

New night pooping

Suddenly at night I woke up because I wanted to poop. And strongly. I woke up from a very strong desire to poop. I jumped up in fright and ran to the toilet. Although I wanted to poop a lot, fortunately I could patience it. I quickly ran to the toilet. I was in a hurry, I turned on the light in the toilet, but I didn't close the door. I hoped that since everyone was asleep, no one would come in. I quickly ran to the toilet bowl, pulled down my underwear in one sharp movement, lifted up the toilet seat lid and sat down on the toilet. I let out a long sigh of relief. As soon as I stopped holding back, poop poured into the toilet. They were small, runny, and - faugh - they smelled really bad! After a few minutes, the poop ran out, and I began to wipe my ass. I probably spent at least ten toilet papers, but I was able to wipe myself clean. Then I flushed the toilet, got dressed, and washed my hands in the sink. Then I went out and went to sleep again, hoping that there would be no more such an unexpected urge.


my accident story

I've never told anyone this, it happened a couple of years ago and I still get so embarrassed when I remember it...

I was doing some field work in college and staying in some cabins that had outhouses. I was grossed out by them so when I had to poop on my first day I decided to try and hold it until a planned trip into the nearby town the next day. The urge wasn't too strong so I finished my day and went to sleep, when I woke up it had gone but it came back stronger as I was drinking my tea in the morning. Just then, I got a text from my professor asking me to go outside and try to record some animal activity that his sensors had picked up. I was really eager to prove myself and please him so I threw on some jeans and ran outside immediately with my phone and camera. I followed his directions and found the designated spot to stand still and wait to see the animals we were trying to track.

I waited about ten minutes, and to my dismay my urge to poop got a lot stronger in what felt like a very short time. Soon I was struggling to hold it in and shifting my weight around to try to keep it from coming out. I still hadn't seen these animals so I texted my professor to check in and he said the sensors were picking them up, I just needed to be patient. I felt sooo embarrassed that I hadn't just pooped when I should have, so I didn't want to say anything but I was starting to get quite anxious so I asked him if he thought it would take very long. He wrote back 'shouldn't be long, but everything ok?' I just said yes, I was too embarrassed and couldn't think of any other explanation why I would need to wrap this up quickly. He said hang tight and to give him about 10 minutes to complete some other tasks before checking in again. I knew he was doing stuff that required concentration and didn't want to interrupt. However nearly five minutes later, let me tell you I was bursting for this poop. My stomach was cramping like crazy, trying to push it out and I was quivering with the effort of keeping it in. There were some other cabins with people staying within sight which humiliated me further, and prevented me from just dropping my pants and pooping. I squirmed and squirmed and finally out of desperation I texted my professor, 'I'm so sorry to interrupt, I know I shouldn't and I'm sorry I haven't been clear: I'm having a bathroom emergency and need clearance to go back to the cabin'. I hit send and then immediately regretted it as shame washed over me. He wrote back and said understood, the sensors were showing activity right near me and that everything should be captured in less than 5 minutes if I could hang on til then. I knew I couldn't hold it much longer but I felt a bit chastened by this, I didn't want to push it so I just said ok.

What I learned from this experience is that when you are in a true bathroom emergency, it is impossible to control your body language to hide what is happening. I knew anybody in the other cabins could see me if they would look out their window and know immediately that I was very close to having a bathroom accident. I was squirming, lifting my legs up, crossing them, rocking, bouncing. My face was beet red and I kept grimacing with the effort of squeezing my butt together.

A few minutes passed and I knew I was going to have a big accident very soon if I didn't get to a toilet ASAP. I was supposed to be still, but I just couldn't stop wriggling around. He finally texted asking how it was going and whether I'd captured the images yet. I agonized about what to say before finally deciding to opt for the truth - I told him I was too desperate to do my job right now, and couldn't be still enough to let the animals come near me, and that I was about to have an accident and please could I just go and come back later. I knew he could track my location so I just didn't want to do anything without clearing it with him and getting in trouble. He didn't answer.

Less than a minute later, a huge cramp hit and I could feel myself losing control. My body was flushed hot and I quickly waddled from my position to a slightly more covered thicket nearby to try to give myself a shred of dignity as the poop started forcing its way out. I felt horrified that it had come to this and heard myself muttering 'no, please not here' as I fell into a kind of half kneel half squat position almost involuntarily. I almost felt like I was having an out of body experience in a way - I just could not believe I was actually pooping my pants like this. A huge turd came out and I could feel it coil into a ball against my butt, into the crotch of my underwear, and I felt the sensation of my pants growing heavier and heavier. I tried to pretend like I was just kneeling casually, but again I'm sure anyone who saw me could see what was really happening written all over my face - the sudden squat, the blushing, the panicked look on my face I'm sure gave away the fact that I was actually filling my pants like a toddler. Finally it finished and I stood back up. I felt horrible - my pants full of sticky poop touching my skin and I smelled like a freaking outhouse! I reached back and gasped, the bulge was enormous. I don't think I've ever felt so humiliated or vulnerable in my whole adult life so far.

