

History of Accidents

I've always had a very poor history with making it to the toilet on time. But here are some of my most interesting accidents.

The most recent accident occurred whilst walking back home from a club. Me and some friends had all been out drinking for several hours, and I had needed to poop for the past hour or so. It wasn't urgent, so I decided to hold it to go when I got home. I left my friends and started walking home when I quickly realised that the urge was becoming a lot more intense and that I was going to struggle to make it home. However, at this point of the night everywhere was closed so I had little choice but to continue my walk home and pray for the best. I was about 10 minutes away from my apartment when my body reached its limit and involuntarily pushed everything into my pants. I was wearing briefs so everything was mostly contained, but some still began seeping down my legs. That was a long 2am clean up that I would like to avoid ever doing again.

Another accident I had occurred whilst on a walk along a beach with a friend. We had been walking for about half an hour when I started to need the loo. I let my friend know about this, and she agreed to start walking back to my house which wasn't too far. We walked for maybe 10 minutes or so more whilst I became increasingly desperate, whilst my friend kept chatting to distract me. Just as we were about to leave the beach my body decided that this was the perfect time to let go and with an audible squelch I filled my briefs, leaving a slight bulge at the back of the jogging bottoms I was wearing. My friend was shocked (but understanding) and said something along the lines of "oh my god have you had an accident? Oh god I can see the bulge!", and continued to poke fun at the situation as she walked me back to my house.

I learned that fear can in fact be quite a trigger for pooping whilst I was skiing. I'm an intermediate skier, but I often like to push myself and I was with some friends who were only interested in blue runs. So I went off by myself to try out a black run. I was by myself, and finally arrived at the entrance to the run when it suddenly dawned on my how steep (and mogly) the run was, and sometime around contemplating whether to do the run or not I realised that I was slowly pooping my pants. I had little choice but to continue down the run with a sizeable bulge in the back of my briefs, before excusing myself back to the hotel for a quick clean up.

The most embarrassing accident I've had occurred on a holiday in Spain. I don't know whether it was the water, or some dodgy seafood, but something had upset my stomach. Originally it was just cramping, and I decided (wrongly) that I would be safe to go for a swim in the sea. This was a fairly busy beach, but with some quiet parts nearer some rocks. I was swimming for maybe 10 minutes at the beach, and about 15 minutes away from where my family was when my stomach dropped. I got out of the water and began walking to the closest toilet. Now this part of the beach wasn't packed, but there were certainly people around. I got maybe halfway to the toilet when I realised there was no chance of me making it, and made a turn back towards the sea as my only reprieve. I only made it to the edge of the water when I lost control, and the speedo I was wearing instantly bulged out (but luckily contained everything). I don't know if people saw as I just b-lined straight into the sea to try and clean up, but it was perhaps the most mortifying experience I've had and the most obvious accident by a long shot.


To Annie

Hi Annie! I love your potty stories. Something rare happened to me this weekend. After having loose poo a while, I was surprised to need a Bm after dinner. I had diarrhea a few times this morning that was almost 2 hours after breakfast. All for now, bye.

Curious Guy

To Gemma

I loved the story with you Laura and your difficult time going at Uni! I got a little bit curious and wondered a few things:-
Did you ever share a toilet and watch each other go?
What was the longest time you were enthroned for?
Who grunted the loudest you or Laura?
Did you ever hear anyone else struggling to go?

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Semi solid poop

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth, microwaved my water, grabbed my Walmart bag and mug from my room and went upstairs for breakfast. Had noodles with some kind of brown sauce, green leafy vegetables, chili peppers and an egg. With breakfast I had a cup of tea and a jar of warm water. After breakfast I took my medications, refilled my water jar, took my mug and went downstairs. Slowly sipped my water and tea downstairs when about 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop. Grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom slippers/flip flops, changed into the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Closed the door, turned on the light, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A semi-solid thick poop came out and slowly filled the toilet. When I was done I lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in the toilet. The turd took up a lot of room in there. Flushed the beast down first then took some toilet paper and wiped well. Had to go to go back a couple of times to get a bit more off the roll. Finally I tossed the paper into the toilet, flushed the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Went to my room to dry my hands on the towel in here and grab my water jar to get and reheat more water. I'm hoping tonight I can poop everything else out. Stay safe, healthy, hydrated, happy and

Happy peeing and pooping!


Nicole from Germany

To Annie

I'm also fairly ready to poop at the moment. The last time I went was nearly three days ago. I had noodles with cooked vegetables for last dinner.

