

Soft thick log about half an hour after breakfast and coffee

Hi all. Had fried rice with chili peppers, vegetables, etc and an egg over top for breakfast. Finished everything and took my morning medication after (to prevent dizziness, seizures etc). I then took a jar of warm water and a jar of black coffee downstairs to drink and watch videos on my phone (am on Disability due to a brain ????our and seizures so I unfortunately don't work). Within about half an hour I got a major urge to poop since I finished my coffee and water. A few minutes ago I went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black pants and dark underwear down and sat on the toilet.

Pushed and a good sized soft thick poop came out for what seemed like ages. After about 20-30 seconds I was finished. Peed then peeked underneath me. Toilet was filled! Flushed and the beast went down no problem. I then wiped my front first then did a good job wiping my bum. Tossed the paper into the toilet and flushed, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Damn! What a shit! I've been trying to drink as much water as possible to soften everything up and to prevent clogging the toilet. I hope after lunch and maybe dinner I can go again. Maybe big ones too. I feel very relieved. Not completely empty yet but slowly getting there.

Happy pooping and stay safe!



An Incredible Bathroom Trip

Omg I'm so full! We had tacos for dinner and I ate a lot. 3 was filling (a full serving), but I ate around 9 in total. My stomach is really full and I can feel that it is super stretched as it digests all that food. Now I've already pooped once today: just before lunch, I felt that urge to poop, went to the bathroom, pooped out a 17inch long 1.5inch wide poop (it flushed down), then left. I'm lying in bed right now, but let's reflect on the aftermath of my big dinner. Since I normally have one pooping session per day that completely relieves me, I was confident the tacos wouldn't make me need the bathroom. My body had different plans though. 9 things came in, which means a lot of old stuff needs to go out. I was still at the dinner table, letting my stomach digest the tacos, when I felt some slight pressure to poop. I ignored it at first, but my body was a poop factory. As the conversation progressed, my intestines moved more and more poop into my rectum and compounded it together into one mass. Anyway, I kept ignoring the urge (I also really had to pee, I drank a lot). Finally, a large piece of waste got pushed into the existing bowel movement, and that's when I reached "critical mass" and knew everything had to go now. I excused my self from the table, saying I needed to use the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom which was just beside the kitchen of our house (funny really, food gets prepared, eaten, and pooped out in three connected rooms).

I went into the bathroom, pulled down my blue tights and white panties to my feet, and sat on the toilet. I could feel a big weight and a tingly sensation in my lower abdomen. I dealt with the tingly sensation first, and relaxed the muscles in my urethra. My bladder, stretched by its fullness, immediately began shrinking, sending all its contents through my urethra and into the water of the toilet. I clearly had a lot of pee in me, because my pee stream was quite forceful and made a loud splashing noise as it left my body and hit the water in the toilet. I peed out my morning coffee, the two sodas I'd drunk during the day, plus the 6 cups of water I drunk before and during dinner. There was a lot of liquid to get out so I peed for a while. After peeing for some time, I looked at my phone and realized I'd been peeing for over a minute. And I still had a big number two in me that I still needed to push out (and I knew it wasn't gonna be small), so this wasn't gonna be a short bathroom trip. I was feeling great relief from peeing though. It was really nice to feel my bladder getting smaller and more relaxed as my pee flowed out of me. After about a minute and 30 seconds, my stream slowed and I stopped peeing. I sighed with relief.

With the tingly sensation dealt with I could focus on the weight I was feeling in my behind. My cute butt was filled with a lot of not-so-cute stuff, and my butt was about to get rid of all that stuff (lots of food waste). I leaned forward, then pushed. My butthole opened as the end of a solid poop began to emerge. I kept pushing, with my face showing the work I was putting into pooping out this load (closed eyes, scrunched up face). My butthole got wider as my poop kept coming out, making a crackling noise as more and more digested waste made its way out of me. It felt so nice having this big thick log of poop leave my body; all that old food and waste coming out with it. After pooping for 30 seconds, the turd started tapering and shortly after fell into the toilet. I sighed in relief, I had dumped a lot. As I was catching my breath, I wanted to try to figure out what meal I had just pooped out. It kinda had a meaty smell, and then I realized that I had a big steak 2 days ago for dinner. I'm pretty sure I had already pooped out breakfast and at least most of that day's lunch (I had had a salad for lunch and there was an undigested piece of lettuce in the log). So I was quite certain that all that was left was dinner. I had corn as the side dish so I looked between my legs to see if there was any undigested corn in my poop (sometimes corn and raw leafy greens aren't digested by my stomach, and I end up pooping them out undigested). That poop was fully digested, but given how much I'd eaten I was sure that turd was just the rest of lunch and the steak and appetizers from dinner. I'm sure the dessert and sides were still in me. I could still feel a weight in my abdomen. I pushed hard but there was nothing in my rectum.

