


Steve A:

So I do know of some pooping contests, but haven't heard of them in terms of sports.

I've taken part in a couple of pooping contests with friends. (I win pretty much every time!)

I played volleyball from when I was 10 through college and I still play recreationally. I played for a Division III college (small college).

I ALWAYS pooped before games and usually also before practice. So did most of my teammates. The last thing you want is to be out there trying to focus on the game while you have to take a big dump.

Polish tennis star Iga Swiatek just won the U.S. Open. She was interviewed after winning and said that after the first set (which she lost) that she had taken a poop and "felt lighter". I thought that was cool that she could talk freely like that.

I will say that in college my team did have peeing contests in the shower.

We'd try to see who could aim our streams at the drain the best. I did okay in those. It takes practice. I pee in the shower nowadays many mornings. Usually it just trickles down my leg.




Not afraid of using other toilets

I'm probably one of the youngest persons on this board. Me and most of my friends are in a large middle school. I wonder if it is a generational thing, but I can tolerate public bathrooms better than my mom and especially my grandma.

Since I started in middle school, we've lost a lot of our privacy in the bathrooms. If there are 15 cubicles in each bathroom, all but 2 have had their privacy doors taken off. There's been problems with vaping, several girls in a toilet cubicle, hanging out during classes, and just trashing the place.

I guess I've adjusted to the loss of privacy. Mom has bought me more loose-fitting dresses that work fine when I'm using the bathroom during lunch or the busy passing periods. Most of my peeing is really fast, about a minute or so, but I will stay on the toilet if one of my friends is using the toilet next to me. This is especially important to my friend Nicole who has to sit for a couple of minutes sometimes to get her pee started. Her craps are huge, but without my encouragement she would probably just give up and go back to class.

Molly and I are considered mall rats. We are down there every Saturday. Molly is kind of different than the rest of us. She spreads paper over the seat before sitting down. A couple of older girls get on her for wasting their toilet paper. I mentioned this to my grandma and she said that Molly is right.

I guess more than anything else grandma's generation, she was my age in the 1960s!, was taught not to use public bathrooms. Somehow they held their needs in until they got back home. Grams is critical of me for not doing this. Recently we were at the park walking our dogs and I gave her the leash for Mandy before I went into the bathroom building for a pee. She seemed surprised I couldn't hold it for 10 or 15 minutes when we got back home. I was lucky to be able to humor her. If Mandy gets to relieve herself in the park, I should too.

A couple of years ago when grams took me on a bus ride downtown to the Courts building where she had to fill out legal papers, I told her I needed to get off at an earlier stop because I had to crap bad. She got angry that I hadn't gone at home. She waited at the gas station while I went in and did my crap. It took me about 3 minutes and when I was wiping she came in and saw I was sitting on the bare seat. She said no "normal" person does that. OK, I guess I'm not normal. At the Courts building I had to excuse myself for a pee. Sorry, but a large orange juice and two water bottles go right through me.

Mom kind of supports me but she doesn't like to stand up to her mother. She says as I get older I will learn how to discipline my system, whatever that means. Me and my friends see that as kind of extreme.

For Kristi:

Your airport pooping story was very interesting. Did you sit on toilet paper or right on the seat? Do you remember what you were taught by your parents? Were adults ever critical of you?

For Steve A:

When I was in 4th grade (I think) I won $5 off two boys in my class by shitting in a squat into an empty peaches can we found in a alley near a park. Filled the can and then some!

For Elyse:

I agree with you. Those flushing sensors suck.


To Violetta from Germany

I just went back and read your story from the Hospital. I can surely identify with that. I had a very similar experience and it was truly the worst poop memory of my life. I had both hips replaced about ten years ago. Anesthesia shut down my bowels for about four days, and when I finally got the urge I was extremely constipated. Like you they brought in a commode chair and two nurses helped me out of bed, which really hurt my stitches, and put me on the commode. I thought they would go away and leave me to try and work on my BM. The nurses told me I was a "fall risk" and because of that, they were required to stay with me.
So I had to sit there pushing and grunting for about 15 minutes, while they watched, before I finally passed what I think was one of the biggest poops of my life.
That was, without a doubt the most embarrassing poop experience of my life.~~ JW

John H


Hi all,
Its been some time since I posted here but I haven't had much to say and I have been busy. I still regularly read all the posts here.
I am continuing to enjoy using the toilet and I am now back at work some days so I use the office toilets on those days and I am not afraid to let rip alongside others. I still enjoy my own toilet the most though.
Some comments on recent posts.
@Tina. Hi Tina. I have read all your posts and hope you are doing ok. You haven't posted in a while so I hope everything is ok and that you can give an update at some point. There are lots of nice people here who you can share with and who are very helpful.
@Christi. Please feel free to post more information about you. I enjoy reading your posts and would be happy to hear more about you. You have also been very kind and supportive of Tina which is nice to see. Keep the posts coming as time permits.
@M. Hey. My girlfriend is like your wife as she prefers to poo alone. I understand this and don't intrude. Some of the suggestions made by Christi may be helpful. My girlfriend is ok with peeing while I am in the bathroom so you could perhaps start there. Keep us posted if you try discussing this with your wife.
@Trina. Hi. I know what you mean about those candle shops. I never understand how the staff can work there all day with that smell. Glad you made it to a bathroom without a major accident. How often do you experience small leaks like that where you wet your panties but only a small amount?

John H

Comments part 2

Hi again all.
I accidentally hit the submit button on my last post so I will continue from where I think I left off.
@Trina. How often do you experience an accident like the one you described where you leaked in your panties but it was not a noticeable amount to anyone but yourself? I think this is interestening as I wonder if this happens more to ladies or men. I think for men it is more common to experience a small leak after finishing going for a pee. What do others think of this theory?
Do you enjoy holding your pee generally or did you just put off going because you were busy shopping at the time?
@Michele. Sorry to hear about your poo accident but you held off as long as was possible and at least you managed to make it until you got off the bus and you were alone. It sounds like it was actually a releafe to get all that poo out when it happened, even though it was in your panties. Have you used public bathrooms when you need to go since that incident happened?

