Putting Potatoes in the Crock Pot
Sorry that I've been absent for as long as I have been! I've had some unexpected things pop up lately. I do have some stories from over the holidays to share at some point. One thing to note is that my wife's cousin, Maddie, whom I've written about in many previous posts, has now moved into our house! She's probably going to stay around until at least early summer, and we're all excited. I'm sure her open bathroom habits will provide some great stories to tell on this forum!
@Robyn and Victoria
That saying of "putting some potatoes in the Crock Pot" is hilarious! I love it! My wife and I have now been using that term for pooping. I'll get to a story relating to that in a bit. Keep your posts coming, I really enjoy them!
@Micheal W.
Great post regarding your childhood babysitters! I think it's interesting how they were both sisters, yet one seemed to act grossed out by pooping while the other seemed very uninhibited with her own pooping needs and understood yours. You would think their views would be similar, but apparently they were not.
@John H.
1. What is your gender and age?
Male, 25
2. Do you enjoy the feeling of a poop building up before
you go to the toilet?
That depends on the circumstance. If I have access to a bathroom that is relaxing, then yes. Otherwise, I get annoyed.
3. If yes to above, describe what you like about this stage of the pre poop process?
I think I like the relief more than anything.
4. How long do you generally hold for and how often do you hold for?
I try to hold it for as short of time as possible, but sometimes circumstances make me hold it longer.
5. How desperate to go do you get before you make your way to the bathroom?
If I'm in a place where I can relax
6. Do you enjoy relaxing and squeezing your hole before you go?
I'd rather just go.
7. If you put off going to the toilet do you generally do it at home or when you are out in public?
At home I almost never put it off, while in public it depends. I hate bathrooms that are poorly kept up.
8. If you do like to hold on occasion can you remember how long you have done this for?
My whole life
9. Do you think allowing the need to go to build adds to the enjoyment of releasing on the toilet.
To an extent, yes. But for me, waiting too long makes my stomach and rectum sore.
So now on to my relatively short story for today. As I mentioned in my replies, I love the term "putting potatoes in the Crock Pot" in reference to pooping (thanks to Victoria). The last few days have yielded pretty poor weather conditions, so my wife Anna and I decided to just take some time to relax. She went to the store to stock up on some groceries. When she came home, I helped her unpack everything and told her that I could make dinner for tonight if she wanted me to. She accepted my offer and I told her I'd get going on it in a bit.
After we unpacked everything, Anna had to go to the bathroom. She went to our bathroom by the bedrooms. I heard her sit down and start peeing and didn't know if she needed to poop or not. I went to the bathroom and saw her sitting on the toilet. We often talk while to each other while we're on the toilet, so that wasn't too out of the ordinary. I asked her "so honey, um, are you putting potatoes in the Crock Pot?" She told me "no, I thought you were going to make dinner tonight." We kept talking and it was obvious that she was pooping. I asked again ask she was obviously pushing out a piece, "are you sure you're not putting potatoes in the Crock Pot?" She said annoyingly "no, but if you need some help just ask!" As soon as she got done saying that, a piece plopped into the bowl. I said, "see you are putting potatoes in the Crock Pot!" Anna realized the joke and started laughing hysterically, causing me to do the same. "Oh! If by putting potatoes in the Crock Pot you mean dropping poop in the toilet, then yes, I am!", exclaimed Anna. All I told her is that I came across the term on the internet and thought it was funny. We couldn't stop laughing and she told me "oh, I love you so much, honey. You come up with the funniest sayings!" Now we've been using that term as a code word for pooping. I'm so thankful to have a significant other who I can joke around with like that. The joking along with our open bathroom habits has definitely made our relationship stronger than most couples!STEPHEN
Post Title (optional) AMAAZON DRIVER
Recently I came across an article on the webb about a AMAZON Driver who
stopped for a shit.Unknowling the laurel trees was a garden ,The owner
spoke to him asked what he was doing ,having a shit he replied ,she told him
to stop he carried on pooping , she called the police .
HE made another delivery up the road , the police brought him back and told him to clean it up the incident was reported to AMAZON who sacked him.Obviouly people do not understand what the job requires I read all the comments and then posted.
Peeing and Pooping is a process carried out as and when nessasary ,many
people throughout the world sqatt everytime to pee and poop.Over the past
sixty years I have sqatted to poop a Thousand times.
I have an identical area in my garden with parking outside you may use anytime you are passing
Winnie the Pooh
Stefanie I'm sorry that you got the talk to and personally some older people are just stuck in there ways of doing things. All my life is seating on the toilet, I didn't see a seat cover till covid hit cause the school board was trying to show that they are available for to those who choose to. In 11 years of going to the bathroom by myself and 1 year my mom or dad placed my butt on the toilet seat , I never gotten sick or anything, I just believe it old wise tale cover the seat but it's them . In my last story I'm sorry if it was quite bit . But I took a pee before I got on here , one of my favorite teachers asked me today after class dismissed, she was wondering if I was ok cause I don't asked to use the bathroom much like I used to, I told her that the new rules are hard and I don't feel comfortable letting people know my personal business, I might need longer for monthly and these new rules are stressful and I just rather do what I need to do without the hassle. She told me that she will try talking with a group of teachers about the rules and have staff meeting cause she said that a lot students are experiencing the same problem and thanks for my honesty and personal we don't take all day and that is good argument she can state
Winnie the Pooh
Another survey from the past:
1. Do you wipe with toilet paper or flushable wipes? - Paper or seat covers.
Both , no thanks on the seat cover and paper
2. What was your longest fart that you've ever did? - 8 seconds
3. Do you have any teachers that have any bathroom policies and do you think that they're fair for everyone and yourself? - New rules yeah old rules
4. Have you ever witnessed an embarrassing accident in public and how did other people around you react and what was your reaction? - I watched girls and some boys wet themselves. No
5. Would you ever let someone go in front of you in a bathroom line if they were really desperate to go? - Yes
Does eating Fast food makes your ???? upset? Yes especially diary
How often you drink water a day? A half gallon
How many times you poop a week? 2 or 3 per day but now 1or2
What's doess make you gassy the most? Milk
Do you like taking a dump at a public place? It's just nothing special just taking care of business
How long could you hold poop/pee? 5 minutes
Have you ever had the runs at work ? School
Hope everyone has a good weekendVictoria and Robyn
Question and Answers
We're back!
