

Explosive watery crap after water

Hi all I had lunch a couple of hours ago along with a jar of warm water that I drank slowly. I also finished another jar of water a few minutes ago and got a major urge to poop (again) so I went to the washroom, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and boom! A lot of watery crap exploded into the toilet. Was done within about 20 seconds. It wasn't everything but it was the second time today that I have gone so it's slowly but surely leaving my body. Took some toilet paper, wiped my front and stood up. There was a lot of watery crap in the toilet with some reddish orange pieces in there (probably some undigested vegetables). Wiped my butt well, tossed the toilet paper into the messy water, pulled up my pants and underwear and flushed the toilet. Washed my hands, turned off the light and went to my room to dry my hands. Was a hell of an explosive crap but that feels better. Maybe I can go 1-2 more times today. Better out than in.

Stay safe, healthy and happy peeing and pooping!


PJ's survey for the ladies:
1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven?
*Looking at my laundry...4 out of 7 but most of my underwear is dark. But I went through my winter aerie panties ( snowflake, polar bear ) and my lime green victoria secret cheeky panties and alight blue thong have skids. The rest of the week were brown, black, dark red thongs

2. Do you have a hairy crack?
*not like my husband who has dark hair and black hair who as a hairy "boy/man butt" that most men have. I kind of don't understand who any guy with this butt doesnt get skidamarks if they just clean with even the softest and thickest toilet paper...anyway I kind of have a peach fuzz hair but as I have blond hair. Never talked to anybody about having my butt shaved by I have heard women do that? maybe it helps with cleanlyness. From a distance you probably would not notice, but no body sees my butt from a distance unless they are spying on me lol

3. Have you ever worn white panties, boy shorts or thongs without getting skidmarks in them?
*maybe if I don't poop or i'm constipated?!?! Or I am using a bidet wet wipes But I think with normal farting and sweat, all my white undies get at least a light skid if I wear them long enough. And I rarely not poop for more than 16 hours. I usually poop outside of the house once a day without wet wipes.

4. Are skidmarks worse in thongs or panties
*for me panties. I have both panties and thongs in white, which are the easiest obviously to stain. but the white panties/boyshorts/bikinis will eventually ride up my big butt have a larger area of stain that a thong a string.

5. How many times do you wipe after your poop?
*on average 4-5. Sometimes at the gym I'll wipe twice knowing any more if futile with my sweaty crack and horrible toilet paper. at least twice a month I will be stuck with one or two wipes with just a minimal amount TP left. I guess I will give up after about 6-8 wipes.

6. Do you wear dark underwear to hide skid marks?
*yes for decades. Consciously and unconsciously. In my 20's I had a set of black bras and thongs for when I though I was going to be intimate. My husband loves my butt skids and all and is never grossed out by it , so it depends on how self conscious I am to feel sexy and empowered.

To the anonymous responder to my questions:
Yes I'll actually wear thongs more often because they are comfortable and they stain less (I still get skids in them ) as I have posted before. They are less comfortable after I poop, whether I can see a stain or not as I also have posted recently.

Anna from Austria-
Were the you women in the bathroom you heard talking sound American? The poop splashing sounds American to me lol, although I have never made a splash pooping in Europe.

We are on to something about privacy and shame. I started getting out of my shell pooping in public in high school sports as with healthy bodies were always pooping in the school locker rooms and restrooms so pooping at school was less shameful as I got older because were al used to stinking up bathrooms with other girls and other hearing our poops splash in the waters. Here in the US some of the most private bathrooms are the Starbucks, but I have had a little shame coming out of one and having someone use the toilet after I stunk up the room and left skid marks in the toilet ( and my underwear probably :) . I have more shame pooping there than at the gym or work. Maybe it doesn't help that there is a 50/50 chance a guy will be using the restroom after I come out

International question:
What do you call toilets in the region/country you live.? I notice around the world, signs are more blunt and say Men's toilet or women's toilet . But in the us most bathrooms in public are called "Restrooms" which is a funny name I think. I have also seen "Washrooms" and "Water Closets" in Canada and Europe.

Robtoria- I know you have been using the toilet around each other going back to when you were just friends? Do you remember when you first found each other's dirty underwear?

Lindsey - I'm sorry about the pressure to not poop in high school. I have to admit that's how I felt about pooping in elementary school and middle school. I would like to think I would not have shamed another girl for going like I feared I would be shamed, but we are all human and we all just want to be accepted. I bet there was a lot of farting and prairie dogging at your school with all the kids trying not to poop.

Sincerely ,
Skidmarked in Seattle

PJ (He/Him)

Baths and pooping

Welcome "long time stalker"! Did you wipe up well and jump back into the tub after your poop, or where you done.

Your post reminded me of a story about 20 years ago.

I was staying at a ski resort in Oregon. This my first time staying overnight at a ski lodge. So I enjoyed my day skiing even more knowing I did not have to drive home that evening/

Mid day I felt the urge for a big poop. I held it in for about 090 minutes of skiing, getting by on cropdusting as I think skiers fart all day and nobody knows or cares as the fresh air dilutes the farts, and even if it did smell, you are constantly moving away from the fart particles.

When I finally made it to a stall at the lounge, it was another 5 minute of undressing until I finally pulled down my long underwear. At the time, it was one of greatest poops I have ever had. I remember as I sighed out load and the guy next to me said " Feels great eh? too bad this toilet paper sucks." I don't remember the small talk we made, but I do remember the toilet paper feeling a like a Costco receipt. I felt like it would not flush so I courtesy flushed before wiping. It was a painful wipe and I think I got more poop on my hands than what stuck on the paper. I gave up after two wipes as I felt no one was going to smell my butt anyway all wrapped up in ski gear.

That night my girlfriend took bath and encouraged me to try one after my skiing to relax my muscles. I had not really taken regular baths since I was a kid, so I thought I would give it a try. It did feel good, but it was kind of awkward as I was used to quick shower, maybe a 15-minute shower if I was groggy. Anyway, I was used to efficiently rinsing my butt in the shower when I was reminded how poorly I wiped earlier. I spotted at least three pea size " dingle berries" of poop floating around. I this had been poop that was not mine or my girlfriend's, I would have been grossed out, but honestly, I was just kind of embarrassed. I was glad I was not taking a joint bath/shower with my girlfriend and decided to drain the tub and hop into a hot shower instead where I can properly rinse and soap my bum rather than marinate in my butt soup. I made up an excuse to my girlfriend why I did not stay in the tub long.

In the US where most of us wipe with toilet paper, I think we all have a little poop residual, let alone microscopic bacteria. I'm no germaphobe, but I think taking a bath just does not feel as clean to me as a shower, especially cleaning up after a poop.

Question one tore the toilet stool community:
For those who soak in baths, do you like to rinse out your butt in the shower first either immediately after pooping or the poop residual from an earlier poop? Or does a bath feel just fine to clean the bum?

Question two:
Does anyone else get really annoyed when you have to poop in the middle of the shower or after. It's kind of a mess to stop a shower, poop and get back in even though its nice to rinse off after a poop. I hate it when I get all clean and dressed after a shower then I have to poop. Once I poop, I feel like I just went for a run or workout and my butt feels dirty all day.

