

To Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

You ask how I manage to poop so quickly. I eat very healthy meals, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, take prescription laxatives and drink lots of water through the day. I have 1-2 cups or small jars of black coffee too so that makes everything easier and helps me poo very quickly. A lot of the time my poo can be very big but I tend to flush halfway while I'm still going :)


John H

Shoutouts and comments

Hi all.
Shout out to Optional Person and Willa. Names I haven't seen here for a long time. Shoutout also to Kristi.
@Portia Sometimes Poos. Welcome and thanks for sharing such a great post. Love your writing and hope you share more here. Can I ask if you have needed to poo outdoors again since?
Love all the information you included about your clothes, location, searching for a place and the process of pooing, peeing and cleaning up.

@Annie, belated happy birthday. I had no idea you had been posting here so long.
I wanted to ask about your recent post where you took a big poo in your care givers bathroom. That must have been very good getting all that poo out. Can I ask why you pood in your care givers bathroom instead of your own as you normally do. Especially as you went to change your full pad in your bathroom once you had finished pooing? Do you also always use pads and dark underwear during your period?

That's all for now. Take care all.
John H



There was a story of woman how pooped and showered infront of guys in the military...could some one help me find it


At Dunkins

So today I had an interesting experience again. I was having breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts when I had to pee. Too much coffee I guess. At another table there were these two girls that were also having breakfast. They were making out so they were probably a lesbian couple. One of them stands up & walks towards the bathroom just in front of me. She's maybe 5'3 & has short blonde hair. Her face is very cute & she wears baggy cargo pants. I get into the bathroom but she took the only stall. I hear her pee gushing. Then there is silence. She releases a long & airy fart! So by then I assumed she has to move her bowels. Indeed, her poop starts plopping into the toilet! It keeps coming. The room fills with a poop smell, but it's not too bad. The number of plops is incredible. When she's finally done, she wipes three times. She flushes & exits the stall. When she sees me waiting, she apologies & says I'm sorry you had to wait! I said don't worry, it sounded like you really needed it & she said fr fr!
She washes her hands & I go to the stall. There is an industrial flush but she still left like one million skidmarks! I sit down on the seat & it feels warm. I pee for like one minute straight! I flush & there are still some skidmarks left afterwards.

I wonder did you ever use a toilet with fresh skidmarks?


To Mina and friends

Hi Mina. You asked how my poo/motion comes out so quickly. I'm on a very healthy diet and drink lots of water (and usually 1 to 1 1/2 jars of black coffee a day). My doctor also gives me laxatives to take each day (prescription). So between all of that I usually do a big poop (1 to 2 or 2 1/2 feet) a day which comes out easily. When I was a little girl and teenager I used to clog the toilet a lot. Now that rarely happens.


Pretty big poop

Hi all. Got up this morning, went to the washroom (pee) and went upstairs for breakfast (fried rice with green, yellow and red peppers, chili peppers on top of rice). Took my medication afterwards and drank a jar of warm water and a jar of black coffee slowly. Finally about 10 minutes ago I got the urge to poop so took off my bedroom slippers,/flip flops, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the bathroom light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A fairly big poop came out slowly and settled in the toilet after about 20 seconds. Peed again then took some toilet paper, wiped well and tossed it in the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. A fairly big thick, part soft part hard poop lay in the toilet bowl probably about 2 feet or so. Flushed, washed my hands and that's that. Just finished another jar of warm water and just relaxing until lunchtime. Hopefully later I can go again and maybe shower.

Happy pooping and stay safe!


Nils- I used to get poop all the time on my hand while wiping well though college. Probably worse with the one square toilet paper dispensers in junior high and high school. In elementary school I used to wrap my hand in toilet paper to keep the poop off. I clogged the toilet a few times a home oven with a small poop.

Questions: how does everyone hold toilet paper when they wipe? I have heard conversations of "buncher vs folder" I got to admit I have tried them all, but since college I fold about 4 layers . I really only get poop in my hands when the toilet paper is really really bad like in a portopotty or airplane bathroom… even worse than the hospital or gym toilet Steve A - I often work 10 hours shifts or longer and before I became a nurse practitioner, I worked 12 hours shifts 3-4 times a week as a registered nurse. I can count on one hand a work day of 10 hours or more where I did not have to poop. Honestly I have to poop at least once a shift, if not twice. I can say in the last year I have felt the urge to poop once at work and went to the toilet and just farted. I was having some diet related constipation that day. But mostly I can thankfully poop within an hour of when I half to go. Many shifts as a hospital nurse I had to poop and didnt have time, and spent a lot of time finding low traffic areas to "cropdust" to ge through the shift. But even those days, once I finished my shift and reported to the next nurse, it was up to another floor to empty out. So aside from when I am constipated, I alway poop on a long shift at work, if not right after before I go home. WE nurses drink a lot of coffee if y'all didn't notice!

Jocelyn- I dream of being a stay at home mom! Random question reL you stain survey. Sounds like you and your sister never get skidmarks anymore. Do you find if you have to poop outside of the home, the stains come back in your undies?

Avery- I am loving your descriptions! DO you remember your best satisfying poop experience and your lease satisfying poop experience? I almost feel your relief when I read you posts, even if I do not have to go

-Skidmarked in Seattle


Answers for M

When you poop right before a shower do you take your clothes off completely and poop naked or do you wait until you're done pooping?

Jenny: Depends on my mood. I guess wearing a dress or a skirt the whole outfit comes off. Wearing pants those will at least go down to my ankles, and I'll kick them off while I'm sitting, but my top will stay on. Note , If I'm wearing pants in public , my pants often will go to my knees or even mid thigh

Also if you poop before a shower do you wipe your butt or just wait until you go in the shower and give your butt a complete wash.

Jenny: If it's a soft poop, I'll at least wipe once to avoid a much of feces in the the bathtub/shower. But I don't complete a full 4-6 wipes or wet wipe if I know I'm going to a shower. I can count on one hand the times I went from toilet to shower without wiping. So I can't say never but not often . I'm guessing I wasn't sober if I did. Then again my husband noted I don't wipe more than twice under the influence … haha

Ladies, when you wipe your butt do you reach around back or reach between your legs to wipe?

Jenny: I reach around to wipe number 1 and two. However I have evolved between standing and wiping and leaning and wiping.

