Victoria and Robyn
Survey answers
Hey everybody it's Robyn!
We're all settled in and happy to say that living together is going very well!
We thought we'd do some question-answering today.
Our answers to Jennifer are both a "sometimes" and "more often in a public bathroom" than at home, whether peeing or going #2. I do it more often than Victoria does but it's by no means a necessary condition for relieving myself.
Here are our answers to Winnie's survey (V= Victoria, R=Robyn)
Do you ever poop in public? Yes (V,R)
Do you cover the seat? V: sometimes R: no
Do you pee in public? Yes (V,R)
Do you cover the seat? No (V,R)
Are you OK with someone seeing you on the toilet? Yes, we regularly go together 2-3 times per week and we're also in a group chat with close friends where we try to take the funniest bathroom selfie
What is your typical style while pooping on the toilet? V: at home feet on Stool #2, jeans and panties down to calves, sits a little more forward on the seat, wipes front-to-back sitting down, flushes standing up under doctor's orders to always check the bowl before flushing. Away #2: no pooping stool, jeans and panties around knees, also a little bit more forward to grab ankles or cheeks if necessary, wipes front-to-back sitting down, foot-flushes standing up if not an automatic flush, which she tries to avoid.
R: #2 at home feet on pooping stool, jeans and panties around calves, sits further back on the seat, uses bidet, wipes front-to-back and flushes sitting down. Doing a #2 in a different toilet: everything is the same minus the pooping stool and/or the bidet.
Catherine, Victoria's so glad that you're back. She's missed you and so have I!
See you again soon!
Love from Robyn and Victoria
Winnie the Pooh
Black Friday madness
M: Awe that is awesome coming up on 20 years anniversary congrats
Brandon T: thanks , yeah I'm happy pooper lol regardless where I'm at though I never been to the airport or airplane when it's time for release my mom says it's good to sit down and go and after go about your day.
Woke up early Friday morning like 2 something swollen eating too much ???? food, slide on my flip flops, walked to my bathroom, turn the knob it felt locked I knocked hearing voice from it my brother girlfriend Patricia was in there said it's going be little while longer I said not in my bathroom, she apologize that Jimmy said it was cool, I went out my room downstairs to fill a bucket of water cold as I can get it and ice from the freezer, I was fuming I don't like when people come in my room let alone bathroom when I'm sleeping, that stuff is creepy, so I marched up to the end of the hall to Jimmy room and his room opened laid out sleeping beer cans here and there like those two got water, so I went to the side he was sleeping and dump the bucket of ice water all over him and he jumped up so fast and Yelp , I ran out of the room so fast that he couldn't get to me. So the rest of house woke up at the commotion and I went back to my room and slipped off my flip flops crawled under the covers and laid there pretending like I was sleeping. So my dad came in sat on my bed and said that we were going to discuss this matter later, so finally Patricia was coming out of my bathroom long shirt of Jimmy, my dad gasped said to her what happened and she said that she really had to go badly and Jimmy was in the other bathroom at the time, and that what happened, so my dad whispered to me that in 15 minutes family meeting, I said but daddy I don't feel good he said be there and he close my door walking out and yelling downstairs family meeting in 15 . So I hurried got out of bed and went in my bathroom and smelling stench and more than half of my tp gone , splatter of poop on the side of the toilet, feeling so irritated I just gave in lower my pajama shorts and panties to my ankles and sat down and started to pee and my butt open up and start dropping massive poops, one after another feeling some better, my dad said 5 minutes, I knew that I wasn't going to be done by then so I tried to stop mine poop and wipe and get up and get dressed, I felt the urge to poop more but I didn't want to be in trouble so I slowed walked downstairs, knowing that I had to go back and finish, so I sit on the bottom of the steps and everyone was there and my dad went down my throat and Jimmy cause our shenanigans again, Maye and her evil stare , I didn't care cause I live by principal, after the meeting I went back upstairs and finish pooping. Black Friday madnessBrentC
Survey Response
Age 51
1. What's the longest time you have gone without pooping - 10 days
2. Are your poops normally hard or soft and are they chunks or logs - hard chunks
3. What object would you compare your widest poop to - a lemon
4. How often do you poop - once every 4 to 7 days depending on when I take a laxative
5. When was the last time you went poo - 5 days ago
6. How often do you get constipaited - I am constipated pretty much all the time
7. Where do you feel comfortable pooping - at home, my office and at the gym
8. do you have to poo right now - no
9. How long would you hold your poop in for - a week or morw
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Response to Winnie and Kristi
Good morning. I'm currently sitting on the toilet while typing this out. Just dropped a couple loud plops and it's starting to stink in here.
