Rose Y
I had an interesting dream last night in which I was at a museum exhibition about bathrooms, pee, and poop. They had diagrams and models of different historical toilet systems, and some historical art and sculpture of people peeing and pooping. One of the exhibits they had as part of it was a toilet you could poop in, and then it would take a picture of your load afterwards to document it and display (anonymously) as part of the exhibit. I thought it was a really interesting idea, to be able to look through what different people's droppings look like and get a sense for the range of what people produce. In the dream I was there with two friends, one of them was too shy to do it but the other one wanted to, so she went in and came out again a few minutes later looking a little embarrassed and a little excited. I went in next, it was a single room with a sink and a fairly ordinary looking toilet withal sign that explained that it had cameras built in inside the rim angled so they could see the bowl but not anybody's privates above. I pulled down my pants, and after a few minutes of trying I pushed out a small log, which slid through my hole and splashed down into the water below. I wiped, being sure to put my toilet paper in a little bin they had for it so as not to block the view, and then I stood up and looked in the toilet. It wasn't a very big log, since I didn't need to go much, but I was glad I could deposit something and have it be a part of the show. I pushed a little button on the wall and the toilet took a few pictures of my poop, and then it flushed all my waste down, leaving a fresh canvas for the next person. I washed up and went outside, and waited with my friends at the screen that was showing all the archived poops, until a large pale log with a few little pieces nestled on the side showed up, and my friend giggled and said "that's mine!". I remember being excited and impressed to see what she'd made in the toilet, the creation she would usually never show anyone and would dispose of as quickly as possible.
When I woke up I thought it was a really interesting idea. I think I would enjoy adding to an exhibit like that if it were a real thing, and I think it would be fun to see what people are producing, if they chose to share it. I think it could also be helpful for people to see that everyone does it, it's natural, and it might help reassure people who are worried that their poops don't match up with what they think normal poops are supposed to look like.
Violetta from Germany
This and that
@Anne from Austria
What did it feel like to hear Peter poop?
Answers to Kristi's questions:
1. Your age/gender.
Female, 37
2. Scenario: You're in a one-person bathroom, pooping. You've just sat down and haven't started going yet. There's a knock on the door and someone asks "Are you almost done?" What do you do? Do you answer the person? Do you hurry up and push your poop out as fast as possible? Or do you take your time?
In a familiar situation I would surely answer. If it is a person I don't know well, then I would feel embarrassed, answer only shortly and would hurry up. Otherwise I would say, that I'm about to poop and that it takes a little.
3. You're camping. And you've gotta take a dump. You have two options: One is to use a bathroom that is absolutely filthy. We're talking smelly, messy, filthy seat, filthy everything. Three other option is to walk a short distance and poop outside. You will have complete privacy, and you have toilet paper with you.
I would poop outside.
4. You're in a new relationship with a guy/girl who you really like. You're at that person's house for the very first time. And that dinner has moved its way through you. Do you (a) hold it until you leave, (b) go poop, but be very discreet and try to hurry, or (c) tell the person exactly what you need to do and go do it?
In my earlier relationships I did hold it. In later relationships I did say: "Sorry, I have to use your toilet" and I did hurry up and tried to be as silent as possible.
5. When you're taking a crap, do you try to get your business done as quickly as possible, or do you like to take some time? Or does it vary?
It varies. I often take the time to relief me completely.
6. You just went poop in a public restroom. You wipe and go to flush... and the toilet doesn't flush. Your load is sitting there for all to see, and there is someone waiting for the stall. Do you tell them the flusher doesn't work, or do you just leave? (This happened to me recently except that I was the one waiting for the stall!)
I would be very embarrassed. And I would say: "You cannot use this's out of order."
Steve A
To John (Family Pooping) & Avery
Even though my family (including me) all shared similar bathroom habits while growing up, no one really stood out from our family, unless if we needed to add some more fiber (fruits and vegetables) to our meals to keep us on a regular schedule.
However, I posted awhile ago on here about pooping habits between different people, and it used to surprise me (especially Avery's stories) that some people can eat and poop a lot.
It almost feels too good to be true considering my biggest poop experience occurred in college and it took me some extra time to get everything out and feel empty, even though I only filled the middle part of the toilet with only a little room on each sides of the toilet (from what I remember)
Furthermore, having a big appetite/fast metabolism, being active/exercising, and playing sports during middle/high school and college plays a role with our own bathroom habits since I had a fairly consistent pooping schedule during my middle/high school years due to playing football in middle school and then joining the marching band during high school.
A normal poop for me back then usually involved a single log up to a foot long or slightly longer, along with some more depending on what I ate or if I skipped a day or more.
To Tyler C
You still around? Wondering if you have had any close calls or accidents lately if you are still around.Thunder
Reply Sarah's Diarrhea Story
Well done Sarah
Six days worth of poo in you is 6 days too any.
That street food did you a and your friend a lot of good.
Bathroom Conversations
My two, Kellen, (15) and Darcee (12) know that using the school bathrooms is a necessity. They are finding that to be especially true because they are getting involved in more extra curricular activities. So on some days they are at school for up to 12 hours. Kellan finds drama takes up much of his time, whereas Darcee is in band. Some days practices start at 6:30 a.m. before school and sometimes they go to 7 p.m. or longer, if there is a competition.
Neither of my kids liked using school toilets back in grade school, and for Darcee it got worse rather than better as she got older. What she has taken to in middle school is having her craps just before band practice. A bunch of her friends go in together, get toilets next to one another, and keep each other company with conversation about how well they know the song, new music being purchased, help one another on homework. The only problem was that this semester NTOT (no technology on the toilet rule) was introduced and a couple of them have been written up by an assistant principal. Yet the girls say their music teacher uses the same toilets as them and is often in there with her computer out while taking a crap.
Kellen, who in grade school was embarrassed when he needed to crap in the toilets because there were no privacy doors, has become a lot more confident when he's peeing or crapping with his drama friends. Some of the guys even recite their parts in the play while they sit and work on their memorization. When there's a blast of a fart they laugh and talk about where it could be used in the scene. Like his sister, Kellen was formerly very shy about using the school toilets, but being with friends who have like interests help him.
