

Answers to Andy's survey.

1. Guy or gal? Male.

2. Age - optional: 49.

3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc. I grew up wearing white briefs like any good little boy from the 1970s. I later graduated to colored briefs and then ultimately expanded my collection to a bit of everything. Boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, thongs, women's panties, men's panties, etc. If you name it I probably have or had it. Today though I only wear briefs and panties. They're comfortable, supportive, and practical for day to day activities.

4. Color of underwear usually or most often: Lots of colors and some patterns but gray seems to be predominant.

5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them? Yes. Being wedgie-prone it's bound to happen. Plus I'm strange in that I like wedgies and only pull them out if I absolutely have to.

6. How often - daily, once a week, never. Typically once or twice a week. I'm amazed it doesn't happen more often considering how often my undies are up against my butthole.

7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them? When I was younger I thought it meant I was doing something wrong. Like I was still an un-potty trained baby. I've since come to terms with them and they don't bother me much. It's not like the whole world gets to see them.

8. How many times do you wipe after a dump? I'd say most of the time two or three. But if it's a messier job I continue until I'm totally clean if I have the time.

9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids? I don't think it's ever happened. Everyone I've lived with tends to get worse skids than I do so they're probably not inclined to say anything. That includes my mom once I reached a certain age.

10. Do the stains come out in the wash? Most of my "skids" are really small, light brown spots that come out easily in the washing machine. I have some underwear with permanent stains but they are faint and hard to see.

11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes? I keep at it until the paper is clean, time permitting. For tougher jobs I do what I call the "American bidet" which is to moisten the TP first. If I'm at home I will wash my butt if necessary.

12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed? Only if I'm pressed for time. If nothing else, I try to get the worst off so I don't smell.

13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them? Of course. I wouldn't take the time to wipe my butt until the paper is clean otherwise.

14. Which way do you wipe? Front to back.

15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks? It's happened but it's very rare for me. Even when it feels like something more than gas got out, my undies almost always stay clean.


To Jocelyn

Ah, sorry to hear about your dad. How old is he? I never saw an adult shit his pants luckily, but I seen my grandpa, Mom and Aunt all come close to it. I have several peeing accidents from my Mom tho.


What we used to say

Way back when I was in a girls' school we never said we needed to pee, or even where we needed to go. May I be excused, (the answer was often No, girls were supposed to manage) My friends might say I have to spend a penny, or I need to wash my hands, and one friend, Diana, who was more open, said I'm bursting, or I'm desperate. At home my mother would ask, before car trips. Do you need to make a sea? or Do you need to make an island? I don't know if other familes used that expression. When Diana came round, mother sometimes asked her if she needed to spend a penny, and at my birthday party I had to show my friends where to go to be excused. At Daina's party three girls went into the bathroom together, and Diana, who was bursting, pulled down her knickers and peed in the bathtub, while Phillipa was on the toilet.
I remember a car trip with Diana and her mother and her big sister Felicity. In those days there were no rest stops, so when Diana said Mummy, I need to spend a penny, we pulled off the road, and we all got out because we had been in the car for about two hours, and went behind the hedge into a field. I was with Felicity, who was wearing stockings and a garter belt, which I thought very glamorous. I didn't see what Diana's mother had on under her dress, Diana and I had long socks. I didn't see anyone wearing tights instead of stockings until I was a student, and even then most of us wore stockings. Felicity got her lacy knickers down and started a long and powerful pee, and I got my less sexy knickers down and squatted beside her. We watched each other, and Felicity finished first (I was slow to start because apart from Diana's party I had never peed with anyone else.) She said You really needed to go, and then she said It is so much nicer peeing outdoors. Do you like it too? No one I knew would ever have said anything like that. Felicity really changed my attitude. She and Diana were much less inhibited than any of my friends, or my parents.
Does anyone here know the expression Make a sea and Make an Island? Or do you have other family ways of not saying pee and poo?


