Emine (optional)
Museum toilets (optional)
I went to Amsterdam for work recently. On the weekend, I decided to visit a famous museum. There was a group of students there who were obviously waiting for a guided tour. Their teacher told them to make sure to be by the entrance of the exhibition at 10 latest. I bought my ticket and deposited my handbag in a locker box. I thought it would be wise to use the toilet to change my tampon before starting the visit. When I entered the bathroom, I was surprised to see that only one of the five stalls was in use. I took another one leaving two free ones in between. As I sat down, three students from the group entered the bathroom. Two of them took stalls next to mine. They were talking about the crazy night out they just had. By their accent, it was clear that they were Australian! I started peeing and so did they. Then, the one on my left farted loudly and immediately began passing what sounded like a very mushy poo! The stench of soft poo filled the room in no time. Meanwhile, there were some crackling sounds on my right indicating that my other neighbor was also working on a turd! The third student asked: "Who's taking a shit?!" and both my neighbors replied: "Me!" They all burst out in hysterical laughter. The third one then said: "Actually I think I might go as well, these mini-pancakes went right through me!" And they all laughed again. The one on my right was already working on her second turd, the first one had splashed into the water loudly shortly before. I was impressed, these young ladies were clearly not holding it back! The one on my left was still going too, passing large amounts of very soft poo. She commented: "I can't blame it on the pancakes nor on the meatballs, that's clearly the seven beers from yesterday that caused this!" I was impressed by this as well, since that's a lot of beer. Since I was curious now about who they were, I finished my business, washed my hand by the sink and waited for them to exit their stalls. The lady who was there before me had already exited the bathroom. Then the student that was on my right wiped, flushed and got out of her stall. She was a 5'1 brunette wearing a black dress. She did not seem to mind me and washed her hands. Meanwhile, the one who was on my left started wiping. She used many wipes since her poo sounded mushy to say the least. When she got out of the stall after flushing, I saw that she was a 5'8 blonde with very cute freckles! They agreed that they felt so much better! Meanwhile, I pretended to check my makeup by the mirror. The third student flushed and got out of her stall and joined the others. She was about 5'3, somewhat ???? and had dirty blonde hair. She told them: "Wow, that was very much needed, I couldn't go at all yesterday!" They then all left in a hurry because their guided tour was starting. I thought that it was a good opportunity for me to check out their stalls and let me tell you that all three of them totally destroyed their bowls! It reminded me of the times when I was younger and how a good night out would end a bout of constipation for me too.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Mina Kazumi Maho Hisae
Dear Rose Y
We are happy you like our idea about toilet like to be fed by human being!! Mina asked her French friend about mean of "bon appétit". It is good phrase.
Perhaps rose loo sent message to beige loo, we could hear little bit, to us it was burururururururu under Mina's bottom, but perhaps real message was, "Meal from Rose was so delicious"...??
Love to everyone
Hisae Maho Kazumi Mina
Potty Training
I do not remember a real lot...I remember sitting on my toilet chair and looked down and a a long poo was making it way into the pot. I remember being given a chocolate and Mum said it was to make you poo.
I remember I use to sit to have a wee and Mum said now that you are a big boy you can stand and wee. My father did not have a role in toilet training...men did not in those days.
I remember pooing my pants but not that often , however, I did wet my pants a number of times.
what I do remember is being at the beach ( deserted) a few times where Mum made me squat being a rock and have a poo..it actually felt good.
I remember I did not like loose motions...I preferred they were good firm stools.
I was very private about BMs and really wished I did not have to do another poo....now I love a good poo!Nasiba
Dumping and Cheating
Me and my friends Amit and Laci are spending most of our summer days at the park. Sometimes we ride our bikes in the morning and then swim in the afternoon. There's always enough to do. We kind of pool our money for lunch. Sometimes we might go farther than we should into other parts of our city, but we're building toward the endurance that's necessary for some competitive fund-raising rides in the fall. So we're using toilets away from home several times daily.
Me and Laci are bathroom bestees. Both of us crap at the same time every morning. We use toilets next to one another and we look out for one another. I'm kind of a slower start person with my pees. I sit and it might be a minute or more before my stream starts. Laci often has to yank her shorts down and her pee gushes out sometimes before her butt hits the seat. But she'll stay seated until I'm done and do my fast wipe. In terms of crapping, I tend to have the larger, more fully-formed craps, which sometimes blast out of me almost before my butt hits the seat. Some are a little messy, if you know what I mean, and require several flushes because the difficulty I have in cleaning myself. I have to use something like a paper mitt to prevent from getting stuck crap on my hand. I wipe with my right hand, but Laci has talked me into using my left hand too. Amit, who I've been friends with since kindergarten, suggests I might be better off riding back home for my craps. The park toilets are older, a bit lower, and somewhat uncomfortable to sit on, but I try to make the best of the situation.
Yesterday afternoon, Laci and I took a different route in our training, and we did a rest period and pee in the bathroom of a different park. It was hot and humid and she was a little nauseated. We laid out next to one another on a large picnic table and I dozed off. A strange thing happened. This girl about five years younger than us, laid her bike down, and with her phone out, she walked into the bathroom. Laci had been in there earlier for a pee and bypassed the first toilet because the bowl was mostly full of crap. Laci walked in closely following the girl. Laci found it strange that the girl took several shots of the full crap left behind. Laci asked the girl what was happening and the girl admitted that see was sending the photo of the full bowl to her mom, who she said, had been badgering her about missing several days of taking her laxative, and the constipation that was getting worse.
The girl was resisting a plan by her pediatrician who required her to keep a daily bathroom log. It was the best evidence, she said. We knew she didn't see it as cheating.
When we told Amit about it, he was sympathetic with the girl. He spends about a month every summer with his grandparents on the other side of the country. Grandma asks him every day whether he's moving his bowels or not. He resents the question everytime it is asked.Midwesterner
Portable Bathroom Idea
I am happy to say that as of a week ago, Anna and I finally got done planting all of our crops on our farm! Of course the conclusion of planting season doesn't mean that the work stops, but it does slow down for a bit, so hopefully I will be able to post more regularly. I will say that when you start pushing long hours, sometimes spending 16 to 18 hours at a time in the tractor trying to beat rain or other adverse weather conditions, it's guaranteed that you will have to forgo using a normal bathroom and just use the grown up brush by the fence rows or the tractor as cover to do your business.
For me, outdoor elimination is just second nature and I honestly prefer peeing outdoors to a normal toilet. I still enjoy sitting on a toilet to poop, but sometimes you just have to make do with what you have (or don't have). However, Anna and a couple of the other females who help us out from time to time do prefer taking a seat on a toilet when possible. I came up with an idea to facilitate taking a toilet around with us. I have a pickup truck with a trailer that I use to carry fuel, tools, and seed to different fields. I think that I could construct a little portable bathroom that can sit on the front of the trailer and follow us around. I could construct the bathroom as a self contained module that could be removed from the trailer if needed. I could even run power from the generator that I carry in the truck to power an air conditioner. The toilet itself could work similarly to how a toilet in an RV works. The concept would be sort of like a porta potty, but it would be much nicer and much more like a bathroom in a house or building. Let me know what you think of this idea!
To Elvia and Peter
Peter -
1. When you were a student, did you ever use the toilet in the presence of a teacher or staff member? This could include a teacher walking into the bathroom while you were in a stall. How did you feel about it?
I don't think this ever happened to me past kindergarten. I remember in kindergarten there was a bathroom attached to the classroom, and I have some memories of using the toilet in view of my teacher. I think she was guiding me through the steps involved in going to the bathroom.
2. When you were a student, did a teacher ever use the toilet in your presence? (including using a stall with a door)
I'm pretty confident this never happened to me in public school. That is, until university (if we're counting professors as 'teachers'), where staff bathrooms weren't a thing, and peeing in a stall adjacent your professor was common.
3. If you are a teacher, educator, or staff member yourself, have you ever used the toilet in the presence of a student, or been present while a student was using the toilet? Tell your story.
Yes, I used the toilet in the presence of students once. I didn't continue to pursue it, but I did go to teacher's college, and during my student teaching, I had an awkward incident, which ties into Elvia's post, so I'll discuss it below.
Elvia -
At best, conversations on the toilet are awkward. How I feel about it depends. There are a lot of factors involved, like whether it's in a public bathroom or not, how much privacy I have, who's talking to me, whether the person talking to me is also on the toilet, etc.
