

Trip to grandmas

Right after my college finals ended, I loaded up my car and made a 7-hour drive to my grandmas for a visit. My bowels were clogged up from the large amount of junk our study group had consumed during our overnight cram session. I think it was the 4th day since I had a decent crap and that sit was interrupted midway at a gas station by a mom with big fists against the single toilet door. She said he daughter was going to have a bladder burst. After about 1/4 of a log in the water, I didn't flush after my wipe, I opened the door and was still buttoning my jeans as I walked by them. I walked slowly away listening for the mom to make a comment about the souvenirs I had left. It was really profane and in front of about a 6-year-old.

Back behind the wheel my gut felt very much full. I got to thinking about an important question: How long should a person sit in public in order to complete a crap?

Luckily I finished that drive with a few stops at rest areas. It was late evening and early morning. On my 3rd sit, which lasted for about 15 minutes I finished off a 20-ounce Coke and while still on the toilet, got 4 milk of magnesia pills out of my bag and downed them. The rest of my drive was kind of uneventful. A couple of stops for a pee and getting a good idea of how noisy my pees are in an otherwise vacant bathroom. In such situations I take the far end toilet because there are no privacy doors and a family van could pull up. That is something that happened to me at 2 a.m. a couple of years ago when my boyfriend and I were driving I-80.

I got to grandma's apartment at 3 a.m. and slept their for 12 hours. When I woke up I didn't have to pee. I also didn't have to crap. That surprised me. That evening grandma and I walked a couple of blocks to a large city park. She and I like to sit and talk. She brings a bag of food that is similar to popcorn that we always enjoy tossing to the ducks. We always seem to attract more ducks than the people on other sides of the lagoon.

At about 5:30 my milk of magnesia was working and when I handed the food bag to grandma and told her I was going to the bathroom, she was quite surprised. She handed me her apartment key and said I should walk back there. I was like What? Why? She said in her 79 years she has never used a toilet in a place like a park. It was about a half-block walk over a hill and past the golf course to get there. There were no stalls. Just four toilets, out in the open , with a roll of toilet paper on the wall behind each. I took the end one and within 5 seconds of my butt coming down on the seat my crap came. It was soft, but stayed together formed one piece that extended from the bottom of the bowel and up 3 inches in front of the water. It was so complete and satisfying. Because it came out so fast, I didn't have a large amount of wiping to do. I don't think I did more than 3 wipes from my seat. Then I stood and admired it, but also felt it was responsible for some of the gas and gut pains I had been having.

Is it a generational thing where younger people are more accepting of public restrooms compared to older people?

To Tom W:

Thank you for your comment. I'm one of those people who believes When you gotta go, you gotta go! Luckily it was nearly dark out, but I would still have done it in broad daylight.

To Kristi:

Your decision to pee into the empty drink cup was a good one. How supportive of you was Steve?

To Jenny:

Yes, when I crapped at the gas station and that seat momentarily stuck to my butt when I did my first wipe, I got a little upset. Yes, I had a skid about 1/2" long.

To Midwesterner:

Nice, descriptive story. You say Maddie wiped several times, then looking at the residue on it each time. Did she look for a second or 2, or a little longer? Back in middle school we had this girl no one wanted to follow. She would wipe, study the residue for 10 seconds or longer, and then usually pull off more toilet paper and complete the process with it. We only had a 4 minute passing period that year and she would be the only one who could use that toilet during each class break. Anyone who would try to get on the toilet after her would have about 20 seconds before the tardy bell rang. One of my friends had 4 Saturday School detention halls one semester because she couldn't hold her bowels.

Victoria B.

Constipation pooping tips


Our mystery guest from the last post has been dealt with accordingly ;)
I noticed on Sunday morning while unburdening myself of a crampy load of soft serve that things were getting a little thin in the paper department when I dried and wiped. Knowing that Robyn is very regular and goes between noon and one o'clock every day made things easy to set up, particularly because the basket of extra rolls she keeps on top of her toilet was conspicuously empty. I snuck in a quick pee when she started to seem like she needed a poop. The paperwork from my pee left an empty cardboard tube on the holder and on it, with an eyebrow pencil, I drew a nice heart before turning the bathroom back over to her. "All yours!" I said, as perky as possible. By the time she noticed she was already undressed and sat down!

I noticed that both Jenny and Kristi were struggling with wide loads in some recent posts and I wanted to offer some advice from someone who struggles with constipation several times each and every month. Because it sucks. It really, really sucks.

The first step is to either buy a pooping stool for your bathroom(s) or make one yourself. It doesn't have to be fancy, just something that gets your knees above the level of your hips once you've sat down on the toilet. Kristi, I see you already have one so you can ignore that. What you and Steve did was very smart. Don't try to force things and don't push when your body tells you it isn't ready. If you're unable to get your poop to crown don't sit there and strain on the drain for fifteen minutes. Discretion is the better part of valor and straining and pushing a log you can't split will only make things worse and might also give you hemorrhoids on top of everything else. Get off the pot, pull up those panties and admit defeat. You only lost the battle, not the war. I believe in you!

Once you're up from the stool you can do several things. Taking a hot bath can definitely help but so can drinking some water, eating and either receiving or giving yourself a stomach massage are all good ideas. Take a hand and apply gentle but firm pressure in a clockwise motion in the space between your belly button and the top of your vulva. You and/or your partner can do this standing up, lying down or in a seated position, and that includes toilet seats. One thing though: you might want a little privacy if you're doing it by yourself: chances are decent that it'll make you fart. If you're with a partner don't worry because it already means that you're being touched at or a little below the bikini line by someone with your permission to touch you there. Farting is a good sign though-it means you're not so blocked up that you can't go and need a trip to the ER!

Okay, so it hurts to bend over and you still haven't gone yet but you're starting to feel pressure between those buns of yours. Get back on a toilet as quickly as you can when that happens. Sit down, make yourself as comfy as possible given the circumstances and take some deep breaths. Don't worry about the prospect of needing to brush and/or plunge: YOUR body and YOUR health are more important and getting anxious will make your stomach and your butt tense and you do not want a tense booty. You're there to go number two, not do squats!

There are a couple of positions and techniques that can help apart from the continued stomach massage. If you have your feet on a pooping stool, press down. Redistribute the strain on your body down, below and away from your b-hole and on to your calves and feet. Sometimes they just have to take one for the team is this is one of those times. While you're doing that you can get your arms into the act as well. Take each hand and grab some porcelain, or, if you're sitting on a wooden seat, some toilet seat. Lift yourself up and work those triceps, redistribute tension away from your stomach and butt muscles! You can do this in a private or public bathroom, with or without a pooping stool.

