
Blake (outhouse girl)

On the pot

Well today I'm messaging from the throne, I've been pooping almost non stop today thanks to some Metamucil gummies I ate yesterday. The first time I pooped today was right after I got up, I immediately had to run to the bathroom and get my butt on the pot so I could let out what I thought was going to be a beast, but was only a few small plops and a lot of gas. The second time was on my way to school (college) and it was more of the same, when I got to school I had to go again so I rushed to the ladies room and found an empty stall. My college was built in the 40s so the toilets were of an older style, and just my luck I clogged it. I didn't have time to worry about it though so I just left it. Later on I had to go again at school and let out a few logs and some gas then too, no clog that time. I also had to go again on my way home, I stopped at the park, waited in line for a bit, and finally got my butt on the seat, to let out some gassy soft serve. I swear I filled the pot to the brim, but it went down when I flushed. Now I'm at my grandparents house, in the old outhouse, typing this up as I plop into the pit below. I've got my legs spread as far as they'll go and my panties at my ankles, in other words I'm expecting to be here for a while.

So that's my tale for today.
Questions and comments appreciated,

Dan H

To Avery

To Avery: I love your posts and I remember that you posted shortly after Thanksgiving about some massive dumps. I wondered, do you have any other stories of your cousin? Have you ever had the chance to buddy dump or dump on top of her load?

To Sarah: I liked your story about taking a dump at the department store. Did you get a glimpse of the lady who wore the pink sneakers? Too bad you didn't get the chance to dump on top of her load!


Massive thick log right after dinner

Hi everyone. I just finished a ???? dinner (breaded chicken, mashed potatoes with onions on top and a homemade spicy red soup). After dinner I took my meds and drank a jar of warm water. That probably stimulated my bowels since I got the urge. Went downstairs to the washroom, closed the door, went over to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat. Gave a gentle push and a massive, thick log came out and landed in the bowl. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and peeked in. Thing looked massive! And thick too. Probably about 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed first then got to work wiping. Wiped as well as possible then flushed again. Stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Phew! I think today that's the 2nd time I've gone poop. Awesome! Maybe I can go again after my nighttime fruit.

Happy pooping!



Questions for Avery

Hi Avery, I just read your most recent story about the poop you had during lunch and have some questions.

1) With 2 logs with 18 inches long 2 inches wide and then 15 inches long and 1.5 inches did those not clog the toilet? Seems hard to imagine they didn't but I'm curious to know??

2) Reading your story about the huge dump you had at school on page 2997 I saw you mentioned that your friend mentioned how small you are in amazement for pooping so if you don't mind me much do you weigh and how tall are you?

3) Regarding that same massive poop at school from being constipated, how many pounds of poop do you think you dropped if you had to guess?

4) How many days had it been since you last pooped when you took that massive crap?

5) Have you ever purpose held in your poop for a long time just to be able to poop more when you later go?


Some Girls are Funny about the Toilet

Before I start , Ramona, yes I have pushed out some rock hard painful shits, is so rewarding when out!
Now to my subject of the day.
I was at the chemist this morning and the lady there, Helen, said she goes home to use the "bathroom"...I know she lives close so why not use the toilet at the back of the shop. am sure the others would because they do not live so close.
Also my staff go to the office toilets but they are so quick they cannot be pooping....I find that surprising that they could work so long and not need a BM!
Many years ago we had the office down the street with the toilet out the back. Down the road a few shops was a real estate agent and Casandra worked there and she would not use the toilet there as it was out in the back yard and the lady who occupied the above flat had two cats and she was terrified of cats... on top of this Cassandra had a toilet phobia about public toilets ....why I do not know.
She asked if she could use our toilet as we were rather friendly and I said no problems so she would be up about three times a day and it always was for a wee, only once did she have a poo.
We all need to be more relaxed about our bodily functions.



Ramona, I thought your story was interesting. I've had shits like that plenty of times. If you want I'd share a story or if anyone else is interested.

Steve A

Camping Trip Questions (Outdoorsy Girl)

After finding out some more details about my first "real" potienial camping trip this summer, I have some questions about what to expect, even though I already know some things about camping/hiking, since it was my friend's idea, along with me taking some outdoor adventure classes during my time at college.

1. Bathroom access (for this camping site) will be limited, which means that we'll have to go outside and be mindful about the rules (a certain distance away from water) and to "leave no trace"...

What's the best method for using the bathroom outside? Preferably #2, since it's more convenient to pee outside (in my opinion)

2. What type of foods work best for camping? And how would our food choices affect our bathroom habits?

Even though hot dogs and canned beans are staple foods for camping, we all know that beans cause gas and keep us regular, which means that some of our food choices will be healthy (especially granola bars and trail mix)

Overall, I feel like I'll have a story or two about this camping trip, since it'll be my first time camping outside without a bathroom...

Anna from Austria

Not flushing the toilet on purpose

Hi everyone. I have new weird story to share. I visited a Mac Donalds on Thursday after work to have dinner because I was too tired that day to cook.

After finishing my meal I had to pee so I headed to Ladies Room. The restaurant with crawling with people so I was not a big surprise that all 3 stalls were taken. I had to wait for a while until one stall openend and a young women in her late teens or maybe early 20s came out of her stall and left the ladies room without washing her hands. I was hit by a big smell as soon as I entered her stall. When I looked into the toilet I saw the source of the smell. There was big brown sausage on the tray of the toilet but no toilet paper. It seems she also did not clean herself.

At first I though great that the toilet was broken and that I had to use it. I tried the flush nontheless and to my surprise it worked quite well.

That young women did not flush on purpose which I found really weird and

disrespectful. It can happen of course to forget to flush when you are in a hurry. Happend to me a well already but the girl just walked out the stall in rather slow and normal way. It did not seem that she was in a hurry.