Today we just wanted to answer the question:
Q: What's everyone's opinions on using the toilet at other people's houses during parties? Birthdays, cookouts, or other things where there's a lot of people?
Victoria: I'm in favor of it! Seriously, if someone makes you feel at all awkward about needing and asking for the toilet they're quite possibly someone whose presence in your life you may want to reevaluate! Return the favor by keeping your own bathrooms clean and fully stocked and make sure your guests know that they're free to use them. (PS: keep your toilet plunger, brush and extra rolls of toilet paper in a place where they're visible and easy to find. That way worst-case scenarios are a little less embarrassing!)
Robyn: I was brought up to believe that the only taboo around bodily functions was not tending to them and that's still how I feel today as an adult college graduate with an adult job and a loving partner. Please, listen to your body, sit down and let go: front, back or both. It's not worth a UTI, getting constipated or a pair of pooped panties. Take care of yourself, you've earned it!
Our washlet should be arriving in the next couple of days and we'll let you know once it's up and running!
Love always,
Victoria and Robyn
Emma two
Nearly didn't make it
I'd been constipated for a few days until I took a laxative last night. I woke up with a stomach ache and I knew it was the effects of the laxatives I'd taken. I went to the toilet but I couldn't go apart from having a wee and I gave it and got ready for work.
An hour later I was on the bus on my way to work when I started to really need to have a poo and by the time I got to my stop I was close to doing it in my knickers. I got off the bus trying my hardest to not to poo myself and I just about managed to hold it. I started walking towards my office keeping my bottom clenched as a prayed I could make it to work without pooing in my knickers. By the time I got to work I was seriously bursting to go and when I got to the toilets I found they were closed for cleaning and I had to endure the embarrassment of asking the cleaner if I could use the toilet as I was desperate. He said I could as long as I didn't leave a mess because he'd just cleaned all the toilets. I felt my face redden as I said I'd try not to and I ran away into the nearest cubicle holding my bottom. I slammed the door shut and locked it quickly before I ripped my leggings and knickers down together and sat on the toilet with a thump. I relaxed and immediately felt relief as I released a bucketful of semi solid poo into the the once prestine toilet as I peed full stream. I sat there for a few minutes as some more poo came out and when I felt done I wiped myself and flushed the toilet and I was pleasantly surprised to see it all went down leaving a few bits of my poo floating around in the water. I flushed again a this time there was no trace of my enormous bowel movement. I opened my cubicle and washed my hands and thanked the cleaner for letting me use the toilet and he said he hoped it was clean which was embarrassing but nowhere near as embarrassing as it would have been if I hadn't made it to the toilet.
Emma two
Accident in class
I was 14 at the time and I was desperate for a poo in history. It was against the school rules to be out of class during lesson times and I just sat there with my bottom clenched praying I could wait until break time which was half an hour away. Ten minutes later I was bursting to go and I couldn't keep it in. I tried to hold it but the urge to poo was too much for me and I found myself pushing. It didn't get very far because I sitting down but the result of the backup was hurting my stomach and I felt my face burning red with embarrassed as I lifted my bottom of my seat a few inches. My heart was racing with fear as I knew people would notice what I was doing and I pushed hard to get it over with as quickly as possible. It made a crackling sound as I pushed and it was very audible and to make it even more embarrassing I wet myself as I filled my knickers with a huge load. Worse still it stank and when the teacher noticed what happened she sent me to the toilets to get cleaned up. I'd never been so embarrassed and instead of going to the toilet I walked home with my knickers all wet and full of poo. My mum wasn't in so I managed to get to the bathroom without being noticed and I took off my knickers and tipped the smelly contents in the toilet and flushed. Then I took the rest of my clothes off and got in the shower to rinse the poo off my legs and bottom and wiped on the toilet before I flushed it again. Once I felt clean enough I got dressed and found a clean pair of knickers to wear but my soiled ones were beyond saving so I hid them at under the rubbish in the bin outside.
My mum came home half an hour later and she said the school had called her and they said I'd had an accident in class. I felt my face redden as she spoke and I told her I was sorry but she said not to worry about it as we all have accidents sometimes.
Anna from Austria
@Stefanie You have a point for sure. In case of an medical emergency such doorless toilets are good because a person that needs helped can be spotted immediately. Although I still hope I can avoid using doorless trips durring my second trip state side doorless toilets are not the worst toilets I can imagine using.
I am not sure if these toilets still exist or not but I have heard that there are some squat toilets in rural part of china that do not have a door. Such type of toilets would offer zero privacy. Because people that would enter the restroom would really see everything. Even the poo coming out if they would enter the toilet at the wrong moment. At modern toilets without doors you coul at least sit a way that the privat parts are covered with is a great plus. Compared to squat toilet without door I would feel super comfortable to use a toilet without a door.
@ all I had an unpleasant train ride yesterday (Thursday) Due to covid the toilets were closed. Silly me did not know that and I bought a big cup coffee to go at the train station. During mid train ride the coffee kicked in and I had to go. To my despair I noticed that the toilets were closed. I had to hold my poo then for the next 15 min until I got to my destination. I was really lucky that it were just 15 min. I left the train and ran to the next ladies room. Luckily I know the layout of the station in the other town quite well. I made it in time but the toilet was in the process of getting cleaned. I said sorry to the cleaning personal (luckily it was all female) and just stormed into one stall without waiting for the replay. I did then my normal rather loud coffee poop while the cleaning personal was presented. When I was done flushed, left the stall, washed my hands and stormed out of the toilet without looking at the cleaning personal.
That was quite embarrasing. But could had been much worse. In case the coffee had kicked in earlier I might have poed my pants. It was almost a miracle that I couldSheelee
Auto Center Meeting
Yesterday I took a couple of hours from my appointments in order to get some routine work done on my car. After reading an article on spark plugs and messing around with my phone, my need to get on a toilet became more apparent. A client and I had downed some extra liquor at lunch and I hadn't peed for three hours. So I walked down the customer service hallway looking at the door for the ladies room when the mens door to my left opened and this guy came barreling out, partially bumping me and calling me by my first name with his apology. I sat on a rather chilly seat relieving my bladder with a flickering light above me I got to thinking hard about that guy and how I knew him. Then I remembered almost 30 years ago and our first week in high school. Then his name came to me. Jonathan. Then I started to remember how naive and clumsy I was at 13 and some of the God-awful situations I got myself into.
