Winnie the Pooh
Special thanks to my lovely friends Mina, Maho,KaZuko, Hisae , you girls are awesome thank you thank you hugs and kisses for each of you, I'm feeling a lot better hopefully no more flu,
Today I'm going to share my last public poop with you all I had today at the mall. I went out with May J to catch up with one another. I wore my jeans and sweater and flip flops. We ate lunch at the food court some pizza, I ate some breadsticks with cheese sauce and a salad, so we travel through the mall in different stores window shopping so eventually my guts came out to play so I told May J I was going to the bathroom she said she was going go her self, so we go to the bathroom upstairs we see close sign for women all available family and men, we chose the family and we get there and two toilets in the open and a urnial and one of the toilet was a small one for a child so May J and I played paper rock to see who one, I won but I was cool enough to let her have the bigger toilet, so I unbuttoned my jeans and panties to my ankles and sit on the toilet and May J does the same, so we begin to fart and our poop starts seconds apart we going nonstop so I look at her on the toilet and she looks back to me on the toilet we giggle so after that we sit there for more and I drop few more and she drops one more and I begin to pee and she got up to wipe herself I asked if she wanted me wipe her, she said sure she got her nails done, so she bends over butt facing me I grab the tp from my toilet and being to wipe her spreading her legs apart and cleaning her messy butt. 12 wipes she was done so she pulled up her pants and panties and go by the sink and come back to me and give me a kiss on my cheek and thanks for looking out for her, and I get up to wipe cause the seat was not easy to wipe I wiped a good 8 times and pulled my jeans and panties up and wash my hands and we exited out holding hands and later on the mall trip I saw my pastor wife she looked at me like what was I doing holding another girl hand , I told her that May J is my dearest friend we grew up together and I'm very affectionate person and I go in giving her a side ways hug and I said see I'm not Winnie the Pooh for nothing. She said she wasn't talking about that I said oh what then she said that she wasn't surprised that Dean wasn't here I told her oh he coming to church with me later today, she said okay and we went on about the mall till close to 5 so I had time to get ready for church and see Dean but that's end of this end of the year pooping. Much love
Christmas update / more panty staining
Hey everyone, I hope y'all had a great holiday! Sorry I haven't posted here for awhile, I got sick right before Christmas (not Covid thankfully!) and then was super busy with family celebrations, as I got to see my grandparents for the first time in 2 years!!
Abbie - thanks so much for your response, it is great to hear from you because it was reading some of your posts on here that first helped me to realize that I am not alone when it comes to my embarrassing problem about skidmarks and poop stains in my underwear. Like you I sometimes also get stains when I am desperate to poo and I end up prairie dogging (not sure if you use that term in England, but it's where the tip of the poop starts to poke out despite your efforts to keep it in). This sometimes happens towards the end of the day if I didn't manage to go for a poo during lunch break (either because I was busy doing stuff with friends or because I was constipated and couldn't push anything out in the short time available), but it also happens when I play sports. I do track and volleyball and tennis, and while running is usually fine the other sports often cause me to expend a lot of energy running or hitting and changing direction rapidly, and sometimes when I have been constipated or trying to hold in a big poop all day, the exertion has loosened me up and caused me to lose a tiny bit in my panties. It's usually not more than the size of a quarter, but when it happens near the start of practice or a game it feels really gross to have it squishing between my cheeks for an hour or more, and of course I get extra paranoid that my friends and teammates will see the big stain in my panties when we get changed. When that happens, when I get stains from prairie dogging and being desperate to go, the stain is different, it's like round and between 1-3 inches in diameter depending on how much I let slip out. Sometimes it's just a stain but sometimes there's actually like... soft and squishy stains there, more than the fabric can absorb. To be honest, on those days I usually just throw the panties away because the stain is unlikely to come out and I would be too embarrassed to bring them home. But normal skids I just put my panties in the laundry and pray that my sister doesn't see them or make fun, or my mom decides to have another "talk" with me about hygiene. Ugh, so embarrassing!
Abbie, you asked for any stories about me going to the restroom in public or with friends, and I have tons of stories like that but I guess for now I will share the most recent one which happened just after Christmas when my friends Jess and Megan and I went to the movies to see the new Spiderman. It's one of those fancy movie theaters with reclining bed-like seats and a restaurant, and because my mom dropped us off super early we decided to eat something before the show. Megan and I had the cheeseburger and Jess had the fish tacos. Anyway, we were watching the movie and before long I could smell like someone farted and saw that Jess was shifting around and looking uncomfortable. Because she was next to me I whispered "are you ok" and she said her stomach hurt and she needed the restroom but didn't want to miss the movie. I told her I could catch her up if she really had to go but she insisted she wanted to stay. I felt bad for her because towards the end she was really squirming and it sounded like her farts were getting worse, and maybe even a bit wet (though I could tell she was trying to time them for when the noise in the movie theater was loudest so nobody else could hear). Anyway, the movie ended and all three of us had to go to the restroom, so we followed Jess as she hightailed out of the auditorium. Surprisingly she didn't go to the restroom right outside the screen but power walked to the one right at the end of the hallway near a dead end where no one else goes. It turns out she made a smart choice because nobody else went that way so us 3 girls had 4 stalls to ourselves.
