

Surveillance in toilet

When I came to school, I wanted to go to the toilet, and went there, respectively. However, all the stalls of the boys' toilet were occupied! I knew that there was also a boys' toilet on the other floor, although our class did not go there, but I decided to go. I didn't want to wait here. Fortunately, all the toilets were vacant there. I took the middle stall and quickly relieved myself. I flushed, and was about to open the door and go out, when I suddenly heard that someone had entered the toilet. Some unknown boy. I suddenly decided not to go out now, but to stay in the booth, and... surveillanced. Eavesdropping and peeping. It was interesting to me, I liked watching someone defecate, so I decided to try to observe unnoticed. This boy entered the stall on the right, and, not suspecting that I was looking carefully through the crack, went to the toilet, slightly lowered his pants, and began to urinate. He quickly peed and left without even flushing. This shoked me. Well, how can you be so uncultured? For example, I always flushing water on the toilet after myself, and I can't even imagine how can forget about this! A few seconds later, someone entered the stall on the left. I immediately clung to the left slit. This boy was older than me, and he also came and began to pee. He piss longer, but when he finished, he didn't flushed either. When he came out, I carefully got out of the stall, and after making sure no one was there, I quickly flushed the water in both stalls. Then I returned to my "observation" stall. A few minutes later another boy came in and went into the right stall. I watched. First, he, like both other pupil, peed, then pulled down his pants and underpants, and sat down on the toilet seat. He's going to poop! It was a bit unexpected. As far as I know, I'm the only one at our school who often goes to poop, and the others almost never poop here unless they have to urgently. It didn't look like this boy wanted to urgently, but nevertheless he began to poop. He began to make funny wrinkles, pushed, then after a few seconds I heard a loud splash. This boy breathed a sigh of relief. He started wiping his ass with toilet paper. He spent two pieces of paper, then began to pull on his underpants and pants, and while he was doing this, I began to wonder if he would flush or not? I could smell the nasty smell of poop from the crack. This boy got dressed, and to my surprise flush! At least someone educated! He went out, and then no one came for a long time. Then two boys came in at once, and entered one stall together! They stood in front of the toilet, and having lowered their pants slightly, they began to urinate into it from both sides. I immediately thought that I should somehow also do it together with the Paint. After a couple of minutes, they finished, flushed off and left. Then the bell rang for the lesson, and I had to run to class. But I decided that it would be nice to look at it some more. It turned out to be fun and interesting!


Giant poop about an hour after breakfast

Hi all. I woke up this morning with a really bloated and hard stomach so I went to the washroom, could only pee and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a cup of tea, a jar of warm water and some kind of spicy red soup with boiled eggs, green peppers, some kind of meat, chili peppers, etc. Ate slowly chewing well and took sips of tea and warm water now and then. After breakfast I took my medications, brought my empty mug downstairs, made another jar of water (which I microwaved downstairs) and drank the water slowly. My stomach felt very hard, full and uncomfortable. Finally towards the end of the jar of water I got a major urge to poop so I took my Walmart bag, went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door (and put the bag against it), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of thick semi-hard poop. Seemed to keep coming. Finally I was done. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in the toilet. There was a lot of crap in there filling up a lot of the toilet. Flushed first then got to work wiping. Once I was clean, I tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, flushed the toilet again, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Went to my room, wiped my hands on the towel in here (have to keep my towels in my room to prevent the guys who live here from using them-caregiver said), took my water jar, refilled and microwaved it and now relaxing. That was a hell of a shit but I am glad it's out. It's not everything from my body yet but will continue to drink more water and do some stretches and exercises later and hopefully I can go again later-maybe the rest of it.

Keep safe, hydrated, cool, happy, healthy and happy peeing and pooping!



Re: No privacy doors!

Q1. What was your greatest fear in using the school toilets?

A: Being bullied while pooping.

Elementary school was bearable. Sometimes kids would make fun of me, stare at me through the gaps in the stalls, or start kicking my feet. But at least the stalls had doors. I pooped at school almost every day in elementary school.

In middle school, the stalls didn't have doors and some of the Boys' rooms didn't even have stalls at all covering their sit-down toilets. There was nowhere to poop with any privacy in middle school. To make matters worse, any time I did see a student pooping at school, without exception, they were always bullied while at their most vulnerable. The worst case I saw was a 7th grade student being called gay slurs while taking an emergency crap, only for the 8th grade bullies to urinate on paper towels and pelt him with them. I held it in each day to avoid having to poop at this school, and only during rare emergencies had no choice and gave in.

The first of two high schools I went to had the same issue as middle school. There was nowhere to poop with any privacy, and the same bullies that attended that middle school now attended that high school, with all the same issues that came with them.

The second high school I went to after I moved to a new city was nice. There were doors on all the stalls, and there was no bully culture that bothered students while they were trying to poop. I resumed my normal elementary school routine of pooping at school every day, without any fear of being harassed. It was nice. No one ever made fun of me for doing so, even if they saw me enter a stall prior to blowing it up, or leaving the stall after.

Q2. Did you tell a parent or babysitter? What did they say?

A: I brought the no doors issue up to my parents during the start of middle school. They didn't care. They told me to deal with it. I lived in a crowded working class household, and bathroom privacy was a luxury my household didn't really have.

Q3. Should total toilet privacy in schools be the law?

A: Absolutely. I think forcing kids to poop in front of their fellow students with their butt and privates exposed is degrading, inhumane, and a risk to their safety, not to mention an assault on their general well-being. I know for a fact I was not the only kid to hold my bowel movements in all day until I could get home, and it may have done damage to my insides over those years judging from the pain it caused. Plus it is not right to treat children as prisoners.

At the bare minimum, there should be half stalls/doors that cover the sit-down toilet user below the torso. I never had a problem using those in front of students at another school for an extracurricular activity, and I felt it was akin to using a urinal, except for pooping. No one saw anything objectionable. My butt and privates were kept private, and so was my wiping since I was a sit-down wiper. Those half stalls didn't scare me as much as doorless stalls, albeit given the fact that when I used them there were teachers in the bathroom to prevent any bullying may have inspired confidence, awkward as it was to be able to see over the walls and door as I sat able to make eye contact with lines of people waiting for the urinals. That said, it would be preferred to have at least the standard US stall configuration, but I get that drugs/sex/ect is sometimes an issue used to "justify" removal of the doors altogether, and half doors are a compromise that isn't TOO degrading.


A Sloppy Poop at a Co-worker's Apartment

It was 2011. I was helping two middle-aged female coworkers from my office study for their calculus courses so that they could become promoted and better paid at their jobs. One of them, we'll call Bianca, was this blonde mixed white-hispanic lady, the other, we'll call Sharlene, was an overweight black gal. They were appreciative that I took the time out some of my nights to teach them. Normally, I'd do this at the office where we worked after work was over. Like clockwork, I often had to excuse myself to use the Mens' room in the middle of the teaching session so that I could take my evening poop, usually being gone for 10 minutes. I eat like a horse and this was typically my third poop of the day, usually the first two occurring during working hours.