What's the biggest poop you've seen?

In my case, it wasn't my own one, but my sister's, who was only ten at the time. It was in the RV bathroom and surely ernormous - not only about twelve inches long, but also with a diameter of three inches! I never thought something so tall was possible back then…


Skateboarding craps

This happened when I was about 11. That spring, about three blocks from our house, the public park was remodeled to include a skating area. My parents reluctantly bought me a used skateboard. They recognized that it could help with my agility and awkwardness. Along with my bike, they thought I would gain more confidence in myself with more exercise. I hadn't been the most popular 5th grader and I was bullied. Part of it was that I was becoming increasingly constipated. Unlike some of the other guys in my class, I hadn't been comfortable taking my craps at school. None of the stalls had a privacy door. Guys who didn't want to piss at the urinals, which also offered almost no privacy, would just go quickly into a stall, unzip and seemingly hose down the seat. Some of it was just spray, but a lot of it was intentional. Obviously, these were guys who had never needed to shit at school. Or so I thought. There were 3 guys in my 5th grade class, as had been the case in earlier years, who didn't mind just pulling their jeans down and sitting in the pee. My mom was appalled when I told her; my dad called it typical with what boys did in his day too.

Then my parents bought me the used skateboard. When the skateboarding area opened at the park with not only the installation of a circular track, with jumps and curves to test the most experience skaters, I would spend at least two hours there a day. Others in our neighborhood also got skateboards and we came up with races and other antics that were flips and twists that my mom would have objected to. This exercise, however, caused me to not only drink more liquids, but also have a crap there daily about an hour or two after I left school.

These craps were much more than one or two pieces I would otherwise have pinched out in school. The six or seven toilets in the room were divided with concrete blocks that were only a foot higher than the toilets. The toilet paper seemed to be of better quality than we had at school. Instead of sitting longer in order to get something to push out, now it was amazing that my craps were wider and heavier. Some days I was seated only two or three minutes. Sometimes there were so many of us there that there was a line waiting for me, but the guys waiting, especially the older ones, showed respect for those of us who were younger. With more guys of various ages sitting for a shit, there were some jams that the last guy to sit was messed with for. But it wasn't that bad. Sometimes I got off the toilet after having completed my dump in just 30 seconds.

In the last 10 or so years I've become much more confident in using public rest rooms. As a college student, working part-time to pay for some of my expenses, and establishing a much more satisfying social life
I feel I've learned a lot. It is too bad so much frustration was caused, time served in school detention hall, and I was bullied, but things have gotten much better.

Emma two

Desperate on the way to work

I was was running late for work again this morning and I was busting for a poo. I didn't have time to go to the toilet before I left for the house so I held it until I got to work. Well that was my plan because I couldn't. I was on the bus when I felt a cramp in my stomach and the most desperate urgent need to get to a toilet I'd ever felt. I sat with my bottom clenched tightly and prayed I could hold it until I got to work. By the time I got to my stop I was bursting to go and as soon as I stood up to get off the bus I felt my poo trying to come into my knickers. When the bus stopped I clenched as tightly as I could and carefully stepped off. It wasn't enough and as soon as the bus pulled away from the bus stop I felt my poo coming out into my knickers. It was soft and mushy and I couldn't stop it. I filled my knickers with a huge load and it felt so good I just gave up and let it all out. I had to walk into work stinking of poo and I was so embarrassed even though I made it to the toilets without anyone seeing me. I cleaned up as best I could and threw my knickers in the bin because they were beyond saving and flushed the toilet. After that I walked into the office and told my supervisor I wasn't feeling well and I was going home sick. She wasn't happy but I think she knew what happened because I smelled of poo. She told me not to clock in and she would pay me for the day as she'd been in my situation herself and I thanked her.