Jess ran into the first stall, I took the second and Megan took the one to my left. I kind of had to poop too, but I knew it was going to be a difficult one that I wanted to do at home in private if I could possibly help it. Immediately I could hear Jess pull down her leggings and panties and sit on the toilet, and made a really long, loud, gross sounding fart. She was like "omigod, I'm so sorry, I've had to go since half way through the movie!", I said don't worry and Megan just laughed sympathetically. Because the stalls had high partitions I could see Jess's feet swinging and being on tiptoes (she's the shortest of us and her feet barely touch the floor) as she started to push and grunt a bit as she pooped. She grunted three times quite loudly. Well, it was more like a moan than a grunt of effort like I sometimes have to make, but anyway she made this moaning pushing noise and then I heard four wet plopping sounds, the first two were quiet and small and the next was medium and the last one was big. She farted a couple more times, swinging her legs, and plopped a couple more times. I asked if she was feeling better and she sighed with relief and said "yes, that was too close for comfort!". She had her leggings and pink panties pulled down to her ankles and I could see quite a bad poop stain in the back of them. It was more than a skidmark, more like she had been prairie dogging and lost a bit in her underwears at some point. Jess was still grunting trying to finish, and I saw her look down and notice her panties, and then pull off a bit of toilet paper and tried to wipe out the worst bit of the mushy stain, swearing under her breath. Then she hopped off the toilet, wiped twice and pulled her leggings and panties up. She opened the door and went to wash her hands when Megan (who had just peed as was fixing her makeup) said "girl, don't you flush?!" and I saw Jess's feet turn around and go back to the stall, laughing and saying "yeah I guess I shouldn't leave this present for the next person!".
At this point I had peed and felt that my poop had shifted down in my butt and might be ready to come out, but I didn't want to take more time. Plus I knew that I would likely have to strain way louder than Jess and her quiet more "feminine" grunting, but more than anything I was scared that I would be in a situation I found myself in a few weeks ago at school, where I was quite constipated and trying to make myself go after class finished in a quiet girls restroom on the top floor of the music department (for privacy) when suddenly the cleaner came in and started to clean while I was sitting on the toilet with (and sorry, this is gross and maybe TMI) a huge turd stuck half way out my butt. I didn't want to keep grunting with the cleaner right outside the stall doors, but it was too late to abort Operation Poop altogether because I had already started, so I had no choice but to get toilet paper and kind of wipe the poop out of my butt cheeks. It was awful and smeared everywhere up my crack, and after wiping about 8 times and flushing twice I still felt dirty and sticky, but decided I had to make a break for it and head home. Not only did I get really bad skidmarks by the time I got home (and they were more spread out than usual because I guess I had dragged poop all the way up my butt cheeks), but then I couldn't go for two more days because I think the trauma of the incident made me poop shy!
Anyhow, so I decided to wait and go at home, so I pulled up my panties and smoothed my dress and went to join my friends. I noticed Jess picking a wedgie through her leggings as we were leaving the restroom and I figured she must feel gross having stained her panties quite bad, but I didn't want to say anything because although we are close and have shared some of our toilet issues privately, she doesn't know Megan so well and I didn't want to embarrass her in front of someone else. But I noticed that Jess was walking a bit weird and picked out her wedgie a few more times when she thought nobody was looking, so I knew she was probably a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed so I tried to be super nice to her. When we were getting back into my mom's car to go back to my place for the night, I whispered to her "are you okay" and she whispered back that she felt icky after her close call and that maybe she should just go home rather than staying over for the night. I didn't want her to go home, so I whispered back that she could borrow some of my panties if she wanted. She looked concerned and said something like "but what if I make them dirty, Sofe, my stomach still feels a bit off and I might have to go again back at yours" and I just told her "it's fine, you can just keep a pair if you don't want to give them back, and besides, it's nothing I haven't already done to some of my underwear" and she looked really grateful.
When we got back to my place Megan wanted to facetime with her boyfriend who had to go to Florida to be with his mom for Christmas, so while she was doing that in the basement I took Jess upstairs and showed her my underwear draw and told her to take whatever she liked since we were around the same size (she's a bit curvier than me but in a good way, all the boys and some of the girls at school seem to like her). She rummaged around and saw my one pair of dark navy blue boyshorts that I tried to wear on days when I know that skidding was a high probability) and said "would it be okay if I wear these, it's just that I feel my stomach is still not 100% and I don't want Megan to see later if I end up..." and she tailed off with embarrassment. I quickly said "of course Jessie, take whatever you want", even though I didn't really want to give away my only panties that were good for hiding skidmarks, because I knew her need was greater than mine at that moment! She said "thanks Sofe, you're the best!" and went to my ensuite bathroom, pushing the door a bit closed but still ajar. I went to get changed out of my dress into more comfy shorts and a tshirt, and I heard Jess pulling off her leggings and then I heard a quiet "eww" as she must have been taking off her panties and looking at them. I then heard her pull toilet paper and wipe a few more times, I guess because she was still kind of dirty, and then slip on the boyshorts I had lent her. She came out holding her dirty pink panties and blushing, saying "sofe, what should I do with these, my mom will know if they are missing but I can't take them home like this!". I said "it's fine, leave them in my hamper and I'll wash them because I have a couple of panties that I need to wash separately anyway". Jess looked relieved and said thanks!, put them in my hamper and came back out into my room, twirling and said "these boyshorts look quite good on me, I need to ask my mom to buy me some!" I told her that she should, and that they are great except for when you're on your period because the pad wings don't seem to wrap around quite so well in my experience.