I feel like, when I am sitting in a bathroom stall with my pants down, I am a captive audience in a vulnerable position. As such, I feel intruded upon when someone - especially someone who isn't a close friend, and ESPECIALLY someone who has authority over me - initiates a conversation with me while I am on the toilet.
I have a couple of anecdotes to illustrate my point.
When I used to work retail, I had a coworker who seemed to time her bladder to mine, and would often end up in the stall adjacent mine when I went to the bathroom. She would also talk to me while we sat there. Ignoring the sounds of pee splashing into the water, the occasional fart, and even a plop here and there, she would just casually chat about work and life while I just said "uh huh" "yeah", because I really did not feel like talking. Where I felt it become inappropriate was when she was promoted. Now my manager, she continued to accompany me on bathroom trips, only now, I found her asking me to do things, while one or both of us sat there with our pants down. One time, she actually started chatting with me while I was pooing, and she was peeing. Then, once she had wiped herself and flushed, she left her stall, stood in front of mine, and continued to talk. The conversation morphed into her critiquing an interaction I'd had with a customer earlier. I felt like I was being reprimanded, and I can't explain it, but the fact that I was on the toilet but she wasn't, made it so much worse. With a big piece of poo hanging out of my bum, I snapped at her "is this really the best time for this? Really?". I quit a couple of weeks later, and I'd be lying if I said that incident wasn't a part of that decision.
Compare that to... sometimes my girlfriends insist on going to the bathroom together, and this is often in a single-use bathroom, so there isn't the benefit of stalls to protect our modesty; I've seen many of my friends with their pants around their ankles, and they've seen me similarly. And, without a doubt, it's awkward (for me, anyways, they don't seem bothered), especially when there's poo involved. But the power imbalance from the manager story isn't there, so it doesn't really bother me, at least not in the same way. Although I do feel somewhat powerless and vulnerable when I'M the one on the toilet and my friends are all sitting around, you know, NOT exposed from the waist down.
Which brings me to my story for Peter, the one from teacher's college. We were on a field trip to the aquarium, and, naturally, there are no 'staff bathrooms' at the aquarium. And I had to change my tampon during the trip. Luckily, the bathrooms had nice, luxurious stalls with lots of room, locking doors, with no big gaps between partition and door, allowing me plenty of privacy. Unfortunately, the gaps underneath the stalls were JUST big enough for my shoes to be recognized by one of my grade 2 students, who started asking me a million questions: "Ms. Beth, is that you? Why are you taking so long in there?" "Ms. Beth are you going poo?" "Ms. Beth how much longer are you going to be on the toilet?" and so on. And, though there was no malice, she drawing the attention of multiple classmates through her incessant line of questioning, and repetition of my name. Soon there were 4 or 5 of my students standing outside my stall, talking to me, and waiting for me. Not only that, but they later began to relay this information to my associate teacher, "Ms. Beth was in the bathroom and she was taking forever" "We stayed with her so she wouldn't get bored". He gave me such an awkward look.
I'd be lying if I said THAT experience didn't discourage me from pursuing that particular profession!
But yeah, overall, I do feel like the bathroom is a place where a lot of power dynamics can be either demolished or reinforced and highlighted. And I don't like all that stuff. When I'm in the bathroom, all I want to focus on is going to the bathroom.Winnie
Pooh bear
Back in the states but on the way back I went to the bathroom on the plane while flying it was amazing experience but anyway, I went in the bathroom , Tyson dad was the pilot coming back and Tyson was with him, so geeked but I had to relieve myself, so I pulled down my shorts to my ankles yes I didn't have any panties on, so I sit all the way back on the warm cushion seat and started to pee and crackling sounds great feeling and pinched my motions plopping after plopping it felt great sitting on a toilet again so afterwards I used the biget to clean and I pulled up my shorts and left the bathroom and, rejoined god daddy he smiled and asked me if I ever wanted go back I said yes Li and her family are beautiful people and I want to go back soon, he said they felt the same way about you that's why he brought me along so I can make friends and learn who I am, and kissed my forehead and I said thanks it made me proud and I told him that might want to wait till we land to flush, he laughed and said go spend time with Tyson before you get home, so we got to snuggle up and he held me closeTricky
Re: To Tricky
I don't recall my face giving away effort. It was a lot harder than normal to push that log out given that there was an audience. But I generally make it a point not to strain. I try to let it work its way out on its own, and push with the least effort necessary when the circumstances require it.
The main difference between how me and the other kid went about it was that he had his pants all the way to the floor. I had mine to my upper legs exposing as little of my butt as possible, with my shirt and boxers covering my private area.
Both of us made noise, mine mostly towards the end when I bared down on it, while he kept periodically farting for the duration of time that both of us were in the room. My turd did make a crackling noise on the way out, but it was quiet and I don't know if anyone else in the room heard it, especially with the sergeant giving his running play-by-play commentary.
I sit down to wipe and wipe from the back. But, my butt was slathered in crap due to the large size of the movement. At the start of the cleanup job, I was pulling ounces of crap off of my butt(as opposed to wiping them off). I had to slightly lift myself off the toilet to do a thorough wipe-up and avoid accidentally getting the contents of the paper on otherwise clean areas of my butt, my hands, or on my clothing. This meant exposing even more of my butt. It was rather difficult to do this while keeping my T-shirt and boxers over my private and I don't think I was fully successful. As I was pulling the toilet paper up to check it, a bunch of boys from other schools came in to use the trough. Everyone in the room, about 7 other people, also potentially got to see the thick brown smears on the toilet paper every time I wiped and then checked it. The sergeant most certainly did because he was watching me in the mirror while he shaved. I make it a point never to get skidmarks in my underwear by wiping thoroughly and checking, and keep wiping until the paper shows nothing is being picked up. Toward the end, I often use my index finger with a thin layer of paper over it to gently probe my anus about one-quarter inch inward to get any last remaining poop smears, and I recall having difficulty getting clean enough for my standards during that ordeal.
I was definitely not used to pooping without privacy back then. I was extremely embarrassed with that sergeant running his mouth, the only consolation being I never saw any of those people again.Thomas
One reason why Apple Stores no longer have play areas
This story happened (as I recall) about a decade ago when the Apple Stores had play areas in the back of the store near the Genius Bar.
In any case, one day I was in the Apple Store down the street from where I live after having lunch out. I was there to look for some iPad 2 and iPod Touch accessories. I didn't find any on that particular day, but I decided to look at the new Macs and learn about their speed, sound quality, and screen resolutions. I looked at the iMacs and the MacBooks. The MacBooks that year had better screen resolution than my existing desktop PC and seemed to perform reasonably well, but their mediocre sound quality and high price were dealbreakers for me. In any case, that started to change in 2015 and by 2018 I was finally able to get a MacBook that was a bit on the old side but still a good replacement for my existing computer.
Anyway, back to the day of the story…
While I was looking at one of the iMacs a young boy who looked to be either a preschooler or an older toddler came in with his mother and he was talking a mile a minute in a rather loud voice and I couldn't quite make out most of what he was saying. The mother was there to look for a new computer since her old one just broke.
She took him by the hand to the play area in the back of the store and he sat down in a plastic chair that sort of looked like a race car. (This store had these, some regular chairs, and those infamous ball-shaped seats). He sat down and played a racing game on an iMac for a while with a game controller similar to what you would find on a game console.
After I decided not to get an iMac because it was too heavy and not very portable (although the picture quality and sound quality were pretty decent) I walked over to the MacBooks in the middle of the store. I decided to watch a YouTube video on it and it was hard to hear the video because the sound quality on the MacBooks ten years ago was not all that good, and the maximum volume was lower than on today's MacBooks (and some other laptops). In addition, the young boy was making race car noises while playing.
Since I couldn't make out the words in the video I was watching I decided to watch another YouTube video with nature scenes and the sounds of nature. About halfway into that video the young boy went from making race car noises to grunting. I looked over to see what was going on and he had both feet on the floor but the soles of his feet were now lifted up. (Before his feet were flat on the floor.) In addition, his right hand was still on the controller, but his left fist was clenched. I soon noticed a few unmistakable smells and after he finished up he proudly announced, "Look Mommy, I went potty like a big kid!". The mother said, "Oh no!" and picked him up with her arms under his shoulders. Surprisingly his pants looked clean and dry. She then told him that the seat was not a potty and instructed him to put his arms around her and his legs around her waist, which he did.