Winnie: My wife and I have been married for 18 years and been together for 21 years. Thanks for asking. That's a lot of pooping between the both of us!!
Kristi: Yes that totally makes sense that there would be lots of pooping in the ladies room at the airport. I never pooped in an airplane before but can't imagine it is very comfortable. Oh wow I just farted loudly and dropped a huge poo in the toilet. It stinks so bad in here. That's what's nice about having more than one bathroom. We both get ready for work at the same time and I can take my regular morning poop in another bathroom and don't have to wait for my wife to be done. Luckily for her she doesn't have to smell this one. Anyway I got off topic. Back to the airport bathroom thing, come to think of it while we waiting at our gate when we go on vacation I'll get my pooping done at home or at the hotel normally but my wife's pooping is kind of all over the place and what she'll do is while we're waiting to board she will go to the ladies room to try to go before we get on the plane. When we went to Mexico a few years ago she bought a magazine at one of the stores and said she was going to try to use the bathroom before we got on the plane and brought the magazine with her while she sat in the ladies room. She was in there for a good 20 minutes or so. When she got out she said she was able to go and she was happy because she didn't want to have to wait until we checked in at our resort because she did not want to poop on the plane. Well, take care. Time to wipe now. This was a really good poop. Hope yours was good too!!Anna from Austria
Broken toilet locks
@End Stall Em Not at every place where I am from but at some places the locks are quite worn out. It happens in older buildings where the toilets have not been renewed at all. Our old office was quite prone to that.
At the new office building such things happen from time to again as well. At our office I would say that heavy usage would the main case for the malfunction of the lock. I would rule out vandalism as the case of that problem. Only office workers have acess to the toilets and I see no reason why the ladies working there should do such a stupid thing like vandalism .
I have seen some acts of vandalism at same very public toilets though. Toilets in parks for example are very prone to fell victim to vandalism.
That's it for today.
Greetings from Austria
Just in time seat wipe
There is this matron who cleans the bathrooms at my junior high. It was 3rd hour and me and my friend Roxie came hurrying in with passes because our class was reviewing for a test in like 10 minutes. Roxie had been holding her crap for an hour or so. She was so afraid she was going to lose it in class because our teacher called her up to her desk twice and Roxie almost fell over this guy's book bag once. She stumbled but caught herself before she hit the floor. Problem was she did a large cracking fart and this group of guys started hassling with her. I felt so bad for her. She doesn't have a lot of confidence. I guess neither do I.
So we finally got to the other end of the hall where the bathroom is. There was a Closed for Cleaning sign blocking the door and we both jumped over it. Our favorite custodian Megan was just taking the spray bottle and some rags off the cart when Roxie ran in front of her, into the middle toilet stall and her butt instantly thudded onto the seat. I told Megan we both were desperate and apologized for us ruining her cleaning routine. As always, she was very friendly. The toilet next to Roxie hadn't been cleaned yet. So Megan grabbed a rag off the side of the cart and wiped off the seat as I was yanking my panties down and my loose-fitting dress up. I felt so privileged that she did that for me. When I flushed, there was some splash on the seat so I took some toilet paper and wiped it off.
Then me and Roxie went back to class.
Now Winnie's survey.
Do you ever poop in public? Yes.
Do you cover the seat? No, unless mom's with me!
Do you pee in public? Couldn't survive without it.
Do you cover the seat? No, unless mom's with me!
Are you OK with someone seeing you on the toilet? Yes, if I'm wearing a loose-fitting dress. Under no conditions if it is my perv brother.
