
Catherine: Thank you!

There are occasional times when I want to be alone too. Not out of embarrassment but just as a need for "me" time. When I need that, there's really no better place than the bathroom. I can read a book, I can go on the internet (especially this forum!), or I can just be alone with my thoughts. My husband respects this and all I have to say is "Just want to poop alone, okay?"

Which brings me to a story. This is from a few years ago.

I'm usually very regular and usually don't have to strain much at all to take a dump. I eat a lot of fiber.

But my husband and I were at a hotel in Chicago for a getaway. We had gone to a nice restaurant. It was a German place; I ate a lot more than I usually eat. Lot of sausage. Then a piece of pie for dessert.

About three hours later my husband and I are cuddling in bed when my stomach just starts to hurt badly. I tell my husband. He asks what he ban do... I tell him I don't know. I try to get into a more comfortable position but all that does is help me fart a few times.

My husband sweetly asks if I need some alone time in the bathroom. I think about that, then tell him that I actually would appreciate it if he did come in with me.

So I sit down on the toilet and my husband sits on the edge of the tub. He's holding my hand... I'm holding my stomach. He again asks what he can do... I ask him to just talk to me. To help me relax and to take my mind off the pain.

I knew I had to poop but I also had really, really bad gas. I took my pants and underwear off completely so I could spread my legs. Finally I was able to let go of a very relieving fart. The pain started to subside immediately, but I knew I still needed to poop badly.

It took a lot of pushing but finally I was able to go. There was no plop. This one just kept coming out until it was completely in the toilet water and was sticking out a bit. I don't know how the toilet was able to flush it down.

I was exhausted. I let my husband wipe me (yes, he likes doing that too). I needed his support and thanked him with my words and actions.

By the way this is a rare post that's NOT being written while sitting on the toilet. I had to take care of that immediately after getting out of bed. I usually don't have to poop so early. I think it was because I had a salad at like 11:00 the night before.

The good thing about an early-morning poop is that you can just get in the shower without wiping.



Robyn and Victoria

Replies and survey

Hey Toiletstoolers it's Robyn!

A certain someone just finished washing and wiping and is now up from her stool. She's checking the bowl now. One nice medium [by her standards] loaf and a few smaller pieces. She's pleased with herself and now she's shuffling her bare buns over to the sink to wash her hands. I'll leave it to her to flush and get dressed!

To Kristi: No shame in that! My first European poop ended with wipe session as well because I was a jet-lagged zombie too tired to figure out how to best position myself-front or back. I got used to bidet life pretty quickly though. Italian toilet paper was a powerful motivator!

I'm in her living room and I just heard a flush from Victoria's ensuite. Here she is now. By the way we both like your stories. Keep 'em coming!

Robyn just turned it over to me, hi everybody! I'll write out some stuff and then we'll give some survey answers.

To Catherine: You're so sweet. I see she didn't mention it but I've been constipated this week and if I didn't go by tonight, only my third on the week, Nurse Robyn said she'd have to intervene. Serves me right for dating a doctor's daughter!
Hope you continue on the path of regularity!

To Julie: Welcome to Team IBS! Your daughter will be so much better for having a mom who knows what she's going through!

Here's are our answers to the unisex bathroom survey: V=Victoria, R=Robyn

1) Would you mind if all public toilets were unisex?
V: Not even a little bit.
R: If it meant that I got to pee in a urinal? I'd encourage it!

2) You have to poop in a unisex toilet with people of opposite sex present, would you hide your sounds?
V: I don't when there's a skirt on the door, why should it be any different?
R: I've known I wasn't straight since before my period started. I came out as a lesbian to my mom, dad and stepmom after my sophomore year of high school. I'm dating a woman right now. I could not care less about what men might hear.

3) Would you feel disgusted if you hear someone of opposite sex pooping in the stall next to you?
V: After a lifetime of clogging and blowing up toilets it takes a lot for things that happen in the bathroom to phase me.
R: A human? Like with a butt? Using it to poop? The nerve. Just kidding, blast away!

4) Would you wait till the opposite sex leaves the toilet so she/he doesn't know who was pooping next to them?
V: Caveat emptor baybee.
R: No mercy!

5) Have you ever pooped in a unisex toilet?
V and R: Yes.

That's all for now!

