

To Jocelyn

Thanks for the reply, Jocelyn. Yours was the first reply I'd gotten in a while. My family isn't too prudish about it either, but rich, "high-class" Christian college students might think it was gross and unholy to watch each other poop. I'm currently in New Mexico, but as I said, I rarely meet anyone so I'm not sure what attitudes are like here. I have a cousin I'm thinking might be a good pooping buddy. 2 years ago I mentioned her and her brother in a post here but I used their real names and I feel like she'd hate me if she found out. (Her little brother might not mind though.) If anyone's curious, yes, Opal is a pen name. I change my sisters' names too because I think they'd be offended if their real names were linked to a pooping forum!



That's an interesting story about talking on the phone while you're on the toilet. It happened to me in in middle school. Mom was late to pick me up and I had been holding my crap since 4th hour. I was on the toilet in the guys room pushing it out when my mom called, asked where I was, and why I wasn't at the main door. I told her I was crapping. She said that should be done at home and a few other dumb things while I was punching 'em out.


A similar thing happened to me. However, it wasn't a hot young female teacher that walked through the guys room. It was a middle aged PE teacher and coach. I was fighting an erection, but quickly covered it up with my hand. She only glanced at me once on the toilet. The tardy bell had rung and she asked me how many detentions I wanted. It probably took me a minute to clean myself and she was waiting at the inside exit for me. Because I was so hurried I left a pretty good streak in my underwear. My girlfriend later saw it when we had a study break and were getting a load of laundry into our basement washer.

Emma two

Big relief when got to work

I was constipated for a couple of days and I took a couple of laxatives last night. I tried to go this morning but on manged to pee along with a couple of little bits of poo. I gave up and wiped got ready for work hoping I'd get some relief soon.

When I got to work I was getting desperate and I went to the toilet and sat down. I relaxed my bottom and felt my poo trying to come out and I pushed. It was a big one and it hurt a bit as it stretched my bottom but the relief of it made it so worth it. The first piece plopped into the water and splashed my bottom which was annoying and the second did the same. I was done after that and I felt so much better. I looked in the toilet to see two big poos about six inches long and two inches wide. I wiped my bottom but there wasn't much mess on the paper except for the water where my bottom got splashed. I dried my bottom with more toilet paper and flushed the toilet keeping my fingers crossed it would clean. It did thankfully and I left and washed my hands and left the toilets to start my day feeling two pounds lighter and relieved.

Emma two

Just made it

I was busting for a poo when I finished work yesterday and by the time I got home I was getting quite desperate. I ran to the toilet and lifted my dress up and mystery knickers down before I sat on the toilet. As soon as I relaxed my bottom I felt my poo rush out into the toilet and what a relief it was. I peed afterwards completing my relief and when I wiped it was messy and I used a lot of toilet paper. I flushed the toilet and it all cleared which was good and I washed my hands and left the bathroom feeling so much better.


Answering Brandon's Questions

question for danny
Danny what is it like to share toilet stalls with women? I imagine you rarely hear them make plops and farts because they are surely too ashamed to do that with guys in the same room? I expect they do constant courtesy flushes or stuff the bowl with toilet paper to prevent plops? I'm actually surprised coed rooms have mixed bathrooms…

Every now and again I'd hear a girl in a stall next to mine let out a fart or something but most tried to keep it quiet. I would have done the same but my IBS was really bad in college so I was constantly gassy and letting out huge farts. The worst times would be when the bathroom was packed with girls and I'd have to wait for a stall while letting out huge farts while standing right next to girls also waiting for a stall. That was super embarrassing and my face would always blush really red while the girls just stood there trying not to laugh.

One time I was in a stall during the evening just completely blowing it up with a lot of loud gas. Unfortunately it was during a high traffic time and there were a bunch of girls brushing their teeth and stuff like that. At one point I let out a really long fart that lasted for at least 10 to 15 seconds and a girl named Amanda jokingly yelled out "Wow, someone call Guinness, I think Danny just broke a record." All the girls started giggling and I of course got super embarrassed.

Gwenn V

Constipation disguised as Diarrhea?

Every now and then, I will get really bad stomach cramps that feel like the ones I get when I'm about to have diarrhea so I run to the toilet and sit down but instead of diarrhea, a large piece of solid poop will come out. It usually happens when it's been a few days since I've pooped. I assume the stomach cramps are due to my intestines stretching around the big poop, but they don't feel like the pain I normally get when I'm constipated, they feel like diarrhea cramps. It happened to me this evening and I thought that something I'd eaten had upset my stomach until I went to the bathroom and a big log came out. Has anyone else experienced this? It happens to me all the time.


Inconvenienced at the grocery store.

