

No toilet paper

Hey all,

I'm new to this site, my boyfriend of all people recommended me to this site. He's never shy about going to the bathroom or letting anyone know. I'm not shy either I just don't announce it until now after reading some stories on this forum. So this experience just happened to me and just to paint you guys a picture I'm blonde, 5'3 and curvy.
So every three days like clockwork I have a BM, as soon as I got to work today I could feel the pressure in my lower stomach. Maybe it was all the turkey from this past weekend who knows but I couldn't get away work was too busy so I was uncomfortable the whole day. As soon as I got off work I said alright this monster is coming out of me, I dropped into a gas station on the way home got gas and went straight for the washrooms little farts coming out of me thankfully nobody was in the store. I closed the door, hung up my jacket pulled my skirt up and sat on the toilet. At that point a big fart came out I knew it wouldn't be long so I started looking at my phone. I didn't even have to push it just slid out of me two giant turds. I sat there for a couple minutes peed and felt so much better. Now normally I'll look at my creation but I just wanted to get home it's been a long day. I flushed while I was still sat on the toilet and put my hand up for toilet paper none, I said you got to be kidding me. I pulled up my panties just a little bit to cover my lady bits and opened up the stall door I couldn't even see any on the sink so I closed the door again took my panties all the way off wiped with them both front and back. There was nothing on my bum but I wasn't putting them back on so I just threw them out and told someone that worked there that there wasn't any toilet paper in the washroom. I got in the car and it was cold between my legs. I got home and Jake asked me what took so long so I told him my ordeal the take away he got was so your not wearing anything under that skirt now. I said nope I headed towards the shower and he followed me… I'm not telling you what happened next let's just say I may wipe with panties all the time now.


To Mary

I think I feel more comfortable now, so I may be telling some from the 90's to 2010's


The Damp Patch Story

Both me and my boyfriend (Curious) Cody read Damp Patch's story. "Total germaphobe" is an understatement.

Me and Cody have been an item now for several years. We live together and he still fights some of the shame that his mother laid on him. It took him courage when away from home to tell his mom that he had to use a bathroom. The next question was Number 1 or Number 2. The procedure was a bit different for each one, but the nagging message remained the same: "You should have gone before we left..." or some monologue about filthy public bathrooms, not touching anything. The result was the same, it tore into Cody's self-esteem and when friends were out with him, the inevitable questions about "what's with your mom?"

He was 8 and if he was with hims mom at the movies or something at the event center, he was made to go in with her. Before his mom sat down on the toilet she went through a ritual which began with a lecture as she wiped of the seat, then spread a couple of layers of tp over it, before she sat down ever so carefully to do her thing. He then would turn around, nose-to-the-privacy door while she peed or crapped. Cody only remembers a few craps because his mom was pretty good meeting her personal needs before they left home. Sometimes, though, she would complain about heavy traffic because she was "holding it in" until they got home. If I would have known Cody then I would have had to hold back my WTF LOL observations. That would have been difficult.

The first time I traveled with Cody and his mom he and I were 20. We had a 5-hour drive to an event. I was driving and about to exit the Interstate for a rest area as my bladder was ready to explode. I had already chugged three water bottles. And well, it had to come out! Cody's mom suggested I hold it for about an hour because she knew of a restaurant that had cleaner bathrooms and the ass-gaskets that I so loath. I used one when I was about 12 and out biking with my friend Gyl.
I sat down on it sweating head to toe, did my normal pee, and both me and Gyl had to peel pieces of the ass-gasket off my butt afterwards because of all the sweat. There would be no way Cody's germaphobe mom could talk me into using one! This time I sat, peed for close to 2 minutes, came out refreshed and didn't apologize for nothin'. Of course, Cody's mom was able to hold on to her needs until we got to our motel. She made her remarks about me being unhygienic in a few times, but I didn't let 'em phase me.

I enjoyed Damp Patch's story, but one thing seemed to be uncustomary, at least to my thinking. A 10-year-old boy should be able to pee standing up. Why make him sit on the public seat and then make a remark about how "dirty" that contact was? Then we call him out for a little crap? If it is so stupid for him to have butt-contact with the dirty seat, why not have him stand and deliver straight forward? I would just remind him to lift the seat and to have at least one hand on his organ. The backyard striping, required shower and admonishment for the crap and required "contact" with the toilet seat are beyond belief.

I use toilets in a variety of public places regularly. I don't think twice about sitting down, skin-on-the seat and relieving myself. I worry about guys like my Cody, as well as Damp Patch, and the ridicule they have been set up for. Cody's doing a lot better since we first met and he's accepted the extreme practices of his mom. I hope Damp Patch is/has been able to process those unfortunate experiences.



Ah sorry! It can happen to anyone tho. Seems like I was the only one who never clogged the toilet lo.

I don't know if a while back any of you saw my non-fictional story of what happened to me as a child when my grandma would put me on holding sessions. I said that there would be a second part and the third part but I did some soul-searching and decided I'll just tell you the full story full true story as opposed to the non-fictional story.

Note: And for those of you that are not aware. In literature, non-fiction means fictional events, and or characters based on real people, and or real events. In the film, this would be referred to as a docudrama…

My nmom wanted me to be the perfect, well mannered little boy that never disobeyed and always looked nice. I always had to wear clothes more suited for church even around the house much of the time. I always had to obey the first time, every time and wasn't allowed to display normal child like behaviors.