My high school was so big, huge really, and my adjustment to it was slow. From the cafeteria to the gym and even walking down a four-floor staircase, I would stumble and make mistakes. Then in my second week during second hour study hall came my biggest mistake. I had rehearsed asking the male proctor nicely for permission to go, I signed the clipboard list legibly, he put the time down next to my name and I was on my way. So many of the toilets on the main floor didn't have doors or were messed up badly or were a hangout for those ditching class. So I walked one floor up and to the other end of the building for my first high school crap. I tried to be confident after some bad experiences in junior high.
I walked up the two small stairs into the bathroom. There must have been 10 or 11 toilets. Each had a wooden door. Each was at a position of being unlatched. Because of my shyness I looked each one over as I walked by. A couple of the flushers were stuck and making noise. A couple of the seats in the middle of the row were up, but I walked all the way down to the end. The far end toilet looked OK, the light on top of it was working and my choice was made. I latched the door with no problem. There was no light to be seen between the door and the toilet cubicle. I dropped my new white Levis, slid my pink underwear down to the floor and I had confidence in full privacy. I sat my butt on the seat, made two adjustments because it was a lot bigger sideways and back than I had been accustomed to in junior high, and this I started with a slow push that I increased over probably about a minute.
It was coming with no resistance. Don't know why exactly, but I concluded when I started junior high that 10 minutes is probably as long as teachers will allow you to be gone without making a remark, going sarcastic on you, or taking 3 or 4 looks at the clock or timer. The bathroom was silent, as I hoped it would be. I hoped it would remain that way. Two small turds fell out of me and quickly splashed in the bowl. With an increased push and a widening of my legs the main event exited faster than I expected. I think it had been three days. I slid back on the toilet, spread my legs a bit wider, and I could see my accomplishment. It was so relieving.
I was so proud of myself. I didn't want to violate my restroom pass. I reached to my left. Both dispensers of the square toilet paper wipers were out. Now my inner-self was telling me how dumb I had been. So I unlatched my door, and with my Levis at knee level I hobbled to my left and with each stall I put my head in and found that the toilet in each of the first four was out. Then at the middle of the row I found two toilets where the holders had been broken off the cubicle and, I guess, stolen. This was such a depressing thing for the second week of high school. How could I have been such a dumb head?
In my frustration I don't think I made a good decision, but I walked to the other side where the sinks were. I saw at the corner were a couple of large dispensers for brown paper hand towels. At that point I was a foot from a very surprised boy who was getting full frontal. He just froze for a second or two and I told him to get out that he was in the wrong bathroom. He swore, said he was sorry, that he had gotten his doors mixed up and something about there not being a good sign. I was ready to duck into a cubicle, but he turned around and was apologizing as he left. I pulled off a few of the hand towels and went into the closest stall and wiped as closely as I could. I flushed the big towels. Since they were brown and were rough to use, I couldn't tell if they had done much good.
I withheld my afternoon piss that afternoon until I arrived home. There was a definite reminder for me in the seat of my pink underwear which I had bought with a birthday gift certificate I had been given. I knew I wanted to keep them out of mom's wash hamper.
I knew Jonathan had inevitably told most of his school friends about the full-frontal bathroom accident. As I sat waiting another 30 minutes or so for a part for my car to arrive from a parts warehouse, I wondered if Jonathan was telling the 9 or 10 other mechanics about the full frontal accident. I've been too embarrassed to tell my 6th grader Darcee about what happened 30 years ago, despite the fact that she's been having a difficult time too with the bathrooms at her school.
Post Title (optional) POOPING IN VAN
This morning I left house @ 6.30 drove campervan to laundry 4 miles
away. Parked van 200 yards from laundry, carried washing round to laundry .
As i was loading machine I fluffed [a silent fart] .I needed!! the toilet soon , after adding liquid closing lid and inserting money I
made my way back to the van to use the portta potty.
.Opened the door and climbed in dropped my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie imediately I started to wee three seconds later I was pooping as well!!
I was having a very good shit , the door opened a lady was holding my phone .she said you dropped your phone placed it on the floor and left
leaving the door open .I reached over and closed the door , I think she
was surprised to see me sat on toilet with my pants around my ankles.
I wiped and dressed .and returned to laundry
Re: Kieffer, bathroom access during a college admission test
I've also held in my poop during a college admissions test. This occurred when I was 16. I was in the middle of one of the exam's sections and felt the need to do both #1 and #2. #1 was almost an emergency, because I drink a lot of water and didn't get the chance to go during the last break. The cleaning lady was cleaning the only Mens' room we had access to and we missed our chance.
Both the proctor and her assistant were female college-aged ladies, and very attractive. I tried to hold it until the next break, about 50 more minutes away. After about 10 minutes of fidgeting in my seat while trying to complete the section of the test, I realized I wasn't going to make it to the next break. The pressure on my bladder was immense, and the pressure on my anal sphincter from both solids and gasses was not helping things either. I asked to be excused to use the restroom. I was escorted to the Mens' room by the assistant, this cute skinny 18 or 19 year old white lady with pale skin and black hair. I was prepared to take a stall and eliminate both liquids and solids and whatever gasses were built up. Until she mentioned that she was required by policy to accompany me into the restroom.
That made me nervous. While this wouldn't be the first time a female would have seen my pants at my ankles in a doored stall while hearing me poop, it was not something I was comfortable with at that time. I desperately needed to pee though, and there was no way I could hold it, awkwardness be damned. I walked into the restroom, a three-urinal, two-stall arrangement. Luckily for me, the urinals had partitions, and if she looked at me, all she'd see was my back or a side profile of me standing with the partition blocking my mid-section. She stood by the door as I took a strong piss. This was not the first time a cute lady saw me standing at a urinal, but I was quite embarrassed regardless. I'm not sure whether she looked at me or not because I looked straight ahead at the wall while I emptied my bladder. Towards the middle of my piss, I felt the tip of the turd poking at my sphincter, but I was determined to hold my bowels. Not only did I not want to have to poop in earshot of her, even if I would have had the relative privacy of a doored stall, I also wanted to get back to the exam as soon as possible so that I could finish the section with all multiple choice questions filled. The need for #2 wasn't extremely urgent or an emergency, but I knew it could become one. I could feel the pressure in my lower GI tract build while I was peeing, and decided to try to quietly let some gas out to ease the pressure, since I didn't want to rip ass in the room with all the other students taking the exam.
