
Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

When Hisae was little girl

First, Dear Annie: Thank you for answer our questions. We are happy that you rebuild your life again.

Now we do Q's survey, we can't understand 2 so don't answer, and our answer to 5 is No.

Other three questions, Hisae said she can answer, because she has experience.

She was 8 years old and was in fields near her house. She had urge very suddenly, so ran back to house, but just before she arrive, some mierda rush out from her bottom into her panties. She was very shock and burst into the tears, she run to her house and her mother said "what is happen?"

(For new people, mierda is Spanish word for turds. We like this word very much.)

So she told. Mother pulled down panties and saw large brown mushy potato. "Oh, poor Chae. You are a diarrhoea! You go to loo now."

At that time, loo in Hisae's house was outside house, in outbuilding. Squat type. Hisae was not urgent any more because urgent mierda in her panties all of it. She went to loo naked bottom and squat.

For about four minutes nothing happened, she felt constipate, but she continue squat because not sure. There was handle in front of loo so Hisae hold to it.

After about four minutes Hisae felt something, so began to push, but she didn't want mierda to rush out, so she hold back little. So mierda came out slowly. Splat splat splat in pit under her. Pit was one metre of deep perhaps.

Many many splat. After she start, she can't stop. She decide go slowly, because she feel scared. So she was very long time because so much mierda.

Maybe after ten minutes her mother open door. "Chae are you OK?" Mother can see mushy mierda drop out from Hisae's cute little bottom into pit of loo and never stop. Hisae crying. "Mama, I can't stop." Splat splat splat, more and more and more.

Mother hold Hisae's hand. "Mama is here. Do and do until you empty. It's OK take your time. Mama hold your hand."

So about five minutes more of splat splat splat. Then Hisae said, "Mama I think I empty." Mother said, "I clean you, bend forward."

So Hisae bend. then Mama clean, but suddenly Hisae said, "Mama I do more." So mother hold her hand again. Hisae dropped more mierda but not so much. Then mother clean her again.

Hisae she is mischief girl, she said her mother, "put light, I want to see my mierda." So mother shine light into hole and Hisae said "Waah. Huge!" It was size of motion of cow she says.

We all think, it is very possible that 8-year-old girl do so huge motion. we remember small girl in shopping mall, she was 20 minutes and maybe her motion was that size, because she seemed that she was doing mierda non-stop. We told this story before. (Now we are 30s but our motion often that huge size!)

Mother picked up 8 year-old Hisae and carried her to home and put her into bed, and gave medicine. "Soon you better. Now stay in the bed."

Hisae went to loo only once more in that day, mother went with her, but her motion was smaller than before one. Still quite big.

Hisae remembers this story well. So she could tell all. It was Thursday afternoon in summer and weather was sunny.

(This next is from Hisae. "When I was 8 I had cute little bottom, but now I am 33 and I have cute big bottom!" We are all agree with that.)

We hope this is good answer to question 1 and question 4. Question 3.... Hisae said, she felt squishy feeling, and shame. But her mother never angry, so she was a relief.

Maho and Kazumi are kissing to Hisae. Mina stop writing, because she want to kiss to Hisae, and Hisae want to kiss to Mina!

We hope everyone are well and having good time in loo. We are happy to read post of Robyn and Victoria!

Love to everyone.

Maho Kazumi Hisae Mina

Anna from Austria
Some replies only this time.

@Kristi Thanks for your nice words.

@LEA I am glad you enjoyed my 2 stories. And feel free to check out if you can confirm my observations if there are more skidmarks in some special places compared to other places.

I am really curious to read about your findings.

greetings from Austria


Answers to Jay's questions

1) How long it takes me to poop?

Yesterday at BP Amoco...2 minutes. There was a line, I'd been holding it in on the highway so it was a fast sit. My sister and chief critic wouldn't have been able to beat that!

2) How often do I poop?

Often once a day at mid-morning. When school's in session sometimes I poop right after my bus arrives there.

3) Where is the oddest place I've pooped?

Me and my friend Annie were riding our bikes one holiday. The gas station was closed. Mom had given me a laxative. It worked like a firecracker. An empty motor oil can rolling in the wind saved me. I went in back of the station, put the can up to my butt, and with a minimal push I filled it up. Annie looked, saw my accomplishment, and placed the can in a large tank where cans were thrown for pick up.

4) When was the last time you pooped your pants in public?

Third grade. As soon a my bus arrived at school I ran for the closest bathroom. All the toilets were busy. Two of them were being used by substitute teachers. I pooped my pants.

5) Have you ever watched someone poop?

Two of my babysitters at different times when we were at the park. The toilets had no enclosures and I don't think they had ever used such a toilet before. They seemed very embarrassed. One was in pain as she struggled with a difficult crap.

6) Have you ever pooped while taking a shower?
Yes, I was taking a bath at my babysitter's apartment. I was in 4th grade and was able to clean most of it up before she checked up on me. But I didn't do enough to clean off the brown ring from the tub.

7) Where was the weirdest place I peed at?

My babysitter was upstairs in her apartment and I was told to watch the clothes in the washing machine. I pulled down my ????, sat over the floor drain, and peed into it.



To Kristi tysm yes I'm sure that when both your husband & you go there can be many skidmarks left. I also remember & loved your story about you having to go on top of that brown-haired girl's load but I don't remember on which page it was.

To Anna from Austria tysm & I also loved your story about landing in LAX. It sounds like both this lady & you really had to go & this flush was weak & I agree it's not your problem if others leave skidmarks so it's okay to leave them. Also it's interesting that you noticed that people seem to leave more skidmarks in some places than others & I will pay attention to that. Your story about going in the woods with Carina was great too & it's normal to have less control when drinking alcoholic drinks.