Towards the end of their course, they needed some final instruction over the weekend before the big exam. I met both my coworkers at Bianca's apartment on a Saturday evening. I also had a bit of a problem, because I hadn't pooped all day, and I was dreading the prospect of possibly clogging the toilet there if I needed to go. I was no longer embarrassed to poop around anyone, but I knew my body well enough that making an unwanted mess or clogging the toilet was a distinct possibility. I hated using residential low flow toilets at other peoples' houses for this reason, as I'd caused scores of clogs in such fashion in my life by that time. I held out hope I'd make it through the four or five hours I was going to have to be there, and either poop somewhere on the way back home, or poop at home.

About an hour into the study session, Bianca excused herself to the bathroom. As a foreboding of what was to come, I discovered that this bathroom's walls provided no noise reduction. I could hear her lock the door, pull her pants down, start peeing, then roll the paper and wipe, before pulling her pants up and flushing. The noise simply traveled through her apartment and hearing it was unavoidable.

About two hours in, she ordered some tacos for dinner, and ordered enough for all three of us. We'd dined at restaurants and company luncheons together before and she knew that I ate a LOT, and ordered accordingly, even though I never asked for anything. I'm always hungry though, so I was thankful. It was about this time that I went there to pee and wash my hands, and I'm certain they heard everything. Not wanting to be impolite, I ate my share of the tacos, and the portions were very generous, stuffing my stomach full. As soon as I finished, I could feel it pushing on everything down below. I figured I might still be able to finish some final questions they had in preparation for their Calculus exam on Monday and head out, but the questions kept coming.

I'd now been there for three hours and my lower guts were churning with audible noise. I'm certain they could both hear my insides growling with the sounds of peristalsis. I was now ready to poop, but in a rare event, I decided to try to hold it. I finished answering some questions about Euler's method and at about three and a half hours in, I couldn't hold it back anymore. My entire abdomen was throbbing, with pain periodically shooting up my spine, and I decided I would excuse myself, resigned to whatever would happen henceforth. My insides won the battle with my willpower, and pooping here was now unavoidable.

Me: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to use your bathroom."

Bianca: "Feel free."

I locked the door, looked for a fan, found there was none, pulled my pants down, and sat on the toilet. I could hear the two gals continuing a conversation they were having about the course material.


A long fart echoed about the toilet bowl for about 5 seconds. I could still hear Bianca and Sharlene talking in the adjacent living room, as if they were simply trying to pass the time and make things less awkward. I'm certain they heard me pull my pants down and then heard the fart, and therefore knew what I was doing. I sat there, letting gravity do the work, trying to avoid straining and avoid making extra noise, out of courtesy.

Eventually, the turtle's head crowned and everything started pouring out like the back end of a cement truck, making a loud crackling noise. It sounded like aluminum foil being crumpled up and pulled apart. It slid out easily and effortlessly, but I could feel it was wide, as it left a warm, greasy filth all over my posterior with the texture of chunky peanut butter. It kept slowly pouring out as a continuous unbroken cable for the next 5 minutes straight, centimeter by centimeter, while small but someone quiet pockets of gas exploded out with it sounding like pop rocks mixed with soda, the crackling noise uninterrupted for that long duration.


Eventually, the tail end landed in the water...


I could feel more on the way. I had to push this time to coax it to come out, and when I did...


A loud but abrupt fart made its escape, followed by the sound of a large jar of spare change being slowly poured into a wishing well as a large volume of poop poured out. The 2nd wave of poop felt soft and well-lubricated and exited quickly like diarrhea, but it was still solid, and there was no way I could clench my sphincter enough to hold it back or quiet the noise, as the pressure the weighty mass placed on my o-ring was too much. Within 20 seconds, it was all over and out, followed by a final fart, a long squeaker.


I finally felt empty. The relief was immense. It was a very satisfying dump, to say the least, even if the circumstances were less than ideal.

The two gals were no longer talking to each other, and I noticed they had gotten quiet when the 2nd wave of poop came. It was loud enough that their conversation was interrupted.

I heard Bianca remark: "I'm sorry for ordering tacos. Are you okay in there?"

I responded: "I'm fine. It wasn't the tacos. I hadn't gone all day, and you know I eat like a horse."

Bianca busted up laughing.

Sharlene: "Too much information."

Bianca: "Glad you're okay then."

They were giggling like school girls. I supposed the fact that I was young, skinny, and attractive, with the appearance of a blonde high-school aged white boy, made things extra awkward, because they got to hear every intimate detail of my toilet visit.

I could tell that my rear was a complete mess, the wet, thick poop feeling warm on my skin, with any air movement making parts of my butt intermittently cold from the evaporation. I stood up partially to look between my legs into the toilet bowl, making sure to keep my butt hovering over the toilet in case anything coating my posterior fell off, not wanting to inadvertently splatter the seat or the floor. The entire toilet bowl was full of excrement, a long light-brown dirt snake wrapping around the bowl three times with a soft pyramid of green sludge in the middle. The toilet water was surprisingly clear. I knew the cleanup job would be daunting, and not wanting to clog, decided I would flush now. If it clogged, I could put the toilet paper in the trashcan and ask for a plunger without flooding the floor with a second flush, but I was trying to reduce my odds. I clog toilets a lot, and the likelihood was very high because I'd been holding back an entire day's worth of poop when I'd normally have gone 3 times by now. I flushed, and got my butt back on the seat for the cleanup as the water below me swirled.

I started wiping. And wiping. And wiping. And wiping. The toilet paper rolling made an awkward squeaking noise that I heard when Bianca used it, and I'm sure they knew exactly what I was doing and why. Eventually, I got clean enough after about 5 minutes of wiping, and pulled my pants up. I probably used 1/4 a roll of toilet paper, the toilet bowl was now full of paper, and the water was dark brown. I flushed again, and all the paper went down revealing there was still some poop present, and the toilet bowl was coated with enough brown skidmarks to give a Dodge Challenger Hellcat driver envy, brown smears almost to the rim and all over the basin and drain hole. I flushed again for a third time, and most of the skidmarks remained. The toilet bowl looked like a brown Van Gogh abstract with some Jackson Pollock spackled underneath the rim. It stunk something horrible.

I washed my hands, and rejoined my coworkers.

Me: "I'm sorry about all that. I made a mess of the toilet."

Bianca: "It's ok. Nothing a toilet brush and some cleaner won't fix."

Sharlene sat there, with an embarrassed smirk on her face. They certainly heard everything and there was no secret as to what I was doing in there less than 10 feet from the couch they were sitting on. It was over and done with.

I continued teaching them and answering their math questions for another half hour until we finished. As I was about to leave, Sharlene decided to enter the bathroom. She stepped out immediately.

Sharlene: "Would one of you mind cleaning this toilet up? I'm too squeamish and can't use it."

All three of us started laughing.

Sharlene: "Seriously. It's bad."

I knew it really was.

Bianca then looked to me: "You can go on home. I'll take care of it."