Thats all for now. Take care all.
John H.


A request

Hello you beautiful people!

Kristi here.

So, I've been reading back through some old pages and have read some of my posts...

I post a lot about my toilet stories... my bathroom habits... my bathroom relationships with my husband, and with my friends.

I really haven't talked much about just me. And it's flattering that I get positive feedback on my posts.

I have never really posted about myself. I mean, just about Kristi (as opposed to what I'm doing on the toilet).

Can I just share some things about myself? Just about me as a person?

The reason is that you people are SO supportive. You are really all wonderful and this page honestly helps me get through my days sometimes.

So let me know if that would be okay.



Pee S. (see what I did there?) I still have plenty of potty time stories to share.


A few things

Tina: How are you, sweetheart? I hope you're pooping. Talk to us. We're here for you.

Jessica: 120 pounds. It's just my genes. And there are many times I wish I had a bigger figure. I have body image issues. If my husband wasn't so loving and didn't make me know that he loves me, I'd have really low self-confidence.

To my jalapeño burger eating friend: I pooped this morning. Definitely going to poop again at some point before bed. I'll let Steve (my husband) watch.



Saturday, November 19, 2022

Anna from Austria

pooping totally naked

Hello everybody. I had a interesting experience I wanted to share.

Last Week I was visting the gym to do my usual workout. After the workout I was about to enter the shower I started to feel the urge to go number 2. It was not that strong so I wanted to take about after my shower. I put my towel to one on the hooks near the shower stalls and entered the shower. I was showering for about one minute when the preasure at my backdoor got stronger. I left the shower asap grab towel again and covered my body with it as good as I can and entered the toilet. I sat down and as soon as I was seated I did a loud prrft type fart and one log. Another small fart and another smaller log. Then everything was over. i wiped mysely and the toilet seat an the floor as good as I could. I left the shower totally wet and so there was a lot of water on the floor of the toilet and the toilet seat.

After that I entered the shower again and after a long shower I went home.

greetings from Austria



Early morning poop and some responses

Hello you wonderful people. Kristi here.

I couldn't sleep past 5:30 this morning. I woke up having to relieve myself (both functions). So I'm in the bathroom sitting, yawning, and reading this page.

I took a nice long pee which always feels good. Definitely poop on the way.

To M:
"When you going was anyone else in the bathroom that would have heard you going?"

Oh, it was a busy bathroom.

Airport ladies rooms are always busy and from my observations it's usually people pooping.

I think it's (a) people who don't want to have to poop at 37,000 feet in those tiny airplane bathrooms (if you're in there for more than a few minutes everyone knows you're dropping a load), or (b) people who just got off a plane and have to poop.

As far as people hearing me, I'm sure people did. I never care about that.

"And also when your pooping in public how do you feel when someone takes the stall next to you?"

I'm glad for the company LOL!

Seriously though, I'm truly the least judgmental person you're ever going to find in a bathroom. There is no sound, sight, or smell that I've never heard, seen, or smelled before.

"And do you have any memorable stories about hearing others pooping in a public bathroom?"

Yeah... a few. :) Excuse me for a second though... I'm pooping.

Ah. That felt good. That was a good long one.

So stories from the ladies room... I've got plenty. Usually they end with me having to poop.

I can go into a bathroom just needing to pee. Not feeling the urge to crap at all.

But if someone is pooping and I hear it? My body just decides that it needs to go too.

As far as your wife: Above all, yes, respect her privacy. Even though my husband and I freely poop in front of each other, there are times when I want privacy (closed door means privacy, open door means come on in.)

Have you told her that you'd like to see her going? Maybe start slowly. Ask if she'll text you while she's pooping. I do that all the time.

See if she'll poop with the lights out with you in there. Or if she'll poop with your back to her. I know you want that visual look (does she pee with you watching?) but yeah, you've got to respect a girl's privacy. By showing her that respect you might win her over that day.

My husband only started watching me after we had made it clear that it was okay with me. If he had tried to watch without me being okay with it, it would be hard for me to enjoy going for him.

And with that it's time for me to wipe my butt and shower.

Love you all!



A request

Hello you beautiful people!

Kristi here.

So, I've been reading back through some old pages and have read some of my posts...

I post a lot about my toilet stories... my bathroom habits... my bathroom relationships with my husband, and with my friends.

I really haven't talked much about just me. And it's flattering that I get positive feedback on my posts.

I have never really posted about myself. I mean, just about Kristi (as opposed to what I'm doing on the toilet).

Can I just share some things about myself? Just about me as a person?

The reason is that you people are SO supportive. You are really all wonderful and this page honestly helps me get through my days sometimes.

So let me know if that would be okay.



Pee S. (see what I did there?) I still have plenty of potty time stories to share.


A few things

Tina: How are you, sweetheart? I hope you're pooping. Talk to us. We're here for you.

Jessica: 120 pounds. It's just my genes. And there are many times I wish I had a bigger figure. I have body image issues. If my husband wasn't so loving and didn't make me know that he loves me, I'd have really low self-confidence.

To my jalapeño burger eating friend: I pooped this morning. Definitely going to poop again at some point before bed. I'll let Steve (my husband) watch.




Toilet Literacy

For almost 10 years I've been working for a large financial institution's community project traveling among 35 middle and high schools in our city giving presentations to classes about handling money. I'm in my mid-30s and can relate to the students, their experiences and questions.

Overall, I'm a pretty consistent morning crapper. Diver sleeps late in our small apartment, the walls are thin and I don't like flushing the toilet because that would wake him up. If I have to pee I will, but I won't flush it. It is usually about a 45-minute drive on the radial highway to my work. It is during that trip that I usually stop at a c-store for my coffee. Either there, or a little later on my trip in, I will take my crap.

Others think like me, unfortunately. Some mornings there may be 6 or 7 in line in some places waiting to take a crap. Normally I won't wait so long in a line because most of the time there's another place farther ahead with less business. I specialize in the 5-minute or less crap, and then getting back on the road. Some pee is usually possible, too.

