

Lindsey's Question

Lindsey: So I cannot tell what was the largest load I have ever seen for sure. This is because sometimes the toilet bowl is clogged and possibly many girls did their business in there, but maybe only a single one. But I can remember the largest single log I have seen from a single person quite well. This was at a Christian summer camp a while ago. We stayed there a whole week. On the first day, a girl called Mary-Jo hurt her ankle during a sport activity. The counselors brought her to a nearby hospital. Her condition was not serious so she came back the same night.
Mary-Jo was one year younger than me but she was taller. I remember she would braid her blonde hair.
The camp was great & everyone had a great time. There were quite some bathroom-related adventures! I spent very little time with Mary-Jo because she did not sleep in the same room or belong to my group of friends.
So on the last day everyone had to help cleaning the facilities. I was assigned a bathroom near the dinning area. Because people still needed to use the bathroom I was told to clean it last! So when most girls were done with their chores they went for an activity outside. When I was almost done cleaning the bathroom Mary-Jo came in! She asked me if it was ok to use the toilet & I said that's ok. So I was cleaning the sinks but Mary-Jo didn't come out of her stall so I knew she was having a poop! When I was done cleaning the sinks I asked her if she was doing ok. She said yes but the painkillers that she had been taking made her very constipated! She said she hadn't gone a single time in the whole week! I said that's impressive & how often do you go normally? She said twice a day!
We chatted and then she wiped because she was done. Then she flushed & then said Lea we have a problem. She unlocked her stall and came out & I could see she had clogged the toilet! Mary-Jo had produced a single massive log! It was clearly longer than a foot (maybe almost two) and very very wide! I said OMG how did this get out of you & she said I don't know! There was also almost no paper because it was a clean one! Also, I expected a terrible smell but there was almost none!
There was clearly no point plunging that toilet because the log was wider than the pipe. Mary-Jo asked what do we do now? Then I had an idea: I can use the latex glove I wore for cleaning to remove the huge log and dispose of it elsewhere! Then Mary-Jo said she wanted nobody to see it because it would embarrass her to death! I said no problem & we'll hide it in an empty cleaning supplies box. So we did & I decided to dump it outside. There were bushes near the building so we would dump it there! The log was rather solid & did not break up. We went there and I dumped it. Then I put the empty box in the trash. No one noticed us! Mary-Jo was very grateful and thanked me many times. I told her that's ok & you would have done the same. Then I cleaned her toilet again and removed all the skidmarks with the brush. When there were no streaks left I flushed & I was done. Just at that moment a counselor came in and asked me what takes me so long & I told her that the toilets were filthy before but I was done now and she was very happy! She told me that I had done a great job.


Reply to Raccoon Man

Raccoon man - glad you like my stories. Regarding my brother's problems with stool withholding, this was something that came and went over the years, but he'd more or less grown out of it by the time he was 10-11. My last post crossed over with yours, but you'll have read in that one that he was offered the opportunity to go in his pants when my parents had run out of other options and were feeling frustrated with him - and he never took it. We never really talked about it much, but I think there were a few different things going on for him.

When he was really young, he'd had a couple of experiences of getting an anal fissure (painful tear) from passing a very large, hard poo. This then made it even more painful to go, which made him hold it on more, which made it more painful, and so on until he started to have problems with overflow. I think when he was around 4-5 he just thought the poo would go away if he didn't let it out. When he was a bit older it was more about being too afraid of it hurting, even though he knew it would be worse the longer he left it. Then, when he was a bit older still (maybe 7-8) it started to become more of a power struggle with my parents - because by that point he'd had so many battles with them about him refusing to let go. At that point, I think he almost saw it as a point of pride that he'd hold on for as long as he possible could.

We also had different attitudes to both the consistency of our poo and to accidents. He always loathed having really soft poo (although he also didn't like his poo being so hard that it hurt coming out), and in any case didn't like fruit and vegetables, whereas I was the exact opposite. He would also go to enormous lengths not to do a poo in his pants, even if it meant that he then leaked poo - I never thought this was very logical, but then we were both kids and my own decision-making in this area was hardly the most sensible, looking back. Our experiences were certainly coloured by our parents' different attitudes to our poo problems - his were perceived as largely his own fault (especially when he was older, and it had become about opposition rather than discomfort), whereas mine were perceived as outside my control, even though at times I might have avoided an accident if I'd been more willing to go at school, or to tell someone that I needed to go.

Overflow accidents really are very common in young kids though, and they're more obvious because they tend to happen every day until the constipation is sorted out. The sort of large, soft accidents I had are common enough as an occasional thing, but I was definitely much more prone to them than average. Even then, the point at which non-overflow accidents become a medical problem is at least one per month for six months (I looked it up for this reply!), and other than maybe in the very first few months of primary school when I was only 4-5, I don't think I ever had that many.

Anna from Austria

Public Bathroom Complaintsle (optional)

@Sprite That is a very interesting question.

I have to answer it with yes and no. A few people complained about my pooping ambiance and smell but they never know it was me thanks to the typical layout of a Austrian public toilet.

I might sound like a broken record now but it is important for the context my story that Austrian toilets offer more privacy than the typical american toilets with their big gaps over and under the stall. In Austria the stalls are enclosed or the gaps are so small that you cannot see much. At best just some parts of the shoes.

So every complaint was not aimed at me but at a random stranger.