I wanted to empty my bowels completely so I stayed seated on the toilet, and tried to coax my poop into my rectum by rubbing my belly and pressing on my abdomen. After a minute, I got that familiar feeling of a solid log being loaded into my rectum, ready to be expelled. Right as I was about to start pushing, I was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was my dad, who asked "Avery, are you ok? You've been in there for a while." I replied with "Yeah, I'm pooping." He then asked "Are you constipated?" I just sighed and said "No, I really had to poop and there was a lot of stuff in me." He finally said "Ok, don't clog the toilet" in a joking way then left.

I could now get back to unloading my bowels. I pushed and let out a 5 second long airy fart that smelled like the rest of my poop. I kept pushing, letting out a quiet grunt, as my anus opened and the turd began making its way out of my body. This turd felt to be about the same size as the last turd, so I assume I was pooping out some of yesterdays breakfast as well. There was some crackling as the smooth, somewhat soft log slid out of my bottom. The smell of digested meat was now joined by the smell of digested vegetables (kind of what potting soil smells like) and a very mild, slightly sweet smell (I had a big slice of chocolate cake for dessert). After 25 seconds, I was all out of poop, as the log tapered off and fell into the toilet bowl with a plop. I felt empty, so I relaxed and leaned back, releasing a nice sigh. I had completely relieved myself, unburdening my abdomen of liquid and solid waste.

I knew I was gonna have to wipe quite a bit, so I decided to look at my creation before wiping. With my tights and underwear still at my feet, I stood up and looked into the toilet bowl. My pee was bright yellow like lemonade, and my turds were light brown (same color as chocolate). Both turds were solid, in the shape of a curved hot dog, 15 inches long, and 2 inches wide. My turds were pretty much identical, although the first one was harder (second was kinda soft), and the second one did have a few corn kernels in it. There was definitely a strong poopy smell in the bathroom now. With my observations done, I sat back down to wipe my bottom. I knew that the soft poop had left behind a lot of poop on my butt, and my vagina got quite drenched from my pee. I ripped off some toilet paper from the half full roll and began wiping. The first wipe came off covered in pee and poop. The second through sixth wipe had less pee but still a decent amount of poop. It was the seventh wipe that got the last bits of excrement off of me, and 8th wipe was clean.

With my front and back clean, I stood up, pulled up my underwear and leggings (which were quite tight thanks to being one of my smaller pairs, not helped by my stomach still bloated from dinner). I then flushed the toilet, and my pee and first log was flushed away (nearly clogging the toilet), but my second log and all the toilet paper was still there. I waited for the toilet to refill then flushed. The second log was snapped in half and both parts went down the drain with all the toilet paper. No clogs and only a single skid mark in the drain! I washed my hands, then left the bathroom, with a slight smell left behind. In total, It took me 15 minutes to go potty. I was quite impressed that my small, teenage girl body made all that potty!

I'm now lying in bed. Dinner is digesting right now (I can hear and feel my stomach grumble and churn) and I'm curious to see what those tacos are like to poop out. I'll find out in two days! I'll probably pee in an hour or two before I go to sleep (I've been drinking a lot recently), but otherwise my bathroom needs are done for the day. Bye for now!


Response to Jocelyn

I honestly don't remember how old I was the first time I pooped in a public bathroom but I definitely enjoy going in a public bathroom. Not sure why, just something about it. But it has been a while since I've done so because I've been a morning pooper for quite a long time now. My enjoyment of going in public bathrooms probably comes from a moment when I was a kid and my grandparents used to take me to an airport to see the planes. At the time I was not old enough to use the men's room by myself so my grandmother would bring me to the ladies room. One time I went with her there were these two ladies sitting in two of the stalls and talking to each other and I can't remember if it was just one of both of them but there was some really loud farts going on during their conversation. These were some really loud farts. They just went about their conversation while they were on the toilet blasting away. They for sure were both taking a shit because by time it was done peeing and my grandma was done peeing they were still sitting in their stalls, farming like crazy. I remember wishing I could stay around to hear the sounds. That probably started my thing with pooping in a public bathroom or enjoying hearing others poop because when I got older sometimes I would just go and sit in a stall just to hear sounds. Sometimes in college ibwpuld drive to the mall and go sit in the men's room. It had 3 stalls so I would always take the middle one if available just to guaranteed someone would be sitting next to me. I heard some really good ones over the years. I love when someone goes into a public bathroom and is not shy at all about taking a crap. Especially sighing, grunting and farming loudly. When I shit in public I don't try to hide it at all. Take care and I hope you enjoy your day.

And happy birthday to you Annie!!

Steve A

Using the restroom at work (long shift times/days)

To whoever works/worked long shift times at their current or past jobs, how often did you use the restroom at work, preferably #2?

Since my brother and I just started a new job at a warehouse, we'll be working around 10 hours per day, so most likely, several people (including us) will probably use the restroom at work.

I've also noticed some people aren't ashamed about using the restroom at work since 10-12 hour days away from home (depending on the job) will most likely include people having to poop while at work.

Mina Hisae Maho Kazumi

We are bad girls again

Hi Everyone, we hope everyone are well.