One thing she had an obsession about was me holding my pee. I was never allowed to use public restroom or any restroom other than home. This included at other people's home unless I was spending the night. From the time I was a toddler I was told I had to hold it when we were out someplace. I was simply told there was no place to go and lead to believe that public restroom didn't exist. I wasn't made to hold it very long by adults standard, maybe 20 to 30 minutes , but that is a lot for a 3 year old! If we out for a long time we would go home so I could use the bathroom and then go back out. If I wet myself I got spanked with a paddle and was made to kneel in uncooked rice for about 30 minutes and not allowed to change. I learned early on to hold it no matter how much it hurt and to not even ask to go or display the need. If was combative I would get spanked and would be made to hold it for 15 more minutes when we got home while standing in the corner. This went up to as much as 2 hours when I got older and I would just have to sit next to my nmom or on her lap while we watched TV. A couple of time she brought me to the toilet, had me pull it out and said "you would of been able to go now if you behaved, but because you didn't you'll have to wait". I would then have to put it back in my pants and leave the bathroom without going. This of course made me cry and lead to me getting smacked and made to wait even longer. I would sometimes pee myself in the corner and then get punished further. However as I got older I was expected to wait longer and longer. By the time I was school age I was expected to wait up to 3 hours if we were out someplace. I didn't even ask because it wasn't allowed and just suffered in silence. Sometimes she would see be squirming and bouncing around and she would tell me to stop. When I said I had to go bad she would tell me I had to wait. If we were out longer than 3 hours she would take me to the bathroom somewhere and tell me not to touch anything. If it was too dirty I would be pulled away and made to wait longer. I can't tell you what it's like to be so close to relief and made to wait longer. If I misbehaved is public or didn't stay still I was sometimes made to wait even longer when we got home or if I was going to be allowed to use a public restroom that would be removed and I would have to wait till we got home. I remember going into the bathroom with my mom or dad so they could go and I wouldn't be allowed. to. Imagine bursting to pee and see your parent going, hearing the toilet flush and seeing others going and not being able to? It would make me cry. Sometimes she would have some sympathy and let me go after we ate or something, but other times I had to wait another 2+ hours.

I also wasn't allowed to go at school. This was drilled into me the first day. I don't remember much issues in kindergarten because it was a half day, but first grade was horrible at time. I would have to go so bad in the afternoon and would just have to hold it. The teacher would see how desperate I was and would tell me to go to the bathroom. When I said my mom won't let me she looked shocked, but didn't do anything. Back then schools were more on board with other people's parenting methods even if they didn't agree. I did use the restroom a few times, but my nmom didn't seem to find out at first. However by second grade she started accusing me of going at school and would watch me pee when I got home to make sure I had to go. If I didn't produce a long pee I got in trouble.

By the time I was 8 or 9 I was expected to hold it the whole day if we were out. I'm talking 10 to 12 hours I had to wait. My dad would sometimes go and me and my mom would just wait for him outside the restroom. I was sometimes told to go in and wash my hands, but I wasn't to use the toilet! It made no sense, but she wanted consistency so I would be used to hold it. It was so difficult to have a toilet 3 feet away and couldn't use it. I also remember being over at people's house and having to go really bad and couldn't. She thought it was rude to ask to use other people bathroom. A few times I was out with my dad and went into the restroom with him. I would ask if I could go and he would say sometime like "your mom will kill me if I let you go". I also wasn't allowed to go during practices or games when I did sports.

I remember us going to a festival and thought we would be leaving before dark. When they found out there were fireworks they decided we would wait till afterwards. I had to go so bad and had not gone since like 9 am. I finally told my mom and she just said I would have to wait. It took forever for the fireworks to start. I remember watching them in severe agony and couldn't enjoy them. In fact even today when I see fireworks I think about that day. When they were done I could barely walk. I begged again and was told "nooo, you will hold it". We got in the car and ended up stopping at a restaurant, maybe Denny's to eat about 20 minutes later. By then I was in tears and told her I was going to pee my pants. My dad thought she should let me go and she said, "no he's going to wait till we get home and you better hold it". No matter how hard I tried I could sit still and couldn't stop crying, everyone was looking. My mom finally said "ok go and wash your hand". I went and peed for like 2 minutes. When I came back I was a new kid and felt so relived. I sometimes wonder if she didn't give in and made me wait what would of happened. I'm pretty sure I would have wet myself in the booth. I was worried I was going to get in trouble later, but didn't. I know she only let me go because she knew I would have made a scene or peed in the car.

It was rare for me to be able to use public restrooms. I would say I maybe used them 5 or so times from age 2 till my teen years minus a few times at school or out with other people. I have other stories about this. Looking back this was down right sadism and as a result of it my bladder is stretched out and scaring. I can still hold my pee a long time, but it's hard to fully empty it. I also have emotional trauma that will probably never go away.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


A possible desperation sighting I saw today

Today after going to an eyeglass store to order some new lenses for my glasses after the old ones were scratched I went to the house of a friend of mine who was there with an older friend of hers, her six (almost seven) year-old younger grandson who is currently on spring break and her two-year-old granddaughter.

The younger grandson is on the autism spectrum and even though he is in the first grade and mostly bowel trained his urine training is still very much a work in progress. He now seems to play well with the grand daughter without having to communicate with her in baby talk. He also seems to know more than two hundred words and even (mostly) speaks in correct and complete sentences (with a few exceptions).

This doesn't mean that he is completely caught up with his development, though. For example, he started to dance from foot to foot at one point and said, "Potty Nana, wanna Easy Up". The grandmother then said, "No Easy Ups, you're wearing undies today, remember?". He again said, "Wanna potty, Nana". Then she said "Not yet." and told them that she was going over to Aldi to buy some candy, dog food, and other things she needs and that she wants him to keep his pants dry until she gets back from Aldi's. Since one of her other friends was there to watch him I didn't stick around long enough to find out what happened next, but in the end there are only two major possibilities for what happened next.


