Ok, so Saturday morning I woke up around seven and had my usual weekend breakfast with vanilla chiapudding and a banana smoothie and some green tea. Maybe it was the heavy meal the night before or something else, but afterwards I really had to go. I didn't even finish my tea before dashing to the bathroom, farting all the way. While I was sitting there I was thinking about Adam. He was still sleeping as he was up playing some new video game. I read somewhere about the "poop train" and I was thinking he should probably be on the toilet in the morning if he's a bit constipated instead of sleeping until 11. Anyway, I dragged him unwillingly for another walk and for dinner we had some leftover fiber-burgers. On Sunday I made him breakfast and woke him up early. He was not very happy, let me tell you, haha. I almost regretted it. After finishing his breakfast and coffee he went to the bathroom. He was there for over five minutes, no action, my poor hunk. But then I heard a few farts and shortly after some small plops. And then almost like a "crackeling" sound, and shortly after what sounded like a large soft bowel movement landed in the water. He was in there for over 10 mins in total. When he came out I asked how he felt and he replied "like a new man!" haha. Success! :-)
David P: Ouch sounds painful, glad you where able to finally get all that out, must have felt great for you. As you can read above you're not the only man struggling with this although I'm guessing it's rarely shared.
Replies and Tlana's Survey
I was in the scouts for a number of years and found your post to be very relatable. I have many stories, some of which I intend to share on here, about pooping outside, during camping trips, and in other unconventional ways. I definitely had witnessed many of the others in my troop pooping. We all just accepted it as a normal thing and did what we had to do!
Great story about pooping at the gym! I think it's awesome that the three of you had relatively shameless dumps in each other's company. The stereotype is that attractive, athletic girls don't poop, when in fact they do, and should not feel one bit ashamed of it!
Hope you feel better! I'm glad that your husband and co-workers were understanding of your situation. Definitely doesn't sound like something I'd want to deal with.
It was interesting to read the different accounts of seeing your mom on the toilet over the years. I've seen my mom on the toilet a few times in my teen and adult years, and a couple of those times she was pooping. What was interesting is that even though most of those times were accidental, she didn't seem very embarrassed by it. She probably figured that I saw her on the toilet as a young kid anyway. I have a few stories about that topic that I will probably share eventually.
Gender: Male
Age: 25
1. When away from home will you go out of your way to find the best toilet to urinate or move your bowels in? Why? What is BEST? How do you judge that?
I would say that if possible, I generally hold out for what I would deem a better toilet versus just settling for whatever is there. "Best" to me would be judged by the cleanliness, comfort, as well as having a lower likelihood of feeling rushed. These items are way more important for me when pooping than when urinating. I suppose I can sometimes get picky when I'm wanting to take a dump somewhere, however, sometimes you have to settle for what's less than ideal.
2. How do you feel about single toilet, family or unisex bathrooms as an alternative to the much larger and public ones?
I think certain types and groups of people benefit tremendously with unisex/ family restrooms. I mainly think of times when people of opposite genders may need to be in the bathroom together, such as a mom with a young son, or a handicapped person with a caretaker of the opposite gender. The handicapped example was the case with my grandparents, so I am well aware of the implications associated with being in a wheelchair and needing assistance from someone. I think that unisex bathrooms make sense from a practical standpoint. With a single user/ single toilet facility, it really makes no sense to segregate the bathrooms by gender. I will say that some men need to work on leaving a clean seat for women (or even other men for that matter) to sit on. I always try to be very cognizant of leaving good conditions for the next user. I think the only major downside I can think of to unisex/ family style restrooms is that you may have a sense of feeling rushed, especially if you know there is a line of people waiting. A typical public bathroom with multiple stalls has more toilets to be used, so occupying one for a bit longer isn't necessarily prohibiting others from using the facilities. If I'm at a location that offers both a family style restroom and normal public restrooms, I usually go to the normal one and leave the family style one for people who really need it.
3. How large was the largest bathroom you have ever used?
I would say that award goes to a bathroom at a museum in a large Midwestern city. The design was like nothing else I've ever seen. The room was almost like an oval shape with a wall in the middle. There were stalls on both the inside and outside of the oval, maybe a total of between 30 and 40 stalls. There were probably 20 to 30 urinals on the outside wall as well. Despite the size of this restroom, I remember being the only one making use of it at the time, which I found extremely ironic.
4. What is the most comfortable bathroom you have ever used?
If we are leaving out private bathrooms and sticking with the public bathroom theme, the winner in my book is this particular bathroom at this historic mansion that was turned into an event center. This mansion was immaculately restored and features several awesome bathrooms, but one stands out in particular to me. This bathroom is a little more secluded from the rest of the building, so it doesn't see as much traffic. The physical size of the room is enormous, and it's done up with period correct decor. It is on the second story, and there is a large window that allows you to have an excellent view of the grounds while seated on the toilet. The toilet is more modern and has one of those super comfortable contoured seats that perfectly hugs your butt while you sit on it. They even supply household style toilet paper. I think I had my most satisfying public pooping session ever in this bathroom. I didn't really even feel like I was in public!
5. For what reasons would you reject a bathroom?
The main reasons would be an extreme lack of cleanliness, as well as a high likelihood of being bothered.
6. As a babysitter, former baby sitter or someone with child care responsibilities who made the choice (the child or you) about what toilet will be used.
I haven't done a ton of babysitting, but I have watched my niece and nephew a few times. It seemed like I generally let them decide when and where they had to go, but I have directed them somewhat depending on the circumstances.
7. What is MOST important to you in selecting a public restroom stall?
a) proximity and availability
b) a privacy door
c) clean seat
d) an especially higher (handicapped) or lower (kid-friendly)
toilet height.
e) adequate toilet paper
f) clean, non-clogged bowl
g) other (explain)
These are all pretty important in my opinion, but B, C, and E seem to stick out to me the most.
Midwestern Claire
Farmer's Market Accident
Hi there! It's Midwestern Claire again here. It's been several months since I posted here, mostly because I've been busy with life, and out of shyness. But I hope to post a little more frequently now that I seem to have more free time on my hands these days. To Shannon, Catherine, and others I may have missed (sorry), I appreciated the words of support.
In the time since I've posted, I haven't really had many accidents per se, the times I messed myself were in the privacy of my own apartment (I'm somewhat ashamed to say). I blame it on the boredom caused by the pandemic. My situation has changed somewhat in that I have started seeing someone again after a very long hiatus from dating, and he's a nice guy who I've had a lot of conversations about my past and feel comfortable opening up to him. But, I have not, and likely will never tell him, my therapist, or anyone in real life about this dirty little secret of mine. It's far too embarrassing, and considered taboo by many, and I feel like this is the one place where I can be truly anonymous (thanks, Toilet Stool) and share this part of my life openly and free of judgement.
