

Glitches and stuff

In my last post I filled out a survey. I copy and pasted it to a notepad on my phone, replaced the previous answers with my own and copied and pasted it back. For some reason 

2 kept appearing in the text. I surely didn't put them there!

Yesterday at work when the urge to poop came on, there was a suspicious rumble in my ????. Uh oh. Looks like I'm going to be stuck on the toilet for awhile. But once I went, it turned out to be my usual 5-10 minute session and the usual amount of turds. Not bad. It's better than thinking you just have to poop a little and then find out you're losing time having to push a tremendous load out.

To Jocelyn: Mom said I refused to use the potty until after I turned 3. How long after is speculation based on minimal surviving memories. I don't recall being in diapers but I had a fear of safety pins. All I know for sure is that I was accident prone for the next three years.


Grocery Store To The House

The wife and I were at the grocery store late Saturday night. No one was in the store. We were in the aisle and she told me she had to fart. I stood behind her as she was on the cart. She let out a loud one that stunk. Maybe a 7 out of 10. We stood their for a minute while I took in the smell. She notified me that she had to shit. We had meatloaf on Friday so the anticipation built up for me. When we got to the house, she leaned over with her butt near my face and let out a loud and long one. It went for 6 seconds. We both sat in the car and took in the smell and laughed about it. We went in and put the food away and went to the bathroom. She released 5 logs that were 3 to 4 inches long. I thought it would be longer. I blasted 3 loud farts near her while she was going. I didn't let her flush. I sat in the toilet and released an 8 inch log and smaller pieces on top of hers. I snapped a picture and flushed. We lit that bathroom up, lol!

That's a great relationship with you and your boyfriend, Angelina. Do you share farts with him? Loud ones? Sheena B: That's what it was. Your stories reminded me of Kim & Scott posts back in the days. They posted from 300-700. She used to call them torpedoes and say that they quiver and they used to be really huge and long. We haven't seen that posting style in years but it can be entertaining and revealing on her. Much respect on this format. I love it.


Punting and peeing

One last college memory from last century.
In spring and summer, when it was sunny, we liked to go punting. If you've never done it or seen it done, a punt is a narrow flat bottomed boat, which can seat up to six people comfortably. To make it move, the person who is punting takes a long pole, made of wood or of metal, and pushes it down into the rivver bed, so that the push makes the punt move forward. Steering is harder, and beginners generally take a paddle to help to steer and to move, and to push out from the river bank. Colleges have their own punts for students to use, and there are also boatyards which hire them out. Now there are students, or ex students, who offer to punt tourists and charge them, and some of them use huge wide punts which can hold ten or more people, and the students give a guided tour of the colleges you can see from the river. But in my day you punted yourself, or, if you were a pretty girl, and there were at least 10 male students for every 1 female student, some boy offered to punt you. If was lovely to lie back in the punt, and trail your hand in the water, and look up at the boy punting you, and wonder how far to go, in all senses. If he knew how to punt he might take you as far as to a pub on the river. Or there might be a bottle of wine.
Well, all of that drinking, and all of that water around the punt, meant that sooner or later you needed to 'spend a penny' In one case that was exactly what you had to do. At the boatyard there were toilets, but to use a cubicle you had to put a penny in the slot on the door to unlock it. And sometimes you, or your boyfriend, didn't have a penny. He could just go in and use the urinal, she had a problem. If she was bursting, and was able to tell him that she needed to go, he might stand at the door to stop any Gents coming in, and let her go in. I have been in the mens' toilet with my l acy knickers down wishing I was a man and didn't have to squat down and pee into the trough of the urinal, and hoped no one would come before I was done. And if you have had 2 pints of beer and lemonade, which was what girls tened to drink, it can take ages to let all that liquid out. Fortunately the sweet boy was always a perfect gentleman, not following me in, becausehe had to make sure that no one followed me in. Once another girl student did come in, and she said, I'm sorry, I'm bursting, and fortunately there were two urinals side by side so that she could pee alongside me. I don't think she could have waited until I was finished. The sweet boy did ask me about her. He had seen her at lectures and knew her slightly, and that was why he let her in. He said he could see that she was about to wet herself, and he asked me if she had knickers on under her dress. I hadn't looked. When we were both finished her boyfriend came in and he peed on his own, but the sweet boy said he wondered, if we hadn't been there, if they would have peed together. So I realised that he had an interest in girls peeing. ( well, I had given him a full view when I needed to go out of his window)
Another time Diana and I were punting with the sweet boy and Diana's boyfriend, and we stopped at the pub. There was a nice garden by the river and we ate and drank. And though there were toilets, and we didn't have to pay, we all went when we got to the pub. So, on the way back, the drinks started to work their way through me. It was a hot day. I suppose I could have asked to be let off the boat to find some bushes, but there were only fields, no obvious cover. But I was wearing my black bra, and nice black knickers, so I pulled off my dress and slipped into the river and started to swim. Of course, I wasn't only swimming. I've always needed to pee in water, swimming pools, even baths. Do other girls have that problem? Somehow the water all around where you pee from makes the pee flow. So I was swimming, which was very nice, for it was a hot afternoon, and I was getting rid of the beer and lemonade, and Diana may have guessed what was going on, but since she had nothing on under her dress she couldn't join me. I guess the boyfriends were better at holding: in those days men drank several pints, but girls didn't and no girl would go into a pub on her own or just with girls. And many pubs didn't have any toilets for women. How times have changed.,