Most complaints are over 20 years ago though. At high school pooping was considered uncool so a girl like me having a loud bowl moment was considered something funny and worth nothing.

A few times some girls were also made complaints about the smell I made but again they did not know it was me.

I just heard some girls comenting in my class that somebody stink up the girls room in a horrible way.

Such incidents just happend in high school. at unversity all the women I have enountered had a different approach to pooping. They just considered it normal as it should and ignored my noises and smell. And they were not poop shy either. They had no problem stinking up the ladies room at the uni or the toilets at the dorm themselves.

the complaints I heard during my adulthood were very few not worth mentioning it.

The epitome of that remarks were at high school. But due to the Austrian toilet layout I managed it to stay hidden.

If we had the american style toilets at high school it would have been a horrible time for me. I would not have stayed unnoticed as it was way easier to identify the person in the stall.

During my time in the states I noticed one restroom where the mirrors with the sinks were at the opposite side of the stalls so you could see the other stalls plus the feet of the occupants in the mirror. In Austria most of the time the sinks are in a different rooms althogether. But the american ladies were nice. They completly ignored my noisy poops. Due to the fact that I was just used to the shelf toilets we have here in Austria i felt my poops were even noiser than in Austria. Plus my normal pre poop mid poop and sometimes post poop farts there were also the loud ploops caused by the direct hole toilets. At first I was really embarrased how loud these plops can be. If that happend in my high school the girls would have had field day.But the ladies in the states just ignored my noises and some of them were pooping as well. So everything was fine. And at the end of my 3 weeks trip I got used to the plops as well and i do not felt embarrassing anymore.

so that's it for today.

greetings from Austria


Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Super Soft

My poop was really mushy again today. I went multiple times, and enjoyed it! A few of my poop sessions had gas in them, and my latest one made a little water droplet sound as some of the mushy load came out. To Thom: Sometimes I think I have IBS due to my bowels being loose often. Although I may have urgency at times, I don't have cramping with all those attacks. Sounds like you and the other guy on the phone blasted those toilets good. I was thinking about vacuum toilets while shredding papers today, because I like the sound of my unit on forward. It would be nice if these types of toilets made that whining noise my machine makes when running. At least if I flushed a vacuum toilet and it sounded like that, I wouldn't be afraid of it being really loud. Lol, my toilet imagination getting to me again! On a side note: the whining noise is sort of at a pitch like what I think a toy remote control car sounds like. A toilet that sounded like that while flushing would be cool. Lindsey: Hotel toilets are not bad from my experience. My poops would go down them easily. Good luck with them in the future, and hope those toilets can handle your poop. Bye.


