
Anna from Austria
Hello everybody here is another story from me.

Last monday I was in town to visit a travel agency for booking my second trip to the states in February.

After doing that I wanted to do a bit window shopping. While I was walking in town my stomache started to rumble a bit and I though It would be a good idea to look for a toilet. I walked to the neariest public toilet I know. Never have used this toilet so far so I was not aware that you cannot get in without using a coin. I only had Euro bills with me so I could not use the toilet. I had to find another way them. I keept walking to reach the neariest cafe I could think of. In the meantime the preasure got way stronger and I had to clench my buttstocks not to poop in my pants The way I was walking surely look funny for the people who say me.

I managed to reach a cafe unkown to me. Got a table and ordered a drink. The I rushed to toilet. I had the feeling that a small tip of my turd was already sticking out my but hole. I locked the door and pulled down my slacks and my undies and as soon as seated the turd started to came out. I did a pfrrt type fart and another smaller one. After cleaning I checked out my white panties and my feeling was right that the turd did already started to come out.There was a big poo stain at the back of my panties.

I already had few close call in my lifes and I have already solied my panties a bit because I forget to wipe myself due to my drunken start but I never did a poop in my panties as an adult. It almost happen that monday. It was never that close.

Greetings from Austria


Brazilian Guy

Presenting Myself and Short Story

Hey everyone! I'm a reader of this forum since 2018, and now I'm joining you by sharing my stories and opinions. I don't see people from latin america frequently posting here, and I think I never saw a post from Brazil. I'm 24yo, straight, medium height. I like casual stories, mostly about pooping outside, and I'm kinda open about my bathroom habits with other people.

So, i work in a hospital in a big brazilian city. Today, during my work, I felt gassy, and my belly was making some loud noises, so I knew what was coming in a near future. In my sector, we have an unissex employee bathroom (a room with toilet and sink) that is locked for avoiding the use by patients, to keep it clean. As soon as i finished my work, i went to the bathroom to try to release the pressure. When I was just opening the door, a nurse in her early 20s, black hair, came rushing saying that she was bursting for a pee, so I let her go first, I wasn't in a hurry. This bathroom has a tiny wood door, so I could hear she lowering her scrub pants and panties, and after a pre-piss small fart, she did a strong and loud stream in a full minute piss. Wiped once, flushed, opened the door and thanked me for letting her go first. So I went inside, and noted that the toilet was totally sprayed by piss, so I confirmed that my new friend has a bent pussy. As long as I couldn't sit on the toilet, i lowered my pants and boxers, climbed on the toilet and positioned myself on a low squat. Pointed my penis down and did a short piss and some silent farts simultaneously. I started to push a hard poop that hurted my ass a little, but quickly splashed in the water as a little hard ball, followed by 4 more of these goat poops, then i did a silent and long fart that released the pressure in my belly instantly. Wiped just once (hard poops don't mess my ass, usually), shaked the last pee drops, flushed and left the bathroom.

I'm on my way back home now, and i'm feeling some bowel movements,I had probably unclogged my pipes down here eliminating that hard plugs earlier, and some more may be coming soon.

Mrs Bigandhard

This morning I tried to go to the toilet but my turd was too

This morning when I went to push out my big turd it was really big! I had to strain really hard . So I pulled off several sheets of toilet paper and wadded it up in a big 3inch ball and rubbed vasilene all over it and then pushet into my butt hole .it was difficult It hurt a lot.