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


three poops in one day when with a friend and yesterdays poo

last week i met with a friend to see a movie and shop. we were running late to the movie. it did not start yet but was starting soon. we both needed the bathroom and decided to quickly go before the movie. the bathroom was not that busy was half full. we got stalls next to each other. i could hear my friend peeing. i really needed to take a shit. after we finished peeing my friend noticed that i was still seated. she told me "you arent taking a shit are you the movie is starting soon". i said i really had to go and i would meet her in the theater. i quickly pushed out a hard chunk of poo that made a loud plop. i knew i had to poop more but i wiped and went to meet my friend. soon into the movie my need to crap got really strong. the bit i got out was working as a plug and i was desperate now. by the time the movie ended i really had to take a shit asap. i rushed to the bathroom but it was busy now with a line. i was clenching my butt to not shit myself. i patiently watched other girls go into and leave the stalls. it was finally my turn. i was between a stall that was different girls peeing and a blonde who had been in the stall for few minutes. i sat down and immediately let out a long log. it came out in a few seconds and my relief was amazing. i looked and it was 7 inches long. i did a short pee then began wiping. i could hear the girl next to me quietly grunting. her feet suddenly moved then i could hear a floomp sound when her poop landed in the toilet and a loud sigh. it sounded big. i finished wiping and flushed. my friend asked me if i felt better and i said yes. later that day we were at a restaurant. suddenly i felt the need to shit again. i told my friend that i needed to take another dump and headed to the bathroom. the bathroom had three stalls i took the first. i sat on the toilet and struggled to poop. my stomach hurt. was lots of trapped gas and some trapped diarrhea. it was hard to get out. after 10 minutes someone came in and it was my friend. she asked if i was having a hard time and i said what was happening. she said she needed to take a shit now to and took the stall next to me. she did a short pee and chatted with me while we pooped. i could hear her voice become strained as she talked. she then told me "wait a minute" then i heard a grunt loud crackling and two loud plops she then went back to talking like it did not happen. she started wiping. i was done to so also wiped.

yesterday i was getting gas and had to take a shit. the gas station had one single person bathroom. after a few minutes a woman came out. i went in and could smell poop in the air. i decided to time myself again. it took 4 seconds to get my pee started. i pissed for 12 seconds a steady stream. i was replying to a text for 42 seconds. i then started my pooping. i wanted to relax so i sat without pushing. after a minute and a half my shit began to come out. it came out for 22 seconds and felt good. the shit was formed but soft. i did not feel done. i tried pushing and got small pieces out for 27 seconds. while i was doing this someone tried the door i said out in a few minutes and i heard a girl outside the door apologize. pooping made me messy and the poop was hurting so i started to wipe some off. i did not feel done pooping but i wanted some off. i wiped for 34 seconds then went back to pooping. the paper was very messy. i think the girl heard the loud paper dispenser and thought i was done. she knocked again and asked if i would be out soon. i told her i was almost done. i tried to poop more for 93 seconds. i got some gas out but no more shit. i started wiping. it was messy and took almost 2 minutes. i looked and i had done a pile of soft logs. i flushed. rest of clean up took my total time in the bathroom to 8 minutes and 35 seconds. when i came out there was a teen girl. she pushed past me and ran into the bathroom. i was grabbing a bag of chips by the bathroom and could hear a very loud eruption of diarrhea come from the bathroom. no wonder she knocked so much she really had to go.


