
Damp patch

When you gotta pee

Thanks Keci, that's very kind. Whilst I did have a few other similar holding it experiences with the germaphobe mum, these were the exception rather than the rule and happily I didn't have the same problems with my other family or friends. Looking back I realise that she really didn't like boys for some reason, she was nowhere near as harsh with any girls we were out with. It did stick me with though and over the years, and where I've worked with kids (family, scout leader and camp counselor) it has made me want to ensure that none of them have similar experiences.


I saw something similar the other day, I just don't understand the way some people are. I was out at the supermarket and while I was shopping started to get stomach cramps. At first I ignored it but my need was getting worse and it was more uncomfortable walking around so I headed over to the toilets. It was a small room with 2 stalls and 2 urinals along one wall. There was no-one else in the room so I took the furthest stall and locked the door. I sat down on the toilet and almost immediately started pooping. After a minute or two I heard the door open and a man come in with his son. I heard the dad tell his son to hurry up and go if needed to go. After about 30 seconds of silence the man asked if he was done. I didn't hear the boy say anything in response, then the dad, clearly getting frustrated say, "you said you had to go pee- so pee already!" The boy said he was trying, then after a few more seconds of silence the dad said, "You haven't even gone, i'm looking right at you and I can see only a few drops have come out!" After a few more seconds he said, "that's it, we're leaving. I knew you didn't really have to go" and with that they left. About 10 minutes later I was walking around the frozen section and heard the same mans voice telling his son to hurry up. The poor boy was walking behind his dad and holding himself whenever his dad's back was turned. I hope he made it OK.

Another morning at camp

Thought i'd share the opposite story from camp in PA. I had started off working in a senior cabin of teenagers but after a week was moved to a junior cabin with younger kids. The directors didn't say why they needed me to move cabin, only that there had been a problem with the previous counselor and they had been asked to leave.

The first night I was their new counselor we had a pizza party to celebrate and all had a lot of cheese pizza and soda. The bathrooms were close but separate from the cabins, so after we stopped off at the cabin to grab their stuff, I made sure all the kids used the bathroom and brushed their teeth, then we headed back to the cabin and the kids went to bed. After they were asleep, me and my co-couselor sat on the porch relaxing and drinking more soda. A couple of hours later we also went to bed.

There were 12 people in a small cabin, 2 counselors and 10 kids all on bunk beds quite close together. I was on one of the bottom bunks, because one the boys had really wanted the top bunk. I woke up a couple of hours later around 2am and could hear it was raining outside, I just rolled over to go back to sleep as I heard some of the boys talking, "Can you wait?" one asked, "Yea, but it's really bad" the other replied. "We should sneak out and...", "No we're not allowed", "then wake up the counselor", "No!"... "But I really...", "No!", "Some just came out!", "Not at night". It took me a few seconds to realise what they were talking about. Without moving or opening my eyes I asked, "You boys OK?" It went silent for a moment then one replied, "Yes" and no-one else said anything. Then I asked if anyone needed to go to the bathroom. No one said anything. I figured they were embarrassed and didn't want to say. I needed to pee from all the soda but my need wasn't bad. I said I was getting up and going to the bathroom if anyone wanted to come. As I stood up, two of the boys immediately climbed out of bed and walked over, both were bouncing on the spot and holding themselves. I looked over at the kid on the top bunk above me who had been talking as well, he was laying on his side on top of his blanket holding himself tightly with one hand. "Guys, if you need to pee, just tell me" I said. I asked the kid above if we wanted help getting down. He nodded so I picked him up and put him on the floor, I could see a small wet patch on his PJ's around his hand. One of others, still doing a bouncing pee dance replied, "But it's night time and men hold it all night". "Really?" I said, "Well... what happens when us men have drunk a lot of soda?" I smiled and he smiled back, when I asked who told them they had to wait all night, another said the old counselor said real men hold it and he said they're not allowed to go at night. Suddenly I understood why he'd been replaced!

"Guys, just follow me" I said. We headed to the door and opened it. As we stepped out onto the porch into the cold night air, one of the kids looking concerned asked how we would get to the bathrooms in the rain as another said, "Oh god, I have to pee, it's coming, I have to pee so bad". I looked around at the empty night and saw there was no-one else around. I just said, "who's stopping you" and stepped forward to the edge of porch, lowered the front of my shorts and started peeing off the side of the porch. I arched my back and made a very exaggerated sigh sound and said "so much better" so they'd get the idea. The boys all ran forwards and immediately did the same, and within seconds all four of us were peeing into the night. I joked about who could get the furthest distance as all of us peed for a long time- all that soda! Once everyone was done and much more relaxed we went back inside. Before we went in, I told the boys just to let me know next time whenever they needed to go... and also while it was OK to pee off the porch at night, don't do that during the day." I winked and said, "you don't want to flash your bits at any passing ladies!" They laughed and went back to bed.


No toilet paper

Hey all,

I'm new to this site, my boyfriend of all people recommended me to this site. He's never shy about going to the bathroom or letting anyone know. I'm not shy either I just don't announce it until now after reading some stories on this forum. So this experience just happened to me and just to paint you guys a picture I'm blonde, 5'3 and curvy.
So every three days like clockwork I have a BM, as soon as I got to work today I could feel the pressure in my lower stomach. Maybe it was all the turkey from this past weekend who knows but I couldn't get away work was too busy so I was uncomfortable the whole day. As soon as I got off work I said alright this monster is coming out of me, I dropped into a gas station on the way home got gas and went straight for the washrooms little farts coming out of me thankfully nobody was in the store. I closed the door, hung up my jacket pulled my skirt up and sat on the toilet. At that point a big fart came out I knew it wouldn't be long so I started looking at my phone. I didn't even have to push it just slid out of me two giant turds. I sat there for a couple minutes peed and felt so much better. Now normally I'll look at my creation but I just wanted to get home it's been a long day. I flushed while I was still sat on the toilet and put my hand up for toilet paper none, I said you got to be kidding me. I pulled up my panties just a little bit to cover my lady bits and opened up the stall door I couldn't even see any on the sink so I closed the door again took my panties all the way off wiped with them both front and back. There was nothing on my bum but I wasn't putting them back on so I just threw them out and told someone that worked there that there wasn't any toilet paper in the washroom. I got in the car and it was cold between my legs. I got home and Jake asked me what took so long so I told him my ordeal the take away he got was so your not wearing anything under that skirt now. I said nope I headed towards the shower and he followed me… I'm not telling you what happened next let's just say I may wipe with panties all the time now.