Even for me, when I'm crapping (more than half the time at work) I have my laptop out on my lap and I'm analyzing a spread sheet.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Another very stuck poop
Hey all, Kenna again. Megan S- yes unfortunately it can be quite a struggle for Josh to go :( I feel bad for him too but do everything I can to help him out while he is trying to go. I'm sorry you had so much trouble going also and hope things have been easier since then! Josh has been struggling to go every few days since Christmas but hasn't been super constipated until yesterday. It was mid morning and he started acting kind of funny and pacing around. This was the 4th day he hadn't had a bowel movement. I asked him if he was ok and he said "I think I'm going to need to go poop, I can feel it moving down and it's uncomfortable" "Aw babe I'm sorry, let me rub your stomach for awhile and see if that helps" we layed on the couch and I massaged his stomach for awhile and tried to help get things moving for him. "Ok Kenna I definitely have to go, can you come sit by me while I try"? "Of course babe, whatever you think will help!" We went into the bathroom and Josh sat on the toilet. I sat on the edge of the tub and he faced me. I held his hands and told him to start pushing slowly and working on going. He took a deep breath and pushed slowly but steadily. He did this several times and I asked him how hard his poop was. "It's pretty hard and big Kenna, I need some Vaseline and probably a suppository". "Get up off the toilet and I will give you some Vaseline first and let's see what happens". He stood up and bent over the tub as I gently spread his cheeks to apply the Vaseline. "Give me a good push Josh, and I'll work some Vaseline on you" he pushed to open himself up a bit, and I could see his big poop stuck inside. It was basically black in color and looked again like a ton of hard pebbles stuck together. I applied as much Vaseline as I could until he stopped pushing and his anus closed. "Try again baby, I need to work some around this poop too." He pushed again and I pushed against his turd and applied more Vaseline. This one felt really hard and dry and I knew it would be a pretty big ordeal for him to go and that we were in for a long session and some hard work. "Josh this feels hard and looks really big, I'm giving you a suppository right away also hon" "works for me" replied Josh. I inserted a suppository and it took quite a bit of work to get it into his poop because it was so hard. We layed on the couch and watched tv for an hour or so when I asked if he felt like he was ready to try again. "Yes the sooner this is over the better!!" We headed back to the toilet and I sat on his lap and held him as he began to start pushing. He started slowly and worked up to harder longer and more complete pushes. I was spreading his cheeks and encouraging him during his pushes. "Is it coming out"? I asked him. But it was completely stuck and he rested after another 5 minutes of unsuccessful effort. "Try squatting baby, we need to get this monster moving and out of you!!" I helped him off the toilet and into a squat. I looked under his butt as he began pushing again. The turd would move right to the edge of his hole but wouldn't come out any further. He stopped to rest and it would suck back inside. He tried this several more times but it wasn't coming out. He stopped to rest and stood up. "It's so hard Kenna, I can't go" Josh moaned. I had an idea and told Josh I would give him another suppository, and fill the bath tub with hot water to relax him while the second suppository tried to work. I started the water and then applied more Vaseline and another suppository. I sat by him while he soaked in the tub. "This is relaxing, I just wish I could take a dump!" Said Josh. "It will be over soon I promise, I'm here to help until it comes out babe" "start giving gentle pushes and see if the hot water helps you" I suggested. Josh took a breath and slowly began to push. I watched his anus open and the turd began to show again. He worked at it for awhile just gently pushing it out and letting it go back in when I encouraged him to start pushing harder. He bore down harder against the turd and it was still reluctant to move but finally with the water and lube it began to come out. "Keep pushing Josh it's coming babe"! He worked out a few inches but the huge chunk broke off with the Vaseline and suppositories in it and the next part of the turd wouldn't budge. I applied more Vaseline and he got back into the tub to try working on it some more. He pushed and pushed and the same thing happened, another big chunk came out and broke off, then the next part got stuck again. We did this 4 times when FINALLY the giant log began to come out. It got stuck a few times with me having to help him by pulling on it gently while he strained. "Almost there babe, push really hard you've got this"!!" Josh strained and strained with me gently pulling and after 5 more minutes or so the giant slipped all the way out of him. It was about 18 to 20 inches long and impossibly hard. He sank back against the tub wall to rest while I cleaned everything up. He didn't feel like doing anything the rest of the day (understandably) so we just relaxed and watched movies while he recovered, poor guy!! He thanked me for my help and being patient and said he felt much much better and relieved! Bye for now and happy pooping everyone!! Xoxo Kenna
Reply to Kristi
Thanks for the reply about the bidet...I would love to have someone wipe my bottom!
As to your questions:
Q 1 Male
Q2 I would still poo and be as quick as possible.
Q3 If the toilets were filthy I would just go in the bush... every time.
Q 4 I would try and hold back but if I had to go I would. The first time my partner and I got was only our second meeting we went to a motel after tea and I shitted up a storm when I got there. No problems!
Q5 Time on throne variable is longer if I practise meditation...usually I am reasonably fast unless I am having a power dump and they can take forever....but they are rare.
Q5 There is no escaping it,...tell them the flusher does not work so go somewhere else.
Absolutely loaded the toilet after dinner
Had a good dinner that I ate all of. Right after dinner I had a big 600 mL bottle of water and surfed the net while I digested. A few minutes ago I felt pressure and a major urge so I went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked over to the toilet, pulled my very dark blueish-black sweatpants and dark greenish blue underwear down and sat. Relaxed and gave a gentle push and a bunch of soft/watery crap came out. Only took about 20 seconds but my body got a hell of a good clean out. I decided I should flush everything first then wipe. First looked in the bowl and it was brown and watery but I could see stuff floating in it. Flushed then wiped and flushed again. Woo! That would make 2-3 times today that I have gone. I'm not sick, just eating healthy, drinking enough water etc. I prefer this anyday over constipation.
Happy pooping!
I read some stories about huge dumps & I loved them! Especially when several people use the same toilet without flushing in-between!
Emma two: I loved your story when you went on top of Sarah's load! I'm impressed that the toilet flushed both your loads combined since I know that both of you can easily clog it alone! Please share more stories of you sharing the toilet, if you have some. I also loved the story when you helped clog this toilet at work & went on top of this young lady's load.
To Kristi: I LOVED your story about you having to go on top of that brown-haired girl's load. There must have been so much waste in this bowl after both of you went! Especially since the turds she left were so large. & you're right, there is absolutely no need to be embarrassed because it's all natural. Do you have any other story when you, or someone you know, had to share a clogged toilet?
Army Girl: I loved your stories it sounds that you can produce some impressive loads! I love it that you used some clogged toilet because you had no choice.
sarah: I loved your story of going in the clogged toilet at the park! I understand that the petite girl with the black hoodie must have felt very embarrassed to have single-handedly clogged the toilet with her huge log! & also it's awesome that you got to see the blonde jogger's log. Running stimulates my bowels as well & I wrote about track practice many times before.
Mina & 3 Crushes: I always love your story & they are never boring! So thank you so much & I'm looking forward to the new ones! I read that you always flush between all of you & often between the waves. So have all of you ever used a toilet without flushing a single time? Because of your healthy Japanese diet with many vegetables you must be able to create a huge pile of shit! I only remember reading about one story about you going outdoors, did you try it several times?Another memory from being in high school is the time i basically had a safe haven stolen from me. Before the park toilets became the spot where I would let out my loads after school on the way home, there was a much nicer place where I did it. Not far from school there was a government building I had never been in, but one day, desperate after school, I tried my luck and went in. I glanced around and saw, near the end of the room, a single-use disabled toilet, making a beeline for it walking straight past the desk and the woman sat there.