Had a big curly thick soft poop

Hi everyone. Just got back from the bathroom and I just had a fairly big but soft poop. I've been eating healthy and enough over the last couple or few days and my stomach was pretty bloated and hard. About 5 ish minutes ago I got a strong urge so I got up, grabbed my spring jacket (house feels pretty chilly to me despite wearing layers) and walked to the washroom next to my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black pants and beige underwear down and sat down on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and a big but soft poop came out into the toilet. No sound. Just out and done. I wiped my front sitting down and stood.

A fairly thick, big soft poop curled around about 3 times at the top and curved around at the bottom all thick. Thing was huge. Flushed first then got to work wiping well. When I was as clean as I could be I tossed the paper in and flushed again. Pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands well. Whew! Stomach is still kinda hard but will continue to eat healthy and drink plenty of water and everything else should come out.

Happy pooping!



Andy's Survey

1. Guy or gal?
- Guy
2. Age
- 70's (the Old Guy)
3. Style of underwear -briefs, boxer briefs
- Briefs
4. Color of underwear usually or most often
- White or locker room gray
5. Do you ever get skidmarks inside them?
- Yup
6. How often - daily, once a week, never
- I don't plan them. Sometimes they're just sweat marks that transfer a little "color" left in the tangle of hair.
7. Does it bother you if you get skidmarks, or do you just accept them?
- Accept. They happen despite the best efforts to wipe after a bowel movement.
8. How many times do you wipe after a dump?
- At least 3. This morning's movement, a great feeling, slow, farty, 5 plopper, needed 5 wipes to get a clear piece of toilet paper.
9. Does anyone ever comment or ask about you getting skids?
- No
10. Do the stains come out in the wash?
- Depends. Solid transfers tend to wash out. Liquids act like food dyes, hard to get out.
11. Do you wipe until the paper is clean, or just give up after a few wipes?
- Until I get a relatively clean piece.
12. Do you ever skip wiping and let the undies get messed?
- Uh, been known to.
13. Do you ever try to get skidmarks, or do you try to avoid them?
- I must be in a rare mood to exhibit them, so I try to avoid.
14. Which way do you wipe?
- Right rear side wipe or front. Public toilet seats tend to be open in the front, so I use front style wipe. At home, the former.
15. Do farts ever cause you to get skidmarks?
- Thankfully, my BM habits have remained exactly the same as they were in my 20's and 30's with no bowel medical problems. But I fart a lot and they do, at times, cause dry skids. Rarely are they "sharts" that cause a bigger mess.

Emma two

Big poo in the woods

I woke up this morning with a stomach ache and a desperate need to have a poo. I hadn't been for about five days and I decided to go in the woods rather than risk blocking the toilet at home. I quickly got dressed and grabbed a toilet roll and told Sarah where I was going and set off to the woods with my bottom clenched tightly. Ten minutes later I made it to the woods but I still had to find a place to go where I wouldn't be seen. I was close to pooing my knickers and it was hard to keep control. Lucky there was no one around and I gave up and pulled my leggings down together with my knickers right on the main path. I quickly squatted down a relaxed my bottom and I stay to pee as my poo slid out onto the ground. It was a huge relief and there was a big pile between my feet. I wiped and pulled my clothes back up and walked away before anyone came along. I felt a few pounds lighter after that and I was so glad no one saw me.

Hey all,

As I mentioned before the third day is always poop day for me, it's just been a routine ever since I can remember. That routine broke here is what happened.
Myself and Jake were on our way to North Carolina spend a few days with Jake's parents. I've already met Jake's father he was in Chicago on business a few months ago. After breakfast I felt that rumble in the stomach so I went to the bathroom but only peed it wasn't ready to come out yet. We made it to Jake's childhood home his parents gave me a hug and then Tom helped us with our bags. As Jake was walking upstairs I whispered where is the bathroom he said follow me, we'll be right down Angelina just has to freshen up Jake yelled down the stairs. Jake went one way and I went the other, I locked the door and sat on the toilet. Automatically I started to pee that lasted about 10-15 seconds. Then I did a couple silent grunts try to get things moving no sir. So I wiped and went back downstairs, we turned in early exhausted from the long drive. The next morning the pressure in my bum woke me up it was time. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom closed the door and sat on the toilet. I started playing videos on my phone to drown out the noise, a load of mushy poop came out first and then I could feel my ass widen. The monster was on the way, it was halfway out when suddenly the door opened i thought I had locked it. It was Marilyn I let a little scream out of me she said oh sorry dear I didn't know anyone was in here. She came all the way in and closed the door I said um Marilyn excuse me, she said it's alright dear you do your business and I'll do mine. So sure enough she was on one of those portable camping toilets I was on the other one and we talked the whole time. The bathroom was rank thankfully there was a fan and a window in there. Once I finished Marilyn dumped her contents into the toilet and flushed. One of us left the bathroom and waited a few minutes before the other one left. I was a little nervous of meeting her at first after that experience we bonded on a whole new level.

