Vacation poop
My wife and I are on week long trip to Hawaii with our two daughters staying in a 3 bedroom condo that has a private bathroom in the master bedroom. My wife had been complaining that she hadn't been able to do her business for a few days and that her belly was starting to really hurt. She told me to take the kids to get breakfast and that she was going to try and go before we went out for the day. At breakfast she texted me that she wasn't having any luck and asked if I would bring her back a coffee. I brought it back and gave it to her as she was getting ready in the bathroom, she said she hoped it would help her go. I told her I needed to shower before we left and she said that she was going to sit on the pot and try again. She sat down and tinkled and leaned forward and started making little grunts, she let out a toot and sighed. After a couple of minutes I started to hear more grunts with the sound of a turd coming out, it finally splashed and she let out a big sigh of relief and stood a little to look at what she had done. She said it felt amazing but she still had more to go. She sat back down and tooted and kept pushing out little turds as she was talking about our day. She did a courtesy flush, but it didn't do much about the stink, she stood to wipe and there were tons of little turds in the bowl. Later that night as she was peeing before bed she let out a toot and said she was pooping again, it was very stinky as well.
I've recently took the first step on the management ladder at work and a few nights ago it was my first-time taking charge of shifts without any senior support. I was, not surprisingly, a little bit nervous, (considering I have anxiety, I was pleased I wasn't freaking out) and sometimes when I'm feeling that way it can also affect my bowels. Added to this is how my stomach can feel weird when I do night shifts anyway. It was feeling this way around five o'clock in the morning and I thought I needed a poo, not having gone since the morning before, so I went to the staff loo and after having a wee I farted a few times but couldn't produce anything. Walking home three hours later, I let out ten or so machine gun farts in a row which isn't like me at all especially as these were really loud. I don't normally care if anybody hears me fart but, on this occasion, I was a bit embarrassed and I did look behind me to check if anybody was in within earshot - luckily there wasn't. I thought I would need to go when I got to my flat, yet I didn't poo between getting home and going in for my second night shift. At two I had a coffee on my break to perk me up and that must have gotten things moving as an hour later I went to the loo and pushed out a small log. This turd was acting as a cork as next thing I knew a load of soft poo was pouring out of me. After staying sitting on the loo for a few minutes to ensure I didn't need to go again, I stood up and looking in the bowl I saw three large logs floating on the water; so large in fact that I couldn't see the bottom of the bowl. After flushing the toilet, doing gup my trousers and washing my hands, I left the bathroom, my stomach feeling a lot better.Kung Poo
My colleague, Clarisa, hopped back from the bathroom, beaming.
"Wow, that's was a great poo!" She announced. "You know the type that dilates your asshole so slowly, so wide, and it aches slightly, and then the turd slides out with one long push? That's the best type. That makes my day!"
Made my day too.Eileen
Been there , done that .
Hi everyone , I've been constipated for 4 days and in this heat that was awful . But tonight I felt things begin to move . I went to the toilet and passed a massive poop with lots of fatts . Glad that load is out and gone . Thanks everyone . Eileen .
Public Toilets over the Decades
A long time ago on my way to work I called into a public toilet to have my morning poo. Nobody ( men) sounded constipated....their motions were rather easy and loose.
These days the men all seem to be a bit constipated to very constipated.
Such are my findings.
Friday, July 23, 2021
Tia's influence on my babysitting
About 8 or 9 years ago, I had an amazing babysitter. Her name was Tia and she was so confident and creative and made what could be a very stressing situation fun.
I think I was about 7 or 8 at the time she took me for a day at the beach. She had such a chill attitude and sense of humor when problems arose. We were on the bench in a small changing, shower and toilet hut and while I was asking her for help in getting into my new swimsuit, she had just gotten off the toilet and we were joking around about her peeing and about her not having flushed it yet. She was totally naked working on my suit and I asked her a dumb question about whether if 100 girls pissed in that toilet and not flushed, how it would hold all that water. During that conversation she was so at ease and quickly got my swimsuit on. Then she went back, got on the toilet and took her crap. No privacy and totally naked. Her legs were at a v-shape angle and she looked between them and made funny faces and jokes about what she had eliminated. Then she asked me to pull some toilet paper for her. She wiped from the seat and with each piece of paper, she held it up and asked me how she was doing. I think on the 5th time I told her she had gotten it all. She said her boyfriend would thank me for her keeping the gift he had given her clean.
Tia had her swimsuit about halfway on, turned and slipped on the floor that was badly splashed from the shower. She fell against the toilet, grabbing toward the seat, and almost ripped it off as she fell onto her back over the toilet. At that point, the boy about 5 came through the entrance with a small bucket of sand. He said he had to pee, but that his sister had fallen asleep. Even though our privacy was being violated and Tia had bruised her elbow she lifted the seat, took the bucket and put it down, and then lined the boy up for his pee. Then we
walked him back to his sister, woke her up, and then walked some distance in the sand to establish our own place.
