

Boyfriend's Attitude Toward Skidmarks

Away at college, as the academic year nears the end, I'm spending more time at my boyfriend's apartment. I guess about half the time. My dorm roommate drinks a lot and she leaves dirty underwear on the floor in the shower room. Others are getting sick of it, know who she is, and our dorm assistant last week delivered 3 pieces of her left clothing to our room. I wasn't about the open the bag but I could see one pair of panties had both pee and crap stains. I do and don't feel sorry for her but I think she's flunking out and just doesn't care anymore.

So I have about half of my clothing at Max's apartment for when I sleep over there or sometimes stay the weekend. Although I'm still doing a lot of child care work this past month 2 of my payment checks have bounced. That means I don't have a lot of money to buy extra underwear so me and Max spend time each Saturday at a coin laundry near campus. We treat it as a joint activity. I find some of Max's underwear to be sexy in design, but I'm repulsed by some dominant skids in a few pairs of his white ones. He explains it that some of his craps are turtle-heading while he waits in line for a toilet to open. OK, I can partially understand that but......

He's kind of willing to talk about it. He said the college bathrooms are better than high school, but in the general classroom building where he has most of his classes lines are 3 or deep for each toilet. He gets nervous while sitting on the toilet knowing that others are waiting on him. So he just stands, does a couple of quick swipes with the toilet paper, and exits. Like me he doesn't have a lot of underwear so at with one washing machine at the laundry we combine to do a basket worth. He's bought me a trio of thongs, but the rest of my undies are kind of tattered with some urine spots visible. Those go back to high school and a few accidents I had. See I had a boyfriend then that only laughed and thought it was a game to f*** with me when we were out and I asked him to pull over at a business so I could use the bathroom. He wanted to see how long I could hold it. One time he even took a couple of intentional wrong turns and got us lost when we were about a mile from my house.

Finally, at a stop sign and speed bump, I got out and he finally realized I wasn't kidding. He got out to help me. But there wasn't much I could do, I thought. I dropped my jeans and panties, spread my legs and leaned against the grill, sitting on the front bumper and did my emergency piss. But he got the drivers door opened and turned the headlights on. I was feeling so much relief that I didn't f*****" care.
It might have been the excitement, but there was excitement knocking at my back door. I hadn't taken a shit at school and now it was coming. I stood carefully on the speed bump. I made sure I was only leaning against the bumper and with my legs spread widely, two pieces of about 4 inches each dropped out of me. Luckily, some suppressed gas at the end got rid of most of the other residue. But there were a couple of very evident smears in my panties.

When I got home I found I had a sore injury to my skin on my upper back. I figured out that was from the hood ornament that I had pushed up against.

Max has noticed that my underwear is less than perfect, but he seems to have a sensitivity to my needs. Sometimes when we're out he will suggest we stop and use the bathroom at a place such as a gas station rather than hoping he/I can make it 10 miles back home. His underwear is not perfectly clean and sometimes he has some spills on his shorts, but I'll take his sensitivity anytime.

Now Andy's survey!

1. Female
2. 20
3. Variety of underwear
4. Lots of white, a couple of colored thongs
5. Yes
6. Once or twice a week
7. I just accept them--Max is understanding and he knows not to let a tease go too far!
8. At my dorm or at his apartment, probably 5 or 6 times; in crowded public bathrooms perhaps only 2 or 3 times, especially if the line is getting hostile. This was the case at a concert he and I attended last week.
9. My mom occasionally commented beginning in 5th or 6th grade.
10. Most of the time only partially.
11. At home or at Max's apartment I have the time to be more particular.
12. Once or twice a year--see story above.
13. Of course, I try to avoid them.
14. Front to back. I got corrected in like 7th grade when I had a urinary track infection.
15. Yes, and more frequently that I would like.

John H's Holding Survey

1. I usually will get on the toilet as soon as possible. When I was in grade school my mom thought I could hold my poos until we made the 5-block drive home. Then I got into the habit of going in and pooing right after school, especially in case she needed to do some shopping or stop for gas.

2. My mom wanted me to when I was really young because the toilets were suppose to be all-to-dirty. Then I wised up.

3. I have held it for 45 minutes or so while I've taken an exam or once when I was bowling in a tournament and I didn't want to upset my team.