If you're without another thing you can do is slide forward on the seat, bend as far forward as you can and grab your ankles while you push. It kind of opens you up and again eases the path of your motion out of you and into the water. Speaking of being opened up, you can also reach behind in that position and, taking a cheek in each hand, spread 'em so you're more open. A partner can help you here too! While you're doing all this think about how much better you're about to feel. It hurts; I know it hurts. You aren't feeling that pain alone and you don't need to be ashamed of yourself or your body. Concentrate instead on how much lighter you're about to be and puuuush when you feel the pressure. It doesn't all have to come out at once. Every inch is one that gets you closer to pooping this monster and sending it down the drain where it belongs. Don't be afraid to be vocal. Sigh, grunt, moan, whatever it takes! Imagine I'm there with you, holding your hand, offering encouragement and waiting to give you a big hug and to tell you how proud I am of you once you're done!

When your problems are behind you and you're dressed again and dealt with any needed brushing or plunging don't be afraid to follow up with some Colace or any other stool softeners like Kristi did. You can take up to about 300 mg of them at once, I take mine right before bed when they're needed and always with a big glass of water and a promise to continue staying hydrated until your next BM. All of that will help your body get back to normal.

*Disclaimer: I am neither a pharmacist, a nurse nor any other form of licensed medical professional. Jenny, you are and so is Catherine. Feel free to step in with any and all professional opinions!

Hugs and kisses to all!



Pre-poop bath and a story from my college days

Hi everyone! Kristi here.

I'm posting from my bathtub; I'm enjoying a nice hot bath after a long day of chores. Spent half the day painting in our guest bedroom, so I think I deserve this. :)

Steve is on his way home from work. I texted him that I'm in the tub and plan to take a nice big dump when I get out. He texted back and said he doesn't want to miss out. I can picture him driving home like a maniac.

I am going to go pee in the tub now, though. I could hold it but the warm water feels so relaxing.

AHHHH. Sweet relief. Really yellow though. I need to drink more water.

Well, that was a nice 20 second underwater piss. It's definitely going to be a great poop when I get out. Being in the water really relaxes me; hopefully I can hold it until Steve gets home.

A few stories to share.

First of all, I can't remember if I already posted this, but I completely dominated my peeing contest rematch with Steve last week.

Now a story from my past. Specifically, when I was 21 and was traveling in Europe.

Paris is the site of this story. I stayed in youth hostels for most of my time in Europe. They're cheap and you get the bare minimum, but when I was young I didn't really have high expectations (and I'd like to think that I'm easy to please now, but every once in a while I do like to be pampered just a little!)

So the hostel I stayed in for 2 nights had a very clean bathroom for a hostel.

It was also co-ed.

Now, this was back when I was in college. I had never gone to the bathroom with guys in the room. Ever. And at the time I wanted to keep it that way.

It was late when I arrived at the hostel. I had been on a bus for 4 hours. And I was "double desperate" (that's my code with Steve for when I'm desperate to pee and poop at the same time.)

I could have used the bus bathroom, but I didn't think it would be that clean. I had no idea that the hostel bathroom was co-ed; if I had known, I probably would have used the bus bathroom.

I check into the hostel, plant my bag on a cot, and race to the bathroom.

And there are guys in there. For a second I thought I had gone into the mens room. But no. There were other girls in there too.

I was completely taken aback. I'd NEVER been in a co-ed bathroom.

But I had to go. Badly. Both ways.

So I took the first stall in the bathroom. It was against a wall, so there was only one stall next to me. I figured it cut the odds of an embarrassing situation in half.

No sooner do I start to undo my belt when I hear the restroom door opening. And as I'm pulling down my pants, I see a pair of shoes in the stall next to me.

The shoes were not girl colors, but they weren't necessarily guy colors. And I couldn't see legs. So basically I have no idea if it's a girl or a guy in the stall next to me.

I sit down and start holding both my pee and my poop in with all my might. I am praying that my neighbor is a girl. I was hoping to hear peeing followed by wiping, which would mean the person was likely a girl.

Unfortunately I just heard silence. For a full minute.

And that's when I decided that this was a youth hostel. I'm never going to see these people again.

It was really a big moment for me in terms of being more open about going to the bathroom. Realizing that everyone does it and that nobody really cares that much.

[But Steve, who I hear coming into the house, is the only man who will ever get to watch me go.]

So I stop holding it and just let go. And did I ever let go. I start peeing an absolute jet stream. And within a few seconds, my butt starts getting in on the action. Poop after poop after poop. I just leaned back and let my body do all the work.

I'm still feeling self-conscious about the person next to me, but the tidal wave of relief is feeling really, really good as well.

The person next to me never made a sound. I never knew if it was a guy or a girl. I wiped and washed my hands.

The next day I peed several times at the hostel. I took my daily crap at a restaurant as I wasn't quite ready to back and poop at the hostel.

Well, my hubby is home now and wants to join me in the tub. I'll be on the pot soon though.



P.S. Apparently Steve would like to see me "perform" on the toilet now, and then join him in the tub. We'll, okay. But only because you worked hard all day, babe.

OK... I am so ready to poop.

Mmm. No pushing required.

That's a good poop. 2 nice big logs. Thought I might have more to do but I think that was it.

Steve says, "Don't flush." Sometimes he likes being in here with my stinky poop in the toilet. I can't pretend to understand.

Now back to the bath to get my butt clean.

Goodbye for real this time!


I'm moving into a new place with my boyfriend. It's a good move because it gets me completely away from my parents who even though they can't paddle me anymore, still mock me and get mad when I have an accident. While it's a wonderful move, the strss is causing me some extra accidents. Today while hauling in boxes, I needed to pee. While I was debating whether or not I should try to hold it, I began going in my pullup. My boyfriend knows it all but loves me anyway he saw the look on my face and knew. Go get changed. He is so matter of fact and I love it. In the bathroom I pulled down a very wet pullup and then I remembered I had wet in it a few hours earlier too. I tried to finish in the toilet but I was done. That evening, he asked me if he could help out by giving me reminders etc. Even now I sometimes just "forget". What adult "forgets" to pee? Well, that would be me for one. He thinks we can cut down on wet pants with him helping me. like last week, we were cuddling, watching a movie. I had to pee a little but I thought I could finish the movie first. Dumb. When I squirmed a little, he immediately sent me to the bathroom. I realized when I got up just how much I actually needed to go. I got threre sort of in time. I had a little accident in my panties but my leggings were ok. I was proud of making it in time. These last few days have been pretty much wet days but I'm wearing a pullup for the most part so it's not too bad.