I saw both of them most days at work for years afterward. None of us ever brought this up again.


Reponse to Jenny's Survey

Hi Jenny,

I will take your survey:

1. Have you gotten skidmarks in the last week? How many days out of seven?

I haven't had any skidmarks in a while. I usually will finish wiping with wet wipes to make sure I get everything off. I also eat a high fiber diet and try to only have 3's and 4's on the bristol stool chart so that I don't get that feeling of incompleteness when I go.

However, I didn't have these practices when I was younger and would find myself with skidmarks from time to time, especially if I rode my bike to and from work or school.

2. Do you have a hairy crack?

It's not overly hairy, but I still shave it about once a week.

3. Have you ever worn white briefs ( "tighty whities " without getting skidmarks in them?

I don't think white is the best color choice for underwear. Mine is usually black when I wear it, which is only sometimes. Otherwise, I am commando. Obviously, going commando can be a bit risky, so I try to take great care to not get skidmarks in those instances.

4. Do you get skidmarks in boxers or boxer briefs?

Not really any more, due to the reasons I listed above.

5. How many times do you tips after your poop?

I will usually wipe five or six times with regular paper and then a few times with the wet wipes until I am confident I am totally clean.

Hopefully this helps.



Replies & story

To Anna from Canada I read your story & it was great! I also read some old stories from when you were a student & they were great! So of course I know that running can activate your digestion & I have written about it a few times before. Charls probably took a big dump as well & must have felt so much better afterwards!

To Jenny tysm & I agree that sport teams are great for bonding & it taught me a lot for life! I remember the stories of Sophie & they were wild! I guess it is not possible for hockey players to go behind bushes when they get an urgent need so they have to wait for the end of the practice/game.

So this happened a while ago as I was out for a 12-miles jogging with my friend Mary (she used to compete in my team). The goal of our run was a watchtower in the forest. It is located in a clearing. When we reached it, there was a cute guy who seemed to be waiting. We greeted him & climbed onto the tower. The view was gorgeous! Then we heard the guy speaking to someone & he was talking to his blonde girlfriend who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere! They quickly left. We went down & before running back, Mary said she had to pee because she hydrated too much! I laughed & I said I would go as well! We went a few steps into the bushes & it became obvious where the blonde girl had gone: there was an absolutely massive amount of shit that looked like a cow pie! The two tissues she had used to wiped looked lost in the middle. She clearly must have had a strong urge because of an upset stomach or because of exercising. We giggled & Mary said OMG she just avoided a massive accident & I answered fr fr. We both peed but Mary's pee was way longer than mine. Mary said I'm glad I managed to take a good dump before leaving & I said I didn't eat much yesterday so I don't have to go number two either! As we left some flies started to land on the cow pie. We jogged back without incident.


Had a loud crackling poop

Hi everyone. I hope you're staying safe and well especially if you're like me in Canada where there's a tornado warning.

Got up this morning, went pee, heated up a jar of hot water and brushed my teeth then went upstairs for breakfast. My stomach was very hard and bloated. Had floating oats or seeds, dates, white and brown tapioca balls, green seeds in hot water or soup, tea and the warmish-hot water. Ate that, drank my tea and took my medications. After I finished the first jar of water, I went downstairs, poured another jar of water and microwaved it. I will be finished it soon.

After a short time I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my cloth Walmart bag, went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door most of the way (door is still broken-it's my longtime friend's home), put my Walmart bag against the door to keep it closed and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A semi-hard poop came out with lots of crackling. Was done within about 20 seconds. When I was done I took the toilet paper from the Walmart bag, took some, and wiped well. When I was clean enough I tossed the toilet paper in between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was a turd in the toilet that was about 1 to 1 1/2 feet, fairly smooth. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Will continue to keep hydrated and do some stretches/exercises and hopefully I can go a lot more later.

Stay safe, healthy and happy peeing and pooping!


Amazing afternoon experience

Hey everyone! Had an awesome experience this afternoon…My wifey was doing errands for her mom, so I was on my own for a few hours. Being the introvert that I am, I popped into one of my favorite local breweries for a solo lunch. Halfway thru my wrap, I felt that undeniable urge and headed to the restrooms, hoping for a fun pooping buddy…and boy was I not disappointed!
Upon entering, I quickly noticed a pair of feet with neon pink toes under the first stall. She was up on her tippy toes and I could hear an audible "uh uh uh" coming from the stall. As there are only 2 stalls in the small restroom, I excitedly realized I'd get to be next to her and took the other stall. I lowered my shorts and plopped my butt down while continuing to listen to my neighbor's struggles. As I started my stream of pee, she continued to breathe forcefully until finally I heard a huge plop and splash! "Oh ????" she moaned in a very satisfied sounding tone…Not being one to make anyone feel uncomfortable, I bore down and started unleashing, what I must say, was one of the most satisfying poops I have taken in some time! It was literally a rope. Halfway thru, my curiosity got the best of me and I leaned forward to look between my legs. I was literally making soft serve ice cream, lol! I totally got caught up in the moment and softly moaned as I relished the poop stretching my hole…at about this time I began to hear a loud crackle from next door, and a sigh of relief as my neighbor discharged her own torrent of poop. After things quieted down, we both started rolling our paper and wiping at about the same time. Mine was actually quite tidy and only needed a few wipes, while she just kept rolling and rolling! I finished and flushed as she soldiered on. I was at the sinks and washing my hands when my poop buddy emerged from her stall. I did my best not to stare, but I was amazed at the statuesque, fit blonde model that came out of the stall. I'm not saying I'm not cute (in a nerdy, slightly chubby, big glasses kind of way!), but damn! It made the show I had just listened to all the more fun and exciting!…Oh my…wifey will be home soon and I can't wait to recount this story to her. She's not really into my "thing", but is very supportive and happy to listen to my tales.


Toilet bliss

"Does anyone remember the most bliss or relief they have ever felt in the bathroom? And was it from Number one or Number two?"

Great question, Jenny! And hello everyone.

The answer to "was it from Number one or Number two?" for me is BOTH.

My most blissful potty trips have been the ones where I was extremely desperate to both pee and poop.

There have been several times when this has happened for me. The desperation, although uncomfortable, is worth it when I sit down and just have that massive tidal wave of relief come over me.

I love peeing with a full bladder and I love pooping with a full load in me. But put them together and it's pure bliss. Especially when they're coming out at the same time.

A recent time that I experienced this was earlier this summer, so a few months ago.

I was stuck in traffic during the evening rush hour. I had had a huge coffee in the mid-afternoon, and I'd had a good bit of water at the office (I normally work from home but had to meet a client on this day).

By the time I was 20 minutes away from my house, I was really needing to pee... and now I was needing to poop too. So I'm sitting in traffic wriggling in my seat. It's an uncomfortable feeling, but I was looking forward to the relief I was going to feel when I got home.

I got home, ran into the house and ran into the downstairs bathroom.