Anyhow, the rest of our evening passed without incident, Megan came up and we spent the rest of the evening eating junk food on my bed and watching Christmas movies on Netflix! I did hear Jess fart a few more times and before we went to bed she did go use my bathroom again, but she seemed happier and was feeling much better. I didn't manage to go for a poop until two days later and by then it was a real struggle, but I guess I'll tell that story next time!
Thanks everyone for reading and Happy New Year!
Winnie the Pooh
My 1st poops of the new year story or stories
My 1st one was at home when I got home from my date with Dean after service New Years morning around 10 am , cause that's what time I woke up, so I put on my robe and went to the bathroom and got there and did robe and hang it up on the hook . Locked the door and walked over to the toilet and had a seat, let pee come out and placed my hands on my knees and felt my hole open up and crossed my feet and plopped a quick big one out splash back and it sunk and next few were small and sunk and I wiped 3 times got up flushed and washed my hands and started bath water and took a bath afterwards went to my closet got dressed shirt jeans and went to my drawer panties and bra and slipped in my crocs
Got to meet my sister new boyfriend his name was EJ he was tall like Dean but taller like 6'8 well built and my sister is like 5'5 , few inches taller than my mom and I'm 5'2 lol I thought I was 5'4 but I got remeasure . But he being 6'8 like very well built peanut butter complexion very nice vibes and yeah I like guys period regardless of race lol and that how it should be. I hate racism,
So second story happened at home too
So At dinner my dad duck with the drippings so delicious and I had Dean over my mom made a pan of macaroni and pot of mixed vegetables, I ate a whole plate this time. For dessert ice cream with yellow cake with whipped cream strawberries on top, my grandma my dad mom made.
So after dinner we were playing board games but I walked outside with a bottle of lotion it was pretty chilly out so I put on a jacket and put some socks on and sat on the swing Dean asked me to have a make out, I did have the talk with my dad I really been thinking about playing baseball with Dean but at the same time want to do things right before giving myself up like that.
So I thought I try something knew and I asked him to lotion up my hands he done a great job.
But I knew that it was getting late and I knew that the dairy was kicking in so I clench my cheeks and got back inside went to my bathroom and I knew my sister would see me , so I grabbed her by the hand and said family situation and it gave Dean and EJ chance to interact with one another. So I made it to the bathroom and my sister asked what I thought about EJ I gave her my honest opinion as I was pulling down my jeans and panties she started to laugh I said what. She said that I have cute round of a butt shape like a basketball for a Chinese girl, I laugh and say you do too she said naw her is a size of a volleyball we giggle. As I begin to poop my sister and I finally found a soft spot for one another cause we always clash some kind of way I guess cause I was the baby and I got most of the things that her in my brother didn't. I let out soft stinky like 5 in a row and took a break peeing then diarrhea came in two waves and I was empty. I flushed she took a spray can and sprayed, we were giggling more. After double digits of wiping, washing hands and rejoined the guys. Dean smiling face whisper in my ear that he knows what happened. I slapped his legs and telling him be nice and sitting on his knee cuddle up,
As the day was ending I wanted Dean to spend the night but I didn't want him to cause I know what I'm feeling would not be wise , So today at church I knew that I needed to use the bathroom for my morning session so, my sister and mom went to the bathroom upstairs and all three of us had our slacks and panties down to our ankles like she taught us and dropped stinkers out and that's my 3rd story but my sister was the last one out to the sinks finding out she was bound up lack of bm's and finding out why but bright side finding out she had sercet eloped and got pregnant afterwards, but either way my dad was not happy, but EJ is really great brother n law and love my sister very much and they definitely are legitimate cause her past relationships those guys were not into her , but finding out EJ and her were friends back in high school. So happy new year everyone, hugs and kisses Mina , Kazuko , Maho, HisaeKaycha
Hi. I'm back. Been gone awhile. So I've had a bit better luck recently going to the toilet in time with maybe just my panties or pullup having a damp crotch. Today I had one of those "my body waited too late to give me a signal" moment. I was wearing panties which I try to do when at home so I can try to still work on going pee-pee on time. I've been doing fairly good lately. I was helping my boyfriend fix dinner. I'd had no indication that I had to do when suddenly a trickle cams out in my panties out of nowhere. I froze. Another one followed immediately. Then I had to go SO bad!!!! I grabbed my vagina tightly and was totally doing a potty dance as I tried to run to the bathroom. I was peeing the whole way and by the time I got down the hall to the bathroom I finished in a puddle. I was crying a little as I mopped up my mess and changed into clean pants. Me and my boyfriend cuddled after dinner which helped me feel better.My last accident happened on Christmas Day which I celebrate with some non-Jewish relatives. I was invited to my Aunt Lisa's house. She's pretty nice and my parents wouldn't be there so I went. well, let's just say after an evening of games, ???? food and lots of sparkling cider, my bladder was struggling. I suddenly needed to pee-pee. I was virtually dancing by the time I got up the steps to her bathroom, holding desperately trying to ignore the persistent dribbles. I got my pants partially down and had an accident on her bathroom floor. I started trembling. How would she react? I needed a mop and dry pants but I was so afraid to ask. I was in a pull up but I wet my pants because my pullup was half down when I lost control. I finally texted her. I'm sorry but I just had an accident. No questions, she came right up with some borrowed sweats, panties and socks. I cleaned up my puddle and got changed and she hasn't mentioned it since, only hugged me tighter when I left later that evening.Violetta from Germany
