

Pooping at school

In the morning before school, when I woke up, my ???? was bubbling violently. He wasn't ache, and he didn't want to poop, but he was bubbling. I decided to go poop, and went to the toilet. But, what a surprise: it was busy. My stomach didn't hurt, and I didn't want to poop, so I decided not to go. But when I went to school, my ???? ached and I had an insistent desire to go poop. I went to the toilets, and to my joy there was (albeit one) free toilet. I immediately locked myself in there, and soon I was sitting on the toilet seat with my pants and underpants down. I relaxed, and felt the warm and soft big poop coming out into the toilet. I was sighing with relief very much! It was very good! When I finally finished, I found that there was no toilet paper in the stall. I had to ask those who occupied other booths to give me paper. Fortunately, they gave it to me, and I wiped off very soon, flushed off, dressed, and went out.

Mrs Bigandhard

Very difficult Hard and wide bowel movement today

All-night long I could feel as if I was going to have a hard time going to the toilet. when I got up . I first fixed some breakfast
Pancakes and coffee , it was not long that I felt a big hard lumpy mass move down in my rectum . It began to press against my anal opening my (butt hole making it big and wide.
As I was straining me, I used my hand mirror to look back at my butt hole and watch the rock hard turd as it comes out.

As it is emerging out I strain harder and harder.
It was lorded with hard rocks all jammed together. my bowel movements are usually like this. These are hard chunks of poop That had accumulated in my rectum over the last five days.
as they come out they stretch my hole, it is very painful. Most of my bowel movements are like this. I used some pain reliever cream on my finger to push it back into my sore butthole. and start straining again. this helps keep my butt hole widened for the next time I have compacted hard rocks as they come down to be pushed out.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Nicole from Germany

Big poos from little kids?

Can anyone explain how little kids can have tall poos already? When I was a little girl, mine often were large already, as are the ones of my older two kids, who just turned six and five. It does shock me a bit.


Pee holding survey

Hi folks

It's a long time since I was last here. A little pee holding survey. How long, on average, can you hold your pee under normal circumstances?

A) Two hours or less

B) Two to five hours

C) Five to eight hours

D) Eight to twelve hours - but no longer

E) Twelve hours plus

In my case it's B) at least during the daytime.


Survey - 15 original questions (most of them anyway)

1) Have you ever taken a shit in public with members of the opposite sex in one one the next stalls?
2) Do you feel ashamed when someone enters the stall you have been pooping in?
3) Has a member of the opposite sex ever entered your stall after you have pooped?
4) Has a member of the opposite sex ever opened the door on you by accident while you were pooping?
5) Have you ever been in a poop stand off? Meaning both of you don't dare to shit in the presence of each other.
6) Have you ever had to poop on a first date?
7) Have you ever had to poop at a restaurant where your collegue/friend/lover has to wait alone at the table for your return?
8) Have you ever rang the doorbell to poop at a stranger's house in desperation?
9) On average how many people do you hear pooping at work/school/college daily or weekly?
10) Would you use zero privacy Chinese toilets to poop during travel?
11) For those with kids lets say 12 to 24 living at home do your children poop at school or do they wait all day to go at home?
12) For those with kids aged lets say 12 to 24 living at home. Are your children comfortabel with pooping in your presence and vice versa?
13) Do you prefer pooping in the presence of strangers, friends or family members?
14) How long after breakfast/lunch/dinner do you need to poop?
15) Do you plan your poop or do you go when feeling the need wherever you are?

I tried to come up with original questions, feel free to answer them. Thanks!

John H

Apology and comments

Hi all.
First off, sorry to those who took the time to reply to my survey. I did post a long reply but it seems not to have made it to publication.
Now comments on latest posts.
@BigGalPooper. That sounded very unpleasant but hopefully your constipation has resolved. Did you mention it to your husband or not?
@Jessica. Thanks for sharing your latest post. It was cool you and the guy were ok to have a short conversation as you used the toilet. I would definitely like to use a gender nuteral bathroom if I get the chance.

@Shannon. Hey and really sorry to hear about your accident. Was it soft or more solid? Perhaps this made it harder to hold if it was soft. Hope it was a once off and of course you feel bad but this will pass and it sounds like your husband is understanding. Would also be interesting to hear more about your pee accidents if you are ok to share.

@Annie. Hey and glad to read you are having lots of big poos lately. I think periods can impact a ladies poo also, you mentioned your period recently. Do you think you normally poo more and larger poops during your period?

@Jill. Hey. I have never seen or used a pit toilet. I found it interesting how you can hear others beside you and in the bathroom behind you. So do both men and ladies poo in the same pit? Do these toilets not smell or over fill?
I would love to use one but I don't think we have any such toilets in our country. Like you, I would enjoy hearing the sounds of others peeing and pooping around me as I went. Would like to hear more about your experiences using pit toilets.