She apologized profusely to the employee she was talking to and said that she started training him a year ago and doesn't know why he did that. He told her that her toddler was a cute little guy and asked her how old he was. She said he just had his fourth birthday party the week before. She also said that while he's trained at home he still can't seem to bring himself to use any unfamiliar toilets yet. She also said the he sometimes uses the big toilet at home but he mostly uses the race car potty chair that he loves too much to give up. She apologized once again about his accident and said the he would need a new pull-up when he gets home. She also remarked that maybe he was confused and thought he was on his potty chair while he was playing because come to think of it the chair he was in looked a lot like his potty chair at home.
The salesman asked her if she was buying a new computer today and she indicated that it was out of her price range and that she would probably buy a less expensive laptop at Staples or Target. Just then her husband called her on her Android phone and she indicated that she was having difficulty hearing him and the call dropped out. The salesman mentioned to her that they also have cell phones, and while her son was still holding onto her the salesman found her a relatively inexpensive iPhone that was just in her price range and she bought and activated it right there in the store. The salesman told her they were welcome back anytime as long as the son was wearing something like a pull-up to protect the chairs. She thanked him for the offer but told him that their next visit would have to wait until her son finishes his toilet training.
After they left I checked the chair he was sitting in and surprisingly it was still clean and dry (even though the Huggies Pull-ups of that period had a bit of a reputation for leaking). I guess even back then they sometimes worked on some kids as long as they fit correctly.
For now these are all of the relevant details that I can think of about that particular day…
Sunday, June 19, 2022
To Elvia
Having a conversation with someone on the toilet is no big deal for me.
I had a conversation with my mom while she was on the toilet pooping. She even showed me the turd after she was done! 🤣
Long Flight Leak
Yesterday I had a long flight back from Europe to the US of about nine hours and had been eating a drinking and watching movies. Nearing the end I needed to pee kind of a good bit but was finishing my current movie, still plenty of time before landing to go, but then they announced seatbelts due to turbulence and I couldn't get up. So I sat there trying to ignore the growing urge as we started to hit some slight turbulence. We still had about an hour before landing. I was in my own business class pod so at least I wasn't cramped up against other people in coach. I pulled my blanket up so I could hold myself with my hand and keep it hidden. Urge kept getting stronger, of course, and the turbulence was making it worse, too. About fifteen minutes out in our final descent we hit a really big bump that had me literally out of the seat briefly and I had to move my hands to grab my phone and things, and the combination of it all caused me to pee a little! I was wearing a panty liner, at least. A few more big bumps and more squirts of pee escaped. We finally came out of the bumps and landed fine while I sat there wiggling my legs in my seat, hurried off the plane to the first toilettes, danced in place a little waiting for a stall, and finally got the huge relief of letting go in the toilet, with only a very damp panty liner to show for peeing myself on the plane!
LFLSkidmarked from Columbia
Response to Skidmarked from Seatle's survey and my own ;)
Yes my name was inspired from Skidmarked from Seatle but I'm from somewhere else.
Unscientific survey
1)What is your (born )sex
2)what kind of underwear to you wear?
when I was a kid I wore white underwear also known as "whitey tighties" Later on I wore boxers then just commando.
3)How often do you wear light colored or white underwear?
Like I said I used to wear only whitey tighties then I wore boxers for like a year and a half then colored underwear similar to whitey tighties.
3)Do you Wipe Standing or sitting?
I prefer sitting because I get clean... not all the way but at least I usually don't get embarrassed due to smell.
4)How many days a week do you notice you get skidmarks in your underwear?
When I was a kid... almost everyday. When I was a teenager still almost everyday. And as an adult I am commando so if I got a skid mark it would be on my shorts or pants. The only way I know to stop getting skid marks is to wipe like a baby and use wet wipes.
My own survey
1. When was the last time you got a skid mark and why?
2. Do you like commando or wearing underwear?
3. Have you ever tried to wipe after taking a poop and still smelled like poop during the day?
4. Have you ever as an adult had to run home because while exercising or just walking you peed yourself or pooped a little by accident?
To Tricky
Hi Tricky!
In your Semper Fi story, you mentioned some interesting things and I wonder if you could give more details on the following:
1.- You mentioned you saw yourself in the mirror and your abdominal muscles while pushing the enormous poop. You also said you avoided making any facial expressions, but given the size of that log, do you recall if your face gave away any of the effort (maybe it got red, or some veins became visible)? In front of audiencies, I assume it must be way harder to push out such a big log than if one were in the privacy of their own bathroom (or, at least, in a closed stall).
2.- What would you say were the main differences between the way you pooped and the way the half-Asian kid pooped? You mentioned he was much more confident than you, but was there any significant difference in position, facial expressions, the general sounds, etc.? I have noticed, for instance, that some guys go up on their toes while pushing one out, not sure if you did that or the other boy did.
3.- Finally, why was wiping the most awkward part for you? Did you wipe from the front, reaching between your legs? Or do you need to stand up to wipe? There are some who wipe from behind and that avoids uncovering their private area, but not sure if that is applicable to you or you thought about it.
Response to JW's survey
1. Who was responsible for your potty training? (Father/Mother/Other)
Almost entirely my mother but I think some aunts and maternal grandmother might have been involved. It was a womens only affair for sure.
2. What were you trained on? (Regular Toilet/Small Potty Chair)
Never used a chair. I learned to hold on real tightly to the seat to keep myself up there.
3. What toilet habits were instilled in you while potty training?
4. What, if anything, were you taught about having a bowel movement?
Answering both of these at the same time, to go on command. If I was told to try and use the bathroom, whether it was at someone else's home, in public, or even something like a porta potty, I would always go sit down and at least try. I think it's part of the reason I never had any hang ups about using the toilet away from home.
Crapping with my principal
I'm 28 now and would like to think I'm a lot more responsible than during the first week I was in high school. The place with about 2,000 students scared me, I frequently got lost trying to find my way about, and did some dumb things. One example is that I saw the entryway to the bathroom jammed. I had to pee bad so at perhaps 4' I would try and push around the jam of girls to get on the other side of the entrance and onto a toilet. Problem was that while 6 girls were on the throne, none of them had any privacy door, and I was called a B#### and W#### and worse stuff because I was unknowingly violating a "rule."
By the end of the first week of school I was pretty emotionally upset. I had partially peed myself on one clogged staircase between classes when a fight broke out toward the top. Then to save my jeans from a deluge, I turned and went back down the staircase, ducked out of a fire exit and lost myself in a patch of tall evergreen bushes. I grabbed a customized water bottle with the school logo on it in my bag, screwed off the top and with both of my hands, I placed it between my legs, and my hot yellow pee more than halfway filled it. Then I laid it on the ground, pulled up my clothing and lucked out when a guy came bursting through the doorway and I was able to run upstairs to my class.
However, on Friday evening I got home realizing I hadn't stopped in my locker to pick up two of my textbooks. I asked dad if he could drive me to school in the morning so I could get my books. He said the only way I would learn my lesson was to solve the problem myself. So on Saturday morning I made the 9 block walk up to school to use my locker. I cut across a couple of wooded areas to make the walk shorter and a couple of stumbles on a hill threw me on my butt. Before I knew how to finish the short cut out of there, it became apparent that I had to shit. I had two or three other feelings like that my first week, but I wanted to avoid the jammed bathrooms and other hassles.
I had to walk around much of the building before I found an unlocked door. I didn't recognize the hallway but decided to take it anyway because my crap was angrily knocking. Finally I saw a bathroom sign that I had seen and I knew I was in the main hallway and a minute or two away from relief. I had been scared while in junior high when a couple of times I had to take weekend shits during music practices in bathrooms with no lights on. Once I almost fell into the bowl because after cleaning it, the janitors had raised the seat, but I couldn't see that. This time I could see the bathroom was well lit. It seemed inviting to me. Now there were about 10 toilets, none with a privacy door. But that didn't matter at 10 on a Saturday morning! I had one of my several black boy shorts on. I dropped them foolishly to the floor, seated myself and was lightly pushing my first high school shit out.
Nervous as I sat, I was mussing up my hair as I heard footsteps coming toward me. I was both surprised and somewhat scared. Then this lady with a friendly smile came walking in, said Good Morning, dropped her sweats, and took a seat on the toilet immediately to my left. As her pee started, she asked my name and then told me hers. Then it made sense to me--she was my principal. She had just talked to us in an assembly for freshmen earlier that week. There was something about the way she asked me questions that caused me to conclude she was truly interested in me.