Last Sunday we decided to do group motion with potties again, after long time no doing. We don't give too much details because same as every time, newspapers on floor of green flat, line our potties with loo paper, birthday suit (it was hot weather even early in morning), shower after finish motions, warm communication on futon in tatami room after shower and tea in beige flat after warm communication.

So we squatted over potties after wee in green loo. It is better there is no wee or only little wee in potties, we think.

And when Maho ready, we start. All start together. We love that feeling of "all together"!! We all concentrating on first wave, but Kazu soon stop and we think she is hold back. We are wonder why...?

But after Hisae and Mina leave pile of turds in potties and take break to prepare for second wave, and Maho start on second turd after first one land in her potty, Kazu suddenly U-turned, opened her bottom and poured out huge puree of mierda. She wanted that we have good view, she said after. Her bottom said to her, "your wave is going to be super huge, so get ready." Maybe.

We love that Spanish word "mierda" for poo!! Mina found on page 2264.

Kazu pour and pour and pour. So much mierda! About 20 seconds she was pushing maybe. More and more and more! Wow! Even Maho stopped to push out her turd because so surprise. But finally she had to stop, she force her bottom, because pile was higher than her potty. So Hisae jump up, put own potty under Kazu, and say her, "I take this to loo, if you want to push out more mierda you can do in my potty." Kazu said "thanks" and Hisae went to loo. Kazu decided push, so more mierda and Hisae's potty also full so when Hisae came back with potty line with new loo paper, she took own potty to loo.

Hisae's face looked suffer, and when she squat again, we don't surprise because her second wave come immediately and it was smaller than Kazu's but still big. Mina also pushed out second wave and also big. Maho busy to do, she never stop, after her turd drop in her potty she took breath and then started to do next one.

Mina emptied her potty and also Maho's potty, then squat again. Why we never finish? Always when we did, we know there is more... even Kazu, but Kazu's later waves not so big. Actually Kazu finished first after five waves, but she was 21 minutes we think. Hisae finished soon after her. Mina and Maho, need five minutes more before finish.

We have to tell you, nobody did motion Friday or Saturday. That was reason why Sunday's motions so huge. Why we didn't do?? We don't know... perhaps our bottom know that we wanted to do big one on Sunday and help us to hold back Friday and Saturday. Is there communication between our mind and our bottom? Perhaps medical student know answer of this question...??

So in end, our green loo ate eight full potties of mierda. She get stomachache because eat too much?? We don't think so, because loo's digestive system different from digestive system of human being. Loo can eat and eat and eat, if we allow her to swallow before we give her more (that is mean, courtesy flush, so no clog! Clog is stomachache of loo perhaps).

After we finish, we had very very good feeling. Clean potties, not-so-warm shower, very warm hugs and kisses and caress, delicious tea (Maho made).

Long story, Mina hope you don't yawn too many time. And we hope everyone well and comfy in loo and everywhere.

Love from Kazumi, Maho, Hisae and Mina


Oddest way to solve a constipation?

I remember it happened in later 2012, I was 27. I hadn't been able to go for some time. My husband was playing with our three and a half year old daughter while I was changing the diapers of our younger two children. When I was in the bathroom, I first couldn't get it done, the poop seemed to be stuck. However, I didn't have laxatives around. So I decided to take an „alternative route". I pushed my butt against the floor and pushed a bit. When I finally felt the urge, I sat back on the toilet and managed to get it down. The result was a single thick turd.


To Jocelyn

Jocelyn, would you mind sharing stories about the times you have seen your mom wet herself?


First diarrhea experience

At noon, I was lying on the couch and reading a book when I felt a strong, oppressive urge to poop. This surprised me, since I went to poop not so long ago. But since I really wanted to, I did not hesitate, but went to the toilet. There I quickly pulled down my blue pants and white briefs and sat down on the toilet seat. I relaxed, and immediately liquid disgusting-smelling poop began to pour out with a fart. I was in shock, it looked like it was diarrhea. But I've never had diarrhea before. But the strangest thing is, I couldn't figure out why she happened? The diarrhea didn't last long, and my stomach didn't ache, so I didn't get a lot of inconvenience because of it. After a while, the diarrhea ended, and I began to wipe my ass with toilet paper. I had to spend ten whole toilet papers to wipe myself clean. When I finished wiping, I threw toilet paper into the bucket. My diarrhea smelled really bad, but the relief I felt after it was even stronger. I flushed the toilet and watched my diarrhea spin and drain into the pipes. When the flush was over and the inside of the toilet was clean, I pulled on my briefs and pants, lowered the lid of the toilet seat, washed my hands in the sink and left the toilet. When I pooped the next time, the poop was no longer liquid.

Nicole from Germany

Nighttime pees

Does someone else here have to get up due to a full bladder. I've had this problem for years - at least now with my children (especially the baby) it doesn't make a difference anyways😁 - until I was 8, I'd often wet the bed.


Recent incident

Do you ever have to pee unexpectedly bad? This happened to me recently and it resulted in a very embarrassing outcome.