To Jenny yes I am it's cool that you actually remember but I had to give up track running unfortunately because I graduated! But I have an anecdote about another jogger & I will share it here when I have time.


To Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho

I don't live there now. My husband and I divorced sometime last year so I moved back to Canada. At first I was sad about the divorce and moving away from my ex husband, but now I am slowly restarting my life and am becoming happier. Nope. I'm Canadian and a 37 year old white woman (though to me race and skin colour doesn't matter).

Interesting. Because when I lived in Taiwan most places you couldn't flush toilet paper.

I'm hoping soon or later today I can do a big poop. That will feel better. Might even need me to flush halfway while I'm still going. For the time being I'm drinking lots of warm water (2nd jar).



Fairly thick, big solid poop

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, had homemade beef fried rice with some kind of nuts, chili peppers, green peppers, black beans, zucchini, some kind of spice, a jar of warm water and tea to drink. After breakfast I took my medications and made another jar of warm water, took that, my tea and my Walmart bag downstairs and surfed the net. Stomach felt full and hard but kept hydrated to keep cool and soften everything up. Finally about 10 minutes ago I got the urge so I took off my bedroom slippers/flip flops, grabbed my Walmart bag, went outside my room, put on those flip flops and went to the washroom next to my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Pushed and a massive amount of fairly thick solid poop came out. There was so much that I flushed halfway while I was still going. Finally was done within about 30-40 seconds. Changed my pad while sitting and did a good job wiping (underwear is beige but still on period-only other clean pair is a tight pair of black underwear. Stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked in the toilet. What was in the toilet was about 1 1/2 feet long and what I flushed was probably between 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Another massive crap. Flushed and washed my hands and then made some more warm water. Let's see if I can get the rest of this out today hopefully, maybe after lunch or dinner. Feels good to be able to poop fairly regularly instead of being constipated.

Apparently as a baby (I was very small-2 months premature) I was constipated a lot and same when I was a little girl and even teenager and 20s. It's taken this long (37) to straighten out my diet, drink plenty of water and try to exercise mostly in my room (I go to a once a week exercise program which I really enjoy but otherwise rarely get taken out unless it's for an appointment or to visit with family). And when I do go-WOW it's usually a lot!

Be safe everyone and happy peeing and pooping!


PJ (he/him)
Hello everyone,
I am 42 and I have been reading here on and off since 1998!!. I remember Catherine posting a few years after me! I'm sorry I never said hi, as we are both old enough to take many prolonged breaks from this site with life and for some reason come back. It is more friendly and civil than most Social Media has become thanks to the moderator and the wonderful people who post year.

I never thought I had any good posts or stories to add. I may explain in future posts how I found and kept reading this site ( "my orgin" story). In short, using the toilet can be taboo to discuss and see in many cultures, but I think there are levels are taboo. Peeing seems less taboo than pooping. Women pooping seems taboo than women peeing and both women #1 and # 2 are more taboo than men to relieving themselves. There seem to be more discussions and depictions of men pooping more than women...though that may be slowly changing, this page was ahead of its time! I am happy to discuss on a future post!

The reason why I am posting is actually a story from yesterday. Media depiction of men peeing seems to be fairly common and maybe not as interesting or unusual to many. However, this is a pretty unusual story for me, so I decided to post:

A lot of guys I know have no problem not peeing in public and outside as long as they are in a reasonably private area. Maybe that's why men urinating is not so taboo, since it is so easy for men to do discretely? I rarely pee outside as I have a really strong bladder and I can always hold it. Until yesterday.

I was driving my 3.5 year old son to the Museum of Flight yesterday in Seattle and he fell asleep on the way there. Since he fell asleep 5 minutes from leaving the hotel I decided to loop around and take a scenic route (I have trouble getting him to nap, and he still needs to nap) . Part of the scenic route was treating myself to an iced mocha from Starbucks since it was hot, Usually I am a hot black coffee guy. In fact, I had already had my regular coffee hours before. In addition, we have been eating out and take out more than I am used to since having a child and cooking at home more during the pandemic. When you eat take out at a restaurant in America, there is a noticeable difference of salt content compared to when cooking at home. My body is not used to the sodium content of eating more than 3 meals out a week, so I was drinking even more water than I am used to (probably at least a gallon between 0600 and 3pm in the afternoon). After driving an hour and parking at the museum, I noticed I had a very strong urge to urinate. I felt like I had minutes before I would wet myself, which I have not memory over every doing. Since it is hot outside (85+ degrees) , I could not just leave my son sleeping in the car to jump into a restroom. Also, I was in a parking lot where there were not tons of private space technically like bushes or trees. If I woke my son up, it would be at least a 10-minute ordeal to wake my soon up, gather our stuff, walk into the building, check in and get to the nearest bathroom. So I looked at my empty Grande (16 oz or 500ml ) Starbucks cup. I looked around and saw a lot of cars, but no people. So, I unzipped my shorts, opened the cap to the cup and started peeing into the cup. I had never peed into a container before. It was kind of interesting and novel. Not sure if I could have done this if my son were up or if I had others in the car. I felt so relieved and privileged that I could do this so easily being a male. Suddenly I noticed the 16 oz cup was getting full. I stopped peeing. Looked outside and checked that the coast was clear, then opened my door, dumped the cup onto the ground and continued to fill the cup. I did this twice until I was done! SO I estimated I urinated nearly 1.5 liters or 48 oz. With the caffeine as a diuretic in my system, I had no wonder I was desperate enough to pee in a cup in my SUV! Funny addendum there is a lookout tower at the museum to look at a runway outside the parking lot and my son said he could see our car. Even though I was in my car and there were no people immediately around, I wonder if someone in the look out tower saw me dump out 3 grande containers of fluid out the driver's side door. Hope they were more focused on looking at the view of airplanes and the runway!

