
I (Mina) translated a part of your story for my crushes.
We all agreed, we are sorry for Lindsey!! Perhaps she is a competition for us, but we never do our motion in one big turd. Always it break up many pieces. So we can flush when we think it is a time to flush. And then do remainder of our motion.
But once (I wrote on this site before) Maho did a very huge motion which was one very big turd. I broke it up with used waribashi, waribashi are disposable chopsticks. Or maybe I used hanger. I can't remember well. Then the turd went down, loo ate it. Our loo has very big mouth. If Maho clog our loo, maybe she cry very very long time.
Lindsey is unlucky because her motion is only one turd and it is too big even for loo with big mouth.
You write you are still in contact. Perhaps you can tell her what we said. You can tell her it was your own idea (to break up turd with something before flush) but you didn't think it before. That way she won't know you tell other people about her motion. For me a plagiarism is no problem.
We wish you and her a good luck.
Mina, Hisae, Maho, KazukoMina
Dear Mary, part 2
We are sorry for you too, taking blame. But Maho says, she suspect that your friend thought it was not you, but you were shield Lindsey. Maho said that if you said you did that motion to her, she would think of shield at once.
Answers to Tim's survey
1. How often do you pee?
Pretty much every 2 hours when I'm awake.
2) How often do you poop?
Usually not more than once a day, but sometimes I miss a day or 2.
3) Ever have someone of the same sex come to the toilet with you?
Yes my friend Roxie pretty much insists on it whether we're at my
house, or at school. Roxie pretty much insists on it.
4) Ever had someone of the opposite sex come to the toilet with you?
Yes. I'm 12 now and I've started babysitting some kids from the
neighborhood. No way I want a young boy alone in a place like a park or bowling alley alone while I'm on the toilet taking my crap.
5) What is the worse you have ever needed to pee? This has happened a few times. I'm on a city bus with my friends, its crowded and stops at every corner and it is going to take an hour for us to get to our transit stop where we transfer. I have a tiny, tiny bladder and the stop and go jolting of the bus doesn't help.
6) What is the worse you have ever needed to poop?
I stayed over at a friend's house, had chili for dinner and I did 2 sitdowns the next day at school. Each time I had just seated myself. The first time I fire alarm went off. Right after lunch I had to wait 10 minutes for a toilet to open. Then I had just sat down when an intruder announcement was made. Then I was herded into a classroom with no toilet. It was only a drill but after school I threw my soiled undies out and cleaned myself. But in doing so, I missed my bus home.
7) Thighs together or apart when I pee?
Apart at home. Together when at a public place. The eyeballs I see too many times through the door spaces creep me out. When there is no door that is even worse.Audrey
David P: its not that common, people usually go way off the trail.
Marie: I'm content for now with just peeing outside with friends, as I don't think I could get away with pottying inside, except in containers. Someday I'd like to hear about Amanda, when you have time to write a long story.
Sherryl: I loved your story, I hope you three have more naughty poos. Having a lady sit on your lap and poo sound alike so much fun? How much did you have to wipe her? How about having here reciprocate next time?
Emily: I so loved your story,keep it up!
Mina and friends: Great story! Did you see my suggestion?Victoria B.
Some responses
Just a few replies today.
To Mina, Maho, Kazuko and Hisae: It's here and we love it. Having the water level in the bowl lower than normal on an American toilet leads to great plops and we've both been contributing in that department! At first I had trouble remembering which way to pull the flush handle (it's a dual flush like what you have in the green and beige rooms) until Robyn came up with the expression Forward for Full Flush and that made it easier to remember.
We also brought a bit more Japanese style into my ensuite by replacing the toilet paper holder with one that has a cover above the roll and hinges that the roll rests on instead of a spring-loaded spindle. It's so much more convenient and easy to use-putting on a new roll of paper only takes one hand!
To Mary:
Lindsey sounds really cool and from the way you handled things you do too. Welcome!
To Vincene:
Our moms should meet each other though maybe mine has had the last laugh because I'm now back to using seat covers in public bathrooms.
To Elvia:
Sounds like you've got everything under control and that your son is being brought up in a good family!
To Emma Two:
I've been there before and empathize. We enjoy reading your stories here.
That's all for now!
Latest Stories
I made up a new poop term. The term is called ghost urge. I had one yesterday. It is characterized as you not feeling an urge to poop, but when you push thinking you have to fart, poop comes out. I had diarrhea like that yesterday after a solid poop. My one poop today was solid, too. Once, after realizing I had mushrooms with a meal, my poop sort of had an old mushroomy smell to it. I don't remember exactly what the consistency was, but I think it was slightly loose. Another memorable experience is being unwell at a babysitter's house on a Sunday as an elementary school child, but luckily, no diarrhea. This was before I was scheduled that day to take the weekends home bus back to The School For The Blind in Austin. One experience of an accident on the bus occurred when I was older (in the EXIT Program). One student smelled of poop at the location that the bus picked us up at. He might have gotten changed and then rode the bus as usual. Hope all is well. Bye
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Emmas two
Desperate measures
I remember once when I was 16 I had really bad diarrhoea and my older sister was in the bathroom having some diarrhoea of her own. I couldn't wait for her to come out and I went out into the garden and hid myself between the garage and the hedge and squatted down. I let loose a torrent of diarrhoea onto the dirt and it was such a relief when I finished. I was didn't have any toilet roll to wipe my bottom with so I I used my knickers and buried them in the dirt. When I got back indoors my sister was out of the bathroom and I went in to wipe my bottom properly.
About a week later dad was cutting the hedge and it turned out I didn't burry my knickers properly and he found them. I was so embarrassed but he understood when I explained that I was desperate and I couldn't get into the bathroom. He told me he often did it outside when he was a kid but mum wasn't impressed with him telling me that.