See ya :)


Three Shy Poopers Facing a Line

I was once staying at a youth hostel with only three toilets and sinks per floor. One morning, there was a bit of a line and you could hear these familiar yet very private sounds from girls trying to find relief while you waited for your turn just inches from their stall doors. When it was finally my time, I sat down on the middle toilet and started, but it was difficult as I had a bit of stage fright. I also tried to be quiet to hear the girls sitting next to me and I was equally excited to be heard by the girls in line in front of our stall doors. We had no problem peeing, but after that, we had around three minutes of awkward silence with only soft grunts and breathing, the girls waiting outside our stalls started to lose their patience and I heard one say to the others, "don't worry, I think they are almost done." Still nothing after 5min, so they finally left for the toilets below and the bathroom was now completely empty. My poopmate on the left flushed and quickly left without washing hands. (Maybe angry she couldn't poop with the awkward silence?) I managed to only get a small pellet out for my efforts, so I went out to check her empty toilet which was equally disappointing. I had an idea to trick my right poopmate with the outside door so she would think I left the toilets, so I stayed listening by the sink pretending to fix my hair just in case. Suddenly, I finally heard a single plop with a sigh of relief. She wiped three times, flushed and emerged surprised to see she wasn't alone, and quickly glanced down in shame with a nervous smile. She was a very pretty slim brunette with light skin and hair! She left after washing her hands really fast, and I quickly went into her stall to enjoy her poop scent and warm toilet seat. There was only a very faint skid mark. My only disappointment of the day was not being able to perform with a line facing me, just like the other girl, but I felt happy I helped the other girl with her poop when I tricked her!


Poop currently in progress

Thought I'd post while sitting on the toilet in my usual restroom at school. I'm in stall number 1 with a wall to my left and stall number 2 to my right. There's 5 stalls in here, currently I'm alone. Someone peed a few minutes ago. My jeans and panties are around my ankles, legs open. So far I've had several smaller turds that have collected in the drain hole, probably six. I've been a bit noisy with crackles and farts. My poop is firm but soft, I'm definitely stinky and gassy today. It's currently 4 pm on Friday. I've been in here about 10 minutes and I'm nowhere near done. I haven't pooped too many times this week. Had a big dump Tuesday and nothing since then until now. Just farted again and dropped three more…..oops, make that four….yay that's ten! (I'm writing this as it happens). Each turd is about 4 inches long, not very thick. They are pushing my butt open just enough to feel that amazing euphoria. Another fart now…..currently have a longer one coming out. I seriously stink! Lol. 4:05 now. More farts, feels sloppier coming out. Still making little plops. I love the pauses. This is probably my favorite part of pooping. You know you are not done, your hole is delightfully stretched, and you (sad to say) enjoy your stench. I'm giving in to the urge to push. Every time I do another little turd comes out. I've lost count now. Just had another person come in to pee….sorry for my smell! She just left. 4:12, bigger farts…..nice wave of soft poop. Looking into the bowl, lots of floaters now. Definitely not done. I'm beginning to enjoy this too much. I feel so exposed right now. Obviously half naked, sharing everything with y'all, and it feels amazing. I'm blushing. This feels too good not to push harder. More farts, more turds. I keep pushing……everything is coming now. 4:17….I think I'm done. I'm going to sit here for a bit and clean up / finish up. I hope y'all enjoyed this vulnerable moment. - Esme


Modesty pee

Modesty pee definitely is a real thing. Another term I have heard used is courtesy pee, and as far as I know they both mean the same thing. Modesty pee simply means peeing in clothing, usually in just underwear but sometimes in other clothes too, rather than exposing yourself. Even though that is uncomfortable, it is often better than exposing your butt and crotch. Modesty pees seem to be mostly done by women, but I have seen male friends do it a couple of times too. Among my female friends it's a common thing to do, and I have done many modesty pees in my life. If anyone has questions regarding modesty peeing just let me know!

Reply to Anna from Austria

That's a good question: doing No. 1 & No. 2 in the same sit. Which comes first?

When I was in public school and I didn't have a privacy door if others were gathering and waiting for me to finish sometimes I would both pee and crap at the same time. I think it was my nervousness. Even though I often wore a dress to cover my privates just knowing that the others were waiting and sometimes complaining, not just to me but the others using the toilets, I got flustered.

When I was protected by a privacy door I still had some nervousness due to the legs I would see and the jiggling on the door lever. I would pee first but often within a few seconds I would be pushing on my crap. So in the end, I accomplished both.

Now at home or at my workplace I've been known to most frequently pee. Often within 30 or 40 minutes I'm back sitting for my crap.

Oh, one thing I just remembered. In high school this girl I hung out with not only got both in on a single sit, she often got a few drags from her cigarette smoked before she threw it into the bowl and we made our run to class to beat the bell.

Hope this helps you, Anna.


Hiking poop

I just got back from a trip to Colorado with some frirnds from work. One of them owns a vaction home by Durango. We flew in on Wednesday night, I pooped before I left that morning and felt pretty good. We ate and drank that night and on Thursday morning before my shower I was able to take a nice poop also, but on Friday I couldn't go at all. On Saturday morning I tried again and had no luck. We all left to go on a day hike that made a ten mile loop. At the trail head there were some bathrooms and I tried to push out a poo, but only some farts came out. After we hike about 5 miles we stopped for lunch, while eating I finally got an urge to go. I have never been a really outdoors person and was a little nervous to poo in the woods. One of the other ladies decided to join me when I said I was going to the bathroom, this made me a little more nervous, but my poo was coming. We both walked about 200 feet and found a spot. We both squatted down and started to pee, I heard my friend Jamie toot pretty loud she giggled. I told her I was going to poop so it was ok. She said she was needing to as well. I then farted and pushed and several turds fell right out of my butthole, it felt so good. I saw that Jamie was pushing too, and I peeked this giant turd coming from her bum. It fell with a loud flop, she let out another toot and some smaller turds came out. I pushed a few more small pieces also and started to wipe. Jamie let out another fart and said she wasn't quite done. She started grunting as she talked and more poo started coming out. She pushed a ton out and asked for the paper, we then walked back to the trail and we all continued on. I had heard Jamie poop at work, but never had imagined we would poop together in the woods


Responding to the 'Questions for Esme'

Not sure who asked me these questions, but here are my responses to them:

A. 90% of the people are urinating. What might be the smallest and largest amount of urine you've heard come out of a person?