Well, it was fun to have a story to actually post. Hope that was interesting or relatable for some of you!

PJ from Portland (Visting Seattle)

Matthew C.

Some updates and survey answers

Just a quick update for today. Since I got home from my trip I've upped my fiber intake a fair bit due to the number of small, loose craps I've been having as well as morning exercises to help stimulate the urge. Most fiber I eat was usually around lunch, not breakfast, and I'm trying to change that. Today my stomach felt pretty full down there, I did a round of squats and sit ups, and that began to stir up my bowels as I felt things shifting. I had a big bowl of Fiber One cereal with a cup of coffee, and pretty much as soon as I finished breakfast and began to sip on my coffee, I had to make for the bathroom. Yesterday the need wasn't very strong but I felt my rectum full when I farted. Today I had to go pretty badly, so I went and pulled down my PJs and sat on the toilet. I don't usually get constipated, I pushed and it all came out pretty smooth. When I looked there were a couple of pretty large and solid logs about 2 1/2 feet log all together, so the added fiber's definitely doing me some good!

My response to the survey questions:
1. How did your school bathrooms prepare you for pooping in larger, more public places?
As far as my school bathrooms went, they could have been worse.They got me accustomed to the idea of pooping in public and used to people being around when I did. Back then, I didn't need to have a bowel movement most consistently in the morning, so there were many times when I was in the middle of class or in the hallway when the urge would hit me out of nowhere and I'd need to head to the restroom. Sometimes they were busy but often they weren't, as during class was the best time for me to go if I preferred privacy. Other times I went when there were a bunch of other boys in there and I got used to that fairly quickly.

2. Did you discuss this need with a parent or older friends? What was suggested?
2. I didn't talk about my bodily functions in detal much with my parents, but I did mention the thought of going in public bathrooms. I was encouraged to get in and just take care of business. When I'm out with someone in public and I need to poop, I most often just say, "Hey, need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a bit."

3. Have you ever waited in line for a toilet to open and then you discover there's no seat cover or even strips of toilet paper available?
What do you do?
I had to wait a handful of times, but I was able to hold on long enough to find another stall in the instances the one I got was out of TP. I don't use seat covers so that was no concern to me.

4. Have you ever wiped with your underwear and then thrown it away? Thankfully, I've never had to resort to using my underwear. I've always been careful to check stalls or port-a-potties for paper when I need to poop in public to avoid that sort of thing.

5. Have you confronted obnoxious teens or others about your need for privacy?
Back in high school, I definitely had to deal with the occasional person knocking on my stall door or kicking rolls of toilet paper around and one rolling by my feet. Usually I just cleared my throat and asked for a bit of privacy, which sometimes worked. Before that I remember a few times having other students in middle school peeking through stall doors at me and laughing, which only happened once or twice, luckily.

Jenny…thanks so much for sharing, and I'm glad I inspired you to share. That was a great story. I'll be honest, I wish I could have been in that bathroom as well. I'll be honest that I totally love pooping in front of/in adjoining stalls, etc! Please keep sharing your stories. I hope you are more comfortable now as well and can enjoy your public pooping experiences like I do!

T.M….. welcome and thanks for sharing! I love stories like yours. Being open and free about the intimate act of pooping is so liberating. Hope to hear more from you!


Bad Meat

Hi! I mistakenly ate some bad beef jerky today. Surprisingly, I only had one bout of liquid diarrhe after lunch. I ate the jerky about 2 hours before. Other than that, I had wonderful bathroom trips. I got done with my electric piano not too long ago, and the diarrhea has stopped. There has also been some great bathroom stuff on Myth Busters such as studying fecal particle transfer on to a toothbrush ( if I recall right). Bye.



This morning I woke at six pm had a wee in the THETFORD ROYAL pottie in bedroom,went downstairs took my pro biotic tablet with a glass of water ,switched on kettle made tea washed got dressed drank tea.I went back to bedroom had a wee in the portta pottie then left house to deliver a letter.
I got back into car as soon as I delivered the letter drove to a secluded spot lowered my jogging bottoms and pants pulled the bedpan from behind seat and slid it under my bum and had a wee , before the twenty one mile journey home.the pad I opened the door emptied on the floor then put it back behind seat pulled up my jogging bottoms and pants ,drove off
I arrived home got out the car climbed into campervan pulled the slide on the ADVENTURIDGE POTTY put paper towel on back of bowl lowered the seat ,pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants and sat down.had a wee
then my bowels opened continued pooping non stop for over a minute it was awesome ,took a sye of relief,a few minutes later tore three sheets of toilet paper off roll attached to side door and wiped tore another three sheets and wiped then pulled up my jogging bottoms and pants .
The bowl was FULL TO THE TWO LITRE MARK!!with some poop above the urine
I closed the lid pulled the slide ,the a whoosh one minuite later as it dropped into the bottom tank ,closed the slide lifted the lid poured some water into the bowl to dissolve the skid marks. A few minutes later
went into house had breakfast then returned to van ,emptied in outside drain put back into van.
I have just emptied the bedroom THETFORD ROYAL pottie ready for tonight

Mina + 3

o-shiawasé ni to Victoria and Robyn

Mina has short break now so make quick post! Victoria and Robyn, you married! We are happy!! In title is Japanese word, it is mean happiness to you, we often use for wedding.

We hope you have happy happy marriage forever! And many many happy times in loo together of course.

Love from Chae, Maholinn, Kazu and Minappé


Update & General

This week I was sitting on my favourite public toilet and entering the next cubicle was a lady talking for all she was worth about natural sleeping pills to what appears to be a friend.....she closed the door sat and pissssed and flushed without interrupting the conversation at all. I wonder what the person on the other end of the phone thought?
My next venture was two days ago at the car wash...the toilets...two cubicles unisex but have full walls and once door is closed totally private etc. One of the nice young staff went in...not there overly long and upon her vacating I went to her cubicle and she had done a poo with a hesalthy aroma and i had a sit for a pee...the seat was nice and warm.