Re: Mary
I enjoyed your story about Lindsey's clogging exploits. She must have been very embarrassed. I've clogged the toilet at a former office I worked at more than once, but certainly not as often as Lindsey did. Even still, it made me infamous among the janitors. They knew I was the culprit because the cleaning lady was waiting outside the Mens' room for me to finish for at least a good 10 minutes, after she knocked on the door and I announced my presence there. People don't look at you the same way again after they've had to clean up your crap.
Re: Emma Two
I can relate to your story. See the above paragraph, and my story titled "Poop at the Office" on page 2880. The first time I clogged the office toilet was very embarrassing. The second time I clogged the office toilet, I wasn't embarrassed in the least, because the cleaning lady had caught me on the crapper and waited outside for me to finish by that point 20+ times, albeit I still felt bad that she had to clean it, given how little her job type tends to pay. My coworkers also witnessed me causing clogs in public restrooms when we'd work out of office and have to stop somewhere. I'm glad you were able to remain undetected. Even when I wasn't embarrassed, the situation was still awkward all around.
Re: Iris
It's good that you've worked up the courage to use public toilets for both functions. Holding it in is inviting health problems. I don't know how you did it all of those years. You're also fortunate that your stalls have doors on them. I used to avoid pooping in middle school and high school because the doors were either removed from the stalls altogether, or the sit down toilets didn't even have stalls and were entirely out in the open, depending upon the boys' room. I probably would have used them when the need arose if I hadn't witnessed a student being bullied while he was sitting on the toilet my first day of 7th grade. Every school day, it was a mad rush to get to the toilet at home so I could poop. After finishing high school, I thought doorless stalls would be something I never encountered again, because up until that time, school was almost the only place I'd ever seen them. I was wrong. I've come across a number of public restrooms with doorless stalls or open toilets since then. I've also had a number of emergencies where I was presented with them when I found the public restroom, and was forced to poop in view of an unwanted audience. One of those times is the story titled "Nowhere else to go... my intro to shameless pooping". I don't let a lack of privacy stop me these days when the need arises, and do my best to enjoy the poop for what it is, no matter where I must take it. You'll know you've made a lot of progress on your journey to using the restroom without anxiety or inhibition when you've had your first buddy pee or dump with a friend or acquaintance behind the relative privacy of a stall door. The next level after that, is daring to use a doorless stall for either.
Re: Vincene
I was fortunate that I was taught to go whenever I have to as a small child. However, my grandmother used to force me use the toilet before leaving the house, even when I didn't need to go. It was very annoying and wasted a lot of time. But whenever I had to use the restroom in public for either function, I was still encouraged to do so, and did. I never lined the toilet with toilet paper before sitting on it, and to this day see no need to use toilet seat covers. The one time I tried to use a toilet seat cover, it only made a mess because the paper flap in the middle caught my poop as it was coming out. The first time I remember ever holding it in deliberately was when I first encountered doorless stalls when I needed to poop, during middle school. After seeing a kid being bullied for sitting on the toilet, it was just a bridge too far to cross.Abbie
Some comments and replies
Hi everyone, just a few comments/ replies tonight as I'm short on time, will try to post more soon.
David P- Sorry to hear you're constipated again. You asked if I had any other health issues related to constipation and luckily I seem to be fine otherwise, I hope that continues! I do get a sore bum and bleeding quite a bit after a hard poo but I haven't noticed anything else so far.
Jasmin K- great to hear from you again and good to hear that your boyfriend is so understanding when your struggling to have a poo.
Imogen- thanks for your comment, unfortunately there wasn't anywhere for Katie to squat so we just had to hurry home, luckily we made before she wet her knickers!
Iris- glad to hear you've managed to have a successful wee at school a couple of times. I hope you manage to pluck up the courage to go for a poo at school but as you say its probably best not to rush things. When I was at school I had similar problems as I never had time to have a poo before school either, I'm also guessing as you said you wait until you get home that you start to need a poo at some point during the school day which as you say can then get pretty uncomfortable. I would usually get the urge for a poo late morning and would go on the loo at lunchtime when I was at primary school and that worked fine, but once I started secondary school I really hated the school loos, they were disgusting, not at all private and horrible girls used to hang round in there and after I got looked in on and walked in on a few times I stopped going for a poo at school completely. I'm not really shy about using public toilets but those experiences did put me off, luckily when I got to Year 10 some new toilets opened up which were alot nicer and so I was able to start having a poo at school again, unfortunately by then I had got constipated because I'd been holding it in and I've suffered on and off ever since. My advice is to either use the loo at really quiet times when your pretty confident no-one else will be around or actually the other end of the scale, when the loos are so busy that with doors slamming and toilets flushing etc no-one would notice you amongst everyone else, when I was at school I actually preferred the last scenario as anything I was doing just sort of blended in. If you have different toilet blocks you can use it might be worth seeing if there are any differences between them, again in my school there were certain toilets that always seemed to be more popular for pooing, I always felt more relaxed on the loo when girls in next door cubicles were having a poo as well so I knew it wasn't just me! Anyway I really hope it goes well for you, let us know how you get on.