It Happened

This morning, I sneeze pooped myself. I was picking out a bracelet to wear when during a sneeze, runny poop got in my panties. I had already done a solid poop earlier, and didn't even think I had to go. I went to the bathroom, and wiped bits of diarrhea out of my underwear with wipes etc as best I could, and emptied the rest of my bowels into the toilet. As strange as this was, I'm glad I could get away with it, and only partially soiled my undies. The sneeze wasn't particularly hard either. My explanation of this accident was that diarrhea was sitting in the rectum close to the exit, and was such a small amount that it couldn't build up pressure. Luckily my later poops were in the toilet, and I spared my panties the rest of the day. I'd have to say I cleaned them up pretty good, because noone complained of an odor, or saw anything on my pants. Here are some questions for all of you. Have you ever sneezed, and some diarrhea came out? How bad was it, and did you save your underwear? Hope you can answer soon. Bye.

A health question

Dear readers,
I was wondering whether is it normal to have a bm several times per day. My max has been four per day and they are all solid, no diarrhea indication. My doc says it's fine, but it is different because usually I was regular once per day or every other day. No dietary changes and no stress indicators. Anyone had a similar experience?


Reply to Tom W

Hi. Yes I think it was better to go wee and poo because I don't want to have an accident. That's really embarassing because I'm not so small anymore to do that. And my sister had to go as well anyway. Yes we have weed outside before like during breaks on car trips or walking outside. But we haven't pooed like that before but it wasn't that bad. It was only weird because I don't know if maybe someone saw us. And because we didn't have toilet paper.
I think nobody saw us do it but it's weird when people can see it. I also had to wee when we were on a motorway lay-by and there was no toilets there but also no trees or bushes. So I had to wee on the grass and other people saw me. That was embarassing by I couldn't hold it so I had to.
I know what you mean but we had dresses on so we pulled them up really high so no wee would get on them. But sometimes my wee runs over my butt but I can wipe it off with toilet paper later. I was lucky because it didn't happen on the campsite.


Wonderful evening

I've had a wonderful evening and I just feel like sharing. I'm lying here in bed with my man next to me.

Steve took me out on a wonderful date. Dinner at my favorite restaurant (Italian food) followed by a few rounds of mini golf.

On the second game of golf, my stomach started telling me that I would soon need a poop. I wasn't uncomfortable; it was just a signal that dinner was working its way through me. I know I'd be able to make it home. (I did, however, let go of a nice fart during our game. Steve just smiled.)

We got home and quickly made our way up to the bathroom. Clothes were taken off. Loving words and kisses were exchanged. Steve used the bathroom while I watched. (It doesn't excite me to watch him the way it excites him to watch me... but it certainly never bothers me to watch. It's a nice time to talk.)

Then it was my turn. I'm definitely ready to poop especially after seeing Steve go. Steve starts to draw a bath as I sit down on the toilet.

I start with a nice pee that maybe took 20 seconds. At this, Steve is watching intently and is visibly enjoying watching (I'll remind you that we're both naked).

As the bath is filling up, I feel a nice, solid poop making its way out of me. I have to do a tiny bit of pushing to get it all out, and it slides into the water with a plop. Felt wonderful to get that out. (Google "Pooping vagus nerve", or "poo-phoria".)

Steve said, "You make the cutest look on your face when you're crapping." I smiled and told him that I'm not done and that he should turn the water off to let it cool a little.

Then Steve says, "Can I see what you've done so far?" I laugh and stand up. He says, "I'll bet that felt good." I tell him it really did. It was a good 7-8 inch long light brown log.

I say back down and deposit another smaller log followed by some small pieces. These poops didn't feel quite as good as the first, but were still very relaxing.

At the end of all my pooping, I end up peeing again (just a tiny pee).

I stand up to let Steve see what I've produced. Then he says, "How does your tiny butt do that?" He then pinches me on my butt, and reaches for the toilet paper, but I tell him I'll get clean in the tub.

He was a little disappointed about not getting to wipe me, until I told him he could clean me in the bath.

I flush and then get in the bath with Steve. The water is perfect. It's always nice to shower or take a bath after pooping as opposed to wiping. As promised, I let Steve use a washcloth to get me clean. (The white washcloth had several brown streaks on it when he was done; we used a separate washcloth for the rest of our bodies!)

Everything after that is a little inappropriate to share, but I'll just say that Steve is very, very good to me.

I'm the luckiest girl.




Looking for advice

Hi. This is kinda awkward but I don't know where else to go for some advice about BMs. I've been reading this website on and off for a while and everyone seems really helpful so I was hoping someone might be able to help me out.
First, a little about me. I'm a female in my 20s and am almost always constipated. I poop about once a week. This doesn't bother me and doesn't usually cause me a problem unless it exceeds about 2 weeks.
Last month my family got a cold and I was taking Vitamin C gummies to prevent myself from getting sick. While I was taking them, I started having what I can only describe as diarrhea but instead of actual poop it was more of a jelly like consistency. I was also really gassy and when I'd fart little bits of this wet jelly stuff came out. Also the stuff coming out is a reddish brown. Not bright red and not dark brown but somewhere in the middle. I chalked it up to the gummies but even after I stopped taking them I still had the symptoms. I ended up with the cold my family had and thought maybe it was due to that and it went away within a week or so.
However, today I noticed the same thing happening. I haven't taken any supplements or knowingly ate foods high in Vit. C. I have been eating things I don't normally eat, mainly dairy. (Although I try to avoid dairy I eat it anyway so I wouldn't expect this from increasing dairy).
Has this ever happened to anyone else? Should I see a doctor? The color is slightly alarming to me because I don't know if there's blood or not. I am embarrassed to talk to someone about it but it's starting to make me nervous.

Steve A

Poop Smell Change Question

Has anyone ever dealt with excrement smell changes?

For me, when I regained my taste and smell after dealing with an illness last year, certain foods taste different to me (as if today) which probably explains why I deal with certain "smell changes" here and there.

Kazuko, Maho, Hisae, Mina

Dear Kristi

Your post made us smile. All of us. We also think crazy if people say woman never poo. You know from this site that all four us really enjoy motion, especially we enjoy when we do together.

In post long time ago, I mentioned my brother, he stayed my flat with his pretty wife, she looks like figure skater, Yu Na Kim. She went to loo and stayed forever and came out and shout "I did eleven!" and place her beautiful bottom on my brother's knees, and he didn't gross out, he smiled and caressed her hair. Even only few minutes before that beautiful bottom producing motions with vengeance, he didn't gross out.

Kazuko's mother is a very very crazy, even she is not bad woman. She always wild when Kazu do motion which is larger than one mini tomato.

("Kazu, stop to pinch my bottom.")