That's my story for today.

Greetings from Austria


Emma two

Accident in class

I saw a girl poo herself in class once. It was in year ten and she was fidgeting around a lot as she tried to keep control of her bowels. This went on for a few minutes until I saw some pee running off the back of her chair. Then came the smell of her poo as she filled her knickers. I thought she would get up and leave the room but she just sat there pooing herself. When the lesson came to an end she stood up to leave and I saw the back of her skirt was wet and stained where her pee had mixed with the poo. Bits of poo fell on the floor as she walked out of class so I knew she really had to go. We didn't see her for the rest of the week and I guessed she must be ill or too ashamed to come back to school.


Boy/girl scouting question

I was wondering if any of you have been into boy scouts or other types of youth movements that during summer go camping. I heard these scouts have to dig their own big toilet pit and is then covered with a simple tent. That is the makeshift bathroom to use for the next 2 weeks outdoors.
One of my countries most popular female celebrity has informed the audience during a tv show that she missed the pooping together with her girlfriends during those summer camps. Despite how open it all was (there was just a wooden log where everybody sat next together and pooped in the pit dug directly beneath. She said it was a bonding experience.

Do any of you have experienced this? I never was part of any scouting company.

Saturday, April 22, 2023


Re: James K.

To James K.:

Hi James, I'm a woman who has a lot of guy friends and we talk quite often about bodily functions like pooping, but in my experience, it hasn't dulled the sexual/romantic undertones that I have with some of them. Maybe we're just weirdos, but in my opinion, it's possible that you're reading too far into it. I do hope that is the case, as it sounds like she's a very special person in your life. I think after knowing her for 6 years, hopefully something like this wouldn't drastically change her view of you. Here's another thought: Maybe her seeing you like that actually made her more comfortable around you? Do you think something like that could explain the changes you've noticed? Hope all works out for you and keep us posted!




I woke at 5 am this morning needing to do a NUMBER ONE so sat on THETFORD 265 pottie and had a low flow wee lasting for a minute , the slide was not fully closed so it flowed into the lower tank,pulled up my pants and got dressed ,went into house .
I made and drank two cups of tea , collected some washing powder from the garage ,went into campervan , drove to laundry,upon arrival sat on the pottie had a ten second wee collected the sleeping bags and soap powder ,walked 300 yards to the laundry ,put sleeping bags into machine money into slot the machine started I sat down while the machine did the washing read a book ,when done took the sleeping bags and my belongings back to the van .
I needed a NUMBER ONE AGAIN ,so sat on pottie and had a wee. I drove up the road turned right , then needed to go a NUMBER TOO , pulled in got out of van ,into the galley area ,put paper towel on back of bowl pushed
the slide closed sat down , a dribble of we the pooped had wee then pooped , I felt I needed to go some more so sat and pushed twice before wiping pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms put down the lid and pulled slide ,as I was wiping my hands with wet wipes , heard a woosh as the the bowl contents dropped into bottom tank , the bowl was clean so got back into seat and drove home .
When home pulled the THETFORD 265 POTTIE off van and put the spare ADVENTURIDGE into the galley area . Then went into house had breakfast washed brushed teeth , washing up cleaned kitchen , e mails etc now needed the toilet so went back to van put paper towel on back of bowl opened and closed slide lowered my jogging bottoms and pants ,sat down a minute later strong flow of wee, pushed and pooped sat a few minutes having a NUMBER TOO then relaxed before reaching forward tore three sheets of ELSAN BLUE ROLL TOILET PAPER and wiped then another three followed by another three . The bowl was full of a large pile of poop surrounded by a load of wee up to the two litre line , pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms ,pulled the slide. As I was climbing out of van , heard a whoosh as the bowl contents dropped into the bottom tank.
I carried the pottie to the outside drain and emptied I felt I have just had a very good shit , carried pottie back to van and collected the THETFORD 265 carried it to the drain and emptied ,placed it back into the van galley area to use again tonight .
I went to the shed carried the THETFORD 33 back to the drain and emptied ,placed it back into shed ,then started the gardening .I have just had dinner then went in to shed had a NUMBER ONE before typing this

Emma two

Accident in class

To Gabby

I once had an accident in my knickers in class. I was 13 at the time and I was busting for a poo when I got to school. I felt embarrassed to go at school so I held it for most of the day. Well during the last period which was double history, I started getting desperate for the toilet. I thought about asking for permission to go to the toilet but I couldn't face everyone knowing I was having a poo so I decided I could wait until I got home from school. I sat with my bottom pressed hard against my chair as I fought back the urge to poo but it wasn't long before I was losing the battle. I felt my bottom expand around the tip of a hard poo and I found myself pushing without realising it. It didn't get far because I was sitting down but the back pressure hurt my stomach and I had to admit defeat. I hunched forward and lifted my bottom of my seat as I kept pushing and once my poo was moving my stomach felt better. I did a big poo in my knickers and it was such a relief but I was so embarrassed. I still had to go but I could hold it now the pressure had eased. I sat down slowly getting it all over my bottom which actually felt OK. A few minutes later the teacher noticed the smell and she saw my face was red so he knew it was me. He asked me if I needed to go to the toilet and I said yes. I was told to go and clean up and I just ran out of the classroom holding my bottom trying not to drop any poo on the floor. It didn't work and I left a handful of bits along the corridor as a speed walked to the toilets. Once inside a cubicle I lifted my skirt and carefully peeled my knickers away from my bottom and too them off. I left them on the floor as I sat on the toilet to finish my poo and it was a lot. I did nearly as much in the toilet as I did in my knickers and when I finished I felt so much lighter. I wiped eight times until I felt clean enough and the tipped the poo out of my knickers into the toilet and flushed it. After that I put my dirty knickers in the bin and buried them under the pads so they couldn't be seen and left to return to class feeling exhausted but relieved.