That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.


Massive thick soft poop after coffee

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, went to the washroom (pee & brushed my teeth) then went upstairs for breakfast (homemade soup with vegetables, chili peppers, etc, warm water and black coffee). After breakfast I took my morning medication, refilled my water container and took that and my coffee downstairs. Drank both fairly slowly. A few minutes ago I got a strong urge to poop so I went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my grey shorts, black underwear and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and a massive amount of thick, soft shit came out. Only took about 20 seconds. Once I was done I grabbed some TP from my cloth Walmart bag, wiped well and stood up to look.

There was a thick circular piece at the top and a huge amount of thick poop at the bottom, kind of like it was attached. The water was yellow from my pee. Wow what a shit! Flushed the toilet, pulled up my shorts and underwear and washed my hands. Now am back in my room. What a relieving huge crap, and even better that it was soft not hard. Will continue to drink plenty of water and see if I can do some stretching exercises and see if I can go more later.

Happy pooping and stay safe!



Sarah Survey

1. How often do you poop at work?
If this day is not a holiday, then as a rule, on this day I poop in one of the office toilets.
2. Do you have to keep your poop at work? for a long time?
It happens sometimes, but only when I feel like my poop isn't too soft, then I can ignore the urge to poop most of the day. However, this happens very rarely.
3. Are you embarrassed to poop at work?
No, I poop so often at work that I never feel embarrassed.
4. When was the last time you pooped at work? how it was?
Yesterday was a working day and I, as usual, went to poop at work.
5. Have you ever used the customer toilet?
Often. This toilet is located on the first floor of our building and is accessible to everyone. I find it convenient to go to this toilet. There are a large number of booths and there are always free ones.
6. Have you heard colleagues or clients poop?
Sometimes I notice it. I will not hide, it is always interesting.
7. You had to tell a client or colleague that you needed to poop.
Sometimes, in conversations with other women, I said that I needed to go to the ladies' room, but I did not say for what exactly. However, there were cases when it became clear why I went to the toilet.


Small urgent watery poop

Hi all. Had a semi big lunch and warm water during and after. I got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago. Went to the washroom clenching fairly hard, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my shorts and underwear down and sat. Relaxed and a small amount of liquidy and mushy crap came out. Not much but felt pretty urgent. Was done within about 10 to 20 seconds. Reached into my cloth Walmart bag and grabbed my toilet paper and used the last of it. Had to wash my ass at the sink too. Flushed the toilet, pulled my shorts and underwear up and washed my hands.

Happy pooping and stay safe!



Poop time

I was sitting on a bench near some house, thinking about what to do. But suddenly I felt like I wanted to poop. There was a cabin nearby. And I went to her. Soon I locked the door, pulled down my pants and underpants, and sat down on the toilet seat. I farted a couple of times, and the warm light poop, one after another, began to come out of me. They fell with loud slaps, and I felt more and more relief. Finally, I pooped, finished, wiped, got dressed and went out.

Will G. W.

Practice run wetting

Back in high school I ran cross country. I'll never forget this one morning that I was running with one of my friends on the girl's team (Laura). She was very cute and like the other girls looked quite good in a sports bra and running shorts. On this particular day Laura was wearing black Nike running shorts. Toward the end of our run we were getting close to the school, but Laura told me that she needed to pee. We ran off the sidewalk into a wooded area. Not wanting me to see her pee she ended up pulling down her shorts and taking a huge piss right through the blue panties she had on under her shorts. I had never seen anything like this. Laura was quite embarrassed, but I told her I wouldn't tell anyone what happened.

Sunday, June 04, 2023


Bad milk!

So I had been backed up for a few days but this isn't super unusual but as I was starting to get uncomfortable, I drank a bunch of milk I had since it gives me diarrhea due to a medication I'm on. It's sort of my "go to" for when I get constipated and works well with just some painful cramps but effective results the morning after.

This time was different. I checked the date on the milk bottle and saw it was 4 days out!! I was a bit worried but the milk tasted okay so I thought I was okay.

I did time this for a night my husband was out of town (we're fairly open but these poos smell like such death and I like being free to sit as long as I need), thank goodness!! I took my meds and went to read in bed to wind down.

About an hour later, I suddenly get sharp, stabbing pains in my lower belly. "oh no, the milk!" I said out loud as a insanely loud fart escaped from my ass before I could stop it. I was hurting but just didn't feel I needed to rush to the toilet just then. I laid on my side, wearing my underwear and a t-shirt, moaning in pain and relief as long, loud, and smelly farts exploded out of me.