I was at home on a Saturday and our toilet was clogged. We were unable to fix it so a plumber had been called and was on his way out. I never considered that a bathroom emergency would occur, I thought it would be fixed quickly and that if I had to go, I could just drive 5 minutes to the grocery store that has facilities. But then my husband got called out to work so I had to stay at home the whole time with the plumber, which meant no grocery store for me. Never mind, I didn't even have to go.

However, once the plumber was due to arrive, he called saying he'd been delayed at his previous job and would be a bit late. Again, no problem, I'd just hang out at home, I had no other plans. After about half an hour, I felt a little twinge in my bladder, but I thought nothing of it. The plumber ended up being almost an hour late, and by then I felt like I could go, but it was nowhere near being an emergency, I wouldn't even say I had to go badly yet, I just kinda had to go. Something that normally I could realistically hold for hours.

But then something strange happened, and I don't know if maybe I'd drunk something diuretic or what. But while the plumber was there working away, my need went from a 3/10 to about an 8/10 FAST. I was trying to get some chores done, folding laundry and tidying, and found I was struggling to bend over because my bladder was painfully full! Before long I was needing to fidget occasionally, pressing my legs together and even fully crossing them now and again. The plumber called me in and I tried to stand still in the bathroom listening to him. He explained it would be at least another 30 minutes. I nodded and wondered if I could hang on that long. I felt crazy! I had no idea how or why my need to pee had increased like that, I couldn't remember the last time I'd been in such a pickle, watching the clock and feeling so desperate. Time ticked by agonizingly slowly and I was now doing a full pee dance in my bedroom. I was desperately grabbing my crotch, legs fully crossed, bouncing up and down and breathing heavily. I wished that I'd had the presence of mind earlier to get a bucket or something, but I just hadn't anticipated needing to go like this, and now I was so desperate I almost couldn't think straight! To make matters worse, the pressure from my stretched bladder began making everything cramped in there and this stimulated my bowels, I felt horrified feeling a cramp come on and realizing I needed a number 2 as well. I groaned and felt my face turn red as I realized the full extent of the situation I was in. I lasted another 5 minutes before I felt a hot flush come across me and suddenly my bladder just....released. I had a big accident right there in my room and absolutely flooded my jeans. I almost felt in shock, and in that state I was not even able to hold back my number 2, even though that urge was not as strong. So to summarize, at my ripe age of 34, I had a big 1 and 2 accident in my pants, in my own home!! I hadn't had an accident since I was about 10, and peed my pants on the playground near our house because I was having so much fun I ignored my need until it was too late. I remember the shock and shame I felt then, and it all came flooding back to me this time too - I felt tearful and ashamed. Worse, the plumber was still there. I quickly changed into clean clothes and tried to wipe myself up as best I could, and hid my wet/dirty clothes. The plumber finished up about 5 minutes later and I exchanged pleasantries with him while feeling totally in a state of shock. He finally left and I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. But first, I just sat on the toilet and cried. I was able to clean the wet spot out of the carpet and thankfully my husband didn't notice anything. I haven't told him - way too embarrassing! Anyway I have no idea how any of this happened but I guess there's a valuable lesson in there - don't assume you can hold it, and go if you have a chance!


Doing the Stain Survey

1.Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.

Used to pretty often in middle and high school, when I was in the classroom and had the urge to poop, but also had to wait.

2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.

Not that I knew of. I do remember it once happened to my sister tho and she asked me not to tell anyone about it.

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.

Thanfully not, except for maybe a little turd. I thankfully live on the countryside, and when I'm in the middle of nowhere and just really need to go, I go behind a bush to do my business ;)

4.If none of the above happened, where else do you notice stains in your underwear?

They rarely happen anymore, to be honest. Both me and my sister are stay at home moms, but while she often complains about stains in private - we talk quite a lot about it - it hasn't happened to me much. I'd also die if my hubby found out even after we've known each others for 19 years ;)


Yesterday's BM and Skidmarks

I woke yesterday with what felt like a big shit coming on that would be hard!
It was opportune for me....nobody at work and no appointments so I texted my therapist to see if she could help me out. After a few hours of no reply I knew I had to do something so I went into the work toilets and dropped my trousers and sat and pushed...pushed ..pushed and I evacuated this enormous turd that was almost as thick has I have ever done and snaked around the toilet bowl...what a therapist missed that!
Now to skid marks and so on. Nobody gets them like me. I have trouble wiping and sometimes my hands are so bad it can make the situation worse as if I had not wiped at all. At home I have a bidet but I find, depending on the BM....if it is hard I still have stool in my rectum and get bad stains. I remember my therapist wiped my bum and she is a pedant for cleaning and hygiene and I still got skid marks. Also I get a degree of anal leakage. as to sharting not that much but I have shitted my underwear a few times due to laxatives...suppositories etc.
Ye I have had turtle heading. I have been desperate and I sit on the loo and give my bum a wipe just to see before doing a poo and the paper is brown.
In the early days I use to scrub my undies daily but now I have Depends and whilst bad for the planet it is more hygienic for me and so much easier.
As a side topic I also have bladder leakage.
Bladder leakage under reported and it came out this week that a very famous Australian athlete ( actually a world champion in her field) often pissed herself in her event from age of 23 onwards!
Incontinence is a big problem but I manage it.
Dear Toiletstool readers I cannot ever imagine wearing normal underwear and I have accepted the restrictions it imposes and live a happy life accordingly.