-Skidmarked in Seattle

Emma two

Diarrhoea at work

I was busy at work this morning and I had really bad diarrhoea. I was too desperate to wait until things got quieter and I decided to go to the toilet rather than risk pooing my knickers. I stood up from my desk ready to run to the toilets when my supervisor asked me where I was going. I told her I was going to the toilet and she said we were far too busy for that and I'd have to wait until later. I wasn't happy but it was break time in about an hour or so and I convinced myself I could wait until then. I clenched tightly for about half an hour until I had to go so bad I was nearly pooing myself so I got up and ran out of the office holding my bottom the supervisor tuttedmad as I was leaving and but I didn't care because I was about have a big accident in my underwear. I made it to the toilets just in time and I rushed into the farthest cubicle, locked the door, pulled my knickers and leggings down together and threw myself onto the toilet seat and relaxed. I exploded a bucketful of lumpy diarrhoea into the once pristine toilet and man it was so reliving. I still had to go so I pushed gently until another load of more solid poo came out and I felt dome after that. I wiped my bottom four times until I felt clean and flushed the toilet and I was surprised it all cleared because it was a huge load. I returned to my desk just as the supervisor left to go to the toilet herself. I looked at her and she said she was busting as she grabbed her bottom.

Friday, July 07, 2023



Sunday a few days ago I took the portta potties from the campervan for deep cleaning and spent the day gardening .At 8;30 needed to go a NUMBER TOO fetched the THETFORD 245 from the garage placed it in campervan pulled down my shorts and pants sat down had a NUMBER ONE followed by a NUMBER TOO ,I wiped with ELSAN BLUE TOILET ROLL then put on some clean underwear climbed into bed ,woke at 2 am had a wee then back to bed ,woke again at 6am sat on pottie had a wee after weeing for two minutes in short spurts started to poop ,sat for another ten minutes ,wiped with ELSAN BLUE ROLL then climbed out of the van sat in chair in garden .
I sat for twenty minutes before going in house made some coffee went back to garden then returned to the van and had another NUMBER TOO,the hot weather having a large bowl of ALL BRAN every sat and sunday morning
does affect my bowel movements when I have a large carvery SUNDAY dinner times.


This morning woke at 6am ,had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie in bedroom,went down stairs to kitchen made two mugs of tea went and drank in garden .I went back to bedroom sat on the pottie and tried to go a NUMBER TOO ,dressed the went to tesco for some milk , on way back had a wee in the bushes.When I arrived home picked up the JONES RELAX bedpan
and a newspaper went into kitchen put milk and tea bags in the mugs switched on the kettle ,put the two sheets from middle of newspaper then another two sheets in back of pan ,then pulled the next two folded in half sliced with a knife each steet rolled into a ball a placed it with the bedpan on the floor.
The kettled now boiled poured water into mugs and stirred then placed on floor near bedpan,took off my trainers jogging bottoms and pants then sat on the bedpan.I reached over picked up the tea and drank then started on the second as I started a wee put down the mug ,placed hands on floor and pushed it was awsome I kept going my bowels emptied in two minutes.sat for a few minutes finished the tea opened the balls of newspaper and raised myself to squatt position and wiped.
I washed brushed my teeth dressed picked up bedpan and emptied in bonfire washed the pan under the water butt and left to dry in garage ready for next time returned to kitchen did the washing up then emptied the pottie in the bedroom .As I started to clean the windows I felt another BM so went into shed sat on the THETFORD 33 for ten minutes had a wee and fart then carried on cleaning the windows

Nicole from Germany

To Jocelyn and Anna from Austria

My oldest public restroom memory was at age 5. I was in the Kindergarten. I wanted to wait until I was home, but I couldn't, so I just went to the Kindergarten restroom.


First Post - 4th of July ???? bug

Hi, y'all. :) This is my first time posting here, but I'm glad I don't have to suffer my digestive issues alone anymore. This morning I woke up with horrible gas and a rumbling nausea in my stomach. I barely made it to the living room where my family was serving up breakfast. My belly made audible sounds of disgust as I tried to make some excuse about not being hungry.

"Oh, come on, Liz! We know you're hungry, just listen to your stomach! Eat, please? Your mother made all this from scratch!"

Pale and sick to my stomach, I once again tried to pass my plate; but it was already too late. I forced down one bite, then another, stomach rumbling sickly with every bite. The button on my pants had long been undone, but the gas in my belly sat like a rounded beach ball under my shirt. It took just a few bites before the pressure was too sickening. A wet fart slipped out as I pressed a hand to my gut, breathing heavily and trying not to let out another. My Dad asked if everything was okay, but instead of words, I farted again, sweat forming on my forehead. I leaned forward, hoping for relief, but the bubbles kept exploding out of me and I started to cry. I opened my mouth to ask to be excused, and instead let out a helpless, wet belch. I leaned back in my chair, helplessly gagging into my hand as my Mom tried to help me to the bathroom.

The movement was too fast and I was too full. I leaned forward weakly and let out something I can only describe as half belch, half projectile vomit. I don't remember at what point both ends became involved, but next thing I knew I was here - exploding into the toilet with a bucket in my lap. Whatever this is, the acid burps aren't welcome and I've never had gas like this in my life.

The first time I ever pooped in the toilet was when I was 6. I pooped in my underwear up until summer after turning 6 in May. I'd usually take nice, huge relaxing loads as well. I'd just "oooooh.. and ahhhhh" the whole time while pooping. My parents were obviously annoyed by it, having to change poopy underwear everyday. Sometimes twice or three times a day. They tried to get me to go on the toilet but I'd just resist. Then one day, I decided to give it a try so I got completely naked and sat down on the toilet. It actually felt better that way so I promised myself never to poop in my underwear again. While the first few times I went on the toilet, it really wasn't anything special. Then we packed up to go camping at the lake and rented a cabin. As soon as we got there, I felt a massive poop ready to come out. I jumped outta the car before it even came to a full stop, ran into the cabin and hurried to the bathroom. I locked the door, got fully naked, got up on the toilet and within a few secs, I closed my eyes as a nice, HUGE, thick, foot-long turd dropped outta my butt and splashed into the toilet. I'll never forget how good that felt. As I came outta the bathroom, still naked, I let out a huge sigh of relief and just layed down on the couch afterwards and let my bare butt relax for a bit. My mom came to hug me and I said, "Mommy, I'm sorry for pooping my pants. I promise never to do it again." She held me tight and said, "It's ok, honey. Better late than never. You've made me and daddy very proud." I then said it felt much better and relaxing to go on the toilet anyway. She laughed and said, "I agree." Although I didn't know what that word meant, I kinda figured it meant something like, "you're right" or whatever.