So, that brings me to today... The reason why I am posting again is because something happened yesterday morning that I can't stop thinking about. Whenever I can, I try to get to an outdoor farmer's market in my town where they sell all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and other ???? things. I think I mentioned before that I'm vegetarian, which limits what I can eat, so having good produce is important to me and I love to support our local farmers. Anyways, so that's where I went yesterday morning. I'd been rather constipated for the last 4-5 days, but nothing would happen today, right? Each time I sat down on the toilet, nothing would happen. I do not use laxatives as they make my stomach feel all kinds of awful.
I was at the part of the market where I was furthest from my car when I had the tremendous urge to poop, and the discomfort got from bad to worse. I started walking back to the parking lot as quickly as I could, frustrated that I'd have to cut my visit short. I was praying that I would not mess myself there, and even though I was wearing a skirt that went just above my knees, I did not want this to happen in such a public setting. Despite all my clenching and trying to hold it in, I was halfway back to my car when I lost control, and felt it slowly start to come out into my panties. I slowed down, and finally stopped in my tracks, as I could feel it pushing out my panties further and further. It was very solid and felt enormous. At this point, I was panicking that someone would notice what I was doing and so I went away from the tents and had my backside turned to some bushes. There weren't many people there so I pulled out my phone and pretended to be texting, and pushed ever so slightly as I could feel it spreading inside my panties as it got softer. I shifted my stance slightly, and could feel the poop on the sides of my legs and realized that this was no small accident. I stopped pooping for the time being so I checked to see if anyone was looking at me, and they weren't, so I touched my bottom and realized that my panties were bulging out way more than I thought possible under my skirt, and if anyone checked out my bottom they would definitely know that something was up! My momentary relief turned to panic once more as I avoided people by walking along the grass and back to the parking lot to my car.
After walking for what felt like forever, I finally got back to my car. Something about the motions of walking got things moving again and felt like I had to poop again. I was no longer within sight of anyone and I'd already messed myself, so what was the harm in messing a bit more? So I gave a big push to get it all out, and what happened, unexpectedly, was that I doubled the size of the bulge in my panties! The size went from somewhat manageable to monstrous and I had no idea how I was going to get myself out of this mess - literally. But, I felt so naughty standing there with this huge load, and savored the sensations for a few minutes. But now it was time to leave, and I dared not sit down in this mess, so I covertly opened my trunk and when I was absolutely sure that no one was around, I hiked my panties down, careful to not disturb the contents. Once I did, I could see how big it was - about the size of a cantaloupe! I placed my soiled panties into an empty plastic bag I had, and tied it up. I knew my skirt would probably get a bit messy when I sat down to drive, but I had no choice, and went back to my apartment to get cleaned up and shower.
The moral of my story is, don't take a gamble with poop - you will probably lose!
Some comments + Poop after spicy chicken tenders
Lewis: Hello and welcome to the forum as a poster! I loved your story. I think those situations are unexpected and quite troublesome in the moment, but (at least in my case) I also look back at them with certain fondness. Based on your story, I was wondering two things: 1) Could you describe your dump when you finally did go? I figure it was probably intense, in a way, as a result of the spicy curry, but I would love if you described the moment in more detail. 2) How did the rest of you in the group decide who was going to go next into the toilets, and how uncomfortable were the rest of your mates while trying to hold it?
Lewis, your story inspired me to write this anecdote from a few years ago:
This happened when I was 24 or 25. For reasons I cannot completely remember, a few years ago while at work, my team decided to take an extended lunch break and go to a wings and chicken tenders restaurant. I think it was because we had just finished an important project and we had to wait until we got some feedback later in the day, so we decided to just relax and go to this restaurant. The team involved in this project consisted of my two supervisors, my senior one who was a 30-year-old woman at the time, my junior supervisor who was a man my age back then, four co-workers (two men and two women) of ages ranging from 22 to 26, and I.
This restaurant had great reviews and was very well-known for its special sauces that they covered their wings and chicken tenders in. They also had a special discount for people who went there between 12 pm and 4 pm, so the whole team decided to go. It was a hot, sunny day, and I remember I ordered the combo of chicken tenders covered in a spicy mango sauce and a large lemonade. Although the food was delicious, and I would go there again if given the chance, it would lead to a mildly uncomfortable situation soon after.
As stated, we had taken an extended lunch break and stayed there for quite a while. About an hour after arriving, we still were chatting and some of us were ordering some side dishes. Because of the large lemonade, soon after I went for a pee to the men's room. It was a two-toilet, two urinal and two-sink restroom, and was located behind a wooden fence at the back of the locale. The toilets were inside wood stalls on the left wall, the urinals were in front of them, and the sinks were very near the entrance to the restroom. While peeing (and I took nearly two minutes to finish peeing), I noticed the room was somewhat small and the stalls were quite small in size as well. I did not think too much of it, and after I finished peeing, I left the restroom and went back to our table.
Some 20 or so minutes later, I began feeling a tingling sensation in my lower intestine and a pressure in my rectum that signalled that I would need to poop real soon. Normally, when I am in a group, I prefer to hold on so the others don't notice I am gone for a while, so I tried holding it in for some minutes. However, the pressure intensified much faster than I had anticipated, and I realized I would soon need to go to the men's room and poop in there. I excused myself from the table and headed towards the restroom when one of my co-workers, whom I will call Tony and whom I consider a friend, did the same and joined me in my walk towards the restroom. As I walked, I hoped Tony only needed to pee, because I knew the restroom was small and every sound was likely to be heard.
When we entered, I immediately went to the stall farthest from the entrance. Tony, in turn, went to the stall to my right, the nearest one to the entrance. At this point, I realized I had never been in a situation where we both had to poop at the same time. At work, only occasionally did we have to pee together, and though I was aware of the times he usually went to poop (just after a morning coffee and sometimes after lunch), we had never been "pooping buddies" before. While I had this thought in my head I proceeded to lower my pants and underwear, and just as I was about to sit on the toilet I realized the toilet stalls were short enough that I could actually see Tony's head from his nose up while still standing. I felt a mild cramp in my bowels so I proceeded to sit down, just as Tony did the same.
The pressure in my rectum was intense at this point and I felt my anus pulsating from the inside, anxiously awaiting to release what was inside me. I released some gas as I relaxed and felt my butthole widen as the first big piece began to emerge. The beginning of it was solid, almost hard, and though I wanted to let this first piece come out on its own, I felt a contracting sensation in my bowels that begged me to rush this piece out, so I did. I leaned forward with my head almost touching the stall door, did a moderately hard push and sustained it for about 15 or so seconds while the first poop slid out. In the middle of the push, I felt my hole widen significantly that made me gasp a little, but fortunately the poop became softer and smoother after this point and it flowed out easily the rest of the way. It entered the water in the toilet with a *FLOOMP* noise, followed immediately by a loud fart. Next to me, I could hear Tony starting to release, since all I heard was a very noticeable crackling sound. The pressure in my bowels gave way to another much softer and smoother turd that quickly exited and plopped into the toilet bowl.