The alpine hut
It was in the summer a few years ago, we went hiking with the children (the little one was still in kindergarten) over the weekend with a family of friends for a few days. No huge tours, just child-friendly, but still quite exhausting for everyone. The adults always have to carry a lot of luggage. My normal toilet rhythm was out of balance (as is often the case on vacation) and so we left the house after breakfast without actually using the toilet beforehand (I just didn't have to). But already after the big midday snack I noticed that something was about to happen. But felt that it would not cause cramps and we hiked on. The pressure wasn't really uncomfortable and I was able to hike on without any problems or tension. In the early afternoon we reached an alpine hut, beautiful with a small playground, a sunny terrace and a beautiful view. We decided to treat ourselves to something we didn't bring with us and to reward ourselves and all ordered a piece of cake. The children were able to run around and our little one announced shortly after arrival that she had to go to the bathroom. Then I went with her, simply because she still had problems locking the door and of course I also look for her to see where it is clean enough. That was it luckily, it was a pretty old toilet, 60s style, tiled, 3 cubicles with wide openings at the top and bottom, very tall toilets. After all, the toilet seats were new and it was clean too. I went to one cell with my daughter, the toilets were so high that her legs were dangling in the air. She just had to pee and so we were done again quickly. My pressure was unchanged, but I assumed that I would still be able to get home to the apartment.
When we got to the square, the cake was there. Everyone was already quite tired and exhausted, but we still had a good time. But the cake was too much for me. My pressure increased, the bowel worked. It was clear to me that I would either spend the rest of the tour (it was still a good hour) with uncomfortable feelings, or even have to go for a poop into the forest. Since we were out with our friends, I wanted to avoid that and I also wanted to be able to walk to the car in a relaxed manner. So I headed for the toilets. I knew what to expect and that was actually okay.
I prefer to be alone and undisturbed when defecating. But there was a lot going on in the hut and on the way to the toilet I saw another mother who had made the same path a few tables in front of me. I already knew where she wanted to go. I had already registered her and she was walking in front of me. Yes, I found her quite attractive, about my age, a sporty woman in a nice summer look. I reached the door to the toilet shortly after her. The first of the 3 cabins was occupied, so she went into the last one. I don't think she noticed me at that point. I went into the middle stall. An older woman was just at the sink. When I closed the door behind me, I heard someone cleaning himself up in the cabin to my left. I plucked off some toilet paper and wiped the toilet seat with it just to be on the safe side. The sporty woman to my right was probably doing the same. I could already have guessed that she doesn't want to just hover over the toilet...
I opened my jeans and I don't know if you know that - if you could hold everything back without any problems - as soon as you have reached your goal, the pressure increases significantly.
I sat down and let out a quiet breath.
The woman next to us had washed up and was at the sink. And I hoped that the woman next to me would wash up immediately and that I would at least have some undisturbed moment.
The water tap stopped and the door opened and closed again. After that it was quiet. Much too quiet.
At some point I heard my neighbor pee, without pressure, briefly. And then it became clear to me: "OMG...if she is here for the same reason as me..."
I peed too, a little longer and more extensively than her. But I had to pull myself together because of the pressure on my butt. Yes, I was inhibited. Yes, it could be the most normal thing in the world. But it wasn't for me.
Now there was silence in the room. I was still struggling to do what I was really hoping for, I don't really know.
And she must have felt like me. She too hoped to be able to do her business alone. But now it was just the two of us. The windows were open, but it was still eerily quiet now.
I'm still happy that she took the first step. I could hear how she began to breathe a little deeper and then heard a faint crackling and after a short time also how the first piece of poop fell on the toilet paper under her. Due to the height of the toilets, the narrow, tiled room, it was unmistakable ... the warmth immediately shot up in me and shortly afterwards the next piece fell into the water with a loud, deep thud. I can't tell you why, but it hit me like lightning. My heart was beating wildly. And I could hear her breathing softly, but clearly audibly. Shortly afterwards a light squeeze...
That was when it happened to me. It was like a signal and I just let it go, too. It simply fell out of me. Clearly audible. Fortunately, without a lot of air. But it was unmistakable - we both sat there, invisible next to each other, and did the same. And we both seemed uncomfortable, but it was inevitable.