Monday, however, was not my best day. On my way to the school I was to give presentations at, I just felt tired and sluggish. Diver had been in a two-day softball tournament, it was hot and humid and there were so many fans there. I had to wait 10 minutes to get on a toilet. The bugs around me were horrendous and I was repulsed by the really gross graffiti on the inside door that was looking at me. I had only unloaded about 20%, but got too upset to complete my crap.

Once I got to the school, this student Brooke was waiting for me in the office. She helped me move my equipment cart to the auditorium and with the set up. She was squatting down forcing some plugs into place when she let the F-bomb fly. Immediately she was flustered and apologized. I told her it was OK and I have been known to use worse language. She said I reminded her of her older sister. I considered that a compliment.

Finally the equipment was tested and ready to use. Brooke grabbed the seat of her jeans and said he had to get on a toilet. I told her I did too and to lead the way. She had me walking fast through a couple of long hallways. She pushed the door of two bathrooms, but they were locked. Finally we got to the third and I was getting concerned about having an accident in my suit. Luckily it was black. Brooke ripped through the entrance fast. She aimed herself at the middle toilet. Slammed the seat down, her jeans hit the floor, and she dropped her body onto it with a thud.

I walked past her to the next toilet. I could hear her pushing it out madly. It must have been huge, awkward shaped and tearing at her anus. I took my seat, slid myself back for more comfort, and let my crap slowly exit. Finally Brooke dropped a boulder into the toilet. I don't know how she could have avoided not getting splashed, but drenched. She gasped as it exited. Again, she let off a f-bomb. I asked her what was wrong and she said he phone was dead. I pulled mine out and told her we still had 15 minutes until the students came in.

With minimal effort my banana-shaped crap came out. I looked into the bowl between my legs and saw it was heavy enough to have sunk into the water. Then I let go of about a glass worth of pee. I reached to my right for the toilet paper. There was none in the container. I put my thumb up into it, almost getting it stuck. I said something not too nice and Brooke seized on it. Once I explained it, Brooke checked her supply and with some less colorful language she said the entire container had been broken off the wall.

I knew she was still in some pain so I volunteered to walk across the room to the other line of toilets to get the wiping paper. I started in the middle and none of the five stalls I checked had any. Finally, Brooke suggested the two end stalls. At the first one, she was right. There was a full roll. I tore off a handful, gave Brooke the first choice and I needed every bit of what was left to clean myself.

As we washed our hands Brooke apologized for the condition of the school bathrooms. She said this bathroom was among the best. She said a Project Pride dance was being offered at the end of the year if students took better care of the bathrooms. I wished her luck.

My presentation went well. Lots of good questions. I gave Brooke my business card and recommended that she might want to apply for an internship at my bank next summer. I stopped at a fast food place for lunch and when I was done I went into a bathroom that was ten times worse than the one I had used that morning. Otherwise, I was looking forward to getting back to headquarters and a better bathroom situation.

Comment for Gemma:

More than 15 years ago when I was a high school student I, too, tried to avoid using the school bathrooms. For me, the reality became apparent at age 16 when I switched schools. My previous school offered the toilet seat covers in each cubicle. Then when my parents moved across country my new school was larger, with even more crowded bathrooms, and didn't have the toilet seat covers. Instead of holding my needs in, I learned to just sit down and get rid of it at the first available opportunity. Daily showering or baths make me feel better about sitting directly down on the seats.

Steve A

Question About Bathroom Related Initiations & Challenges

Over the years, I've read some stories on TS about certain "team bonding" initiations between some sport teams participating in "bathroom related initiations"

A majority of them consisted of "pooping contests" between rookies and veterans on high school and college teams (who could "outpoop" their teammates out of all of them) Furthermore, teammates would "prepare" beforehand to gain an advantage over everyone else.

So, have any of you ever participated or been apart of any "team bonding" initiations, such as pooping contests or something similar in nature?

Even though I've heard of different initiations/challenges between sport teams, it doesn't surprise me that some teams participate in various imitations...

On an extra note, it's not only sport teams, friend groups can participate in similar/related contests as well (sleepovers, hangouts, college dorms/apartments, etc) since I've also read some stories on TS about various challenges between friend groups as well...


Mostly Made It

Hey guys, long time no post! Haven't seen anything from my other SPAS, either - hope you are all well!

I have a few minutes today and wanted to share about this weekend. I had been out shopping all morning and enjoying myself and my growing urge to pee. Finally I was getting to the point where I knew I couldn't just keep holding it until I got home, so I decided to give in and use the restroom there at the mall. Well, on my way towards the food court area where I knew there are public restrooms I passed one of those smelly candle stores. I'm sensitive to strong smells and have allergies and sometimes those kinds of places do a number on me, and this time was no exception. As I walked by and got a strong whiff of their seasonal candles up front I was hit by a very sudden sneeze - multiple sneezes actually - that hit hard and fast and it wasn't until after the third or fourth sneeze that I felt the wetness between my legs. I clamped my legs shut and bent a little and managed to stop sneezing.

I glanced down and didn't see anything visible on the front of my crotch (in medium colored blue jeans, I might add), but I could definitely feel my panties were quite warm and wet in the middle. I walked a little faster the rest of the way, not looking around, no idea if wetness was showing from the back. I made it to the ladies room, got into a stall, and sat down to pee. I inspected my panties and they were certainly wet in the crotch, but luckily the jeans only had a small wet spot in the middle around the size of an egg, but not really visible from front or back. Any bigger at all and I'm sure it would have been (knowing from past experience, haha).

I patted my panties and jeans dry with TP as best I could and carried on with my morning, not minding the feeling until it started to go cold and clammy. Oh well.

Anyway, that got me thinking about the difference between a "Mostly Made It" (small leak, most goes in toilet) vs an "Almost Made It" (most in pants, maybe all, maybe a little in the toilet).

What do you guys think?