I barely pulled my dress pants down and sat on the toilet. I started just gushing pee and within a few seconds a big log started coming out. I let out a moan of pleasure. I pulled my pants down to my ankles so I could spread my legs apart; doing this made my poop slide out quickly. I think the splash hit my butt. I'm still peeing forcefully. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Eventually my pee slowed down to a trickle. I sat and squeezed out a few more poops. I breathed another sigh of relief.

Before wiping, I texted Steve (I still have the text LOL) : "Just took a huge dump and piss. Wish you were here [kissy face emoji]"

So yeah, bathroom bliss for me is having to pee and poop a lot at the same time.

There have actually been a couple of times when I've deliberately held things in just so I can experience the feeling. You have to get the timing right, though, so that you don't have to take care of one function (usually this means pee) before you're ready to go the other one.

I might just do this tomorrow! (I already took my morning poop with Steve watching... and wiping me.)



Pee S: Does anyone have any good "double desperation" stories? Do you enjoy peeing and pooping at the same time as much as I do?

Monday, August 14, 2023



Hey all. I'm back with an update of how the past few weeks have been.

Jenny - Unfortunately things did get worse before they got better, but oh well. It's all been worth it to finally get this block out once and for all.

The weird thing is that it happened unexpectedly. The magnesium citrate helped, even though it made my stomach feel super sick, and it almost got everything but not quite. What finally cleared the block was my period.

I get such awful cramps, that sometimes, oxy is the only thing that works for pain, and I can't take it all the time because it's habit forming. And of course with how agitational my stomach is, it makes me super constipated.

Last Wednesday, I got the worst cramps of my life, and decided to take a couple pills. As expected they helped the cramps. And though unexpected but not surprising I ended up constipated for a week. Usually it's only a few days, but for that entire week of my cycle I was bloated, gassy, and only able to let out pellet sized, ragged poos. The form of some was a 1/2 on the Bristol chart, and the form of others was a 5. And all of them were that sickly greenish color that my poops had been for the past few weeks. I could tell that my intestines were trying to squeeze out a massive amount of poo that had been inside me for ages but was just a little to hard to pass. I drank water, took fiber, took walks, and nothing was helping. By this past Tuesday night I was so miserable I was about to take another bottle of magnesium citrate, but was also too nauseous to even try to drink it. So I said I'd drink it yesterday when I woke up.

I didn't even need to.

After so long of holding all this shit in, my body suddenly decided to void itself of everything it possibly could. Yesterday morning, I went for a poo, and at first couldn't quite get it out but was cramping like mad. A few pellets came out, but that was it. But then five minutes later I felt my stomach gurgle and liquid rush through my colon and settle at my back door, and I could tell I needed an urgent mushy shit. I scuttled off to the restroom and set down on the toilet. As soon as my butt hit the seat, a flood of semi solid mush came running out of me and into the water below. I didn't even have to push it was so loose. A few runny blobs came out as well. I felt relieved then and thought I'd be done, but I guess after being backed up for a week, I still had much more to do. Because not even five minutes later I was back for another nasty, gassy, and sloppy bowel movement. My stomach was churning as it relieved itself of load after load of crap. I knew it wouldn't be over then, but it's lasted longer than I expected. For the past two days now I've had yellowish diarrhea that has been progressively more watery with each bowel movement. The urge to have a bowel movement was hitting me every thirty minutes to an hour, sometimes even every fifteen minutes.

The last time I went was at 5pm-so about three hours ago. And I'm less nauseous so I think it's slowing down if not stopping. And I will say whatever I felt like was blocking my bowels is definitely gone now, and it's better out than in for sure. But I've definitely felt so queasy and miserable all week and hope all the intestinal distress I've been facing is over now.

That's all I've got for now. Hopefully I'll have more good updates for folks soon.


Gym accident

Hi, I've had many accidents.
I had eaten sprouts, eggs and some Mexican food the before day. I felt a little gassy from the food I consumed. During the night I kept releasing silent farts. The next morning I wokeup with the urge to poop, I ran to the toilet and had semi solid poop. Then I came back to bed I could still feel my stomach rumble, I ran back to the toilet and released a good poop and felt good. I got freshened up and went to the gym. I started off with cardio, as I was walking up the thread mill, I could feel the urge to poop again. I was releasing involuntary farts, thankfully they were silent. 15minutes later the urge got stronger. I paused the treadmill and poop started pushing out a little. I took a deep breath got control and started walking again. Now I lost complete control and started pooping. My pants were filled with mushy poop. I stopped and ran back home. It's walkable distance from the gym. I came back home and rushed to the toilet and sat down on the pot and released the remaining poop, cleaned myself.

The other day I hadn't pooped in the morning and was feeling gassy and bloated. I went to the gym in the evening and while working out I was passing uncontrollable farts and were loud. Luckily nobody was near me. So I kept passing wind to a stage where I had to poop. I ran to the bathroom and pooped massively.

This incident took place when I was with my friends and family in a get together. I had eaten a lot of food and drank a lot of cola. My stomach was bloated and full of gas. I was having the urge to fart and I couldn't release it infront of them as it was going to be very loud and long. So I stepped aside in the kitchen and was releasing the fart, it was so loud and long that once I started I couldn't stop in between. My friend had just come to the kitchen and was shocked to hear the high pitched fart go purrrrrrrrrpfffffffpurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and was sounding so wet like I had just pooped my pants. She came to me asking if I was ok and I said ya I am ok and it was just the chair. She acted like she believed and left. I went back to my friends and family to not make it look awkward. I started releasing farts involuntarily as I was laughing or moving. They could hear it but couldn't guess it was me. Then I was just getting up to excuse myself as I felt a very big one coming, I just got up clenching my buttocks but the sound was obvious and loud wet fart kept escaping and everyone heard it. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. After farting I froze there. Everyone laughed I laughed along. Then I sat down few mins later I had more gas to be let out. And I got up to go to the bathroom and as I was walking I started passing gas puurrrrr step purrr step and as I stood near the bathroom to open the door remaining gas came out of my butt.


Hopefully can poop today

Hopefully can poop today. Been farting up a storm and supposed to go out with my dad today. Am somewhat constipated so will try drinking some warmish hot water with breakfast and see if that helps


Keeping hydrated so I can poop lots later

Hi everyone. Stomach is pretty bloated and hard so I'm keeping hydrated and have been exercising today (was out with my dad this afternoon walking etc and eating good food etc) so I'm hoping later I can poop lots.