What is your typical style while pooping on the toilet? I try and keep my knees together with my clothing at knee level.
To the airport poopers:
I enjoy your stories. I've only had to do it once. I was flying with my mom. She wouldn't let me use the plane toilet. She said it was too dirty and some other things to scare me. When we touched down, after about a half hour of circulating the airport, she took me into the terminal and the nearest bathroom. I was 10 at the time but she wouldn't let me sit and get started until she covered the seat. I almost did a splatter on the floor while I waited. But then I would have gotten an even bigger lecture.Jennifer
Phone scrolling?
A quick survey: Do YOU scroll on your phone while sitting on the toilet? Do you think that makes you sitt longer on the toilet? Are you dependent on the phone to relax enough to get your bowel movement going?
Airport Pooping
The posts about airport toilets reminded me of a situation I experienced a few years ago. I was sitting at the gate waiting to board and a woman and her teen aged son sat down behind me. She asked her son, "Honey, when was the last time you pooped?" He responded that it was Friday (it was Sunday when this happened). She then said, "You should try to go before we leave. You don't want to poop on the plane." He agreed and wandered off to the restroom. He was gone for about fifteen minutes, and when he returned, his mom asked, "Did you go?" "Yes," he replied. She then asked if it was "a big one." He replied that it was in fact very big. I was intrigued by this exchange between mother and son. I wasn't sure if this was a healthy interest in normal bodily functions or if it was an inappropriate obsession by a mother with a son's bathroom habits.
My stomach!
Hi hope everyone is having a good day. I'm sitting on the toilet at work right now because I have a major stomach ache. I ate sausage for breakfast and that probably wasn't a great idea. As soon as I shut the door to the stall and pulled my pants down I sat down and had a really loose poop. When I sat it made a big loud plop sound followed by a deep sounding loud toilet fart. Then I squirted out a bit of diarrhea that was very liquidy. It really stinks in here too. I don't know what it is with these bathrooms here at work. The smell really stands out when someone is taking a dump. It's different from when I poop at home. Not sure why? Does anyone else notice the smell of poo is different dep being on what bathroom you are using?
This morning my wife and I were pooping at the same time. I was on our main level bathroom doing my normal dump after my coffee. It was a nice, healthy, solid poop. A very big one. It started off with a fart then a push to get things moving. It was such a good satisfying poo. My wife pooped in our ensuite bathroom at the same time. She was done showering because she had turned the fan off. While I was sitting on the toilet on the main level I heard her turn the fan back on. I heard the toilet flush a few times so she must have taken a really big one. When she flushes during her poop it means she is taking a nasty one.
Take care everyone. I'm going to sit in here a while longer because my stomach is still in pain and I feel like I'm going to have more diarrhea. Hopefully this is my only trip to the bathroom because this is a bad one.
Good morning everyone. Just a few responses.
Jennifer: Yes I always bring my phone with me while I'm sitting on the toilet and yes I do find I sit for longer when I have it with me. I'll play some games or go on this site or read other things. I guess it helps me relax but even if I don't have anything with me I'm relaxed and ready to poop. My wife will sometimes being something to read like a magazine or newspaper. Not all the time. If we're on vacation she brings something to read because when we're away from home she spends a bit of time on the toilet. I'm guessing it's the food we eat while on vacation.
Catherine: I'm the same way as your husband, I like seeing my wife sitting on the toilet too. I usually see her when she's peeing. She generally doesn't like anyone in there while she poops but I have seen her poop from time to time. I like it too when she has a dress on but I prefer to see her while she's wearing pants. I don't know there sjust something about how she looks when she has her pants down. She just looks great!