I still felt far from done, and my intestine was feeling a mild pain that suggested that I would be sitting on the toilet for a while. Just then, I heard Tony's turd drop into the bowl and him sighing, which was followed by *plop plop plop plop* quite soon after. As I listened to him unloading, I knew that everything I did would also be heard quite well on his side. I hesitated to continue because I was not a fan of having every sound of mine being listened, but the pain was getting stronger. I pushed again to relieve the pain and though nothing came out this time, I did feel it move, so I just waited and relaxed a bit. I sighed a bit and tried to relax, while on my right I heard Tony's wet farts and some mushy stuffed being released while he moaned softly. It was then that I realized that what we had just had for lunch - spicy chicken tenders (me) and spicy buffalo wings (him) - was probably what stimulated our bowels, even if it had not yet completely gone through our digestive system.
Now I felt a sharp pain in my gut and I pushed quite hard, which released some mushy poop similar in consistency to that of a cow. "Ooogh", I moaned, joining Tony in this. "I guess it was our lunch", I heard Tony say, weakly, from his stall. "Yup", I replied in a strained voice as I was starting to push more mush out again. I maintained it for as much as I could, maybe 25 seconds or so, so that I could get the most poop out in a single push. For the next few minutes, Tony and I engaged in conversation about things I don't remember, while we tried to pass the time. Some farts and plops from both of us were heard throughout as we emptied our bowels. As I sat there trying to identify the sensations and see if I was finally done or if I had more inside me, I heard someone come into the restroom and stop. "Guys?", asked my junior supervisor. "Yes, we're here!", I replied. "Oh, you're still here… Do you think you're going to be much longer? I need to go too", he said. Before answering, I gave a small push to see if I was done. Nothing came out or seemed to be moving, although there was a sensation in my stomach that indicated I might have to go again later on. "Don't worry, I'm practically done", I said, as I started to wipe. I wiped quite a few times, all the while listening to my junior supervisor outside breathing heavily.
While I was wiping, I did not hear anything from Tony, so I assume he was still waiting to see if he could poop some more. As I stood up and was pulling my pants and underwear up, I locked eyes with my junior supervisor, who was standing near the stalls. "Oh… the walls seemed short, but I didn't realize they were this short!", he said. I flushed and exited my stall, and as I went to wash my hands, I could hear my junior supervisor quickly pulling his pants down and immediately begin expelling some poop with crackling sounds, plops and farts. I left the restroom soon after and re-joined the table, with Tony joining a couple of minutes later. Although that was the only time that I had to poop during that afternoon, much later in the evening I released some more waves of mushy poop while at home, no doubt as a result of the spicy chicken tenders. I, however, do not regret eating those, as they are absolutely delicious.
I hope you enjoyed this story, and keep the great posts coming!
JrySkidmarked in Seattle Jenny
CArin-I mentioned recently I think when I camp or hike, I feel very dirty after I poop. Did Derek do a good job of cleaning you? I figured its easier to get clean after a wipe if someone else does it as they can actually see how good of a job they were cleaning and most of us have an educated guess of how clean we get when we stop wiping. Wearing a black thong probably helps to minimize or hide the skid
Kristi-Good to hear from you! and you can write as little or as much as you want. Catherine, Victoria B. and I have written here for years and we take plenty of breaks, and sometimes it seems like we post every time we poop! Farting can be embarrassing but it is as normal as pooping! I have farted during a massage, and all though its not the same I examined a patient with a very skidmarked thong and I mentioned it happens to us all. I went to the bathroom after seeing that patient and found indeed I had a quite the skidmark, bigger then average after my morning coffee poop. I think I was in a hurry and I wiped as I often
am busy clinic days. Health care provider ,poop, fart and get skidmarks too!
Anna from Austria- How do you distinguish "ruined" panties vs a a regualr "skidmarked" pair where you have to throw out your panties rather than try to clean them. I like to use shout stain remover, though in college I used a "Stain stick" I try to give my skidded panties at least 6 months to a year. That being said, I do hate the feeling of being having a dirty butt more than the skidmarks as most of my underwear really is up by crack wearing thongs and boyshorts
Jasmin K -How are you feeling. I have to admit, I am concerned about the black poos. I hope they resolve and even if they do I would follow up with a GP. They are more worrisome than what we call "Frank blood (red) poop" Red blood poop tends to happened at the end of you intestine while black can be bleeding earlier in you gut which can be very serious, but other things can make your poop black too. Better safe than sorrySIS Jenny
Skidmarked in Columbia Survey
Have you ever wet the bed as a teen or adult?
no pee. I did shart with food poisoning. I tell many patient and students we will all soil our selves under the right amount of stress, but when we are very young, old or sick, that threshold is pretty low. I have wet my bed as a child and I will eventually, but for now, its safe for me to sleep commando. (I sleep commando or in panties, I take out my thong to avoid UTI)
Do you think skidmarks in underwear happens to the best of them too? Absolutely. Maybe not all of them and all the time, but I think of that if I see someone of admiration, where it be financial, physical, academic, fashion...we all wear underwear for a reason...and in the US we all use infective dry toilet paper
What underwear causes the worst skidmarks? Boyshorts. I used to think it was thongs, but I have kind of a good sized bottom and my boyshorts tend to have more cloth to ride up and I swear I get worse skids with those than thongs. Victoria B, you like Boyshorts and thongs, what do you think. It also is confounded by that my boyshorts are often light colorded and most of my thongs and strings are dark. That being said boyshorts even if they ride up are as comfortable for me as a thong. I will often wear them longer than a thong too (PS I hate regular panties. they are the reason why I wear a thong. The wedgies on those are so unconfortable for some reason. An I also developed a complex from skidding a lot of hanes her ways in junior high and early high school
Do you change right away if you have a pee or skidmark?
-Pee no, skidmark only if I will be intimate and I can sneak away to change (more on this later)
When was your last skid mark or pee stain?
-last night before my shower. I have not pooped yet this morning and my green boyshorts are still clean for now I skidded a light blue thong last night
Can waiting to long for someone contribute to your pee or skidmark?
-For me is seems like pooping and not being able to clean well without water and soap . I rarely feel like I am "prairie dogging" and when I do, I actually don't get skids from them. Usually I get skid marks from after I wipe and I don't shower
Do you think your spouse is aroused when he or she finds out you had a skid mark or accident or pee stain? If so do tell.
-I rarely get accidents but I think he does like my skidmarks. Like I said when I get initiate I try to change out my underwear, but I swear we rushes so he can pull down my dirtier underwear. I think its also I get a little shy when I have skids so I he likes to snap me out of it . Let's just say we are a lot more adventurous when he catches with dirties undergarments'
What would you do if you wet the bed occasionally... Like once a year. I have not done this as an adult, but I would probably wear depends if it happened more than once a weekMina Hisae Kazuko Maho
Dear Thunder:
We like your idea of massage on potty. But we can't do because potty is child's potty, our bottoms too big even Maho. (OW! why you pinch both sides same time? Chae, Kazu, Go away!!) We have problem of overbalance I think. Pity it is.... but when we are on loo with Hisae beside of us, she always massage. She is so sweet! (Mina can feel kiss on her back of neck.) We try to massage her, but we are not expert like her. (from Hisae: But they do their best, so I am happy very much.)