Post Title (optional

I don't like pooping in public, and really hate going at school. Our bathrooms are super dirty and old. But one day, that changed. The day before, I had eaten out at a Mediterranean buffet, and I ate quite a lot. When I left the restaurant, my stomach was full of Mediterranean food and I could feel my body digesting those delicious plates of hummus, lamb, and falafel. As the digested sludge moved into my intestines to become poop, I filled up my stomach with ice cream, chips and salsa, and other snacks. In a matter of hours, that had all been digested and was ready to join the growing pile of waste in my rectum. Additionally, I hadn't crapped in a few days. All that digested food sat in my rectum was waiting for me to sit on the toilet and take a poop, however I hadn't felt a urge yet.
The next day was school. When I woke up, my bladder was really full, like it always is, so I went to the bathroom and emptied it. It's always a nice relief to let out all that pee in the morning. I got ready for school, and skipped breakfast, like I normally do (because of time). I felt fine through my first class, but as I was sitting in my second class, I felt a growing pressure in my anus. "Ok," I thought to myself, "I'll hold it for now and take a dump at home." I had a dentist appointment after school though, which would make me more delayed. But I still though I could hold it. 30 minutes later, I felt a greater need to go. And I knew it wouldn't be small. I had kept days of meals in me, and now my body needed to make some room. "I might need to go at school, but let's try to hold it," I thought. By the end of the class, my body had stopped negotiations. My bowels were full of the digested remains of the large amounts of food I ate, and it needed to get pooped out. The bell rang, and I went to my next class. I'd need more than the 5 minute passing period to push out this turd. I sat down in my next class, study hall, and pulled out my work, hoping to start some homework before I gave into the urge to void this waste from you bowels. After 3 minutes, my body reminded me of the large mass of digested remains in my abdomen that needed to come out. I was ready to poop.
I asked my teacher for a pass, left the classroom, and walked to the bathrooms that were just down the hall. In my many years at school, I had never pooped in the school restrooms. I was very nervous for this first time. As I was about to enter the bathroom, I saw a cute girl enter the girls restroom. I heard her say to her friend "I've really gotta pee" as she said goodbye to her friend and entered the bathroom to get some relief. Based on her hurried walk, her bladder must've been really filled with urine, and I realized mine was somewhat full as well. I walked into the bathroom, slightly nervous now, and looked for a stall. One stall was taken, and the other had a toilet full of toilet paper. I decided to come back later, but as I was leaving, the other stall opened. I rushed in, and locked the door. Now just seconds from unloading this enormous load from my butt, my urge to poop greatly increased. I quickly wiped down the toilet seat, pulled my pants and underwear to my knees, and sat down. My nerves began to grow as I realized what was about to happen.
I began peeing, and a stream of pee entered the toilet bowl. Despite going a few hours earlier, I had a lot of pee in me. I pissed for 30 seconds, and then relaxed as I prepared myself to take a shit. I knew it would be big, so I breathed, and then went for it. I gave a slight push, and felt my butt open, as a giant log began to come out. I pushed to keep it going, and it slid nicely out of my bowels, through my anus, and into the toilet bowl. As it was coming out, I let out a loud fart that lasted for only a second. As my log kept coming out, my nervousness was replaced with relief as I let out this mass of food waste. After 3 seconds of pushing, my log plopped into the water below. I sighed with relief, but soon realized I wasn't done. After a few seconds of enjoying this lightness, more poop slid into my anus, ready to be expelled. I wanted to get it all out, so I pushed, and let it all out. Large chunks of poop were forced out of me and into the water below, resulting in loud plops. After a few seconds of this, I felt empty and relieved. I peed a bit more, making sure all my waste was out of me and in the toilet, and then I was done. I wiped twice, then stood up to see what I had produced. Multiple days of digested food filled the toilet bowl

Thursday, November 24, 2022


Brandon- Pooping in a bed pan


When I was 27 I broke my leg and my ankle. I had surgery and couldn't get out of bed for about 24 hours afterwards.

During the night I woke up having to go poop really bad.

I couldn't get to the toilet so the only option was for me to pull myself up on the bar above the bed (not easy) and to have my nurse hold the bed pan under me.

Fortunately I had the sweetest, kindest nurse ever. I kept apologizing to her and she kept telling me not to worry about it. I took a big dump and then peed in a urinal. Then the ultimate vulnerability: This poor nurse had to wipe me. I'm still apologizing like crazy and she's saying things like "Sweetie, it's okay. You had to go."

She was so nice and made me feel less embarrassed than I normally would have.

After a day I was able to use crutches to get to the toilet.




Buddy Dump with Cousin and Replies

I had an amazing buddy dump experience with my cousin recently! My cousin Jake and I went on a trip to go visit other family members a couple states away. He's younger than I am (still in high school) and he's more like a little brother to me, so we're very close. We were heading back home when he asked me "umm can we stop somewhere where I can use the bathroom?" I told him "no problem, I have to go too. I think there's a travel plaza or something not too far ahead." I could feel a number 2 knocking on my back door, and I was honestly kind of excited to be open enough with my little cousin to take a poop with him in the same bathroom. In the back of my mind I was thinking how it would be really awesome to buddy dump next to each other! We have been around each other a lot and have pooped in private residential toilets around each other, but it has always been with the door shut, and never in a public bathroom where we could both be pooping next to each other.

We parked and went inside to find the restroom. I followed him in and he went all the way to the last stall, so I took the one next to him. He wasted no time dropping his drawers and plopping his butt on the seat. These stalls were set up in a way that the tile behind you was reflective, so if you were facing the wall, you essentially got a faint mirror image of the rear of the stalls and toilets next to you. Before I sat down, I noticed that I could see the rough reflection of Jake's bare butt sitting on the toilet seat. He was scooted forward a bit on the seat and leaning way forward. My seat looked clean, so I sat down bare butt and aimed my penis in the bowl for my pee. Once I finished, I settled in for my poop. The music in the restroom was playing pretty loudly, so I couldn't really hear much of what Jake was doing. I farted a bit as I pushed out some pieces that plopped in the bowl.