The past three nights I have slept in campervan .I put the THETFORD 265
POTTIE in the van for a wee during the night.I have used it once each night and a NUMBER TOO every morning , this morning woke at seven o clock
sat on pottie for a NUMBER ONE which took a minute due to poor flow then suddenly , had a NUMBER TOO ,pooping loads then a good strong flow of wee.
I reached forward tore three sheets of toilet paper ELSAN BLUE ROLL,wiped
then tore another three sheets and wiped ,then another two and wiped .
The bowl was full to the two litre mark I pulled up my pants then pulled the slide , the contents dropped into lower tank , as I had not put paper on back of bowl ,I used the brush and another ten flushes of the pump to get clean .I dressed , emptied pottie in outside drain returned it to van
then went into house .


recent shitting and witnessing girl clog a toilet

my most recent shit was another timed one. i had to take a shit so after i dropped off a ride i went in search of a bathroom. i looked at my phone and saw there was a target nearby so i went there. i walked to the bathrooms. the womens room was being cleaned but the unisex toilet was open. there were two people in line who were in and out quickly. i went into the bathroom and pulled my sweatpants and panties down and sat. after 3 seconds i started to both piss and shit. i did not need to shit that bad but it started coming out when i started to pee. my shit immediately started but got stuck. i pushed and was two plops that splashed me little. i had to push a lot to get my shit out. it came out in hard chunks that sounded dense when they landed. it took 94 seconds to shit. i rested for 9 seconds. i needed to piss more. drank lots of coffee. i did a relaxing long 18 second piss. while pissing someone tried the door. i did not feel empty yet. for 90 seconds i pushed out some smaller bits. i was now done. my shit was dry but it took 86 seconds to wipe. 55 seconds for the rest of clean up. total time in the bathroom was one second shy of six minutes. when i came out there was a girl waiting. they had to wait almost 4 minutes.

another recent story. i was doing rides and had to take a dump. i was getting good rides so i put it off. an hour later it died down so i went to find a bathroom. it was getting late but a grocery store was open. i found their bathroom. was three stalls. i took the middle pulled jeans and panties down and sat. i pissed. i was looking at my phone while sitting waiting for my shit to start. farted a few times. someone came in and took the end stall next to me. when they walked past they had pink sneakers. they sat on the toilet and began doing a loud piss. they started watching videos on their phone i could hear it out the phone speaker. if they were watching videos i thought they might shit. the videos muffled some sound. after maybe a minute i heard a loud fart. i was getting desperate to shit now i was holding in my dump so i could listen. three more minutes passed and i could hear what sounded like one big splat. they then farted very loudly a few times. i relaxed and started to shit. while my shit was starting i could hear their toilet paper roller. my shit was feeling amazing. was a long smooth log that i really needed to get out. was about 7 inches. came out in 15 or 20 seconds. i started wiping. the other girl finished wiping. she flushed but it sounded like it got stuck. she left without washing her hands. i finished wiping and flushed. i peeked in her stall and was big fat long in the toilet. one end was jammed in the hole. was medium brown and sausage like. it smelled very earthy. i washed my hands and left.


I Just Took A Big Painful Shit And It Scared Me

I just took the worst shit of my life and I had to tell someone about it so hopefully someone on here will find it interesting. OK so I've been really constipated and haven't been able to shit in 5 days except for a few pebbles until today. I started getting cramps in my stomach and felt like I needed to shit. They were really bad by the time I got to the bathroom and when I sat down on the toilet, I could feel the shit trying to come out but it was too big. I pushed hard but it still wouldn't move and I got really scared. It started coming out after a few more pushes and I've never felt my butt hole stretch that far before. It hurt so bad and when it finally fell into the toilet I looked and it was gigantic. I'd guess 3 inches around and over 1 foot long. I did a few more after that. They were small but they also hurt. :( Anyone else ever have a painful shit or one that was so big that it scared them? That sucked.

Mr Curious

Delivery car driver

Thank you for your reply to my question regarding outdoor pooing in lay-bys and outdoor locations. In my experience, it s mainly truck drivers, people on the road all day, and tourists with children most likely to be seen pooing in public. I've seen people squatting by their cars on several main roads in the UK , where there is no other option. Other than petrol stations and the occasional service area, we have practically no public toilets anymore. If you are desperate, you'll poo where you are. Large public events with not enough toilets are also places you'll find people taking other options.
My next curious question is, what's the most unusual item you have wiped your bum with after having a poo? I've seen socks, handkerchiefs and pages from newspapers used and left by the poo, leaves are pretty common too.



Just reading the stories longtime reader, seeing new faces of the course the last year.

Avery great stories.

Sarah great stories

Annie great stories

It's a beautiful thing is to sit upon the toilet and let the bottom does it thing rather you are at home or away from home, to see others around the world to let it go freely.

Mina and friends great bond friendship I love it.


Fairly hard poop after coffee

Hi everyone. Got up this morning and had a homemade soup and sandwich on French bread. Took my meds after and got my coffee (black)and warm water which I slowly drank. Just a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I went to the washroom, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my black pants and dark grey underwear and sat.

Gave a push and a hard poop came out. Didn't take long, maybe 20 seconds. I peed then peeked under me into the toilet. A fairly big hard poop sat in the toilet. Flushed first then got to work wiping. Once I was done I flushed the toilet paper, stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. I'm hoping after I drink more water I can go more later but softer. Still better out than in.

Happy pooping


Steve A

Questions about Inconvenient Urges

How often do you get an urge to go, but it's not during an ideal situation (for you)?

At work, while driving/stuck in traffic, at a concert, hanging out with friends, etc...