It ended up being audible, and loud. *r-r-r-r-r-RORT* And it stunk like poop. The assistant said nothing. I was embarrassed as hell. I knew she heard it. I'd like to think she was far enough away not to have smelled it, but don't really know. I zipped up, flushed, and saw her standing by the door near the sinks. I washed my hands, let out some SBDs, and she accompanied me back to the classroom as I quietly farted down the hallway.
When that section of the exam ended, I had managed to finish all the questions, only barely, and now we had another break. The turtle's head was poking, and now badly needed to dump it. I quickly rushed into the Mens' room to beat the crowd and took the first stall as the room filled with boys from the classrooms where exams were being given. It wasn't until after I latched the stall door, dropped my pants, sat on the toilet, and started my crap that I realized that this stall had a massive two-inch gap that I could clearly see out of, which meant anyone walking passed me could see me inside. It was too late. I already had a girthy poop snake slithering out of my butt. The room continued to fill with more boys, with all of the urinals taken up and boys taking turns peeing in the adjacent stall. A line had formed by the sinks and I could see the boys standing there all the way to the Mens' room door through the gap in the stall. Towards the end of the line, there was a skinny blue-eyed white boy of about 15 or 16 with dirty blonde hair wearing sandals who briefly made eye contact and immediately looked away, making an effort to avert his gaze. He definitely saw me. I was mortified. I heard a fart from his direction as he was holding his abdomen. The line moved on and the boy went out of view. A minute or so later, I heard someone enter the stall adjacent to mine, latch the door, and drop their pants, followed by a pee stream. I saw the tell-tale sandals through the gap under the partition. The occupant had his pants down to his feet and toes facing the stall door, bare legs in full view. There were now less boys in the room and the last of the urinal users was now washing their hands.
After another minute or so, we were the only ones in the restroom, and it was almost silent. I was trying to hurry and kept pushing, interrupting the silence with sporadic crackling and farting as my dirt snake continued to slither out with gentle pushing. My neighbor made no more noise after he stopped peeing. I kept pushing and heard him sigh next door, followed by "Dammit, I don't have time for this." About 10 seconds later, out of nowhere, my neighbor started loudly farting and plopping away.
*puuurt* *WO-M-M-M-MP* *ploop* *blup-t* *blat-t-t-t-t-t* *RURRRRRRRRR-T* *KABLAMB*
I heard him exclaim "EEP!" as I heard the water splash. It sounded like it splashed up and soaked his ass. Then he started grunting and straining, interspersed with more farts and wet plops, as his toes curled. The sounds were dense and heavy. We sat there, listening to each others' noises. Frequent ear shattering farts and plops from my neighbor, crackling and muffled farting from me. We were both in a rush to finish before the 10 minutes was up, and already about 7 of them had passed. My poop was still crackling out as one long, continuous dirt snake, with pockets of fart gas softly escaping. It also stunk like crap.
Mine dropped into the water finally. I started wiping. Then I heard my stall neighbor messing with the dispenser, only to exclaim "Why'd this have to happen!?" A few seconds of silence and another sigh. "Sorry to bother you, but could you hand me some toilet paper? The dispenser is locked and I can't get it out." I asked him, "How much do you need?" He said, "I don't know, a lot. This is humiliating. I hate using the bathroom in public." I rolled the paper to the bottom of the partition, and told him to take what he needed. So he did, thanking me. The room was quiet enough that I could hear my neighbor wiping, with the paper audibly scratching his anus as he wiped. I'm certain he heard me rolling the paper and wiping too. It was awkward as hell. Both of us flushed at the same time and met at the sinks in our rush not to be late.
My former stall neighbor was the same boy who saw me through the stall gap minutes earlier. He looked embarrassed. He nervously said "I'd been holding it for 2 hours. Heh heh, when you gotta' go, right? I almost asked to be excused like you did." As we started washing our hands, I answered: "The lady who escorted me earlier said she was required to come in here with me. She stood at the door while I used a urinal. I really needed to use the stall, but I held it. It was embarrassing." He then said, "I'm glad I held it then. I never dumped with someone until today and that's bad enough. I avoid doing that in public, especially at school. No way could I do that with a girl hearing me." I asked, "Does your school have doorless stalls too?" We were now drying our hands. "No, but the stalls are really short. I wait until I get home." I asked him if he went to a certain school. "How'd you know that?" he responded. I told him, "I had to use the one by the gym at that school during an emergency. It was crowded and I could see over the stall as I sat." He responded "I used that bathroom once during class. The vice principal came in while I was using it and he yelled at me for taking too long. Never again."
We both headed back to the classroom to complete the final sections of the college exam.
Sunday, January 09, 2022
Winnie the Pooh
First time back in school sense 21 has been crazy,
New rules for the school , with all the covid on the rise
each teacher has a sign in sheet to log the bathroom times when you left and came back.
Lunch is now reduced to 15 minutes and now no staying after school unless you are athletic department , car pooling is limited to 3 people per car,
I still go to the bathroom but nurse office only if no one been sick, new rules for that.
And new rules in the bathroom, no longer to have toilet paper in the stalls , there is a teacher that hand you a roll outside of the bathroom and you must take off of what you might need before enter in . Gym class no more showers,
So Monday I went to the nurse bathroom and balled my eyes out and had couple stinks come out of me and I wiped got off the toilet pulled up my jeans and panties and washed my hands and left back to class I was gone 6 minutes
Re: Going at Parties
Q: What's everyone's opinions on using the toilet at other people's houses during parties? Birthdays, cookouts, or other things where there's a lot of people?
A: I have no qualms with it and have done it whenever the need arises. More than once I've caused a clog, or had to deal with others commenting on my noises because they heard them. Standing up to pee and loudly splashing the water or plopping away was always mildly awkward, but I did it anyway without shame. I've peed while girls were doing their makeup in the mirror, after they told me to go ahead. When I was 18, I even got walked in on by a girl looking for her car keys while I was taking a poop, exposing me to everyone waiting in line. Because I hadn't developed a sense of shamelessness while pooping yet, I was quite embarrassed, but everytime I had to poop at a large gathering anytime thereafter was nothing near as bad in comparison.