Labor day hike

So I have another super-long story with Danielle. The weather was good this weekend (and it was labor day) so we went on a camping trip again. This time Mike couldn't come because he was paying a visit to his parents in his home town. We decided we should go backpacking! We decided we should bring dehydrated food because it's lighter. We also brought many protein bars. So we left on Saturday morning. I was driving. We arrived to the trail head. Before starting the hike we decided to use the outhouse that was there. Because of the heat the smell was strong! I let Danielle use it first and she was out fast. I also used the outhouse but for peeing only because I really didn't want to stay in there for a long time! We were ready so we started hiking. The hike was beautiful and we had a great time. We also ate sandwiches, apples and protein bars on the trail. We both hydrated well and had to pee in the bushes! I don't mean to brag but I am pretty good at it. On the other hand Danielle complains how inconvenient it is.
So in the afternoon we were done for the day and set camp. The area was pretty exposed so we pitched the tent behind a big boulder for shelter. We were starved so we ate our meals very quickly. Also, we had cookies for desert! So we were very full and we played cards. During the game Danielle said: "My belly is upset because I couldn't crap this morning!" and she rubbed her belly. I asked her if she had to go now and she said actually yes! So I told her to go before the urge goes away. She put her shoes on and got ready to leave the tent but then we noticed that we forgot our trowel! I told her it's ok and she just has to go far enough so we don't step on it by accident lol! So she left and she was away for a while. She came back and I asked her how it went and she said fine but she got tired of squatting & cold so she did not completely finish. I kinda felt I had to go as well but felt too lazy for it. Then we had tea and went to sleep.
I woke up and the weather was quite cold! So I prepared the stove and boiled water for coffee. When the coffee was ready Danielle woke up as well but didn't want to leave her sleeping bag! So we drank coffee while I boiled more water for our breakfast porridge. Squatting by the stove and drinking coffee really triggered my urge to go! I grabbed the TP and told Danielle I was going to take care of some business & she grinned. So I decided to go on the other side of the boulder for privacy and so there is no stepping incident lol! When I got there I saw that Danielle had had the same idea! Her log from the day before was on full display on the ground & was somewhat knobby. I decided I shall go just were she went so to make it easy for us. I pulled down my hiking pants & squatted down. The view was beautiful! The squatting position made me fart immediately! Also my backdoor opened at once. I had to push to get my first turd out! It was somewhat dry because I hadn't gone in two days so I passed some rabbit balls first & then a large knobby turd! The turd's outer end was knobby & dark but it became smoother as it grew. It was very large! It also felt awesome to get all this waste out! I still felt like there was some more to come so I stayed right there. Sure enough another turd came after 2 minutes! That one was skinny and soft and coiled on top of the other one. I was starting to feel cold on my exposed butt & decided to wipe. I cleaned myself up & used hand sanitizer & went back to the tent.
Then we had packaged oatmeal for breakfast and energy bars. Then Danielle got dressed and we packed up everything. She said "Before we leave I have to take a crap!" so I told her that's a good idea & she'll be lighter. So I also said she should go to the same spot than before so other people are not incommoded. We both squatted next to each other because I had to pee before leaving! She said that the freeze-dried food goes right through her. I started to pee right off and so did Danielle. At the same time I could see a turd growing between her legs! It was rather smooth & not too dark so it was definitely not old. Maybe it was even her dinner already making its way out! When the turd touched the ground it started coiling. It looked very soft. Then it fell onto the ground. Only seconds later the next one was on its way. It looked like a very thin and mushy turd! I could smell it despite us being outdoor so it was quite pungent. She was not lying she really had to go! Then she wiped & it was a messy one so she used plenty of TP. There were now two very big heaps under her bottom one of TP and one of crap!
She was done and pulled up her panties & hiking leggins. We smiled at each other because we did a great job at getting rid of our waste! We started hiking & it was great. We walked at a good pace. At lunch we shared a large serving of noodles. But before preparing lunch we both had to pee so we peed right on the trail! There was no point hiding since were were the only ones anyway. Also, we aren't that shy with each other. We made big puddles let me tell you this! This is because it's important to stay hydrated & we drink a lot. We also had cookies for desert! We noticed that the weather was getting windy so we hiked even faster. We wanted to arrive at the camping spot before the weather got even worse. We arrived early & it was a great spot. We set camp & prepared dinner. We were famished because we had hiked so fast so we ate like crazy. That felt very good. Then we played cards outside because the weather still was good. I farted a few times and told Danielle: "All these protein bars I ate are making me somewhat bloated." She answered that she was definitely feeling them too. We drank liquor we had taken with us! We gazed at the stars for some time before the clouds covered the whole sky. We also had a smoke! We were very relaxed and ended up finishing the bottle and talking for a long time.
When I woke up next morning it was raining! Also, I felt tired & a tiny bit nauseous because I had somewhat too much to drink the night before! Danielle was still asleep. I had to pee but I didn't want to disturb her & was feeling very lazy myself so I just ignored it & fell back asleep! When I woke up for the second time Danielle was waking up too! The rain was still pouring down. She told me she was feeling somewhat hangover too. By then I really had to use the bathroom for both things! I farted & I told Danielle about my predicament. She said that she felt exactly the same! She wished we had a nice toilet indoors and that sounded like the nicest thing ever. This got me thinking and I said "what about going in a ziplock bag and dispose of it later?" but Danielle laughed and said "no way!" so I asked her whether she was getting dressed and going out but she really didn't feel like doing so. So I asked her whether she'd rather go under the rain, in a bag or in her panties & she laughed & she said that the ziplock didn't sound that bad after all! Both of us were farting a lot. At this point I was getting desperate and I still wasn't dressed so I had no other choice than going in the awning. I grab the last empty ziplock bag we have & get out of my sleeping bag slowly. I opened the door of the inner tent and went to the awning. I opened the outer tent a bit so I could aim my pee stream outside! Danielle asks "Are you really doing it?" but I have no time to answer because I am basically desperate! I tell her to hold the bag for me so I can focus on not peeing everywhere or falling over. I squat down and pull down my panties (I was only wearing my panties and a T-shirt to sleep). Danielle was still laying in her sleeping bag & she was holding the ziplock near my butt. Squatting down almost made me lose control because I had to go so bad. I told her to hurry & she positioned the bag under my hole. Then I relaxed my sphincters and started going immediately from both ends! Thank God my pee river was flowing away from the tent and the stream didn't spray everywhere. From my other end a log was growing rapidly & coiling in the bag! I could feel it touched the bottom of the bag because there was some resistance. The smell was quite strong and it made Danielle gag! She said that her stomach wasn't feeling well & she might puke! I told her to stay focused because I'm nearly done (that was a lie lol!) My next log starts to come out and it's even softer than the first one! It makes lots of cracking sounds because there is lots of gas trapped inside! The relief was incredible but by legs were already getting tired! I still managed to hold this position for 2-3 minutes. Danielle complained that watching me go made her even more desperate! But I felt there was clearly way more in there. Then, I released wave after wave of soft serve! The smell was foul because all the alcohol I had had. I also farted a lot of very wet farts between the waves!
When I finally felt kinda empty, I wiped many time because it was a messy one. By this time Danielle had accepted she'd have to use the ziplock too! So she closed it and got out of her sleeping bag. She was only wearing panties and a T-shirt just like me. I thought she looked very cute so sleepy & desperate! I went inside the tent so she could squat in the awning. The rain was still pouring down. She quickly tied her hair up in a pony tail and then squatted down facing away from me. From this position I notice that she has very wide sexy hips for her size. She said I'm sorry Lea but I can't hold it anymore & I said that's ok. So I open the ziplock and pick it up & it's super heavy! I'm really impressed by how much it holds. So then I position it under Danielle's bottom while she pulls down her panties to her knees. She farts too and starts peeing like a race horse! She's not as good at aiming as me but it's not terrible. I can see her hole gaping! A log of the size & shape of a banana quickly emerges. After this log, she released an airy fart. Then a second log just like the first one comes out. I have to move the bag to catch it entirely. Danielle moaned in relief and said it felt very good! Afterwards, she started passing loads of soft serve too! The stench was terrible & I had to focus not to get sick. I could recognize vegetable peels and corn bits from our dinner so yes the freeze-dried meal went right through her! I asked her whether she was nearly done because the ziplock was almost full & she said yes she was. She passed two super soft nuggets and then started wiping.
When she was done, I closed the ziplock bag. There were like two pounds of crap in it! Both of us were very impressed. We sanitized our hands using lots of gel. I boiled some water and made us tea for our headaches & stomachs. Then we drank lots of tea and went back to sleep till noon!
Then we ate breakfast & packed our stuff. Both of us were still quite gassy but at least less tired. After we took down the tent we bot peed right on the spot! The rain was very light by then. We didn't know what to do with the bag. The we decided we should dump the contents & pack out the plastic ziplock so to leave no traces. We found a big stone and removed it from its position. Then we emptied the bag in the hole! We laughed a lot because it was disgusting. We were very careful not to get in contact with all that crap. I don't have to tell you about the smell! Then we replaced the stone, smashing the poop. We disinfected our hands again afterwards! Then we hiked back to the trail head & I drove home. I had a second crap that evening! Tbh it was rather small however.