The worst poop ever

One day, I pooped in the toilet It was enormous and clogged the toilet.
My brother found it and shouted in front of my WHOLE family "My sister Pooped and Clogged the toilet!!" it was so embarrassing that a tear came out of my eye

Damp patch

Total germaphobe

Thought i'd share a childhood event from the early 90's that I still remember all these years later.

During the school summer holidays when I was about 10 years old, there was one day when I couldn't go to my usual summer playgroups and my parents who both had to work could not find a sitter, so I ended up staying for the day with a family down the street who my mum was vaguely friendly with. They had a daughter who was a year older than me and we'd played outside occasionally together but didn't know each other well.

We hung out in the morning then after lunch headed out into town as the mum had promised her daughter they would go shopping. We drove to town, parked and then started going round various clothes shops. They were both having fun and had very little interest in keeping me entertained. After a while we headed into a shopping centre and yet more clothes stores. By this time it had been a couple of hours since lunch and I was beginning the feel the effects of the orange juice and water I'd had. I didn't want to say anything and although I was getting uncomfortable and I was still able to hold it. After another 20 or 30 mins, we came out of yet another shop and my need was getting worse. As we walked on we passed the entrance to the shopping centre toilets and I started to turn that way before the mum grabbed my arm and asked where I thought I was going, I said I just needed to go the toilet. She shook her head and said that we don't use dirty outside toilets and that I could easily wait until we go home like they do. I protested but she insisted, telling me at my age I could wait.

After another few minutes I was in trouble. By this point I had one hand in the pocket of my shorts tightly squeezing my penis and doing a visible pee dance. I had to pee so bad that I could not stand still so kept walking up and down the store. When we were done we started to head back. I doubled over and felt a squirt of pee go into my shorts. I looked up at the mum and said I was really sorry but I had to go pee right now. Again she told me to wait and we'd be home in half an hour. I bent my knees squeezed hard and told her I could not wait half an hour and that I had to go now! Exasperated, she relented, "Fine" she said, "if it's that bad i'll take you, but i'm sure you can wait like a civilised person." She took my hand and we headed towards the toilets. I tried to head to the mens toilets but she wouldn't let go of my hand, insisting that the mens were too dirty and i'd need to go into the ladies with her. As we stood in line for the ladies I danced and wriggled on the spot. I felt a bit more pee leak into my underwear as I tried desperately to hold it in watching other guys go in and out of the mens toilets. We finally got to the front of the line with only one person in front of us. The woman in front offered for me to go in first, but the mum refused saying I was putting on an act and could wait my turn.

Finally a stall opened up and we went in together. I rushed forwards and stood in front of the toilet, as I started to pull down the front of my shorts she said, "No, I don't it going everywhere, sit down to go like a civilised person!" I pulled down my shorts and underwear, sat down and immediately started a long pee into the bowl while she looked disapprovingly at me. She looked down and saw the visible wet patch on my underwear, shook her head and said that was disgusting. Then the worst happened, still peeing, I felt myself starting to poop, I tried to hold it back but it was too late, some gas a large poop come out and hit the water with a splash. She looked horrified, "you did that on purpose in a public toilet, that's disgusting!" she said. I apologised and said I couldn't hold it and that it just came out. A minute or two later I was done, I reached over to take some toilet paper to wipe, "no!" she said, "that's dirty!" and reached into her bag pulling out a pack of wet wipes. She handed me some one at a time and watched me clean up. When I was done I stood up to pull my pants up and again she scolded me, "No, clean your front parts, they're dirty too!", she said handing me another wet wipe. I did as instructed and then pulled by shorts back up. We flushed and as I washed my hands she continued to scold me about using dirty public toilets. We went back outside where her daughter was waiting for us, "his underwear has a wet patch and he did a number two in public!" she said, "we have to go home!". The daughter laughed whilst I started at my feet.

When we got back to the house, we went around the side of the house instead of the front. We went into the back garden where she insisted I strip off before going inside and then go straight upstairs without touching anything and take a shower whilst she washed my clothes, because I had gotten them wet and we had touched a dirty public toilet.

All I can say is, wow!



Summer 2009

Me (24 years old back then), my nearly 3 year old daughter, my 40-year-old mother and my 23-year-old Aunt were shopping in Evansville.

At one point my daughter had a wet diaper, so we went in the ladies room. Keep in mind I was three months pregnant at the time. While I changed the diaper, my mother announced she had to pee. She couldn't hold her pee long due to her small bladder. While she went into a stall, my Aunt said: "Well, I may have to go too."

I decided to take my daughter too because we were in the process of potty training.

My mother selected one free stall, with my Aunt picking the one left to her, and me left to my Aunt.

Both my mother and my Aunt peed, with my daughter also being able to get a small amount of pee into the toilet.

Then my Aunt announced: "Well, sorry, but it may be takin bit longer."
Then I heard her begin to push while my mother flushed and got up.

I noticed it may be important for my daughter to get deeper into potty training, so we waited a bit.
After a minute of grumping, I heard a loud PLOP from my Aunt.
She had no problem showing her grandniece the result, and I saw it too. A massive log of a thickness of about 2.5 inches and a length of eight inches.
I asked my daughter: "You think you can potty that way too?" She just said: "Uhm... maybe."


Morning Bathroom Meeting

Being a secondary school teacher now in a large public school building, I like to beat the heavy traffic and arrive at school by 7 a.m. That's an hour before classes start. Before I go to my classroom I stop most every day at the large girls bathroom on the first floor. The doors of most of the toilets have been removed due to vaping and other illegal activities, but I still use the facilities because I don't want to walk way to the other side of the building where where the faculty dining room and lounge are. I don't think I've used the toilets there more than once or twice this year.