Bursting in College

I guess most girls have had this problem, but I hope you haven't had to solve it as I did, long ago last century.
It was the big night, the night we finally slept together. All you need to know is that it happened in his student room, in his narrow bed. But girls were not allowed in mens' colleges after 10 pm, and mens' colleges did not have any lavatories for women. So, when I woke up at 6 am I was sore, but I was bursting to pee. We had had wine and the sweet boy had even found a candle. And, unlike me, he had experience. But neither of us had thought about bladders, and if you haven't spent a night with your partner, please remember to think of bladders. I could have dressed, and tried to find a door with a sign saying Gentlemen, but if anyone caught me he and I would be in very big trouble. Everyone knew couples had sex, as they have always done, but no one admitted it, and a friend of mine who was caught with her boyfriend in her room had to leave without a degree. So, what could I do. Fortunately the sweet boy was less inhibited than I was, and seeing me looking very uncomfortable, he asked 'Do you need to go?. At first I thought he meant did I have to get back to my college, hadn't I enjoyed it? I said.'I'm about to burst' blushing bright red. He opened the window. His room was on the 4th floor. The window was wide enough for me to sit on the sill, and he held my hands so I didn't fall out. It was very sweet: I was completely naked, and jiggling as everyone does when they are bursting. He had seen me naked, and though I was ashamed, for the only man who had ever seen me peeing was my father, who died when I was five, I couldn't stop the flood. It felt as if I was peeing for ever: it certainly was a good long stream. And though we could hear the splash when it finally hit the cobbles below the window, the sensation of peeing quite such a long stream was exciting, do other women have that sensation? He then took my place, and said 'If there is any bother, I'll say it was all me, and no one will know you were here.' I felt real penis envy. He just had to aim out of the window, and could have done it fully clothed, and boys always seem to be faster, and don't have to hide, and they can always pee standing up.
But the funny thing was that next day my English totor set us to read the Miller's Tale, in the Canterbury Takes, which is also about peeing out of a window in Oxford. Some things don't change. But as I have said, no one I knew growing up, or in College, would have talked about what happens in the toilet, or where there isn't a toilet, as you all do here.


Big thick curly poop

A few minutes ago I made a glass jar of warmish hot water and during that I felt a strong urge to poop so I took my water with me to the washroom. Closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and pushed. This massive thick log came out and I was done within about 20 seconds. Whew! There was no TP in the washroom so I stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked in the toilet. WOW. There was a giant thick poop snaking all the way around the toilet bowl! Flushed and the beast was gone. Washed my hands and that's that. Damn! One hell of a great shit.

Happy pooping!


Post Title (optional)To Nicole from Germany

Please do not worry, this is very common after childbirth or any major medical procedure, especially if you've had an epidural anesthesia in your back. And congratulations! J


Massive amount of poop after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning and had some kind of soup that was jelly ish and brown ish beige and had hot sauce, baby shrimp, ground beef etc in it. After I drank a small jar of black coffee and a jar of warmish water. Not long after I got the urge to poop so I went to the washroom, closed the door, went to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat. Gave a gentle push and filled the toilet with a massive, thick though soft amount of poop. Was done within about 20 seconds. Reached over for some TP and wiped well. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked. This thing was HUGE! It curled all the way around the bowl! Flushed the toilet and washed my hands and that's that. Damn. Better out than in.

Happy pooping!



Helping out another mom again (and other mom troubles!)

I wrote a few pages back about changing a friend's baby for her while she pooped.

We went to the toilet together again today and this time we both had to go. May went into a stall first while I waited outside with the baby stroller and sent my son into the stall right next to hers by himself. She started peeing and we talked a little about how hard fitting strollers into stalls are (it's downright impossible in some bathrooms!)

When she was done and came out she took the stroller back and waited for my son for me while I went in and sat down. Instead of leaving his stall when he was done, he decided to duck under the wall and join me in mine! I sent him back and told him to wait with May since it would be wrong to leave the stall locked in case other people needed it.


Mindful pooping session

So I practiced this the other day. I am not able to practice this while typing so I am going to give my best shot at narrating by memory, but it was a great experience, maybe not my best poop feeling ever, but it still felt great. It was the most satisfying poop I have had this year (2023)

I am getting home from work. Nobody is home. I was farting in the car and I farted right outside the house before I came in. I definitely feel a good pressure, but I was nowhere close to feeling like I was going to poop my pants or prairie dog into my patnies. I unbuckle my belt and start unzipping my fly as I walk into the bathroom. I got in and leave the door open as no one was home. I hit the fan because I know this is cause some damage to the smell

I sit down pulling pay pants all down to my ankles. I pull my white thong down to my knees and sit down. The white thong maybe has a subtle stain from maybe sweat between my cheeks, but no skids as I have not pooped yet today

one turd comes out quickly, followed by another one. I feel a little stickiness between my cheeks and hole that I normally do not notice. However I am noticing a stronger feeling of relief as I drop each turd. I sigh and moan out loud. I can feel the edges of my mouth go up in a smile. I have never smiled while pooping even though it usually feels good.

Another turd drops. I almost laugh as it feels so good. I know I have at least another but the pace has slowed down. I notice my breath rate rose before I was able to release my poop and increased even more when I dropped my first three turds. now its slowing down. I am noticing again my butt feels a little dirty again. I take three deep breaths thankful for my health, nutrition and digestive health . Another pair of turds drop one after another. I feel empty but I sit for another few minutes in meditation and gratitude. The unpleasantness of the sensation of my dirty cheeks and the smell are offset by my bliss and gratitude. I pull a couple sheets to clean my butt for my first wipe. I don't even look at my first wipe as I know I will need at least two more. My second wipe I allow myself a few more layers of my Costco kirkland brand toilet paper. I don't know if my paper is as soft or absorbent as a name brand, but I already feel cleaner than two wipes of the toilet paper at the gym or work. I wipe a third and fourth time and look at the paper and still see some brown. I still feel a dirty sensation so I flush so I do not flog the toilet and wipe two more times. I do not feel much cleaner after the wipes, but I look at the toilet paper and it looks clean. I allow myself a single wet wipe which I try to use sparingly and I get a little brown line , but I still do not feel as clean as I do after a shower. I call it good enough and pull up my thong between my cheeks. I still feel cleaner than if I did not poop at home but I feel amazing letting go of this poop. I pull up my pants and buckle my belt and officially end my mindfulness poop .

Maybe its a little out of scope of this forum, but I do recommend looking into and practicing some mindfulness meditation. But at the least give it a try when you are relieving yourselves!