Robyn and Victoria


Squatty potty

I used to have a Squatty Potty. I liked it so much! It was great to sit down, put my feet up, and just relax, and then do whatever I had to do as I felt the urge. Whether I just had to have a quick poop, or whether my bowels were very full and I needed to stay on the toilet for a bit longer and wait for more to come out, the Squatty Potty was so useful.

Emma two

Desperate morning poo

I got up this morning with a stomach ache and a very desperate need to have a poo. Unfortunately Sarah was in the bathroom and she was having a poo so I had to wait for her to finish. She was taking ages as she was constipated and after about five minutes I heard a loud plop as her first poo hit the water. A few seconds later there was another plop followed by another two more and I heard Sarah pulling some toilet paper off the roll. A minute later she flushed the toilet and she came out of the bathroom and she warned me I'd better leave if ten minutes because it was a bit smelly in there. I was too desperate to care about the smell and a ran in holding my bottom. She wasn't kidding about the smell because it stank in there. I ripped my shorts and knickers down together and sat down on a very warm toilet seat. I relaxed and immediately felt relief as huge soft load shot into the toilet. I peed as well and when I finished it fe so much better. I had to wipe several times to get myself clean and when I flushed the toilet I was happy to see that it all we down but was a lot of skid marks below the water which I had to clean with the brush.


To Kaycha

Kaycha, I hope you know that the way your parents treated you about your accidents is completely unjustifiable and is nothing short of abuse. I can see not wanting to hit them with the 'abuser' label if they were otherwise okay, but how they acted with this is still horrible.

(…And if I can go off topic a little, if they *weren't* otherwise okay, I hope you know that they were using this as an excuse to hurt you and nothing would change if you had perfect control. Also, sometimes we compare our 'normal' to much worse, like the horror stories on the news, so you might even *think* they were otherwise okay but your friends' jaws would drop if they knew a day in your life back home. There's a big gap between "better than people who murder their kids" and "good.")

Anyway, I can see someone thinking early on that you might not be trying hard enough to hold it or make it, but after watching you struggle and suffer for years and years and years through embarrassment and everything they've ever done and said to you, and to still treat you like that, to the point that this much later you're having nightmares about it… no, there's simply no way they really believed that you're doing that for fun, OR that continuing to hurt you for it will stop it, by year FOURTEEN.

I don't know what hurting you did for them, but they chose getting more of it over your well-being. Not just once, but every single time they did it, every time ever, they stood before the choice again - your well-being or whatever causing you pain gives them - and knowingly chose option B. And any time they chide you for your accidents now, they're making that SAME choice. Even if they were better in other areas, that's still what this is - a deliberate choice to make themselves feel better by abusing you.

If the way they treated you still takes an emotional toll, I recommend getting counseling. Again, you don't have to call them abusers if you don't want to, but harm was done to you that needs to be addressed.

You are an innocent person trying to live your life with a medical problem you did not ask for. You are not at fault. You haven't failed anyone or harmed anyone. You are wonderful. You're as wonderful when you're standing there wet/messy/both as you are when you've had no bathroom problems in a while, just as someone with any other medical condition is the same person on a day it's acting up as they are when it's not. Please know and remember that.

Even if it's like that time at school when *maybe* if you'd gotten up earlier it might've been different, what's the harm done? A little extra laundry? It's no big deal. You're living your life instead of letting it revolve around never being more than three steps away from the bathroom or making mad dashes at every single sign of pressure. That's a good thing.

And again, get some counseling if you haven't. Ask about it even if you don't think you need it, because we don't always realize it when we need it, and we can get so used to having damage that's been there a long time, like a weight you've gotten used to and don't realize how much better life could be until it's lifted, and again, what you endured in the past might be worse than you realize if you didn't have anything to compare it to. And even if you're okay most of the time, you can be okay *more* of the time. At a college, you have easier access to it than you would before or after. Right now is the best time - for that reason, and for the simple fact that help sooner means benefitting sooner.

Take care. We love you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


To Eileen

Hi hope all is well with you glad you managed to finally have a poo , 4 days wow how big were they ?. Its been so hot recently that would have been a hot sitting on the toilet I imagine it's hard enough sleeping at night with the heat speak soon xxxx

David P

Comments and Holiday Poo

Hi David P here again

To Lorenz: I do get what you mean about the length of time it takes to poo and the smells. For me the embarrassing part comes with the sounds. I really hate the plops. Not all the time do I get plops if my poo is nice and soft but recently my poos have made rather loud ploops which are embarrassing. I just wished poo wasn't taboo.