I told her I liked the lunch buffets, enjoyed my classes, and was thinking about going out for a winter sport. But I also told her about the crowded halls, fights and how hard it was to use the bathrooms between classes. She said the school had changed a lot in the 20 years since she was a freshman, that it was overcrowded, and that nobody should be hesitant about going to the bathroom when they need to.
I got done first, wiped--actually double wiped since my crap was soft--pulled my clothing up, flushed twice (the first one I didn't put enough pressure on the flusher), and as I washed my hands she asked my name again and then told me to have a nice weekend. I was most surprised when she passed me in the hall a few days later and she said "Hi, Keci." The bathrooms remained crowded, were often dirty by noon, but I changed my attitude so I was not as judgmental.
My Big Pee Pee Accident
I recently wet all over myself in my car. I was holding too much and couldn't stop peeing until I was soaked. I felt scared and ashamed. Talking about it helps me accept that it was an accident that I couldn't help. It only happens about twice a year at the most.
I had to talk to the cops one time and I peed all down my legs. They noticed I was upset, but I don't think they knew.
I recently talked to my therapist and OBGYN about it.
Friday, June 17, 2022
Regular college girl
Skidmarked in Seattle's survey :
1)What is your (born )sex female
2)what kind of underwear to you wear? 75 % thongs 25% boy shorts
3)How often do you wear light colored or white underwear? About half of them
3)Do you Wipe Standing or sitting? Standing
4)How many days a week do you notice you get skidmarks in your under 3-4 days ..lored underwear
So I wore a white thong yesterday. Took a poop at after chemistry lab. I tired wiping sitting down. At the end of the day my white thong was super clean .( didn't smell that way). I usually always skid this thong … hmmmm…
I have a light green pair of Victoria secret PINK boy shorts that get very skidded when I wear them. I will see if wiping sitting down makes a difference. Just curious. I am honestly not bothered by my skidmarks unless I'm on a date. In that case I will wear a black thong or dark underwear. Wiping sitting up just is more comfortable to me. But I can see standing up may make it harder to clean between my cheeks, as well has spread the poop around if I had a soft messy poop.Elvia
Holding conversations on the toilet
How easy is it for everyone here? How easy is it for other people that you know? I've had years of experience, so it's easy for me, and I think it can make sharing the bathroom with other people less awkward.JW
Potty Training Memories
I'd like to do a survey about the memories our readers/writers might have of their potty training.
1. Who was responsible for you potty training? (Father / Mother / Other)
If "Other" specify
My Answer: Mother
2. What were you potty trained on? (Regular Toilet / Small Potty
My Answer: My Mother WANTED to train my on a "toilet seat"
placed on our standard toilet. I remember being very
uncomfortable on that seat, crying each time Mother put
me on it. She finally relented and let me use a small
wooden potty chair.
3. What toilet habits were instilled in you while potty training?
My Answer: Have a bowel movement every morning after breakfast
Pee before going out anywhere
Pee before bed
Pee first thing in the morning
4. What, if anything, were you taught about having a bowel movement?
My Answer: My Mother MUST have taken LaMaze childbirth classes.
I was often a CONSTIPATED kid. She taught me to
take deep breaths before each push, to hold each
push while I counted to ten in my head (which I
remember her teaching me to do), to rock back and
forth while pushing, and to "bear down hard". It is
interested that I never heard the efforts made to
poop called "pushing" until I read it in a Magazine
called "RedBook".-- JW
first timer
Hey!Ive been lurking here for a bit and i must say I just love this community. my phone is dead so i brought my laptop to the toilet with me today and figured this would be a good time to post for the first time. Ive been out to a lot of music shows this weekend which means a lot of drinking and not a lot of time to enjoy the throne. I will probably be sitting here for a bit because it doesnt feel like an easy one. 3 nights of bar food backing me up. I typically have very soft movements after drinking but not this time for some reason. Just a lot of gas and im still feeling bloated. the gas doesnt smell great tho. I may need to light a cigarette to get the smell out and my bowel moving. Does anyone else use nicotine to help them go sometimes? It tends to really get things going for me. anyway i gotta get to pushing. Hope to be back soon with a good story. since its summer now im gonna try to do some movements outside and hopefully with some friends.
okay wow as i was typing that everything just opened and i am not gonna be able to close it up for a while. I love just relaxing and releasing so today has already started great.Rosalynne
Merging teacher and student bathrooms
Over my four years of high school I have experienced the discussion item on this board concerning the need to separate student and teacher bathrooms. My school has gone through a multi-million dollar remodeling that was so radical it had to be done in phases.
Early on the first area of the school that had to be done was the cafeteria and adjacent faculty lounge and bathrooms. It was totally bulldozed and for a year and a half the gym was used for lunches. That meant teachers and students shared the facility. Many of my friends, including me, use a few minutes of the lunch hour for bathroom needs. There's a lot of peeing done and post-lunch craps taken.
With the teachers bathroom destroyed, some of them started using ours. After a couple of weeks more of them started showing up. So the crowds and lines got longer in the PE area bathroom. It is used heavily by those attending basketball and volleyball games so the numbers of toilets is large. I thought that would work out fine. But there was still a crowd in the last 2 of the 6 lunch shifts. One day I was next in line for a toilet when my Geometry teacher came in holding her daughter's hand. Mrs. W said her daughter, who looked to be about 9 and who was participating in a Take Your Daughter To Work Day, had been needing to crap all morning, but she was afraid of using the large bathrooms alone. The girl looked to be in some pain. When the toilet in front of me opened, and this immature girl came out cursing because she was going to be late to class, I decided to give Mrs. W's girl cuts in front of me.
Almost immediately you could see the jeans drop onto the shoes as the girl got up on the seat. Her feet were about an inch off the floor. Mrs. W took the toilet to the left and you could hear her urine hit the water in the bowl. She told her daughter to push hard, but not waste any extra time because the passing bell was about to ring. The feet jumped to the floor, there was a flush. It happened so fast I was almost convinced there had not been much of a wipe. The door flew open and the girl came out and knocked on her mom's door. I immediately went in, bunched up my loose-fitting dress to waist level, and took the warm seat. With my time so limited before the bell would ring, I gave it and extra push or two and my log started to emerge rather easily. As it came out, I could feel that it was going to be rather substantial. Extra pushing was not necessary and the way it slid out of me told me it was on the softer side. I got to thinking about how lucky I was because it had been 3 days since my last movement. I came prepared with a suppository in my purse. I wasn't going to need it this time.
But the problems started right then and there. I looked to the right and noticed the TP roll was completely spent. The backup one, behind a metal enclosure, was also used. The warning bell rang and interrupted my sit and overthinking. I was going to have to take it in the pants and run upstairs to my class. I made it but mom wouldn't have liked my not wiping or washing my hands. I made a mental reminder that I would have another pair to put into the bag of skidded panties under my bed. It seemed that more and more of my babysitting money was going to buying additional underwear to cover for what was piling up in the soiled panties bag.
I sat in the front row in my next class and the discomfort in my underwear I hoped would not be smelled by those around me. I did ask and got permission to go the bathroom and I took a seat on a toilet to inspect the damage. I took my undies off and did a more thorough cleaning as I sat. Then I remembered what my cousin Mariah had recommended once when she and I were at a concert and I had a similar experience. I half filled the toilet with my wiping papers, so much that my hole was sore and some minor skin blood was showing. I picked up my panties, and almost flushed them which would have been a big mistake, flushed, and then dropped them into the trashcan. I washed my hands and was drying them just as Shannon, our student teacher, came rushing into the room, plopped herself down on the toilet, and said she was still paying for all the beers her boyfriend had bought her at the bar the night before.
I thought what Shannon said was funny. I guess she was use to talking to other adults in the faculty bathroom and in our first week of using shared toilets, forgot the need for a language filter.
Rose Y
Hello! Not sure if folks will remember me, but I'm back!
I saw ECG's questions about flushing (my favourite part of using the toilet), and wanted to give a quick response.
1. Do you get off the toilet before flushing, or flush from the seat?
I do get off the toilet! I tend to pull up my clothes and then turn around to see my work, and send it swirling down the drain until it's gone forever. Watching the flush carry it away is very satisfying!
I have in the past tried out flushing from sitting, so that my waste never sees the light of day. It's fun, but I tend to get stressed about if the flush might splash up on me.
2. Do you always flush, or do you abide by the motto "If it's yellow, leave it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down."?
My partner and I tend to share flushes if it's just pee! We tend to flush it if it's been a while, and every night we'll make sure to send all that pee from the day down the drain so it's not sitting overnight and getting gross.