Skidmark Survey

1. Guy or gal?
I am a woman
2. Age - optional
I am 38 years old
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc
I wear panties and a bodysuit. Basically, these are models that are more open at the back.
4. Color of underwear usually or most often
White, black and colored
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them?
I regularly leave skid marks in my underwear.
6. How often - daily, once a week, never
Almost daily, if that day I pooped
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them?
For some time now, I began to treat skid marks as a normal phenomenon.
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump?
If I wipe, then I do it 1 or 2 times
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids?
As a child, my mother drew attention to my dirty panties, but she never scolded, only asked me to wipe myself after the toilet if possible. My husband also saw slip marks on my panties. But he never reproached me for it.
10. Do the stains come out in the wash?
Usually yes. I use good detergents when washing.
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes?
A couple of wipes is enough.
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed?
It's not uncommon for me to skip wiping in a public toilet or when I go to the toilet outside.
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them?
I do not set myself the goal of avoiding skid marks.
14. Which way do you wipe?
If I wipe, I do it from front to back
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks?
Yes, I would say it's inevitable.

David P

Quick update & question

Hi all David P again

Before I get into my quick update I have a question for yall. So basically I just got diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and it is making life hell with constant bloating and regurgitation. I want to know if any of you have the hiatus hernia? and if it was caused by straining to poo when constipated? I had chronic constipation for year and had massive poos that would take ages to strain out and get stuck coming out and be painful (luckily not anymore), I would need to spend ages pushing and grunting to pass them. Did this cause the hiatus hernia? if anyone has this hernia any advice to help reverse it or get any relief at all?

Thanks to those that said they are liking my stories. Just a quick update today, my IBS is still playing up but thankfully the last few days have been a bit better since I have only had one big bowel movement in the morning and been ok the rest of the day I hope it continues. I have been starting to eat a lot of bran and I hope that is helping to bulk up my poo. The poos I had the last two days have been quite long and more bulky so I hope the extra fiber is working. The smell is still as stinky though. My poos have needed a little bit of pushing to start but then the big turd slides out easy and actually made a plop noise in the water so that means it a bit more bulky than before thank god! plus after I pushed out the two big turds I felt empty and did not need to go back again. I hope I can carry on like this! Please let this happen!!!!


Gigantic birthday dump!!!

Friday, March 24th was my 18th birthday. I hadn't pooped all day the day before, which I guess was a little unusual for me. After lunch, I had to poop. It was one of those big and solid, yet soft dumps that makes a "floomph" noise when it falls into the toilet. It felt really nice coming out, but when I looked into the toilet, I couldn't believe it'd covered the whole bottom of the toilet bowl! I can't wait for the next time I have a dump like that! Lately my sister Ruby has been sick on the toilet a lot.
Welcome, Olivia! I'm so glad Avery introduced you to this site!!! Unfortunately I don't really have any friends I can tell about it. Especially since my dad claims this site is perverted, which is not true.
Hopefully now that I'm 18, I can find some sort of pooping friend. I'm thinking probably a girl, but you never know!
Byeeeeeeeee! <3


To Olivia:

1. As you were a young child, was it usually difficult for you to make a poo?
2. Had you strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
3. As you were achild, did you alwaysmake your poopoo on your own?
4. Did you poop in your childhood only as you felt an urge to do it or did you sometimes make it without the urge?
5. As a child, were you enjoyed to make poopoo or was it an unpleasant thing for you?
6. As you pushed out a big poop, were you proud of it, being a child? And your parents? As you made a big poopoo, did you usually show it them?
7. As your parents saw you pooping, did they comment it? Did they encourage you in doing itß
8. Did you ever poop at school together with somebody of your friends?

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

S. R.

Replies and The Story

S. R. here again. A few people asked to hear the story so I'll tell it but first I have some replies to make.

To Thunder- Thanks for your response! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

To Lavah- No, it isn't fun at all. I'm sorry you have had to have it so many times. I found some of your stories on here and they did make me feel a little better. I haven't been constipated since my incident. I hope I never get that bad ever again!