I'll post again soon when I get a moment, bye for now!!Emma two
Poo in the woods
My last poo was three days ago at work and when I got up this morning I was busting for a poo as well as a wee. I thought it would be nice to do it in the woods so I told Sarah I was going for a walk in the woods. She said "OK, don't forget the toilet roll." She obviously knew what I was doing which was a bit embarrassing and I left the flat feeling exited at the thought of doing it in the open air. By the time I walked to the woods I was getting desperate and as I was walking into the trees I prayed there wouldn't be anyone around because I needed some privacy to do my business. I couldn't see anyone so I pulled my jeans and knickers down and squatted under a big tree and relaxed. I started off with a long and relieving wee before pushing gently but nothing came out so I pushed harder. It stretched my bottom and it hurt. I took a deep breath and pushed again and it started to move slowly and it felt good even though it was painful. After five minutes it dropped away and I looked between my legs to find I'd done an impressive poo and I still had to go. I pushed again and this time it was softer and it only took a few seconds to do the rest but it was a huge load. I felt so much better after that and I wiped my sore bottom and pulled everything back up and left quickly before anyone came along.
David P
Comments and weird bowels
Hello all thanks to everyone who has welcomed me to the site by including me in replies and questions. I am happy to have been made part of your community of pooing. Bit of a long post so hope it makes it here.
Abbie: I go on and off between constipation as you will read in this story, I have weird bowels ha. Very good to hear that you do not have any health issues, you are one tough cookie after straining for so long not to have anything! You must feel great. I read girls are much stronger than boys when it comes to pushing, having babies and everything. So that is lucky for you. I used to get a protruding rectum that would lower a pink tube out of my bumhole that would need pushing back up after a poo. Then now I get terrible acid leaking in my throat due to a hernia that I believe was caused by straining to poo. I hope you avoid either of these health problems, I'd hate for you to get what I did. Have you ever tried a stool softener Abbie? Unlike laxatives they only help soften poo.
Jennifer: not to be concerned about questions, keep them coming I like answering questions about poo, not in real life however that would be embarrassing! My comment to abbie would explain more about the prolapse and other health issues related to constipation, I would urge you to help your boyfriend get help before he causes any other problems to himself. As I say I am embarrassed to poo anywhere other than home so always I have held it in causing constipation and weird bowel habits. Hence why I was embarrassed to seek medical help. Talking to a doctor about poo is not my idea of fun but I would urge any of you constipated posters here to talk to a doctor about your pooing and see if they can help you go easier. My advice to help your boyfriend would be have him raise his feet higher than hips, push the skin between his bum 5o help it come and only push lightly. A diet high in fibre is a must and plenty of fluids. A doctor will probably give stool softners while you get in a better routine, stool softners good for just softer poos and not the bad effects of laxatives. In regards to travelling, yes it can be annoying if you need to open your bowels when out and about. I need to get the courage to just drop a log when out and I would feel much better. I will keep you updated if anything happens!
Now a quick update. This week my bowels have been acting weird. I was constipated as I described before, passing very hard knobbly small logs that were annoying to push out. I had this for a few days this week then one morning this week, woke up drank some tea and eat toast (white bread, not the best for constipation but can be nicer). I felt a bit of gad bubble down inside me so I went to fart but felt a sharp pain in my rectum as I went to pass gass. This was a little scary and made me think of a while back when I had terrible loose poos. I did not have an urge for a poo but I shot upstairs and went into the small bathroom locking the door. I sat down on the loo and went to fart over it and felt the sharp pain again. I was a little worried so just sat there for a little bit, then I decided to push a bit harder and I farted a loud blast that also had a watery substance feeling inside it. I heard splatting of bits of poo as I blasted out farts into the bowel. I looked down between my legs as I pushed and saw some loose brown water drop in and lots of little brown specs in the toilet. I felt empty so wiped my bum to find it was mainly sticky gloop on the paper and not really poo as such. A bit like runny snot. After looking online I believe it to be mucus discharge. I am not officially diagnosed as IBS but think that maybe I could be. I flushed and went away, I was careful not to eat much that day and drink just water and luckily that was all. The next day I got up as usual and this time when I sat on the loo. I had to push a little harder and I let out two very hard logs. The first looked pretty hard on the way out hanging from my bum, then dropped with a sploosh. The second followed closely with a sharp PLOP! I love the sound of the hard poops as they splash and plop but I'd like to have a louder one sometime.
That is all for now.
David P
Georgie P
New story
Hi all, Georgie P back again. It's been forever since I last posted. I have a new story for you all. Reminder: I'm a trans guy, so I still have female genitals. Just saying this to avoid confusion. I think my last post was last year or something like that.
Me and my friend were at his house. The same friend I talked about in earlier stories. I had to use the bathroom very bad and since I'm not shy about it with him I told him. He came with me in the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bathtub right across from the toilet. I removed everything except my shirt and socks and sat down with my legs wide apart. If you remember earlier I said we've had trouble with him getting a good view especially because my toilet is right next to the wall. His bathroom has it so that it's further away from the wall. So I had the freedom to spread my legs wide open.
I started to pee. He laughed a little while he watched and I laughed a bit with him. After about 30 seconds he said "wow, somebody had to go! what did you drink today?!?!" And I said "just water not more than usual." My stream didn't even slow to a trickle until a minute or more! What a relief that was. Then I started to push. He watched as my poo started to emerge. It dropped within 15 to 20 seconds followed by a number of others.
He asked me if I was done. I said yes. As usual I let him wipe me. First he wiped my vulva (vagina), then my bottom. I stood up and pulled everything up and we washed our hands. I hope you enjoyed my story.David P
More Replies
Replies from people I missed on the last post.
Iris: thrilled to hear that you had the courage to do a poo in school. If you have been reading my posts you would know I hate the idea of pooing in public and would always hold at school. Having your pass will come in handy if you get the urge in school time. I hope my suggestion helped.
Mary: Such a brilliant story. I would like to hear more. Very amazing that Lindsey could produce such big poos that would clog up the loos on such a regular basis. I struggle to think how a woman could be capable of such destruction. Sorry to hear you got the blame for it though.