Turnabout is Fair Play
This situation occurred during a previous Summer. I was out riding my bike and had been eating a lot of extra food during the exercise. During the last 24 hours, I had probably ridden 150 miles and in addition to my normal meals, had also gone through a 1 lb bag of almonds mixed with a 1 lb box of raisins. I stopped at a park bench to rest and drink some water, and just as I was about to get back on my bike, I had a turtle head violently poking towards my underwear.
I waddled to the nearby Mens' room building across from a playground, my cheeks tightly clenched. This was going to be a big one. I never been into this building before, so I didn't know what to expect. I opened the door to be greeted with the sight of a sink and urinal on the left, and two floor to ceiling brick walls on the right, with no doors. The first doorless stall was a handicapped stall with the seatless steel commode in full quarter view from the entrance, immediately visible as I walked in.
I headed to the back stall since it offered significantly more privacy. I immediately turned around and apologized. A man was holding a small boy of about 4 years old over the seatless steel toilet to help him poop without falling into the toilet, and I hadn't seen them when I entered the building because the wall covered them from view. He responded "Don't mind us. Go and use the other one."
So I took the first stall and wiped the seat down. I lowered my pants to my upper legs and proceeded to sit on the toilet. I started the initial push just as the door opened. I was letting out a long, squeaky fart with a massive log crowning yet being too large and solid to easily pass more than a few inches, as two boys of about 10-11 years of age walked into the restroom. Immediately, the first one pointed at me and started laughing. "That boy is taking a dump!" he said. The second boy walked to the stall in the back and said "Oh Jeez." He walked back passed me over to his friend "I haveta' wait. A man in the back is wiping a little boy's butt." They laughed. The second boy said "They'll be done soon. I'll take the one in the back. You use the other one." The first boy said "I'll hold it and go somewhere else." They walked over to the sink. I could see both of them standing there grinning, watching me on the toilet.
The second of the older boys then mentioned "Our school's bathrooms are like this. I never use them for #2." The first boy then said "Me neither. Or anyone else. Have your mom take us somewhere else." The second boy said "I reeeeeally NEEEED to go. I won't make it!" I farted again as my poop started crackling out. The two erupted into laughter at my expense. The first pointed at me and said "We can see his butt!"
I heard the man in the next stall tell his son: "All done. Now it's daddy's turn." I heard him zip the kid's pants up. The toilet next to me flushed. The man in the next stall pulled his pants down and took a seat as his son walked just outside of the stall and looked at me with curiosity. He then walked back to his dad.
The second older kid who said he needed to go walked passed me over to the back stall again and laughed, holding his abdomen. The man in the next stall over responded "You shouldn't bother people in the bathroom." The second kid, laughing, responded: "Are you going to be done soon?" The man retorted back: "Why's this so funny? Everyone shits. Can't you wait your turn?" A plop came from the next stall as the second kid walked back over to the sink to be with his friend.
The two kept staring at me as I was pushing out a monstrosity. The small boy then ran out of the stall his father was seated in toward the sink. The man said "Come back here!" The two older boys erupted in laughter as the smaller boy was running around the bathroom. The second, now holding his stomach responded "Guh! I can't take this anymore. I'm about to crap my pants!" He started jumping up and down and running in place.
My poop was now pouring out, and at a rapid pace. I was trying to hurry up. I could feel it creating a buttery mess as it forced my butt cheeks wide apart, smearing them. It kept pouring out, like a chocolate ice cream machine. I farted a loud *BLAT-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t* that echoed about the room, as the two older boys erupted into even more laughter. I wanted to finish and get out. They were annoying. The little kid who just finished walked in front of my stall, looked at me, and said "Hi! Are you pooing?" as my butt was exposed and a giant log was sliding out of it. A door for privacy would have been nice right now. The father then yelled "Jordan! Get your ass back here!" The two older kids found the entire exchange amusing and were now howling with laughter as they watched me on the toilet. The kid did as told and went back to his dad in the next stall, saying "He's pooing too!" The little boy was now making fart noises with his mouth. The man said "Now keep your ass still!" The first boy, in a fit of laughter, then said "Aww fudge. Now I really have to go too. Bad. I want the back stall!" The second said "No fair! I called it first!" The first said "How bad you need to go?" The second said "I can't hold it anymore!" He was holding his abdomen in pain. The first said "Fine. Take the one that comes first."
My poop dropped into the toilet. It was time to wipe. The two were in a fit of laughter as I rolled the paper and made the first pass over my butt. When I pulled the paper up to check it, there was a large brown wad of poop. The first boy laughed even louder. "NAAAAASTY! HE JUST PULLED A PILE OF CRAP OFF HIS BUTT!" I paid them no mind and kept wiping. They were hysterical watching me wipe. I heard my neighbor rolling paper as well. I made about 5 more passes, each getting gradually cleaner, until there was nothing showing. I pulled my pants and underwear up, and flushed. The toilet next to mine flushed at almost the same time. My turd was about 14 inches long and 3 inches thick, and spun like a propeller as the rushing water attempted to drown it, leaving streaks all over the bowl. The log remained. I flushed again as the dad and his small boy walked passed me, telling the boys "She's all yours." My turd went down and the bowl was coated with streaks as the second older boy ran passed me. I heard him frantically drop his pants and start exploding in the more private of the two commodes.
I waited at the sink to wash my hands as the first older boy yelled "Screw this. I can't hold it anymore either." He took the handicap stall. I averted my gaze from the stalls while the father held his son at the sink coaching his hand washing. They left and I washed my hands. I could hear farting and crackling in both stalls after I finished. Neither of the two older boys were laughing now. I opened the door. An old man with two small girls of about 4-5 years of age were approaching in front of the entrance. The girls were doing the pee dance. He reassured them "Alright, we're almost there. We can make it. Come on." I held the door open for them as they entered and I heard a fart and plop from the first stall. One of the girls yelled "Pa-pa! Is that boy making boo boo?" The other girl was giggling. The old man said "Hush you! Stop looking!" As I took my hand off the door and turned to exit I caught in my peripheral vision a glimpse of the boy in the nearest stall with his pants at the floor and right hand between his legs, face beet red with embarrassment, as they walked passed him to the back stall. I heard a telltale plop before the door shut as I left the building and walked to my bike.
