

Maho and Mina

Sorry we have been away from this site long time. Very busy! But Kazu said, "Minappé you must tell about your motion with Maho last week!" So now Mina will tell.

In weekdays, not much time for motion all together, so two of us who sleeping together that week do motion in flat where they sleeping. Last week Mina and Maho slept in green flat so they did motion in green loo after a breakfast but before being work.

Wednesday it was, Maho said she felt full very much and need to sit on loo long time. It was telework day so we had time. So Maho sat on loo and Mina squat next her.

After wee, Maho made herself comfortable. She start to push. Very slow. And so beautiful movement. Mina's heart begin to burn. Maho has beautiful face and beautiful body and beautiful heart. And beautiful bottom and she does beautiful motions. Mina want to kiss her, but decided wait.

For maybe two minutes nothing happen, then Maho's beautiful bottom open very slowly. Turtle head appeared. But very slow! It grew and grew slowly. Never break? Finally it touched loo water, and slowly go round in circle, more and more coming out from Maho's bottom, and it still didn't break.

Finally her turd made complete circle in loo water.

"Maholin, your motion is complete circle."

"Really?" Maho thought to look round, but then (she said) she maybe break her turd, so she open legs to look. "Wow!" Then she pushed little bit more and turd broke.... It look like a letter Q! Mina said, "I take photo for Chae and Kazu!" Maho said "OK!"

After Mina take photo, she said Maho, "you finish?" Maho said, "No..." Then she said, Maybe I do another one same size." So Mina decided flush, Maho stood up. Mina closed loo and flushed, then opened and Maho sat down again.

Again slowly, and Mina took video with her phone. Next turd appeared and it was same size and also it didn't break! "Wow Maholin, so beautiful!!" It was same size with first one and also letter Q. "Maholin I love you." Maho turned head to Mina and gave kiss. Big kiss with tongue. So Mina also gave.

After little while Mina and Maho heard crackle, so stopped to kiss. Long turd appeared and made circle like other two turds. How beautiful it was! Maybe Mina never saw so beautiful turd before.

Then Maho finish, a few small pieces. She washed with washlet and Mina dried. Maho stood up. Mina closed loo and flushed. Maho said, "Sorry, I was long long time. Do you have time to motion Minappé?" But we looked at watch and lots time! Because we are early bird!

Mina hope, she will produce letter Q from her bottom. Maho squat next her off course.

But not lucky. After Mina push, Plop in loo. Turd broke! But it is Shikata ga nai, that is Japanese for "can't help". So Mina push more. Plop. Plop. "Minappé! How many you are doing??!" Maho said with big voice. Mina said nothing because busy to push out more turds.

Then she pause. "Minappé your motion broke, but it is beautiful beautiful beautiful. Minappé I love you." So Mina decide to kiss Maho. Loo is very strange place to kiss!! But we kissed long time! Because Mina not pushing now...

"I have to flush. There are ten turds in loo!" So Maho flushed. Mina sat down again. Same style with Maho! Mina pushed, and five plops, then a lot of very little ones because Mina was empty almost.

"Minappé, beautiful." How many times we said "beautiful"??

But it was beautiful. That night in the bed Mina and Maho talked about so wonderful motion. And kiss and hug and lots of warm communication (and off course caress bottom!!), before we sleeping. Kazu and Chae also said, it was wonderful! because they saw video! And they said, they had wonderful time too, in beige loo. So Mina and Maho were happy for them.

This is extreme story, but in a fact, every day our motions beautiful. Every day our heart warm when we see beautiful motion from beautiful bottom of beautiful crush.

We hope everyone have beautiful wonderful motion and feel happy feeling. And we hope nobody have hard time because constipate or like that. We pray to the God that everyone have happiest time in loo!!

Love to everyone.

Maho Kazu Hisae Mina

P.S. Nobody pinch Mina's bottom this time, while she typing. But many kiss and caress.



Hi everyone, this is about an accident I had in high school a couple years ago.