Amazing afternoon experience

Hey everyone! Had an awesome experience this afternoon…My wifey was doing errands for her mom, so I was on my own for a few hours. Being the introvert that I am, I popped into one of my favorite local breweries for a solo lunch. Halfway thru my wrap, I felt that undeniable urge and headed to the restrooms, hoping for a fun pooping buddy…and boy was I not disappointed!
Upon entering, I quickly noticed a pair of feet with neon pink toes under the first stall. She was up on her tippy toes and I could hear an audible "uh uh uh" coming from the stall. As there are only 2 stalls in the small restroom, I excitedly realized I'd get to be next to her and took the other stall. I lowered my shorts and plopped my butt down while continuing to listen to my neighbor's struggles. As I started my stream of pee, she continued to breathe forcefully until finally I heard a huge plop and splash! "Oh ????" she moaned in a very satisfied sounding tone…Not being one to make anyone feel uncomfortable, I bore down and started unleashing, what I must say, was one of the most satisfying poops I have taken in some time! It was literally a rope. Halfway thru, my curiosity got the best of me and I leaned forward to look between my legs. I was literally making soft serve ice cream, lol! I totally got caught up in the moment and softly moaned as I relished the poop stretching my hole…at about this time I began to hear a loud crackle from next door, and a sigh of relief as my neighbor discharged her own torrent of poop. After things quieted down, we both started rolling our paper and wiping at about the same time. Mine was actually quite tidy and only needed a few wipes, while she just kept rolling and rolling! I finished and flushed as she soldiered on. I was at the sinks and washing my hands when my poop buddy emerged from her stall. I did my best not to stare, but I was amazed at the statuesque, fit blonde model that came out of the stall. I'm not saying I'm not cute (in a nerdy, slightly chubby, big glasses kind of way!), but damn! It made the show I had just listened to all the more fun and exciting!…Oh my…wifey will be home soon and I can't wait to recount this story to her. She's not really into my "thing", but is very supportive and happy to listen to my tales.


Toilet bliss

"Does anyone remember the most bliss or relief they have ever felt in the bathroom? And was it from Number one or Number two?"

Great question, Jenny! And hello everyone.

The answer to "was it from Number one or Number two?" for me is BOTH.

My most blissful potty trips have been the ones where I was extremely desperate to both pee and poop.

There have been several times when this has happened for me. The desperation, although uncomfortable, is worth it when I sit down and just have that massive tidal wave of relief come over me.

I love peeing with a full bladder and I love pooping with a full load in me. But put them together and it's pure bliss. Especially when they're coming out at the same time.

A recent time that I experienced this was earlier this summer, so a few months ago.

I was stuck in traffic during the evening rush hour. I had had a huge coffee in the mid-afternoon, and I'd had a good bit of water at the office (I normally work from home but had to meet a client on this day).

By the time I was 20 minutes away from my house, I was really needing to pee... and now I was needing to poop too. So I'm sitting in traffic wriggling in my seat. It's an uncomfortable feeling, but I was looking forward to the relief I was going to feel when I got home.

I got home, ran into the house and ran into the downstairs bathroom.

I barely pulled my dress pants down and sat on the toilet. I started just gushing pee and within a few seconds a big log started coming out. I let out a moan of pleasure. I pulled my pants down to my ankles so I could spread my legs apart; doing this made my poop slide out quickly. I think the splash hit my butt. I'm still peeing forcefully. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Eventually my pee slowed down to a trickle. I sat and squeezed out a few more poops. I breathed another sigh of relief.

Before wiping, I texted Steve (I still have the text LOL) : "Just took a huge dump and piss. Wish you were here [kissy face emoji]"

So yeah, bathroom bliss for me is having to pee and poop a lot at the same time.

There have actually been a couple of times when I've deliberately held things in just so I can experience the feeling. You have to get the timing right, though, so that you don't have to take care of one function (usually this means pee) before you're ready to go the other one.

I might just do this tomorrow! (I already took my morning poop with Steve watching... and wiping me.)



Pee S: Does anyone have any good "double desperation" stories? Do you enjoy peeing and pooping at the same time as much as I do?


To Jane

I did share a story here a long time ago about why it's a bad idea to let your kids hold a camera while you're on the toilet.

I almost always poop in the morning, and sometimes during other parts of the day. Both my kids had stretches as toddlers where they'd sleep with my husband and me in our bed, so they ended up getting up at the same time and following me to my first toilet trip of the day.

Kids can be very impatient sometimes! I've had it happen that mine would get bored if I was taking too long and leave the bathroom on their own if they could, closing the door but leaving it unlocked.

You'll never quite stop feeling new at parenting, because it always feels like your children are changing or figuring out how to do something new.


Had a loud crackling poop

Hi everyone. I hope you're staying safe and well especially if you're like me in Canada where there's a tornado warning.

Got up this morning, went pee, heated up a jar of hot water and brushed my teeth then went upstairs for breakfast. My stomach was very hard and bloated. Had floating oats or seeds, dates, white and brown tapioca balls, green seeds in hot water or soup, tea and the warmish-hot water. Ate that, drank my tea and took my medications. After I finished the first jar of water, I went downstairs, poured another jar of water and microwaved it. I will be finished it soon.

After a short time I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my cloth Walmart bag, went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door most of the way (door is still broken-it's my longtime friend's home), put my Walmart bag against the door to keep it closed and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A semi-hard poop came out with lots of crackling. Was done within about 20 seconds. When I was done I took the toilet paper from the Walmart bag, took some, and wiped well. When I was clean enough I tossed the toilet paper in between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was a turd in the toilet that was about 1 to 1 1/2 feet, fairly smooth. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Will continue to keep hydrated and do some stretches/exercises and hopefully I can go a lot more later.

Stay safe, healthy and happy peeing and pooping!

PS Anna from Austria-My name is Annie not Anna!

David P

Holding my poo for 9 hours

First up a comment

Andrea and Louise - welcome to the site, looking forward to reading your posts. You sound very close sisters. Nice to get more UK posters. Yay!! I see you spend up to 3 hours on the toilet. Is this becuase you are trying to poo and constipated or just like sitting on the toilet?

So here goes. on Monday I was at uni and got the urge for a poo at 9 am as soon as I got there. I did go in the morning but I got a gurgle in my belly and knew a poo was on its way. although i have gone poo before at uni I lost confidence again with it. I sat all day getting this urge to poo and letting out hot smelly farts. Luckily the urge went away and kept coming back. In the afternoon I got up and walked out of class and went to the toilet. I stood outside having an anxiety attack at the thought of needing to poo in public. I plucked up the courage to go in and then found the toilet had ran out of paper. It was a public room but had one cubicle. The toilet was empty but I was still real stressed. Instead of going to another floor I just decided to give up return to class and continue to hold in my poo. The urge went away again thank god and I spend the ride home feeling a bit uncomfortable but nothing major, when I got to the station and drove the short way home I got a heavy feeling back again and when I got in, I rushed to the loo and let out a stinky poo after holding it for 9 hours. It split into a few logs and I needed to push a bit to get it started but on the whole an easy poo, and nice and soft. It stunk though!

The next day I woke up and was at home all day, after a few hours I needed to poo again, this time the log was thick, knobbly and hard and made the biggest plop when it hit the water.

It got me wondering how can the day before have a soft poo and then the next day is a hard knobbly poo??? anyone else get that?

Bye for now
David P


to jenny and anna from austria

You both claim in your post that splashy toilets are an American thing and not a European thing. I disagree, I am residing in Europe in Holland and over there the toilets make big splashes when pooping. From all the countries in Europe I visited all the toilet designs look the same so they do all make plop sounds when pooing.

