Emma two
Poo in the rain
I was busting for a poo this afternoon and as I hadn't been in three days I didn't want to block the toilet in the flat so I went for a walk in the woods. I grabbed a toilet roll from the bathroom and put a rain coat on as it looked like it was going to rain. I also took a large umbrella with me and as I was walking to the woods it started raining so I put my umbrella up. By the time I got to the woods it was pouring with rain and trees provided some shelter but the umbrella kept the rest of the rain off me. I wedged the umbrella in some low hanging branches and pulled my jeans and knickers down and squatted under the umbrella. It felt so nice to be having a good poo in the rain. It felt closer to nature and the relief of it when I finished felt so good. I wiped my bottom and pulled everything back up and released my umbrella from the branches of the tree and walked home feeling much better.
David P
Constipation finally over
Hi all, David P here again.
In my last post I said that I was constipated again and passing very small dried out poos, it was super irritating and annoying not to have been able to poo properly for around 2 weeks of being constipated. My bowels felt never fully empty and the poos were every other day but small and hard. So you can imagine the relief I experienced when my constipation finally ended today. The last three days I didn't manage to poo, not even a pebble or small log and I was getting worried but thought it was best to let my body give the urge instead of sitting on the toilet pushing and nothing coming. I am working from home at the moment due to the pandemic. I woke up and ate some high fibre cereal and some tea,( trying to get high fibre breakfast to move things along) no urge to poo came after but continued my plan of not pooing until my body gave the urge to pass one. So I got to work on my emails and calls and in the afternoon I started feeling a heavy feeling coming down my bowels, but wasn't that strong so I ignored it and kept working. After another 30 minutes the urge had gotten so strong, a big turd was right in the rectum pressing on my bumhole, so I had no choice but to stop work and go poo. The urge was very strong and I knew this poo would finally be a big log I had been wishing for. So I took off my clothes and sat on the loo in just my pants so I could feel more comfortable. I went up on tip toes and straightend my back. I am trying not to push my poos and let them come naturally so after about 30 seconds I could feel the tip of a big log starting to poke out, I didn't have to push at all and this gigantic poo came slithering out, it felt long so I looked down between my legs, I saw this long brown turd that was smooth and soft, it kept on coming and coming and felt it still coming from my bum with the other end in the water. It eventually got to the narrow end and fell in the toilet with a slight splosh sound. I got up and peered into the bowel the poo was there sitting like a massive snake, it had gone into the back of the toilet and still coiled up on top of itself. Must have been over a foot long. I wiped and flushed and was amazed it all went away in one flush. I stood up and felt so much lighter and relieved to be free of that beast turd that must have been inside me for days. It I will enjoy the feeling of being constipation free. But I bet it won't be long until I get bunged up again. I get it on and off.
Hope you enjoyed this story
David PEileen
Reply to Mike
Hi Mike , sounds like you had a very enjoyable poop on Friday evening ! I hope everything is well with you , I'm fine . At the weekend I had a couple of glasses of lager and when walking home I suddenly felt the need to pee . I knew I wouldn't make it home in time . The best I could do was take a detour down a quiet side street where I was lucky enough to happen on a gateway that was dark enough for me to lower my jeans and undies , squat down and let the pee flow out . Thankfully no one came along or saw me while I was "busy" . I walked the rest of the way home without any further mishap . Hope to hear from you again soon . Eileen xx .Thunder
Anna and Laxatives
I am sitting in my public toilet right now. . The bloke in the next cubicle sounds like he needs a laxative, Judy about all men who poo in these toilets sound constipated ! I use laxatives regularly and they are subject to misrepresentation. They often do not work for me the next morning . They work anytime from very early in the morning to late afternoon, I can have one movement or several . There is no rhyme or reason . My classic experience was Easter very many years ago I was constipated the whole time so later on Easter Sunday I ate a whole lot of prunes and took 2 Ford Pills before bed. Next morning I can two loose movement of normal size. That afternoon I had to go out and was driving along when it hit and I mean hit. Fortunately I was just near McDonalds and raced into the toilets and about to loose it all . I ripped down my trousers and threw my bum onto the toilet , no time to close the door and I was like an upside down fire hydrant. In one shot a great volume of brown water gushed out and I felt grate! I almost floated off the toilet I felt so light. That was unpredictable laxative experience with a grand result ! Well I am still sitting on the toilet with no results. . Nothing is happening this sitting !
A Lesbian on the Toilet
Pee Survey (for the ladies)
Long time lurker and first time poster here, and I've wanted to post this little survey of mine for a long time but never had the courage to until now.
1. Does your pee usually come out all at once or is it more of a "stop-and-start" stream?
2. Are you more of a hisser or a gusher?
2a. If neither, describe your pee stream in detail.
3. Do you fart when you pee?
4. Describe the most interesting-sounding pee stream(s) you've heard when using a public bathroom.Marie
Story for Audrey
So you were curious about how I met my friend Amanda? I was about 16 when this happened and she was about 14. I was walking off the trial in the woods by my house to an area that had been burned in a small fire like 10 years earlier. To get there though you have to walk through the ruins of an old farm house (literally just the foundation). Well as I got to the what's left of the farm house I noticed a girl sitting on a brick wall. So I announced my presence because we looked to be about the same age as me. The Girl looked real shocked by me and then looked kinda embarrassed. So I came closer. She sorta sheepishly waved and said hello. I said hello back and then heard the unmistakable sound of a poo fart. Well I giggled at it and said "windy day" and then she looked more uncomfortable. So me being me with my special knowledge of pottying. I just flat out said "if you're taking a dump I don't mind", and with that we started talking as she finished her poop and became friends from there on.