Yesterday I went to a coffee shop with a friend and nearing the end of our time together I started to need a wee, however as I wasn't desperate, I decided to not to use the café's loo. After my friend and I said our goodbyes to each other, I started to walk towards a food store and as I was doing so my need to use to the toilet increased more and more. I made a bee line to loo as soon I entered the store but was dismayed to find that the ladies were out of order. However, the accessible bathroom was empty, so I dashed in. Locking the door, I felt a couple spurts of wee escape and as I moved across to the toilet, I spurted a few more times before clamping my bladder shut as I undid my jeans and pulled down my panties. As I sat on the loo and began peeing a fierce stream, I noticed that there was a small dark circle on both my panties and jeans. After finishing up and washing my hands I looked in the mirror and saw that the dark circle was unfortunately noticeable and so upon leaving the bathroom I held my bag in front of my legs to stop people seeing it.
Iris - congrats on crapping at school. I know what you mean by it being a big deal as it was this way for me when I had my first poo at school.Toilet charger
Stomach issues
All weekend I've had a bit of a really odd stomach. Started Friday in work with me having to rush off to the toilet on multiple occasions with really sloppy poop. At this time I thought it must have been something wrong with my lunch then had upset my stomach. After going about 4 times in about a 2 hour period my stomach settled down and the diarrhoea seemed to have sorted itself.
Had dinner that evening and went to bed feeling fine and forgetting about what had happened earlier that day.
Saturday morning I woke up with the intense need to fart and without thinking I let one rip. Big mistake this wasnt just a fart but the return of the diarrhoea from the previous day. Mush filled the pants I had been sleeping in. I managed to stop myself going more and made my way to the toilet. Carefully removed my underwear. The mess had made its way everywhere my bottom was covered and some had even made its way around the front onto my testicles. Realising I needed to still go some more I got on the toilet and had multiple waves lasting about 15 minutes in total. Wby the end it had turned from a sloppy mess into mainly water.
Once finished I got into the shower to clean myself up. About halfway through the shower I got an intense stomach cramp and doubled over Realising I needed to go more I just crouched down and released. This was a massive load of watery mess that just poured out. Once done I finished off my shower and got dressed. I then went and had breakfast not more than 30 mins after eating I got another cramp and had to rush back to the toilet again with more of the same liquid pouring out.
This continued all throughout Saturday anything I ate or drink seemed to just come straight out. It was really strange as apart from needing to dash to a toilet at short notice I felt fine.
Today has been very similar until about 2 when I decided to take some imodium this seems to have stopped the diarrhoea but now my stomach is making lots of gurgling noises. Hoping things will settle down soon so can get some sleep and no more issues in the morning.
Toilet charger
Hello, as the title suggests this is my first post on this site. I am a long time lurker and enjoy reading all the posts on here, so decided that it was time to contribute, so this is it.
Firstly, a little about me. I am a 17 year old male and am about 6ft4. As the title suggests I live in Britain. Currently I am at college, which is a lot more lenient on toilet matters than school, as they trust us to not waste time etc in the toilets, and that if we ask to go we actually need to go. This is great for comfort on lessons as there is no painful holding, which also increases the quality of work as it is free from toilet related distractions. However one problem it doesn't sort is exams. Numerous times by the end of an exam I have been bursting to use the toilet and on the verge of wetting or shitting myself. Thankfully, this never happened, however I did have to use the toilet during an exam once. About halfway through, I felt this urge to pee growing stronger, which wasn't a concern at that point, however, about 5 minutes later, I got a sudden urge to shit which wasn't going away. So I sat in my chair wiggling for about 15 minutes while I carried on, albeit slower than before due to the new distractions. After this I decided I just couldn't hold it until the end of the exam, so I put my hand up and waited for an invigilator to come over. I told them that I needed to use the toilet so they told me to just wait there a moment. 5 minutes later and I was about to shit myself, wondering why o couldn't go, and then someone walked back in through the hall door with another invigilator. I couldn't go because someone else was in the toilet! Thankfully I was able to then go, walk carefully up the stairs and into the single person toilet used during exams with the invigilator waiting outside the door. Man the relief was unimaginable, as my vowels exploded in this mushy mess into the toilet. I quickly wiped and washed my hands after I'd empires my bladder as well, which by that point was very full, although the poo wasn't helping by compressing. I was then able to go finish my exam at a normal rate free of distractions, apart from the girl a couple of rows Infront of me who was jiggling very violently about 5-10 minutes from the end, their hand even grabbed a bit, guess they really needed a le, thankfully they made it to the end of the exam and through the period where they collect all our exams and let us leave row by row, a process which takes about 15 minutes in total. Well that was my story for today, does anybody else have exam desperation stories to share, as I'd love to hear them
All from me today, hope you enjoyed, need sleep now
Goodbye, British Guy
Blamed for Intern's Huge Dump
A few summers ago, I worked with a summer intern named Lindsey who had the habit (gift?) of taking these great huge dumps which never flushed down.
To preface this, and perhaps the reason I visit a site like this to begin with is I love pooping. I love the feeling so much and pooping is one of my most relaxing parts of my day. To me, the bigger the better. I get excited when my poop is bigger than normal.
I work for a very large and well known media company in LA. Being a big notable company, we get interns from all over the country. Well one summer about 3 years ago, we hired a college student named Lindsey. I don't recall exactly where she was from but it was somewhere near Chicago. She was lovely: nice, smart, attractive, just a wonderful person.
Despite being a huge company, the team I worked for was pretty small and so Lindsey was our only intern which meant I got to know her well. Despite me being 5 years older than her, we became good friends and have kept in touch since.