A few of our friends know we share flushes, and will leave their pee in our toilet without flushing when they come over too. I enjoy going in the bathroom after a hangout and flushing down pee from 3 or 4 people all at once, it feels satisfying!
I would love to hear any stories or thoughts people have on flushing the toilet! What's your toilet's flush like? Do you find flushing satisfying? Have you ever flushed something unusual?
Mina, you talked a while ago about the idea of toilets enjoying being "fed", and I thought that was a really interesting way of thinking about them! I was thinking of it a few days ago when I went to the bathroom, and before I sat down, I thought to the toilet, "hope you're feeling hungry!" Just before I started unloading into it. It was a pretty loose one, and when I was done I turned around, whispered "bon appetit!" and watched the toilet swallow my load.
Erica T
Pooping during a date
Hey all wanted to share the poop I took on a date yesterday morning. It was a bit embarrassing.
So I've been talking with this guy for a few weeks, we really hit it off and we went out for dinner on Saturday night. We went to a Thai place and I ate a lot of food. So without going into detail, I went back to his place after and well we fooled around.
The next morning we woke up and were just talking in bed. And then it happened. I felt a huge rumble in my stomach, I had to fart really bad. I'm holding it in as he's talking to me, I'm trying to play it cool. And then a few minutes later I got the urge to take a massive dump. I couldn't wait any longer. I told him I need to use the washroom.
I got dressed, calmly walked to the bathroom. Sat down and unleashed the messiest gassiest poop ever. I'm sitting there thinking "Why now!!!!" I was in there for about 10 min when I heard a knock on the door "Erica, everything okay in there?". I told him I was freshening up, meanwhile I'm in there trying to get the smell out of there because it smelt like something died in there.
Right as I'm washing my hands, the urge hits me again. I sit back down and begin letting more slop out, this time flushing right after to Hopefully reduce the smell. Quickly wipe again.
I came out of the bathroom and went back to bed with him. Luckily he didn't go in there for a little while after I destroyed his toilet.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
I've just had a good poo. I held it for quite a while until I had to go.
I leaned forward on the toilet seat so it didn't get on the back of the bowl, then let it slide out slowly. It came plop, plop, plop, plop,plop, plop,plop, plop
then aaaahNeil
Gf's smelly poo
I just watched my partner have a poo. She said "I need the toilet", went into bathroom and sat down. I asked her to move to the side so I could sit on the bath right next to the toilet and watch her bum. Lots of plops and then a big PLOOP then the stink overwhelming my nostrils, a big brown turd and some smaller ones
Non-desperate squat
Hey guys,
A quick story from me!
So obviously I'm used to squatting outside when I'm desperate... but the other week I had an odd non-desperate squat!
So a couple of weeks ago I had to go on a work training course in another town at a different office. We finished quite early at 3pm and it was a hot day so I'd been drinking loads! As I left the town in my car I felt a need to wee, it was about an hour drive back to where I live. As my mind wandered and I went past a McDonalds and Starbucks I thought that actually I might like to enjoy an outdoor squat wee as it was lovely weather, and I could plan ahead rather than just squatting somewhere out of no other choice!
After about half an hour the need was becoming more noticeable but I could have easily held until I got home! Instead I pulled off the road into a little car park next to a nature reserve. I locked the car and walked down this path through a wooded area and then went to one side where there was a large bush and a clearing. The whole area was deserted and I felt I had loads of opportunities to squat somewhere different! I picked a place that was out of the way but still quite bright, lifted up my skirt and pulled my black/pink spotty knickers down, and rested for a second or two before my wee stream built up. It trickled out onto the really dry ground and made some little rivers in the mud! After a medium sized hissy wee, I realised I had nothing to wipe with, so just pulled my knickers up and went back to the car enjoying the country air!
It was definitely a nice change from the urgency of finding somewhere secluded to squat when you're starting to dribble and it's an emergency!!
Abbie, hope you are well please post soon if you can!!
Semper Fi
When I was 16, sophomore year of high school, I opted to train with the Marine Corps as part of a P.E. course. As the school year was winding down, part of completing the course involved training for a day with the Marines at a local military base on the forthcoming Saturday, which the Sargent who sponsored this course at my school would personally drive a bus and pick us up in the morning to take us to the base.
This is the first time I ever visited the base. My bowels generally wanted to relieve themselves after lunch time, which during those days I was attending that high school, meant I was holding it until I could get home after school due to the doorless stalls being the most private option available, and having witnessed pervasive bullying of anyone desperate enough to use the school toilets to poop.
However, I was not at school this time. In fact, anyone from my school that attended was split off into different groups with kids from other schools for the training. I spent the morning with lots of constant exercise, easily 3 hours worth. There were occasional restroom breaks where everyone went into the nearby barracks building's latrine to pee.
The restroom setup was a piss trough and 4 open toilets with no stalls or any partitions at all, all in the open, viewable directly in front of the sinks and mirrors. Zero privacy. Having gone through a half gallon of water that morning, I had no choice but to pee in the open, and did so. Little different than using a bowl-style urinal, as I'd done that more than a few times in one of my high school's bathrooms, but it was none-the-less awkward for me. I stared straight forward and watched my own stream splash the trough, with many others' streams in my peripheral vision, all of it splashing back at the floor and at our legs. It was not ideal, but using it was a necessary evil. I didn't see anyone poop in any of the sit-down toilets during those restroom breaks.
Then came lunch time. I was hungry and ate as much as I could in the time allotted. I was making a mistake knowing my bowel pattern, but my hunger overcame prudent decision-making. As soon as the food sank into my gut, my fate was sealed, and I immediately regretted my decision. I didn't feel the urge yet, but my insides were gurgling loudly and I could feel the contents of my GI tract churning. Further, vigorous exercise generally loosens my bowels up. At some point, I was very likely going to have to poop there, and dreaded it.
The entire day passed without me feeling the slightest urge to void my bowels. We were 30 minutes from getting back onto the bus and going back home. I felt an overall sense of relief that I probably made it, and would be dropped off near home and could hold out there to deposit my unwanted waste in the most ideal location for the purpose: my home toilet.
It was the final exercise for the day. The final exercise was to do as many pushups as possible in a row. I'd run 1.5 miles, done obstacle courses, fired guns, done lots of calisthenics and cardio, and my insides had been jostled around greatly more than they were used to, with the remains of yesterdays meals sloshing about. Then I managed to do 62 pushups in a row while some "Hooh-RAH"-looking-ass 30-something drill sergeant I never met before screamed at me and jokingly called me names like "Tiny Tim", "Edward Scissorhands"(I was dressed all goth for the attendance), and "Twig Boy".
I finally maxxed myself out and could do no more. He seemed pleased with the number and congratulated me and told me to get on the bus. It was perhaps now an hour later in the day than school would normally have let out, and I was so far surprised my bowels never gave me the signal. I went the entire afternoon without feeling the need to hold anything in.
As soon as I stood up, I felt it. It was slight. I figured that I could hold it for the 45 minutes or so it would take to make it home. I started walking towards the bus and the situation rapidly changed. I felt a heavy weight proceed through my rectum towards my dirt hole. I went from feeling a slight urge to turtle-heading just walking the length of a football field. My lower GI tract was now full and primed, with more from my most recent meals pushing on it, rather violently at that. I needed to defecate right now, and I knew I was not going to make it home.
I saw my sergeant for the P.E. class standing near the bus. I asked him if I may use the restroom before leaving. He said "Go for it." I walked to the barracks building as quickly as I could without being obvious about what I was about to do.
To my pleasant surprise, the latrine was empty. Were there someone already in here, I'd have tried my chances looking for a more private restroom(a practice that continued well into adulthood if I came across doorless stalls or open toilets when needing to poop and someone was already present in the room), but it was knocking at my back door, and I felt no fear that I'd be bullied here. I was going to poop, wipe, and get out as quickly as I could, undetected, before anyone came in.
I walked over to the toilet closest to the trough, lowered my pants to my upper legs with my shirt covering my private, and proceeded to push out a log the size and shape of a large Pringle's can. It slid out quite forcefully, but not as fast as I hoped. It kept getting stuck and I'd have to push. About 30 seconds of pushing into it, it was hanging a good 6 inches out of my butt with the rest still stuck. I could see myself in the mirror at the sinks pushing it with my abdominal muscles, but avoiding making any facial expressions. Mid-push I released a loud fart that echoed about the room, just as the drill sergeant who earlier counted my pushups walked in.
"Shit! Tiny Tim, you look, sound, and smell like a U.S. Marine already!"