Lindsey's Survey

Lindsey, I appreciate your survey. I shared a story with a similar question a few months back.

1. The biggest dump I've ever seen was done by a college friend of mine named Lauren who was the main topic of my previous story. During a study abroad trip in Spain, we were at a nightclub one night when she said she needed to poop. The club was packed and she asked me to come with her to the bathroom. The bathroom has these huge stalls that basically were like individual bathrooms and she insisted I come in with her. She pulled her dress up and sat on the pot. The music was blasting even in the bathroom so I couldn't hear anything but I could tell by her facial expressions she was straining pretty hard. After a short while she stood up to reveal a truly massive turd. She wiped once, and had to sit right back down and poop some more. When she got back up, I could see she had done a big pile of soft chunks. She was finally done and wiped a few more times. She flushed but needless to say, she had clogged it, which she was quite prone to doing to toilets. We made our exit, leaving the toilet she destroyed waiting for the next unlucky user or until someone came along and unclogged the mess.

2. She is pretty average size so no, I doubt anyone would suspect she poops as big as she does. She is quite well-endowed but otherwise on the skinny side so I can't imagine anyone would believe what can come out of her.

3. I am also about average height and weight and I think my poops are proportional to my size, which is to say they're not big. I'd have to poop a weeks worth to maaaaaybe match one of Lauren's typical ones.

You're also so right about hotel toilets. I have blocked one toilet in my life and it was at a hotel. Funnily enough, a few years back Lauren and I shared a hotel for a weekend for our 5 year college reunion and I remember she clogged it on the first day and just used the lobby bathroom the rest of the stay.


Bowel routine has changed

Hi guys, I'm back. To those who responded to my last story thank you for the warm welcome. I see there are quite a few who can relate to my big pooping abilities. Recently, my routine has changed and it has become normal for me to only go once every 3 or 4 days. This change has made my normally huge dumps enormous.I actually enjoy this change though because they feel even better!. I though this time i would tell the story of my latest one which actually was this morning.

I woke up late since it was Saturday and just spent the morning being lazy until it was time for breakfast I ate my usual cereal and watched TV until i felt things start moving down below. It gradually got worse over the next hour and i started to fart to relieve some of the growing pressure in my stomach. I continued to pass gas over the next several minutes and really had stunk up the room before i started feeling something more solid coming. Soon it became clear that i needed to get to my bathroom since i was about to push out more than just gas. I abruptly got up and walked quickly into my bathroom. Before long i was pulling my pajama pants down to my knees to sit on the toilet. Once i had shifted around to get comfortable and turned around to pick up my magazine off of the tank, i could feel my lower stomach distending as poop filled my colon. i sat there enjoying how full i was feeling for a few moments as my stomach growled away. I could tell before i had even begun that i was about to clog my toilet. Badly. i smiled with delight as i felt the pressure overcome my ability to hold it in and a large, thick, soft log started to slide into the toilet. As i was pooping, i farted several times which made it crackle out faster until i felt resistance since it had reached the bottom. with a slight push it was moving again as it folded up below me. This continued for about 20 seconds before it tapered off and fell silently into the bowl below. My stomach felt slightly better, but i could feel so much more squeezing down as i flipped through pages of my magazine. I realized that this was probably my best opportunity to flush so i reached back and pressed the handle as i felt my rectum refilling gradually. I heard a slow swirling noise from below me as the toilet struggled and failed to move my load.I giggled to myself as the toiled finished its futile flush. I didn't even bother to look as i was about to add to my previous offerings in a big way. Once my colon had refilled, i farted once again and poop exploded into the bowl below. Over the next several minutes, many gassy waves followed as splashes became splats and the smell in the bathroom became unbearable. I was feeling so much better and with one final splattering burst, i sighed with relief and grinned as i thought about the disaster which i had just unleashed on my poor toilet. I decided to refrain from wiping until i saw what i had created. When i looked in the bowl i saw a large mound of poop in the middle with splatters all over the sides. For the next few minutes i plunged and plunged until my mess finally went down and i could finally wipe. Even after flushing 5 times the toilet was still a mess. Oh well, i felt great and I'm looking forward to next time. I may have to start trying to go in public though since my toilet isn't coping well at all with my new schedule. Ill be sure to report back if i decide to go in public.