Yesterday I went in, there's 10 to 12 toilets, and I seated myself on one of the end ones. I pulled up my dress, downed my underwear, and on my toes, slid my butt onto the seat. My soft crap was more than ready and it exited fast in like 15 or 20 seconds. I pulled down a handful of the toilet paper squares from the dispenser. Using two at a time, I wiped myself while still seated. I think it was a 3-rounder. Then I slid myself to my feet, walked along side of the toilet and flushed, washed my hands and then headed to 224.

I got to thinking back about 10 years ago when my friends Shelbi, Teresa, and Dionne were pretty much the best of friends. We got to school via different bus routes, but in our sophomore year, we had a daily pre-class meeting in the 3rd floor bathroom. It was a little bit out of the way. It didn't get the heavy use of the other bathrooms, so teachers didn't patrol it much. So we hung out for about 20 minutes to a half hour each morning before the 1st hour bell rang.

There was Shelbi: the first day of school her bus left without her because she was on the toilet peeing, rather than at the curb. So she rolled herself out of bed and held her pee until she got to school and joined our group. I remember she positioned herself on the toilet almost at front because she didn't like to have others hear her pee splashing into the water. I remember once when we went as a group to a concert, Shelbi lifted the seat, laid toilet paper over the water, dropped the seat and then let off her pee.

Teresa: she was usually the next person to join our group each morning. She competed with 3 sisters for bathroom time at home. So she peed and crapped with us each morning. One morning she startled us. She jumped off the toilet, pivoted around, fell to her knees, lifted the seat with her left hand, and with her head about three inches above the water, she puked her guts out. She had sampled some of her brother's Jack Daniels when she got up. We helped her call her mother to pick her up and gave her a flu story to tell. We surely didn't want to send her to the nurse.

Dionne: she was overweight at about 180 pounds. She was constipated at least once a week. Complaining and complaining, but we felt sorry for her. We told her about some laxative pills, but they were slow to work.
Eventually her mom sent her to the doctor and he suggested a 10 minute toilet sit every 2 hours. She would sit down on the toilet with a thud which we could hear in our respective stalls. One morning when she first joined us she put a suppository in. We gave her support with conversation as usual until we heard her blast it out. She shouted out a couple words we can't use here. We heard her flush the toilet three times to get it all down. Then she stood and wiped herself. She bragged that she was wiping out all the toilet paper in the holder. We knew those squares wouldn't work well for her. We were right. The bowl was slow to flush and she was at the sink longer than the rest of us together.

For Jocelyn:

What is my earliest poop memory?
I was either 5 or 6. It was summer. Grandma, my mom and I went on a vacation together. We had just arrived at a large theme park where we were going to spend the day. I had to poo, I couldn't hold it anymore and I was horrified. Mom opened the door to regular cubicle in the largest bathroom I had ever seen, and Grandma handed Mom this large paper sheet that looked like a life preserver. They argued putting it down for me. Grams won, mom walked away. I took my crap, but it was hard and awkward sitting on this paper that was tearing as I moved around on it. This wasn't the only time they argued over the subject. I couldn't wait to be at school with my friends and to go the normal way. I have never used a seat paper since I was forced to back then.


Asking family members about toilet stuff?

I lately have been asking my Aunt (she's 41) about past toilet experiences. I ask rather spraringly, but when I asked about her trip in Australia in 2012, she told me she only used normal toilets - I was a bit disappointed, because I expected outdoor experiences LOL. But hey, let's see what she can remember ;)

Have you ever chatted with anyone bout that stuff with a family member?


Response to dirty butt dude

Great comments! I have had skidmarks my entire life, ever since putting on my first pair of white briefs! I am a pretty hairy guy all over, especially my crack, and that only added to the skidmarks I get every day. I think it's very common for most guys to get a least minor skids, especially if they're hairy and a bit bigger/heavier. I've seen my share of skidded underwear in locker rooms for many many years - and most guys don't seem to care much if they're showing while they change.

What color are most of your boxers? Before they get skidded, that is - lol!


Response to Jocelyn

I've done more than a few with my husband and one or both of our kids. It's just convenient and we don't consider it a big deal.


Longest period without pooping?

Mine was in August/September 2005, when me and my hubby had our honeymoon in Texas. I dunno what was wrong... I just couldn't do it, maybe all the toilets were too foreign! At least on the final day I could finally do it... I got on the toilet and took the dump of my life! And yeah, I clogged it...


No success regarding my Aunt

I did ask her if she ever took a dump at school or work, but well, as expected, she says "dunno, don't care now, good night". But who knows, maybe I can ask her about a past crap experience... I have some I can remember from myself, even though they're all more or less limited to the home toilet :)

One I remember from when I was 7 or 8 was when I had a really big crap. Oh boy :) The deuce I dropped was two inches thick and seven inches long. What a pleasure!


To Anna from Astoria - most satisfying 2022 poop

Me, my husband and my Uncle were helping our grandparents at the farm - our six year old son helped too :) It was the weekend and my husband, a workaholic, just decided to use the time.
I enjoyed the opportunity to help, but at that time I hadn't pooped for three days. I felt really bloated. One the other hand, after a nice coffee from grandma, the floodgates would soon open.

At the lunchbreak, I decided it was time. We still have that old dry outhouse, but other than my Uncle (who's a month younger than me, we both were 37 at the time) and my 9 year old cousin - his daughter - no one was really using it. Except for me on that day tho.