I have just seen my occupational therapist and and a part of what we are doing is bowel and bladder management and bottom wiping.
Apparently there are bottom wiping sticks that grab hold of the TP and make it easier to wipe...has anyone got any experience with this?


Lots of Large, Loose, Liquidy Loads

Ooooooh I really don't feel good at all today. I've had really nasty diarrhea today, and a very sick and upset stomach to match. My bowels have been really churny and uneasy today, and my poor butt is struggling to hold everything inside me like you wouldn't believe. I've been sick out of my butt basically all night long, and it won't let up soon most likely.

It's nothing serious, I know it's because I had to take magnesium citrate for constipation, so it's not shocking or particularly tormenting. But I will say I wasn't expecting this medicine to work as well as it did. It kicked in three hours after I drank it, making my stomach gurgle and bubble fiercely and bringing forth the feeling of water rushing through my colon and making me need to poo urgently. My first bowel movement was mostly big, hard, rock like stools and some mushy pebble like stools-whatever plugged up stool sitting close to my rectum was pushed out first. That allowed the floodgates to open, and an hour later I had my first watery movement and have had one every hour since-sometimes even twice or three times in an hour.

It's definitely inconvenient, but it's better than the alternative, imo. But it's been a while since a laxative has made me feel that genuine sick feeling you get when you have the shits as opposed to just gas and cramping so I was definitely shocked. I actually don't have any gas, but do feel the need to blow some serious wind, as I'm super bloated as well.

I have IBS-M, but constipation predominant, and I've been struggling with constipation for weeks now. Laxatives still work, they just aren't as effective as I need them to be ever. On the contrary, fiber has been too harsh on my belly-even small amounts-and has been giving me insanely gurgly insides, nasty wet farts, and runny, almost explosive diarrhea. But without fiber, even exercise and water intake alone aren't always enough to keep me regular. And even with fiber I can always feel so much shit still inside me.

I've had multiple cleanses over the weeks, but today's has been the most successful. I took magnesium citrate, and have been drinking water and eating like normal, and it's really clearing me out. As I write this I've got one hand alternating between rubbing my queasy, bubbly guts, and coming up to my mouth to stifle moans and groans of discomfort from feeling loads of diarrhea rumbling all around inside me and making me feel nauseous.

I can tell though, from my bowel movements, that the laxative is very slowly moving through me, which is a good thing because I need it to loosen up everything so I can let it all out. But as said it's been making me nauseous and making my stomach churn and gurgle as if I actually was sick with diarrhea, and it's made my bowel movements so loose and runny and urgent that I think I might not be able to hold it if I feel the urge again.

I've already been in and out of the bathroom all evening-since about 5:30 pm-with really watery, urgent diarrhea, and it hasn't really let up let even at 1:30 am. But on top of that these loads are huge and incredibly urgent and I'm fighting to get to the toilet in time not to make a massive sloppy mess in my pants every time I feel the urge. I've made it each time thankfully, though. And after I go I always still feel so full. I can still feel liquid sloshing in my guts, my intestines churning, a liquidy, pulsating feeling near my hole, and pressure deep in my stomach telling me I'm going to need another bowel movement again soon.

My bowel movements have mostly been pure liquid and have poured out of my poor butt the moment I've sat on the toilet, but there has also been some nasty mush that mixes with the toilet water come out too, and I've had to push a little bit to get it out because it's so thick and muddy and wants to come out in globs bigger than my hole can squeeze out. Every time I have to push on the toilet it makes my stomach feel so sick. Barrett had been rubbing my belly pretty much all evening until we both fell asleep, and it kinda helped, but I just have to let this run its course more than anything, so he's been giving me space and not worrying about me. I had just woken up and went for another really watery bout of the shits in our bathroom, so I decided to write this as my bowels empty themselves and spend my time on the toilet without it being weird that I'm taking a long time. The bathroom is far enough away from both our bedrooms (yes we have separate bedrooms for nights we don't want to sleep together) that Barrett wasn't awakened by the sound of me running my bowels, but honestly anyone who could've heard it might've just thought I was peeing from the sound alone. So I don't know how much worse it can get.

But I can feel it getting more intense. The smell is absolutely horrendous. And even the shits themselves are a very sickly brownish green color. Something really deeply nasty is inside me, and I don't know what it is, but my bowels are turning it into absolute liquid, and I can barely hold it all in until I can get to a toilet to let it out. Hopefully I can squirt all of this nastiness out of me by sunrise, I've really been so backed up.

I'm done writing for now but will return for updates. My stomach and my ass feel like they're about to explode, so I also can't focus anymore. Gonna try and nurse the waves of stomach cramps I'm feeling and let out a little bit more of whatever is in me that's got me so sick. It feels like it's gonna be a big load, so it may be a while before I update lol.

Bye for now


Hello it's been a long time since i posted on this site, i came across this site way back in February 2006 and since then i enjoy all the story's on here.
Anyway does anyone else read them while they poop?
I am pooping as i type this.

So a short survey

1. How often do you poop? me it's sometimes once a day or every other day.
2. How long does it take for you to poop? it takes me about 5-10 minutes.
3. What is the oddest place you pooped? in a box in my closet.
4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public? almost 30 years ago.
5. Have you ever watched someone pooped? when i was a little kid i watched my neighbor friend and she was not shy about it.
6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower? yes and i still do, it's going to get washed and clean anyway.
7. What is the weirdest place you peed? at a friends house that had a homemade urinal made out of a pipe going into the floor and it had a oil funnel in the pipe, and it was in their garage,
i have also peed in my sump pump in the basement.
So anyway answer these, anyone can take this Survey,
and now i am finished with my poop, and hope to here from y'all
Sincerely Jay.