It is true that sometimes you find a toilet where the poop drops onto the porcelain rather than in the water but most of the time the water is straight below where your poop drops. The hole with water in it is rather small though so when in public and when you're ashamed of the plop noise, it is very easy to aim your dropping on the porcelain rather than in the water. But if you fail to do so it makes a really big plooomp sound depending on your type of stool of course.

I have no experience with American toilets so I can't share my opinion on them.


Very small very hard poop

This morning I got up, went pee, brushed my teeth and had breakfast upstairs (curly noodles, bacon I think and eggs and a jar of warm water). After breakfast took my medication and soon after that my dad came from Peterborough, Ontario to pick me up for the day. We walked a lot, saw quite a bit of stuff, did lots of stuff (went to Coburg Beach, Port Hope, etc. Walked 2.5 km). I had a ham and cheese sandwich and a bottle of water for lunch and a bit later I had a black coffee. We walked more then he drove me home. When I got home I made and drank warm water. Finally had a slight urge for a poop so went to the washroom next to my room, turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, pulled down my dark sweatpants and dark underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed and had to force this very hard poop out. Was done after about 15-20 seconds. Reached into my cloth Walmart bag, took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed it in between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was a very small very hard poop in the toilet, about 6 inches, lumpy and dry. Not impressive. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and came back to my room. Dried my hands on the towel in here, grabbed my water jar, filled it back up and microwaved it. Now slowly drinking it to make everything in my body softer so hopefully I can go much easier and lots later. Plenty of water, a good amount of exercise and food should help.

Keep safe, hydrated, cool and happy peeing and pooping.


PS-To Anna from Austria-Thank you but my name is Annie not Anna. And I don't call myself Annie from Canada.


Thank you all for the welcome!

So great to read all of your welcome notes to me! I am out and about today in Cambridge and decided to take a much needed poop at a local book store that I frequent. I confess, I did not write this message on the toilet, I tend to concentrate on pooping and enjoying the moment. I am about an hour post poop as I write this, currently chilling with free wi-fi and mid afternoon coffee. I thought I would check in and share my adventures from earlier.

@Andrea and Louise, I think we are definite twins on our enjoyment of this hobby!

@Willa, it would be awesome to find ourselves next to each other!

@Phil and @Anna, thanks for the welcome!

Not sure who made the post that asked me several questions, but here are the answers: How did I get into poop tourism? Well, good question that I often ponder. As long as I can remember, I have enjoyed feels amazing more often than not. I also have a certain personality trait related to exhibitionism. I like putting myself out there....whether it is how I dress, wear my hair, etc. I like creating something for others to appreciate. I understand most people do not appreciate poop, but I do and it is an opportunity to share that part of myself - I am sure someone appreciates it. My parents do not know of my interest, I have kinda kept it to myself - hard to explain. The shortest time I have spent on the toilet pooping is around 5 min...usually when I really need to go and it has to happen. The longest is well over an hour, probably around 90 minutes or more. I am guilty of forcing things to go slow at times to further enjoy the pleasure of it....especially true if I am listening to others or waiting for someone to show up to hear me. My favorite restroom on campus is one that is very echoey. There are 7 stalls. At certain times of the day you can hear A LOT in there. I also like the seats, they kinda absorb your butt. It has been years since I have seen a restroom without stall doors, I don't think I would avoid one that did not have them, but I prefer a bit of privacy. I don't really have criteria in choosing a toilet.....I like stalls that are roomy, but I avoid the handicap ones if possible. I am taller than average, but I like shorter / regular toilets.....of course the cleaner the better. I never use seat protectors or toilet paper to cover the seat, I simply sit on the seat. Never had an issue. As for common observations, most girls/women are in and out quick. Far too many like to cover up their sounds with flushes. Especially in the last decade or so, lots of people talk on the phone or watch videos while on the toilet. It is refreshing to encounter poopers who like to take their time and seem to enjoy the experience. I would also observe that in public it seems that about 90% of those in the restroom (at least when I am in there) are peeing rather than pooping. Hope this answers your questions, and please ask me more!

The bookstore I was in earlier has a ladies restroom with three stalls, and another private restroom that is unisex, plus the guy's restroom. I actually had company for most of the time I was in there today. I ended up taking around 40 minutes, mainly just to enjoy the experience and to of course listen to my neighbor. She did not come in when I did, but I am pretty sure my companion was a young girl (probably age 10 or 11) I saw in the store before I went to the restroom. She had on these colorful shorts that are hard to miss. I will say she left her mark on the restroom. She had a lot of what I call golf ball turds, every single one made a loud splash.....I did not count, but there were at least 20. I did not make a splash today, I had 5 very L O N G logs that took their time. The 3rd one was especially tough to get out.....big stretch. The big one was at at least 15 inches long, it was almost as big as the drain hole and was partly in the drain when I looked. The others were floaters. I am sure my neighbor could not help but here my crackles and the unmistakable sound of a big log sliding out. I did not fart today, so I did not make noise that way!

Another observation I make and one that I am curious about is what everyone's leg position is while pooping. More often than not, I sit with my legs open (at least wider than my hips), but many girls tend to sit with their legs tightly together. I find it helps make the poop experience more comfortable, plus I can spy between my legs to see what I am producing. Just curious. I guess I will go for now, looking forward to read what everyone else is up to!


A few things


We wanted to answer a question by an old friend, say hi to another and also welcome a new one!

To Jenny: Hi, this is Victoria! With permission I'll reveal that the first time I saw Robyn's skidded panties was shortly after the first time I saw her changing out of them. There was a small skidmark on the pair of underwear I noticed while she was away. They were red and lacy with a small brown dot in the seat. For my part I was happy to know that woman I was falling for was a real human with bodily functions!

Hey Jenny it's Robyn! The first time I saw a skidmark in Vic's panties was doing the laundry. She was presenting a paper and in a moment of anxiety had to diarrhea in the bathroom on the same floor as her old office. She had to wipe with the wiping paper that was in the stall and some leftover from her BM ended up in the nude panties she had under her slacks. It didn't stop her from having a successful presentation though!

To Anna: happy to see you back!

To Esme: welcome, you've come to the right place!






To Anna from Austria

Thank you though my name is Annie not Anna


Re: Esme

I can relate regarding being a "poop tourist". I eat a high fiber diet with lots of calories, probably around 4,000 calories a day and 200g fiber a day, getting at least half those calories from mixednuts, beans, and fresh fruits/vegetables. Thus, I poop a lot, roughly 3-4 times a day. If I'm gone from home for more than 3 hours, odds are greater than not I will need to poop in a public toilet, and with all the water I drink, I also pee every hour or two. I'm not generally able to hold either in for long given the quantity of matter I consume and cycle through, so restroom visits are an um, "regular" occurrence to me(pun intended).

I've pooped in many exotic locations and situations, out of necessity, and have been doing so since childhood, in literally thousands of different public toilets around the USA in all kinds of novel situations.

Crowded mall restrooms where a line of impatient people can stare at me through the gaps in the stall? Many times.