It was clean and private. I did my business and left. For a couple of weeks every other day after school when I couldn't hold it until I got home, I would go there. Nobody was ever in it so I think it didn't get used much. One day I rushed in there really needing a poo and when I pulled the door, it was locked. I stood there planning to wait, but then the woman at the reception desk called over to me loud enough for anyone to hear "do you need the key for the toilet?" I was embarrassed but I nodded and went over to the desk where she gave me the key. I went in and when I was done, I put the key back on the desk and left quick. I didn't go back after that because I was too shy to have to ask for the toilet key every time.1. Your age/gender.
2. Scenario: You're in a one-person bathroom, pooping. You've just sat down and haven't started going yet. There's a knock on the door and someone asks "Are you almost done?" What do you do? Do you answer the person? Do you hurry up and push your poop out as fast as possible? Or do you take your time?
I say: Just about to finish and hurry up.
3. You're camping. And you've gotta take a dump. You have two options: One is to use a bathroom that is absolutely filthy. We're talking smelly, messy, filthy seat, filthy everything. Three other option is to walk a short distance and poop outside. You will have complete privacy, and you have toilet paper with you.
I will go outside. I often do when I am hiking (I am a scout.)
4. You're in a new relationship with a guy/girl who you really like. You're at that person's house for the very first time. And that dinner has moved its way through you. Do you (a) hold it until you leave, (b) go poop, but be very discreet and try to hurry, or (c) tell the person exactly what you need to do and go do it?
(b) I guess.
5. When you're taking a crap, do you try to get your business done as quickly as possible, or do you like to take some time? Or does it vary?
As quickly as possible.
6. You just went poop in a public restroom. You wipe and go to flush... and the toilet doesn't flush. Your load is sitting there for all to see, and there is someone waiting for the stall. Do you tell them the flusher doesn't work, or do you just leave? (This happened to me recently except that I was the one waiting for the stall!
Cover with some paper an say that it does not flush.
Pooped quite a bit
Hi all. I just came back from the bathroom after having a somewhat hard poo. I woke up this morning, went to the washroom, then went upstairs for a fairly big breakfast. Soup (I think made from taro), a cheese sandwich, apple slices, grapes, a small jar of warm water and a small jar of black coffee. After breakfast I had another jar of warm water and went on YouTube to watch videos. Felt pressure in my stomach so went to the washroom a few minutes ago. Closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark blueish-black sweatpants and red high-cut underwear and sat. Relaxed, gave a gentle push and a massive poo came out. There was (and still is) a lot left in my body so I had to flush halfway to avoid clogging the toilet. Gave another push and let the rest of my poo out. When I was done I took some TP and stood up. The poo took up quite a bit of the toilet. Flushed that too then got to work wiping. It was messy but I feel mostly better despite still having a lot left in my body. Flushed one more time for the TP and pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Stomach is still pretty hard and bloated but will drink more water, continue to eat healthy, exercise etc then the rest should come out.
Happy pooping!
Bidet User
Kristi's survey and bidet solidarity
Kristi- I started using a bidet last year and I totally get you!!!
My boyfriend got me the bidet as kind of a joke because I stopped wearing thongs 1 year into my relationship because I was so self-conscious of my skid marks when he moved in. Ironically, I started getting worse skidmarks because my panties actually get dirtier more often than my thongs as they tend to ride up my butt more. Anyway my boyfriend got me a bunch of thongs because he missed how much by butt looked in them, and honestly thongs were actually more comfortable with the shape of my butt (most people think I look like Ariel Winter )
It was kind of annoying and funny at first where I would poop, wash by butt and then poop some more. One time my boyfriend and I cracked up because I pooped, washed, pooped again, washed and pooped for the third time! I ended up wiping with toilet paper because I was running late and got a little bit of a skid mark on my pink boy shorts. However, most of the time I do the poop wash, poop, wash, my underwear was as clean as a whistle! It never fails that I poop outside the house and I get a skid mark. Maybe I not only feel fresher because of the wash, but maybe it's better to empty out my bowels than have a wiped butt just toilet paper with residue and fart the rest of the day. Epilouge, my boyfriend no longer get skid marks when he poops at home as well, but he doesn't get stimulated to poop again after he washes.
The survey
1. Your age/gender.
27 year old female
2. Scenario: You're in a one-person bathroom, pooping. You've just sat down and haven't started going yet. There's a knock on the door and someone asks "Are you almost done?" What do you do? Do you answer the person? Do you hurry up and push your poop out as fast as possible? Or do you take your time?
This happened when a male with a voice like Brad Pitt asked " Are you almost done?" verbatim and I froze up and stopped pooping for 10 minutes out of fear. I peeked out the door to check that the man was gone, then finished up. I was so embarrassed, but I stunk the place up and it was a lout farty poop with big plops and crackles! I'm not sure what I would have done if I recognized the voice or knew who used that bathroom as I was at a doctor's appointment and knew no one, except the female doctor.
3. You're camping. And you've gotta take a dump. You have two options: One is to use a bathroom that is absolutely filthy. We're talking smelly, messy, filthy seat, filthy everything. Three other option is to walk a short distance and poop outside. You will have complete privacy, and you have toilet paper with you.
Outside. I love camping and privacy (from men seen other questions). Believe it or not, I think I tend to get cleaner wiping with leaves than toilet paper so I dont even need that.
4. You're in a new relationship with a guy/girl who you really like. You're at that person's house for the very first time. And that dinner has moved its way through you. Do you (a) hold it until you leave, (b) go poop, but be very discreet and try to hurry, or (c) tell the person exactly what you need to do and go do it?
I always held it until we moved in together. That's a whole lot of other stories there...
5. When you're taking a crap, do you try to get your business done as quickly as possible, or do you like to take some time? Or does it vary?
I take about 5 minutes including cleanup of butt and hands. I don't even get on my phone.
6. You just went poop in a public restroom. You wipe and go to flush... and the toilet doesn't flush. Your load is sitting there for all to see, and there is someone waiting for the stall. Do you tell them the flusher doesn't work, or do you just leave? (This happened to me recently except that I was the one waiting for the stall!)
I would apologize if we were in a female restroom. I'm less shy about pooping when I'm around my own gender, see above story. I played soccer high school, so we all pooped around each other before matches with doorless stalls. No shame about the sound, the smell and wiping our privates around each otherCentalia
Perspectives of a 37-year-old
I've written before about my evolution from a scared girl forced to use a school toilet to someone who, more than 25 years later who is working for a multi-national company with frequent travels and the confidence that I wouldn't have imagined years ago.