For example, I got an urge to go as I was leaving for work today and it got stronger as I was driving closer to home. Luckily, I made it, but another question I have is:

If you had the ability to control when you had to go (preferably #2) would you control your urges or continue to let them come at random times?

For my answer, even though it would be nice to control them, I think it would save everyone from being stuck in unfortunate circumstances depending on where you are and when you have to go.

Blake (outhouse girl)

On the pot

Well today I'm messaging from the throne, I've been pooping almost non stop today thanks to some Metamucil gummies I ate yesterday. The first time I pooped today was right after I got up, I immediately had to run to the bathroom and get my butt on the pot so I could let out what I thought was going to be a beast, but was only a few small plops and a lot of gas. The second time was on my way to school (college) and it was more of the same, when I got to school I had to go again so I rushed to the ladies room and found an empty stall. My college was built in the 40s so the toilets were of an older style, and just my luck I clogged it. I didn't have time to worry about it though so I just left it. Later on I had to go again at school and let out a few logs and some gas then too, no clog that time. I also had to go again on my way home, I stopped at the park, waited in line for a bit, and finally got my butt on the seat, to let out some gassy soft serve. I swear I filled the pot to the brim, but it went down when I flushed. Now I'm at my grandparents house, in the old outhouse, typing this up as I plop into the pit below. I've got my legs spread as far as they'll go and my panties at my ankles, in other words I'm expecting to be here for a while.

So that's my tale for today.
Questions and comments appreciated,

Portia Sometimes Poos

Outdoorsy Girl's Survey

1. Do you feel any embarrassment or anxiety when realizing that you have to poop outside?
I do still feel some kind of embarrassment about people knowing that I poo outside. And there is this feeling of fear of being caught with your pants down exposed in the woods.

2. Do you tell your friends when you have to go away to poop?
It depends I generally try to keep my reasons for excusing myself from the group vague. Sometimes I tell people I need to relieve myself or I have to go. I seem to shy away from mentioning poo as the thought of people thinking about me pooing makes me a bit wierd.

3. How often and when do you mostly poop outside?
I used to do much more. I did almost every day while at summer camp. I have also done it a bunch of times while on walks in and near the woods.

4. Do you practice LNT partly or fully?
I try to dig a hole and poo into it then cover it up. also, I don't poo near bodies of water.

5. How is your posture when pooping (squatting, bending forward, standing, etc.)?
I pee and poo in the woods by squatting down on the ground and bunching my bottom garments at my knees.

6. Do you discuss your poop with friends afterward?
I don't it makes me feel weird. I think the farthest it's gone is mentioning pooing in the woods as something I have done.

7. Have you spotted (none, some, many of) your friends or family when pooping?
I have seen people I was in the woods with while pooing but at a distance. When I go poo in the woods I go farther from the trail than when I go pee.

8. Did they discover you?
I am pretty sure they did not see me in the act but going into and out from my pooing spot.

9. Have anyone seen you when pooping outside?
Yes, once when going into the woods saw my friend Andrea in the woods as well she must have spotted me while I was squatting down but I shuffled behind a tree and lost sight of her.

10. What type of poop do you mainly do when outside (size, form, color)?
It seems to vary but often my poo consists of a few big lumps which are more common when I drink coffee (which is often). Or I get these long strings. The color seems to be various shades of brown.

11. Have you seen the poop of anyone you know outside.
I have seen tp with poo on it once but not sure of the source I once saw a friend of mine go into the woods to relieve herself and once she was done I was curious and checked on it.

12. Have you seen people you do not know when pooping outside?
No, I try to isolate myself to make sure no one sees me.

13. (Gender and age, are not necessary but if you want to share.)
Female 19


So the last great poop I had was the one with Jake's mom nearly a week ago until today. I was really bloated and could barely move I called in sick to work today and just laid on the couch. Jake picked me up ex lax, stool softener pretty much anything he could find at the local drug store. When I got up this morning I had Raisin Bran cereal and took a couple ex lax thinking that would definitely get this monster out of me, I felt a rumble in my stomach so I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I let out a long fart thinking this would finally be it, only a log about 2 inches came out so I stayed there for a few minutes thinking more was behind it no such luck. I wiped and went back on the couch. Jake came home on his lunch break to check on me, he rubbed my stomach and gave me a stool softener nothing happened before he left so he returned back to work and I had a nap. A sharp pain in my stomach woke me up and I could feel pressure forming in my bum this had to be it. I ran to the bathroom didn't even bother closing the door, pulled my thong down and sat on the toilet. I could feel my bum opening wide I think this monster was finally ready to accept his eviction notice, as I was getting down to business I heard the back door open it was Jake he must've got off work early. I couldn't move so I yelled out that I was in the bathroom, he has never seen me poop he's seen me pee tons of times in the three months we've been together so this was going to be interesting. Jake came around the corner and seen me sat there I told him I think it's finally happening and to close the door he said it's okay babe I'll help you through it. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and took my hands in his told me to just relax so I did. My bum opened extremely wide and diarrhea just came spewing out of me like a leaky faucet. I looked up at Jake and apologized asked him if he was sure he wanted to stay and witness this his answer was yes, my answer was okay don't say I didn't warn ya. Next came the longest fart I ever let out of me followed by a turd sliding it's way out. It was not slowing down if anything it was gaining speed it never even broke off it just slid right into the bowl and curled. Four more logs like that followed, the bathroom stunk at this point I had to put my shirt up over my nose I don't know how Jake managed to stay with me all that time but he did. A bit more mushy poo came out followed by a couple more smaller logs. I felt so much better my stomach was gone down considerably. I knew I clogged his toilet I didn't even bother to look at what just came out of me I went upstairs half naked and jumped in the shower.
I came downstairs and he was on the couch I was afraid to ask what the toilet situation was but he brought it up he said well babe I never seen so much poo come out of a person, you totally wrecked the toilet on the plus side though I managed to get it all down with a few plunges. I'm so sorry babe I said he looked at me and said it's fine it had to happen and it's better out than in isn't it. I said true then he had the look in his eye. I said really babe you want to do that after what you just witnessed in there he nodded his head. So we made out on the couch for a bit and then he closed the curtains….
Afterwards we just laid there I apologized profusely until he got annoyed and told me to stop apologizing it happens we all do it.