Mindful in Seattle


Replies and Restrooms on the Road

Midwesterner here with some replies and a couple of quick stories from my most recent trip down south.

@Curious Guy


1. Male or Female


2. When you poop in a public restroom with stalls, do you pull you pants down to your ankles, calves, knees or even mid-thigh?

I wear boots almost all the time, so my pants and underwear sort of fall on top of my boots.

3. Is this different at home, or hotel bathrooms?

At home or in a hotel I usually let my clothing drop to the floor (I wouldn't be wearing any footwear typically).

4. If you do pull your pants down to your ankles, do you separate your underwear i.e pants down to your ankles but underwear stays at your knees or do you keep you briefs, boxers, panties or thong with your pants?


5. Women: if you pee, do your pants and and underwear get pulled down to the same area of your legs as when you poop?


6. Men: do you ever sit down to pee at home or public restroom?

I've done it when I've had a leg injury or if I'm going to poop too.

7. Women: IF you are wearing a skirt, do you pull your skirt down like pants to sit on the toilet or do you lift up your skirt and pull down your underwear? Is this the same or different with Number 1 and Number 2?



Welcome to the forum! I have really enjoyed your posts so far, especially when you used the single user bathroom at the library. Most people would have been way too embarrassed to poop there, but you did what you had to do. I love that! I also got a kick out of your buddy dump story. I would love to do something similar with my wife, but with me being 6ft 4in with a big build and her being 5ft 11in with a womanly curvy build, we would need a pretty big toilet to accommodate both of us! We both pretty much use most of a toilet seat when we sit on a toilet.


I think I'd rather make noise on the toilet than smell. I think smell is more unpleasant and bothersome to others than noise. I hear plops and farts all the time in public restrooms. As far as wiping with leaves, yes I have! I used to be in Boy Scouts and am a farmer today, so I am no stranger to outdoor pooping. In my experience leaves work better than nothing, but they aren't always great. You also better be very careful which type of leaves you use! Today, I carry these mechanics wipes in the tractors and equipment that work great for wiping grease and oil off of things, but also work excellent for wiping your butt!


I am deeply sorry to learn of the death in your family. My condolences and prayers go out to you!


Glad to see you still posting! I love how you and Steve are so open with each other. It's much like the way I am with my wife. The only difference is that I have not made mention of this site to my wife at all. How did you go about revealing this site to Steve? Do you think I should try to get my wife to post on here?

@Olivia and Avery

Great posts from both of you! I think it's great how open you and your friends are with pooping. When I was in middle and high school, as a boy, we never were that open or close when it came to pooping. I have been in the bathroom while a friend pooped in a stall, but we never really did "buddy dumps". Your after lunch poop made me laugh because I've heard some people claim that girls don't poop. Well, after living with my wife and her female cousin, I can tell you that's not true at all! I've seen them take some poops that are bigger than anything I could produce!

I took a trip that was sort of both for business and pleasure. However, I had to drive about 1,500 miles one way for the trip! Obviously that meant a lot of time on the road and a lot of public restroom visits.

My first public poop on the road was at this event center where they showcase farm equipment. I stopped here for an event and at the end I really needed to poop. I found the restroom and walked into an immaculate facility with 3 urinals and 2 stalls. The restroom was empty so I made my way into the second stall, sat down bare butt on the seat, and settled in for my poop. I had a very satisfying poop over the course of 10 minutes. For some reason the flush was not very strong, so I had to flush about 3 times to get everything to go down, even though my load was probably about what an average person would produce. As I was washing my hands someone else came in and peed at a urinal.

My second poop on the road was at a Buc-ee's gas station. If you don't know what Buc-ee's is, it's a very large gas station that has a store more akin to a supermarket than a gas station. They also advertise their sparkling clean restrooms. I thought I would test out that claim as I made my way to the men's room. The bathroom is divided into 2 parts, one being urinals and another being stalls. Upon entering the portion with the stalls, I could smell the poop in the air. It wasn't at all overpowering, which was impressive considering of the probably 20 stalls, only 2 were vacant. But the smell was definitely still there. That meant almost 20 people were farting and plopping away right next to each other! However, you couldn't really hear anybody's poop noises because of how loud the restroom was. I took one of the only two open stalls. Buc-ee's advertises its super clean restrooms, but I wouldn't have considered this super clean. It wasn't horrible considering how many people were going through them, but the seat required a quick wipe down before I sat. The seat was a bit warm, which I don't like after knowing another male sat there before me (I'm fine knowing it was a female, but it just feels wrong with a male). I finished up after being seated for about 5 or 6 minutes and was quickly replaced by the next user.

On the return trip home, I stopped late, around midnight, at a different Buc-ee's. I needed to pee, so headed into the men's room, which while not quite as large as the first Buc-ee's, was still exponentially larger than most places. When I entered the men's side, I was surprised to see one of the female employees. She was instructing a new guy on cleaning procedures. I will say that she must've been doing a good job, because this restroom was spotless! I really had to pee, so I just went up to a urinal and did my business within plain view of her. She didn't really say anything and just went on with what she was doing. I didn't feel any different between her being there versus a male. She didn't make me feel awkward or try to look at my private parts or anything. I think some people, whether they be in the position of that woman or of me, would have freaked out in that situation. I think that is totally unnecessary and that we both handled it well. Honestly, since the stalls at Buc-ee's are more like little rooms than stalls (none of the gaps that typical American stalls have), I think Buc-ee's should just do away with gendered toilets. Just have a room with a bunch of sit down toilets with private stalls and have an area with urinals. I could see why it would cause some hesitation with normal stalls since it would be too easy to see someone of the opposite gender in a state of undress, but in these stalls you wouldn't be able to. Plus, at a urinal unless someone is very obviously looking, you wouldn't see any private parts. What are everybody else's thoughts on this?