Earlier this week I stopped at the supermarket to get a few items I needed. One of the reasons I like shopping here is that they have hassle free restrooms which are a rarity in my city. No need to beg store staff to be admitted. I felt an urge to urinate so I went to take care of it. But then I saw something new…keypads on the men's and women's rooms. I thought well, maybe they're bluffing. So I tried pushing it open. Locked. I went to customer service and asked for the code. They said I had to be a customer. Give me a break. I'm a regular here and I'm obviously not a bum. So I just got what I needed, paid for them, and left. I made it home without incident but in a degree of discomfort. If I was desperate, I could've asked for access to the toilet. But I'd rather go to the bathroom first than the other way around. I don't like bringing groceries into a public restroom if I can help it. I understand that businesses have to protect their property from abuse but limiting access to the facilities is unfair to the rest of us.

Thursday, June 15, 2023


Got some relief

Now that school is out, my poop schedule is more irregular. Plus, instead of 3 big meals, I'm now eating lots of snacks. At school, the feeling of a full stomach after a healthy lunch would make my body need to poop. But now, my stomach never gets that full sensation, it just constantly has food being added to it as I eat snacks throughout the day. As a result, I'm back to pooping whenever I randomly feel the urge.
Anyway, about 5 minutes ago I had to pee (I had drunk a lot so I was quite desperate), so I left my room and went to the bathroom down the hall. I pulled down my black shorts and blue panties to my feet, and sat on the toilet. I started to pee, and felt so relieved as my bladder contracted and all my pee flowed through my urethra and out of me. As my pee loudly trickled into the toilet, I got a feeling in my abdomen that there was about to be a lot more in the toilet, if you know what I mean. I kept peeing as some solid waste moved around in my abdomen, moving into position to get pooped out.
After about 40 seconds of peeing, my bladder was empty, and my pee stream slowly stopped. With my number 1 done, I could move onto my number 2. I could tell based on the movement in my bowels that my body had just finished making it, and it was gonna be quite big. I leaned forward, moved my blonde hair out of my face, then pushed. It came out relatively easy, albeit it was bigger than a normal stomach emptier (my name for one of my normal poops). There was some crackling as it slowly came out. I kept pushing to help it along. It was a solid log, but quite soft and felt very smooth. I guess that's what a freshly made turd feels like, compared to the hard, knobbly ones that have been sitting inside me for days. I hadn't pooped for a few days, so there was a lot of waste compacted into this turd. After about 30 seconds of pooping, I heard a "splat" as the end of the poop fell out of me, and because of its length, it landed on the porcelain at the front of the toilet bowl, instead of in the water. I looked between my legs to see what I had made so far, and saw a big log in the middle of the toilet, sitting in my yellow pee. I had a feeling that there was more in me, because I knew I'd eaten more than that poop could hold. I kept pushing, and for about a minute there was nothing. But then I felt some pressure. I let out an airy fart for 5 seconds (it just smelled like poop). Then, I pushed again and felt a poop start moving. This one was very soft and quite thin, but it still held together. It crackled a lot, and was very smelly (I actually went "ew" and covered my nose with my shirt when I smelled it, I'm glad I was at home). I kept pooping for 20 seconds, then the end came out of my butt, and fell into the water. Then I felt empty. Originally, there was just a slight poopy smell in the bathroom, but after that second turd, it smelled like rotten eggs. I had a lot of eggs a few days ago, and I'm guessing my body put all those digested leftovers into the second turd. I had to wipe 15 times before my butt was clean, thanks to how soft my poops were. I also wiped my vagina twice because of all that pee.
I pulled up my pants, then took a lot at what I made. The water was light yellow from all my pee. The first log was 2 inches wide and over 15 inches long (part of it was already down the hole of the toilet). The second log was 12 inches long and an inch wide (similar to one of my stomach emptiers). I flushed, and it all went down the hole, but the toilet got clogged. I grabbed the toilet brush and started trying to unclog it. That worked, and the toilet quickly drained the rest of my pee and toilet paper pieces into the sewer. Even though my smelly poop was away in the pipes, there was still a leftover smell, so I sprayed some air freshener then washed my hands. As I was looking in the mirror, I realized that my shorts were a bit to short and the lower part of my butt cheeks were visible, so between that and the smell it's a good thing I was at home!
Anyway, I'm back in my room now, writing this. I really enjoyed that potty session. I love going to the bathroom to pee and ending up pooping. That's all for now. Bye!


Slightly liquid pooping

I woke up in the morning and immediately felt like going to the toilet. Poop. So I went to the bathroom. Soon I had already pulled off my pants and briefs and sat down on the potty. I relaxed, and began to poop. I farted very loudly. Then liquid poo poured out. The poop flowed for a very long time. After probably an hour, they ended. And I immediately began to wipe my ass. And I spent so much paper that it overflowed the bucket. I got dressed, flushed the water, and went to wash my hands and brush my teeth, not forgetting to sigh with relief.