Good question about the loudest poop I've ever heard. There have been so many with my wife. Especially when she has her irritable bowels kicking in and she's really desperate to poop. When she has one of those when as soon as she hits the toilet she just explodes. Very loud. If there is one in particular though I may have mentioned it once before. We went out one night when we were just dating and after dinner we went to a short stay hotel where you can rent a room for a few hours. We went there to spend some time together (I have to watch how I say it, but you get my drift). We had to stop in the middle of what we were doing because her stomach started and she had to run quickly to the bathroom. It was kind of a small room so the bathroom was quite close luckily or she would have pooped all over the floor. As soon as she sat down she took the loudest most disgusting sounding dump I have ever heard. It's really hard to describe but the sounds she was making in the bathroom, wow! While she was pooping she started to laugh and asked me if I heard it. I told her yes. She kept apologizing to me and said "I know that's gross," I think she thought it ruin the rest of the evening. I told her not to worry and that she'll feel much better when she's done. After the huge explosion she had a few more smaller explosions but they were nice and loud. She probably sat on the toilet for about 25 minutes. We just talked while she was in there. She had the door shut. She painted the toilet good. She splattered the sides of the bowl and even splattered some under the toilet seat. But after she was done we went on with our night together.M-I have never successfully pooped on a plane. Honestly as regularly as I poop, when I travel I get backed up a day , which is a lot for me considering I poop twice a day at least. and when I poop its pretty hard and it takes me at least 30 minutes if I try not to push and if I give in and push at least 15 minutes. If I am in a humorous mood, on a trip and Im constipated my husband will tease me if Im in the bathroom for more than 5 minutes with " pushing noises" and I threated to wipe my ass his sweatshirt. One time he cleverly responded " well considering how successful you are, the shirt should be very clean!" He is excellent at reading the room and he won't joke if I am very sensitive or upset about my constipation. The silver lining is I seldom use an airplane bathroom. The two times I remember I just let out a huge fart with no poop. I wiped to make sure and just get back in my seat.
I honestly I fart all the time in airplanes in my seat. I really hoped I would be able to poop in the airplane bathroom a few times but it is never happened. My husband and I call out each other for farting on planes because we notice no one care even a loud fart. WE also know the smell because we are honest with each other about our farts and when we both deny farting someone else definitely farted.
SURVEY QUESTION 1 : Doesn't any one else fart on places with minimal shame when no one can hear like on an airplane? you can always blame someone else lol
Jennifer- I definitely scroll on my phone and i keeps me on the toilet much longer when I poop at home ..and occasionally at work when I have time to procrastinate. Usually I am very regular and I finish pooping in about a few minutes or less, so I am literally just sitting on the toilet for 5 or more minutes with a dirty bottom
SURVEY QUESTION 2 : Has anyone every stayed on the toilet on their phone so long after finishing, you assumed you already wiped your butt and forgot to wipe...I have … recently...
Anna form Austria- a delayed response from a few weeks ago, but I think you asked about a pooping in a squatting position. A lot of healthcare providers have mentioned the squat position is a much more natural position for pooping than the sitting position and some physical therapists recommend using a stool to elevate your fee when you use a toilet if you are have issues. There are specialized stools on the market for this as well. As a side note I have taken some really large poops on hikes and have had to squat at times. When I squatted, I noticed much less skidmarks on my underwear then when I sit down on a rock and poop on hike, even if I have to wipe with leaves, so I think the poop comes out easier and is less hindered by my big cheeks!! OMG In fact I have a huge skid mark right now in my green Victoria boy shorts which I worked out in at gym. I had a really hardy work out and I wiped 10 times ( I killed the roll), Last summer I had to poop so bad on a hike and I only had leaves to wipe, and my white thongs ( I know I know, smart for a hike) was almost not skidded after I squatted to poop!
Sofie-Personal experience : Listen to you boyfriend when he shares with you how wonderful your and thank him for how wonderful he is. and when you can, I know it cant be all the time, but laugh at your imperfections, including skids. We are all imperfect, and more people get skidmarks than they admit. I think its hilarious when my husband complements my ass and I know I have a big wedgie and skidmarks after a big poop I did at work or the gym. In somes cases, I relax around other beautiful smart women when I imagine some of them have underwear as dirty as mine. And many of them do...except for Catherine lol ;)Amanda
constipation story
Hey everyone. I haven't been on here for a while but i thought i'd share a story.