Ironically, I was so still at this point that I finally saw an animal and got a few snaps. My professor finally texted back apologizing for the delay and saying of course, take care of your needs, followed by a question about why I'd moved my location. I didn't know what to say so I just send him the snaps. By now quite a few minutes had passed since I had said I was on the verge of an accident and I knew he could see I was still out in the field. He asked if I was ok and I just said yes. I was absolutely humiliated. I knew he could see that I'd gone suddenly to a more sheltered location and that he probably knew I'd run off to the bushes to poop my pants. Burning with shame, I waddled back off to the cabins. Ironically, after wanting to avoid the outhouses I of course had to spend ages in one scraping the huge load out of my underwear. My professor never said anything further to me, but a few weeks later we were talking about field work in another seminar back on campus, and he gave a speech to our whole class about making sure we take care of our personal needs as needed while out in the field. I burned red with utter embarrassment the whole time and couldn't make eye contact with him. I still have no idea if anybody else saw me, but it was a deeply shameful experience all around. I wish I'd either said nothing to my professor and just pooped my pants to spare myself the humiliation of him knowing, or run off to the outhouse after I'd messaged him to at least have avoided the accident. As it was, I got the worst of both worlds by broadcasting my emergency to him and then just pooping myself.

I got a good grade in his class though, so there's that!


Took a crap and now posting

Hi everyone! Kristi here. It's good to be back after not posting in awhile. I'll try to post more often.

I'm sitting on the toilet as I type. I had to go pretty bad and pooped quickly. Solid logs but they slid out nice and fast. I'm definitely done pooping but I'm not in any hurry to get back to work (working from home today), so I thought I'd browse the forum and say hello, and share a story or two.

M: Hi!

It takes time to build to that level of trust. I can share my story and maybe that will help you out. I'm not a marriage counselor or anything and I don't want to give you any advice that would hurt your marriage. But my husband and I do go to the bathroom freely in front of each other.

So first off: Does your wife know that you'd like to watch her?

And does she know that it wouldn't gross you out if she did?

Because if she thinks that you wouldn't like to watch her, you could fix that with an easy conversation.

When Steve and I were dating and engaged, I went to great lengths to poop when he was not around. I thought that he'd find it repulsive. Bear in mind that I was NOT shy at all pooping around and even in front of other females. But taking a dump around the man I was seriously in love with? No, I was going to avoid that at all costs.

That is, until one day when I just couldn't hold it. I was at his place and it was in the early evening. His apartment walls were paper thin. We were in the living room with the bathroom right on the other side of the wall.

So I just went for it. I told him I had to go to the bathroom... I went into the bathroom and pooped. He would have heard all the sounds. And instead of being embarrassed, I felt kind of liberated.

When I was done, I went back into the living room. He was still just chilling on the couch. He smiled at me and asked if I felt better. I told him that I did indeed feel better.

Flash forward about 3 months. Our wedding date was a month out. We constantly talked about the great life we'd have and all that. And one day, we talked about the bathroom.

We talked about whether the bathroom door would be open or closed during our marriage. We went back and forth with "Whatever you're comfortable with"... I said something like, "I'm sure you don't want to see me pooping."

And then he said something that was probably hard for him to say. He said "I wouldn't mind that at all... I actually would like that."

I was stunned.

[Excuse me for a moment... my butt's getting a little sore and my poop is getting a little smelly. I'm going to wipe, flush, and wash my hands. Then I'll go lie down and finish my post.]

Steve was really embarrassed to tell me that. He actually asked if I still wanted to marry him. I hugged him and told him "Of course!" I told him it might be a little embarrassing for me at first, but that I'd go in front of him.

So the very next day, I invited him into the bathroom when I had to go poop.

I should mention that Steve and I saved ourselves for marriage in terms of sex and nudity. Very hard but very worth it.

So he stood facing the wall while I sat there with my jeans pulled all the way up above my knees. It was a little embarrassing the first time for me, but I did poop.

And now he watches me all the time and wipes my butt.

Take it slow with your wife. She sounds like a very nice girl. TRUST IS EVERYTHING.

This was a long post so I'm gonna wrap it up and respond again later.

Love you all!



To Anna from Austria

Okay, one last post today.

Anna, I wouldn't worry about Carina judging you.

She didn't express any disgust over you pooping next to her. She actually gave you some tissues to wipe with.

If you've read this forum for awhile, you know that I have a best friend named Emily. She and I have pooped in front of each other, including outside, probably like 50-60 times.

It's like... our thing. She was in a horribly abusive marriage where her ex-husband actually would prevent her from going to the bathroom. So we kind of have "poop therapy" sessions together.




To Jenny and Victoria

Hello you wonderful people!

I just took a dump 10 minutes ago while I was responding to M.

Sometimes my posts aren't posted in the order that I submitted the.

Her name was Kait. I nominated her for a nursing award (the "Daisy Award"). She was so kind. Always brought my meds on time and was just so nice.

Her kindness was a big part of why I was so humiliated to make her have to help me poop.

And it was NOT a little poop. I had been on heavy duty IV pain meds after my surgery so I hadn't gone since the surgery. I was now just on some pills as needed and my bowels were ready to loosen up.