The smallest would be the trickles you hear as someone pushes out for the largest, probably close to a minute. Girls are pee champs!

B. How far back on the toilet do you personally prefer to sit? Why is this? Do you make any adjustments when necessary?

If I want to look between my legs, I sit far back. Normally I just sit in the most comfortable position which is typically all of your cheeks on the seat, dipping into the bowl. I do sit forward on occasion if I have a big log, it helps. I also confess to sitting forward if I want to make sure I make an audible splash for all to hear.

C. Are you always good about checking for toilet paper availability before sitting down?

Absolutely. For one I almost always wipe the seat first and if there is an automatic flusher, I use TP to cover the sensor. I hate auto flushers, I want to appreciate my creation!

D. What is the minimum age a child should be before using a public toilet without supervision?

I do not have kids, but I would leave this up the the parent. If a child wants to go alone, let them. If you know they need help, go with them. It is a judgement call that has many different answers.

E. Have you ever said something to get ahead in the line due to the emergency need for a toilet?

No. I have not encountered many locations that have lines. While I love pooping with others around, there is such a thing as too many people around. If I was at a location with that many people, pooping probably would not be on my agenda if I could hold it. But if you have to go in an emergency situation, I would definitely not be ashamed to ask, nor would I have a problem letting someone get ahead.

F. Have you ever gotten out of a toilet line because the person on the toilet said it was going to be a while?

No. Never encountered such a situation.

G. When you were a younger student did you say anything to those who might have been messing around with the toilet or just keeping their friend company on an adjacent toilet?

No. I do like listening to such moments. I tend not to talk to anyone else in the restroom unless I know them.

Anonymous girl

Peed in my bedroom

Hey y'all,

First time poster, long time lurker! Honestly haven't wanted anyone in my life to find out that I'm on this site or browse this site, but I felt like I had to share what happened to me this morning!

So for context, I live with two roommates in an apartment with one bathroom. We all have jobs and my roommates are usually out of the apartment before I am (they work earlier in the morning, meanwhile my job allows me to make my own schedule most of the time). So usually when I wake up and start to get ready for work, I'm alone in the apartment.

Idk what has been going on with me lately, but recently I've started to need the restroom IMMEDIATELY upon waking up in the morning. Like, I used to be able to lay in bed a while after my alarms went off so I could scroll through my phone, but now I can rarely do that for more than 10 minutes before I need to pee.

Today was no different. I woke up around my usual time, around 8 am, and I URGENTLY needed to pee. I got up and walked quickly down the hallway to the bathroom, but the bathroom door was closed and locked. One of my roommates was in there!

Now, this particular roommate is the one that I don't have as close of a relationship with, comparatively speaking. So, I felt weird about knocking on the door asking to be let in and seeing if they were about to be done (in hindsight, looking back, I should have!). I figured she would be done fairly soon.

Since our floors creak when I walk by, my roommate likely heard me come down the hallway to the bathroom, so to not make them suspicious, I played it cool and walked past the bathroom, further down the hall into the spare room. I pretended to look around for something for a few minutes, and then walked back to my room briskly.

I closed the room to my door and started pacing around and crossing my legs, starting to panic. I REALLY had to pee urgently! I was really determined to hold it and wait for my roommate to be done in the bathroom. "Only a few more minutes!" I told myself. I eventually started hopping around, and even sat on my bed with my legs tightly crossed in an attempt to hold it in.

About 10 minutes passed and I was reaching the point of no return. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I felt a few short squirts of pee go into my underwear. I quickly jumped up from my bed (thank god no pee soaked through!). I was soooo desperate at this point, and I knew I just couldn't hold it any longer. Crossing my legs incredibly tightly and holding my stomach, I looked around my room for a solution, something I could pee in.

My eyes fell onto this trash bag I had in the corner of my bedroom (I usually keep a trashbag in my room to throw things out I'm too lazy to take into the kitchen lol). I had just eaten fast food a week or so ago and was pretty sure the empty cup from my drink was still in there. I quickly waddled over to the garbage bags and started urgently sorting through it looking for the cup, meanwhile, doing a very fast and urgent pee-pee dance in place.

No use! I couldn't find the cup! Then I remembered I had changed the bag recently, so I must have thrown it out already! I signed and scanned around the room again, practically jumping up and down in place holding myself and crossing my legs. All this while, I still had not heard my roommate come out of the bathroom.