Ok here is my story.

So, I didn't poop for eight days. I get constipated for two or three days sometimes but never over a week. I hate coffee but I drank two cups of it on saturday morning to see if it would help. It made me fart a lot for a few hours and then I started to feel like I could poop. I sat on the toilet and pushed for a long time but it didn't work. So I asked my mom what I should do. She gave me a laxative. (I don't remember what kind. I think it was Miralax.) I took a nap until I woke up with my stomach gurgling. I tried to go again and this time I got part of it out but then it got stuck. I couldn't push the rest of it out. I yelled for mom and told her what happened. She said squatting would help. I put a lot of toilet paper on the floor and squatted over it but that didn't work either. I called my mom again and she came in to see it. She took one look at it and the next thing I know she is pulling it out of me! It was a long fat turd and it really hurt being forced out like that. I thought she was going to give me medicine or advice, I didn't expect her to pull it out. I was kind of mad at her until I saw the shit. I don't know how I would have pushed it out.

I hope no one ever has to pull poop out of me again and I'm sorry to the people on here who have been through it too. I still feel weird and embarrassed about it but the stories on here are helping. Keep them coming please!



Monday night slept in campervan again used THETFORD 245 potty for wee during night and TUESDAY morning for a NUMBER TOO before emptying.
collected ADVENTURIDGE potty from garage and placed in galley area .
Had tea Lettuce Tomatoes Potatoes salad cream , made flask of coffeeand took to van took off shoes and socks jogging bottoms and pants,placed paper towel on back of bowl , sat down had a wee a few minutes later started pushing and had a NUMBER TOO , after ten minuites I was done.remained seated another ten minuites ralaxing , then reached forward pulled three sheets of toilet paper and wiped pulled another three sheets and wiped then got off pottie filled the bowl with water from the piston pump ,closed lid, pulled slide, put on clean pants ,wiped hands with wet wipes .switched on DVD (PAINT YOUR WAGON) ,climbed into sleeping bag.
During the INTERMISSION sat on ADVENTURIDGE hqd a wee and drank coffee
I was getting back into sleeping bag in time for restart of film.When the film finished , switched off DVD sat on ADVENTURIDGE had wee then back into sleeping bag .I woke twice during the night for a wee then woke at 9 am had a wee on the ADVENTURIDGE ,dressed then went into house
I boiled the kettle made tea poured water on to washing up left from last night, refilled the kettle picked up my mug of tea as I put it to my lips needed a toilet , rushed back to van lifted lid dropped my jogging bottoms and pants sat down and pooped had a wee then pooped again , picked up mug of tea , held with two hands and drank then reached forward tore off three sheets of ELSAN BLUE ROLL and wiped , pulled off another three sheets and wiped . then another two and wiped
On this occasion I did not put paper on back of bowl therefore skid marks when I pulled the slide . It was a smaller load this time because I sat for a CURTISY POOP last night .The advantage of using a potty every day I can see quantity texture and amount .
The ADVENTURIDGE is my favourite ,it is low my legs are raised I sit in
comfort when needed can push wipe when seated and always can see amount
colour and texture , light weight easy to empty .Each NUMBER TOO will
increase the weight by four pounds , therefore I empty after a max of


REPLEY TO Mr Curious

I always carry a bed pan and kitchen towel in my car .When I need to poop place it under me sat in drivers seat and have a NUMBER TOO .
ON many occasions I have carried a BUCKET TOILET and used it outside of car when in a layby .

Mr Curious

How embarrassed are you?

The other day, I was parked up in a layby having something to eat before going on to my next job. A car pulled up in front of me and a man got out. He went round to the passenger side of the car and opened both doors. He then pulled down his trousers and began to pee and poo. From beneath the door I could see his pee stream and the poo landing on the road. He the stood up to wipe. He then shut 5he doors and drove off. Clearly not concerned someone could see him. Why not go into the bushes? I always try to hide myself completely if I need to poo, he wasn't bothered a bit. I would be curious to know about other readers stories. Thanks, Mr Curious


In response to Ronette

First off...your question is sensitively sweet...but I can't pinpoint a moment that my parents caused...