Pooped a thick hard one

Hi all. Ate healthy all today, had some black coffee after breakfast and been trying to drink plenty of warm water. Finally got the urge to poop a few minutes ago so I went to the bathroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat. Pushed and a thick fairly big hard slowly came out. Had to flush halfway it was so big. Finally when I was done I peed and took some toilet paper and wiped well. Stood up and pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. What was in the toilet was probably about 1 1/2 feet long, darkish and hard. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Whew! What a shit! It wasn't everything from my body yet but half of it. Will continue drinking water and do exercises inside and eat a healthy dinner and the rest should come out (finally!)

Happy pooping and stay safe!



Lots of Gas After 4th of July

So I celebrated the 4th of July with my girlfriend Jen and ended up eating a bit too much which really activated my IBS. We went to go watch fireworks at a park and long before night came I made my own explosion in a porta potty for about 20 minutes. I was farting really loud so I knew people could hear it. When I came out Jen told me some college age kids were laughing their asses off everytime they heard a thunderous fart coming from my porta potty which was really embarrassing.

Today my stomach is a little more settled but I just can't stop farting. Currently Jen is kindly rubbing my stomach for me and every minute or two I just have to turn to my side and explode which of course makes Jen giggle every time. My ass feels like a blowtorch. It's really embarrassing farting in front of Jen especially since I've never heard her fart but she says she doesn't mind as long as I sleep on my side facing her with my ass pointed the opposite direction.


Gurgly Bowels

Hey all. Here's a follow up to my last post.

So after a standard fleet didn't quite clear everything I needed it to earlier in the morning, I made a miralax mixture last night. It was however much Powerade combined with about 7 1/2 capfuls of miralax. I'm a pretty sizable person-tall and muscular-so I always have to take larger doses of medicines than usual and when it comes to my colon, I get so backed up that this is especially so. Not to mention if you don't take a lot of miralax, it's slow acting. I don't need a bowel movement in one to three days, I need multiple movements *immediately.* I've found that if I take multiple doses of miralax, it works within hours and it makes me shit nothing but liquid, without giving me stomach cramps, just a lot of gurgling in my stomach-which is perfect for a clean out. Anyway, I drank all this down and a few glasses of water right before bed. This morning, I woke up with a really gurgly stomach and an intense urge to take a loose, watery dump. I went to the bathroom and my guts poured out almost entirely liquid poo into the toilet. There was some mush that settled at the bottom of the toilet that had lost its form when it hit the water, and a few hard chunks floating at the top of the water. My body and the laxatives are trying so hard to push the big hard plug out of me. I've been to the restroom at least 5 times today, and with every movement my stomach gurgled and bubbled constantly as I filled the toilet with liquid diarrhea and chunks. I still feel full, and my stomach is still churning. I need another bowel movement, and I can feel one bubbling up in me. I just went to the toilet not too long ago and let out a really nasty shart, and I can tell my next poo will be watery and gooey. My belly really feels gross. If I still feel nasty in my stomach after this next poo, I'm taking one more enema and calling it a night. I can't wait to be free of this block so I can poo normally again. If I can't push it out myself, I can't wait to flush it out.

I'll be back with updates later. My stomach is doing somersaults, so I'm gonna try to rub my poor belly and see if it gets things moving or relieves some pressure.


Survey Answers

Also said I'd be back to give my answers to the survey, so here they are.

1. Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.

Yes, I've prairie dogged, but it has never led to a stain in my undies.

2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.

I have sharted many times lol. Usually when I was having bad diarrhea. One time I sharted after a cup of bulletproof coffee lol I had no clue it would be a wet fart, and it wasn't a lot of poo that came out, but it just shot out into my undies and I had to leave where I was immediately to clean up. During the cleanup, I had a loose bowel movement into the toilet, but no other problems the rest of that day. Farts are just so unpredictable sometimes.

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.

Yes. This was recently, actually. Had to take laxatives because I've been constipated, and when they really started working, I not only just didn't have access to a bathroom and was gonna have to do it outside, but before I could even try to make it to either the yard or the toilet, too much pressure built up and I exploded in my pants.

4. If none of the above happened, who else do you notice stains in your underwear.

I never notice stains in my underwear otherwise.

Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

Word of thanks

Thank you Thunder for kind words! How nice if we can go down under and give you four watermelon size brown presents so you can have garden full of roses, iris and tulips and hydrangeas and and and and and... Dream of pipe?? This morning when we sat on loo, we said to our bottom, "when loo eat you, please travel to down under!" And after we finish, we all think, "Brown present has to fly in Airbus A380 perhaps."

Thank you Optional Person for kind words! Yes it is true our loos are a bit like pets. We have to give pet food to pets to eat, we have to give loo food to loos to eat. It is same!

Annie your motion is always very quick! How you manage that?

Willa, we can understand Holly very well. Talk to friends when doing lots plops is very fun maybe, though we usually don't talk so much when we doing. Everyone have each style, so every style is never wrong.

We hope everyone is well and enjoy comfy time on loo with huge satisfy.

Love to everyone.

Maho Kazumi Hisae Mina

P.S. Maho say to Thunder, "My name is MaHo!!!" not Mako hahaha

David P

Constipation finally over

Just wanted to let you all know that the constipation finally finished this morning. I finally had a poo, it was soft which was surprising and fairly loose but I am feeling empty which is great news. 4 days with no poo is not nice.


A few questions

I have this hemorrhoid on my butt right now and it hurts so bad. I feel like I'm going to have to take a poop but I'm afraid to because I'm worried it's going to hurt. Have any of you had this problem and what do you do?

A few other questions:

When you poop right before a shower do you take your clothes off completely and poop naked or do you wait until you're done pooping?

Also if you poop before a shower do you wipe your butt or just wait until you go in the shower and give your butt a complete wash.

Ladies, when you wipe your butt do you reach around back or reach between your legs to wipe?

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Anna from Austria
I want to reply to Jocelyn's question about the oldest public bathroom memory.