Despite all the problems we had, including when Tia stubbed her toe on a rock, she was always nice to me. She sat for me several times over a couple of years, and now as a sitter myself, I'm trying to to handle things like Tia did, not get angry and blame others for things that happen. Some of the boys, however, challenge me, and say the rules set by their parents are dumb. One, even called me a B**** and laughed when I told him it was bedtime.Kristi
Nothing better than a hot bath followed by a nice poop
Hi all!
Thank you to everyone who answered my survey. Some interesting responses. I was a little surprised that so many of you are comfortable pooping in front of your significant others. I guess I thought most couples were shy. Me? I have a husband who is extremely... interested even I'm going to the bathroom, especially when I'm pooping. I don't want to break any forum rules but I'll just say that if he watches me pooping, he and I often... well, you can figure it out. At first I thought it was a little strange, but the way he explained it to me makes sense (kind of).
I'm a girly-girl. Not a tomboy. I like to do my hair, I like jewelry, I like perfume. (I'm really not a snob... my perfume is from the clearance and jewelry is from the clearance rack at Kohl's).
My hubby says that going to the bathroom and especially taking a dump are things that girls are supposed to hide. They're "un-ladylike" as he put it.) So he likes to get to see behind that curtain. He likes to see the side of me that is supposed to be super private.
ANYWAYS, I have two stories. One is from a few days ago and one is happening as I type this.
I know that, at least for us ladies, exercise has an effect on pooping. If I'm constipated, I'll either go to the gym or I'll just go to the basement and do the exercise bike. Usually 30 minutes of moderate exercise is enough to move things along.
And then there are mornings where I'll take a morning dump, go to the gym, exercise, and then take ANOTHER morning dump. Even if I felt empty after the first poop, sometimes the poop number two (pun intended) is bigger than the first.
So Saturday I was at the gym. I was doing the elliptical machine. There was a girl two machines away from me. Pretty. Probably early 20's. Light brown hair, petite (for the record I'm straight, but my husband, who discovered this page a few weeks ago, says I should describe people's looks). So I'm chugging along on the machine when the urge hits. This was actually not a day when I'd already crapped. In fact, it had been over 24 hours since I had last pooped, so I knew this was going to be a big one.
I headed to the locker rooms and went into the first stall. I had my phone, and honestly I was a little tired from exercising and wanted a break! Sometimes when my poop is ready to come out, I'll squeeze really hard and just delay it for a minute. Often this makes it feel better when it does come out.
So I'm checking my email with my butt squeezed tight when I see the girl from the gym (you can see through the cracks in the stall) come in and take the stall next to me.
I hear her sit down and almost immediately she let go of one of those echo farts (you know what I'm talking about... The "Getting started fart").
That was my cue to let go and let me tell you that I was almost amazed at what I could feel was coming out of me. I just keep pooping... and popping... and pooping. Not diarrhea. These are logs and balls and chunks. I peed too for maybe ten seconds.
Now, I'm not a shy person when it comes to going to the bathroom in public. But even I knew that this girl next to me had just heard my poop armageddon and was probably a little bit grossed out. So I did something that I almost never do: I gave a courtesy flush. And that was a little disappointing because I would have liked to have seen just how much I'd deposited in the bowl.
And then I actually said "sorry" to this girl next to me. It was just a rare moment of embarrassment for me.
To me relief, she was incredibly nice. She told me not to apologize and that she had to "do the same thing". I told her that exercising often makes me have to go. She said she "takes a s*** at the gym every day." We complemented each other on our shoes. At this point, I'm done and am wiping. My stall neighbor is making some very familiar sounds as I'm flushing my dirty toilet paper down.
So that's my gym story.
My second story is still ongoing.
There's almost nothing better than a nice, hot bath. I don't get to take them that often but when I do I make the most of it. Dim lighting and candles. My husband is unfortunately out of town.
I've been typing this post for a good 20 minutes and the water is starting to get cold. In a minute, I'm going to get out, dry off, and take a nice, relaxing dump.
I'd take a nice pee too but I've already done that in the bath. ;) (DON'T LIE. You all pee in the shower/tub and you know it!)
Hot water on my stomach is even better than exercising for me in terms of making me go. I had to poop before getting in the tub but I think thy better order is bath then poop.
So in a few minutes here I'll be on the porcelain throne. Emptying my mind... and my bowels! I'll be thinking of all of you.
The Squatty Potty
Hey, so I noticed that a lot of you who responded to my survey had never heard of the Squatty Potty.
I had never heard of it either until like 5 years ago when I see it in a store. I looked it up on Amazon and it had great reviews, so I bought one for me and my husband.