First public toilet use experience

I was walking around a big store with my parents, and suddenly I really wanted to go to the toilet. More precisely, not suddenly, when we were driving to the store, I drank a bottle of water, so it was expected that I would want to pee-pee. I informed my parents that I was going to the toilet: when we entered, I saw a door with a toilet icon. Mom immediately offered to go with me, but I refused. This will mean that I will have no privacy at all. This is absolutely not what I wanted. I believer her that I had coped myself. I went to the place where I saw the door to the toilet. I went to the men's restroom, and quickly reached an empty stall. I locked the door and went to the toilet. Unfortunately, the toilet was high, and I couldn't pee in it without a stand! There was no stand here, but I was not confused. I decided to just pee sitting down. I pulled down my pants and underpants, and sat down on the toilet. I peeing with the strongest sizzle jet of urine, but not directly into the water. When I was done, I got dressed, and pressed the flush lever. The water in the toilet began to spin, flushing away. I got out of the stall, washed my hands in the sink, barely reaching there, and then left the public toilet. I relieved myself pretty well!


Loose crackling poop

On the toilet right now about an hour after lunch. Earlier at the exercise program I go to every week I had a cup of black instant coffee and water and at lunch had some citrus drink, macaroni and cheese and mixed vegetables. I had a cup of warm water after I ate and another one when I got home. Finally I am going. I see a good amount of soft crap though not tons. Going to wipe now. Very messy wipe lol. Did a good job though. Don't want stained beige (or any colour) underwear. Pulled my pants and underwear up once I was done, tossed the paper into the toilet and looked in the toilet. There was a very soft log about 2 or 2 1/2 feet with a small amount of soft crap near it. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and afterwards poured and microwaved a jar of water. Hopefully I can poop out the rest of this after dinner or after my nap. Keeping hydrated in the meantime. Bon appetit toilet.

Happy pooping and peeing! Stay safe everyone!



Response to JW

JW, yes, you are right. I have a good relationship with my daughter - or both of them, older and younger. And you are also right that they are not shy about peeing or pooping even if I am around. They feel comfortable in my presence as well as with each other. One might be sitting on the toilet while the other is in front of the mirror doing makeup. No problem! At least one explanation for this is that there is only one bathroom in our house. You can only imagine weekday mornings when me and the girls leave for work and school around the same time. There is maybe an hour to do certain morning routines: we need to take a shower, brush our teeth, pee (maybe also poop sometimes), put on makeup and get our hair fixed. Needless to say, that all this is difficult, practically impossible, to do so that there is only one person in the bathroom at a time. So sharing a bathroom is a key factor. Of course, we also have men in our family, but luckily, my son rarely takes a shower in the morning and he doesn't have to spend time in front of the mirror like our ladies do. So he gets through the morning routine very minimal time compared to us ladies. And my husband does not affect the schedule of our morning business in any way. He works shifts, which means that he usually has already left for work before we wake up or he leaves much later, depending on which shift he goes to.
At the end of my post, I could tell a brief, but quite typical example of our morning routines. One morning I was leaving for work a little earlier than usual. I was almost ready to leave when I realized that I had forgotten my glasses, probably in the bathroom. So I went to get them. The bathroom door was closed but I heard my daughters voices from there. As a courtesy, I knocked on the door.
"I think I left my glasses there. Can I pick them up?"
"Sure, just come in, the door isn't locked."
I opened the door and the sight was as expected. My older daughter was in front of the mirror doing her hair and her sister was on the toilet. Her expression was quite focused and as I stepped in to pick up the glasses, I could smell a slight odor of fresh poo. Obviously she was in the middle of pooping. And all this happened as if it were everyday life, which it was for us.

Nicole from Germany

Reply to a Survey

1. (how school restrooms prepared)
Me and my siblings did have to face this more often than not. I got a brother who's two years younger, two sisters who are four and five years younger and another brother who's nine years younger. We all made our toilet experiences. In middle school - which goes from 5th to 10th grade in Germany - me and my sisters did attend the bathroom together about four to five times (in one of those I however only peed) during my 10th grade year - it was a funny experience! My toilet experience at school however go back much further. In 1st or 2nd grade I had a stomach ache during class and had to poop. Thankfully, I was allowed to go just a few minutes later. Personally, I don't go daily tho, so I don't think much about public toilets anymore, but when I gotta go, I go!

2. (discussing with a relative or friend)
I did discuss it with two of my friends when I was 6-8.

3. (no toilet paper)
Not that I knew of.

4. (wiped with my underwear)
I actually did when I was 11 and on a trip.

5. (confronted others)
Yup, my brother, but he didn't care ;)


Pooping after each meal so far

Hi everyone. Just finished pooping not long ago and now on the toilet for the 2nd time having a fairly soft crap. Guess the warm water is loosening everything up. Damn. Just finished (fairly short toilet visit-fairly soft loose crap) now going to wipe. Wiped really well now pulling my pants and underwear up. Toilet is full of mushy crap. Flushing the toilet, now going to wash my hands and dry them. Done. That feels better. Going to go upstairs in a few minutes and have lunch. Maybe if I'm lucky I can go again after dinner or before bed. Cool. I like the way my body is pooping today.

Stay safe and happy pooping!



RE T.M. Pooping in the campsite

I found your post most interesting. Your description of pooping with your daughter was unusually detailed and left little to the imagination! The placement of toes and heels off the floor are all part of the process of pooping that hardly anyone includes in their stories. Excellent word picture that make one feel they are right there next to you! Please come back and write some more, your stories are one for the books!

