

After lunch poo

Just ate a burger for lunch, now I gotta poo. It's been a few days since I last pooed and I wanna get it all out of my system. Alright I'm in the bathroom next to my room, I closed the door, I'm pulling down my black shorts and black panties to my ankles, and I'm sitting on the toilet. I'm gonna start by peeing. I've relaxed my vagina and pee is hissing out of me and pitter-pattering on the porcelain of the toilet. I hadn't peed since I woke up so there was quite of bit of pee in my bladder. After 45 seconds, my pee was out of me, and my stream died down. Now I can focus on pooing. I'm starting to push, oh I really need to poo! I can feel the tip coming out. My butthole is getting wider, I'm really straining, this poo is super hard and wide. I'm rubbing my stomach. It's still slowly coming out. Oh it's so fat my butthole is being stretched. Alright I'm pausing to catch my breath. This poo is gonna be a lot of work to get out, but I know I'm just gonna have to stay here and get it all out of my system. It can't be good to keep all this waste inside me. Anyway, back to pooing. I'm pushing and straining as hard as I can, and my poo is slowly continuing to be excreted from my anus. I can still feel so much poo in me. I just gotta keep pooping it all out. I can feel this poo speeding up. I think I'm reaching the end of this turd… yup I am it's tapering off. And plop. Ahh this turd just plopped into the toilet. It feels so good to have that out of me. I still feel like there's more in me though. I'm gonna quickly catch my breath then keep pooping. I'm kind of impressed with how much poo I've made. That's what I get for holding it for multiple days. I love the idea that those tasty meals I've eaten are in the toilet now. That great food, the intricate meals, the stuff I kept saying "mmm" too, I digested into an unrecognizable brown compacted load of shit that I just pooed out my ass. Speaking of pooing stuff out, there's still more poo in me. I pushed, and this is a softer, smaller crap. It's easily gliding through my butthole, making some crackling as well. Anyway, it's tapering off and just plopped into the toilet water. That feels so much better. I feel empty. The toilet's completely full, but I'm no longer full. Ahhh such relief! Anyway, time to wipe. I'm tearing off some paper and wiping, it's covered in pee and poo. I'm tearing off some more and wiping again, cleaner but I'm going to wipe one more time, and now I'm clean. I'm standing up and pulling up my shorts and underwear, and flushing, and it all went down! What a relief.

Reply to April's story

I enjoyed your story. I'm an assistant at a large apartment complex. We have about 300 units. My rent is 1/2 off because of the services I perform to help clients. I often go out and sit on the stairs of my building early each morning. It is my time to get a smoke in and to have my coffee.

The second week after she moved in this tenant, who is about 23 or 24, who works remotely from home stood out each morning by walking fast by me, cutting across the street and then disappearing between the buildings. About 25 minutes later she comes back, walking slower and acknowledges me. After a few days I asked her about where she walks to. She walks 2 blocks over to a Wal-Mart. She doesn't have any bags when she comes back. That's because she goes over there for her morning crap. She was very open about volunteering more information. She was asked to leave her previous apartment in our city because the size of her craps regularly clogged the pipes. Our building is also about 80 years old and she's trying to avoid the problem.

I felt sorry for her and called our management company. They were not very encouraging about anything they can do. They just said that plungers and stool softeners don't solve every problem. They said we're lucky she's found her own solution. Farting is the least of her worries.

Monday, July 17, 2023


To Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

You're welcome :) I understand. I've always been able to do huge poops (often clogging the toilet) since I was a little girl (I'm now 37 and far from little-I'm 5'11" and about 155 lbs). I make sure to try to drink lots of water and eat healthy now as an adult to prevent clogging the toilet-and if it feels like the poop is big I flush halfway, while I'm still going. Drinking lots of water now to try to soften everything up and maybe be able to go later. The doctor prescribed the laxatives for me to take every day to try to make it easier for me to go. And with a healthy diet, enough water and hopefully exercise it should make it easier.

Be safe everyone and hopefully happy pooping!


John H


Hi all.
@Optional Person. Thanks for the reply. Great to see some old names returning recently. I know life can get busy or sometimes there isn't much to say. I go through periods of not posting too.
@Annie. Thanks for the reply. Yeah crazy for sure but the years pass quickly. I have been posting on and off several years too at this stage. Not sure how many years since my first post.
Keep it going. I get why you wouldn't remember all the details, that is totally understandable due to your condition. Your periods must be heavy but the pads and dark underwear is a good idea to help hopefully. Thanks for explaining, i appreciate it.
Short and sweet post today so take care all.
John H.


Without arms

My name is Benjamin. My aunt Sandrine has already mentioned here one of her sisters-in-law, the one without arms. Well, I'm her son and I inherited from my mum her genetical disease : I was also born without arms. As soon as the age of six months, I had the idea to use my feet as if they were hands. Today, I write, brush my teeth, get dresse, type and so on using my feet. I'm disabled but largely autonomous, largely helped by a mum who, you guessed it, has an idea on how to educate a kid without arms.
Regarding the topic of this website, I'm relatively autonomous when I have to answer nature's needs. Mum and I only need dad's help, or somebody trustworthy, to use some public toilets or relieve ourselves outdoors.
One day, as I was five, I was playing in a farm with one of my female cousin, the one that is as old as me. Suddenly, I told her "I have to pee". She asked me :
-How do you pee without hands ?
-I need xomeone to take my pants down
-I can do it if you want
She took my pants down and i squatted. She said :
-Oh, you're peeing like a girl
-I pee like somebody without arms. My mum pees like that. Only my dad pees another way
-I have arms but I pee like you. Look
She raised her skirt, took her panties down, squatted and peed in front of me. I said "You're also disabled. You have arms but no peeing tube". She laughed and said "I don't have a tube because I'm a girl. My mommy says that, without this tube, I can take a baby out of my belly when I'm grown up". I understood on this day that, in order to pee standing, you need a penis and arms.
Another story happened when I was six. I was shopping with aunt Sandrine when I told her "I have to poop". She took me to the shopping mail bathroon. She selected a Turkish style stall saying "There's nothing better in order to get empty". Then she geve me the directions for use : face the door feet on the footrest. Then she took my pants and panties down and I squatted. She turned her back to me but I said "You can look at me, if you want" and so she looked at me pooping.I pushed and pushed and pushed and the first turd came out. It was a long turd that fell aside the hole. My aunt said "Move back, dear". I moved to the backend of the footrests. While looking at her, I expelled a second turd that fell into the hole. Then a third one. And a fourth one.Then I peed. My aunt asked "Are you done ?" I answered no. I pushed again and ploc... ploc... plum... ploc... ploc... plum. Then I said "Now, I'm done". She wiped me, then told me to stand up while holding my pants. I stood up then she put my pants back up. She said "Wanna see what you did ?" I said yes and saw a hole crowded with turds. She said "See. I told you that you empty yourself better by squating". Then she flushed.
She said "I have to poop too". She put her feet on the footrests, started to lift up her long skirt while saying "Look at me in the eyes". Then she squatted down and started to pee. It was a strong pee : full power for about a minute. Then she grunted and let some shots of pee for 30 seconds. She grunted heavier then plic mmm plic plic mmm plux plic mm plic plicplic mmm plic plic... plic mmm ah... plonc. Then another pee. I asked "Are you done ?" She said no. Then she looked between her legs. I looked to and saw a long turd hanging out of her (maybe 30cm). She must have seen me looking at this turd because she said "You curious boy". I said :
-I pee like a girl
-You mean you pee in the pooping position
-Yes. At first I thought only mum and I have to pee like that because we can't direct our flow
-Girls also have to pee like you because we can't direct our flow either. But you know how girls are made.
-Yes, but unlike girls, I can't look at myself pooping. There's something hinding my sight
-You know, Benjamin, when I look at you, I'm amased by what you can do with your feet. You may have the disadvantage of being a boy without the advantage but, you know, birds don't have arms becaus they have wings
-Also, sometimes I have to be helped to pee or poo. That's why I don't mind beeing watched.
Then I heard another plop and she starded to wipe. At one moment, she paused her wiping, another plop, and she resumed her wiping.
I'm not a pee or poop fetishist.I just think this moment doesn't need to be that intimate.