I knew I was playing with fire but I was too tired and sick to care until the smell made me nauseated!. I hopped up and believe it or not, lot a stick of incense to help the smell. As soon as I did I felt something shift in my guts and I moaned as I literally ran to the bathroom and yanked my panties down just in time for diarrhea to explode out of me. A little got on the seat but I didn't care, my guts were cramping so hard. I spent several minutes just exploding out of my ass, legs in the air as I moaned. Then I had the cramps but needed to push out my old constipated stool. My bathroom garbage can was empty so I turned it upside down and put one foot on it and the other one the side of the bathtub. Just getting into this kind of squat forced my big log down more.

In spite of the bad milk, I was to grab my ankles and double over, pushing loudly and hard before I got a thick and long poo out of me. Finally, the days of poo along with what made me sick poured out. I was basically out of it, just gripping the sink or sides of the toilet as I lifted my legs and groaned and moaned so so loudly, I bet my neighbors could hear but I couldn't help it. I was in pain and relief both, combining constipation release with the pains of massive diarrhea is crazy and so painful in a way I hadn't felt in my guts ever, even with Norovirus.

After over an hour of almost constant shitting, I was finally feeling more empty. I surveyed the damage and knew I'd have to at least break up the 2in wide poop plug that held back those days of poop. I got an old wire hanger to do it, threw it away immediately and by some miracle it flushed.

Thank goodness, because within 20 minutes I was back exploding loudly on the toilet,for another hour. I thought I'd throw up a couple of times to the point I was crouched in front of the toilet then realized just in time I was going to basically puke out of my butt. It was so painful and lasted all night! I called in from work the next day! The worst was over by then but I had to recover from that! I still had cramps and bad gas that day so I'm sure I was better staying home!!


Gender Neutral Toilet in Mall

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've just been really busy ever since summer started, but I made sure to keep up with everyone's posts. I really enjoyed MD Dan's story about going to the bathroom with his co workers. I've never experienced something like that and I definitely would've been listening intensely too. Would love to hear more stories involving co workers if anyone has one :)

Today I'll share a quick story that happened recently at the mall. I started working at the mall this summer and recently had an interesting experience at the bathroom. I was working the closing shift and began to feel the urge to poop during the last two hours of my shift. I decided I could wait till the end of the day and continued to deal with customers and fold the clothes. I continued to let out silent farts for the rest of the night and by closing time I was desperate for a poop. The Chinese food I ate at the mall during my break was definitely giving me an upset stomach. After clocking out I made my way to the closest bathroom by the exit. The mall was pretty empty since it was closing time so I expected the bathroom would also be empty. As I was walking into the the entrance I noticed that this was a gender neutral bathroom, but I didn't mind as I needed to go badly and am usually not shy about going in public. I entered the washroom and as I expected no one was inside. This was a fairly small bathroom, which only had four stalls, three normal stalls and one handicapped stall. I decided to take the middle stall of the three. I lined the toilet seat with paper as I usually do and quickly pulled my black leggings down below my knees and sat on the toilet. Immediately I let out some wet sounding farts and a log of poop shot out of my butt. This was an extremely relieving feeling, as I had been holding in that first log for a few hours now. Suddenly I begin to hear footsteps approaching and see a pair of Nike sneakers appear in the stall next to me. They quickly close the door and for a moment their is complete silence. I assume he also need to poop as he quickly takes a seat on the bowl. Still there is no sound. But from the smell in the air he definitely knew I had been pooping. It felt a bit awkward at first to poop with someone of the opposite gender beside me, but it was getting late and I needed to get home soon. So I gave in and let out an enormous fart that followed with a wave of liquid poop. And almost as if he wanted to let me know I wasn't alone the boy with the Nike shoes also begins to have liquid diarrhea. I thought it was a bit funny because every few seconds we would both stop only to continue farting and pooping. Two minutes of constant pooping went by until we both stopped. I was taking a bit of a break before the next wave and I guess he was too. In the middle of the awkward silence he asks says "I'm sorry I interrupted you mid poop, as you can tell I really had to go too." Giggling a bit I replied "don't worry, when you gotta go you gotta go," as a small wet sounding fart escapes my butt. Laughing back he replies, "yeah, I mean you could barely finish your sentence without letting out some gas."

I asked if he was almost done and he said "my stomach still hurts, I'll probably be a bit longer. How about you?" "The Chinese food at the mall isn't sitting so well with me, so probably a bit longer for me as well," I said. I expected to hear a reply back but instead his next wave of liquid poop was coming out. "I guess we're going straight back to it," I said out loud. We both continued pooping for the next five minutes. The room was getting really smelly at this point, but I finally felt I was done. I wiped my butt and went the sinks to wash my hands. The boys stall was silent as I was drying my hands. I opened the bathroom door to leave and felt amazing after such a reliving poop. As the door closed behind me I heard a loud booming fart, I guess his stomach was still upset.