Question three:
What is you protocol for cleaning your butt in the bath or shower. Do you use soap or a washcloth? Bar soap or liquid soap? OR do you just rinse

I do have longer hairs in my crack even though I am not a hairy guy, so I do notice dingle berries occasional when I shower. I am thinking about getting a bidet. I may consider trying a bath if we get one. I cannot say I have tried a bath since that ski trip.


Unusual event

Hi everyone, first time poster. Something weird happened to me today and I wonder if it's happened to anyone else?

Every morning I have a big poop. This morning was like any other day, within 30 minutes of waking up I felt my urge and before long, as usual, it was pretty urgent. I ran upstairs to the bathroom but to my dismay my roommate was just getting in the shower, so I had to hold it.

Before long it had become a true desperate emergency. My stomach was cramping, I was turtleheading, and I was dancing around trying my best to hold it in. Now here's where it gets weird. I wasn't really aware of any specific sensations down there, just a really high amount of pressure. But then, at one point I reached back there and was shocked to feel a small lump in my panties! Basically, my turd had already started emerging and I didn't even feel it! I never had this before, I thought for sure I'd be able to feel it coming out. Has anyone ever experienced something like this before?

By the way, I was so shocked that momentarily relaxed and ended up releasing most of the poop into my panties, unfortunately. I was able to get a grip about halfway through but then I had to uncomfortably stand there in my room with pooped panties and still full of poop, not my best day at all!


coffee shop poo

Hi there, I am Anna. I used to post here quite a bit, back in the day when I was a student. I'm no longer at uni, of course, and I have since moved to a smaller town where I work.

I'm 29 and live on the West Coast of Canada. I'm shortish, and have a kinda thick and curvy body, but I keep really fit. I have long blonde hair which I usually keep in a big, chunky braid. I sometimes wear glasses, too. I love working out, the outdoors and all things nerdy. So anyway, that's me.

On Sunday morning, I was out on a run with two of my girlfriends, Charlotte and Mia. Charlotte is a tall and very pretty brunette whom we call Charls. Mia is also a brunette, almost as tall and more curvy, much like me. So, after our run we all went to a coffee shop to chat. We were all a bit sweaty, but not too much and nothing gross, so it was fine. I had a large cookie and a big coffee and after a little while I felt like I really needed to go, and both things. "Just gonna head to the bathroom for a sec," I told my friends and headed off to the back of the shop.

One of the bathrooms was in use. So I quickly went into the other one and locked the door behind me. The little room smelled just a tiny bit of poo, but mostly like some sort of lemony soap and it looked really super clean. Anyway, I tucked my phone into my bra for a moment, pulled down my bikeshorts and pink string and plopped my bum on the toilet. I peed immediately, with a big stream hissing from my girl parts. It felt really nice and relieving! I wasn't even quite done, when my bumhole opened and a thick log started to come out. I needed to push just a bit and it did stretch my backdoor a little. My poop crackled out for a few seconds and I couldn't help a little moan as it did, but finally it plopped into the toilet followed by a couple of loud farts. I usually poop a few logs, but this one was real long and I felt done right away. I had only been sitting in the toilet for maybe two minutes, but already the bathroom was really stinking from me doing my business. I fanned my nose for a moment. "Pee-ew". I quickly pulled off some paper. I wiped my front and then my poopy hole. I needed quite a lot of wipes to get my bum all clean. Then I flushed, used the brush and went to wash my hands.
When I left the toilet, Charls was waiting outside. I smiled at her and blushed. "Sorry, it stinks in there." I felt a bit embarrassed about her knowing I had just done a big poo on a public toilet. "It's ok, I gotta go as well," Charls said in a low voice with a smile a kind of conspiratorial wink. I thought that was kind of her to say and I did feel better! I held the door open and went back to our table. It took about five minutes for Charls to get back, so she really must have needed to go lots as well.

So that's my story. I hope you all like it.

Nina- so sorry if I asked you this already, but i May have forgotten. Do you smell yourself or have an itch when you pull up your thong when you have to poop without wiping? Thanks to this site and my husband, my embarrassment of skidmarks in my underwear is under control, but I swear when I don't wipe as well, I swear I can smell myself. Also my underwear is much itchier all day. My " healthy size " butt is used to wedgies and I don't even feel a thong, unless I have pooped and I wipes inadequately. I can't remember when, but I posted one time I didn't wipe at work due to being paged for an emergency, and I only had time to wash my hands. After the emergency , I could feel my cheeky boy shorts being sticky all day , and I swear I could smell myself. I even asked my husband he could smell me,which he denied. I could not believe it until he actually (blushing ) sniffed my butt ( voluntarily ). But even then he said it was noticeable but not horrible. The skidmark was of course terrible.( I didn't make him smell that directly).

I had a bigger than average morning poop on Friday at work . I flushed before wiping because I knew I was gongs to wipe at least 5 times. But the one ply and the large area of my buns made me wish my coffee kicked in before my shower. I was wearing a black thong so no noticeable skidmark at the end of the day. But my crack was itchy all day which I didn't feel when I wear a thong unless I wear one post poop. Once again, I thought I could smell it, but my husband again denied it. This time I didn't let him smell my butt directly though he volunteered. My pants also fit very well, and I struggled not to pick my thong during the day. I admit I did once on the bathroom before washing my hands. My husband did confirm that the pants looked like they were riding up more , but he was not complaining as I have a "butt that many would die to have "

Anyway I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I didn't wipe with that thong all day. I did read from a pelvic therapist though when you squat, it's less messy so sometimes my skids are not as bad when I camp then a day at work or going out at night.


Will try drinking hot water in a bit

Hi all. Finished dinner not long ago so will try having some hot water in a bit (both for my throat and for my stomach) and will see if a bit later I get the urge for a major crap. For the time being I am relaxing since I am kind of dizzy (medication causes this). Hopefully everyone is keeping safe, happy and pooping and peeing well.



answer Jenny

It may sound strange to some, but I don't get itchy when my ass is dirty. Maybe my poop is not that aggressive. I try to eat foods that do not harm my figure and apparently the feces from such products are not so irritating to the skin of my butt. Plus, I usually don't have too much poop left on my butt to cause itching and odor to others. The only thing I paid attention to was that if I wear ordinary panties with a completely closed ass, then the gusset from such panties does not immediately absorb the remnants of poop and the poop can start to mix with sweat, then discomfort may appear, but it happens rarely. I find thongs a comfortable type of panty for me, as well as panties in which my ass is slightly closed and they are mostly between the buttocks. If you choose the right size of such panties, then they will not rub and cause inconvenience. Thongs, as a rule, should be bought a size larger than regular panties. In addition, if the thong is put on a dirty butt without wiping, then it just touches a small area of fabric, and does not rub poop on a large gusset, as is the case with regular panties. Therefore, thongs are convenient for me in this case. I can also add that for some time now, I do not worry about the appearance of skid marks on my panties.

Jenny's For the Guys questions

1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the past week? How many days?
Twice. Both of my craps were at the summer school I attend.

2. Do you have a hairy crack?

3. Have you ever worn white briefs?
Yes, as backups when I've missed my mom's laundry deadline. Yes, I get skidmarks in them about half the time. I mostly crap away from home where there is not a lot of privacy and others are waiting for my toilet. All I can say on the wiping is that I try. My girlfriend teases me about my bathroom complaints, saying the girls have it tougher, sitting for both functions and with the same toilet paper squares us guys have. I don't think so. At least they have partial privacy doors available.