More squirts of pee went into my panties. At this point, it hurt to hold it in. I had to go and I had to go NOW. I did the only thing I could think to do in that moment. I removed my pants and my panties, kicked them to the side, held the garbage bag under me and just let go immediately. It came out hot and fast, and the relief I felt was immense. I peed for over a minute straight.

When I was done, I realized that my aim must have been a I had gotten a decent amount, maybe 1/3, of my pee on the hard wood floor! It all happened so fast, but I think what happened was that I placed the bag too close to me/touching my legs, so while a good majority went into the bag, some actually dripped along my legs and went directly over the bag and onto the floor. Not exactly how I planned it to go, but I just couldn't hold it any longer. Now I had a mess to clean up, and I also hadn't thought about what to wipe with.

I looked around my room again. I had no napkins, tissues, or paper towels (which we conveniently just ran out of in the kitchen as well), and any that may have been in the garbage bag were now soaked with my pee. I stood half naked in my room for about a minute contemplating what to do. Eventually, I decided to grab a t-shirt from my laundry hamper to sop up the mess (it was going to be washed anyways right?). I first wiped down my legs, then the floor. It actually did the trick pretty well! I quickly put my panties and pants back on and took the garbage bag outside to the curbside garbage before my roommate could see. I then grabbed some cleaning supplies for the floor and wiped down the area with a towel. It was as if nothing had happened! But I knew.

I started getting ready for work like normal. And after this whole ordeal, my roommate didn't leave the bathroom for another 30 minutes! There's no way I would have made it. This has never been an issue before, hopefully it won't happen again!

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Maybe can poop later

Just came back from my weekly exercise program (that happens every Tuesday from 10:45 ish to about 12. After the class we always have a cooked lunch). I usually try to keep hydrated and also have a cup of black instant coffee since all I get at my caregiver's house is tea and water. Anyway home now, in bed having warm water (to soften everything up), will try to nap or rest and hopefully later can take a big poop. Knowing me it will probably be a lot. Keep hydrated, safe, healthy, happy and

Happy peeing and pooping!


MD Dan

Airport Bathroom Surprise

As I said in my previous post, I had been traveling for work, and this travel involved a flight over and a flight back. On the way over, I hadn't used the bathroom at the airport I landed in as I had done so on the plane and needed to go get my rental car. However, on my return flight, I got to the airport very early, ate breakfast at one of the restaurants, and then decided to use the restroom before my flight out. I was expecting a normal airport bathroom but what I found was unique in my experience. The bathroom had two entrances with a buffer walls (for sights, sounds, and smells, I'm assuming. The signage was the typical male/female unisex sign, which I figured meant both sets of bathrooms were around the corner. When I rounded the corner however, it was just a 40ft long room with sinks on one wall and 9 or 10 completely enclosed cubicles. It was a massive unisex restroom. This doesn't bother me at all, but I could see some people were kind of uncomfortable. One older woman was asking how she could have any privacy and looked pretty incredulous. A man informed her that each stall was it's own little room. She huffed and walked out, presumable looking for a different restroom.

I picked a stall and had a rather unremarkable dump (fortunately, if you've read my last post). It really was it's own little room and almost no sounds or smells were circulated into or out of it. It was enclosed floor to ceiling, on all sides.

I was curious if anyone here had ever run into that kind of bathroom that was that large and in a busy airport before. I've seen similar bathrooms on much smaller scales (2 or 3 cubicles), but usually in small sotres or cafes and usually not in the USA.


Response to Kristi

Kristi, thanks a bunch for the advice and I apologize for taking so long to respond. My wife just wants her privacy when she takes a poop. However yesterday evening she went to the bathroom on our main level and she had the door open a crack so I assumed she was peeing. When she poops she always closes the door and locks it. Depending on the situation she turns the fan on. She has IBS and at times gets attacks so I think that's part of why she doesn't want me in the bathroom when she poops because it can get quite stinky when that happens. So anyway I see that the door was open a bit and not locked so I went in and she's sitting on the toilet and the bathroom stinks a bit so I was quite surprised. When I go in there she says "I'm taking a shit" not in a mad tone but I could tell she was a bit embarrassed by the tone of her voice. I told her I didn't know she was pooping since the door was opened. I just said sorry and told her I needed to rinse my hands off. She didn't say anything. We just had a quick conversation and the whole time I could tell she wasn't comfortable with me being there. Then she unloaded a gassy, loose, sloppy load while I was in there and she sighed and said "my stomach" and again I could tell she wasn't comfortable with me there. It already stunk in there a bit but after that the smell got really nasty. And I left the bathroom and locked and closed the door for her. I asked her if she was OK before I got out and she said she had a stomachache and I apologized and said I didn't know she was pooping. She said it's OK but I don't think she loved the fact that I went in. I didn't get to wipe her butt for her. She was in there for another 5 minutes or so and had another explosion then wiped her butt. After she flushed she turned the fan on. So I got to see her poop.
Kristi are there ever any times you don't want your husband in there with you? Say if you have a bad stomach ache and have diarrhea? Take care and I greatly appreciate your advice on how to approach this. Maybe this will be the start of something! Looking forward to more poop stories from you!