Those two boys who pointed and laughed at me while they watched me poop and wipe were now getting a taste of their antics. Both sit-down toilets were taken by them and the two girls would be waiting for a seat before either could go. Judging by the fact that the Mens' room door didn't open again, the trio of new entrants remained standing inside waiting, with one of the unlucky boys sitting on the toilet in full view, and the other inevitably to be intruded upon too. That's karma at its finest.
Christmas Eve Accident
Hello, my name is Deb.
My last post was from Thursday, December 9th. I had diarrhea at work in the afternoon and pooped in my hipster panties. It was really bad and I had to change into a pair of bikini panties and jeans that I had in my emergency bag which I kept in my car. I also messed myself in those panties and jeans as I was going to my car once I was done work.
Well, my tough luck continued. This one was quite a bit different though, in that it wasn't exactly diarrhea, but more of an overwhelming need to relieve my bowels. Here's what happened…
My husband and I had some last minute running around to do before my parents came over for Christmas Day. We had to get a few things from the grocery store and then we had to go for a drive out of town for some honey. We get only the really good honey, which is why we are willing to drive anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes one way for it.
Anyway, I was wearing a light sweater as well as a pair of pink with white polka dot bikini panties with white lacing. I went to the toilet before we left and did a small poop but I didn't feel like I had to go any more than that. We got our daughter ready and strapped into my husband's Ford Escape.
We stopped for some coffee for the drive, which was a bit out of the way, but well worth it. We then made our way back out of town to get our honey. A few minutes after we left our city limits, I started feeling a bit of pressure in my bowels. I shifted around in my seat and let out a small fart. My husband asked me if I was okay and I said, "Yeah, I think so. I'm going to need to use the toilet when we get there." He said, "Okay, sounds good."
The need to go kept getting stronger and 10 minutes after my initial fart, I suddenly really had to go. I asked my husband, "How much further is it until we get there?" He said, "Oh maybe about 30, 35 minutes, I think. Are you okay?" I moaned and said, "Ohhhh I really need to go." Unfortunately there was nowhere to stop. Traffic was busy and moving slow and it was kind of cold out as well.
We were about 20 minutes away from when it happened. I had to go so badly and the pressure in my bowels was so intense. It was unlike anything I had ever felt that wasn't urgent diarrhea. This one was a slow build up of pressure that just became too much for me to hold back. I let out a silent fart and a load of mushy poop oozed into the gusset of my panties. I let out a small moan when it happened and my husband asked, "Hey, are you alright?" I lied and said, "Yes I'm fine. Please hurry though."
We finally got there. Once my husband parked, I went directly to the shop. Their washrooms are actually outside through this courtyard area that they have. I went to open the gate but found that it was locked. I let out another moan as I read the sign which said that access to the washrooms could be found through the store.
I walked up the steps and into the store trying my best to not look like a woman who has just pooped her pants and is not holding back another load of mushy poop.
A lady who worked at the shop said hello and I said "Hi" back and said, "I just need to use your washroom." She said, "Okay, no problem. We have just one open right now. The other two are closed for cleaning since today is our last day for the next two months." I said, "Okay, thanks."
I went back outside and crossed the courtyard and my heart sank a bit as I saw a lady waiting on the platform to the washrooms. I just couldn't hold it. My bowels involuntarily opened up and I pooped more into my pants, filling up the back of my panties. I felt like I still had to go, so I decided to wait for my turn and try to empty out my underwear as best as I could.
While I was waiting, I noticed the woman who was waiting to use the toilet. She was in her late 20's or early 30's and was attractive and in good shape. She was fidgeting around and I couldn't help but notice a very obvious period stain on the bum of her light blue jeans. She had a very noticeable stain in the shape of her maxi pad in her bum and as she was fidgeting around, I could see that she had also leaked between her legs. It was a serious leak. I could totally emphasize with her as that very thing happened to me on numerous occasions.
The door finally opened and she went in. I went up to the platform trying not to let out any more mush into my pants.
I could hear everything in the washroom. I heard this young lady take off her coat and pull down her jeans and panties. I heard her gasp and say, "Oh my god! What the hell? Oh… my… GOD! My pad… Why???" Then after a few seconds, "No. Oh no! My jeans! Oh god, WHY?" I felt so bad for her, even though I was standing there dealing with my own situation.
I could hear her changing her pad. Then she called her friend and said, "Hey. I need you… In the washroom… K, thanks."
Then her friend came outside, walked past me and knocked on the washroom door. She went inside and I could hear them talking. The friend said, "Oh honey, what happened?" The girl with the leak said, "I don't know. My period just got super heavy. I totally soaked my pad and I completely bled through my underwear and pants." Her friend gave her a sweater to tie around her waist and said, "We should let the lady outside in, I think she had an accident of her own." When I heard that I wanted to die.
All of this happened in about five minutes.
I entered the washroom and noticed that the toilet paper was almost empty and I could not see any other rolls around. So cleaning up was going to be almost impossible. I went to the toilet and lowered my pants and panties. The mess was really bad. I tried tipping my panties into the toilet but didn't have much luck with it. I winced as I pulled up my panties and yoga pants. I looked in the mirror and saw that the wetness had leaked through my bum. I didn't have anything to tie around my waist and my coat didn't cover my bum either.
I washed my hands and as I was drying them I saw, in the garage can, the woman's maxi pad who had leaked. The pad was totally soaked from front to back, including the wings, which was something that I could totally relate to.
I went back to the store and found my husband and daughter. He had already picked out what we had talked about getting. He looked at me and asked, "Hey, are you alright?" I said, "No. Can we pay and get out of here?" He could tell that something was up. On our way to his car I said to him quietly, "I didn't make it." He said, "Awe honey, I'm sorry."
The drive back was slow going and I had to go yet again, this time it was quite about runnier. So I had to sit in my mess for another 45 minutes as we drove back. We got back to the city and he asked if I wanted to be dropped off at home. I said yes, so I could get cleaned up while he took our daughter to the grocery store for the rest of what we needed.