I couldn't leave without doing my business...
So we both sat there pooping almost in parallel. I could pretty much follow how she was doing - her breathing, her poo, the plopping.
And the same for me. Sure, I wasn't moaning loudly now, but you could clearly hear the way I was relieving myself, the way I was breathing. And suddenly it all felt so natural. Somehow totally surreal, totally embarrassing, but somehow also like a kind of connection between us. It felt forbidden, but at the same time nice and I enjoyed the relief and the moment too.
I was totally confused, has sweat on my forehead, felt really hot...
She then wiped herself for a while and I avoided meeting her at the sink. When I got out the door, she was already back in place, but she didn't turn to look at me. By the time I got to the table, our friends had split up, he was in the playground with the kids and she must have noticed that I was gone for a while, but she didn't comment either. I think I was pretty sweaty, totally relievedVictoria and Robyn
To Mina, Hisae, Kazuko and Maho
We did it and we're ringing in 202#2 in style!
After looking all weekend we found a great deal on a Washlet that matches the bowl and color of our toilet! Heated seat here we come!
Since neither of us has ever used an electronic bidet could you do us a favor and walk us through some of the settings and features? Ours has a remote control, heated seat, temperature and water pressure controls and two stream settings: oscillating and pulsing.
We love all of you!
Robyn and VictoriaKieffer
John H survey answers
Gender: Male
Age 16
Do you enjoy the feeling of poop building up before you go to the toilet?
Yes, at first. This is especially true at home. But if I'm driving with my girlfriend on a date I've got to start thinking about a gas stop.
Describe what you like about this stage of the pre-poop status?
It is better than some of the constipation cycles I've been on.
How long do you generally hold for and how often do you hold for?
Outside school or home, it only happens once a month at most. I've held for 3 hours at a concert and then hurried to the toilet to do my dump. At school, last month I held all morning during my college admissions test. A female teacher supervising the halls would have been made to take me to the bathroom and wait for me and then bring me back to the cafeteria. That would be so embarrassing.
How desperate are you to go before you make your way to the bathroom?
At home when I'm playing a game or doing my homework I will wait for the last possible minute minute. Mom caught me in the hall once last year yanking my sweats down as I ran for the toilet. Both she and my dad had a laugh about it.
Do you enjoy relaxing and squeezing your hold before you go?
A little, but it can draw gas.
If you put off going to the toilet do you generally do it at home or when you are out in public?
Both situations, as I've already described.
If you do like to hold on occasion can you remember how long you have done this for?
Six hours while I was with my church youth group setting up an Easter egg hunt at the park. It was on the other side of the city and there were no other options available to us since some ####head from the city had forgotten to unlock the bathrooms.
Do you think allowing the need to go to build adds to the enjoyment of releasing on the toilet?
Going at parties
What's everyone's opinions on using the toilet at other people's houses during parties? Birthdays, cookouts, or other things where there's a lot of people?
Personally, I go whenever the need rises, even away from home. It's a lot weirder waiting in a line at a house than in public! I have see kids and even adults waiting in line give up their spot if there are people behind them. I'm not sure why, since a house bathroom is still far more private than a stall.Tricky
Re: Anna from Austria, regarding doorless or open toilets
When I was in middle school, I remember asking some of the faculty about why the stall doors in the boys' restrooms were removed. A common excuse was to prevent drug use. I was also once given that as an excuse in high school as well. It didn't prevent drug use. I've also heard of cases of drug abusers overdosing inside private stalls at bus stations, libraries, bars, and other places, where the stall doors or even the stalls themselves were removed as a result.
I've also read about locations where anonymous gay sex was deemed a "problem" and thus toilet privacy was removed to prevent that, either removing the doors or stalls altogether, or building the restroom with these things entirely absent and just placing the sit-down toilets in the open. Given some of the terrible experiences I've had dealing with perverts propositioning me while I was using these types of privacy-compromised restrooms, I can't say with any confidence that it prevents this behavior either, and may in fact encourage it.
And even if it did prevent these things, I think both are terrible excuses for removing privacy. When I visit the restroom, I go there for its intended purpose: elimination. And I'd prefer for my biological functions not to be open for public scrutiny.
The most common places I've come across doorless stalls or even toilets that are fully out in the open in the U.S. are city parks, camp grounds, schools, and bars. But I've also found them less frequently at bus stations, libraries, swimming pools, highway rest stops, some restaurants, even a few gas stations, among other places.
Greater than 99% of the time, whatever restroom I come across in the U.S. at least has the standard cubicle setup where people can see your shoes/ankles and would have to go through effort to see you through the gap in the door, or better yet is a lockable room. So the default, even in the U.S., is to have what I consider adequate privacy. Fortunately doorless stall and open toilet setups are rare, but they do exist.