Hope you enjoyed my story everyone!


I had an accident

Hi the internet. This past Saturday I turned 34! Then, on sunday, i had a first time experience while in my husband's new car that I've always heard of as part of getting older, but still thought I was years away from- I couldn't wait for a bathroom and messed my pants at a red light...

For clarity, I didn't feel sick or have any stomach pain or diarrhea. I just felt like I needed to poop, thought I could hold it in, started to realize I couldn't, had a super embarassing panic attack in front of my husband, then while he tried to explain there were 2 minutes until we got to where we were going, I fully went in my pants at the light. I just couldn't resist pushing, and once it started I couldn't stop, and had to witness my poor husband trying not to gag over the smell in the car. I do firmly believe this is the most mortifying thing I've experienced in front of him.

I've wet myself more times than I can even count. So many that I don't even feel embarrassed over peeing my pants anymore unless I really soak myself badly, but this is the first time I've ever pooped in my pants in my memory...I have to say, I REALLY sympathetize with anyone who deals with a bowel issue involving accidents because I can't even describe the weirdly intense and vulnerable emotions I've been experiencing since it happened. Maybe it sounds like im being over dramatic...I just can't imagine why it happened and now I'm scared and embarrassed that I might have another messing accident at any time. It honestly wouldn't be so bad its just there is absolutely no hiding it because you are so smelly if you've pooped your pants ugh....I can't stop reliving it. I can barely look at my husband even though he was a dear about it and has never been fazed by my ridiculous bladder problems either. The closest he ever came to getting mad was a time I wet the bed in the middle of the night so we changed the whole bed and went back to sleep only for me to wet again before the morning. Hes been an angel otherwise, and thankfully he was about my bm in the car...


Hisae Maho Kazumi Mina

I am so glad Hisae had such a wonderful time on the loo.
It must have been such a relief and a great feeling to have so much pour out of your bottom so fast...
today I had the same experience but had it at work by myself....had not done a poo for a couple of days and my laxative worked all in one loo session.
hope you are keeping safe!



Had a wee in the ELEGANCE pottie in bedroom last night @ 9am then climbed in bed went to sleep.Woke @ 6:30 had a wee got back to bed woke again @8am
Had a wee in ELEGANCE pottie went downstairs made tea got dressed sat in garden drank tea ,had another wee in pottie in garage unable to poop.
Twenty minutes ago needed the toilet went into campervan pulled the ADVENTURIDGE pottie from locker paper towel on back of bowl lowered my jogging bottoms and pants sat down .Immediately started a long good flow wee farted my bowels opened , I pooped two loads ,wiped with ELSAN BLUE ROLL toilet paper ,the bowl was full to the two litre mark .


Medical Procedure Poo Fusion

In Australia there is a medical procedure whereby the poo of a healthy person is injected into the bottom of a person with certain illnesses , like long term gastro troubles and in some cases it is outstanding success.
Some illness are made worse or occur because of a lack of microbes in the bowel and injecting it up the colon introduces the much needed microbes and the patient can be much better within a couple of hours.
I saw a program whereby a lady had a mental illness which was made much worse due to her gut and her "medicine" was putting her husband's poo up her bum every few days. What was on the video was graphic...saw the container with her husband's turd.... a big one. It is then put in the blender (hope it is a sole purpose use) with water...the liquid is run off and put up her colon like an enema that she has to hold for a while. The lady said is was very effective.
There was the case of a young 18 year old girl who was continually constipated and she had her father's poo put up her and within a couple of hours her bowels were working overtime.
Now in Perth , Western Australia , there is a lab that collects poo from donors...there was this youngish lady who calls in on her way to work and makes a is processed by the lab technicians and then sent around the country...they were calling for volunteers.
Imagine this....if you make the specified number of blood donations they give you an award...what will the award be for the required number shits. To be a poo donor . your poo has to be tested to see if it is OK.
How would you be if you were a lab technician testing and processing poo!!! Not my idea of fun. The journalist doing the story was a youngish man and you could tell he was very uncomfortable about doing this assignment but as it progressed you could see he was getting over the embarrassment of the story and into the actual science.
Thanks for reading the above.
Those with bowel issues might be interested.


Seeing parents pee pants

Yesterday I was at home when my mom came home from work. I noticed there was a wet spot maybe 20 cm across on her blue jeans. I asked her if she had peed a little in her panties and she admitted that she had leaked a bit when walking home. This wasn't the first time I have seen her in peed pants so it wasn't really a big deal. I was wondering if anyone else has similar experiences of seeing their parents wet themselves?