I'll bet you have a great relationship with your daughter. She seems completely comfortable pooping with you present. It was never like that in my household and I wish it had been~~ JW

Victoria & Robyn

Reply to Jenny

Hi everybody!

Jenny, that track runner was such a sweetie! We would've voted her for prom queen based solely on that story.

Your trick worked. Victoria pooped a monster, right into a garbage bag while sitting on the ledge of the bathtub because it never would've flushed. From now on whenever one of us gets constipated she'll be wearing white panties!

Switching over to Victoria

You asked how Robyn is doing and I'm pleased to say that she has a wife now. We got married! That's why we temporarily disappeared-planning a wedding on top of school for me and Robyn working full time was too much for us to do much posting but now that we're done with wedding stuff we'll be here and there will be posts!

May all of you only ever have stall neighbors as cool as Jenny's was!



Steve A

Food and Diet Survey (My Answers)

1) What are your favorite foods/meals?

I enjoy a wide variety of foods and meals, even though most of us enjoy popular foods like pizza, pasta, burgers/hot dogs with fries, etc, I usually keep my meals "balanced" which include any type of protein (chicken/steak) with various side dishes (rice/potato variations, mac n cheese, etc) and vegetables like corn or broccoli.

2) As you've gotten older, have you tried new foods/meals and gained a liking towards them? Did they affect your bowel habits once you started eating them?

Even though I don't remember myself being a picker eater, my family usually ate well balanced meals while growing up, and as I got older, I started trying more vegetables and certain meals, which involved more toppings on my sandwiches and salads, along with different foods/meals from around the world, like curry over rice and traditional Mexican cuisine.

As a result of keeping my meals "balanced" and liking different foods/meals, my bowel habits (as of today) are consistent, I usually go almost everyday, skipping a day or two once in awhile, and I usually don't have any trouble going, sometimes feeling "desperate" at times whenever I have to go at work.

3) How much would you say your current (and past) diet/eating habits play a role with your bowel habits?

During my school/younger years, I usually went everyday during a certain time of the day (mornings) and since my family focused on cooking "good meals" for all of us while growing up, I follow those habits to the best of my ability, even though I enjoy cooking at home.

4) Have you ever made any dietary changes to improve your "trips to the bathroom"?

I enjoy Fiber One products (cereal/granola bars) to keep myself regular, even though I enjoy eating them as breakfast or a snack as well. After trying Fiber One (for the first time) during my high school years, it'll probably be my go to choice as of now...

5) What foods/meals do you avoid that may cause some "issues" later on after eating them?

I don't really avoid certain foods, since I've never really had any issues that I remember, even though I avoid eating anything expired or leftovers in the fridge after a awhile...

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

David P

To: Jasmin K

To Jasmin K: Wow 10 inches! that's a big poo. You must feel great. I wanted to ask, does your poo smell bad since you never mention the smell usually? My poo smells like rotten chicken lol! But it has smelt much worse since COVID.

It is Good to hear the pressing between the bum hole is helping but Sorry to hear you still have the rectal prolapse. I had one of them years ago but it went away in time when I got more regular. I have read if a rectal prolapse is left untreated for to long (and now you had this for quite some years) it can cut off the blood supply and cause harm to your rectum. I think you should get this checked out. Also alarming about the bed wetting, when I had chronic constipation as a child I went to a nurse and she said that the hard poo that is stretching the colon presses against the bladder and this is what causes bed wetting, I had the same problem but this also went when I got more regular.

Saying that I've been a bit constipated this last week, I have managed to get out a poo every day mind but I had to strain and grunt and go back a few times for a bit more and each time it was only a small finger sized hard poo that made a loud deep PLOP each time. I tend to have a very long soft poo log every few days, but then I can go a week or so every month of being constipated (I am there now). My advice is you go to a doctor for your prolapse issue, I hope you get help.

Also have you tried putting your feet up in a squat? I do that sometimes and it helps. Maybe worth a try. Happy pooing! Please post again soon.

John H


Hi all.
Lots of great posts here recently. Just got time to mention a few quickly today.
Shout out to the site moderator for doing such a great job and getting new posts up so regularly.
@Jay. Hey and welcome back. I remember you from before. I too read this site while on the toilet sometimes. My guess is many people do likewise.
@Willa. Like you, I have grown to enjoy dropping a noisy poo in a stall next to another pooper.
@PJ. Welcome. That's a long time to be visiting here. Hope you post more. Using the cup sounds like the perfect solution for your situation. 3 fills of the cup is a lot. Much need pee for sure.
@T.M. Hey and welcome. Thank you for sharing those camping experiences. I agree there is something so enjoyable about a good poo. It sounds like you have a great relationship with your daughter.
I can understand why you couldn't hold that poo when you were out walking. It sounds massive. It must have been so enjoyable letting such a long log out. Was there any evidence on your underwear I wonder as you were unable to wipe?
I love your writing style and the details you included captured the poos so well. I hope you do continue to post after reading for so long.

That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.

Mina Kazumi Maho Hisae

Dear Annie

Thank you for kind words! We remember you lived Taiwan before. You don't live there now? We thought you are Asian like us.

Loo can digest toilet paper. But not Kleenex. because Kleenex don't dissolve in water. Toilet paper dissolve, so maybe loo think her dessert taste like a rice pudding. Most of Japanese hate rice pudding but we love. Mina makes with Rhondda mother's recipe. So much rice pudding we eat, so much delicious mierda we give to our loo 2 days after.

Optional Person, we are happy you like our stories! Please enjoy to read!

Love to everyone.

Hisae Maho Kazumi Mina

Nicole from Germany

Toilet experiences with siblings?