Yes, I look forward to leaving my computer and taking a pee break every two hours or so. When there is a logical break in my work I'll go into the large bathroom on our floor, take a toilet, seat myself and relax during my activity. No more checking out 10 toilets, before taking the one that is the least bad. Sometimes I may stay seated for 10 minutes or so while I check my personal messages, text with my daughter whose in high school and just have my **** it attitude before I return to my computer.
Yesterday I was taking my first afternoon pee and found the happenings on the toilets on each side of me interesting. On my right the small shoes and jeans and fumbling with the security bar tipped me off to the probability that it was a young child. Clothing all the way onto her shoes, a struggle to get up on the seat, and finally what sounded like a squeak as she moved farther back on the seat. With her legs swinging I could hear her let off a couple of sighs. Then there were 3 or 4 splashes into the water. She didn't, unlike me, waste any time. She slid down, pulled off some toilet paper, and made two swipes of her butt. Then pulled off a bit more toilet paper. I found that amusing, especially from when I was that age, and my mom constantly complained about my need to 'totally wipe.' After the extra wipe, she walked to the side and flushed. She briefly fumbled with the security bar, flung the door hard against the cubicle side, and left without washing her hands.
That disturbed me in a way because I remember all the accidents I had trying to get the simple hand wash/wipe down right.
On the left, I had three users come in fast, do a pee, and then wash their hands and exit as fast. One of them was sitting peeing away for a bit longer than I would have expected. About mid-way through she dropped her phone which slid very close to my toilet. I reached down and over and slid it to her. She was a grateful temp doing her first day for us. She said she had been holding it for more than an hour, but couldn't leave the phone until calls were diverted to another employee. Then there was some gas and she muttered 'Oh yeah' when her bowel movement came. It was over in a few seconds and she partially stood to look into the bowl before she re-seated herself and volunteered that she finally found a laxative that works. I jokingly asked her the brand. She must have been pretty confident because she stood and did one quick wipe and then flushed.
The next user, who I didn't recognize from my seat as someone from our floor, hurried into the stall, did a quick wipe and then re-wipe of the seat, before sitting down. I was washing my hands, with a bit of a splash of the faucet getting on my chest area, when I recalled some of the taunts I had gotten in school when such an unfortunate thing happened. Accidents and other mistakes occasionally remain a reality for me, but it is much better than my school day bathroom breaks.
Mina Hisae Maho Kazumi
Kristi's survey
We like survey! But this time questions were not so easy...
1 is easy. We are all female and age is 31 or 32. (Only Mina is 31.)
2. It never happen. But Maho said, if it happen in her house, and she doesn't start yet, she get off loo and allow other person to use. Then she go back after.
All our family home have two loos now except Kazumi. But in Kazumi's home there is taboo to stay in loo more than one minute, especially for woman.
3. Camping...we go outside!
4. New relationship... we can't image. But when Maho and Kazu went to Mina's family house, they needed motion, they just went and did their motion. Mina's mother knew what they are doing take so long time but they didn't care, Kazumi even talked to Mina's mother from inside loo with pushing out many huge turds. Mina's family is very open about loo, so Mina's mother say to Mina's crushes, sit on loo until you empty and do and do and do, it is no problem.
5. We all love to stay long time. Everyone in this site know that. Hisae was quick before, but now she take her sweet time (Mina learnt this phrase in this site). We love to do motion Avery size (size of motion after eat too much fish and chips) and it takes long time to do so big motion. But different with Avery, we flush in middle. Then sit down again and do more and more and more.
6. Once when Mina was college, her huge motion didn't go down flush. Lucky thing was, loo room was empty. But if someone there, Mina probably say, "flush didn't work". We never worry if someone see huge size of our motion. Huge size is very good thing we think. Maho once had a same experience. Her opinion is same with Mina.
Avery, we loved your story about huge motion after too much fish and chips and potato salad and and and and and and. Very healthy motion! If anyone say snide to you, you can say "Avery is most healthy girl"!! Like we said part 4, Kazu did motion that size in Mina's family house. Because she never stop to eat and eat. Kazu said very warm voice, "Avery is wonderful girl! I want to be beside her when she doing, and praise her to sky!" Then Hisae she is tease, she said, Kazu and Avery should take holiday in Thailand together and eat street food, then go to loo with no stall. Mina and Maho shout, "we also go!! And eat! And squat in loo with no stall!!!" Off course Hisae also.
We think it is lovely story about Sarah and Emma do huge diarrhoea with two boys. So happy atmosphere! But, Sarah, there is other pair of girls in this site their names Sarah and Emma. We are going to be confuse! Other Emma's nickname is Emma Two, so maybe you can create nickname? "Sarah Beauty" or "Sarah Glenn" or something like that. But we hope you two girls, and Glenn and Thomas, have healthy stomach now.
Love to everyone.
Kazumi Hisae Maho MIna
Saturday, January 21, 2023
The Royal Family and toilet needs at public events
I am just wondering if the Royal Family has an emergency toilet on them when they are in public or driving by. Also, did Prince George and Princess Charlotte wear pull ups from about ages 2 to 4? They cannot just rush into a McDonald's restaurant for an emergency bathroom, like ordinary citizens. Also did the Queen Mother and Queen Elizabeth ever wear Depends as they aged? Did Kate Middleton wear Depends when pregnant? Does King Charles ever wear Depends for Men or guards for men as he gets older? Does he dribble or have urgency due to an enlarged prostate due to aging? Have any of the Royals ever had overactive bladder? Did any of the royal family ever have an accident in public due to lack of washroom access? Do they take laxatives to stay regular? Or prune juice? How did the Royal gentlemen handle bathroom issues when in the navy helicopter? I would assume that the Royal family had to ensure more so than ordinary citizens that their young children never had an accident in public. Is there Royal protocol for an accident in a vehicle or in public?
Phil (optional) Phil
Post Title (optional) Answers to Kristi's survey
See answers below:
Your age/gender. MALE, 65
2. Scenario: You're in a one-person bathroom, pooping. You've just sat down and haven't started going yet. There's a knock on the door and someone asks "Are you almost done?" What do you do? Do you answer the person? Do you hurry up and push your poop out as fast as possible? Or do you take your time? I HURRY AND POOP AS FAST AS I CAN.
3. You're camping. And you've gotta take a dump. You have two options: One is to use a bathroom that is absolutely filthy. We're talking smelly, messy, filthy seat, filthy everything. Three other option is to walk a short distance and poop outside. You will have complete privacy, and you have toilet paper with you. I WOULD POOP OUTSIDE
4. You're in a new relationship with a guy/girl who you really like. You're at that person's house for the very first time. And that dinner has moved its way through you. Do you (a) hold it until you leave, (b) go poop, but be very discreet and try to hurry, or (c) tell the person exactly what you need to do and go do it? B. I WOULD USE THE BATHROOM< BUT DE AS DISCRETE AS POSSIBLE
5. When you're taking a crap, do you try to get your business done as quickly as possible, or do you like to take some time? Or does it vary?