Violetta from Germany

Embarrassing pooping


when I was 7 years old we went to a restaurant. After eating i had to go to the toilet. My mother went with me because she had to go too. I was of course old enough to go into an own cabin. I heard mom pee. She had told me before that public toilets should only be used in an absolute emergency. Number 2 should generally be done at home...
But as I was sitting on the toilet, I felt that I also had to poop and started to push. When my mother heard that *kersplosh* and realizing that I was going for #2, she cried out in horror: "What are you doing???" With a strained voice i replied that i have to poop. She started ranting and didn't stop until we were outside...
For years since that I haven't been pooping on a toilet anywhere except at home or in the holiday apartment...
It took years for me to change my habits.
Further questions?

@Anna from Austria

A while ago you did ask what the most embarrassing toilet experiences we had.
I wrote a few stories about that earlier. You can use the search to find it.

But just to mention it again briefly. The really worst experience was when i had to poo on this toilet chair in the hospital in the presence of the nurse. I had a catheter and when I called her it was clear that I had to poop...
I didn't expect her to stay near me. That was really the worst experience, precisely because I'm totally shy in this part, see above!

In the meantime I can use public toilets to poop, but I still often feel embarrassed about it. The worst thing is when one can hear me doing it. Smelling isn't nice either, but oddly enough I don't mind that much!
I've also had to poop in the neighboring cubicles at the same time as other women. That's always difficult because you actually want to wait until the other one starts...



Last Friday I went into campervan to play a D V D disc ,unfortunately
I fell asleep and woke in the early hours needing a wee , sat on porta pottie when done went back to sleep.At NINE AM I woke again sat on pottie and had a wee, I tried unsuccessfully to have a NUMBER TOO .
I climbed out of the van and collected JONES RELAX bedpan from car
and brought it into house ,switched on kettle and made tea,switched on computer and dealt with e mails and other correspondence,while drinking
two mugs of next task was to make and con, sume porridge.I went into lounge ,listened to radio , returned to kitchen for washing up and brushing teeth , saucepans I put into cupboard , as I bent down I felt the urge to poop.
I pulled five sheets ok kitchen towel off of roll placed two into pan
lowered my jogging bottoms and pants ,sat on the bed pan , immediately
my bladder opened followed by my bowels , I was now having a most enjoyable NUMBER TOO .eight minutes later having sat relaxing grabbed
the kitchen roll raised myself into squatt to poop position and wiped
using three sheets.dropping each sheet into pan now holding a pile of mushy poo and two pints of wee. Pulled up my jogging bottoms and pants ,
picked up bed pan went into garden and tipped on bonfire, washed pan under water butt left to dry.
I vaccumed the stairs and lounge then the kitchen ,needed a weeso went collect pan ,put back into car climbed into van sat on pottie had a wee
climbed out of van and took pottie to drain and emptied .This is the one
of the few times I have emptied pottie that did not contain I have had NUMBER TOO on this pottie at least six hundred times and over
Seven Hundred times on other potties.

Mrs. BigandHard.again I am straining on

Post Title (optional)A super hard wide one with hard strain

Hello It has been a while since I submitted a post. So Here goes I am sitting on the toilet right NOW I can feel it becoming wider and wider as I push down harder. My anal opening is hurting me now.
I know I have pushed out some Hard-rocks that are usually 2.5-inches in diameter ones in the past.
This one feels bigger and wider and it is starting to hurt me a lot.
So I am just keeping the pressure on. ...Now it feels more like a super wide 3.0 inches in diameter. when it is like that it "splits me". It is called anal "fissure"
Thank you all.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


Response to Kristi

Thanks for sharing that story Kristi. That's frustrating and uncomfortable having to hold your poop and not being able ot go but once you do go it's the best feeling ever. When you going was anyone else in the bathroom that would have heard you going? And also when your pooping in public how do you feel when someone takes the stall next to you? And do you have any memorable stories about hearing others pooping in a public bathroom?
That's great that you let your husband see you poop. I've been married for 19 years and my wife still doesn't let me in while she's pooping. Oh well I respect her privacy. She's an amazing woman but if I could change anything it would be that.

Take care Kristi and hope to see more stories from you!!

Emma two

Pood in the work toilets

I worked overtime last night and I was busting for a poo when I finished work at seven o'clock. The cleaner was mopping the floor and but she let me use the toilet as she said she knew what it's like when you're busting to go. I felt embarrassed but I still went as I'm trying to get over my poo shyness. I'm glad I did because it all rushed out of me and I think if I'd waited until I got home I would have had an accident in my knickers. It was a big relief and after wiping my bottom I flushed the toilet and washed my hands feeling pleased with myself for making the right decision.


To Gemma

You're not the only one who can't use public restrooms. I too can't but it's not because I don't want to be heard or because of the potential uncleanliness associated with them.

I can't use them because I'm AFRAID of them - especially the kind that are automatic with flashing lights and/or older ones that are dimly lighted and have seats other than the standard white. I've tried covering the sensor and/or having somebody I trust with me, but it hasn't helped.

So I always make sure to go at home before I leave; that way I don't end up having an anxiety attack. You're not alone, I promise.


Hi, everyone. My name is Maxine. I'm 18 and a freshman in college. I have Asperger's, which I'm not ashamed to admit because it's not hard for people to figure out anyway. My therapist recommended that I tell my stories on an online forum, so here I am. I've always been a late bloomer in terms of potty training. I wasn't potty trained until I was almost 4, I was in pullups until I was 8, I still had occasional accidents until I was in middle school, and even to this day I still have a few accidents a year.

