

poop in the forest

The season has come and my husband and I began to go to the forest for mushrooms on weekends. Every time we go to the forest in the morning, after a while I go to poop. Usually we walk through the forest at some distance from each other. I try to choose the moment when my husband does not notice me between the trees, when I need to poop. If he was interested, then I would have done the opposite so that he noticed it. I can't say that I'm ashamed to do it in front of him, but I still try not to flaunt it. But something happened this Sunday. I sat down to poop as usual. I already really wanted to poop. However, lately my poop has unfortunately become quite hard and it takes some effort to push it out. I knelt down in jeans and panties and pushed out the hard poop, which didn't come out too fast. When the poop finally came out, I breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, pulled on my underpants and jeans, and walked out. I was late enough when I pooped, so I hurried away and did not even look at the place where I left my poop. I went in the direction where my husband was supposed to be, after a while I saw him among the trees and called. We got close and he asked why I didn't answer his calls. I reached into my pocket for my phone and realized with horror that there was no phone. I guessed that I dropped it when I sat down to poop, apparently it popped out of my pocket. I told my husband that there was no phone, and apparently dropped it when I went to the toilet. He asked where this might have happened. I showed the direction. My husband dialed my phone number and we walked in that direction listening to the call. It was quiet in the forest and there was hope that we would hear the call, especially since this place was not far away. Fortunately, after a while, a few steps away from us, we heard a melody from my phone. When we approached, the phone lay not far from the place where I sat and pooped. Husband saw my poop and said, dear, congratulations on the relief, well done.. We laughed a bit, took the baskets and went further into the forest. Now I try to always keep the phone in a closed pocket.

PJ (he/him)

My second post : Answers


1. How did your school bathrooms prepare you for pooping in larger, more public places? I hated it. No doors. Gross looking. Also had those sinks where you have to press a button to run the faucet and when you let go it turns off, which means it is very hard to wash your hands without contaminating your hands. Also soap dispenser looked very questionable.

2. Did you discuss this need with a parent or older friends? What was suggested? Indirectly as my parent wondered why I would not poop at a school ( before 2nd grade) and I would get skidmarks from holding in my poop. I still didnt poop at school until high school but I got less skidmarks as I got older

3. Have you ever waited in line for a toilet to open and then you discover there's no seat cover or even strips of toilet paper available?
What do you do? Never. I wonder if male rest rooms are rarely out of toilet paper compared to men's. I always hear about from my wife when she uses a public rest room and they are low or out of toilet paper. and Jenny, you would appreciate this: and if she didn't let me know in public the restroom was out of toilet paper, I would find out latter when we got home and she undressed ! She is a regular skidder!

4. Have you ever wiped with your underwear and then thrown it away? No, but my wife has a couple times when she has run out of toilet paperwhen we were out.

5. Have you confronted obnoxious teens or others about your need for privacy? No


My most satisfying bathroom experience was not in a bathroom. It really was last week when I peeded in a Starbucks cup in my SUV. It was so satifying and I felt a little mischievous like I got away with something. The second place was pooping in a Honey bucket (portable toilet) in the middle of a half marathon.

When I am on an airplane, I always smell a fart. Either my own or someone else's. My wife has claimed a couple of them too.

Thank you for reading!


Q & A

Robtoria (Robin and Victoria)-Oh I hope you are feeling so much better. Did the white panties get skidded? I guess that's the gift and the curse of the white panties. I know you have a bidet, but for me whites are just asking to get stained. I would rather get super bad skidmarks than be that backed up ( and usually I do!) See the following story to Matthew:

Matthew C.-Hi Matthew. I fly in and out of Sea-Tac all the time. I love to travel but I cannot help but think of poop when I go to that airport. When I travel I am either super constipated (which is rare) or I am pooping a huge amount of soft poop, requiring at least two flushes. I have sat in those bathrooms literally straining ( I never do, but have gotten pretty desperate for relief) or I'm a dancing in a long line waiting for a stall to drop a huge poop . And in both situations,I mostly like already had a huge poop or tried to poop unsuccessfully already on an airplane. Does anyone else seem to fart a lot more on an airplane than regular days? My husband almost starts laughing when she smells my farts to the point where he tries not to because people will think it is him. My farts are also generally loud, but no one can hear my juicy cheeks with the engine noise. And yes, airplane toilet paper is worse then the paper at my gym, work and portable toilets at events! I often fly now with a black thong so I don't have visitable stains or a bunch of cloth in my sticky bum. I do wear a white thong in hopes that I poop when I'm constipated hahah

Lea-I love sports pooping stories. Looking back I think pooping related to exercise and sports were so awkward and scary to me, yet so relatable and comforting to me when it comes to pooping in public, being open about body functions and getting occasional ( or regular ) skidmarks. My husband says my fitness and health also lead to for me to have such a pretty @$$ to poop from. He is too kind. But between the forum and me the last 10 years I have grown in touch with how pretty my own bottom is, in part by the balance of the humility of what comes out and the messes it makes! Do you remember Sofie the hockey player? He had some great team pooping stories! I can imagine those hockey gals can be more brash than some of the tennis and track teammates I have. Is it me, but also female hockey players are also so gorgeous, at least the ones I have known and known about.

Sofie-If you are still around, Hi there!

PJ -I hope you enjoyed Seattle! My husband loves the museum of flight. We were just there and no, we did not see you pee in the car lol. I too have a strong bladder and rarely am worried about peeing myself. I probably have been in more fear of pooping myself than peeing myself. And I have pooped myself 3 times in my adult life, but I never wet myself as adult. I have come home and pulled down my pants at the door to run to pee a few times and it felt so good. So good, my husband thought something else was going on in my bathroom from the sounds of my moans I was making if you know what I mean. It is amazing physiologically the bliss we can feel from the peripheral nervous system below our waist and between our legs …

Do anyone remember the most bliss or relief they have ever felt in the bathroom? And was it from Number one or Number two? I have to think about this one …

1. How often do you poop?

*1-3 times day, but usually two, no pun intended ; )

2. How long does it take for you to poop?
*Less than 5 minutes. Believe it or not , I usually spend more time cleaning myself then pooping, despite my nickname!. (I often joke with my husband" I do clean myself. Or try" when he joking makes a face about my dirty undies )

3. What is the oddest place you pooped?
*In holes I dig when I poop backpacking or camping. Not very odd really. I'm never the only one who has to poop when we go out to nature!

4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public?
*Never in public. All three times I pooped my pants as an adult I was home. But maybe as a child ?

5. Have you ever watched someone pooped?
*Actually no. I have let patient's poop in private and I pooped next to countless gals in restrooms but never watched or seen themthem. I have seen a few girls share a stall with one peeing and maybe pooping but I have never participated.

6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower?
*OMG…Im blushing…I have…

7. What is the weirdest place you peed?
After one night stand at very nice apartment in my 20's. I never saw the guy again as we would have never worked out, but we mutually had a good time that night. But I don't think he knew that nurse he slept with from that Belltown Bar in 2004 peed in his large luxury shower (alone), as I didn't want to get out of the shower all wet to pee, and I was a little hung over. He let me shower, made me breakfast and followed each other on social media until I got married. (My husband is very aware of this story and I never have peed in a shower since)



2. Did you discuss this need with a parent or older friends? What was suggested? NO MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE LOL

3. Have you ever waited in line for a toilet to open and then you discover there's no seat cover or even strips of toilet paper available?