Big semi-solid thick poop

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee, changed my pad (joy), brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had curly noodles with carrots and tomatoes, chunks of sweet potato, a jar of hot water and a cup of tea (caregiver hasn't been making coffee at all for some reason). My caregiver went to her room and a while later came out asking 8f I need toilet paper. I said yes please. After breakfast I took my meds, refilled my water jar, took my empty mug and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Microwaved and drank the second jar of water and finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop. Grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom slippers/flip flops and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag against it, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a fairly big, thick semi-solid, semi-soft poop. I flushed halfway while still going. Finally after about 20 seconds I was done and the beast was out. Reached into my cloth Walmart bag, took some toilet paper, wiped well and tossed it into the toilet. Flushed the toilet again, changed my pad, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Went to my room afterwards, dried my hands on the towel in here, grabbed my water jar, refilled and microwaved it and that's that. I have no idea how long or big the poop was but it felt pretty big. Just as well. Better out than in. Hopefully I can go again later. Keep safe, hydrated, cool, healthy and

Happy peeing and pooping!



Never flush a roll of TP

Hi all,

I just took a very satisfying dump. Nothing special: Just about four pieces with a bit of splashback. Easy to pass and feeling empty now.

Onto my story: about 35 years ago I was visiting a boarding school for the blind. We were about 60 Kids living there. Thre rooms were on different floors. You will see in a moment why this is important for the story. Me and eight other kids were living in a hall at floor level.

Suddenly the severs ofour showers were spitting out stinking dirty water flooding the carpets. The educators and the other staff couldn't keep up mopping it up.

They send the caretaker to checkout the cause of the problems while our friends were still using the toilets and showers in the floors above still adding more water to our rooms.

After a week the caretaker was successfull and presented a allmost full roll of TP that was stuck in the seveers blocking them up.
Finally our educators found the culprit who flushed that roll. He explained that the had fooled arround and the rool was thrown over the kubicle wall and landed in his poop. So instead of fishing it out or at least call an adult he flushed and caused the damage.


Severe peeing and pooping

I was sleeping at night, but I woke up because I wanted to pee and poop. True, I felt very tired, but I overcame myself. I got out of bed and wanted to go to the toilet, but there was one problem: it was VERY dark. It's not that I'm afraid... Although I'm a kid, and I can be forgiven for that! I just thought it would be hard to walk through the darkness. So I turned on the light in my bedroom and started looking for a flashlight. As luck would have it, the flashlight was not there! And I wanted to pee-poo harder and harder. Without thinking twice, I decided that I would use my old potty for this. But there was a problem here, too: the potty is now in the pantry, and I didn't want to make noise there at night, getting it out. Anyway, me had to went to the toilet in the dark. I quickly ran to the toilet, turned on the light there. "Phew, done," I decided. But it wasn't the end. It turned out there was no toilet paper in the toilet! What to do? Looking for toilet paper all over the house at night, at the risk of waking up my parents? Fortunately, I managed to find wet wipes nearby, and it was good! It will do! Finally I pulled down my pajamas and sat down on the toilet seat. Piss and poop come out of me literally in a stream! Then I wiped myself with wipes, flushed the water, got dressed, washed my hands and went out. I came back and went to bed.

Questions for Esme

I immensely enjoy the observations you make about public toilets and how people use them. A few questions:

A. 90% of the people are urinating. What might be the smallest and largest amount of urine you've heard come out of a person?

B. How far back on the toilet do you personally prefer to sit? Why is this? Do you make any adjustments when necessary?

C. Are you always good about checking for toilet paper availability before sitting down?

D. What is the minimum age a child should be before using a public toilet without supervision?

E. Have you ever said something to get ahead in the line due to the emergency need for a toilet?

F. Have you ever gotten out of a toilet line because the person on the toilet said it was going to be a while?

G. When you were a younger student did you say anything to those who might have been messing around with the toilet or just keeping their friend company on an adjacent toilet?

Thank you!


Repy to "Modesty Pee"

To Heather T and Janey Linda: I'd only heard "modesty pee" once before when a friend of mine said it when one time she pulled up her skirt, squatted, and peed. So it kind of "aired out" after. But both of you peed your panties when wearing jeans. Did any pee soak through the jeans? Was it noticeable to anyone what you did? Had to be uncomfortable in wet panties!

Anna from Austria

question for my fellow ladies

a recent event inspired me to ask this question.

My fellow ladies if you need to go both ways (number 1 and 2) does your pee start to come out first or your poop?

I normally start to sh**t first and then take my pee but last time I had to go number 2 I did both things at the same time which was funny because I rarely felt the pressure of my bladder. I only felt the need to go number 2 almost immediately.

Greetings from Austria


John H

4 poos in 24 hours and comments

Hi all.
I have been pooing so much today for some reason. Will summarise but some comments first.
@Becky. Hey. This is a tricky situation. If your housemate didn't start cleaning the toilet seat after you mentioned it before then I don't think bringing it up again will change things. You could try but you will most likely have the same outcome as last time.
I do have one suggestion though. You mentioned she uses a lot of toilet paper during her period. Perhaps you could buy some extra toilet paper and keep it stashed in your room for your use only. Hope this is of some help.

@Willa. Thanks for sharing your recent buddy dump experience. Sounds like it was very enjoyable for you and very well written.