Re: Zip
The mirrored floors weren't as awkward to me as using a doorless stall or open toilet. With the latter, you know what the situation is before you sit down because you immediately see it. The mirrored floor was a surprise, only discovered once it was too late to abort the drop operation. I only remember pooping in that restroom once.
While I used to get embarrassed to poop in any public facility, even with the coverage of a stall door, I still did so without hesitation. That said, I used to deliberately avoid pooping in a place where I knew I'd be on display, which started in middle school due to the presence of doorless stalls. On the first day of 7th grade, I witnessed a kid being bullied for sitting on the toilet. Two older kids urinated on paper towels and pelted him with them, and were calling him names like "Faggot!" and "Gay." Had I not seen that kid end up bullied, I probably would have begrudgingly used them when the need arose, instead of holding it in all day until I got home. In middle school and high school, holding it in was an everyday occurrence because of this. Only twice in middle school or high school did I ever see another student pooping in one of those toilets. Everyone avoided using them to poop.
As a young adult, I've had a number of emergencies where I had no choice but to relieve my bowels in a doorless stall or open toilet because that is what the restroom I barely made it into without filling my underwear had available. It was highly embarrassing at first due to the presence of other people in the room, but I got used to it after the 2nd time. I suppose it helped that I still looked like a minor child at the time because it appeared to make my unwanted audience less judgemental about what I was doing in their view.
Now I can poop anywhere, with no shame whatsoever. I go whenever/wherever I need to in whatever public facility I find. I poop a lot because I eat a lot, and holding it in can be painful. At least a hundred people have seen me defecating into a toilet without privacy, and over a thousand have seen me enter or exit a doored stall before or after pooping. No shame whatsoever these days.
Unfortunately, using such facilities is also fraught with risks. At some point I'm going to tell the story of how some creeper propositioned me while I was sitting on an open toilet at a park.Mina
Dear MJ
If you interested, stories about me and my friends constipate in front of partner are pages 2419, 2624, 2636, 2674 and 2734. We hope you enjoy, even my English is all crazy.
Love from Mina (and Maho and Hisae and Kazuko)
Biggest outdoor poop of my life
So this is a story for the ages. The last 3 days I have been constipated and it finally came to a head early this morning at about 5am. I got woken up by a loud fart I let go and I got that feeling of I need to poop. So I grabbed my baby wipes and headed outside to my back yard, as I knew I wasn't gonna be able to do this in the toilet without clogging it. I got outside and took my thong off and squatted down and braced myself for what I knew was going to be a wild ride. I knew only by squatting that it was gonna come out the easiest way possible, and on this one, I needed it. I grunted and strained and pushed for a good 5 minutes. Only a small amount came out and then I stood back up and shook my stomach and jumped up n down for a little bit and then squatted back down. Another 5 minutes of struggling and then it finally let loose. It just kept coming and coming. I pooped so much in the first pile that the top of it touched my butt hole lol. I had to shift over a couple of feet and let more come out. 4 piles later, of very smelly and solid poop, I finally was done. I was sweating by the end of it but man I felt better. I wiped but only had to use one baby wipe, that's how cleanly it broke off at the end. I then peed for about a minute and then wiped again. I put my thong back on, went back inside and took a shower.Ronette
I can't win with my wiping
I'm in a 1/2 day program for talented students this summer. It is sponsored by a local university. The program starts each morning at 8 a.m. That means I have to be at the subway station by 6 a.m. for my train and I have to make two transfers. I get up and eat at 4:30 a.m. and take time for a nice leisurely pee before I leave home.
I pee once or twice each morning in one of the two buildings we use on campus. The bathrooms are much, much better than the ones at my high school in terms of being cleaner, better privacy, and there is always hot water and plenty of soap. But there is something about my body that causes my craps to come on pretty fast and at inconvenient times for me.
Over the past four days that has meant midway through my trip back home. I've written before about often being forced to use the transfer subway station toilets during the regular school year, usually during late afternoon hours. Those bathrooms suck, but I get the waste out of me, and I can't think of any way to do better. The toilets are less busy, cleaner and there is almost always ample toilet paper 3 or 4 hours earlier in the day.
The new problem I find distressing is this. Here I am sitting on a toilet with no privacy door and much fewer others waiting for me to get done. Less stress which I like. My craps are somewhat large and semi soft. They start within a half minute of me sitting down and are over pretty fast. There is usually one of 3 toilet paper holders on the wall still available. Here is the problem: while seated I may pull off sheets of toilet paper 5 or 6 or 7 times and with each handful I am not able to totally get myself clean. It might be because of the high summer temperature and extreme humidity. The sweat is rolling off me while I wipe and when I finally stand up there is a print of my butt on the seat.
My mom has been on my case about wiping better in school the past couple of years. I try but seem to not be able to get the job done. I'm thinking about about using some of my childsitting money to buy a couple of packs of black and dark blue underwear. The white undies is a give away on laundry day. Holding my crap in for a couple of hours is the only other option I can think of.
Response to MJ
I've been constipated in front of my husband before, especially during my two pregnancies. At home a lot, he'd poke his head in occasionally to make sure I didn't fall asleep, which I'm embarrassed to admit happened a few times! He never helped me by rubbing my stomach, but he did bring me water when I asked, since I was always told that would help.
Anna from Austria
Bad luck with laxatives take 2
Luckily really bad constipations are a rather rare Event for me. So I barely need laxatives but If do I have do I seeem to have bad luck with them.
The first case of bad luck was when I took a dulcolax pill. I kicked in way faster the instructions said it would so I was out when it kicked in and had a very hard time finding a bathroom. I made it but it was like hell.
The recent Event of bad luck happend a few days ago. The Laxative of choice this time was some Laxative chocolate I get from a friend who imported that stuff from the states.