I was extremely embarrassed. This isn't the first time someone has seen me pooping, but it still didn't make it any less unwanted and awkward. I said nothing, as he walked over to the sink and started shaving. I could see him watching me through the mirror. Immediately, my bowels seized up, with a massive poop brick sticking halfway out of me. It felt like this dude was watching my every move, whereas previous uses of non-private toilets with an audience generally had them averting their gaze.
One of the kids I saw earlier in the morning from another school walked in. I also recognized him from a mathematics competition and an art contest I had participated in earlier that year. He was half-white, half Asian, about 1 year older than me, same build but didn't look nearly as young as I appeared. He walked passed the trough, looked at me sitting on a toilet, looked at the sergeant, and the sergeant then yelled:
"Got something to say? Well step right up the soap box and talk it out your ass son!"
This kid was a lot more secure about this than I was and started laughing, remarking "This ain't no different than the toilets at my school. I don't use them, but I can do this here." He took the toilet opposite to me, dropped his pants all the way down, and proceeded to rip ass, still laughing at the comment.
The drill sergeant then remarked: "So you paleface with the spiked hair and CUTE BUTT, what brings you here? I see you're gettin' performance anxiety!"
He was referring to me. I didn't want to say anything. I was trying to pretend I was alone to calm my nerves and get this over with. Having a brick of crap stuck halfway out was a bit painful.
The Asian kid then responded: "That kid's really good at math and art, but he doesn't talk much."
He recognized me as well. I wanted to die from embarrassment. About 10 seconds passed as I beared down while simultaneously trying to relax my sphincter. The drill sergeant turned around to look at me as I was giving that last push.
*FWORRRRT-T* *plup-t-tT* *tlip-TUP*
It all dropped into the toilet, solid and loud, propelled by built-up gas.
"Well, that's just what I'd expect to hear from a total SMART-ASS!"
Now came the more awkward part. I felt sick to my stomach with embarrassment just as I did at a gas station a few months ago when I got walked in on by an old man and his grandson after the cashier opened the door on me, not because other people just saw me pooping and I had one of them also pooping 5 feet away from me, and not because of the running commentary this sergeant was making about witnessing me perform a necessary biological function, but the problem was that I also now had to wipe, in front of them. There was no getting around it. And in order to wipe, I would have to temporarily uncover myself with my shirt and undo my attempt to get some sort of minimal privacy during this ordeal.
I pulled some toilet paper off the roll and proceeded to wipe massive poop smears off of my rear. Nothing was left to anyone's imagination, while a group of 5 boys walked in. I didn't recognize any of them, but they all proceeded to the trough urinal without comment, while I wiped my butt in front of everyone. It took at least 5 passes, each of them saturated with dark brown smears.
I pulled my pants up as the sergeant was finishing his shave. As I turned around to flush and saw my deposit, the sergeant made a comment about it: "We'll color me impressed. Son, you sure do SHIT like a U.S. Marine all right! SEMPER FI!"
The entire restroom was cackling with laughter, including my dump buddy sitting on the back commode.
I started washing my hands at the sink next to the sergeant. I could see the half Asian kid holding his unit down with his left hand and butt in full view as he farted. The sergeant looked at me and then remarked:
"Too bad I didn't have a disposable camera to give you because if I were you, I'd have taken a picture of that sculpture you made to frame it for posterity! It's a shame you flushed that work of art away young man. An artist like you would fit right in here!"
I didn't end up joining the Marines. I had a large number of reasons, but as much as I hated using that type of toilet with an audience, it didn't factor into my decision. Neither did the sergeant's remarks. My sergeant back on the bus who sponsored this P.E. class was told nothing of what transpired in that restroom, as everyone on the bus asked me what took so long.
This incident also didn't give me any increased confidence to use the doorless stalls at my school or in any public place, especially if someone was already present. The risk of bullying at school still remained while I attended there, and I was only about 120 lbs and still looked like a middle school kid, in spite of being very physically fit.
But it was quite a memorable dump.
Pooh bear
It's been a while since my last post , I just visited China for a few weeks with my god daddy he was happy to take me and I got to see other side of my culture, I had to have help my god daddy paid a Chinese Teen my age their for her teach me everything how to be Chinese in China , so I never knew how to squat before so it was very interesting pooping squats few days it was going no near the toilet and she would giggle and finally I got a hang of it. So on memorial day weekend she took me to a concert so I can learn the fast life of chinese pop and it was so cool, but when it was almost was over I had to spell poop for her in Twain language of Chinese which is 大便 , it was so quick to learn that, we went to the bathroom and got to the stall side by side and I lowered my pants and panties down to my knees and squat and let so many chunks out of me. So on my last three days there she stop accepting my god daddy money and we became friends it was hard to leave but I got her contact information and all and she has mine, I got her a phone so I can talk with her without having her in trouble for her calling me. But getting back to America was challenging had to be covid free and whole bunch of questions , that's all right now but excited my god daddy has paid for her and her parents to come for summer and I get to teach her and I have to readjust my schedule so bare with me. Also wonderful stories Erica T and Erin B , and Mina and friends of course hugs and kisses
RE: Hayley
I think a lot of people tend to focus on a lot of the disgusting parts about taking a dump in public that they tend to forget a lot of the benefits about it.
First off, it's a lot healthier to excuse yourself to the bathroom when you need to. Nothing feels better than releasing all of that built up solid waste product from your body, especially when the telltale signs are coming (i.e. full feeling, constant farting). Another benefit is that even if your bowel movements end up clogging the toilet, that will be one less plumbing bill that you have to personally deal with too.
The drawbacks I can think of are the fact that as someone that likes to poop with a squatty potty and use wet wipes that get tossed in the trash afterward, public pooping usually doesn't cater to the best experience. It's excellent for when the need arises and you can't hold it in for long, but I also love the benefit of being able to get into a squat position for a more effective cleanout. Maybe you should consider hinting to your workplace to invest in those for the bathroom.
MD Dan
RE: Hayley - Pooping at Work
Hi Hayley - I never really had too much of an issue pooping at work. I am almost always the first person in the building and I usually go within 10 minutes of arriving, before anyone else actually shows up. This morning I actually has a very nice dump right after arriving. As soon as I sat down, 3 one-foot logs quickly came out. My job is a senior white-collar position, but the shop is a mix of field workers and other white collar workers. None of the men have any issues going at work either and will not try to hide it at all.
There are several women and while the one woman on the blue collar side has no issues pooping at work (I actually have a story on here about an incident she had), the other women will absolutely not give any indication to anyone about if they are pooping or not. I'm certain they both have taken at least a few dumps at work though, since they have been in the single-occupancy bathroom for 5-10 minutes before on several occasions. In fact, just the other day, a young female office assistant (light skinned African American, 19 years old, 5'10 and around 130 lbs) took off pretty quickly towards the bathroom shortly after lunch. She was gone about 10 minutes or so. She was almost certainly taking a dump. Shortly after she got back, the office manager (another woman) went into the bathroom, came back out right away, got some toilet cleaning supplies and more toilet paper, and then went back into the bathroom. The office assistant appeared to have done a number on that bathroom.
Non-desperate squat
Hey guys,
A quick story from me!
So obviously I'm used to squatting outside when I'm desperate... but the other week I had an odd non-desperate squat!
So a couple of weeks ago I had to go on a work training course in another town at a different office. We finished quite early at 3pm and it was a hot day so I'd been drinking loads! As I left the town in my car I felt a need to wee, it was about an hour drive back to where I live. As my mind wandered and I went past a McDonalds and Starbucks I thought that actually I might like to enjoy an outdoor squat wee as it was lovely weather, and I could plan ahead rather than just squatting somewhere out of no other choice!
After about half an hour the need was becoming more noticeable but I could have easily held until I got home! Instead I pulled off the road into a little car park next to a nature reserve. I locked the car and walked down this path through a wooded area and then went to one side where there was a large bush and a clearing. The whole area was deserted and I felt I had loads of opportunities to squat somewhere different! I picked a place that was out of the way but still quite bright, lifted up my skirt and pulled my black/pink spotty knickers down, and rested for a second or two before my wee stream built up. It trickled out onto the really dry ground and made some little rivers in the mud! After a medium sized hissy wee, I realised I had nothing to wipe with, so just pulled my knickers up and went back to the car enjoying the country air!
It was definitely a nice change from the urgency of finding somewhere secluded to squat when you're starting to dribble and it's an emergency!!
Abbie, hope you are well please post soon if you can!!