Steve A

Brandon's Survey

1) Have you ever taken a shit in public with members of the opposite sex in one one the next stalls?

During my time at college, we had gender neutral bathrooms in my dorm building (some people used it for privacy instead of using the communal bathrooms in our dorm) and I've used those gender neutral bathrooms out of convenience (mostly as I was leaving or entering my dorm building throughout the day) for both #1 & #2

2) Do you feel ashamed when someone enters the stall you have been pooping in?

I don't really feel ashamed, since other people have done the same thing as me, people come in and out of stalls, so it's bound to happen in public restrooms.

3) Has a member of the opposite sex ever entered your stall after you have pooped?

Most likely, after I used the gender neutral bathrooms, but not right away since I've never seen someone waiting for an open stall after I used it.

4) Has a member of the opposite sex ever opened the door on you by accident while you were pooping?

No one from the opposite sex has ever opened the door on me by accident, it's only been men (a few times)

5) Have you ever been in a poop stand off? Meaning both of you don't dare to shit in the presence of each other.

I've never been in that situation before (yet) but I've never had an issue pooping in public restrooms.

6) Have you ever had to poop on a first date?

I used the bathroom at a girl's house when I was younger (we were just hanging out as friends)

7) Have you ever had to poop at a restaurant where your colleague/friend/lover has to wait alone at the table for your return?

I don't recall/remember a situation like that, but I've seen it first hand (since I've worked at restaurants before) in which guys and girls had to wait for their friend(s) while they were in the restroom.

8) Have you ever rang the doorbell to poop at a stranger's house in desperation?

Only once, because our house was getting remodeled after smoke damage, which meant that it was closed off while they were working on it. So, I had to ask a neighbor to use their bathroom, and they let me since they understood our situation at the time.

9) On average how many people do you hear pooping at work/school/college daily or weekly?

During my time in school & college, it was whenever I had to go myself or go for a shower/shave.

As of today, it doesn't happen as often, but whenever I use public bathrooms whenever I'm out and about.

10) Would you use zero privacy Chinese toilets to poop during travel?

Probably not, maybe only for #1, but I'd feel more comfortable using traditional American toilets rather than squatting for #2.

11) For those with kids lets say 12 to 24 living at home do your children poop at school or do they wait all day to go home?


12) For those with kids aged let's say 12 to 24 living at home. Are your children comfortable with pooping in your presence and vice versa?


13) Do you prefer pooping in the presence of strangers, friends or family members?

It doesn't matter who I'm around, when I have to go, I'll go.

14) How long after breakfast/lunch/dinner do you need to poop?

It all depends on what time of day I have to go, since it's usually random for me.

15) Do you plan your poop or do you go when feeling the need wherever you are?

I try to plan my poops out, but sometimes, my urges may override my ability to go when I want to.


Accident and Outdoor Poop

Hey everyone.

After my prune and prune juice cleanse a few days ago, my bowels still haven't quite been back to normal. I'm still basically running to and from the toilet with sloppy, runny diarrhea, to the point that when Barrett came home from his trip, I had to clue him in so he wouldn't worry about me.

As a result of the clean out, some interesting things have happened-including an accident in my pants just now and urgency so bad I had to run outdoors to take a crap while trying to also keep my whole load from coming out in my panties.

So here's the deal.

The day of my last post, my bowel movements were really sloppy and hard to hold in, as they had no form whatsoever, but I made it to the toilet each time.

This was initially to cure my constipation in the first place, so I felt good and clear after the bowel movements of the day. No more blockages and bloating; my poop has been passing out me in a timely fashion.

Almost a bit too timely because now it's like I can't stop going; every day since, my bowels have still been loose and runny, and I've had to go at least 5 times a day. Mostly, though my bowel movements have been urgent, they've been controllable, and my stomach hasn't been in too much pain, but today was different.

My stomach has been gassy since this morning, and all of my farts have been wet at the end. No following through or skid marks in my panties, just watery sounds. I could feel a loose poo coming on, and multiple waves of mushy shit gurgling and churning inside me, so I knew eventually that I'd need a serious shit, but never could've guessed what would happen.