At first I have to say that it tasted really good not like Medicine at all. No wonder she got that stuff for her Children when they are constipated.
The instruction says I can take up to 4 pieaces a day. I only took 2. This time it did not kicked in early.
The laxatives started to work within 6 to 12 Hours as the text said it would.
Unforantely i understated the effect of i which lead to a very embarrasing day at work.
I had too many times. The first time was rather normal soft poo nothing specatular.
But 30 minutes or later my stommache started to Rumble and I had to leave my desk to use the ladies room again.
That time it was a pooping Season that would be perfect for humerous toilet Scene for a movie.
Upd to that point I though such things can happen only in movies. I am in General not a silent pooper and Always fart quite a lot when I poop but that time it was different. Was pooping almost liquid poop for a few minutes with blasting farts like the classic diarrhea Scenes you find in movies.
I was really exhausted when I was done. Luckily nobody entered the toilet when I was it, and I really hope nobody entered the bathroom for many Hours after I was done.
That's my Story for today.
greetings from Austria
Saturday, June 26, 2021
To Eileen
Hi hope you are OK I posted a few days ago but it doesn't seem to have worked nothing much to say about my visits to the toilet but I did have a big poop last Friday evening. I had my tea and was just chilling when I got the urge to poo I went to the toilet pulled my underwear down and sat , I tried to push and realised it wasn't going to come out without some effort, for the first few minutes I just sat then felt the tip slowly easing out it was wide but felt good to pass I thought that I could stop pushing and let it come out itself now it was moving but no such luck I sat a couple of minutes and it hadn't budged. I started to push again but it didn't require to much effort as it slowly slid out feeling very good at the same time it eventually dropped heavily in to the toilet with a big plop and I started to wipe only a couple of times which was good I looked in the toilet and my poo was a good 8 inches long and over inch half thick I pulled up my underwear and flushed feeling a lot better speak soon Mike xxxxThunder
Pebbles and Public Toilet Observations
Pebble...a way to help you might be your viewpoint on having a poo.
Do you enjoy it?
If you enjoy it take more time to experience the feeling of a good BM when nobody is around. Do you practice mindfulness/meditation?
A great place for this is on the toilet.
try going out to use public toilets...somewhere they are plentiful and reasonably clean...sit there and meditate....I sure do!
Plan to spend quite some minutes in there.
If that is not working try a laxative before you go out so you will have to unload your bowels.
Now I use a public toilet between say once to five times a week and they are unisex.
Men are by far the most frequent attenders...mostly for a wee and some do not even close the door and so many do not flush....the drought is over and the dams are overflowing so fellas...be clean and flush.
Sometimes men come in for a poo i experience it once every several sessions and it is surprising that most seem to be a bit constipated to very constipated....well I get very constipated to and I grunt without fear!
The minority of attendees are women , nearly always for a wee...occasionally a poo but not very often.
Pebbles try sitting on a public toilet whenever you reasonable can.
This morning I had an appointment at a different clinic than I would normally go to (this isn't to do with anything troubling about my health but how some services are being provided at this bigger clinic due to social distancing). Whilst I was walking back from this, I suddenly became desperate for a poo. I knew I had to go really really soon and there were even few occasions where I was near to pooing myself. Unfortunately, there are no public toilets between the clinic and my flat. Fortunately, there is a river which has trees and bushes along its sides. Even though I was desperate I still thought I might be able to manage holding on until I got home, but previous experience has taught me not to be too confident in my holding ability. As a result, I turned to my left instead of right and headed to the riverside. A few minutes of walking by the trees and bushes I saw a gap and walked though this to a clearing by the river's edge. I thought about squatting as close to the bank as I could so that the poo would fall into the water but decided against it as I was concerned about losing my footing and falling in (not that I thought I could drown, the river was extremely shallow, but I didn't want to get wet). Moving a few steps away from the riverbank I looked around to make sure I couldn't be seen and then I undid my black short and pulled down my off white panties before going down into a squat. Considering how desperate I had been a few minutes before I was surprised that I had to push to get the log moving. But when it started to move there was nothing that was going to stop it and within a few seconds I could feel it hanging out of my bum. I needed to push again to get it to fall and I heard the satisfying sound of 'splat' as it did so. After that, peed for a good thirty seconds, having to aim my stream away from my shorts. Annoying I didn't have anything to wipe with so just I pulled up my panties and shorts before turning around to look at the long and fat log I had produced. No wonder why I was desperate with that inside me! Then I made my back through the gap in the trees and bushes, scraping my left leg on some stinging nettles, and seeing nobody walking past I made may way out to the path.
Diarrhea and my period
Hello, my name is Deb and I'm back with another story.
Last Thursday and Friday I had to work on my own as my coworker Jenn was off for both of those days. On my way to work on Thursday morning I started having really bad cramps. My bowels dropped and I suddenly had to go diarrhea very urgently. Some gas escaped my tightly clenched butt cheeks and it was really wet. I could feel it soaking into my bikini panties. Waves of cramps kept hitting me and I was doing all I could not to have massive diarrhea in my pants. I finally got to work and carefully got out of my car. I shuffled through the parking garage to the elevators but I just couldn't hold it. A wet fart bubbled out of me and I started pooping my pants uncontrollably. I completely pooped my pants. I turned back to my car to get my emergency bag for a clean pair of panties and pants. My friend Tracey, who I've written about before, was waiting by the elevator and asked how I was. I said, "Uhhh…. Not too good. I'm not feeling the best. I just totally messed my pants." She said, "Oh Deb, I'm sorry!" She helped me get cleaned up by passing me some wet paper towels in the ladies room.