6. You just went poop in a public restroom. You wipe and go to flush... and the toilet doesn't flush. Your load is sitting there for all to see, and there is someone waiting for the stall. Do you tell them the flusher doesn't work, or do you just leave? (This happened to me recently except that I was the one waiting for the stall!) I WOULD ADVISE THE NEXT PERSON THAT THE FLUSHER DOES NOT WORKKristi
These questions have absolute nothing to do with each other. Just random musings (I can't sleep.)
Feel free to answer the next time you're on the toilet, or whenever you're bored.
And feel free to only answer some of them.
1. Your age/gender.
2. Scenario: You're in a one-person bathroom, pooping. You've just sat down and haven't started going yet. There's a knock on the door and someone asks "Are you almost done?" What do you do? Do you answer the person? Do you hurry up and push your poop out as fast as possible? Or do you take your time?
3. You're camping. And you've gotta take a dump. You have two options: One is to use a bathroom that is absolutely filthy. We're talking smelly, messy, filthy seat, filthy everything. Three other option is to walk a short distance and poop outside. You will have complete privacy, and you have toilet paper with you.
4. You're in a new relationship with a guy/girl who you really like. You're at that person's house for the very first time. And that dinner has moved its way through you. Do you (a) hold it until you leave, (b) go poop, but be very discreet and try to hurry, or (c) tell the person exactly what you need to do and go do it?
5. When you're taking a crap, do you try to get your business done as quickly as possible, or do you like to take some time? Or does it vary?
6. You just went poop in a public restroom. You wipe and go to flush... and the toilet doesn't flush. Your load is sitting there for all to see, and there is someone waiting for the stall. Do you tell them the flusher doesn't work, or do you just leave? (This happened to me recently except that I was the one waiting for the stall!)
I saw it was her from between the cracks of the stall.
Her poop sounded firm. I think she farted at the beginning.
Thunder: My hubby and I own a bidet.
I don't always use it. A lot of my poops are in the morning. If I take a dump before I've showered, I don't even bother wiping. I just get in the shower and get clean that way.
And if I'm in a hurry, I'll just wipe.
Also... my husband kind of enjoys wiping me after I go. (I poop in front of him probably 4-5 times a week.) I let him do it.
So, the bidet does a great job of cleaning my urethra (my pee place).
It doesn't do the best job of cleaning my butt. It gets the surface of my hole clean, but I don't feel like I got a deep clean (TMI?)
And after you use it, you have to use a towel to get the water off of you, so it's not like you just get up and go.
Also, and this is more of a Kristi thing: Sitting on the bidet will sometimes make me have to poop more. So I'll poop on the toilet, use the bidet, and then have to get back to the toilet to crap some more.
I took a nice big dump at my friend Emily's house today. She kept me company while I went. She didn't have to go though.
Well, that's it for now!
I've been reading this forum for a number of years. It's always been interesting to see how many pages and how frequented this site is. I'm finally coming out and posting for the first time. I never really have any interesting poop stories. What I'm curious about is what brought you here? What made you want to post stories about pooping?
For me, it's just that it's one of life's most pleasurable activities. There is nothing better than a healthy poop.John
Family Pooping
Curious to hear others' experience with similarities/differences in pooping habits with their families.
There are 5 of us in my family. Mom and dad, and then my older sisters Sarah who is 24 and Emily who is 21. I myself am 19.
Growing up, Sara was a pretty regular pooper, usually going about once a day. Emily and myself go less frequently, roughly once every other day or so. What Emily lacked in frequency she more than made up for in volume - she easily gets the crown for being the largest pooper in our family. An Emily dump was virtually guaranteed to be followed by a vigorous plunging session and more than a fair share of plumber calls. Being less regular like Emily, I just assumed I'd start to poop big like her too but it never happened. Even though I've long since caught and passed Emily in size (I'm 5'11", while Emily is 5'8" and I've got at least 30 lbs on her), she still seems to out poop me.
The three of us shared a bathroom growing up and Emily was the only one who could manage clog it. When she was in middle school and early high school, I'd constantly go to use our toilet only to find one of Emily's huge turds shoved halfway down the hole - forcing me to instead go use our parent's bathroom. At some point my parents finally decided enough was enough and forced Emily to learn to plunge the toilet herself.
Anyways, I feel like I may be rambling on a bit. I'll end it with a general question: Do any others have experience with considerable differences in pooping habits with other family members? I'd love to hear!
Kristi's survey
Hi Kristi and everyone else as well. I love these survey questions!!
1. I'm 45 and a male. Married to a gorgeous lady as I have mentioned before. I mentioned that she doesn't allow me to watch her poop.
2. Well I had this happen to me but it wasn't a one person bathroom. It was in a Walmart bathroom. I had a stomach ache and needed to sit for a while. There were two stalls and the regular stall had an out of order sign so luckily the handicapped stall was available so I went in and sat down and my stomach was hurting so I'm sitting taking a very stinky poo. I knew I would be in there for a while. I was in there for a few minutes and a guy comes in and I can hear him walking fast and moaning and he almost sounded like he was in tears. He sees the first stall is out of order and tries to open the handicapped stall that I was sitting in. He must not have been able to see my feet. When he discovered it was locked and I was in there he was like "oh no, oh no" so he was probably about to poop himself. I wasn't close to being done and I wasn't sure what to do. The guy sounded like he was crying and I felt really bad. So I just said "I'm so sorry. Do you need to get in here?" And he's breathing heavily and said yes and asked if I was done. I told him no but if he felt comfortable I would let him in because I could tell it was an emergency situation. He said yes please so I flushed the toilet and stood up and opened the stall and told him come in and I apologized because my pants were down. I didn't wipe because I didn't have time because ether guy was going to poop his pants. He was a heavy set guy. He comes in and I lock the stall and stayed in there because my pants were down. I had a soft sloppy poop so I couldn't pull my pants up because I hand t had a chance to wipe and I wasn't done going poo. But anyway he came in breathing heavily and moaning even before he took the toilet. He took down his pants and as soon as he hit the toilet just unloaded a big cascade of diarrhea. It was one of the loudest dumps I have ever heard anyone take. It reminded me of my wife when she has bowel problems. She took the loudest crap I have ever heard. We rented a hotel room for a couple of hours to have some alone time and she had a stomach attack during the festivities if you will! Anyway I turned my back to him because I didn't want to look at him but I had my pants down and shirt lifted up because I didn't want my clothes touching my butt. So I'm not sure if he was looking at me or not. He was in there for about 5 minutes. Dropped a couple of smaller diarrhea loads then wiped and left and he thanked me. Once he pulled his pants up I walked back to the toilet but I locked the stall after he left and I sat back down and was in there for another 15 minutes because my stomach was bothering me so I had to poop quite a bit. Overall it was awkward but I'm glad I let him in because he would have pooped his pants.