I live in Vermont and it's cold and snowy in the winter. I usually wear long johns under my jeans and on this day I was also wearing overalls. At lunch me and my friends thought it would be funny to go get a big gulp even though it was dead of winter, so we did and I drank the whole 32 ounces, besides that I'd had a couple hot drinks in the morning before school. Then we had class and I probably should have peed before, but I didn't have to go so bad yet. My school was really strict about bathroom breaks and you would get demerit points for going during non designated times, depending on your teacher. So, for science class we were preparing to go outside for an activity and the teacher said, get your outdoor clothes on. By now I had to go and when I asked, the teacher said go if you want but we're leaving without you and you'll get demerit points so I decided I could hold it. I got on my full snowsuit, but then the teacher got a call and we had to wait around for 20 minutes. My bladder was filling up fast and I was pressing my knees together. Finally we were ready to go outside and I had to go even worse by now. I was joking about it with my friends who all thought it was funny. Once outside, we had to go around to different stations to do stuff with the snow. By my third station I was dancing around and trying to cross my legs, but my snowsuit was so big and puffy it hardly helped! Everyone was laughing at my predicament. I wanted to just whip it out and pee so bad, but with all my layers on and no flap in the snowsuit I couldn't. I tried to just suck it up and hold it in. As we neared the end of class I was absolutely bursting and just praying we would wrap up soon. I had my gloved hands between my legs and my knees overlapping, bouncing around. My teacher wanted to do a final talk on the activity and I was so desperate that I asked if I could just go, and he said it will only take five more minutes so just wait. I thought, five minutes will be fine. We all had to stand around and listen to him and I was sweating and bending my knees, squirming. I swear he talked more than five minutes and finally, it just became too much and a huge squirt came out. Even though everyone knew I had to pee, I didn't want anyone knowing my predicament so I did nothing but bent my knees more and tried so hard to clench, but another big leak came out and then I just couldn't control it, my pee was gushing out and soaking my long johns and jeans. I stood there red faced and suddenly totally humiliated, wetting myself only a few minutes before a break. I snuck a look down and nothing was showing on the outside of my snowpants, but a pool of pee was gathering at my feet. I shuffled around in the snow and tried to hide it. A few minutes later we were finally dismissed and I didn't know what to do. Everyone was like, 'oh mike finally you can pee' and I said I wanted to stay behind and talk to the teacher a minute. I think they knew then because previously I'd been talking how I was gonna rush to the bathroom immediately. Everyone else went in and I explained privately that I hadn't made it and had peed myself. He was at least kind of sorry, although he still told me I should have planned my day better. I ended up going home to clean up and texted all my friends that I'd peed myself and we all had a good laugh about it in the end, even though it was embarrassing.


Got some relief

Now that school is out, my poop schedule is more irregular. Plus, instead of 3 big meals, I'm now eating lots of snacks. At school, the feeling of a full stomach after a healthy lunch would make my body need to poop. But now, my stomach never gets that full sensation, it just constantly has food being added to it as I eat snacks throughout the day. As a result, I'm back to pooping whenever I randomly feel the urge.
Anyway, about 5 minutes ago I had to pee (I had drunk a lot so I was quite desperate), so I left my room and went to the bathroom down the hall. I pulled down my black shorts and blue panties to my feet, and sat on the toilet. I started to pee, and felt so relieved as my bladder contracted and all my pee flowed through my urethra and out of me. As my pee loudly trickled into the toilet, I got a feeling in my abdomen that there was about to be a lot more in the toilet, if you know what I mean. I kept peeing as some solid waste moved around in my abdomen, moving into position to get pooped out.
After about 40 seconds of peeing, my bladder was empty, and my pee stream slowly stopped. With my number 1 done, I could move onto my number 2. I could tell based on the movement in my bowels that my body had just finished making it, and it was gonna be quite big. I leaned forward, moved my blonde hair out of my face, then pushed. It came out relatively easy, albeit it was bigger than a normal stomach emptier (my name for one of my normal poops). There was some crackling as it slowly came out. I kept pushing to help it along. It was a solid log, but quite soft and felt very smooth. I guess that's what a freshly made turd feels like, compared to the hard, knobbly ones that have been sitting inside me for days. I hadn't pooped for a few days, so there was a lot of waste compacted into this turd. After about 30 seconds of pooping, I heard a "splat" as the end of the poop fell out of me, and because of its length, it landed on the porcelain at the front of the toilet bowl, instead of in the water. I looked between my legs to see what I had made so far, and saw a big log in the middle of the toilet, sitting in my yellow pee. I had a feeling that there was more in me, because I knew I'd eaten more than that poop could hold. I kept pushing, and for about a minute there was nothing. But then I felt some pressure. I let out an airy fart for 5 seconds (it just smelled like poop). Then, I pushed again and felt a poop start moving. This one was very soft and quite thin, but it still held together. It crackled a lot, and was very smelly (I actually went "ew" and covered my nose with my shirt when I smelled it, I'm glad I was at home). I kept pooping for 20 seconds, then the end came out of my butt, and fell into the water. Then I felt empty. Originally, there was just a slight poopy smell in the bathroom, but after that second turd, it smelled like rotten eggs. I had a lot of eggs a few days ago, and I'm guessing my body put all those digested leftovers into the second turd. I had to wipe 15 times before my butt was clean, thanks to how soft my poops were. I also wiped my vagina twice because of all that pee.
I pulled up my pants, then took a lot at what I made. The water was light yellow from all my pee. The first log was 2 inches wide and over 15 inches long (part of it was already down the hole of the toilet). The second log was 12 inches long and an inch wide (similar to one of my stomach emptiers). I flushed, and it all went down the hole, but the toilet got clogged. I grabbed the toilet brush and started trying to unclog it. That worked, and the toilet quickly drained the rest of my pee and toilet paper pieces into the sewer. Even though my smelly poop was away in the pipes, there was still a leftover smell, so I sprayed some air freshener then washed my hands. As I was looking in the mirror, I realized that my shorts were a bit to short and the lower part of my butt cheeks were visible, so between that and the smell it's a good thing I was at home!
Anyway, I'm back in my room now, writing this. I really enjoyed that potty session. I love going to the bathroom to pee and ending up pooping. That's all for now. Bye!