4. Have you ever wiped with your underwear and then thrown it away? NO I JUST PULL UP THE UNDERWEAR AND DEAL. ALSO 25-50% I HAVE A THONG SO THAT JUST WOULD NOT WORKED

5. Have you confronted obnoxious teens or others about your need for privacy?-NO

Thank you all,
Skidmarked in Seattle


To Nicole from Germany

Good luck. Keep drinking warm or hot water, keep hydrated, eat healthy, see if you can do some exercises and hopefully you can go. Earlier I went to my exercise program (we watch and do this exercise program from either YouTube or a DVD called Sit and Be Fit), had a good lunch afterwards (and a cup of black coffee). After I got driven home I went pee, made a jar of warmish hot water, drank that and now on my second one. I'm hoping that softens everything up so I can go and I hope you can go too. That way we can feel more comfortable and say sayonara crap.

Take care and good luck! Happy pooping!


Wednesday, August 02, 2023


Last Thursday I went to gym came home walked through garage picked up
BRANN Q BUCKET TOILET , drank a glass of water with my pro biotic tablet
then went upstairs , had a wee in the bucket ,climbed into bed .
I woke during the night and had a wee at seven o clock the alarm clock woke me had a wee then went downstairs .At bottom of stairs I needed a
BM so went back to bedroom sat on BRANN Q TOILET and went a NUMBER TOO,
as the toilet is twelve inches high I pooped straight away , five minutes later raised myself up to squatt position and wiped with CUSHELLE toilet paper.
I carried the toilet to the outside drain removed the seat then tipped the bucket rinsed the bucket then left to dry.I went back into house made tea then had breakfast

Sunday evening I carried the THETFORD ELLEGANCE porta potty to bedroom
ready for a wee during the night .placed a paper towel at back of bowl ,sat down and went a NUMBER TOO then climbed into bed .
I have noticed eight of the last ten Sunday evenings I have been a NUMBER TOO ,I can only assume the large bowls of All BRAN for breakfast Saturday and Sunday mornings is causing me to poop Sunday evenings!!
Monday morning I woke sat on pottie and went a NUMBER TOO then carried it to the outside drain and emptied then returned it to bedroom.

This morning the alarm woke me had a wee in THETFORD ELEGANCE porta potty went downstairs .made tea placed it on floor put two sheets of newspaper into VOLREATH bed pan the sat on pan.
I drank the tea as I started drinking the second mug .started weeing
then my bowels opened ,sat and relaxed a few minutes before raising into squatt position and wiping with four sheets of SHADES KITCHEN TOWEL .
I carried the pan to the bonfire and emptied then washed it under the water butt and left to dry.

Nicole from Germany


First off, a shout out to Keena. Seems me and your husband are having the same problem!

I been constipated for a week. After breakfast, after my husband had went to work, and I dropped of my two older children at the Kindergarten, me and my youngest son went to visit my parents. My younger was here too.

We talked a bit, and eventually, the urge to poop came. I didn't want to wait any longer, so I went to the bathroom right away. Seems the coffee and the hot water were helping!

I sat on the toilet and put up my skirt. I knew everything was about to come out. I had been able to get out a few nugget sized pieces over the past days, but that had been it.

Now I however was feeling an ernomous log moving towards my exit. I gave it a firm push. On the way I let out a couple farts.

Then the log made a good step forward. It was extremely thick, about 7 centimeters! (that's 3 inches, I believe) i bended forward so that the log could move faster. I just wanted it out. „Hnnnggghh!" Now, I know what it's like to literally give birth, therefore taking a dump was not as hard as y'all think it was. After it was about a foot long itfinally dropped off

Ahh… what a relief! Another turd came out, just as thick, but shorter. I really filled up my parents' toilet :)


Mega Mall Dump Part 2

With Olivia done, it was my turn. I pulled down my black shorts and panties and placed my butt on the set. I had quite an urge to both pee and poop. As soon as I sat down, my urethra opened as pee flooded out of me. It hissed and pitter-pattered against the porcelain of the toilet. It was quite a forceful stream as well. I realized that I'd been drinking a lot and last peed in the middle of the night (I was awoken by my bladder aching to be emptied, and after 2 minutes of pee loudly splashing into the water as it forcefully hisses out my urethra (it was so relieving), the toilet water had risen by 3 inches and was yellow like a lemon, and after a quick flush I could go back to sleep). I kept peeing for a while. Meanwhile, my urge to go number two was getting stronger; I really had to move my bowels. After 1 minute 20 seconds, my pee stream slowed to a stop.

I sighed then leaned forward and started rubbing my stomach. I had a fully formed fat crap sitting inside of me, and I just really wanted to poop it out of my butt and into the toilet. As I relaxed, I could feel more weight and pressure growing in my bowels. At this point I was desperate. I felt like I had a 20 pound rock in my abdomen, and was really bloated as well. I was quite confused as to why I had so much poop in me, so I traced back through the days. Then I realized, I hadn't gone in 5 days, just before a big dinner with friends. I had a big lunch and another big dinner that night. I had a lot of big meals deals going in everyday with big poops gathering in my rectum. That's when I realized this was gonna be a lot more than a normal big turd. I kept rubbing my stomach and my poop really wanted to get pushed through my butthole and into the toilet. I pushed, and immediately a thick turd opened my anus. It kept growing in width until it had stretched my butthole very wide. It felt so good, but as I pooped out this giant fat log, I realized I had a lot of stuff in me to poop out. I moaned loudly in relief and dread. Olivia asked "are you ok." Between strains, I responded with "kinda, I'm getting rid of a 5-day old food baby." There was lots of crackling now as my fat crap continued to be pooped out. After 2 minutes of pooping, my first log ended and fell with a plop. I sighed but knew there was so much more. I caught my breath then started pushing again. My anus opened up again as I released a log exactly the same size as the first one. As I was pooping, Olivia said "wow Avery you're making a lot of poo! Your bowels must've been overflowing with digested waste." As I kept straining and pushing I said "yeah, I felt really full. There's still so much in me. I ate quite a bit over the past 5 days, and it's been really heavy sitting in my rectum and abdomen for the past few days. So I just gotta sit here and make sure I poop it all out of me." I paused then added "I'm probably gonna fill the toilet." At that moment, I finished my second poop. Immediately after, I let out a loud trumpet-like fart. It lasted 10 seconds and echoed around the toilet. The big fart gave way to a third turd. This made us both laugh. Then I felt the third turd drop into my rectum. I pushed again, and the tip of another solid log emerged. I let out a slight grunt as I pooped it out. It was softer and less thick than the others, but it was long. As I kept pooping, I could feel the poop moving around my abdomen as it made it's way to my anus to get pushed out of me and into the toilet. As start of the poop reached the back of the toilet, it curved around at the front, and began making it's way down the other side of the toilet bowl. I kept pushing, as it reached the back of the toilet, continuing to coil around the toilet. Just as it got to the front or the toilet, I could feel the end of the log arriving, and sure enough the log tapered off and plopped into the toilet. I let out a big sigh. Olivia said "you have to be empty now. That's so much poop." I felt like something might still need to be pooped out, so I said "just give me a minute." Sure enough, 30 seconds later, a small turd arrived at my anus to be expelled. I pushed and out came a stomach emptier. It was quite soft but still solid, and crackled a lot as it came out. Clearly it was a freshly made poop. With the "splat" of it landing on my two giant logs from earlier, I was empty. I wiped five times to get off all the poop on my butt, and also wiped my vulva once to get the pee off of it. I stood up, pulled up my underwear and shorts, and admired my creation.