So I'm holding myself up and dropping a big load while profusely apologizing to Kait (I'm also pissing in the plastic urinal bottle). So embarrassing... and then the worst part: Her having to wipe me. But she was so kind and reassuring. Told me that it was nothing she doesn't deal with all the time.

Fortunately from then on I was able to be helped to the bathroom when I needed to poop (I still used the plastic bottle for pee... they had to measure how much I was peeing.)

Thank you for being a nurse! I could never do what you do.

As for pooping and sports: I played volleyball and tennis in high school, and played tennis in college. I, along with probably half of my teammates, took a dump before a game or tournament. I'd have a nervous stomach often, plus I just wanted to make sure I didn't need to go when I was out there playing.

In high school, our rivals in volleyball had a visitors locker room that didn't have doors on the stalls. I was still a somewhat shy pooper in high school, but when like 5-6 other girls are going too, it became pretty easy to just sit down and take care of business.

I still poop at the gym quite a bit. Exercise stimulates that urge.

Victoria and Robyn: I MISS YOU TOO! Love reading your stories.

Much love,


Pee. S. Steve says hi!

)Stomach flu

Hi my name is Maria,30, 5'7" 130 pounds, blond hair. Yesterday, after eating breakfast and kissing my husband goodbye,he works from home. I left for the office that I work at feeling a little uneasy in my stomach. Checking e-mails and doing some paperwork, around 10 I became feeling a little sick to my stomach, cramps. I went to the restroom, removing my thong and barly seated on the toilet when I let loose a stream of diarreha mush. After another round of runs, I wiped, washed my hands and returned to my desk thinking it was probably just my breakfast disagreeing with me. However there has been a very nasty stomach bug going around. One other girl in the office was out for a week.Lunch came, I thought I would eat something light, a salad, still not feeling all that well. About an hour later I became nauseous and cramps again.I went to the restroom again and had severe diarreha and my cramps were terrible, spent twenty minutes on the toilet with diarreha.Felt a fever coming on and nausea was getting worse.I informed my boss and went home about 3 p.m. At home, my husband met me at the door, knowing something was wrong, since I was home early. I told him that I was sick, had been have diarreha and felt as if I could throw up. A severe cramp hit me, making a b- line to the bathroom, had diarreha again, like water running out of me. Now lying on our bed, he came to check on me. He asked me if he could get me anything. I told him that I had taken Peto with no relief. I told him that I felt terrible, never being this sick in recent memory. Suddenly I felt really sick and ran to the bathroom followed by my husband. He held my hair back as I started gaging three times and vomited a large amount. I vomited another 2 times.Then turned and had diarreha in the toilet. Returning to bed I tried to sleep. The rest of the night I continued feeling sick, try to drink water, but end up vomiting. Continued to try to sleep,getting up 3 times to vomit and had the diarreha another 4 times. When I had diarreha, it was like water. My husband has been a knight in shinning armor. Changing the sheets once when I had diarreha, not making it to the bathroom in time.At 6 a.m.. woke up still feeling sick and week, had diarreha again, no vomiting since last night.Later called work,telling them I would not be in. Today I didn't want anything to eat, still nauseous and keep having diarreha. I hope this ends soon.


Casual Peeing/Pooping

Hey everyone, I was looking through the archives here and came across some post by people who often just go to the bathroom in their pants completely casually, or they know someone who does. I'm wondering if we have any readers now who still do this, amd if so, maybe tell us a little bit about your experience.


To Nils L.

Thank you I hope so too. I have a lot in my body this morning so I won't be surprised if I go a lot later. Am keeping hydrated with warm water in the meantime so that should help soften up and help me get rid of the rest of this. Knowing me I will feel a lot better. Doesn't help either that it's that time of the month lol.


Mall Mega Dump Part 1

I was at the mall with Olivia, and we both went to the food court for lunch. We shared a pizza and had some sandwiches as well. Needless to say we were full when we were done. And with all that new food filling us up, we had to get rid of some old food. I hadn't pooped in a few days, so I wanted to go to the restroom and try to fully relieve myself. I told Olivia "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. That food filled me up." Olivia said "I'll go with you. I'm also full." We went to the girls bathroom and took the handicapped stall, since we decided to go together.
Olivia went first and pulled down her shorts and underwear. She sat down and immediately started peeing a powerful hissing stream that pitter-pattered against the porcelain toilet. She said "I forgot to pee when I woke up and didn't want to stop to use a restroom, so I've been holding this for hours. My bladder was so full!" She peed for a minute 30 seconds, the sighed and said "that felt good." Then she scooted forward, leaned on her knees, and said "let's see if I have to poo." She pushed and said "yup I have to poo." Then she started pushing again and rubbed her stomach. She said "ohhhhhh I really have to poo." She kept pushing and straining then I saw her butthole open as the tip of a solid turd emerged. As Olivia kept pushing, the turd grew in width and really stretched her butthole. She got 3 inches out, then stopped to catch her breath. She started pushing, and the log came out a bit faster and also crackled a bit as it made it's way out of her rectum. As more of her waste came out, I realized there was a bit of a bad smell. Olivia's digestive system always digests her food into a smelly dump, but this was a bit worse smelling than normal. Olivia was still pooping, and my urge wasn't bad yet. She had made a big poop so far, and she was still pooping stuff out her butt. Eventually, her log tapered off and the end fell out of her butthole and into the water with a plop. She let out a big sigh and said "I needed to get that out. Sorry for the smell, I just pooped out a lot of Mexican food." She wiped 4 times then stood up and pulled up her pants. She looked at her creation and said "wow that really was big." It was 2.5 inches wide and 20 inches long. And barely fit in the water of the toilet bowl lying perfectly straight. The water was also dark yellow from her lengthy pee. Her giant log combined with her gallon of pee meant the water level increased by 2 inches. "Wow Olivia that's a lot of potty. You really had to go!" She said "yup, I'm quite impressed with what I've done. Guess I should flush it though." She leaned forward and pressed the flush lever. The toilet roared to life and pushed all of Olivia's waste down the drain, flushing it into the sewers.
I'll post about my turn on the toilet later.