I had a really embarrassing experience the other day. I had a big lunch and then had class at 1:00. About 20 minutes into class, I felt the need to go poop, but I thought I could hold it. A few minutes later I got a bad cramp. When class ended, I tried to make it to the bathroom, but I barely made it 15 feet before a big, soft, warm turd slid into my panties. I also peed a tiny bit but it wasn't enough to show on the outside of my loose-fitting overalls. I felt like I was going to cry. Now I just wanted to go back to my dorm room to clean up and change. I began walking to my dorm across campus. I had to pass a lot of other people on my way there, wondering if they could tell that I had poop in my pants. By the time I got there, I didn't clean up right away. I fell on my bed and began sobbing into my pillow. A few minutes later, my roommate Jessica came in. She noticed that I was crying and said "Oh sweetie, what's wrong?" I couldn't speak because I was crying so hard. She gave me a hug to comfort me, then the smell hit her. She moved her hand down my back and to my bottom, felt the bulge and said "why don't you go clean up, hon?" I went into our private bathroom to shower, and Jessica took my soiled clothes down to the laundry room to get washed. This was my first pooping accident in college, but Jessica knows all about my history because I still wet the bed a couple times a week. When I got out I was still pretty upset so she suggested we put on some comfy clothes, drink hot chocolate and watch movies for the rest of the day to cheer me up. Jessica is studying to be a child psychologist so she always knows how to make me feel better. Well, that's my story for today. Thanks for reading.

Steve A

Pooping In Other Places Survey

Apart from home or any other place where you stayed for some time where else have you pooped in your lifetime? Answer yes or no.

Airport- Not yet

Airplane- Not yet

Significant others place- I pooped at a friend's place (girl) and she didn't seem to mind, but I would poop at my girlfriend or SO's place if I had to go hoping that they don't mind if I had to go during my visit

Friends place (during a visit not a stay)- Same as above

Families place (during a visit not a stay) - Yes

Restaurant- Yes

School/uni- I've always gone whenever I had to go, even during my middle & high school days, despite some mixed feelings from some teachers since I usually went around the same time of the day and they wondered why I always asked to use the restroom almost everyday

Outdoors- I never pooped outside, but I would depending on the situation I'm in

Porta potty (f.e. festival)- Yes

Bar- I never pooped at a bar, only once at a college party, but no one seemed to notice or care when I did

Club/disco- No

Museum- No

Doctor's waiting room- Yes

Hospital (during a visit not a stay) - Yes


Met my future husband while pooping


I'm in my early 30's, petite and blonde, this happened during my freshman year of university.

I had my first week of university punched and so far it was going okay. I wasn't used to living this far away from home so my pooping habits are a little off. My roommate Katie seen an ad on the bulletin board for a party at one of the frat houses and said we should go. I wasn't really feeling up to it, I was a little tired and I haven't had a decent poo in four days, every time I went to the bathroom it was just like little rabbit buttons. Eventually I gave in and said okay I'll make an appearance but I'm not staying long. So Katie and I got ready, had a few pre drinks. I figured the beer would move things along so I went to the bathroom before we left but no such luck.

We got to the party and the place was full of students blowing off steam. As soon as we got in the door I felt a rumble in my stomach I mumbled to myself not now. After about a half hour this monster was finally ready to come out of me, I went and found Katie told her I was gone to find a bathroom. I made my way up the stairs and found the bathroom. I closed the door, rose up the toilet seat, pulled my shorts down and sat on the toilet. I peed first of course but I could feel things moving along, gave a little push and let a grunt out of me. This turd was being very stubborn. I sat there looking at my phone when I heard someone by the door, I tried to remain quiet but I was afraid if I didn't say anything that they would just walk on in so I screamed out someone is in here. The doorknob rattled again and with that some guy falls right in.

I screamed and tried to cover up as best as I could. The guy looked up and said so sorry about that I replied it's okay. He was just about to leave when I felt like I had to push again so I told him to turn away, I let another grunt out of me followed by a groan. He turned towards me again and asked if I was okay I said not really I'm constipated. He asked me did I need a hand and I'm like no offence but I just met you I think I should be fine on my own. He took one look at me, locked the bathroom door put his drink on the edge of the sink and sat on the bathtub next to me. He said look my name is Sean and you look like you could use a hand, trust me I've done this before with my best friend from high school so it's nothing I haven't seen before.

Sean stood in front of me and grabbed my hands, there was no going back now he seen my pussy and it's a good thing I shaved today. He said now when you feel like you have to push again squeeze my hand. He never had the words out when I started squeezing, my bumhole was open really wide now and I could feel the turd poking it's way out it got about halfway and then stopped. He's like okay now relax I'm just going to rub your stomach a bit and then rub your back. I felt another push coming so I squeezed his hand again and bared down the turd was sliding out further and further until I heard a splash and water came up on my ass. I let out a sigh of relief and hugged Sean. I was afraid to look but I was also curious as well so I stood up and half of the log wasn't even in the water no way was this going down. I sat back down and told Sean he could leave now I had it from here so he carefully opened the bathroom door but not too wide in case anyone was lingering outside the door. He said I'll wait in one of the rooms for you just to make sure your okay. He closed the door and a bit of mushy poop came out of me then. Finally I felt so much better and figured I was done. I wiped and attempted to flush but no sir it would not go down so I plunged broke it up and it went down. Opened up the door seen Sean and thanked him again for helping me. One thing lead to another…. 10 years later we're happily married and expecting our first child in April.


