

Pooping Logs

Today, I had a bit of an unusual day as far as pooping goes. I thought I would try to log my pooping habits over the next few days. I will try to keep track of where I pooped, how much poop and what type of poop I produced, and how long I spent on the toilet. I will start by typing my log for today.

Waking up, I only felt the urge to pee, and did not feel the urge to poop within a half hour to hour of waking up, which is rather unusual for me. Typically, either right before breakfast or right after breakfast I'll take my morning poop for 10 minutes or so.

My first urge to poop came right after I ate lunch, around noon. I ate at this restaurant that I frequent and had buffalo wings. After I paid the waitress, I made my way to the men's room. I have pooped a fair amount here in the past, and it's generally been a good experience. There were two stalls and two urinals, but the bathroom was vacant besides me. I took the far stall, and noticed someone was a bit sloppy with their pee. The rim had a fair amount of urine on the one side. Luckily, the seat was up, so I dropped the commercial style seat and was pleasantly surprised to find it was spotless. I pulled my jeans and underwear down to a bit below my knees, sat my bare buttcheeks on the seat, scooted back a bit, aimed my penis in the bowl and started peeing (the cutout in the front of commercial style toilet seats makes this much nicer to accomplish). Once I finished peeing, I settled into a more comfortable position on the toilet for my poop. I sat for a minute and realized that my poop was not really ready to come out yet. I leaned forward and tried pushing a bit while I sat for 3 or 4 minutes trying to get my poop to come out. I decided that I'd have to try again later, so I flushed my pee, washed my hands, and left. I spent maybe 5 minutes or so attempting to poop.

After lunch, I ran some errands, and at around 3 in the afternoon, I felt a sudden and strong urge to poop. My next stop was this store that was right down the road, so I planned on pooping there. As I pulled in, I noticed that a lot more people were at this store than usual, so I was hoping that their singular sit down toilet in the men's room was not already occupied. I made my way to the men's room, and as I opened the door to go in, I bumped into the janitor leaving right after he finished up cleaning. I was greeted by a super clean restroom that was surprisingly vacant. I made my way past the urinals and into the single stall. I had no hesitation plopping my bare cheeks onto the newly cleaned seat. I sat on the toilet similarly to how I did at the restaurant. My poop came out pretty quickly and effortlessly, making several rapid plops into the water below me, giving me much needed relief. I heard someone come in and then immediately leave, so I don't know if they needed to poop but saw my feet under the stall or what. I enjoyed the very roomy stall as I pushed out another piece. Soon after, I scooted way forward on the seat, and wiped while I remained seated (I find sitting down while wiping makes me feel cleaner). It took a fair amount of wiping to feel clean since my poop was somewhat loose and the paper was thin. When I felt clean, I pulled up my clothing, flushed, put my jacket back on, and exited the stall. I had probably been seated for about 3 minutes, much faster than my average time spent pooping, which is probably more like 10 minutes.

In the evening, I went to a relative's house for dinner and to use her hot tub. I had a very large portion of soup for dinner. When I finished dinner, at around 7, I felt like I needed to sit on the toilet. I was going to go into the hot tub, so I went to the bathroom to change into my swimsuit. After I got all of my clothes off, I really felt like I needed to poop. Since there was a toilet right there (a very familiar one at that), I decided to make use of it. The toilet lid was up, and the seat was down, ready to receive my buttcheeks. I sat down completely naked on the round bowl toilet, which always feels pretty small compared to the extended bowl toilets like I have at home and like you'd use in most public places. My relative doesn't like the larger toilets because she's not very tall, so she kept the traditional round bowl toilets. I scooted as far back on the smaller seat as I possibly could, spread my legs, and aimed my penis into the bowl and started peeing. Once I finished, I scooted forward more to where my butt fell into the hole of the seat. I leaned forward and pushed a little bit, and without too much effort, a fair amount of ropy poop came out of me quickly. I sat for a few more minutes while I pushed out some more thin logs. After sitting for probably 7 or 8 minutes, I felt empty and started wiping. I enjoyed this paper much more than what I encountered in the public toilets. When I finished, I flushed and noticed that the toilet barely took it down, so it was a fairly large dump for me. I put on my swimsuit and went into the hot tub without the urge to poop returning until the next day.

I hope everybody enjoyed this post. It's a bit different than my typical post, so I thought I would see what kind of feedback I get from keeping a pooping log (no pun intended). It was an unusual day because I did not poop at home at all. Generally I poop at home in the morning, sometimes once before dinner, and once after dinner. Let me know if you think I should do more similar posts!



This morning I woke got out of bed had wee on portta pottie had two mugs of tea got dressed had a wee . I left house to go to Tesco for some milk the distance is a Twenty minuite walk , half a mile.
I went into store got the milk , as I was walking the return journey I
needed a toilet so I went into the wooded area put the milk on the ground
pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants and went into a poop squatt
position resting my back against the railway railings.
At that point switched of my head torch and began to wee as it reduced to a dribble pushed to poop a stream of mushy poo came out a second push
increased the flow I gave a sigh of relief and satisfaction as I was now
having a good shit .A fart signalled the end wiped pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms while moving forward so as not to step in any thing
switched on my head torch . A pile of poo Ten inches diameter Two inches
High picked up my milk I left the scene .
I did manage to get a bit of wee on my jogging bottoms , usually I
take my jogging bottoms and pants off .today every thing is wet so nothing to be gained
The rest of the journey took Ten Minuites arriving home got into camper
sat on portta pottie had a wee then went into house and had weetabix
which no doubt will be part of tommorrows bowel moments

Anatomy Student

To Jessica R

Some boys, men, and even women can get physically excited by pooping and sometimes peeing too. There is a nerve called the vagus nerve that runs from the brain all the way down the digestive tract to the anus. Part of this nerve's job is to work with the parasympathetic nervous system to handle the subconscious movements of the digestive process, and signal when the bowels are due to be emptied via stretch receptors. In some people's brains, the pleasure center is tied into the vagus nerve, so when those signals from the stretch receptors or the anus reach the brain, they stimulate the pleasure center. For some people this can cause arousal, for others a sense of euphoria, and I've even heard of people experiencing chills and their arm hair standing up. If it isn't a physical wiring cause, it could be the psychological response via whatever reward system you used to reinforce the good behavior for using the potty. There is also a chance the (I assume larger or more hard) stools are just stimulating the sensitive tissues in and around the penis near the anus. I don't know if this is normal, but I do know I was one of the lucky ones to experience pleasure from a nice dump, and when I was his age I would become aroused. Mind you I didn't know or understand why my body was doing what it was doing at the time, and when I was older I felt ashamed. After years of dealing with feeling like I was different, I began to talk about my experience with close friends. Eventually I met other people with similar experiences and it helped me not feel alone. I don't think there is any reason to worry, just make sure he isn't intentionally holding his poop to have a larger poop later, and don't make him feel like what he experiences is unnatural or wrong. My parents did that to me and now I have anxiety and struggled with self esteem and even intimacy issues when I was a teenager and they might be related. I dunno though, I'm not a doctor.