4. Do I get skidmarks in my boxers and boxer briefs?
Yes, once in a while, usually on my really soft crapping days.

5. How many times do you tips after you poop?
3 or 4 times if others are watching and waiting. Two or three more at places like a gas station or park toilet.


I hope you get a lot of responses to your airport bathroom question. Back in December I was constipated and doing a slow shit at the airport. I was probably seated 15 minutes. Pilots came into the toilets on both sides of me. One did a twice-over wipe down of his seat before dropping his trousers and sitting down. The other pulled off a lot of toilet paper and covered the seat before he sat down. I noticed his shoes were polished so well you could have thought he was in the military.


Last year at my school several of the men teachers were lazy I guess and didn't want to walk all the way to the faculty bathroom. I peed next to our principal and athletic director. A guy who I think was a student teacher hurried into a stall, thudded himself onto the seat, then apologized and asked me to get him some toilet paper. He had forgotten to look first.


Semi hard poop before lunch

Hi all. Just went poop a few minutes ago. My stomach felt really uncomfortable, bloated, hard and full so went to the washroom soon after drinking warm water. Closed the bathroom door most of the way, turned on the light, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and red underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a pretty big thick poop that kept coming. Flushed halfway to prevent clogging. Finally pushed the last of it out, peed a bit more and wiped well. Tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned around to look. There was a turd about a foot or foot and a half long. And what I flushed was probably longer. Flushed again, washed my hands and dried them and that's that. Will continue to eat healthy and drink plenty of water and the rest should come out sometime today or tomorrow morning at the latest (tomorrow morning is my exercise program I go to every week). It wasn't everything but I'm starting to feel better now.

Stay safe and happy peeing and pooping!


1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven? I would say twice in a week but it all depends if I have to take a shit in public and wipe with bad toilet paper
2. Do you have a hairy crack?
Yes but I try to keep it shaved
3. Have you ever worn white briefs ( "tighty whities " without getting skidmarks in them?
I stopped wearing tightly whites as a teenager and wear boxers and today a black/blue boxers or black/pink thongs
4. Do you get skidmarks in boxers or boxer briefs?
I get skids in them every now and then but it doesn't show up on darker underwear but definitely on my pink thongs
5. How many times do you tips after your poop?
Wipe? Depends on my load if it's a post coffee poop it's gonna be messy but sometimes if it's a solid poop I don't have to wipe that much.

Nicole from Germany

To Gemma

Only once a week? Man... currently I can't go more often either. Last week I did try to go a couple times, but if anything, I only got out some small logs, most of it is still to come out. I'm used to it, but I do hope to get everything out today...

Janey Lydia

Modesty pee

I saw something a while ago about a "modesty pee" and I didn't realize it was actually a thing. I was going on a hike with some friends a couple years ago. It was a long drive to the beginning of the trail. I assumed there would be restrooms at the trail head so I didn't worry about how much water I was drinking. We got to the trail, and of course, no bathrooms. We started our hike and for a while I was fine, but as the day went on I had to pee really bad. I have squatted in the woods before, but I was alone. This time there was my group and I didn't want them to see my pussy or butt. So I held it. I had to stop and grab my crotch a couple times. Eventually I was about to explode. I pulled my jeans down but left my panties on so no one could see my pussy or butt and squatted. I peed through my panties and soaked them. I didn't like the feeling of wet panties, but it felt so good to finally pee! By leaving my panties on and doing a "modesty pee" no one saw my pussy or butt in the process

Tuesday, August 08, 2023


For the guys

My final post for today :)

Guys: this forum has turned the tables on the taboo of girls pooping and getting skidmarks, but back to you guys.

1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven?
2. Do you have a hairy crack?
3. Have you ever worn white briefs ( "tighty whities " without getting skidmarks in them?
4. Do you get skidmarks in boxers or boxer briefs?
5. How many times do you tips after your poop?

I feel (western ) society is quiet and or denial about females pooping, but for guys it's an an expectation ? So the above are just some curiosity of the details ? My husband always wears dark boxers, and said he stopped wearing white briefs in college due to not wanting roommates to see his skidmarks. Ironically he buys me white underwear because " my rear looks good in them." … I guess he's not wrong as long as he ( and I) can handle the skids

-we all get them (except Catherine :) , at least time times
Skidmarked in Seattle


Flights Attendants,' Bathroom Habits

I was at the airport last week sitting in a stall when a gentleman entered the adjacent stall. He quickly lowered his pants and underwear and I noticed a swipe badge on his belt that said "crew." I assumed he was either a flight attendant or a pilot. He quickly released a gassy, smelly, urgent bowel movement, followed by a very audible "whew,". It was apparent that he felt overwhelming relief and I wondered if he had just gotten off of a flight and had been holding it for awhile. We both finished up and exited our stalls at the same time and met at the sinks. He gave me a somewhat shy smile as we washed up. He was a trim twenty something guy. This got me thinking about flight attendants and pilots and their bathroom habits. I'd be curious to hear from them about if the frequent travel creates issues with their systems. Do you often get constipated? Do you rely on stool softeners, laxatives, or fiber supplements? Is this a topic of conversation between you and your colleagues?


Survey answers

1. How often do you poop?

Once a week or every couple of weeks

2. How long does it take for you to poop?
About an hour, sometimes longer

3. What is the oddest place you pooped?
I only poop in my home bathroom, my body doesn't let me go anywhere else, even on vacation I won't go

4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public?
After school, I'd been dying to go all day and held it in all day, got off the bus and it just came out

5. Have you ever watched someone pooped?
Yes, my best friend at school, obviously I've heard numerous girls in stalled bathroom but only my best friend when we shared a hotel room.

6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower?
I have…

7. What is the weirdest place you peed?
I only go at home so none of note

Matthew C.

Responses and survey.

Jenny- Hello, Jenny!
I totally understand what you mean, when I travel I tend to think of pooping more than usual. I don't know why but I do find it slightly fascinating to poop in public or in places I've never been for some reason. And as to farting on airplanes, I've found that I do a lot more than on the ground, glad to see I'm not the only one. Hearing what you said about your husband reminds me a bit of my parents. Dad always teased my mom for farting, which she does a lot, not that he had room to talk, he was even worse. Thankfully I've never had to no.2 on a plane so I haven't had to use their toilet paper yet, but maybe someday. I wear dark underwear a lot of the time just in case I do have an accident or leave stains. I did try to poop unsuccessfully when I was using a train bathroom, though. I definitely felt a bit bloated but nothing came out, I was able to go later one though.

To respond to your question, two times spring to mind s that I've felt the most relief in the bathroom. Once was when I was going up to an apple orchard out near Charlottesville one year. I'd had an afternoon cup of coffee and underestimated how long it'd take to go to my bladder.I had to pee pretty badly by the time we were halfway there and by the time we reached it I was bursting! I even had trouble walking to one of the port-a potties, that's how full my bladder was. I spent a good minute or two peeing, and I can't describe how good it felt to finally get that out of me.