Later that day Tracey and I went out for a walk during lunch. I had been feeling better since my accident, but as we were walking around I got another sudden urge to have more diarrhea. From the cramps to when I had the urge to go was no more that 30 seconds and I started pooping my pants again. This time I didn't have any extra clothes to change into so we went to Dollarama in the downtown mall and bought a pair of cheap panties to change into.
At around 3 in the afternoon as I was taking the mail around to each of the offices on my floor, I had my third accident of the day. This one was really wet and leaked through my panties and pants. I didn't have anything to change into so I had to wait it out until 4:30 before I could leave to go home. I kept having wet diarrhea in my pants until I got home.
So yeah, I pooped my pants three times on Thursday!
On Friday morning my period started but it was really light. I wore an Always overnight ultra thin pad in my panties in case something happened and it suddenly got heavier. However during the morning I was having cramps and pooped diarrhea on my pad. I was in a hurry that morning to get to work and I forgot to repack my emergency bag. Right before lunch my period got really heavy as I was sitting at my desk. I go up to use the ladies room and completely flooded my pad. When I got to the toilet I realized that I had bled through my jeans and it was very noticeable. It was warm that day too and I didn't have anything to wrap around my waist. The mall was also closed on Friday so I wasn't able to buy any new panties. So it was really embarrassing trying to hide my period stain from everyone I saw for the rest of the day.
That's all for now.
Thanks for reading.
Sherryl: I'm would love to get your email, but I doubt that the moderator would allow it. If they don't, I'm sure we could share just about anything on here.
Maddy: Wonderful story, you have a lot of dedication! I'm so excited to learn how your big poop went!
Have you tried any other potty spots recently other than just messing? I'd love to hear about that! Also, how does your nan react when you piss and shit the bed? She seems good from what you said, but I'd love to hear more as always!
Abbie-I enjoy your stories and it's interesting to hear how open you a your friends are about pooping etc……has there ever been a time when you've been too constipated to poop in front of your friends when they been there? What's the longest time you've had to grunt for, and are you or one of your friends the one who gets constipated the most?
I've been unusually constipated for a couple of days now but managed to have a nice poo this morning, but it was really hard and took forever! I went into the bathroom with a book, and ensured that nobody was around.
I started reading a little and let out a little wee. I felt really full so begun to push nnnnn nnnn trying to get the poo started, but to no avail. It felt really big so I kept reading for a while, whilst every so often straining a little nnnn nnnnnn nnnnnnnn to try and move the turd on. I could feel myself making a little bit of progress so feeling a little fed up now I put my book down and pushed really hard UUUGGGHHH NNNNNNNNNNN, but there was only a little bit of movement. God, I was bunged up!
At that moment I heard my gf coming back in just as I was mid strain nnnnnnn, which she must have heard and she came upstairs and asked if I was ok. I said 'no babe I can't poo!' to which she said 'can she come in?'
I wasn't sure but I stood up and shuffled over to let her in….hoping the movement would get my turd started. I sat back down and she massaged my stomach as I pushed very hard nnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Ah aha ah nnnnnnnnnnnn, my face going red as she encouraged me. She said grab her hand if it hurts which I did as I bore down once again nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn this time beginning to feel the head of a rather large poo poking out of my bum. 'You can do it' she said as I went ah ah pant nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm bearing down and staring at the floor as I feel the turd move every slower past my aching hole. NNNNNNNNnNNNnNNnNnNnNnNnN I just didn't care now as my face growing ever red pushed really hard and suddenly letting go of her hand there was a loud splash as the turd hit the water.
I was feeling so much relief and after farting and pushing a little
Nnnn nnnnn another solid and smooth turd plopped into the water followed by so looser bits-me sighing as my girlfriend kissed me and said 'well done babe' as she saw how relieved I was. She left me alone to wipe and compose myself after the ordeal.
Has anyone else got a story of being constipated in front of a partner? I'd love to hear them.
Michael W.
This Nightmare I had
Hi Everyone.
I am back to share another story. I had this really weird dream a few years back and I have not gotten around to sharing it with any of you until now. I don't know if it was a dream or if it was some kind of nightmare.
(And No, Freddy Krueger was Not it.)
Anyways here it goes. It was October 2015. I was 27 years old. I was staying at my friend Simba's place for a few days and while I was there I had an awesome time. We were playing video games, watching all kinds of creepy videos on YouTube bcz I love horror. And we watched a scary movie as well but I don't remember what it was. Anyways, when I finally went to bed and drifted off to sleep my crazy messed up dream had started to begin.
In my dream I found myself in this maze. Like this maze was almost like a labyrinth. (No, not with the crazy stairs like in that '80s movie.) It was just a maze. The walls were white and the floors were white. And there were lights all over the walls to light the way. And there was no ceiling to this place. Instead there was the sky. The night sky. And you can see hundreds of millions of stars.
Anyways, I was trying to find my way out of this maze. I was turning corner after corner here and there. I was basically going where my instinct told me to. And out of the blue I noticed that somebody was following me. I turned around and ignored the silhouette coming towards me. I kept going and turning more corners and luckily I did not run into any dead ends. And then the silhouette following me was coming closer and closer. I finally saw who it was.
It was a weird middle aged man. He was bald and about my height and he was kind of fat. I don't remember what clothes he was wearing but they looked like something from The Salvation Army. Anyways, his pants and underwear were around his ankles like he was going number two and as we was coming towards me. Thank god I didn't see his junk but the most disturbing thing about him was that he was having uncontrollable diarrhea. Like it was the worst diarreha I ever seen anybody have. And he was leaving trails of it all over the floor and he was farting as he was shitting his brains out. I was like "Eww!" He reached out for me with both arms and then I started running. I kept turning more and more corners trying to get as far away as I could from this gross man.