After awhile, somebody came and sat on the other side of me. Again, music was playing pretty loudly, so I couldn't really hear much of what he was doing either. All I knew is that I could faintly see the reflection of this guy sitting on his toilet as well. After a few minutes he wiped up and left, leaving Jake and I alone again. I noticed our feet were hardly a foot away from each other. It was kind of odd yet strangely comforting to know that we were pooping within a couple feet of each other. I'd say it definitely helped with the bonding experience. I took a picture of our feet relatively close together like that and sent it to my wife with the message "cousins who poop together stay together." She replied with a laughing and heart emoji and said "awwww". I felt empty so I wiped up. As I wiped, I peeked in the reflection again and saw Jake still leaned way forward in the same position as he was. I assume he was a bit constipated. I flushed and exited my stall. I told Jake that I would be getting some food so he could find me when he got done. He responded with a simple "ok".

Once we got our food and got back on the road I told him "that was a good buddy dump." He kind of laughed and just murmured "yep". By the time we got back to our house I think we both had to poop again. Jake went into my wife and I's bathroom and I went into the other bathroom and took another dump. When I got done, Jake was still in our bathroom (which we don't really get uptight about at all, if you're a guest at our house, any toilet is yours to use). Shortly after that his mom came to pick him up and our trip was concluded! I hope everybody enjoyed my story today! Below I have some replies, albeit they are being posted later than I intended because I didn't finish writing this post very quickly.

@Anon Pooper
That's quite a goal to read every page and post on this site! Please write more posts telling us your favorite or most interesting posts you come across! Also, I thought I'd take your survey.

1. When you poop, how long does it usually take?
I generally take about 10 minutes to poop, but I can often speed that along if I need to.
2. Have you ever been in pain because a turd was too wide?
There have been a handful of times, but this generally doesn't happen for me.
3. If you get constipated, how often and what's your constipation like? Is it going days without pooping or is it just having trouble pushing it out or a mix of both?
It's more trouble pushing it out. I believe I've had at least one poop every day since at least 10-12 years ago.
4. If you get diarrhea, how often? Does it come in the form of loose stools or liquid?
I honestly used to get diarrhea what seemed like every day. I've made some health changes and now get it maybe once every couple weeks. It could be either loose stools or liquid.
5. If you've pooped in public while constipated have you ever grunted so loud someone heard you and made comments or asked if you're ok?
I can't remember a specific occasion like this. I've had diarrhea in public more times than I can count though.
6. Do you like or dislike pooping and why?
I'd say I like it when I'm at a good time and place to do it. There are times and places I definitely don't want to do it. At home and in some public restrooms I love taking a seat on the toilet and feeling my hole open up. It sounds odd, but I like how a toilet seat feels on my body. I also love the relief and relaxation that follows after the poop leaves my butt and plops into the water. I also think buddy dumping or sharing a bathroom with someone close to you is a great way to bond and build trust because it's such a vulnerable experience.
7. Do you always pee when you poop? If so do you pee or poop first?
Yes, I generally pee first unless I'm having diarrhea.
8. Do you use toilet paper or baby wipes?
Toilet paper
9. How long have you gone without pooping?
I honestly think I've maybe gone a day without pooping as the longest in my life ever.
10. How long have you gone without peeing?
Maybe half a day?
11. Have you had any accidents as an adult?
There were just a couple while I was asleep. I posted about one of those times awhile ago.
12. Have you ever had to have someone else manually remove your poop because of constipation?

Nice story about the buddy dump with the girl working at the restaurant! I thought I'd take your survey as well.

1. have you been in the same bathroom as a waitress/waiter or restaurant employee while they used the bathroom?
2. did they go number 1 or 2? what was it like?
I've experienced waiters/ kitchen staff/ others both pee and poop. It wasn't really any different than being in there with anybody else honestly.
3. have you gone in the bathroom after a restaurant employee had used it?
Yeah, that's happened for sure. One specific time I remember going into a unisex bathroom after our waitress, a nice looking 40 something blonde lady, used it. I don't know for sure if she peed or pooped, but the seat was warm when I sat down, so she definitely had just been sitting on it. There is this restaurant that I frequent where I know this one waitress very well, and she's become a very good friend of my wife and I's. She's in her 60's but keeps herself looking very nice. I wrote a post awhile back about how the heater broke in her house during the winter, so she and her daughter stayed with us for a night. During that stay there was a time that I definitely knew she was pooping in our bathroom and I went in after her. I'm very easy going when it comes to bathroom use, so I don't get one but offended by a restaurant employee being a human being and relieving themselves.
4. have you seen a waitress/waiter clog a toilet?
5. have you had to use an employee bathroom?
Yes, a few times
6. have you heard waitresses/waiters talk about needing the bathroom?
Yes, that same woman who I mentioned earlier has told me she was going to use the bathroom many times.