Hope this helps :)



The latest campervans have toilet at rear offside and kitchen rear nearside with a privacy curtain so you can have a Number Too and use the
cooker at same time no tiny cubicle to contend with !!
I have used pottie over Two Hundred times for a Number Too always use
Elsan Blue toilet paper never any problem with blockages.Always fill bottom tank with two litres of soapy water rinse tank one pint soapy water.Three sheets folded in half wipe another three sheets folded in half
wipe then two sheets folded is all I use. During the day wee a few times
during the night wee a few times empty alternate days before it gets to heavy .My choice of potties was made as they are custom fit for the lockers. If potties are left in galley area when travelling they tend to slide about


Largest bowel movement

I'm curious to see the members here describe the circumstances involving the largest bowel movement they've ever taken. Describe what you ate that caused it, the length of time since the prior movement, the place you took it, the wiping, any unique circumstances, ect.

I will describe mine in a future story. It occurred in a restroom on the back of a moving bus and was quite an ordeal. I normally go 3-4 times a day, but was backed up for more than 48 hours when I birthed that monstrosity.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


Re: Winnie, using half stalls

It is interesting that there are also womens' rooms with half-height stalls. You mentioned you used them at a drive-in. That must have been an old restroom facility. Are there other locations where you have come across such facilities?

I've come across such setups a few times in my life. They're not as common as doorless stalls(which thankfully are uncommon), and nowhere near as awkward to use, even though people can still identify you and tell what you are doing because they can see your face while you poop. In terms of privacy, I liken using them to poop to them to peeing in a partitioned urinal, which is a major improvement over using a doorless stall or open commode. Unlike doorless stalls or open commodes, half stalls at least keep my butt and privates out of view. I have zero reservations about using them even with other people in the room, since I find they provide at least basic privacy. Before I developed a sense of shamelessness about defecation, I used to hold it in if I had less privacy than even that such as when faced with doorless stalls. But back then I found even using the standard doored stalls where people could see my feet mildly awkward, though I'd use them without hesitation whenever needed. And I always used urinals to pee, even though I found that awkward too. Half stalls were not much different than that.

My first time encountering such a half-stall restroom setup was during a visit to another high school when I was a Freshman. On page 2870, I posted "A high school poop story", where multiple classrooms worth of boys and some teachers got to see me from the torso up as I blasted out diarrhea in a stall that didn't even go up to my shoulders as I sat on the toilet.

I've also come across and used these setups in a mall's department store, a highway rest stop, a truck stop, a number of small-town restaurants, and a city park. Usually, there were other people in the restroom who saw me from the torso up as I emptied my bowels. In one case at a rest stop, I was accompanied by a co-worker as he used a nearby urinal and then washed his hands in the sink with me visible in the mirror as I sat, and we discussed our work for the duration as I sat there pinching a loaf.



Well embrassing situations always happen to me for some reason it is so odd. A couple nights ago me and wife went for dinner we had Mexican food in town, we love it. My wife wanting to run a couple errands in town after dinner it is what we usually do. I am a bigger guy and I love to eat so I filled up. We get done I could feel my stomach was needing a little relief but I was ok so we went to a couple stores before heading home. We got to our 3rd stop the dollar tree as we walk in I felt my stomach rumbling I'm told my wife I was going to go blow up their bathroom she replied with a laugh and told me to f in ND her in a few minutes. I walk to the back of the store there were a few people in it I get to the bathroom and a sign saying remolding out of order and a pad lock was on it and I was like no my bowels needed relief now a woman working there came out of the stock room saw me at the bathroom door said sorry embrassed I told her my wife is shopping and I have a emergency . She replied well ok there is no door knob we are doing reventions I will unlock it and gaurd it to make sure no one walks in on you I reply thanks she said everybody has to pee bad at some point I kind of grinned I aucatlly need to sit on a toilet like now she said oh unlocked the door I rush in wipe off the seat and sit down she was right no knob just a hole any ody could look through and see
Me on the can. I could she her shadow pretty close to the door I tried to be quiet but once it started moving it was a loud wet explosion that I know she heard I sighed with relief and was on the toilet a few minutes when I felt done I walk out she was right there I thanked her she replied I bet that sounded like a emergency I say it was I couldn't hold it she snickered and I left . Told my wife the story she laughed and said we need to go home I have to poop too. We get home she blows up our bathroom bug time she just has the ability to hold it longer than me.


Christmas Party Group Poop

Hey everyone. So sorry for being away for a while. Looks like you all have been busy with peeing and pooping.

Anyway, here's my story. So this happened on Christmas morning. Me, and friends Ashley, Ashlynn, Amber, Tara and Jenise were all having a little too much to drink on Christmas Eve and when we all woke up finally on Christmas morning, all of us had to poop. Well, since we all needed to go, and badly, it was agreed that we would all go outside, pop a squat, and poop together as a group. So we all put our jackets on and went out to the edge of my property, got in to a circle facing each other, pulled our pants and underwear down, squatted down and all of us started to pee out the alcohol we had all consumed the night before. I pissed for the longest at about a minute and a half. All of us started to then push and we all pooped pretty big piles and thankfully Amber remembered to grab the baby wipes, so when we all got done, we passed around baby wipes to each other, wiped, and then went back in and had waffles for a Christmas morning breakfast and then we all exchanged gifts.

Anyway, hope you all had a good Christmas and New Years.