The two giant logs I pooped out first were basically exact duplicates. Both were 20 inches long and 2.5 inches wide. The giant turd that coiled around the bowl started at the back of the toilet, near the drain, and curved around the right side of the bowl all the way to the front, where it curved to the left side and went all the way to the back of the toilet, before turning around again and going all the way to the front of the bowl in total it must have been 40 inches long and 2 inches wide, finally, my freshly formed stomach emptier. It was 10 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. It all sat in my yellow pee-water. So much waste was in that toilet bowl, and so much digested food was in there as well! I pictured what it would look like if all the food sitting in the toilet as a compacted, digested, brown mass was in its original form: all those sandwiches and chips and pasta and steak and pizza and burgers. I'd eaten it all, I digested it all, and now I've pooped it all out. And wow it felt so good to get all that poop out. Olivia said "wow that's a lot of poop." I said "yup. I can't believe all that was inside me. I can't believe I made all of that!"

After a few minutes of admiring the creation of my small body and its digestive system/poop factory, I decided I should flush it all away. So I pressed the flush lever, and at first it looked like the toilet might be able to take everything away into the sewer. But as my first giant log went down, it hit the bend in the drain, and clogged. Most of my pee wasn't even able to get down. Part of me wanted to leave the toilet clogged for the next person to see my incredible, but the other part wanted to give it the send off to the sewer system it deserved. I flushed again, and that seemed to mash up some of the poop, as a brown cloud formed in the toilet water by the drain, and then my first giant log and my pee slipped away. Additionally, my coiled poop was now broken up into 5 smaller pieces (each about 8 inches long). With the toilet thankfully unclogged, I gave another flush, and as the toilet roared, my stomach emptier and second giant log managed to get flushed away by the toilet. I also watched the parts of my coiled poop get spun around by the suction of the toilet before they all accelerated into the drain and into the sewer, except for just one part of it, which made it to the drain right as the flush stopped. There was also one other piece of toilet paper, but another flush took care of both of them. Four flushes and a near clog, wow! This poop was definitely one of my favorites. Anyway, the toilet was covered in skid marks, but I couldn't get rid of those so they served as a reminder to the next user of the enormous dump a girl had taken in that toilet.

Olivia and I both left the tall, washed our hands, and spent the rest of the day relieved, especially me, as I felt like I'd lost 10 pounds by birthing that food baby. Bye for now!

Nicole from Germany

To Annie

I followed your advice. I am about to go, just hoping it will come out... my husband and my daughter on the other hand are having the opposite problem, both have the stomach flu, at least we have two toilets in two seperate rooms, so it's not a problem. I already wanted to go but was held back by my baby son ;) I am not desperate tho, I already did spend a week without crapping earlier this year.

Anna from Austria

listened to a funny conversation I want to share

Hello everyone last saturday I was the ear witness of a funny conversation I wanted to share.

Was visiting the swimming area of my lake. After having cold drink at the food area I want to pee before going back my place at the bridge.

While I was in mid pee at a very big ladies room I heard two teenage girls entering the bathroom. One was just refilling her water bottle at the sink while the other girl said to her friend that she should go back to their other friends because she will take some time.

Her friend said wow thats weird yo want to go here you would never do that school.

The girl that needed the bathroom then said I do not mind doing it in public I just hate it doing it around people I know.

She than took the stall next to mine and the friend just said ok take your time.

She got seated rather fast at first she peed quite forcely. During mid pee I could hear small fart and then the splash of something big hitting the toilet bowel. Then she cleaned herself a few times and left.

Most of the toilets in Austria have a tray type toilet and the toilet at the swimming area is no expecation. So I found it really funny how she managed it to hit the hole instead of the tray. I never managed to do it.

After I have finished my pee i went to thinks and the girl was still there washing her hands.

She was slim blonde about 15 or maybe 16 years old.

Her take on pooping on public toilets is quite unique. Most other women I know that do not like it to use public toilets for going number 2 hate it in general to use public bathroom.

Having no issues while using public bathroom as long as no familiar person is around is quite a interesting take.

I fully sympathize with her on that matter though.

While I was in school pooping at school was considered uncool as morning pooper since my early childhood I had to use the school bathroom for number 2 every day.

Never got caught personally but I was not spared from hearing some not so nice comments while pooping when other girls were arround.

They never knew it was me due the very high privacy level the school toilets overed with only small gaps between the stalls and the door.

that's my story from today

greetings from Austria


Maria and Shay.. I hope you are both feeling better.

Maria-When did you diarrhea/stomach flu resolve? Hope you stayed hydrated. Stomach bugs can be very serious.

Shay-keep us posted good news or less than goodnews

Princess Toadstool Peach-Do often camp alone? Sounds so peaceful if you can stay safe there is no more peacefully place to poop. I can imagine everything outside is so spiritual in solitude, even roasting marshmallows and having a big BM. Pooping inside maybe kind of mask how wonderful it is that our body poops. From the (hopefully) relief of dropping a log to mindfulness of having a healthy digestive system absorbing nutrients and releasing wastes!

Thunder- if it's no too intrusive, how is OT and/or the bottoms wiping stick working?

Lindsey- I'm sorry about the obnoxious teenager's in the doorless restroom. I'm even more sorry about those darn single square tp! Sounds like a high school. And like a high schooler, those teens are acting like they will never have to poop in open view and have to wipe with inadequate squares. Chances are when no one is looking, they will have to have a quick poop like all of us do, doorless or not and they will have to also get poop on their hands trying to wipe with those squares and still get skids on their aerie underwear. Karma will come.

Kenna-I always fear getting poop on long dressing at weddings, but it's never happened. Now that I think of it, most of the weddings I go to I have to poop about an hour into dancing! Wiping with a long dress is an adventure , let alone during a wedding. I'm glad you and you husband got some quality time!

Ladies and thong wearers: Do you try to avoid thongs when you have diarrhea for vanity or comfort? For me a thong is so comfortable but when I am having diarrhea, it feels like what many people would think a thong would feel like, an itchy annoying piece of cloth in my crack


For the guys

My final post for today :)

Guys: this forum has turned the tables on the taboo of girls pooping and getting skidmarks, but back to you guys.

1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven?
2. Do you have a hairy crack?
3. Have you ever worn white briefs ( "tighty whities " without getting skidmarks in them?
4. Do you get skidmarks in boxers or boxer briefs?
5. How many times do you tips after your poop?

I feel (western ) society is quiet and or denial about females pooping, but for guys it's an an expectation ? So the above are just some curiosity of the details ? My husband always wears dark boxers, and said he stopped wearing white briefs in college due to not wanting roommates to see his skidmarks. Ironically he buys me white underwear because " my rear looks good in them." … I guess he's not wrong as long as he ( and I) can handle the skids

-we all get them (except Catherine :) , at least time times
Skidmarked in Seattle


All about the "Ann's"