I got home from work around 5, my belly feeling rumble and full of liquishit. Nothing was coming out, so I sat down, had a smoke with Barrett, and went to lay down. Around 7, my guts were cramping and gassy, and I could keep hearing water squelch through them, so I cradled and rubbed my very bloated, gurgly, and hard belly to relieve myself of discomfort and help my poo move along. At first I could only release gas but then around 8:30, the floodgates broke. I started running to the bathroom every 45 minutes to a hour with diarrhea. It wasn't very loose or watery-like the past few days, it's just been splattery, so I could control it at first. The bowel movements I was having were very explosive though, as they were mixed with gas, so I knew they were liable to just come out on their own. I knew not to trust a fart, but the gas was building heavily as well, and by 9:30 I just didn't want to keep running back and forth to the toilet just to fart, so I subtly let out as much gas as I felt wouldn't follow through into my panties. These farts kept getting more and more bubbly towards the end, signaling I'd need a shit

At 10:30, gas started to build up in me so bad that I just had to blow some out no matter what. I followed through in my panties, as the fart let out some liquid, and it seeped through into my pants a bit too, but I still didn't think it was that bad. I got up to change my pants and try to make my way to the toilet. As I'd just changed into new pants and undies, an urgent, heavy need to let go of a huge load of liquishit came over me. I tried to make my way to the toilet, but the moment I moved, I involuntarily let go of a fart from the pressure of being bent at the waist, and a rush of diarrhea the consistency of a half melted slushy started to explode out of me and into my panties. All of the solid parts of this poo stayed in my panties, but liquid started seeping into my yoga pants, and I knew I had to get to a bathroom soon before there was poo everywhere-it was seeping out fast.

Just my luck, the one bathroom Barrett and I share was occupied while he was showering, and I not only didn't want to explode while he was in the shower, but I didn't want him to worry about the state of my bowels, which I knew he would if I entered the bathroom how I was in the moment, because then he'd see I'd shit my pants. So I had to run with one hand over my messy butt outside to literally the rest of this wave of diarrhea over the grass in the edge of the backyard. I had nothing to wipe with, so I just pulled my messy pants and panties back up and came inside so I could collect myself before Barrett left the shower. Definitely didn't want him to know I just lost it in my pants.

I came in, put my messy clothes in a plastic bag and tied them up to deal with later, and then once he was out of the shower and in bed and wouldn't see me, I ran into the bathroom, squirted more runny poo out (yes the urge hit me again just that suddenly), and cleaned my messy butt cheeks. It took six big swaths of TP to clean the mess on my cheeks and around my hole, but at least I'm clean now.

I need another loose shit soon, and I'm still very gassy. I don't know if I overdid it with the laxatives in the past few weeks, but also I don't care. All this shit has been stuck inside me for weeks, and I'd rather loose it in my pants than keep feeling pained and bloated.

Overall, I'm definitely not happy I crapped my pants, but was satisfied that I got to blow mud outside. I enjoy pooping outdoors.

I feel more diarrhea about to gush out of me; I want to go back outdoors to let this out, but it'll be too conspicuous, so I'm just gonna run to the toilet now. Hopefully this time my sloppy shit makes it into the bowl and not into my third pair of pants and panties tonight.

Ciao for now!



To PrincessOpal

Not all Christians are that way😁 in Indiana we see it as normal☺️

Princess Toadstool Peach

The day my bottom pushed out a Enormous Thick Turd

Peach haven't been able to defecate last week. But this week was going to be different because right now she was pretty sure she could do it. Peach ran to the bathroom, closed the door, rushed over to the toilet, lifted the lid, yanked down her panties to her ankles, gave her bottom a little wiggle and sat down on the toilet relieved as she relaxed with her bladder emptying a huge flow of peewee tinkle then she adjusted herself beginning to push out the poo from her bottom. It was very painful to get out but she was pretty sure she could still poo from her bowels as she grunted, strained, pushed and squeezed as she looked at it a big hard thick whopper of a poo made of all the wasted foods she didn't need anymore almost exited her bottom buns but with the help from a stepping stool in her bathroom she was able to let it all out. "PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!" It went landing directly into the toilet. Then after paying her taxes to Prince John, baking her brownload etc so to speak. She wiped her bladder vagina and bottom anus with toilet paper about 3 squares each. Then she stood up, pulled her panties up and flushed the toilet spraying air freshener around the room.,Then she washed her hands with hand soap and warm water drying them with a towel.

Hey, Jocelyn! It's great to have you here. I loved both your mom's stories (didn't realize until now they were by the same person!) and I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope we are of some comfort to you.

Traveler, welcome back! Sorry about your recent accident, but they do happen, and not just to little kids. Remember the advice you give to others when it happens to them; sometimes you need to heed it yourself as well! You do have a medical issue that you didn't ask for.


question for danny and reaction to M

Danny what is it like to share toilet stalls with women? I imagine you rarely hear them make plops and farts because they are surely too ashamed to do that with guys in the same room? I expect they do constant courtesy flushes or stuff the bowl with toilet paper to prevent plops? I'm actually surprised coed rooms have mixed bathrooms…

M I have experienced walking in twice after a girl pooped in public toilet. The first time was in a coffee bar which had just one unisex toilet. I went there to have a much needed pee but it was occupied. I decided to waited it out and went back to my table out of courtesy. The wait lasted 5 minutes and all this time I never though that someone was pooping in there. So after 5 minutes finally someone emerges from the entry to the bathroom and it happened to be a 30 something girl with long hair and a summer dress. I went in behind her back and the smell was like what you described, it was a really heavy smell but it appeared healthy for some reason.