When I was finally out of breath I turned around and I saw the gross man coming towards me again. He was still pooping everywhere with pants and underwear around his ankles and reaching out for me with both of arms like a zombie from "Resident Evil." And then he finally spoke. He said "COME HERE!!!" And I said "NO!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!! GO SIT ON THE TOILET!!!" And then a cute girl snuck up from behind me and scared me and then she said "Now, now, Michael. Be nice. He can't help it." And I said "What am I doing here?" And then I woke up.
I told Simba about my dream and he was like "That's gross." I agreed with him and I told my friends at work about this so called 'Nightmare' and Nick (the Assistant Manager) was like "He probably wanted to shit on your chest." And then I said 'Wow, Nick I didn't know you were like that."
Anyways, that is my story. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll post again later. Until then, Happy Pooping Everyone.Monika B.
I've been getting a lot of longer shifts lately, and I challenge myself to hold my pee throughout the whole day. I drink enough so I'm not dehydrated, but also not anything unnecessary.
A little over a week ago, I had an 8 hour shift and drank about 16 oz of water and 16 oz of tea throughout my shift. I drank a little of both on my lunch and on my second break. I weirdly didn't have to pee at all until after my second break, but omg it suddenly hit me during the last hour and a half. I REALLY needed to go for the entire last hour of my shift, but still held it until I got home and drank another 8 oz of water before biking home.
I had another 8 hour shift earlier this week, then another one yesterday. I had no problem with the first one, but for some reason, I kind of felt like I had to pee really early on in my shift yesterday. I definitely felt it by lunchtime, then really needed it by my last break. I don't know why, because I didn't drink that much. I think my anxiety made the urge worse. I still just held it.
I know this is probably nothing to many people, but I generally have a tiny bladder and have to pee every couple of hours (sometimes even more frequently), so being able to go almost 9 hours (including commute) without peeing is basically an accomplishment.Zip
Interesting mirror post, Tricky
Hey tricky, that was an interesting post you had regarding the mirrored tile floor in the restroom. I imagine that could have definitely been awkward, especially since you knew the occupant of the other stall and you were also visible to other guys going to wash up.
I've used a few of these types of restrooms in the past. Although I'm more of a "shameless shitter" it can be awkward being on display like that. The first time I used one was at a fraternity convention and I was in a stall emptying my guts out and another guy came into the next stall. I realized immediately that I could see the guy quite well and was able to discern his movements, including unbuckling his khakis and sliding them down. I could even see he was wearing white briefs before he slid those down too. I could tell he was blonde and it was odd that we were both looking at the floor without trying to look at each other. The convention lasted a few days so I used those toilets often. I got used to them and got over the awkwardness though. It was actually kind of interesting to observe different things about the other college guys in the stalls. How low they drop their trousers, if they wear boxers or briefs, if they stand to wipe. Lots of variety.Tom W
To Hollyrae
Peeing every 2 hours isn't actually too bad. They say a person should pee around 4-7 times a day. By the time you take away the hours you are asleep, you probably pee about 7 times a day which is fine. How often do your friends pee? If they pee less than you, don't forget that you are only 12 and so are still growing so your bladder won't be adult sized yet. Your friends may have developed quicker than you or maybe just drink less than you.
Replies and more
David P: Thanks for your answers. Well I guess for by boyfriends it's more that he doesn't really think he has any problem. Now after I've read what has happened to you I'm even more concerned though. I have tried to bring up the subject, but without much luck. He basically doesn't have much stomach aches or anything like that and I think for him firm stools is more a sign of health than anything. I've tried to not come across as "nagging" which has been easier! For me I'm with you - Lots of fiber is the way to go! :)
This morning I woke up before him, feeling the urge to go so I tip toed to the bathroom for my morning poop. After he woke up we had breakfast and he had some coffee and after he went to the bathroom. I heard a lot of these very dry farts and occasional loud but small plops and plips. Whenever I have these poops myself I find it painful and very annoying on the whole.
Special trips for huge craps
As I've written about before, I crap pretty regularly at school. Like 95% of the time. It has been that way for years going back to grade school. Its not so much now that I'm in college because we have more than 10,000 students at each campus location. Once or twice a month I get stopped up. On the third or fourth day I take a laxative and at some point in the day I delight in taking a massive dump. Whether it is in the dorm's huge bathrooms at each level, in the student center, or in an classroom building, it just doesn't make a difference to me. When I gotta go, I sit down and usually evacuate my system within two minutes on the toilet. I wipe, do one flush, and usually, it doesn't do more than 30% of the cycle. I wash my hands and leave. I do use my app to campus maintenance to report it.
When this situation came up while I was in high school, I would deliberately go a floor or two upstairs and use a bathroom where I would not be known. I just found leaving a jammed or overflowing toilet embarrassing when I would open the door to leave and someone who knew me would greet me as the next user. Once I even dreamed that this girl who I ran against in a class election took a picture of what I had left and posted it. My best daily craps were when I got a pass out of class or study hall and used the toilet. Now in college, I don't give much of a damn.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Emmas two
A really good poo
The last time I had a poo was on Sunday morning when I went in the woods. Four days later on Thursday night I was watching TV with Sarah when I started feeling the effects of all the fruit I'd been eating for the last few days. I got up to go to the toilet when Sarah asked me if I was ok because I usually wait for the adverts to come on before I go to the toilet. I said I was fine and I just had to go for a number two. She said OK as I accidentally passed wind on the way out of the living room. Sarah said it stank which was embarrassing and when I got into the bathroom I passed some more wind as I was closing the door. As soon as I locked it I quickly pulled my pyjama shorts down with my knickers and I passed some more wind as I sat on the toilet. I relaxed and immediately released a long wet fart and there was some loose poo with it and I was so glad I was safely sitting on the toilet. I pushed gently but I didn't really need to push at all because my poo soft and mushy. I passed a ton of poo into the toilet and man it felt so good. Then came the wee to complete my relief and I wiped and flushed the toilet feeling three pounds lighter. After washing my hands I returned to the living room and Sarah asked me if I felt better. I felt my face redden as I said I felt much better and we carried on watching TV.