Job interviews? I have stories.

At the office Mens' room? All of my male coworkers have heard me poop and seen me enter or exit a stall before/after defecating, and sometimes things got more awkward with the cleaning lady either waiting outside the Mens' room door or even being bold enough to come in and start cleaning while I have my pants on the floor with a log of crap hanging halfway out my butt while sitting in a stall.

Houses of significant others on a first or second date? Yessir.

Awkward half stall setups at highway rest stops where everyone in the room can see me from the torso up while I'm sitting on the toilet? More than once.

Elementary school, middle school, high school, and college? Cumulatively, thousands of times(although extremely rarely in middle school/high school because of doorless stalls and potential for bullying).

Doorless stalls or open toilets at places like parks and campgrounds? I have a few stories on that, and easily over 100 people have seen me sitting on a toilet over the course of my life at this point because of me using such locations when the need arose and that sort of facility is what I found.

Outdoors? Yup, including doing so in front of a coworker.

Pooping in all sorts of exotic locations means I can poop literally anywhere, without shame or embarrassment, without care whether other people can hear, smell, or see me in the act. I used to hate pooping in public places as a kid, but I've done it so many times, I've grown to enjoy it. Pushing it out feels good, and I hate holding it in, so whenever I need to go and find an appropriate facility of sufficient cleanliness, I just do so. I have no fear of anyone judging me for it, and it's quite a liberating feeling.

Emma two

Made it to the toilet but not quite

I was walking home from the bus stop after I finished work yesterday I was desperate for a poo. I made it to the flat and into the bathroom with seconds to spare and I pulled my jeans down and threw myself on to the toilet with a thump and relaxed. The relief of it felt amazing until I realised in my rush to get onto toilet I'd forgotten to pull my knickers down. I filled them and bits of poo were coming out of the leg holes as I sat there pooping my brains out. When I finished I stood up carefully and removed my jeans and then my knickers and flushed them down the toilet as they were beyond saving. Now it was time for the clean up and it was epic. I wiped most of the poo off my bottom and took a long shower to deal with the rest of it.

Emma two

Another big poo

After my accident on the toilet yesterday afternoon I had to poo again this morning. I was busting to go which was a surprise and Sarah had just come out of the bathroom. She'd had a poo and she warned me to leave it for a few minutes to get rid of the smell. I went in anyway and pulled my pyjamas and knickers down. Yes I remembered this time! I sat on the toilet to find the seat was nice and warm and I relaxed. I felt my poo trying to come out but it was a firm solid poo so I had to push. It stretched my bottom and it hurt a little bit but the relief of it made it worth it when it dropped into the toilet. I wiped my bottom but the toilet paper was clean so I only used a little bit. I looked in the toilet to see it was a big poo which was a surprise after yesterday's poo but it made me feel so much better.



To Janey Lydia:
How did it feel having wet panties after your "modesty pee"? I had to do the same thing once. I was at the beach with a couple friends. It was during the winter so no swimming. I wasn't wearing a swimsuit either. I was wearing jeans (with panties) and a shirt. We had been at the beach all day drinking. After a while I really had to pee. I was with some guys and girls. All of a sudden one of the guys pulls out his penis and pees a big stream. I thought about running up to the dunes, but I wasn't going to make it. I pulled down my jeans and peed through my panties, it felt heavenly to finally pee. I completely soaked my panties, but like you said, better than them seeing my ass and crotch


A few things


We wanted to answer a question by an old friend, say hi to another and also welcome a new one!

To Jenny: Hi, this is Victoria! With permission I'll reveal that the first time I saw Robyn's skidded panties was the morning after the first time I saw her in them. It was a special time in our relationship because it was the first time we'd been intimate and then the next morning I noticed a small skidmark on the pair of underwear I'd helped Robyn out of the night before. They were red and lacy with a small brown dot in the seat. For my part I was happy to know that woman I was falling for was a real human with bodily functions!

Hey Jenny it's Robyn! The first time I saw a skid on a pair of Vic's panties was doing laundry. She'd presented a paper that day and of course wore dress clothes that happened to include a pair of nude panties that she wore under her khaki slacks. Before the presentation she had jitters and needed to diarrhea in the bathroom on the floor where her old office was and it left a little behind. By that point we were dating and the relationship was romantic and physical so I thought nothing of it. She needed to wipe and that was the best the wiping paper in the stall with her could've done.

Welcome back Anna it's so good to hear from you again!
And welcome to Esme! You're in the right place to talk about touching porcelain!





Saturday, August 12, 2023


Response to Elvia

Im a single mother, with a 2 year old boy but i feel I'm still pretty new to parenting. Elvia could you share a story where you pooped in front of your kids?

Andrea and Louise

To Esme New Poop Enthusiast

Hi Esme, Loved your post. My sister and I are both in our twenties and live in the UK. We to have both have a great interest and love for a good poop and long sits on the toilet with a good book. We both love to take our time on the toilet and prefer wooden toilet seats as they are so comfortable and enjoyable in our views. We prefer to poop at home in the comfort of our own bathrooms and like to really take our time particularly if we are doing a large poop which we both enjoy so much. We both can sit for hours on the loo with a good book. For us both we like to take the absolute minimum of at least an hour on the loo most days but often three hours or more on the loo is fairly common for us. Great to welcome you to this fantastic site.


PJ poll for ladies

1. Did you have skid marks in the past week? How many days out of seven?
Every day more or less
2. Do you have a hairy fissure?
3. Have you ever worn white panties, boys shorts or thongs without leaving marks?
If I poop, then in my thong you can definitely see a skid mark later.
4. In thongs or panties slips worse
Thongs are good because less fabric gets dirty on them than in the gusset of ordinary panties.
5. How many times do you wipe yourself after pooping?
0-2 times. It depends on where I go to poop
6. Do you wear dark underwear to hide your skid marks?
No, I choose panties or bodysuits according to my mood or specific clothes.

Anna from Austria
@Anna from Canada Nice to hear from you again.

@Jenny Yep you can say that the splashing sounds I heard souneded American indeed lol. It is very common noise at American restrooms and not common at all in Austrian Restrooms due to the different layout.

But you only notice such stuff after being in America for a while .

And I can relate that is really shameful come out of a bathroom after you have stunk it up. Have been to starbunks quite often while I was in the states but never used their toilets because I have always ordered some stuff to go.

I never had the chance to develop a shame for pooping in public. Since I was a little girl I have always been a morning pooper. I always have to a few hours after breakfast.

So everytime I had to I was not at home. It always happened while I was at school, university or now at work.

But I am glad that I grew up in Austria. As a American high school girl pooping at school could have been rather though for due the lack of privacy.

Even here in Austria some girls tended to comment some pooping noises but due the high level of privacy they never know it was me.

With American style toilets they might have been able figure out who the pooper was. Maybe they would recognise me shoes are something like that. Or maybe even by my pants lol. I tend to pull down my pants down to the ancles.

Now to your question about the toilet signs.