Skidmarked in Seattle Jenny: I also use word, pants, but recently I use with mean which is, a nonsense, like "it is very pants to say woman never do motion." I wonder, is this a wrong mean? My host brother and sister in Wales sometimes use.
This morning I (Mina) had very sweet time on green loo, Maho beside me. I thought of John H and "endless poo". Because my poo was endless. I think always, "this is finish!" but few minutes later, I am doing again. And every time it was long one, take five or ten seconds to come out from my bottom and break up many pieces. All of snakes came out a bit slowly. After Maho flushes first flush, she move to front of me with her mouth kiss shape, so I kiss her on her mouth. One second later, long snake coming out so Maho look behind of me and "uuuuuu, uuuuuu!". Few minutes later, next long snake. So Maho flush again. I made many noises of fart between my snakes. Anna, we all fart more than before now when we doing. And when we hear o-nara (fart) of crush, we say "uuuuu" in happy voice.
After more snakes came out from Mina's bottom (from Maho: Minappé you MUST write "beautiful bottom"! .... from Mina: Maho you saying absolute pants.) I decided I am empty. So I wash, and then Maho dry, and kiss my mouth again. She is very passionate girl!
When Kazuko and Hisae hear this story, they are busy with memo, because Kazu said, "I want Mina tell my motion too!" So next time, I tell. I have memo, they write well. Kazu will be first person singular. (I feel kiss on my back of neck.)
Lea, we are so happy you like our story! When we doing huge motion, we think of you, and other sweet toiletstool people. In far future, when we are all in the heaven, we have to get together and do huge motion all together!! I hope the God make special loo for us. It will be oval shape, and when we want to sit near different person, our loo seat will raise, like with crane, so we can see many lovely toiletstool friends while you doing. Off course we stop to do while our loo seat moving.
Kristi, we are happy you like person who is not judgmental! Judgmental is very pants we think. When we see person we love do motion or o-nara, it is better we feel love, not judgmental. When we read your post, Mina's translation, we never feel judgmental. We feel, Kristi is so lovely when she is doing. And same for Anna and Steve and James and Carin and Victoria and Robyn and Lea and Princess Opal and and and and and and..... all lovely toiletstool friends.
Lots of love and hugs and kisses to all of you.
Maho, Hisae, Kazuko, Mina
Hannah's wedding
I was at my friends wedding this weekend as a bridesmaid. There was five bridesmaids and two of us, Becky and myself, were assigned as "bathroom helpers". The wedding ceremony went great and we had the photos taken etc then it was time for the reception. Hannah said to us "Girls, I'm bursting for a wee, we're gonna have to do that before the party"
The three of us walked into the large single bathroom and Becky and I lifted up Hannah's dress while she pulled down her underwear and we awkwardly shuffled towards the toilet, moving in unison, if she went back, we went back. If she went down, we went down. Hannah had barely seated herself before a loud hissing cut through the air. She really was bursting! She had a fairly short but rather powerful pee and we held her dress while she got some toilet paper and wiped herself before repeating the awkward manoeuvrers so she could get dressed and away from the toilet. "If either of you need to pee now would be the best time"
Upon hearing those words Becky quickly lifted up her dress, pulled down a black thong just enough to go and perched on the front of the toilet. There was a faint hissing of pee on porcelain and while Becky was blushing, I could see the relief shining through. It was a really long wee and when she finally finished she reached behind to wipe herself and quickly redressed.
After seeing both Hannah and Becky peeing I was feeling pretty desperate myself so I took the opportunity to get some relief. I walked over to the toilet and lifted up my dress, holding it out of the way with my arm as I pulled down my thong to my knees and sat down. Hannah and Becky were stood opposite watching me and I quite enjoyed the audience! I had a loud splashy wee that was clearly audible over them talking and I wiped myself before washing my hands and going to the reception.
We did this another three times during the day and it never became any easier, but it was quite fun and enjoyable.
David P
Replies & asking for advice
First some replies before getting onto my question.
Lavah: Really immense story, sounded like a really difficult time you had. I can remember straining like that as a kid as my poo slowly moved out luckily now eventhough I can get constipated it is never that bad. Strangely though sometimes I do wish I can have a poo like the one you described where it hangs out halfway (not sure why just kind of miss it in a way). But I guess I'd hate it if I got it again. Sounfs like a nice time you had camping with your friends too.
Jry: great story of the teenager coming around yours to poo. Sounded like he filled the can. You sounded like you got on well with him and he was thankful for it!
Now asking for some advice from the forum if you would kindly answer. I am getting a little nervous as I'm going to be staying away in someone's house for a week soon, while I am working away and I am really shy about pooing. There will be a few people staying at the house too and I am starting to worry about opening my bowels there. I will be staying a week so holding it won't be an option and I'm going to need a poo sooner or later! I would welcome any advice people may have about this? What should I do when I need to poo and how can I get over feeling embarrassed? I value the comments from this forum and hope to hear back from you.
Anyway, just like James I am starting to feel a bit repetitive on the forum and will probably keep checking back here but not writing any stories for a bit.
David P
Post Title (optional)a college experience
double dating in college.. I had had several dates with this gal that had gone pretty good kissing and a little necking was where we were. so off we went to nearby town for some dancing the evening had started off good but after some dancing and a couple of beers, my stomach started to feel funny/ I stopped dancing and started to get a headache. Did not want to spoil the evening for my date or the other couple so I did not say anything to anyone.Istarted having a few light stomach cramps that started to get worse. Then I suddenly felt my boweles moving. So I excuced myself and made a quick trip to bathroom. I just made to toilet in time before I had an attack of diarrhea, It came pouring out I sat there for a while and had severalcramps followed by more dirrhea. When I finally finished I felt a little weak. It was time to tell my date thatI was not fealing very good(not mentioning what I just did) so we left when we got back to her dorm I dd not feal well enough to give a good night kiss. When I got back to my Dorm I had a little more dirrhea. I took a couple of flu pills and went directly to bed. SEveral hours later I woke up and knew immediately that was going to vomit.I literly ran down the hall to the bathroom and flung my self in front of the john. moments later I experienced 2 of the most gut retching vomits of my life. my throat was really sore and I felt really weak. Looking in toilet all that had come up were the 2 partially diagested pills I had taken earlier. I went back yo bed and felt ok the next morningJillian
To Jessica
Jessica: To answer your question about how long it had been since I'd pooped when I took the really big shit at the game…I had pooped the night before, so roughly 16-18 hours. I'm usually a once a day pooper.
I don't know for sure why I usually take such big poops. That same question has been asked and answered by various people on here before. My best guess would be partially healthy eating and partially just genetics? I think some people just naturally poop more than others.