I was 6 and it was my first year at elementary school. Around that time my bowels also adjusted to the morning modus and I need to every morning a few hours after breakfast. This "modus" is active until today. Have you always been a morning person.

At some point in the morning, I had to go to the bathroom. I asked the teacher if I could go and she allowed it.

I can remember that I really felt embarrassed because it was not seen as cool to poop at school by friends but I had to anyway. Was alone in the girl's room so I was not that embarrassed. But it took me some time and the teacher and the people in the class might have guessed what I have done. But nobody said anything.

greetings from Austria


David P


Hi. Ok so I haven't posted much lately because to be honest I have lost a bit of interest because I haven't had much response to my previous stories since my friends on here no longer post. But I have a quick update. First some messages.

Abbie: You probably won't see this and May have stopped posting all together but I do miss your stories and actually considered you to be a friend because of our replies and help you gave me to get to do my first public poo. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't of been able to poo at uni. I hope you are all good. If you do see this and decide to post again. How is the constipation? Are you still having a struggle with pooing? Also do you still do the technique I told you about where you press the skin between your bum when pushing? I hope this is still helping if you do still struggle to go. You are awfully missed please do post if you see this.

Jasmin K: you too. I miss your stories. Please come back. How is the constipation? I also considered you to be a friend and want to hear from you.

Mrs Big and Hard: I liked your story although brief about your experience with that really hard to push out poo. I wish you good health. Please post in more detail about these hard poos.

Ok so after a long run of being regular and having an easy time with opening my bowels having nice long and soft logs. I have been very constipated these last two weeks and haven't managed to have a proper poo in days. I have lost count when the last time was that I had a poo that was in the shape of a log. I have been trying for a poo every day and most days only managing a little pebble after really pushing and straining. I keep getting the urge in the days, bloating, feeling sick and loss of appetite but no matter how much I push nothing is coming out. About three days ago I had a load of soft thin fluffy poo that came out really fast that made lots of plop plop plop noises. It looked like a cow pat. But I never felt empty despite that and the next day I was back to a pebble again. I tried to go today but only had a small poo the size of my little finger and flat like someone had run over it that just stayed at the bottom of the loo looking miserable for itself. I tried pushing and pushing but nothing would stir. So I gave up. I went back a few times today with the urge but despite pushing nothing would come. I am a bit confused as I had all that loose poo but still feel constipated and have pebbles now so am I constipated? Please help me to understand if I have constipation because the loose poo the other day threw me. But I feel it. I just want to have a proper poo as a log soon. I am gagging for it! Please be tomorrow.