I prefer at least to keep my privates, butt, and elimination out of view for either bodily function. I've had enough frightening restroom encounters with perverts that I think a certain amount of toilet privacy should be mandatory. Having to use doorless stalls or open toilets, especially in schools, in a culture where privacy has historically been the default, is IMO inhumane. I hate these setups. Short/half stalls where people can see my face as I sit on the toilet to poop don't bother me so much, as I rationalize using them as being comparable to standing at a partitioned urinal to pee; no one sees any of my privates or my butt or the waste leaving my body nor can they scrutinize my wiping technique, even if they can see who I am and tell what I'm doing. I find eliminating in a public restroom awkward for either function as it is, even if I don't feel embarrassed by doing so, and so as long as no one sees anything I'd object to them seeing, I don't care. Like normal height doored stalls, sitting on a toilet in a half stall where people can see my face never bothered me enough to make me want to hold it to find a more private setup. I find using a urinal trough with my private out in view to be more awkward than pooping in a half-height stall, and coming across a trough has more than once made me go to a stall to pee(at least when I was younger).
Unfortunately, my bowels frequently override any desire for privacy to such a strong degree that I end up with little to no choice in the matter, unless I fill my pants as an alternative. I eat like a horse, drink a gallon of water a day, and exercise enough to burn off all of the calories, thus I pee every hour or two, sit on the toilet 3-4 times a day to poop, frequently cause clogs, and if I hold it in for any significant length of time the situation quickly escalates into either an outright emergency in a matter of minutes or results in constipation where I can't poop when/where I try to, which more often than not later turns into a massive emergency which leaves me 2-3 minutes at best to find a toilet. I used to hold it in to find a private dumping spot, but after that habit resulted in enough emergencies where I had no choice but to crap in a doorless stall or open toilet in view of others, I decided that I lost that game, accepted that strangers already got to see me poop multiple times, so I then decided thereafter that holding it in for want of more private facilities was a horrible idea overall. I've had many close calls when I was younger where I almost unloaded pounds of matter into my underwear from deliberately avoiding the use of doorless stalls, and not only was holding it painful, so was eventually dumping it due to the sheer volume that had built up. And then there's the increased risk of clogging. I've clogged enough public toilets and embarrassed myself by doing so as it is.
These days, I use whatever facility I come across, regardless of the privacy it provides(or lack thereof) and without concern for whether or not there's an audience, for something that biological necessity dictates everyone must do. Life is easier as a result. I still find it awkward though. I just do the best I can to enjoy the relief and move on with my day. The fact that perhaps a hundred strangers have seen me on the toilet at various times and places changes nothing about my life or how I view my place in the world.Hollyrae
Vacation from school bathrooms
I have a tiny bladder and every two hours I need to pee at my school. Me and my friend Roxie try to do as many things together as possible. Each day at school we try to support one another. Roxie often has to crap more than once a day and I go in with her. Because our talking helps her to get rid of more of her crap at each sitting.
Most of the toilet rooms at our middle school are pretty awful. Probably about half the toilets have had their privacy doors removed. That is because some of the toilets are deliberately messed with by students. Sometimes there is pee and/or crap smeared on the seat, or the waste of 3 or 4 earlier users has clogged the toilet. The tiny squares of toilet paper that you pull down one at a time are dumb and sometimes are bypassed altogether. A pair of messy underwear dropped in the bowl might be floating on top of a soda can or bottle. Many of the toilets and their very uncomfortable seats are much higher and larger than we use at places such as parks or the mall. Roxie is a few inches shorter than me and often her legs dangle when she is seated. That may also be why she has to take so long and try multiple times in order to get a good shit in. As for me, I don't automatically win out if I can grab a toilet with a privacy door. The door latch is broken off or completely removed from some of them. When I'm seated and looking forward seeing eyes peeking in a 2 inch door hole is creepy, or something more worse.
Since Roxie and I are bused to and from school the farthest of anyone we know, and because we are in morning as well as after school clubs, we sometimes have to use the bathrooms there from 6 to 7 times a day. The worst feeling for us is to be on one our 45 to 60 minute bus ride to or from school when we have to pee or shit. Roxie has had 3 shit accidents this semester. I've part peed in my jeans 2 or 3 times. Sometimes this is because the janitors forget to unlock the bathrooms early enough in the morning. Other times, they lock 'em too soon after school not realizing some of us accelerated students are still working in the library or in a meeting. Imagine the rush there is when Roxie and I hurry two floors up to try and find a bathroom available. Even if one is available we have to use it so fast that we often haven't been able to complete clean ourselves. If we miss the 5 p.m. late activities bus we're made fun of while we wait for one of our parents to brave the rush hour traffic to get us. Roxie's dad was furious the one time he had to come and get us. He called her irresponsible and grounded her for a week.
So this past week Roxie and I have been celebrating not hearing bells, having eyeballs on us and constantly being asked if we are done on the toilet. Only once have we had to use a bathroom away from one of our homes. It was yesterday at the mall. We both had to shit about an hour after our great lunch in the food court. The bathroom was the nicest we've used this year. There were some gang signs and stuff on the inside of the door, but the toilet booth was well lit and the privacy latch worked. There were 2 complete rolls of toilet paper available. Neither my butt or Roxie's stuck to the seat when we got up to leave.