This morning Kazu was on loo 15 minutes and Hisae massaged her. We talked about you Kristi. Kazu was doing and doing and doing. She was so beautiful! (KAZU STOP TO PINCH!!!) (I mean pinch bottom, not pinch bakery.)

Now Kazu said to me, "Minappé tomorrow morning, I stay by you while you doing. I will cry because when you doing huge volume, you are most beautiful woman in whole world!" She is never gross out.

So Kristi, you have four very passion fans!

Lea, I talk about you to my French friend from school, she say Léa is famous name in novel by Colette. She is middle age woman who is in love with young man, his name Chéri.

And Lea, I found one more post about no flush before next person's motion. It is me and Hisae on page 2491.

I stop now because Hisae said she needs loo. I and Maho and Kazu go to door and look at her warm eyes. Maybe she will do beautiful thing. She always do. We will not gross out. Never never never. She is waiting for me to finish to type, so I hurry now.

Love to everyone.

Hisae Maho Kazuko Mina



So far, I haven't pooped my pants in class. This is something that I'm not really willing to try on purpose because it would be hard to clean up and would surely be noticed. As long as the seat is padded and I wear black leggings and try to muffle the hiss, I can pee unnoticed. I don't think the same could be said about pushing out a big load of poop in class, unless you have a suggestion. :)

I may elaborate on some of these in the future.

1. Were you ever as a child given permission by anyone to go in your pants?

2. Have you ever as a child went in your pants on purpose as part of a game? (Truth or Dare, Hold it Contest, Playing as the baby or small child while playing house house, etc.)

3. Have you ever as a child went in their pants on accident because you didn't want to stop doing whatever you were doing?

4. Have you ever as a child went in your pants either on accident or on purpose while you were sick?

5. Have you ever as a child went in your pants either on accident or on purpose while in the hospital?

6. Have you ever as a child went in your pants out of fear?

7. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you were locked in a room with no bathroom or locked out of the bathroom?

8. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while traveling in a car?
Yes, many times!

9. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while traveling on an airplane?

10. Have you ever as a child went in your pants rather than use a public toilet?

11. Have you ever as a child pooped in your bathing suit either by accident or on purpose?

12. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you were physically unable? (Broken leg, physical handicap, etc.)

13. Have you ever as a child gone in your pants because you were unable to get undessed quickly enough?

14. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you weren't allowed to go?

15. Have you ever as a child went in your pants in defiance? (Just to be a pain in the butt.)

16. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because there were no toilets available or because the toilet was broken?

17. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while at the movie theater rather than miss the movie?

18. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you were too tired/lazy to get out of bed?
Yes, many times!

19. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while on stage performing or any other time while a large crowd was focused on you?

20. Have you ever as a child went in your pants in front of your friends during a sleepover or party?

21. Did anyone go in their pants while reading this list because it took them so long to get through all the questions that they couldn't hold it any longer? ;-)
No lol.


Work Trip Bathroom Stops

I thought I would recap my bathroom stops today from my work-related trip. I had to go to the northern part of my state today to pick up a piece of farm equipment and haul it back. While that seems fairly straightforward, bathroom stops become a little more difficult, because when you're towing a large trailer, you can't just pull into any place like you could with a car. What complicates it further is that the northern part of my state is fairly remote, so facilities become few and far between. What this means is that you almost have to plan out your bathroom stops. Luckily, I was fairly familiar with the route, so I knew of some decent places to stop.

On the way up, I stopped for fuel, and had a pretty uneventful piss at the gas station. A couple hours later, I arrived at my destination and had to pee. I spotted a porta potty and ended up using it, which also yielded a pretty uneventful peeing session. As I loaded up my piece of farm equipment, I started to feel that little pressure in my gut that was letting me know I should probably plan on a poop stop once I got down the road a bit. After loading up my equipment, I got down the road and came up to a town that I knew had a large grocery store I could probably park at.

Once I pulled into the store's parking lot, I ended up finding parking closer to the entrance than I anticipated, which was nice (especially because my need to take a dump was increasing). I went into the store and noticed their restrooms were way in the back. I walked back there and noticed a younger store employee went in ahead of me. I pushed open the door to the men's room, and as soon as I walked in, I could definitely tell that this store kept up their restroom. It was larger than I expected, with 4 stalls and 2 urinals. An older gentleman was walking out as I was walking in, and once I got into the room a bit, there was a light poop smell, but it was enough to where I could definitely tell someone was pooping. Nobody was at the urinals, and as I went towards the stalls, I noticed feet under the 3rd stall and noticed the handicapped stall (4th stall) was latched shut. I was going to take the 1st stall until I noticed an odd design quirk. Imagine that the urinals are mounted on a wall, and then right beside them where the stalls are, the wall jogs back a couple feet. The stalls are fastened to the rear wall by two little clips, which leaves an inch or so gap between the wall and the rear of the stall. This means that if you were standing at the urinal, without even trying to look, that gap would be right in your line of sight. You would see the entire toilet along with the poor user sitting on it trying to poop. Even just walking by I could see the toilet pretty clearly. There might as well have not been a stall there at all. If it were the only open stall, I still would have used it, but I opted for the 2nd stall, next to the other two guys. As I entered the stall, I was greeted by an immaculate toilet with the seat down, ready to accept my butt. I also noticed that the wall had shiny, reflective tile. Since the stalls had that little gap in the rear, the wall acted somewhat like a mirror looking into the adjacent stalls. I could definitely make out the reflection of my neighbor's bare butt sitting on the toilet seat. As I latched the door, the guy next to me let out a fart and a little grunt. I pulled my clothing down and sat my bare butt on the seat. I scooted back, spread my legs, and aimed my penis into the bowl for a little pee. Once I finished that, I scooted back forwards to the point where your butt just sort of falls into the seat comfortably, and started to push. The bathroom was dead silent for a minute until I thought I'd see if I could "break the ice". I let out this fart that echoed in the bowl. I was responded to shortly with a couple quiet plops into the bowl next to me. I leaned forward and pushed some more. Before long, I had a couple pieces audibly plop into the water below me. I didn't feel empty so I kept sitting. I thought I heard some quiet plops/ thuds from my neighbors. The bathroom was definitely starting to smell more now with three people all pooping next to each other. The guy next to me kept grunting and sighing, so I think he was pretty constipated. For some reason, I couldn't hear much of what the guy in the far stall was doing. I'm not sure if it's because his toilet was further away (versus me being only a couple feet from the guy next door), or what. I let out a couple longer logs that landed quietly. I felt empty after the 10 minutes I was on the toilet for
, so I scooted forward, and wiped while sitting down. I heard the guy in the far stall start pulling off paper right as I got done wiping. I flushed, exited the stall, and washed my hands. As I was about to leave, I saw the young store employee come out of the far stall. The other guy was still pooping when I left.