The second time was last year in a hospital. I was still in the public area and again needed a pee, it was about 12.30 pm, as I entered the women just came out of the only available unisex stall, she was a nurse, fully in costume with a mouth mask and curly hair in a ponytail. The smell here was less deep but it was also very noticeable that she had been pooping. I saw her heading towards the elevator so I guess she preferred pooping at a different level to avoid co workers.

John H

Post Title (optional)reply and comments

Hi all.
@Annie. Thank you for your reply. Good you have big poos when you are on your period and when you are not. I appreciate your reply and your regular posts.
@Andrea T. Have you always used liners to let some pee out in when out and about? Do you do let your pee out purposefully or are you not aware of when it happens? Do you do this to avoid going to use the toilet when out? Do you do it at home or just when out.
@Emma Two. When you got to go, you got to go. Hope the toilet has been unclogged.
Thats all for now. Take care all.
John H.



Hi everyone, this is about an accident I had in high school a couple years ago.

I live in Vermont and it's cold and snowy in the winter. I usually wear long johns under my jeans and on this day I was also wearing overalls. At lunch me and my friends thought it would be funny to go get a big gulp even though it was dead of winter, so we did and I drank the whole 32 ounces, besides that I'd had a couple hot drinks in the morning before school. Then we had class and I probably should have peed before, but I didn't have to go so bad yet. My school was really strict about bathroom breaks and you would get demerit points for going during non designated times, depending on your teacher. So, for science class we were preparing to go outside for an activity and the teacher said, get your outdoor clothes on. By now I had to go and when I asked, the teacher said go if you want but we're leaving without you and you'll get demerit points so I decided I could hold it. I got on my full snowsuit, but then the teacher got a call and we had to wait around for 20 minutes. My bladder was filling up fast and I was pressing my knees together. Finally we were ready to go outside and I had to go even worse by now. I was joking about it with my friends who all thought it was funny. Once outside, we had to go around to different stations to do stuff with the snow. By my third station I was dancing around and trying to cross my legs, but my snowsuit was so big and puffy it hardly helped! Everyone was laughing at my predicament. I wanted to just whip it out and pee so bad, but with all my layers on and no flap in the snowsuit I couldn't. I tried to just suck it up and hold it in. As we neared the end of class I was absolutely bursting and just praying we would wrap up soon. I had my gloved hands between my legs and my knees overlapping, bouncing around. My teacher wanted to do a final talk on the activity and I was so desperate that I asked if I could just go, and he said it will only take five more minutes so just wait. I thought, five minutes will be fine. We all had to stand around and listen to him and I was sweating and bending my knees, squirming. I swear he talked more than five minutes and finally, it just became too much and a huge squirt came out. Even though everyone knew I had to pee, I didn't want anyone knowing my predicament so I did nothing but bent my knees more and tried so hard to clench, but another big leak came out and then I just couldn't control it, my pee was gushing out and soaking my long johns and jeans. I stood there red faced and suddenly totally humiliated, wetting myself only a few minutes before a break. I snuck a look down and nothing was showing on the outside of my snowpants, but a pool of pee was gathering at my feet. I shuffled around in the snow and tried to hide it. A few minutes later we were finally dismissed and I didn't know what to do. Everyone was like, 'oh mike finally you can pee' and I said I wanted to stay behind and talk to the teacher a minute. I think they knew then because previously I'd been talking how I was gonna rush to the bathroom immediately. Everyone else went in and I explained privately that I hadn't made it and had peed myself. He was at least kind of sorry, although he still told me I should have planned my day better. I ended up going home to clean up and texted all my friends that I'd peed myself and we all had a good laugh about it in the end, even though it was embarrassing.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Emma two

Blocked the toilet at work

I hadn't pood since Friday morning and by Thursday morning I was feeling bloated and desperate for relief. I took a laxative just before I went to work and by the time I got there I was busting for a poo. I left it for a while to let the laxative work more effectively and an hour or so later I was getting desperate so I quickly walked to the toilets trying my best not to make it obvious I was desperate for a poo. I made it to the toilet just in time and I took a cubicle and close the door and locked it. I lowered my jeans and knickers down to my feet and sat on the toilet and relaxed my bottom. I felt my poo coming out into the toilet and what a relief it was. I didn't push as I wanted to enjoy the feeling for as long as possible and man did it feel so good. It took about three minutes to get most of it our and I pushed at the end. Two minutes later I was done a I felt so much better after that. I wiped myself and flushed the toilet and not surprisingly it blocked. I just left it and returned to my desk hoping no one would know it was me that caused the blockage.
When I got back my supervisor asked me to where I'd been and I felt my face redden as I told her I'd been to the toilet.
Later another of the girls came back from the toilet and she remarked about the blocked toilet and I felt my face burning red making it obvious it was me that blocked it. That was almost as embarrassing as having an accident in my knickers.