Sorry we forgot to say, thank you Thunder for kind words. Hisae said, "Thunder is so sweet!" and her heart feel warm very much.

By the way Maho's motion was dark brown but Mina's motion was very light brown. Why there is a big difference...?? Hisae's motion of that day was also very light brown, she said. Kazu's was more darker (and very huge).

Love from M.M.K.H.

Hey, Jocelyn! It's great to have you here. I loved both your mom's stories (didn't realize until now they were by the same person!) and I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope we are of some comfort to you.

Traveler, welcome back! Sorry about your recent accident, but they do happen, and not just to little kids. Remember the advice you give to others when it happens to them; sometimes you need to heed it yourself as well! You do have a medical issue that you didn't ask for.


Initial post

How long, on average, can you hold your pee under normal circumstances?
C) Five-to-eight hours, usually I drink a decent amount of liquid.

1) Have you ever taken a shit in public with members of the opposite sex in one one the next stalls?
I don't remember.
2) Do you feel ashamed when someone enters the stall you have been pooping in?
This has happened multiple times, usually it's an embarassement as my poo won't often flush, or it smells bad.
3) Has a member of the opposite sex ever entered your stall after you have pooped?
4) Has a member of the opposite sex ever opened the door on you by accident while you were pooping?
5) Have you ever been in a poop stand off? Meaning both of you don't dare to shit in the presence of each other.
6) Have you ever had to poop on a first date?
7) Have you ever had to poop at a restaurant where your collegue/friend/lover has to wait alone at the table for your return?
Maybe, but I try to go either in a more general place, or at home.
8) Have you ever rang the doorbell to poop at a stranger's house in desperation?
No, and that's quite dangerous here.
9) On average how many people do you hear pooping at work/school/college daily or weekly?
Many, in the tens.
10) Would you use zero privacy Chinese toilets to poop during travel?
I'd think about it.
11) For those with kids lets say 12 to 24 living at home do your children poop at school or do they wait all day to go at home?
12) For those with kids aged lets say 12 to 24 living at home. Are your children comfortabel with pooping in your presence and vice versa?
13) Do you prefer pooping in the presence of strangers, friends or family members?
I prefer strangers or friends compared to family.
14) How long after breakfast/lunch/dinner do you need to poop?
I usually go after diner or before breakfast.
15) Do you plan your poop or do you go when feeling the need wherever you are?
A little bit of both. I know it'll be big most of the time, and I like to plan accordingly for an audience, as I don't go everyday, and I enjoy
when someone goes after me.