4. I've gained a lot more confidence so there's little holding. When you gotta go, you gotta go! (Sorry Mom!).

I could have turned out a germaphobe. When I found out that I was the only one in my group of friends that thought that way, I rejected my mom's more strict ways.

Monday, April 03, 2023



Yesterday afternoon when I got back from Gym I decided I would sleep
in the campervan again so went to shed and had wee in THETFORD 33 pottie and collect THETFORD 245 , filled the top tank with 2 lts of water and lower tank with two ltrs of water and table spoon of soap powder,then went into house .
I had my tea carrots potatoes cabbage onions etc,one hour later went to campervan for evening. I took off my jogging bottoms and socks , had a wee in the pottie , switched on DVD and climbed into sleeping bag .As the DVD was coming to an end , needed a BM ,waited until end ejected DVD
climbed out of sleeping bag pulled down pants put paper towel on back of bowl closed slide then sat down. the wee started then pooped as I pushed could feel my bowels emptying then more wee .
It was very enjoyable remained seated for five minutes before wiping with ELSAN BLUE ROLL attached to door, wiped hands with WET WIPES.
The wee and poop was on the TWO litre mark , pulled up pants pulled open slide climbed into sleeping bag put out light then laid down . I heard a whoosh as the BM slid into the bottom tank . A few hours later woke for a wee when done closed slide . had another wee one hour later , woke at seven when alarm went off , had a wee dressed , went into house .
After a wash brush teeth a bowl of weetabix answered e mails , went back to van put paper towel on back of bowl lowered my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie , a few minutes later had a wee pushed and had a NUMBER TOO .It was just as enjoyable as last night .
I enjoy pooping in the pottie in the van every day and empty alternate
days before it gets to heavy . I have just emptied all potties ready for tonight.


Skin-on toilet sitting/germaphobe issues

I'm 20 and four years ago when I had my first serious boyfriend, who was 15, I became aware of toilet sitting/germaphobe issues. When we were out there was always some reason for him to go home--forgot movie money, parents gone and had to let dog in or out, and he made up a lot more excuses.

But as we got involved in more school activities, Jayden's situation became more evident. Stu-Co responsibilities sometimes had us at school as early as 6:30 a.m. On important activities days, especially since both of us were out for track, it was from sunup to sundown at some stadium. Some were new with great lighting, shiny toilet seats and great toilet paper that was plentiful. Others were just the opposite.

I think I might have been shy about using the toilets in 1st grade, but after that, I just accepted it as reality. Some nights after school when we were waiting for our parents to drive up, I know some of my friends were in pain, but they wanted to hold it. Sometimes, if I was going to crap and be all alone in the bathroom, I would try to coax on them to come in with me. Sometimes they did; sometimes they said they would wait. I got confidence and learned to go in on my own.

Jayden and I talked about the bathroom thing sometimes. He seemed surprised that I would just matter-of-factly excuse myself to the toilet pretty much no matter where we were. Whether we were getting treats at a c-store. Or at the park. Or at school or at a track meet, he would hold on to his craps. Sometimes he was in pain. Sometimes on the track he would have his hand in his shorts and over his gut. There was always an excuse. At a couple of meets, he would walk with me to a portable toilet, I would go in, relieve myself, and I could come out, hold the door partially open for him, and encourage him to use it. Always an excuse.

Finally, his coach got pissed at him for violating part of the team routine immediately before an event. Jayden got mad, got suspended from the team for one meet, but he just quit the team. We broke up a few weeks later because he was just too immature and not willing to change.
My current boyfriend, Monty, has his own apartment and prefers that bathroom (don't we all!), but if we're realistic a sit on a public toilet is necessary and good for our health.

Just last night Monty and I raced for his toilet after we finished off a bottle of wine on his desk. I won because I got through the sliding glass door faster.

For Swidmark:

Was there something that has happened to you as a child that has caused this to continue? What were your parents like? Would it help you to start by spreading toilet paper over the seat and then carefully sitting on it.? I would think it must be especially frustrating for you when you are traveling large distances by car. I think many of us would like to help you get over this fear.


To Sheena B

Yeah, mine are about as long and two to three diameters thick... luckily we do not only have water toilets! My great grand parents from my grandpa's side had an outhouse. Well, my great grandma died in 2018 already (and my great grandpa in 2017, both were in their mid 90's), so may they rest in heaven alongside my mother...


Oldest poop memories?