Today's Toiletstool theme is Ann

I went for a long ( 10 mile / 16 km) run yesterday with my friend Ann ( her real first name as we are all still pretty safe and anonymous here) ). I had my coffee and had my morning poop at home before our run. Ann usually goes about 2 miles before her bowels move and then she has to find a portable toilet or a big hidden bush. Today it was the latter. We were out in the middle of nowhere and she had to go. We ran for a half a mile until we found a wooded area . She jumped behind tree. We were in the middle of a deep conversation so she keep talking and I stayed within ear shot of her while giver her space. She squatted down and pulled down her running shorts and continued talking while I heard a quick crackle and 2 logs dropping. She stopped mid sentence looking for a leaf realizing all the plants were evergreen (needles rather than leaves), so she pulled up her shorts and said "let's go". We finished our 10 miles and decided to go for a swim at our gym post run. As we got undressed in the gym locker room while Ann was showing me some pictures on her phone and she dropped her shorts and her very dirty light blue panties were a few inches from the phone. She blushed and dropped her jaw with horror when she realized what she did and pulled them back up again. Ann apologized. "sorry you probably didn't want to see that." I told her no problem and that I was not easily grossed out and I had been there done that, blushing a little myself. To break the tension I got vulnerable and told I got worse skids after wiping with the 1ply ( very very true) toilet paper at the this gym. Then I blushed realizing that besides my husband, I had never talked about my skidmarks in real life with anyone. She laughed with a big smile and said " I know right..sometimes shit happens you have to " and we both said " steer into the skid!" in unison. Then we both stopped and looked around to make sure no one else was listening to our vulnerable and "gross" conversation…Then she whispered…" it happens to us all." I said" are you really a runner if you haven't had to poop outside and run with an unwiped butt?" As I put on my swim suit , Ann walked to the toilet stalls to wipe up a little more before shower and getting in her swim suit. She said " This is really bad, usually there is less to clean up when I squat and shit since my cheeks are farther apart then when I sit. This was a real soft poop. " After that we moved on to a different subject and have not talked about this since

Annie- You live in Canada too? I was referring to another Anna (not Annie) who lived in western Canada. She posted a lot from about 2016-2019, and once last year 2022. She had great stories and we would "chat" every now and then about getting skids on our thongs. Annie I enjoy your stories too. They are so satisfying! I

Anna from Austria-It's interesting that ladies where you are from are also shy about pooping in public as we discussed public toilets are way more private in Austria than the states!. We also discussed how much more European toilets smell more than the states because poop lands on a tray instead of the water ! Maybe that's part of the increased shame as taking a poop smells way more than in the states because of that tray…not that it doesn't smell when you poop in a public restroom in the US. Poop smells everywhere of course. Interesting that the teenager's poop hit the waterlike in the states in spite of the "tray." Even though the poop smell is subdued when it drops straight in the water, it still smells. I wish we had trays as often I get some splash back when my log drops and the toilet water touches my bum. And of course we have the bad toilet paper here too, at least in the public restrooms. Are you still appreciating the more productive wipes and increased privacy in your toilets in Austria?


Hoping tomorrow I can poo and replies

Hi all. Stomach feels very full and hard so I am hoping tomorrow morning when I get up I can go and have a big poop. Maybe it will be about 2 to 2.5 feet. I dunno. In the meantime I am keeping hydrated and will try to sleep well.

Some replies:

Nicole from Germany: I am glad you did that. Please continue to keep hydrated, eat healthy (fruits, vegetables, proteins like chicken or fish, fibre cereal, etc and try some black coffee), exercise and hopefully you can go. You can also try something like a stool softener which is very gentle and will lubricate your poop. If all else fails please go to the ER. PS for me being 2 months premature wasn't dangerous. I came out 5 lbs 8 oz and jaundiced but am now 37 and 5'11" though suffer from seizures now and then, am heavily medicated and am on Disability.


Semi solid poop came out

Hi everyone. Was constipated and fairly bloated for most of today. Got up, ate a homemade breakfast (curly noodles, cooked tomatoes, eggs, a jar of warm water and a cup of tea afterwards). After breakfast I took my medication and made another jar of warm water to try to loosen up everything in my stomach. Got picked up for the weekly exercise program around 10:15, got there around 10:30, had a cup of black coffee and did the exercise program (I'm the youngest there). After the program finished we had a cooked lunch there, got picked up and taken home. Filled and microwaved my water jar and went for my nap. Woke up around 4:15 ish, went upstairs closer to 5, had dinner, took my medication and made more warm water. Finally I got the urge to go a few minutes ago so took off my bedroom slippers, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom next to my room. Closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and light coloured underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a fairly long, semi-thick, semi-solid turd. Flushed halfway to prevent clogging. Pushed the last of it out, took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was a turd that was about 1.5 or so and I'm not sure how big the part I flushed was but it felt pretty long. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, went to my room, dried my hands and made some semi hot water to drink. Feels better to be getting rid of all this stuff. Hopefully a bit later or tomorrow I can go again a lot. Maybe get rid of the rest of this stuff.

Stay safe and happy peeing and pooping!


No privacy doors!

My daughter will be starting first grade in less than two weeks. She had a pretty good experience with kindergarten, but that was afternoon only, and they had two toilets located right in the classroom. She did a few craps and pees, but didn't have any major problems with the exception of wiping. Both she and her pediatrician feel the problem will solve itself if she just takes her cleaning herself more slowly. OK, doable, or so I thought.

Then last night I attended a parent orientation at the school. On my way out I dropped into the bathroom just to see what it was like. I was shocked to find only one of nine stalls had a privacy door. Back when I was in grade school I had a so-so experience with more than half the toilets without without a privacy door. Most of us would wait for a stall with a door when we had to crap; otherwise we did fast pees and wore dresses more than normal.

Some questions for the rest of you:

1. What was your greatest fear in using the school toilets?

2. Did you tell a parent or babysitter? What did they say?

3. Should total toilet privacy in schools be the law?

I'll start.

1. Taking too long and getting yelled at.
2. My grandma said I just needed to buck up and better plan my toilet trips.
3. Yes. And until that's done the doors should be removed from the teacher bathrooms.

Nicole from Germany

To Thunder

Awwww... that's sorry to hear. I too have to go through this, I hadn't been able to go for nearly a week... I keep y'all updated...


Q & A

Robtoria (Robin and Victoria)-Oh I hope you are feeling so much better. Did the white panties get skidded? I guess that's the gift and the curse of the white panties. I know you have a bidet, but for me whites are just asking to get stained. I would rather get super bad skidmarks than be that backed up ( and usually I do!) See the following story to Matthew:

Matthew C.-Hi Matthew. I fly in and out of Sea-Tac all the time. I love to travel but I cannot help but think of poop when I go to that airport. When I travel I am either super constipated (which is rare) or I am pooping a huge amount of soft poop, requiring at least two flushes. I have sat in those bathrooms literally straining ( I never do, but have gotten pretty desperate for relief) or I'm a dancing in a long line waiting for a stall to drop a huge poop . And in both situations,I mostly like already had a huge poop or tried to poop unsuccessfully already on an airplane. Does anyone else seem to fart a lot more on an airplane than regular days? My husband almost starts laughing when she smells my farts to the point where he tries not to because people will think it is him. My farts are also generally loud, but no one can hear my juicy cheeks with the engine noise. And yes, airplane toilet paper is worse then the paper at my gym, work and portable toilets at events! I often fly now with a black thong so I don't have visitable stains or a bunch of cloth in my sticky bum. I do wear a white thong in hopes that I poop when I'm constipated hahah

Lea-I love sports pooping stories. Looking back I think pooping related to exercise and sports were so awkward and scary to me, yet so relatable and comforting to me when it comes to pooping in public, being open about body functions and getting occasional ( or regular ) skidmarks. My husband says my fitness and health also lead to for me to have such a pretty @$$ to poop from. He is too kind. But between the forum and me the last 10 years I have grown in touch with how pretty my own bottom is, in part by the balance of the humility of what comes out and the messes it makes! Do you remember Sofie the hockey player? He had some great team pooping stories! I can imagine those hockey gals can be more brash than some of the tennis and track teammates I have. Is it me, but also female hockey players are also so gorgeous, at least the ones I have known and known about.

Sofie-If you are still around, Hi there!