The other time was some years ago when I was out hiking on the Appalachian Trail with my dad. While we were heading into the last leg of our hike that day, I felt that churning in my guts and a minor urge to go no.2 set in. Unfortunately the terrain we were on was rocky with a downhill incline and no place to go to relieve myself relatively privately, so I had to hold it until we got to the trail shelter. To my dismay, my urge to poop got a lot stronger to the point I was having trouble holding it in and having to clench hard. I was hiking on some bumpy terrain which didn't help. I was sweating on top of my hiking exertions. When we got to the shelter, which has a compost toilet, I grabbed the roll of TP from my pack and practically ran to the toilet. The moment I sat down a massive, thick, fairly solid poop came out pretty much all at once. I'm pretty sure my relief was apparent!

Survey answers

1. How often do you poop?
Usually once a day, though sometimes as often as 2-3.

2. How long does it take for you to poop?
No more than 10 minutes or so. It usually comes out of me quick and I honestly spend more time wiping.

3. What is the oddest place you pooped?
I've used holes I've dug behind trees or bushes when I was out on camping trips. I kind of enjoyed pooping outdoors and I'd definitely like to go camping out again sometime. One time I dug a hole and sat over a log, as there were no bushes around. I also used a bucket with a plastic bag draped in it once, this was after I had

4. When was the last time you pooped your pants in public?
Never as an adult, the last time I did that was when I was under 10. I had a couple incidents as an adult but I've thankfully been in the privacy of my own home for those. Again, I usually poop in the morning before I go anywhere, which really helps me avoid this.

5. Have you ever watched someone pooped?
Can't say that I have.

6. Have you ever peed while taking a shower?
Guilty as charged, I've done it several times.

PJ (He/Him)
Jenny's Guy Sruvey

1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven?
-1 out of 7 that I can see
2. Do you have a hairy crack?
-No the harriest but you can clip some hairs out of my cracks
3. Have you ever worn white briefs ( "tighty whities " without getting skidmarks in them?
-its been years and I remember it was very difficult that's why I switch to boxers and colored briefs for sports and eventually boxer briefs for support
4. Do you get skidmarks in boxers or boxer briefs? -
sometimes in my boxer briefs, but most of my boxer briefs are black. I have just thrown out some old colored ones and those have had their share of skidmarks
5. How many times do you tips after your poop?
-at least 4 average about 6 due to my hair crack. Maybe less wipes if I have wet wipes

Can I modify this for gals too?

PJ's survey for the ladies:
1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven?
2. Do you have a hairy crack?
3. Have you ever worn white panties, boy shorts or thongs without getting skidmarks in them?
4. Are skidmarks worse in thongs or panties
5. How many times do you wipe after your poop?
6. Do you wear dark underwear to hide skidmarks

Nils L.

Current shit doesn't look good, so to say

I had too much cake and lunch on Monday, and it lead in pretty unhealthy BM. I have ate normally over the past two days but it still ain't back to normal. Even though I had rice. Or was that a bad idea?


Toilets for teachers

Another poster mentioned it but school is about to start again. My youngest will be starting Kindergarten very soon and it's very exciting! There was an open house for new students and parents and we all went. They'd opened a staff bathroom in the office for parents to use, but we decided to check out the bathrooms in the classrooms when my son had to go. To my surprise it looked a lot like a family restroom. There was a small toilet for kids and a matching sink but there was a bigger toilet in there too. I'm not sure if there's more than one staff bathroom there, but I'm almost certain there aren't as many bathrooms for adults as there are kids, so those are probably for the teachers.


Pooped out a lot of stuff

Hi all. Had breakfast this morning with a cup of tea and a jar of warm water. After breakfast I took my meds, made another jar of water and went downstairs. Microwaved the water downstairs and drank it slowly (though towards the end I drank it pretty quickly). Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went to the washroom next to my room, closed the door, put my cloth Walmart bag against it, walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of crap came out and filled the toilet. When I was done I wiped well with toilet paper, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was a huge semi-solid turd in the toilet about 2 1/2 feet long with toilet paper on it. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Still very bloated and full so will continue to eat healthy, drink more warm water and do some stretches and exercises in my room and hopefully I will go again later. See you, crap. You're out of here.

Stay safe and happy peeing and pooping!



Am keeping hydrated etc and hopefully can go again later

Hi everyone. Did a huge poop earlier today I think shortly after breakfast. Have been keeping hydrated with warm water, eating healthy, etc so hopefully a bit later I can do another massive crap maybe before bed. Mine are usually pretty big (have been since I was a skinny little girl). Difference is now I drink a lot more water so I am less likely to clog the toilet. If I think it will be really big I usually flush halfway while going. Right now about an hour to hour and a half after dinner (usually eat around 5:15 and finish around 5:30 ish) I am lying down due to being dizzy (medication causes it. I'm on a lot of medications and different types). Will try getting up in a while.

Hopefully everyone is keeping safe and healthy and happy peeing and pooping!



To Jenny

Hi Jenny thank you for your comment and for clarifying about the name. I do. I live in Toronto Canada and have for quite a bit of my life (since I was 13-though at one point I lived in Taiwan with my ex husband). I'm now 37. Thank you, that's so nice :)

To Jenny
Do anyone remember the most bliss or relief they have ever felt in the bathroom? And was it from Number one or Number two?

Most relief going to the bathroom:

Number 1 (literally and figuratively ): I was watching the new Christopher Nolan movie last weekend. I usually have to pee halfway through all his movies as they are so long. But I was so into this movie I had to pee for the last hour and a half. I wasn't the only lady in the bathroom holding herself in line in the restroom after the movie. And there were a lot of load echoing moans and peeing streams heard in the restroom many of us started laughing at it. "I know what movie you came out of " said one lady. I peed so hard I got splash back from the toilet from my urine stream, which I usually only get from a large poop.

Number 2 (literally and figuratively: I had a 2 hour commute home from work during a snowstorm which was normally a 45-minute commute with traffic and 20 minutes without traffic. I would have stopped to poop outside but it was so cold. I thought I was going to poop myself so bad I slipped some shopping bags under my butt as I was wearing thin scrub pants. I got out of the car and walked from my car to my door at a 90 degree angle with my hand on my butt. Even though it was cold I moved as quickly as I could, not closing the front door nor the bathroom door and moved my thong and scrub pants down to my thighs before I even got to the bathroom before dropping the largest solid poops I had ever remembered. Before I dropped my 4th turd I started flushing because I knew there was at least two more turds coming. This was my most memorable bathroom experience until recently..oh an also my roommate was home and witnessed all this .

Jenny's question number 2 (pun intended):
Ladies and thong wearers: Do you try to avoid thongs when you have diarrhea for vanity or comfort? For me a thong is so comfortable but when I am having diarrhea, it feels like what many people would think a thong would feel like, an itchy annoying piece of cloth in my crack.