All it is is a plastic step. It's about 8 inches tall and a foot wide.
You put it right at the base of the toilet.
The idea is simple: Squatting is a better position for us to poop in than sitting.
As someone who loves to camp and hike, I can tell you that there's truth to that.
The hard parts of relieving yourself outside are (a) not peeing on your pants, and (b) holding the squat position long enough for you to poop.
As far as peeing, the key is that you want a jet stream. Not a weak tinkle. Sometimes it's hard and I've unfortunately peed on my jeans on several occasions. It's especially tricky when your steam is slowing down. I've learned to just stop at that point.
I've got pretty strong legs but it's still not easy to stay down in a squat for 3-5 minutes. But I will say that when I'm squatting outside, I don't have to push at all. Now that's just me; I'm sure being constipated would change things which is why I eat tons of fiber. I hate being constipated. I'd rather have diarrhea than be constipated.
So, the Squatty Potty tries to simulate the squat position. You just put your feet on it and sit normally.
I only use it if I'm constipated; it does help a little bit with that.
It's not really the same as popping a squat. It's okay, but the only way to squat is to actually squat.
Last year I was on pain meds for a few weeks after I broke my wrist. The meds screwed up my bowels so badly. I didn't poop for 6 DAYS. I just didn't feel like I had to... until I really did. My husband was so supportive. He literally held my hand as I pushed out this monstrous, bloody poop. Then he held me up because I was feeling like I was going to pass out.
A word of warning: If you have to be on opioid pain meds (which as you know are already dangerous because they're addictive), MAKE YOURSELF POOP EVERY DAY. I don't like laxatives, but a stool softener is okay for me.
Seriously... put a sticky note somewhere or put a reminder on your phone. Do everything you can to poop daily if you're on pain meds. The pain of pooping after not going for 6 days was far worse than the pain of my broken wrist which was the reason I was on the meds.
KristiNickel Plate
1 I think it would be great to have unisex restrooms and do not care who goes.
2 making noise no different than any other time
3 nope that okay
4 no wait if no rules against it.
5 only single toilets
On others Not trust farts that has happen to me, and it was vary soft poop instead. so I had accident. and it was a mess. It took a while when I got to place to clean up. I first had to go to the store to get deposit underwear than find a restroom.
My friend and I bonded over going to the bathroom
Hi all! Kristi here, back on my new favorite forum, back in my favorite room of the house (well, second favorite. Bedroom is still the best ;)
Sitting on my porcelain throne. I have another story; this one is from a few weeks ago. Forgot about it until now.
I was at Starbucks with my friend Becki. I was having my usual Caramel Macchiato. We sat and talked life for about an hour and a half before we were ready to go. I needed to pee so I told her I'd be out in a minute.
It was a one person, unisex bathroom. This Starbucks had two of them. I sat down and took a nice relaxing pee. Not a gusher but not a trickle. I finished up and was wiping when I felt my stomach churn. Not good. I started to stand up... and that's when the urge really hit me. Poop time. I don't want to take much time so I'm pushing... and that's when I get a text. It was from Becki:
"Are u almost done? I have to go."
I'm thinking she means "I have to go home."
So I text back, "Stomach upset. You can go. I'll call you."
But then she responds with, "No, I have to go to the bathroom."
I text her and tell her to use the other one. She says it's locked.
So I tell her I'll be done in a few minutes. At this point I'm pushing out a nice soft dump and am trying to go as quickly as I can. And then I get this text:
"Kristi I have to s*** so bad can you let me in?"
I was not expecting that! I think her coffee must have just gone right through her. Coffee usually makes me have to poop too.
So here's the scene: I'm sitting on the toilet which is full of my poop... I'm not quite done pooping... and my good friend has to poop too.
I figure I can finish up within a few minutes. So I'm starting to text her when I hear a knock on the door and hear Becki say in a quiet but very desperate voice, "I'm going to have an accident."
Well I wasn't going to let that happen. I stood up, waddled to the door (pants at my knees) and open the door a crack as I stand behind it (I'm not going to let the good patrons of Starbucks see me naked from my waist to my knees.)
Becki comes in, closes and locks the door, looks me right in the eye, and says, with tears welling up in her eyes, "I'm so sorry."
Becki sat down, leaned forward, and immediately starts to pee and poop at the same time. As she's going, she is crying her eyes out. She looks up at me and says again, "I'm so sorry."
At this point all I want to do is console my friend. I tell her that we've been friends for years and that she has no reason to be embarrassed in front of me. I'm hugging her... with my pants still at my knees, with a dirty butt, and still having to poop a little. She smiles a little between sobs and asks, "Were you done?" I told her no, not yet, but that she could take her time. She said that she was done. She wiped herself and stood up, and I sat back down. She washed her hands and dried her eyes at the sink. I told her that I was pooping in front of her now and so neither one of us needed to feel any shame.