Mindfulness poop and Andy's survey

Victoria B and Anna from Astoria

Hi Victoria B. If you happen to read this post, most importantly I hope all is well. And tell Robin hi too. Wow you were on this forum for a long time. I remember a while back we talked about mindful pooping. I have been getting into mindfulness for the last 10 years, and I have not practiced that yet. So I am going to try it out. I will type out my experience after I am done as I am not sure if I can type and be mindful at the same time. Anna from Astoria, I am hoping this may be one of my best poop experiences

Andy -thought I would try your survey
1. Guy or gal? Gal
2. Age - 30 something ;)
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc- I wear boyshorts, thongs and bikini panites
4. Color of underwear usually or most often- I actually have a variety so I am going to look in the laundry- lime green, red, white, black, light blue and dark blue...all with a tint of brown...haha just kidding...or am I?
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them? of the 4 paanties I see skids in 2 of them, which seems pretty good. However the dark blue and black panties may be masking. The red panties do have a white gusset which is pretty clean. The lime green and light blow are definitely skidded. Can you believe my white panties are pristine?
6. How often - daily, once a week, 3-4 days a week I would guess
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them? Mostly accepting, I do get a little embarrassed about them, but as I mentioned in previous posts, less often and I am less modified . It helps not having to worry about a new partner seeing my skidded panites..and of course all of you help me out as well
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump? generally at least 4 times. To my memory I once had to respond to an emergency so it was more important to wash my hands then wipe my butt which was covered by some boyshorts and pants. Recently I was on the phone and I think I was distracted in the middle of my wipes, so I didn't realize it until my pants were up and I was already feeling sticky
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids? My husband playfully teases me about it when I am in a funny mode. But he usually doesn't say anything. I am sure a roommate or friend has seen my skids but never said anything to me
10. Do the stains come out in the wash? mostly, but I have a couple that have a permanent brown tint . Honestly those pairs are more than 5 years old
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes? I wipe until my butt is clean 80% of the time. There are some times where I wipe more than 10 times and two flushes and if there is just a faint mark, I will concede
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed? Oops I already answered under 8
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them? I never try to get them
14. Which way do you wipe? front to back. Too many UTI during my partying 20's with drunk wipes
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks? possibly. I do fart a lot

Friday, April 14, 2023


A Strange Man ,Walter and Mindfulness

I note the post from Mina and a woman , or anyone pooping is not disgusting. It is an essential bodily function and better out than in.
I good motion should be celebrated!
It has always been my mission to enjoy bodily functions and this is where mindfulness comes in.
I practice mindfulness due to my neurological problems but I also practice it on the toilet. I prefer the public toilets near work because I will not e disturbed. I sit there and relax...I breath and take breaths just a little bigger than usual and relax on the outbreath . I relax the pelvic and rectal area . On exhaling I imagine my pelvic are collapsing loosely.
I just sit an relax and and relax again on each outbreath. What sometimes happens is that whilst I have done a wee at the beginning my bladder empties again so this indicated when I urinate normally my bladder does not properly empty...on these occasions it does!
And then I feel a turd come from nowhere and seeks release. Just keep on relaxing and then on its own accord, plop, plop, plop and then I give a push and splash...out it all comes......feel so much better.
Give it a will need to not be disturbed for some minutes.


Thursday on way back from gym , called into local supermarket bought some groceries .When arrived home needed the toilet, went to shed,lifted lid on THETFORD 33 pottie dropped jogging bottoms and pants ,sat down.
As I started to wee pushed lever on side then pooped, sat for ten minutes
this pottie is so comfortable to use ,ideal for someone who poops once a week and sits a long time .I wiped with KIMBERLY CLARK toilet paper pulled up pants and jogging bottoms then my hands with wet wipes , went back to car unloaded went into house made tea and drank in van , settled down for night .
During the night had wee twice in ADVENTURIDGE pottie. When I woke FRIDAY morning ,had a wee got dressed went into house .had breakfast, washed brushed teeth , went back to van , had a NUMBER TOO. During the day used the pottie in shed for a wee .
Friday night slept in campervan woke six o clock ,had a wee in pottie
went into house as I made tea needed a BM carried tea to van sat on pottie and went a NUMBER TOO while drinking tea ,went back to house
washed , brushed teeth ,then drove to local Car Show .
SATURDAY night , slept in campervan had a wee once , woke when alarm went off at six o clock ,had a large bowl of ALL BRAN for breakfast washed , brushed teeth etc. At 7:30 went into shed had a weein the THETFORD 33 ,got into car and drove to the local Car Show upon arrival parked in my allocated position , then walked 300 yards to a row of TWELVE PORTTA LOOS on hire,cleaned one hour ago
NUMBER TEN and TWELVE were vacant, I went into ten ,turned the rotary
catch to engaged wiped and pulled down the seat flushed the lever loads
of blue liquid turned, round ,pulled down jogging bottoms and pants then sat down my arms across my knees , ten seconds later wee then pooped I
leaned forward the had a good shit for the next six minutes.The loo on my right seemed to be using excessive toilet paper ,on my left it was the door opening and closing every few minuites (just a wee ??)having sat ten minutes I was done reached into my left pocket pulled out a wadd of cushelle toilet paper used seven sheets to wipe the pulled up my pants , jogging bottoms turned round pulled the lever twenty times the poop went into the holding tank , turned the catch washed my hands opened the door leaving the loo as clean as I found it .I went back to the car , later that day went back to the loos for a wee,used a different cubicle
At 4 pm left show drove home went into campervan for night used the ADVENTURIDGE pottie three times during the night then again for a NUMBER TOO MONDAY morning