Interesting Observation.

Yesterday I was having a BM at my public toilet when I heard a man talking on the mobile phone.....he walked into the next cubicle....... did not close the door and had a wee whilst he continued talking. The part on the other end of the phone must have heard it. Another thing was the wee sounded like his bladder was not that full so why could he have not waited....concluded the call and then did what he had to do?
That reminded me years ago I rang a staff member...she answered the phone and we started to talk about work matters....she then told me she was on the toilet with a ???? ache!


To Avery

Hi Avery, that was an amazing amount of poop you made with your challenge!!! So, I have a question. Would you ever do it again, or was once enough? And would you recommend it to others? Unfortunately since I was slightly constipated between the ages of 8 to 12 it now drives me crazy if I don't pooo every day. Too bad cuz if I could hold for a day or two it'd make a big, crackling log. I've always enjoyed the fact that you usually mention which meal you think you're pooping out. That has been one of my favorite things to do since I was about. My sister Ruby, who's now 11, used to do that too, when she was about 5. (She'd gotten sick of the whole poop thing by the time she was 9 though. Maybe I overdid it a little?) I wish I could find friends like yours who you can be very open with. Unfortunately since I was homeschooled all the way through I never found a friend like that. I dunno about college either as my parents would probably want me to go to a Christian college and I'm worried it'd be full of prudes. Everyone poops though, and we Christians believe God made us that way...


Brandon's Survey

1) Have you ever taken a shit in public with members of the opposite sex in one of the next stalls?

Yes. In college I was in a coed dorm and all the bathrooms were coed with regular American style stalls with gaps and doors. I have IBS so I regularly and embarrassingly blew up a stall with females sitting either peeing or pooping in the stall next to me. I've shared this before but one time my friend Jenny was peeing in a stall next to me where I was farting really loudly. She tapped on the stall wall between us and asked for a courtesy flush. She humorously later told me she knew it was me because I blew up the stalls so regularly that she recognized the sound of my booming farts.

2) Do you feel ashamed when someone enters the stall you have been pooping in?

It's embarrassing but I wouldn't say I'm exactly ashamed. I would get embarrassed and blush a lot in college when this happened.

3) Has a member of the opposite sex ever entered your stall after you have pooped?

All the time in college when the bathrooms were busy and people waited for stalls. There were no urinals in these coed bathrooms. Usually during these busy bathroom times females would out number guys like 10 to 1 so it was especially embarrassing when I had to take a huge dump. There were several times when these high traffic bathroom situations happen and a line of girls would be outside waiting for my stall while I was embarrassingly farting really loudly for like 10 minutes straight. There were a lot of Snickers, bursts of laughter and jokes at my expense.

4) Has a member of the opposite sex ever opened the door on you by accident while you were pooping?

Yes this has happened recently at single occupancy gas station bathroom. It's super embarrassing being caught farting loudly into a toilet with my underwear and pants around my ankles. In high school female teachers would come into the boys bathroom when the tardy Bell rang to make sure no one was smoking. The smoking got so bad they took the stall doors off in all the student bathrooms. This really attractive younger blonde teacher named Miss Miller came in when I was taking a huge dump. She caught me on the toilet with my jeans and white Hanes underwear briefs around my ankles and I immediately pulled my underwear up to cover my privates. She said something like the what was I doing and that the tardy Bell rang and I accidentally farted really loud which caused her to cover her nose and get embarrassed and just told me to hurry up and finish as she quickly walked out.

5) Have you ever been in a poop stand off? Meaning both of you don't dare to shit in the presence of each other.

No. With my IBS I usually can't hold it and just end up exploding into the toilet.

6) Have you ever had to poop on a first date?

Yeah a few times. One time I was on a fourth date with a girl named Amanda and she made Mexican food for us in her small apartment. I was hoping it wouldn't activate my IBS but it did and I farted really loud on the couch while we were watching a movie. I excused myself to the bathroom which was unfortunately right next to the living room of her small studio apartment. I exploded farting really loud constantly for fifteen minutes straight and Amanda kept asking if I was okay between giggles. Afterwards we had to open up the windows to let her apartment air out and Amanda found it funny and kept giggling and I was just glad she wasn't mad and offended.

7) Have you ever had to poop at a restaurant where your collegue/friend/lover has to wait alone at the table for your return?

Yes several times.

8) Have you ever rang the doorbell to poop at a stranger's house in desperation?


9) On average how many people do you hear pooping at work/school/college daily or weekly?