PJ -I hope you enjoyed Seattle! My husband loves the museum of flight. We were just there and no, we did not see you pee in the car lol. I too have a strong bladder and rarely am worried about peeing myself. I probably have been in more fear of pooping myself than peeing myself. And I have pooped myself 3 times in my adult life, but I never wet myself as adult. I have come home and pulled down my pants at the door to run to pee a few times and it felt so good. So good, my husband thought something else was going on in my bathroom from the sounds of my moans I was making if you know what I mean. It is amazing physiologically the bliss we can feel from the peripheral nervous system below our waist and between our legs …

Do anyone remember the most bliss or relief they have ever felt in the bathroom? And was it from Number one or Number two? I have to think about this one …

1. How often do you poop?

*1-3 times day, but usually two, no pun intended ; )

2. How long does it take for you to poop?
*Less than 5 minutes. Believe it or not , I usually spend more time cleaning myself then pooping, despite my nickname!. (I often joke with my husband" I do clean myself. Or try" when he joking makes a face about my dirty undies )

3. What is the oddest place you pooped?
*In holes I dig when I poop backpacking or camping. Not very odd really. I'm never the only one who has to poop when we go out to nature!

4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public?
*Never in public. All three times I pooped my pants as an adult I was home. But maybe as a child ?

5. Have you ever watched someone pooped?
*Actually no. I have let patient's poop in private and I pooped next to countless gals in restrooms but never watched or seen themthem. I have seen a few girls share a stall with one peeing and maybe pooping but I have never participated.

6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower?
*OMG…Im blushing…I have…

7. What is the weirdest place you peed?
After one night stand at very nice apartment in my 20's. I never saw the guy again as we would have never worked out, but we mutually had a good time that night. But I don't think he knew that nurse he slept with from that Belltown Bar in 2004 peed in his large luxury shower (alone), as I didn't want to get out of the shower all wet to pee, and I was a little hung over. He let me shower, made me breakfast and followed each other on social media until I got married. (My husband is very aware of this story and I never have peed in a shower since)



2. Did you discuss this need with a parent or older friends? What was suggested? NO MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE LOL

3. Have you ever waited in line for a toilet to open and then you discover there's no seat cover or even strips of toilet paper available?

4. Have you ever wiped with your underwear and then thrown it away? NO I JUST PULL UP THE UNDERWEAR AND DEAL. ALSO 25-50% I HAVE A THONG SO THAT JUST WOULD NOT WORKED

5. Have you confronted obnoxious teens or others about your need for privacy?-NO

Thank you all,
Skidmarked in Seattle

Monday, July 31, 2023


Wedding poop

Hey everyone! Kenna again. It's been forever since I posted! Josh and I have just been incredibly busy! He is still pretty constipated every time he poops and his turds are usually massive, dry, and thick and take forever to come out. I of course am usually sitting by him while he is going and offering any help he needs during. This story happened recently at a friends wedding. Josh hadnt pooped in a few days and didn't go at the hotel the day of the wedding. It was after the dinner and dancing had started when I felt the need coming on to go number two. I was in a really nice but long dress so I asked Josh to come help me. This place was secluded and had a bunch of nature trails with a couple really nice bathrooms on the trails so we could sneak away from the venue and have privacy. To my surprise when I told josh to come help me with my dress while I was going to the bathroom he admitted he had to go too. I asked why he didn't tell me and he just said he figured he would just wait and go at the hotel but since I needed to poop he would try going also. We held hands on the way to the bathroom which was about a 10 minute walk away from the venue. When we got there we went into the ladies room. The bathrooms were single stall only and Josh locked the door behind us. I left the stall door open for more room and since we had locked the bathroom door. Josh helped me with my dress and I slid my panties down to my feet and sat on the toilet. I peed first and then took a deep breath and began working on my dump. It was hard at first and I realized I hadn't pooped in a couple days either. After several pushes I worked out a few inches of a hard turd and stopped to rest. Josh was watching me intently with handfuls of dress. My face was going red with each push and I told him I was having a hard time going. He told me he would do more to help me go if he wasn't holding my dress! He told me not to worry and just take my time as he would have a hard time also. I began to push again and he encouraged me "push hard Kenna, you can do this, it's coming babe" as the turd crackled out of me a few more inches. A few pushes later and it splashed loudly into the bowl. "Whew that was hard for me!" "Are you done?" Asked Josh. I pushed again and felt more inside me so I said not yet probably one more. "Keep pushing Kenna, you're almost there!" This turd was easier and not as big and I finished pretty quickly. I wasn't able to wipe myself sitting down so I stood up. My poop was pretty big and Josh marveled at it "dang Kenna that's a huge one for you!" "Haha yeah I told you it was a hard one!" I only needed one wipe and Josh helped me get my underwear and dress situated. He flushed and I washed my hands while he had a seat on the toilet. Like me he peed first and once I came back into the stall he started pushing. Now normally I would kneel by him and hold his hands or hold him while he is trying to go but with my dress I just had to stand close to him and he grabbed onto me for support. We didn't have any Vaseline or suppositories with us because I didn't think he would poop at the wedding and just wait for the hotel but I guess the bathrooms were private enough so he felt comfortable enough to poop here. "Don't rush it if it's hard Josh, we have time and privacy babe, take all the time you need and just focus on getting this to come out" he pushed again and told me it was hard but he thought he could do it, it just would be slow. He held his next few pushes a lot longer to try and get the turd started. "Once it starts coming I'll be fine, I'm just having trouble babe" "it's ok Josh, concentrate. Push hard, you can do this baby" I coached him thru his next several tries. "I need to stand up and try kenna, it's stuck. Can you spread my cheeks and I'll hold onto you tight" he stood over the toilet and I spread his cheeks for him and he grabbed me tightly while he pushed. After a few minutes of this it began to work and he told me he felt like it was out about an inch and if I could look and see. He turned around and put his hands on the wall and I spread his cheeks to get a look. His anus was stretched pretty far and sure enough the tip of a rock hard turd was sticking out but it was definitely stuck. "Push like this for a bit babe and I'll see if it comes out any further". He strained a few times and it crackled as it came out just a little more. It stopped moving when he quit pushing. "Keep going Josh it's coming a Little bit when you're pushing" he pushed it out a little further then told me he wanted to turn back around and hold onto me again while pushing. I spread his cheeks again as he got into position over the toilet. "Puuuush honey, almost there. Squeeze me tight if it hurts. I'm right here". His poop crackled loudly as it was coming. "I'm having a really hard time babe" josh moaned. I snuck a look behind him as my head was over his shoulder anyways from holding him "you've got like 6 or 8 inches out babe, you're doing it, almost done honey" he strained and struggled for a bit and I was watching it come out and telling him how he was doing with each push. Once it reached a foot long it splashed really loudly into the toilet. "Not done yet" he said. His log was pretty huge and sticking out of the bowl because when it came out it didn't go down the hole. He rested a minute and resumed pushing. It took a bit to get it started. "Man this is a stubborn poop!" I said. "Yeah I know, I'm the one stuck with it" replied Josh. He pushed and pushed with me holding his butt open when the next turd splashed loudly. Josh turned around and looked at it. It was just about as fat at the first one but not quite as long. "Ugh, holy shit what a struggle. I'm done Kenna" I wadded up some toilet paper and gave it to him. He only wiped once and there wasn't any poop on the paper. I flushed but the top turd didn't go down. I flushed again and it stayed stuck and of course no plunger :( so I wadded up a bunch more toilet paper and pushed it down the hole and thankfully a third flush took care of it! We cleaned up and Josh thanked me for helping him poop. We both felt ALOT better and headed back to the reception and had a great evening! I've got a few more stories from recently, I'll try to post when I can!! Xoxoxo Kenna


Falling Asleep on the Toilet!