Huge amount of poop

Hi all. This morning I got up around 8:15, went to the washroom (pee) and went upstairs for breakfast. I had milky or watery oatmeal, a jar of warm water and a jar of coffee (black). I felt pressure in my body a few minutes ago and felt very full so I went to the washroom next to my room and closed the door. Walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black close fitting boy shorts and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and filled the toilet pretty quickly with a lot of crap. Absolutely loaded it. Once I was done I lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in the toilet. It looked pretty full. Grabbed some TP and stood up, wiping well. Looked at it. Wow! About 2 1/2 feet long and hard and thick! What a beast! Flushed first then wiped well. Flushed the toilet and sat down to change my pad. Stood up again, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Wow. What a relief. Just finished my 2nd jar of warm water. Maybe after lunch I can go again.

Happy pooping and stay safe!




Last Monday, I put waaaay too much salsa on my food. It was actually just pure green chiles (though I also had red chiles). It burned my mouth so bad, I was sweating and panting for a long time. After it finally stopped burning, I didn't think much about it till the next day...
The next day, I needed to take a dump. So I sat down on the toilet. It was having a little bit of a hard time coming out. I thought at first that that was why my anus was burning. But then I realized it was probably the chiles. I knew the best thing I could do was just push, and once it was out it'd stop hurting in a few minutes. And it did, and once it stopped I felt pretty good. The funny thing is, it wasn't diarrhea at all! It was pretty firm, and probably not more than 8 inches long.
Anyway also last Thursday was my sister Jade's 16th birthday. Two days later, on Saturday, I did a big, dark, smelly turd I realized was probably her birthday dinner coming out. Since I was about 8 (so 10 years now!!!) I've enjoyed guessing which meal I was pooping out. I'll have to try and think about which meal I just pooped out!
Bye for now!
P.S. Mina, I hope I find a friend like you and the 3 crushes :) It'd make life so much funner


Reply to Mary

Mary: To your question of letting out a little bit of pee into your pants in those situations, the only answer is to try it and see what happens. My friends and I have tried at times, with varying levels of success between us. Some peed a little and some peed a bit more, but one friend completely peed her pants once or twice.


Pooping in movies


You asked about pooping in movies. There was one where a woman actually did it in her panties - and you can even briefly see the evidence. I think it was called Margot at the Wedding. A clip of the scene is available online.


Challenge part 2: the dump

The day has arrived, school ends today so it's time to complete this challenge. I'm quite glad, because I really need to poop. Like REALLY BADLY. My normal daily poops are quite big, and now I've been eating slightly more than normal and keeping it all inside me. Normally, I can hold my poop for 2 or 3 days, but then it really needs to come out in the form of a huge dump. Sure enough, I was fine for the first few days (just the normal poopy feeling), but then I really felt a need to poop. I kept holding it in though, because I wanted the final result to be as big as possible. I've actually been careful when peeing incase my body just autonomously forces my solid waste out. I'm quite bloated, my stomach has come out an inch or two, I'm farting a lot (they're not loud, just very airy and quite smelly), and I feel a tremendous weight in my bowels. Oh yeah, my stomach hurts sometimes and my stomach gets full (when eating) quicker than normal. My bowels are so full though. I wouldn't be surprised if my bowels have merged into a big container of brown digested food waste.
So today at school I skipped lunch and went straight to the girls restroom and chose my stall. There were a few girls quickly peeing, but otherwise it was empty. I pulled down my black leggings and blue panties to my knees and sat down. I started to pee as a hard, solid, thick piece of poop started to emerge. After 25 seconds I finished peeing, and with my bladder empty I focused on my bowel movement. I leaned forward and pushed. I really had to grunt and strain because this was a thick log. My butthole was really hurting, until finally it stopped getting wider. It slowly emerged from my stretched butthole, and kept coming for a while. It was hard, thick, and smelly. I felt it hit the porcelain in the bottom of the toilet bowl, but it kept coming. As this turd started to coil around the toilet bowl, I could feel the contents of my digestive system shift as my load was dumped. After nearly 2 minutes of pooping, the first log tapered off and fell with a "floomp." That in itself was super relieving, but it was just the start. I pushed again and a log just as thick and hard started to emerge. This one was quite knobbly though. It inched out of my butt, and while being the same thickness it was shorter in length. It coiled halfway around, then fell onto my first turd with a quiet, wet "thud." I rubbed my stomach and sighed with relief, having already gotten out a lot of poop. I wasn't done pooping though. I still had lots of potty in me that needed to come out. And now that I had started my bowel movement, there was no stopping until all my waste was excreted. With a quick break, the next poop flowed into my rectum, and I immediately began pooping it out. It was thick (thinner than the last two though), but softer and smooth. It was very long though. It started coiling around the center of the toilet, in the inner diameter of my previous turds. It coiled for a while, then after 3 minutes it dropped into the toilet with a plop. Between that turd and my next one was a lot of gas. I pushed and let out a loud, long, echoey fart that smelled really bad. After 15 seconds I had released that gas bubble, clearing the way for my next excretion item. However, I could tell the rest of my time on the toilet would be quite gassy. I started pushing out logs that were the same as the previous one, however much shorter. I'd push for 15 seconds, one would drop, and another would replace it. In between each of these turds were some gas bubbles, and I'd fart one to three times after each one. Each fart lasted for 5 seconds, was quite smelly, and echoed loudly around the toilet bowl. I was making quite a smell from my poops, and also from my farts. I could see my stomach getting smaller and I felt emptier with each turd. After 5 minutes of passing these turds, I was finished, and felt empty. My giant load was finished! I looked between my legs and had filled the toilet! I didn't dare flush, and went to another stall to wipe. After wiping 12 times, I flushed, pulled up my pants. And checked out my poop. I couldn't see all that I made, but I'll put my estimations below:
First log: 48 inches long, 4 inches wide
Second log: 25 inches long, 4 inches wide
Third log: 45 inches long, 3 inches wide
The other 20ish logs: 9-15 inches long, 2-3 inches wide
Alright, I feel so relieved now. I feel bad for whoever has to clean up that toilet.
I'm glad this challenge is over now. Happy summer to everyone, goodbye school (for now). Bye!