To Mina: thank you for replying, yes everyone needs to be excused sometimes. I wish I had the courage to poo in public it is very hard to do.

To James: it is nice reading stories from UK posters as there aren't many on here. I liked your story about pooing your pants on the way to school. I get that thing you describe as the cork too and I can go days without pooing then I get a big load where I do the bulk of it in one sitting and sometimes go back a couple of times throughout the day with left over small finger sized poos or snotty brown mucus. I love being free of the poo cork but hate when the cork frees up what is behind it as I feel so tired after a day on and off the loo!

I did poo myself at secondary school once as I refused to go and held it in. That was only once but it was a regular thing in primary school, sometimes it was just soiled pants but I remember in year 5 at age 10 holding on all day and then at lunch time losing the battle and literally having a massive log in my pants. I actually went back to class and sat on the floor crossed legged feeling the log squash down, no body said anything not sure how I got away with it!

To constipated posters; I read online on Gutsense recently that a Bristol Type 2 Poo has been inside you for several weeks unlike the normal 72 hours, I have seen on here that some go for a poo every 4 or 5 days (once a week) meaning what you push out is from the food eaten during the previous week or more. So no wonder it hurts! My poo can sometimes really hurt and make me bleed, but it is so much better now that I am an adult than as a kid, back then I had constipation really bad until age 11. In fact I forgot to mention here until now that my constipation was so bad as a child that most of my poos would get stuck coming out, so the hospital gave surgery on my bumhole where they stretched it wider, making the opening bigger. So now I have a bigger than average bumhole. I have never mentioned that to anyone in real life but the community here would understand. I want to ask if any of the constipated posters here have ever had that procedure to stretch open the bumhole?

Now onto my story. This comes from a few weeks ago. This was my second holiday in two months super lovely after covid to finally be feeling like things are getting back to normal in the UK. First on the way to holiday I stopped off to stay the night with family that I had only met very briefly before so you can imagine I was a bit worried of the toilet situation. When we got there my heart sank as they showed us around the loo was broken and wouldn't flush very easily so they said just to try it and leave it if not. No way was I going to leave a poo in there. We enjoyed the sun for the afternoon and ate plenty of food with their young children running around outside. When it got to around 9 oclock the youngest child announced that he needed a poo, I love how kids can be so brave in front of people they do not know. So they went off to help their child as we stayed outside. The next morning I was happy to find my body understood the situation and didn't give an urge to poo so we set off back on the roads again in the scorching heat. When we got to holiday we spent all the day having fun on the water and going to pubs. I was worried I would need a poo in public but luckiky I didn't need it and besides I would probably of held it. As soon as we got to the apartment and made a drink I started to feel a heavy feeling building in my gut. I get this lump feeling too that I can feel on my lower left so I know when get that a poo is building up. I put off my need for a bit as I was just wanting to sit and then took myself off to the loo when I was alone in the apartment. I sat down and gave a little push and let out some little farts that didn't make much of a sound and decided I needed to help my turd on its way if I wanted to pass anything more than farts. I sat for around 5 minutes pushing between my bumhole with two fingers up and down until I could feel the poo press against it. I needed to push again pretty hard but not that bad as it came out with the encouraging of my finger. I looked between my legs as this giant poo kept on growing and growing and then plooped into the bowel. I then passed two more smaller poos that Plopped loudly into the water. Actually this toilet was very echoed and my poos sounded like giant rocks hitting the water. The next morning I had to poo again (pretty unusual for me, as I go every 2 or 3 days usually). I manged to pass a couple more smaller logs that made very deep sounding PLOOPS! as they hit the water. Feeling nice and light we went out and had fun again. The rest of the holiday we spent having a laugh on the beach running in the sea and swimming. All of which moved my bowels a lot. The extra exercise and sea water around my belly made me poo so much. I ate so much one night in a restaurant and felt pretty bloated up sitting there, the next morning I was sat on the loo and had to push fairly hard to get things going but then the flood gates opened and I was passing logs that went plop plop PLOOP! Very loudly into the water. This time the smell hit me it was very strong and meaty and seemed to fill the room with my stink. I made sure to clean my bum very well and showered in my own stink to lower the smell before I came out. That holiday was unusual for me as I was opening my bowels either every day or twice a day, very regularly for me and I was feeling so much better for it. I will post part 2 of when I got back off holiday (I got myself constipated again and had some super smelly poos) in a separate post as it will be too long otherwise. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!