Hello Annie, your breakfast poop stories remind me of one incident where I fell asleep on the toilet one Sunday morning! I had just finished a bowl of eggs and rice with a side of watermelon for breakfast and then I felt a rock-hard bulge forming in the pit of my stomach, so I went to the toilet for a "clear out".

I lowered my pajama pants and sat down on the toilet to let out an explosive fart. I had been constipated for some time, so it was a relief when the creamy flow of poop began to pour out of my backside like thick porridge. I just leaned forward and relaxed, letting the waste flow into the toilet for about five minutes. It felt very good and I couldn't help but moan with pleasure.

When I finally finished, I looked inside the bowl and it looked just like the inside of a septic tank. The feces were a dark greyish-black with the consistency of a thick pudding and when I wiped, the toilet paper was green. My anus was sore so I sat on the toilet for some time to relax. The window to the bathroom was left open and a cool summer breeze blew in that lulled me to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept on the toilet, but my kids woke me up when they started running around the hall. I got up and pulled up my pajama pants, and my legs were aching from sitting on the toilet for so long. The bathroom smelled absolutely dreadful, even with the windows open, so I sprayed some air freshener. Nevertheless, I felt well-rested and much relieved."


Massive heavy sounding poop about 20 minutes after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, went pee in the washroom next to my room, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of soup with vegetables, canned seafood and fish. Drank a cup of tea and sips of warm water now and then. After breakfast I took my medication, drank the last bit of water and tea and went downstairs. Downstairs I made and microwaved another jar of warmish hot water and drank it slowly. My stomach felt full and hard. Finally I got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago so I went to the bathroom, closed the door most of the way (the door doesn't close anymore), walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and light coloured underwear down and sat on the toilet. Pushed and a lot of fairly solid thick poop came out. Had to flush halfway to prevent clogging. Finished by peeing and then wiped well. Tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. What was in the toilet was about 1 to 1 1/2 feet long and what I flushed was probably 2 or 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and came back to the bedroom. It was a good crap though my stomach is still hard so I will continue to drink more water, continue to eat healthy and do some stretches and exercises to try and get the rest out. Probably another 2 to 2 1/2 feet. Was a hell of a shit.

To Nicole from Germany: Yes I was very small and at the time jaundiced but I was well taken care of in the hospital and fed well, etc growing up so I am now 5'11" and 150 ish lbs. I have to at times remind my caregiver that even though I am tall I'm not huge so don't need a huge amount of food. I'm sorry that you were also premature and that you're still constipated. Maybe you should try drinking hot water first thing in the morning and with your meals. That can help soften everything up and get everything out.

To Mina Hisae Kazumi Maho-Thank you :) It's a slow but steady progress but I am getting there. I hope everything is going well over there and that your motions/poops are coming out with no trouble. Hugs from Toronto Canada.

Stay safe everyone and happy peeing and pooping!



T.M. Thanks for responding

T.N. Thanks for taking the time to write. Tthat was one of the longest responses I've gotten on here! I've never lived in a house with only one bathroom, so you are correct in saying it sort of FORCES one to share. That said even growing up in a two bathroom household, before I was 4 or 5 my mother would often sit with me in the bathroom and it made me very uncomfortable. I was a constipated kid and often had to struggle with my poops. I hated to have to bear down hard and grunt with my mother watching me. I can remember wishing she would just leave alone so I could bear done and push as had as I needed to without being self conscious about the noises I made. I tend to think that having her sitting there watching contributed to my constipation because I tried hard not to grunt and that meant I didn't bear down as hard as I could have.

Hope you write more about you and your daughters. Your descriptions are excellent.~~ JW


Very easy fairly big poop about half an hour after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, went to the washroom (pee), brushed my teeth, made a jar of warm water and went upstairs for breakfast. Had fried rice with fish, chili peppers, broccoli, sprouts, etc. Took my time eating and took sips of water every now and then. Took my medication afterwards and drank the rest of the water. I also went downstairs, grabbed my mug and went upstairs to make a cup of tea. Brought that downstairs and made another jar of warm water which I took my time drinking both. Finally about 5 to 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag (with my toilet paper in it) and went to the washroom next to my room. Walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and light coloured underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A fairly big thick though fairly soft turd came out and I flushed halfway to prevent clogging just in case. Pushed the last of it out, peed again then took the last of my toilet paper and wiped well. Threw the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. What was in the toilet was about 1 feet long and I figure what I flushed was more like 2 to 2 1/2 feet. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, went to my room, dried my hands on one of the towels (my caregiver tells me to leave my towels in my room except for when I'm showering. Then after my shower I have to bring them back to my room so others don't use them) and then made another jar of warm water. It was a hell of a shit but feels good. I need to ask my caregiver for more toilet paper but I'm hoping that later I can poop out another beast. Lol.

Stay safe everyone and happy pooping!



Another survey!

1. How often do you poop? Usually once or twice a day. Sometimes I skip a day here or there.

2. How long does it take for you to poop? Three to ten minutes. Maybe once or twice a month I'll have a massive dump that requires almost half an hour to clear. Thankfully they are rare.

3. What is the oddest place you pooped? In the woods during a camping trip.

4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public? At work in 2020. I was standing at a urinal in the men's room and I needed to fart. So I pushed hard and I got more than I bargained for! It was a solid, strawberry sized turd. I don't consider it a "major" accident but I pooped myself nonetheless.

5. Have you ever watched someone pooped? My parents when I was little. And a couple of childhood friends that I shamelessly stood in the bathroom with as they took a dump. And they all got to see me go as well.

6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower? For most of my life, no. But then my urges to urinate became more frequent. Now I occasionally pee in the shower if waiting to get out is going to entail too much effort. It's amazing how that running water stimulates the desire to take a leak.

7. What is the weirdest place you peed? Inside a parking garage because I couldn't hold it any longer!

Son of a Preacher Man
I had my ten year old son for the weekend. We decided to take a trip with some of my family to a day camp area where there was a water fall that fed into a river where everyone could swim. I took my chair to a somewhat secluded spot, away from all the activity, so I could read my book, but still keep an eye on my son. After being there a few hours, my son came over to me, dripping wet, with a pained look on his face. I asked him if he was okay. He quietly said, "I have to poop, like right now." I smiled and said, "What are you going to do?" His face tightened as he moaned, "I don't know. I just have to go." I wasn't being a very good dad but I found his dilemma kind of funny. When I didn't respond immediately, he became more frustrated. He was looking around frantically, with urgency written all over his face. I asked, "Where are you going to go?" He was near tears as he looked around. He looked toward a small area of woods up the hill from where we were at. "I'll go up there in the trees, pull down my pants, and just do it." I told him I would go with him to make sure nobody could see him. He was already quickly moving up the hill into the trees as I followed. He found a spot but waited for me, with his hand on his butt, to make sure it was okay to go. I looked around, then told him to go ahead pull down his pants. He yanked his shorts down to his knees and looked puzzled because he had never done this before. But he was beyond caring how to do it. As he started to squat, a large load of soft shit slid from his butt to the ground below. There was a brief pause before another long load of shit fell from his butt. I could see why he was so urgent. He continued to squat, with his hands on his knees, pushing out the last remaining poop from his body. He stood up and looked at the pile of shit on the ground, looking embarrassed. I asked him if he felt better. He said yes and asked what he was going to wipe his butt with. There really wasn't anything I thought was safe for him to wipe with so I told him to pull his suit up and we would go back down to the water, away from where everyone was at. When we found a spot I told him to pull his suit down and wipe his butt with his hand, using the water. He didn't look real happy about it but knew he had to clean up somehow. Once he had his butt clean and his suit back up, he washed his hands in the water for much longer than necessary. He didn't go right back to play with his cousins. I think the whole thing was a little traumatic for him so we sat together for a little while. I told him it was okay and it happens to everyone sometimes. Eventually he was feeling better and went back to hanging out with everyone else.