Just a few days into her internship, I came to work late one day because of an appointment. I made my usual stop in the restroom on the way in. Our group has a fairly secluded office space with its own small bathrooms. I went on in and found two of the three stalls were taken. The middle one was empty so I went in and realized it was empty because someone had taken a very large crap in it and it was clogged. I didn't stay long, but I saw a nearly full bowl of water with some shredded tp floating about. Under it all was what was clearly, despite the murkiness of the water, a huge piece of poo. I exited and waited for the next stall to open up. A minute later, my coworker Anne came out and I did my business.
Being such a small group, there wasn't a huge list of possible culprits. I just figured someone got constipated and ended up taking a big one. Keep in mind these were the jet flush toilets that seemingly could flush a tree trunk. It, evidently, took a seriously huge poop to block one of these toilets. A few days passed and I forgot about it.
The next Monday, Lindsey and I were in a meeting together for almost three hours. After the meeting, she immediately headed for the bathroom. I followed, needing to pee myself. I also had a bad stomach ache and was hoping to poop soon to maybe relieve it. When I got there, someone was already in the handicap and stall and Lindsey was just going into the opposite end one. I was left with the middle stall.
The third, unknown woman was just finishing up and left right as I sat down, leaving Lindsey and I alone. We were both peeing and while I trailed off after a minute she was still going strong. I sat there trying to poop but nothing was happening. Another few minutes and she finally finished. After a moment of nothing, I could hear her grunt and knew she was pooping. Not that I really cared, but she was clearly a loud pooper. She would grunt softly for a few seconds then pause. This went on for quite a while. Meanwhile there I was envious that she was able to get her poop moving. The cramped bathroom and our adjacency made it so that I could hear as her poop was loudly crackling out. She continued her pushing and grunting for a while still. By the noises alone coming from her stall I knew it was big. I finally heard a soft floomph noise as it sounded like it finally was done. Almost simultaneously she let out a very loud fart. Again, given my stomach ache I envied her fart.
Before she wiped she pulled the flush and the whoosh of the jet filled the silence. Instead of finishing though, it abruptly stopped and instead a muffled bubbling noise began. I could hear Lindsey mutter the f word under her breath and i realized she must've clogged it. She flushed again and it again didn't sound right. After a third flush a few seconds later, I could hear her roll off some paper and wipe a couple times. She flushed once more but it still sounded plugged, confirmed by a loud and exasperated sounding sigh. She pulled her pants back up and washed her hands and left.
As I sat there finally making some progress of my own, I put two and two together and realized it must've been Lindsey who clogged it last week too. While I was in there for another few minutes, two other women came in. The first opened the stall Lindsey had clogged and quickly shut it before taking a single step in. She moved on to the handicap stall and not long after another woman came in. Again she tried Lindsey's stall. This time I swear I heard a bit of a gasp as she too quickly backed out and waited for one of ours. I finally finished up and came out and it was my coworker Lexi who was one of my better friends. As i said hi she asked if I had seen the other stall. She said someone had taken a massive crap and jammed it. Not wanting to embarrass Lindsey, I pretended to not know anything about it. Lexi said we'll look if you don't believe me. I did and sure enough Lindsey had left a gigantic log clogging it. It looked like a giant, thick banana the way it was curved.
I went back to the restroom a few hours later and saw that the toilet was still clogged. I figured no one dared report it to the building staff for fear of being blamed for it. I also don't fault Lindsey for not saying anything either, who would want to be the new girl who clogged the toilet? The cleaning crew usually cleaned the restrooms in the late afternoon though so the toilet got unclogged by the next day.
I guess she just had quite the "gift", because she kept clogging the toilets about once a week for the rest of the summer. She finished her internship, which keep in mind was a few years ago now, and I haven't seen one of them get clogged since.
There were way too many occurrences to bother telling them all, but I will share the first time I "caught" her and got blamed for it…
A couple weeks after the previous event, I was again arriving to the office late and wanted to fix my hair a bit. As I headed into the bathroom, Lindsey was just exiting a stall. We smiled at each other and chatted briefly as she washed her hands while I checked myself out in the mirror. She dried her hands and left before I was done myself. I wasn't planning to, but I decided I'd just pee while I was in there. The other two stalls were taken so I had no choice but to go to the one Lindsey had just used. Big mistake. By that point I should've expected it, but she left a massive surprise waiting for me in the toilet. The water was still swirling around her gigantic potato-sized turd, so I knew she had tried to flush and clogged it. To be honest, calling it potato sized might be an understatement. It was sticking straight up and well out of the already higher than normal water level. If i wasn't an idiot, I'd have just waited for one of the other stalls, but for whatever reason I decided I'd just pee anyways. After ensuring I could (barely) sit down without making contact with the protruding log, I sat to pee. The seat was still warm, and while I was peeing I swear I could feel a bit of heat coming from inside the bowl. I finished up and tried another flush but the toilet immediately clogged again.
While I had been peeing, both other stalls had turned over and were then occupied by different women. I got up and walked out of the stall when just my luck a coworker of mine was just walking in. I knew her well so there's no way I could've said nothing. In a split second I had to decide to either: A. Tell her it was clogged before I used it and it wasn't my fault (yea suuuuuure) or B. Just tell her it was clogged, knowing she'd just assume I was responsible. I ended up going with B. She was already halfway into the stall as I told her so she saw Lindsey's enormous dump, and now I just took all the blame for it. She asked me "Mary, how on Earth did you do that," which by using my name also meant the other two woman would now think I did it too. I said I didn't know but that I'd alert the building staff. I told our receptionist the toilet was clogged, being as vague as possible to give myself what little deniability I had left.