Quite a bit. I usually take at least one big dump at work daily and I hear others pooping in stalls next to me regularly.

10) Would you use zero privacy Chinese toilets to poop during travel?

Yes. With my IBS I wouldn't have a choice.

11) For those with kids lets say 12 to 24 living at home do your children poop at school or do they wait all day to go at home?

N/A I don't have kids.

12) For those with kids aged lets say 12 to 24 living at home. Are your children comfortabel with pooping in your presence and vice versa?


13) Do you prefer pooping in the presence of strangers, friends or family members?

Strangers definitely.

14) How long after breakfast/lunch/dinner do you need to poop?

Depends on the day. Usually mid morning although if my IBS is really bad it's unpredictable.

15) Do you plan your poop or do you go when feeling the need wherever you are?

With my IBS planning isn't really an option.


Mudslide and Survey

Hey all.

Back again for another update of my prune and prune juice remedy, and have a survey at the end.

In my last post I mentioned that I may have drank a bit too much juice (or eaten too many prunes) because my bowel movements were more brown water than they were semi-formed stool, and I wanted to try and firm them up just a bit by eating food.

I ate some tacos, and they didn't constipate me, but I definitely stopped pooping. I could still feel my belly was full and needed an urgent release but wasn't able to let it out because it was just so much poo. I reset yesterday and waited until midnight to eat anything while hydrating frequently throughout the day, and then had 7 prunes and about 12 ounces of juice about an hour later. Even before going to bed I could feel my stomach bubbling and churning, and I was hoping for good progress.

This morning I woke up with heavy gas, and a squelching feeling in my bowels. I was trying to wait to poo until the urge became unbearable, but it never really did. The prunes and prune juice haven't created any urgency for me. Just a lot of trapped gas and loose poo inside me that I needed to expel carefully so as not to mess my pants.

When I finally went, it was mostly because of gas build up; I needed to fart because the pressure in my guts was too much, but I knew it would be a bad idea with a mostly liquid poo pressing against my hole. I sauntered to the restroom, opened my bowels, and a torrent of butt mud came gurgling out of my hole and into the toilet bowl below. I had four waves of mushy diarrhea and some explosive farts near the end before I could get off the toilet. My poo was a golden brown pile of mush that mixed with the water in the bowl, flecked with some undigested pieces of prunes, that rushed from my hole with no need to push at all.

I had no cramping or urgency, and the consistency was exactly what I wanted, so it looks like I've found the right mix for when I get constipated. I feel so relieved!! I can still feel more gas and shit inside of me, and I'll need to run back for another runny poo after my breakfast, so I'm not cleaned out yet, but I def feel like all the big loads stuck inside of me will be cleared out entirely by the end of day.

Plus, if I feel things aren't moving along, there's the option to have a few more prunes or drink more juice to let it run out like water.

Prunes are clearly the superior remedy.

Hopefully until I post again everyone else has some satisfying and relieving dumps. In the meantime, here's a diarrhea survey and my answers.



1.) How often do you get diarrhea? Why this often?
Once or twice a week; I have IBS.

2.) When you get diarrhea, do you get bloated? If so, is it bad? Does your stomach feel hard before a poo?
I get so bloated when I have the runs it's not even funny. My stomach also gets hard and feels hard even after I take a shit.

3.) When you get diarrhea, do you get gas? If so, how gassy do you get?
I get so much awful gas when I have the shits. I basically fart every thirty seconds when it's at its worst; it's terrible.

4.) When you get diarrhea, do you get stomach cramps?
Not really unless I was constipated before or I took a stimulant laxative. My stomach does get a kind of knotty feeling when I have diarrhea, but it's more of a sick feeling than a painful one.

5.) When you get diarrhea, does your stomach bubble, churn, or gurgle?
All of the above. My stomach is almost always bubbling and watery poo is sloshing through my belly constantly when I have the shits. My stomach always churns right before I need a poo, and a few times throughout the course of a bout of diarrhea.

6.) Do you get nauseous when you have diarrhea?
Not unless I have the stomach flu.

7.) Is the consistency of your poop more watery, runny, mushy, or chunky/blob-like when you have diarrhea? What is your ideal poop consistency when you have diarrhea?
Typically my diarrhea is more mushy or soft, messy blobs. Occasionally it'll be a little watery and runny. I rarely have pure liquid diarrhea unless I overdo laxatives or have a stomach bug. My ideal consistency is like mud or paste.

8.) How long can you hold your poop when you have diarrhea?
Half an hour tops. Either it gets hard to pass after that or I'm about to explode in my panties.

9.) Can you trust a fart when you have diarrhea?
Mostly, yea, actually. Occasionally no, but my sphincter is pretty good at not letting out poop unless I bear down. I don't have to push hard for farts when I have the runs, they typically just blast out.