Hey, mine's from 1989 when I was just 4 and in preschool! My sister and uncle were with me too :)

So what's your oldest poop memory?

Tyler C

Post-Concert Pee Party

I saw my usual fan on this forum ask about me 2 months ago. I don't find the time to hop on here as much as I did a year or two ago, but yes, I am still around, and I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that, as per usual, I haven't really been keeping my undies as clean as I ought to be.

I had one incident happen semi-recently that might be of interest. I went to a concert with some friends. It was me, my friend Alex, my friend Kate, and her younger sister Sherri who I don't talk to too often. I made sure to use the bathroom at home before I left for the concert, but that was very early in the afternoon because the concert was a bit of a drive out of town. By the time I was at the concert, I had a faint urge to go, but I put it off because this was an outdoor concert, so there were only port-o-potties which I hate using. We got some hot dogs and bottles of water at a food stand before the show started.

The show was great. Afterwards, I was definitely feeling the need to go, but I was willing to wait until I got home, or failing that, at least find somewhere on the way back that had an actual toilet. Alex and Sherri, however, seemed less put off by port-o-potties as they told Kate and I they were off to find one before we headed home. We waited for them at some nearby benches, but after a bit, they walked back over to us to tell us that the line was too long and they'd rather just find some place less crowded on the way back.

We got in the car and headed out with Kate driving, Alex sat next to her, and Sherri and I in the back. As you can imagine, the road heading out was jam packed, but to add to the commotion, the highway just outside of the venue was completely stopped up because of what I later found out to be an accident. Speaking of accidents, three of the four of us were quickly heading towards having ones of our own in each of our pairs of pants. Sherri was the first to speak up.

"Kate, I really gotta piss, can you pull over somewhere?" she said.
"Um, do you not see this traffic?" Kate retorted.
"Yeah, well I can't hold it!"
"Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

After a bit of thinking she said,

"Screw it, I'm getting out and going next to the car."
"What, you can't just piss out in the open like that!"
"Well, what else am I gonna do?"

She got out seemingly fully intent on following through with what she said, but after inspecting all four sides of the vehicle (we were in a center lane) she got back in and decided against it, seeing as she would be totally visible from all sides by many onlookers. She was clearly annoyed that she had a full bladder and no modest way to release it.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm bursting to pee too, Sherri," Alex said.
"Yeah, me too," I finally decided to admit.
"Oh great, that'll be three wet seats I'll have to clean up." joked Kate.
"Hey, I'm not gonna just wet myself like a baby!" said Sherri in defense.
"Well, what else are you all gonna do? This traffic ain't moving anytime soon." said Kate.
"Well, I could go in my water bottle from earlier." Alex said revealing he still had his water bottle on him.
"Dude, I don't want to see your dick!" Kate protested.
"So, you'd rather me just straight up piss myself?!" He asked.

As that conversation was happening, I noticed that Sherri also hadn't thrown out her water bottle, so I asked for it from her.

"Hey man, I don't want to see your dick either, I barely know you." she replied.
"Well..., what if I do it without taking my penis out?" I said forming an idea in my head.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"What if I just unzipped my pants but didn't move my underwear, put the bottle up to my penis, and peed into it through my boxers?" I said not knowing how she'd react.
"Uh... that's kinda weird, but I guess that's better than you peeing yourself or showing your junk," she slowly replied.
"You okay with me doing the same?" Alex asked Kate.
"Sure, I guess. Just make sure it all gets in the bottle." she responded.

I went ahead with the plan having no idea if it would work out perfect with all of the pee getting into the bottle or it all just running through my boxers and getting everywhere else. I sat forward in my seat so that my butt was on the seat, but crotch was hanging over the front. I unzipped my jeans, and without removing my penis from my green plaid boxers, I stuck my bulge firmly inside the opening of the bottle, and finally let go. The whole experience was such a welcomed relief, but even more relieving was that pretty much all of the pee did in fact seem to go into the bottle with mainly just the area of my undies right in front of my wiener getting wet. A steady stream formed at the tip of my wiener and it was basically just like peeing how I normally would if my penis was fully exposed. I could see Alex was having success as well. With his cargo pants unzipped, he held the figure of his private part through his red camo boxer briefs and directed it into his bottle. His stream was also very steady, and his facial expression looked just as happy and relaxed as mine. Kate and Sherri looked on. Kate seemingly with a mix of disgust and slight amusement, and Sherri seemingly in envy.