I went back to pee again in the afternoon and there was an out of order sign on the toilet Lindsey clogged. Judging by the smell, her dump was still there. Later that day, we got an email from the building saying that since it was 4th of July week, the maintenance staff was very limited and that the out of order toilet in the women's bathroom on our floor wouldn't be fixed until tomorrow afternoon, and that our bathroom card keys would temporarily work on the floor above us.
I had to pee around lunchtime the next day and sure enough it was still out of order. Being the Friday before a holiday weekend, the office was nearly empty. It still smelled pretty bad, but not as bad as I expected. I was too curious to not look a second time and the bathroom was totally empty, so I pushed the door open. Clearly someone had worked on the toilet. Her log was largely gone, instead just a big wad of Tp and some big chunks of poo shoved into the hole. The water level was super low. For fun, I gave it a flush but it still clogged right back up. I could then more clearly see some big floating chunks. Lindsey had certainly done a number on that poor toilet. Any embarrassment notwithstanding, I can't imagine the thrill of taking a poo so large that you not only clog a public toilet but put it out of order for over 36 hours. This time I got out without being seen and went to the adjacent stall to pee.
As I was washing my hands, who else but Lindsey herself walked in. She did the pee-yew wave and said wow it still stinks in here. I joked and said yea someone must've had quite the poo, pointing to the clogged stall. Lindsey blushed and to my surprise admitted to being the culprit. I pretended to act surprised and she said yea, she usually had pretty big (more like massive) poops and often toilets would clog when she flushes them. I acted casual but secretly loved hearing about it and admired her openness. As I dried my hands and headed out, I joked she better not put another out of order. She laughed and assured me she was just peeing this time.
I have a few more stories about Lindsey, I'll share them if others are interested. Some of you other big pooping ladies on here may have some competition!
More questions :-)
David P, sorry to read about your prolapse, that sounds painful. Glad you're feeling better now at least. Sorry if I have lots of questions, but I think my boyfriend is having some digestion problems and I feel it's hard to approach it as he's very embarrassed or denying it or something like that. Sometimes I feel it's just me, I just don't want him to suffer needlessly! Were you embarrassed to seek medical help? What made you do it anyway? How can I support someone who is maybe going through something similar to what you had in a nice way? :)
Yeah, if you're travelling a lot just go for it! :-) I believe in you. Make sure to write a note here if you do have a bowel movement at work. How does travelling work for you regarding bathroom habits and so on?
Response to Audrey
Hey. Yes, we peed so much. It was crazy how much we peed and how much of it trickled down the rocks and in to the creek below us. I'm glad you are enjoying my stories. I can't wait to read yours. I am outside pooping right now. pushing a big log out and it's putting up a fight for sure. I'm going to try to switch up my squat stance. No, never done it for an enema effect. I really enjoyed the bidet toilet though. Hope you get to poop outside soon and can share it on here.
Crappy day at school
I wanted to end my week on a high so on Friday I took the plunge and decided it would be the day I crapped at school. I managed to pee at my morning break (YAY!) and during my fourth lesson I felt the familiar urge of mother nature knocking on my back door. I had finished my work so decided to make use of my special allowance and while everyone was occupied at the computers I slipped out to take a crap. I went to the main toilets which were now empty and took the stall that was furthest away from the entrance, against the wall. This bathroom has 10 stalls so the chance of a neighbour was slim even if I did have company.
I laid some toilet paper over the water, pulled down my shorts and panties and sat down. My heart was beating out of my chest, was I really about to do this? I'm sure it's absolutely nothing for most of you but it is a really big deal for me. It took me five minutes to calm down enough to start peeing with only a quiet patter from the paper and then it was time for the main event.
A small push was all that was required to make my butt dome and with a second, longer push I felt giddy with excitement as a firm log crowned. There was no changing my mind, or going back on my choices now, I would have to stay there for the remainder of the performance whether I liked it or not. I pushed out three logs in the space of a minute and cleaned up before going back to class with the biggest smile on my face. I still cannot believe I did it as I'm typing this! I don't think anyone noticed I was gone, even the teacher so I'll be taking advantage of that if I desperately need to pee.
Re: Tim's survey
Q: How often do you pee?
A: About once every 1-2 hours. I drink a gallon of water a day.
Q: How often do you poop?
A: I typically poop 3-4 times a day, usually once after each meal and again sometime at night. I eat like a horse, going through about 3,500 calories a day AND getting most of them from fresh fruits and vegetables along with legumes and seeds/nuts. I probably eat about 150 grams of fiber a day. I exercise a lot and am only 140 lbs at a height of 5'11". My craps tend to be large and well-formed. If my pooping routine is disturbed, where I skip one of my normal visits, my risk of causing a clog is high. For me, being constipated is not pooping for more than 24 hours. The results of those tend to cause clogs almost with certainty. I also keep a coat hangar bent into the shape of a hook as well as a plunger by my home commode because low-flow toilets cannot handle my loads, and clog on a weekly basis.
Q: Ever had someone of the same sex come to the toilet with you?
A: Many times, albeit in these cases I almost always had the coverage of a stall with a door. A former employer would even have conversations with me while I was farting and plopping away while sitting with my pants at the floor.
Q: Ever had someone of the opposite sex come to the toilet with you?
A: Sort of. The most notable incidents involved cleaning ladies coming in on me while I was standing at a urinal or sitting in a stall. I've also been intruded upon at friends' houses during parties, one incident where a woman came in while I was seated on the commode to get her car keys that she accidentally left behind, made possible because there was no lock on the door. I've also been walked in on by a young lady who was looking for toilet paper when I was using a public restroom at a park that had no privacy for the sit down toilet I was emptying my bowels into. I've also been intruded upon while peeing at a urinal, where females would enter the restroom. I suppose I could also count the times where I was using a residential bathroom and had to ask the female(s) who lived there for toilet paper, or the time I used an open toilet in a one-room apartment with 3 other people(2 of them female) present.