Bad Vacation constipation :(

Hey all! Kenna here again. Sorry I haven't posted in quite some time! Josh and I have been super busy with life friends and family! So Josh has still been having his normal hard times going poop, and pretty much every time he goes or tries to go I am sitting by him in the bathroom in case he needs help pushing it out.I still have been giving him Vaseline before he tries to go, and when that doesn't help or isn't enough, a suppository or two usually does the trick. When that isn't enough and he just cannot push it out on his own, or it gets stuck part way out and he can't make any more progress by pushing, I will help gently pull it out as he pushes, or manually disimpact him when he just physically cannot go from his poop being either too hard or too big or both. Recently we traveled for spring break with a bunch of our friends. Josh hadn't gone poop in 3 days at this point on the day we left. He didn't go on the way down or have an urge. The first couple days of our trip he didn't have to go either and I was getting concerned about him because now it had been 6 days since he pooped and I knew he would be badly constipated when the time finally came. That night i asked him if he felt like he had to go or would like to just sit on the toilet for awhile and see if anything would happen but he said no. The house we stayed in had 3 bathrooms but none adjoining to bedrooms so this would definitely be a problem for Josh because his poops are so big he clogs the toilet quite a bit, and since he was so constipated from not going in a week, it would most likely take him forever to go. The next day it was FINALLY time for him to go. He approached me mid morning and told me he had to go but didn't want to go in the bathrooms for obvious reasons. We looked for a private spot throughout the day but didn't find anything that he was comfortable with. Poor Josh held his poop in all day to make matters even worse for him. He knew he would need quite some time for this one so we told our friends we weee going to bed early. I locked our door and asked him how he would like to try doing this. "Well I definitely need a suppository first before I try, it feels really big and hard plus I've been holding it in all day so that makes it even harder". I told him to take off his shorts and boxers and lay on the bed and I would put in a suppository for him. I applied some Vaseline first to make it a little easier process and then asked if he was ready. "Yes, I am super uncomfortable, I think I'm going to have a really hard time going Kenna" I could tell he was nervous. "It's ok baby, I'm here for you and will help do whatever you need to get this out of you. We can take all the time you need" it took a bit to get it in his butt and my heart sank as I felt how hard and massive his turd felt. we watched tv in our room for quite awhile while we waited for the suppository to melt, and at this point it was after dark. I asked josh if he wanted to sneak into a bathroom and try to go, or sneak out of the house and find a spot to try, or if he wanted to just poop in the privacy and comfort of our own room. He told me he was nervous about going somewhere to try because he knew it was going to take a really long time to come out. "Let's just try pooping in here first, I just need something to squat over or something to go on, but this is the best spot for privacy" we had plastic bags in our room from shopping and stuff so we figured that would work. We also had a box fan so I turned that on to mask any noises Josh might make while trying to go. He usually grunts and breathes hard while pushing and working on going so I definitely wanted to cover that up for him and just help him concentrate and be relaxed as possible. I usually talk to him and encourage/coach him while he is trying so I wanted to make sure nobody could hear us. "How do you want to try? You can squat or you can kind of Bend over the bed and stick your butt out while I hold the plastic bag under you, or you can stand up and push and I'll hold the bag under your butt" he decided to squat over the plastic bags so I could hang onto him while he was pushing. He got down into a low squat and I knelt in front of him. He hugged me and I hugged him back and whispered to him to start pushing. His body began to tense and he squeezed me a little harder during his pushes. I just knelt there holding him letting him concentrate for about 5 minutes while he alternated between pushing and catching his breath. "It's sooo big Kenna, it really hurts to push, I'm having a hard time trying to push hard" "let me give you more Vaseline baby, just go slow and we can work it out" I lubed up again and applied more Vaseline and gently pushed against the mass in his butt. It was sitting just inside his hole. "Try pushing for me Josh, and I'll apply even more Vaseline once you open yourself up a bit" Josh took a deep breath and began to put pressure on the turd. His anus slowly opened around this monster but he couldn't move it. I applied Vaseline around the turd and his hole with each push. "Ok babe, I'm going to get in front of you again and I want you to push harder but don't strain too much, just let it come" I got in position and he squeezed me again as he began to push again. He pushed and pushed and pushed with me encouraging him and coaching him but it was still stuck. He whimpered during his last few attempts and told me "it just wont come out, it feels so big and hard. I'm miserable Kenna, I need another suppository then a break" I inserted another suppository then I wiped the lube from his butt and he put his boxers on and layed on the bed. We watched tv some more and by now it was getting late. "Do you want to try again?" Josh hesitated but said he felt like trying to go again. "Let me try another position" Josh layed on his back and I put the plastic bag under his butt again and helped hold his legs up as he began pushing. I watched closely to see if he was making progress and If the suppository's we're doing the trick. The hard lump would show itself each time he pushed but would not move. "I can't do it baby, it's totally stuck" Josh whimpered. "Get on all fours and stick your butt in the air, I'll see if I can help you do this if that's what you want to do" "yes, I'm desperate and pushing isn't working" Josh layed on the bed with his legs on the floor and butt out towards me. I put the plastic bad under him and then instructed him to push as hard as he was comfortable with. Once his poop began to show again, I began to try and work it out of him by pushing on his perineum and kind of trying to guide it out with the other. It was very slow going and hard work for Josh to keep pushing. It took about 15 minutes of this when he began to get the poop to move by pushing. "Ok Josh, I need you to push for me, I know it hurts but you can do it, it's coming." Josh gave some really labored pushes and I kept up the pressure on his perineum and used more lube around the base of the turd as it was coming. I kept comforting and coaching him and it was definitely slow going but finally after several more minutes his first turd was out. I caught it in the bag and Josh stopped to rest. He was sweating. "I need amother position Kenna" "ok do what you need to and whatever is the most comfortable babe" he knelt with his hands on the floor and stuck his butt out and I spread his cheeks. He started pushing again and the next poop began to crown. 5 minutes went by and it wasn't coming out yet so I applied more lube to him and started pushing on his perineum as he pushed. He pushed and pushed with me coaching and telling him how he was doing and he rested with it sticking out of him. I gently wrapped my hand in toilet paper and began to pull gently while he strained. After 5 more minutes it thudded out of him into the bag. He still had more to go though. This next piece was stuck too but not as bad and I gently dug at it with him pushing and it started coming in just a couple minutes. This one was the biggest piece as far as length and he got it out 5 minutes later. It was probably 18" long and I guided it into the bag. Josh felt done and I wiped his butt for him. We cleaned up and tied off the bag, and threw it away outside. He took a shower and we passed out for the night. He did not poop the rest of the trip and I have another story about his first poop after vacation that I will post soon! He needed my help going with that one too but definitely not as much as this ordeal!! Take care all xoxo Kenna

Nicole from Germany

Constipation after giving birth

Hello, I'm Nicole, mid 20's, dark hair, Latina, and after I gave birth to my third child last Wednesday, I haven't pooped since. Can someone help me? I never had it this severe before, I feel really bloated, dying for it to come out... please help!


Outdoor pooping

I got inspired by Nils to ask someone about pooping outside. Some years back I saw a TV programme where they asked people on the street if they ever pooped outside. The majority said they did not, but some admitted that they did, for example when camping and on picnics. For example two older smiling women said that they did when walking in the woods.

My grandmother, who is around 70, went for a long biking trip with a friend last summer. Both are widows and like travelling together. They had decided to bike around 2500 km and found out that they mostly should sleep in a tent to keep it as cheap as possible. As far as I understood the trip went without problems at all. During Easter she stayed with us. She was very eager to talk about the trip and showed lots of pictures. I think I was the only one really interested in listening to her, which she obviously highly appreciated.

One day, when telling about all the practicalities, I found it appropriate to ask how about toilets out there. Oh, we always had toilet paper in our bags, she answered. I guess she saw in my face that I was a bit surprised, because she continued. You see, we mainly camped somewhere in the wilderness. In the bushes then, I asked. Yes, she said, often better than those filthy roadside facilities. I found it rude to ask for more details.