survey answers

1. How often do you poop?
- Usually every morning, sometimes every other day, sometimes twice a day (morning & evening)
2. How long does it take for you to poop?
- with magazine/phone 5 to 15 min. Without those under 5 minutes
3. What is the oddest place you pooped?
- a parking lot at night, I only noticed afterwards there was a camera, luckily I am not on the internet (I hope)
4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public
- definitely in kindergarten, I walked around in it for a long time before someone noticed. I remember being ashamed of needing to go at school so I did it in my pants. I still have a phobia of going in public, I always wait till I'm alone
5. Have you ever watched someone pooped?
- my 2 nieces and 2 nephews as kids, an aunt, a friend of my mother, my sister, my mother, an uncle. All of these were when I was a kid except for my sister, it still happens occasionally as she doesn't close the door, I'm not hanging around but,I see her sitting there and I smell what she is doing.
6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower?
- every single time
7. What is the weirdest place you peed?
- when I'm drunk I become inhibited, I peed in pools, against bikes, cars. This was all decades ago though, it was and is shameful and I don't do these things anymore. So sorry if anyone feels disgusted but I wanted to be honest.

Strange Toilet Seats

I'm taking a leadership class this summer at a different school than the one I regularly attend. I have a crap there every noon, plus I pee at least twice a day, sometimes three since it is hot and we drink a lot of liquids.

The school is like 125 years old and kind of dirty and neglected. There are 24 of us in this female leaders of tomorrow class. There's only one bathroom with two stalls that we must share. A high marble wall separates the two stalls, but there must be 25 or 30 holes punched or drilled into it. If this was at the school I regularly attend, I think things would be a little more creepy.

The two toilets are much higher and larger than what we have at our home schools. That makes it more uncomfortable for those of us who are smaller to use them. Sometimes we wait and wait for our turn to come. The seats are wooden brown, shaped like a U, but with no contour. On one seat there is about a 5 inch circle that looks like an ash tray where hundreds of cigarettes would be put out on it. There is a 1/3 size privacy door on each of the two stalls. It starts at about knee level for me. There is a rectangular hole in the wood that probably had the latch. A metal depository for hygiene items. Above it there is an old rusty steel holder that back when probably had seat covers.

Something else that is different is that the flusher lever is awkward to use because it is probably 3 feet from the floor. I have to be standing in order to use it. I can rarely get it to work with one push. Then the flush is monstrous and often splashes the seat.

Users stand around a large circular sink to wash their hands. There is a foot pedal you step on in order to get hot water. A cloth towel roll is what is used to wash hands.

Its amazing how school bathrooms have changed over the years.

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Could it be Constipation Resolving?

I refer to Maho, Kazumi, Mina and Hisae and her accident in her panties.
I think it was constipation resolving itself because apart from the accident Hisae only had two BM's ever though they were enormous.
If it were diarrhea I would think there would be many more trips to the toilet. Her mother was so kind.
I know that I might not go for a few days and then a might go four or five times in the one poos are reasonably well formed and clearly not diarrhea. It seems to be catch up time!
I know I get very, very backed up...some years ago I was given three enemas and when I put my trousers back on they were loose...I was use to an expanded abdomen from all the accumulated shit.
I am have constipation troubles right now....will keep you updated.

Jasmin K

Hard poo and David P

Hi just having a Saturday morning poo, well trying to it's just tiny solid pellets and a couple of pebbles so far, when my poo is in pellet sised bits they all seem to wedge each other in when I'm pushing down on them the way they press inside and make my bum bulge down as I strain there must be lots of pellets in there and just one or two drop after a hard prolonged strain. I just checked in the water and it looks like what you see in a rabbit hutch, I've sat back down as I've a lot more to do before I will have done enough to get off the toilet,
Just as well I've free time this morning so going to stay here until I've done lots more. I need to strain a lot harder than I am doing whilst writing this so will keep this short as I need to get down to some seriously hard straining and bearing down.

David P. When my poo is hard pellets or pebbles it doesn't smell bad, there is a faint poo smell but not like really rotten smell, when the softer poo comes if I get all the hard stuff out that smells more, and can need the air freshener spraying, but our bathroom has an extractor that runs if the light is on so it's never too bad for the next occupant.
When I was younger and say my sister was on the toilet with me on the potty chair and it smelt my mum would tell me to stand, check how much I'd done and if not enough would remove the potty, tell my sister to stand check how much she had done then tip my poo into toilet and flush it all tell my sister to sit down again and strain harder then replace the potty and make me sit again and tell me to strain harder or if say my sis had done enough she could wipe and pull her knickers up and then I would have the toilet to sit on. I used to think the worst smell is when ur doing those small crackly farts caused by straining hard, when my sis used to do them it smelly like cabbage well rotten cabbage and I suppose mine did to her too but I think it's your own smell isn't too bad to you, just others.
Had my prolapse unintentionally examined ages ago during a doctors examination that my mum made for me as I had a lump and a pungent bad smell from front especially when I was on toilet straining hard and I was constipated all the time, I also didn't want my mum to find out how promiscuous I was back then in all 3. on the day of the examination I had been on the toilet for ages before going to doctors the deal with my mum being if I made myself go she wouldn't mention my constipation and would let me go in on my own unless the dr insisted, luckily they let a nurse accompany me whilst mum stayed outside. during the examination the dr presses on my pussy inside and said relax I did pressed again and my prolapse popped out. Anyway the lump in the front part was due to the prolapse and the other was my bladder was distended all apparently due to excessive straining they also found I had some hyperflexi which mean ligaments are looser or more stretchy than normal.anyway had the lecture got the meds and the cream for my arse when it gets sore, which my mum used to get for me from chemist I've been using it since I was like 10 yrs old when I got piles-and the don't strain lecture which lasted until I got home and as I was going out later went in the toilet and got rid of the poo I hadn't got out earlier
I read that the issue with blood circulation in prolapse affecting rectum is if the prolapse becomes trapped like it's part out and you squeeze your bum muscle closed and trap it. I can draw mine back up inside ok and if it drops out in don't try to squeeze it back up
Anyway I need to finish this poo.
By for now
Jazz K


Update & General

This week I was sitting on my favourite public toilet and entering the next cubicle was a lady talking for all she was worth about natural sleeping pills to what appears to be a friend.....she closed the door sat and pissssed and flushed without interrupting the conversation at all. I wonder what the person on the other end of the phone thought?
My next venture was two days ago at the car wash...the toilets...two cubicles unisex but have full walls and once door is closed totally private etc. One of the nice young staff went in...not there overly long and upon her vacating I went to her cubicle and she had done a poo with a hesalthy aroma and i had a sit for a pee...the seat was nice and warm.

I have just seen my occupational therapist and and a part of what we are doing is bowel and bladder management and bottom wiping.
Apparently there are bottom wiping sticks that grab hold of the TP and make it easier to wipe...has anyone got any experience with this?