Here in Austria the designations are also rather boring.

it just says Herren (Men) or Damen (Women)

Sometimes it is also Called WC Damen (women) or WC Herren (Men).

greetings from Austria



Messy Day

Hello! I had multipple loose stools today. One of the movements sounded like pee. I suppose part of the reason for my diarrhea was due to excess salt on my dried fish I bought. I am lucky to not go potty like this at night. Does salty food clear anyone else's bowels out? Happy bathroom visits to all! Bye.


To Esme

Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing! It's kindred spirits like yourself, and so many others on this site that make me feel completely normal. Lots of your post could have been written by yours truly as we are very similar in a lot of ways. I really look forward to hearing more of your stories. I was just in Boston last year and definitely want to go back. Maybe if the stars align we'll someday find ourselves next to each other in a public restroom and can give each other a show, haha! Happy pooping!


Post Title (optional)To Esme

Welcome to the club Esme !
I am sure you'll have many fans here reading your pooping stories...especially if you've got pooping company !


Pooped earlier

Hi all. I got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a cheese sandwich, some kind of herbal dark hot water with dates, a small dish of blueberries and a cup of tea. After breakfast I took my medications and drank a jar of warm water. I made another one and took the rest of my tea downstairs. Finally after a while I got an urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the washroom next to my room, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and dark green underwear and sat on the toilet. Pushed and quite a bit of semi solid poop came out. After I was done I took some toilet paper, wiped well, tossed it in the toilet, stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked in the toilet. It was probably about 1.5 feet long and thick. Not overly impressive. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that was that. I just finished lunch a short while ago. Hopefully after I drink more warmish hot water I can go again but more this time.

Stay safe, hydrated and happy peeing and pooping!


Welcome to Esme!

Welcome to our forum. I'm two years younger than you and live in the Midwest. Like you, I've made a habit of using public toilets every chance I get. Poop Tourist is very descriptive and accurate. You give the advantages very accurately. It is obvious you are very much into this. I date occasionally and my male friends seem surprised when they wait for me at the end of a movie, concert or baseball game while I go in and do my poop. Sorry, I guess, but the crowded bathrooms they hate and try to avoid, remain a steadfast destination for me. Even with lines, I'm often done in 15 to 20 minutes. I do use portable toilets sometimes if the lines are not that long. I sit, push as hard as I can, because I'm melting on the seat but sometimes I discover the toilet paper is gone and I have to go through my purse for wiping paper. In high school I had this one male friend with whom I did homework projects and we hung out afterwards. He was astonished when I excused myself to use the toilet at dismissal time and later when we were working at the park. At 16, he said he had never taken a poo away from home.

A few questions:

What do you feel caused your Poop Tourist interests to develop? Do your parents know? What is their reaction?

What is the shortest time and longest time you have spent in a public toilet in a single sit? What are the characteristics of your favorite restrooms on campus?

Are you able to avoid bathrooms with no privacy doors? Otherwise, when approaching a long line of toilets what criteria do you use to make a choice of which to use?

If you were a sociologist and keeping a daily sit journal, what would be some of the most common entries about your observations?

How common is conversation between the person taking the poo and those waiting to get on a toilet?

mrs bigandhard

MY VERY DIFFICULT rock hard turd would not come out

I SAT ON THER TIOLET STRAINING REALLY HARD .. It took 20 minutes for me to ..get my butt hole to stretch wide enough. it was very difficult. my butt hole was stretched to the max wide enough to it was very hard to get it out. it was about three inches in diameter. It felt very tight it hurt me a lot coming out. I kept straining . I put some hemroid salve in my butt hole,
I worked it around with my finger.I strained really hard , and finally got it out


to Esme

Hi Esme. Welcome! I'm Anna. I use to post here lots a few years ago and I want to get back into it. I loved your introduction. It's really thoughtful and well written. I see myself in your post quite a bit, haha. Like you, I go every day, my poops are almost always big and I often need to do them in public. Mostly at work and the gym, but also restaurants and coffee shops and such. I'm very outdoorsy and I use outhouses lots, but they are my least favourite because they often stink. But what can you do right?
I hope you have lots of fun here.

Thursday, August 10, 2023


Will try to poop a bit later

Went to my exercise program earlier, had a cup of black coffee and lunch after the program. I will try to rest until 4:30 ish, make some hot water, have dinner, take my meds and keep hydrated and see if I can do a big poop later. And knowing me it will probably be huge.

Keep safe, hydrated, safe and happy peeing and pooping



New Poop Enthusiast

Hey everyone. My name is Esme, I am 24, from Vermont (currently living in Boston) and trying to live the best life a girl can live. For as long as I can remember, I have been a self-described poop enthusiast for lack of a better title. I recently stumbled upon this site and have enjoyed reading what everyone posts.....perhaps I am not alone after all in this unique hobby! To describe myself, I am 5'7" black hair, green eyes and probably a bit too devoted to an Edgar Allan Poe outlook on life. I sometimes have boyfriends, sometimes girlfriends, but always love myself. I am a English Lit grad student always up for a good story. I am a self-described nerdy girl you will find in bookstores or libraries - probably in the restroom with a good book for longer than I should be, enjoying a poop more than I should be, hoping to hear another do the same (which I have above average success at). It is hard to remember how long I have been "into" pooping....definitely as long as I can remember. It has always been something that is taboo because it feels good....something you have to expose yourself to accomplish....something that requires confidence (especially in public) and something that costs zero to enjoy. I have engaged in a lot of deep thought about poop, I have discovered there are no norms - everyone does it and some do it better than others and some enjoy it more than others while some do not enjoy it at all or think about it one way or another. I definitely enjoy it and I am probably more obsessive about it than normal, but such is life - everyone is to obsessive about something...right?!?!? I have learned that little people can poop a lot and big people can poop a little or vice versa....there are no real norms except for the individual and what is normal for them. As for me, I have long had an ability to poop a lot, almost an embarrassing amount every time I go...which is typically daily, but more often every other day or so. I probably go in public more often than not, but I can go anywhere (except porta-potties - I HATE them). I rent a room in a quiet Boston neighborhood and live by myself - so pooping at home is a thing too. As much as I think about this topic, I am kind of a poop tourist....which means I feel like I am wasting (pun intended) it if I go at is therefore better to share with others so I often poop in public on purpose. I am on campus quite a bit so I have my favorite campus restrooms that I leave my mark on quite regularly. I will wrap up this intro post for now, but I promise to use this forum to put my poops and the things that go through my head to (digital) paper. Ask me anything you want to know that I have not shared. I look forward to getting to know others and sharing my shitty hobby with you!


Just pooped

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, had breakfast, went to my weekly exercise program (Yay!). When I got there I made a cup of instant coffee and drank it slowly. We slowly did the exercise program taking a break somewhere in the middle of it for water. We finished then had lunch. A hot dog, coleslaw and fries. We got driven home soon after and when I got home I made some warm water and tried to nap. Finally a few minutes ago I pooped. Not much (about 1 feet) but it's a start. Maybe a bit later I can go a lot more.

Stay safe and happy peeing and pooping


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