I stopped for a bite to eat a little while later, but didn't feel like I had to go, so I just kept driving. I got within an hour from home when I felt my lunch working its way through me. I could have probably waited until I got home, but I wanted to stop to check my load on the trailer anyway. There is a newer gas station with a little restaurant attached that I knew about with a large parking area, and figured their restroom facilities were probably decent. I stopped, and after checking my load securement, I headed inside. I walked down the hallway where the restroom was, and went in right behind another guy. I would have thought this bathroom would be larger, but it only had one urinal and one stall. He went to the urinal, so I headed into the stall. Walking in, I noticed a very slight panel gap where someone could potentially catch a small sliver of someone on the toilet, but it didn't bother me a ton, because I find a vast majority of men don't go purposely trying to peek into stalls. I saw that the seat was mostly clean, but I wiped it off a bit before I sat down. I was delighted that it was one of those really comfortable contoured seats. As typical, I spread my legs a bit and aimed my penis into the bowl and did a small pee. As I settled in for my dump, I heard another person enter the restroom. It didn't take long for me to get things moving, and while the original guy was still peeing at the urinal, I let out a piece that plopped in the bowl. He finished and told the other guy he was sorry he had to wait (in typical Midwest fashion). The new user started peeing when I let out a quiet fart and dropped another piece. After he ended up leaving, I stayed seated (partially because I was really enjoying this toilet seat) for another 4-5 minutes and pushed out a few more pieces. Once I got done, I wiped several times, flushed, exited the stall, washed my hands, and left.

Once I got home, I felt the urge to poop again for some reason. I unloaded my new piece of farm equipment and went inside the house. My wife was going to have dinner ready did us, but I told her that I really had to poop first. I went into the bathroom and had more of a loose poop with lots of gas. Not sure what happened all of the sudden to make me feel like my stomach was upset, but at least I got to do it in the comfort of my own toilet. Hope everybody enjoyed my story!

Skidmarked in Seattle Jenny
Epilogue to last poop session 8/5/2021- My Green Victoria PINK (They say "I <3 Pink" but they are green) boyshorts very skidded from my quick wipe session. My hope was that my poop was a little harder and less soft from probably being dehydrated that day and not us much fruit and ???? as I am used too. However the toilet paper as I mention sucks so even if I had wiped 6 times instead of 2 twice, I still would have probably gotten skids with my boyshorts ridding up my "juicy" sized booty (friend say I look like Elisha Cuthbert with a booty like Britney Spears) these were probably the worst skids I have gotten since the pandemic and I could feel but booty caked all day. I swear I could smell them, but we all wears masks at my clinic. I knew my booty was caked before I even saw them. I didn't see my panties until I got home as I didn't have time to pee later that day until I got home, My husband joked the panties should say " I <3 STINK" (FYI he definitely was NOT grossed out or turned of, he was just teasing me which worked because I did blush, before taking my skidded panties off and throwing then at him before jumping in the shower. We teasingly "made up" in the shower.."I did threaten to throw these panties away, but my husband loves them ( as do I) so he took he initiative of putting stain stick.

Does stain stick work for anybody else skids. Im sure at some point I need to steer into the skid ( pun intended) and move one?

PS I'm so embarrassed about my typos in my last post ( more to than me sharing my toilet stories and my skidmarks haha) auto correct is horrible on my phone and of course when I type at work I need to me mindful of my time. I guess my typing looks goofy most of the time. Its a good think most of my notes are dictated at work

Lea- I loved your team stories. Pooping adventures with teammates in Soccer and tennis were what made me less bashful and more interested in boding over toiler adventures. I didn't do track in high school but I ran a lot of 5 and 10K's as an adult and based on the pre race toilet uses at those races, I imagine all the bathroom activity with the toilets before track practice and meets

Kristi- I want to hear about your adventures with your friend Sweet Ass Courtney and Becka. What happened to your panties from your Camping trip when you and Emily could not wipe? I always feel a little extra dirty when I camp since I don't shower and I probably should change my underwear more often when I camp, but I have never been stuck without wiping. I wiped once with leaves which honestly cleaned me better than some of the paper at work

QUESTION FOR ALL Has anyone wiped themselves with anything else beside toilet paper for any reason? Did it do as well, better or worse than paper?

Emma two

Waiting for Sarah

I was busting for a poo when I got up this morning and Sarah was in the bathroom with constipation. I heard her grunting and straining and eventually there was a loud plop as she dropped a big poo into the toilet. She kept pushing and a few minutes later there was another big plop as she dropped a second poo into the water and there were several smaller plops before she flushed the toilet. By the time she came out I was getting desperate and all the sound effects of her pooping didn't help. She said she was sorry but the toilet was blocked and she was going to try and break it up with a stick. I went in to have a look and the toilet was full of Sara's poo and the water was about half way up the bowl. That was a problem for me because I was desperate for a poo and I probably shouldn't have looked in the toilet because it made me feel even more desperate than ever. Sarah came back with a cain from the garden and she started breaking up her load with it and eventually she managed to get it to go down but she had to flush the toilet three times. Finally I was able to go and when I got into the bathroom I saw the toilet was a mess. There were a few bits of Sarah's poo floating around and the bottom of the toilet was full of brown streaks. I still used it because I was too desperate to waste time cleaning it and I sat down and relaxed. I peed a lot as my poo came in quickly and it was a fairly big load and what a relief it was. I wiped and flushed the toilet and washed it my hands. As soon as I left the bathroom Sarah went back in with a bottle of Domestos and the brush and cleaned the toilet until it was spotless and I was happy for that.

Anna from Austria
Answer to LEA

Yes skidmarks are quite common on the shelf type toilets especially when your poo is on ther softer side like mine is. So I almost always have to use the brush when I poo.

At public toilets i sometime use the brush and sometimes I do not.If the toilet is clean and I make the skidmarks i clean them. But sometimes there are some skid marks from other ladies already and I cause even more off them I do not clean. I feel not responsible for the skid marks of other ladies.

The cleaning habits of the ladies is very diverse. Some use the brush and clean everything while others do not bother using the brush at at all. I have seen quite a lot of skidmarks already. From rather small ones to massive ones that were all over the whole tray.

Reply to Jenny I think your impression is true that the poop smell is stronger on the European tray toilets then on the direct hole toilets you find in America for example. I just have been to the states for 3 weeks so my experience using that type toilet is limited but I also had the impression it was stinking less then when pooping on the Austrian toilets. The water apparently really covers the smell a bit. But could also be just my imagination..