Mall trouble

Hey again, it's Deirdre. I thought I could share another story about something that happened on the last weekend. I was at the mall with my husband and kids, buying some things for Christmas presents and warm clothes for the kids. At lunch we went to the food court and had some Asia food which was nice but before we left I felt like I had to go to the toilet, so I excused myself for a moment and headed for the ladies room at the food court. I got in and checked the first open stall and the the second. Both were really dirty and I decided to check the last one right at the end which was luckily not as bad. I did have toilet paper for a start but no seat coverings or anything so I was lucky to have some in my handbag. The other stalls were all taken so I just took that one, pulled my pants down and sat. I had felt a terrible pressure in my bowels since shortly after the food, so I was glad to be on the toilet now, but nothing came. I did a little wee and pushed but at first nothing worked. Heard some loudish farts and plops from the next stall and was a bit jealous in that moment because I was just sitting there with my ???? ache. I tried to relax and leaned forward, hoping it would help and it actually did! I got a little dark brown turd out. Pretty sure I groaned while it happened. I kept pushing and every once in a while got some out, all just hard little balls. After a while it sounded like a mother with her kids came into the bathroom and she told the kids to go into a stall and do their business. They complained that it's gross and the mother told them to just sit down and shut up about it. Thinking about the dirty stalls I had checked before I felt for the kids. Not sure why the mother just told them to use them anyway without doing anything about it. I was glad that my kids were waiting outside with my husband. They were already gone when I managed to get a almost index finger long turd out which felt like a huge relief and I checked my phone to see that I've spend more than 30 minutes in the stall already. I decided I had to get back to the other so I wiped (everything was super dry, so it only took three wipes) and got up. After hurrying back to my husband and kids the told me they thought I fell into the toilet and got flushed away because I was gone for so long. Luckily they weren't annoyed or angry though so we continued shopping. So this is a bit of a contrast to my last story at least in terms of how easy it was.

And because it topical my answer to MD's survey:
1) What's the longest time that you've been constipated for?
As a teen I was in a summer camp and they showed us special rations that the military uses in the field. They make you constipated so you don't have to poop during a deployment. As silly teens some friends and I snuck into the supply tent and got our hands on those rations and tried then. I'm not sure it was actually the longest time but I think it lasted 3 or 4 days before I could poop again.

2) Have you ever been constipated in else?
I'm not sure what that means :o

3) Do you grunt / strain? If so what noises do you make?
Yes, I sometimes groan while pushing hard. Between gritted teeth haha

4) Have you ever heard someone else who was constipated?
My husband struggles with constipation, especially before travelling somewhere and I've heard him struggle. And sometimes coworkers at work

Emma two

Used a shop toilet

I was busting for a poo when I got home from work this evening and I went straight to the toilet to have some much needed relief. There was one problem. I'd forgotten we'd run out of toilet rolls so I had to walk down to the shops to get some more. I got to the shop to find the door was locked and a hand written sign read, BACK IN 5 MINUTES. It was annoying but it was only five minutes so I waited outside with my bottom clenched. Fifteen minutes later a red faced young girl appeared and she unlocked the door to let me in. She apologised for the wait saying that she couldn't leave the shop unattended while she went to the toilet and she had to lock the door for security reasons. I guessed by the wait she was doing a number two and I asked her if she felt better. She said she was certainly was because she'd been holding all day and she was about to poo herself. I told her knew how she felt because I was busting to go myself. She said I could use shop toilet if I wanted to and as I was busting to go I accepted the offer. I walked through to the back of the shop and entered the toilet to find she'd left quite a smell and there was a bit of her poo in the water. I really had to go so I used it anyway. I sat down and found the seat was warm which was nice and I relaxed my bottom until I felt my poo coming out. It felt good to be able to go without having to wait until I got home and once I finished I flushed the toilet and washed my hands before returning to the shop to buy the toilet rolls we needed. Walking back to the flat after such a relieving poo at the shop felt so good and when I got in I put the toilet rolls in the bathroom and started dinner.


Emergency potty finding

It was an emergency. When I was walking around the city, I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet... pooping. It was unexpected, especially since there were no toilet cubicles nearby. I went looking. When I finally found the cubicles, I wanted to go to the toilet already badly. But here's the trouble: all the cubicle were occupied. I stood next to them for a while, hoping that one of them would be freeing. But gradually I wanted to poop harder and harder, and no cubicle was freeing. Therefore, I stopped waiting and ran to look for another toilet. Was hard to patience, but I was far from home. There were no shops or cafes where there could be toilets nearby. So I just ran around the city, and hoping that I would soon find a toilet. I'll find before it's too late! After a while, I suddenly discovered a city park very close by. There should definitely be a toilet there! And I went there. I felt that my patience was running out. Fortunately, as soon as I entered the park, I saw several toilet cubicles. I really hoped they were free! The first one was occupied, the second and third too, and it made me nervous. But the next cubicle was free. I almost screamed with happiness! Now it was possible to relax. I quickly pulled down my jeans and underpants, and sat down on the toilet seat without even looking to see if there was paper in the toilet cubicle. I started pooping and farting loudly. I was greatly relieved! Ah! When I finished, the toilet smelled strongly. I wiped (fortunately there was paper, although a little), got dressed, and went out. There was not a toilet bowl, but a cesspool, and it's a pity: I wanted so much to flushing my stinky poop.