Poor kid & never stop poop did

It happened at school, during a class. It was somewhere in the middle of the class, when suddenly, out of the blue, my stomach ache. I almost bent over from the ache, but I restrained myself. Me would be awkward in front of the whole class. I hoped that the ache would subside soon, as it made it difficult to concentrate on the lesson. However, the ache only intensified. After a few seconds, my stomach gurgling, but no one seemed to hear or pay attention. Then I felt an madly strong urge to poop. Then I couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately asked to go to the toilet from the lesson. At first I was afraid that teacher wouldn't let me go, because at the beginning of this lesson I already asked to go when I wanted to pee, but the teacher allowed me to go to the toilet. Probably by my excited voice, he realized that I urgently needed. Classmates followed me with their eyes, and I felt very embarrassed. I was hoping they thought I was going to pee. Although they probably heard how my stomach was gurgling. As soon as I left the classroom, I rushed towards the toilet at full speed. I was glad that now everything is in class, and the toilet is not occupied. I quickly ran into the first stall I came across. Fortunately, the door can be locked, and I immediately locked it. The light penetrated dimly into the stall, and everything was in darkness. But I immediately noticed that the roll of toilet paper here is quite large. I immediately pulled down my pants and briefs and sat down on the toilet seat. It seemed to me that the seat was piss, but I didn't care. As soon as I stopped holding back, I started to fart loudly, embarrassed. Then liquid poo poured in a strong stream. A sour-acrid smell immediately appeared, but I didn't care about that now either. I felt only relief. After five minutes, the diarrhea stopped. I diligently wiped my ass with toilet paper, and spent a large amount of it. Then I threw the paper into the toilet, got up, got dressed, and pressed the flush. I ran out of the stall, quickly washed my hands, and ran to class. But as soon as I got to the classroom door, I wanted to poop again! I turned around and ran back to the boys' bathroom! I quickly came running, and slipped into the same stall that I had used before. I quickly pulled down my pants and briefs, and sat down on the toilet seat. Immediately, liquid poo poured into the toilet, and this time they flowed longer than the past. Finally, they ran out, and I wiped my ass again, and again spent a lot of toilet paper. It seems that there is already a little paper left on the roll, but I think I would have had enough for two more times. I got dressed, flushed toilet, washed my hands and went out. But I wanted to poop again as soon as I came out. I came back and entered the same stall again. Upon entering, I immediately felt a strong stench. Apparently I was diarrhea so much here that even the smell remained. I quickly pulled down my pants and briefs and sat down on the toilet. Fortunately, this time there was very little diarrhea. And I spent small toilet paper on the roll on wiping, too. Then I got dressed, flushing the toilet and went out. Then the bell rang, announcing that the lesson was over. This made me glad. Something told me that it was better for me to stay at home today. So I ran home. At home, throughout the day, I literally ran every half hour to poop, and I had to ask twice to bring toilet paper. I could hear my parents sighing sympathetically:
- Poor kid, never stop poop did.


My Husband had Severe Diarrhea from a camping trip

Hi Mari, sorry you got sick. Believe me, I have been there before with the runs and the stomach flu, and I might post about it another time. Your story reminds me of what happened earlier last month. My family and I took a three-day camping trip upstate. It was nice, but my husband, Jeff, caught the worst diarrhea I've ever seen. In fact, he ended up crapping his pants! While we all went on hiking trips through the woods, he would always insist on drinking creek water. He said that the water was "the coldest and most pure water he had ever tasted," whatever that meant. I was sticking to Poland Springs Bottled water, thank you, and I am glad the kids and I did.

Jeff complained of stomach cramps the night we got back to our home. I told him that it was probably from all the stream water that he had been drinking for the past couple of days and no doubt that the harmful microbes in his belly were multiplying.

Before turning to bed, he drank down half a bottle of Pepto Bismol with some peppermint extract to soothe his stomach. About one hour later, at around 11:30, my husband crawled out of bed, put his flip-flops on, and ran to the bathroom. Jeff exploded with bouts of liquid diarrhea for about ten straight minutes before I went in to check on him. I saw that he was hunched on the toilet like a gargoyle and squirting away like there was no tomorrow.

I handed Jeff a box of baby wipes and asked him if he needed more Pepto. He told me that Pepto wouldn't do any good and to just leave him be. "Fine, cows were probably shitting in that stream water that you drank, Jeff! That's why you're sick now!" I shouted before returning to bed. I could hear him blasting watery farts into the toilet off and on for another half an hour before he crawled back into bed. I was mad at him because we both had to get to work the next morning, and I knew he would keep me awake with his loud diarrhea. Sure enough, around 2:30 in the morning, he was at it again.

He was stumbling around in the dark hallway on his way to the bathroom and rammed his leg into a desk. I got out of bed to see him flailing his arms around through the darkness to find the bathroom entrance. "Please turn on the desk lamp," he asked me. I did, and when the light came on, I saw that my man's face was sickly white, and his sweatpants were absolutely soiled with shit. He ran to the bathroom and let out a horrible torrent into the toilet.

I had to follow him in after to get the air freshener to spray the bedroom that he had just stunk up. I then went to our son's room and grabbed some old blankets from the boy's closet and set a bed for him in the hallway next to the toilet. His shit sounded like a steady stream of water. When I got up to go to work in the morning, I found Jeff sleeping on the blankets in front of the bathroom. I woke him up so that he could get to work. He did and ended up shitting himself there and came home from work sick.

Nicole from Germany

Answering another survey

1. How often do you poop? every two to three days
2. How long does it take for you to poop? Two to three minutes.
3. What is the oddest place you pooped? Inside a bucket. I was 9; my 7 year old brother and my 5 year old sisters were with us.
4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public? When I was about 3 1/2
5. Have you ever watched someone pooped? A couple of my friends and of course my children when they were potty training.
6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower? No.
7. What is the weirdest place you peed? Behind a trash can near the bakery. I was 19 or 20 when I did it

Nicole from Germany

To Annie

Two months premature? That does indeed sound dangerous... I too was premature, but less than two weeks. But I too even in my childhood was constipated often. Right now, I am too, I last pooped on Sunday, so I'm gonna try again soon...


Senokot for Women

Have any of you ladies tried Senokot for Women? I saw it in the drugstore the other day and thought I would try it. It's senna instead of the ingredient in Correctol which I normally take (bisacodyl). My doctor suggested I change up my laxative so I wouldn't get dependent on them. I was comparing it to Ex-Lax which is also senna, Ex-Lax is 15 mg per tablet and Senokot for Women is only 5 mg. The recommended dose is 2-4 tablets so that would be 10-20 mg of senna. My system is really delicate and I need a mild laxative so I would probably start off with just one tablet to see how it works and then up the dose if I had to. Has anybody used it? Was it good or bad?

Happy pooping! :)


Hello it's been a long time since i posted on this site, i came across this site way back in February 2006 and since then i enjoy all the story's on here.
Anyway does anyone else read them while they poop?
I am pooping as i type this.

So a short survey

1. How often do you poop? me it's sometimes once a day or every other day.
2. How long does it take for you to poop? it takes me about 5-10 minutes.
3. What is the oddest place you pooped? in a box in my closet.
4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public? almost 30 years ago.
5. Have you ever watched someone pooped? when i was a little kid i watched my neighbor friend and she was not shy about it.
6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower? yes and i still do, it's going to get washed and clean anyway.
7. What is the weirdest place you peed? at a friends house that had a homemade urinal made out of a pipe going into the floor and it had a oil funnel in the pipe, and it was in their garage,
i have also peed in my sump pump in the basement.
So anyway answer these, anyone can take this Survey,
and now i am finished with my poop, and hope to here from y'all
Sincerely Jay.

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