That's it for today

Greetings from Austria



Some replies

Tom W- In answer to your question my friends and I are really bad for knowing we need a wee but putting off going to the loo!
David P- many thanks for your kind comments and I'm glad your enjoying my stories, I will do my best to post a bit more often now I'm able to catch up with my friends again, as you've probably noticed from reading my posts I prefer to write about going to the loo with someone else as I feel it makes a more interesting story! I know me and my friends are really open about things that a lot of people would consider very private but I think similar people tend to come together, sometimes when I have been getting to know new people who could possibly turn into friends they have been horrified if I even said I needed the loo (let alone what I needed to do on it!!) and because of that and obviously other areas where we weren't very compatable the friendship didn't go any further. For me its important to feel really relaxed around my friends and as a result we're happy to see each other on the loo and in our underwear or even naked but I realise a lot of people are more private which is completely up to them and what they feel comfortable with. Mind you, I think not even being able to say that you need the loo is a bit much, I remember one girl at school who I'd been chatting to a bit and one day at lunch she said, "I'm just going for a minute" and I was like, "Oh, where?" and she blushed bright red as she whispered, "I need the toilet." I must admit I was a bit naughty, I said, "Yeah, I'll probably go for a wee myself in a bit!" and she shot off like a bullet and didn't really talk to me again after that! I guess when you compare that to me and my friends talking completely openly about needing a wee or a poo, how long it was since we last went, how long we were on the loo and how hard we had to push etc there is a pretty big difference!!
In answer to your question, yes, I am making a real effort to eat better and drink more water at the moment which is definitely helping me go for a poo, if I'm not careful I end up just eating crisps, chocolate, biscuits and cake and as you can imagine with that diet I struggle more and more on the toilet. I also know stress makes a difference to me, so when I was doing exams at school I was always really constipated. Its a double whammy as stress also makes my diet worse! Also being constipated is quite stressful in itself, as I worry about how hard I'm going to have to push or if my poos are going to hurt or get stuck on the way out, which doesn't exactly help either. At school I would always worry about getting desperate for a poo during the school day and the poo starting to poke out in my knickers and making them dirty, that always happens more when I'm constipated, I think because I tend to put off slight urges and then by the time I feel like I really want a poo theres several days worth waiting there and it starts to come out by itself! Most of my poo poking out incidents usually happened towards the end of the day so I could go straight home and change my knickers, but sometimes my poo would start to poke out in the morning and then even if I went for a poo at lunchtime in the girls loos I would have to spend the rest of the day in dirty knickers, which meant I had to be careful when changing for PE as sometimes the poo marks would show right through to the back of my underwear. I've always worn white or pale pastel cotton knickers which are great for wearing under light coloured clothes but they aren't exactly great at hiding stains or marks! I guess all of the things I've mentioned just add to my stress levels when I'm constipated and then make it worse! Anyway, will try to post again soon, bye for now!!


Messed pants from being scared to hold it in

Last time I posted about a couple of days when I involuntarily dirtied my pants with tiny amounts of very stinky poo because I was afraid to let a larger poo come out. More often though, I had accidents due to being afraid to hold it in. To explain this - as I mentioned in an earlier post, I was always very afraid of feeling or being sick, even though it was something that barely ever happened to me (just twice in all my time at school, both times at home, and neither involving diarrhoea). One of the things that my parents had always said to me and my brother if we were feeling at all queasy was to try and go and do a poo - and so I came to associate pooing with feeling better, and if I really needed a poo and also felt a bit sick I would get very anxious or even panicky.

Fortunately, I wasn't prone to feeling sick much at all, and usually I'd just go to the toilet, try and poo, and most often just force out a few pebbles or a small lump (cork-poos, for people who read my posts a few weeks ago). Occasionally I'd manage a larger poo, or even a runny poo if that was what was causing the nausea. I'd almost always feel much better afterwards - which may have been the placebo effect 90% of the time, but I came to rely on it. Most of the time, it was probably the fear of feeling sick that was making me feel worse, rather than anything actually wrong with my stomach.

This did lead me to have a few accidents over the years when I couldn't immediately get to the toilet though, ranging from quite minor to bordering on the explosive. They weren't always desperation accidents like most of the others I've described, in that they involved sometimes had an element of pushing the poo out then and there - but it wasn't a 'choice' to poo myself, as it was driven by overwhelming anxiety or panic. In a couple of cases the fact that I had an upset stomach meant the outcome would have been the same either way within a few minutes. I'll try and describe a few from each across this spectrum.

One unusually firm accident like this happened when I was nine, and it was a school day after lunch. I hadn't been feeling quite right since shortly after I'd finished my meal, and as the lesson wore on I started to feel a bit queasy. There was also some pressure in my bum, although nothing urgent. I tried to distract myself but I was getting more and more anxious, and I didn't feel I could ask to be excused. As the anxiety became overwhelming, I felt like the only thing I could do was to push, and I levered myself off my chair as a large firm poo with the consistency of soft clay slid out and lay in my pants. As I sat back down it got squashed, and the feeling wasn't as soft and comforting as usual. I did feel much less nauseous though. I gave another push, but nothing else to come out apart from a fart, which got my teacher's attention. She asked me if I needed to go to the toilet (hardly surprising given the smell), and I went off to the loos. There, I stepped out of my underpants and turned them inside-out to tip the log into the toilet. It left a fairly large skidmark, which I tried to wipe off as well as I could, but when I went back to the classroom I was quite itchy down there. I snuck my pants into the washing machine when I got home, and my parents never knew. I'm not sure whether this counts as an accident or an on-purpose - I really didn't want to have dirty pants, but in that moment of anxiety it felt like the least worst option - which also applied to the next two incidents.

An example in the middle of the spectrum happened when I was at a cub scout meeting, probably soon after I turned ten. This time, I'd been feeling a bit sick during the meeting, and again I'd not wanted to say anything. We had an investiture for several cubs who were leaving for scouts at the end of the meeting, and we were all squatting in a semi-circle, with the scouts standing in a semi-circle opposite us. I remember feeling more panicky because I felt trapped - leaving the circle would be seen as very bad form. I could feel quite a strong need to poo already, and I remember feeling very scared that I would be sick if I didn't do a poo quickly (with hindsight I was nothing like that nauseous, but this was never a rational fear - once again, most of the nausea was probably being driven by my anxiety). As I was already squatting, the poo really did want to come out, and I just stopped trying to hold it in. I immediately felt a firm poo slowly starting to come, and it soon popped out into my pants - a firm ball, maybe the size of a large tangerine. I still felt I really needed to go, and as I wasn't holding on and was squatting I started to feel another poo coming. This one slid out without any effort and it felt like a firm, short but quite soft sausage, which squished into my pants rather than forming a visible lump. I still didn't feel I was done, and my panic levels were fairly high, so I gave one hard push to try and get the rest out, expecting a tiny bit more - but this time, a large pile of thick mush rushed out. Fortunately, it all stayed in my pants, otherwise it would have been very obvious what had happened.