10.) How many times do you poop during a typical bout of diarrhea?
At least six times, occasionally up to 10.

11.) How long do you stay on the toilet during each trip when you have diarrhea?
No more than ten or fifteen minutes per trip.

12.) Do you release a lot of poo with each bowel movement when you have diarrhea, or does each trip to the pot only yield a small amount of poo?
I release huge loads of poo with each movement.

13.) When you get diarrhea, do you feel a sense of urgency? What does urgency feel like for you?
It depends. Usually, yes. If it's a mushy or muddy poo, the urgency can be so overwhelming it makes me feel like if I don't get to a toilet immediately I'll shit my pants. It just feels like an ever building pressure, like my stomach is being asked to hold more and more poo until it can't. The urgency is mostly in my stomach. My asshole can clench for at least an hour, so I never feel an urgency like my poo is running out of my back door. But my stomach starts feeling really crampy and queasy if I hold my poos, and that makes me feel the need to go ASAP. If I take certain laxatives they make my poos so watery that they pass too quickly for urgency to build. If a poo is liquid, I let it out immediately even if I feel no urgency, because it feels nasty sitting against my hole. But when I have liquid poos I don't feel urgency.

14.) Where do you prefer having diarrhea?
In the toilet in my own home or in a nice clean hotel room toilet. Possibly outdoors if I can find a secluded and comfortable enough spot.

15.) When you have diarrhea, do you take medicine, or let it flow through?
I let it flow through and may sometimes take additional laxatives even to speed up the process.

16.) How do you know you're about to have diarrhea?
My stomach gets bloated and starts bubbling and churning if my body is nice enough to warn me in advance; if I'm hit with a sudden bout of the shits, I feel liquid course through the left side of my intestines, I feel a mass settle against my hole, and I get an urgent feeling that I have to shit ASAP before it comes out into my panties.

17.) How do you feel after a trip to the toilet during a bout of diarrhea?
Typically, relieved, but still full and bloated and gassy after a movement. I always feel like I let out a huge load but still feel full and bursting to go.

18.) What usually causes you to have diarrhea?
Mostly my IBS. Either my IBS gives me diarrhea or my IBS makes me constipated and the laxatives I have to take to fix it give me diarrhea.

19.) Do you ever give yourself diarrhea on purpose?
Yes lots of times. Mostly to cure constipation, occasionally if I ate something heavy I wanna blow out and not give a chance to get stuck.

20.) What do you do when you're desperate for the toilet during a bout of diarrhea, but have to wait to release?
Typically I just clench my butt cheeks or press my butt against a wall or a seat and crouch over and cradle and massage my bloated, gurgling stomach with one hand. Occasionally if it's bad, I may move a hand to my butt to help hold it in. Typically I'm squirming a lot if I have to hold it too, and trying to let out as many farts as I can trust.

21.) Do you enjoy having diarrhea? Why or why not?
Yes. It makes me feel like my bowels are being cleared out, and as much as I also get constipated, it's preferable to being backed up for sure. It can feel so relieving to have it all rush out after being stopped up for a while.


Brandon's survey

I wanted to re answer question #3, Has a member of the opposite sex ever entered your stall after you pooped?

I answered no to this question because I have never seen a female in a men's room before but I had two situations at work. One was someone entered after me and the other time it was the opposite. The first time was quite a long time ago and I had to poop at work which doesn't happen often. Our bathroom setup is there is the ladies room first, in the middle there the handicap bathroom which is a one person bathroom, and there is the men's room next to that. So I go in the men's room and we only have one stall and someone was pooping so I went to the handicap bathroom which luckily wasn't being used. I took a good 10 minute dump which felt great and had a strong smell. I finish, wipe my butt and wash my hands. I come out and there is a lady, an older lady waiting there and she goes in. I was somewhat embarrassed and felt bad for her what she was about to walk in to.
The other time was within the last couple of months. I had to poop, stall in the men's room was in use, someone was sitting in there. I come out and as soon as I do out comes this lady out of the handicap bathroom. I know her a little bit, she's a bit older than me, maybe 10 years older than me, really really attractive. An amazing body, really tight butt, just gorgeous. She was wearing this tight dress and her butt looked amazing in it. She comes out and I figured there had to be a reason she was using the handicap bathroom. I didn't walk in the bathroom right away. I made sure she was away from the area so she didn't see me go in just in case she pooped. I didn't want her to be embarrassed. We smiled at each other and said hi. She was away from the area so I turned back and went into the bathroom. Oh wow what a strong smell. She took a huge dump. I go to pull down my pants to sit down and see lots of skid marks at the bottom of the toilet and the smell was outrageous. It had that healthy poop smell though. It was just very strong. It definitely wasn't a nasty diarrhea smell. I sat down on the nice and warm toilet seat and made my own contributions to the smell that was going on in there!

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