Hiccup Days and weird digestion

So I don't know how common this problem was for others, but when I was a kid, I knew that if I got hiccups in the morning,I'd have a strange bathroom day along with hiccups on and off all day until I slept. I remember one day in third grade, I had a steady day of on/off hiccups and later after school at my babysitter's house,I got bad hiccups...and several minutes later...i needed to can't wait go...and I'd never had to do that thing there...that was also the first time I'd actually had hiccups there too. Coincidence? Something rooted in science?? Any ideas? Or is it overthinking.


Tlana school meetings

I never pooped at school, you girls must have been close and kept it a secret. I'm sure girls did poop at my school but I always held it until I got home - sometimes I remember I just about made it. One time I remember having a friend come round and as we got in she was like where's your bathroom and disappeared for a while. She came out and was like I've been holding that in all day, I nearly s**t myself on the bus.


A survey about fond childhood accident memories.

It's time for me to complete another survey. This one was found on page 1076 and was popular enough to reappear later on page 2895 and maybe elsewhere too. It's about having accidents as a child which is something I can certainly relate to. When I was little I was jealous of normal kids who toilet trained by 2 or 3 and seemingly never had another accident after that. Meanwhile, I didn't learn to use the toilet until I was 3 and a half. I still continued to have accidents and I was worried that I would never be truly potty trained! One of the things I love about this website is that it made me realize my issues were hardly unique. There's so many candid stories of kids still having routine accidents until age 10 and beyond. All things considered, I didn't fare that badly. Now on with the survey!

1. Were you ever as a child given permission by anyone to go in your pants? I don't recall ever getting explicit permission to go in my pants. But I do remember my mom telling me I was still a good boy if I did. No matter how many times I peed or pooped myself, mostly pooped, she never got angry with me. My dad on the other hand expressed some displeasure occasionally.

2. Have you ever as a child went in your pants on purpose as part of a game? (Truth or Dare, Hold it Contest, Playing as the baby or small child while playing house house, etc.)
No, I don't think I played that kind of game with anyone. I'm sure I would've lost. 

3. Have you ever as a child went in their pants on accident because you didn't want to stop doing whatever you were doing?
Probably. I know I misjudged my ability to hold it and got up at the last second to go. I've peed through my briefs on the hard bathroom floor just steps from the toilet. I also pooped my pants at least twice while just seconds away from making it. 

4. Have you ever as a child went in your pants either on accident or on purpose while you were sick?
Heck yeah! About once a year I would get the stomach virus that made me throw up and liquified my bowels. There was a time I thought I only needed to throw up so I put my face towards the toilet. But as I was vomiting, I also started pooping liquid into my briefs and pajamas. Yes, the old firing from both ends phenomenon. I had a hard enough time controlling my poop when I was healthy. If I was sick, forget about it! I was capable of liquid or mushy accidents day or night, awake or asleep. I'm so grateful accidents of this sort ended by age 9 or 10.

5. Have you ever as a child went in your pants either on accident or on purpose while in the hospital?
No. My only real hospital trip came right around the end of my frequent accident days. I was treated for a broken leg but somehow I got through it without peeing or pooping myself. 

Or maybe I did pee but I was so concerned about my leg I forgot about it.

6. Have you ever as a child went in your pants out of fear?
Not that I recall.

7. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you were locked in a room with no bathroom or locked out of the bathroom? Yes. We were at a friend's house at the time. The main bathroom was occupied when I had to go number two. So I tried begging the teenage girls in the master bedroom to use the other toilet in there. The turd came out into my underwear. Luckily these girls liked me and the motherly one was nice enough to clean me up.

8. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while traveling in a car?
I definitely peed myself in the car.
For longer rides after I grew out of the safety seat, I was given a can to pee in so we wouldn't have to stop. Still some accidents happened. The last time I peed myself in the car I was 9. I dozed off and woke up with wet pants. I also pooped at least once during a car ride albeit at a much earlier age. 

9. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while traveling on an airplane?
No. I never flew as a small child. 

10. Have you ever as a child went in your pants rather than use a public toilet? Toilets in kindergarten were fine and I had no qualms about pooping in them. But adult full sized toilets in public places like restaurants might have been a different story. I had a bit of a phobia about using them for anything but peeing. I don't think any reluctance to use them led to one of my many accidents but it might've been a factor. 

11. Have you ever as a child pooped in your bathing suit either by accident or on purpose?
No or I was too young to remember. 

12. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you were physically unable? (Broken leg, physical handicap, etc.)
No. I broke my leg right before my 7th birthday. I recall thinking to myself at the time this would make me late for the toilet. But I never had a number one or number two accident the whole time I was in a cast. I was finally fully potty trained except for sickness related pants pooping which resolved itself a couple years later. 

13. Have you ever as a child gone in your pants because you were unable to get undessed quickly enough?
Yes. A stuck zipper caused me to pee my pants right in front of a toilet. 

14. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you weren't allowed to go?
Not that I can recall. 

15. Have you ever as a child went in your pants in defiance? (Just to be a pain in the butt.)
No. I went in my pants often enough as it was. I couldn't dream of doing it on purpose just to aggravate anyone. Even after I developed good control the thought didn't cross my mind. Why would I want to be seen as a pants peeing and pooping baby? 

16. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because there were no toilets available or because the toilet was broken?
Not that I remember specifically. But if I had an accident in public that might have been why.

17. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while at the movie theater rather than miss the movie?
No. If I needed to go I went to the lavatory. No movie in the world was worth risking ridicule for going in my pants.

18. Have you ever as a child went in your pants because you were too tired/lazy to get out of bed?
Maybe. But I was really young and probably just out of diapers. The details are too fuzzy. When I was a bit older, I made a good faith effort to be responsible and use the toilet. I didn't always make it but I tried. 

19. Have you ever as a child went in your pants while on stage performing or any other time while a large crowd was focused on you?

20. Have you ever as a child went in your pants in front of your friends during a sleepover or party?
Thankfully it never happened "in front" of anyone. But I did wet the host family's bed once and I wasn't allowed to sleep over at that house again. Another time at another house I woke up early and pooped in my pants on the way to the toilet. I cleaned myself up as best I could and I almost got away with it. The mom here detected a slight odor from me and inspected my underwear. But I guess I did a decent enough job that I was allowed to stay over again in the future. I wish all moms were so understanding. 

21. Did anyone go in their pants while reading this list because it took them so long to get through all the questions that they couldn't hold it any longer?
Haha. I'm glad to say that, so far, I haven't had an accident while doing an accident survey. That could always change in the future.