Tormented in primary school

When I was an 11 year old boy in year 6 of British primary school, pooping was the most embarrassing thing of all. I hated doing a poo at school, mainly because my butt was big for a boy of my age and I always pooped a lot. One day, I went into a stall in the empty bathroom, pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet. As I felt the first log squeeze through my cheeks, I heard a group of boys enter the bathroom. I recognised their voices as a group of boys from year 5, a year below me. They were whispering and giggling, making me uneasy. "He went in the stall!" I heard one of the boys whisper. They all laughed. I decided to just close my eyes and try to finish my poo in peace, but to no avail. "Is he pooing?" I heard one of then say. "He probably poos loads with that big bum" another one said, making me blush from head to toe. This was my worst nightmare. They started hammering on the door and hollering loudly. " Hello , year 6 boy! Are you doing something smelly in there?" One of the boys teased in a sing-song voice. I clenched my cheeks, desperate not to fart but too embarrassed to leave. Suddenly I ripped a loud fart, sending the boys into hysterical laughter. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes welled with tears. "He farted! He's doing a huge poo!" I heard one of them shout. Then came the worst part. "Open the door, or we'll get people from your class in here" said a boy. Weighing my options, I pulled up my trousers and pants as far as I could without leaving the toilet and slowly unlocked the door. I couldn't have my classmates see me having a poo. They pushed the door open, laughing like hyenas. As they saw me, sitting red-faced, half naked on the toilet, they started making crude fart noises and pointing. "Look, his butt is out!" A smaller boy said. The others laughed and craned their necks to peek in. There were about five of them, all red from laughing and clearly watching me poo was the funniest thing in the world to them. I puled paper from the paper holder, planning to wipe and then run. But they stopped me. "Stand up to wipe your butt!" One of them cried, and the others cheered at this suggestion. Crying, I got up, exposing my ????? To them. They laughed hard and said it was small. I didn't want to turn around, as I was self-concious about my rear. But as I made a move to wipe, they started shouting. "Show us your bum!" They teased. I turned slowly, revealing my huge butt to boys who still hadn't grown out of the phase where butts are the funniest thing ever. They giggled loudly and made farting noises. In what they clearly thought was the funniest joke in the world, they made fart noises and then blamed me, saying things like, "stop trumping" and fanning my butt from a distance. This was the worst day ever. I bent slightly and started wiping. The boys got a peek at my bumhole while I spread my cheeks slightly, sending them into a fit of giggles. "His bumhole is brown!" They cried. When I finished wiping, I went to flush, but not before the boys got a good look at my pile of poo. "Your butt is so gross!" One of them said, before giggling and taking a few peeks at my poo. Seeing I was done, they promised they would be there next time I pooed and left. After crying in the bathroom for 20 minutes, I went back to the playground. I saw the boys in the corner, pointing at me, specifically my butt, and laughing to each other. That was when I became completely poo-shy. But the teasing didn't stop until I left primary school.


Potty break during gaming

I was playing a computer game when I felt the urge to poop. I had to pause the game and go to the toilet. There I pulled down my pants, and underpants, and sat down on the toilet seat of the suspended toilet. However, I didn't manage to relieve myself quickly. I relaxed and pushed, but only farted. But I felt like I wanted to poop, so I had to sit and wait. Finally, after a few minutes, the poop came out. Splash! She fell into the water with a big splash, almost splashing my ass! Then I defecated two more poop, wiped myself with toilet paper, got dressed, and flushed the water. The poops spun and flushed away. I peed in toilet after flush. I flush pee, got dressed, washed my hands, and went out. It was time to continue the game!


37 year-old with a Psycho Mom

I moved out of my parents' house when I was 19. I had a good job and a career path and I wanted to stay over sometimes with my boyfriend and do what adults do. And I also wanted to keep my friends, some of whom were tired of some of mom's intrusive questions. Things about whether their bowels were regular, how they bathrooms were at school (they sucked beginning with middle school), how they learned to "plan" their pees, and some things with the need for "potty discipline" in public places. That meant holding up your needs until we got home in a half hour or we got to our motel. Mom was cautious, sometimes outright suspicious of public bathrooms.

It was the way mom handled bathroom related things when we were away from home that was different. I could choose a friend to take with me in grade school when mom and dad took me to a baseball game, an amusement park, or simply a movie. Sometimes the friend would inquire about a rest stop on the interstate. Mom would interrogate her about what the need was. I was surprised when my friend Jen said she needed a rest stop about an hour into our trip to 6 Flags. She ended up having to explain to my mom why she needed the stop. That was so rude. We were 8 or 9 at the time. Why was it such a big issue. She needed to get on a toilet and prevent having an embarrassing accident in her shorts. Why should mom give a damn about the reason. She obviously wasn't getting sick or anything.

Then mom would go in with us and do what I later learned was her micro-managing routine. I remember once when Jen was holding her back end and walking fast toward the line of toilets. She was starting to turn around and drop herself onto one when mom grabbed her and had her stand and wait while mom laid a toilet paper liner over the four sides of the seat. That cost Jen a small smear in her undies before mom allowed her to finally sit. Then mom was critical of her because Jen slid herself over the seat and got off the paper protectors.

I can remember at least 3 times when mom stopped me from immediately sitting for a piss while a wipe of the seat and then papering was done. I had pee running down my inner leg when mom finally gave me the OK to sit. In front of my cousin, mom said as I got older I could better hold it. Both Shari and I just looked at one another half shocked. Then Shari walked to the next toilet, seated herself and was peeing away when mom looked at her, yelled at her, said she hadn't been taught correctly, and when I made the decision to take Shari's side, mom yelled at me. Anybody that sits directly on a public toilet seat is wrong, has negligent parents, and some other things that I heard quite regularly.

Before I started middle school mom gave me a special demonstration about how to paper the seat. This was in addition to all the other times. When I told her I hadn't seen any of my friends going to that extreme--a few just wipe the seat off--she got on me for talking back.

Sometimes it seemed she would ask us two or three different ways the same dumb question: when we were getting into the SUV if we had just gone in and tried to go to the bathroom. My friend Marika was startled when she told mom she couldn't remember when she last moved her bowels. Then I reminded her we had both crapped at the park that same day. My mistake. I shouldn't have said anything because mom went into this lecture that such public bathrooms were off limits to us. We were like 10 and Marika was caught by surprise.

As I got older and did more things on my own with my friends, I was away from much of mom's micro (or as my boyfriend called it) "psycho-management." Or so I thought. Trying to be more normal in my activities I would forget that mom was waiting in the car when I went in to pay for our gas and she would ask me what took so long.