A former babysitter of ours said her high school bathrooms were better but that many of the problems are caused by the students. Roxie and I have sure enjoyed the break this week.Kieffer
Laundry partners with skidded underwear
I met D'Shannon at a coin laundry in our neighborhood. The place has like 50 washing machines and dryers. We both go to the same large high school, help with single father led families. I have three younger sisters; D'Shannon has two younger brothers plus two younger sisters. Both of our fathers are divorced. I used the coin laundry for a couple of months since our house's washing machine needed to be replaced and we couldn't afford it right away. D'Shannon's family lives in an apartment that never has had a washer. So she's a regular every Sunday at the laundry.
We talk about a lot of school things there, as well as our responsibilities at home. I was helping her sort laundry from the basket and she came across three pairs of her sisters' panties that had dried, caked crap in them. She was very apologetic at first. She surprised me by grabbing them and throwing them into a dumpster. She said Leah, 10, has a witch of a long-term substitute teacher who times each student using the toilet on class time rather than breaks. The time gone and date is recorded on the teacher's computer.
The previous week D'Shannon and I had a long discussion on the school rules that govern our behavior. She came across two pairs of Josh's underwear that I had forgotten to put aside. Each had large yellow pee stains in the crotch. She asked if that was normal for Matthew and I explained to her that he, at 8, doesn't have a lot of confidence standing at a urinal with guys waiting behind him and the ones pissing on each side of him with no privacy panel between them. They sense he's nervous, which he is, and a couple of older boys have made hurtful comments on the power of the wares he's been scolded for using both of his hands on. Those criticisms have made Matthew much too self-conscious during the two daily bathroom breaks. D'Shannon feels sorry for him and said I should show him how he can gain more privacy by going into a stall with the door. Then he would take a seat just as if he were crapping, and he would have more privacy until he gained more confidence.
In our time together at the laundry, I know D'Shannon and I both have used the bathrooms pretty frequently. But until I see some of hers, she isn't going to see mine. Should we really compare the cleanliness of each other's underwear?
Michael W.
Looking for Kayla
Hello everyone and Happy New Year. I decided to share another story with all of today but first I wanted to share a couple of poop related moments from my favorite Netflix TV show "Cobra Kai."
In "Cobra Kai" in the very first episode, Johnny was working as a handyman where he was doing odd jobs for people's homes. In this episode he places a new HDTV on the wrong wall of this Karen lady's living room and she gets mad at him. She even said "You took a shit in my bathroom." Johnny was like "I thought you said I could use it." Then the Karen says "Yeah, but I didn't know you were gonna take a shit." And then in Season 3, the kids were gonna brake into the Zoo to steal a cobra to give to Sensei Kreese as a gift. Kyler forgot to bring something for their little heist. Hawk got mad at him and was like "You forgot the most important thing." And then Kyler was like "Well, I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of stress. Dad says if I don't pass Trig, he's gonna shit in my mouth."
And now onto my story. It was August of 2005. I was 17 years old and my Senior year of High School was a couple of weeks away. Me and my older bro Josh were at our Mom's house for the weekend. I had just woke up on a Saturday morning when it was going on 11 o'clock. I went outside to smoke a square and then I went back in the house to get something to eat. I decided to have a couple of Waffles with maple syrup. My cousin Kayla was also at the house. Me and her talked for a little bit. I ate my breakfast in the living room. Kayla was being a brat and decided to sneak up on me and tickle my side and then she disappeared somewhere. And where she went, I will get to that in a moment. I continued to eat my breakfast. After I got done eating I felt the urge to take a piss and I needed to take a shit as well. So I go to the bathroom across the hall from my step sister Jeannea's room. I get ready to turn the knob to open the door but it was locked. "Somebody is in the bathroom" I thought to myself. No big deal. So I decided to wait. I walked all around the house to see who was all there. My older bro Josh was in the family room watching a Vin Diesel movie. My mom was in her bedroom sleeping bcz she works third shift at her job. My step dad Ron was in the garage with his dad working on his pick up truck. And my step sister Jeannea went to town with her husband at the time Dave, to run some errands. And my Grandma Chris went out to Lunch with one of her friends. Where is Kayla? I thought to myself, and then I figured she'll turn up eventually. So I went outside to take a piss. And as I said before in my previous posts, my mom lives out in the country. That means that I can go outside to take a piss anytime I need to if neither of their bathrooms are available for use and I don't have to worry about the neighbors calling the cops on me for public exposure. As I was taking my piss, I could feel my poop ready to come out of my butt, however, I had to hold it in as long as possible. I did not want to use my mom's bathroom bcz I didn't want to wake her up. So I went back inside and asked myself. Where's Kayla? I searched the house. She was nowhere to be found. So then I ask myself. Is she in the bathroom? So I peeked under the door and when I looked I saw Kayla's pink sweat pants around her ankles and her white socked feet. I didn't want to bother her so I left her alone and started to listen to my Green Day "American Idiot" CD on my walkman CD player and layed on the couch for a little bit. As I listened to my tunes, I was thinking to myself, Kayla has been in the bathroom for quite a while, but what ever. And then it was 15 minutes after 12 o'clock noon and Kayla had just left the bathroom and tied up her blonde hair into a pony tail. I think she was in the bathroom for at least 45 minutes. She went into the kitchen to make herself a sandwich as she gathers up the Bread, Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, Turkey, and Mayonnaise. I put my CD player walkman away and get ready to make my way to the bathroom that she had just got done using. And then Kayla asked me if I knew where the Mustard was and I pointed it out her. Before I go to use the bathroom I told her to enjoy her sandwich. So I go into the bathroom and I locked the door. I pulled my jeans and boxers down to my ankles and sat on the toilet and relaxed and started to look at a magazine. I could smell what she had left behind but I didn't care. Quite a few minutes had passed and Kayla knocks on the door. "Yes?" I said. "Hey Michael, do you want to come outside and join me for a smoke when you are done in there?" Kayla asks me. "Yes" I answered her. "By the way, I pooped. Can you smell it?" she says to me as she is laughing. LOL! "Yes I can. Did you enjoy going?" I said to her. "Yes I did. I'm gonna go finish my sandwich" she said. And then I contiued looking at the magazine as I let my poop come out naturally. I was in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes. When I finished, I wiped, flushed, pulled up my pants and boxers, washed my hands, and then I joined Kayla and we went outside to go burn one.