Princess Toadstool Peach

My goodnight and bedtime BM break on the pooper

Hi there I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. Zeke asked me to tell one of my bathroom experiences since I had plenty of them in the past. Here is just one of them. I was just getting ready for bed. I brushed my teeth feeling very sleepy indeed yawning. Then I went to the toilet I lifted the lid, pulled down my pink pretty pyjama pants around my ankles and sat all nice and cozy on there as I started to read the newspaper while my feet rested on a stepping stool to help me go better. I sat and sat and sat. My bowels got awfully stronger and the hot gas started building up then I started to slowly push a big thick hard brown BM pooh poo from my royal bowels it was hard to get out so I pushed again and again as I struggled to get this nugget out clutching onto the toilet seat for dear life. I been eating a lot of healthy food today to help me go faster. Until I lifted my feet off the stool and then "Plop!!" I finally pooed two big thick brown hard BMs as I sat there on the pooper then after I finished my business I started to go peewee tinkle into the potty. It sounded like a rushing waterfall as I peed I started moaning the Halo theme song as I continued to wee. Then after that I wiped my bottom and bladder clean. About 2 or 3 squares of my own custom toilet paper. As I finished I pulled up my PJ pants and then headed for bed I always keep a chamber pot under there just in case I need to go potty again. But it's like I always say "When it comes to the bathroom I really do enjoy my time in the throne." Let me know if you want to hear more. But until then…Bye Bye now!


To Nicole from Germany

Hello Nicole,

My wife had a similar issue after having our daughter. She spoke with he doctor and he said to increase fiber, increase water intake, and go whenever and wherever you feel the need.The doctor even suggested she poop in her pants if necessary. She was able to go after a few more days. Unfortunately she wasn't near a toilet. The baby was down for a nap so grandma watched her and we went for a walk. The urge hit and we were in a park. The bathrooms were locked. She got about block from home before she turned to me and said, I have to let this out. She bent her knees and unloaded over a weeks worth of poop into her underwear. I shielded her from view of any passerbys. She wasn't even upset. She was actually happy and relieved to have it all out. She asked me if it looked bad. She was wearing a skirt that wasn't tight and wasn't loose so you could see the bulge and it looked like she was smuggling a cantaloupe. We got home and she cleaned up. She told me later that it wasn't that bad if she were to be in a situation where she needed to go bad, she wouldn't be scared to just go in her pants.


Toilet tainment

Since my parents were involved in church activities and sometimes had to leave town for meetings and conventions, being an only child meant that they relied on babysitters.

Merrilee was my sitter almost exclusively. I was 7. She was 13 and just starting high school. She knew how to build up my self-esteem and helped me get started in athletics and that has led to my career as a college teacher and two-sport coach.

We spent a lot of time at the park shooting baskets, playing miniature golf and swimming. My parents especially liked Merrilee because she was mature well past her age, in a positive way, and she was very open about things. Sometimes her sense of humor was kind of caustic, but she opened my eyes to a lot of things.

She did something called Toilet tainment. On break at a picnic table, she point out a person going into the bathroom cabin, their mannerisms and then ask my guess as to whether they were crapping or pissing. One girl about middle school age was hurrying in, a hand on each cheek and it was obvious. Since there wasn't a lot of noise and our bench was only about six feet away, we could hear her butt crash to the seat. After an explosion of sorts, we both laughed when a F-bomb went off. Then there was a yell for Jarrod! This guy came from the other side of the building and threatened to soap her mouth, from the doorway she explained there was no toilet paper. He laughed and told her she had a problem. So he ran to the mens side, where he had yanked off a roll of paper, and came back to her entrance. He stood outside the privacy wall. He asked her to give him a count and he would blindly toss it over to her. She teased him that he was a F-perv anyway, he might just as well come in and hand it to her. He did, but I guess he made her jump for it or made her catch it, and then she unloaded what sounded like a really obscene insult on him.