Cleaning up was a massive chore this time around because of how mushy the poop in my panties and yoga pants was. Plus, I had been standing and sitting in it for just over two hours from the first time I went until I got home.
Everything has been pretty good since then, although I did get my period on New Years Day and, as usual, it has been really heavy.
Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading.
DebAnna from Austria
@Tricky Thanks for your detailed answer. The reasons given to remove the door of the stalls in an interesting one. Toilets in parks or at our station are also dreaded in my rather small austrian hometown for doing illegal stuff but the city officals never came to he conclusion that it might help to remove the doors. At least not in the Ladies room. Can't tell about the men's room. Have never entered such room in my life.
I have to agree btw that the standard toilet setup in an american bathroom offers plenty of privacy. During my first time in the US I still had a little culture shock. The gaps were bigger than the gaps in Austria. And that there are even gaps at the ceeling was also a bit weird. But the biggest cultural schock I had at first was the layout of the toilet bowel. Most toilets in Austria have trays so pooping on such toilet is a rather silent affair if no farting is involved. But which this hole toilets pooping is other different affair. the plops when the poo lands in the water can be really loud. It also seems that the smell enters the whole bathroom faster due to the open custruction oft the stalls. At first was embarrased but after 2 weeks I got used to it. It won't bug me during my second stay.
Thinking about using a doorless stall would be a different story though. I hope i can also avoid one during my second US stay. But when nature calls and the other toilet is available I would have to use one.
@Elvia I also go whenever I need to even if when I am outside home. So far I was lucky that I never had to go number 2 at a party or at other events in my teenage and adult love. It really would be weird when using the bathroom for number 2 when lots of people wait outside the toilet. I was not even found off peeing at such places when cute guys were waiting behind me.
I had pooped a few times at friend 's house during sleepovers when I was between 10 and 12 I guess. Was not found of that either but at least I had plenty of privacy so it was not that bad.
greetings from Austria
Airport delays & bathrooms
So my grandparents on my dad's side flew cross country to visit us over the Christmas holiday. They were only two hours late getting in but our wait at the airport for departure had their flight on and off for several hours. Because they are old and fly a lot, they are given privileges such as special placement on alternative flights and they carry this VIP card that gets them special service. So dad dropped me and them off at the airport at 6 a.m. Sunday and told me to call him once they got on a flight. It was dinnertime Sunday evening when they finally took off and dad came down to get me. There were a couple of bathroom experiences that happened.
While packing the night before, grandpa had asked me for a laxative. I gave him two bottles from our cabinet and he took two pills before he went to bed. When grandma found out what brand he had used she called him a fool and said he had taken a double dose. He said he needed it. She said she didn't want him to have a accident in his sleep. So when we got to the airport at 4 a.m. he had his hand between his belt and gut. Grandma would check the luggage and get the boarding passes, but he would pass something else. Bad joke, but she told it. I stayed with grandma to help and about 15 minutes later grandpa joined us. "Did it ever," he said and he smiled at me and asked to see my bracelet. We were just hanging out in the terminal when he hurriedly excused himself. We knew what was up. He as only gone for about five minutes but he came back and said we had gotten our money's worth from buying the pills. He was holding his stomach and said he was cleaned out. Grandma had scolded him again for having taken too many pills. As he was holding his stomach still, he said something back to her which I don't think was too nice. Within 10 minutes he was hurrying back into the bathroom for a third trip. He ended up telling grandma that his "hole was as sore as hell" and he was hoping he was cleaned out. Grandma called him a "dumbbell", a name I hadn't heard before. I had to hold my laughter back as we sat.
I've written before about my craps. They tend to come about 8 or 9 in the morning. This airport bathroom was 3 or 4 times as large as the school bathroom I used. There was a line extending out into the hallway and a lot of confusion once you got into the bathroom. When a toilet opened and I walked toward it I felt pretty lucky because my knocking had been getting worse. I closed the door, latched it, lowered my jeans and undies, and took the warm, black seat. Within a minute my waste about the shape of a large banana was sliding out. I pushed a little harder on my extended knees at the end as my hole was being stretched. I looked to the left, then to the right and found all 4 rolls of toilet paper had been used up. I thought for a moment about a solution. Because of the crowd and some angry language I was hearing outside, I texted grandma about my need. I told her she should see my new Christmas athletic shoes under the privacy door. Within a couple of minutes she was there with a roll of toilet paper in each hand. I guess she had gotten it off a service and cleaning cart in the crowd. I thanked her and used a good portion of one of the rolls cleaning myself. I work from the seat. That way those in line don't expect the door to be opening and me coming out. The bowl was full up with my toilet paper and crap. When I finally stood, the auto-flush was loud and mean and did its job.
When I got back to the terminal seating area grandma gave me a lecture about not sitting directly on such a public toilet seat without first wiping it off or laying paper on it. Either way, she said, would have prevented me from getting stuck in such a situation. But I still feel seat papering is dumb and I don't do it. Mom has the same attitude as grandma. But what can you do. I had three pees that afternoon due to the amount of soda I drank waiting for the flight. Grandpa needed two more crapping breaks and would get up from his terminal seat, go to the window and watch the planes, and blasting off his farts.Stefanie
to Elvia:
The way I think is this. I'm in a line at a house where some kind of activity is going on. When it is an older house, chances are that's the only bathroom option in the house.Standing in line kind of singles us out and we know one another. Judgments are being made in such a small area like a staircase or hallway and my hand on my crotch or smell coming out of my butt kind of gives it away. Less attention is going to be paid to any one person in a much larger public bathroom. Also, many times you're never going to see those people again. They don't know you. When I had my birthday party an older boy from my church walked down the street to a gas station and took his crap. My parents were concerned that he left to drink or smoke. Luke's decision made sense to me. Guys may have less confidence than us girls have about using toilets away from home. Thanks for raising a great question.
to Tricky & Anna:
Toilets without stall doors may not be as bad as they seem. Someone already brought up the fact that they are likely going to be cleaner. I also have a story about something that happened in my summer school class last year. This girl, a couple of years older than me, was on the toilet with no door. She was found sitting there with her head between her knees and not moving. Security tried but couldn't bring her around. She was brought around by the ambulance people. They found she was on drugs. If she was sitting behind the closed door, she might have remained there for hours until a custodian looked in on her.