So I had a doctor's appt today where I was expected to drink alot of water beforehand and present with a full bladder. I was struggling to hold it but tiny dribbles kept escaping. Finally the tech came and got me. The crotch of my pullup was wet bit I still had a bursting bladder. I was squirming bad, couldn't even sit still
"Please hurry I'm about to go in my pants." During the exam, the tech was checking me down there. I was dribbling bad by now and I could feel a wet spot on the paper I was laying on. My stomach ached. More trickles escaped and ran down my bottom. Suddenly the tech said in surprise. Are you pee ing." I was nearly in tears. I need to go bad. More dribbles came out then the dam broke and I froze. Helplessly I pee-peed on the table. I wet the table and it ran off and pooled on the floor. It felt like I would pee forever. What a mess. I couldn't stop until I was done going. The tech was shook and took some blood after we got cleaned up as she had never had a patient wet themself on the table. Last time I had this procedure done, I managed to hold it just a bit longer until I was getting dressed as fast as I could. Unfortunately I wet my pants then too. Turns out I have a pretty severe UTI. No wonder I've had so much more trouble going potty in time. I'm burning down there and I haven't made it to the bathroom dry in days. I wet my diaper yesterday and it burned so bad I literally cried. I usually sleep through the night but last night I woke up in the middle of wetting my pullup and boy did it hurt. When I went to get changed there was blood in my pullup where I'd pee. I'm getting ANTIBIOTICS tomorrow. Hope that helps.


vocabulary question

We look at words at top of first page, there are many words which connect with loo and loo activity, but Mina doesn't understand one word. What is "amp"? It is very big letters now, but Mina checked dictionary, and she found only connection with electric current. Does it have another mean? If it does, somebody please tell me what that mean is.

Thanks and Love,

Mina and crushes

It looks like it was counting the ampersand characters in posts as words.

Jay, Stephen, Sherryl and Marie, those questions were form me btw



This morning the alarm went off @ 6 pm I slid out of bed switched it
off had a wee in portta pottie laid on bed waiting for the other alarm
clock to ring , fell asleep did not hear the second alarm .
Eleven o clock I awoke needing an immediate Number Too, slid down my
pants reached for Vollrath Bed Pan, slid under myself ,immediately I
started to wee as I was wriggling to get comfortable I farted and had
a follow through. When comfortable pushed to poop and continued to
have a very good shit , remained seated a few minuites before lying
on left side to wipe using Shades kitchen Towel .Pushing pan to myright
side pulling up my pants .I slide off of bed grabbed the bed pan now
weighing four pounds made way to toilet flushed dropped the foursheets
of paper one at a time .flushed again emptying the rest of the pan ,
flushed a third time and brushed the bowl with toilet brush
The Bed Pan I carried down to the garden and washed in the water butt
and rinsed returned it to bedroom




Just as I was trying to get more confidence with girls, me and Lisa were at the beach. She had made a white swim suit my present for helping her through a college-prep science class. So I was pretty much expected to wear it early that summer when we visited the beach. Dumb, awkward me I took a crap right after I changed in the bathhouse. She was looking for something in her bag when when I was the first to hit the water. She noticed the skidmark when I first ran for the water. When I came back to take her in with me, she took a second look and found it had expanded. When I changed back to my street clothing, Lisa used a special soap that her mom buys to get rid of the skidmark. It was 100% successful.


To me, my answer to the butt-wiping question is framed by the reality of my K-12 public school years. No doors on the toilets. Wiping from the seat is a much better alternative than to use my left hand to hold my genitals when standing up and then cleaning myself with the right. Standing is just putting on more of a show for those waiting for their turn at the seat.


Winnie the Pooh

The weekend pooping stories lol :

Saturday woke up with butt that was ready to be bare so I waddle to the guest bathroom cause I know certain movements would trigger more sensations, so I get there, lock the door take down my panties to my ankles and raise my one foot at a time so I'm completely without them on and goes over the toilet and let the seat down and placed my butt down and hiked up skirt and I relaxed my muscles and I began to fart and let pee go back door peep hole open up and crackling and dropping my stinks and and sinking them really enjoying it, have you been so happy to poop away from home and you feel great and you don't want the moment to end, well this was the case. So I heard knocked at the door I didn't know if it was MayJ or Dean at the door I said can't open I'm pooping my butt on the toilet, Dean said with laughing and said that it's not one toilet I won't sit on , I said that not true I never been to airport or on airplane and never been in dirty portal potty, with many stories I had heard about them and not even a bus, and let me get back to my great pooping time, he said that he was coming in , I said fine so he unlocks the door and I dropped my skirt my hands and let it hover the toilet he peaks in said don't be to long his buddy will be up soon and I don't want him to know what you did. I stick my tongue out and said let him know that I poop and pee with gladness. So I grabbed the tp and he close the door and I wiped up like 6 times and flushed and wash my hands and picked up my panties and left out. Then I head off to the guest room and drop my panties in the Landry area and I strip naked and grab a towel his my left us and I get to one of the bathroom with a shower. End of that story
Later on that day I had to more poops both of them at home one I was talking to my sister while she was visiting with us. and the last one was before bed .
I will go into details later but right now back to school I go just wanted to share real quick after delivering things to the office. And write this as I walk back to class ok I'm close by class, bye bye for now


Grade School Urination

For years I've enjoyed the stories about defecation, urination and that wicked combination of both that most of us dealt with in our grade school years. I don't know why exactly, but going to the bathroom with others around was scary. It might have been because I was an only child. It might have been because I was shy. I was awkward plus-some. Physically, I was the smallest boy in my class and probably the smallest in the school. It takes a toll on you when you stand out. With sight problems, I got glasses in the first grade. Mom thought the wire glasses looked good on me so I was made fun of and called Professor and some worse ones too. Try standing all the way against a urinal when classmates would come in from the back and snap their fingers and thumbs against the back of my ears. OK, I made some serious social mistakes like using both of my hands to direct my urine. And when I tried to avoid that by switching to the toilets, the problems followed me with one mistake after another. The toilet seat would be down and while I unzipped my jeans in front of the toilet to get my unit ready, I would use one hand to flick the seat up. I tried to be too fast and it would fall right down. Then, because there were no doors on most of the toilets, I was messed with for making a mess. So often I would go back to class after our a.m. or p.m. bathroom break half-drained, or less. Being late was not an option with most of my teachers. That would just draw more attention to my insecurities and perhaps punishment.

The sinks were bad when we tried to wash our hands. Guys would drop paper into the drain bowl of the sink. A few older boys would loosen the top of the faucet and I would fumble around as the water sprayed all over. The fixtures were very much antiquated. I think there was only one janitor in the building during the day to fix things and he had to alternate between the girls and boys bathrooms on each end of the three floor school. When there were problems with teachers using equipment in their classroom the janitor had to handle that too. If one of us threw up in the classroom or missed the toilet bowl in the bathroom the whole class had to be relocated while it was cleaned up. In my 1st and 2nd grade years I think I had two or three accidents urinating in my jeans. Each time I was cut in on in line or shoved out of the way by another student. My mom brought an extra pair of jeans to the school for the secretary in the office to give me after such an accident. That just caused more hassles and attention from the bullies. My first year I tried hard to deflect attention from me and I might have been successful for a day or two because of a fight or some acting up from one or two of my classmates. But then I would urinate and quickly leave the urinals as the bullying would begin only to have a classmate or two point at me and snicker because I had forgotten to zip up.