As Merrilee and I sat often playing board games, we saw a number of users come into the bathrooms from the baseball fields, the golf course, and some drove up read fast, barely put the car in park and made a run for the toilet. One guy had a little boy about 4 on his shoulders as he hurried around the tables to the bathroom.

Merrilee sensed that I wasn't that confident in using such very public toilets. So she suggested that we buddy up. She would spread her legs and move to the back of the toilet. I would sit between her legs over the front. Two or three mornings a week she would crap while I peed. To keep me on my toes she would sometimes tickle my ribs and that would almost always get my pissing stream going. She also liked using her fingers to comb some of the snags out of my curly red hair.

Children who sat on the toilet and moved their feet around a lot were almost always the pissers, Merrilee explained. It was a sign of nervousness. Looking between you legs frequently meant you probably weren't sure as to how much crap you were dropping.

Merrilee explained to me how some users both peed and crapped at the same time. I asked her lots of questions and she gave me a lot of answers. She also explained how she maintained her pubic hair. She said her boyfriend had some strong preferences regarding that. That caused me to bring the topic up to my a few of my friends. Merrilee showed me how she did double wiping, using paper in two hands, to help keep herself cleaner and reduce stains in her undies.

Last year Merrilee and I went out for drinks one afternoon after work. She's 38 now and as caustic as ever. She works for the same business as my boyfriend Adam. She and him were in a group that traveled to a business conference earlier this year. She's not in any danger of losing her edge. She found out that Adam always sits to pee in public places. At our apartment he goes the usual way.

A question for others on this board:

What made your most memorable babysitter your favorite? Please be as specific as you can. Thanks

Sunday, April 16, 2023


A Point of Concern

I went to visit my public toilets (yes I had success with my BM) and before me a lady went ahead at a fast past and she looked in and quickly left. The toilets are metal . no plastic sit on the metal and not pristine but good enough.
I think it is a shame that she did not continue on and attend to her bodily functions...the toilets would do her no harm and she would be so much better for it.

Another point of concern is Nicole from Germany...not pooping after giving birth is normal but not good. I recommend prune juice and keep drinking until your bowels move....epsom salts is good...try a suppository or fleets what it takes to have a big really really deserve it...good luck Nicole and hope you enjoy your overdue evacuaion.

Maho, translator is Mina

Dear Nicole

Is your toilet a sit down type? If it is, try to climb on toilet and squat. Perhaps your motion will come out more easier. Don't wear socks or shoes, it is danger. Put off them. Climb on toilet bare feet. If you can, squat long time. Your bottom will respond perhaps, after some minutes.

I often do this way when I am very constipate. Sometimes I am very success, I drop nine or ten large turds. So I hope your success.

Love from Maho (and Kazu and Hisae and Mina too)

Nicole from Germany


Thank you, I went again on Friday after nine days without pooping! I still had to push hard, but got it all out :) The first turd was 7 cm thick and 30 cm long, the next about 6cm thick and 35 cm long!

Nicole from Germany

Constipation after giving birth

Hello, I'm Nicole, mid 20's, dark hair, Latina, and after I gave birth to my third child last Wednesday, I haven't pooped since. Can someone help me? I never had it this severe before, I feel really bloated, dying for it to come out... please help!