I've just had a good poo. I held it for quite a while until I had to go.
I leaned forward on the toilet seat so it didn't get on the back of the bowl, then let it slide out slowly. It came plop, plop, plop, plop,plop, plop,plop, plop
then aaaahErica T
Reply to Erin B and my Diarrhea Story
Hey Erin, I definitely relate to the urge to poop while at the gym. Every single time I workout or go to yoga I have to poop. Looking forward to hearing more of your stories too!
Onto my disaster poop at work. I ate something that did not agree with me on wed night and Thursday morning I was driving to work and my stomach began rumbling, bubbling and well I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about, that feeling when your about to have serious diarrhea.
I was about half way to work and decided I can definitely hold it until then even though I was really getting desperate. So I got to work, at this point I'm speed walking into the building, squeezing my cheeks together.
I got into the stall, didn't even have time to put a seat cover down. Threw down my panties, lifted my skirt and sat down really fast. Right when I sat down the stinkiest sludge started pouring out of me violently. There was another woman in the bathroom but she left pretty fast as I began letting more out. It was splattering everywhere and I was doing my best to hold my skirt up to not get poop on it.
Then with my luck I went to wipe and there was no toilet paper. I texted a coworker and she came to my rescue with a fresh roll.
I was in the washroom for 25min and walked out feeling much better lol
Regular college girl
Skidmarked in Seattle's survey :
1)What is your (born )sex female
2)what kind of underwear to you wear? 75 % thongs 25% boy shorts
3)How often do you wear light colored or white underwear? About half of them
3)Do you Wipe Standing or sitting? Standing
4)How many days a week do you notice you get skidmarks in your under 3-4 days ..pretty much when I'm not wearing light colored underwear
So I wore a white thong yesterday. Took a poop at after chemistry lab. I tired wiping sitting down. At the end of the day my white thong was super clean .( didn't smell that way). I usually always skid this thong … hmmmm…
I have a light green pair of Victoria secret PINK boy shorts that get very skidded when I wear them. I will see if wiping sitting down makes a difference. Just curious. I am honestly not bothered by my skidmarks unless I'm on a date. In that case I will wear a black thong or dark underwear. Wiping sitting up just is more comfortable to me. But I can see standing up may make it harder to clean between my cheeks, as well has spread the poop around if I had a soft messy poop.
Robyn and Victoria
ECG's flushing survey
We're back!
Today we thought we'd answer the short survey about flushing from ECG's most recent post. Without further ado!
1) Do you get off the toilet before flushing, or flush from the seat?
Victoria: I always used to flush sitting down, but now I stand up, get dressed and put the lid down before flushing. If I'm in a public bathroom and have been sitting on a seat without a lid it makes no difference because I foot-flush public toilets.
Robyn: I've always stood to flush.
2) Do you always flush, or do you abide by the motto "If it's yellow, leave it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down."?
Victoria: I always flush with two exceptions: a situation where Robyn or someone else needs the toilet right away and I've only peed and the times when I can tell just by seeing my load that it'll clog the toilet without at least some plunging.
Robyn: our ensuite is the only room of the apartment that doesn't have a window. Human urine on average is about 95% water by volume but that other 5% can really hang around in a relatively unventilated area. Unless I've only peed and Victoria needs to go right away I also flush every time.
See you again soon!
and Robyn!
Reply to Peter's Survey
Peter Survey Reply
1. When you were a student, did you ever use the toilet in the presence of a teacher or staff member? This could include a teacher walking into the bathroom while you were in a stall. How did you feel about it?
Interesting question. By happenstance, there was one male teacher besides the PE teachers in our whole elementary school, and our paths rarely crossed. So I don't have any early memories of having teachers in the bathrooms with us, which kind of let the boys run wild in the bathrooms and do stupid stuff, like try to pee into the urinal from as far away as possible. It wasn't until later in middle school and high school that there were more male teachers around and I don't ever remember using the bathroom with them present. I did have coaches who would be in the locker room when we used the bathroom and that was a pretty normal experience for me dating back to early childhood and sports.
2. When you were a student, did a teacher ever use the toilet in your presence? (including using a stall with a door)
Again, this never happened to me, due to the total lack of male educators in my primary schooling years. However, I had a history teacher in 8th grade named Mrs. Hughes. She looked a lot like a curvier late 30s version of Alanis Morrissette.
Anyway, I mentioned in other posts that there were a group of boys in my grade that really seemed to take pride in taking dumps at school. Some of them would even rip farts in class, and each of them kind of became known by their smell. Anyway, one day we all kind of noticed an extremely powerful smell of farts, half egg and half horse manure for those interested. None of the regular culprits fessed up. This scent would grace the class room from time to time over the first month or so of school, and it continued to remain a mystery. The boys would often blame each other after class.
One day I went to see Mrs. Hughes for extra-help after school. She was the only one in her classroom at the time and it was the same unmistakable aroma. She acted totally normal and helped me get a better understanding of my assignment. At that point I knew it as her who would occasionally pass gas during class and it was powerful enough that it would waft through parts of the class room.
Sometime later in the year, one of my friend's said she needed to use the bathroom before we walked up to lunch. As we walked in that direction, Mrs. Hughes passed us and I thought I caught a feint hint of her smell. My friend just needed to pee so she was quick. However, she mentioned that the bathroom absolutely reeked and that someone must have just taken a major dump. I didn't say anything but figured it must have been Mrs. Hughes.
Finally, I had my own bathroom fiasco on the 8th grade overnight trip, which I wrote about sometime ago. The teachers had me sit at the front of the bus after they realized I was unwell. I sat next to Mrs. Hughes and she was extremely gracious and kind to me. She mentioned that she often got bad stomach aches and sometimes sitting with knees up can help a lot, which I did.
3. If you are a teacher, educator, or staff member yourself, have you ever used the toilet in the presence of a student, or been present while a student was using the toilet? Tell your story.
I've never been a teacher or educator, so not applicable.
4. Do you think that student and faculty bathrooms should be merged? Why or why not?
This is an interesting questions. It wouldn't have made a difference in my life experience given the lack of male educators in the schools I attended. I don't think you're suggesting unisex restrooms with all kids and all teachers in the same place.
LCOG Wappa
Girlfriend Survey/Stories
Hey guys, for those of you out there that watch women poop regularly, what's the story of the first time you got to watch a girlfriend/friend poop and how was it? And my second question is what is the story of the biggest/nastiest poop you've seen a girlfriend take?
I have some stories involving my answers I plan on sharing if everyone is interested as well. Thanks!I've been snacking throughout today, and about 10 minutes ago, I finally started to feel the effects. My stomach started cramping, and the level of discomfort increased rapidly until I knew I had no choice but to go to the bathroom. I seated myself on the toilet and allowed myself to relax. I began by passing wind a few times - it was loud, but because I was alone in the house, I wasn't particularly bothered. Then there was a brief pause before a nice thick snake slowly started to push its way out of my arsehole and into the toilet bowl. It was long and so took a little while before it eventually came out altogether. The relief that followed was immense - no more stomach cramps, no more discomfort. I pulled some paper off the roll and cleaned myself, and before I threw the paper into the bowl, I had a good look at what I'd done. I'd eaten a lot of food, and my body had done a perfect job of digesting it. I quickly flushed and sprayed a few squirts of air freshener to get rid of the strong smell, before exiting the bathroom feeling oddly proud of myself. It's very satisfying to let nature take its course and do what needs to be done!
Following on from my last post about the way that different sensations arise from our rectums (for some reason that post seems to have had Victoria and Robyn's names put on it, but it was one of mine), I had a very close call at work on Friday that could have had a very messy outcome if I hadn't learnt to be better at understanding my body's signals.
I was at a conference in a mediocre hotel earlier in the week, and had eaten the equally mediocre food on offer. The hotel has a reputation for being hygienic, if boring, so I wasn't too concerned about eating at the buffet.
On Friday lunchtime, I had my usual lunch of a sandwich and a cup of coffee, and went off to an afternoon meeting. All the way through, I could feel my stomach rumbling and gurgling noisily, and it felt like a lot of gas was working its way round my colon. Luckily, I didn't need to poo or fart at that point, and I assumed it was just the result of drinking a fizzy drink mid-morning, although I wondered whether the gurgling was loud enough for other people to notice.
After the meeting finished, I went back to my office, sat at my computer to make some notes, and suddenly started to feel a building need to go to the toilet. I still dislike going in public bathrooms, but I have access to a toilet on the other side of our building that is as close to private as makes no odds, because there is only one key to that area and only me and two other people can take it.