"Well, I'm glad things are working out for you guys, but what am I supposed to do?" she asked desperately.
"Wait, check behind you. I think there's a thermos you can use," Kate said thinking quickly.

Sherri checked, and there was. She unscrewed the lid, yanked down her khaki pants, moved forward on the seat, and placed the thermos under her. To stay in line with the rest of us, she kept her baby blue polka-dotted panties on and peed through them. Her results were a bit messier. A steady stream did form out from her underwear, but the occasional extra drops made their way out as well, but she avoided making any noteworthy mess. She probably wouldn't have cared if she made a bigger mess seeing as her face was one of great euphoric relief.

When Alex and I finished, we zipped back up.(no use in shaking obviously) As I did so, I could tell some pee had run down my boxers a bit and seeped into the front of my pants after I had zipped them up, but it wasn't very substantial, and none got on the seat. I think Alex was the same as he had a small wet patch on the front of his pants. Once Sherri finished up, she pulled her pants up and we all screwed the caps on our containers. The whole situation was a bit awkward seeing as we just peed in front of each other and we all were now sitting in our now mildly damp underpants. I'm of course used to the front of my underwear being soaked with pee, but I don't think Alex and Sherri were quite as comfortable with it. We all did end up having a good laugh about it. Kate teased us all a bit about our little wet patches. We teased her back by waving our pee containers in her face. The situation was definitely odd, but it could have been a lot more embarrassing if it wasn't all us friends doing it together and we didn't have containers to catch most of the pee.

The traffic finally started to move several minutes later, and we all got dropped off at our homes. Kate made sure that Alex and I took our pee bottles with us. I dumped the bottle out and threw it away. I washed up and took a poop before going to bed. It's a good thing that I didn't have to do THAT through my underwear that night.


On a Cross Country Run

When I was in my last year at school when sixteen I really loved Cross
Country Running .One day we were running and during it I needed to poo.
I told a couple of schoolfriends and they slowed up with me.I'd gone near some trees and was just about to pull my shorts and pants down when I stopped in my tracks on hearing my PE teacher's bellowing voice
shouting at me asking me what I thought I was doing. My P E teacher who I hated was told I was doing up my shoelaces,but of course he knew I was lying.He looked at me hard in the eyes and said if I wanted to go to the
lavatory I could use the one in The Changing Room.After the run we boys all had showers,but I was told to have my poo first. The Changing Room WC had short partitions and no door.I pulled my shorts and pants down
and did a long fat shit followed by some shorter ones too.I quickly wiped and flushed.I hated my PE teacher,but was pleased when a short while after this incident he injured his knee and was away from school three months.It meant I could go Cross Country Running and if I needed to I could have a good shit somewhere on the course which I did with a
few of my classmates with me.


Trip plans

Hi! Itts been awhile. To prepare for another Austin tour tomorrow, I plan to eat light. This because the bus is not allowed to stop. The driver made an exception for one guy who had to use the restroom but I don't like to chance it. Nothing crazy about my poop Btw. It has been off and on runny as usual. Bye


Skidmark Survey

Folks - I'd love to see the responses to my questions:

1. Guy or gal?
2. Age - optional
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc
4. Color of underwear usually or most often
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them?
6. How often - daily, once a week, never
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them?
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump?
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids?
10. Do the stains come out in the wash?
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes?
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed?
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them?
14. Which way do you wipe?
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks?

Let's have fun with this! I'll answer for myself after a few of you have responded.

Camping toilet

Walmart #2

Last week i stop at Walmart on my way to the cottage. My wife wen in and i wait in the car since i have a broken foot and i am on the crotch. So after 15 min waiting all of sudden my need to use the wc get strong so i text my wife and told her that i am going to the wc she said alwright .so i went in and the men toilet was closed for cleaning but i had no time left for my need to poop.So i enter the women side and i rush for the 3 stall i drop my jeans and boxer and sit on the toilet and i let a big gassy fart and start to pee. There was 6 stall all together and 4 of them was occupied with me and 3 women. I then send a text to my wife that i was in women toilet and she replied me that she was shiting to and she was my neighbour lol.then i do my business i had to wipe and i ran out off toilet paper so i text her to get some from her side she hand me a big wade under the stall and she told me that she be out soon.i had diarrhea so i did a second round and wipe 4 time and i was clean then i ear a women rushed in and took the stall next to me and drop everything down on the floor jeans and pantie and she let out a mushy mess in the toilet. It smells awful by now i flush my toilet dress back and grab my crotch and left the wc i enter the man side to wash my hand when i exit the wc area my wife was coming out of ladies side and the women next to my stall to she was in her 70!!