I almost always wear thongs even when I have diarrhea. Oddly enough, even though the thong touches my hole and rubs my crack, it's less irritating than when my large cheeks suck in a bunch of cloth from a full back pair or panties into a wedgie on a normal day let alone a diarrhea day. My roommate feels the opposite and has hanes "granny panties" for period days and loose stool days. I have a special G string pair of panties for diarrhea days, which is hilarious because by boyfirend thinks they look sexy on me. They probably do, but for some reason the lace is very soothing in my crack when I am having soft stools. So when I am wearing them, my boyfriend found out very quickly I am not wearing them for the reason he would like.

footnote: I never get skidmarks on my thongs. I know a lot of girls do. But my full back panties, cheekies, boy shorts and even bikinis...always...another reason I stopped wearing them


A lot of semi-solid crap came out finally

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of meat (I think sausage. It was very light coloured), cooked carrots or sweet potatoes, garlic, peppers in a slightly spicy dark broth. I also had tea to drink and a jar of warm water. I ate slowly, chewing well and enjoying it. After breakfast I took my medication and took my empty mug and water jar downstairs where I surfed the net while drinking another jar of warm water. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went to the washroom next to my room (with my Walmart bag in hand), went in, turned on the light, closed the door, closed the door most of the way and put the Walmart bag on the doorknob to hold it closed. Walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and light coloured underwear down and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and a lot of semi-solid crap came out and covered the hole. I peed first then lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. There was a lot of crap in there covering the hole. Flushed then took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed the paper into the toilet and flushed again. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Still feel fairly full but will continue to drink more water, continue to eat healthy and hopefully the rest will come out later (maybe after lunch before my nap). That wasn't everything but it was a hell of a crap and it didn't clog the toilet.

Stay safe and happy peeing and pooping! And keep hydrated!



very long poop

yesterday i was at a cafe eating my breakfast. i felt the need for a dump brewing and was planning to go at the cafe after eating my breakfast burrito. the cafe had one private bathroom for customers. i saw a woman with a blonde bob enter the bathroom. i was still eating got my phone to time her. after around 3 minutes i was done eating. she was still in the bathroom so i knew she was pooping. my urge to take a dump was really strong now. i got up and waited by the bathroom. i could not hear through the door tho. after 2 more minutes my need was getting worse. i decided to knock so she knew someone was waiting. i knocked twice. in a strained voice she told me "sorry ill be out in a minute". 4 more minutes passed and i finally heard the muffled sound of a toilet flushing. i really needed to take a shit now. she left the bathroom looking embarrassed. i went in and there was a poo smell. i pulled my jeans and panties down and sat on the very warm seat. i decided to time myself. i sat for 2 seconds. i did a small pee for 10 seconds. i then started to work on my poo. despite how badly i needed to go it was hard to get it started. it took 34 seconds to get it started. once i began shitting it took only 6 seconds to get my poop out. my poop was very very long. it made a lot of loud noises as it came out. it rushed out of me very fast. i could feel that a really long dump just came out of me in record speed. after i spent the next 54 seconds to see if i was done. i also looked in the bowl. my shit was very long. it was thin like a pencil but very long. it was coiled and in multiple pieces. it had to be about 18 inches long total. all of that out of me in a few seconds. it had left my butt messy. it took 2 minutes and 16 seconds to wipe. the rest of cleanup took my total time to 5 minutes and 13 seconds.

Anna from Austria
@Jenny Yes of course I still enjoy the better privacy of the toilets here in Austria.

But when thinking about it the better privacy of the toilets in Austria does make pooping here more shameful than in the states due the open nature of the stalls there and the toilet design.

of course, it also smells when using the hole toilets but with the tray toilets, it takes much less time until the toilet room is filled with a poop smell. Due to the rather enclosed nature of the stalls here, the poo smell is trapped in the stall. After you are done and have to leave the toilet the poop smells leaves too and then other ladies waiting outside the stalls for their turn can smell the poop smell too. This makes it more embarrassing.

Another factor is that using hole-type toilets is loud matter in general. It does not matter if you pee or poop splashing noises are normal.

Peeing can be rather silent or loud matter depends on the pee "style" of the women and pooping can be totally silent if no farting is involved.

For women like myself who have a rather loud pee style and a rather loud pooper (pre, mid, and post-poo farts are rather common) using the toilets in Austria can be quite shameful because it es easy to locate the noise when I am the only one making these sounds.

In the states, everybody was loud which made it less embarrassing for me despite the lower privacy level.

Greetings from Austria



Question and response to Jenny

We're burning up in the midst of a heatwave but we're back!

Happily we managed to avoid any skidding that day and again when Robyn got the white panties treatment, at least skidding that wasn't on porcelain!

She was proud of me that day, so proud that she even cleaned up while I soaked in the bath she ran for me. You see, I (Robyn) destroyed the bowl with a log that was like one of Victoria's. It was so big and landed so weirdly that flushing did not nothing. It just sat there, an immovable object faced with a resistable force, taunting us after three flushes did all of nothing. "We may have a problem here," she said upon looking between my legs after I was done. Switching back to Victoria now so she can explain the thought process.

Robyn's loaf was not only wide and long but the last third of so of it had also landed above the water level in the bowl. Trying to break it up with the brush or plunger would have made our apartment stink like a tire fire and with Robyn in the tub it was a total nonstarter. You don't want your wife's eyes to water and for her to gag from a smell when she's trying to relax!

Another course of action was called for. A dumpster needed to be this monster dump's resting place. "Be right back, Nybor!" I called out. Her name backwards is just one of many dumb nicknames we have for each other. With that I dashed to the kitchen and grabbed several plastic bags. With my hands safely wrapped within I carefully reached into the pot and, making sure I kept Robyn's turd in one piece, picked it up before flipping the bag inside out to tie it up. With the bag secure I ran outside, heaved it into the dumpster and closed the lid.

When I got back I washed my hands very carefully and then upon receiving an invitation, got undressed and joined Robyn in the bathtub.

She was great company too!

So our question now is: has anyone else ever had an unflushable poop, one that just would not move? How did you deal with it?




Sunday, August 06, 2023

hi, it's melanie again. i haven't posted for a while.
i think i might've mentioned the fact that i've given up on trying to lose weight much to the distress of my mother, but following a diet is just much too hard.
due to coming off the diet, as expected, i have been ridiculously constipated, and the reason that i am posting today is because of the ordeal i experienced yesterday.
i hadn't moved my bowels in nearly two weeks, but i only realised that a couple of days ago when i woke up with the mother of all stomach aches.
i carry the majority of my 240lb in my belly anyway, but i was so bloated that i looked eight months pregnant.
before breakfast i went to the bathroom and attempted to get something out, but i could only get out a couple of pebbles. i really didn't want to ask for help because i knew about the lecture i'd get (i told you so, melanie) but after another day of waddling around with stuffed intestines, i just bit the bullet and decided to ask.
i waited until my mother had come home from work and gave her a chance to get situated before i approached her while she was watching television, telling her that i couldn't get my poo out. she muttered crossly for a while about how she had just gotten in the door, and how she wasn't surprised that this had happened, but inevitably she agreed to help me and beckoned me to lay down on the couch, immediately digging her hands into my stomach roughly.
she mentioned that this was far easier when i was a little kid because now all she could feel was fat. i asked her what she meant and she told me that when i was younger she could actually feel the hard poo in my colon if she pressed down hard enough. i'm not sure why but the idea of that freaks me the hell out. anyway, after rubbing my belly for a while, she mentioned that she had some suppositories stashed away in the bathroom cupboard, but upon a quick inspection of my bottom, both of us realised that there was absolutely no way a suppository was going to get in there. my mum informed me bluntly that i had no choice but to push.
we headed to the toilet together and my mother pushed the squatty potty she bought for me underneath my feet as i sat down.
it was a long ordeal but after two hours of effort (with some breaks in between) i had passed three rock solid logs. my anus did bleed but that's normal for me and has happened ever since i was small.