1. how often do you poop at work?
2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?
I try not to, otherwise I'll fart a lot.
3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?
Not the fact of pooping itself, but the fact it smells and sometimes I block the toilet.
4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like? It was actually a few days ago. I got off my shift at the airport and went to the bathroom.
There was a row of 4 stalls on the other end of the bathroom so I went in and sat down. I ended up pinching a big turd of almost a foot long and 2 inches thick. I had to wipe quite a bit.
I finished wiping and flushed. The toilet paper went down the first flush, I flushed twice more, the turd was big, fat, and dry. It kept spunning around,
leaving big skidmarks. I flushed another four times, it eventually folded in half and got stuck in the drain, leaving the pan full of skids.
I walked out of the stall where a mexican guy walked in after me, commenting how it stunk real bad, and how it was « nasty ».
5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?
6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?
Yes, at my older job it was more common to hear coworkers shit. Some of them really left the pan full of skids. I only saw unflushed poo a couple of times,
but it was never anything impressive.
7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop? I have, but usually they find out by me inadvertently farting.
One time at a restaurant I worked at, we were in the employee room, and I had let a big silent fart rip. My workmate looking at me, questioning
if it was me that had made that very foul odour and put his shirt over his nose. I managed to hold my poo that day, and went over to
a service station where, I did a very big poo that wouldn't flush. I walked out and a construction worker type guy walked in behind me.
He seemed unbothered, as I heard him wipe the seat, then sit down and nosily shit, stinking up the toilet even more. I waited outside, pretending
to look at drinks. When he came out, I went back in the stinking room. I looked in the toilet and dark brown water was to the brim of it, as
well as pieces of stained tp.


Replies to Anna from Austria

re: Public toilet and desperation

"Do you try to avoid having neighbors at all cost when using public toilet or do do not care at all and maybe even seek some neighbors maybe even unwittingly?":

I have talked about this with my husband and guy friends. My husband says when he uses a urinal he takes the farthest urinal as possible from another person. However, there were times where he has witnessed and experienced himself having a stranger take a urinal adjacent even though there are others available. Other guys we know seem to agree, when this happens this is annoying.

As a lady this mortifies me as every restroom I have used, has had a stall, even if there was no door.
I cannot imagine the urinal situation were you are just in line with another person or people in full few with no divider, peeing or pooping.

Put at least urinals are for peeing, and that goes quickly.

For number two, as a women, I really try to take a stall at least one toilet away from someone IF POSSIBLE. Some times you have to go and its not possible. When I was shyer about pooping in public, I would wait until the person next to me left before I would poop. This doesn't bother me when I pee, but still try to take a toilet away from another person if possible, I even do this if I use the restroom with a friend, family member or colleague. I generally don't talk when I use a public restroom

I am not as shy as I used to be when I use public toilets, but since grad school I am no longer embarrassed of another (women) hearing me poop. This may be different if I use a unisex toilet with stalls. However, in Washington, unisex toilets are just single toilet rooms. I usually like to keep space as a courtesy to friends and strangers from smelling my poop! I don't mind hearing and smelling other women poop though. I still sometimes let a neighbor pee and leave before I start dropping a bomb, but if I hear crackling, plops or grunts, I figured were are all in there for the same reason.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Anna, you were just in the states. Do you think maybe some ladies' comfort is because the Austrian toilets are more private than in the US. You have mentioned this with your past visits ( as well as the quality of toilet paper).

"What was the closest desperation situation you ever had before going into your pants?"

I have heard and read about "prairie dogging" I have never gotten a skidmark from a turd peaking out of my butt. I notice Abbies seems to get her stain that way. I have had a solid turd really try to push out a few times where I would have a spasm in my butt and stomach where I would bend over in pain on the way to the bathroom, but I never left a mark when this happened . Anyone else experience this?

As my pen name goes, I am no strainger to stains in my underwear. They are usually wiping related. And a few times in my adulthood, I have "sharted" in my underwear, usually due to being sick and letting out a wet fart. I guess that is in a form of desperation, and both were soft/wet stools. I have had many close calls with solid stools, but never a stain because they came out prematurely. However I have had many stains in trying to clean up after them…hahaha

Fortuately I was always wearing full cut panties or boy shorts. And if it was a release of soft diarrhea, I threw the panties away in a bag.