Unisex survey

Unisex bathrooms survey
1) would you mind if all public toilets are unisex?
No problem at all

2) you have to poop in a unisex toilet with people of opposite sex present, would you hide your sounds?
No reason to

3) would you feel disgusted if you hear someone of opposite sex pooping in the stall next to you?
Why in the world should I be disgusted?

4) would you wait till the opposite sex leaves the toilet so she/he doesn't know who was pooping next to them?

5)have you ever pooped in a unisex toilet?
Other than one-hole toilets I've never encountered one.


To Eileen

Hi you ok ?
Glad you got relief from your constipation 4 days is a long time I imagine they were very large poops and you filled your toilet up a bit with that.
It's not ideal tho with such hot weather and probably a struggle especially if its a long struggle to push it out
Speak soon xxxx


Responding to Robyn about bidets


Robyn, I read your post about encountering a bidet.

When I was traveling in Europe, I got into Rome at like 2 in the morning. The youth hostel that I was going to stay at was closed, so I had to spend the night in a hotel.

In the bathroom was a regular toilet (I had encountered squatting toilets in Italy as well) and a bidet.

This was back in 2004. I had no smartphone; I had no way to just Google "How to use a bidet". But I decided that I absolutely had to try it out. When in Rome, literally.

There was a toilet paper roll so I figured even if I couldn't figure out the bidet I could just wipe normally.

So I took off my jeans and panties and relieved myself in the toilet. I don't remember whether it was a big poop or not.

Then I was ready to take on the bidet. My first conundrum was figuring out which way to sit on the thing... or if I was supposed to sit or just hover.

I reasoned that I should face the handles, and it did feel like it S meant for sitting.

I just remember messing around with the controls for like five minutes. I was getting water sprayed on me... just not in the right spot.

Finally I gave up and just wiped my butt with toilet paper.

Maybe someday I'll get another chance at a bidet.


Accident from too much fibre

As I mentioned before, I've always loved fruit and vegetables, and I barely ever get constipated. Even doing a long and solid log is something that usually only happens if I'm travelling on holiday and my routine is disrupted, although I had the occasional time as a teenager when things would veer in that direction, especially if I skipped meals. I would never want my poos to be completely solid all the time - my view is that sitting on the toilet and doing a large, soft poo is one of life's few guilt-free and universally-available satisfying experiences.

Both as a teenager and now as an adult, I occasionally make a giant smoothie to satisfy my fruit cravings - often as something to drink late in the evening during a video-gaming session, rather than loading up on caffeine drinks and not being able to sleep afterwards. A typical recipe might be three Granny Smith apples, 3-4 kiwi fruit, four large plums, a few tangerine segments and some apple juice to get the right consistency (thick but easy to drink). I'd sometimes also add some crushed flaxseed for the texture - my parents kept some in stock for the omega-3 content - and I also used to mix it into my breakfast porridge for the nutty taste, which definitely helped with having regular and soft poos. This recipe would make a little over a pint of smoothie; perfect for a few hours on a games console after the rest of my family had gone to bed. A particularly soft poo the next day would be more or less guaranteed, although that wasn't the reason I would make one.

This accident happened when I had just turned fourteen, and definitely getting too old for frequent poo-in-pants episodes, although I'd been having fewer accidents since reaching secondary school, and none at all in the classroom. In fact I think this was the last time I had messy pants at school other than during exams (which remained my last real weak point for accidents for a long time). I was still very small for my age, although luckily I had a growth spurt not long after this and caught up with my friends. The evening before, I'd been up very late gaming and had drunk one of my super-smoothies. Breakfast was porridge with linseed as usual, along with a cup of coffee - something my parents had just allowed me to drink before school since my birthday - certainly helpful after a late night! I hadn't yet worked out the connection between a cup of coffee and the likelihood of a sudden urge to poo not long after.

As I was brushing my teeth, I could feel the steady pressure of a poo wanting to come out, and I was sure it would be a fairly firm one. I wasn't in a rush at that point, and I sat down on the toilet and let it out. I did a wide, short, dark brown sausage, which transitioned half-way along its length into light tan-coloured softer poo. This was quite usual for me even if I hadn't had one of my smoothies, and I didn't really think about the fact that the firm part might have been a 'cork' that I would soon wonder whether I should have held onto.