Q: What is the worst you have ever needed to pee?
A: Sophomore year of high school in 4th period before lunch. I drank 64 oz of water before going to school that day, and I didn't have a chance to pee until just before lunch. To make matters more awkward, some kids in the bathroom were smoking, and one of the younger and attractive female teachers smelled cigarette smoke from the outside boys' room and barged in while I was standing at the urinal peeing. There was no privacy partition. She probably saw my private. That teacher later apologized to me.
Q: What is the worst you have ever needed to poop?
A: I have many instances that could qualify, as that pretty much encompasses any time I was mere seconds from involuntarily crapping my pants. I've used many a doorless stall or open toilet or even ducked behind a bush in a situation this urgent. So I'll go with what may have been the biggest volume of poop I ever pushed at once. I had just finished a long bike ride, and was constipated. I hadn't gone in close to 2 days. When it wanted out, it came without much warning or nicety. I waddled into a gas station to use their restroom and it was unusable/out of order. When I tried to get back on my bike I was in immense pain. I felt the turtle's head kissing the back of my underwear as sharp pains shot up my abdomen with each pedal stroke and had to make a split second decision. I left a massive mount of excrement in the gas station's parking lot behind a dumpster. It was easily 7 lbs of poop. To make matters worse, the teenage clerk stepped in it when she went to take the trash out that night, checked the camera, and it turned out I was caught in the act. I learned this when I went to buy something the next day and she recognized me as the one who made the deposit. It was still there. Since I agreed to clean it up, it wasn't reported. It was very embarrassing.Vincene
The What-We-Were-Taught Debate
I'm sure some of us are finding commonalities in the discussion over what our parents taught us about going to the bathroom.
Yes, I got odd looks when I was about 5 or 6 and my dad's guest in the mens rooms when we were at a professional baseball or basketball game together. Most of the time I just had to wee and he did choose a toilet with a door. But now, some 25 years later I still can see big fat guys with their underwear at floor level sitting on a toilet, sometimes with their penis hanging on the front of the bowl, while they pushed the turds out. The grossest thing, and I remember tugging at my dad's arm, was a guy finishing off a hot dog as he sat on the toilet. Dad's reaction was to lower the front of my ball cap. In reflection, I was lucky because when dad selected the toilet, he would quickly wipe-down the seat. He was really fast at doing that and lucky for me because on more than one occasion, my pee started as soon as I bounced my butt onto the seat. I never had any trouble at school, but when I was with mom shopping, at a gas station or at the park, a few times I was in pain and leaking while she carefully tore off toilet paper and placed it on three sides of the seat before she let me sit down. I got lectured more than once when I slid myself onto the seat and got off the papers. I was stubborn and petrified that I was going to have an accident. When I questioned her about why she was so strict compared to the parents of my friends, mom would say some pretty horrible things about my friends not having been taught right. When she would find that I had to poo just ten minutes after we arrived at the mall I would get another stern reminder that normal girls planned such activity to be done before they left home. I don't know how many times I was told that my grandpa sometimes held his poos for much of his work day because the toilets at his industrial plant were so gross.
Dad would laugh when I tried with all the might of my arm and sometimes both arms to flush a public toilet. Once he demonstrated foot-flushing but in trying it I lost my balance and feel backwards, almost across the toilet. Mom would belittle me when I wasn't successful with the normal foot flush. Then out of frustration she would rip off toilet paper, wrap it around my hand, and then help me push down the flusher. She would let me wipe myself by myself standing, but after the second or third strip of toilet paper, she would take a look and tell me that I had to wipe more forcefully in cleaning myself. Then came the conclusion that if I had my poos at home like normal people we wouldn't be having he problem. By age 7 or 8 I gave up trying to argue with her about why I was being treated so differently compared to my friends.
When I got to junior high and started spending more time with my friends, I became much less inhibited about my mom's bathroom hangups.
No way was I going to lay toilet paper over the toilet seat at school before I sat down for my morning crap. No way was I going to risk a detention when I would sit for a quick minute-long pee between classes. The toilet paper that was available was already in short supply after a few hours. No way was I going waste it in spreading it over the seat before I sat down. Unlike my mom's teachings, I was surprised at the number of friends I had who joined me in the bathroom each morning before classes began. And in the afternoon, right after dismissal bell, others used the toilet before boarding the bus or taking a walk over to a friend's house to study or mess around.
In the high school I went to for 9th & 10th grade, the toilets had those paper seat covers you could pull down and use. When my mom visited the school at parent-teacher conferences, she stopped in a bathroom and discovered them. Now we were back to square one. Questions were asked, even with some of my friends visiting our house, as to how many times we had used the school toilets that day (several), did we use one of the seat protectors (of course not) and mom started to get angry with me again. So for a semester or two I gave in to her nagging and started using the covers because some of the seats were wet and sticky but after waiting several minutes for a toilet to become vacant, I just wanted to sit and take a good pee. Once I got into the habit of not sitting directly on an uncovered seat, just before my 16th birthday, my parents moved to the other side of the country because dad had lost his job. My new high school didn't have the seat papers and there was something that even incensed my mom more. Instead of toilet paper rolls on the stall panels, there were these metal holders with a stack of toilet paper squares that you would take. The squares were made a really cheap paper and you had to make sure that in wiping yourself, the paper was always above your hand because otherwise your thumb or forefinger would get dirty.