Kristi: Great sink story!

Cammie: great bath story!

Susie: please have diarrhea in one of the glasses if you get a chance! It would be so cool! I love all of your stories, keep up the naughtiness.

Hollyrae: you were very clever using that cup!

Nia: remember to spread and pull up, and then you can pee standing! Practice outside and Everytime you shower and bathe.


colonoscopy and aftermath

Haven't posted in a while and only intermittently reading, but I thought this was a good place to share a story of my first colonoscopy. My Dr. recommended I get one earlier than I would have otherwise because of a family history of colon cancer. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it wasn't really as bad as I feared it might have been, and actually sort of interesting in a strange way. One thing unexpected was that the prep solution, well, it's a little bit gross (kind of like bubble-gum-flavoured antifreeze, and you have to drink 4L of it) but it was in some ways not quite what I imagined. I did start to have very liquid BMs maybe a little less than an hour after drinking the first few glasses, but it didn't feel like normal diarrhea in that it was a lot less irritating and there wasn't really cramping the way I usually get if I have diarrhea. It was more like liquid just smoothly pouring in one end and out the other, getting progressively clearer as the process went on. After the first few hours it does kind of get old, and eventually I started having some very mild abdominal discomfort, but not nearly the level of irritation that it would be with ordinary diarrhea for that long. I had to save the last liter for the morning before, and the first movement that morning was slightly cloudy, but after that it really was pretty much clear liquid. The aftermath feels a little strange in that I haven't really properly gone since then. It's actually only been 3 days since Friday, but before the whole ordeal I had really been on a very regular once-a-day schedule for a while, so skipping three days feels weird. On Saturday morning I kind of felt like I had to go, but only tiny little bits came out and it was like when you turn on the tap after the water's been shut down and it just sputters at first. Since then, nothing, which is really weird in comparison to my habits beforehand. I guess with everything cleared out of the whole pipeline (and no longer drinking that gunk), it takes a while for anything to pass all the way through.


I wet my pants

So I've been tentatively wearing panties again since I've had way fewer accidents lately. But yesterday I broke my awesome dry streak. I was at work in the break room and I needed to potty a little. I ignored it because it was just a little and then I forgot to go. I went back to my desk and got back to work. My need started to grow but I was preoccupied with my tasks so I kept putting off. Then my panties grew warm and a rather large dribble wet the crotch of my panties. It was then that I knew I'd better go potty or I'd have an accident. Before I could get up though, my boss stopped by to chat. I was squirming focusing on not dribbling again. My stomach hurt and I dribbled a little more. I needed to potty so bad. Finally she left. I needed to hold my private but I was embarrassed for anyone to see. The bathroom was down a long hall. By the time I got there my crotch was warm and wet. I had to wait for a stall. I just knew I was going to have an accident. Then a person came out of a stall and I dashed in. Just a little too late. I started to wet my pants. I unfastened my pants and started to pull them down as my dribbling turned into a torrent. I was gushing down my legs and all over my shoes and the floor. I couldn't move. When I finished going in my pants, I sat down on the toilet wondering what to do. Everyone would be able to see my accident in my tan pants. Why would I of all people wear tan pants. I needed my spare clothes. I had to do the walk of shame in my urine soaked pants all the way to my locker. Alot of stares but no one said anything.

Michael W.

Summer '96

Hi everyone. I'm back to share a few stories from back in the day. Here it goes.
One day during late June of 1996. I was 8 years old. My parents have called it quits with their marriage. Mom moved to the next town over and got with a heavy metal junkie who looked like Jesus Christ himself. Except he had tattoos on his shoulders which I thought were cool. His name is Willy. My mom worked as a CNA at Chelsea Manner and Willy didn't have a job. He watched me and my older bro Josh while my mom worked. When we were at Willy's friend's house they were fixing their electric guitars. I was outside exploring the yard it was a couple of acres on outskirts of town. I felt a cramp and ignored it and it got worse in ten minutes later. Then I got sweaty. I felt like I was gonna have diarrhea. So I ran in the house to find the bathroom. When I got there Josh had just got out. I went in and closed the door. I yanked down my shorts and underwear down to my ankles and sat in the toilet and had explosive diarrhea for about an hour. My stomach hurt and my butthole burned. I cupped my chin with my hand as I sat there listening to '80s Heavy Metal music playing really loud in the house. I didn't mind it though. It helped me relax and I liked the songs. They were "Rock you like a hurricane," "No one like you," "Big city nights" by The Scorpions. "We're not gonna take it" by Twisted Metal. "I want it all" by Queen and so on.
Onto my next story. One day in July that same year we went to Ponderosa. There was me, Josh, my Dad, and Heather and Holly (Twins from next door). Anyways while we were there I ate soooo much. I had a plate of mashed potatoes, carrots, Salisbury steak, couple of biscuits, a plate of speghetti, a drumstick of fried chicken, green beans, and a plate with two pieces of apple pie and a bowl of ice cream. My dad said "If you keep eating your cheeks will blow up like a balloon in that "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie. Where in the movie the pretty girl can't eat cuz she's anerexic and a model and she dreamed that Freddy Krueger made her eat till her facial cheeks got big. And she realized she's eating herself. Anyways after we ate we did some shopping and I had a stomach ache cuz I ate so much. When we got home I ran to the bathroom and pooped my brains out for a good 40 some minutes. While I sat there Holly opened the door in the bathroom and saw me on the toilet. She was like "Eww You're going poop." And I said "So what? I saw you pooping on the toilet before." I have. She used to open the door when she went. She would talk to me about things and life while she sat there for like 30 minutes.
Anyways onto my last story. It was August of that same year. We went to Ponderosa again and the twins from next door came along and I did eat quite a bit but not like the last time. After we ate we went to the movies to go see "The Phantom" and we got there early before the started showing the trailers and Heather left the theater to use the bathroom. She was in there for a while. I would say like over 20 minutes. Holly even went to the Ladies Room to check on her sister. By the time she got back the movie had already started. The next morning, me, my brother, and the twins were watching Saturday morning cartoons. Heather and Holly were bickering about dumb stuff. And then Holly brought up what happened when she went to check in her sister in the Ladies Room the night before. Holly said "I knew it was you pooping in that stall at the movies. You were wearing those white socks with those high heel loafers. You lifted your feet up so I couldn't notice you. And you didn't answer me when I asked if you were okay." I was like "Okay.".
Anyways that is all for now. I'll share another story later. Till then Happy Pooping everyone.