Correction to Olivia

Ah, I accidentally read „diaper" instead of „paper". Sorry! :D

BTW, aren't you one of Avery's friends?


To Sheena B.:

1. Was it difficult for you to push this monster poop out?
2. Had you to strain a lot for pooping it out?
3. Do you always poop on your own?
4. Do you poop as you have an urge for doing it? Do you ever try to poop without an urge? If yes, can you do it?
5. Do you like to pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it positive for you?
6. If you push a big poop out, are you proud of it?
7. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody of your classmates?


Joy from Spicy Food

My second posting today!
Last night I had quite an amount of spicy Indian takeaway.
It is now later in the afternoon and had to sit on the toilet and pushed out a few long, solid and firm stools that stretched my hole.
The burn from the takeaway came through too and my hole still has a lovely tingly bum hole is alive!

Sunday, April 02, 2023

David P

Quick update & question

Hi all David P again

Before I get into my quick update I have a question for yall. So basically I just got diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and it is making life hell with constant bloating and regurgitation. I want to know if any of you have the hiatus hernia? and if it was caused by straining to poo when constipated? I had chronic constipation for year and had massive poos that would take ages to strain out and get stuck coming out and be painful (luckily not anymore), I would need to spend ages pushing and grunting to pass them. Did this cause the hiatus hernia? if anyone has this hernia any advice to help reverse it or get any relief at all?

Thanks to those that said they are liking my stories. Just a quick update today, my IBS is still playing up but thankfully the last few days have been a bit better since I have only had one big bowel movement in the morning and been ok the rest of the day I hope it continues. I have been starting to eat a lot of bran and I hope that is helping to bulk up my poo. The poos I had the last two days have been quite long and more bulky so I hope the extra fiber is working. The smell is still as stinky though. My poos have needed a little bit of pushing to start but then the big turd slides out easy and actually made a plop noise in the water so that means it a bit more bulky than before thank god! plus after I pushed out the two big turds I felt empty and did not need to go back again. I hope I can carry on like this! Please let this happen!!!!


Awkward bathroom experience

I was at my local cafe early morning, taking a break from dishing out fines to illegally parked vehicles. I ordered a coffee and a egg and bacon sandwich. After about 30 minutes it hit me hard and I needed to poo and pee so badly. I headed to gents where there is only one toilet and soon as I walked in I saw the disgusting toilet clogged and full of someone's number 2. At this point I had no choice but to squat over and do my business. I positioned myself and pushed and with a loud fart out came my poo in full force, 4-5 chunks just popped out with a loud fart in the end. I also needed to pee but before peeing I wiped myself 7-8 times it was a real mud slide. I then positioned myself to pee and my stream came out effortlessly. I then quickly washed my hands and left the cafe as quickly as possible. Luckily for me nobody knocked the door.


Responses S.R , Hank and Blake


To S.R...would love to read your story in detail. I get constipated and have tried to did poo out of y bum...not easy and it hurts. On a similar subject I have been to my therapist...occasionally when constipated and theurge therapist is near work...I go and see her and she uses digital stimulation by pushing a gloved and well lubricated finger up there whist I try and push it out and after the necessary amount of pushing she withdraws out the poo comes well.
Now to Hank...I sit on the toilet to pee, except if I am at a public bathroom I use the trough. What I find is I sit and out it flows....if I take my time and relax and meditate after the flow stops it starts to dribble and dribble and then another flow can commence. When I wee normally I apparently do not empty my bladder fully but when I sit and relax and take my time(some minutes) I can have a good emptying. At night I nearly always get up for a wee , one two three of four times due to my prostate and neurological issues.
Now for Blake....if that was me I would pop a squat and not used a filthy port a john! Just gone into the bushes with your friend, dropped your clothing, go down , relax your bottom and let it happen and enjoy the experience.