Ceyla: I liked your hiking story too. The three of you peeing away from that bench must have been quite a sight! I am happy you could talk about bathroom stuff with them. I usually go immediately after my first coffee, not 30 minutes after the 2nd one! Did you wait for your number two before leaving for the hikes or did you have to go on the trail? Are Anna & Bee morning girls as well?
Mina: Yes me & the two girls from the gym took as long as we needed & felt way better afterwards! I always love your stories so TY & keep posting! I think it's very cute that you all hugged on the tatami after your simultaneous pooping. It seems that you all like each other a lot!
Question to LEA: I am happy you liked my story & no I don't read on the toilet because I usually don't have time for it lol! But yes I went for a shit in the woods in the past. I wrote a camping story about it! But it was not the only time so I might write another one!
Fiber King: I am not vegetarian but sometimes I notice that my poop is bigger after I go to the vegetarian buffet! I liked your story too btw.
Jillian: I liked the story how you left that turd as a "punishment" lol! I think it's a harmless practical jokes since turds become softer & easier to flush after a while. I would have done the same!
So one time I went out with Zoey from the track team! We had pre-game at my place & then we went to the club. We had lots of fun and also met up with other friends! At the end of the night we were pretty tipsy to say the least. So Zoey asked if she could crash at my place and I said ok. We took a uber and at some point it was pretty obvious that Zoey farted! So when we arrived home I really had to pee! It was so urgent that I went to the bathroom without taking off my shoes! While I was going she joined me in the bathroom because I had left the door open. She laughs at me & says you were about to wet your pants! I replied that it was true! When I was done I wiped & flushed. Zoey then sat down and started peeing as well. She went quite a lot too. Then we brushed our teeth quickly & went to bed. Shortly after laying down Zoey went to the bathroom again! I pretended to sleep because I was tired. But Zoey stood up again and went to the bathroom again! She stayed there for a long time so I knew she was either sick or just having a big poo! When she came back I asked her if she was doing alright and she asked oh you're still awake & don't worry everything is fine. So I assume she just wanted total privacy to move her bowels.
So when we woke up we had somewhat of a hangover. This is because we had so many shots the night before. I said let's go grab some cappuccinos & Zoey said ok. So when I stood up I had a massive urge to take a shit! I went straight to the bathroom. As soon as I sat down my ass exploded in a huge soft serve explosion! I peed at the same time. Because everything came out so fast I was done in like one minute! The wiping job took longer because it was a very messy one! Then I flushed but some floating dirty paper didn't make it down & there were plenty of marks so I waited till the cistern half-refilled & flushed again! Then I washed my hands very well and exited the bathroom. I closed the door so the stench would not leave the bathroom!
By then Zoey was up and ready to leave. She walked towards the bathroom so I told her believe me you want to give it a few minutes before you go in there! She laughed and asked me if I had the DADS and I said most definitely yes! She said she already knew it because she heard everything! This made me a little embarrassed. I got dressed too. While a I was putting on my shoes Zoey stroke her belly and said I actually cannot wait for the bathroom so she went in & locked the door. Because I was standing right by the door I could hear everything too! She sat down and started plopping right away! It sounded like she was have a loose one as well. She kept going at regular intervals for several minutes so she was obviously experiencing a good clear-out! She had to wipe a lot too! She flushed, washed her hands & came out. She closed the door after herself but her stench was so potent that I got a good whiff of it! She was somewhat self-conscious about that too. That made me curious so I actually looked for and excuse to go the bathroom again! I asked Zoey if she had seen my hair tie & she said no so I went to the bathroom to take a new one. The stench in there was incredible! But that's to be expected after two girls who partied hard have their DADS lol! There where plenty of yellowish poop flakes left in the bowl too! I bet Zoey was feeling much lighter after emptying her bowels that thoroughly. I grabbed a hair tie & gave her a little slap on the ass & said I'm glad you survived my stench but yours almost killed me! Zoey thought that that was funny & she laughed. Then we left.
We had large cappuccinos & that gave us energy! We chatted for a while & then Zoey left. Before leaving I had to pee. I went to a stall just as an older blonde lady in her forties was leaving. By the smell and the skidmarks on the bowl I could tell that the coffee helped that blondie move her bowels lol! I didn't mind however & had my pee. So that's all for today.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
David P
To Jasmin K
I have other replies for the forum but thought I would post to Jasmin K first as her new post worried me. I just read your story 'poo very black' I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling unwell and wish you a speedy recovery. It's normal for iron supplements to constipated you and even cause black poo (Google it), so make sure you are eating healthy and drinking lots of fluids to help move things along. I'm not a doctor but from hearing what you say the bleeding from your piles every time you go for a poo seems alarming and may be what is causing the iron definitely, as you say the bleeding covered the water every time you poo which seems a lot of blood to have every day. Which can cause anemia from the blood loss. I would suggest you go back to the GPs and tell them the complete truth that you struggle badly with constipation with a prolapse and bleeding piles so that they can treat you. I know it is embarrassing to tell them this and it is normal to fear what they will say or do to you. But if you are treated and have easier poos would that be worth it?
As I said in my previous replies to you, I once had a rectal prolapse too due to heavy straining when I went for a poo. I also had bleeding piles and fissures. I was able to get treated by the GPs, took a long time but they sorted all of these issues for me in time.
I wish you good health and stay strong, you can do this!
Babysitter stories
Does anyone here have stories of seeing or watching their babysitters on the toilet? And to the current babysitters here, can you share any experiences of using the bathroom in the presence of the one you're babysitting? I really enjoyed the babysitting stories of Tlana and Mistee.
Weekend hike
Last weekend my boyfriend Derek came onto campus, picked me up at my dorm room, and we went hiking. He's into it much more than me, but what's wrong with being physically fit? I went into the main bathroom on our floor which is co-ed. Even though I've been there a year, he seemed surprised watching girls and guys going into the same huge bathroom. I did a pee and suggested that he do it also, but he just laughed and said no way in a bathroom like that.
We got to the state park, selected our trail, paid our fee, and after about 30 minutes in Derek had to piss. He knew he wasn't going to wait until we got to the first campsite, so I joked to him that with the bright sunshine and heat, he wasn't about to piss on himself. We're going to enjoy nature, I told him. I knew he was in pain and told him to unbutton his jeans and get started. He was fumbling around with his finger and not making much progress unbuckling, when I finally gave him assistance. He was about an inch from a tree, pointing his penis toward it, when I yelled for him to stop. I showed him an open space where he could pee on grass and small weeds without getting splash back. He did OK, but was awkward and embarrassed and I had to grab him and pull him away because several bees were coming at us.