3. If I were camping I would poop in the bathroom regardless. I guess if it was totally disgusting I would probably just squat over the toilet and drop my load in the toilet.
4. I think I would just go and do my thing. I remember the first time I went to see my wife when we started dating and stayed at her apartment. I was quite nervous and we were watching a movie and I had to pee really bad and felt I had a bit of diarrhea too. Luckily it was just a little one and it didn't make much sound. The bathroom was very close because it was a small apartment and it was close to where we were sitting. Once we got more comfortable we certainly heard each other's sounds and smelled each other's smells too. Lol!
5. I usually take a while. I like to sit on the toilet and read something while I'm on the toilet. How about you? Do you read while you're on the toilet or are you a quick pooper?
6. I would tell the person the toilet doesn't flush. So what did the other person do. Did she tell you the toilet isn't working or did she just leave without saying anything? What did she leave in the toilet? Lol.
Take care! This is a great survey!
Kristi's Survey
Kristi's survey
Gender: male
Age: 20
Scenario No. 2:
This has evolved as I've gotten older and gained my confidence. At 11 I remember a few times when I would simply say "Almost done" and I would pull of my pants, fake flush and then leave pretty fast because I had been bullied and didn't want conflict. As I got into high school I would mumble something, but I hurried up and sometimes would cut my crap short (something that my dad didn't agree with), especially he had to make a couple of trips to the drug store for suppositories. It hasn't happened recently, but eyes on me through the cracks between the cubicle and its door are used against me.
Scenario No. 3:
Outdoor pooping has only been an issue with me a couple of times. I did shit once sitting on a large downed tree limb. Luckily it was soft crap that came out fast. The little pushing I did tore at the skin of my underthighs. The other time I sat right down on a filthy wooden seat the had cracks so large that they tore at my skin. It was obvious that the wood had been soaked earlier.
Scenario No. 4:
I've used each of the options. One girl was pissed that she was out of smokes so I volunteered to go down the street to a c-store and buy her a pack. I took my shit there. It was worth the $5 investment. I've also made a joke about liquids going right through my system and hurried a shit and instantly flushed it while I was still seated. No smell--no evidence! I told one study partner and later occasional date what I was going to do, but I made some lame joke about having a clog-less record in apartments, which traditionally have the cheapest plumbing systems.
When I came out she told me a couple of stories about how badly the toilets perform in the 24 units.
Scenario No. 5:
Unfortunately in the K-12 schools I was bullied. I wasn't the only one, but it hurt. So a sit for a 1/4 or 1/2 crap was better than nothing. With a pass out of class, I would take the far end stall. If there were say 6 toilets, at times all 6 seats had urine on them because none of the guys practiced which my friend Chrissy called "strategic peeing."
They didn't lift the seat and they sure as hell didn't aim. Now in college, and at my job at a distribution center, the toilets are in better condition, but the number of non-flushers who are adults continues to piss me off. Sometimes after a full shit I will linger for 5 minutes or so before wiping and flushing. That's easier when our warehouse is only 50-60% staffed in the evenings.
Scenario No. 6:
That happened to me when I was like 11 or 12 and skateboarding at the park. An older boy didn't like my apology and loaded a ton of profanities at me. When I was over a one of my bicycling friend's house, she was standing at the door when I came out and told her about the problem. She gave me a hug, said it was great that I was honest and sensitive about it and gave me a hug. She did her pee. Then she went upstairs and told her dad. She took the blame for it, probably because she knew that I had been called "the jammer" by some of the bullies. I attended her graduation party probably 6 years later and told her how I felt about what she did.
All you can eat = all you can poop
Hello, it's me, Avery! Today, I took a huge poop at school. Here's the full story, enjoy!
With no school on Monday, me and some friends went out to lunch at a buffet. We were bored so decided to see who could eat the most food. We each ate many plates of food. Here's how it went for me: I started simple, with a plate containing some grilled fish with fries on the side, then I got a second plate of that. I was just getting started though! As my stomach started work digesting the fish and fries, I decided to go for more plates. I loaded up a third plate with probably an entire 16" pizza worth of slices, and then loaded the pizza into my stomach with the fish and fries. I took a minute to drink some more water, then went back. I got some chicken wings with hot sauce and BBQ sauce, and got some potato salad with that. These were really good, but the hot sauce was really spicy, and I ended up drinking lots of water. It's worth noting: I went to the bathroom when we arrived to make sure I was empty, and I was; I emptied my bladder by peeing for 10 seconds, and nothing was waiting to be pooped out. Despite this, I felt my bladder growing in size, and a slight increase in pressure in my butt. I knew I could get more food in though, so I went back to the buffet, this time ti the salad bar. I got a big heap of Caesar salad, and added green vegetables to the mostly meat-based mixture my stomach was making. With my plate cleared again, I got some more potato salad. After a few mouthfuls of that though, I needed the restroom. I excused myself, went into the empty ladies room, took the second of 15 stalls, wiped down the seat, pulled down my red leggings and white panties, then got to work! I peed for 40 seconds, creating a calming pitter-patter noise as those free refills reappeared as one big refill in the toilet. As my pee stream died off, I pushed, revealing a moderately sized turd. I kept pushing as it kept flowing out. It was really long, but it felt so great getting rid of all that waste; it was so satisfying to feel that poop moving out of me, feeling lighter and relieved. The log plopped into the bowl after pooping it out for a minute. I felt so much better. I wiped twice before being clean and took a look at my creation: 1.5 inch thick and 24 inches long. I flushed, and watched it all get carried into the sewers. Now that my old food was gone, I got back to aging. Ignoring the snarky comments from my friends like "I bet you clogged that toilet" and "if you keep eating your poop will fill a septic-tank. Anyway, 5 plates of fish, vegetables, fruits, and dessert later, I was full. My stomach had doubled in size and there was a noticeable bulge in my stomach area. We decided that I won the game, and I joked that my next poop would be the fastest weight loss ever!