This Morning

@ToiletKid: Great description. I love having an unrushed BM. This morning gave me that opportunity. I took my standard reading material into the bathroom, dropped pants and briefs to my ankles, sat on the toilet and started reading. A couple of minutes, I gave a push resulting in a long gentle fart. Nope, not ready yet, went back to reading. It wasn't far off, the aroma from that fart was quite strong. In another few minutes, a rather insistent loud fart. Okay, time to put the reading down and enjoy. It started with a short hiss and crackle, feeling anal stretch as a movement emerged and plopped into the toilet. That ramped up the aroma in the room. A short fart, another movement started out, followed quickly by another one. Three good size, firm logs. Most satisfying BM I've had in a while. Thx for letting me share.

Master Blaster
A few months ago there was a poster here named Sarah who talked about clogging her friend's toilet. I really liked her stories; is she still around here? If so, please post more!

Nicole from Germany

To Sandra

1) about every second day
2) large - usually six to eight inches long and two inches wide
3) same height, but nearly 20 lbs more... suppose I need more fiber, haha ;)
4) I do enjoy it


Taking a dump before party

I was invited to a party, and I agreed to go. When it was already a few minutes before the exit, I remembered that I had not poop yet. And the party could last a long time, and I absolutely did not want to do it there. So I decided to go to the toilet. So I came, pulled down my pants and briefs, and sat down on the toilet seat. The poop didn't come out ease. I pushed and pushed and pushed. At last they came out, one after another, and I felt a pleasant and sweet relief. Ah! I wiped myself, flush after myself, dressed, and washed my hands.

Thursday, June 01, 2023


Pretty big satisfying poop

Hi all. Got up this morning and had oatmeal with hot sauce and black beans with warm water and black coffee for breakfast. Went to my room then later for lunch I had some kind of mildly spicy dish with lots of vegetables and some beef. Laid down for my afternoon nap around 1 and at about 1:30 I got a strong urge to poop. Went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and dark underwear (on my period) and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and a lot of semi-soft though mostly hard poop came out. Was done within about 20 seconds. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked. Quite a bit in there. Reached for some TP and wiped well and tossed it in the toilet. Stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and turned around to look. There was a fairly big poop in the toilet about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long and semi soft, mostly hard. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Will continue to drink water and eat healthy and everything else should come out no problem.

Happy pooping and stay safe!



Survey Answer and Replies

I thought I would answer Sarah's survey about pooping at work. I am a farmer, so I don't have a normal job that I go to for a set time. During the busy seasons of farming, I'm basically almost always at "work". However, that work is our family's farm, so I don't feel like I'm at a job!

1. how often do you poop at work?

I definitely need to poop in the field every so often. I try to go at the house or the shop before I leave for somewhere, which is almost every day.

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

Sometimes I do if I'm bringing equipment from field to field or if there is no cover at the field I'm working in.

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?


4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

I pooped yesterday while I was at the shop. I ate some lunch and needed to go before I headed out to the field. I went to our bathroom and sat on the toilet. I was seated for about 5-10 minutes while I pushed out a few logs. I'd say it was a pretty pleasant poop session!