So I abandoned the seat-covering and went back to sitting direct-down on the seat. What I do is emphasize hand-washing and this attitude, in direct defiance of my mom, served me well through college and to this day as a full-time employee of a financial services firm. Once or twice a year I go shopping with mom and always must remember about her public bathroom rules. A couple of years ago I stopped with her at a gas station. While she pumped, I hurried in to get on the toilet before I crapped my pants. While I was crapping she knocked and needed to borrow my credit card. I handed it to her and she could see I was breaking at least three of her rules. I got nagged for much of the trip.Stinky restroom
So I hung it with some friends and got pretty wasted at one of their houses. Me and this girl, we'll call her Milly, slept on a futon for the night. While we were pretty drunk we somehow got to the topic if whose shits the worst and apparently it was agreed upon that it was Milly.The next morning she was in the bathroom for around 10 mins then said her goodbyes and left. After she left I went to use the restroom and could smell the diarrhea she must of had. It was more of a noticeable stench instead of downright nasty like I expected. There just something about the opposite sex stinking up a bathroom that intrigues me.Anyone else have a good experience of using the restroom after someone and smelling an almighty stink?
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Some comments and replies
Hi everyone, just a few comments/ replies tonight as I'm short on time, will try to post more soon.
David P- Sorry to hear you're constipated again. You asked if I had any other health issues related to constipation and luckily I seem to be fine otherwise, I hope that continues! I do get a sore bum and bleeding quite a bit after a hard poo but I haven't noticed anything else so far.
Jasmin K- great to hear from you again and good to hear that your boyfriend is so understanding when your struggling to have a poo.
Imogen- thanks for your comment, unfortunately there wasn't anywhere for Katie to squat so we just had to hurry home, luckily we made before she wet her knickers!
Iris- glad to hear you've managed to have a successful wee at school a couple of times. I hope you manage to pluck up the courage to go for a poo at school but as you say its probably best not to rush things. When I was at school I had similar problems as I never had time to have a poo before school either, I'm also guessing as you said you wait until you get home that you start to need a poo at some point during the school day which as you say can then get pretty uncomfortable. I would usually get the urge for a poo late morning and would go on the loo at lunchtime when I was at primary school and that worked fine, but once I started secondary school I really hated the school loos, they were disgusting, not at all private and horrible girls used to hang round in there and after I got looked in on and walked in on a few times I stopped going for a poo at school completely. I'm not really shy about using public toilets but those experiences did put me off, luckily when I got to Year 10 some new toilets opened up which were alot nicer and so I was able to start having a poo at school again, unfortunately by then I had got constipated because I'd been holding it in and I've suffered on and off ever since. My advice is to either use the loo at really quiet times when your pretty confident no-one else will be around or actually the other end of the scale, when the loos are so busy that with doors slamming and toilets flushing etc no-one would notice you amongst everyone else, when I was at school I actually preferred the last scenario as anything I was doing just sort of blended in. If you have different toilet blocks you can use it might be worth seeing if there are any differences between them, again in my school there were certain toilets that always seemed to be more popular for pooing, I always felt more relaxed on the loo when girls in next door cubicles were having a poo as well so I knew it wasn't just me! Anyway I really hope it goes well for you, let us know how you get on.
I'll post again soon when I get a moment, bye for now!!
Emma two
I blocked the toilet at work
I hadn't pood since Saturday and I managed to get a few nuggets out on Tuesday morning. I didn't want to use laxatives because they are so unpredictable and I've had way too many accidents as a result. Instead I decided to eat healthy for a couple of days. I had lots of fresh vegetables and I was drinking nothing but fruit juices.
On Thursday afternoon I was finishing work when I really had to go so bad and I knew I wasn't going to make it home in time so I had to go at work. I went to the toilets who were packed and I had to wait about 5 minutes to get into a cubicle. When Linda from the wages office came out she had a red face and she said she sorry about the smell but she had a bad stomach. I was so desperate I didn't really care about the smell because I was about to poo myself and I rushed in after her and slammed the door shut and locked it. I ripped my jeans and knickers down together and I sat down on a very warm toilet seat and relaxed. I felt my poo shoot out into the toilet like a machine gun and what a relief it was. It was a massive load and when it stopped I still had to go so I pushed not giving a second thought about whether it would all flush down. I peed at the end and when I felt completely finished it felt so good to get rid of it all. I wiped my bottom a few times and pulled my knickers and jeans back up before crossing my fingers and flushed the toilet. The water came up about half way up the bowl and it just stayed there leaving most of my poo mixed with toilet paper in the bottom and some of it was floating around on the surface. I left quickly hoping no one noticed it was me who clogged the toilet and walked to the bus stop to go home. I felt bad about leaving the toilet like that but it was less embarrassing than facing the music for blocking it with my massive load.kmd
To Emma two
Hi Emma two
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my questions.
I also enjoyed reading your most recent stories.
Hopefully, you will be able to post more stories when they arise.
I hope you and the other people who post on this forum keep well in these difficult times.
Reply to Mike
Hi Mike I hope you are well and life is being good to you . I posted a reply a few days ago that didn't appear on Toilet stool . Anyway , here I am now . I think it would be fun if people arranged to go to the toilet at a certain time of the day or night and also spoke on the phone while on the toilet . Sorry if I've shocked with that . I hope you'll reply soon . Eileen xx
Reply to Robyn and Victoria
Nice to meet you too!
Your parents sound like a good sort. I make sure my son goes with his father and older brother sometimes just so he knows boys have their own way of going, he just spends so much of the day with just me, I'm his biggest example.
I've never had any hang ups with public toilets myself. I use them and I let my boys use them whenever necessary. At most, I just need to wipe the seat down.
And thank you! I hope it keeps going well too. I'm sure we'll have him out of diapers before Thanksgiving. But if he's anything like his brother, he'll want keep going together for a few more years.