okay so last week, i had been really constipated. now i've always struggles with constipation ever since i was young, but this time it was intense. I hadn't gone for about a week and a half (10 days) and i felt so full. i tried sitting on the toilet everyday and straining, but nothing happened. i had managed to squeeze out a couple of rock hard pebbles but nothing significant, only gas. so one day, as i was trying, i screwed my face and pushed as hard as a could. my face was very red. after a while of pushing, i felt a sharp pain and realised it was the tip of the stool. it was rock hard, and everytime i would breathe, it would get sucked back in. eventually, i massaged my stomach and managed to break some of it off. for reference, it was little pebbles clumped together and it was quite large. i didn't get to empty my bowels completely because i was too tired, so i can still feel a lot up there. i'll try again tomorrow because my stomach is so hard and bloated i look pregnant lmao.
Winnie the Pooh
Hey people, awe that sounds wonderful M
Thanks Brandon T.
Thanks everyone who likes my survey and response to it seems like that we have a lot in common
Thanksgiving morning woke up 6 am was so excited had talked with Dean four straight hours he really cool guy so he going pick me up for school Monday and take me home and see how things go , he 17 junior brown short wavy hair, extremely tall like 6'4 , he plays basketball for the school varsity, so getting up early I went to the bathroom drop my Pj shorts to the floor and sat on the toilet and let out a good stream wiggle my toes get some blood flowing, got up wiped took off my top and hopped in the shower and turned on the cold water and literally woken up, and I quickly turned on the hot water, so as I'm soaking in the water I take the sponge out and clean up and after awhile I done get out and walk to my closest pick out my joggers and shirt slip them on and put on my tennis shoes and head out and go for my morning jog and during my jog I started my need for my bowels to get comfortable so I went to the park bathroom, being a unisex bathroom two stall and I see one person already in there so I take down my joggers to my knees and places my butt on the toilet, and I get a text from Dean and we text a good back and forth he was excited to see me again on Monday and I said me too, so after texting I was near done pooping and I see , it was a guy in the other stall and noticed it was Mike but I kept quiet about it and he calls Dean and they were having guy conversation lol and Mike mentioned that he had to do a jog after letting some weight in the bathroom, so I stayed seated till he left after I wiped and flushed pulled up my joggers and wash my hands and left later on after my jog I went home change into my thanksgiving outfit, skirt and sweater and panties my aunt bought me so I had thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle and cousins, my parents and siblings who are older then me are away to college my sister and boyfriend, my brother and his girlfriend1. Do you poop in public?
2. Do you cover the seat?
3. Do you pee in public?
5. What is the longest you've ever been on the toilet?
Hmm I guess up to 15 minutes but the longest time being seated and actively pooping is probably around 10 min
6. Is it OK for someone to see you on the toilet?
No, find it very shameful for some reason
7. What is your typical style when pooping on the toilet?
I move forward, legs somewhat separated with my elbows resting on my knees, I can't sit backwards or more straight as it seems to block up my colon. I often squat on toilet too, movements are considerably easier that way but it makes louder splashes!
@midwesterner loudest dumps you ask
I heard my sister take loud dumps, in fact I heard one only about 2 months ago while I was in my room. She was farting like crazy in the hallway toilet downstairs.
I once heard a huge plop sound when in a public toilet coming from the girls room followed by a big sigh. In case you wonder the men's room is right next to it both have open doors so sound carries through easily (the stalls have doors obviously).
I find it fascinating that people take audible dumps when other people are in the same bathroom. I could not do that. But I heard it happen dozens of time back when I was in university in the men's room. Basically each morning there would be 4 or 5 other guys pooping without shame while I was holding it in in embarrassment.
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Gabby great story about your buddy dump with Nina it sounds like you gave the toilet a real workout.
To: Mina as always another great story about you and your friends it sounds like you guys had to poop a lot and I bet you all felt pretty good afterwards and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.
To: Lexi first welcome to the site and great story I bet you felt pretty good after that poop and I look forward to anymore stories you may have thanks.
To: Catherine as always another great story it sounds like you had a really great poop.
To: Kristi great story I bet you both felt amazing after those big poops.