Client farted in front of me

Hi guys! I'm April. This story is about a former client of mine that I worked with when still employed at his apartment complex as a liaison. Little bit about myself; I'm 5'5, slim, Caucasian, I have brown hair and wear glasses. The story starts at his apartment where I worked years ago, we'll just call him Tommy. Tommy came down from his unit because he needed some help with paperwork and we sat down at the table inside the complex's community room. After about ten minutes, he told me "Sorry April, I gotta be gross." and farted in front of me for the first time. I think farts are funny and just snickered at his yucky flatulence. He's announced to me in the past if he needed to pass gas but always stepped out to do it. Once finished with his farting, he said "don't worry…my farts don't stink, they smell like roses" I laughed and assured him, "I can smell it from here! Your fart definitely stinks, dude." as I fanned my nose. In actuality, I think it's sort of manly when men cut loud farts, especially if they're smelly. I feel the same goes for their poops, in my opinion it's quite masculine for guys to poop really big turds that stink up a room. He then told me that he was just messing with me and that he's sorry I smelled his fart hehe I didn't mind smelling his fart though! He also mentioned that he felt like he needed to take a dump after this meeting and that's probably why his poot smelled worse than he thought it would. Makes sense to me! I told him I hope he has a healthy poop and to try not to strain too hard lol at some point we chatted about fart etiquette, him bringing up the point "what's a fart amongst friends?" and that he felt he was comfortable enough around me to rip a few stinkers. I thought this was adorably sweet of him. I told Tommy that I had never farted in front of him yet he simply replied "I mean, you can? What's the big deal? #NormalizeWomenFarting" a pretty legit hashtag, I'll give him that! He ended the convo basically saying farting is a natural bodily function and jokingly that I should take him or leave him to which I replied "stinky farts and all!"

Well, that's my story. Love you all!
April xoxo

Optional Person

Mina, Avery, Kleenex

I am happy that I could warm your heart Mina. Hearing how you make pooping an intimate communal experience always makes me happy. You do not mention farting much. Do Mina's fart?

And Avery thank you for your reply. Lol you were like "nah i was just annoyed." that is perfect. I think it is impressive how dainty girls can drop monstruous loads. Happy pottying and thank you for your stories.

Has anyone ever wiped their butt with Kleenex before? The toilet paper ran out in the bathroom and i just take 5 Kleenex in with me lol.

Saturday, July 15, 2023


Bottom Wiping

I note the post from Mina, Hisae, Kazumi and Maho on the above topic.
My mother wiped from the front , my father from the back.
Due to my medical condition is I tried to wipe from the back I would miss my target and spread it all over my bum...I would make it worse.
I have a bidet which is effective depending on what sort of a motion.
I am constipated , irregular and so it goes on so I suppose more than half my poos are out of home and no bidet!
depending on how my hands are dictates the quality of my wiping.
I wear Depends which is a life saver and you have not seen skid marks until you have seen my Depends on some days.
I use toilet paper sparingly... I am a folder, my therapist uses a lot,,.,visitors staying over sometimes use a heap.
there is an avert on TV at the moment and apparently one third of people do not know that TP is made from trees! The advert pushes recycled paper and bamboo.
Something to think about...I know my Depends are not environmentally friendly but the alternative does not bear thinking about !

Anna from Austria

most embarrasing out door poop so far

Had a very embarrassing outdoor poop yesterday. It was not my first outdoor poop but unlike the other poops I had so far I was not alone. I had to sh**t literally next to another person.

The summer party of our company took place at a small restaurant in the woods. To get to the restaurant you have to walk through a path through the woods for about minutes.

It was a great party with ample ???? food and some drinks.

We all got quite tipsy in the end. After the party, my and some other female colleagues walked together through the wooden path back into the civilisation to call a taxi.

While walking my body decided it is time to get rid of the drinks and the food. The pressure at the back door was not that problem it was not strong but I really had to pee very urgently. While I was thinking what do one of my other co-workers Carina told us she had to pee and asks us if we want to join her in the bushes The other ladies said no but I told her why not.

Being tipsy made me less shy than usual. So left the walking path and squatted next to each other in a bush. Carina started to pee almost imdeiatly. I also started to my peep still hoping that my other number 2 could still wait until I can reach my toilet at home.

But while peeing I lost control of my bowels and after a big pree poop fart, a large sausage come out of my behind and fell down into the earth. Despite being in nature a potent poo smell filled the air. Carina just said oh you need to poop do She finished her wee and gave me a package of handkerchiefs after she cleaned herself. Then she said take your time I will at the path After she left I did another small turd and another airy fart. Then I was done. cleaned me with the handkerchiefs and left.

We were not talking about the thing that happened between us while walking back.

I also secretly hope that she was forgotten the event completely. She was quite drunk so maybe I am lucky.