A couple hours later it was crap time for me. I think the bees about halfway scared it out of me. I took my backpack off, dropped my jeans and black thong to ground level. Then I had a rethink moment when I realized I didn't want bugs getting on them and becoming companions. I went into my squat. Derek said something dumb like did I know where it was going to fall. I reached down, picked up two twigs, showed Derek how to put them together in an X and I showed him by looking between my legs and backwards where to place them. With almost no wind, I told Derek I felt the target would be valid. Each of the two logs that fell out of me touched part of the target. The third was slower to emerge, so Derek got more of a show, but it broke off and fell on top of the earlier ones. I directed Derek to my backpack and had him pull out a package of Kleenex. I asked him to clean me. It took him 7 wipes, probably twice what I would have used, but he was very sensitive about it.
The rest of our day was uneventful. We stopped for dinner and gas. Both of us used the bathrooms there. Both of us were thankful being able to go the normal way.
Question: What activities do you notice gives you skidmarks the most?
12 hour shiftsBianca
Bathroom News
Once, it seemed like I had another strange bathroom dream. The entire bathroom was a huge tub with water coming down the wall when you washed your hands. When it was time to get out, the whole bathroom would empty itself down the drain. I guess it was a strange version of a bathroom I think I read about that you pay to get in, and it flips over when flushing. I know the name, but can't find it in my word dictionary. I also remember reading that the flip over bathrooms have a 15 minute timer before the door opens. Of corse, I'd never want to be in there by accident once it starts cleaning itself. Despite being scary at first, if I did have a chance to use one of these bathrooms, I'm certain I'd come to like it. I once remember having hesitation to go into a locker room because of the noisy ventilation fan, but got used to it. This was in high school, and the locker room might have had 3 stalls. In middle school, I changed for PE class in a bathroom stall. Once when the bus came I almost left without my gym clothes. Concerning my poops today, it was mostly loose. I had a moderate amount all together, and some gas. My poop became loose after breakfast, but I was lucky to get one solid load out. All for now, bye.Kristi
I'm back
Kristi here. I really need to post more often. I do really enjoy this site and love the people on it! Have just been very busy lately.
So two stories.
I had a birthday last week, and one of Steve's presents to me was an hour-long massage.
So I booked my massage for three days ago with my favorite massuse. Her name is Jenna and she's only been working there for a few years. But she gives an amazing massage.
It is a full body massage and I just wear a bikini top and thin shorts. It's a private room and it has a private changing area. (There are men who work there; Steve is the only man who gets to see me in any state of undress, and I'd never be okay with a man giving me a massage.)
I took a valium (prescribed) before the massage to help me relax; that combined with Jenna's touch put me in a total state of relaxation. At times I'm almost close to drifting off.
It was probably about 30 minutes into my hour-long massage. Jenna is working my upper back. She's already massaged my legs and my butt along with my neck and shoulders. I'm just completely relaxed. EVERYTHING is relaxed.
And then it happens.
I felt it coming for maybe a second, but my muscles are so loose that I don't think I could have done anything about it.
I farted. Not a little one. Not a medium one. A really, really big fart just comes out of my butt.
In an instant, I go from being completely relaxed to completely on edge.
I'm humiliated.
Steve gives me massages quite often and I have no problem farting with him, but this is my massuse. Yes, we're friendly and she's really nice, but this isn't an intimate setting. It's her performing a service, and me farting on her.
The tears start welling up immediately. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry!", I say between sobs.
Jenna doesn't even stop massaging my back. She says, "Sweetie, that happens every day here! You're fine. It happens when you relax."
I start to calm down. I realize that yes, she's probably experienced this before. And that it's not like I let one go in a crowded restaurant or something. I sighed and thanked her for being so understanding.
And then about five minutes later I let another one go. Not nearly as big as the first one, but clearly audible. Jenna laughs... and I actually laugh.
It's nice to know that there are still a lot of non-judgmental people in the world.
Second story is from a public restroom at a department store. There were (I think) three stalls. I'm in the one closest to the wall, getting ready to take my morning crap.
A woman walks in and takes the stall next to me.
Now, I'll stop and explain what a kegel is.
A kegel is an exercise that both is girls and guys can do. It helps people who have bladder control issues, but it also strengthens the muscles in my girl parts which can be beneficial in the bedroom department.
I do them at least once a day.
It's simple: You start peeing, and then you abruptly stop. Then you start going again, and then you stop again. Repeat as desired.
So I'm settling in for my poop, and I'm hearing this person presumably doing kegels. I really think that's what she was doing since she had a solid stream going. Sometimes I (and a lot of people) might not have to go that bad and I just dribble; it might start and stop. But if I'm pissing with a full bladder, it's pretty obvious when I'm doing kegels.
I don't do them in public bathrooms; I just do them at home.
So... good for her, I guess!
Anyways, she finished up as I was squeezing out a nice log. I pushed out a second one, wiped, and went about my day.
Moral of my stories? Uhm... don't judge anyone's bathroom sounds. We all pee, poop, and fart. In the words of Princess Elsa, "Let it go!"
Responding to some posts
Midwesterner: Very interesting set-up. I've never been in a restroom like that. Sounds like you and Anna are really comfortable talking and going to the bathroom in front of each other. I wish more couples were like that!
Jillian: Love it! Steve and I go to a lot of sporting events too. I'm going to have to adopt your strategy if I'm at an away game and our team loses.
LEA: Hmmm... you'd think the blonde girl who pooped before you might have TRIED to flush. Maybe she was the culprit.
I myself have had to poop in a clogged toilet on a few occasions. (Full honesty: A couple times the toilet was clogged because of ME. I've pooped on top of my own poop before. Sometimes I take a crap that's so big that I know it won't go down. So I'd pour some bleach in the toilet and let it sit before trying to unclog it. But sometimes I'd have to go again before fixing it. This was an occasional problem when Steve and I shared an apartment. We now have a house with 3 bathrooms. Of course, I've clogged them all at some point. And there have been times when I've clogged two of them in one day.
To which Steve will ask if my butt ever stops pooping. (No, honey. It doesn't. It really, really doesn't. And don't act like that bothers you.)
See you next time. Same toilet time, same toilet channel (Channel #2).
Have you ever had to pee so bad you did it in a bad place?
Storytime lolSkidmarked in Seattle Jenny
James- I loved your paraphrase of Anna Karenina "- "Clean pants are all alike; every dirty pair gets dirty in its own way". "
Are you English by any chance? I have noticed in my experience and this forum that English call their underpants/underwear/panties -"pants " as well as knickers. I believe Abbie talks about " staining her pants " frequently
Regardless that, we all dirty our knickers/panties/thongs/boxers/briefs in our own ways. Mine is from a big butt that I cannot get clean with paper after I poop.