I finished, wiped, and flushed (it was quite a load in the toilet... my poop... her poop... more of mine). I washed my hands and gave her a big hug. We left the bathroom. I didn't know if anyone was looking at us funny and didn't really care.
I texted her when I got home: "NOTHING to be embarrassed about. I had to go, you had to go. We just happened to have to go at the same time. Love you."
She responded "Thank you. I've never had to s*** in front of a friend like that before. You were so sweet."
So that's my story. Got a little closer to my friend and all it took was us both crapping in front of each other at Starbucks. Crazy world.
Oh, and as for me right now: If you scroll up to the paragraph starting with "Well I wasn't going to let that happen"... that was when I stopped typing and squeezed out two long logs and a few smaller chunks. Just in case you were worried about me. Peed a river as I pooped.
Time to wipe and say goodbye.
Love you all!
By the way: Do you guys enjoy my stories? I feel like since I'm such a not-shy bathroom girl that I have interesting stuff from time to time.
I like to post on here when I'm on the toilet. I always remember this forum when I'm on the pot.
So please, tell me if I'm a bore.Thunder
Jake. Unisex Bathrooms
I am sitting in a unisex bathroom right now . I think they should be compulsory, maybe not for schools though . Too often I have seen queues outside women's toilets and nobody in the men's. Unisex allows more efficient use of resources. I would use a unisex toilet maybe up to five times per week . I will poo each time, or try to poo. The fact that someone is in the next cubicle , the gender is immaterial! We all have to realise we pee , fart and poo and sometimes we need to grunt !!!
Pooping with friends
One day I was shopping at our local Target and about halfway through my shopping I felt a strong urge to have a massive bowel movement. So, I headed straight to the Men's room since the restrooms at this store are usually pretty clean. I took the middle of three stalls and immediately started pooping. It was definitely a good decision to go to the bathroom and it felt great getting all that waste out of my body. Fortunately, I had the restroom to myself for most of my BM, but right at the end a teenage boy came into the room. He stood off to the side for a minute and then began checking the condition of the two available stalls. He also snuck a quick peek at me through the crack in the stall door. I'm assuming to see if I was pooping and also to make sure that I was not someone who knew him. He then went into the handicap stall to my left and seated himself on the toilet. Immediately he began having explosive diarrhea! Let me tell you, this poor kid REALLY had to go. His diarrhea session lasted about 20 seconds and then after that he immediately began frantically wiping. I thought that was really strange because with the type of diarrhea he had there is no way he could have gotten all of his poop out in that short amount of time. However, a few seconds later I came to understand why he was wiping so quickly. The restroom door flew open and in came two other teenagers. As soon as the boy seated on the toilet heard the door open, he immediately got up and spun around so that it looked like he was just peeing. Even though he probably still had to go poop he was just too embarrassed poop in front of his friends. I felt really sorry for him. He then flushed and left the stall to go wash his hands. While he was washing his hands one of the two teenagers who came into the restroom (and I suspect he knew what his friend was doing) started saying kind of loudly "Man I have to take a huge shit!". He said this two or three times and the other boys, including the one who just had massive diarrhea, were laughing at him. The friend went into the stall on my right and immediately sat on the toilet. As soon as he did that, the boy who had the massive diarrhea went back into the handicap stall on my left and quickly sat back down on the toilet. See, I told you he still had to poop some more! He immediately started to defecate. I could clearly hear it crackling out of him and it was A LOT of poop! Fortunately for the kid at that point it was just a huge loose BM and he did not have any more explosive diarrhea while his friends were in the bathroom. I never did hear poop plops or smell anything from the second boy seated on my right, so I wonder if you really had to shit or was just saying that and acting like he had to go to give his friend some cover to do what he had to do. If that is what he was doing, then that's the kind of friend I wish we all had! Pretty shortly after we all three started wiping, washed our hands and left the restroom at about the same time. Later, I saw the three boys at the checkout line and they were all laughing and having a good time. I was happy that the boy with the diarrhea was able to get the rest of his poop out so that he could enjoy the rest of his evening without having to be miserable holding it in the whole time.
Sorry to everyone
I have to say sorry, when I did Kristi's survey, I didn't copy questions perfect English. Instead I used my memo. Next time I do survey, I will copy perfectly. I am very ashamed. Please forgive bad Mina.
Love to everyone.
I've never posted on here but I've been reading the forum for a while now. I'm 19 and female. I guess I'll answer some of the survey questions.
Unisex bathrooms survey
1) would you mind if all public toilets are unisex?
I wouldn't mind, I don't think it matters where people use the bathroom
2) you have to poop in a unisex toilet with people of opposite sex present, would you hide your sounds?