I missed the restroom today right before a church event

Hi, I have not posted on here for some time. for a time, I was having rather frequent wetting accidents about 3 years ago, but I got that under control by just using the restroom as soon as I even felt I had to go at all, but I do get these sudden urges to pee in the morning when I wake up. it has not happened during the mid-day hour until today. I was on my way to function we had at a church about 23 miles from my place. I decided I would stop to get a bite to eat at the diner in the town nearest me. Also, I had to pee. I was in dress clothes, tan pants, dress shirt, & a green/ blue..ish crew next sweater.
The waitress came to my table to see if I wanted any drinks or if I knew what I wanted to order. I told her I really needed the restroom first & I would order after that. she was like, "Oh, I am sorry, but one of our employees is cleaning the restroom right now, I will let her know you need to get in there. I gave her my order & then asked her if she knew if the road I normally take to that town was open because they are working on the road & that I had a church function to attend there.

Then, all of the sudden, it him me. I was having one of these sudden urges. the waitress brought my beverage & I was like frantic! I said " I really need to use the restroom, I'm gonna have an accident!" she walked over to the restroom with me & she was like "Lisa, this gentleman is having an emergency! He is all dressed up nice & headed to a church function! He can't have an accident, my God, Lisa let him in there!" Then, It happened. the flood gates open up! she looked back at me & noticed what was happening. she was like " On no! Honey, I am so sorry!" Then this waitress was scolding this Lisa gal! " She was like " My God, Lisa, couldn't you have paused to let him in there, he just missed the restroom! His clothes are fixed, fixed!, what is he gonna do?. Then she says to me: "Honey, I am so sorry! I just feel so bad about your clothes! you had such a really nice outfit too! I don't know what to tell you!" I had not had an accident in like 3 years. I just got on my cell phone & cancelled out on the event. I told my brothers that I spilled on myself at the restaurant. I did not tell them what really happened! Anyway, most embarrassed I have been in a long time

To Jocelyn from well mannered little boy


Ya, thank you for the feed back. I had plenty of times of desperation at school. It was horrible. My mom an I still speak and we have had plenty of family therapy. I've put my anger behind me in the past behind me, but I still to this day make it clear that when I have children, I will never do that to them. That it is the wrong way to treat a child.

James K.


I like the anonymity of this site as opposed to others so I'm gonna tell this story here.

I've had a crush on a friend of mine and for a while I assumed she did on me too. We're both part of a bigger friend group and have known each other for like 6 years now. She'd constantly flirt with me and hang all over me. About a month ago I had her and my friends over and we were all hanging out in the den in the basement and I got the urge to take a dump. I went up to the second floor bathroom for extra privacy, went in there, dropped my pants and did my thing. Couldn't have been on the toilet for more than 3 minutes when I was done dropping 'em. I was holding my wiener down with my thumb to pee and rolling off paper with my free hand when suddenly the door opened and my crush walked in and saw me in that position. She did one of those laughs where you try hard to stifle it through your lips and just end up making a fart noise, apologized and backed out of the bathroom. I couldn't even say a word I was so embarrassed. Just sat there with my pants around my ankles making hard eye contact. I wiped and washed my hands and got out of there as quick as I could. She was still waiting outside with an awkward smile on her face so I apologized. She walked past me, said "it's fine but it better not smell", closed the door and locked it (I'm an idiot). I went back downstairs (passing by the downstairs bathroom which was occupied) and joined my friends back downstairs. For the rest of the night everything was fine and not awkward and we haven't spoken about it since.

But now in the past few weeks she's started calling me "bestie" a lot. and while she still does flirt with me she does a lot more "bro"-like stuff now like punching me in the shoulder, etc. This was not a thing until she saw me taking a dump. So like... Was I friendzoned because I forgot to lock the bathroom door? Should I talk to her about the situation? Has anyone else been in a situation like this they were able to repair? I'll take all the advice I can get!


To Gabby

Aw, that wasn't the greatest memory. At age 11 I did stop pooping in school also (I would still poop every here and there in school tho, but not regularly as my sister did). But I did always hold it, wonder how.

To blueboy: I don't fart around him I'll do it in my car or when I'm out for a walk. We've only been seeing each other for three months I don't want to kill the romance.
I've got another story for you guys I'll post it tomorrow, long day at work half asleep here now.

Lucas wrote about his grandma who went for a long biking hike and had to go in the bushes. I think that is not unusual at all, neither for youths nor for seniors. Last summer I went for a camping and biking trip alone. Of safety reasons I liked to camp at sites where other van tourists or tent campers were around. Before starting I knew that I most probably would have go to toilet in the bushes lots of times, not only to pee but even to poop. I had never before pooped outside and I was somewhat excited how I would cope with that. But it turned out to be no problem at all. Already the first evening, when going to pee in the bushes, I spotted an old man standing with trousers at the knees bending forward just about to wipe his bottom. No doubt what he had been doing. He was one of the others camping there, also a biker going around together with his wife. The following morning I spotted his wife squatting. After those experiences , when urge was calling, I found it very easy to walk away into the woods and find a place where I could poop. I the days to come I spotted several others also going in the bushes in the wilderness. I was not walked directly in on, but I guess that i occasionally was spotted on distance as there were no doors to lock!