Most recently I have been starting to bike more. The other day I had to tale a big poop in the middle of a bike ride with my husband on a large trail in Seattle. I stopped at a winery and had to poop in a very stereotypical dirty public restroom. Despite full roles of toilet paper, but butt felt as dirty as the restroom afterwards as I literally wiped 10 times, two flushes so I would not clog the toilet. I biked with a black thong as my underwear tends to ride up my "juicy" bottom (husbands word's not mine) most days and sitting on a bike seat really causes wedges. There were no visible skids , but I felt dirty, though I was sweaty from a bike ride. I swore I can smell my butt the rest of tehday, even after a shower
I biked later that week to work. I did not have am morning poop and I showered the night before and I still got a huge skidmark when I got to work and showered in the locker room. I did bike with a light blue colored thong. This used to frustrated me a lot more before I got this forum as an outlet, but anyone else just cannot bike without getting skidmarks? Is there special underwear to wear when I bike. Or should I just "Steer into the skid" and just accept my "beautiful booty gets dirty" (also my husbands words)
Answering A Question
To Midwesterner: I would gladly use a porta potty, or a bathroom trailer. This would depend on what's the closest, and the urgency. Speaking of urgent, my needs wern't too bad poop wise, but one session was a bit loose. The other day, I had a lot of gas in my soft poop. My butt sure knew how to toot it's horn, lol! I enjoyed this little musical pooping moment. As far as favorites, yesterday's poop with all that gas coming out was the best. I've never used a bathroom trailer before. Seems kind of small judging by your story, but such a cramped stall would be ok with me especially since I'm not really big. I'd imagine a stall like that for a big person needing to use the toilet would be quite hard. All for now, bye.
Regret over what was not said and done.
Yesterday I was shopping at Aldues, I heard two children crying loud and mournfully. Often children cry in a grocery store but this sounded different.
A woman was talking with the kids and was asking if they knew their mommy's phone number. She showed concerned for the little ones.
I purchased my groceries and left the store. While on the way home I thought a mom would not abandon her children. I also remembered a grocery isle smelled like shit. I should have asked the pair their mother's name, gone to the door of the ladies bathroom and called her name. A headache would have been solved more quickly.Skidmarked from Columbia
My story of wetting the bed & questions about underwear
I was 16 & I dreaded attending school. The "school night" before I had taken a fiber tablet... You know those kind that have fruit flavors and probiotics to make you poop. I took 1 maybe 2 & went to bed & I dreamed I was on the toilet... And yeah I woke up and knew I pooped AND peed myself. Luckily it didn't get to my bedsheets or that would be really humiliating :( . I washed up & told nobody. And yes as my name emplies I don't literally poop myself sometimes I just get faint skidmarks in my underwear sometimes.
My survey:
Have you ever wet the bed as a teen or adult?
You know I did
Do you think skidmarks in underwear happens to the best of them too?
What underwear causes the worst skidmarks?
Do you change right away if you have a pee or skidmark?
When was your last skid mark or pee stain?
Can waiting to long for someone contribute to your pee or skidmark?
Do you think your spouse is aroused when he or she finds out you had a skid mark or accident or pee stain? If so do tell.
What would you do if you wet the bed occasionally... Like once a year.
Teen guy needs to poop in my apartment again
Hello everyone. It has been a few months since I last posted.
I am still quite busy, but something interesting happened that I wanted to share with you (you can probably guess from the post title). But first...
James: You said that you probably would not post for a while so you don't feel like you're being repetitive. I really enjoy your stories, but I understand if you cannot or do not feel like posting. I wanted to ask, however, for the next time you do decide to post: 1) During your teenage years, did you also have one of those accidents, or very close calls that almost ended in an accident? I am curious because I think you may have gained better control of your bowels by then, but maybe the way you poop made you have some close calls, or maybe you had a memorable accident you managed to hide quite well. 2) You have mentioned the stool-withholding problem your brother had. I remember one of these instances, he did not get out of the bathroom in time and you and your friend ended up having an accident because of that. Did you have any other instances of an accident that you had because your brother did not want to get out of the bathroom, or again very close calls when you felt as if your poop was about to come out, but your brother got out of the bathroom in time? If you had any of these experiences, I would love if you shared them.
Now, on to my story…
I was coming back to my apartment from grocery-shopping, and as I walked into the apartment building hallway that has the doors to numerous apartments (including mine), I saw Paul (my 16- or 17-year-old neighbor from the 3 apartments down the corridor) pacing around and slightly fidgeting in front of the door of his apartment. On this occasion, he was wearing a dark blue hoodie, and dark jeans. I said hi to him and opened the door to my apartment, and before entering I turned around a took a better look at him. I noticed him breathing heavily and an expression of discomfort in his face, similar to the Gavin meme kid: a pained smile with arched eyebrows raising in the middle of the forehead. Judging by his face and his body language, I could tell his lower intestine was probably giving him strong signals that release time for a poop monster was coming.
I asked him: "Hey Paul, is everything okay?", and he looked at me, somewhat startled, and said: "Yeah, I mean… I'm dying for a shit, but I forgot my keys and my family is not home at the moment. They're on their way, but not sure how long they will take". Because I know all too-well the feeling of really needing to sit on the toilet but having to wait, I said: "Want to use my bathroom? I don't mind. Besides, better you doing that in my toilet than in your pants!". He found that funny and let a weak laugh. He hesitated for a couple of seconds, looking down the hallway as if expecting to find any member of his family about to come into view. Because nothing happened, he looked at me straight in the eye, as if making sure I was being genuine with my offer (I was), and his eyes suddenly lit up and changed from anxious-looking to relieved. "Sure, Jry, yes! Thank you!", and came closer to my apartment door. I lifted my bags, entered my apartment, waited for him to follow me inside and closed the door behind him.
Once inside, I pointed to my bathroom and said: "Please, go ahead. Just let me know if there's toilet paper in there!". He recalled what happened last time, so he grinned, went in and closed the door. As I was taking my groceries out of the bags, he confirmed from inside the bathroom that there was indeed toilet paper in there, and I heard some rustling of his clothes as he was getting undressed. I admit I was curious about his situation and how long he had been holding it in, so as soon as I heard him sit down, I stopped taking the groceries out of the bags and asked (in a bad attempt at humor): "So… how long have you been fending off the poop monster?" That again made him laugh, as a fart escaped from him while laughing. He began answering as he started peeing into the bowl: "Well… I was walking back home from seeing some friends this morning, and I started to feel like I needed to shit on my way back. But I thought I would just get home and go straight to the bathroom" he said, as his pee was dying down, splattering into the bowl.
As he finished the previous sentence, his voice began sounding ever so slightly strained. It was barely noticeable, but it did signal that his poop was probably about to emerge. He continued: "But when I got here, I realized I probably left my keys at home, because I did not have them on me and I went out in a rush this morning. And…", as he was saying that, his voice stopped and I heard a small *blip* noise plop into the water, followed by some quite noticeable crackling, even from the other side of the door. "And…?", I asked, in part curious to see if he could maintain the conversation while pooping. He could not. In a strained voice, he managed to say: "Just… wait a sec…", as the crackling sound continued. About 10 seconds later, I heard a deep *Floomp* sound as his first BIG turd entered the water in the toilet bowl. This was followed by a heavy-sounding *PLOOMP*, probably a heavy piece that broke off the first one, and Paul audibly sighing "Aaaagh" in relief.