Unpredictable Bowels
Yesterday I rose and did not have the urge to sit on the pot so did not....that almost rhymes. On my way to work I called into my favorite toilets and sometimes, even if i do not have the urge, after siting for a while and meditating I end up having a poo.
Anyway, I was sitting there without any feeling down below and a fella took the next cubicle...he seemed constipated with all the grunting and I heard no plops...I was still unproductive and stayed for a few more minutes then left.
I arrived at work and soon later I got the urge....I went into our toilets.....dropped trousers , sat and out easily slid this thick long turd.....one only but it was the longest or one of the longest I have seen! Felt much better.
Today I had to see a customer...I see Time at this time every year....the annual visit. Every time I go there I have to poo!
Anyway...tried to poo before leaving home but to no avail.
During my time there I got the urge...I finished my work and thought I would have a wee and then on the way back to the office stop at my public toilets...on having a wee I relax down below and a poo started to come out of my bottom so I quickly changed positions and did one gigantic dump...all over in seconds.
As you can see my poop schedule does not exist!
At least I have been able to poo good, even though at unscheduled times.Bianca
More Stories
Today while shopping, I farted secretly. Some of these were audible, but luckily, didn't smell. At home, I did a stinky fart while unpacking my new paper shredder. In fact, I was so excited, I guess this triggered me to poop. The amount I did in the toilet was medium, and somewhat smelly. When I used the old heavy duty strip cut machine at dayhab some years ago, I turned it off before going to the bathroom. I don't remember any special poops during that period. Sometimes the paper shredder would get so much use, I could smell the heat venting out of it. Luckily, I never farted in my work area. Verry warm shredder component odors mixed with fart would probably be a strange combination of smells. However, when this guy Keith was nearby, I could sometimes smell his colostomy bag. When he passed gas into it, it sounded muffled under the poop bag. The reasons why I don't use the big machine anymore is the contract ran out, and the strip cut unit is long gone due to mechanical failure. Nowadays, I found out about other people that don't use the toilet normally, too. At dayhab, I hear phrases about needing to be changed as if some of the clients are incontinent. One staff asked a guy if he was ready to be changed, and he said he'd let her know. I don't know what bodily toilet functions he's lost, but he could be a wetter. If this guy is a pooper as well, I know his diapers can be quite a mess. I believe his incontinence is caused by a developmental problem. Unlike another client in diapers, he has great speech. That's all for now, bye!
Thunder - I know, it makes zero sense that I can't poop around my husband. I'm hoping it's something that will improve over time. I used to be a lot more shy about pooping in public than I am now. Up to the age of 21, I can only think of one time that I successfully used a public toilet to poop. I just used to hold it all the time at school, for example, and end up really constipated. In my 20's I got a lot better at going in public and now I can go at work or in a station, for example, so long as no one I know is around. If a friend or family member is around, I still can't do it.
It's really weird because it's obviously psychological, but I tend to find I physically can't go in those situations even if I try to overcome my reluctance and do it. This week I'm on holiday with my husband and a couple of days ago we were staying in a small hotel room with an en suite toilet. I woke up in the morning and my bowels felt heavy like I really needed to go. We had breakfast, I drank two cups of coffee, and the need to go intensified. I went into the toilet and thought, "Right, I'm going to do this!". But when I got in there and sat down, I couldn't push anything out, despite the fact that my stomach was cramping.
I'm positive that the reason for that was because my husband was sitting just outside the door reading a book and not because I didn't need to go. We were catching a ferry that morning and a few minutes into the journey, my stomach started cramping really intensely. I tried to ignore it for a few minutes, but the more I tried to clench the sharper the pains became. I told my husband I needed to pop to the toilet and stood up. The sea was quite rough, so I made my way carefully towards the ship's toilets, holding onto the rail. Another woman rushed past me into the toilets and I ultimately heard her being sick in one of the cubicles. I went into the cubicle next to her, sat down and when I released my sphincter I let out one of the longest logs I've ever had. It just kept coming and coming and eventually I had to start bearing down and pushing to get it out quicker, because I was hoping my husband would just assume I went for a wee. There was no splash as it hit the pan because it was one of those toilets like on a train where there's no water, just a hole that everything gets sucked down into when you flush. It took me two flushes to get rid of this one! It was a relief to get it all out of me, but so strange that I was able to do it in a public toilet next to a complete stranger, but couldn't do it in a much more comfortable hotel toilet knowing that my husband was outside the door!
Reply Emma 2
It is a case that when you have to go.....better than going in your pants....although you did write off your undies.
I have never had an unscheduled poo like the one you had.
Anyone else got similar stories?
Unpredictable Bowels
Yesterday I rose and did not have the urge to sit on the pot so did not....that almost rhymes. On my way to work I called into my favorite toilets and sometimes, even if i do not have the urge, after siting for a while and meditating I end up having a poo.
Anyway, I was sitting there without any feeling down below and a fella took the next cubicle...he seemed constipated with all the grunting and I heard no plops...I was still unproductive and stayed for a few more minutes then left.
I arrived at work and soon later I got the urge....I went into our toilets.....dropped trousers , sat and out easily slid this thick long turd.....one only but it was the longest or one of the longest I have seen! Felt much better.