I hide my sounds even in the women's toilets so yes lol
3) would you feel disgusted if you hear someone of opposite sex pooping in the stall next to you?
Nah it would be kind of hot
4) would you wait till the opposite sex leaves the toilet so she/he doesn't know who was pooping next to them?
I would probably not poop in a public restroom to begin with
5)have you ever pooped in a unisex toilet?
Only single bathrooms, never with someone else actually around to hear
1. When you're pooping, do you try to finish as soon as possible, or do you like to take your time? If you take your time, what do you do with that time (read, cell phone, etc.)?
In theory I'd like to take my time but I usually finish pretty fast and don't see a point in staying seated in the toilet if I'm done
2. Do you flush multiple times when pooping, or do you just flush when you're completely done?
Usually just once unless it's a really big poop, then I'll flush before I wipe
3. Do you usually have to do a lot of pushing, or does your body just poop without much effort?
I don't usually have to put much effort in
4. Have you ever used a Squatty Potty? If so, do you like using it?
I might have once, I don't remember and I don't use one regularly
5. If you have a significant other, do you feel comfortable pooping if he or she is in the room?
I don't have one. If I did I would be alright with them pooping in front of me but it would take me a while to get comfortable pooping where they knew what I was doing let alone in the same room.
6. How comfortable are you pooping in a crowded public restroom?
I'd rather poop in a very crowded restroom than in one with only a small number of other people, but I'd rather poop in an empty restroom than a busy one
7. What's the most interesting place you've ever relieved yourself (pee or poop)?
Nowhere all that interesting to be honest, probably a bush or smthSquatSpott
to Kaycha
Kaycha -
You're parents, and any other parent or adult who punishes a child for an accident are sadistic. You don't choose to have a weak bladder and rectum….so despite how they made you feel please don't feel guilty. Also, don't feel ashamed to wear diapers! I wear a brand called McKesson for pee and poop accidents. Awhile back I leaked all over my pants and onto the floor while waiting to go tinkle in a cup for a drug test so your not alone with public accidents, which are much more embarrassing for guys. Diapers are much better for peace of mind so please give them a try and let us know how they work for you. :) It will be ok. Even if you never have full control of your pee and poop you will always be a good person and thats what matters.
i had to come over to my friend's house to help her poop
I've posted a lot of stories about when I was really constipated before, but this one is about my friend, Ella, from last week.
I was watering my plants one evening when my phone rang. It was Ella. I thought it was a bit weird that she was calling since she never calls me, so I answered. "Hey!" I said. "Lavah," she responded, sounding out of breath, "I'm so sorry to call you." "It's fine," I assured her. "What's up? Are you okay?" She sighed and replied, "No, I'm... I'm really constipated-nnnnh." I heard her strain as she said it. "What do I do?" I told her to relax and tell me what she'd tried so far. She told me that she hadn't pooped in 4 days so she tried doing some yoga which seemed to be helping, but now she was on the toilet with a massive turd ready to come out but it won't. I told her it was going to be okay and that she should try squatting on the floor and rubbing her ???? to help it come out. She thanked me for the advice and hung up. I finished watering my plants and decided to read for a while. After reading maybe 20 pages, my phone rang again. It was Ella. "How are you doing?" I asked. "It won't come out!" she cried. "It's huge and it hurts! I don't know what else to do!" I asked her if she wanted me to come over since she only lived about 15 minutes away. She said yes, so I grabbed my car keys and headed her way.
I knocked on the door of her apartment and barely heard her faint, strained voice say, "It's unlocked!" I came in and made my way to the bathroom where she was sat on the toilet with the door open. Her face was red and streaked with tears. I got her a tissue and sat on the edge of the bathtub next to her. I asked her to lean forward so I could see what we were working with, but there wasn't anything to see. I had her stand up and bend over so I could have a closer look. Just inside her hole was a dark brown mass that looked really painful. I felt bad for my friend. I helped her into a squatting position on the floor and grabbed a towel to put under her. I asked her if she'd tried this like I suggested and she said yes, but it she kept losing her balance. I sat in front of her and let her squeeze my hands for better support as she pushed. "NNNNNNNNNNN! ............ NNNNNNNNNNNNNHH! ...... NNNNNNNNNNNHHH!!" I encouraged her as she struggled. "That's it, that's it. You're doing great, Ella, keep pushing!" After several minutes of this, I had her reposition herself to where she was now squatting facing the tub. She grabbed the edge of it with both hands to steady her while I knelt behind her and spread her buttcheeks. She cried in pain as she strained. "NNNNNNNNNH! Owww! ........ NGGGGGGG!! AHHHHH! ......... NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGRRRR!!! OooooooOooOohhhh!!!!" The tip poked its head out but went back in when she stopped pushing. I had an idea. "Okay, now I want you to push as hard as you can," I instructed. She drew in a breath and got to work. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHH!!" The turd poked out again. "I'm sorry about this," I said while she was still pushing. Before she could stop, I grabbed the end of her turd and pulled hard. She screamed as it grew in length. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" It came out slowly, and it really seemed to hurt Ella. Poor thing. The fattest part was now out and after a few more pushes from Ella, it tapered to a point and fell on the towel. "NNNNNNNNNNNHH! .......... NNNNNNNNNNNHHHHH! ......... NNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!" I grabbed a wet wipe for her to wipe with, assuming toilet paper would probably hurt too much, and used another to wipe the sweat off her face. I broke up the massive turd with the toilet brush and deposited into the toilet. Surprisingly, it went down in one flush. Ella thanked me for coming over and I assured her that it was no big deal. I was just glad I could help. I stayed for another hour to make sure she was okay and then headed home for the night.