Tacos are out!

It's been two days since I ate 9 tacos for dinner, as I discussed in my previous post. Which means they got pooped out today. Just before dinner, my rectum decided it was full and I needed to move my bowels. It's almost like my body knew I was about to fill it up with food. I should mention, this wasn't the urge of "I've got some poop ready to dump out." I'd had that feeling for a while. This was a feeling of "this giant fat turd needs to come out asap." I also had a slight urge to pee.
So, I went to the bathroom next to the kitchen (same one I used last time), pulled down my black shorts and panties, and sat down on the toilet. As always, I started by peeing. I had peed a few hours earlier, but I had still drunk some water and a soda. My pee tinkled and splashed as it left my urethra and hit the water in the toilet. More pee just kept coming. It felt really nice to empty my bladder. I used to love only pooping, but I'm starting love peeing as well! Anyway, 40 seconds after my first drops of pee left my pussy, my bladder was dry and gravity drained me of the final parts of my pee stream.
With that, I leaned forward and began pooping. I relaxed my anus and got confirmation that this was a big poop. As the tip started emerging, I realized this was a thick, hard log. I kept pushing hard and that got the poop moving. My butthole was opened wide as the poop slowly emerged. There was a lot of it as well. It crackled slightly as it left my body, and I was getting so much relief as this giant turd made its way out. After a minute of my stretched butthole working diligently to expel this huge load, it began tapering off, before the end fell out of my butt and landed with a splat. I spread my legs and looked between them to see that my poop was so long that the end of it was laying on the porcelain at the front of the bowl, halfway between the top of the bowl and the waterline. I dipped my head down look just past my crotch, holding back my long blonde hair, and saw a thick brown cylinder of digested waste lying along the length of the toilet. From this angle, I could really smell my pee, and could strongly smell the remnants of food embedded in my poop (including the tacos). I returned to my normal sitting position, wiped twice, and then I was done. I stood up, pulled up my shorts and underwear, and looked at what I did. My turd was 2.5 inches wide and 30 inches long. It had a strong poopy smell as well. The start of the log was partially hidden inside the hole of the toilet, but I could see it tapering off just before it became hidden.
Some math because why not (I did use a calculator for this). I'll say 8 inches was for the snacks I had that day (no other meals). That means 22 inches of the turd were for the tacos, or 2.44 inches per taco. With a width of 2.5 inches, that means each taco is now 12 cubic inches of poop. Pretty impressive! I love the digestive system. A good meal is great going in, but it's the stuff that happens at the other end, after everything that my body does to the food, that is the best part.
After admiring my creation, I flushed it all away, clogging the toilet in the process. I grabbed the plunger, and after a minute of plunging, the toilet was unclogged, and all my waste was headed into the sewers. I washed my hands, then headed off to load up my stomach with dinner!
Bye for now!

Dan H

Making a survey on clogging!

Annie I love your stories so keep them coming also it would be great to have a story of a friend of yours

So there gos my survey

1. Have you had to dump in a broken toilet and left your load for others to see?

2. Have you ever seen some else's load because of an unflushed or broken toilet?

3. Have you ever left a toilet unflushed on purpose?

My answers:

1: Yes but I didn't know that it was clogged. So I was having dinner with some friends at this Chinese restaurant and we ate a lot. Afterwards the urge hit me like a ton of bricks! It was one of these single users toilets. I dumped my humongous load and tried to flush but the toilet was clogged! I washed my hands and went back to our table. Shortly afterwards a young Chinese girl went to the toilet so she must have seen my load!

2. Yes the first time was at a rest stop. So I had an urge to dump and went to the restroom. The door was locked but someone was taking a shit! Then this young and good looking trucker came out (he was over 6' and blonde) and smiled at me. I went to the cubicle and saw that he had left a huge load in the bowl! I tried to flush but it was broken. So I did my dump on top of his.
The second time is when my ex's sister was visiting us. After having breakfast, she went to the bathroom. She stayed there for a while so I knew she was taking a dump! Some time later I went to the bathroom. She had left an absolutely huge sausage unflushed! I would never have imagined that she could produce this. It was smooth and looked healthy though. I could not resist but do my load on top. That was a good catch

3. Yes once at McDonalds I went after lunch. Since my load was impressive I decided not to flush. When I got back I told my buddy to check it out and he actually did!

Sunday, June 25, 2023


Stain Survey

1.Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.