Our trip to Paris

This is an answer to the question 'How embarrassed are you.' Felicity Diana and I went for a weekend in Paris when she was University and Diana and I were going to take our French A level exams. So we all had fairly good French. Then it was possible to go to Paris by coach.A long journey, and we were all relieved when the coach got to Dover and we could find the Ladies and the Gents. On the stretch from Calais to Paris we all needed a comfort break, and the coach stopped at a hotel where we could get tea, or coffee, or a drink and even a sandwich. All very exciting, ordering un verre de vin blanc for the first time, being old enough to drink, probably looking rather drab in our best summer dresses, for we had each made them ourselves. But though it was exciting to have a young waiter clearly looking us over far more brazenly than ever happened at home in Kent, we all 3 needed to pee, and went together to find the toilettes. The first shock, and it was a shock, was that to get to the two cabins we had to walk past the urinals. Fortunately there was no one peeing there: at that time I had never seen a man peeing close up, only once or twice seeing a man in front of a wall or a hedge and, afterwards, realising that he must have been peeing there. But I was never close enough to hear anything. At any rate, Diana, who needed to use the cabine for longer, took one of the two cabines, and Felicity and I went into the other together. And we all gasped, for there were just two porcelean feet marks, and a hole betwen them, and some old newspaper cut into squares to wipe with. Diana said Fi, what do I do, and Felicity, who had been to France before and knew all about these Turkish toilettes, said You just pull down your knickers as if you were peeing outside, and try to get it in the hole, and don't flush until you are dressed and out of the way' Diana said 'But I have to do both' and Felicity, who had taken down her lacy French knickers, said 'Then do what you have to do, It's just like in the layby.' Diana giggled and I could hear her peeing, and Felicity peeing. Hearing other girls peeing always made me need to go more urgently, but I had to wait until Felicity was done. They both went on for a good long time and then Felicity wiped and adjusted her dress and it was my turn. There were some wet spots in my knickers by then, but fortunately only spots, but the last half hour on the coach all 3 of us had been jiggling. I took them down below my knees, pulled my dress out of the way, and let loose. It was rather uncomfortable. Some women, when peeing outdoors or in these toilets, like to squat with their bums near the ground, so less splash and easier to push out if you are 'doing both', others like to bend their knees but have their bums higher than their knees. Or that is what I've seen, other people may have other variants. And for me, the perfect situation is when I can pee with my legs slightly apart, still standing up. It makes me feel equal to a man, except than a man can just pull out his penis and let it go, while a woman has to get clothes out of the way, except in a shower or otherwise naked or with no underwear. Though I wanted to do both, it wasn't as urgent as for Diana, so I wiped and Felicity and I went to find a baisin and some soap. It was cleaner than some of the toilettes we found in cafes in Paris. Back on the coach Diana asked Felicity 'Are all French toilets like that?' Fi said, 'they are quite common, did you manage.' 'It was OK. I couldn't have waited much longer.Probably the coffee on the ferry. ' 'well', said Fi, 'French coffee is much stronger, it can go through you if you are constipated' I don't think anyone except my mother and our doctor had ever said constipated to me, though now the TV has advertisements about it. But we all were, and schools used to serve prunes at lunch time.
At the hotel Finand Diana shared a bed, and I had a single bed in the room. When we got in Fi said Hooray, a bidet. She undressed and sat on this sort of low baisin. Is that a lavvy in the bedroom, asked Diana. No, said Fi, it is for washing your lady bits. Golly, said Diana, why? But it also very handy if you need a pee in the night, and Fi started to pee on the bidet. Then she turned on the taps and washed herself. All that running water made me need to go, so I said 'Can I go too' and Diana said 'Yes, me too' and Felicity said 'So long as you never, never, do number 2 on a bidet. It won't flush.' Fortunately there was a proper toilet on the staircase so we could all sit down when we need to poop. And after the squat toilet when the coach had stopped, we knew what to do. But some squat toilets you really could see under the door and see absolutely everything. But some young people posting here seem quite happy with all that.
The Paris weekend certainly meant that the three of us saw one another peeing and sometimes pooping, and so when I went to university I was more open about mentioning needing to go, but always with polite phrases which never, never described what I, or any other girl, actually needed to do when powdering her nose.


My own potty emergencies and the conclusion of the last one

First, a couple of potty emergencies of my own:

The first one was a couple of days ago. Due to a kidney stone, the fluids I'm drinking to help pass it, and the FloMAX prescription that I am on in order to relax the ureter and (theoretically) help it to pass I am having a great deal of urgency and some accidents. These accidents mostly consist of wetting but I have also had a number of bowel accidents. Basically I would have what feels like kidney stone pain and not know that I need to defecate until it is too late. Because of how my brain is wired they both feel almost exactly the same to me.

The urgency and accidents have become bad enough that I bought a package of 12 XL Depend Night Defense disposable undergarments. The first night I was pretty much dribbling into it all night and I was dribbling on the way to the bathroom in the morning. Since I was going to discard the undergarment anyway I stepped into the bathtub and finished peeing in the Depend. Surprisingly it did not leak. I took a bath shortly after.