To Tricky :
Tricky how does it feel when let your poop logs come out on their own and are they always huge? What do you like most about pooping?Victoria and Robyn
Mina's question
Quick answer to our four friends' question!
Robyn goes first:
Hi everybody! Okay so during my semester-long Italian study abroad, my apartment in Ferrara had its toilet and shower in separate rooms but there was a big difference between that and what you have in Japan. The room with the toilet also had a bidet, but it was a separate fixture and not integrated into the seat like what the four of you have or attached to it like on my and Victoria's toilets. After you were done going you got up from the toilet and got into a straddle on the bidet and then wiped once you were finished there. I'd never seen or used one before but they're almost universal in Italy and someone told me that Italian building codes require them in any room with a toilet! To answer the question: yes, I prefer them in separate rooms. I'll turn it over to Victoria now!
I also studied abroad in undergrad, as part of an exchange program with a Canadian university. While I was there my apartment in Montreal had everything in one room, and from also visiting Toronto and Vancouver I noticed that it was the same there. From what I was told having the toilet and tub or shower in different rooms is very uncommon in Canada. In the US, we have what are called half bathrooms or powder rooms but in the city where we live it's more common for two-bedroom apartments to have two full, separate bathrooms where each one has a tub and a toilet.
My answer is also yes, I'd prefer them to be in separate rooms, but with a Japanese-style bidet attached to the toilet so I wouldn't have to shuffle onto something else with my jeans and panties around my ankles!
We have a question for all of you: have you ever heard of what is called an ensuite bathroom or ensuite here? It means that the bathroom is attached directly to a bedroom. Both Robyn and I have them and I have to say when you wake up in the middle of the night having to pee it's nice when your bed is within two meters of a toilet!
We love all of you. Please stay safe as best you can!
Victoria and Robyn
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
To Pebbles
That was an interesting story about you and your mum having food poisoning. I know what it feels like and I know what it feels like to have an accident when throwing up.Emma two
Poo in the woods with Sarah
I was went out for a walk in the woods with Sarah this morning and I was busting for a poo. So was Sarah and she suggested we did it together. The only problem was we had nothing to wipe with and I told Sarah I would wait until I got home as I didn't want to get skid marks in my knickers. She said it would be fine and they could be washed when we got home. I agreed because I was busting to go but I felt embarrassed so I waited for Sarah to go first. She unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down with her knickers and squatted right in front of me and my confidence grew so I pulled my dress up and pulled my knickers down and squatted next to Sarah. She was already going by now and I pushed gently until I felt my poo coming out. Sarah released a big poo and she peed on top of it as she pushed hard to get as much of it out as she could. She then pulled her knickers up but not all of the way to avoid getting them skid marked and then she carefully pulled up her shorts. I was still going and it was a huge load. Sarah remarked on the size of it and I told her it was three days since it last went. I peed all over my pile and carefully pulled my knickers back up but not all the way and I smoothed my dress down. We walked away from the scene of our deed and went home to clean up. When we got home I waited for Sarah to clean up and she came out of the bathroom holding a badly stained pair of knickers. I went in after her and when I got my knickers down I was pleased to see they were clean so I wiped my bottom and flushed out dirty toilet paper down the toilet.
To Cynthia
Cynthia: I'm sorry your sister pooped her pants in the car. Asking to go poop, and doing it involuntarily must mean that the urge was irresistible. I hope she's not traumatized by her accident, and can just laugh about it now. I've had strong urges where I just acted upon them on impulse. Once after turning the living room window unit on to cool down, I just went to the bathroom to do a mushy poop. Catherine: I love your stories about poop as always. I hope you enjoy mine. I meant to say that the work center at the School For The blind had a wall in the bathroom on the right. The stalls were on the left. Silly me, forgot to edit before pressing submit. Bye.