I knew my grandmother was gonna empty it, so I just dropped my jeans and set down. I began to pee, and started to push. I felt a big log peeking towards my hole. I took a deep breath and pushed it out. It was nearly three inches thick!

After nine inches, it finally broke off and fell into the hole. I realized I was finished. I just wiped myself and got off. I really enjoyed the feeling, and unlike usual, this time having out felt better than having it in me.


To Emma Two.

Aww, I'm sorry about what happened! I also wanted to mention that you're one of my favorite regular participants here. Your story reminds me of a huge accident I once had. But in my case I was heading home from work at the time at the time. I should do a full post on this event soon. There's nothing quite like that moment when all control is lost and the load starts its descent into the underpants. These things happen. I'm glad to hear that the boss was understanding too. Anyway I look forward to seeing more of your posts.


Constipated at school

I've been super constipated this week. I ate a lot of food, and I just haven't been able to get it out whenever I went to the bathroom. Today, I was so full of poop and so bloated as a result of the solid brown stuff rocking back and forth in my stomach. I was hoping today's cafeteria food would help my bowels, and sure enough it did. I went to lunch, ate, went to the bathroom, and stayed for 5 minutes to try to add a solid brown log to the toilet bowl filled by my pee. I farted a lot, but still nothing. I pulled up my gray leggings and panties and returned to lunch, now even fuller thanks to lunch, then went to my class.
That's when it happened. My lunch overloaded my stomach, and it was working hard to digest it. It was grumbling, and rumbling, and cramping. As part of the digestion though, my body decided it needed space. Suddenly there was a big urge to fart, followed by a super intense urge to poop. I don't think I've ever had to poop as badly as this. In addition to the immense pressure, I could feel a sharp pain as the hard, knobby end of this turd pressed against my anus. My body really wanted this thing out, and was practically pushing it out by itself. I knew I had to go to the bathroom immediately. I carefully stood up, clenching my butt cheeks, and asked my teacher for a bathroom pass. Thankfully he said yes.
I left the classroom with an immense urge to poop and feeling so full and bloated. I speed-walked down the hall to the girls restroom, still clenching my butt to hold back this fart and massive load of poop. I turned the corner and walked into the restroom. A girl flushed her toilet and exited right as I entered. She was blushing and said quietly "I don't think I've ever pooped that much, what was in that lunch?" I said "I'm about to take a huge dump, so don't worry."
There were two other stalls taken by girls who were clearly pooping, given the occasional grunt and strong smell. I took the middle stall, pulled down my leggings and underwear to my knees, and sat down. As soon as my butt hit the seat, I let out a super loud and smelly 5 second fart, clearing the way for the fat crap I was about to take. I pushed and my butthole opened as the tip of my poop began to emerge. I rubbed my stomach as I pushed this mega-turd through my small anus. At this point one of the girls wiped, flushed, and left the bathrooms, leaving just me and my neighbor. I leaned forward to help the turd get out, and kept pushing as my hard turd reached its widest point. My butthole hurt a lot between the solid rough turd coming out of it and the amount it was stretched by. This first log slowly fell out by itself, and I pushed to speed it up a few times. At this point my neighbor wiped, pulled up her pants, then quietly muttered "whoa how did I make that." She flushed, but there was no roar of the toilet howl's contents being sucked away, meaning she must've clogged the toilet. Sure enough she sighed, said "dammit" then washed her hands and left. It was now quiet in the bathroom, only interrupted by my occasional grunt, or fart, or the crackling of poop as I birthed this digested waste. Finally my first log tapered off and with a quiet plop fell out of my bottom and into the toilet bowl. I knew I was barely done though. I still felt full and bloated, and I could feel a new urge to poop. I just had to be patient and get everything out of me. I breathed in then pushed as hard as I could. My second log was big, but was easier to get out. That big push got it about a third of the way out. Additionally, it made me fart really loudly. I was glad no one else was in the bathroom with me, because not only were my farts embarrassing, I was making quite a smell. As my second turd dropped and my third moved into position, the bathroom door opened. I realized it was one of my classmates when she said "Avery, are you in here?" I said "yeah, I'm pooping." She said "oh ok, I'm guessing it's a big one. I've got a bit of a stomach ache and really need to take a shit, but aI really don't want to go here, but I think I'm gonna have to." At that moment, I farted really loudly, apologized, then my classmate said "ohhh I hate school toilets but I think I'm gonna join in." She entered the stall next to me, and I heard rustling as she pulled down her sweatpants and panties to her knees. She started peeing as I began pushing out my third turd. I grunted, and let out a small fart, and heard a thud as her butt hit the toilet seat. This log wasn't fat, but it was quite long, and just coiled around the toilet bowl. As my classmate finished peeing about 25 seconds after starting, my turd fell out of my butthole. "Ohhh there's still more poop in me. I've already pooped out a restaurant worth of food. I can't believe how much I'm pooping!" I said. My classmate said "I'm hoping mine's a bit smaller. I know it's gonna be big, but hopefully not toilet clogging big." I took a break of emptying myself as she began pushing. There was an airy fart followed by some loud crackling, and a new smell in addition to the strong poopy smell I made. She grunted a few times as I pushed as hard as I could, hoping to launch the rest of my poop into the toilet. I strained as the log took it's position, then I took a deep breath, leaned forward, and pushed one more time. The soft log quickly came out of my butt hole with lots of crackling, and coiled around the toilet bowl as I became a temporary poop dispenser. I felt incredible. I could feel my stomach getting smaller and smaller as the load in the toilet became bigger and bigger. As my neighbor dropped her first log with a loud "floomp," the end of my giant turd fell with a "plop". I'm surprised there was any water for it to splash into, at this point, my toilet was more poop than it was toilet. My neighbor and I both sighed at the immense relief we felt, having unburdened ourselves of several pounds of digested food. I had a tiny bit of pee in my bladder, likely what I drank for lunch, so I strained once again, focusing on my bladder and urethra, and let a short stream and a few drops of light yellow pee flow through my vulva (it only lasted for 2 or 3 seconds). Now that my body had no waste in it, I started wiping. I wiped my butt 6 times, then wiped my front. I stood up and took a look at my creation. There was so much poop. Like, wow. It was just giant brown log after giant brown log. And the smell, wow! All that old digested stuff that had been sitting in me for a week had gotten a rotten smell, and the addition of my classmate dumping her old meals as well created a strong poopy smell in the bathroom. Just by taking a deep breath, I could smell some of the meals sitting in my poop. I had made 4 logs. The first log was giant and was so big it blocked the hole in the toilet. It was about 4 inches wide and 15 inches long. The second log was lying to the right of the first. It stretched from the very back of the toilet (lying on top of the first log and above the water), into the water, all the way to the front and back out of the water, where it made a 270 degree turn over itself before it fell out of me. It was 2.5 inches wide and 28 inches long. Then, there was the third log. It stretched from the back of the toilet to the front, where it coiled around itself into a small stereotypical cartoon turd before going along the right side of the bowl, and plopping into the water. It was 2 inches wide and probably 35 inches long (it's hard to tell when they coil up like that). Finally, the fourth poop. It started in the middle as a pile on-top of the first and second logs. It coiled over itself once then went to the front of the toilet while curving left, before coiling around the toilet twice. Since my butt was in the center of the toilet, when it fell out of me it went back to the center, falling into the water. By this point so much space had been taken up by fat turds that this poop was somewhat thin but very long. It was 1.5 inches wide but must've been 50 inches long. I'm guessing it formed as a giant soft mound of poop in my intestine, didn't have time to harden up, and then when its time came to be excreted, the pressure in my rectum forced it to come out in a long cylinder, instead of a massive record-breaking megashit. I didn't even bother to flush, I knew there was 0 chance of even my pee making it down given the size of my first log. My neighbor did flush her toilet though, and we emerged at the same time. She said "I just took the fattest crap of my life." I just laughed and said "as big as mine" and gestured to my stall, where some of the toilet's contents were visible from the sinks. She gasped and went "oh my gosh Avery how did you make all that?! Where did it come from!? You're so small and cute, I'd never have guessed you could create so much poop." I just laughed then patted my stomach and said "I've got one heck of a crap factory, and my butt isn't weak either."
We washed our hands, talked a bit, then went back to our seats when we returned to class. I was gone for 25 minutes, which was kind of awkward, but no kids seemed to care. My teacher asked me what took so long after class, and I just explained I was constipated and had a lot of stuff to get out. I carried on the rest of the day feeling completely relieved and happy, and silently laughing when I heard kids complain about the monster turd in one of the girls restrooms. No one guessed it was me!
This is probably one of my favorite (and biggest) poops. Bye for now!