painful period poops

I've seen some discussion on here about period poops recently, so I thought I'd chip in with my experience.

I tend to get heavily constipated before my period. (Go figure.) I usually go 5 to 7 days without pooping until the day my period starts. Once my period does start, though, things tend to shift. My gut begins moving and I will have softer poop. However, since it's been so long since I've pooped, the soft poop is blocked by a ton of hard, dry poop. I spend most of "day 1" of my period doubled over on the toilet, desperately trying to push out the compacted poop so the soft poop can come out. For those who can't relate, let me tell you, dealing with period cramps and constipation cramps at the same time is not fun at all. It's so painful! When I finally do dislodge the hard stuff, my body doesn't even get time to recover before the soft poops come. Though they are soft, they are BIG, and they still hurt quite a lot.

Does anyone else have this type of experience? I'd love to hear any tips for getting through those painful toilet sessions. Ouch!

Also, for anyone wondering, I'm due to have my next period in about a week and if it's anything like my last one was poop-wise, it's gonna hurt. Grr!


Child Development Studies class

This semester at college I'm taking taking child development studies as an elective. I figured having done so much child care work that is largely financing my education, it would be an interesting class. The discussions we have also have caused me to recall a couple of situations in my background.

This boy Derrick and has family lived two doors down from us. He was 7 or 8 and had just gotten his first bike. I was 10 or 11 and learned that the bikes gave us freedom to leave or own street and make friends at places like the park or pool. So on summer days instead of going to the bathroom at home as much, we would go wherever we were like at the petromart, the park or once in a portable toilet that had been delivered for a street carnival.

This one morning we had been at the park for a couple of hours. My crap was knocking and I suggested Derrick go into his side of the toilet hut and go too. We had shared a large water jug on my back porch and Derrick was not one of those people to hold onto his piss for one second longer than necessary. So I took him to the door of the guys room and I hurried around the corner to the girls room where I took a fully formed shit. A lot more satisfying than the previous day when I nearly had an accident with diarrhea in a 100-degree portable toilet. The toilet paper roll had been stolen, the f**** door was so much off track that I could see about a 1/4 inch of sunlight coming in on the right side of the door. And when I finally tried to stand up, my right butt check stuck to the hot metal seat. I also missed the step in leaving, fell and skinned my knee. And some guys riding in back of a pickup truck started honking and applauded me.

I hadn't heard a flush from Derrick's side, so I became suspicious. I wiped, flushed and once outside called out to Derrick. A man and a little boy, probably about 5 who had one of his hands over his crotch and seemed to be in tears, brushed by me fast and into the girls room. Noticing that Derrick had not come out yet, and after calling into him and getting only a muffled answer, I went in. This was like a bathroom set up I had never seen before. Here was a small room with a 3-way enclosure like my mom has on her module at her office. Derrick was on the toilet, hand on his penis directing his pee into the bowl. Within 6 inches of him was a urinal in the floor. Next to it was a small sink and towel dispenser. Derrick was upset because the man came running in and asked to have his son piss in the urinal. The boy would have been standing so close to where Derrick was sitting that he might have even been splashed. And Derrick said No. The father seemed to not care about his privacy and said some nasty things about Derrick in front of his son. That is where I came in.

In calming Derrick down I explained to him that the bathroom was set up differently than anything he or I had seen. Even with no privacy door the person on the toilet still is entitled to his space. I told him there was nothing wrong with him sitting down to pee, just like there are girls that will squat-stand to pee. I told him the harsh language from the dad was probably out of frustration for his son and that the bathroom was different than probably any other he will use. When we got back to my house for lunch, my mom said it might have been a Family Bathroom, but that the guy was just being a jerk and acting immature in front of his son.

Are there any other strange bathrooms you guys have seen in public places?


Courtney, my college roommate

Hi everyone!

So over the last few months since I found this page, I've shared a few bathroom-related stories about a few people. Steve, my husband... my girl friends Emily and Amber, and a couple others.

I did at one point bring up my college roommate Courtney, but I never really went into any great detail.