To: Abbie as always another great story about you and your friends.
To: Winnie first welcome to the site and great set of stories it sounds like you had some pretty good poops.
To: M sounds like your wife had a major poop.
To: Taylor as always another great story.
I think this site could use a dark mode it might make things easier to read just an idea.
Well that's all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this site
Thanksgiving Blowouts!
Hi! I realize that I have not been as regular a poster as I have been a pooper, but it is so good to see so many new people on the forum!
Just to re-introduce myself, I'm Catherine, a 6'1, 199 lb, Greek-Mediterranean woman, who lives in the deep south and loves good, regular voluminous doodies. I'm 41, btw. I've been posting for 12 years now (since Thanksgiving 2009!). I'm married and have adopted my husbands two teenage daughters from his previous marriage and have one son, who is four, together. I was adopted, so my son is the only human that I know personally who is biologically related to me!
So, here's Winnie's survey:
1. Do you poop in public? When I am in my normal routine, I go at home, almost 7 AM and 7 PM daily. But if I have to go in public I will.
2. Do you cover the seat? Not usually, unless the bathroom appears to lack cleanliness
3. Do you pee in public? Yes. I've shared before that I really do not like to hold my bladder for a long time.
4. Do you cover the seat? No.
5. What is the longest you've ever been on the toilet? When I've been really sick with diarrhea, I've probably had sessions that lasted almost an hour. But that's rare. A normal trip to the bathroom for a BM can last as little as five minutes.
6. Is it OK for someone to see you on the toilet? While I prefer it not be a stranger, I've had to use the toilet with my little boy present, or at least with the door open. The girls have seen me go when they were younger. Alan actually likes it, so I will invite him in sometimes. But, as I've gotten older, I'm not as taken aback if I thought someone could see me through a stall.
7. What is your typical style when pooping on the toilet? My legs are somewhat together and I'm hunched, but not completely leaning forward, panties down to my ankles. Alan really likes when I wear a dress and drape it over the toilet!
A few comments:
1. Alan and I were watching the news the other night and a commercial came on for a local business. The commericial featured a young, bubbly blonde woman, probably in her mid-20's, presenting the company's product in a very energetic way!
She said, "Come see our Thanksgiving Blowout!" She was so enthused as she said it. But Alan and I looked at each other and slightly chuckled!
So, I hope that those of us who are in the States will share our Thanksgiving Blowouts on the forum in the next few days!
2. Last night, Chloe, our cotton-top High School junior, was helping me with the dishes and excused herself to the bathroom. I knew mine was coming soon but I wanted to finish. She returned not quite ten minutes later so I knew that she must have had a really good bowel movement. Chloe is now 5'9 and very womanly for her age, athletic and attractive.
She returned and said, "Catherine, do you ever just look forward to going to the bathroom? I mean, ever since we started eating your cooking and got used to it (it's very high in fiber) it just feels so good to go!"
I sort of grinned and without sharing my love for pooping, I told her, "That just means that your digestive system is working at an optimal level. It should feel good to go!"
And, we moved on to other topics as we finished the dishes!
I hope everyone is doing well and dooing well!
Love to all!
Catherine!David P
Hi all some great stories recently, enjoyed them all but replies to some. Hope the american posters had a good thanks giving.
M: I hope you get better soon, diarrhoea is never nice.
Jennifer: yes I tend to read this site when I poo, it's nice to read other poo stories while I do it myself.
Question to site: I really enjoy the constipated stories on here, anyone got any recent stories of battling out a big turd?
For me this is just a quick update and hope to have something worthy of a story soon. As you know I've been stressed and struggling with constipation due to the job interviews. Good news is I now will be starting a new job, it is totally different to my last job but its going to be good not having to travel around and be in one place. I am still only going for a poo every three or four days but surprisingly now when I go even after the four days the logs are soft and easy to push out, in fact they tend to come out without me needing to push. So I am still only going every three days or so but not really considering myself constipated if you get what I mean. It is nice to have some soft poos now but would like to go every day if I could. I will update you on any stories when I can!
David P