a strange man called Walter

Happy Easter to Everyone.

Mina had strange experience last week. She went to office. Usually she is telework, but sometimes she goes to her office.

She had lunch with her colleague Mari who is favourite colleague. Mina has a lunch with Mari as possible as she can.

Mari told Mina about strange man, his name is Walter and he wrote book about his experiences of immoral things with women in 19 century. Mari heard about his book from her other friend.

Mina doesn't give details which are not this site material, but one thing she heard is this site material.

Mari said, Walter loved to see woman do wee, but HATE to see woman do motion. If she does, he doesn't want to do intimate things with her. He is very disgust.

Mina is very shock. Why he is disgust? Everyone is need to do motion! It is not bad thing!! Mari also think, Walter is strange very much.

With talking such kind of things, Mina and Mari arrive back at office. Mari said, "I am going to do disgust thing." Mina said, "Me too. This morning I didn't do. I go with you."

So we enter ladies loo and two cubicles next each other, bared bottom and sat down. We talked about Walter with doing motions, because no other woman in room. But then one woman entered so we stopped to talk. We concentrated to push from bottom. While that woman doing wee, many plops from our cubicles both. We needed to do very huge motion. After that woman went out, we talked again with doing more motions. Walter is very very disgust maybe, if he hear, because after plop, always there is next plop!! But he is a very crazy we both think.

In evening, Mina told 3 crushes about Walter, They all say, "he is a CRAZY!!!"

This morning, when we all in green loo to do motions, Kazu said "Walter is MAD!!" and then pushed hard, so her bottom burst! Then very long burururururururu, about 10 seconds!! "Walter, come and see!" she shout. Hisae, she is joker, she say deep voice like man, "I am disgust!" so we all laugh.
After Kazu finish many bururururururururu, Maho sat on loo and said, "Walter I am going to do disgust thing long long time!" Hisae look in loo (she is next to Maho) and she said deep voice, "Now I am not disgust no more!" and we laugh again because there was heavy plop just that time. Then Maho said, "Walter, I start next one, so please look!" And Hisae look, stare and stare. And make a many comment with deep voice like man.

Walter is up a wall, but we also up a wall we think. Different wall of course. And round a bend.

We hope everyone is well.

Love to Everyone.