Did someone share toilet experiences with multiple siblings? I did, I have a brother, two sisters and another brother - all younger than me! Especially me and my sister were best poop buddies when I was in 8th and she in 4th grade ;)

Poop at Wal-Mart Story


Thank you for sharing with us your first poop ever at Wal-Mart. You bring up a topic that at age 19 I can very well relate to. I have had to deal with an increasing amount of need to take poops in large public toilet rooms ranging from our university campus to large sports arenas since I go to a lot of games with my boyfriend. Like you, most of my poops now come on more instantly and I can't manage holding off on them until I got home from my former K-12 classes. In this past week I've had three poops in large public toilet rooms and on two of those occasions younger teens with their phones have shown their immaturity to me. The worst was at a downtown transit center where the toilets have no privacy door and large numbers of them hangout killing time, smoking and some other things to kill time between bus departures. Add to the problem that I had taken a laxative several hours earlier. Now my bowels were exploding! I was only seated on the monstrosity for probably 45 seconds. As I grabbed for the toilet paper, I found the holder was only stacked with those dumb squares. Unless I wipe with several at a time, my fingers are going to do an equal amount of cleaning compared to the paper. These obnoxious girls with their phones, their clicks for pictures and then showing them among their group kept them entertained, but at my expense. If I hadn't been so mad, I probably would have broken down, placed my head between my legs and cried.

I've written a couple of questions for the community. I'm especially interested in how the more experienced users would react to the sudden need to poop in large public bathrooms and under the most trying of conditions.

Thank You!

1. How did your school bathrooms prepare you for pooping in larger, more public places?

2. Did you discuss this need with a parent or older friends? What was suggested?

3. Have you ever waited in line for a toilet to open and then you discover there's no seat cover or even strips of toilet paper available?
What do you do?

4. Have you ever wiped with your underwear and then thrown it away?

5. Have you confronted obnoxious teens or others about your need for privacy?

My answers:
1. My mom has a lot more confidence in pooping in public places than I do. At all three of the public schools I attended faculty members and sometimes a custodial matron would walk through the toilet room to keep order.

2. Several years ago my babysitter Angie demonstrated a couple of things to me to make me less vulnerable in heavily used bathrooms.

3. I've learned since middle school to use my time more effectively and go for the sit-down. A couple of times I waited for another toilet to open. That didn't work too well.

4. Once. It was earlier this summer at a large highway rest stop.

5. No. I just don't have the courage because I'm afraid they will just laugh and become more profane.


An interesting airplane ride

Hey guys!

I flew from Chicago to Dallas yesterday on southwest, and I have to tell you about what I saw.

We boarded the plane, and there was a woman about 30-35, looked like she might have Indian heritage probably who sat one row in front of me, and kitty corner who put her stuff down and then went to the bathroom while the plane was still boarding. I wasn't super paying attention yet, as I was still getting situated, but she must have been in there for the majority of boarding, probably 5-10 minutes.

She came back to her seat and we took off, again, I wasn't super paying attention. After about 20 minutes in the air, I noticed her shifting around in her seat a little bit, and started paying much more attention to her. She was sitting curled up in her seat, kinda bent over with her head in hear hands, definitely looking like she wasn't feeling the best.

Soon she put on her flight attendant light and asked if she was able to go use the bathroom, the flight attendant told her that because the seat belt light was still on he couldn't give her permission to do so. She asked when the light would turn off, and the flight attendant explained that it would happen whenever the captain decided it was safe to do so. She did not look happy at this answer, and sank down even further in her seat.

Fast forward another 10-15 minutes, and a few people were getting up and using the bathroom, even with the seatbelt light on, I watched her watching them, presumably to see if they were actually allowed to. She soon got up and tried using the bathroom at the back of the plano, but it was full, so she went up to the front and was able to get in. I checked the time when she went in, and then again when she came out, and she was in there for about 8 minutes.

She made her way back to her seat, with one hand on her stomach the whole way, definitely still not looking like she was feeling great. She sank back into her seat still looking miserable, head in her hand, curled up holding her stomach.

At this point, we ran into some pretty severe turbulence, and even the flight attendants stopped going through the aisles. I kept half an eye on her, and she definitely was not looking very well, we eventually got into some cleaner air about 30 minutes later,and again she got up and made her way to the front of the plane, and was in there for about 8 minutes. She made her way back to her seat and assumed much the same position that she had before, which she maintained throughout the rest of the flight.

I am convinced she had an upset stomach of some sort and had diarrhea, but had to hold it because of the seat belt sign. Overall it made for a very interesting flight for me at least.


Huge massive shit about an hour after breakfast

Hi all. Got up around 8:45 am, grabbed a pad,went pee, changed my pad and brushed my teeth in the washroom next to my room then went upstairs for breakfast. Stomach felt very hard and full but slowly ate a healthy breakfast-mushy rice with green leafy vegetables, green and red gummy things, some kind of brown sauce over top, a jar of warm water and a cup of tea. Finished breakfast, took my medications and went downstairs where I drank my water and tea.

Finally got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago so went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed and a massive fairly thick solid poop came out slowly and kept coming for about 20 seconds. Had to flush halfway to prevent clogging. There was a lot. Finally I was done and I wiped well. Stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked in the toilet. There was a log about 1 to 1 1/2 feet long and solid. What I pooped out before was probably 2 or 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Am rehydrating with more water and that will probably soften everything else up so it will come out. Yay! Sayonara crap. You're not welcome here lol. I feel better now after that monster crap but I will feel even better once everything is out. At least I didn't clog the toilet.

Happy pooping and stay safe!



Pooping in the campsite

I am a family mother in my late 40s. I have been following this site with great interest for a long time, but I have not posted here before, although it has crossed my mind many times. I especially like pooping topics. I can't explain why, but there is something thrilling about pooping, maybe it is just such an intimate act.