Bye for now
David P

Portia Sometimes Poos

Pooing on a walk to my boyfriend's house

This story happened one Saturday in March 2021. That day I was planning on going to my boyfriend's house to have dinner and see a movie with him and his family. Since my mother was taking my sisters to some event and my father was out shopping I would have to walk to his house. Before I went I grabbed my purse, which has pretty much everything I think I will need, locked the door, and left my home. Within about ten minutes of leaving my house, I felt something down there and I realized that I had forgotten to use the bathroom to pee before leaving. However, I did not urgently need to go so I thought I could hold it until I got to my boyfriend's house and I continued on my walk.
A little bit later I was approaching my high school and I felt something heavy in my abdomen. I realized then that my next trip to the bathroom would involve both a number one and a number two. A while later a small fart passed from my bottom and at that moment I understood that this next bathroom trip was going to happen sooner rather than later. This concerned me as I was not sure where I could go pee and poo. As I approached my high school I pondered if there would be an open bathroom for me to use. While the school itself was closed on the weekends, I knew some sports teams practiced on Saturday and I walked along the woods which bordered my high school and towards the sports grounds. Near the football field was a small fieldhouse with a toilet in it which I have used in the past and is surprisingly clean. Also, I did see a couple of people in the distance who were playing so I thought that the toilet might be opened. I made my way over to the small toilet building, all the while embarrassed that they would see me use the school's outside toilet. I grabbed the door and to my disappointment, it was locked.
The walk to the toilet building had created inside of me a need to poo and I could feel the pressure in my abdomen. Something inside of me told me that if I did not poo soon my undies would be my next bathroom. My eyes looked at the large forest that abutted the football field and with my heart racing I made a nervous sigh and realized that I would need to poo in the woods. Despite having pooed in the woods several times before I was nervous about doing it and especially doing it on school property. Before I was going to poo in the woods I zipped open my bag and confirmed that I have the bag of toilet paper I kept in my bag in case of emergencies. Next, I walked back up the road clenching my abdomen and hoping that the people playing in the field did not see me. My eyes scouted for an entrance in the tree line which was cluttered with a great deal of bushes. I spotted a gap between a tree and a large bush and I darted into it. The woods were thick with many trees, bushes, and weeds. I darted around the forest, all the while holding it in down there. I wanted to get deep enough into the forest that no one could see me make my poo from the road or the adjacent field. Each step I took reminded me how much I needed to make a poo and also how much I would have to pee. In the cluttered darkness of the woods, I was able to identify a patch of open ground far enough from the forest edges and decided that this was the place. In the middle of this area, I used my sneaker to kick away the blanket of leaves that was on the forest floor. Then I used my foot to try to scrape away some of the dirt until a good-sized hole had been dug. I pulled the strap of my purse over my head and dropped the purse on the forest floor. I then positioned my feet to be on both sides and in front of the hole I made and bent a bit over. With my left hand, I was able to grab my beige, school uniform skirt and bunch up most of it in my hand. With my right hand, I reached under my skirt and stuck my thumb into the waistband of both the black leggings that I was wearing and the dark blue undies I wore below them. Using my right hand I was able to stretch the waistband and push my leggings and underwear over my rear end thereby bearing my behind to the forest. It's a strange feeling to feel the cool March air touch your bottom and it's something that feels nice to me. There is also this nervous feeling you get as you realize that despite me being pretty deep in the woods. Although there is no one nearby, the fact that I am still bearing my bare bottom to the world feels unmodest and my act of relieving myself in the woods feels like it's violating some kind of taboo. In the end, I was able to slide my underwear and leggings to where the waistband could stretch in between my knees.
Once I fully pulled my bottoms out of the way of my bottom I was able to squat down. As I looked at the small hole I dug I could see that it was too shallow to hold what I expected to make. Therefore, in a half squat, I used my right hand to scratch the ground and make the hole I made with my sneaker deep enough for my upcoming bowel movement. Once satisfied with the hole I made, I maneuvered my feet a little bit to orient myself perfectly over the hole I made and lowered my behind to a full squat with my behind touching my ankles. I rested my forearms on my thighs and held my bunched-up beige skirt in my left hand.
Now that I had finally put myself into the squatting position over the hole I made, I stopped holding my poo in and a knobby log of poo slowly passed from my rear end. The feeling of finally making my poo was a pleasurable relief especially as I no longer felt the need to keep holding it in. I looked forward into the forest and let out an audible sigh of simple relief. Then I bent my neck down and looked at my pooing hole. There, I observed the fat poo that I made fall from me and land somewhat leaning out of the hole I made. After that, I could feel myself pass some gas which reduced the feeling of pressure down there. I kept squatting for a moment in relief at having just made that poo. However, I could feel that there was still the pressure of more pee and poo within me. I decided I needed to push and with that effort, I observed a jet of pee flow from me which I saw land a little in front of my hole and churn that exposed dirt into a small patch of mud. I kept pushing and I could feel and see smaller pieces of poo plop from my behind into the hole continuing a little after I ended my stream of pee. Feeling a little more inside of me and wanting to make sure that I pushed everything out of me and into the hole I put some more pressure into my abdomen. That pressure pushed out a little more pee and caused some more poo to be pushed out but I needed to push a little more so that it would fully fall to the ground. These smaller poos were softer than the big ones I made in the beginning and as I pushed them out I could feel a slight dampness around the hole down there. I made one last push but the only thing that seemed to pass out was a small amount of gas. With that feeling, I looked over my body's creation and observed my large knobby creation with smaller pieces on top of it and some wet pee-created mud in front. At this point, I realized I was done and needed to properly clean myself up.
Still, in a squat, I lifted myself a little bit up and shuffled forward to my bag. With my left hand still holding my skirt in place, I unzipped it using my right hand and felt around for a small plastic bag where I kept some toilet paper. Grabbing the bag, I realized I was not able to use one hand to open it and had to resort to using my teeth for a bit of assistance. With the bag opened I shuffled back over my hole, placed the bag on the ground in front of me, and took a little toilet paper. I lifted myself and reached behind me with my right arm and began to wipe the sides of my butt crack. I then held the toilet paper in front of me to see what I had wiped up. The toilet paper shared the yellowish-brown color of my poo and I dropped it into the hole on top of my poo. I then grabbed a little more toilet paper and wiped on my hole itself a couple of times all the while making sure to go front to back as my mother taught me, then proceeding to see what I had wiped up and dropping it in the hole. I repeated those steps three more times until I visually (and though feeling less dampness down there) confirmed that I had thoroughly cleaned my rear end up. I then stood up, unclasped my skirt, and let it hang so that its hem touched the waistband of my leggings and underwear. I then with both hands pulled them up to my waste. Looking at the hole with my droppings I used my sneaker to ensure that the whole pile was thoroughly covered up, which required a good deal of scraping of leaves. Once I had moved enough dirt and leaves to create the illusion that I had never pooed there at all I was satisfied. I then proceeded to put the rest of my toilet paper baggie into my purse and pick up my purse. I looked around to confirm my surroundings and crept my way back toward the road. When I reached the thick tree line I looked out to see if anyone was on the road and thankfully I saw no cars there. I left my forest and walked back to the main road.
The rest of my walk to my boyfriend's house was not very eventful but since I was not weighed down by a desire to relieve myself I honestly felt that the walk proceeded faster. I was a bit nervous he would ask something that would let the truth seep out but to my gladness, I was able to keep my outdoor bathroom visit to myself. I spent time with his family and they were all delighted to have me over. I might have used his toilet but since I had been to his house before and have gone in several of his houses' toilets (I do know that I have made number one and number two) I can't recall for sure. But all I know is that no one has ever gotten close to finding out about what I made in the forest that one Saturday afternoon in March 2021.


Too much to drink!

It was very, very hot, so at noon I had a cocktail. However, it seemed small to me, and I drank two glasses of water. But I soon realized that this was already superfluous. Because I really wanted to go to the toilet. I quickly went there. Soon I began to pee in the toilet. The water in the toilet was foaming and turning yellow quickly because my urine flow was very strong. The urine flowed for a very long time, but eventually she ended. I breathed a sigh of relief, then flushed the water and washed my hands.

Nicole from Germany

Longest time without pooping?

I remember when I was 17 - I'm 26 now - I didn't poop for two weeks. Thankfully, it eventually all came out without the help of laxatives. Now, I am taking them tho.

1.Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.

*Tip touched cloth while I was walking home from school and I could not hold the turd anymore. It was very hard to walk and hold a turn and whole 3 inch turd came out. I was wearing loose shorts and boxers and the turn came down my leg and on the ground. I was walking with my neighbors, a guy and his beautiful sister and I was surprised they did not notice, or if they did they did not say anything. The next day the turn was still there.

2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.

*Once at football practice and one while running on track. Both made a mess in my tighie whites and boxer briefs respectively, but I made it to toilet to finish the job within 15 minutes both times

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.

*no see #2 ( no pun intended )

4.If none of the above happened, who else do you notice stains in your underwear.
* I regulalry got skidmarks in my white briefs until I switched to tech boxer briefs in college. Most of them are black so maybe I still get them but I do not know. I got one pair of white compression shorts on clearance from Under Armor and that does get stains when I run log distance occasionally.

Thunder- I feel like most light colored pairs of underwear I see in locker rooms, in childhood and adult hood, have skidmarks. I just assumed most guys get them with our hairy cheeks. I have never seen skidmarks in women's underwear (mostly women I have dated) but they often wore black underwear when we were intimate, so my attention was given when I found this site and found the posts from Jenny, amongst others (nina, Sofie etc).


Does poop get on your finger when you wipe?

I hate to say it, but it does happen to me time to time. There's a reason they tell us to wash our hands after using the bathroom!



The above word "shimogoe" is Japanese for fertiliser from person's bottom.
I reda this on a news feed this morning where human poo is processed (in Japan) and sold as fertiliser at a very much less expensive price than imported fertiliser. It works well too.
A few weeks ago I had a post (I cannot readily find it ) where I traced poo from clearing land , farming , markets, cooking , eating, digesting and pooing. Now this completed the cycle because the poo fertiliser goes back to the farm contributing to the production of food which is eaten and becomes poo again.
All this aside is means that the waste of those contributors are not waste after all.
Now I would love to put the poo from Mina, Hisae, Mako and Kazumi on my garden....I am sure it would be of the highest quality.
Well done Japan.