Mari and Maho and Hisae and Kazumi and Mina

Skidmarked from Columbia

Response to Andy's survey

1. Guy or gal?
2. Age - optional
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc
Commando sometimes tightly whiteys to bed
4. Color of underwear usually or most often
White if any
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them?
Most of the time and same in haha my pants and gym shorts
6. How often - daily, once a week, never
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them?
I kind of like having them... It just makes me feel connected to people like haha all of you!
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump?
Until there's nothing left.
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids?
Sometimes on here I comment on mine haha
10. Do the stains come out in the wash?
Yes except the tightly whiteys those only look decent
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes?
Normally I wipe until paper is clean.
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed?
As a kid sometimes I would because there wasn't any toilet paper
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them?
I try to avoid them... And like ai said I still make mistakes.
14. Which way do you wipe?
Back to front (don't suggest doing that if you not a boy)
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks?
Let's have fun with this! I'll answer for myself after a few of you have responded.


Mother's accidents

Jocelyn: Can you tell about those incidents where you have seen your mother pee herself?

I have seen my mom have accidents multiple times, and have also had accidents myself in front of my own kids.


Correction to my „To Jocelyn" message

To Bobby, I mean :)


Response to imogen

sea or island is creative and skirts some of the embarrassment. For me, i usually just say that I need a break...or if someone asks where someone is, i say they are taking a break or they are busy. As I eluded to earlier, I've been reading this since the Bridget days in 1998 (since about page 50), and while many of us didn't have the same result she did, many of us were likely just as nervous about the sitting thing at school (and later at work). I'm certain of this.


Arabella's nose

I've remembered another way of saying I need to go to the bathroom from the last century. Felicity had a friend of her own aged, a pretty blonde called Arabella. One day she and Felicity and Diana and I were going for a walk in the woods, and Arabella said. I must powder my nose. I had never heard that expression, and was puzzled, and more puzzled when she skipped off the path and into the trees. Soon we heard the hissing of her peeing. I wanted to go, but not as badly, and I didn't want to go and let Arabella know about it. When she rejoined us, Felicity said ' Your nose looks so much prettier now.' Arabella went rather pink, and Diana and I wanted to giggle, though if we had giggled I might have had a little leak. After that, Felicity would sometimes ask me if I needed to powder my nose, and when I went to University I found out that that was the most elegant expression. Now everyone in England says 'go to the loo' but I don't think anyone ever called it a loo at University. Nice girls sometimes told their guests where the lavatory was, and lower class girls asked about the toilet. We did have one American student who called it the bathroom, and she had a hilarious story of being desperate and being directed to a room with a bath and a basin but no loo. I don't know what she did.
Someone posted some time back about watching a cricket match and peeing because she and her friend had to go, and no nice loos, and they both had no knickers on. At University there were girls who went commando, as I think people now call it. It did make a lot of things easier, in summer, and girls with good breasts sometimes just wore a dress and no underwear. And sometimes the men students noticed this. Of course, the Colleges weren't mixed, and getting to meet a man in your room was very tricky. And if you visited a man in his college there were no womens' loos anywhere, which could lead to some interesting adventures. I could tell some stories, if anyone is interested in how far things have changed.

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Delivery car driver

Comments to Mr. Curious

I am driving much in rural and remote areas, often from 6am till 6pm. Often I have to go to toilet outdoor because the distances between available facilities are great. When pooping, I try to hide well. I also think most others do so, especially when there are woods around. When peeing I sometimes do it just at the car.

I often see men and women pee at their cars. Only once, at a big parking area for trucks, I have seen someone pooping at the parking lot. It was a female truck driver squatting just in front of the dual wheels of the trailer. The poop was effectively crushed and partly glued to the tyres when she drove further! I don't think she was aware that I could see her from the other side of the trailer.

The type of people going to toilet outdoor at resting areas I think may be classified like:

1. Professional drivers (delivery cars, trucks).
2. People who drive much in their work (technicians, home visiting nurses etc.)
3. Tourists (in particular van-dwellers and bikers).
4. Occasional car-drivers or their passengers.

The three first groups mostly bring toilet paper in the car, "just in case". The last group often have to use alternatives (typically paper from a magazine etc!) Tourist sometimes dig a hole ("LNT"), but all the rest mostly don't.

During July 2022 I made kind of a "statistics" of the type of people I saw pooping outside at laybys. Here are my notes:

M4: Foreign male truck driver, 50+, roadside behind some bushes.
W6: Male biker, 20-30, in woods, girl friend/wife waiting on the road.
M11: Female home visiting nurse, 60+, in the woods.
T12: Foreign male truck driver, 30?, roadside in bushes.
T14: Foreign male van-driver, 60+, in the woods.
T14: Foreign female van-tourist (wife of above), 60+, in the wood.
F15: Female postal car driver, 50-60, in the woods.
W20: Solo female biker, 20+, in the woods.
T21: Male car driver, 60+, in the woods.
T28: Male truck driver, 50-60, walking into woods with roll of toilet paper.

Only 2 of 10 are young people. That is my general impression that older persons are more relaxed to pooping outdoor than younger.

In addition I spotted several men peeing, but scarcely any women only peeing during this month.

Damp patch
I've been reading this site for years. Between family, travelling, outdoor activities and working as a camp counselor, I have to admit I've had a few near misses (and worse) over the years. Thought I would contribute some stories starting with two of my most urgent pee experiences.

A long camp pee

First was a few years ago when I working at a summer camp in PA when I was 21. We'd been out on our first counselors night off and been to a bar in the local small town. One of the key rules was not coming back to camp intoxicated or you could be fired. I'd made sure to only have a couple of beers but wanted to make sure I was fine, so I had a few Pepsi's, some water and other soft drinks. It was getting late so we headed back to camp a few miles away. I was feeling a growing need to pee but there were lines for the bathroom and we were running late. No-one else wanted to stop so I figured I'd hold it and go back at my cabin.