Fast forward to today, and I feel very bloated and have a dull sensation in my anus. I felt some gas, so I farted twice, somewhat loudly and quite smelly, before asking to be excused to use the restroom. As my teacher wrote my pass, he said "if you're the one responsible for these farts, please take all the time you need to get everything out!" I went a bit red, laughed, then said thanks and headed to the girls bathroom. I entered the thankfully empty bathroom and took the last normal stall (the third stall). I closed the door, then pulled down my black leggings and black panties, to unload the results of Monday's lunch. I peed for 20 seconds, then took a deep breath and pushed. Nothing moved, so I strained even harder. With the pop of a fart, my anus was stretched far open, and log one crackled out. Then, with a loud plop, another log just as big started to come along. I kept pushing and once again, it plopped but more kept coming. Breathe-in, squeeze, gasp, plop, repeat. I kept pushing my waste out, and with each poop I got out, I felt so light and relieved. After 10 of these logs, I felt something big wanting to be released. At this point, I was farting a lot more loudly! I pushed as hard as I could as some wet poop and small soft logs were fired out. I pushed again and lay 2 long, soft logs. By this point, my stomach really hurt, and I could tell I would be pooping for a while. With the soft logs out, let me just try to poop. There's a big log that I was really struggling to poop out, but I strained with all my might and pushed on my abdomen, making loud grunts and groans before crackling, some farts, and a poop with a moan and sigh of relief. By now, the majority of my poop was in the toilet, so I hoped this would be the last log. I strained before the largest poop of this visit emerged. I kept pushing as hard as I could as gas seeped passed this obstruction and my butt hole as the waste itself kept sliding out before curling around the server. The log fell out of me at one point, but immediately the rest of the log started coming out. After 2 more minutes of pooping, the log tapered off, and fell with a splat on top of the rest of the poop. I squeezed again, but I was empty. I stood up to admire what I produced. I completely filled the toilet with the digested remains of my lunch. Wow what an incredible feeling all that once! But whew it stank here. I wiped 10 times to get all the poop off my butt cheeks. I then admired my poop again. There were 14 medium logs. These were 3 inches wide and 12 inches long. Then, there was the soft stuff: there were 7 small soft logs, 3 inch by 8 inch, plus the 2 long soft logs that were 2.5 inches wide by 16 inch long. Finally, the giant log that curled around the bowl three times. It was 2 inches wide and 50 inches long. I pulled up my panties and leggings, and couldn't help smile at the idea that my butt, which produced all this, would now be on display all day. I left the stall without even trying to flush, there was no chance it would go down. After washing my hands, I returned to class feeling like a new girl: I felt 50 pounds later, so incredibly relieved, and so happy. When I got back to class, my teacher asked me if everything was ok. I said yes, and then with no care explained that I just unloaded thirty pounds of poop. He was fine with that excuse. The girl who sits next to me was wearing blue tights and had her entire backside on display. She asked to go to the bathroom and left for 4 minutes, and when she returned she asked me "did you make that mess in the third stall" and I said "yup." She said wow, I don't like having to do much more than a small log, your creation was incredible!"
Heard some others talking about the large creation in the girls bathroom. I don't know how many or who knows I'm the guy who did that, but oh well! If you've gotta girl you've gotta go!
Bye for now!Richard
Childhood Holding Scenarios (survey)
I would like to know if there are any of you out there that can relate to my Childhood pee holding sessions that my grandma put me through when I was a little boy…Both genders are welcome.
1. Where you ever made to hold in your pee when you were a Child ?
2. If so, by who ?
3. Where you pee teased/"tortured" by anyone I.e. parent, sibling, friend, teacher and/or class or any other relative/family member and if so was the teasing/"torture" physically and/or mentally (verbal) ? Please describe…
4. While on any holding sessions, where you allowed to grab your self, do a potty/pee-pee dance or do any movements at all ? If so, what were they ?
5. What would you say if/when the holding session got to a point where your bladder was bursting and you still were expected to hold ? Please describe...
6. Where you at anytime taken to the hospital and/or Doctors office because of the holding sessions ? Please describe…
7. If so, did you heal from it completely and if you did where the holding sessions continued after the healing ?
8. If so, were the holding sessions in anyway or to any extent different ? If yes, please describe…
Worst diarrhea ever in Thailand
Hi! I'm new here on this site, I found it about a month ago and it's very nice to know that there's a site like this where I can openly talk about my interests in pooping without people thinking that I'm weird. I recently turned 19 years old, got brown hair long hair, c-cup breasts and a nice round butt! For my first story I'm going to write about a story that happend when I was on a trip to Thailand with my best friend last summer. Her name is Emma. She's got blonde hair, b-cup breasts but her butt is bigger than mine. We both weigh around 132 pounds. The story takes place on the fourth day of our trip which was a Friday.
So Emma and I were on vacation in Thailand, we had a lot of fun and got to do a lot things that were on our bucket list like diving and stuff. We were eating a lot every day and we both haven't taken a shit since 2 days before the trip. We both usually poop once every 3 days and our very open about, so we have buddy dumped and done poop competitions many times. The reason didn't poop in so long was because of the bathroom situation. We were staying in a cheap hotel room that didn't have a bathroom. There was a public bathroom that was for bath genders with toilets and stall with showers in them, the toilets were all squat toilets and no stalls, so other people could see everything whenever you had to relief yourself. By the way, every public bathroom was just squat toilets with no stalls but the ones outside of the hotel did have a bathroom for each gender. Everytime we had to pee, we did it in a cup and threw it in the sink but we couldn't do the same whenever we had to poop so we just held it.