That's my story for today

greetings from Austria


Great to hear from you Kristi. It has been a while! Your husband is one lucky guy getting to wipe you. I would wipe my wife's butt any day but I don't ever see that happening. We've talked about that here before about wanting to see my wife poo. That being said I pooped in front of my wife yesterday morning. I had already done my normal morning dump after my coffee. I was up getting ready for work and around the time it was time for me to shower this really bad stomach ache came on and I needed to have a big diarrhea poop. I get to our bedroom and take my clothes off and my wife happened to get up at that time and she's on her period and she had to go in the bathroom to change her pad and asked if I could wait a minute. I reluctantly said yes and hadnt told her I had to shit because I knew it wouldn't take long. She closes the door part way and I'm in our bedroom totally naked waiting for her to be done. After a minute she tells me I can come in. I go in and she's sitting on the toilet still so I stepped out of the bathroom and she tells me again I can come in and it was then I said "honey I have to poop really bad" and she said "oh ok" and flushes the toilet and pulls her panties up and I could tell by the way she said ok that she sympathized with me because this was going to be a nasty poo poo I needed to take and she has that issue at times where she has to make a run for it. As soon as she got off the toilet I went in and sat down on the pot 100% naked. She just said she had to wash her hands. She's washing her hands and I'm trying to hold my shit while she's in there but then I just couldn't hold it and I said in a grunting type voice "sorry I can't hold it anymore" and unleashed this loud, sloppy, nasty diarrhea poop. I don't get diarrhea that often but this one was one of the worst I had in a while. I had such a stomach ache. When I was done unloading that one my wife was still in the bathroom with me and asked if I was sick. I said I had a sudden stomach ache but I felt better now that I crapped. She said "sometimes you just need a big poop. That sounded like me when I have to run to the bathroom" so she definitely could relate to what I was going through. She shut the bathroom door and went back to bed. I gave my butt one quick wipe which kind of goes back to my survey questions last week. I washed my dirty butt off while I showered.
I hope everyone has a good day and I just had my morning coffee and I can feel something brewing in my stomach so I'll likely be heading to the bathroom soon for my morning poo poo. Hopefully I don't have another diarrhea poop like yesterday but my stomach did feel much better after that. Cheers everyone!

Victoria B.

To Jenny

It's been awhile everybody!

Jenny, you picked a perfect time to help bring me back in because I'm about ten minutes into the waiting game on a laxative suppository. Robyn got me out of my denim shorts, white Victoria's Secret bikini panties and into position lying on my side. "Can you spread 'em for me?" she asked while giving the top of my two cheeks, the right one, a playful pinch. "I suppose I could arrange it. For you," I playfully replied.

In answer Robyn ran to bathroom first to carefully wash her hands with soap and water and then as I was rearranging my butt she asked another question. "Pepto, Smooth Move senna tea, Imodium, Miralax, hey Victoria, where are the glycerin suppositories?" Before I could even explain to Robyn the intricacies of my IBS care shelf I heard a soft rattle in reply. It was time to get down to business.

She came back into our bedroom, giving my presented and open behind a pat with one hand while the other reached over me to rub my bloated, sore ????. "Victoria, I'm putting this into you because I love you and I want you to feel better. You're very constipated and this is the quickest way to get you pooping again." With that I felt first the glycerin and then Robyn's finger as it gently, but firmly, made sure the suppository had cleared my ring. "Okay, now hold this for as long as you can," Robyn said while squeezing my cheeks together to make sure the suppository stayed in place inside my rectum.

And here we wait. It's been about an hour now since the suppository was inserted with no luck so far. I wanted to make my return in style but anticipated that the fireworks would've started by now!


I've missed you, Kristi, Minappé, Kazumi, Maholin and Chae so much!


Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho
Dear Optional Person: Thank you for kind words! Mina read with tears in her eyes, and when she translate, crushes kissed to her many times.

Dear Annie, Thank you for the answer! Hisae is a little bit same with you, she can do huge mierda in short time, but without laxative. However, when she stays on the loo after defecate, she usually defecates again, lots mierda like before.

Sorry to be late to answer this question, but we four always move hand behind body when we need to dry our bottom ourselves. Mina's mother told Mina that it is dangerous to put hand between knees, there is possible that some mierda will enter a girl's yoni, then go her kidney, and then very bad disease. Mina told to her crushes, so now we all wipe with hand behind bottom. (But usually, a crush dries our bottom.)

Love to everyone.

Maho Kazumi Hisae Mina

Answer to David P's pushing out, poop going back in question

When I am constipated, this has happened to me several times beginning in grade school. I'd feel some activity happening, get a pass to the bathroom, be on the stool accelerating the gradual push my pediatrician suggested. Just as it was about to drop some dumb kid, about half my age would come running in, see me concentrating and in pain, and he'd laugh, get a second or third look at me, then go into the next toilet where he would open up and widely piss over a wide area. My concentration and accelerating counting was gone and I would return to class still constipated.

In high school we had a bit more privacy. But there was another challenge. These were really old toilets that were higher off the floor than what I had ever sat on. So I would be seated but that big black seat that was often loose or cracked so much that it would tear at my butt skin made the sit and accelerating count and push so uncomfortable. The bells ringing and threat of detentions for staying too long just frustrated me to no end.

At home I had the most comfort in pushing out my crap. The room was carpeted. There was some magazines in a holder next to the toilet. But we only had one bathroom. My kid sister was impatient. My parents were often coming home and making a run for the bathroom. I would lose my confidence in the sit. By the time I was about 16, I would take a laxative before bed and make sure I was the first up and on the toilet the next morning. The city library, about 2 blocks from our house, was my alternative sit site. It never failed me.


Went to the washroom a lot

Hi everyone. Woke up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a not-so-hot cup of English Breakfast tea and a fairly big bowl of potatoes with chili peppers, bacon, tofu, eggs (-_-), zucchini among other things. With it I had a jar of warm water. Afterwards I took my meds. Soon after breakfast I got a major urge to poop so went to the washroom next to my room (I was downstairs at the time), turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat. Pushed and a huge amount of semi solid poop came out. And kept coming for about 20 seconds. I flushed halfway to prevent clogging. Once I was done I took some toilet paper and wiped well and tossed it in the toilet. Flushed again, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. I would guess it was between 2 to 2 1/2 feet long. It felt semi solid and thick. Wasn't everything yet but I'm hoping by keeping hydrated and eating healthy the rest will come out (which will again be a lot). That was a hell of a shit especially for the morning. Why didn't I have coffee this morning? We don't have anymore at home so I have had to drink tea. Oh well. It sucks but what can you do?

Stay safe and happy pooping!



To Jenny

Awww thank you :) I've been posting here fairly regularly so I didn't disappear anywhere. No worries :) I'm still here just post every so often whenever I have a bathroom story.

PS my name is Annie not Anna

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Cassidy and Jocelyn- welcome to the family Cassidy. Here's to comfort and humor in the bathroom.