Pooping While Running

I'm back with a couple replies and an interesting story I came across.

Yes, I'd be glad to expand on my thoughts regarding warm toilet seats. The reason I say it feels wrong to sit on a warm toilet seat after another male has used it is it gives that feeling that I'm touching another guy's butt. That's just something I wouldn't want to do as a straight male. I understand it doesn't necessarily work that way, but that's just how it feels. On the flip side, if I sit on a warm toilet seat that's warm from someone like my wife or one of my aunts, it feels comforting. It feels like very close contact and affection, sort of like kissing someone. Really, that's the best way to sum it up. For me, sitting on a warm toilet seat feels about the same level of affection as kissing someone on their cheek or hand (not quite on their lips). I wouldn't ever kiss a male, but I would a female. Even if the female is a stranger, it just doesn't feel as off as it would with another male. I know this is an odd explanation, but it's just my honest input.

As always, great to see you posting! I hope things are going well in your world. That must have been quite an experience for your classmate, Becca! I remember being in Boy Scouts and how some of the kids (including myself) were mortified at the bathroom situations. I used to be a lot more self conscious as a kid than I am today as an adult.

I happened across an article that popped into my news feed today that described a woman in her early 30's who ran a marathon and half way through, pooped her pants. It was described how her body is essentially trained to eliminate before she goes on her runs. However, during the 26 mile marathon, she developed the urge to go again halfway through. She didn't want to stop, so she simply went in her pants. In her interview, she claimed that she didn't care what other people saw or what they thought, she just had her eye on the prize, finishing the marathon. It turns out, she completed the marathon with a personal best time! The part that made me laugh is when she ran across the finish line and exclaimed to her friends "I pooped my pants!" She cleaned herself off in a porta potty (which sounds awful) before celebrating.

What does everybody else think about this story? I'm definitely not built to be a runner, but I know that having a poop in my underwear would not help my performance one bit. If it were me in that situation, I would have to concede and find a place to poop if I wanted to finish the marathon. I told my wife about this story and she thought it was kind of comical, but shared that she would also need to stop to poop versus pooping herself and finishing the race.


Embarrassment at 11

This happened in my first year at a large middle school. I was 11.

Don't know why but some days I would have more frustrations about taking my crap at school. My gut felt so large and bloated. Some mornings I would try to be one of the first off the bus, practically ran into the building with my backpack bouncing around, and once I rounded the wall into the girls room, I had to control my disappointment. Like all 15 toilets in use, legs showing in front of each. I would be hopeful that most were doing a 20 or 30 second pee. That wasn't to be.

The first off-and-out was this really snotty cheerleader who I hated. She was pulling up her panties, half out of the stall, and obviously upset. She ran out without washing her hands and I went into the toilet. There was a full crap or crap and a half in the bowl, but absolutely no toilet paper. I didn't care. I dropped my jeans to the floor and sat on the quite warm seat. I think I was afraid to flush because it might clog and be blamed on me. Since I was a chronic school shitter, I didn't want to be even more f##### with by the bullying girls. Sometimes, guys would get into it too. This would happen when I would be raising my hand and asking permission to leave class. I had three guys calling me "Crappin' Centalia" softly enough to get a laugh out of class, but without the teacher hearing.

I would take my wooden bathroom pass down the hall for another try at it. During classes, only 2 or 3 of the toilets would be in use. I would go to the far end one and take my seat. I would get frustrated with almost no feeling in my gut. We knew we couldn't sit for more than 5 minutes because the teacher might be mad, send a student down to get me, or the immature bullying guys would make an immoral hand gesture or obnoxious noise. So I want back to class frustrated.

At the end of middle lunch period, I didn't eat much due to my constipation, I stopped in the basement bathroom. It was almost a duplicate of the others. I couldn't even get near a toilet--the crowd was that jammed in. Even if I could have gotten on a toilet, there was no chance I would be relaxed enough to do what I needed to do. I just thought F-it! and went back to class trying to stop my tears.

In social studies we had some reading time so I got permission to take the wooden pass. My teacher, a lady just out of college, was somewhat skeptical about giving me the pass. She said I should have done that at lunch. She called it a one-time favor. I thanked her. Back onto the toilet. Another 5 minute sit, about half way through I started to push it out until I got short of breath. It was turtle-necking but not quite ready yet. Reluctantly I gave up and went back to class. However, I forgot the wooden pass on the floor next to the toilet. OK, my bad so I went back and got it. In the meantime, the guys got a cheap laugh in at my expense.

Within a half hour I could feel that the real thing was coming, an fast. I stayed in my desk and didn't get out of it. I was certain I would have an accident. Kind of ironic compared to 6 hours earlier. I knew I wouldn't survive to the end of my 45 minute bus ride. I had to duck in right after school. This scared me beyond description because ours is the first of three routes our driver did. He doesn't like tardys to the bus. So right when the 3 p.m. dismissal bell rang I hurried toward the entrance and stopped in the first bathroom. It smelled big time but I didn't care. I was already carrying two pieces of toilet paper on my shoes. I went into the middle stall, backpack still on to save time, dropped my clothing, and bounced onto a warm seat.

I didn't care about a couple of gas blasts that came first. With only moderate pushing in my part it was coming out. I moved my legs, went into part of a squat and then dropped back onto the seat. This was going to be a painfully wide crap. Looking between my legs I could see a huge head slowly dropping toward the water. Before long this girl with a big voice who I didn't really know came into the bathroom, called me Crappin' Centalia, and said the driver was pissed. So I used some toilet paper around my right hand to break off the crap piece. Then I pulled up my panties, knowing full well this was going to be their last assignment. Last on the bus, the CC chants were going again. I took my seat, could feel the mush between my legs and I was hopeful the others couldn't smell it. Dream on. I knew I would never have survived that 45 minute ride if I hadn't cheated by doing the partial crap.