It seemed that most of my primary grade teachers were women and they spent more time hurrying the girls up. I know they hated coming into the guy's bathrooms and handling problems. I don't remember more than one or two not transferring out of our school the next year for a better job or a newer school. The assumption that the guys didn't need more strict discipline or supervision during the mandated bathroom breaks was sure wrong. My parents didn't like the mandated bathroom break idea, but the teachers had it easier that way because there would be less requests for the wooden bathroom pass that we could take off the wall and and with us into the toilet. It also seemed like once a day a student would get the teacher's permission to leave, take the pass, and forget to bring it back to the room. That would cause more attention to the student standing in pain and waiting to go.

The best setup was in kindergarten. Each classroom had a toilet and sink in the back by the coatroom. It was much easier to manage and the girls and guys seemed to enjoy the convenience. It made it so easy too for our teacher when she had to relieve herself.

Unlike some of the other posts on this site, our school didn't have a full-time nurse. We shared a lady among three or four other grade schools so she wasn't in the building and available all day, every day. There was a side room in the principal's office where we could change our clothing if we had an accident. There might have been an army cot or roll-away bed, but I don't remember it.

David P


David P here for a quick update and some replies.

Bianca - interesting fact about the fake rectum. I never knew that!

ECG - Your thoughts about the film and tv toilet scenes are intriguing. As much as I'd like to think certain actresses I have crushes on were actually doing a poo in the scenes it is just sounds added in post production. We can keep dreaming it is real though! I've worked on sets actually what I before this new office job, if it were true that toilet scenes were done only when actors needing to poo or wee then it would be majorly running behind!

Abbie - I enjoyed your last story! thank you for your reply and covid wishes, my poos over the new year were still really hard and hurt my bum but now I am in this new job I'm tending to go every day at a set time and being more regular, sometimes i've had ones that were big and hard that hurt and made me bleed but mostly much better than before. I hope it continues. I wanted to ask if you ever went to the doctor like I suggested or if things just got better on there own? Also any new constipation stories when in public/work? - I look forward to your new stories as always!

Now a quick update as not much to say just wanted to fill you in and send replies back to some posters. I've been in my new job since the new year and it's going well. Over the christmas and new year period I got really constipated and on new year's eve I pushed out a really hard and fat log that stung my hole. I've been having issues with bleeding after a poo and it usually hurts for the whole day. Since being in the job and getting back into a routine, i've started to go for a poo on a regular every day schedule at a set time as I am retraining my bowels to avoid constipation. Mostly the poos have been about 4 or 5 inches a day, they are hard with cracks on and I have to push hard to get them out but going every day is better than every 3 or 4 days like before. Some days I do have long soft logs maybe once or twice a week but mostly hard ones that make me bleed and hurt my bumhole!!! I hope my new routine of going every day continues and I manage to keep going at a set time so I avoid the need to go for a poo while at work, the toilets at work are dirty and everyday when I go to pee there are massive skid marks in the toilet, although they are cleaned off later in the day they always seem to appear again the next day. I hate public poos normally and dirty loos just make the idea worse.

Anna from Austria
@Midwesterner That is good to know that these doorless toilets might bre rare. The standard set up of the toilets in the states is ok. I used that set up a lot already during my first US Trip and I got used to it. At first I had to get used to it because it was downgrade compared to the privacy of most of the toilets here in Austria but at the end of my first trip I was totally fine using them so that won't be a problem during my second stay.

@all have another desperation story for you. I had a few desperate moments in my life already but I never bave been so close to really poop in my pants ever.

I had dinner at a friend's space. We had ???? chili con carne and a drink. We had a glass of Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey. I am not drinking that much any more and when I did in the past I was more the Vodka person. Was the first time I had whiskey in my life. I am not sure if the fact that my body was not used to Whiskey had something to do with the event will follow up but I mentioned the details just in case.

After the nice evening ended I walked home. And during the walk my stomache startet to rumble and i start feelin the urge to find a bathroom. So started walking faster. The preasure started to get stronger and stronger. Nothing unsual so far. But normaly my butt manages it to keep the poop sealed but that time the turd already started to come out. But I did not noticed it before coming home. I made it home end. Ran to my bathroom without taking the shoes of and closin the bathroom door. Luckily I am living alone at the moment. As soon as I was seated my first turd slided out of behind without any effort than after a series of farts that sounded like explosion I did some mushy poops for about 1 to 2 minutes. The chili and/or the Whiskey really messed my system up. When I was about the put my panties back one I really saw how close it was. There was a big skidmark at the back of my panties. I wore white panties at that day so the skidmark was very visible.

That's my story for today.

Greetings from Austria


Jessica R.

Toddler boy poos

Hello. I have a question that I'm wondering if any male (or mom) on this app can help me with. I have a son who is 4 1/2 years old. He has been potty trained both pee and poo poo for over a year now with no problems. Very recently though, something has been happening that I've never seen happen to him. My son has usually always had pretty easy poos. He usually tells me he needs to "poo poo" and I sit him on the potty and crack the bathroom door until he's ready to be wiped. Just last month though, I peeked through the cracked door to make sure he was okay. I noticed that his little pee pee (can I say penis on here?) was fully erect. When I went to wipe him, he commented on his penis and began to play with it. To be honest, I didn't think much of it and I wiped him and carried on. But nearly every time he poops since, he not gets a full erection. He has also been complaining that his "poo poo hurts" here and there. His pediatrician recommended fiber, which has helped some. But could his poo be causing toddler erections? I have no experience with little boys besides him. It doesn't seem to be bothering him, but I am not sure why this is happening.

Thanks for the help!


Reply to ECG on shooting toilet scenes for film and TV

In most examples I can think of, the sound effects have been very obviously dubbed in without much attempt at realism. Sometimes I think this is for comic effect (like the "Battle-shits" diarrhea scene in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle) but sometimes I think it might be that many viewers would feel uncomfortable with more explicit depictions and the makers actually want to clearly establish that the scene is fake. One exception I can think of is a scene in Mad Men where a drunk Duck Philips is just about to take a dump on the office couch, and you can hear a fairly subtle but quite realistic pre-poop fart. I imagine that was probably dubbed as well, though.


not so clear

Mina is stupid woman. She read her post which is message from Beige Loo, and two things not clear. Sorry to everyone. Mina ask crushes to spank her, but they refuse, and Kazu parted Mina's hair and kissed her back of neck three kisses...