Kristi-Good to hear from you. I remember you posting a lot and hope life is treating you well. We all go through peaks and troughs in posting here. As long as you are well and healthy I am happy no matter how often you post. Catherine and Victoria B have taken long sabbaticals as well. I do remember your story about Nurse Kate (Cait?) Reminds me of my days of being a bedside nurse as now I am an oncology nurse practitioner. I have met some amazing compassionate nurses that make me look like a villain in a teen movie and Cait sounds like one of them. What you went through to recover, you were brave to go through all that in the hospital. I would have been mortified to have my butt wiped in bed, or even poop in a bedpan even though I have helped a few patients reassuringly with all that. I used to tell all my patients who have had to poop themselves or require assistance to poop that we all will poop ourselves; it's just that most of our lives the threshold of stress for us to poop ourselves is much higher when we are really young, really old, or really sick/injured. Easier said than done, and it is much harder as a patient than a nurse. And I am sure the bedpan pooping was only a fraction of the stress that you went through and came out stronger in the end .Love to you Kristi and your wonderful spouse and support group!

Lea- are you the same Lea who posted the college track stories? Sports pooping stories and memories are so fun. I think sports and camaraderie done right is a great way to become comfortable with our bodies pooping as it teaches us about keeping our bodies healthy, with a little mischief for fun of course. Pooping, like sex, is very healthy and natural with hint of mystery and mischief! Anyway nothing like running to get young women to normalize and enjoy pooping and farting and probably maybe some skidmarked undies post run...haha ( still happens to me)

Victoria B and Robyn- If you are reading ...hi !!

Catherine- How is the family and the growing baby

Anna from Canada- if you are reading this, I miss my toiletstool sister just up north!

To those who answered the "Stain Survey" and never stain their underwear, what is your secret? bidet or wet wipes? shaved or hairless butts? small size butt that's easier to wipe? For me I notice the least amount of stains when I wear black panties and use wet wipes at home. But usually I poop outside of the home, so I remain ...

-Skidmarked in Seattle


Replies & survey responses

Jenny - I'm glad you like my stories! Most satisfying in recent time would've been that poop challenge I did. I was so bloated and full and heavy. My abdomen was hard from all the gas and poop inside of it. To sit on a toilet and just pass all that crap out of me, and just feel my abdomen shrinking down was so amazing! Least satisfying: those poops where I know my bowels are completely full, and yet only a small nugget comes out, leaving all this waste inside me and no relief.

Optional person - thanks for the compliments! I'm also sometimes impressed by what I can do. I agree that the taboo on girls pooping is bad. I've been in the school bathroom a lot, I've heard lots of other high school girls relieve themselves, I can confirm that all of us, even those pretty cheerleaders, can dump monstrous loads! I don't embarrass easily, so my dad didn't bother me, he just annoyed me with the interruption and questions.

Clogging Survey
1. Have you had to dump in a broken toilet and left your load for others to see?
Yes. Once I pooped at a park (it was a normal stomach emptier, I just didn't want to hold it until I got home). I peed, dumped, wiped, then when I pushed the lever to flush it all away nothing happened. I pressed again but it again did nothing. So I just left the toilet with my potty unflushed (it was 15 inches long and 1 inch wide).

2. Have you ever seen some else's load because of an unflushed or broken toilet?
Yes! Check out my "A week of pooping, volume 2" on page 2981.

3. Have you ever left a toilet unflushed on purpose?
Sometimes I'll leave a toilet unflushed if I know it's gonna clog. Otherwise I'll flush.

Stain Survey
1.Have you ever "prairie dogged?" That is held in a solid poop, but the tip came out and "touched cloth." This may lead to a stain, but you empty your bowels into the toilet mostly.
No. Thankfully, my sphincter is strong.

2. Have you ever "shartted?" My definition is a fart that leads to at least a few ounces of soft/liquid feces in your underwear. This may be an end to to the Bowel movement itself. OR it may lead to more soft/liquid diarrhea in the toilet after removing the underwear.
Not that I can remember. I've had some bad farts on occasions where I've had diarrhea, but I don't think anything came out with them.

3. Have you had a full bowel movment in your underwear? This could be most likely unintentional, or intentional for whatever reason. This could be a unsuccessful prairie dog where a toilet could not be found or the sphincter just could not hold in the BM any longer.
Obviously when I was super young and getting potty trained I had the occasional pooped in my pants incident, but very rarely did the entire turd end up in my underwear.

4.If none of the above happened, who else do you notice stains in your underwear.


To Nils

Yes I used to post with the name Anny years ago when I was in my early 20s though my first post was under the username Poopy in winter or spring 2006 when I was 19. I turned 37 this June. I've been posting here for a long time.

Anna from Austria
@Sarah I am glad you enjoyed your stay in Austria. it is really beautiful here.

And yes I had to poop for couple of times in the nature while walking in the woods.

Greetings from Austria


Re: Answers to M's questions

You mention that you use your locker room toilet before leaving school each day to poop. What is the toilet arrangement like in your locker room? Does it offer stalls with a door for privacy, or is the sit-down toilet(s) out in the open in full view of everyone?

My middle school's locker room had a sit-down toilet out in the open next to two urinals. I've had to use it once in an emergency, but fortunately was during PE class and I was able to avoid what would have been the inevitable harassment by my fellow students while at my most vulnerable, because I asked to be excused and had the place to myself. Or so I thought. A gym coach did walk in on me and see me on the toilet mid-poop, which was embarrassing, and he asked why I didn't use the facility by the track where PE class was at(it was multi-user with open toilets, like a military barracks head, and people would frequently walk in and out, and I wanted to get whatever privacy I could). I'm just glad I finished before my classmates rushed in to change clothes. I never once saw anyone else use it.

The first high school I went to had a doorless stall in its locker room next to three urinals. I never used it. The user could be seen by anyone who walked in. I never saw anyone use it either.

The second high school I went to had 5 stalls in a row with doors and the generally expected level of privacy found in the typical US multi-user public restroom. All anyone could see of me when I was taking a poop was my shoes, pants, underwear, and ankles, and would otherwise have to deliberately peer at me through the gap in the stall door, so I had decent privacy. I never hesitated to use this restroom when the need to poop arose, regardless of who was in the room No one bothered me either. It was nice, not feeling the need to hold it in until I could get home.


Dan H's survey

Hey Dan, I read your survey, and I wanted to do it! I encourage others to do it too.

1. Have you had to dump in a broken toilet and left your load for others to see? I tend to have a large mass of poo everytime I go, along with rancid farting as I only go every couple to every 3 to four days. The last time this happened was at Mcdonalds last week. I was out and about when I stopped to use the toilet. I went to the only stall in the restaurant, only to find it with some soft shit and tp sitting in the bowl. I didn't know who did it. I locked the door, pulled my sweats down, and sat on the toilet. I managed to push out a hefty footlong turd, several inches wide. It was completely above the water, and it the smell filled the washroom. I dropped a few other pieces and after that I started wiping. I tried to flush but the flusher broke. I walked out and a large mexican man was standing to use it. He went in and didn't come out. I washed up and decided to order something. When I had went back into the washroom, there was a soft pile of shit with toilet paper next to mine in the full toilet.