@Esme. Hey and welcome. This sight is great for letting us know that us poo fans are not alone haha.

Now on to my story.
I normally do 1 healthy poo per day. Sometimes 2 and very occasionally 3. This may happen if I had to rush a poo. I normally like to take my time to relax and enjoy the experience.
Today for some reason I will have pood 4 times in less than 24 hours. My first poo was in work around 11am. It was softer logs with lots of pushing and loud farts. Definitely overheard by colleagues and i left a strong smell behind.
The second poo came after lunch. Again it was softer but formed logs. There was less farts and I didn't have to push as much.
Poo number 3 came at home after my run around 6pm. Softer logs again but they still stretched me nicely coming out. I could feel my hole getting a bit sensitive from all the additional wiping. I usually wipe 5 or 6 times after each poop.
Now it's after 3am and I am awake in bed as I type this post. I have the need to poo again! I thought at first it could wait until morning but it's keeping me awake so once I post this I will get up to take poo number 4.
I wonder what this one will be like and why I am going so much. I enjoy pooping but prefer 1 or 2 good solid poos per day that slide out nicely rather than 4 less well formed poos in the same day. It would have been something to have had all of these individual dumps in one sitting.
I may follow up if anything else worth reporting happens.
I wonder have many others here experienced 3 or more poos per day, excluding being sick of course?

Take care all. John H.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Big poop before breakfast

Hi all. I got up this morning around 8:30 with the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom slippers/flip flops, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off my bedroom light, went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door and put the Walmart bag against it. I walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of thick semi-solid crap. Flushed halfway just in case. Pushed out the last part of it and reached into my cloth Walmart bag for the toilet paper. Took some, wiped my front and got to work wiping my butt really well. Once I was done I tossed the paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked. There was about 1 1/2 to 2 feet of thick semi-solid crap in there and what I flushed was probably about another foot long. Quite a bit of crap. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Am keeping hydrated with warm water and will continue to do that, eat healthy and do some stretches and exercises later. Maybe that can get rid of the rest of this stuff. Out, unwanted crap, out! Stay safe, healthy, hydrated, cool and

Happy peeing and pooping!



Had a massive thick crap

Hi everyone. Woke up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had noodles with some kind of meat balls, a jar of warm water and a cup of tea. Ate everything slowly chewing well. After breakfast took my medication, refilled my water jar and went downstairs. I microwaved my water down here and drank it slowly.

Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom slippers/flip flops, opened the door, turned off the bedroom light, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way and put my Walmart bag against it. Walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A giant thick crap slowly came out and filled the toilet. Flushed the toilet halfway while I was pooping. Finally I was done. Took some toilet paper and wiped well. It was very messy for being such a big thick poop. Threw the paper into the toilet, flushed the toilet again, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. I'm not sure how big it was but it felt massive and a lot came out. Probably about 2 to 2/2 feet.

Back in my room now writing this. Will continue to stay hydrated, eat healthy and do some exercises later and maybe I will go again later. That wasn't everything that needed out but it was a good shit. Stay safe, happy, healthy

Happy peeing and pooping!



Maybe can poop later

Just came back from my weekly exercise program (that happens every Tuesday from 10:45 ish to about 12. After the class we always have a cooked lunch). I usually try to keep hydrated and also have a cup of black instant coffee since all I get at my caregiver's house is tea and water. Anyway home now, in bed having warm water (to soften everything up), will try to nap or rest and hopefully later can take a big poop. Knowing me it will probably be a lot. Keep hydrated, safe, healthy, happy and

Happy peeing and pooping!



Peeing and pooping

Somewhere after school I wanted to go to the toilet. I was somewhere in the middle of the way to the house, and decided to wait until home. So I headed to my house, but I had to stand at a traffic light for a long time. When the light finally turned green, I wanted to go to the toilet quite badly, and so I accelerated my pace. Fortunately, it was not far away. I went home, well, as usual, I was greeted by emptiness - no one was at home. I quickly took off my shoes and school backpack, and walked towards the toilet. Soon I went into the toilet and locked the door behind me. I pulled down light blue pants and underwear (blue panties with white patterns). Standing in front of the toilet, I began to pee, and my urine flowed into the toilet for a long time, but not with a strong pressure. After a while it ended, and I turned my back to the suspended toilet and sat on the toilet seat. At first I farted for a few minutes, and then I had to push a little, but in the end I pooped. Then I wiped my ass using three toilet papers. When I was done, I got up from the potty, dressed, flushed the water and washed my hands. Then I came out feeling very relieved!