I got up to start making my way across the building, and noticed that the pressure sensation in my bowels had an unusual quality, that made me think this might not be a normal poo. The pressure was building very fast now, and I could feel it was definitely going to be runny, so I decided to make a dash for the nearest loos that would at least be fairly quiet. I only just managed to get into a cubicle and pull my trousers and pants down before a huge liquid poo shot out of me, along with some very loud farts. Fortunately no-one else was there to hear me. I ended up staying sat there for another fifteen minutes, still doing rounds of gas and liquid poo. Luckily, I felt otherwise OK, and after I was finished my bowels immediately went back to normal.
I'm not sure what I ate that disagreed with me, but I assume it was the hotel food from earlier in the week. It was just as well I realised what was in store for me though, otherwise it would have been the first time in years that I had to resort to my emergency clean-up kit at work.
I almost never have liquid poo, so this situation was really unusual. As a kid, and in my teens, I was lucky in that the accidents I had at school never involved more than mild diarrhoea, so I never had to endure the humiliation of having liquid poo running out of my trouser legs in class. I did get really bad diarrhoea and messed my pants once at work when I caught a particularly unpleasant bug that was going round, but I was relatively lucky because it happened when I was working late, so there was no-one around, and I managed to get to the toilets quickly enough that it only leaked onto the floor of the cubicle, where I could easily clean it up, rather than in my carpeted office.
Would anyone like to hear more about accidents I had as a kid when I wasn't at school, like the one I mentioned last time walking home from my grandparents' house?
Anna from Austria
@Mina and friends. I just noticed that i did not thank you for your nice reply in my last answer. Sorry for that.
Thanks for your nice reply about clogging the toilet at your university.
I want to share now some more thoughts about pooping at public toilet.
As a morning person I was forced to use public toilets since I was small but I was also really lucky with the normal public toilets here in Austria.
They have no gaps at all or really small gaps between the stalls and most of them are toilets with a tray which makes pooping less embarrassing.
If I had grown up in places like the states it could have been possible that I might have developed some kind of poop shyness I have to admit.
When I visited the states for the first time a few years ago I really had a cultural schock concerning the toilets.
I was not used to the big gaps and the toilets with the direct hole. The few first times using such toilets I felt somehow naked.
At the end my trip I got used to them but it was thought at first.
The worst part was the direct hole toilet. Unlike the tray toilet it impossible to poop in secret. Which a tray toilet it is possible to hide the fact you are doing number 2 if no farting is involved.
With the hole toilet it is not possible. The ploop sound even exposes the size of your poop.
I even had problems with that at first as grown women but using such toilets as teenager would have been really though.
So kudos to the girls that had no problem using such type of toilets at high school.
I am about to vist the states again in december and I not worried about the toilets anymore so I think adapted during my first US trip. But it was still real though start I have to admit.
Greetings from Austria
Sunday, June 12, 2022
David P
Question for all and update
Hi all David P here with a quick update and an open question for the entire forum.
First up with my question I have been thinking lately about my unusual fascination with poo and particularly with women doing a large poo or having constipation, I think the interest comes from the idea that we all have to push, strain and grunt out gross turds and make loud plopping sounds but yet never speak of it (I think in the UK we are more taboo than other countries) that fascinates me so much. Do you think my interest in this is strange? I hope to one day find a female partner that appreciates my interest the same and is open about pooing, do you think this is weird? Your thoughts would be appreciated as I feel that I am alone in thinking these things.
Now onto a quick update, I have been struggling to get up lately as I have been so tired that it is a mad rush to leave in the morning that I haven't had the time to have a poo before ai leave for work. I used to have a good routine but now I can't get out of bed which has made me miss my morning poo and not get an urge until later in the day around lunch. I have also been constipated and can only poo around three times a week and do knobbly logs. Yesterday I felt the urge to open my bowels around 2 in the afternoon, as I have said before I would usually have held it in but recently I have tried to put myself out of my comfort zone and do a poo at work in the public toilets, not individual ones and actually in the cubicles in the main toilets. So I stuck to my intentions and left my desk and went to the loo. I opened the door and looked around the cubicles, there are two cubicles in this toilet so I took the first one, sat down and pulled my trousers to my thighs. It still feels awkward to me but I am forcing myself to do it and try to get used to just going when I need to. I hadn't been in a few days so it would need some pushing to get started. I went up on tiptoes, hunched forward slightly and looked between my legs as I pushed. I saw the tip of a knobbly turd inching out, I kept on pushing as I watched it slowly slither out from my bumhole growing longer and longer as I pushed, then I watched it drop and splash into the water. I stood up to look it was around 6 inches and really knobbly made up of small pebbles and lumps in a hard log. I wiped which took only a few wipes and then flushed the loo. Washed my hands and returned to my desk. I was feeling very impressed with myself for managing to poo at work again!
Some exciting news I will be moving away and returning to full time uni in the coming months and leaving my job. I will keep you posted on any pooing experiences that happen when I am there. When I visited the campus it had unisex toilets and not individual gender which is strange as I have never seen or used one, but I don't want to give up my progress With public pooing so I may need to brave the idea of a mix gender toilet for a poo!
Public Colonoscopy and Public Toilets
Firstly well done to Mina and others fro doing a poo at work and other places out of home.
I have a staff member who never seems to go to the toilet for more than a wee. She is super organised and I think she is so well programmed she goes before coming to work and that is all she needs. I was speaking to a female who said she never had a BM at work...she wakes up...has a BM and that is it for the day! My digestive system is totally different.
Anyway the story....I long time ago I had to have a colonoscopy due to persistent constipation which later turned out to be caused by neurological conditions. My partner works in a local private hospital and she referred me to a good GI specialist who works at her hospital and another close by hospital. He suggested that he should do the colonoscopy at the hospital where my partner did not work...the only thing is that many of the staff at this "other hospital" knew my partner.
I arrived on the day and was seen by the anaesthetist who also knew my partner but said nothing and was totally professional and matter of fact. I was wheeled into the procedure whereby it was announced as I was manoeuvred into a very undignified position who I was! That was all I remembered and then I recall coming to farting at force 10. A nurse came up to me and said "you have to do that." She introduced herself and said she knew my partner and would see me next week at a party we would all be attending...yes, I and my partner and the nurse were at that party and it did not bother me.
Getting back to my partner...she did the colonoscopy list at her hospital and when she resigned she said " I have seen every arse hole in the Shire."
I have to apologise for my spelling ......despite my iPhone dictionary I still cannot get words right because I cannot transalte what I see on my phone to my computer...the consequences of neurological degeneration.
Re: Stefanie, school toilets
Although I'm a male, I relate to your account all too well. I too was also underdeveloped for my age physically. At the age of 16, I could pass for a 12 or 13 year old, so having to pull my pants down in front of an audience of my actual age range was extremely intimidating. The middle school and first high school I attended, as well as other high schools I engaged in extracurriculars at, generally had no doors on the stalls, if they had stalls at all. Then there was all of the bullying I witnessed of students for sitting on the toilet and the risk of the same happening to me. There was one high school that had these funky half stalls that I could see over as I sat, and those were a welcome sight by comparison, but when I used the toilet in that circumstance, there were teachers in the room to prevent any bullying.
Like you, I dreaded pooping at school. So much so that I would hold it for hours until I could get home. It was extremely rare when I pooped at school from 7th to 10th grade, when before that in grade school, I was accustomed to pooping at school once a day. I switched high schools and for 11th and 12th grade, that new school had doors on its bathroom stalls, so I had zero issue pooping there, and took hundreds of poops at the new high school for the duration I attended. No one bothered me there.
Urinals for me were generally more awkward than sitting in a standard doored stall. I didn't like having to expose myself to pee. My second high school had these bowl-style urinals with no partitions in every Boys' room. My first high school had them in one of the bathrooms, where I got intruded upon while using one of them by a female teacher due to other students smoking in the doorless stalls. I didn't like using those partitionless bowl style urinals, but did so anyway. I went through a gallon of water a day, so really had no choice in the matter, and at the second high school, usually the stalls would be taken by students needing to poop or by students also reluctant to use the open urinals to pee.
I do remember an awkward toilet experience during sophomore year of high school from an extracurricular activity. For a period of time, I trained with some U.S. Marines and went with them to the base. Which also meant I had to use the toilets there. I might tell that story next. The toilets there were much cleaner than those of the high school I attended at that time, but also even less private.