So I wear underwear almost exclusively but I often regret it. Yesterday I wet myself during a library lecture. Almost halfway through the 2 hour lecture, I realized I needed to go potty. "I can hold it" I told myself, too embarrassed to scoot past an entire row of people. Instead I bounced and squirmed in my seat. I knew I couldn't wait a whole hour. I would definitely go in my pants. I felt so self conscious but as the minutes ticked by my need grew. Now I knew if I stood up, I'd leak in my pants. I had to try. I stood, holding my vagina desperately. I had no pride. But as I tried to get past an entire row of students while trying to keep my panties dry, realized I needed to poop too. A thick turd kept trying to poke out. I squatted to try and hold it but I accidentally pushed the solid load into my panties. I tried running for the toilet but I'd waited too late. I began to pee-pee. I stood there, frozen, in the hall with piss drooling down my legs and soaking into the carpet. I just don't hold it very well.
Skidmarks for hanging
This happened back in the '90s. Me and my friend Maggie had just graduated middle school. Her gift was tuition for a summer music camp about 3 hours away on a college campus. I only had half the money in my child care account, but my grandma gave me my "birthday" money early. My mom drove us up there on a Sunday morning. Before starting our drive on the Interstate mom doubled up on the coffee because she wasn't that alert and Maggie whispered to me one of her usually crude remarks. It was funny, but proved to be quite true. And mom admits to it sometimes, too: the more coffee she drinks the more active her bowels become. So we stopped at the first rest area. This was a 3 toilet bathroom. Maggie and I had taken the first two toilets thinking it was a good chance to pee since we had to stop anyway. I was curious and looked to the left under the panel to find Maggie's blue shorts and underwear at floor level. I strained to see if her underwear was clean because her mom had gotten on her about too many skid mark stains. Then when she was getting a lecture on the "process" of wiping and she interrupted her mom, she had gotten grounded.
Two stalls down I could hear splashes hitting the water and I could hear my mom nervously move around on the toilet. She's kind of restless when using a public toilet and she doesn't like to spend any more contact time seated than is necessary. There were a couple of additional splashes and then she shouted out my name. I was done, flushed and then walked over to her. She was upset when she opened the door and showed me there was no toilet paper on the wall holder. Maggie couldn't help it and laughed out louder than she should have. I went back to my toilet and rolled off a handful for mom who immediately grabbed it and told Maggie it will eventually happen to her too. Maggie said something dumb and that was the end of the conversation.
After another half hour or so mom seemed agitated again. She swerved into the next rest area and said she was hoping this time she would finish it off. We thought that was kind of funny but mom parked and halfway ran up the sidewalk to the bathrooms. Me and Maggie walked up and sat on a concrete bench outside the bathroom. We could hear mom release some very splashing stuff into the toilet and when we heard a sudden thud, it seemed like she had stood and then dropped her butt back onto the toilet. Then she called out my name. She handed me the car keys and told me to bring her purse in. When I came back with it I could see that she was having some amount of pain. She took a couple of pills out of a bottle and asked if I had seen a drinking fountain outside. I told her me and Maggie had just got done using it. So she wiped up and took her pills and we were off again.
When we got to campus, this student helped us find our dorm room, motioned toward the large bathroom in the middle of the hall, and then took us down to the cafeteria for registration. They allowed the request for me and Maggie to room together and then gave us free time before the first meal. So me and Maggie were unpacking when another group of students were walking in the hallway and talking about how large the bathroom was. So we got curious and walked down there. There was a separate entrance door and a ways down an exit door. By the entrance there was a row of about 20 toilets, only a few of them had privacy doors. Across from them were about that many sinks with a mirror above them almost as long as the room. On the other side of the wall there were a couple dozen shows, with a wall and bathtub at each end. At each end of the room there was a bunch of hooks mounted on the wall for pieces of clothing, I guess. Directly behind us there were 3 pairs of undies, all white, hanging next to one another. Each had a skid mark on its bottom. One wasn't that bad but the other two were much more apparent. Maggie said she thinks when the girls took them off to shower, they forget to pick them back up. Maggie said that they might have come from one girl and three showers. I said it was possible that 3 different girls that hung them, forgotten them, and the janitors hadn't noticed them in cleaning. Anyway, they were still hanging there 6 days later when we left.
Maggie did better with her wiping and skid marks. But one day she did have a little pee in them because our teacher, a college professor, didn't believe in wasted time until we learned a song perfectly. Only then were we given a break. There were only about 10 toilets near our music hall. So while waiting for one to open, Maggie had about a 2-inch leak in her underwear. Of course her mom saw the yellow stain.
To Maddy
Just wanted to say that I really liked your story about your giant poop after withholding!:) Tell me, how long did it take you to push the main bit out? Also, how's your new withholding going? Have you ever withheld with a friend and then pooped together? Please share more stories:)
Unisex bathrooms survey
1) would you mind if all public toilets are unisex?