I explain not clear parts.

After "Mina once said", Mina wrote "she stands up", it look like "Mina stands up" but if fact, not necessarily Mina. It can be Kazuko or Hisae or Maho.

And, "loo in her flat before her ("her" is VR Loo) is mean, loo which was broken so V and R put new loo in her place. Loo who exploded everywhere is VR Loo Senior, and young loo who is there now is VR Loo Junior.

Mina is very chagrined. Come to Japan and spank. (But Mina likes kiss better than spank...)

Love to everyone.

Mina and lovely crushes



I have seen many reviews of portta potties , many times it is only used
for a wee during the night .no explanation as to why !!
obviously the demonstrator haves a number too somewhere else this does
does not promote sales and just conveys the message buy something else
if you need it for a number too .
I have purchased several potties ,every one I have pooped and wee in
whilst I have a number too .often the places I have stopped do not have
toilets or the toilets are poor and dirty.
When I have had two large mugs of tea after waking I often have to poop
I use the same pottie I have used during the night and wipe with the
recommended toilet paper .I have a number too every day sometimes twice
I empty alternate days .Many times on an evening when comfortable and
watching television or DVD I have slid out of the sleeping bag and on
to the pottie .


Re: sStephen, pooping in a campervan

I've also pooped in a sort of campervan, well, actually, a small RV.

It belonged to the mother of this college-aged lady I was dating. Sometime in the late morning around noon I was driving her there to see her two kids. As we were pulling into the trailer park, I felt the need to take a big dump. She stayed the night at my place and I skipped my morning poop because I was out of toilet paper and held it in. I didn't need to go again after that until now, and it was wanting to come out with a vengeance.

I asked her if I could use the restroom and she invited me into the RV. I went to the back, shut the door, dropped my pants to my ankles, and took a seat. It was a tiny, cramped room, with no lock on the door, and a mirror stretching vertically across the door right in front of me. I was maybe 120 lbs at the time, but even then, there was barely enough room for me to sit without my left leg bunching up against the sink. My knees were at the mirror on the door, a door which opened outward from where I sat. I ripped a quiet fart, but it echoed about the room and the sound traveled. It was then that I heard her mother talk. "Is he taking a crap?" My girlfriend replied "Probably." Her mother responded back "Don't forget to tell him about the trashcan."

I was pushing out a log of crap to my heart's content when my girlfriend knocked on the door. "Whatever you do, don't flush any paper down the toilet. You'll stop the toilet. Put it in the trashcan."

I let her know I heard the message, awkwardly replying "Where's the trashcan?" She said "Underneath the sink, in the cabinet."

I was embarrassed. I hadn't developed a sense of shamelessness at that point, and while this was far from the first time I pooped within 10 feet of this girl, it was the first time it was ever acknowledged that I was doing such. I heard her walk back to the couch. I ripped a loud fart followed by a *plapt* and then heard her and her mom laugh. My girlfriend then responded "He eats like a horse." Her mother responded "Most young men do." Every turd I pushed out seemed to be accompanied by pockets of gas, audibly echoing about the room.

All of a sudden I heard rapid footsteps enter the RV and rush to the door. Her mom yelled "Hey! Someone's in there!" just as the door was opened, exposing me to line of sight of my girlfriend and her mother on the nearby couch. One of my girlfriend's children, a boy of about 6, looked at me with wide-eyed terror, as I could see my girlfriend and her mom look at me in an awkward manner. "Sorry!" The door quickly shut. Perhaps one second in total had passed with the door open. I was extremely embarrassed, but this was not the first time something like this happened, and they were far from the first people to see me sitting on a toilet.

I regained my resolve to finish the task at hand. About a minute later, I was pushing the last of my excrement out. *brrrr-t* *ploot* As I started rolling the toilet paper, I heard the kid yell "Hurry up, I need to pee!" I could feel the RV shake as he was pacing back and forth.

As I was rolling the toilet paper, I heard his grandmother remark "You can wait a few more seconds. He's finishing up."

When I exited the bathroom, my girlfriend's mom looked at me and asked "Feeling better?" I didn't know what to respond with and said nothing as the kid rushed in, shut the door, and unzipped his fly. I was quite embarrassed. My girlfriend was smiling and blushing, stifling laughter. I heard the kid take a loud pee, and every noise was audible and impossible to ignore the way the sound traveled. About an hour later, her other boy went in there to poop, and everything, including the rolling of the toilet paper, and the dropping of the paper into the plastic bag lining the trashcan, could be heard even over conversation. There was zero acoustic privacy in that RV toilet, and I'm sure they heard every gory detail of my toilet visit.

About two weeks later, my girlfriend told me both her and her mom thought I looked cute while sitting on the toilet. I was embarrassed again, if only briefly. Later that night after telling me that, she took a poop in the bathroom in my apartment, without nearly as obnoxious acoustics as the RV. I did hear a fart and splash. She was also in there for a good 10 minutes. When I went in to pee a few minutes after, there were streaks all over the toilet bowl and it reeked of rotten eggs. When I went back into the room, she was sitting on my bed, smiling at me. No matter how cute they are, girls do indeed poop.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022



Hi folks. I once discovered that surgeons can make people an artificial rectum by attaching your small intestines to your anal canal to form what's called a J pouch. It seemed neat, but one of the side effects sounded like it was awful for the person experiencing it. She would get painful spasms, and even leak stool. Anxiety medication helped her which was great. This lady used to have an illiostomy, but she didn't like how she looked with it. The artificial rectum isn't an option for everybody, but when thinking of this site, I pictured myself having wild stories to tell if I had a J pouch. The person in the video said the poop coming out is just like when she had her bag attached. She compared her J pouch poop to a bad Taco Bell night. There was also a part mentioned about being able to hold it, but the gas would make her eventually need to go. Doctors can do so much with the human body nowadays, and a fake rectum seemed like one of the most neat finds ever. Bye, hope all of you love this.


First post

Hey all, this is my first time posting, so forgive me if it's sub par. A bit about me first: I'm American, about 5'4, 22, long dark hair and light brown skin. I like science, sci-fi, and theology (non-denominational Christian, pastor's daughter).