I have a few incidents to share from our recent holiday trip. It has been a tradition for our family to take a small vacation trip every year right after the summer vacations start. However, our children are already at an age where it is difficult to get them all involved. Our son is 14, younger daughter is 16 and oldest daughter is about to turn 18. Already last year our oldest daughter was away from the trip because she got a summer job and stayed home. This year, things turned around so that our younger daughter had a summer job, but the older one was able to come with us. The second day of our trip was sunny and hot. There was no point in sitting in the car and admiring the fleeting scenery, so we decided to go to the next campsite ahead. The campsite we went to looked promising. There were also small cabins for rent at reasonable prices. We did have a tent, but we ended up renting a cabin. When we had settled down, we went to find out about campsite's services and activities. It appeared that there was an opportunity for standup paddleboarding on the beach. Of course, my husband and son went to try it right away. My daughter and I continued exploring the campsite area. There were also many other activities on offer. The facilities for cooking also seemed practical. One building was slightly separated from the others. There were shower and toilet facilities.
"Let's go and check out what kind of toilets are here. I could pee in the same visit", I said.
"Good idea", my daughter replied.
When we entered there was first a small space like a hallway, after which the space was divided into two parts: on the right there were the toilets and on the left were shower and washing facilities. The toilet seemed surprisingly clean, otherwise it looked like a very typical campsite toilet. There were four stalls and opposite them three sinks. There were no others so we went into adjoining stalls. I pulled my shorts and panties to my knees and sat down on the toilet. I tinkled for about 15 seconds. Next stall I heard my daughter starting on her pee, it went for a while before all was quiet. I figured she'd be done, but she just stayed sitting. Just as I was about to ask her if she had finished yet, she managed to say first:
"Mom, could we sit for a while longer? I'll try if the poo comes, I feel so bloated."
"Oh, sure honey. Just take your time. Actually, I haven't pooped yet today, so I could try pooping too."
We both started to strain lightly and at the same time we talked about this and that. My daughter let out a few little farts and then one puffy, funny sounding fart that made us giggle. For the next minute or two not much else happened, but then I could feel a log moving down inside me. It was hard and lumpy and I gave a good push to get its head out. My daughter was still farting, but the last two farts were just hissing, barely audible phffftss-ffffssst farts. To my ears it sounded like she was very close to pooping. I was right. As my turd slowly came out, I could hear my daughter making a quiet, "nnnnnhh" push and then one more hissing fart which ended or rather turned into a soft, continuous crackling sound. Under the partition I saw how she bent her toes down and her heels were slightly lifted off the floor. Judging from what I saw and what I heard she was pushing out a big poo. Finally, there was a huge "FLOOOMPP" sound followed by a sigh of relief. Just a few seconds later my poop broke off and it dropped with a loud splash into the bowl. "Mom! You too!" my daughter exclaimed and we both giggled again. My second piece started to come out straight away, shortly splashing into the water as well. It was noticeably softer than the first and came out without much effort. We made two more plops each before we started to wipe. We got up and flushed about the same time.

We liked the campsite so much that we decided to spend the next day there as well. The next afternoon we were at the beach. I was lying on a blanket and reading a book when my daughter came to me.
"I need to go the toilet for number two. Do you come with me?", she asked.
"I think I just need to pee, but of course I can keep you company." I replied and grinned.
We headed to the toilets. When we entered two older ladies (maybe 60+) were washing and drying their hands. We took the adjacent stalls and the ladies left before we sat down. My daughter must have a big urge to poop. I barely got myself situated and wait for pee to come when she already started pooping! There were three quick, consecutive plops. After a short pause she kept dropping turds, but not so rapidly and not so regularly. Numerous plops and splashes came at varying intervals depending on whether she had to make an effort or not, but most came five to fifteen seconds apart. My daughter continued talking to me whole time while she was pooping.

The third memorable poo incident of our trip happened on the last day of the trip, or to be more precise, the morning of it. It also took place at the campsite, but in a different one than the previous two. As usual, I woke up earlier than the others. There was a jogging path that went around the forest bordering the campsite. At a brisk walking pace, it would take about 45 minutes to go around the route. I decided to do a little morning exercise. About halfway along the route something happened that happens me very often when I exercise: I started to feel that a bowel movement was coming on. I slowed down my pace, but it didn't help much, the urge to poop just got stronger and stronger. I stopped and clenched my butt buttocks tightly together. Luckily the poop was solid in texture, so it was easier to control than soft poop. I was able to walk again, but it was only temporary. Soon the urge hit even more strongly and I had to stop again. I tried to think rationally: I'm in the middle of the forest and there is no one nearby, so why don't I just go behind the bushes and do my business. I didn't really have a choice. I knew I wouldn't have been able to hold the poo the rest of the way. I stepped off the path and went a little deeper into the forest. I found a good, clear spot between two big pine trees. I pulled my shorts and underpants down to mid-thigh. When I squatted, the head of the poo was already an inch out of my butt hole. It was sliding out without pushing. I assumed it would break off at any moment, but it didn't, it just kept coming and coming. When I looked between my legs its head was already touching the ground so I raised my ass a little. I was literally "laying a cable" - a poop cable. Finally, it tapered off and dropped to the ground with thud. I didn't have anything to wipe with, but since the poop was so solid, I assumed my bum wasn't messy. I stood up and pulled my shorts back on. Then I turned and looked at what I had just produced. I couldn't believe what I saw. Except my poo was quite thick, it was amazingly long. I tried to estimate its length. I found it to be at least as long as my arm from elbow to fingertips.

So there were some nice poo events like this on our holiday trip. But there will be more and more all the time, we poop every day - at least most of us - right? I will try to post more actively in the future.

Happy summer to all ToiletStool's readers!

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