Farting in front of my guitar teacher

Hey guys, Tommy again. So this particular story actually happened to me today during my guitar lesson. I take guitar from the lead singer of a fairly well-known band. They've done eight figure numbers on YouTube and my teacher has even been in a few films. She's a very lovely women, easy on the eyes, sophisticated and classy but also at times can be very silly and quite down to earth. We'll call her Lana. So I meet Lana pretty much once every month at a local college for my guitar lessons and I had just arrived on campus. She greeted me and I her, exchanged small talk and then started our hourly session. I was feeling a bit bloated and at some point had accidentally let a two second fart slip. Suffice to say I was a bit embarrassed as I had never passed gas in front of her, but Lana is understanding and simply laughed it off.

"Feeling a little gassy this afternoon?" she giggled.

"It…it would appear so. Sorry, teach." I sheepishly apologized.

"We've known each other for over a year, it's not a huge deal that you farted. Everybody farts. I can't even smell it anyway. Let's get back to the lesson, yeah?" she smiled.

I agreed and continued strumming away.

Not ten minutes from that interaction, I inadvertently farted again. This one lasted about twice as long and this time Lana could undeniably smell the stench surrounding our bubble.

"Now THAT fart I can smell and I'll be honest…it stinks." she chuckled, fanning her nose.

"My bad, Lana. I don't know why I'm so bloated today." I blushed.

"Farting's a natural function, but it's starting to get a little, um, stinky. Do you think you can hold them in until the hour is up or do you need to use the bathroom, perhaps?" she asked.

"Most likely it would just be more farts if I tried to take a dump, Lana." I truthfully replied.

"So going poo is out, got it. I suppose just try to keep them in as much as possible if you can hon." she sighed.

"I'll try, I promise."

Fortunately, I was able to do so and didn't fart again for the last 30 minutes of the lesson. I'm so grateful to have such a patient and kind teacher like her.



Will try drinking hot water in a bit

Hi all. Finished dinner not long ago so will try having some hot water in a bit (both for my throat and for my stomach) and will see if a bit later I get the urge for a major crap. For the time being I am relaxing since I am kind of dizzy (medication causes this). Hopefully everyone is keeping safe, happy and pooping and peeing well.


Nina- so sorry if I asked you this already, but i May have forgotten. Do you smell yourself or have an itch when you pull up your thong when you have to poop without wiping? Thanks to this site and my husband, my embarrassment of skidmarks in my underwear is under control, but I swear when I don't wipe as well, I swear I can smell myself. Also my underwear is much itchier all day. My " healthy size " butt is used to wedgies and I don't even feel a thong, unless I have pooped and I wipes inadequately. I can't remember when, but I posted one time I didn't wipe at work due to being paged for an emergency, and I only had time to wash my hands. After the emergency , I could feel my cheeky boy shorts being sticky all day , and I swear I could smell myself. I even asked my husband he could smell me,which he denied. I could not believe it until he actually (blushing ) sniffed my butt ( voluntarily ). But even then he said it was noticeable but not horrible. The skidmark was of course terrible.( I didn't make him smell that directly).

I had a bigger than average morning poop on Friday at work . I flushed before wiping because I knew I was gongs to wipe at least 5 times. But the one ply and the large area of my buns made me wish my coffee kicked in before my shower. I was wearing a black thong so no noticeable skidmark at the end of the day. But my crack was itchy all day which I didn't feel when I wear a thong unless I wear one post poop. Once again, I thought I could smell it, but my husband again denied it. This time I didn't let him smell my butt directly though he volunteered. My pants also fit very well, and I struggled not to pick my thong during the day. I admit I did once on the bathroom before washing my hands. My husband did confirm that the pants looked like they were riding up more , but he was not complaining as I have a "butt that many would die to have "

Anyway I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I didn't wipe with that thong all day. I did read from a pelvic therapist though when you squat, it's less messy so sometimes my skids are not as bad when I camp then a day at work or going out at night.

Hi guys! This is my first post! Long time stalker!
For my first post I thought i'd do a live poop, as I usually am reading this site as I go poop. Here goes!
So, I'm actually in the tub right now perusing the site, but I started feeling that familiar feeling in your gut... You know the one! So i'd better hop onto the toilet, I don't wanna be cleaning my poop up from the bath!
I'm on the toilet now, i'm still wet from my bath so hopefully might help with the motion! I'm not pushing yet, but I can feel it about to poke out. I'm definitely prairie dogging!
My butthole is twitching a little as I'm trying to relax. I'm pushing only gently.... a big plop, I think the turd came out in one big log! I'm going to push hard now just to see if there's anything left.... A few more tiny plops and that's it!
I wipe my butt (a messy one!) and flush!

Thanks for reading guys! :*


Will try pooping in the morning after breakfast

Hi all. Very bloated and uncomfortable so I will try drinking some warm water slowly in the morning and eating healthy and see if that softens everything up so I can go. Knowing me it will be a lot. Stay safe everyone and happy peeing and pooping.


Heather h.

Worst day ever..