Yesterday (it is currently ), I felt pretty full and not from eating too much. I pressed a hand to my soft belly and it was a bit hard, I waited a bit until the pressure built up a bit more before heading to the bathroom. I shut the door and dropped my sweats and underwear to my ankles and sat on the toilet. Peed, then tingling sensation at my butthole came, so I pushed a bit. A thick, dry log started to ease it's way out... a bit painful, but it felt good after two days of not pooping. I exhaled and pushed it out in a few minutes, farting a few times after. My guts were definitely empty now. My butt was a bit sore too, and the room smelled like a mix of booty and poop. I wiped, and pulled up my sweats. I looked at what had come out of me. It was dark brown, not smooth, probably a foot or so long, and maybe two inches thick. I flushed, washed my hands and went outside.

God bless ya'll

Jay: can you tell the bucket story?
Stephen: more about the bedpans, perhaps?
Sherryl: how's it going? Did you do a holiday group poop again? Fun idea: read "Juliet from France"'s story about pooping on a chair and do that! Tie or tape yourself or a (consenting) friend to a hard chair when desperate (perhaps with laxative or enema) and enjoy!
Marie: have you ever pood in the sink or shower and how did it go? Can you describe in detail an average naughty potty experience?


Winnie the Pooh

Continue on from Friday,

So after eating a lot and drinking a lot MayJ excuse ourselves to go to the ladies bathroom, 3 of 5 stalls were full can tell it was was pooping time couple people in front of us, so MayJ acted she was desperately needed a toilet badly so I noticed that the inside part of the place was not a lot of people, so said that she hoped I was right and when we got there I was right but we walked in the bathroom the stalls were halfway up that it was hardly any privacy and it was other teen girls from the rival school were sitting on the toilets and can tell it was a pooping night, so I took the end stall and MayJ took the middle stall, So I latch my door and I see May J from the mirror pulling down her jeans to her ankles and sitting on the toilet and smiling at me and I hiked up my skirt and sit down on the toilet and smiling back at her and I lowered my tights to my knees and the next few moments all you hear was farting and splashing and grunting and moaning . After 10 minutes I was empty out so I waited for MayJ at the sinks cause she was not done yet. So after 5 more minutes, she was done and we got back to the car with the guys and, They wonder if we were okay I told him yeah just long lines , and we got back to his place and slipped off my tights and went barefoot cause don't want to ruin them. We played cards and twister for little bit I didn't play the full game cause my panties were going to be on display and I didn't want MayJ date to see them by accident. Though nothing was revealed . So while the guys were away MayJ and I were talking about things and decided to play what is true and what is false , so when we when the guys came back we played that and we ate some more food and around midnight I had to pee and everyone is not wanting to go home his parents let us stay in the guest bedroom and her date in Dean room with him . So we are sleeping in the upstairs and they downstairs and right now I'm about go back to sleep. So in little while I know that I'm going back to bathroom to poop . So till then sleep well

There's never been a time when I didn't seriously struggle with pee-pee problems. I still vaguely remember the second time my mom tried to potty train me. I was well past four and she was also potty training two of my female cousins who were both 2 1/2. Within a short amount of time, both were doing great going potty when they needed to with just an occasional mishap. Me on the other hand was a completely different story. I knew what to do just not how to do BEFORE doing it in my pants. I finally succeeded in no longer crapping my pants when I was 3 but I still remember running to the potty only to end up in a puddle. I couldn't go to kindergarten because I still wore a diaper. High school was the worst. I didn't wet quite as often anymore as I had in elementary school but wetting your pants in high school period is social suicide. I felt so helpless every time I got to the toilet with wet pants. One day in tenth grade, I needed to go potty during social studies. I automatically tried to hold it because I was frequently mocked by others when I raised my hand for the toilet. You're not gonna make it, Kaycha. Do you need your pants changed like a baby? I hated it and I quickly grew to hate my classmates. I dribbled a bit in my panties and knew I'd better go quick before my stomach started to hurt. That was one of my signals that announced id better hurry before the squeezing in my lower belly hit. I left the class, ignoring the teasing. As I walked down the hall, my bladder spasmed and I pee-peed just a little. Then the urge got bad and My bladder started giving up. My crotch got really warm and wet. Trickles began to drool down my leg to my socks. By the time. I got to the bathroom the dam burst and I was full on wetting my pants. Inside the stall tears ran down my face as urine ran down my pants like a child. I had lost again. Today I didn't quite go potty in time but I felt thankful that I now wear a pullup when I'm in public and I don't have to worry that someone sees if I have an accident. I'm no longer that sad, helpless-feeling teenager wishing she could consistently master such an elementary skill. Now I just do my best but when I do have an oops moment, it soaks my diaper not my pants ans I get to feel safe and secure instead of sad, ashamed and embarrassed. I'm grateful.


Shooting Toilet Scenes for Film and TV

I was wondering recently about the filming of toilet scenes for films and tv shows. In most cases, I'd imagine the actor sits on the toilet for the scene not actually using it, and the required sound effects are added in post production.

It occured to me, have there ever been occasions when filming such scenes where the actor has accidentally started going to the toilet for real while filming? I think it's probably happened at some point, since the actors would be sitting on the toilet with their trousers down, as if they were using it, but that's not the intended purpose here. Your body's probably going to send mixed messages in that situation. Perhaps if an actor knows a toilet scene is coming up, they go to the toilet before the shoot to reduce the chance of them going while filming?

It's probably rare that actors would be required to use the toilet for real on camera, since it's unlikely many would agree to it, and that's likely not the sort of thing many production crews or viewers would demand authenticity from. There's also logistical issues to consider, like only being able to film one take every few hours, being unable to schedule a specific time to shoot because you're dependent on the actor's body clock, and being unable to control the volume of the actor's peeing or bowel movement so that it isn't too loud or too quiet. I think of strange things sometimes!


Winnie the Pooh

Happy weekend is upon us:

Today I woke up up a hour early then normally, I got out of bed headed to the bathroom and disrobed and sat on the toilet, yawning along the way, I began to pee good stream. Wipe and flushed and turned on the shower while waiting I sat back on the toilet farted some and my poop to being to poke out and pop pop two med sizes dry ones came out. I got up and flushed and wiped and washed my hands got in the shower nice and steamy after I got dressed for school. Jeans panties bra polo bra and socks and heeled mini boots, I don't own a pair of athletic shoes except for gym. Though I like them especially the Jordan brand but it's hard for me to get my size . That's all right now going out now with MayJ and Dean . Drive in double date


Post Title (optional) LeeLee

I have a number too every day always mushy occaisionaly stools 35 mm
diameter I use porta potties often as I feel my bowel movements are
quicker due to the lower seating position and enjoy a better shit .
I never strain just a gentle push to start
I keep two potties in van ADVENTURIDGE AND BACK TO NATURE as these
are a custom fit into lockers


Swimming & Crapping & Skidmarks

For me the problem with skidmarks in my swimsuit started when I was 11 and had to take a quarter of swimming for my PE credits. Mom had bought me a new swimsuit for my birthday, a couple of days before the swimming started. It was yellow. One of my favorite colors. My swim class was 2nd hour. That was about 9 most days. On many days my craps would come during 1st hour. My class was art and I know our teacher had to slip out for five minutes or so a couple of times a week and a bunch of my friends agreed it was probably because she had to crap. We later found that to be true. She would use the student bathroom down the hall from our classroom. She wore colorful sweats and really expensive soft shoes. Easy to spot under the half-door on each toilet booth. But that's probably another story. My craps tended to be sometimes larger and often soft and messy. It was kind of depressing trying to clean myself with these really cheap toilet paper squares. Whether I wiped while still seated or stood I probably needed 20 to 30 wipes some days. But I didn't want to lose my privileges so I wiped pretty fast.