Anna,what kind panties held in you run away turd at work?. Did you keep them or did you throw them away. I'm sorry about that situation. Sounds like I was the end of the day. Did you take off the underwear on your way home or just pulled them up and went home?

-Skidmarked in Seattle

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Sunday washed all the cars and had a tidy up.I used the BRAND Q toilet bucket which is resident in one of the cars. at 7 30 put cars away in garage then put two pints of water in the bucket attached the toilet seat
dropped my shorts sat on seat , had a BM with a wee before during and after. wiped with four sheets of CUSHELLE TOILET PAPER then empted in outside drain.
EIGHT PM took bucket and seat to bedroom for a wee in the night , MONDAY
morning woke at 6 AM had a wee in bucket , carried down to kitchen .made and drank two cups of tea while checking E mails . I sat on the BUCKET SEAT and had my morning BM.



I stayed a my friends house last night , had a wee when I woke at 7 am
had two mugs of tea , had a wee then started my journey home .After driving ten miles pulled into a layby pulled ADVENTURIDGE portta pottie
from locker , open and closed slide put paper towel on back of bowl pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat down , went a NUMBER TOO .
Six minutes later pulled three sheets of ELSAN BLUE toilet paper from roll and wiped then another three and wiped , sat a few minutes enjoyed open country view ,pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms . put PoTTIE
back into locker , contined my journey.
Fifty miles later pulled into layby , pulled pottie from locker down with my jogging bottoms and pants sat down , poured tea from my flask and drank it . I sat for twenty minutes had a wee several times , put pottie back in locker then drove home . the pottie I emptied one hour later ,put two pints of water in it and table spoon of washing powder then put in locker


In the end it turns to Shit

Those in Toiletstool land consider this:
Virgin land is cleared, fenced, cultivated and apple trees planted.
They are watered and fertilised
Apples grow and they are picked by back packers, boxed and trucked to market.
They are purchased by super markets and put on display and you buy and apple and pay for it through the check out.
You go home and eat it. You chew it and swallow the apple and it goes in your stomach,,,...then to your small intestines and digested further and nutrients enter your body giving you life!
the undigested fiber enters your bowel....your bowel fills and the urge is sit on the toilet and push and out comes a big stinky shit....oh so gooooood.
Just think of the destination of the apple from an idea to establish an apple orchard to its ultimate end and the process in between.

Thanks for pondering on the above and next time you are on the throne and watching your production....think of the process with gratitude.


I woke at 10 am this morning used the ELEGANCE pottie in bedroom
dressed went downstairs ,a quick wash clean teeth while kettle boiling .Made tea ,went upstairs collected JONES RELAX bedpan and four sheets of SHADES kitchen roll took to garden placed on grass, back to kitchen collected tea.
I sat on the grass drinking tea and making paper sticks for bonfire
Forty minutes passed,I pulled down my shorts and sat on the JONES RELAX bedpan and had a wee then placed my hands firmly on grass and pushed then relaxed ,a few minutes later pushed , my bowels opened ,I then enjoyed having a good crap weeing during and after my BM
I relaxed a few minutes then wiped with the SHADES kitchen roll ,pulled up my shorts then emptied the pan in the bonfire ,washed in the water butt took everything back in house . My previous BM was yesterday on ADVENTURIDGE pottie in van and hopefully again tomorrow


Update on Mushy Relief

Hey hey, this is Shay again.

I said I'd be back with updates on my bowel situation after eating all that sugar free candy, and I have quite an update.

So the rest of that day, I was rushing to and from the pot with runny bowel movements. The sugar free candies turned everything inside me into mush, and every bowel movement had a sense of urgency. This was great, as it meant my constipation would be gone, or at least I had cleared the big block that was in me for now. I didn't have any accidents, and I stayed home, so there's no close call stories, sadly. But that I was cleared out was good enough for me.

For a while afterwards, I was regular again but got stopped up again this past week, and this time it was worse. I could feel a big hard lump sitting within me, and my guts trying desperately to churn it out, but failing-even with drinking more water and eating more fiber. It was like my stomach was a garbage disposal with a giant brick stuck in it, and it was hurting both my hole and my ???? to try straining anymore. When I was pooping, they were just pebbles anyway.