Diarrhea experience survey

Diarrhea experience survey

Hi guys, I wanted to know if you ever have the experience, please tell me your story, the more detail the better !

1. Have you ever have diarrhea and not making it to the toilet in time ?
2. Have you ever miss a diarrhea as a fart ?
3. Have you ever have diarrhea and poop in your pants, can you tell me how it feel(both emotionally and physically) and how do you manage the mess after that ?
4. Have you ever have diarrhea and someone (ie friend, SO, teacher, coworker) know about it, what is their reaction and what is yours ?
5. Have you ever witness your friend, SO, teacher, coworker that have diarrhea and poop themself, what is your reaction and what is yours?

Thanks for the answer !

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Jasmin K


Hi just a quick update and reply to David P

As always very constipated but just did a huge solid log that took 1/2 hour to exit my bum and a lot of hard straining. Started off with a few pebbles then the main log which must have been 10 inches and thick it was like pebbles stuck together then a bit more smooth to the end. I carried in straining and some more pieces came formed a smooth followed by some softer stuff. A good hours work on a Sunday morning.

David. My constipation is what it is, I don't do anything to stop it, i don't change my diet as such and I know I don't drink enough, but if I do that results in wet beds still as my bladder is sensitive and not adept at holding large amounts. The pushing round my bum hole does work although when I'm straining hard my inside comes out through my bum and I'm often sat there straining with my prolapse hanging beneath me. It's not that they don't let me go for a poo at work - I'd have to sit there straining for so long to do it it's not practical, so at my work all I use toilet break for is to pee and if needed change my knickers. I have done a poo at my place of work when the boss now BF wanted to watch me and my friend Chloe - I posted this ages ago. I never went as long as you did without a poo as a child, my mum made us go every day whether we needed to go or not. Either way after breakfast had to sit on the toilet straining hard until we did it - me and my sister 1 after the other. Sometimes it was my sister who had to make me go she was 5 yrs older. I used to do it so hard I made my ass bleed most mornings before school, on non schools days wasn't allowed to get off until you had done it, no matter how long it took

Anyway just wiped and pulled my knickers up hope you're able to go. Yes would be nice to hear from Abbie
Bye for now Jazz


Stomach ache

The food I ate at school didn't seem to be very good. Because when I came home after school, I had a stomach ache. I lay down on the couch and began to massage my stomach so that it would stop ache. Unfortunately, this did not help, and I decided to try another way. Go to the potty. Maybe if I pooping, I'll poop out this that causes pain? True, I did not feel that I wanted to go to the toilet, but nevertheless I went. Soon I had already pulled down white pants and the same white (that's a coincidence) briefs, and climbed on the toilet. I had to push a little. First I let out the gas loudly, and then a couple of poop quickly fell into the toilet. They were slightly runny, but it wasn't diarrhea. I pooped and started wiping my ass. I spent a lot of toilet paper, but my stomach stopped aches. After I finished wiped my butt, I got dressed, flushed in the toilet and washed my hands. Fortunately, my stomach didn't ache anymore, and there was no urge to poop. Not to mention diarrhea. So I was lucky.


Poop at Wal-Mart

I took a poop at Wal-Mart the other day for the first time in my life and I must say that it was a rather uncomfortable experience. I was there shopping with my family and when we got to the electronic section at the far end of the store I began to feel a sickening cramp deep within my gut. I had never pooped at Wal-Mart before so I figured that I could just hold it until we got home. About a half hour later we were checking out at one of the aisles when that feeling of nausea hit my bowels once more. I knew that I needed to poop immediately. I told my husband that I needed the restroom and luckily there was one close by the registers.

I have noticed that the restrooms at Wal-Mart are often times are closed for cleaning. On such occasions they put a sign up in front of the bathroom that tells you to walk all the way down to the end of the supercenter and use the toilets there. I was glad that this was not the case because I would not have made that long of a walk without crapping my pants in front of everyone.

At any rate there were three teenage girls at the mirrors checking their phones. I got into the stall and began to lay a toilet seat cover, pulled down my jeans, and sat on the toilet to pee. I tried waiting them out for a minute so that I could poop in peace I lost control of my bowels and a pile of poop sorbet splattered out of me. Oh course the teens thought this was the funniest thing in the world and probably began to record it for a dopey video for social media but I didn't care anymore at that point. I leaned forward and let the orange fecal matter just flow right out of me. It wasn't diarrhea but just a mass of soft mushy shit.