To Nytecat: Two main reasons for gray poop; blockage of bile ducts due to gall stones or cancer. With either, the person is very sick, probably not going to work. The other cause, hepatitis. This person is still sick, but probably not in a lot of pain and more likely to be going to work. I had HepA for about a week from tainted seafood before I got too sick to do anything. And, of course, the gray poop, which was gone before being released from a 2 week stay in the hospital. Along with an 8 week incarceration at home. My co-workers were not happy, they all had to get gamma globulin shots.

To Jocelyn: Peeing and pooping in bed. In memory, I have had one instance of bed wetting. I was awakened one night, probably by the act of pissing, which I immediately stopped without too much damage. Got up and took care of that problem. I have serious sleep apnea, the kind where you stop breathing for short periods of time. This ultra "relaxation" can also affect the bladder. Being treated now for 10 years, I have not repeated that episode. I also have been treated for prostate CA. That was 4 years ago, still have my prostate and, knock on wood, have had zero urges to piss in bed and no night calls to the bathroom. Very lucky. As far as pooping the bed, nothing in memory or ever. I recently OD'ed on Metamucil and one morning did have a very strong urge to have a BM still in bed. As soon as I put my feet on the floor, straight line to the toilet and had a very large bowel movement. Would not have wanted to have that BM in bed. Note to self; cut back on the Metamucil.


Post-Work Dump

I just took an exceptionally satisfying shit - probably the best I've had all month. I had one that was on the smaller side after work yesterday, so I knew that I'd be in for a bigger one today, and I was not disappointed. After getting home from work I was already starting to feel the urge, but I had to go meet up with a guy I was buying a chair from, so I decided to delay my release by about 45 minutes or so in the interest of being on time. After getting back, I brought my chair indoors and was getting ready to put the old one down in the basement, but the knocking at my backdoor was reaching a level that I couldn't ignore anymore, so I decided to go ahead and do my business. I went in the bathroom, undid my belt, dropped my work slacks down around my ankles onto my boots, and sat down on the toilet. As soon as I did an exceptionally thick, smooth turd slid out of my rear and went straight down the hole, eventually coiling back all the way around the bowl and sticking out of the water a bit. When I looked to inspect it I noticed that it was so thick that I could only see the coiled part on top, not where it looped back into the pipe. I sat there basking in the great feeling post-release, and after a few minutes wiped my relatively clean hole and then flushed. I feel great, and ready to continue unwinding for the evening. Hope everyone else has their bowels treat them as well as mine did today.


More reponses :)

To Annie:
-I certainly DID drink enough water as a kid!

To John:
-Four days? I had times going much longer without in my childhood and teens. Sometimes I was too lazy to go, sometimes I was actually constipated (especially around my pregnancies as an adult). My mom however was extreme, she only pooped once a month due to a large rectum she was born with!

To Larry:
-Pretty much every crap I have is a relief! As for the large poops at hitting puberty, I know that too! Now, I didn't grew up with my dad - my family does have contact with him tho, he's actually good buddies with my Uncle, he never married, but he did have a few relationship even after Mom, now he's again in a relationship with a woman younger than me despite him being in his mid 50's, let's see how it turns out lol, God only knows His plans with him - but my grandpa also insisted that the plunger should be used.

To Hank:
-Appearantly, my younger daughter poops always right after she gets up. She says her poops are normal, but she can't hold it longer.

To Olivia:
-Wow! Me and my sister had poops that huge as little girls too (as would our kids when they were little - my youngest one is nearly 7 -, suppose it's a family thing!). How long was that ago by the way? My grandma (born in 1949) has always been opposed of using public bathrooms, but with her having many little kids around her (other than me and my sister also our Uncle and Aunt who are both slightly younger than us!) it was impossible for her to stop us all from using any toilets! I wonder if we're around the same generation, I'm 38. And throwing dirty diapers into the toilet? Not sure if that's a great thing...

Blake (Outhouse Girl)

Fully Corseted and Desperate

So todays story does include an outhouse like my previous ones, though a modern one, ie a porta-potty. So recently I've been wearing a corset that was given to me by my grandmother. It's got steel stays and when cinched down it makes my hips look bigger and my waist smaller. Anyways it also puts a lot of pressure on my bowels and bladder, and believe it or not it's actually made me regular, in terms of pooping, ever since I started wearing it. I now poop twice in the morning, around 10 am and 11:50 am, and once in the evening, around midnight. The only downside is that it makes it a bit harder to hold everything in.