Thanksgiving Poop Stories Part 2
I hope everybody enjoyed part 1 of my Thanksgiving poop stories! I know that it's extremely late, but I have more exciting stories to tell in part 2! As I detailed in the last post, our Thanksgiving consisted mainly of my wife Anna's side of the family as well as a few friends of ours.
Around 9 or so that night, everybody had left besides Anna's parents and Anna's cousin, Maddie (Maddie was staying with us during her whole Thanksgiving break from college). In my last post, I left off with Anna's brother, Chase, absolutely destroying our bathroom by the kitchen with a huge dump. After a while, the smell was still definitely noticeable in that area, but not quite to the extent of earlier. I was talking to Anna's dad when I overheard Maddie telling Anna "I'm feeling like I gotta take a dump, but I'm going to the otter bathroom!" Anna replied with "I don't blame you after Chase was in there!" A couple minutes later, I was putting some things away downstairs when I heard Anna's mom say "I think I've gotta go too, honey, I'm just gonna leave the door cracked open a bit." In case you haven't noticed, none of us are really embarrassed around each other regarding our bodily functions, but that's still a bit more open than I've experienced with my mother in law in the past. She has talked about pooping a little bit, and I've heard a couple farts and plops from her, but she generally closes the door when she's around everybody. Remember, this bathroom is at the top of the stairs, so coming from the basement, I would be going right by the bathroom. I heard her walk into the bathroom, and heard the sound of her bare buttcheeks hitting the seat, followed by the hiss of a fairly strong pee stream. It sounded a lot louder than normal because the door wasn't shut all the way. I heard a small fart followed by a plop. I got done with putting things away in the basement, and was ready to come back upstairs. As I started walking back up, I decided to ask if it was ok for me to walk past, or would she rather I waited for her to get done. She said "it's ok, sweetie." As I walked up the stairs, I caught a glimpse of my mother in law sitting on the toilet. She sat very similarly to my wife. Their builds are very similar, and even though she may be in her late 50's, she's still a very attractive woman. Her womanly butt was sticking off the sides of the seat a bit, much like my wife's. My wife and mother and law are not really fat as much as they just have curves in the right places. Her blouse fell neatly on her hips. She sat with her jeans and panties at her knees, her legs close together in a ladylike pose. She looked at me and said "sorry! I really had to go!" Right then a piece broke off and landed in the bowl with a splash. We both laughed and I said "it's ok, Anna and I see each other using the bathroom all the time." Anna overheard us and exclaimed "and we both enjoy it too!" I decided to let her have some privacy to finish up. Anna later informed me that her mom is aware of how intimate we are in our bathroom habits, and thinks that it's a good testament of how close we are. Anna's parents are fairly uninhibited with their bathroom habits, but Anna's dad is less so than her mom.
Anna's parents left after a bit, and I really was feeling the need to let go of my number two soon, so I asked Anna if she wanted to go too, and she mentioned that her urge was definitely becoming stronger. We went to our bathroom and she said "why don't you go first, and then I'm sure I'll need to go after you." Normally, I let my wife go first in that kind of situation, but it didn't matter a whole lot. I noticed some skidmarks in the bowl from Maddie's poop, which doesn't really bother me. We were going to get ready for bed, so as I pulled my clothing down, Anna said she would grab our pajamas. I scooted back on the seat and aimed my penis into the bowl for a piss. By the time she got back, I had shifted into my "pooping position" on the seat, where I sat more to where my butt naturally fell into the curvature of the seat. I threw my clothes off so I could change into my pajamas when I got done and then got down to business. We just talked while I sat and felt a pretty large piece working it way out. It crackled and fell in with a "floomping" sound. Anna said "that must feel pretty good, I can tell by the expression on your face." I told her that it did in fact feel very good. I sat for a few more minutes letting out a couple more plops and farts. I asked Anna if she felt like she had to go yet. She told me that she definitely did after watching me. I told her I was done. I scooted forward and wiped my butt a few times until I felt clean. I stood up, and we both looked at my pretty large bowel movement. "I guess you really did have to go!', said Anna as she laughed. I flushed and then traded places with her.
My beautiful wife sat her curvy butt down on the seat and started peeing pretty loudly. She let out a fart as a piece started crackling its way into the bowl with a splash. She spread her legs a bit more and leaned forward while she pushed out the rest. The smell between her and I pooping was definitely becoming noticeable. She said "honey, look behind me." She scooted herself forward and lifted off the seat a bit, and I saw another big piece sticking part way out of her butt. That piece came out, and she could tell I was definitely enjoying it. She said " wait, there's more coming." Pretty soon a couple more pieces came out, and she felt empty. She wanted me to wipe her, which I gladly did. I asked her if she felt clean, and she claimed she did. She stood up, and we looked at what she made in the bowl. She pooped about the same amount that I did.
I hope that everybody enjoyed my stories from Thanksgiving. I'm sorry it was so late, but I had some unexpected things come up that took me away from typing up my posts!
I'm back
Hi, everyone. In case you don't remember me, I posted a few months ago about how I discreetly pee in my pants. Since another semester of college has come and gone, I thought I'd continue my stories.
I had a twice-per-week class that starts very early in the morning, and another class right after that one that is all the way across campus. With only 15 minutes between classes, I didn't have enough time to go to the bathroom before making my way to the second class and the professor had a strict rule about bathroom breaks, so I would often pee in my pants while walking there, and then I would arrive to class with wet pants. Since I often wore black track pants that don't show wetness, nobody would notice. If you're wondering why I wouldn't just use the bathroom before my first class, my dorm only has communal bathrooms and I get uncomfortable using the bathroom when there are several other girls in there. However, I have no problem using it in the middle of the night when there's nobody else there.
There have also been times when I was just relaxing and watching tv in my dorm building's common room late at night when nobody else is up and I would just let go and pee in my shorts while sitting on the couch. When I got up I just wiped up any puddle with my sweatshirt and nobody would ever know.
I'm not entirely sure why I do it. Maybe it's for the convenience. Maybe I just do it because it feels good. Either way, I enjoy doing it. I have many more stories to tell and I would love it if anybody here would tell me if they do anything similar.
Wednesday, January 05, 2022