It took about 20 mins or so to drive back and by the time we got there it was just before the midnight deadline so we headed to the office to sign back in. As I stood in line I was becoming more aware of my growing need to pee but with a little bouncing on the spot I still able to hold it. I signed in and headed up the hill back to my cabin. During the few minute walk I was getting seriously desperate and was thinking about just stopping to pee in a bush but didn't want to risk someone seeing me.

I got back to my cabin and quietly headed inside. I could see the bathroom light was on so one of the kids must have been up and in there. I didn't want to get into a conversation with any of them so figured I'd wait until they were done, so I got undressed and decided that I'd just lay in bed until they were done and went back to bed. I was so exhausted that after a few mins of waiting for them to finish in the bathroom I just fell asleep.

I slept right through until the next morning when reveille sounded. I woke up and turned over, and could immediately feel how full my bladder was. I heard the kids getting up and talking. I wanted to just wait and lay in bed but suddenly it hit me and I was more desperate than ever. I stood up and the I swear the moment my feet touched the floor I nearly wet myself right there. I can't remember having to pee more badly in my life than in that moment. I grabbed my penis through my boxers and practically sprinted to the bathroom.

I think there were about 10 of us in the cabin, 3 counselors and 7 or 8 kids. In the cabin bathroom we had two stalls and a single urinal to share. As I ran into the bathroom I could see feet facing forwards in both stalls so I knew the kids in there were pooping and would be a while, and there was one kid standing at the urinal. I stood behind him to wait my turn go next, I could hear his stream hitting the bowl and the sound made me need to go even worse. I only lasted a few seconds before I felt a large squirt go in my grey boxers. I squeezed my penis even tighter but couldn't wait for another second and was about to pee right myself right there. I rushed forwards next to the kid still in mid flow, "Sorry bud, we're gonna have to share, I have to pee so bad". I didn't wait for him to say anything, I just pushed in next to him immediately pulling down the front of my boxers and started peeing a strong stream into the urinal. My bladder was so full it actually hurt as I started peeing. The kid next to me finished a few seconds later and walked away laughing. I looked behind me and saw some of my other kids coming in for their morning pee. Without me saying anything one of them pushed in next to me pulled down the front his his underwear and started peeing. When he was done, the next kid in line did the same thing. We chatted and laughed as we all peed.

In total I think four boys peed next to me and finished going before my stream even slowed down. By the time I was done I must have been peeing for almost two mins. I pulled up the front of my boxers and looked down, I had quite an obvious wet patch on the grey material from where I had started going but managed to avoid too much damage. My entire groin ached for a few hours after that. Definitely waited too long.

The library

More recent story, we were moving house and I was donating a bunch of stuff to charity, so had rented a car and drove everything to the next town to drop it off at their store. The traffic was awful and in the end even though it was only a few miles it took me almost two hours to get there. It was early on a Sunday morning so most of the shops were still closed, I had been getting a more urgent need to pee during the drive and although I could still hold on it was getting uncomfortable. By the time I arrived and parked up I was starting to get worried about how much longer I could hold on. I took the stuff in the store and by the time I finished was about to burst.

I finished up in the store and headed out and down the street figuring I could find somewhere to go. Unfortunately even the fast food placed were closed. After a few more minutes I was actually having to put one hand down the front of my jeans to squeeze my penis through my boxers to keep from wetting myself. I could not find any open shops and there were enough people around that I couldn't find an alley way or anywhere to pee outside. I realised I was not going to be able to hold on much longer and thought I was going to have no choice but to pee in my pants. I thought if I could find an open convenience store I could buy a water bottle to empty out and take back to the car to pee in, but I couldn't even find that.

About a minute later I was on the verge of peeing in my pants when I found the open public library, I sprinted inside and thankfully found a single open public toilet right by entrance. I ran in closing the door, I tried to lock it gave up as after just a few seconds of fumbling with the lock with one hand, I felt a large squirt of pee release into my boxers. I just left the door and ran over to the toilet. I let go of myself and tried to quickly unzip my fly, it was stuck and as I struggled with it I felt another large squirt of pee escape. By this point I was hopping from foot to foot still trying to get my pants open, every few seconds I could feel more squirts of pee. Finally just as I got the fly down, my bladder completely gave out and I started full on peeing into my jeans. I tried to stop the flow but couldn't so pulled my penis out and finished the rest of my long desperate pee into the bowl. After I was finally done I shook and zipped up, looking down to survey the damage. I had a large obvious dark pee patch on the crotch of my light blue jeans and more obvious stains running down one leg to my knee. I used some paper towel to try to dry as much as possible but it did not help much, so I just headed out back to my car. As I walked outside back into the lobby I passed two older women, I heard one of them comment to the other, that man peed himself and the other saying I must be drunk! I ignored them and just kept walking.

dirty butt dude
Hello, I have reading this site for a couple months, which I found after a search after a stream of thoughts after starting a new habit of going to the gym 5 days a week.

I feel like I have a pretty hairbutt, even though I am not a hair guy. When I wash my but at the gym I squirt myself a lot of liquid soap in my hand and scurb in my crack. My hand kind of smells and I get a lot of stray hairs. I have kind of a hard time cleaning.

I probably get skidmarks at least 50% of the time in my boxers, probably more if I went back to white briefs. I poop at least twice a day. I feel like my butt never feels clean except for after showers. And now, my butt doesnt even feel that clean after a shower.

Does anyone out there who get skidmarks also have hair in their crack ( maybe at least half an inch long) If you butt is not hairy, do you shave or wax? Do skidmarks happen with most grown men with hair in their cracks? I do notice I'm one of the least hairy guys in the locker room, so maybe we just all have skidmarks after we poop? I have not seen a skidmarked pair in the locker room since high school.

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