To Hollyrae/Gemma/Michelle

It's not just that the sensors "suck," but also that you never know when they're going to go off which jumpscares me even if it's in another stall due to auditory processing stuff (things are louder to me than they should be) and that the ones with the flashing lights make me feel like I'm being watched (like maybe there's a camera inside or something). The rational part of my brain knows there's no camera but try telling that to my anxiety. It's a losing battle.

TLDR; I'm neurodivergent and public restrooms are absolute hell for me.


Violetta from Germany

Answering your questions about my hospital experience


Yes, a very similar situation, only in my case it was just a nurse ...

My head knew this is a normal situation for a nurse, but for me it was extreme...

Thank you for your compassion!


No, not the bedpan. A chair with a hole in it and a bucket underneath, no water, just a few pieces of toilet paper. When the first pieces hit the ground, they made a dull sound. But you could still hear the crackling and my eyes were fixed on the floor while the nurse spoke to me. She didn't leave the room because I was still too unstable..


I am On the toilet Straining again

It is hurting me now ...getting wider as I strain and bear down harder.
I am going to have to dig it out of my rectum. So I grabbed my container of vasilene put som on my finger and worked it into my butt hole. It took a while, like.. 15 minutes. It is very hard and wide, stretching me... hurts my butt hole nnnnn..
Thanks, Mrs Bigand Hard !!!


Had avocado with lunch and had a blowout soon afterwards

Hi all. Had lunch a short while ago (fried rice with plenty of ????, etc and half an avocado with it). It was delicious and made for me by my caregiver/longtime friend. Well not long ago when I was getting ready for my nap I got a major urge to poop. Quickly went to the washroom, pulled down my dark pants and greyish underwear and relaxed. Boom! A load of watery crap came out and I was done within about 20 seconds. I peeked underneath me into the toilet and saw dark water. Damn. Reached over, took some TP and wiped as well as I could. Tossed it into the toilet, flushed and pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Wow.

Happy pooping!


Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Reply to Violetta from Germany and JW

A few hours ago I replied to the above but forgot to include my here it is....Thunder.
Since then I has a suppository that gave me great and blessed relief...I evacuated so much and so easily.
That's all



When I returned from laundry at 7 pm yesterday I put washing into garden shed,went into camper van in drive and had a wee on the Aventuridge porta potty.
To tired to do anything else I crawled into bed ,waking twice during the night for a wee,each time using the porta potty.The alarm clock went off at 5 am so got onto potty and had a wee then got dressed.
I got out of van and went into house ,put on keetle for tea ,had a wash ,brushed my teeth.The kettle boiled so put tea bags into two mugs ,
poured water into mugs.The clean clothes I needed for the GYM was in the airing cupboard upstairs so went upstairs and collected placing each item into my GYM bag , then needed a toilet , walked into bedroom and collected VOLLRATH bed pan then went downstairs to kitchen.
The GYM bag I placed on floor and bed pan in the corner by sink , lowered my jogging bottoms and pants ,sat on pan for a wee which started
immediately .I sneezed twice on the third sneeze I pooped sneezed a forth time and pooped again , to continue pooping I pushed, my bowels opened again releasing a load of mushy poo I sat a few more minutes pushing and pooping when done sat a few more minutes before attempting to get up .
The paper towel I needed to wipe was out of reach so stood up ,walked a few paces ,tore off four sheets , squatted and wiped placing each soiled piece into bed pan .I stood up pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms . With the aid of a torch went into garden with pan , walked to the bonfire and emptied pan . The inside was covered in shit as I had
not put paper into pan before pooping , I thought I was only having a wee, so I put it into the wheelbarrow and returned to kitchen.
The tea was now cold so needed to start again poured away the cold mugs ,filled kettle , when boiled put tea bags into mugs and poured hot water into mugs. I sat at table drank tea then went out to shed collected washing and hung on line and returned to kitchen for another two mugs of tea . I picked up my GYM bag ,on way to car went into campervan had a wee then got into car and drove to GYM


Izal toilet paper

Hi everyone, I haven't posted for a while now but something recently came to mind that I thought would be worth sharing. I was reading an article about how old Izal toilet rolls are changing hands for anything up to £100 on auction sites, driven by people's nostalgia for it, and it immediately reminded me of my experiences with Izal as a kid.