Bridal Emergency Poop


I was in a maid of honor situation similar apparently to your wife. After the ceremony in the ballroom of a Holiday Inn, the reception was held. Andrea had been holding her poop in for a couple of hours and I guess she thought she could get away with it for another couple of hours. During the dollar dance she broke things off and signaled me over. She said she could no longer hold her poo in. I found out later it was 4 days worth. So I told the DJ to put on "Celebration" and a series of traditional dances to get the dance going for everybody. I took Andrea out via the backstage exit. She was crying and distressed. She said her poop was ready to explode. We took a couple of wrong turns and almost got lost trying to find out where the exit was. Finally and with her potty-mouth going wildly we finally found a ladies room. We were lucky to be the only ones in there. I lead her to a stall, Made sure the door would stay all the way open while I brought her in. I told Andrea it would be easier not to close the door. The two of us were already squished in there. She took the toilet paper holder in the ribs as I pushed by her to drop the seat. I held up the back of her dress and encouraged her to pull down her underwear and take the seat. Again she became outraged. I started to take her insults personally, but I knew she was stressed beyond the max. There was gas blasting out of her butt she was resolute about not sitting on an uncovered toilet seat. Surprise almost caused me to pee myself! She insisted that I pull off toilet paper and place it on all four sides of the seat. I guess I was fumbling with it staying on when I finally got the idea to tuck it under the seat. I sat her down. Within a couple of seconds and without much effort Andrea was unleashing the toughest turd there ever was. I was holding her dress up but couldn't see in the toilet. Finally I handed her toilet paper and while I was practically hugging her by holding her dress up, she started the wiping job. She asked to see the first two or three sheets before I threw them into the bowl. The last one I helped her guide her hand and motion. I flushed for her, but not before pulling a long strip of toilet paper off her right butt cheek. Its amazing how heavy sweat can work like paste.

MD Dan

Airport Bathroom Surprise

As I said in my previous post, I had been traveling for work, and this travel involved a flight over and a flight back. On the way over, I hadn't used the bathroom at the airport I landed in as I had done so on the plane and needed to go get my rental car. However, on my return flight, I got to the airport very early, ate breakfast at one of the restaurants, and then decided to use the restroom before my flight out. I was expecting a normal airport bathroom but what I found was unique in my experience. The bathroom had two entrances with a buffer walls (for sights, sounds, and smells, I'm assuming. The signage was the typical male/female unisex sign, which I figured meant both sets of bathrooms were around the corner. When I rounded the corner however, it was just a 40ft long room with sinks on one wall and 9 or 10 completely enclosed cubicles. It was a massive unisex restroom. This doesn't bother me at all, but I could see some people were kind of uncomfortable. One older woman was asking how she could have any privacy and looked pretty incredulous. A man informed her that each stall was it's own little room. She huffed and walked out, presumable looking for a different restroom.

I picked a stall and had a rather unremarkable dump (fortunately, if you've read my last post). It really was it's own little room and almost no sounds or smells were circulated into or out of it. It was enclosed floor to ceiling, on all sides.

I was curious if anyone here had ever run into that kind of bathroom that was that large and in a busy airport before. I've seen similar bathrooms on much smaller scales (2 or 3 cubicles), but usually in small sotres or cafes and usually not in the USA.


Night toilet break

I woke up in the toilet. There was a slight urge. I got up and ran to the bathroom. Pulling down my pajama pants, I sat down on the suspended toilet. First there was a splash, I peed sitting down. Then I started pooping. Slowly the poop began to come out, but I decided not to push. Soon the poo fell into the toilet, and several more fell after it. I wiped my ass and stood up. I bent down to pull on my pants, but I felt like I wanted to poop again. I had to sit back down. A large poo fell to my three poop and two toilet papers. Then several poo popped out of me like a stream, one after the other. Then, sure that this time it was definitely everything, I wiped my ass and got dressed. I flushed seven poop down the toilet. But before I could wash my hands, I felt like I wanted to POOP AGAIN!!! I pulled down my pants and sat down on the toilet. It's good that I've already flushed toilet! I quickly defecated a soft big poop. She was followed by another poo, but less. Then a few poo came out quickly. I sat on the potty for a while just in case, but there was no more poop. That's it, the end. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that I had finished. After wiping my ass well with toilet paper, I got dressed and flushed the toilet. Then I washed my hands in the sink and left the bathroom. I went back to bed and closed my eyes. But as soon as I dozed off, an insistent urge to poop woke me up. "Well, toiletkid," I said to myself, "you like to do this, and tomorrow is the weekend, you'll still get some sleep." I got up and went to the toilet. I sat there for almost an hour, pushing and pooping, and it stinked very badly! Several times I almost fell asleep on the potty (but I'm a kid, surely this not happens at my age?)! Finally, I felt like I didn't want to poop anymore. Then I wiped my ass, spent three toilet papers (these were the last pieces of paper on the roll), got dressed, and flushed the toilet. To be honest, I filled it well, I think I defecated at least twenty poop, but I didn't count. I flushed, washed my hands, and finally was able to go to sleep.


Help with wedding day poop

My wife told me about our wedding day and her bathroom experiences with a big wedding dress. She explained that the maid of honor had to hold her dress while she pooped. Is this a common thing? I can't imagine how an otherwise private person is suddenly thrust into a situation where she has to poop with someone standing inches over her inside a small bathroom stall. Or if your the maid of honor and the bride suddenly starts pooping. Girls, have you seen/experienced this?

MD Dan

Another Work Trip & Restaurant Food

I am currently away from home on a work trip for a week. These types of trips usually end up messing with my system at least a little bit. Sometimes I get constipated, sometimes the opposite. This trip has been not exactly the opposite but pretty close.