I set off on my walk to school as usual. I tended to go by more direct routes on my way to school than coming home as I was worried about being late - I was a straight-A student and didn't want any black marks on my record. We didn't have a school uniform, but were encouraged to wear dark, plain trousers and a shirt/sweatshirt, so I had black slacks on over my usual Y-fronts.

Somewhere in the middle of my walk, I felt the urge to fart, and it was very wet and immediately followed by a sense of building pressure. I tried to fart again, but instead felt some mushy poo start to come out, which I immediately clamped down on before it made a mess down there. I felt a little damp between my bum cheeks, but nothing was coming out and my pants felt clean. Immediately, I was very worried. If I turned back for home to go to the toilet again, I'd certainly be late for school - perhaps more than half an hour late, which would be well into the first lesson. I quickened my pace, hoping to be able to go to one of the school loos before morning registration finished (with the added bonus that they would still be clean and quiet at that time of day - any later time and I would feel anxious going at school). However, the urge to poo kept building - not in waves, like with some of my earlier accidents, but as an inexorable wall of pressure that seemed to double every minute or so. The more I felt like I might not make it to the toilet in time, the more I felt panicky - coffee probably not helping there - and my racing pulse only worsened the pressure.

Inevitably, nature took its course, and I started to feel poo escaping into my pants. The accident itself had the same building quality as the pressure - as my ability to hold the poo in was overwhelmed, it came out faster and faster, starting with a small ooze through a tightly-clenched bum but finishing with it feeling like I was pooing as if sat on the toilet, without any control at all. It just kept coming and coming - this wasn't a series of accidents like the ones in a couple of my earlier posts where I was a bit poorly, but just one fairly large one, and ironically the consistency was similar to a very thick smoothie - just on the mush side of the mushy-runny border. The smell really wasn't too bad though - there was a kind of faint fruity farmyard sort of smell; much less of a 'poo' smell than usual. I could feel the poo covering everything down there from front to back and across my buttocks.

I was now walking to school with my pants literally full, and I was trying to think rationally through the panic to come up with a plan. Trying to just ignore the problem and go to class (like I might have done when I was 6-7 years old) wasn't an option, as this poo was obviously going to either soak through to the outside of my trousers if I spent the whole day sitting in it, or start to find its way through the legbands of my pants, down my trousers, and risk me leaving a poo trail as I went around the school, like an infant school kid. Either thought was both terrifying and mortifying. I didn't have any spare clothes with me, and I was far too shy and embarrassed to consider reporting what I'd done to the school nurse.

In the end, the quick pace I'd set meant I arrived at school early and could made a detour to the newest and nicest toilet block, which had large cubicles with no gaps under the partitions and ample soft toilet roll (rather than the shiny stuff, which would have been as useless as tracing paper for cleaning a mess like this), as well as being out of the way and therefore quiet. They also had the advantage that you could hear someone approaching the entrance to the toilets long before they opened the door. Thankfully, the toilets were deserted at this time of day, and I was able to slip into a cubicle, hang up my school bag and coat on the door, and start trying to work out a plan for my pants. I decided to take off my shirt and trousers and hang them up on the peg with my coat, in case any poo escaped, and then ever-so-carefully slipped down my pants, which I remember being very heavy with super-soft poo. Fortunately, the poo had gone everywhere inside my pants, but nowhere beyond them. It was a very yellowy shade of pale brown, and I could even see kiwi seeds in it. At a loss for what to do with my pants, I dropped them into the toilet bowl and flushed - they disappeared, and I thought I'd got away with it, but to my horror the water started to back up, and it was obvious the toilet was blocked. I still had a lot of wiping to do! I decided to take a gamble - I listened very carefully indeed for the sound of anyone approaching, and when I was sure the coast was clear I darted from that cubicle to the one next to it, praying that no-one would open the door during those few seconds and see me with my bum still covered in poo.

In the new cubicle, I set to the task of wiping myself down as thoroughly as possible. The soft consistency of the poo actually helped with this - although it was mushy, it wasn't at all sticky, and it wiped off more easily than a firm poo. I was very conscious of the fact that I only had about ten minutes left, but I made a pretty good job of it. I tried to flush all the toilet roll, and with a sense of inevitability I saw this toilet clog as well - although this time it was obvious what the blockage was as the whole bowl was filled with poo-covered loo roll.