Izal was a UK company that made cleaning products and soap, and they were also known for their unique brand of toilet roll. The paper was shiny and non-absorbent, almost exactly like tracing paper, and it was impregnated with one of their disinfectants that gave it a very distinctive smell. Every sheet came with the message "Now wash your hands" in tiny pink writing. I doubt anyone bought a roll for home use at any point after rationing ended in the 1950s, but the company used to give it away for free to schools that bought their bulk disinfectants, and as I remember some of my primary school's less-well-used loos still having it when I just starting in Year 3 (must have been 1991) there must have been store cupboards filled with enough of it for rolls to turn up until a few years after that deal ended.

It's hard to describe using Izal for anyone who started school later than about 1990-91 (or who didn't go to a UK state school) and never had the 'pleasure' of trying it. The idea was that it would be more hygienic, as soft or sloppy poo couldn't soak through the waterproof paper and get onto your fingers - except that it was particularly bad at doing the actual job of getting your bum clean, and the perforations tended to tear too easily, which would leave your fingers dirty anyway. If you tried to crumple it up into a ball instead of using it flat, it was very scratchy and even less effective. Finally, because it didn't disintegrate in water, it was extremely easy to block a small school toilet with it, especially given that a very messy poo might need half a roll of Izal to wipe yourself with.

I only remember it being ubiquitous at school in my reception year and the first half of Year 1 - after that there was a gradual process of replacement which I guess was based on which store cupboards got restocked first. However, most of the loos near my classrooms had little else until the end of Year 2, and after that it was still present in the quieter, out-of-the-way toilets that were the only ones I would even consider using, given how reluctant I was to do a poo in the school bathrooms.

I've posted quite a few times in the last 18 months about some of the accidents I had at school - I hadn't really considered until being reminded of Izal the way that it affected my response to both needing to poo at school and to responding to finding myself with poo in my pants, if the worst came to the worst. Knowing that the only way of wiping would be Izal was definitely one of the things that put me off going at school - although shyness was a bigger factor. Because my poos were usually very soft, I had a few experiences of using too much paper and blocking the toilet - if you did this in my school, you were meant to tell the teacher or the caretaker so that the blockage could be fixed, but this was so embarrassing that I didn't mention it to anyone, which then meant that the next kid to flush caused a flood.

Occasionally, I would accidentally soil my pants with a small, firm lump of poo - this was always a lump that had been holding back a much bigger wave of mush (hence the urgency), but if I could get to the loo before the mush came out then Izal did turn out to be very good for lifting the poo out of my pants and dropping it into the toilet without getting my fingers dirty. However, more often I would either have an accident that was mushy from the start, or where a large volume of mush followed the firm nugget before I could stop it. As I've written about before, I usually tried to hide what I had done and wait until I got home before cleaning up, but the few times that I found myself in a cubicle, looking between my legs at the dirty pants around my calves, if the loo roll was Izal then I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything to clean myself up. Izal was also useless for lining my pants if I thought I might have an accident later (e.g. if I had an upset stomach and my poo was even looser and more urgent than usual), as it was extremely crackly and uncomfortable, so it would have been itchy to sit on and telegraphed its presence to the whole class. This delayed me figuring out that trick until I was a bit older.

The one time I tried to clean myself up with Izal after messing my pants was an embarrassing fiasco. It happened right at the start of Year 1, so I didn't know my new teacher very well yet. I had been a bit gassy and bloated before lunch, but after doing some quiet farts I felt much better and didn't think any more of it. I had a big, stodgy cooked lunch (probably shepherd's pie or something like it) and went back to class. We were doing a craft project where we had to fold and cut out paper shapes before colouring them in, which I was enjoying, but I soon felt the urge to do a poo building up, and it only took ten minutes or so before I was really desperate. I hadn't been to the loos near my new Year 1 classroom at all yet, and didn't know my new teacher well enough to feel I could put my hand up and ask to be excused - a completely irrational fear as the teachers for the younger kids never made a big deal of someone needing to go. I tried to keep myself sat down hard on my chair, and alternated between focusing on my colouring when the pressure eased off for a moment, before concentrating as hard as I could on not soiling myself when it came back. Eventually, however, there came a wave of pressure that was just too much for me to cope with, and I felt my defeated bum suddenly open wide as a rush of soft, chocolate pudding-consistency poo came out. I remember the warm feeling under my crotch and up the back of my bum. I still needed to go, but the pressure had reduced enough that I felt I could hold what was left in (not realising that there might be more poo arriving in my rectum before too long).