Hey guys, I'm heather! I've been a reader of this site for many years but I've never posted. But something happened to me last week I'm embarrassed about and maybe talking will help me get over it. For starters I'm 32 and 5'3 about 260 pounds with a huge butt from having 2 kids, I also have red hair that's dyed. But anyway, I've had HORRIBLE ibs since my first kid and have alot of stories coming here always makes me feel a little better... if I'm not constipated I'm almost always gassy and having diarrhea. My fiance Emily has it to but not as bad. So I'm a manager of sporting goods in a larger retail store and didn't have to be at work till 11 that day so the night before me and Emily got Chinese to go and stayed up drinking and playing uno, and I had about 4 and a half long Island iced teas. Got up the next morning around 9 and my stomach was actually fine, went to Arby's with her before work to get some food, I'm a sucker for their frys lol. Got a big roast beef sandwich with their Mac n cheese and a lemonade. Got to work and 1045 n took some ????s because I had indigestion from the lemonade and went pee and clocked in. We were super busy when I got there cause it's summer and we live in a town right by a lake. Anyways I felt fine aside from being kinda gassy which is normal right after I eat and I was kinda burping from eating to much lol. But around 2oclock it changed and changed and changed fast. I was doing a fishing license for a guy when it litteraly felt like everything in my stomach turned to liquid and just rushed through my bowels.. my stomach litteraly roared so loud the guy asked me if I was hungry, I said yea, but I knew I had about 1 minute before my panties where full of diarrhea. I kinda panicked but called my coworker on my walkie to have him take over. Excused myself and started the trip to the back bathroom, there was no way in heck I was going to the front where they don't have doors! My legs were shaking and it felt like ???? was litteraly bubbling on the inside.. I was sraight up freaking out. I've had accidents before but they always embarrass me and stress me out. Made it to the family bathroom after what seemed forever but was probably 30 seconds and it was locked. Great. Now I have to go infront of people which sucks. Went to the ladies room across the hall, all 3 stalls were taken. I leaned up against the wall trying to hold my stomach because It was cramping so bad, but my stomach rolled again and liquid audibley poured out of my butt and into my favorite pair of red and black leopard panties.i was leaned with my butt on the wall so alot of it went up my hooha, I knew if I didn't get in a toilet I was going to be even more of a absolute wreck. So I said someone please hurry kinda loudly. The girl in the middle stall came out in about 10 seconds, I guess she was just on her phone or something. So I run in have to lock the door and undo my belt and unbutton my pants and I'm pouring out a torrent of diarrhea before i can even sit down. Followed by a huge wet liquidy fart, the rude lady in the stall to the right of me scoffed and said Jesus christ under her breath and embarrassed the hell out of me, I tried to be quiet but a cramp hit me and I couldn't hold it at all it just forced it's way out pretty much pure water with chunks of who knows what and horrible wet gas and my moans, i absolutely couldn't help it my stomach was a WRECK. My panties were a wreck but I didn't want to start stripping with 2 other women in the bathroom. There was diarrhea all on the toilet seat from me not being able to hold it and all in between my legs and I was in a full public bathroom. My stomach was still churning and bubbling and cramping I felt so sick and embarrassed and the lady beside me wasn't helping by sighing acting mad. I just wanted to cry, and that's when it went from being bad to one the the most horrible days of my life. My stomach cramped again BAD but while another wave of diarrhea came out all the Arby's and lemonade I drank decided to force its way out of my stomach and mouth, I didn't even have time to think or react and covered my mouth but just wound up spraying puke everywhere all while farting. I tried to swallow what didn't spray out but that just made my gag, and I threw up ALL IN my freaking pants and panties yall and with so much force it got on the floor to and splatter and all over my legs.... and I'm not a quiet puker it sounds like I'm yelling and gargling something. the two women didn't even ask me if I was ok they just freaking left. I've thrown up while having diarrhea before because my cramps are so bad but I've always been lucky there was a trash can. I threw up like 5 more times in my pants while just bawling my eyes out. It was litteraly the worst I've felt and most embarrassed I've ever been and I've had quite a few mishaps in the last 15 years.. I didn't know what to do so I tried to call my boss but had to hang up because another cramp hit with a wave of gurgling diarrhea. I wound up just calling Emily because I was going to have to leave work anyway. When she answered she immediately knew something was wrong because I called her from the bathroom, it didn't help I had to fart right when she picked up the phone. I felt so miserable and hysterical and diarrhea just refused to stop pouring out of me. Emily tried to calm me down and told my she'd be there soon. My boss kept calling me on the radio so finally I just said bathroom and he stopped. I'm glad I had to hang up the phone though I really didn't feel like explaining that his 32 year old female manager had just puked and had diarrhea all over herself... my jeans were totally soaked with diarrhea and now vomit and I had puke all down my shirt, and on my legs and I was in a stall with no sink or ANYTHING to clean up with and it smelled absolutely God awful. I was Still cramping and having to gag but Nothing was coming up. I didn't know what to do but I decided to see if the family bathroom was open so I tried to wipe which was useless really and stood up when I pulled my pants up even more leaked out on the floor I felt absolutely disgusting right when I walked out of the stall one of the other female managers walked in and saw me with my soaked pants and puked shirt. And looked at me weirdly but I didn't say anything and just walked out bit I didn't have anything to clean the toilet or puddle of vomit off the floor. Walked across the hall to the family bathroom and thank God it was open because I BARELY even got sat down again before I exploded everywhere. I honestly have no idea how this much stuff was coming out of my body. Then I was mortified because my coworker was calling maintenance the the bathroom because someone had got sick and I knew she knew it was me. It took about for her to get there and I was still having gurgling wet gas the whole time. When I opened the door I must've looked bad when she opened the door because she just said oh my good babe, but she left the the house in such a hurry she forgot her purse so I had to walk THROUGH the store like that to get out. I was MORTIFIED. I must have smelled God awful. My jeans were pretty much completely soaked and sloshy. But I texted my boss saying I was leaving sick and Emily took me home and I threw the jeans in the wash and got in the shower,and Emily helped me clean up, I had to get out halfway through because I almost went on myself IN the shower, and Emily stood beside my rubbing my shoulder, she's really awesome but we bout have bad stomachs so we are used to it. So I finished cleaning up took some imodium and layed down. And got some rest. Later that night I was awoke to Emily in the bathroom with diarrhea, she's bigger than I am and eats horribly I'm always on her about it, but her farts were so ridiculously loud they woke me up.. but I finally felt better. I have no idea what caused me to get so sick or if it was just the ibs that caused it.... it was probably the most embarrassing thing that's happened to me. To make matters worse. I had to go to work the next day knowing everyone knew it was the fat girl that had gotten diarrhea all over the toilet and puked in the floor I wanted to cry the whole day and of course being upset triggers my ibs so I was back and forth with diarrhea AGAIN. But anyway, that's my story, I have some more and Emily does to if anyone cares to hear them maybe I'll tell them sometime... anyway bye for now!

Back in high school, we had this rule - well, not like an actual rule, but you just didn't do it. You didn't poop in school. Everyone knew that, and everyone abided by it. So there I was, sophomore year, just trying to get through another day of high school.

Right from the start, I could tell something was off. My stomach was making all these weird noises during breakfast, but I just figured it was because I was still half asleep. By the time first period started, my stomach was doing flips. I was getting this urge to go to the bathroom, but there's this golden rule in high school, right? It's just not done. So, I braced myself, hoping I could hold out till the end of the day and to tough it out.

Lunch rolled around and things were getting seriously uncomfortable. I was just sitting there in the cafeteria, I had to shit so bad that I was shaking and had chills. I hardly touched my food, trying not to explode in front of the whole school. I could barely even listen to my friends as they chatted with one another.

Afternoon classes were pure torture. My stomach was going nuts, and it felt like I was walking a tightrope. I was half listening to the teachers, half praying that I could make it till the end of the day. It was during sixth period when I knew I was at the end of my tether. Holding in my sphincter was a loosing battle and a realization hit me "oh my god I am going to have to take a shit at school for the very first time" I stared at the clock. No way could I wait another 20 minutes. Sooner or later I would have to either empty mass ass into was either a toilet or into my skin tight genes. The nurse's office was my saving grace. They had a private bathroom, like a haven in a storm. I swallowed my pride and walked up to the teacher's desk and told him that I was feeling very sick and I needed to go to the nurse's office. Luckily he signed my pass and let me go.

As soon as I made it into the bathroom, it was like all hell broke loose. I hit the toilet and everything just exploded out of me. It was the worst and most relieving feeling ever. Now, here's the thing, the bathroom door was odd. It had this glass pane, like in old detective movies. I could see blurry shapes outside and knew the nurse would be able to hear everything. Not the most comforting thought when you're having the trots, but at that moment, I was past caring. I remember flushing and whipping and another bout of diarrhea just poured right out of me. Had any of the girls heard me erupt like that in the girl's stall during my lunch break then it would have been the end of my reputation and a very humiliating ordeal.