I have never gotten a stain from "prarie dogging" a solid log. I had a bunch of cramping pain in my stomach and sphincter from trying to hold the solid log in. I never got a stain, but had I not been home, people wound have known something was wrong with me being bent over with my hand on my butt on my way to the toilet . But no stain and it was a cleaned wipe. My husband has prarrie dogged in his boxers and a little log came out and rolled down into his legs into his jeans. He brings this up when I seem embarassed about my skids

2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.

at least three times in my life. two had to do with a stomach virus. The last one was really random. I just sat down to pee on morning and I wiped and got a surprise. I noticed my thankfully black panties had a bunch of soft poop in them. I had to wash these out thoroughly. If they were an older pair. I would have thrown them out. I was not sick nor did I have more poop come out when they were discovered. When I sharted when I was sick, they were both very old :"period" panties that I threw out.

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.

Possibly my most recent shart above ? It was a big mess but I did not have to poop after that. The previous sharts,I sat on the toilet and finished after my accidents. I would rather pull down my pants and poop outside and not wipe than poop my pants , especially if I am wearing a thong

4.If none of the above happened, who else do you notice stains in your underwear.
My skidmarks seem very frequent after work or working out after a long work day, or a long intense work out where I have a lot of sweat in my crack. I often poop at work and the gym and before I run so if I don't wipe great ( especially at work or the gym where the toilet paper is placebo) If I put on a fresh pair of underwear after a shower and say go on a date, I don't notice a skid. but then again I will often wear dark underwear if I think...well something will happen with my husband ;)

-Skidmarked in Seattle


Oldest memory of public restroom?

How old were you when you first pooped on a public toilet?
I remember I was 4 - back in 89 - that I had to go Number 2 when we were at preschool. So I just told the teacher and went. My grandma was against using public restrooms, but hey, I went anyways!


To Amy

My mom had bladder issues ever since her early teens, so I saw her peeing herself quite a couple times.


Finally went to the washroom

Have been constipated for quite some time. Finally today after a healthy lunch I went to the washroom a few minutes ago after finishing a jar of warm water. Turned on the bathroom light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat. Gave a gentle push and a fairly big semi solid poop came out. Took about 30 seconds. When I was done I reached for some TP, wiped well, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked. Wow! It was fairly big about 2 to 2 1/2 feet, solid and medium brown. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Have been trying to keep hydrated to try to get everything else out of my body finally.

Happy pooping and stay safe!



Massive shit after breakfast and coffee

Hi all. Today is my birthday. I'm 37 can you believe it? Anyway got up this morning and went pee. Stomach felt full and bloated so pee was all I could do. After that I made a jar of warm water (to take my medication and keep hydrated after breakfast). Had fried rice with eggs, chili peppers, green peppers, other green ????, etc, a jar of warm water and a jar of black coffee. After breakfast I took my medication (there are multiple medications that come in a big blister pack) and went downstairs to drink more warmish hot water and my coffee. Then finally close to 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop. Put on the flip flops outside my room, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear and sat. Gave a gentle push and a huge amount of semi solid poop came out into the toilet. Took about 30 seconds to finish having this monster crap. When I was done I wiped and stood up to look.

WOW! This thing was fairly thick, darkish brown and about 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the beast down the toilet first, wiped then flushed the toilet paper. Pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Damn. What a crap! My body isn't 100% empty yet but I hope later I can do another big poop and get rid of all this stuff. Crappy birthday to me ;)

Happy pooping and stay safe!



To Elvia

Aren't you the same Elvia who had no issues with her hubby and sons being in the restroom? Well, my sister's been doing the same thing with her kids (both grown up now, in fact, my niece has a baby herself now!), both me and her have been dealing with constipation for decades, but I had bit more problems having my children (my oldest one's 14) with me while crapping ;)


To Jill

Haven't been on this site in a long time, but saw your post, Jill, and wanted to empathize! I totally feel you…I love hearing others pooping in public situations! Can't really explain it but it just does something for me. Wish this site had a private message board so we could talk about it….


Massive shit after breakfast and coffee

Hi all. Today is my birthday. I'm 37 can you believe it? Anyway got up this morning and went pee. Stomach felt full and bloated so pee was all I could do. After that I made a jar of warm water (to take my medication and keep hydrated after breakfast). Had fried rice with eggs, chili peppers, green peppers, other green ????, etc, a jar of warm water and a jar of black coffee. After breakfast I took my medication (there are multiple medications that come in a big blister pack) and went downstairs to drink more warmish hot water and my coffee. Then finally close to 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop. Put on the flip flops outside my room, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear and sat. Gave a gentle push and a huge amount of semi solid poop came out into the toilet. Took about 30 seconds to finish having this monster crap. When I was done I wiped and stood up to look.

WOW! This thing was fairly thick, darkish brown and about 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the beast down the toilet first, wiped then flushed the toilet paper. Pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Damn. What a crap! My body isn't 100% empty yet but I hope later I can do another big poop and get rid of all this stuff. Crappy birthday to me ;)

Happy pooping and stay safe!


Wednesday, June 21, 2023


New least private bathroom I've ever used.

Since school ended, I've been going on a lot of day trips with my sons. A state park reopened this year a few hours from where we live so it was high on my list of places.