He cleared his throat a bit, and continued telling his story: "So… where was I? Ah, yes… so, I texted my mom, asking where she was. She said she would be home in about 45 minutes, and to wait for her. But…", and he paused while thinking about something. Then, he continued, "Has it happened to you that you start relaxing in anticipation to getting to the bathroom, but then something stops you from going, and then you're in big trouble?" I knew exactly what he was referring to, as I had experienced that a number of times, particularly at work and also in my teenage years with my brother. "Yes, that's just the worst, it leaves you in agony until you're finally able to go!", I replied. While I said that, I heard another turd escape from his butt and plop into the toilet, followed by him exhaling heavily from his nose.
"Yeah… so that's just what happened. I was expecting to get home and go straight to the bathroom and had begun relaxing, but then I had forgotten my keys and my family was out!", Paul exclaimed. "Well, I'm glad I came at this moment… because really, holding it in once you have relaxed enough is quite uncomfortable, no wonder why you were looking like that", I said. "Heh… yeah… I think I would probably have been able to hold it, but my shit was really, really trying to come out", he said as he went quiet again, let out another turd that plopped into the toilet, and made an "hmph" kind of grunt. "Well, I leave you to it… take all the time you need", I said, and continued taking the groceries out of the bags. "Thanks Jry!", Paul replied.
By not needing to focus on the conversation with me, it seemed Paul really let go. He took out his cellphone from of the pockets of his jeans, and started either playing some videogame or texting. Within the next two minutes, I heard more than 10 plops, starting with heavy-sounding ones and becoming smaller and quieter by the end. He seemed to wait a bit for more to come, as about five minutes later, he farted twice and then a few more plops followed. He stayed doing something on the phone a bit, and then he began wiping. I did not interrupt him throughout this time, but I did pay attention to what he was doing while I organized everything in the fridge and in the cupboards. He wiped for a good while, probably making sure he was clean, and then he finally flushed, washed his hands, and came out.
"Good thing your toilet is able to withstand all that!", he said as he came out of my bathroom. "Yeah… it is quite useful sometimes!", I said. It would still be some minutes until his mom came back home, so I offered him some tea and some cookies I had just bought, and we chatted for a bit about some other stuff. When his mom called him on the phone, he said goodbye and left my apartment, but thanked me again for letting him use my bathroom.
I hope you liked this story. I find Paul to be quite a nice kid (well, teenager), very respectful and cheerful, so I am glad to have let him used my bathroom twice by now.
Keep the great posts coming!
Anna from Austria
Poo fart survey for my fellow ladies
if you girls are like me and need to fart a lot while you are pooping which type of farts do you do?
pre poo farts mid poo farts or post poo farts?
I do all three. Pre poop and mid poop fart during every bm and sometimes also post poo farts. Post poo farts occur more rarely though compared to the pre and mid poo farts during every poo season of mine.
A funny thing I noticed is that post poo farts smell different( way stronger) than my normal farts.
And here a short story that happend last monday
I ran out of toilet paper on a public toilet a few times already but each time I was able to organise some paper. it was embarrasing changing stalls with pants down to use the paper in these stalls or walk with pants down to the sinks to use the paper towels for drying hands.
But all of these embarrasing actions are better than going home with ruined panties.
I had to work overtime on monday and was late with usual BM. Normaly I need to each morning and sometimes a second time after lunch.
That time my bowels were apparently on vacation. I did not feel any urge the whole day. But suddenly in the evening when I was about the leave my office I had to go. And I had to quick.
So I went to the neariest ladies room. It was that urgent that I was not evening thinking about checking the stalls for paper.
the bm itself was rather standard for me. At first I farted then I did a hissing pee stream then the first log started to emerge from my butt then more farts and a second log then more farts combinied with a little amount of mushy poo. When I was done I wanted to clean myself but then I noticed that there was no paper in my stall. I knew that I was almost alone in the office building so I did my usual stunt and left the stall after flushing with my pants down to get some paper form the other stalls. But they were empty as well. Even the paper towels were out!! It seems that the cleaning team has not started their tour yet.
I also messeged my cow worker Stefanie that was with me for a evening shift and asked her were she was. Unfouratnely she has already left as well and was already riding in the bus home. So I had to put on my white lace panties without cleaning.
I was rather sure that i could write them off due to mushy poo I had at the end of bm. It felt horrible to walk around with soiled panties. The only good thing was that I was here by car and not by bus as usual. Riding a bus with soiled panties would have been humiliating . I was not sure if other people might have smelled the soiled panties and I am glad to be honest that I never had to find that out.
Back at home I checked my panties and they were finished. Poo stains everyhwere and not to talk about the smell.I just threw them away and sat on the toilet to clean myself. Then I took shower and went to bad. It is really a pity. The panties were just a week old.
But I have learned from that mistake. Now I always take lots of tissues with me in my purse even when I am not having cold.
It is funny though. Have been working for the company for quite some time now already and have never seen such a mega toilet paper shortage. Especially considering I was using my top scret toilet. It is a toilet that is suitated rathe remote from the main offices. Not many people came more most of the time. it is my favourite toilet for a work poo because the changes are way highter to be alone and have maximum privacy. But well as they say shi***t happens and my case you can take the saying literally.
That's it for today
greetings from Austria Anna
Sunday, October 10, 2021
David P
Quick Update: Finally did a big poo!
Hello David P here again with a quick update to my last post. I finally did a satisfying poo today, after being constipated for days, I hadn't done a poo in about a week. Yesterday I felt like I needed to do one several times but despite straining for ages and doing some dry farts there wasn't even a tiny amount of poo to end the bloating. But this morning was different, I woke up and after having a cup of hot water started to feel something down in my belly telling me a need to open my bowels may be happening soon. It wasn't too desperate so I held off until I really needed it. So I took myself off to the toilet, sat down and spread my legs, I then felt an urge to push and did just that, I could feel the poo up there but it felt a bit hard, thinking of how tricky my last poos were to pass, I thought of a thing I could try I did something I hadn't done before to try and help pass it. So I kind of half stood up and did a half squat over the toilet with bent legs. I then pushed and a big knobbly poo came slithering out my bum hole, I kept slightly standing up as the turd kept on coming, it got softer as it came out and became mushy towards the end. It sploshed into the water a while later and I sat down to complete the rest of my poo, I pushed out a couple more smaller turds and was done. I wiped my bum which felt pretty dirty as the last bits were loose and mushy. When I was clean I looked down into the water and saw the long snake log. So I decided to wash my hands and use the toilet brush to drag the poo out from behind the back so I could get a look at what I had produced. The log was a long C shape, the first half was really hard and knobbly looking, the middle soft and the end was very mushy. I flushed the big poo away after getting a quick photo, After about six days of poo had cleared my belly I felt so much better! Later in the day I felt that I needed to go again, so went back and pushed out a very small turd that must have been left over from before.
Oh and John H your endless poo story was brilliant!