On the fourth day we decided to eat dinner at one of those food stalls on the street (which turned out to be a very very bad decision). The food was very delicious and we ate a lot. We first both got two meat sticks with rice and some vegetables. After that ate a lot more meat. After dinner we were just wandering around town and looking for a place to have some drinks. We found a bar, sat down and both had a couple of beers while talking and having a lot of fun. Until suddenly my stomach started cramping. I started to think it might be the food we ate. I look at Emma and saw that she was holding her stomach too and looking very uncomfortable. 'Sarah... my stomach hurts a lot' said Emma, 'Mine too'. Out of nowhere I got a HUGE cramp and folded over. 'Emma I really really need to poop' right after saying that I got up and ran to the bathroom, without replying Emma also got up and ran right behind me. We got into the bathroom which had 10 squat toilets, 7 taken. Emma and I both took a toilet next to each other. I pulled down my pants and the second I pulled it down from my ass I exploded. I shat out a wave of runny diarrhea, but not liquid, for 40 seconds straight. In the middle of my explosion I also let out a fart that lasted for about 12 seconds. Emma also exploded with the same type of diarrhea for about 20 seconds and farts too. My farts seemed to strenghten my diarrhea explosion and I hit the wall behind me but I didn't care. After our explosion ended we both ripped the loudest fart I have ever heard at the time. It was embarassing but not that much since there were 3 other tourist here who also had a case of bad diarrhea. Just when I thought it couldn't worse I had another explosion that last for a whopping 50 seconds and Emma exploded for another 40 seconds as well. It seems that holding our poop for that long wasn't our best idea because now we were unloading 6 days worth of poop as diarrhea. After 5 minutes of us both exploding non stop Emma said while exploding and moaning a lot 'It feels like I am filled with an infinite amount of diarrhea! It's been about 5 minutes and I feel no end to it!' 'Yeah I feel the same way, I just can't stop exploding and farting and my stomach hurts like never before'. The toilets were filled with diarrhea and the wall behind us got a good taste of it as well. We literally couldn't stop exploding and I felt like I was just stuck here with diarrhea forever. 20 minutes later Emma said 'I think I am done... what about you?' 'I have much more, I think I'll still be a while, sorry' Emma replied with 'No worries, you always poop more than me so I already expected an answer like that, I will wait outside the toilet okay?' I answered with another 15 second diarrhea explosion. In the 20 minutes I've been I have seen multiple tourist having diarrhea too, but they luckily took 10 minutes at most while I was still stuck here exploding my brains out. Another 15 minutes passed and I finally felt down. I had to wipe like 14 times, got up, looked at my toilet and gasped. I completely destroyed it, even the wall. I walked out and went to Emma. 'I think it's best if we go to our hotel for now and just go to bed' I told Emma, 'Yeah let's do that'. It was a 15 minute walk but 7 minutes in Emma and I folded over at the same time, we heard our stomachs rumbling and had to run to the bathroom again. We ran in, pulled down our pants and exploded. We both were stuck for another 25 minutes with diarrhea. We got to our hotel room and went to bed, not knowing what await us in the morning... The next morning we got up at around 10 am and got hit with diarrhea immediately. We didn't even had time to change and both ran, in our panties and t-shirts (with no bra under) to the bathroom. When we arrived at the bathroom we saw two other male tourists, around our age. We saw them a couple of times earlier and thought they were very cute so we didn't want to explode when they were there as well. 'Sarah, those cute boys are here what are gonna do?? I don't want to destroy the toilet with them in the bathroom' Emma whispered 'Well me neither but I don't have a choice so I'm just gonna go' 'Alright then...'. We ran to the toilets, pulled our panties down and exploded. 'Damn you girls can really poop huh' said one of the boys while they were pulling down their pants, the blonde one squatted next to Emma and the one with black here next to me. 'This is so embarrasing, we ate street food yesterday which wasn't very good for our stomachs' the guy next to me laughed and said 'Yeah me and Thomas had our deal of diarrhea too after eating at a food stall' after he said he grunted and pooped multiple turds while Thomas farted really loud 'My name is Glenn by the way' he said while gruntig and pooping out even more turds. While all this was happening Emma and I were still exploding non stop but the boys didn't seem to bother as they were both taking their morning shits. We all talked for a bit while pooping. After 15 minutes Glenn and Thomas were done pooping. They tried to flush their toilets but they clogged them. 'Seems like you two are capable of pooping a lot yourselfs too huh' Emma said while laughing 'Yeah Glenn and I are big pooper hehe'. They left their poops in the toilets, wiped, washed their hands and walked out of the bathroom. I took a lot at their poops and they were huge! Bigger than my normal ones. Thomas pooped the biggest soft pile I have seen and Glenn's pile was made out of what seemed like 18 turds ranging from 6 to 24 inches! Me and Emma exploded for another 20 minutes again and were finally done. Later that day we met up with Thomas and Glenn and had a lot of fun.
I never had so much diarrhea in my life and neither did Emma, it hurts and stunk a lot and we a lot of weird looks by people in the public bathrooms but our diarrhea did lead to meeting two cute boys and having fun with them! While even seeing and hearing them pooping out humongous loads!
Random survey
Hi! I was bored so I answered a random survey from Michael W.
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yes, I enjoy it a lot, pooping is for me one of the best feelings in the world.
2. What is your favorite position while defecating? I usually lean forward but when I'm pooping in a toilet that is completed closed off or at home I like to squat on the toilet!
3. Do you get stomach aches before passing a BM? If so are they severe? Sometimes when I hold my poop. Whenever I have diarrhea I usually get a bad stomach ache yes.
4. How many times a day do you poop? Once every 3 days usually.
5. What was the longest poop you ever did? Nearly an hour I think.
6. Do you find pooping relaxing? Yes, it's very very relaxing.
7. Do you make grunting noises while pushing? Do you yell in pain when it hurts? Yes, grunting seems to help me go and makes pooping feel even better. When it hurts I usually moan pretty loudly and a lot hehe.
8. How often do you get constipated? Every once in a while.
9. What was the longest time you've ever been constipated? Like 13 days on a vacation.
10. After being constipated or having a difficult poop and it finally comes out, do you yell of relief? I moan a lot and very loud
11. Do you have stomach aches often when you can't pass a BM? If so are they severe and how long do they last? Not really.
12. Are you gassy when you poop? Depends, sometimes I fart more than I poop but sometimes I barely farts
13. Do you look forward to taking a dump? Yes, a lot.
14. What are the signs of knowing you have to poop? Feeling pressure in my ass.
15. Do you ever lie down after taking a long pooping session? Sometimes I do.
16. Do you ever have to catch your breath while pooping? Yeah whenever I do big turds I have to catch my breath halfway or so.
17. Do you like to take as long as necessary or do you want to be quick?
I like to take as long as necessary and enjoy my time on the toilets since I only go once every 3 days (I do really big poops tho hehe)
18. When you are constipated or having a tough time getting it out, what do you think is the best way to relieve yourself? Prune juice, sugar free gummies, laxatives and stuff like that.
19. Has a BM ever hurt so much that you started to cry? Yes, one time my ass felt like it was gonna tear apart and I had to cry because of how much it hurted
20. How often do you have diarrhea? Usually only after I eat something bad. But sometimes when I know it's gonna be my pooping day and got nothing to do I eat something before I sleep to have a lot of diarrhea (sugar free gummies, laxatives, prune juice, magnesium citrate or a mix of two things) because I like exploding on the toilet once every while!
21. Do you push on your stomach to get the poop out? Not really push but I rub my stomach!
22. Do you ever massage your stomach to help a stomach ache or to help you poop? Yes.
23. Do you feel comfortable about having someone in the bathroom with you to keep you company while you sat there? Yeah I like pooping while my mom's with me, she usually goes after me then so I watch her go too. And my best friend Emma as well, we have buddy dumped a lot and done poop competitions a couple of times.
24. How bad do your farts smell when you are pooping on the toilet? They smell really awfull.
25. How much is the most you have pooped? I have a small story about it: one time me and Emma held our poops for about 8 days and went to a beach toilet at night. We both pooped but oh god I poop SO much. I had completely filled the toilet but wasn't done yet so I had to continue next to the toilet on the floor, completely covering the floor!
Ellie m
I too totally refuse to poo at work, I've claimed I was sick if I couldn't hold it or driven home to go. Mostly I just hold it all day.
I hate anyone hearing me go and really struggle if I'm sharing hotel rooms with someone.Thursday, January 19, 2023
Anna fr om Austria
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