As usual with such mushy poop evacuations it takes forever to clean oneself properly. I had to flush the toilet four times and the annoying kids got a big laugh out of that before they finally left. When we got back to our SUV I was just relieved that it was over as we headed back home. That night I had to poop out more mushy shit but this time it was in the privacy of my own home!


To Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

That was another great story you posted. Is that because of your healthy diet? Just wondering. I understand about how the toilet/loo can't digest toilet paper. For the years I lived in Taiwan with my now ex-husband most places (except for where we were living) you had to put toilet paper in a garbage can that sat next to the toilet. I always love your stories. So much detail and I enjoy them. PS being in your 30s isn't old age :) I'm 37.

I just finished a big dinner and am on my 2nd jar of warm water. Hopefully I will have another big poop sometime tonight. That would be a lot more comfortable for me. I eat mostly very healthy meals, 3 meals a day plus at nighttime before my 9 PM medications I have fruit so I get a good amount of food, lots of vitamins and nutrients and I make sure to drink plenty of water (warm). The result? Huge poops!

Happy pooping and stay safe!


Matthew C.


This happened at SeaTac Airport on my way home from Alaska. While I was on my vacation, I should note that travel often messes up my bowels pretty badly, but after the first day or so and my system adjusted to the time difference, I had more regular BMs. They were looser and smaller due to my eating less fiber and more greasy foods while I was up there.

I had tried going the night before and right before leaving my hotel room, but nothing. Had a sizable breakfast of eggs, sausage, a yogurt and a cup of coffee. I usually have time to have a bowel movement after breakfast, as that's the time of day I usually need to go, but today we had to rush out to catch the shuttle to the airport.

Of course, I figured I'd need to go there and I was right, my guts were rumbling the whole drive there. Right as we were in the middle of the line for security, I felt a cramp in my mid lower abdomen and I knew I had to go. It was a gas bubble, but given people were in line right behind me I had to turn to the side to let it out as casually as I could and hope no one smelled it. Silent, thankfully, as my morning bowel movements are usually preceded by gas.

I was already a bit stressed out and my body deciding now was the time to get rid of yesterday's food didn't help. The need was strong but I was less concerned about having an accident than I was about losing the urge and being bloated and uncomfortable for a while, as that's happened to me before. Luckily the line moved fast and I feel sure I managed to hide my stress and urgency.

Left my stuff with my mom, went to the men's room, found a free stall, pulled down my pants and sat. I pushed and what came out was on the sofer side and semi-solid, as like I mentioned above my diet the past week had had that effect. One large mass came out, then a few smaller ones, and a few farts, my bowel movements tend to be gassier when I have a lot of grease. It was a pretty impressive crap even for me, and I felt a lot less stressed after. I had to go again later but that wasn't until after my plane landed.


Very hard small poop

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, poured and microwaved a jar of warm water, went to the washroom (pee) and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a bowl filled with spicy ish spaghetti I think with chili peppers, mixed vegetables, eggs and curly noodles. Before breakfast I had drunk half of the jar of water and took my time eating. After breakfast I took my medications and made a cup of tea and another jar of warm water. Just a few minutes ago finally I got the urge to poop so first I drank more water to try to soften it more (constipated), put on the slippers/flip flops outside my room and went into the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and beige ish underwear down and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and this very hard turd came out slowly. Not much at all. Was done within about 20 seconds. Was not easy. Had to pull up my pants and underwear without wiping since there was no toilet paper downstairs. Looked in the toilet and a turd about a foot long was in there. Very small and hard. Not much at all for me. Flushed the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Afterwards I went upstairs to ask my caregiver for some TP and to let her know about the water level being low (showed her a pic on my cell phone). She said it was okay and she went to get some TP for me (here I have to let her know if I am running out or an out of things like TP, deodorant, etc since I can't go out independently anymore. Been like this post brain surgery). Once she gave me my TP I thanked her, came downstairs, made more water and wiped well with the TP (don't want diaper rash so to speak lol). Hopefully later after eating lunch and drinking more water I can go again but easier this time.

Stay safe and happy pooping hopefully



Finally just went to the washroom a lot

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, made some warm water and a cup of tea (still no coffee at home), went pee etc and went upstairs for breakfast. Drank about 1/2 the jar of warm water and enjoyed my breakfast (rice with green leafy vegetables, cabbage and an egg). Took sips of my tea now and then (still no coffee at home). After breakfast I took my medication, got some more water and took that, my tea and my Walmart bag downstairs. Spent quite a while in my room, going on the internet on my phone and sipping my water and tea. Finally got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago so grabbed my Walmart bag (TP is in it) and my phone, put on the slippers/flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and beige high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. This fairly thick and big, semi solid poop came out pretty slowly. I flushed halfway to prevent clogging since I knew it was going to be a lot. Finally after pushing the last part out I was done. Reached into the Walmart bag, took some (not much) toilet paper and wiped well to prevent stains. When I was clean enough I tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked into the toilet. There was a semi solid poop about 1 feet long and I figure the bigger poop I flushed was more like 2 to 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Now just been keeping hydrated so hopefully the rest of this stuff comes out. That was a hell of a shit but it was much needed.