I dressed myself again, going commando due to a lack of spare underwear, washed my hands very carefully indeed, and just managed to get to my first class before I would have been marked down as late. Fortunately, I didn't need to do any further poos that day, but I did go back to the toilet at lunchtime when I felt I needed to offload some farts, as I wasn't taking any chances. The toilet block I'd used that morning now had an 'Out of Order' sign on it. I'm sure the caretaker must have found my pants later that day when he came to unclog the two toilets, but there would have been no way to know who they belonged to. The school was quite sensible, and rather than announcing that a pair of pooed pants had been found as a way of telling us to take more care, they put out a more bland announcement asking that people try to respect the facilities and take care when flushing. They also put up some signs reminding people to only flush "faeces, urine and toilet paper", so the school rumour mill settled on the idea that some of the girls had been flushing their sanitary pads (ignoring the fact that it was the boys' loos that had been closed!).

With hindsight, I can't believe I got away with this accident so lightly. I always wondered after that whether I might have managed to hold on until I got to school if I hadn't done the first lump of poo on the toilet that morning, to give me something to hold onto down there. Of course, that would have meant there being even more poo to hold in, so perhaps it would have made no difference, other than a slightly harder clean-up. I did take more care after this to stay on the toilet for a few more minutes after a morning poo, just in case there was more on its way. This was my first pre-lunchtime pair of dirty pants since primary school, and as I mentioned it was my last as well, other than that I was always prone to pooing myself in tests and exams (whatever the time of day) all the way from early middle school to GCSEs, and I still had a few accidents whilst walking home from A-levels in the sixth form.

After this, I always tried to hide a spare pair of pants in my school bag just in case something similar happened again.


Quick Replies

Hi! I hope you all are well!

My bowel movements have been normal for me ever since about mid-June, when the IBS flare-up caused by that nasty stomach virus finally eased. I'm going twice daily and they are long, thick, soft and warm! That's how it should be!

Kristi: I love your stories. Please don't think that you will be judged by how much you post, how frequently, etc. You write well! I'm grateful you are here. Also, my husband is the same way. He loves to see me on the toilet, to be there when I'm going and to see the final product if it is a really massive one. I don't judge him. We do have an agreement that if I've closed the door, that means I want to be alone (and same for him). I'm glad you are open to that too...

Bianca: Love your stories! I hope you are well!

Victoria B: Continued prayers and warm thoughts for your health!

Shannon and Trina: I hope you both are well!

Sarah E: If you are still here, I miss hearing from you!

Love to all!



Unisex bathroom survey

Unisex bathrooms survey:

1) Would you mind if all public toilets are unisex?

I personally could use a unisex restroom. However, I have friends who are already a little squeamish about using public bathrooms, let alone having to go with men in the room. So while I'm not opposed to unisex restrooms, I think there still need to be mens and ladies rooms.

I think back to when I was in college. I was on an all-girls floor in my dorm. But there were floors with guys and girls in other dorms, and they had unisex bathrooms. I'd imagine that I would not have enjoyed pooping in a stall next to a guy who I thought was cute. And don't get me started on high school.

2) You have to poop in a unisex toilet with people of opposite sex present, would you hide your sounds?

I think I've forgotten how to hide my sounds! Maybe when I was younger I would have.

3) would you feel disgusted if you hear someone of opposite sex pooping in the stall next to you?
No, not at all.

4) would you wait till the opposite sex leaves the toilet so she/he doesn't know who was pooping next to them?
Nah. I'm married. I don't care if I grow out some random guy.

5)have you ever pooped in a unisex toilet?
Yes, but there was only one other person in there and she was a woman.

Question for Kristi

When your pooping in public or at home do u read the paper when your on the pot? And do u grunt when u poop or do u relax? Most of the time I relax when I'm pooping but sometimes I have to push.


Hi! I'm Julie.

Hello everyone. I've been reading this site for years but this is my first time posting. Let me introduce myself. I'm Julie. I'm 26 years old. I'm biracial. Korean mom and black dad. I have natural shoulder length straight dark brown hair, brown eyes, and I'm fairly curvy. I've been describeed as "thicc with two C's" haha. I have always enjoyed farting and pooping for as long as I can remember. I was never a girly girl growing up. I was raised by my just my dad and since I don't have any siblings, I hung out a lot with my cousins, most of which are boys. I also have a lot of male friends.