I didn't want to resort to medicine, so last night I tried prunes and prune juice. I only ate about six prunes and had about 8oz of prune juice, and already my guts were feeling alleviated. It took sixteen hours for it to make me shit, which was longer than expected, but it worked. A few hours after my prune remedy, I got gassy and started blowing off farts, and shortly after that my belly started churning letting me know it was working on moving all that backed up poo through my bowels.

The churning gradually increased until right before my first bowel movement when it reached a crescendo and I got the "oh, ???? I need the bathroom NOW," feeling. The first few bowel movements I had after my prunes and prune juice were heavy, ragged, and urgent. I pushed out these HUGE, solid yet ragged and mushy logs. The first time I felt the urge, it was a normal solid bowel movement, just with urgency. The second time, it was looser and more urgent, but still felt like a normal dump.

The third time, I felt like I was gonna shit myself right before I made it to the toilet. The urge started in Walmart, and I didn't wanna shit in their bathroom, so I had to try to check out as soon as I could so I could make it home in time to release this beast. This load was heavy, and as it coursed down into my rectum, it groped my stomach and made my intestines cramp and churn because my body needed to let it out that bad. I was squinting against myself the whole time I was in self checkout and the whole ride home, though thankfully not too visibly to anyone else. I got home, rushed inside, and coursed my way to the toilet to finally open the floodgates. This movement was bigger, mushier, and more raggedy than the others, and almost even felt like diarrhea. It was really urgent, and it was even trying to push its own way out of my hole before I let it out. At the end of this dump, I even felt a small bit of runny poo splatter its way out, so I'm really glad this one didn't end in my pants.

After the monster dump, my stomach still felt full-even after filling the bowl with big logs three times.

I could tell my next bowel movement would be really runny and loose, and also fill the bowl, but now it felt like my stomach was churning around nothing, and by the time it caught up, my load would harden again. I guess the prunes and prune juice wore off. So I drank even more prune juice, about 16oz, and had about four or five more prunes.

This was only about an hour ago that I drank even more juice. I don't want to overdo it because I have plans tomorrow and can't be running back and forth to the toilet all day, but I need to flush whatever this is inside me out. I can feel my stomach wanting to expel out some really mushy, runny poo, and I want it out so bad. I can tell that when I have to go again it's gonna be explosive and I'm gonna spray the bowl because it'll be so splattery. I already feel like the moment I have to take another dump, I'm gonna need to run to the toilet even, hand over my butt from the urgency-it feels like my poo is gonna run right out of me. My hole hasn't been loose at all, but I definitely am sensing that it's preparing to let out a load that's messy and sloppy.

I hate being constipated so much and can't wait until my bowels are clear again. I'll post more updates after I start pooping again.

For now though I'm gonna lay down and comfort my churning, gurgling guts. My poor ???? feels like it's gonna explode it's so full! Hope I'm relieved soon.


UPDATE: As I was finishing the post, I suddenly got the need to take a nasty, watery dump, and urgently too. It's pressing against my hole so bad as I type this, and my ???? is gurgling like crazy trying to churn all this backed up poo out of me. About to have a really runny shit now; I'll be back with updates once it runs its course. Byeeee


Big amount of soft crap after coffee

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee then went upstairs for breakfast. Had oatmeal with jelly/tapioca balls, a banana and took my medication after. Went downstairs to my room and drank my coffee and still drinking my water. Right after I finished my coffee I needed the washroom so I put on my slippers/flip flops and went to the washroom next to my room. Turned on the bathroom light, closed the door, walked to the toilet and pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear (still on my period). Sat on the toilet and gave a gentle push. A good amount of soft thick crap came out. Was done within about 20 seconds. Reached into my cloth Walmart bag and grabbed the toilet paper. Wiped my vagina and then got to work wiping my butt. Was a mess but I did a good job. Tossed it into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned around to look. A fairly big poop filled the toilet, fairly thick, soft and jagged. I would say about 1 1/2 feet long. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Drinking more water to try to soften everything up so it comes out.

Happy pooping and stay safe!

To John H-Thanks :) Maybe, I don't know. My poops have been fairly big even as a little girl (I used to clog the toilet a lot especially since I used to not really drink water very often. I thought it was gross). Now as a 36, almost 37 year old I still eat very healthy but drink a lot more water. Plus my poops can be big though softer so less likely to clog the toilet. I'm not sure if they're impacted that much by my period.