The smell was fairly obvious and earthy, but no-one could tell which cub it was coming from, and most of the pack probably thought someone had farted. Again, I was now feeling quite a bit better, and at least this was a softer and more comfortable mess. When the meeting finished a few minutes later I rushed to the toilet and repeated the process of emptying out my pants - however, this time there was no way to wipe them out as thoroughly as there was a layer of sticky poo - I distinctly remember that the first poo came away easily and left a kind of halo of clean-ish cotton where the softer poos hadn't had a chance to soak into the material. My dad smelt what had happened on the way home and ran the shower for me so I could clean up properly.

The final accident I'll describe happened a few months later, shortly after I'd moved on from cubs to scouts. In scouts, there was more of an emphasis on weekend camping trips with backwoods cooking over campfires. I kind of enjoyed the camping and wide games, but was always worried that the food might not be cooked properly, and I didn't like being by far the smallest scout in the troop.

On this particular long weekend, we'd been learning how to cook whole chickens over an open fire on the first evening, at a campsite near the southwestern town we lived in. By Saturday afternoon, I wasn't feeling good - I had a stomach ache, felt sick and bloated, and was naturally desperately worried that I'd got food poisoning from the chicken. I went to the camp toilets and tried to do a poo, but all that came out was a single lump - another good example of a cork poo - and, unusually, I didn't feel any better. I hadn't told any of the leaders because I had an irrational fear that talking about feeling sick to anyone but my parents might make me more likely to actually be sick.

We had a large-scale wide game at dusk - a game of tag-based capture the flag across a large tract of moorland - it was hilly, craggy and there was a great deal of bracken. Some of our team went on a frontal raid, and some hung back to protect our base, but as one of the youngest and smallest my job was to see if I could sneak around the edge through the undergrowth. Not long after we started, I began to feel I needed a poo, and it rapidly went from a mild urge to being desperate. I was well hidden by bracken at this point, and I was still scared of feeling more sick - I thought it might just be gas, and relaxed my bum to try and let a fart out, but I immediately felt some semi-mush/semi-liquid poo come out instead. At this point, I knew for sure I had an upset stomach, and went into full-on anxiety attack mode. If I'd been thinking straight I might have tried to hide myself even better and then taken my trousers down to poo in the undergrowth, but instead I panicked and couldn't help but let go, which caused a torrent of runny (but thankfully not liquid) poo to fill my pants. This was quite a literal pants-filling - there was a lot of it, and it had gone everywhere, but was at least staying within the elastic waist- and legbands of my underwear. My ???? felt a little bit better (although still unsettled), and the poo was warm and sloppy but not uncomfortable.

I had to come up with a plan for what to do next. Thankfully the rest of the troop was entirely occupied with the game, and I was well hidden and not being looked for. The fear of a slight chance of being caught with my pants literally down wasn't as bad as the fear of definitely being found with my pants full of poo later, so I worked my way deeper into the bracken, quickly took of my trousers, put them to one side, and then peeled off my pants and threw them further into the scrub. They were completely coated in yellowish-brown poo, with a consistency somewhere between chocolate mousse and thick custard. For once I had the sense to see if any more poo needed to come out whilst squatting in the undergrowth, and I created a pile like an orange-ish cow pat. Luckily I had some tissues with me, and I wiped off as best I could before putting my trousers back on (going commando, which was at least appropriate for the game). I then made my way to a mud patch and deliberately 'fell' in it to make my trousers as muddy as possible, so I'd have an excuse to change them as soon as we got back to our camp - we were wearing old clothes for the wide game, not our uniforms.

I could only manage a little nibble of tea that evening as I still felt poorly, and went to bed as early as I could. I put on a pair of underpants under my pyjamas, and this turned out to be a sensible move as I found myself urgently needing a poo in the middle of the night. I did try to hold it in so that I could get to the loo, but I was fumbling with my sleeping bag in my anxiety and before I knew it I'd had another diarrhoea accident, fortunately hidden by being in my sleeping bag. The other kids stayed asleep whilst I went in my pants, and I finally got the zip undone and snuck out of the tent. When I got to the latrine I dropped my pants into the pit (no chance of blocking a long-drop toilet!), cleaned up as thoroughly as I could, and snuck back into the tent - my pyjamas were loose enough that there were only a couple of tiny spots where poo had stained through to them from the back of my pants. My sleeping bag had also escaped any soiling.

The next day was our last one before going home. I put on two pairs of pants under my trousers that morning and made a point of going to the toilet after breakfast, where I did another very loose poo. I also put some layers of toilet paper in the seat of both pairs of pants, as I was so worried about either feeling sick again or having more diarrhoea. We broke camp and got in the coach home - fortunately I had a double seat to myself. About half-way, the combination of food poisoning and motion made me feel really ill - I genuinely thought I was about to be sick in my lap, and I was certainly feeling more poorly than with either of the two earlier incidents (not surprising, given that I actually had food poisoning) - and when I got a cramp in my side and suddenly badly needed a poo, I barely tried to hold it due to my anxiety and the sheer pressure - I just remember sitting there, feeling miserable and staring at my lap, whilst runny and rather slimy poo rushed out, with a few bubbles. I was wishing for it to stop but was both too scared and feeling too weak to clamp down on it, and this was another large accident and it kept on coming for what seemed like an age. Eventually I tried to give a gentle push to get things over with more quickly, and felt even more poo flowing under me and up the front of my pants, held in by the double elastic waistbands at both front and back. The sickness did mostly pass, but now I was stuck in a coach filled with older kids, still not feeling well, and with an obvious smell of diarrhoea around me. I felt so small and baby-ish - I just wished I could disappear completely. I never normally felt immature when I had an accident, but I was so desperate to be accepted by the older kids that I was sat there wishing and wishing that no-one would find out - I really remember wanting to cry but forcing myself not to because I didn't want to draw any attention to myself or seem even younger.

Luckily we weren't far from home by then, and I tied my coat around my waist as we got off the coach as I could feel that the seat of my trousers were very damp, and I knew there must be a huge stain. I could even see a faint stain in my crotch - it looked a bit like I'd wet myself and then let it mostly dry, but it was actually the wet poo soaking through. The other kids were trying to work out who had pooed themselves - I'm sure they had an idea that it might be me, and I got teased with questions about whether I had, but they never knew for certain and so the teasing didn't persist.