So in my sophomore and junior years, Courtney and I were roommates; our dorm room had its own bathroom. There was a communal bathroom on the floor (as a freshman, my room didn't have a bathroom, so I had to use the public bathroom.). Although I had gotten more comfortable with going in public, it was nice to share a bathroom with just one other person.

Courtney has straight dark hair and is tall: About 5'10". She is thin and most people would say she is very attractive. She was a bridesmaid at my wedding (and helped hold up my wedding dress so that I could take a crap), and the two of us are still good friends, although she does live a ways away.

So, I don't like to have to rush when I'm pooping. I like to take my time. However, if need be, I can be a fast pooper. Steve marvels over how I can sometimes poop in less time than it takes me to pee.

So I just had it in my mind that proper roommate etiquette is to not take forever in the bathroom. Especially if the other person has to go.

So if I was in our bathroom pooping and Courtney asked through the door if I was almost done, I'd pick up the pace and finish my business.

Courtney- and I love her- didn't seem to have the same philosophy. She would take. Her. Time.

She'd go into the bathroom with a textbook or a magazine and she might not emerge for a half hour. (It's a good thing smart phones didn't exist back then.)

I get it. I enjoy going into the bathroom to read or to mess around on my phone. I don't always go in when I have a strong need to go poop. I'll go in, sit, and usually something will come out.

So I didn't mind Courtney taking her time... EXCEPT, of course, when her roommate (ME) had to go to the bathroom.

And there were many, many times when I had to really, really go. And the door is closed and she's in there and I KNOW she's just sitting there.

So, trying to be a good friend and roommate, my first approach was usually to politely knock on the door and ask her if she was almost done.

*(There were at least a few times when I didn't bother with any conversation... I just ran down the hall to the communal bathroom and took care of business there.)*

Her response was ALWAYS: "I'm going."

What does that mean? "I'm going?" Does that mean you're actively pooping? Does that mean you're halfway done? Almost done? Just starting? These are important questions, especially when seriously needing to go pee/poop/both.

So I'd try to wait. But eventually I'm needing to go and get a little more forceful. Usually by asking, "Are you almost done?"

Sometimes (rarely) she would finish within minutes. But usually, the answer was something like "I don't know."

And I understand that you don't always know if your body is done, but that's no conciliation for me.

So at that point, it's either going down the hall to the communal bathroom... or take firm action with my slowpoke roommate.

And firm action meant opening the door and basically telling her I needed to use the toilet immediately.

She understood (although she sometimes asked why I didn't just use the communal bathroom; the reason was that I was still a little shy pooping in public), and she would get off the toilet.

And nine times out of ten, the only thing in the toilet was her pee. Or maybe a tiny bit of poop. Nothing that should have taken her 10-15 minutes.

So I'd sit down while she's just standing there with her pants down, poop a huge load, wipe, and give her back the toilet. Usually with a look on my face that said, "That's how you go to the bathroom."

Once in a rare while the roles were reversed. I'd be on the toilet and she'd be desperate to go. Depending on how badly I needed to go, I'd either let her go first, or I'd partially go (I'd get the big stuff out and then let her have the toilet; then I'd finish after she went.) And she did take decent-sized craps. It's just that she really, really liked to take her time.

So yeah, that's Courtney.

As an aside: It was in college where I learned that EVERY girl pees in the shower. Freshman year, we had shower stalls separated by curtains. I can't tell you how many yellow streams I saw in the stalls next to me.

And I'd say, "Well, she's peeing. I might as well pee too."

So yeah, college was where I became a serial shower pisser.



Emma two

Desperate on the way home

I was busting for a poo this morning and but we'd run out of toilet rolls so I walked down to the local shop to get some more as well as a few things we were low on. It took me a few minutes to get to the shop and by then I was getting desperate for a poo. I got all the things we needed and as I was leaving the shop I felt my bowels trying to push against my will and I clenched hard to avoid pooing myself. It was then I realised I hadn't pood in five days which meant I was in for a very large bowel movement when I got home. I also knew I'd probably end up badly blocking the toilet so I decided not to use it. Instead I walked down the alley behind the flats where no one ever goes due to the overgrown weeds and self seeded trees that have been growing for a few yesrs. I found myself a nice secluded spot where I felt confident no one would see me and pulled down my knickers and jeans and squatted down. I relaxed and immediately felt relief as I felt my poo coming out. It was huge and it broke off at about ten inches long as the next one followed it and that dropped to the ground at about a foot long. I still felt like I needed to go so I pushed and I did a final poo at about nine inches in length. The relief was incredible after all that pooping and I wiped my bottom and pulled my knickers and jeans back up and walked home feeling a few pounds lighter.


Being given permission to go in your pants

Someone recently asked about whether anyone was given permission to wee or poo in their pants as a child. I was never told directly that I could (or should) do this, but there were a couple of times when I had already messed myself and had a bit of an upset stomach that I was told not to worry if it happened again before we found a toilet (such as the time coming home from the supermarket that I already wrote about).

My brother did get told that he could try and go in his pants if he wanted to on maybe three different occasions - all when he was stool-withholding, and was squatting down to hold his poo in when he clearly desperately needed to go. However, he never actually let it out in these situations - it was more that my parents were at their wits' end trying to figure out how to encourage him to push the poo out.