2. Have you ever seen some else's load because of an unflushed or broken toilet? In middle school, some kid was extremely constipated and and I saw them walk into the washroom into the stall across from me. I don't remember much, but I do remember it was a dark brown turd, the size and length of an arizona tea can. It was particularlly fragrant. He had been about my height, (5'9) and blonde.
Another time in college, a really fat dude walked out of a stall, where I saw a wrist thick turd that was jammed in the hole of the toilet, it was about 10 inches long, and bright orange. It too, smelt pretty bad and you could smell it outside of the washroom.

3. Have you ever left a toilet unflushed on purpose? Yes I have. Several gas stations I have used, my load, which is usually one piece, was big enough to where it wouldn't flush. I didn't want to deal with the plunger, so I just left it.

Road toilets and traveling with my boyfriend

My boyfriend and I have been going together for only two months. We both graduated from the same high school in May.

Over the 4th of July holiday we drove to an outdoor concert on the other side of our state. In the car I was drinking at lot of liquids and we had to stop at rest areas about once an hour so I could pee. We left at 7 a.m. and about an hour later we had to stop so I could take my daily crap.

He was really surprised by that need. In four years at our school he claims he never took a crap at school. He also said he only needed to use the bathrooms there once or twice for a pee. He thinks my needs are strange but I readily used the bathrooms at least twice a day. I didn't particularly like how long I had to sit in order to complete my craps, but I didn't want to f### up my system by trying to hold off my needs.

I used a portable toilet three times at the concert. I found it kind of amusing that I would have to wait in line for 20 minutes or so to take one 30 or 45 second sit, but my bladder is not strong enough to hold my needs in.

Have any of you been able to totally avoid using toilets at school or other public places? If so, how frequently and for how long?

My boyfriend likes to tease me about it. I wonder if I'm just too sensitive.

Am I that different in my willingness to use public toilets without much thought?

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Finally Unblocked

Hey all.

If you've been following my stories for the past few weeks you know I've been struggling with major constipation. I've tried prunes, prune juice, milk of magnesia, miralax, and an enema so far in these stories, and while they definitely have all made me had to shit, it felt like I was really blocked up.

In my last story I'd mention I'd take another enema if the miralax didn't clear my block, and it didn't. The enema helped break up some of it, but the plug was huge and most of it still wouldn't budge. So about a week ago, I decided to try to help my intestines contract and push it out again and steeped myself some senna tea. I made it way too strong, though, as I used two bags and let them steep for over half an hour. So maybe six hours after I drank the tea-at around 1 am this past Wednesday morning-I started feeling really strong cramps and the urge to pop, and began running back and forth to the toilet. These were the most severe cramps I'd ever had in my life, yet I was unable to pass almost any stool. Some came out, but I felt really impacted, and started to grow concerned. The cramps even got so bad I threw up once, and by the morning they hadn't subsided. I had to take my anti-spasm medication prescribed to my IBS to stop the cramps.

I decided to give my colon a rest for a while before trying to clear the block again, and went back to prune juice on Sunday, but it did nothing. Yesterday I resorted to Magnesium Citrate. I drank all 10 oz right before 1:30 pm. The first poo shot out sometime around 5pm, and it was a mushy, liquidy poo that came behind a solid cork that consisted of a few hard pieces of pebble poo that had been stuck together. After the dam burst, I was running back and forth to the toilet every hour to squirt pure liquid diarrhea into the toilet. At one point, I also had to hold my diarrhea in for two hours because I had an important meeting that evening, and couldn't afford to let the other person know I was having such horrendous diarrhea. Usually if I have to resort to magnesium citrate, I cancel all my plans, but I honestly forgot I made this plan and by the time I realized it I couldn't break it and had to go through with the meeting. I was subtly squirming the entire time and resisting the urge to fart knowing if I did it would be catastrophic. My stomach started making audible gurgly poo noises towards the end of the meeting, but I'm thinking I was able to get away with the person I was meeting with assuming maybe I was hungry. I was getting more and more desperate as the urge grew larger and larger, but the meeting ended and I quietly slinked off to the bathroom furthest away from the meeting site so they wouldn't hear the noises I was about to make. The relief after those two hours was phenomenal. I let go of a big bomb of liquid into the toilet that felt like a ball of muddy poo, but changed the color of the water to a greenish brown after hitting the toilet water and losing its form. It sounded like someone was pouring water from a bucket down the toilet, and it was a solid stream with no farts. This wave probably lasted about four or five minutes. I sat for a minute to make sure I was empty, wiped up, and didn't have any urges to go the rest of that night.

The magnesium citrate didn't clean me all the way out because I woke up this morning and had two more watery, urgent dumps and still feel kinda full but can't go again-likely because my bowel slowed down after holding my runny diarrhea in for two hours. I ordered some sugar free chocolates so that tonight I can eat some and blast the rest of the runny poo I feel sloshing around in my guts out of my bum. Surprisingly, my hole isn't very sore. But I definitely need to relieve myself of some serious loads of poo. I'm just grateful I don't feel impacted anymore and the rest of this shit that's been stuck in me for weeks can finally come out. Tonight's clean out should be pretty routine, but I'll be back if anything notable happens.

Take care folks


Hi all David P here

Frieda - great story would be nice to hear of some of your tricky poo. Being in the squat position will help matters, it usually does when I remember to do it. My problem is that I don't get everything out in one go. My poo is soft but I have to keep going back multiple times a day especially during a flare up, if I don't get it all out then my poo can turn hard and difficult to get out after a few days and squatting usually opens me up wide enough to get it all out in one sitting. I need to do that again, I don't have a squatty potty but I use anything like a bin or a stool to put my feet up. Another thing you could try which I have said to Abbie before is press the skin between your bum with two dinners and press in pulses in and out it should help.

Jasmin K - How great to hear from you. I am so glad you are still around and well. I am sorry to hear that your constipation is bad though and maybe even worse than when you were at school. Do try the above tips I mentioned to Frieda that should help you. As much as I enjoyed your constipation stories I was kinda hoping that your absence was because you had finally beaten your constipation but it seems not. I am also hoping the same for Abbie, I love her difficult pooing stories and miss them so much but I hope her silence means she has finally finished her constipation. Sorry to hear you are not getting enough time to try to poo. Maybe this is because of not enough time at work? I don't know. But all I can say is this. My advice is, having a poo and being able to have a bowel movement is your given right as a human being and it is more important than your work. Whatever they think of you. Please don't make yourself unwell and constipated for them. Take care of yourself. I would love to hear more stories soon. I just hope I get to hear from Abbie, I miss her stories, do you Jasmin? I think because she was English just like us she seems to get our lingo and her stories were relatable. Yeah when I am constipated I usually don't go for about 3-4 days. It feels a fair bit of time but as you say not going for a week is a lot worse. As a child I would often not go for a poo for two weeks at a time and my poos were big and massive and hard. But now my poo is almost always soft but I get constipated a couple times a month where I don't go for a few days and have pebbles, bloating, hard poo and blood. But mostly when I get constipated after 3 days I still have a soft poo it is just very long.