My mom was both sympathetic and critical. She didn't like the multiple skin-on-toilet-seat sits I had done, especially with no results. She also didn't like the attitude of some of my teachers. I think something was said to her at parent conferences, which incensed her even more. A couple of years later I started child sitting. With that earned money I was able to buy my first laxative and that helped me greatly. I was able to walk to my high school, something that gave me not only daily exercise, but more flexibility to use the bathroom as needed.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Nicole from Germany


Wow! Not sure if I would've been able to do that... that would've been embarassing


To the unnamed writer, the "well mannered little boy"

Goodness, that was a strict mother! Well, my grandmother didn't want me, my sister, and our uncle and Aunt to use public bathrooms either, but it began too early, when I was 4 and did a poop in preschool! For years, I used the bathroom at school more often then at home! However, when I hit puberty, I'd began to value privacy more - unlike my sister and Aunt, who still kept pooping at school! Well, I too would every here and there, but more because I needed to and because I had lots of bad experience with holding it during my preschool years... ;)


Taming the fear of public toilets

Thinking back, more so than with many of my friends and acquaintances, I've been fascinated by toilets. From the small row of the 6 or 7 toilets in each bathroom at grade school, to the larger and over-crowded bathrooms in middle school, to the tougher to use toilets in high school, I've pretty much always approached things with an adventurous attitude. Even the trend over the past 10 years or so toward door less toilets in schools and public places has presented some interesting situations for me and my friends and the number of kids I child sit. Hey, its pretty stupid to try and avoid the call of nature.

I've found the guys to be most frequent in holding-in their craps, suffering their guts out, and making up excuse and excuse to avoid getting up on the stool, crapping, wiping, washing their hands and then responsibly placing a paper towel into the trash. And that's just half of the needs of us females who might do two or three pisses, plus a daily dump. What can I say!

For a freshman lit course in college, we had to write a few hundred word paper on an obstacle in our life. Mine was on coming from a single-toilet family and often being one of the first to use school toilets each morning. Add clubs and tutoring which I've done for up to three hours each afternoon, I found I had 5 or 6 pit stops at school a day. And I had several male friends who would hold their dumps until 3:15 each day. If they had to stay after school for tutoring or another reason...oops!

Child care work has been lucrative for me. When we're at the park, at the mall, bumper bowling, or riding our bikes, even though many of the bathrooms are not that clean, the girls have a can-do attitude about their bodily functions. Sometimes they don't even tell me first. I just notice they're not on the playground equipment and I check in the bathroom building or port-a-potty, and they are there. My dad uses 'self-starter' for such situations, but I tell them I need to know where they are at all the time. I remember one 6-year-old who was complaining about the bathrooms at other places with higher toilets, and sometimes with the auto-flush features that scared him. While pooing, he was moving around too much and the auto flush would go off, spray him, and scare him. The biggest problem with the boys is sitting down to take a crap, wiping effectively, and flushing. Too many times the boys, I can think of 3 or 4 occasions, hold their crap in until it smells. When I talk to them, they say they don't like the lack of privacy in so many toilets without privacy doors or that the seats or dripping with me.
My response: not every kid (or even adults for that matter) remembers to lift the seat. Isn't wiping with a piece of toilet paper an easy enough activity? I know a few girls at my college do that in the dorms because the toilets are so heavily used 24/7.

Overall, my one-toilet home and many activities connected with school years ago helped me tame any fear of using public toilets.

A comment on Midwesterner's story:

"The seat was a bit warm, which I don't like after knowing that a male sat there before me. I'm fine knowing that it was a female but it just feels wrong with a male." Would you expand on your reasoning here.


What changed for you when you and your sister entered middle school?
I'm curious as to what changed specifically.


Your mention of metal toilets is interesting. In my city, toilets at the downtown mall and several baseball complexes are metal. Some have metal seats that can be raised, some just have a metal square with no lid and you sit on that square and it is plop and tinkle as your waste hits the pan beneath it. On a school snow day a few years ago I had little Angie with me. We were building a snowman when she had to pee. There was no way I could get her to put her butt on the shiny metal seat. So I had to do a 2 minute or so sit on it to warm it up for her. Then she peed good and earned a couple of swigs of my hot chocolate.

David P

Question & Holiday poos

Hiya all its David P back again.

Kenna: I love the story, look forward to more stories. I am actually jealous of your boyfriends big turds! Do you ever have to push like your boyfriend to do a poo?

First up a question. I can't believe I am asking this considering my background with constipation but my question is how do I make my poo to be very hard and wide? I seem to have lost the ability to make a big formed turd anymore. You will see why it is important for me to get hard turds again after the mess of this week.

Ok so this week I have been away from uni because of the uni breaks for easter. After the drive down which took a long time, as soon as we got to the apartment and dropped the stuff off. After a quick sit down my body was like its time to unload some poo! I wanted to chill but my body had other ideas. So I took myself upstairs and locked the door to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet pulled out my phone and just sat for a bit. I got a real big urge and started to sweat so I began to push. out lots of soft small turds, they were formed but just very soft and pencil thin. I was done in almost a couple of minutes but I stayed sitting just to be sure. It took a lot of wiping to be clean. So the next day the holiday bowels had kicked in and I did not poo for a few days after that. After 3 days I needed to poo pretty urgently and this time again the poos were very soft logs that did not need any pushing. Out slithered lots of little poos. Again it took ages to be clean and the room stunk to high heaven! Again I did not poo for a couple days after and then this time the tip of the turd was a bit hard and knobbly, it stretched me open but then after the first inch or so it got very soft again and plopped out into the water. This was followed by lots and lots of little bits of very soft poo fingers. I wiped, ouch blood on the paper this time. I wiped and kept getting little drops of blood!!! Then I had to go back for another bit of poo twice before we left the house for the beach. Later on that day I got a very itchy bum and was very uncomfortable on the beach. I also had a dull ache in my belly. When I got back, I shot back into the bathroom and finished off wiping. I had a bit of poo left from the last bowel movement and again with the wiping lots of blood. I got a fissure from the wiping as my poo is to soft!