To be honest, i was pleasant but skittish/scared when it came to things like bathroom trips...i was well aware so i didn't eat breakfast most days because I didn't want to do the sit thing at school. First time that happened was Spring semester in sophomore year of high school. My body had a natural anxiety freeze.

Most people won't talk about this freeze...but it's a're on a trip..won't go and can't go (maybe #1 go but um...)then you're on your way home at the edge of the seat lol

No...i think I've always been scared...i think I'm not the only one...and road trips are ok if I just don't eat until I'm in a comfortable place lol.

To Tyler C

Great story as always, I have peed through my undies before like that but not with as good of result, the stream wasn't strong enough so it just soaked into my tighty whities. Keep the stories coming, both front and back. lol

Had another post-work shit just now that was even better than the last one I described. I had some caffeine on the way home from work, which usually gets the ball rolling for me. By the time I parked my car, I felt so full and ready to unload that I could barely walk straight. I went right for the bathroom as soon as I was inside, and as soon as my butt hit the bowl my sphincter relaxed and an even more massive log than last time started to slide out effortlessly, once again coiling on top of itself. I don't know if it's pressing in on my prostate or what, but squeezing out these thick metamucil dumps feels downright heavenly.


Family toilet sessions?

As you could see from my stories, I had many! Me, my sister and my daughter did our business together on her 16th birthday last year in August. I was the only one to only pee tho! ;D


Tainted coffee?

There was a day back when I worked retail that I will never forget. Management decided to treat us to coffee from Dunkin Donuts. It was already made up in cups with cream and sugar. In fact, there was a bit more cream and sugar in them than I cared for. But I wasn't about to turn down free coffee! About 20-30 minutes after I finished it, my stomach started doing flip flops. I tried to ignore it and continued working. Then suddenly I felt pressure building on my rear end. Uh oh, that's something NOBODY should disregard! I excused myself to the employee break room where the lavatories were. The urge to go was increasing at a frightening rate. If someone is in the one men's toilet stall, I'm doomed! Thankfully when I entered the toilet was available and I placed myself on the seat with barely a second to spare. Diarrhea and mush shot out of me! But the whole process didn't take very long. I finished up, washed my hands, and returned to work.

When I resumed my duties, one of my colleagues mentioned that he needed to rush to the toilet for a sudden explosive bowel movement shortly after finishing his coffee. I couldn't believe it and I told him the exact same thing happened to me! I'm just glad we didn't have to potty at the exact same time. One of us would've been in big trouble. For rest of the day we were both perfectly fine. I didn't hear any more on the topic from him or anyone else. But I still wonder what was in that coffee to have that effect on us. At least we didn't get full blown food poisoning.

This was the closest I have ever come to having a major accident at work. There was an occasion where I had a minor accident at a job but that's a story for another day. Bye for now!


to S. R. I can relate

to S.R. - Hi, I'm Lavah! I'm so sorry your mom had to pull your poop out of you. I've been there several times, both as a child and as an adult, and it's never fun. I've written about some of the times she's helped me through awful bouts of constipation here on this forum before. I'm not sure what pages they're on, but the search bar will be your friend if you're interested in reading them. It's a little embarrassing sometimes, but everyone deals with constipation every now and then and I assure you, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I hope your constipation has gotten better and continues to improve. And if you're willing to tell the story, I'd love to hear it.


Swimping...or Whistlebristing

So there is a questionnaire regarding what we refer to "going" as. ..

Here's what i call it (in private):

Fluffriending a dreamingspritch
Whimping a whistie

Forgive me..I'm weird lol but does anyone else do this?

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