My dad was a little late picking me up, so most of the other kids had gone when he arrived. I'd been feeling more cramps whilst I was waiting, and I knew there was more poo coming. When I saw him, I immediately burst into tears and went and hugged him - he looked at me to try and work out what was wrong, but before I could say anything there was a sudden wave of pressure and I let out a loud, wet, involuntary fart that immediately turned into another wave of runny, sloppy poo. Because it couldn't get out around my legs, this time some of it overflowed at the small of my back, covering the tail of my uniform shirt and then ran down the outside of my trouser legs and onto my socks and shoes. I just said "I'm really poorly and I'm afraid of being sick" and cried even harder. As with one of my earlier accidents, my dad covered my seat with plastic bags and drove me the short trip home, during which I told him about the bad chicken and how I'd pooed my pants at camp as well as on the way home, all the while still sobbing.

My dad took me to the bathroom and helped me to clean up - he was surprised by the layers of paper and the two pairs of pants - the paper had done nothing to help, but the extra pants probably did save me from leaking poo all over the coach, which would have made things a hundred times worse. The outer pair of pants and my uniform trousers were salvageable with a hot wash, but the inner pants went in the bin. Dad gave me an anti-sickness pill to chew, and within an hour I was clean and asleep in bed, feeling considerably better. I still had diarrhoea and slight nausea the next day, but I got to take two days off school until my bowels settled down again. At least the poo was never completely liquid, and I wasn't sick at all after all my worrying about it. For all of my remaining years in the scouts, I always found excuses not to eat backwoods-cooked meat again.


Beach poopie

Hi guys, firstly, I hope you like my previous post.
This morning, my hubby and I went to the beach. The water was just amazing, so cool and clear! I went down just after having my morning coffee, so I knew I would need to go any time soon. We swam for around an hour and a half, during which I let out several farts, leaving small bubbles around me each time. By that time, I felt the need to unload, so O told my hubby. He told me to pull up by the shore I could go in an area with soil and shrubs. A lot of people go there. Since I'm pregnant, I can't squat for too long without feeling tired, so my hubby asked my to sit on a stone, with my butt protruded out. That's what I did. I had my bikini thongs down my ankles and started grunting. It got things going. I produced 5 middle-sized logs, very healthy smelling and looking, and my hubby covered it all in soil. I hadn't any tissues on me, so ended up cleaning my butt hole with sea water. I felt so better afterwards, and went back for another dip.


Public Toilet Updated

I was having my meditative sit today and I heard a female enter the next cubicle and say "you wait there so I can keep an eye on you" I thought she had her daughter or young child with her. Then I heard a very loud powerful piss and she asked whoever if they enjoyed her swim. I thought this is unusual....a young child swimming in the middle of winter!
then the toilet flushed and out side my cubicle the ground was covered in a pool of water and with the reflection I saw it was not a child but a small dog! Dog accompanies mistress to toilet!
I note Krisi and Steve I agree 110% Women shit (so do men) , get over it and enjoy I do.


Outdoor Poo

I have read this site before, and responded to other users once or twice, but I now have stories to share. To share some basic info, since this is the first story, I'm a late 20s male, white, short brown hair, average height and build. I live in the UK, which those asking for more UK posters may be pleased to hear! This first story happened this morning.

I woke up this morning needing to pee, as I do every morning, but today it was particularly urgent. However, the bathroom was occupied, as someone was in the shower. I didn't know how long they would be, so I went outside into the back garden. As I live in a rural area, there was no one around to see me, so I will do this sometimes if I am desperate. I headed for the corner of the garden overgrown with nettles and peed a strong stream. My relief upon finishing was soon tempered when I felt the sudden urge to poo. Perhaps I hadn't noticed it because I was distracted with the need to pee?

To my dismay, the bathroom was still occupied when I went back inside. Given how suddenly this had come on, I did not fancy my chances of holding until the person in the shower was done, so I considered my options. Going back in the garden was a no-go, as the poo would be discovered. The grass had recently been cut in the yard, so that was no good either. That's when I hit upon the idea of our fields. I went outside again, and climbed over the gate into the nearest field. A secluded spot to my left, hidden between some trees and the shade of a shed outside the field, would be ideal for my rapidly growing need.

With a safe spot detected, I got into position, lowered my trousers and squatted. It didn't take me long to poo, as it came out easily with a single push, making a slight splat noise as it landed on the grass. I raised my trousers then turned to look at it. It was solid and L-shaped, short in length but a thick width, with the longer end being a dark reddish-brown, and the shorter end being a lighter brown colour. Given the thickness, I was impressed it had come out so easily. I even felt clean after it, which was fortunate as in my haste, I hadn't thought to bring tissues with me.

I'd made the right decision as, once I got back inside, the shower was still going! This was my first time having a poo outside, so it's handy that the inhibition is gone should I ever find myself in another situation such as this one which could have soon become an emergency.


Very Sick

This is the second of two stories I have to share for now, and this one took place six years ago, when I was in university, working on my Masters dissertation.

I was in bed, feeling absolutely rotten. I thought back over the previous day, trying to think what could have brought on this illness. Had I eaten something that made me ill? That was one possibility. I had been to the cinema the previous evening. Perhaps one of the other patrons was sick and had passed a bug on to me? Exhausted, I soon drifted off to sleep again.

Later, I was awoken suddenly with the need to go to the toilet immediately. My brain was practically screaming at me to "GET OUT OF BED NOW!!!" I threw off the bedcovers, which wasn't easy given how tightly I'd wrapped them around myself, and ran into the en-suite (thank goodness for the perks of postgrad study!) I was able to sit on the toilet just in time before erupting into it with the force of a cannon blast, doubled over from the violent cramp this caused. Once I'd caught my breath, I slowly reached behind me to flush. I stayed seated on the toilet, feverish and shivering, simply because I was too weak to get off and go back to end.

After twenty minutes, I forced myself to get off the toilet because I thought I was about to be sick. I retched several times, which caused more cramping, but nothing came out, if only because I had already evacuated my entire stomach contents in the anal explosion and I couldn't possibly have anything left inside me to bring back up. I dragged myself back to bed, where I stayed for most of the following week, researching home remedies in my few waking hours. Speaking of which, prawn cocktail crisps and cola worked for me, as they are highly acidic and can counteract the illness.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Reply to Audrey

Hi Sweetie, I haven't been up to anything really that interesting. I read a story about a girl who's that installed a pocket in her bed to go potty in, I thought it was pretty cool. Ummm my butt is a decent size. Like I'm 5'6 and 150lbs. So I fit on my potty pretty decently. What does your camping potty look like (I think that's what you have). Also have you ever used a car as a toilet?


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