The second time I was lying in bed around 10:30 PM the following night and had a sudden urge to pee while I was reading on my iPad. I took a deep breath and emptied my bladder into the Depend (again with no leaks). Within ten minutes I felt like I needed a bath so I took one.

The next morning I felt an urgent need to defecate but I was not able to do it on the toilet at first. I put the Depend back on (this is the third one) and I walked into the bathtub and squatted down and attempted to defecate. Still no luck, but I managed to empty my bladder without any leaks. Right after that I had a powerful urge to defecate once again and I pulled down the Depend and sat on the toilet. This time I was successful. Last night, I did not wear a Depend and I had no accidents but a few very close calls (of both kinds). I also had to take some ????s for some indigestion and an upset stomach. I may or may not also have a UTI (people with kidney stones sometimes get these.) Today's urinalysis should hopefully shed some light on this.

Now for the conclusion of the potty emergency mentioned in my previous posting:

In my previous posting I mentioned that a friend of mine had her six (almost seven) year-old autistic younger grandson there during spring break along with her Two-year-old granddaughter. She had another friend of hers with her to help watch them. Just before she left to go to Aldi he showed signs of having to go (including the potty dance) but because she was all out of the candies that she rewards him with for successful potty breaks she told him that he would need to keep his pants dry until she got back from Aldi.

Just then I looked at the time on my cell phone and realized that it was almost time to call my parents from my apartment (I was out ordering some new lenses for my glasses to replace the damaged ones). Noticing that they were in good hands with the friend of hers who has had several kids of her own I walked back to my apartment and called my parents. During the call I mentioned to my parents how literal kids can be about things like this and mentioned that I was about ninety percent sure that he would wait for the grandmother to come back, greet her on either her porch or in her front yard and say, "Look Nana! I kept my pants dry until you came home!" and then proceed to relax and wet his pants right there. As it turns out that's just what happened (in her front yard, fortunately).

I found out about this two days later when I was walking by and she was venting to one of her other neighbors (mostly about the fact that it took her two days and four wash/dry cycles to get his pants clean). The neighbor asked her if he has punished and she said "no" and proceeded to explain the toilet training process that I describe below.

What I described above is only part of the story, though. It turns out that he had to pee, but he also had to poop. Basically what's happening is that he was previously nonverbal and with at least two to three years of speech therapy, physical therapy, and intense drilling with Flash Cards he now talks (over two hundred words) and is even able to ask some basic questions like a two or three-year old might.

For example, just before his potty emergency a bird flew into the grandmother's front window (startling both him and the bird) and then after a few moments of disorientation (after coming down on a small table on her porch) the bird turned around and flew away apparently fine. He asked the grandmother, "What's that?" and she explained to him that it was a baby sparrow.

Anyway, as she described to her neighbor he is coming along well academically (he's expected to begin second grade this Fall if his progress continues) but seems to have completely lost what little toilet training he had in the process (aside from some very basic "Elimination Communication skills" (for example, he will still "go" if his mother or grandmother makes a cueing noise)).

Therefore he is basically being retrained from the ground up (he is currently in the first phase of the training process, described below). Since everything else has failed the grandmother and parents are now using a relatively new (developed, (I think) within the past decade) multi-part training method specifically for children on the autism spectrum.

In the first phase the adult checks to see if the child is beginning to "go" (either way) and places him or her on the toilet fully clothed in order to finish and then rewards with both candy and praise afterwards. If the child has already finished urinating he or she is instructed to to try to pee some more and do anything else that needs to be done (while sitting fully clothed on the toilet). After that, any solids in the underwear are dumped into the toilet so the child can see where they go. The used clothes and underwear are then washed after the child has been cleaned up and changed.

Phase two is the same except now the child learns to remove most clothing, sit on the toilet and "go" (in any was that is necessary) with just underwear or a swim diaper on. As before, any results are rewarded with both praise and candy. At this point the child is not yet trained but at least there is a bit less laundry.

In phase three the child learns to remove all clothing and underwear, aim (if needed) and use the toilet, flush, and wash his or her hands. During this phase rewards begin to be phased out over time. Once the child is able to do this consistently without rewards the process is complete if the child is female.

For males there is one more phase (learning to pee in the toilet standing up). For this part rewards are not needed and having a cheerio or fruit loop in the bowl to aim at can help especially in the beginning.