Today I had to see a customer...I see Time at this time every year....the annual visit. Every time I go there I have to poo!
Anyway...tried to poo before leaving home but to no avail.
During my time there I got the urge...I finished my work and thought I would have a wee and then on the way back to the office stop at my public toilets...on having a wee I relax down below and a poo started to come out of my bottom so I quickly changed positions and did one gigantic dump...all over in seconds.
As you can see my poop schedule does not exist!
At least I haAndrea
Squatty Potty
I haven't posted here for awhile mainly because nothing interesting poop wise has happened. So I got a Squatty Potty. I was skeptical about how good it was. I'm not skeptical anymore. It took me about a week to get used to pooping in the squatting position. It was uncomfortable at first because my knees were pushing against my ample stomach and boobs.
Prior to using the Squatty Potty I would lean forward while I peed and pooped. finally after a few days I decided to stop leaning forward and sit back against the lifted toilet lid. That made all the difference. I was much more relaxed sitting back with my legs up simulating a squat. My dumps have been massive as I'm able to clean out like I never have before. I'm also farting more in this position. This is also good because I'm not farting during the day as much as I used to.
The first time my husband saw it he wanted to know why we have a footstool in the bathroom. I told him what it was and how it will make us all poop better. He just laughed and asked me how much better I could possibly poop. He said my pooping and farting couldn't get any better. I asked him if it bothered him that I'm so loud on the toilet. He told me he loved hearing me on the toilet. I probably shouldn't tell you what else he thought about when I'm on the toilet blasting away. He now loves using the Squatty Potty and loves hearing me use it. Oh by the way I had to demonstrate to him how to use it from start to finish. That made for a very happy evening.Aunt
I work as a saleswoman in a tent near the bus station. I work the whole day, after which I have three days off. During a working day I have to shit, so I have to use a public toilet. The toilet is a basement room divided into six booths. For hygiene reasons, the booths have squat toilets over which you need to squat. I like to look pretty, so I usually wear a short skirt, patterned tights and clogs with a huge stacked heel. My working day starts at 8 am. Just at this time, my stomach requires a visit to the toilet. Sometimes I am the only visitor to the toilet, and sometimes other girls and women are in the next booths. They usually pee. Also, many girls farts loudly, especially in the morning. In the meantime, I light a cigarette and go into the booth, not forgetting to take the newspaper with me. Entering the booth, I lift my skirt, pull down my pantyhose and panties, and squat down. With a loud fart, I begin to shoot huge portions of semi-liquid smelly diarrhea. A not weak slide forms under me. At this time I read the newspaper and smoke. The toilet is filled with the sounds of my farting and the smell of shit. I shit for about fifteen minutes and I have a toilet full of shit. I have to flush the water twice
David P
Tim's Survey Response
Just a quick update before the survey. These last few days I have had a loose poo that looks like the turd emoji ha. I haven't had a snake like poo in some time now just the odd hard finger size log. Can I ask what may be causing this strange thing where I feel constipated but have loose stool in the morning then feel like I need again by night and it is a small hard log like my little finger or some type 1 balls? How can my bowels be soft and hard in the same day? I really miss passing a big long log it has been too long.
Answer to Tim's survey for some fun.
How often do you pee?
I pee once or twice a day
How often do you poop?
Usually once every two to three days.
Ever had someone of the same sex come to the toilet with you?
Yes, you have reminded me of a childhood memory,when I was a lot less poo shy. when I was around 6 or 7. I used to live next to a boy my age. We would play in each others houses. He would always do a poo in my house, I'd go the toilet with him while he strained out a big poo. He would ask me to help him by rubbing his back as he strained and grunted. He would drop the biggest turds that would smell real bad. My parents hated that he would poo in our house, stinking and clogging our toilet as he lived just next door. I would get bad constipation back then as I would often not get an urge to poo for well over a week. I was once over his house when we both stopped playing to empty the poo pipes. I ended up passing this gigantic dark brown/black turd that stank to high heaven in his loo, perhaps getting my own back after he clogged my toilet so many times. Not after straining, grunting and having him help me out for a good 10 minutes.
Ever had someone of the opposite sex come to the toilet with you?
No I haven't done that. I do not think boys really do the toilet with girls. I think I'd like to find a girlfriend one day that would be comfortable doing a poo with me in the toilet and the same with me with her. I think it would feel more natural for me if we could both drop our drain snakes together as I struggle with my bowels sometimes it would put me at ease to know we both understood each other. Can I ask if you think that is strange that I would want that?
What is the worst you have ever needed to pee?
When I was coming back on a coach after a day trip and I had drank maybe 3 litres. I had peed so many times that day as it was so hot. I had to hold in my pee for the whole trip back and when I got in the car my parents had to drive to a backstreet as I could not even do my seat belt up without dribbling. I peed a massive stream then. I haven't had a wee like that in years since.
What is the worst you have ever needed to poop?
There are so many times I am not sure. Perhaps the time I sharted my pants in school as I was holding in all day and had to go home. When I got in I filled the toilet with so much poo. Then there was the time I so badly needed a poo my stomach was so painful at school as I was holding again. I skipped after school classes as I needed it so bad. The poo was such a long brown snake it looped around the toilet. I have had so many stories like that, maybe I should tell some from my past.
Girl do you have thighs together or apart when you pee?