When I finally emerged, I was drained. The nurse took one look at me, suggested I go home, and I gratefully took her up on the offer. That day stands out in my memory, not for any cool school event, but for the time I had to choose between hours of discomfort or a few moments of embarrassment. I learnt my lesson that day, sometimes it's okay to break the 'rules'.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Using my big froggy chamber pot potty to defecate outside

Princess Toadstool Peach: I have to admit I have peed and pooed in some rather strange places in my lifetime but none comes closer than doing my business outside sitting on my chamber pot AKA my old potty I used to use as a toddler. But however one day when I'm driving along in my Mario kart visiting my friend Rosalina. I really had to go so I stopped my kart, got my chamber pot out of my my bag I pack with me, ducked into a private place to do my business, lifted my skirt, pulled and yanked down my panties, wiggled my bottom and sat down on it. I felt rather happy that I packed it or otherwise there would of been a huge stinky mess one I do not want to clean up at all. As I sat there I pushed, rubbed my ??? Until hot gas build up my bowels as they went stronger. And then I released a ton of thick brown lumpy hard BM pooh poos from my bottom. Even when I was squatting I was still going like crazy. I must of been eating a lot of fruit again or something I said to myself until at last I started peeing and that was the end of that.


my stomach flu lasted 3 DAYS


I posted here on 7/25/23 about having an awful stomach virus that has been going around. The second day I was still sick as a dog. Got up at 6 a.m. having diarreha and nauseous.I rested in bed the whole day, At noon I thought I would try to eat something.I had some yogurt and drank some gatorade. After about thirty minutes I ran to the bathroom and vomited. Then had the diarreha again. Felt so sick. Went back to bed. After thirty minutes, back to the toilet with another round of diarreha and vomiting into a trash can.Went back to bed.My stomack churned and I had cramps, after another hour in pain I hurried to the toliet again with diarreha.
My husband came home finding me in bed.He asked me how I was feeling. Before I could answer I ran to the bathroom to vomit another three times.The rest of the night I spent in the bathroom vomiting and having diarreha.In the morning I still felt terrible.My husband took me to the ER. They told that it was not food poisoning .I had a very bad case of the flu. Like I already didn't know that. They did severaal test and told me that everything checked out to be the flu and to let it run its course. Did not want to give me imodium. I went back home feeling a little better, still didn't feel like eating.The nausea had stopped for the most part. However i Still had the runs. about every hour it seemed. When I went, it was like a fire hose, water gushing out of me. I have never been this sick in my life. Later that night I didn't sleep very well my stomach still was cramping. got up numerous times with diarreha.
The next day I felt better and thought I would try to go to work. At work I learned that several other employees were out with the flu.Another woman that I work with jumped up from her desk with her hand at her mouth running toward the restroom, so I know she had it too.The rest of the day I felt washed out and made several trips to the restroom with diarreha. That evening after I went home I felt the best I had in three days. If you get this stay home and stay close to a toilet.


Weekend cabin poop

Hey all! Kenna again with the latest update. Nicole, yes my hubby has really bad constipation issues unfortunately! I'm always helping him go! I definitely don't mind though because it is so uncomfortable and hard for him :( I hope your issues resolve soon!! Jenny, yes Haha it was definitely interesting pooping at the wedding in my dress but luckily the bathroom was spacious so it made it easier! Oh god I can't even imagine getting poop on my dress!! Thankfully Josh was there to help with it! On to my story. This happened recently at the cabin. We usually go a few times a year with my parents and Josh's parents. The cabin has 2 bathrooms in it but they aren't adjoined to bedrooms so privacy while pooping is an issue for Josh who never is able to go quickly or easily, and he hates clogging the toilet. Saturday morning he pulled me aside after breakfast and told me that he had to go poop, and it would be big. He hadn't gone in a few days kinda like normal so i knew it would take time and effort to come out. He definitely wasn't going to poop in the cabin so we had to come up with a plan. We decided to kayak to a nearby island in our swimsuits since it was hot out. Before we left we went into our bedroom to pack up a few things. Suppositories Vaseline and toilet paper. Josh asked for a suppository before putting his swimsuit on and layed on the bed. I lubed it in Vaseline to help get it inserted then gently lubed his anus and inserted the suppository carefully. His hard poop tip was just inside his butt. I carefully lubed him up a little more and we put on our suits and headed out. The kayak ride took about 25 minutes and we beached them on the island. We walked around for a few minutes looking for a private spot for Josh to try and go. I dug a hole in the sand and Josh took off his swim trunks and got into position. He peed first then knelt down and stuck his butt out over the hole. "Just concentrate baby, take your time, push and rest as you need it" I coaxed as he began his first push. His anus slowly dialated and the hard tip began to show. Once he had to stop pushing it went back in. He took another deep breath and began pushing again. The tip began to show again but quickly stopped once it got too wide to come any further. Josh relaxed and it disappeared back inside. "Try again baby, keep pushing, let it come" I encouraged. I rubbed his back and was kneeling behind him as he began to work again. I hugged him from behind and he squeezed my hands during his push. The turd didn't move and he tried again. He was grunting softly after his relaxed from pushing. During his next push I noticed the suppository wasn't melted yet and I told him "babe that suppository isn't fully ready yet, so you can take a break if you want". He pushed a couple more times and the log stayed put so he stood up to rest and put his trunks back on. We swam for awhile and the cold water felt great! Josh was standing in stomach deep water so his butt was covered when I noticed him tensing up and his face going red. He was trying to go. I waded over to him and held his hands and he pushed again. "I figured since we were already in the water and it's hot out I may as well see if it helps me go, and it will help keep me cooled off" he said. "Where's your trunks?" "At my feet, I pulled them down" "here" he said and handed them to me. I hung them off a kayak out of view. I waded back to josh who was in the middle of a push. He hugged me tight as he was trying. "Is it coming"? I asked. "Not yet babe, but once it starts coming I'll let you know and I can probably finish in the hole you dug instead of going in the lake" he pushed a few more times and stopped to rest. Poor thing was having Trouble. "It's really dry and hard Even with the lube babe" it's hard to push" he sucked in another breath and slowly tried again but it was stuck. "It won't come out Kenna, I may need some more help" we got out of the water and went back to the hole. Josh knelt again and stuck his Butt out towards me. The lake water washed the Vaseline off so I told him I would give him more. I lubed him up again and this time when he pushed I began to try and push on his perineum with one hand and kind of dig at his poop with the other to help get it started. It was hard to break off pieces from his log but I kept trying when he was pushing. Each little pebble I got I dropped in the hole. His turd was still too fat to push out so I kept working with him. About 10 or so minutes later inbetween trying and resting it finally began to come out from him pushing so I stopped and just put pressure on his perineum. "Keep it up Josh, it's coming" he pushed and pushed and worked hard as it kept coming out but it was still really slow so I wrapped my hand in toilet paper and gently pulled on it as he pushed. It broke off after 10 inches and dropped in the hole. His next piece was stuck for awhile and he rested. It started coming out after a few more tries as I coached him thru it. This one broke off after another 8" or so. He grunted and strained out another one which was about a foot long. He was done and stood to wipe. I gently cleaned his butt for him and we washed our hands. I buried his poop and We swam for awhile before heading back to the cabin. He thanked me for my help and patience and we enjoyed the rest of our trip' xoxo Kenna

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