Public restroom from last week

I was eating at a Vietnamese restaurant. As I was ordering, I felt my stomach cramping. I stood there for a while, but only a small amount of crap came out.

I went back to the table, but the aches wouldn't go. I once again went to the restroom, and this time it was a big amount of soft poop. At least I felt reliefed afterwards and could finish my lunch!


Peeing in a corn maze, pooping in the woods

Hi everyone.

I've been terrible about posting lately. I have a couple of stories. One from this last weekend and one from the weekend before.

Last weekend Steve and I went to a harvest festival. There were a lot of fun activities.

One of those activities was a corn maze. For those of you unfamiliar, it's a literal maze cut through a corn field. Steve and I have done a few of them.

This cornfield had two mazes. One was the "Easy" one which took us like 10 minutes. The other one said "Hard". Of course, we figured it would be just a little bit harder than the easy one.

It turned out to be a LOT harder! We had been in it for a good 45 minutes and didn't feel like we were making much progress.

And on top of getting frustrated, both of us needed to pee.

As far as we knew, we were the only ones in the maze. It was starting to get dark. (There was a phone number to call if you got hopelessly lost, so we weren't worried about getting stranded, but we wanted to finish the maze!)

Steve just walked into the corn, whipped it out, and watered the corn. I went a little deeper into the corn just to make sure I had privacy if anyone walked by. I pulled down my jeans and panties and peed a river onto the ground. I felt extremely relieved. No toilet paper on hand so I drip dried.

We eventually finished the maze after another 20 minutes.

So that's one story. The other happened a week before.

Steve and I are avid campers. We like to do "primitive camping" which means just an empty plot of land for pitching a tent. No electricity. No showers. No bathrooms.

We put up a tent... we had some fun inside the tent, and then decided to sleep outside under the stars. We shared a sleeping bag. (I love my hubby.)

I was ready to fall asleep while cuddling with Steve. But as I started to relax and get sleepy, the farts started. Like, several of them! Steve laughed playfully and asked "Does Kristi need to poop?"

I said, "Yeah, Kristi needs to poop. Come with me."

We walked about 50 yards from the camp site with our flash light. I found a spot that was as good enough as any.

(I am USUALLY environmentally-friendly and dig a hole. But at 1:00 a.m. I really didn't feel like doing that. I'm sorry. I just wanted to crap and go back to bed.

I was just wearing a sweatshirt and panties so it wasn't hard to get into a squat. I let go of some more farts (which Steve had to make fun of me for) before I started pooping. Very little effort needed as I had to go and squatting always helps.

Steve of course was there to provide commentary. Every time I dropped a log he'd "congratulate" me.

I finally felt done and used our toilet paper to wipe.

It was a pretty big pile and I felt a lot better.

Steve and I went back to our sleeping bag and fell asleep.

That's all I have for now. I'll try to have some stories for you all as the summer goes on.

Pee and poop without shame!




My story for today

Hi! Today I had gas that sounded like a trumpet when I had a poop need. I also got a new flush handle for one of our toilets. Yesterday, I had garlic pee, and smelled down there. Has anyone else had garlic pee before? Bye


Re: Jocelyn - first time I pooped in public

It was when I was 6 and we were in London. A pure emergency.


Finally had a huge thick poop

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth upstairs and had some kind of fried rice (I think) with mini seafood, vegetables etc. Took my medication afterwards and poured a jar of black coffee and made a jar of warm water. Microwaved my coffee and drank that and my coffee downstairs. Soon after I got a major urge to poop. Went upstairs to my caregiver's washroom, closed the door, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear (on period) and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and loaded the toilet with a giant thick soft ish log. Was done within about 20 seconds. Finished by peeing. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. WOW. The toilet was full! Flushed the toilet first then reached into the drawer, took some toilet paper and wiped well. Flushed again, stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Then went downstairs, dried my hands, changed my pad (which was full), pulled my pants and underwear up and washed and dried my hands again. Whew! That was one hell of a shit but it was much needed and easy to come out. Very relieved. Will try to nap, keep more hydrated and see if I can get the rest of this stuff out finally. Been eating very healthy (rather that than to eat crap and feel like crap).

Stay safe and happy pooping!


To M

Thank you to M for the birthday wishes though my birthday was on June 21. I turned 37.



Now that's rare. I cannot remember having watched my parents use the bathroom.


To Elvia

11? My younger daughter's turning 11 too in August. And yes, we do sometimes go to the bathroom together, but I ain't sure how you can constantly do this with people of the opposite gender (following your description, you are the only female person in your household). I actually have pooped in front of my hubby and my son (my middle child) a few times but not as often as you.


It's been a while….

Hey all!
It's been a long time…stopped at a local bar for a happy hour drink tonight and for whatever reason decided to search this site…and I'm so loving hearing all your stories again! In any case, it made me reminisce and I thought I'd share my "origin" story of what created my interest in this whole poop thing!
This is going way back…I was in high school and had been sick and missed a test. The teacher was going to review the test so she put a desk in the hallway outside of the room and had me sit there during this time. After a few minutes of sitting there, I see this girl Holly, who I adored, and her friend Tiffany walking down the hallway. I must clarify at this point that where I was sitting in the hallway was directly across from the (doorless) girls bathroom. Holly and Tiff casually strolled by and entered the bathroom, and took their places in the 2 stalls closest to the entryway. As this was a between classes period, the hall was silent and you could hear a pin drop. I quickly heard a torrent of pee begin to gush from their respective stalls. The flow eventually subsided and I heard the rolling of toilet paper. Then came a single flush, and Tiff emerged from her stall, and stood in front of Holly's stall, casually chatting with her. I watched,
Somewhat transfixed I admit, as Holly's feet waved around beneath her stall, then I heard a telltale crackle! After a few moments, a loud plop greeted my ears. Then another, and another! All the while Holly was just casually conversing with Tiff! The casual intimacy of the moment totally captured me. A few more minutes and a few more plops followed, before I finally heard a length tugging of the toilet paper. Finally Holly stood and flushed, and the two friends exited the restroom, giving me a smile on the way. Following this instance, I became very aware of how audible bathroom sounds were in the hallways, especially when it was quiet! I was in an honors class that started early in the morning, and I always enjoyed taking my morning poop after that
, knowing that both my friends or acquaintances who were in the hall were getting an earful!