Now on to the actual story. I was visiting a friend up in Virginia, and I was wearing my corset as usual, before we left his house to go on an outing, I felt the need to go potty. I excused myself to the restroom, locked the door behind me, and hoisted up my skirts before sitting down on the pot. It wasn't long before I started to tinkle. It didn't take long, only about ten seconds. Before I got up I felt the need to poo as well but I didn't want to stink up my friend's only bathroom so I decided to hold it. I wiped my lady parts thoroughly with TP, stood up, fixed my skirts, and joined my friend.
About an hour or two later, after eating a large meal of Chinese food. It hit me, and it hid me hard. I remember turning to my friend, Eric, and being like, "hey, where's the nearest public restroom?" He looked at me a little funny, knowing that I usually don't use public restrooms, "please Eric, I'm getting kinda desperate", he nodded and grabbed my hand and led me to a nearby park. Every public restroom in that park was either completely packed, or the toilets were overflowing with dirty brown water. After the fourth and final restroom. I turned to Eric and asked if he had any other ideas, because I was getting close to stepping into the bushes to pop a squat and release my load. It was then he spotted a porta-potty a little bit up the trail. It was kinda out of the way, a bit off the track. I fast walked the best I could up to the modern outhouse. My cheeks clenching underneath my skirts. I wanted to double over and hold my stomach but my corset wouldn't allow that. When I reached the porta potty I found it to be empty. I wrenched open the door to be met with the most horrible sight. It was full, of paper and poo, but I was too desperate to care. I closed the door behind me, locked it, and lifted my skirts. At first I tried to hover but eventually I was forced to sit down on the still warm seat. I could feel the contents of the bowl brushing my cheeks but I didn't care. I groaned as my load began to snake forth from my butthole. In between logs I would let out monstrous wet farts. Finally after a full 10 minutes of pooping I was finished. There was no paper, so I didn't wipe. I fixed my skirts, and returned to Eric who immediately asked me if I was alright, I said I was. And we went back to the house.

A side note, on the way back to Mississippi from Virginia I had a poo on the train but that's a story for another day.
Hope you all enjoyed, questions and comments appreciated.

S. R.

Calling All People Who Have Had Their Poop Pulled Out

Hello, I'm S. R. (Those are my initials.) I'm 21. Anyways, I just found this site after a traumatic experience. I got really constipated and couldn't poop for over a week so I had to ask my mom for help. I can tell the whole story if anybody wants me to but long story short my mom ended up having to pull a big stuck shit out of me. It was awful! It hurt really bad and it was embarrassing to have to have my mom help me poop at this age. This was a few days ago and I can't quit thinking about it still. I think reading similar stories from other people would make me feel better. Has anyone else ever had to have someone pull their poop out for them? Especially a parent? Please tell me.

Anna from Austria
I am back with another story.

Was doing a road trip last weekend and I stepped for lunch at a Macdonalds next to the Motorway.

After having my meal I want to the toilet for a pee before hitting the road again. When I was heading towards the ladies room I was joined by a young women in her tweenties. We got 2 stalls next to each other.

The toilet was differnt compared to the toilets I found in another Macdonalds restaurants.

The layoutwas identical at the first glance. Fully enclosed toilets with a wall between the toilets and no gaps at all but the wall was much thinner than the typical Mac Donalds toilets in my city.

They were so thin that you could hear lots of stuff. While I was seated and in mid pee my neighbor was pulling down her pants and started to moan. I could not hear her sitting down but all of a sudden she did loud blasting type and some very soft sounding poop hit the tray of the toilet. It even did a some kind of splash noice which is unsual for tray toilets.

Then another women entered the bathroom and called the name of the other one. She said she want to take a pee as well. As soon as my neighbor heard that she wiped herself super fast and left the room and waited for the other girl to finish. When she met her friend at the think she said that she had to pee super bad but is feeling better now.

I found that really cute that she tried to hide the fact that she just did a poop. After I was done with my pee i checked out her stall to find out if she really did not sit down. I she really did not sit down her "aim" was remarkable. The toilet was not dirty. I have not enought confidence to hower poop on the toilet with the fear of missing.

The stall was really smelling very bad though and the the most weird thing were the skidmarks. She must have started to use the toilet brush to romove her skid marks but was stopped in the middle of it when her friend called her name. So the toilet was half clean and half dirty.