So yeah my constipation is mostly over thank god. I had the urge the morning after my last post on here talking about constipation and unleashed this massive poo. It was soft, type 3 at the start then type 4 for those of you that know the Bristol stool chart. Then I went a few other times over the next couple days. I felt much better. The. I didn't go for a couple days after that. My bowels are very unpredictable right now. But the other day I woke up with a bad belly ache and very smelly farts. I have been under a lot of stress lately with my uni and stuff so I think that isn't helping. I had a bowel movement but didn't feel that good. I was farting smelly burning harts all day and had to go a few times else in the day. I went out for a walk with the dog and think that moved more down. I wasn't that hungry but thought I should cook something. So I just did a sandwich for myself. As I sat down to eat it, I suddenly felt very unwell and sick and I instantly needed a poo really bad. I excused myself, put down my sandwich and left for the toilet. I instantly pushed out this massive soft log and then followed by these little bits of loose stool. My belly was cramping and I was feeling really hot and sweaty. Basically my belly was hurting too much after that to eat my sandwich so I had to throw it away. That night early in the morning about 2 or 3am I woke up with awful stomach cramps and thought I might have to get D or I thought I might be unwell with something. But after three very large and smelly farts I felt better and fell back to sleep. I woke up again around 7am and felt a bit bloated and sore but mostly fine. I am still recovering as I am on a flare up of my IBS my stools are mostly soft but not like D or watery. Just sticky turds, they are lots just soft and I need to keep going a few times in the day as I am struggling to get it all out.

Will keep you updated.
David P

David P


Hi All

I posted a quick update before, I can't remember if I added my name to it or not now but it did in the post body. Anyway I have a question to ask.

I want to know if any of the constipated posters on here can explain that during a session and you are straining out a big poo has it ever got sucked back in when you stop pushing? I read this a lot mostly by Abbie where her poos would slide back in when she stopped straining. How annoying! I remember this too happening to me when I was a kid. Anyone have any stories of this happening? And I also want to know why it happens? As wouldn't it be wise for the body to push it out and not back in? I saw a post online about a constipation starter pack meme and along with a strained face and rock hard desert floor with cracks on it there was a little picture of a yo-yo and people were explaining in the comments that this was because of the poos that slide out then back in when you stop pushing. So it must happen more frequent to others than is what is posted here. So do let me know!

David P

Optional Person

Responces and ramble.

John H. It is so cool that you remember me! Yes, i just haven't had a ton of stories really. but i really love this place. Thanks for remembering me.

Cassidy 3rd gen - It is so incredible that you have roots tied to toiletstool! I discovered this place in 1998 as a 6 year old by chance. I find it amazing that your momma had the courage to introduce you to this site and that your grandma posted here. That is incredible and i feel rare. I look forward to your posts.

Mina i am grateful that you appreciated my kind words.

The other day I myself was going to be spending an entire day out at a venue and as always i get incredibly nervous. luckily i was able to wake up early enough to give my body a chance to poop and for me to get my nerves under control and i was able to be present at the event without the thought of pooping my pants. as much as stories like that intrigue me, living them for me personally is never fun, so i am glad i was able to avoid it. I tried pooping backwards again the other day and it is just too messy. a poop always gets stuck on my butt. so i think i wont do that anymore.

Happy toilet adventures everyone.


Squatty potty for the obese

My sister is also very overweight, but I'm quite larger than her. However, she has been encouraging me to try the squatty potty. I have to admit I was ignorant about how it really worked and she wasn't very specific so I assumed I would need to squat over the toilet it's just some thing my fat knees would never allow. But she explained that you can still sit properly on the toilet, which is what I really need. It's just that your knees are drawn up more. Well, I decided to get one, but unfortunately my huge belly impede any sort of progress. When I try to draw up my knees, my belly is in the way. This is not really something they warned me about, I have to say. I still tried, and I do think I was more in a squatting position, even if it wasn't as good as someone without my huge belly. I had to pull down my underwear all the way to my ankles to sit this way, which is very difficult at my size so that already made me out of breath before I had even sat down. Anyway, once I was enthroned, I waited to stop huffing and puffing to begin. Usually, I read magazines as I go because it takes me such a long time and I need something to do while I'm resting in between straining, but reading was impossible in this position.

I grabbed onto the toilet paper holder or something to grip as I used the squatty potty first time. I grunted with each strain, and felt my knees shaking as they pressed to my belly. But I have to admit, I don't really think it was technically easier in terms of how hard I had to strain but I finished my bowel movement in about 30 minutes, which is a record for me. Lately I'm enthroned for usually an hour or more. It was a little boring not being able to read my magazines, but it also love me to be hyper focused, I know the point of the squatty potty is to not strain at all, but I think that's a possible at my weight and at my age. However, it did shorten my time on the toilet and for that I'm grateful. My husband did ask me several times outside the door how I was doing, and it was difficult to answer as I was either grunting or panting from the exertion. But I'm glad he was there, because towards the end during a particularly strenuous push, I actually cracked the toilet as I was very down with all of my weight so we're going to look into a new toilet that can accommodate more weight. It was very difficult to pull up my underwear and also get off from the squatty potty. I actually lost my balance, and fell back under the toilet, quite hard, cracking it further. I'm all right, but obviously our toilet isn't. Eventually my husband had to come in and assist me in pulling up my underwear and getting me off the throne. So it was a tire and experience but somewhat less so. My sister has these metal grab bars on either side of the toilet assists her with getting up and down. I think I could really use those and I think it would also be helpful to grip those as I strain on the squatty potty if there's enough room for everything. I think that might help me further.

If there's anyone out there, that is fat, obese whatever and is thinking of using the squatty potty, just be aware that your belly my impede progress in that department. I still think it's worth a try, and I think it would be even better if you have some thing to grip at the same time. Hope that helps anyone else that deals with these kinds of issues due to size.


Replying to Jenny about being a stay at home mom / survey

While I already got married in 2004 - half a year after my niece was born, since my sister already got married not too long after our 18th birthday in 2003 to a classmate, because they just were in love, and both families gave the marriage a green light, and yes, we were attending a Christian school, but both me and my sister had become Christians a few years earlier, so it was our choice - I didn't get pregnant until a couple years later. In fact, in December 2008, nearly half a year before my daughter's birth, my preparations as a stay at home mom began. Before that, I was working for a kitchen company. Which also gives me the chance to answer a survey frome earlier this year.

1. how often do you poop at work? (Back then I did quite often - hard to imagine now!)

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time? (More than once I had to wait until I was home - I just had no chance)

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?
A bit. I'm a bit scared a male worker may hear it. And generally my poops take longer since they're bit harder.