I am not a girl, sorry to disappoint.Fernando
Last week I went to a nice Argentine restaurant. After a wonderful meal of beef and empanadas I felt the urge to poop and headed to the men's restroom. I noticed the sinks were outside the room and shared with the women's restroom. However as I entered the men's room I noticed a urinal and a toilet in a relatively spacious room. The toilet was separated by a small divider from the urinal. I didn't give a second thought and used the toilet. I dropped my pants to my ankles and had a long pooping session. I thought it might be weird if some other guy entered. As there was a urinal and a divider my reasoning was 2 guys could use the facility. What do you think?Hannah
Ibs accident
My name is Hannah and I've always had ibs. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat, sometimes it just aggravates the hell out of my stomach and leads to bathroom emergencies. This has lead to some embarrassing accidents over the years but for the most part I'm really good at making it to the toilet given the circumstances.
This weekend however I had an experience with not making it, and it was as awful as always! I was at the Home depot and unfortunately my husband and both of my kids were with me, they're 10 and 12. We were looking at bathroom fixtures when I felt my stomach start to hurt and I thought "I think i have to go to bathroom" and started thinking of where they're located. I told my husband I was going to find the bathroom and walked off, and I felt the worst rumble course through my bowels. Then I thought "crap. I need to go poop immediately." I squeezed my cheeks shut and started to shuffle towards the bathrooms. I made it about 80% of the way there when my body just couldn't fight it anymore, and a torrent of hot mush exploded into my underwear. I had to stop walking and I just stood there helplessly soiling my pants as people walked by me. When it finally stopped my entire butt was hot and wet, as I had just had major diarrhea. My only saving grace was that I had full cut underwear on under leggings and they kept the mess from running down my legs. I was still afraid to move though. I called my husband and he had a feeling what happened because he knows me. He answered the phone and I just whined "I pooped my pants. please come get me in the front aisle near electrical...." I hung up and just stood still hoping my butt didn't look too obviously messy. When my family found me they formed a little wall behind me as we walked out to cover me up... my kids carried on about the smell in the car so I told them I had to change their diapers when they were little so they can deal with me having an accident!
My worst pants shitting story of all time though? I was at a fancy dinner party with friends at someone's house when I was 29. Something got me good because I got a sharp cramp while having a conversation with someone and got the most intense urge to shit. I excused myself and ran to the bathroom and to my horror it was occupied. There were other bathrooms in the house but they were upstairs and likely preferred not to be used by guests at the party. I didn't have a minute to wait though so I rushed to head upstairs but instead I wound up filling my underwear in the front hallway. It was wet and it was a lot, and that time it did fall out of my underwear and get on the floor because I had a little dress on. Luckily most of the other guests are good friends who know I have ibs but nevertheless it remains me most mortifying poop accident ever.
Response to Emma Two and Audrey
Emma Two, that was a cool story about you pooping in the woods. glad you got it all out of you. It can be frustrating to have issues pooping outside.
Audrey: I only had to wipe her twice and I will definitely let her reciprocate the next time we poop together. And yes it was fun and it's different. If you want to swap stories in private, let me know and I'll give you my email. If not, we will just keep exchanging them on here :).Maddy
Laxative chocolate reply to Lilly and update for all
Lily sorry I miss understood what you asked. The laxative chocolate worked too well and I had runny poo and gut cramps for like 2 days including 2 genuine accidents in my bed even though I had a pull-up on it leaked out a bit. Because I had the runs quite bad my dad said to drink water a lot so I didn't dehydrate which was ok but it just seemed to make me have more runs. My ???? was bloated and sore and had cramps . I won't be trying that again it was too messy to clean up and very smelly, just brown water with bits in.
So last poo I did was 3 days ago and I've been withholding since then and eating all the stuff that gives me big fat poo's. I told my step mum before school I had ???? ache but had had the runs this morning so I got pain meds for my ???? ache and Imodium. Got 2 more Imodium for later and will get more pain meds I'm planning to withold for as long as I can and eat lots to make it big and hard and a real struggle to get out, like when I push on it it won't come out of my bum. The last one that I did before this time was sticking out my bum hole but even if I pushed wouldn't come out. I had a bulgy belly and was changing my panties 3 or 4'times a day at school.
I'm spending a couple of nights at my Nans this week and she massages my belly to help me poo which if I'm withholding doesn't make me do it. Sometimes when my nan has massaged me she takes me to the toilet and whilst I'm supposed to try she massages near my below bits to help it out. But most times I fake push so I don't do it then sometimes if my panties are already dirty or Ive already done some in my panties when she massaging me she thinks I will have an accident I have to wear a proper nappy to bed but I only usually pee in it unless the poo come out when I'm sleeping which it does sometimes. When I go to bed and she doesn't put a nappy on me I always pee and poo in the bed. I like peeing the bed, I do it a lot and pooing sometimes. If the poo wants to come out I let it if I feel like it,
I might write about what it it like when I do it and it's really hard and big and I really have to force it to come out
Comments and question for Emma two
I'm enjoying your stories.
I had some comments and a question in relation to your story about blocking the toilet at work.
It was a good idea to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables rather than taking laxatives; these can indeed be unpredictable and cause embarrassing incidents for people due to them suddenly taking effect. Also, fruit and vegetables have lots of vitamins so are beneficial in that sense.
It's okay to block a toilet - it happens to everyone. I'd suggest it's best not to distract yourself by flushing the toilet when you're in the middle of pooping a big urgent load; as this distraction can interrupt the "flow" of poop coming out.
I guess it is potentially more embarrassing if you block a toilet at work (rather than a public toilet) because you are known there; but you had a good idea in that you just left the toilet discreetly rather than announcing the issue. Also, if you had tried to flush it again then you ran the risk of it overflowing.
Your comment about your poop coming out like a machine gun when you started going intrigued me. When your poop started coming out, did it consist of a large wide mass of tightly packed nuggets that broke apart suddenly as you passed it - or was it the case that you passed some big firm logs of poop that came out rapidly just after you sat down? Also, was it uncomfortable for your bottom when it started coming out?
Hope to hear more of your stories.