To Dan H

Thank you for your comment/compliment. My friend is a fairly private woman so she wouldn't be open to that, sorry

Optional Person

Responding to Avery and Mina and her crushes and Peeing

Dear Avery. I loved your pooping challenge post and your "incredible bathroom trip" and "9 tacos" posts. I find it incredible that a gorgeous young blonde girl can feed a potty with so much poo. I find it magical in a way. A beautiful irony. At least that is how culture wants us to see it since they try to make pottying be seen as shameful. I am forever glad to this site and ladies like you for demystifying it all. I love how much more detailed your stories are becoming, talking about your smell and various other things. I noticed you didnt seem to be embarrassed about your dad checking up on you when you were making a meaty smell. Are you used to him checking up on you or just dont embarrass easy? Regardless, i thought that was a nice detail to include. Your stories always fill me with joy. Thinking about a cute girl doing "not so cute stuff" (paraphrasing your words) is part of what makes life worth living.

Mina, your stories are some of my favorites on the site, especially recently. It is magical to me how comfortable you and your crushes are with each other, how proud and comfortable you are with telling us your deepest feelings and i just feel honored that we get to hear your voice on this forum. My favorite things you have written about recently is your theory on clogging being the potty getting a ???? ache, and i loved how you talked about the fact that you are feeding her your poo. I love how you talk about pooping as such or meirda as such a beautiful sacred moment and that you share it with kisses hugs and carasses with your crushes. All of that paints the picture of a moment full of life. strong smells and strong logs while you all look at each other with sweet eyes. Your stories also warm my heart. I hope you and your crushes will enjoy pottying with each other and kissing each other for the rest of time.

With those replies done, I wanted to ask if anyone ever pees in the sink or if any of you have thoughts about whether it is disgusting or not. For me I do pee in the sink. To me it uses far less water and is often far quicker to do, especially if you just keep the lights off, and dont close the door. you can sneak in, let it all flow out and then a tiny blast of water "flushes" the pee away. To me it is about saving water i think. It all started after i needed to pee not long after pooping once and i didnt want to embarrass myself with what might sound like a distant double flush. so i sneakily peed in the sink. Does anyone have any thoughts about that?

I used to post a lot in 2014 and 2015 and i really missed doing more than lurking. I hope this small story and replies find you all well.


Giant amount of poop came out

Hi all. Woke up this morning feeling really bloated with a hard stomach. Went to the washroom and peed and brushed my teeth and had some fried rice and a jar of warm water for breakfast. After breakfast, poured a small jar of coffee (black) and got more water which I microwaved downstairs. Drank both slowly. Finally got the urge about 5 minutes ago so put on my flip flops outside my room, went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and dark underwear (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed then pushed. A good, thick amount of poop slithered out and filled the bowl. Quite a bit. Had to flush halfway since I knew that wasn't it. Finished by pooping out the last of it (about 1 feet of poop), peed then took some (not too much) toilet paper. Wiped well, tossed it in and flushed. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. It's not everything yet but it was a lot, probably about 3.5 feet. I flushed halfway to prevent clogging, just in case. That was tons. Hopefully later after lunch or dinner I can do another big poop and maybe get the rest of this out. Yay!

Stay safe and happy pooping!



Peeing in my pad

So here I am sitting in the park in my chair, relaxing and enjoying myself but there's no bathroom of any kind here and I've had to pee for the last half-hour. I'm wearing a male oncontince pad so I just decided to let it flow onto that and have just drained 3/4 of my bladder ready not the pad. Nice warm feeling around my crotch as it came out,, my shorts are a little wet but the pad absorbed most of the urination and when I leave here, I'll just reach in and pull it out of my underwear and toss it into the nearest garbage can at my convenience. Sometimes it's worth peeing your pants and this is one of those times........


To M

Thank you for the birthday wishes though my birthday was on June 21. I appreciate it though. I'm 37 now. I've been coming and writing here since I was 19 almost 20 (first time under the username Poopy), then Anny and then Annie. Still enjoy coming here, reading and writing stories here.

Happy pooping and stay safe and happy!



Funny memories

Okay so, my name is RP, 37 year old, has been on this board since around 10.

Its amazing how i see old people i used to know as a kid on the board.
Well i just remembered something i don't think i ever told anyone in here.

In first grade, at recess, me and my school buddies were outside running around, when one of the girls came screaming around a corner, telling me to find an adult.
We found one, and it turned out that one of the boys had been peeing on her.

She was freaked out, but looking back at it, it was pretty funny.

When i was in first and we had swimming lessons it was before they split up boys and girls - some of the girls yelled out, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, PETER is peeing. Turns out one of the boys had peed himself in the shower, through his swimming trunks.
While some was grossed out, someone didn't mind and even the girls started peeing through their swimsuit in the shower.
To be honest i think everyone did at some point.


To the unknown writer who got yelled at

My grandmother just is a typical baby boomer (for those who don't speak English that well - people born in the late 40's and also early 50's even though generally the term "boomer" is reaching to the mid 60's, haha). Similar to your mother, I suppose. My uncle and Aunt - who were around my age - weren't allowed to go in public either. My mother was entirely cool about it. A noble exception is my mother-in-law. She's not a lot younger than my grandmother, but never had an issue with public bathrooms. Suppose it's the fear of germs. At least I had the luxury to grow up on my great grandparents' farm, which my grandparents now own after their deaths (of my grandfather's parents, that is). Outdoor bathroom breaks are common in family. Only my grandmother's still not fan of em ;) Suppose it's becase she was raised in a more urban area while my grandfather was raised in a more rural one.


Using Public Bathrooms

When I was 14, my parents sent me one summer to a traveling camp, where about 20 boys went on a cross country drive where we would ride in five station wagons pulling trailers carrying our camping gear and camp in camp grounds as we drove across the country and back. It was lots of fun, but it required using public toilets. I had never used a public bathroom, so I was very anxious about this before camp started. The first few days were very tense for me. I would hold it in as long as possible and visit the toilets in the middle of the night so I would have privacy.