Andrea T

To Mary: letting out a little bit of pee

@ Mary: wherever I am, on the go, at work or while shopping I squirt or dribble pee almost every day. But not right into my panties, my thong or my pants, I always wear a pantiliner. And I always carry some spare liners in my purse, so I can simply put on a fresh pantiliner later and flush away the soiled one.


Prune & Prune Juice Poops

Hey it's Shay again. Promised I'd update folks on my condition after eating some prunes and drinking some prune juice to cure my constipation.

After my last post I had to bolt to the toilet to release a load as expected. What wasn't expected was my bowel movements were basically water, and that I passed a couple hard pieces of poo with that movement. Guess I still had poo in my rectum from being backed up. But the rest of the bowl was basically brown water. I thought that was just round one, but it wasn't.

Basically all last night and all of today I've been to the toilet with watery diarrhea. It's not super urgent so much as when the poo hits my rectum, it's so loose I need to go then and there to avoid risking messing my panties. It's clear everything inside me was turned to pure liquid by the prunes and prune juice even though I was hoping the solid prunes would help keep more form to my stool. I keep feeling my stomach churn and hearing it gurgle. The prunes and prune juice are still breaking down everything inside me, and I can feel and hear a sizable amount of water bubbling inside me, becoming one with the stool that's trapped inside me, and rushing through me.

I still have control of my hole, and I'm only moving my bowels once every few hours, but I'm blowing off a bunch of sloppy, wet, and explosive farts like mad, and when I go, it's explosive and is nothing but liquid. I wish it was more formed. I may need to eat something since I haven't eaten in more than a few hours, though. I think that's why my stomach still feels like it has to shit but is digesting nothing.

Right now I feel a nasty poop churning inside me, and it feels really wet and liquidy and heavy, but I can't stimulate my peristalsis enough to push it out.

I'm also gonna try to have a smoke and a drink to see if that helps-yesterday afternoon that's exactly what got my bowels working in the first place-so hopefully I actually get this shit out of me instead of turning it all to liquid just for it to get stuck and then turn back solid and I have to try to relieve my constipation all over again.

I'm feeling really gassy and bloated, and hope I can relieve myself soon. I'll be back with updates if they're relevant.



Response to Brandon's survey

1) Have you ever taken a shit in public with members of the opposite sex in one one the next stalls? No I've never been in the type of bathroom that allows that. I would like to though.

2) Do you feel ashamed when someone enters the stall you have been pooping in? Not at all.

3) Has a member of the opposite sex ever entered your stall after you have pooped? No

4) Has a member of the opposite sex ever opened the door on you by accident while you were pooping? Yes my wife has on several occasions. There was a time I was pooping and she asked if I was on the toilet because she needed to come in to brush her teeth. She said she could wait but I told her it was OK to come in. She did and before she brushed her teeth she was telling me about something and she was standing right in front of me. It was before a shower so I was completely naked. While she was talking to me I saw where her eyes were looking. Lol. Another time on our honeymoon I had to poop and after I sat down on the toilet she asked me if she could take a picture of me on the toilet. I said sure and she came in but we decided not to take the picture because this was when you had to get film developed and we weren't sure it would get developed. Truthfully I think she just wanted to see me with my pants down.
5) Have you ever been in a poop stand off? Meaning both of you don't dare to shit in the presence of each other. Perhaps. I've had people goninto another stall and it sounds like they aren't doing anything in there. Possibly waiting for me to finish up.

6) Have you ever had to poop on a first date? No

7) Have you ever had to poop at a restaurant where your collegue/friend/lover has to wait alone at the table for your return? Not that I can recall.

8) Have you ever rang the doorbell to poop at a stranger's house in desperation? No

9) On average how many people do you hear pooping at work/school/college daily or weekly? At least one a day

10) Would you use zero privacy Chinese toilets to poop during travel? Absolutely. Even if women were allowed in too. I wouldn't care.

11) For those with kids lets say 12 to 24 living at home do your children poop at school or do they wait all day to go at home? I don't really pay attention.
12) For those with kids aged lets say 12 to 24 living at home. Are your children comfortabel with pooping in your presence and vice versa? Definitely not.
13) Do you prefer pooping in the presence of strangers, friends or family members? Strangers for sure. Except for my wife. I can poop in front of her any time.
14) How long after breakfast/lunch/dinner do you need to poop? I poop every morning after my coffee.