Happy pooping and stay safe!


Jason-You wrote a earlier this year about your girlfriend getting more comfortable about her skidmarks with you, First of all I thought that was a very sweet story, and number 2 ( pun included) your story reminds me of my story with my husband and how comfortable he makes me dealing with my s*** literally. Hope you are both well and get some laughs if the subject of skidmarks comes up. I remember her wiping once while drunk and she should have wiped more…I have been there to

Willa-Thank you for sharing your "origin story" with us. Hope you enjoyed your happy hour! I had actually forgotten my origin story that lead me here. I probably have a couple as I have been here since before I started posting. My furthest memory back was before tennis practice in high school tried to sneak off to a toilet outside of the locker room to privately poop . I was still mainly shy about pooping around other people, kind of a germaphobe specific to public toilets and the icing on the cake was the poorer than average wiping I got when I pooped in school. I was relieved when I found an unused restroom far from everyone to poop in peace, but close enough to be late for practice. I caked the toilet seat with paper, flipped my tennis skirt and pulled down my tennis panties down to my ankles. I remember clearly now dropping two huge turds I had been saving up all day, with the help of a little cropdusting when I found myself alone walking between classes. I sighed out loud in relief ready to drop at least one more turd where I saw through the crack of stall door a girl from the track team come in and take the stall next to me. I froze and blushed even though I don't think she would have known who I was with my tennis shoes nor could see me. I did reflexively pull up my panties up to my knees. Holding my turd in even though the bathroom already smelled like I was pooping. The track girl was very popular and kind and was a grade above me. She dropped her shorts down to her feet which intrigued me has I had never seen anyone drop their pants or underwear to their feet in a bathroom stall. Then I heard a huge messy soft poop. It was a lot of crackles and now the place was really stinking. I still held in my poop waiting for the track athlete to finish in leave. She flushed without hearing any wiping which continued to intrigue me. We had the stupid single square dispenser which I struggled to get clean with and was she not going to wipe? Then the girl started pooping again for about 30 seconds. A courtesy flush. Then I heard a roll of toilet paper unravel which confused me. I heard about 4 wipes. Suddenly I see a hand drop below the divider with roll of soft toilet paper likely brought in . " Would you like some" said the girl like she was offering me a stick of gum. I wanted to say no thank you and let her leave so I could finish my poop, but I could not resist having some fluffy toilet paper to clean up the poop in crack, let alone a roll instead of sheet. " sure "I said. "Take the whole thing" said the athlete. " The track team has a huge stash in the locker. We all poop before practices and those sheets just don't cut it. I had to come in here as was every single stall was taken and I couldn't wait any more. " She pulled up her shorts and went to wash her hands before leaving and saying " have a great afternoon" I didn't reply back because I was shy, but I gratefully wrapped my hand in toilet paper , which is how I wiped my but back then assuming I didn't have a single square dispenser. I dropped the rest of my load after the other girl left, and took inspiration to make a courtesy flush for wiping, I used a lot of toilet paper and I felt much cleaner than I usually feel when I had to poop at school. I do remember still having a skidmark after tennis, but barely. Later that year, that girl would be a prom queen. I was amazed that this gorgeous gal in the gorgeous dress dropped a big bomb next to me…but I'm sure that would shock all the boys who drooled even more. At least she was smart enough to bring her own toilet paper to school , at least before track practice to clean up better I have a few other stories but this was my earliest memory of my pooping interest…and forgotten until recently. Thanks , Willa !

Anna from Austria -Funny timing that Nicole asked you if you have ever pooped in nature in Austria , then you had your woods poop with your work! Have you had any conversation with your coworker since you pooped next to her? Were you able to wipe sufficiently even though your poop came out as a surprise and you were maybe a little tipsy?

Victoria B- sorry to hear about your suppository … I hope you feel better soon. I hope the fact that you wore white panties means you will poop soon. Let me explain : My husband joked with me once I always get skidmarks when I wear white panties , so I should wear them when I'm constipated. Completely unscientific , I know I was constipated around the holidays last year twice. And when I wore my white panties not only did I have a big messy poop at my family and friends place … I got major skidmarks in my brand new white panties my husband laughed because I had never been so relieved to have skidmarks as it meant I pooped ! Wearing white panties for me is like wearing white to a spaghetti dinner!

All joking aside … how's it going Victoria? And Robyn thank you for being Victoria's angel!!

A funny sighting.