Here's my brief survey:

1. What positive things did your parents say/teach you about public bathrooms?

2. What restrictions/negative things did your parents teach you about public bathrooms?

3. What positive/negative things did you learn from your friends about public bathrooms?

Thank you,

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Aeroplane Poop

Currently on a city break with my boyfriend and wanted to try a curry house that was highly rated, went a fee hours before we had to be at the airport and had a butter chicken roll!
Fast forward a few hours and I nipped to the toilet in the airport and went for a wee but felt like i could go for a poo as well, small push and a huge pile came out, was quite soft but still formed.
Gets on the plane and my ???? started to hurt, didn't want to say anything to my partner so i thought id wait, but turns out we're sat on the runway for an hour and a half! nightmare! stomach is really hurting at this point so i said i needed a wee and went to the toilet, sat down and i could feel the pressure in my ????, so i pushed and and farted out what i think was the earlier meal that didn't agree with me!! let out a couple more farts that i imagine could be heard from outside the door, felt the pain ease up afterwards. looked in the bowl and it must of gone straight through me, very smelly and took ages to wipe! walked out red faced.



My grandmother was an office cleaner and during the ages of Ten to Fourteen I used to help her at weekends and school holidays .
The toilets were outside at the end of the yard,Three cubucles two with a flushing Thunderbox ,one with a THOMAS CRAPPER THRONE SEAT which was higher than the others due to plumbing arrangements. The doors were two panes of patterned glass in the upper section standard two foot six width and painted green . the whole building was lit by a 100 watt tungsten bulb .
Toilet paper was BRONCO 800 SHEETS PER ROLL ,OR IZAL 600 SHEETS PER ROLL ,a bit thicker . Occasionally IBCOL much harder , smaller sheets.
When we arrived and before we left I always had a wee.On the occasions
I had a NUMBER TOO I would use the end cubicle with the THOMAS CRAPPER THRONE SEAT which was much higher .I would lock the door lower my jeans and pants to my ankles , then place my hands on the seat and pull myself into position , my legs were a few inches above the floor.When comfortable would let go first a wee followed by four or five logs ,usually this would take six minutes ,when satisfied my bladder and bowels are empty , slide off the seat and wipe with six sheets of BRONCO toilet paper ,after scrunching each sheet to make it softer.
Pulled up my jeans and pants fasten my belt ,pulled the chain to flush with a huge deluge of water , unlocked door and washed hands .Often the other cubicles were engaged I assume others are much longer having a NUMBER TOO or sometimes smoking a pipe.


Awkward Meeting

Story 1
So i used to work in a old office, and it had one doorless stall and urinal in the mens room with a locking outer door. I never locked the door as thought slightly selfish if someone just wanted a wee.
So one day i was having a really bad stomach and went and sat on the toilet. Was on there for 15mins blasting away, when a coworker came in.
He saw me sitting on the toilet, with my white briefs hanging below my knees and my shirt lifted with my bush on show. He as holding his stomach and was asking how long i might be. I said i will try to hurry up. Well 5 mins past and he was talking and holding his stomach when he started farting. He begged me to get off but hadnt fully finished but i said we could swap if he locked the door to avoid embarrassment. he locked the door and i stood up with my bum still covered. He quickly pulled his trousers down, and i noticed he was also wearing white briefs. We both laughed as he sat down and farted away. I was just standing there with my penis just hanging there as we wasnt embarrassed. My stomach turned and i asked to swap. He flushed and shuffled to one side, he was really hairy down there and average side. I sat down and blasted away for another few mins. I stood up and started wiping as he sat back down to finish off. I wiped and thrown in-between his legs. He wiped and we both left at the same time, a little bit closer as friends.

Story 2:
I was driving back home when suddenly my stomach was shouting needs emptying. I saw a service station and quickly pulled in. I ran into the building and found the toilet. I ran through the door when i noticed all 6 stalls had no door and full. I had to pace backwards and forwards as the other blokes blasted away! One bloke to pity on me and started wiping quickly, i jumped on the seat as soon as he walk away. I was on the toilet 30mins! As i was sitting there a father and son came, the father took a seat and was farting away as the son also took as seat. Sounded like both of them had the runs!!


Reflections of a poo-shy guy

I've known Lisa for at least 10 of my years. We played together in grade school, and when her parents moved 11 blocks away to another neighborhood, Lisa and I continued doing things together. We attended the same middle school, luckily were together in the same classes, so we studied and hung-out together. We enjoyed school and were involved in clubs and a volunteer tutoring program after school.

Either Lisa's mom or her sister Tiffany--who was in high school--would drive us to and pick us up from school. Her mom was flexible and Lisa would call her when we were done.

I don't know if it was stress or what. But in 7th grade both me and Lisa went through a period of constipation. The bathrooms were horrible compared to what we had in our parish grade school. So large with so many toilets, some running over, most without privacy doors, and the sinks stopped up deliberately, we had a difficult adjustment to make that fall.

For me, the urinals which were actually a lined-up trough, were busted up and dirty. The pipe going across them and pouring clean water into the bowl would splash me and my organ. One bully at the end space would block into his friend and 6 or 7 of us would get hit because we couldn't see it coming and get out of the way. Even if we got out of the way we would be leaking on our shoes or jeans.

My family didn't talk about personal things that much. That wasn't the case with Lisa. The first thing her mom would ask when Lisa got in the front seat was if she had her BM that day. See she had been constipated from trying to hold it in until she got home and her mom went ballistic on her. Even took her to the pediatrician. So every day there was that awful question that I know embarrassed Lisa. Finally, her doctor gave her laxative pills she took before bed. The problem was they didn't work until the middle of the morning. I know she didn't like to run out of class but that happened a couple of times. Once after the next passing period she showed me a crap smear about an inch big on the very back of her skirt. The toilet seat was about to become unbolted. So in her fear of falling in, she didn't pull her brown skirt up fast enough before sitting down.

Lisa's older sister Tiffany was so different when she picked us up. She claimed she had never taken a crap at school in her first three years of high school. She was kind of profane with her language, talked about not wanting to get chlamydia from those toilets, and that one piss a day at school was enough for her. Other than milk with her lunch, Tiffany said she didn't drink any liquids at school and that was helping her. Lisa looked back at me and just rolled her eyes.