That is the story of this week. Please can you offer advice on how to get my poo to be hard and solid logs??? please help I need normal poos as this is getting bad. I can't believe after being constipated for so long I am asking for help on getting hard poos again but I need it real bad. I am seriously jealous of the posters on here writing stories right now where they need to push and grunt real hard to have a poo! I used to be one of them people and I know it sucks to have to strain but having very soft poo sucks even worse!

Bye for now
David P


Pooping at lunch

I made a giant poop after lunch today. I forgot to poop yesterday, so today I was at school, feeling fine, until ai got to lunch. I felt a weight in my stomach, and that weight became more of an urge to poop. Then I ate lunch, and all that poop really needed to come out. I knew it was gonna be big, and I knew it would be best to get it out of my system. So I left our lunch table and went off to the bathroom. Sure enough there were quite a few girls using the restroom. Most of them were just using their free time to pee, but some (like me) were full and needed to dump their stomach's contents. A girl left a stall right as I entered, so I took her stall. She hadn't flushed, so I quickly flushed away her 10 inch long 2 inch wide turd, along with all the toilet paper (she used a lot) and her dark yellow pee. She must've held all her waste in until lunch to let it out then. Anyway, with the toilet empty, I pulled down my black leggings and blue underwear, and sat on the toilet. I hadn't peed since that morning, so I let my bladder relax and my yellow pee trickled into the toilet. After 25 seconds, my bladder was empty. So I started pushing. I let out a loud, airy, not to smelly fart, then felt a hard turd push my anus open. With some crackling, the log came out. It slowly inched its way out of me, before landing with a plop. There was more in me, so I pushed again as a softer, slightly smaller log emerged from my bowels. With the plop it made, I wiped 5 times, then pulled up my pants and took a look. The first poop was 18 inches long, 2 inches wide. The second log was 15 inches long and about 1.5 inches wide. I flushed the toilet and it all thankfully got sucked away. I washed my hands, feeling light and relieved as always, then rejoined my friends.
Bye for now!


Poop in the store toilet

Yesterday there was an incident in the toilet of a store that I visit very often. It turned out that I didn't poop all day when I was at work and decided to poop in the toilet of the store. When I went there, it seemed to me that not all the toilet cubicles were free and I was not mistaken. I went into one of the back booths, lifted up my skirt, took off my beige thong and sat on the toilet. Very easily I started to poop, the poop was soft but not at all liquid, came out in the form of a snake and fell into the toilet. Very soon I heard a stirring in the next booth. Then, not too loudly, but it was heard as the woman in the booth swore obscenities. She realized that the toilet holder was not equipped with paper. Then I still heard the rustle of her clothes, the tapping of her heels on the tile floor and then the woman pulled the water in the toilet. I had already finished pooping and peed a little, after which I got up, put on my panties, which by that time already had traces of my vagina, and now they also immediately touched my dirty anus. I straightened my skirt and flushed the toilet. By the way, there was no toilet paper in my stall either. I heard the woman in the next stall turn on the water again, apparently trying to wash off the traces of poop from the toilet and immediately left the stall. There were also traces of poop in my toilet, I didn't use a brush, I didn't want to take it in my hands. I decided not to flush the toilet anymore and leave the stall as soon as possible. I was interested in looking at my neighbor. I opened the door and saw a woman standing next to the washbasin and washing her hands. She was wearing a light short coat of white color and black trousers (not jeans). She was of medium height, with shoulder-length black hair. I went to the next washbasin and also started washing my hands. Out of the corner of my eye, looking in the mirror, I saw the face of a middle-aged woman, about a little over 40. She looked very serious, apparently she was a little upset. She quickly washed her hands and began to dry them with a hairdryer, which was at the exit of the toilet. After about half a minute, she came out. I also noticed that the woman did not have a purse with her, which is extremely rare. Later I realized why, I followed the woman out without even drying my hands and saw that she went to the bench where a man and a school-age girl were waiting for her. I saw a man hand her a purse. I think that at that moment she wished she had taken her purse with her to the toilet. I am sure that this is exactly the case when, specifically, this woman did not wipe herself because of the lack of paper in the toilet. It was clear that she was upset by this circumstance and was not ready for this. Apparently she was in a hurry and for convenience left her purse to her husband, in which you could probably find napkins or a handkerchief.
I wanted to know how often the visitors of this forum found themselves in situations where there was no toilet paper in the toilet and how did you act in this situation?



Hi gang. Kristi here, posting from my favorite place in the house (next to bed). Unwinding after a busy day with a poop.

Imogen: THAT was a story!!! You're really good with your words.

I've dealt with European toilets too. Usually just to pee, but on a couple of occasions I had to poop too.

Once was in a youth hostel in Genoa, Italy. It was really clean and I had the whole room to myself, so it wasn't a bad experience.

But then there was this train station in Spain. It was FILTHY.

I was traveling with my classmate Becca, and we both had to poop. So we went into this stall (if you can call it that) and held each other up so that we didn't lose our balance.

Becca was not used to taking a dump in front of others. I told her I'd go first. I remember that I had to go really bad. We had kleenex in our purses (a lot of public bathrooms in Europe pass it out even for regular sit down toilets.)

Becca was really red-faced and she kept apologizing for it. But she was able to drop a big load though, right on top of my poop.

I should email her about our train station adventure.

And my business here is done. Two nice soft brown logs and a nice pee.



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