2) you have to poop in a unisex toilet with people of opposite sex present, would you hide your sounds?
3) would you feel disgusted if you hear someone of opposite sex pooping in the stall next to you?
4) would you wait till the opposite sex leaves the toilet so she/he doesn't know who was pooping next to them?
5)have you ever pooped in a unisex toilet?
Emma two
Sleepover poo
I remember once when I was 14 I hadn't pood for a couple of days and I was sleeping over at a friend's house. I was desperate for a poo but I felt embarrassed to do it in my friend's bathroom so I'm held it. We went to bed and during the night I woke up with a pain in my stomach and the most desperate urgent need to have a poo I'd ever felt. I got out of bed as quietly as I could so I could sneek into the bathroom without anyone noticing but my friend woke up with she asked me where I was going. I felt my face redden with embarrassment as I told her I was going for a wee. She asked if she could come with me as she was desperate for a wee and I couldn't say no. She quickly pulled her pyjamas down and sat on the toilet and she peed for ages. When she stopped she said she really needed that and she got off the toilet to let me have a wee. I felt embarrassed to have a poo in front of her so I tried to pee without pooing but it didn't work. She heard my poo plopping into the toilet and I was so embarrassed but It felt so good I just kept going as my friend chatted with me. When I f it was a huge relief even though it in embarrassing but I guess it was better than pooing myself.Jry
Some replies + story
Hello all! I am back here with some replies and a short story.
To Lorenz: Thank you for answering my question. I imagine that in those occasions that you did the 90% push, it was not only uncomfortable in a physical sense but also quite embarrassing having an audience while you struggle to get your crap out. Nowadays on average, what is your normal % of push in any given pooping session? Are your craps often hard and dark?
If you are struggling to get your poop out, Lorenz, you may want to try this (if you have the time, that is, which does not seem to be the case often): If it is a fat, hard poop, in addition to leaning forward as much as you can and giving a hard push, try separating your buttocks with your hands to leave as much space as you can so that the monster turd eases out more easily. Also try going up on your toes and raising your knees… it would look like as if your chest is close to your thighs and head is almost reaching your knees (for reference, see my post "UK trip with my friend Frank part 4 - Finale" where I describe Frank's pooping position). This can often work even if you are somewhat in a hurry.
If you have more time, for example, at home or at someone's house, before giving the hard pushes, try massaging your abdomen first, from your right side to your left side and then going down, so that it stimulates the internal movement and helps your poop want to come out. Then when you feel your poop "at the door" or poking out, proceed with your normal pushing process or, if it is fat and hard, try doing what I described above. Of course, only try this if you feel like it could help… I suggest it because it has helped me on occasion and also some of my friends, but if it feels like a hassle try what you think works best for you. But I imagine what I described could help you.
To James: Thank you for answering my question. Your story about your intentional game reminded me of a friend of mine who did something similar but while in his room. He would stay in his bed, lying on his stomach, and gave a gentle push just to stimulate his need to poop at first, and then, to see if he could get the turd to poke and then suck it back in. He would repeat this for 15-20 minutes until he felt a big urge to release his poop. He then would run to the bathroom and proceed with his poop session. I know that on a few occasions, he accidentally released a piece of poop into his underwear.
Now for the story, I post this because this poop session was unusual for me. Three or so days ago, I went to the bathroom feeling quite full and I expected to produce quite a load of poop. I sat down, pants and underwear to my ankles, spread my legs and began with a gentle push. This released three small pieces of poop, solid but not hard. I felt as if I had not released anything, so I pushed a little harder this time trying to get more of my poop out. I then released a medium-sized turd, but still felt much more inside of me. I tried relaxing for a bit, waiting for a big urge to tell me to start pushing again. A minute or so later, I felt it and released a somewhat bigger turd. But my need to poop still did not subside in the least. For the next ten minutes, I spent intermittently pushing and relaxing, releasing small- and medium-sized turds that slowly began to fill the water in the toilet bowl. The more I released, the less solid and softer they got.
After that, I did feel somewhat relieved, but I still undeniably felt more poop inside of me. I decided to lean back and rest my back on the toilet tank, legs spread, and my hands massaging my abdomen from right to left, to see if that would stimulate something. After about five minutes of this, I released a loud, echoing fart, followed by a wave of mushy poop. I kept pushing, not too hard, for as long as I could because I wanted to get as much poop as I could out of my system. With this pile of mush out, I finally felt empty. But the wiping was quite laborious! It took me more than 10 wipes to get clean.
I had not experienced such a pooping session in a long time, where I release small- and medium-sized turds that start solid and only after that I release a wave of much-less-formed poop. I do not like this kind of poop sessions… they take a long time to complete (I took over 20 minutes) and I always have to wipe a lot. Fortunately, I don't get these often.
Anyway, that is all from me now!
Keep the great posts coming!