And that is my story for today. I hope you enjoyed it. I look forward to sharing another story but thats for another time. Until then, Happy Pooping Everyone.Bianca
Gross Poop
I've been listening to videos on the surgical removal of part of the bowel. This one person had her colon removed due to ulcerative colitis if I understand correctly. Therefor, her poop comes out from an artificial opening in the abdomen. Hannah talked about foods that don't digest well, and colors of her poop. The most interesting is when she said that mushrooms had appeared in her output. When I heard this, I was glad that I would never be able to see the poop inside if someone showed me their illeostomy bag. My poop was gross, too. It was loose, and the BM I passed earlier was really chunky. The first bit was bigger than the smaller ones so it made a splash. From the sound of it, the moist chunk hit near the drain. To Victoria: I didn't know heated washlets exist for toilets. That is awesome. I especially liked the part about the heated seats. Noone wants a cold butt on a toilet. Bye.STEPHEN
Post Title (optional) Creature of Habit
Recently I attended a dental practice , due to covid rules no toilets
were available . I used the camper van so as I could use the porta
when I arrived and again on departure.
I attended several times in the knowledge no toilets were available
When I had my covid jabs no toilets were available so again I took
campervan and used porta pottie upon arrival and again on departure.
I placed another pottie in bedroom to use during the night .
I used these potties often for my daily number too as they are 34 cm,
lower than a standard toilet and comfortable when I am pooping I am
in a sqatt position .
September I stayed at a campsite for four days and used both potties
I had on board emptying when I arrived home .I have now been 200 days
using a porta pottie when we went to a hotel for christmas the
toilet felt higher and it took longer to go a number too .
o The past four days I have been on pottie in van for a number too
it is quicker I feel I have had a good shit and only need to use
three sheets to wipe .Anna from Austria
pooping season at coffee shop
Happy new year to everybody I want so share an interesting story that happened recently.
As an avoid coffee drinker it is not new to me that a my morning coffee can have a effect on my bowel movements. But normals it takes 30 min to 2 hours until the coffee kicks in. Normaly I just drink plain black coffee.
But this time I wanted to try out something different at a coffee shop I have never been before because it was in a different city. I tried out a mixed coffee. Brewed coffee including 2 shots of espresso. it tasted quite good and had a considerable effect on my bowels. As soon as I have finished it I had to visit the ladies room. The ladies room was very small just one stall. To my delight it was empty.I went into the stall locked the door pulled down my pants and panties and sat on the toilet. As soon as I was seated i started to my usual hissing pee and even while mid pee i did a loud blasting fart and my first turd came out of my behind, then some more farts and s second smaller one. Then I was done.Started cleaning myself and after flushing I had to clean the toilet bowel itself too. (left big skidmarks). I was really glad that decided to consume the coffee at the coffee shop and not while walking as I do it normaly. That would have lead to a bad situation. As mentioned above I was in a different city and so I had no clue where the public toilets where.
That's my story for today
Greetings from Austria
Victoria B: Thank you for the kind greetings. I'm loving reading your posts about Robyn and wish you both all the happiness in the world during this new year! I hope it's also filled with some amazing and satisfying trips to the bathroom!
Jenny SIS: I really think we'd hit it off if we knew each other in person! Thank you so much for the Christmas greetings! This volleyball booty didn't really destroy any bathrooms, but did have some really productive moments on the toilet! I hope this new year is amazing!
Winnie: I hope that you are feeling better!
Skidmarked from Columbia: I've wrote on and off about the feeling of a solid accident. It's what brought me to this forum 12 years ago. I wanted to re-create that feeling. I've only done it twice and neither time really lived up to the feeling of a true accident.
Trina: It's so good to hear from you! I hope that your New Year is off to a great start! I've missed hearing from you and from Shannon. Love to my fellow SPAS!