About 10am Monday morning I just glanced out of my living room window to see a male and female sitting on the bottom step of the steps up to the house opposite, I did not think anything about that.
A little later I looked again just as a car parked on my side of the road and the mother and daughter who live there got out and went to go up the steps, they spoke to the pair and the mother went up and in but the daughter stayed and then female stood up and move to the edge of the pavement and laid down, after a few moments the daughter went up and in.
The female laid there for a minute or two the female stood up and sat back on the steps, she was moving about and them stood back up and went and sat on the curb and lit an cigarette, still moving around and looking about, she started to shuffle her bottom about, after a moment I saw the road getting wet, yes she was peeing, when she was done she stood up her slakes were all the way up as she had both hand inside them pulling her knickers back into place, she then went and sat back with the male, Later they both stood and came over the road and stood by my wall, just then a cab went down past and they waved to it, it came back up and they both got in.
I did not see any detail of her peeing only the wet on the road, and she was to fast in pulling her clothes back into place, it was just funny at that time of day in the bright sun shine.


To Benjamin

I complain about my hands but you have no hands or even arms! I now have nothing to complain about . Further more I am fortunate I have a bidet and incontinence products that are all covered by my government funding which I get even though I work full time.


To Mina Kazumi Maho HIsae

I am younger than you, but wouldn't consider "30's" old age.

Nils L.

To Annie

I hope the rest will come out soon. I know it ain't a pleasant feeling...

Aunt's Accident

We were in the kitchen after breakfast, and my aunt was washing dishes. Suddenly, she let out a fart that sounded very...gross. We all turned to look at her, and my uncle said that fart sounded really wet. My aunt, who is now red in the face, says it was before quickly waddling out of the room, mumbling under her breath about how she shit her pants

Imogen S
Hey everyone,

I'm Imogen, I haven't posted in ages now, but I posted quite a lot of stories about desperate moments including a couple of accidents, while I was at uni and school and just afterwards. Well I have seen there's another person called Imogen who posted recently so I'm going to call myself Imogen S just to be sure.

Well as I said I haven't posted in ages but I am no stranger to having to squat behind a bush or something. I have a small bladder and in the summer I like the outdoors. Last weekend I was out with a friend who I don't know too well and was bursting for a wee, although I didn't want to say anything. As soon as we went our separate ways I ran towards a field and squatted down behind the first bush I could find, phew, you know when you have a wee and you are literally panting because of the relief?? that feeling!

Hopefully I'll post more now


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Mina Kazumi Maho HIsae
Dear Optional Person:

We sometimes write about fart, we use Japanese word , o-nara, it is nice sound word we think. If you look our posts you will find "o-nara" quite often perhaps. We all think we are doing o-nara more oftener than before. Perhaps it is because old age. We are 30s now.

About Kleenex, no we never use. Because loo cannot digest. If we have to use, we put in dustbin after, not flush down loo.

Dear Thunder: We also fold paper. More economical to fold. Normally we use four squares to dry crush's beautiful bottom.

Dear Victoria and Robyn: We missed you too, so much. We are happy you come back, and Mina cried.

Dear Avery: Your father is your father, so we think he doesn't imagine embarrass thing when you empty your beautiful bottom. He want to be sure you are OK. That is father style. When you were little baby, he saw your motion many times perhaps. Maho's father is doctor, so if she does a diarrhoea (very rare) he come our flat and she show him her produce. Doctor is doctor, father is father, and mother is mother!

We have story from Thursday. We were all telework. At five o'clock when work finish Mina said to Hisae, "I need to do motion. I don't know why, because I did this morning." Mina sat on loo, Hisae squat next her.

Wee first, then plop.



"Minappé, you are doing lots again!"

"I think lots more, my stomach full very much"


Hisae text Kazumi and Maho. We hope they finish work! Mina try to hold back next mierda. Then she can do after Kazu and Maho come.

We don't need to wait long. Big noise on balcony, then Maho and Kazu fly across green flat and land at loo door with screech of brake. Mina stand, because they want to see perhaps, then sit down again.

Plop. Plop.

Mina stand, Hisae close loo lid and flush, then open and Mina sit down again.

"I don't know why I need to do now, this morning I did so it is second time today!"


Mina is not doing a diarrhoea. Turds are medium, not soft not hard. Mina is comfortable feeling, after every plop feel better, but Mina's bottom not empty yet.



"Minappé you are most loveliest woman in whole world."

Mina decide, after she finish huge mierda, she will give very very warm kiss to Kazu.

Plop. This one was bigger than other plops. It made big noise. We remember it was just after Kazu's warm words.

Suddenly Hisae decide to clean Mina's bottom.

"Why you do? I don't finish" and Plop at same time. Not so brown on Hisae's paper. Then Maho also want to put paper to Mina's bottom, so Mina allow. Then Plop. Then Kazu also attack Mina's bottom with paper. then Plop again, then two little ones. Lucky thing is, paper not so dirty.

"Big ones is finish"

"Good timing!" 3 women say this in same time.

Mina's afternoon motion much much bigger than morning one, even morning one not so small. She surprised very much. Does anybody this site have same experience? Big motion in morning follow by huge motion in afternoon.

After little pieces (quite many) Mina finally finish. "Chae, Maholin, Kazu! Mina is happiest woman in world!"

Work finish so after Mina wash her bottom and crushes dry, we went to beige flat and cooked huge dinner. It will be enormous mierda few days later, like Avery said, but now it is delicious! We had very happy dinner. Fish and vegetables and rice and soup and beer and watermelon. Now, that dinner is in loo's digestive system maybe. Change from white, green, red to brown. We hope it go under ground long long way and tomorrow wrap around roots of dahlias and roses in Thunder's garden.