Greetings from Austria



A memorable day concluded with a memorable accident.

When I was 9, my parents took me to visit one of my favorite places. Aunt Betty and Uncle Bill owned a farm and they raised an amazing assortment of animals including chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, and goats. They also had horses for a time but they decided to give them up. There were some other kids visiting this day which made it even better. Once again I tried to milk the goats by hand. I don't believe I had the technique down yet but in another year or so I was pretty good for a city boy. After finishing chores it was time for dinner. I don't remember what we had but I'm sure I liked it. There were only a few occasions they were having something that I didn't care for.

Then it was time to say our goodbyes. I was pretty tuckered out after a long, fun-filled day. So I dozed off on the ride home. When I woke up, we were parked in front of the house and my pants were wet. But there was no real fuss made about it. Mom simply changed me into dry undies and pajamas and sent me to bed. During this general period I still occasionally wet the bed. But this stands out in my mind as it's the only time I recall doing it in the back seat of a Ford Pinto.

Just Jerika

My knees did me in!

I've often wondered about accidents people have in bathrooms away from home such as public places, stores, restaurants, schools, etc. I'm in my 20s now and doing much better, but back in my earlier days, like 10 years ago, I wrote about some pretty regular problems I had in using bathrooms away from home.

I was small for my age, only 3'5" when I started middle school, a little overweight, and definitely awkward physically. After some embarrassing incidents, when I was about 12 my pediatrician recommended to my mom that I do an exercise program or a take on a sport.

My best friend Gopi was already riding a bike quite a bit, so my mom bought me a bike. Me and Gopi eventually rode farther from our homes, did some interesting stunts at the park playground, and met some boys from our middle school who were awesome riders. One guy, a couple of years older than me and Gopi, could peddle fast toward a curb or platform, and at the last minute second raise his front wheel, jump it, and not wreck up. When he had to piss, he would just open up in a alley or a vacant parking lot. He loved spraying down weeds, but sometimes would tease me and Gopi by gesturing that he was going to throw some of his mean stream on us. Gopi was especially grossed out by that. He blamed that on her ethnicity.

I thought I was gaining more confidence in myself, as well as needed exercise by my biking with Gopi, when one morning the boys didn't show up. So me and Gopi decided to push ourselves a bit by doing a larger number of laps on the track than normal. We stopped and took swigs from our water jug. The idea was to really do a physical workout on our bikes before others got there and the sun got too hot. After an hour or so we took a detour to the restroom building, that really was in bad shape, but we didn't care. We both had to pee bad and my knees were starting to hurt.

So we went into this structure. It had two toilets facing one another and coming out of opposite walls. Since grade school Gopi has had this routine about going to the bathroom away from home: 1) she carefully wipes off the seat; 2) she pulls off toilet paper and carefully places it on both sides of the seat; 3) then she carefully sits on it. She's amazingly efficient and can empty her bladder completely in a minute.

As for me, I dropped my jean shorts and slid myself onto the toilet. As said before my feet didn't touch the floor and I had no trouble getting my stream started even though there was a loud motor outside that was getting louder. I figured it was tractor cutting grass. Both me and Gopi were shooing flies away and I was swinging my knees, as I especially was trying to nurse my right one. I was feeling relief from my bladder, but slowly there seemed to be something different about my pee. Then Gopi started gesturing to me, but I couldn't hear what she was saying because of the noise outside. Finally she came running over to me, pulling at her clothing to stay on her feet, and pointed between my legs.

I immediately jumped down and could see that my panties were full of pee and it was dripping into my shorts, shoes and also onto the floor. I had forgotten to drop my panties! Gopi didn't want me to feel so awkward and dumb again. I stood, stepped out of my shorts, which had some damp spots, and I used toilet paper Gopi gave me to dry myself. Then I sat down to finish my pee. Now I was too nervous to give off even a trickle.

I threw my panties away in a large trash can in there. Gopi wondered since flies like human sweat, would they like my panties. We didn't stay for the answer. We got back on our bikes and got some more riding in before my knees forced me to walk mine back home. When wash day came, mom asked if I was remembering to change my panties each day. She missed the famous pair. She didn't say anything else until I got to high school and was having more craps at school and elsewhere, but wasn't cleaning myself good enough. I got a lecture on personal hygiene, public toilets, and that type of thing. By not arguing with her I got it over sooner.

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