Ever since I was 8 or 9 I've had irritable bowel syndrome. It was really bad when I was younger but for the past 6 years it hasn't been so bad. I used to have explosive diarrhea and super bad gas and stomachaches every day, but now as long as I watch what I eat, I don't have many symptoms. Growing up with IBS was difficult. I never felt embarrassed when I had to blow up the bathroom around my friends and family, but I was always very self conscious doing it in public around strangers for some reason. I eventually transitioned from a private pooper to a shameless shitter haha. Now I don't care who hears me, who smells me, and I don't care what they have to say either. I'm not ashamed to admit that I pooped my pants a lot when my IBS was at its worst. I had so many accidents that my dad convinced me to wear diapers for the times I'm super sick and I've been wearing them ever since. I wore them almost every day growing up. The accidents were that bad and that frequent, but as my IBS got under control, I only wear them when I'm feeling sick.

I would also like to talk about my daughter, Dylan. It's an unconventional name for a girl, but I like it. Dylan is 8 years old. She looks identical to me. If you were to compare our pictures when I was her age, we'd seriously look like twins. She's tall for her age and she is really athletic and onto a bunch of different sports, so she's noticably fit and muscular making her look a few years older than she is. Unfortunately, we found out earlier this year that she ended up inheriting my IBS and it's just as bad as mine was when I was her age. She's managing fairly well. Just like me, she has accidents too, but only when her IBS is at its worst. She wears diapers too and she doesn't mind having to wear them because I wear them. Also, her her best friend's older sister is 13 years old and has autism and isn't potty trained at all, so she understands that some people need to wear them sometimes.

Anyways, I just wanted to say hi. I plan on sharing stores and little life updates soon. I look forward to reading everyone else's pooping and peeing adventures haha.


Park Toilets

Our house is immediately across the street from the entrance to one of our city's larger parks. Just inside the entrance is a large play ground and an old stone building with a three toilet bathroom on each end. Our house, like many of the older homes, has a large front porch. I'm up by 5:30 a.m. each morning and usually go out on the porch with my coffee to read for a couple of hours before my kids wake up and I have to go to work.

Because I'm out there most every day that it's not storming, I observe some interesting things. A couple of years ago I wrote about meeting Katee. She and her boyfriend live in an old apartment building down the street. Her boyfriend works as a bartender so he's not getting in until the middle of the night and he sleeps until noon. Katee on the other hand, gets up early makes a mug of coffee and walks by the house drinking it and goes across the street into the bathroom. She's in there about 20 minutes each morning before walking past my porch and back home. I called out to her and we had a conversation, and a couple of times a week she joins me on the porch for coffee. Her building super blames her for clogging the pipe in their apartment with her craps. He said they are too big and not normal. He told her she should hold her craps until she gets to work or go a couple blocks up the street to a gas station. Her boyfriend, who can't afford higher rent in a better building, does hold his in until he can walk up to the park too. It is so strange that people in this day and age can be criticized for something that's beyond their control.

On the porch in the evening, I observe a lot of bicycle riders stopping to use the toilets. One usually stays back and watches the bikes while the others use the toilet. Sometimes a parent will park a car, and two or three little kids will be led into the bathroom. There are a couple city buses that stop and the driver makes a run in. I wonder if they tell the riders what they are doing or whether it is just too obvious when they slide the master brake into place. I've even seen a couple of cop cars park and the officer hurrying across the grass to the toilet.

Below I have a short survey on public park toilets. I'll start:

1) Have you our your children used public park toilets?

Yes. More so when I was younger and didn't want the inconvenience of going back home. That way my parents couldn't enforce my curfew.

2) Did the toilets have as much privacy as at other places and were they kept up?

No, but I don't think me and my friends cared at that age. I still remember sitting for a pee and having a whiskey bottle a foot from my feet.

3) What were the biggest problems you encountered?

No privacy doors. Often pee on the seats. At one outdoor concert there was a lot of smoking going on and not with regular cigarettes.

4) When you were young, did the parents of some of your friends forbid them from using such bathrooms?

Yes. Melanie was the youngest in our grade school play group, but we were all adventurous. Melanie was especially curious for her age. The auto-flushers both scared and fascinated her. She had not used one before.

5) Did you see anyone have an accident in those bathrooms?
Yes. My friend Ariel got sniffed down by a large lab that broke off its leash as she was taking her crap. I had to stop my pee, get off my toilet and kick at and push the dog to get it to go outside. Ariel spilled into her shorts when she stood.

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