And we hope everyone have happy comfy time in loo and everywhere.

Love to everyone and many online kiss.

Hisae Maho Kazumi Mina

Aunt's Accident

We were in the kitchen after breakfast, and my aunt was washing dishes. Suddenly, she let out a fart that sounded very...gross. We all turned to look at her, and my uncle said that fart sounded really wet. My aunt, who is now red in the face, says it was before quickly waddling out of the room, mumbling under her breath about how she shit her pants

Princess Toadstool Peach

Peeing and Pooing in the Woods squatting behind a Bush

Hey there Princess Toadstool Peach here ready to tell you another story about my bathroom experiences. I was busy toasting marshmallows for some snacks camping all by myself until nature started calling. So I did the only thing I could do and defecate/urinate in the woods. I found myself a large leafy green bush and yanked down my panties to my ankles squatting down near a hole I found in a the ground holding a roll of toilet paper. As I did so I began peeing 1st a huge stream of wee came right out of my bladder same with the very 1st ever BM Pooh poo from my bottom which was incredibly thick since I eaten 7 apples for morning tea. Hot gas build up as my bowels grew stronger as I continued to defecate it smells so bad. 'Now I know how my boyfriend feels about cleaning up the sewers!' I said out loud to myself. As I squatted I continued to poo on and on taking big sh*t dumps until it was time to wipe. So I wiped myself clean with the toilet paper and then I stood up, buried the hole, pulled up my panties and then dove back into my warm tent and went to sleep. Feeling much better after all that was done.


Very hard small poop

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, poured and microwaved a jar of warm water, went to the washroom (pee) and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a bowl filled with spicy ish spaghetti I think with chili peppers, mixed vegetables, eggs and curly noodles. Before breakfast I had drunk half of the jar of water and took my time eating. After breakfast I took my medications and made a cup of tea and another jar of warm water. Just a few minutes ago finally I got the urge to poop so first I drank more water to try to soften it more (constipated), put on the slippers/flip flops outside my room and went into the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and beige ish underwear down and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and this very hard turd came out slowly. Not much at all. Was done within about 20 seconds. Was not easy. Had to pull up my pants and underwear without wiping since there was no toilet paper downstairs. Looked in the toilet and a turd about a foot long was in there. Very small and hard. Not much at all for me. Flushed the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Afterwards I went upstairs to ask my caregiver for some TP and to let her know about the water level being low (showed her a pic on my cell phone). She said it was okay and she went to get some TP for me (here I have to let her know if I am running out or an out of things like TP, deodorant, etc since I can't go out independently anymore. Been like this post brain surgery). Once she gave me my TP I thanked her, came downstairs, made more water and wiped well with the TP (don't want diaper rash so to speak lol). Hopefully later after eating lunch and drinking more water I can go again but easier this time.

Stay safe and happy pooping hopefully




Hopefully everyone is having a good weekend. Right now keeping hydrated about an hour after breakfast (no coffee. Just tea :( ). Haven't been able to poop for a couple or few days so I hope a bit later I can get all of this out of me (it's all in my body so an enema won't help). Been eating healthy meals for each meal, plenty of fruits and vegetables, enough meat, plenty of water (warm) throughout the day so I hope later today after some exercises (I do exercises in my room since I rarely get taken out other than for the exercise program once a week at a nearby community centre), healthy meals and water that will push everything out.

Be safe everyone and hopefully happy pooping



Re: Optional Person Kleenex

I have a few times. If you use enough public restrooms you learn that not all of them have supplies. I've used paper towels and baby wipes before too.


Midnight dump

Exactly at midnight, when I was lying in bed and falling asleep, I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. I wanted no peeing, but pooping. The desire was strong enough to wake up immediately. Fortunately, the bathroom was just behind my bedroom. So I reached the toilet very quickly. I pulled down my dark green pajama pants and blue panties, and sat down on the cool white toilet seat. At first I farted, but since I closed the door and everyone was asleep, no one heard it. Then I felt a warm poop coming out, it looked like it was big. At least that's what I thought. She came out slowly, I could have pushed her to get out faster, but for some reason I just wanted to sit and wait. Finally, after probably a few minutes, I heard the long-awaited splash, announcing that the poop got out and is now in the toilet. What a relief I felt! Then I wiped my ass, and I only needed two toilet papers for this. After getting dressed, I looked at the defecated poop. She was big, even if not as big as I imagined, but still big. I flushed in the toilet, washed my hands, and went to bed.


To Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

You're welcome :) I understand. I've always been able to do huge poops (often clogging the toilet) since I was a little girl (I'm now 37 and far from little-I'm 5'11" and about 155 lbs). I make sure to try to drink lots of water and eat healthy now as an adult to prevent clogging the toilet-and if it feels like the poop is big I flush halfway, while I'm still going. Drinking lots of water now to try to soften everything up and maybe be able to go later. The doctor prescribed the laxatives for me to take every day to try to make it easier for me to go. And with a healthy diet, enough water and hopefully exercise it should make it easier.

Be safe everyone and hopefully happy pooping!


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