There were some restrooms near the parking lot that were small brick buildings with a enclosed roof. No sink and just a toilet directly to the side from the entrance. There wasn't even anything you could attach a door to! The toilet looked modern but the building didn't so I'm not sure when it was made. When I sat down I actually thought my shoes were sticking into the doorway a little. It was clean though. I imagine it was because a lot of people wouldn't want to use it.

Hi, I'm a long time reader and first time poster…. Back story- since I was young I was always fascinated by my poop and others as well. From my school days of not being able to poop in public bathroom, getting completely undressed whenever I went rot the bathroom, and as I was older I developed IBS and gastritis.
These things have led me to have a somewhat sexual relationship with pee and poop as well ( especially for others).
Well I am writing today because it's always nice to share my experiences especially when something is abnormal for me and such. Wish I had a poop buddy to share with but that's for another post….
So last night after eating a large oily snack( which boy do i regret) I was awoken at about 1:30 with horrible heartburn and GURD. After suffering for a while I got the urge to fart and as soon as I let it out I realized it was way more than a fart. This began my night of hourly and two hourly bursts of real diarrhea. I took 2 immodium which normally stops it. Unfortunately, nothing worked. In fact it is 3:55 pm now and still having diarrhea. I wonder when it will stop. Any tips? Love hearing from anyone- have a great Father's Day…

Monday, June 19, 2023


Middle school bathrooms

My nearly 12 year old daughter still has a problem adapting to them - suppose it was no different from my days. Little privacy. And that after I had enjoyed pooping in elementary that much…

Anna from Austria
@Jenny Yes maybe the design of the Austrian toilet stalls that offer more privacy compared to the US stalls could encourage some ladies not to avoid neighbors at all costs.

I was just wearing normal panties during the incident. I walked home with the solid panties and then throw them away. They were stained too much.

Greetings from Austria


Maho (translator is Mina)

Christian College : Dear Jocelyn

My cousin is Catholic like me and she went to Christian college (not like me). She said to me, only about 20% of students Christian, so difficult to be sure, but she never met any prude person. Professors were little bit prude maybe, but not students. When it was only girls, they often talked intimate things about loo, went to loo together, sometimes same cubicle...even it was motions, and they usually hope that if it is motions it will be lots and lots of motions...

But this is Japan. In USA, little bit different maybe. We think, if people around of you are prude, you need to approach with delicate. If you go to loo in Christian college and you go with friend you can say like, "stomach hurts little bit, maybe I am in loo long time, please forgive me..." If you are lucky she will stay with you perhaps and pretend to be nurse?

Love and God Bless to you.

Maho (+3)

Stain Survey
My wife and I are educated professionals. We are hygenic and fit and web both get skidmarks at least a few times a week.

My wife would be horrified if anyone knew she got skidmark at all ,a honestly, she gets them more than I do. But mainly because her underwear tends to ride up her beautiful bottoms, and most of my underwear consists of boxer. It took some convincing to her that I am not grossed out by her dirty underwear. I actually find it very humanizing that such a beautiful clean woman gets dirty underwear. I am just a normal guy, and she doesnt seem be grossed out my mine.

What is interesting to me is how we get skid marks. I notice a lot of stories of accidents, which have happened to both of us. But most of our stains are mundane day to day skidmarks under near or normal work and workout cloths. We are both active, so most of our skid marks have to do with us having sweaty cracks, and healthy diet that leads us to have 2-4 BMS a day and having to wipe with varying success depending on the circumstances.

Here is my survey:
1.Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.

This has ha
2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.

4.If none of the above happened, who else do you notice stains in your underwear.

Our answers:
1.Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.
This has happened to my wife a few times in the care in traffic when we just coould not get into a toilet. Thankfully the damage was minimal for my wife, but at least one of the prairie dogs was in a thong, so it stained her dress too. It happened to me in traffic too, and it hurt my stomach and my hole. I could barely walk. Go a little stain in my boxers but I wonder if it would have been healtier to just unload

2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.

This had not happened to my wife, but I have done this a few times. It is messier than a prarie dog, and the mess was less of a concern than just feeling unwell

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.

This has not happened to eitehr of us.

3.If none of the above happened, who else do you notice stains in your underwear.

Mostly after working out for both of us. Dark colored boxers and thongs dont show stains too much much, but I like to work out in boxer briefs with ride up more. My wife unlike many ladies does not like to work out in thongs, she prefers boyshorts/panties that ride up her butt ) and the y look great). But I think there is just more cloth up her buns that are probably pretty dirty from sweat and proabbly a pre or mid workout poop. We also use bidets at home , but half our poops happen outside of the home and we both feel a difference in clenliness compared to toilet paper at work, gym, hotels and friends homes.


Went to the washroom a lot

Hi all. Just got back from the washroom shortly after lunch (fried rice with egg, etc and a jar or 2 of warm water). About 10 minutes ago I got a major urge (after being constipated for I'm not sure how long) so I went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, put the toilet seat down (damn guys), pulled down my pants and underwear and sat. Pushed and quite a bit of solid poop came out. Very thick and not easy to come out. Once I was done I lifted myself slightly off the toilet seat and looked. It was huge! Filled quite a bit of the toilet. Flushed first. Went down though the water level is now low. Stood up, took some liquid soap in my hands and washed my bum at the sink (no TP), dried my bum on my towel, pulled up my pants and underwear, washed my hands and went to my room and put a pad on (period came). Drinking more warm water to soften the rest up so I can go more later.