After a week or so, I developed a strong friendship with a kid named Ivan, who was like me-shy and kind of bookish and nerdy. I'm not sure how this happened, but we fell into this unspoken routine where we would buddy dump after dinner. We'd both wander over to the campground's bathroom where we'd take adjacent stalls. We'd drop our shorts and underpants and proceed to move our bowels, sometimes continuing the conversation. His bowel movements were usually the same. He'd start by peeing, then he'd push out four or five large chunks followed by a deep sigh. He rarely farted and there was little odor. It was plop, plop, plip, plop, flump, followed by a "ahhh." He'd then move his legs because he wanted to inspect his deposits. My movements were a little gassier and looser, but he never commented when I'd fart or say anything about the smell. . He'd wipe usually twice while my wiping was a bit more involved. He'd wait for me at the sinks as I finished. It was all very natural and casual and we never discussed what was happening. I think we both were shy and nervous about going in public and sharing the experience gave us courage. I have fond memories of these experiences and I often wonder if Ivan still thinks about them like I do.


I recently ruined a brand new pair of panties with a dark, uncontrollable bm. I had to throw them away...

Sometimes I pee before I get to the toilet in the morning...

Melody B
Hey it's Melody B again. Have another childhood story for you guys!

Me and Justin must've been between the ages of 7-9. Our cousin Ethan who was like 5 at the time was staying at our house for a while due to my aunt and uncle going away on mandatory business trips at the same time (they worked together). My parents were upstairs and we were in bed trying to sleep (we all slept in same room) but Dad came to check on us and Ethan said he needed to go potty so dad helped him. He took a long time so me and Justin decided to check on him. Also I really had to pee and Justin did a little bit too so that would be convenient if he was done by that point but he wasn't.

We walked to the bathroom and the door was open and he was sitting on the toilet. He was straining really hard. His pants were on the ground next to the toilet. His legs were apart and he kept looking down into the toilet. We asked if he was okay and he said he was pooping and felt more coming but was having trouble getting it out. Dad asked if he was sure there was more and he said yes. He leaned back and kept trying. A minute or so later suddenly he farted very loud and a whole line of long poops came out at once. He sat up and looked down again and laughed as he watched it come out. After that was over suddenly his little penis started peeing and it wasn't pointed down so he made a little mess and dad told him to hold it down while he peed and he did. Dad cleaned up the mess and asked if he was done. He said yes so dad took a small piece of toilet paper and asked if he could wipe himself. He didn't want to so with the toilet paper he gently wiped his penis to clean off any extra droplets. Then he told Ethan to stand up and dad wiped his butt. He put his pants back on and dad and Ethan both washed their hands. Dad went back up to bed for the night since it was getting late and he walked us to our room on his way back.

A few minutes later I decided to go too. I got into the bathroom which still stunk real bad by the way, and I pulled off my pants and put them on the floor. I sat on the toilet, spread my legs apart and started to pee. Suddenly Justin and Ethan came in and watched which surprised me a little bit. Ethan was intrigued by what he was seeing. I was a little embarrassed because he got a good look at my vagina and I was shy. So instead of looking at the boys while they watched I looked down and watched myself peeing. When I was done I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my vagina and then got my pants back on.

I asked Justin if he had to go. He said definitely and dropped his pants all the way to his ankles. His pants had no hole in them so he had to pull them down. He pointed his penis at the toilet and started peeing almost right away. Ethan and I watched. Ethan remarked about Justin's "floppy wiener" and then mentioned the amount of time we both peed for and how long we had been holding it to go for such a long time. Justin finally finished peeing and shook his penis to get all the remaining drops off, then pulled his pants back up.

Then we went to sleep and in the morning I woke up to poop. They were both still sleeping. I walked into the bathroom and pulled my pants off and got on the toilet with my legs spread and looked down between my legs as my pee started. I farted and once my pee stopped I started pushing. Some poops crackled their way out and some made loud plops. This was a long poop session. Justin and Ethan both came into the bathroom as I was right in the middle of pooping. Ethan saw the log emerging from my butt and he laughed and said "so you're doing poopies!" I hid my embarrassment and kept going even though they were watching and when I was done I wiped my vagina then wiped my butt with some baby wipes and put them in the trash can and put my pants back on. I still don't know why they came in that time. I guess they'd woken up and wondered where I was and went looking for me.

Sorry the story was long. I thought I would share it because it's another one of my stories that I have yet to tell and I find them interesting to look back on. I hope everyone is well. Stay safe in this summer heat if you're in a place that gets hot in the summer!

Sunday, July 02, 2023

)Mrs. big and hard

My big ring stretcher

Got up this morning and felt a massive ,BIG, HARD SUPER SOLID turd
That had to be over three inches wide.
I had to reach around to my butt cheeks and pull them apart to get them to widen big enough for me to push my huge painful turd out. I strained really hard like nnnnnnnnnnn.
I finally reached around and using toilet paper ... pulled it out of my rectum. It was a struggle.
Finally pushed it out and it fell into the toilet with a big splash.
Wow.... was that painful!


Reponse to Jocelyn

I am! My kids are only 5 and 11. I don't intend to do it forever, but I don't have a problem with it now. Neither do they. I'm sure I'll be doing it with my husband forever.

I saw your post about oldest memories of using public restrooms. Furthest back I can think of was when I was about 5 at a grocery store. I think I was wearing a dress and my mom was standing in front of me the whole time.

Answers to Jocelyn

How old was I when I first pooped in a public toilet?

7 or 8.
I was at a large picnic for our neighborhood in the park. I was a big eater and just as we started playing some games I was ready to unload. So I walked into the toilet building. It looked gross. Like I'd seen in war movies. 3 toilets right out in the open. I took the middle one. Took the seat. The seat was so loose. I braced myself with my hands on both sides.
Pieces of crap slide out of me pretty easily. I remember jumping down from the seat once to see what I had laid. Then I retook the seat. One of my babysitters, Steph hurried in, dropped her shorts and did a jug full like piss into the toilet. It was the most noisy one I had ever heard. Then she spread her legs, put her elbows on her knees, and did a quick crap. At that point, mom came in looking for me. She yelled at me about using such a dirty public bathroom, skin-on-seat, and without permission. Steph later said she didn't know which thing pissed mom off the worst. I got a lecture when we got home. I was grounded to my room the next day.
Jocelyn: why was your grandma against public bathrooms?

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