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like? (November 2008 - at this time I already was pregnant with my first child. I remmeber it to be quite refreshing)

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom? (Can't remember.)

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop? (A few yes.)

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop? (No - thanks God! At least not poop, just saying I had to go somehwere.)

Hot day with little children (early August 2012)

It was a few days after my youngest one was born. My older daughter was 3 and my son 1 1/2. My husband was at work and we decided to go to the park in our little town.

After I changed the diapers of my two younger ones, I asked my big daughter if she had to go. We were attemping potty training at the time, so I just took her behind a tree, and indeed, she peed after I removed her pull up. I rewarded her for that afterwards (even though potty training would still take a bit longer, but thankfully, until Thanksgiving 2014, all children were potty trained). I too had to pee and since we didn't have a toilet in the park anymore, I just went behind the tree. Then my son walked towards me and just said "pee pee". Oopsie! ;)

Anna from Austria
@LEA I really enjoyed your story.

The answer to your question is yes I have used toilets with fresh skid marks already.

It does not happen very often though and only at some really big public toilets where the chances are slim that you meet anyone you know.

It really seems that in places like my office, my gym, or even at restaurants the ladies tend to take care of their skidmarks.

The public toilets in the local park of my city, my local mall, or train stations are a different matter. At such places, I have encountered skidmarks quite often.

But the worst skid mark event happened a few months during my second trip to the States only a few minutes after I put my foot on US soil again.

Was bursting for a poop already during the flight but I decided to hold it.

Soon after we landed at the LAX I headed to the ladies room. Was a really big restroom with many stalls. Most of them were taken.

I decided to wait in front of a stall and after some time a lady in her 30s or early 40s came out and walked away quite confident. I could not see the slightest sign of embarrassment on her face.

When I entered the stall the toilet was full of skidmarks and even some chunks of poo were still swimming in the water. I assume the toilet flush was too weak for her poo.

After I did my poo the toilet was looking even worse. I normally clean my skidmarks but if my skidmarks get mixed up with the skid marks of other people I do nothing. I think it is not my "duty" to clean up the mess of other people.

greetings from Austria



To Anna from Austria

Hi Anna from Austria

While studying in Germany I took a hiking and camping trip to the mountains near Salzburg. I have to admit that I took two outdoor shits in Austria's beautiful nature - one near Bischofshofen behind a stack of wood and the other one shortly before breaking camp near the Salzach.

Such great memories of 2019 :-)

Have your ever pooped outdoors in your homeland?


Jasmin K

David P and constipation

David P./ Everyone I've not posted in ages but have had the occasional look through posts.
Yes my constipation is just like it was if not worse cos I've never bothered to do anything about it other than strain it out, these days I don't get to have my daily sit on the toilet and strain until i get some out as quite busy and can never have a routine sit time as I did before so sometimes go a couple of days without trying to poo. I've not posted as I've nothing to add really to what I've said in the past. I have a read of posts when I'm having a long sit, often 1 -2 hours if I stay there until I am able to force it out.
You say you didn't poo for 4 days that's not very long without. I think of a long time as being like a week although when I was younger my mum kept me off school if I didn't poo for 3 or 4'days and I then had to stay on toilet straining until i did it.
Anyway may drop in on my day off next week when I'm in the bathroom
Jaz K


Answering M's questions

Hi all. I've missed you people. Need to post more. Just haven't had a lot of crazy memorable stories lately.


"When you poop right before a shower do you take your clothes off completely and poop naked or do you wait until you're done pooping?"

If it's an emergency poop, I'm going to still be dressed. More often, though, I'm taking my morning dump and then my morning shower. In which case I'm pooping naked.

"Also if you poop before a shower do you wipe your butt or just wait until you go in the shower and give your butt a complete wash."

I never wipe if I'm getting in the shower.

"Ladies, when you wipe your butt do you reach around back or reach between your legs to wipe?"

So like most people, if I pooped, I also peed.

When I'm done doing both I scooch forward and reach behind me. I get my butt first until it's pretty clean.

Then I go "front to back" (wipe my pee and then with the same paper get my butt again.) Repeat until the paper's clean.

Sometimes my hubby gets to do wiping duties (never thought in a million years that a guy would want to do that, but that's love for you!)

-LEA: My husband and I often poop one after another and we both sometimes leave skids. Although he likes to go without me flushing.
Jenny: I didn't know you were a nurse. Have you ever read my story about Nurse Kate? The Saint who held a bedpan under me as I took a massive crap?



PS Hi John H!

Re: Answers to M's questions

You mention that you use your locker room toilet before leaving school each day to poop. What is the toilet arrangement like in your locker room? Does it offer stalls with a door for privacy, or is the sit-down toilet(s) out in the open in full view of everyone?

My middle school's locker room had a sit-down toilet out in the open next to two urinals. I've had to use it once in an emergency, but fortunately was during PE class and I was able to avoid what would have been the inevitable harassment by my fellow students while at my most vulnerable, because I asked to be excused and had the place to myself. Or so I thought. A gym coach did walk in on me and see me on the toilet mid-poop, which was embarrassing, and he asked why I didn't use the facility by the track where PE class was at(it was multi-user with open toilets, like a military barracks head, and people would frequently walk in and out, and I wanted to get whatever privacy I could). I'm just glad I finished before my classmates rushed in to change clothes. I never once saw anyone else use it.

The first high school I went to had a doorless stall in its locker room next to three urinals. I never used it. The user could be seen by anyone who walked in. I never saw anyone use it either.

The second high school I went to had 5 stalls in a row with doors and the generally expected level of privacy found in the typical US multi-user public restroom. All anyone could see of me when I was taking a poop was my shoes, pants, underwear, and ankles, and would otherwise have to deliberately peer at me through the gap in the stall door, so I had decent privacy. I never hesitated to use this restroom when the need to poop arose, regardless of who was in the room No one bothered me either. It was nice, not feeling the need to hold it in until I could get home.


Introducing myself, a 3rd generation toiletstool user

You won't believe it, but Jocelyn's my mother and Jane (who posted in 1998) was my grandmother! I'm 14 and since bathroom issues ain't a taboo for my mother, she found it good if I too posted some here. Right now I'm at a friend's house, but I haven't crapped for two days - I don't go daily - so maybe I'm gonna go now...