Happy pooping (hopefully) and stay safe!



To Opal

Haha, I always loathed "high-class" people as a girl that's somewhere between suburbian and rural.
Six to seven years ago I was visting my Aunt (she's one and a half years younger than me) in Kentucky, in the midst of the Bible belt. We went to church (a Baptist church), and before the sermon, the Pastor said he'd go to the "worldly throne" and walked to the restrooms.
At one point during church service, she went to the restroom and as did I and my younger daughter who was nearly 5 - we had to pee.
My Aunt however would drop a (huge) deuce, and said she'd always have to go at church, hehe.
She already, along with my sister and my Uncle (her one year older brother), had be a poop buddy to me during our childhood.

Looks like there can be a non-prude side in the evangelical world too :)

I never been to New Mexico tho...

I do not list the names of my family either. My mother did tho.


Difficult and embarassing poop

I've been renovating one of the bathrooms for the past couple of weeks and have workers here from early in the morning. Luckily I have two so I've been able to use the other one. I usually poop in the morning after breakfast and was a bit worried how it would work out, but I've been able to go every morning. I think I'm a bit less shy now even, so it's been good. :)
Yesterday I had a pizza for dinner and felt quite full. When I went to the the toilet this morning, it took a while to get started for me. One of the workers were also doing something just outside and it was difficult to relax. I just tried to have some patient and closed my eyes to relax. Finally I felt my bowels moving a little bit, but nothing came out. I could feel it right inside of me. I try to not push as it's not good for the behind, so instead I just waited for some more time to see if I could get another movement. Checking my watch I had been in there almost 10 minutes already. At this point I decided to gently push. I tried to be quiet as there were people just outside the door. Unfortunately a hard lump dropped with a loud splash and some dry farts came after. Gain I waited a while to see if the rest wanted to move out by itself, which it did eventually. Several smaller but still very loud lumps dropped out. Felt amazing, but I also felt a bit ashamed at the same time. There was more that needed to get out, but I decided to leave it for now. When I came out of the toilet the worker that had been lurking outside rushed in and started to pee, so I guess he really had to go and that's why he waited.


New least private bathroom I've ever used.

Since school ended, I've been going on a lot of day trips with my sons. A state park reopened this year a few hours from where we live so it was high on my list of places.

There were some restrooms near the parking lot that were small brick buildings with a enclosed roof. No sink and just a toilet directly to the side from the entrance. There wasn't even anything you could attach a door to! The toilet looked modern but the building didn't so I'm not sure when it was made. When I sat down I actually thought my shoes were sticking into the doorway a little. It was clean though. I imagine it was because a lot of people wouldn't want to use it.


thanks Danny!

Interesting comments. I assume most of the men were less poop shy than the girls?
When I went to university men were dropping bombs without shame in the public toilets in the morning. In a unisex restroom, I do not believe it happens the same way!
What kind of toilets were there? I mean in Europe when pooping the poo really plops into the water while when I visited the USA the toilets have a different design when the drops are more silent and subtle because of more water in the toilet.
It makes a huge difference in privacy!

That said as a man I would not be able to poop in a restroom where a bunch of girls are brushing their teeth but I expect the sounds of talking and running tap water drown out any embarrassing poop sounds so that helps.

IBS sounds like it is terrible, it's a shale you have to deal with that…

Anna from Austria
This Friday I witnessed the receptionist of my physician taking a poop more or less.

I was there to get a shot for preventing Tick-borne encephalitis. After I got vaccinated I wanted to pee before leaving. So headed to the toilet room. The single toilet room was locked and I could hear nothing but the fan. I had to wait about five minutes before the person in there came out. It was the receptionist. She looked surprised when she saw my waiting. She asked to wait for another moment because there is no toilet paper left anymore. She is going to get it for me. After 2 minutes she came back and gave me a new roll and then I finally could enter the toilet the pee.

As soon as I entered the toilet I was hit by a rather strong smell of poo. It was not unpleasant but still quite noticeable. I sat on the still warm toilet seat and started me pee rather forcefully.

When I wanted to grab the new toilet paper the receptionist gave me I noticed that were was still plenty of paper in the toilet paper holder next to the toilet.

Plenty might sound a bit exaggerated but half of the toilet paper was still there.

Maybe the receptionist just tried to buy some time with the toilet paper story to let her smell disappears before I could enter the toilet.

Can't prove it, of course, maybe she was just super considerate but the look on her face when she saw me waiting was quite striking. She looked a bit uneasy and the smell would have been way worse for sure if I had entered the bathroom right away Maybe so worth that it might have been really uncomfortable.

That's my story for today.

Greetings from Austria


Saturday, June 17, 2023

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