Whilst I was never told to actually actively poo myself, I can remember one time when the instruction was not to worry if I couldn't hold on. This happened when I had just turned ten, and we were having a family walk in the countryside near our town. There are all kinds of nice walks in the southwest of the UK, and often we'd go half an hour before seeing another family on the path - especially on a day like this one, as it was late autumn and pouring with rain. I never really minded walking in the rain, as my parents had kitted me and my brother out with really good waterproofs, including proper walking boots, waterproof over-trousers and hiking socks.

We stopped for lunch at a pub half-way round the walk [for US readers - most country pubs in the UK are family-friendly and serve large cooked lunches for weekend hikers], and afterwards I went to the loo, but only needed a wee. We set off on our way again, as the rain set in and became heavier.

Later in the afternoon, I started to need a poo, and the pressure was building up quite quickly - the combination of walking and a big meal. I asked my dad how far we had to go - it was going to be about an hour until we got back to the car. I told him I needed the loo and wasn't sure I could hold on that long, and he asked if I would like him to help me to do my poo behind a hedge where no-one would see, and then bury it. Part of me wanted his help - I disliked pooing outdoors more than I minded having accidents, but I had done so in an emergency once (with my dad's help) when I had to do quite a runny poo and it was just starting to come out. Trying to poo outside whilst it was pouring with rain would mean opening my waterproofs, and I really didn't want to get wet. I explained this to my dad and asked him if it was OK if I just tried to hold on - although I'm sure the uncomfortable look on my face was making it clear that I didn't really believe I could. He said something like "It's OK, James, no-one likes going outside, especially in the rain - hold on as long as you can, and if anything goes wrong don't worry, but let me know, OK?".

This was a weight off my mind for two reasons - firstly, because I was always worried about getting into trouble for having messy pants, even though I was almost never told off for it, and secondly because there had been another, secret, reason I didn't want my dad helping me to poo in the bushes that afternoon. Since we'd left the pub, I'd been playing the game with myself that I mentioned in an earlier post - letting a firm nugget of poo start to come out and then pushing it back to see how far I could get it - and it had accidentally popped out into my pants just at the point that the pressure had started to build up, before I realised what was happening. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem, as it was easy to shake it out of my pants and down my trouser leg when no-one was looking on a country walk, but because of all the wet-weather clothing, my trousers were tucked into my hiking socks underneath my over-trousers, and the poo would have ended up stuck at the bottom of my trousers, where it would have got squished into my sock and made a horrible mess. I really didn't want my dad to see that I had a lump of poo in my pants already - I was worried he'd immediately guess that it was the result of carelessness rather than desperation.

I did do my best to hold onto my poo as we kept walking, but me being me, my best wasn't good enough, and quarter of an hour later the pressure in my bum surged, I felt a bit more firm poo push its way inexorably out, and then a rush of mushy poo started to come out after it. the particular thing I remember about that accident was the sensation of trying to hold it back as much as possible at first, but having a bit more escape with every step; more and more each time until the whole poo was out. It was a fairly wet load of mush - it didn't stop me walking normally, but I could feel it squishing between my legs with each stride. A little while later, I felt a second wave of pressure, and as my pants were already dirty and I'd been told not to worry, I just let it come out. I remember the warmth being very comfortable on a cold, wet day. I could smell it within my waterproofs if I pulled my head further into my cagoule hood, but they did as good a job of keeping the smell in as the water out. It was a fairly normal poo by my standards - mushy because of my healthy diet, not because I was in any way poorly.

When we got back to the car, I knew I should tell my dad what had happened, but I was just too embarrassed, especially with my little brother within earshot. Luckily, because it was absolutely pouring with rain by this point, we decided to all stay in our waterproofs in the car for the short drive home rather than trying to strip off in the carpark, and so my over-trousers did a great job of keeping my booster seat clean. My mum asked about the smell, but both me and my brother said we'd probably stepped in cowpats - I doubt my dad believed me, as he knew I'd been desperate for a poo, but it was true that we'd just walked through a field full of cows.

As soon as we back home and in the dry, we all started to remove our layers of waterproofs and warm clothes. When I tried to take my walking socks off, I realised that a blob of soft poo was stuck in my trouser leg at calf level - it must have squeezed out of my pants and gone down my leg without me noticing. I tried to hide it (which wasn't actually hard, given that the socks were covered in mud that had splashed in under my over-trousers). My dad asked if I "needed help with anything" - obviously meaning "I know you've pooed your pants; let me help you clean up", but I didn't take the hint and instead went up to the bathroom, saying that I still desperately needed a poo. As soon as I took my trousers down I realised I was in over my head and wasn't going to be able to clean myself up, as there was poo everywhere. Luckily, my dad came in a moment later - I hadn't realised, but the seat of my trousers had an obvious damp stain on it, and he knew exactly what had happened. He peeled off my dirty underwear, before cleaning me off in the shower.

My dad didn't tell me off - in fact he was very sympathetic about what had happened as he knew I'd had a difficult choice to make. He did ask my why I hadn't told him though, and he accepted it was because I was embarrassed - but he said he worried about me sitting in my poo for longer than I needed if I didn't ask for help, or not being able to clean myself well enough to avoid sore skin. This didn't stop me from being shy about admitting to accidents, but I did make a point of trying to be more independent about cleaning myself up after that. I suspect I would have had a mild telling-off if I'd got poo all over the car seat because of not warning my dad that I was in a mess though.


Title correction

Just a correction:

I made a post that was addressed TO Lindsey and others.

I accidentally put my name as Lindsey.

Monday, September 20, 2021

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