Each phase (typically) lasts between one and three months (plus or minus) and the whole process supposedly works over the course of between three months and a year about ninety percent of the time. I'll see how it goes with him. It worked for his older brother who is also on the autism spectrum (after everything else failed) after about a year.


After school adventures

After school ends each afternoon, me and a group of like 5 or 6 friends hurry towards the nearest bathroom. Most days we find that it has been locked. The principals do that to clear out the building for those like us who are not out for a spring sport or club. Sure, they tell us there has been vandalism and some hanging out in them, but why's that a problem? We don't vape, smoke, or bust things up. We just drink a lot of liquids during the day, so what goes in must come out of our bodies. Is that so hard for them to understand?

As a group we walk about 3 blocks down the hill to a large city park. During the walk, Talbot, who just recently joined our group, told us about a short cut to the park. It was through a wooded area and also with an alley, separating two long rows of houses. None of us was able to use the bathroom and me and Priya couldn't wait to get on a toilet down at the park. Talbot had been holding his crap all day, so we kind of teased him about needing to crap at school like we do, but being too scared, which we partially were, but finally got over with a lot of practice.

I think we were about halfway to the park, cutting through some bushes and stopped by this really large hedge when we noticed two garage cans almost covering up an old toilet stool. There was more stain in its waterless bowl than probably all the toilets at our school put together.
Talbot used a word that would have gotten him suspended out of school and he immediately dropped his jeans and gingerly took the seat on the toilet. Almost immediately we could see he was crapping in it, although the toilet was on probably a 30-degree incline. He used a couple more of the suspendable words, but we could see the relief in his face. He made a comment about donating his underwear to the cause. My eyes were fixated on his sit because I don't get to see guys crap regularly.

I called for next in line. He stood up, looking 200% awkward, and I took the warm seat and did about a 1 minute-long pee. It seemed so different what was happening between my legs. I was peeing onto Talbot's poop. Priya told me several times to hurry up because her bladder was about the explode. Once on the toilet she peed for almost two minutes. Then we resumed our walk to the bottom of the hill.

Gabriellyn who a few weeks ago we had booster up onto a park bathroom sink because she was in so much pain ran into the bathroom and quickly called me and Priya to come in quickly. Previously, the cubicle panels had been removed from the toilets and now Gabriellyn had discovered something else. The seat on each of the four toilets had been removed. Priya couldn't believe that either all four seats had been busted off, or had been removed by employees.

Have any of you encountered locked or otherwise broken up bathrooms? Why do you think that is? How did you meet your needs?


HUGE poop after dinner

Had a good dinner not long ago and a jar of warmish hot water during and afterwards. I didn't finish my whole dinner since it was too much (caregiver/longtime friend still doesn't seem to understand that I don't need tons of food... just some) but I got the urge very soon afterwards when I made another jar of warmish hot water. Quickly went downstairs to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black pants and black underwear down and sat down on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and a biggish semi hard poop came out. It seemed to keep coming. Finally finished within about 30 seconds. Reached over for some TP when I was done, wiped well, stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and turned and looked. It was a big log about 2 1/2 feet long and hard. Flushed and washed my hands. It wasn't everything (of course) but been drinking plenty of warmish hot water to soften everything up and get everything out. I think now that is my 2nd huge poop today. Better out than in.

Happy pooping and stay safe!




Yeah, I also prefer going outside over any public restrooms! :D If possible - rarely tho - I may poop too outdoors.

I don't think you were toilet trained that late. I did get potty trained at age 2, but my older daughter and my son were both 3 1/2 when they stopped wearing diapers, as were my niece and nephew. Only my middle child, my younger daughter, was potty trained at age 2! :) My grandnephew was born in January, so we can only see how quick he'll be :D

Try psylliums, I too take them when I'm constipated!

I did enjoy pooping at elementary school, but when me and my sister entered middle school, things changed at least for me…


Pigged Out

I smoked a pork butt this past Thursday and have been eating it for dinner ever since - finally finished it off this evening. I'm glad, cause although I loved the delicious pork butt, my butt does not like the pork! Been constipated something fierce more and more each day. I would honestly welcome some urgent diarrhea just to pass something other than a few measly pebbles in each trip to the john. Hopefully I can get back to nice mushy logs relatively soon - my days just aren't the same without my hearty post-work dumps.

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