I was sat quite near the teacher, and she must have smelled something as she whispered to me "If you need to go to the toilet, it's through that door". I went to a cubicle and locked the door before taking down my trousers and pants - all the poo had stayed in my pants, but my bum was absolutely coated and I had no idea what to do. I started pulling sheets of Izal off the roll and tried to wipe my bum, but all it did was smear the mess around further, and blobs of it were dripping on the floor and onto my trousers. The more I tried to clean things up, the worse it got, and before long I'd smeared poo down my thighs, and more of it was leaking from my pants onto my trousers and the floor. I started to cry, and it was at that point that my teacher came to find why I was taking so long. She got me to unlock the cubicle and saw what a state I was in - she suggested I pull up my pants and trousers again (which at least hid most of the mess) and walked me over to the school office, where one of the administrators phoned my mum to come and collect me. She must have also gone and found the caretaker, who would have had the unenviable job of cleaning the cubicle that I had just wrecked.

The thing was, I hadn't even done the rest of the poo down the toilet whilst I was in the cubicle - partly because my bum was too messy to sit down on the seat and mostly because I wasn't really thinking very logically about my predicament. Whilst I was sat in the office waiting for my mum to arrive, the urge was building up again, and this time I didn't last as long because there was a part of me thinking "What difference does it make if I let it out now? I'm already messy". The next time a strong surge of pressure came, I let go, and felt more mush running out of my bum and around my pants, making them feel even warmer. I did a very squelchy fart at the same time, and the secretary looked up and said (sympathetically) "Did you have another accident dear? Don't worry, I'm sure your mum will be here soon - do you need to go to the toilet again?". I shook my head as I didn't dare take my trousers down again knowing what a state my legs were in, and in any case I really had let everything out this time. When my mum arrived and I stood up, I could immediately feel some of the poo sliding down my legs on both sides, although fortunately it didn't make it as far as my socks and shoes. I had to walk the ten minutes home in that state, feeling the poo between my thighs with every step, before my mum could peel off my clothes and shower me clean. The image of seeing my teacher's face as I opened the cubicle door to see me crying and covered in poo stayed with me a long time.

Even now, if I smell disinfectant similar to Izal, it immediately takes me back to that moment, and to other situations where I found myself in a cubicle with dirty pants and nothing but tracing paper to clean myself with.



Yesterday afternoon I went to gym for a few hours exercise ,up on my return at 7 pm ,undressed put on my dressing gown and boiled two mugs of milk which I took upstairs and sat on bed to drink .
When I had drunk the milk ,sat on THETFORD ELEGANCE porta potty and had a wee,set alarm clocks for 6 am .During. the night I woke ,sat on porta potty and had a wee. When the alarm went off got out of bed switched off alarm sat on porta potty and had a thirty second wee,before
putting on my dressing gown ,then went downstairs to the kitchen.
I filled the kettle and switched on ,put tea bags into two mugs , washed and brushed my teeth , the kettle now boiled pour into mugs then sat at table to answer my e mails and other correpondanc while drinking tea.I refilled the kettle switched on put tea bags into two mugs and got dressed ,while the kettle boiled , then poured boiling water into mugs and some milk
I carried the tea to campervan on drive climbed in switched on radio for 8 am news and sat on bed and drank the tea when the news had finished switched off the radio. I now needed a NUMBER TOO so lifted the cover and seat on the ADVENTUIDGE porta potty pulled the slide open rinsed the bowl then put a paper towel on back of bowl with one corner secured under the seat the other pointing towards the open slide. I closed the slide ,lowered my jogging bottoms and sat on potty and let go thirty seconds passed before I had wee which took another thirty seconds a silent fart led to my bowels opening ,releasing a length of poop now entering the bowl it, stopped I had another wee then
resumed pooping ,at this point I pushed to complete emptying my bowels then had another wee . I remained seated for a few more minutes before wiping.
.I reached forward to the THETFORD BLUE ROLL toilet paper on a holder attached to the side door tore off three sheets folded oblique and wiped tore off another three sheets folded oblique and wiped , tore off two sheets folded in half and wiped. I stood up pulled up my jogging bottoms and pants then turned round .
The bowl was now holding a load of poop and wee about two inches from the rim so I lifted the seat pulled the paper towel forward and let go then pumped more water into bowl until the water was one inch from rim ,closed lid , pulled slide , the bowl contents entered the lower tank , opened lid the bowl was clean , no skid marks!!,a quick rinse ,closed lid then opened and closed slide


Early morning poop and some responses

Hello you wonderful people. Kristi here.

I couldn't sleep past 5:30 this morning. I woke up having to relieve myself (both functions). So I'm in the bathroom sitting, yawning, and reading this page.

I took a nice long pee which always feels good. Definitely poop on the way.

To M:
"When you going was anyone else in the bathroom that would have heard you going?"

Oh, it was a busy bathroom.

Airport ladies rooms are always busy and from my observations it's usually people pooping.

I think it's (a) people who don't want to have to poop at 37,000 feet in those tiny airplane bathrooms (if you're in there for more than a few minutes everyone knows you're dropping a load), or (b) people who just got off a plane and have to poop.