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

Not applicable in my situation since I don't really have individual customers like a retail business would.

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

Considering my wife is my coworker, yes I have.

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

I have definitely told my wife that I needed to poop!

@MD Dan

Wow, what an incredible story about pooping in the hotel room with those ladies! It's amazing how much closer we can feel to people when we become uninhibited. It sounds like Jill enjoyed it as much as you did.

@Anna from Austria

To answer your question about the closest I've been to pooping my pants, there have definitely been several circumstances that were close calls, but one sticks out in particular. I was in rural Oklahoma driving by myself. For those who don't know, many parts of Oklahoma are very desolate and unpopulated. I had eaten something earlier that disagreed with me. I felt a strong urge to have diarrhea but was more than an hour away from a toilet facility. I stopped at a truck stop but all the stalls were taken! My hotel for the night was another 10 minutes up the road, so I decided to risk it. I made it to the hotel, checked in (luckily very quickly), and then absolutely exploded with diarrhea into the toilet. That's probably about as close to pooping my pants as I've ever come in recent years!


I loved your story from Maui where you and your husband shared the bathroom! That totally sounds like something my wife and I would do! Maui is quite a unique place, and I'm hoping to bring my wife there sometime in the next couple years. Maybe the trip will yield a similar story for me to post here!


Wow, that was quite an interesting experience with the all gender restroom! I think it would be very interesting to use one of these restrooms. They're not a very common thing in my area of the country though.


That was a great story about pooping in the hotel bathroom with your friends! That reminds me of something that my wife and her cousin Maddie would do (and they have done).

Mina Kazumi Maho Hisae

Why Jim is angry Juanita's motion??

Hi Everyone, you are all well we hope.

Today we read old post. Maybe page 2262 about. There is man called Jim, and Spanish tenant in his house, her name Juanita. Jim liked Juanita's bottom very much, he hoped he see her empty her beautiful bottom.

Then one day he was in bathtub, and Juanita had poo emergency, only one loo in the house, it was in bathroom. But even Juanita said "I will do mierda in my pantaleta!" he stayed in bathtub to relax, and didn't allow her come in. He was a very cruel!! Finally Juanita rush in, bare beautiful bottom and pour many litres mushy mierda into loo with huge smell. Jim complained lots and put lock on bathroom and when Juanita's agreement of residence in house finishes he didn't renew. (Mina copied Spanish words from screen. Pantaleta is pantaloon?? Mierda is poo we think.)

We are very furious to him!! "I bang his horrible head against bathtub" Maho said. Why he was complain, even he hoped he would see Juanita empty her beautiful bottom??

Actually, yesterday morning, Hisae was in a very hurry to sit on loo. We hurry to green flat after a breakfast, she pulled down pyjamas and pants with running from balcony to loo, jump on loo and burst. When Mina squat next her already huge mushy of mierda pouring out from her beautiful bottom. She created Mount Mihara in loo, it is island volcano in Pacific Ocean. Then she stand and Mina flush (after Kazu and Maho look, of course).

For next explode of mierda puree, Maho next her. But Kazu and Mina can see from front. Maho hold her hand. "Are you painful?" "No" And another huge puree. Mount Mihara again. So Maho flushed and then Kazu squatted near Hisae.

Hisae is usually quite quick in loo but this time.... Another huge cascade, then little pieces. Include washlet time, she was on loo 15 minutes. Always we are holding her hand or putting hand on her knee. But she was not painful, she said it was very comfy motion!

3 crushes sat on loo after her, but our motion ordinary very much, each of us 8 or 9 large turds like we always do, take 15 minutes, so we don't give detail because this post too long and you yawn many times. Then warm communication in tatami room. Of course we never angry to Chae. We are happy to see her relief face when mierda is rushing out from her with huge volume!! Sweet sweet Chae! (Chae, kiss to Mina after she finish to write and not now.)

We hope nobody angry with person when her (or his) bottom burst. It can't help!!

Typhoon coming to Japan. We hope telework, and we are happy that there is indoors loo in Hisae's family house in countryside now.

And we hope everyone is good health and happy. Thousand online kisses from your very own four crushes. Optional Person, thank you kind words. Special kisses to you.