In PE, our teacher who was also the swim coach, was mean. The class was large and we would sometimes bump into one another trying to get to one of the bottom lockers when others getting into one of the top lockers would have a conversation or do something distracting. When too many of us were late for the swimming pool whistle or had taken our swimsuit home for laundry and forgotten it, we were made in come in after school for laps in the gym or the Saturday School Team--detentions. So on several days I was no more than 30 minutes or so after my crap when I hurriedly put my suit on and lined up with my squad on the side of the pool. One day, I think the first week, I did an ass flop on the wet surface. Some students cheered. The teacher yelled at me for being late and causing a distraction.

We did a variety of swimming exercises in the water each day. Often a beach ball was thrown out for water basketball. Some of the girls were really aggressive in stealing the ball because I think that is how we got the maximum points for class. More than once I got a fist in my butt as we scrambled for the ball and controlling it. Each time I knew there was probably another skidmark. Many times I found I was right, but when the whistle blew we had like five minutes to get to the locker room, quickly shower, dress and get off to 3rd hour. That was a hard-stop for attendance and everyone had to be in the room, on time and listening to announcements. I never worried about reporting with my hair wet. But a skidmark in my yellow swimsuit and sometimes in my white undies became all too common. We were only allowed to take our swimsuits home on weekends for laundry.

About two weeks into the quarter mom found a skidmark in my swimsuit as she was sorting clothing for washing. Then the next day she got an email from the school saying I had earned my first Saturday School Team detention. She listened to me but she also said I had to be more efficient in the use of my time. That was taking the school's side. I was not surprised. She suggested I get up an hour earlier in the morning for school, saying that would enable me to have my crap just before leaving home. She also asked some questions about me peeing at school and some of the other stains in my underwear. I explained how rushed I was and sometimes how I had to jump off the toilet fast and make a run to my next class. She didn't like that and said it could cause urinary track infections. Also, she didn't like it that I sat butt-down on the toilet seat, saying I should at least wipe it down before seating myself. But I tried to explain to her that a TP square was no bigger than the palm of my hand. And that would take additional time away from my wee.

Later she bought me a dark black swimsuit; something a couple of my friends found would hide the skidmarks. But it was sad that a couple of the rude, aggressive girls would continue to find something or someone to talk about. When we were dressing I was asked about a couple of pimples on my butt and a larger mole on the side of my thigh. The next quarter I had music rather than PE, something I really enjoyed. But I couldn't get away from the skidmarks. The few times I ducked into the bathroom between 6th and 7th hour for a fast crap resulted in smaller skidmarks in my undies. When mom asked, I tried to explain that when a toilet becomes available, I run in, quickly seat myself, crap, and perhaps get one swipe at a wipe. Even flushing is sometimes a luxury that I was not willing to risk a Saturday School Team referral on. In many of the booths, also, the TP was gone by mid-afternoon.

Now, more than 20 years later, I have a great career with a large financial institution and I regularly use all types of public bathrooms with great confidence. Diver, my boyfriend, is surprised, especially after some of the things I've told him that I've gained and maintained confidence in myself. I do know that others my age (early 30s) still struggle and have hang-ups about what happened to them years ago in school. I feel sorry for them.

Jay's Survey:

1. How often do you pee?
From 4 to 6 times--perhaps one more time if I drink more alcohol or coffee with my friends.

2. How often a day do you poop?
Once usually in the morning.

3. How long does it take you to poop?
Usually 5 minutes or less. I was well trained in public school, but also traumatized. (See above).

4. How often do you get constipated?
Once a month at the most. The laxatives are getting better.

5. How often do you get Diarrhea?
A couple times a year, especially if I drink too much alcohol.

6. Where is the weirdest place you have Peed?
My boyfriend Diver's beer mug after a nearly all-night party for him and his softball team. I was upset with him because he didn't do his share of the set up and pick up work. I was going to stop him just as he tipped it to start drinking, but he ended up running to the bathroom to puke. I've been with him nearly 10 years and I love him!

7. Where is the weirdest place you have Pooped?
My friend Amy and I were like 10 and messing around on a railroad trestle near her house. She talked me into pooping in a Burger King cup. Then we laid it out on a hot train track with the temperature in the 90s. We ran off the track into a patch of trees a watched a long UP train come by. It was totally obliterated. Amy told her kid brother about what we did and he said he was surprised the train didn't derail.
Then she called him the most obscene name I've ever heard. He told their mom. Amy got grounded.

8. Are you shy about pooping in public bathrooms?
Not since I was about 16. Lot of adventures to be had and you're probably never going to see those people again.

9. Have you ever had an accident and peed or pooped your pants?
Yes. In middle school.

10. Do you pee while taking a shower because you're too lazy to get out and go in the toilet?
Yes. And I crap at a convenience store on my drive to work because Diver spends so long on the toilet. We have only one bathroom in our apartment. How he ever made it through public school without being tardy to class and getting detentions I'll never understand. Eight or nine of my friends could use the toilet for the amount of time he puts into one sit.


Replies and Faulty Toilet Story

@Anna from Austria
I wouldn't worry too much about doorless stalls here in the US. At least in my area of the US (the Midwest), I have very rarely encountered a doorless stall. In my state, I can only think of one place I've been that had a doorless stall, and I haven't been to that place in a long time, so that may have changed by now. However, the US is a very large and diverse country, so it could be different in other areas. The vast majority of public stalls I've seen in the country have been the standard 6 foot height. The only disadvantage is that the stalls often have gaps at the door jambs and sometimes at the rear, but this is still much better than no door or privacy at all.

This concept happens between my wife and I already, but we don't post pictures of ourselves on the toilet online. She has sent me pictures of herself on the toilet privately a couple times. I think it would be kind of amusing if more people did that though.