It was my belief that the guys' bathrooms were worse than the girls. After Lisa had her accident, I got sick of holding my craps until I got home or to Lisa's house. Guys peed right over the seat. Some even spit on them. On afternoon when I knew Lisa and I had a couple of hours of tutoring to do I decided to find a decent toilet to sit on and unload three days worth. I had to stay downstairs near the library because if I went upstairs and got caught using the bathroom I could receive a detention. My mom didn't agree with that, but she knew that some guys were busting things up. I didn't tell her about the drug stuff I sometimes found near the toilet or in it.

Finally I found a semi-good toilet and with a dry seat. I passed a couple of other guys seated on dirty seats. Both were older, sat with their legs spread wide, and one flipped me off when I halfway looked at him. I decided to put up the seat and I dropped my jeans and briefs and carefully tried to sit on the bowl rim. It hurt me too much and my unit was laying over the front of it near on some yellow splashes.

I stood, dropped the seat and carefully slid myself onto it. With some pushing one, two and then three small crap balls fell into the toilet. That splashed my underside. I remembered that the water was clear so I wasn't getting some other guys pee on me. Lisa texted me from the library and said my first student was waiting. I told her where I was and she said oops. I was supportive of her and she was supportive of me. I decided to give up and get down to the library. Lisa flipped me the victory sign, but I knew it wasn't deserved.

We did our tutoring time. During the last 30 minutes or so I saw Lisa looking at her phone a lot and looking increasingly worried. She texted me that Tiffany was furious waiting in the parking lot for us. We finally got outside, found Tiffany's car, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. Finally, Lisa got a text. Tiffany, after twice being denied entry into the school to take a pee, went into the rear parking lot, squatted over, and peed next to the side of the building.

She might have thought she had gotten away with something, but me and Lisa think it might be on the security tape.

Midwest Anonymous

Yesterday's Rancid Dump

After my large coffee yesterday, I farted a lot and they were the most rancid smelling farts I've had in a long time. After a while I felt like I had to pee so I went to the bathroom. Since I'm at home I decided to sit and pee because why not? I pulled my pants and white full rise Stafford briefs to my ankles and sat on the toilet. A yellow stream of pee shot out of my penis as soon as sat down. I held it down and peed for about 30 seconds or so.

I was going to stand up but then my butthole opened and released around five soft runny poops. My penis shot out another spurt of pee and I flushed the toilet since it was getting full. I rolled off a wad of toilet paper and wiped my butt. There was heavy residue on the first wipe so I refolded it and wiped again. Same thing. I rolled off a second wad and did the same thing, there was less residue on the paper. When I rolled off the third wad I refolded it twice and wiped to see less residue. I rolled off a fourth wad and it was clean.

I continued to sit and a short stream of pee came out of my penis, I aimed it at a small stain in the bowl from my poop but it didn't do anything. I pulled my briefs up positioning my penis to my liking, then my jeans. I washed my hands and flushed the toilet one last time.

Thank you for reading another story of mine and as always feel free to send any advice you have to m


Humongous accident

Hi Just Jerika,
I am not sure why I have always been shy to go to the bathroom in public or when other people are around. I do remember my mother always being concerned about my bowels, and giving me a laxative if she thought my BM's were too firm or not happening often enough. But I never had an embarrassing experience at school, I just felt like having a BM was a private experience, not to be done with others around.

Of course, this has left me in a lot of desperate situations throughout the years. One of the worst experiences was when I was a senior in high school. By that time, I had gotten really good at holding my poop in at school so that I could let it out in the privacy of my own bathroom at home. But there was one day when the urge for a poop actually started before lunch (it didn't usually hit me until after I ate lunch). The urge was actually quite strong, and I didn't eat much lunch because of already feeling a full sensation. After lunch, the feeling of having to poop was getting very strong. I was trying so hard to hold it back. Time was moving so slowly, I just wanted to get home. During class, I could not concentrate on the work, I could only concentrate on clenching my butt cheeks to hold all of the poop back. So I stared at the clock to watch the time. Each second felt like a minute, and each minute felt like an hour. I finally made it to the end of the day, and was able to go out to the bus. The bus ride was torture. I feel like my friends knew there was something wrong because I was so quiet. I just told them I wasn't feeling so well. I was sitting on the heel of my foot to keep the log in at this point. I had the window open for fresh air which helped a bit, but it also seemed that as we got closer to my bus stop, it was getting impossible to hold back. The urges were so strong and I kept clenching as hard as I could, it was excruciating. When the bus pulled up to my stop, I could see my house in the distance. I wanted to make it there so bad. I stood up to get off of the bus, but I think my poor stomach and butt had enough. As I walked down the bus aisle, the huge, hard log started to open my hole and push out beyond my control. My butt was so tired of clenching. The poop slowly crept out as I walked down the steps and off of the bus, the log was wide and firm and there was nothing I could do to stop it from coming out at that point. My stomach was pushing beyond my control. Luckily, I was the only one who got off at my stop. When my feet hit the curb, the log was already out a few inches and touching my pants, and still going. I had no choice but to let it continue. I bent down as if to look for something in my backpack, which opened my hole up wider and gave the monster poop log the room to come out. The bus started to pull away, and I grunted loudly as the humongous log picked up speed and began to fill my shorts. I could hear the loud crackling and smell the strong odor of the poop, but it was ok because I was alone now. One huge log made its way out, and it felt so good but there was a lot left inside of me. There was plenty of room left in my baggy shorts, and so much poop left that I was not able to stop anyways, that after the first log broke off, a second one started and I just grunted and pushed. A second huge, firm log began to push the first log out of the way and make its way into my shorts. I sighed in relief and also quickly grunted as the second log broke off and a third log started coming out. The third log pushed its way out and curled up in whatever space was left in my shorts. Each log was probably about a foot long. My shorts were completely full at this point, and I was completely empty and done going. It felt like ages, but probably only took a couple of minutes. Red faced and embarrassed, even though no one was around, I stood up and felt the back of my shorts. It felt like a basketball in the back of my pants, weighing my shorts down. I was so relieved. I went home and straight to my bathroom, where I was able to dump the whole solid load into the toilet for flushing.

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