Hisae Maho Kazumi Mina

Response to Nath

I can so relate to your situation. I take the subway trains daily to my job and evening university classes. I'm glad you found the toilet in the final car. None of the cars in any train in our city have them. But each of the transit stations have bathrooms. They are often kind of gross because of the number of people using them, but once I'm seated and relieving myself I'm thankful. I sit on the very least part of the seat so only a small part of me has skin contact with the seat. But it is better than having an accident, especially since I frequently wear dresses that I have to lift up and hold. When I was little and out with Mom she refused to let me sit on one of those toilets. I thought that was harsh and still do. About as harsh as the wait times now that can go 10 minutes or more during rush hour.


timed dump, gym diarrhea, painful poo

today i timed myself again. it was late morning and i had to take a dump. i stopped at a gas station. they had a one person ladies room. someone was in there. after 4 minutes a girl wearing a tanktop and shorts came out. i went into the bathroom and could smell poop a bit. i pulled my jeans and panties to my ankles. i sat on the still warm seat. i farted once and my shit began to move. i felt like taking a relaxing dump so i relaxed and took my time. it was slowly coming out. after around a minute i began pushing gently. soon my bowels fully opened and i quickly released 5 or 7 plops. pooping took 1 minute 33 seconds. i tried to shit more for 12 seconds but i was done. i wiped for 1 minute 19 seconds. i suddenly felt the urge to shit again. i pushed and a nice log quickly shot out. it took another minute to finish wiping.

another recent dump. i was at the gym alone. i suddenly felt that i was going to have diarrhea. i rushed to the bathroom. this was the bigger bathroom with 10 stalls. there are showers to but a wall separates them. the bathroom was crowded. 7 of the stalls were taken. i took the 4th stall just as someone was leaving it. the stalls on both sides had girls in them. i quickly pulled my yoga pants down and sat on the toilet. i immediately had a very loud and long explosion of diarrhea into the bowl. it was one wave but it lasted for a few seconds and was very loud. i sighed loudly from the amazing relief. i then did a long loud fart. the fart was very loud. my stall really stunk now. i waited to see if there would be more. the stall on the right was being replaced with girls doing quick pees. the girl on my left was taking what sounded like a fat dump. i heard a grunt then two heavy plops a sigh a grunt crackling then a loud splat then the rolling of toilet paper. i did a small fart then wiped.

i had a painful poo recently. i woke up late and was hurrying. i needed to take a morning shit. i slept in a tshirt and panties. i pulled my panties down and sat on the toilet. i needed to be fast. it felt like it would be a normal dump. i pushed hard and suddenly was in lots of pain. my shit was much thicker than i expected. it was to thick to fast and really hurt. i struggled and pushed hard to get it out. i had to push really hard while my ass was in pain. it finally fell in the toilet and splashed my butt. i did a big fart peed then wiped.


Reply and questions for Nicole From Germany

Nicole, I usually go in the morning a few hours after I wake up, consistently each day. Have a few questions if you don't mind.

1) How often do you usually have to poop?

2) How big are your poops usually in terms of length and width?

3) How tall are you and how much do you weigh? I'm 5'6 and weigh 125 lbs.

4) Do you enjoy pooping or are you indifferent to it?

Optional Person

To MD Dan

I think it can be topped. I get the feeling from that interaction that Jill likes you and has an intense fascination with pooping we shall call it. If I were in your position I would advise asking her out.

sincerely Optional Person


Pit toilets

I have a confession regarding pit toilet usage. There doesn't seem to be very many people talking about them. I personally love to use them especially if I have loose or runny poop. I have been using them for 20 years and usually take a flashlight and look at my damage.
Here in Northern Pennsylvania we have these toilet facilities at hiking areas and picnic areas. I am currently in my forties and starting realizing that I enjoyed this when I was in my late teens.
I realized early on that I really enjoyed looking at other people's productions at campgrounds where I was staying. After that I discovered that I enjoyed hearing others use these pit toilets.
Usually the toilets are men and women back to back so I can sit and listen to men behind me or women in the next stall.
Are there any other women on this site that enjoy this?
If so, I can share many stories and give more details about myself. I am just not sure if there is any interest.

Anna from Austria

Question for the ladies here

Hello everybody I have a question for my fellow ladies here.

Do you try to avoid having neighbors at all cost when using public toilet or do do not care at all and maybe even seek some neighbors maybe even unwittingly?

I tend to try to be as far away as possible from other people but it seems that other women do not see it that way.

Was at a conference last week in big hotel and at during the third day nature calls after a business dinner and my body wanted to me get rid of my dinner already. So headed the ladies room in the hotel lobby. It was big rest room with about 10 stalls or more.

Normally I have my smart phone with me at the toilet and play around with it while doing my toilet stuff. That morning I had to leave my phone in my hotel room because I forget to charge the battery over the night.

While using the restroom for the first time without a phone made me more conscious about the stuff that is going on around me. While I was pooping I realized that the stall on my left and on my right were taken super frequently despite the fact that the other stalls that were more far away from mine were still available.

These ladies do not seem to care at all.

Have ladies noticed something similar in your life already? And what is your "policy" on that matter?

Do have a no neighbor policy if it can be avoided or do do not care?

greetings from Austria


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