Mindfulness poop and Andy's survey

Victoria B and Anna from Astoria

Hi Victoria B. If you happen to read this post, most importantly I hope all is well. And tell Robin hi too. Wow you were on this forum for a long time. I remember a while back we talked about mindful pooping. I have been getting into mindfulness for the last 10 years, and I have not practiced that yet. So I am going to try it out. I will type out my experience after I am done as I am not sure if I can type and be mindful at the same time. Anna from Astoria, I am hoping this may be one of my best poop experiences

Andy -thought I would try your survey
1. Guy or gal? Gal
2. Age - 30 something ;)
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc- I wear boyshorts, thongs and bikini panites
4. Color of underwear usually or most often- I actually have a variety so I am going to look in the laundry- lime green, red, white, black, light blue and dark blue...all with a tint of brown...haha just kidding...or am I?
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them? of the 4 paanties I see skids in 2 of them, which seems pretty good. However the dark blue and black panties may be masking. The red panties do have a white gusset which is pretty clean. The lime green and light blow are definitely skidded. Can you believe my white panties are pristine?
6. How often - daily, once a week, 3-4 days a week I would guess
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them? Mostly accepting, I do get a little embarrassed about them, but as I mentioned in previous posts, less often and I am less modified . It helps not having to worry about a new partner seeing my skidded panites..and of course all of you help me out as well
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump? generally at least 4 times. To my memory I once had to respond to an emergency so it was more important to wash my hands then wipe my butt which was covered by some boyshorts and pants. Recently I was on the phone and I think I was distracted in the middle of my wipes, so I didn't realize it until my pants were up and I was already feeling sticky
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids? My husband playfully teases me about it when I am in a funny mode. But he usually doesn't say anything. I am sure a roommate or friend has seen my skids but never said anything to me
10. Do the stains come out in the wash? mostly, but I have a couple that have a permanent brown tint . Honestly those pairs are more than 5 years old
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes? I wipe until my butt is clean 80% of the time. There are some times where I wipe more than 10 times and two flushes and if there is just a faint mark, I will concede
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed? Oops I already answered under 8
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them? I never try to get them
14. Which way do you wipe? front to back. Too many UTI during my partying 20's with drunk wipes
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks? possibly. I do fart a lot


Our trip to Paris

This is an answer to the question 'How embarrassed are you.' Felicity Diana and I went for a weekend in Paris when she was University and Diana and I were going to take our French A level exams. So we all had fairly good French. Then it was possible to go to Paris by coach.A long journey, and we were all relieved when the coach got to Dover and we could find the Ladies and the Gents. On the stretch from Calais to Paris we all needed a comfort break, and the coach stopped at a hotel where we could get tea, or coffee, or a drink and even a sandwich. All very exciting, ordering un verre de vin blanc for the first time, being old enough to drink, probably looking rather drab in our best summer dresses, for we had each made them ourselves. But though it was exciting to have a young waiter clearly looking us over far more brazenly than ever happened at home in Kent, we all 3 needed to pee, and went together to find the toilettes. The first shock, and it was a shock, was that to get to the two cabins we had to walk past the urinals. Fortunately there was no one peeing there: at that time I had never seen a man peeing close up, only once or twice seeing a man in front of a wall or a hedge and, afterwards, realising that he must have been peeing there. But I was never close enough to hear anything. At any rate, Diana, who needed to use the cabine for longer, took one of the two cabines, and Felicity and I went into the other together. And we all gasped, for there were just two porcelean feet marks, and a hole betwen them, and some old newspaper cut into squares to wipe with. Diana said Fi, what do I do, and Felicity, who had been to France before and knew all about these Turkish toilettes, said You just pull down your knickers as if you were peeing outside, and try to get it in the hole, and don't flush until you are dressed and out of the way' Diana said 'But I have to do both' and Felicity, who had taken down her lacy French knickers, said 'Then do what you have to do, It's just like in the layby.' Diana giggled and I could hear her peeing, and Felicity peeing. Hearing other girls peeing always made me need to go more urgently, but I had to wait until Felicity was done. They both went on for a good long time and then Felicity wiped and adjusted her dress and it was my turn. There were some wet spots in my knickers by then, but fortunately only spots, but the last half hour on the coach all 3 of us had been jiggling. I took them down below my knees, pulled my dress out of the way, and let loose. It was rather uncomfortable. Some women, when peeing outdoors or in these toilets, like to squat with their bums near the ground, so less splash and easier to push out if you are 'doing both', others like to bend their knees but have their bums higher than their knees. Or that is what I've seen, other people may have other variants. And for me, the perfect situation is when I can pee with my legs slightly apart, still standing up. It makes me feel equal to a man, except than a man can just pull out his penis and let it go, while a woman has to get clothes out of the way, except in a shower or otherwise naked or with no underwear. Though I wanted to do both, it wasn't as urgent as for Diana, so I wiped and Felicity and I went to find a baisin and some soap. It was cleaner than some of the toilettes we found in cafes in Paris. Back on the coach Diana asked Felicity 'Are all French toilets like that?' Fi said, 'they are quite common, did you manage.' 'It was OK. I couldn't have waited much longer.Probably the coffee on the ferry. ' 'well', said Fi, 'French coffee is much stronger, it can go through you if you are constipated' I don't think anyone except my mother and our doctor had ever said constipated to me, though now the TV has advertisements about it. But we all were, and schools used to serve prunes at lunch time.
At the hotel Finand Diana shared a bed, and I had a single bed in the room. When we got in Fi said Hooray, a bidet. She undressed and sat on this sort of low baisin. Is that a lavvy in the bedroom, asked Diana. No, said Fi, it is for washing your lady bits. Golly, said Diana, why? But it also very handy if you need a pee in the night, and Fi started to pee on the bidet. Then she turned on the taps and washed herself. All that running water made me need to go, so I said 'Can I go too' and Diana said 'Yes, me too' and Felicity said 'So long as you never, never, do number 2 on a bidet. It won't flush.' Fortunately there was a proper toilet on the staircase so we could all sit down when we need to poop. And after the squat toilet when the coach had stopped, we knew what to do. But some squat toilets you really could see under the door and see absolutely everything. But some young people posting here seem quite happy with all that.
The Paris weekend certainly meant that the three of us saw one another peeing and sometimes pooping, and so when I went to university I was more open about mentioning needing to go, but always with polite phrases which never, never described what I, or any other girl, actually needed to do when powdering her nose.


answer to jocelyn

Hey Jocelyn,

My Dad is 53, so really not that old.
Mom later told me, that he goes to the toilet the same time everyday and that's why this happened.