I'm a 22 year old female and I still have struggles with number 1. I don't hold on very well and therefore have always had more than my share of "oops" moments. And that's the way it's been basically since toddlerhood. I also still wet the bed more often then not. I try to go potty on time but fairly I just can't make it on time and the result is wet pants. Today was quite a day. I woke up to a very big accident in my pajamas and on my sheets. I cleaned up in the shower and tried to potty in the toilet again. A couple final trickles. I went to work--I'm a preschool teacher at a private school. After lunch, I was helping 2 little girls in the bathroom and realized I needed to go a little. I ignored it--I was busy and it was only a slight warning. After the children were napping, I began to work quietly on prepping an afternoon craft project. I had forgotten my need to potty but my bladder hadn't. I stood to reach for a glue bottle and froze as I dribbled. I grabbed my vagina hard but didn't dare move. My director came in just then and saw me standing there with my hand between my legs looking ready to cry. Go to the bathroom now she said. I-I can't I mumbled, half squatting, so embarrassed. Another big dribble and I stood there helplessly as I soaked my pants and wet the floor. When I was done going, she requested coverage for my class and took me into her office. We've talked about this before, she said, I can't have you wetting yourself because you waited too late. It's confusing and a bad example for the children (I've wet my pants at work before). This isn't going to become a problem is it? I said no but I knew better. I know I still struggle with potty accidents. I knew it wouldn't be a problem... until next time.


A lot of poop

Hi all. I finished lunch not long ago (potatoes, I think beef, chili peppers on top of noodles. Had a banana and a piece of pineapple after.Had a jar of warm water after and on my 2nd one now). Got a major urge a few minutes ago so put on the slippers/flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom across the hall from my room, turned on the light, closed the door, walked over to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Pushed and a lot of semi solid, semi soft thick poop came out. Absolutely loaded the toilet with this beast! Probably about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long and thick. Flushed once I was done and then took some toilet paper and wiped well. Flushed again, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. That was a hell of a shit! I'm not empty yet (stomach still feels hard) but after some more warm water and healthy food I should be able to get the rest of this stuff out of me. Wow! Slowly but surely clearing this stuff out of me.

Happy pooping and stay safe and healthy and happy!



To John H

Thanks :) Yup since I was 19 almost 20. Am now 37. Yup it always feels good (had another huge one earlier today). Better out than in. It was very good. Our downstairs toilet either had problems or someone was in the bathroom, I don't remember (had brain surgery in July 2013 and that affected my memory somewhat. I usually have to write things down, and the time and date to remind myself). Most of a large brain tumour was removed and the last part of it is monitored 2x a year through MRIs. Now the downstairs bathroom works fine but I still at times flush halfway it I'm pooping and I know it will be big. I always use pads (have since my first period at 12 1/2) and the dark underwear was as of recently to prevent staining.


Response to Jocelyn

It's one of those things that gets easier the more you do it I guess. To be honest, it's something that happens more when we're out instead of at home.


To John H

Thank you. Yes I have. Crazy isn't it? I was 19 turning 20 and am now 37. Yes it was great getting all that poo out. I think at the time we were having issues with the downstairs washroom or someone was in it. I don't remember. As for my pad I have to grab that from my room then go into the washroom to change it. I most likely forgot to bring one upstairs with me when I was using the upstairs washroom. Yes I always use pads (have since my first one at 12 1/2) and I try to wear dark underwear to try to prevent stains (very messy)


I potty trained by age 4 with poop only. Pee was quite another story. It seemed to always be resulting in a a mishap. Even at age 23 and otherwise good health, I wet in my pants more often than not and in my bed 4-6 times a week. I've never NOT needed to wear a diaper to bed but now that I'm an adult buying pullups for nighttime is usually out of my budget. They are quite spendy. So it's wet pajamas most mornings. Sometimes I wake up dry or wet and am BURSTING for the potty so bad that I end up going in my pajamas before I can make it to the potty. Today was one such morning. I woke up cold and with wet pants already but DESPERATE. Pee was drooling down my leg as I tried to go the bathroom but the drool intensified into a faucet and I stood there in the hall helplessly wetting the floor. I still live at home and my mom happened to come down the hall at that moment. She sighed and ducked into the linen closet and grabbed a towel so I could mop up my accident. I guess I'll never understand your potty problems she said. I was tearful in the shower. Wetting my pants has always been such a source of shame for me. I still don't understand why it's such a hard thing to be reliably dry. A few hours later, I needed to go but not terribly bad. I work from home so I figured I'd finish what I was doing and then go. As is often the case, I had an accident in my pants as I was trying to unbutton them. I was already dribbling and had a wet crotch of my underwear by the time I got to the bathroom. I tried to concentrate on getting to the toilet but as I fumbled with my button and zipper, I felt it. The front of my pants darkened and warm liquid was running down my leg soaking my socks and forming a puddle around my feet.

Nicole from Germany

To Jenny

Oh yeah, I also clogged many toilets. I thankfully grow up on the countryside between Augsburg and Munich, therefore I'd also often crap outside when I had the opportunity.

I'm a stay at home mom too, but wasn't always. When my daughter was 3 and my son, we'd take them to kindergarten (which we call kindergarten in Germany) and my parents-in-law too would help out and I started working again, however, it was only for a year. After my pregnancy - my third child and second son was born in Spring - I however decided to focus on home. Well, with the baby I don't always have time to poop, but I only tend to go every two to three days anyways.



A question to Annie

Are you also the user who used to comment as "Anny"? I think you mentioned something bout commenting under that name. You turned 37 that year, which means you were born 1986. And you seem to have made for first posts in 2006/2007, with other words, when you were 20. Is that correct?

Sunday, July 09, 2023


A Tale of Two Toilets

My home toilet a year ago was converted to a bidet so in winter I have a nice warm toilet seat and squirts warm water in my hole to clean it.
Very luxurious but it takes a while for my bowels to get going in the morning so I often stop off at a public toilet (that I have mentioned before) which is located in an idyllic position at the end of a picturesque bay. I park the car and relax taking in the scenery and the peace. I then adjourn to the toilet which is metal and no toilet seat and that can be cold in winter but does not bother me.
I go into a meditative state and just relax, relax, relax, breath slowly and deeply, relaxing on the out breath. I let my pelvic muscles just collapse like a rag doll and it really works...takes some minutes poo then comes and my bladder drains and I achieve blessed relief.

Answers to M's questions

1. When you poop before a shower do you take your cloths off completely and poop naked or do you wait until you are done pooping?
I'm in middle school. Most of my poops are in the locker room right after gym class or athletic practice. I prefer to poop first, wipe and then shower, but if there's a shower available my my squad is the first one done, I will take my shower first and then poop. Strange as it may seem our locker room has more toilets than showers and I don't want to miss the last bus.

2. If I poop before a shower do I wipe my butt or just wait until I get into the shower to completely clean myself?
I always wipe my butt first at home, but at school if I think a shower is open I will get off the toilet, run for it, and give my butt a complete wash there.

3. When I wipe my butt do I reach around or between my legs to wipe?
I learned a few years ago that reaching around will trigger the sensor for the auto flush. Since I don't always look before sitting on the toilet, I don't know its an auto flush. So I wipe between my legs when I'm away from home. That's about 90% of my use. But at home I will reach around and sometimes stand if I feel I have an extra tough wiping job.

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