15) Do you plan your poop or do you go when feeling the need wherever you are? I'm a morning pooper

Brandon's questions

1. Yes, twice as I remember. Females on both sides of me pissing away while I crapped. One was on-campus; the other at a public park where was a lot of drinking going on.

2. No. But when my crap doesn't flush or I've taken a longer time cleaning myself I feel a little more self-conscious.

3. Yes, a girl I was interested in who I met in my psych class. She said it was good she only needed a fast piss. Then she winked.

4. Yes, this has happened 3 times, at least. Dad's shitting away farther down the row and the kid is exploring.

5. Once. I was in junior high and this classmate and me went for a walk up to a c-store for something to eat. In the outdoor access to the gas station bathroom, the lightning was so scary that she and I ran in together. She was first on the toilet.

6. Yes. My bad, I was filled up and took a laxative that morning. It worked just as we got to the ballroom.

7. Yes. With my now-wife waiting.

8. No.

9. 6 or 7 probably. The urinals are in close proximity to the toilets.

10. No. I would never be able to master the squat technique.

11. My daughter holds it; my son doesn't give a damn if he has to crap in a stall with no door.

12. I've been in the tub and in emergencies they can ask me permission to use the toilet.

13. When I was young I preferred pooing in front of family members rather than holding it until after school.

14. Usually less than one hour.

15. No planning. When I need to poo I sit and get it done.


Replies to Anna from Austria

re: Public toilet and desperation

"Do you try to avoid having neighbors at all cost when using public toilet or do do not care at all and maybe even seek some neighbors maybe even unwittingly?":

I have talked about this with my husband and guy friends. My husband says when he uses a urinal he takes the farthest urinal as possible from another person. However, there were times where he has witnessed and experienced himself having a stranger take a urinal adjacent even though there are others available. Other guys we know seem to agree, when this happens this is annoying.

As a lady this mortifies me as every restroom I have used, has had a stall, even if there was no door.
I cannot imagine the urinal situation were you are just in line with another person or people in full few with no divider, peeing or pooping.

Put at least urinals are for peeing, and that goes quickly.

For number two, as a women, I really try to take a stall at least one toilet away from someone IF POSSIBLE. Some times you have to go and its not possible. When I was shyer about pooping in public, I would wait until the person next to me left before I would poop. This doesn't bother me when I pee, but still try to take a toilet away from another person if possible, I even do this if I use the restroom with a friend, family member or colleague. I generally don't talk when I use a public restroom

I am not as shy as I used to be when I use public toilets, but since grad school I am no longer embarrassed of another (women) hearing me poop. This may be different if I use a unisex toilet with stalls. However, in Washington, unisex toilets are just single toilet rooms. I usually like to keep space as a courtesy to friends and strangers from smelling my poop! I don't mind hearing and smelling other women poop though. I still sometimes let a neighbor pee and leave before I start dropping a bomb, but if I hear crackling, plops or grunts, I figured were are all in there for the same reason.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Anna, you were just in the states. Do you think maybe some ladies' comfort is because the Austrian toilets are more private than in the US. You have mentioned this with your past visits ( as well as the quality of toilet paper).

"What was the closest desperation situation you ever had before going into your pants?"

I have heard and read about "prairie dogging" I have never gotten a skidmark from a turd peaking out of my butt. I notice Abbies seems to get her stain that way. I have had a solid turd really try to push out a few times where I would have a spasm in my butt and stomach where I would bend over in pain on the way to the bathroom, but I never left a mark when this happened . Anyone else experience this?

As my pen name goes, I am no strainger to stains in my underwear. They are usually wiping related. And a few times in my adulthood, I have "sharted" in my underwear, usually due to being sick and letting out a wet fart. I guess that is in a form of desperation, and both were soft/wet stools. I have had many close calls with solid stools, but never a stain because they came out prematurely. However I have had many stains in trying to clean up after them…hahaha

Fortuately I was always wearing full cut panties or boy shorts. And if it was a release of soft diarrhea, I threw the panties away in a bag.

Anna,what kind panties held in you run away turd at work?. Did you keep them or did you throw them away. I'm sorry about that situation. Sounds like I was the end of the day. Did you take off the underwear on your way home or just pulled them up and went home?

-Skidmarked in Seattle

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