Damp patch

Poop in the woods

A story from one of the summers when I was a camp counselor in PA. One night we did a cabin overnight in the woods. I made sure to get all the boys to use the bathroom before we left the cabin. However, clearly the smores didn't agree with one kids stomach. I was woken up at 4am by ten year old Eric crying saying he needed to go to the bathroom really bad. At first I just rolled over and told him if he needed to pee to just go outside. He shook me again and with a lot of urgency in his voice said it wasn't just pee- it was number two! I asked him if we had to go bad and he said he did. I told him no problem and that i'd take him to the bathroom.

I got up and we headed back along the trail starting the 20 minute walk back to the cabin. Poor kid still had tears in eyes and was in a lot of discomfort. I talked about activities to distract him and tried to keep his mind off his stomach ache. Unfortunately after about 5 minutes he stopped and half doubled over, saying it was about to come out. I reassured him and said I knew he could hold it until we got to the cabin and to keep walking. He started crying and shook his head saying he needed to pee and poop so bad and he felt like he was about to have an accident. I told him not to worry and to just follow me. I led him off the trail into the woods looking for the right spot. A few feet away I found a medium sized log laying on the ground. I said he could go the bathroom right here, still with tears in his eyes and bouncing on the spot tightly holding himself through his shorts he asked where? I told him to sit on the log and poop here, saying that i'd go on the other side of the trees to give him some privacy so he could go. He shook his head and said, there's no toilet out here and he didn't know what to do.

He doubled over again and said he had to go so bad! "No worries bud", I said, "I'll show you and we'll go together OK?" and he nodded. I said we're going to sit on the log to go poop. He looked completely shocked and said he couldn't poop on a log. I told him we were going to poop behind the log unless he could wait. He shook his head and I told him to copy me. I pulled my shorts and underwear down to my thighs and sat down on the log with my butt hanging off the back. He stared at me and continued to stand there tightly holding himself and bouncing on the spot. "Everyone poops, now copy me before you have an accident" I said again. He hurried over, pulled his sweatpants down to his ankles and sat down next me. "Make sure you sit all the back so your butt is in the air" I said, he shifted back and nodded. "Now, hold your penis with one hand and make sure you keep aiming down at the ground so you don't get pee on your clothes, and hold the log with your other hand so you don't fall, watch me." I leaned forward holding my penis down, pointing it at the base of the log and started peeing into the dirt. Eric nodded and did the same and a few seconds later he started peeing a strong stream down onto the ground between his feet. His aim was a bit off and the first part of his stream hit the log and his pants before he recovered and go the rest in the dirt. When we were both finished I told him to keep holding his penis and keep it pointing down in case more pee came out while he pooped. I moved back a bit on the log and grunted then gave a hard push and heard a crackling sound and some gas as my poop started to come out, a few more pushes and it hit the dirt at the back of the log. I turned my head and looked at Eric, "see, everyone poops" I said, "you can go now". He nodded and seemed to relax his muscles, almost instantly his butt exploded on the ground with a mixture of gassy soft poop. He moaned, closed his eyes and screwed up his face as he released multiple waves of poop onto ground over the next few minutes. A few minutes later he was done said he felt better. I looked around and saw some large wet leaves on the ground, I picked some up and handed some to him, "natures TP" I said smiling, reaching round and wiping my butt with the leaves before dropping them on the ground behind us. He copied me and did the same as I handed him extra leaves so he could clean up more.

When we were both done, we stood up and pulled our pants back up. I gave him a high five saying "first poop in the wood, you the man!". I said we needed to clean up now. He looked confused and said he'd just wiped his butt. I smiled explaining that we needed to clean up the poop. I stepped over the log and picked up a rock and told him to watch what I was doing. I using the rock to dig a small hole behind the log. Once it was a few inches log and deep, he watched as I used it to push both our poop piles and the dirty leaves into the hole and throw the rock on top. Then covered up the hole by kicking the dirt back into it. I had a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket so we could both clean our hands.

As we walked back to the tent, he smiled and said he couldn't believe he just pooped in the woods. We got back and even managed a couple more hours sleep before the days activities started.


Mindfulness poop and Andy's survey

Victoria B and Anna from Astoria

Hi Victoria B. If you happen to read this post, most importantly I hope all is well. And tell Robin hi too. Wow you were on this forum for a long time. I remember a while back we talked about mindful pooping. I have been getting into mindfulness for the last 10 years, and I have not practiced that yet. So I am going to try it out. I will type out my experience after I am done as I am not sure if I can type and be mindful at the same time. Anna from Astoria, I am hoping this may be one of my best poop experiences

Andy -thought I would try your survey
1. Guy or gal? Gal
2. Age - 30 something ;)
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs, etc- I wear boyshorts, thongs and bikini panites
4. Color of underwear usually or most often- I actually have a variety so I am going to look in the laundry- lime green, red, white, black, light blue and dark blue...all with a tint of brown...haha just kidding...or am I?
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them? of the 4 paanties I see skids in 2 of them, which seems pretty good. However the dark blue and black panties may be masking. The red panties do have a white gusset which is pretty clean. The lime green and light blow are definitely skidded. Can you believe my white panties are pristine?
6. How often - daily, once a week, 3-4 days a week I would guess
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them? Mostly accepting, I do get a little embarrassed about them, but as I mentioned in previous posts, less often and I am less modified . It helps not having to worry about a new partner seeing my skidded panites..and of course all of you help me out as well
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump? generally at least 4 times. To my memory I once had to respond to an emergency so it was more important to wash my hands then wipe my butt which was covered by some boyshorts and pants. Recently I was on the phone and I think I was distracted in the middle of my wipes, so I didn't realize it until my pants were up and I was already feeling sticky
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids? My husband playfully teases me about it when I am in a funny mode. But he usually doesn't say anything. I am sure a roommate or friend has seen my skids but never said anything to me
10. Do the stains come out in the wash? mostly, but I have a couple that have a permanent brown tint . Honestly those pairs are more than 5 years old
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes? I wipe until my butt is clean 80% of the time. There are some times where I wipe more than 10 times and two flushes and if there is just a faint mark, I will concede
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed? Oops I already answered under 8
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them? I never try to get them
14. Which way do you wipe? front to back. Too many UTI during my partying 20's with drunk wipes
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks? possibly. I do fart a lot

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