I'm staying at a small, but nice hotel directly on the water (literally, my room is supported by pylons driven down into earth beneath the water). I've been having restaurant food for a few days, mostly seafood, some of it fried, all of it rich, and wine or beer with diner every night. I woke up yesterday morning and immediately needed to poop. I sat on the toilet in my room and let out 4 semi-loose, semi-formed logs with lots of gas. It only took about 5 seconds, smelled terrible, and it left many skidmarks in the bowl. I went the rest of the day without incident and had a nice dinner of fish & chips last night.

I woke up this morning and felt ok. I went downstairs for some breakfast and met up with a woman who was also attending the event (purely by chance). She's in her early 30's (a little younger than me) and is very skinny but very attractive with short, wavy chestnut hair and glasses. We sat and ate for a little bit, having some coffee and waffles and talking business. We exchanged numbers since we had some similar ideas and wanted to keep in touch (purely business related). All of a sudden my gut churned and gurgled. It was quite loud and she heard it. She smiled politely, saw my concerned face and asked, "You okay?" I said, "Yeah, I think so. All this rich food is just acting up, I think." She smiled and nodded and we continued talking. A few minutes later my stomach gurgled again, even louder and this time with a cramp. I grimaced a little knew I needed to go right now. She heard it again and now she looked a little concerned, and a little amused too. She saw my grimace and said, "Don't worry, I know how you feel. It's okay if you need to step away for a bit. I'll still be here." Feeling a little sheepish, I told her I'd be back shortly.

I headed for the lobby restroom as I didn't want to wait to get back to my room. It's a unisex single occupancy, fortunately. I sat down and unloaded what felt like 5 pounds of semi-solid poop in about 30 seconds. I sat for a couple minutes and farted quite a lot. The clean-up took another couple of minutes and I was finally done. I left the restroom, walked back to the dining area and saw she was no longer there. Afraid I had offended her I sent her a quick text apologizing for having to step away. She texted back right away and said, "It's ok, it's not your fault! I meant it when I said I knew how you felt. I'm in the bathroom too, next to the one you were in. I'll be out in a bit, sorry!" I texted back, "Take your time! I'll wait." She texted back, "Thanks! Might be a few minutes..."

She was out in about 3 more minutes and came back to the table. She had a sheepish smile and was blushing quite bad. I just smiled at her and said, "Feel better?" She said, "Yes, thank you. How about you?" I said, "Yeah, mostly." She explained that she has lactose intolerance and this is not an unusual thing for her when she travels because restaurants put butter and cream in things that you wouldn't even think about and she forgot to bring her pills with her last night. She said, "I THOUGHT I ordered safely, but apparently not!" We left the conversation at that and continued our discussion from previously.

I have already had to poop again since getting back to the hotel this afternoon. It has firmed up a bit but still really gassy. I have one more night here and then I'm back home. Hopefully I don't have any issues on the return trip. If I do, I'll be sure to post about it! Take care!


massage therapist poops

Hi all, it's Anna again. I wanted to post a story, and here is something that I remember from a few months ago. Back then I had just done a couple of days of pretty intense lower body workouts and I kinda overdid it a bit. My tights were really aching that day, so I decided to try and get a massage in before the end of the day. Luckily, my massage place had a late appointment available. It was with a brand new massage therapist named Blake.

When I got to the place, it was all empty as it was pretty late already. Blake looked a little nervous but was really friendly. She is probably around 20, slim and shortish with shoulder length auburn hair. She was wearing black yoga pants, but I forgot what else, unfortunately. She showed me into the massage room and then left so I could undress. I had just finished stripping out of my bra and panties and was about to wriggle under the sheet when I heard the toilet flush outside. I figured that Blake must have gone for a quick pee before the massage.

So then, when Blake was working on my hamstrings, she suddenly let a fart slip out. It wasn't super loud and kind of a "cute" lady-like fart, if that makes any sense. "Oh, excuse me," she said.
She finished up the massage, and all the while we were chatting about hiking and biking trails in our area. I'm very outdoorsy and it turns out so is Blake. Anyway, when we were done, and after I had put back on my clothes and stuff, we went back out to the lobby and she started working on putting the bill through the system and whatnot. Because she is new, this took her quite a while and she even had to call her boss for a moment with some questions. She was kind of shifting around and started to look pretty uncomfortable. Finally she said something like, "Sorry, I'm almost done, but I need to run to the washroom for a moment." I told her it was no problem and she went out to the little hallway where the bathroom was located.
There was some music playing in the lobby and it wasn't totally quiet, but after a few seconds, I could hear a pretty loud fart and then a bunch of plops. Maybe five or six. Blake was doing a really big poo. I figured that she must have needed to go very badly, since I'm sure she would have waited for me to leave otherwise. A little while later, I heard her flush and then she came back out. She apologized for making me wait, and she was blushing very noticeably. Anyway, when I left, there was a faint poop smell out in the hallway where the toilet is.

I hope you all liked the story. Sorry it wasn't super exciting.

@Anna from Austria: Thanks for the shoutout!
@Jenny: Hello to the PNW. West Coast!
@LEA: I'm so glad you liked my stories. I like your's, too.

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