As far as people hearing me, I'm sure people did. I never care about that.

"And also when your pooping in public how do you feel when someone takes the stall next to you?"

I'm glad for the company LOL!

Seriously though, I'm truly the least judgmental person you're ever going to find in a bathroom. There is no sound, sight, or smell that I've never heard, seen, or smelled before.

"And do you have any memorable stories about hearing others pooping in a public bathroom?"

Yeah... a few. :) Excuse me for a second though... I'm pooping.

Ah. That felt good. That was a good long one.

So stories from the ladies room... I've got plenty. Usually they end with me having to poop.

I can go into a bathroom just needing to pee. Not feeling the urge to crap at all.

But if someone is pooping and I hear it? My body just decides that it needs to go too.

As far as your wife: Above all, yes, respect her privacy. Even though my husband and I freely poop in front of each other, there are times when I want privacy (closed door means privacy, open door means come on in.)

Have you told her that you'd like to see her going? Maybe start slowly. Ask if she'll text you while she's pooping. I do that all the time.

See if she'll poop with the lights out with you in there. Or if she'll poop with your back to her. I know you want that visual look (does she pee with you watching?) but yeah, you've got to respect a girl's privacy. By showing her that respect you might win her over that day.

My husband only started watching me after we had made it clear that it was okay with me. If he had tried to watch without me being okay with it, it would be hard for me to enjoy going for him.

And with that it's time for me to wipe my butt and shower.

Love you all!



Young kids seem to lose their embarrassment when sick

A few days ago I was in the waiting room at an urgent care center waiting to see a doctor for a sore left thumb and a clicking sensation when I move it. The waiting room was nearly full and a mother, father, and young boy came in. The young boy had a cough and indicated that he felt tired and cold.

After they were checked in the family sat down at least ten feet away from me in the only available seats and the boy laid back in his chair and rested his head on his mother's lap and quickly fell asleep. About a half hour later or so he quickly sat up in his chair and wiggled around for no more than ten to twenty seconds. Then he looked down at his blue jeans and tightened his stomach. I assumed that he was preparing to wet his diaper, but I quickly learned that he wasn't wearing one when I saw a wet patch quickly spread across the front of his Blue Jeans. He kept doing this for about twenty seconds and then he put his thumb in his mouth, curled up into a ball for a short time, and finally resumed his previous position with his head on his mom's lap and quickly went back to sleep.

Some time later the paramedics came to take him to the hospital since it would be an hour or more before the doctors could see him and he still had a cough and a fever. When the paramedics were taking his vitals they asked the mother how old he is and she said that he just turned four a couple of weeks back. By this time he was wide awake and he didn't seem to be bothered when the paramedics mentioned that he would need a change of clothes and some diapers when he gets to the hospital. The boy seemed to be neither happy nor sad about this (or about his earlier wetting).

I don't know what happened next (aside from the janitor cleaning the area shortly after the family and paramedics left) because I don't know the family and I still had to wait to see the doctor for what I came in for. When I finally saw the doctor I was told that I have a trigger thumb and that I should follow up with an orthopedist for steroid injections, but I am extremely reluctant to do so because both my father and my grandfather (my father's father) became diabetic after having steroid injections. For now I am just hoping that splinting along with over the counter pain medication will help with this, but I have read that evidence for the effectiveness of this is a bit mixed.


@violetta from germany

I was wondering what you meant with toilet chair in the hospital? It is a classic bedpan where you stay in your bed or do you need to get out and literally sit on a chair with a hole in it?

Why did the nurse not leave you? Did you literally poop in her presence or did she leave eventually?

Apart from the smell thus usually doesn't make any sounds right? I mean there is no water to splash

I have had hospital enemas in the past here nurses directly put water through your anus into your bowels requiring you to go within 10 minutes. I remember the nurses would walk in without knocking the door to see how it was going. Very embarrassing!

Anyone here who has experienced pooping on a bedpan in the hospital bed?


Today's poop log survey

Tell everyone about your poop today:

Tell everyone about your poop today:

a) Where: At Work during an anime con

b) Date/Time: This afternoon (November 19th) at 1:01pm

c) What you read if anything: Yes, checking messages on my phone

d) How long you took: 11 minutes

e) Were you shameful: Nope, not at all

f) Did it smell: Not really

g) Did you enjoy it? Yes. I generally feel much better after having a poop in public restroom

h) How far you pull down your pants and
underwear when you poop today? I Pulled my black South Pole jeans, Grey thermals, & my Star Wars character printed boxer briefs down to my ankles. as I always do to feel relaxed while I have a public restroom poop

i) Any other interesting: I felt relaxed after a day of work and had my afternoon poop after my work shift. Wanted to take my time to not feel rush while pooping. Was holding in my urge to poop towards the end of my work shift. Was a good relaxing poop.

Will share more stories soon. Happy pooping!

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