I more than understand about getting busy in life! I'm glad to see you post when time allows. I've enjoyed your posts for years! I laughed about what your son said after your bathroom visit, although I'm sure it was pretty embarrassing for you at the time. I wish your parents well in their search for their next house (in this absolutely crazy real estate market), and look forward to your next post!

Very interesting topic for your post. I can't say I've ever had someone try to flush the toilet while I'm sitting on it to try and get my butt wet. However, I do have a somewhat related story to that. I will share that story in this post. I do have to say that I sort of like flushing while I'm seated too. The flow of air almost feels like air conditioning for my butt! Judging by some of the posts on this forum, flushing while seated must be fairly common in the women's room. It seems like some women flush right as their "you know what" is coming out of their butt. In the men's room, I don't typically run into this.

@Elvia @Victoria and Robyn
In response to your question regarding using the toilet at parties, birthdays, and other events held at someone's house with a lot of people, I share similar opinions to Victoria and Robyn. Victoria, I completely agree with you about if someone makes you awkward about needing and asking to use a toilet, they're probably not a good person to keep in your life! I will admit that sometimes I'm a bit shy about using the bathroom at someone's house at first if I don't know them very well, but I find that I usually get over that shyness. As far as our own house, my wife and I always do our best to make our guests feel comfortable using the bathroom. We're extremely laid back in that area. I put a lot of work into remodeling our bathrooms, and the feedback has been pretty positive! On the farm, we also have a bathroom in our shop where we repair/ maintain equipment. We always try to make sure that bathroom is up to good standards too, and make sure that the people who help us on the farm know they're welcome to it whenever they need it. People that feel appreciated and that they can be human tend to do better work! My wife and I never shame anybody for peeing or pooping.

To continue on with Ada's subject of getting your butt wet on the toilet, I have an odd experience relating to that. I would be curious if anybody else has had this happen to them. Once when I was a middle schooler, I was at my grandparent's house for the weekend, and I needed to poop. At this house, there are a couple bathrooms upstairs, and one bathroom downstairs. Since I was downstairs, I thought I would use the bathroom there. I went in and sat on the toilet. I got comfortable on the seat and started reading one of the magazines that was on a rack behind the toilet (this was before most people had smartphones). I had pushed one piece out when I faintly heard the sound of someone sitting on the toilet in the bathroom upstairs, right above me, and start peeing (must've been one of the female relatives). I didn't think anything of it and pushed out another small piece of poop. I felt like I still had a big piece in me yet, so I kept sitting. Whoever was in the bathroom upstairs flushed, and when they did, the water in the toilet I was sitting on gurgled (splashing me), and rose to the point where it touched my buttcheeks! It was so disgusting! The water with my poop floating in it had touched my butt while I had another poop part way out of me! Of course I darted up from the toilet as soon as the water touched my buttcheeks. I looked in the bowl and saw the water still gurgling, which got the seat a bit wet from the splashes. The water was gradually going back down, but I was honestly the most startled I've ever been while pooping! Luckily, the toilet didn't overflow, although it was close! If you're sitting on a toilet, your buttcheeks usually sink in 2 or 3 inches below the bottom of the seat, so the water did come pretty close to the top of the bowl. I was pretty spooked after that incident, so I didn't really want to sit back down. I tried flushing my poop, and it did go down. I pulled up my pants and went to another bathroom to finish the rest of my poop. But I will say, in all my years of sitting on many different toilets, I have never had an incident like this happen! I've pooped many times in that same toilet since then, as recently as in the past year, and never had that issue again. Have any of you on this forum had a similar incident? Knowing what I do about plumbing, it was most likely caused by a plugged up plumbing vent, causing the pressure to back feed.

Sunday, January 16, 2022


Post Title (optional) POOPING IN A CAMPERVAN

Last Wednesday I was driving through New Forest Hampshire @ 4pm and needed a toilet , drove into a gravelled car park .Retrieved AVENTURIDGE porta potty from locker dropped my jogging bottoms and pants to my ankles
and sat down. A few minuites later started to wee much longer than normal
I pushed to open my bowels relaxed a minuite then pushed and relaxed again I pushed a third time longer and more effort slowly poop was going into potty I sneezed three times causing me to have a good shit peeing and pooping continuously, when done I sat a few minuites before wiping
pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms .
The bowl was filled two inches from seat .the most I have done in one sitting . pulled slide then rinsed bowl and cleared skid marks with brush ,pushed potty into locker wiped hands with wipes then drove off.
Fifty miles later I need toilet pulled into layby retrieved potty from locker dropped jogging bottoms and pants I sit down and wee the usual amount , pulled up pants and jogging bottoms pull slide on potty and rinse place it back in locker then drive home.
When I arrive home I need toilet pull potty from locker drop jogging bottoms and pants sit down and wee the usual amount , pull up jogging bottoms and pants .
The potty I empty flush with bucket of water refill holding tank with
one litre of water and one litre of water in the rinse tank sprinkle
a hand full of washing powder around the bowl , place potty back in locker.

Post Title (optional) LEE LEE

When I was an apprentice electrician I was sent to carry out some installation work at a house in Redland Bristol.Upon arrival I was shown round the entire three story large house by the owner occupier who had spent large sums of money on it .the lady told me use any of the toilets when ever you want no need to ask .
we went back to the kitchen she made tea ,while the kettle was boiling
I used the toilet in the hallway I sat down it was superb comfort I returned to kitchen . while drinking tea the lady asked me if I had
used my bowels this morning I told her yes before I left home .I finished the tea collected tools and materials from van and started work
At twelve o clock I needed a number too so I went to the toilet in hallway I dropped my trousers and underpants to my ankles and sat down
I began to poop I was so comfortable I enjoyed it peeing and pooping
for twenty minuites I wiped with super soft paper pulled up my pants and
trousers then flushed. the lady offered more tea asked me if I had a good number too I said the best for a long time.
At four in the afternoon I was fixing the light in the on suite toilet
top floor suddenly I had to poop I was four feet from the toilet
I got my trousers and pants down just in time as I was begining to poop
before I sat down again I was peeing and pooping twenty minuites.
The next day I arrived at the job early and had to poop as I rang
the door bell I used the toilet in hallway again just getting my trousers and pants down as poo was coming out .The lady told me regular
bowel movements are essential to good health ,she was a retired nurse
and ideally we should all poop every ten hours
The job took a bit longer than anticipated due to toilet breaks
The pictures in the toilets I think had hidden cameras and the
tea contained a laxative !!!

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